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My guests today are Elizabeth and Michael Fessler, Founding Partners of Herbalix Restoratives. They make exceptional skin and hair products, some of which detox aluminum from your body as you sleep. Their products are designed to support skin functions with pure, natural and organic ingredients that cleanse and revitalize, while feeding the skin and hair vital nutrients. Today we will be focusing on their detox products. We will be talking about how aluminum enters your body and affect body function, and how topical detox can free the body from aluminum so it can function properly. Elizabeth is Presdent and CEO of the company. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Marketing Degree followed by an MBA in Materials Management. She worked for over thirty years in the medical and pharmaceutical industry. Michael has an extensive background in science and engineering with a focus on creating healthy manufacturing and work areas. While studying at San Diego State University, he participated in a marine study of sea urchins as a food source with the National Science Foundation that has been added to the collections of the Library of Congress. While working in his family’s industrial chemical company in sales, engineering and management positions after college, he developed custom chemical formulations and detoxification procedures. Concern with the environmental impact of toxic materials in the workplace led him to start a contracting business that specialized in detoxifying both commercial and residential properties, including remodeling projects for persons with chemical sensitivities. He now develops safe manufacturing processes and pure ingredient formulas for Herbalix Restoratives body, hair and skin care products.





Detoxing Aluminum Through Your Skin in a Simple Way at Home

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Elizabeth and Michael Fessler

Date of Broadcast: February 12 2015

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic-free. It’s Thursday, February 12th. The sun is shining here in Florida. I think that spring is on its way. We have a very interesting and different kind of show today because we’re going to be talking about aluminum.

Aluminum is one of those heavy metals. We all know about aluminum pans and things like that. I think we all have an idea that aluminum is toxic, that you don’t want to cook your food in an aluminum pan. My guest today has done so much research on aluminum. She sent me piles of information about aluminum – different types of aluminum, health effects of aluminum. But also, she and her husband make products that allow you to detox aluminum through your skin while you sleep.

This is a different way of detox that I have never heard of before, but it specifically detoxes aluminum and maybe some other heavy metals. We’ll find out as we talk to her. But even if the only thing it does is remove aluminum from your body, that’s a huge, huge thing as you will see. I just have never seen so much information about aluminum all in one place and they’ve done a fantastic job.

So I’m just going to introduce her right away, Elizabeth Fessler. She’s one of the founding partners of Herbalix Restoratives. I understand that her husband, Michael is scheduled to be on the show, but I’m not sure he’s there on the phone. Elizabeth, are both of you there?




DEBRA: Oh, great! Hi! I’m glad you’re both there and I’m so happy that you’re on the show. I want to learn more, so much more about what you’re doing and I want all my listeners to know this too. Just really excellent research you’ve done. I just have to admire you for that.

So tell us, how did you get interested in – well, let’s just start with your company. You have a company that makes personal care products, but you didn’t always make what you’re making now I think. How did you get started?

MICHAEL FESSLER: Well, I’ll answer that first. Back in 1999, a retired neurosurgeon by the name of Dr. David B. Maline, he asked me to find products that he could use, body care products because he had allergies to soaps and lotions. He was desperate to find something he could use and he asked me if I would help him.

With the help of an herbalist, Judity Pillsbury, we developed a line of products that were without synthetic chemicals and petroleum. She also brought into the company a preservative that didn’t have any methylparabens. It didn’t use a paraben. We found this is one of the main problems for people with allergies.

So we developed this line of organic products. Everybody in the family could use it without having any chemicals be absorbed into their skin.

DEBRA: Well, 1999, that was a long time ago. Nobody was doing that then.


ELIZABETH FESSLER: That’s absolutely correct. And there still isn’t a preservative that we know of out there that doesn’t have some form of a synthetic chemical whether it’s a paraben or carbomer. What they do is the keyword, they always look at buzz word being now. It’s the ‘paraben’. So they’ll try to replace it with something else. All of them are toxic and none of them are beneficial.

We are priding ourselves on being able to create this particular preservative that is not only 99% effective in killing all the major microorganisms required, but to called a preservative that is a living preservative that actually prevents the good bacteria from being destroyed.

