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Question from Lynn Evans

Hi Debra,

I love your books and website! (I sell your books in my office)

I’ve been making my own laundry soap for years (baking soda, borax and castile soap flakes). I just ran into a site with several similar recipes but noted NOT to use regular baking soda but to use Washing Soda instead. I see the former is sodium bicarbonate while the latter is sodium carbonate.

Do you know which would be best for laundry? And why regular baking soda is not a good idea?


Lynn Evans

Debra’s Answer

According to Arm & Hammer’s website:

So baking soda is made from washing soda.

I don’t see any reason NOT to use baking soda in the laundry. Arm & Hammer’s own website recommends using baking soda to boost laundry detergent.

It may just be that these other sites are recommending washing soda because it is more effective. Washing soda is advertised to improve laundry detergent performance up to 40 percent.

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