Drinking enough water for your body to be properly hydrated is essential to health. In fact, many body conditions we think of as “disease” are actually simply dehydration. But every glass or bottle of water you drink may be adding more toxic chemicals to your body. My guest Igor Milevskiy runs Pure Effect Advanced Water Filters, a small, family-owned company that makes exceptional water filters which remove fluoride, radiation, and pharmaceuticals as well as chlorine, chloramine, lead, and other common pollutants…at an affordable price.
We’ll talk about how much water you actually need to drink during the summer to keep your body hydrated and healthy, and how to choose a filter that will give you pure, clean water right in your home. www.debralynndadd.com/debras-list/pureeffect-filters
- The Best Water Filter Now Disinfects & Breaks Down Even Hard-to-Remove Pollutants
- The Best Water Filter Just Got Even Better
- Why You Need a Water Filter and the Water Filter I Use in My Home
Are You Drinking Enough Water for the Sweaty Days of Summer?
Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Igor Milevskiy
Date of Broadcast: July 13, 2013
DEBRA: Hi. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world even though there are toxic chemicals all around us in consumer products, in the environment, in the air we breathe, in whatever we eat, et cetera.
There are things that we can do to choose less toxic products and to remove toxic chemicals from our homes, from our bodies. Yes, there are toxic chemicals in our bodies unless you’ve done something to remove them. Every one of us has toxic chemicals in our bodies unless we’ve done something to remove them. We can, in general, greatly reduce the toxic exposure and the negative health effects that happen from them.
That’s what this show is about, how to thrive in the world that’s toxic.
Today is Thursday, June 13th, 2013. I’m here in Clearwater, Florida. Right now, the sun is shining, which is actually unusual for summer time here because we have thunderstorms almost every day. But around the edges of those thunderstorms, the sun shines and it’s hot every day for months.
The average temperature is about 88 degrees during the day and about 82 degrees at night. It’s often humid here in the south.
So we go for not just weeks and weeks, but months and months of being hot and sweaty. What happens during those hot and sweaty months here and every place else is that your body loses a lot of water to dehydration. We sweat and sweat and sweat.
If you think that you’re not losing water because you’re inside an air conditioned building, you might be losing even more water because air conditioning pulls water out of everything, out of your body, out of plants, anything that you’ve got in the house, every place it will start pulling water out of. So you can get even more dehydrated by sitting in an air conditioned building.
Now I’m really concerned about dehydration because water is essential to life. Your body is mostly water. Our bodies can only two or three days without water. So if we start losing water, what happens is that not only does it affect all the functions in our body. But as your body gets dehydrated, it tends to hold on to toxic chemicals rather than reducing them. And toxic chemicals become more easily embedded in your body.
So if you’re only going to do one thing to help your body be less toxic, the number one thing really is to drink water, drink water, drink water because it will help flush the toxic chemicals out. When you don’t drink enough water, then your body will more easily hold on to those toxic chemicals.
Today, we’re going to talk more about water. We’re going to talk about getting enough water. We’re going to talk about what kind of water to drink.
My guest today is Igor Milevskiy. He runs Pure Effect Advanced Water Filters, a small family-owned company that makes exceptional water filters that remove fluoride radiation and pharmaceuticals, as well as chlorine, chloramine, lead and other common pollutants.
These are extremely affordable filters. They do an amazing amount for the amount of money they cost. I installed one about six months ago in my house. It’s better than the filter that I used to have that cost thousands and thousands of dollars. This one only costs hundreds of dollars, very few hundreds of dollars.
We’re going to be to talking about all of this today. Igor, are you there?
IGOR MILEVSKIY: Yes. Hi Debra. It’s nice to be with you.
DEBRA: Thank you. I’m pleased to have you here as well. Igor earlier was on another show. In case people didn’t listen to that one, Igor why don’t you tell us again your story about how you became interested in making water filters?
IGOR MILEVSKIY: Sure! Well, it started when I was younger. I always had an interest in nature and biology.
As a consequence, I have an aquarium. I always had different types of fish. As some people may know, fishes are very sensitive. Water is like air for them. It’s like air for us as water is to the fish. If something is not right with the water, they get sick and they die or they don’t breathe. They need specific conditions.
