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There have been many stories in the media this week about last week’s press conference by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Robert De Niro, Del Bigtree, Rev. Tony Muhammand and Nicholas calling for mercury-free vaccines in the US and other mercury reforms. They offered a $100,000 prize to any journalist who can produce a peer-reviewed scientific study that proves that mercury in vaccines is safe.

Kennedy has founded the World Mercury Project “to raise public awareness of the dangers and sources of mercury, with the ultimate goal of banning all uses of mercury on a global level. We believe the public is in critical need of accurate information with regard to the sources and dangers of mercury which will allow them to better protect themselves and their families from the potential devastating effects of the potent neurotoxin.”

“The average person does not know that mercury is the second most toxic element on the planet , nor do they know that it is an incredibly potent toxin even at small exposure levels. Once in the body, mercury has a high affinity for moving into the brain where it can become trapped for decades. Once in the brain, mercury causes a chronic inflammatory process in the tissue which has been connected to autism, Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease) and many more adverse health consequences.”

Though there has been a lot of attention on mercury in vaccines, there are many other sources of mercury exposure. And the World Mercury Project aims to address the elimination of all of them.

Their website contains much information about mercury, documented with studies (click on “LEARN MORE” in the menu for many links to health and environmental effects and related illnesses.

Every toxic chemical should have an organization like this dedicated to identifying the problems with the chemical, making them known to consumers, and eliminating them from consumer products.

In addition, here is an excellent complication of studies on mercury compiled by GreenMedInfo: GREENMEDINFO: Toxic Ingredient Thimerosal

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