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Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families “Mind the Store” campaign announced last week that Costco has started a “Smart Screening” program to address toxic chemicals in some of the products they sell.

As a Costco member, I’m very happy to hear this. Living where I do, Costco is one of the few places where I can buy organic food, and I greatly appreciate the number of organic choices they have for frozen fruits and vegetables. It would be great to see more nontoxic products there.
“According to Costco’s website, the company is now testing some products for certain toxic chemicals of “regulatory and social concern,” and keeping products containing other harmful chemicals off store shelves entirely. This is a good first step toward tackling toxic chemicals! ”

You can read all about it in their new blog post.

SAFER CHEMICALS HEALTHY FAMILIES: Costco Starting to Take Stock of Toxic Chemicals

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