So I learned about making sure that the water is clean and that it’s properly adjusted with respect to the pH, how alkaline or acidic it is. It’s quite interesting because that led me into cleaning my own water and learning about that and then turning it into a business to help other people, making sure that their drinking water is safe and pleasant to drink.
DEBRA: I’m certainly glad that you did because in all of 30 years of looking at water filters, I can honestly say that I think that your filter does a better job at removing out a wide variety of pollutants. You’re removing them to very high degree better than any water filter I have ever seen at any price.
I have been recommending your filter for the last six months, since I’ve been using it. I’m happy to continue to recommend it.
Just to tell you listeners just right off, you can to go to my website, ToxicFreeTalkRadio.com. And I now have a blog, which has all the radio shows on it. You can just go to the blog post for this show and have all the information about how you can go to Igor’s website.
The name of the company is Pure Effect Advanced Water Filtration. I guess it’s the whole title. You can just go to that blog post and it will have all information about how you can order.
Igor’s offering $15 off any filtering tools. That starts today and that’s good through the June 18th. All the links will be there and you can read more about why I chose it for my water filter and that’s the place to connect. So just go to ToxicFreeTalkRadio.com and look for Igor’s show on the blog.
Before we start talking about filters, I just like to say a little bit more about some of the reasons why we need to be drinking water. There’s a fabulous book called Your Body’s Many Cries For Water: You Are Not Sick, You Are Thirsty. Do you know that book, Igor?
IGOR MILEVSKIY: No, but I think I understand the point that it may be making. There are a lot of symptoms people experience that are related to dehydration, but they get misdiagnosed. Is that what you’re talking about?
DEBRA: That is exactly what this book is talking about. It’s written by a doctor. And he says virtually that almost any symptom you can name can be associated with dehydration, headaches, muscle aches or pain, muscle cramps, blood pressure problems, fatigue, anxiety, even blood sugar. It just goes on and on.
He addresses frankly every illness that you can think of in this book. And he basically says you need to drink more water.
Now there are some people who say that we’re drinking too much water. But one of the things that this book says is that other beverages don’t count in the same way that water counts in your body.
Your body is a part of nature. It’s developed by natural even though we live in an industrial world. Our bodies follow what nature [instilled] in them many, many thousands of years ago when the human body was developed.
So our bodies are looking for water, not soda, not milk, not beer, not any other beverages. It’s looking for water and it needs water in order to do its functions. It’s okay to drink anything else you want after you drink enough water.
So I’m actually sitting here all day long, sipping on water, water from your filter in a glass bottle. And I’m not getting dehydrated even though I’m sitting in an air conditioned house or I’m out in the sun. I don’t wait until I get thirsty to drink water. I’m just drinking water all day long. I think that you totally agree with that.
IGOR MILEVSKIY: Yes. Water is the best substance to quench the thirst and to hydrate the body.
Many people drink other things so they may not feel as thirsty throughout the day. But they’re really not getting that clean water that’s used for most, if not all the processes in the body.
I was looking at some researches. Up to 65% in the human body is water. If you’re a child or just a baby, it’s even more. It’s up to 80%. So it’s quite significant to have clean water in the body.
DEBRA: We’ll talk more about this after the break. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and I’m here with Igor Milevskiy from Pure Effect Advanced Water Filters.
You can find out more about his filters on what we’re talking about today at ToxicFreeTalkRadio.com. We’ll be right back.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Igor Milevskiy from Pure Effect Advanced Water Filters.
Now here’s the big issue. We could be drinking water all day long. But if you’re drinking tap water, you’re polluting your body. In some ways, you’re doing more harm than good because you’re putting toxic chemicals into your body in addition to the beneficial water.
Igor, could you tell us something about what pollutants people are putting in their body when they drink tap water and what some of the health effects might be?
IGOR MILEVSKIY: Certainly. Generally, there are two categories of tap water. It’s either well water or city water.
City water tends to have more chemicals that they add like fluoride. That’s a big one because fluoride or fluorosilicic acid has various different chemical forms. But its main ingredient is fluoride.
That has been very controversial. There’s a lot of research showing that it’s actually having more negative effect than benefits that they claim it has. So that’s the first contaminant that I would be concerned about with city water.
DEBRA: And most filters don’t remove fluoride. Most filters don’t.
IGOR MILEVSKIY: Most don’t. Most mainstream companies believe that fluoride is good for you. But nature didn’t put it in there in the form that they have it in the tap water.
