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Question from josylo

What would you suggest to control domestic spiders for a house in the woods. There is too much inside ! I don’t want to use the commercial treatments proposed. Any suggestions ?

Debra’s Answer

I’ve lived out in the woods and decided myself to just live with the spiders. For the most part they are considered to be beneficial insects because they feed on other insects, thereby themselves being natural pest controls. So I just let them wander the walls of my house and do thier natural thing.

At first, I didn’t want “creepy-crawlies” in my house, but then I realized they are part of the ecosystem. They never bothered me or bit me and I just came to view them as part of life that I was sharing my home with and appreciated them for helping control other insects.

Spiders prefer, actually, to live outdoors, but come inside homes in early fall when cooler temperatures force them to seek shelter.

You can discourage spiders from coming in your house with good housekeeping, both inside and out. Keep stored items in boxes and bags shelves and clean up and dispose of clutter and trash. Repair screens and maintain the weather-stripping around doors and windows, so it is more difficult to get in the house. Once spiders are inside, spiders and their webs can be eliminated by using a broom or vacuum cleaner.

In certain areas of the country there are specific types of spiders that are poisonous. Contact your local science or natural history museum to learn about poisonous spiders in your area and learn to recognize them so you can avoid them. These DO bite humans.

Readers? Any suggestions on what worked for you?

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