DEBRA: So taking a look at your personal care products, even if you didn’t have the detox effects, the benefits, I should say, of someof the products that you created, you really have just about as pure a line of personal care products as I’ve seen. So you’ve done a really excellent job with that.

What made you then interested in being concerned about aluminum and creating these products that remove aluminum from your body?

MICHAEL FESSLER: Well, what we first found out, Debra is that we looked at the underarm and the antiperspirants and we decided to get into that market, making a product. We found these ingredients (the kelp, the coriander, the olive leaves) and in the developing, we actually found out it worked better to use at night time to clean out the underarm.

We actually did a clinical where subjects used this and compared it to antiperspirants. They used tape strippings to test the tissue. They were able to measure the amount of aluminum in each of our underarms. And from that, we understood we were really pulling the aluminum out of the body through the underarm with our detox deodorant because aluminum is a weaker salt than iodine found in kelp and thee alum salts are  driven up into the body from antiperspirants. So while we were looking at this aluminum, we said, “Why is all these aluminum coming out of the underarm?” We kind of back tracked from that and that’s what developed our interest in looking at aluminum because it’s so plentiful in air, water and food.

So while we were looking at this aluminum, we said, “Why is all these aluminum coming out of the underarm?” We kind of back tracked from that and that’s what developed our interest in looking at aluminum because it’s so plentiful in air, water and food.

DEBRA: And especially, just about everybody in America (and all over the world probably) on a daily basis are just putting aluminum on our skin, under our arms every time we use an antiperspirant.

I don’t use antiperspirants and I’m assuming that you use your products, so you’re not putting aluminum under your arms. But everybody who’s using these standard antiperspirants are just giving themselves a nice, good dose of aluminum, which goes right into their underarms. It goes right to their body through their skin.

MICHAEL FESSLER: Right! And there’s actually more as we started to investigate. The underarm is connected to the brain, it’s connected to the subclavian lymph node from the thyroid. The gums under our teeth, drain out through the underarm including the breast tissue.

So when we stop the function of the body from draining, you’re backing up all these cellular waste back up into the brain, the thyroid and the breast.

And that’s what we started to see when we started to open up the underarm. We’re getting phone calls and people are saying, “Well, this is cleaning up. This is different. I don’t have the breast pain” or, “I don’t have the headache like I used to. Why is that?”

So we actually had to back track from the underarms. It told us how important the underarm is, to clean it out and not to use a foreign agent in the underarm.

DEBRA: I know a lot about sweat being one of the major pathways of how the body detoxes – of course, people sitting in saunas and things like that. I knew not to use antiperspirants so that you wouldn’t be stopping your body from sweating. But I didn’t know about these specific areas that you’ve just talked about.

And of course, the underarm where you’re sweating so much would be a major area that the body would be using for detox. I would’ve never thought of the underarm as being a major detox organ. You can sweat from any part of your body, but especially your underarm. That totally makes sense to me.

MICHAEL FESSLER: We just think of putting something on our underarm and being on our way. We’re kind of embarrassed by our odors. But those odors actually are indicators that there’s something going on in the body or of what we ate.

We actually use thermography to see some of the blockage between the breast and the underarms and we could see the changes in the circulation. So it’s really important.

In fact, we know the bottom part of the underarm is connected to the draining of the breast. And so when we put on an antiperspirant, it’s going to seep down and close off that area, which is really vital because the more and more we use a foreign agent like an antiperspirant, the more it’s going to seal off the ability of the breast to be able to force out the excess fluid that it doesn’t need.

DEBRA: This is amazing! You’re explaining this so well. I’m just astounded by your research and putting this all together. It’s exactly the right direction.

We need to go to break. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guests today are Elizabeth and Michael Fessler. They’re the founding partners of Herbalix Restorative, which is where you can find their exceptionally pure personal care products and also, the specific detox products that we’re going to be talking about later on this show. So stay tuned. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guests today are Elizabeth and Michael Fessler, founding partners of Herbalix Restoratives. Their website is

So let’s talk about aluminum now. Why is it such a concern? Most people think that it’s just found in antiperspirants and if they don’t use the antiperspirants, they don’t have to worry. And especially, I was looking at your material and it says the natural antiperspirants made from alum contain the same aluminum. So can you explain? You also sent me a very long list of all these different types of aluminum. Tell us about aluminum and the different types where people are likely to get it into their body.