And it’s actually a by-product. It’s a waste of aluminum industry and pesticide manufacturing. They just found a way to get rid of this waste by selling it to the municipalities that treat the water because it’s very expensive to get rid of it as a waste. So they actually found a way to make money on it.
But if somebody does research, there are some videos they could find on my site that showed that fluoride is actually a drug and it doesn’t belong in the drinking water. So that’s a big one.
Another chemical that’s very common these days is chloramine. Chloramine is a combination of ammonia and chlorine. It’s a more potent disinfectant, but it’s also much more difficult to remove. It lasts longer in the water.
Chlorine evaporates quicker. But with chloramine, that’s not the story. So our filters address that as well with a special catalytic carbon, which is an advanced type of activated carbon designed for this type of chemicals.
Of course we have drug residues, which aren’t even regulated. There are drug residues in the water. The laws for the treatment are outdated. They’re not factoring in that.
These new contaminants, these new drugs are being found. But the law says they don’t have to do anything about it because it’s outdated. So just because your water is legal to drink, it doesn’t mean that it’s safe. So those are the emerging contaminants.
Also there are all types of different by-products forming when all these chemicals combine because they’re all mixing and mingling in the water. Chloramine, fluoride, drug residues, heavy metals, radiation in some areas as well because we have old leaking power plants in this country and across the world actually.
I mean if you’re concerned about Japan radiation, you don’t have to go far from home. Right here in the United States, we have aging nuclear power plants that have leaks quite often if you’re following the news. Some of it gets out into the nature, into the rivers and into the soils.
That’s another contaminant our filters address. That’s actually one of the innovations we did with our filtration systems. It’s radiation removal. Modern day contaminants include that.
DEBRA: They do. And another thing about pollutants is we tend to think of pollutants as being isolated. When they test for the danger of a pollutant such as say fluoride for example, what they’re doing is that they’re testing to see about fluoride just all by itself, like [inaudible 00:18:04] or whatever.
Studies have shown – there are few that have been done – that when we start mixing chemicals together, they become more and more toxic. And this has been around for many, many years.
In my very first book 30 years ago, I wrote about a study. If I’m remembering it correctly, they tested one chemical and then the rats got sick or something. And then they tested two and they got more sick. When they tested three, just three chemicals together, all the rats died.
So we don’t know we’re being exposed to so many chemicals from so many sources. The number of pollutants just in water, we have no idea what their combined effects are, of all those pollutants and how much toxic they can be than what the studies tell us for those individual chemicals.
And then you mix that with the air pollutants and the pollutants in food and also in perfume and everything. Any part of your body where you can remove toxic chemical exposure is worth doing because it lessens that overload.
IGOR MILEVSKIY: Yeah, definitely. Our bodies are chemical machines in one part. And they’re using chemistry like neurotransmitters, neuro chemicals that send signals from our brain to our body and back and forth. If you’re interfering with that process, it’s going to cause some disturbances in the system, some discords.
DEBRA: I totally agree. It’s pretty amazing what a toxic world we live in. So let’s see. What else can we talk about in a minute? That’s what I’m thinking.
I have a whole list of questions and things to talk to you about. But we have these commercials that come.
IGOR MILEVSKIY: No problem. I mean the filters are of very high quality units. They’re not made in China. They’re made to last. They’re really professional and great systems for the home. It’s something that people will really appreciate when they see the quality.
And the range of filtration is – I haven’t seen a comparable filter on the market. I’m always following the latest. This is one of the most comprehensive units that I could come up with after seeing what’s out there and what’s missing.
This filter fills that gap of people that want an all-in-one system that does it all, fluoride, radiation. It balances the pH, raises the pH. It addresses the modern day contaminants. It’s not made in China. And it makes the water pleasant to drink. It actually tastes great.
DEBRA: The water does taste great. And I can really tell the difference. In fact, my body feels the difference. It’s not just taste. It’s feeling good in my body. I noticed it right away.
I serve it to people who come to my house. And they were “Wow. What is this water?” And people are e-mailing me. A lot of people now have purchased this filter, a lot of my readers. I have many e-mails saying, “Thank you” and none saying, “This is a horrible filter.” Nobody had said, “This is bad.”
