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Question from Susan

Hi Debra,

I’ve been seeing some tooth products say that they “remineralize” teeth. What does that mean and how would I know if such a product is working and my teeth are actually being remineralized?

Debra’s Answer

That’s a very good question. I was wondering what that was too, so I asked Sarah Haydock from Rowan Tree Botanicals to answer that question. She makes and sells products that remineralize teeth.

Here’s what Sarah told me:

Tooth remineralization is a fascinating process, to me at least! Many people are surprised to find out that, contrary to conventional knowledge, teeth are actually living tissue. They have the ability to remain healthy, heal, and regrow under the right circumstances. Let me explain a little bit about teeth, how they are alive, the processes by which they can become unhealthy, and how remineralization can heal them:

The outer two layers of our teeth are composed of a protein that holds large amounts of minerals. The outer-most layer – enamel – is 96 percent mineral. The layer underneath enamel – dentin – is 45 percent mineral.

Acids in the mouth bind to minerals in the teeth. This is a natural process, and so long as the minerals are replaced, no harm is done. However, if more minerals are bound than are replaced, tooth decay is the result.

Acid in the mouth can be the result of various factors. The two most common factors are excessive consumption of acidic foods and beverages and acid-forming bacteria in the mouth. Sodas are among the most acidic things humans consume, and their consumption is directly linked to tooth decay.

Some bacteria in the mouth form acids. Many of those bacteria form biofilms known as plaque on teeth. The biofilms serve as protective housing for the bacteria. Because the plaque is on the teeth, the acids produced by the bacteria directly erode the teeth.

One way to remineralize is simply to remove the factors that promote decay. This means removing acid-forming bacteria. Reducing soda consumption (as well as excessive consumption of vinegar, lemon juice, or other overly acidic foods,) is helpful. So is rinsing the mouth or neutralizing acids after consuming them. I’ll explain more about how to neutralize acids in just a moment.

Minerals can be replaced in two ways. One is through nutrition. The other is through the saliva. The dominant way that the body replaces minerals in teeth is through saliva. So again, acidic saliva reduces mineralization of teeth.

Rowan Tree Botanicals oral care products address remineralization in several ways.

First, some of the ingredients in the products are naturally alkaline. For example, the clay we use is very alkaline, and when it comes into contact with acids in the mouth, it neutralizes them. Thus, brushing after eating anything acidic neutralizes the acids that would otherwise promote tooth decay.

Next, some of the ingredients in the products naturally help to remove plaque biofilms. These ingredients break apart biofilms, which means bacteria in the mouth cannot hide in their protective houses.

Additionally, many of the ingredients in the products are naturally antibacterial, specifically effective against the bacteria that are known to promote tooth decay. The ingredients have different types of antibacterial actions, and when combined, they have a synergistic effect.

Also, some of the ingredients are proven to counter specific types of immune responses that some bacteria cause. For example, some bacteria cause the body to secrete enzymes that break down protein structures in the teeth. Some of the herbs in our formulas block those enzymes so that the structures of teeth remain strong.

Finally, many of the ingredients in our products have traditionally been used to promote healthy teeth and bones. Science doesn’t understand all of the reasons they work, but they have been used for centuries and have a longstanding tradition of promoting good teeth. They have been used successfully and safely for thousands of years.

Tooth remineralization is a natural, lifelong process. Ideally, it is happening all the time. Our products are designed to support your body’s healthy processes naturally.

So, how would you know that your teeth are being remineralized? The results are unlikely to be dramatic and overnight, although some of our customers say that they do notice a significant positive difference in the way their teeth feel after just a few brushings. With consistent use, you can expect to experience stronger, healthier teeth and gums. You should start to notice results within one to two months of regular use, particularly if combined with a healthy diet and lifestyle. (I recommend that you read Joey Lott’s “How to Heal Cavities and Reverse Gum Disease Naturally” for more information about diet and lifestyle factors needed for healthy teeth and gums.) Research has shown, for example, that consistent oil pulling (such as with Rowan Tree Botanicals oil pulling mouthwash) produces significant reduction of acid-forming bacteria in the mouth after one month. Consistency is the key.

Results you may notice include smoother teeth, less tooth sensitivity, halting or reversal of decay, teeth firmer in sockets, and reduced bleeding of gums.

For best results, we recommend using our remineralizing toothpaste as well as our oil pulling mouthwash.

Hope this answers your questions on tooth remineralization!


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