ELIZABETH FESSLER: I would like to begin with is to say that we are now living in an era of aluminum overuse.


ELIZABETH FESSLER: What that means is it’s ubiquitous in its use. It’s found in everything. Dr. Chris Exley is from Keel University and he’s the world’s foremost authority on the impacts of life on earth. There are no positive benefits to anything living (including humans) to have aluminum in their body. It’s an inorganic transitory metal. It comes in many forms and it’s the third most prevalent element on earth. It binds with other metals, as well as viruses.

What this really means is there’s no way of escaping it. You take anything out of the soil, you’re going to have aluminum in it. Once it’s out of the soil and we separate it from the ions, it becomes toxic. It’s ubiquitous. It’s found in air, food, water, fertilizer, body care products, automobiles, medicines and the list goes on and on. They keep using it – and more and more and more.

It binds with other metals as well as viruses and it depletes the calcium in the cell. It’s a pro-oxidant. And we all know what that means. The oxidative stress just by this metal damage cells and the tissues.

It bio-accumulates in the body. This is the most important piece. It bio-accumulates. We can’t get it out. It gets in, it goes into all tissues and it’s stored. And it’s not just from the antiperspirant as we’ve mentioned before.

DEBRA: I just want to say that I’ve been doing this work for 30 years, more than 30 years. And when I first started, my basic premise was, “Oh, there’s these toxic chemicals in consumer products. If I just find the consumer products that have the toxic chemicals and then don’t use those and the consumer products that don’t have the toxic chemicals and use those instead, then I’m going to be okay. I’m not going to have these effects that I was having from toxic chemical exposure.”

And now at this point in time within the last few years since I wrote my last bookit’s very, very clear to me that you can avoid and you should avoid as many toxic chemicals as you can identify and find and see that there are safe alternatives for.

But the way things are, we cannot escape toxic chemical and heavy metal exposure. It’s in everything. And detox is so mandatory because as you’re saying, these things get lodged in your body. Aluminum and lead and all these other heavy metals, they’re all bound up in the ground. Industrial process take them out of the ground, spread them all around and our bodies are not designed to be able to process them.

And so anyone who is not detoxing is becoming a storehouse for aluminum that we’re talking about today – and other heavy metal. That’s the way it is. And so it’s important. I cannot stress this enough. It’s so important to detox.

MICHAEL FESSLER: Debra, can I give you a couple of examples where most people don’t even realize – and I’m sure you’ve seen our partial aluminum list. Aspirin can contain 11% aluminum salts.


MICHAEL FESSLER: We also found out that the genetically-modified corn and wheat is grown in soils that are full of aluminum because a regular corn or wheat seedling could not survive because the aluminum kills it so much. So that’s why the transfer of the aluminum into these plants now get into our cereals, they get into the pasta, they get into the pizza, they get into everything. Detoxing, as you’ve said, is the main way to kind of keep it from accumulating.

DEBRA: Yes, yes. Exactly. We need to go to break in about two minutes, so tell us about some of the health effects if people have aluminum in their body? How is that harming your body?

MICHAEL FESSLER: Well, probably the latest that we found is from the Canadian government. The cereals are probably the fastest way. They’re so full of aluminum in the corn and the sugar that the first place they found that in mice when they fed aluminum in the water with mice, it went to the liver.

So the liver is getting impacted. We’re finding everybody’s liver is probably the biggest storage unit for aluminum in our body. When that happens, the end result is we start to put on more fluid edema in our body, which translates into obesity.

So these are some of the ways that aluminum affects us. It’s over in three diseases like breast cancer. They found it in the cyst, in the tumor a large amount there. The prostrate is another area where heavy metals accumulate.

I think Liz want to chime in here.

ELIZABETH FESSLER: Yeah, I just have two more to mention. The National Library of Medicine has over 2000 references to the adverse effects of aluminum. And the National Institute of Health classifies aluminum as a neurotoxin, which adversely affects the blood brain barrier and may cause damage.