IGOR MILEVSKIY: That’s wonderful. That’s great to hear.
DEBRA: We’ll talk about this more after the break. I’m here with Igor Milevskiy from Pure Effect Advanced Water Filtration Systems. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. I’m here today with my guest, Igor Milevskiy from Pure Effect Advanced Water Filters.
As we’ve been saying, he has the most comprehensive water filter, affordable water filter that he has found. He created a water filter to fill the niche of people wanting a comprehensive, affordable water filter. I agree that he’s done a fabulous job. I have his filter in my own home.
Today, he’s offering all of his filters. He has filters that you can install under the sink all the way up to filtering all the water in your whole house.
He’s offering $15 off from today through June 18th, 2013 (for those of you who are listening far off in the future, we’re on 2013). You can go to ToxicFreeTalkRadio.com to find out how to get to his website and about how to get that $15 discount.
The next thing we’ll talk about is water bottles because a lot of people think that the solution to bad tap water or polluted tap water is to buy bottled water. So tell us what happens to the water when it’s in a water bottle and the quality of that water that they put in bottles and what the bottle can do to it.
IGOR MILEVSKIY: Yeah, the bottled water – you don’t know how long it’s been in that bottle. And also the plastic they use to make the water bottles is getting thinner and thinner.
They’re also using special chemicals to make it softer. And those chemicals include phthalates. These have been shown to be toxic.
Because bottles are made out of plastic, they’re releasing into the bottled water, especially now that it’s warmer out there and the plastic gets softer with the warm weather. It releases more chemicals. So oftentimes, you’ll even taste or smell like a plastic after-taste when you drink in bottled water.
DEBRA: Especially in the summer. You’ve probably gone to your local convenience store and found piles and piles of plastic bottled water sitting out in the sun or sitting on a truck. Into the sun, that bottle just breaks down and breaks down and breaks down and also plasticizers go into the water. That’s what you’re drinking in a bottle with plasticizer.
IGOR MILEVSKIY: Yeah. That’s what we know about. There may be other chemicals we’re not aware of that are put into the plastic they’re manufacturing. Not to mention it’s expensive compared to cost per gallon for example. My system is right around $0.19 a gallon to get filtered water.
DEBRA: Yes, I have a friend who does not yet have one of your water filters, but I’m working on him. I think he’s about [inaudible 00:30:10].
He gets his drinking water in five gallon plastic containers and we don’t have a delivery here. So he actually pays somebody to bring those five gallon bottles back to his house. It’s very difficult to get the water out of it because he doesn’t have a dispenser. You would turn it upside down. He’s got this little pump.
I keep saying, “Get a water filter. Get a water filter” because he’s spending so much money on those bottles of water and somebody to haul them around and he could just have the convenience of having a water filter and having the best possible water that’s right there 24-hours in his home.
IGOR MILEVSKIY: I hope he considers us.
DEBRA: He definitely will. Then he buys the filter, and he will, it will be yours. Yeah, I’m sure.
IGOR MILEVSKIY: That’s great.
DEBRA: Then there’s the issue of – especially in the summer time. You need to be having water with you as you go out in the hot sun. Everybody needs to be carrying water.
A lot of people carry water in plastic bottles. But again, you have the plastic going into the water from a plastic bottle. So the solution is to get glass bottles.
I have quite a number of glass bottles listed. If you go to ToxicFreeTalkRadio.com, across the top, there are links to different products in my website. Just go to Debra’s List and then scroll down. Under Water, it says, “Reusable Bottles.”
A number of bottles are listed there that are made out of glass. But they also have various non-toxic covers on them. One of them is covered in bamboo, for example. So that protects the glass bottle from breaking if you should go out. So you can carry these glass bottles around with you full of Igor’s pure water. That’s what I do.
IGOR MILEVSKIY: You can’t filter the water and then put it in a bottle. That’s going to contaminate it definitely.
And I’ve seen that list you have on those bottles. I actually looked at them. It’s pretty good.
DEBRA: Thank you.
IGOR MILEVSKIY: I’m glad you found some great bottles out there.
DEBRA: There are some great bottles out there. I have a number of them in my house because what I do is I use the filter and then I fill up quart sized bottles. I just put them in the refrigerator so I have cold water.
I have one where the opening in the bottle is actually big enough that you can put ice cubes in. And then I know how much water I drink because I have all of them measured out.
