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Question from Genie Dillard

I plan to get the water filter you recommend.

But I wanted to ask you…

There is a great deal of promotion on the Kangen water, in terms of preventing oxidation, lowering PH and creating “microclusters” that allow water and other nutrients to enter the cells.

I’m hoping someone has knowledge of this water system, its pluses and possibly minuses. Does it really do something beyond what an excellent filter system does? Many have reported medical benefits. I’d like any information you or your reader can offer.

Debra’s Answer

I’m familiar with Kangen water and the whole concept of alkaline water.

I’ll just say first that I used to drink alkaline water, in fact, I drank it for about ten years, until I got my PureEffect filter, which I like better. The difference is that the alkaline water I was drinking before was made by a machine that “split” the water into alkaline water and acid water using an electrical charge from a metal rod immersed in the water. The machine I had did nothing to remove anything from the water, it only performed the function of splitting the water into acid and alkaline, and placing each into it’s own container.

The premise behind drinking alkaline water was—and still is—that it is healthier for your body to be more alkaline, and modern life makes your body more acid. Toxic chemicals, refined foods, and even tap water and water from some water filters make the body more acid. To make the body more alkaline, people go on diets and eat alkaline foods. A number of years ago there was a book called Reverse Aging by Sang Whang. He said that alkaline diets don’t work, but drinking alkaline water does make the body more alkaline. I read the book and it made sense to me, so I bought an alkalizer and started drinking alkaline water.

Then Kangen water came along. This machine basically splits water into acid and alkaline like my little alkalizer, by the same method, but has more settings so you can specify how acid or alkaline to a specific degree. I know people who have these machines and I have heard stories of people getting sick from heavy metals leaching into the water. One woman I know removed it from her natural food store because so many of her customers were getting sick after drinking the water.

Alkaline water also has a detox effect, so you have to start with very little and work up.

The PureEffect filter is different. In nature, water is naturally balanced between 6.5- 9.0 pH (pH stands for the Power of Hydrogen, which is a measure of how acidic or alkaline something is). Using nature as his guide, the founder of PureEffect saw that rain water makes it’s way down to the ground, then is filtered through the earth and over riverbeds, where it picks up it’s mineral/electrolyte ions and becomes naturally balanced. Taking this process into consideration, he developed their filter systems to pattern this effect naturally. As tap water flows through a PureEffect filter, the pH is raised naturally by the release of trace amounts of natural minerals, rather than using metals and electricity to make water artificially alkaline beyond what is found in nature.

Since drinking the first glass of water from the PureEffect filter, I never again drank water from my alkalizer machine. It’s sitting on a top shelf. I’ll sell it cheap to anyone who wants it.

I’m interested in clean water without pollutants. That’s not what Kangen Water is about. Read this statement from the manufacturer’s website at

Kangen Water machines work by applying an electrical charge to your tap water, and then sending that charged water through an ion exchange membrane. This will mix positive and negative ions within the water, which can help break molecular bonds on dirt, which is why it is ideal for cleaning and personal hygiene.

The Kangen Water will break the molecular bonds on dirt and oil on your face, keeping it clean, smooth, and moist. Rather than using harsh astringents that dry out your skin, or leaving a soapy film on your skin because your water can’t clean it all off, Kangen Water can help clean your face better than regular tap water.

It can also help you clean your home by loosening the molecular bonds between dirt and the surfaces you’re washing, attracting it like a magnet. This way, Kangen Water can actually lift grime and dirt off surfaces, which makes it easy to wipe away. No need for dangerous, toxic cleaners, no need for abrasive sponges and frantic scrubbing.

That’s fine that it has all these benefits, but what does it remove from the water?

The above statement goes on to say:

“A Kangen Water system, with appropriate filters [italics mine], can clean up contaminated and polluted water, removing the chemicals, bacteria, and other unpleasant little nasties that can cause ill health.”

With appropriate filters. The Kangen unit that splits the water into acid and alkaline does NOT remove pollutants. You need to have the appropriate filters to filter the water first before it goes through electrolysis.

I can’t comment on the health claims of Kangen water.

My rule of thumb is to stay as close to Nature as possible. Until I can get water straight from a spring, I’ll stick with water from my PureEffect filter.

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