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Question from Andi

I got a new modem in early November and was concerned that it would produce smelly fumes.  I was pleasantly surprised – it was fine. But now,  just over two months later, when I am near it, it smells very strong from the fumes. Maybe I am just more sensitive right now – under a lot of stress.  I do shut it off at night.  Is there anything I can do about this?  Cannot cover it with aluminum foil due to it heats up.


Lisa’s Answer

You are not alone.  Many have written in with this problem.  Read the thread here.  Try to place the modem as far from your bedroom as possible and keep the area well ventilated.  Its great that you shut it off at night.  Make sure it’s not near a vent or any other heat source.  In the thread you will see some more intensive solutions like building a sealed box around it and venting it to the outside.  Additionally, there are suggestions for modems that have been better tolerated by sensitive individuals.


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