Actually a lot of the bottles I have came from Ikea. They’re very inexpensive. You can just go to Ikea and get good glass bottles with tops on them. They’re $2 a piece.
So these are not difficult to find. They’re not expensive. You can have all the glass bottled water you want to take around with you. I really think that that’s the way to go with it.
IGOR MILEVSKIY: Yeah. Now that it’s getting hot out there, I also wanted to come [inaudible 00:33:45], the under sink filter, the same type that you have is called Ultra UC. What we can do also for people who would like is we can create two output connections on the filter. One can actually go to the dedicated faucet like you have and another connection can go to the fridge line.
DEBRA: Oh, wonderful. I’m so glad you mentioned that. Wow!
IGOR MILEVSKIY: Yeah. So you can get a cool. I mean, sometimes the cold water from the faucet is not so cold during the summer. Some people may want to have it go through their fridge or to make ice cubes directly so you don’t have to put – it’s a little adapter we provide. It doubles the output of the filter. So it’s a little change, but very beneficial.
DEBRA: That’s great. So we’ll come back after the break and talk more with Igor Milevskiy from Pure Effect Advanced Water Filters about water and getting enough water, especially in the summer time.
You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. We’ll be right back.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Igor Milevskiy of Pure Effect Advanced Water Filters.
I was just noticing that in other promotion for the show, the title of it is ‘Are you drinking enough water for the sweaty days in summer’? Well, we haven’t talked about how much water you need yet. So let’s talk about that.
The average adult loses about six 8 oz. glasses of water per day just through your own elimination of urine and an additional four glasses through breathing, sweating and bowel movements. So that’s 10 8 oz. glasses of water per day we’re losing.
If we don’t drink those 10 8 ounce glasses per day, then our body is getting more and more and more dehydrated. This is how important it is that we drink water. We need to replace that on a daily basis.
[inaudible 00:40:15] usually supplies about two glasses of water. A common recommendation is eight glasses of water per day to replace the amount of water your body has lost.
Now, it’s summer time. And how much more water are we releasing because we’re sitting in air conditioned buildings or we’re out in the sun and we’re perspiring sometimes profusely? Just think for a minute how much water you actually need in order to replace the water that’s being lost in the summer time. It’s more than you think.
Just take a look at what you’re drinking for beverages. Are you drinking cans of soda? Even if it’s something that doesn’t have sugar in it, it is still – or like I’m thinking of all those beverages even lined up in the cooler at the natural food store or different types of iced tea with different kinds of natural sweeteners in it and things. None of those things are water. And what you need is water, water, water, water, water. I can’t say that enough.
DEBRA: Okay. So the general – yeah. Igor agrees.
IGOR MILEVSKIY: When you’re dehydrated, they don’t offer you a bottle of Coke or a cup of coffee. If you’re dehydrated, the medical – I think the approach is to give you water to hydrate you.
DEBRA: Yes, that is the medical approach. So if you weigh 150 lbs., the general rule of thumb is to drink half your weight in ounces of water. So if you weigh 150 lbs., 75 oz. divided by 8 oz. is nine 8 oz. glasses per day. So if you weigh 200 lbs., you would need about 12 glasses of water per day.
Just figure out your weight. Divide it by two. Find out the ounces. And then divide it by eight. Find out how many glasses that you need.
Now another thing is – oh if you’re doing a lot of exercise, you need to increase the water you drink. You might have a health condition that you might need to increase your water. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you need more water.
Don’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink water because thirst is an indicator that your body is already dehydrated. Let me say that again. Thirst is an indicator that your body is already dehydrated. By the time you feel thirsty, your body has lost more than 1% of its water. It’s better to drink water regularly throughout the day to replenish vital stores.
IGOR MILEVSKIY: Yes. We’re so busy. We don’t think about it. We don’t focus on it, so we get more dehydrated.
DEBRA: That’s exactly right. We are very busy and we’re not thinking about it. I’m sitting in a desk all day long, most of the day. On weekdays, I’m sitting at my desk unless I have to go to an appointment and when I go out. But I think a lot of people are sitting at their desk too.
So we really have an opportunity to just take those bottles, especially if you have a bottle that you know the measurement of and that you can just say, “Okay. This is a quart.” Or “This is how many ounces.” Or “I need to drink eight cups.” However it is that you measure it. If you’re sitting in one spot all day long, you can just put that bottle on your desk and make sure that you drink it.
