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Question from nclynn

Hi Debra,

Your books were my main teachers when i really committed to going green in the 90s. so wonderful!

i am on a thread right now where someone recommended a dishwasher detergent of borax, baking soda (1/2 cup each), 1/8 cup citric acid and 25 drops of ‘essential oil’.

Someone chimed in and said they used this and it ate up their enamelware. the rest of the thread is opinions about what was the culprit and they have ALL been named!!! lol.

The latest was a mom who has a chemist son. son said “borax will ruin your glassware (depending on the make-up) when added to hot water and can make it taste like play-doh – forever! “

I told them i had heard in the 90s (from you?) to use plain borax in the dishwasher. i used it once at a friend’s and it was fine but i’ve never had my own dishwasher.

Do you have any thoughts on that original recipe…good, bad, indifferent?

Thanks for all you do!

Debra’s Answer

I looked up my original recipe for dishwasher detergent and found mix baking soda and borax half-and-half and then put 4 tablespoons in your dishwasher. But I got that from a book somewhere and never actually used it.

I haven’t had a dishwasher since 1985.

So, readers, what are your thoughts or experience with this formula, and what do YOU use in your dishwasher?

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