Another way to do it is you could set a timer say every hour just to remind you to get up and stretch and drink your water. Just figure it out because water is so vital to life.
You’re doing the same, reading about how important this is.
IGOR MILEVSKIY: It’s used to cleaning the body. That’s what the body uses to discrete waste and to remove the impurities that we breathe in or eat.
People have been drinking alcohol more in the summer as well, being outdoors and having fun. Especially with alcohol, you get more dehydrated. The best thing for that is water. You drink a glass before you drink alcohol. And you drink maybe more after that and you may have less hang over too actually because water cleans out the toxins, the byproducts of alcohol and other things as well.
It’s pretty crucial. We evolved with it. Since the earth was created, water was the main ingredient in life. So I think that our bodies have a good resonance with clean water.
DEBRA: Absolutely. Now another thing that people should think about is electrolytes because adequate salt and potassium are critical to proper hydration.
Sometimes people are eating low-salt diets. But what you really need is those electrolytes in order for the water to move properly in your body so that it could be balanced.
I know for myself and in summer time. Especially because we live here in this hot humid environment, I know that people get heat exhaustion because they don’t have enough electrolytes. When they get heat exhaustion, they drink water and salt tablets and potassium tablets.
I know that in the summer time I need to make sure that I eat salt and sometimes I need to take potassium and magnesium and other minerals just so that I have enough minerals to balance out that water. So I think that that’s a really important thing to keep in mind too.
People will think that salt is a bad thing. Actually industrial salt is a bad thing. But something I think that everyone should do is go to the natural food store and get some sea salt or Himalayan salt that has the full spectrum of minerals in it because that will help your body assimilate water and help your body be hydrated.
IGOR MILEVSKIY: Yes. I’ve also read research that a natural sea salt is actually used to create hydrochloric acid, chloric being the salt part, which helps digestion.
I’m not a medical adviser or anything. This is just a research I have done. I have read that salt is crucial to creating the acid that digest our food. So a lot of times when you sweat a lot, you lose a lot of salt that may affect the production of that. So I just wanted to throw that in there.
DEBRA: Yeah, good. I’m glad you did because when you do sweat, you are losing salt as well. It’s not just about drinking more water, but it’s about replacing the water and replacing the salt. You want to replace the water with clean water and replace the salt with natural salts.
IGOR MILEVSKIY: Yeah. Our filters actually don’t remove the salt that’s naturally carried in the water.
There are other systems out there like reverse osmosis that takes out all the minerals and denatures the water completely. Whereas our filters target the contaminants, but they leave the electrolytes and the natural minerals that alkalize the water. They leave that in the water. So that’s another benefit.
DEBRA: I think that’s a really important point because water does – if you go out in the nature, water has its own characteristics. And then when it goes through the tap, it gets contaminated. Some of those characteristics do not go through the water filter and then it becomes more changed.
But tell us a little bit more about how your filters actually help the water stay in its natural state or restore its natural state.
IGOR MILEVSKIY: The bestselling system is our ultra units. The one that you have is the Ultra Under Counter.
It uses three chambers and each one has specific media in it. For example, the first one is a very fine half a micron catalytic carbon block. That’s the first step – to take out as many organic chemicals as possible and microbial cysts that may survive this infection. So that takes that out.
Now the water is free to go to the next stage where we have all natural non-aluminum fluoride removal cartridge. Also the company uses activated alumina for that, which is an oxidized form of aluminum.
We use all natural calcium bonded with carbon and it’s even better in performance, at least 20% more effective. So the fluoride gets removed in that stage.
Then the last stage is the third chamber. We have our Nuclear Grade Zeolite, which addresses radioisotopes that may be in the water, as well as ammonia. And we also have Heavy Metal Reduction Media in that cartridge. It’s pretty complicated.
DEBRA: Igor, I will need to [take] you up because we just ran out of time.
IGOR MILEVSKIY: Okay, no problem.
DEBRA: Thank you so much for being with me. We’ve been talking with Igor Milevskiy from Pure Effect Advanced Water Filters about water. You can find out more by going to the ToxicFreeTalkRadio.com.
I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. If you enjoyed this show, tell your friends.