We also know that it’s used as an adjuvant in vaccines and there’s a lot of concern about this, that the amount in a vaccine impact the child much more rapidly and readily than it would an adult human. And because of that, there can be an imbalance to the amount of aluminum that’s actually getting into their brain.

DEBRA: Wow! It’s everywhere and I can see how it could contribute to so many different illnesses because it hits fundamental things. If the liver is so occupied with collecting the aluminum and then it just sits there in the liver, it’s not detoxing the rest of your body.

We’ll talk more about this when we come back. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guests today are Elizabeth and Michael Fessler. They’re the co-founding partners of Herbalix Restoratives. Their website is When we come back, they’re going to tell us about their specific detox products that will remove aluminum from your body while you sleep. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guests today are Elizabeth and Michael Fessler, co-founding partners of Herbalix Restoratives. That’s

And before we talk about your detox products, I just want to ask you how can people measure the levels of aluminum in the body. I know that a lot of times, I talk to people about detoxing, they say, “Well, I don’t have any heavy metals in my body. I don’t have this in my body, I don’t have that in my body.” They just don’t know. So if somebody wants to test, how do they do that?

MICHAEL FESSLER: Well, that’s a great question because when we did the detox deodorant, we used lab work that used mass spectrometry. And today, the doctors use blood, urine and hair analysis, but we found out it’s not really capturing the true amount in our body.

There’s a French company that is now just entering into the American market here that has developed a portable mass spectrometer that actually tests through the palm of the hand, the skin, the bioavailability of our minerals, our heavy metals. And it’s this actual machine that we’ve been finding if it houses how much aluminum.

Aluminum, for the French doctors who have been working with this is the biggest problem they’re dealing with. It’s even worse here in the United States. So that’s how, if somebody finds somebody with the Oligoscan. I think in the next year or two, you’ll see more and more of those come in because the blood and the urine, lab work is just not capturing these heavy metal.

DEBRA: How do you spell that, Oligoscan?


DEBRA: That’s amazing! I think I should look for one of those.

MICHAEL FESSLER: Well, yes. And we can provide the information. The company found we were removing metals. They tested our products. So they sent us a machine to test on other people. They use it for clinicals, which is quite an exciting adventure for us lately.

DEBRA: Wow. Wow! So many new and wonderful things in the field of toxics. We’re finding out more and more. When I think about the last 30 years, now we know more than ever and people are more interested than ever and more research is being done than ever.

So tell us about your detox products. I’m sitting here on my desk and I’m so interested that you have a detox deodorant that people can just put it on like deodorant and while they sleep and it removes the aluminum that antiperspirants have deposited in your skin. And then you also have one, it’s a breast cream. And you have one that called Belly Freedom that you put on your belly fat. So you’ve got us covered here. And then we also have a soap. So tell us all about these.

MICHAEL FESSLER: Well, the night time detox deodorant. We call it Mrs. Plumber. You put it on at night time and you can actually put it on the feet because that’s another area. The feet get dried out, it can pull from the feet. So the feet and the underarms and actually, the hands are the terminal ends for getting rid of a lot of heavy metals and cellular wastes.

Now, we found out with thermography that with the Sentinel Breast Cream in conjunction with the Detox Deodorant where you could see the changes of the breast fluids being corrected and making it symmetrical in getting rid of the fluids and restoring the natural flow in the breast.

We’re not going to get into, but we can see some things like the amalgams in effect, that the can be pulled into the breast tissue. And so these are things that a little further, but knowing that the breast cream and detox deodorant work in conjunction with each other.

ELIZABETH FESSLER: Yeah. And it’s important to make certain before you use a breast cream that you have clearance in the underarm because there can be some movement that can be a little uncomfortable in the beginning if there’s no way for you to get rid of those released fluids.

What’s really great about that is actually what we’re addressing in the breast cream is the build-up of calcification, which becomes fibrocystic breast conditions. And we know through this ozonic effect, it’s the salting in and salting out, calcium has been displaced by the aluminum because it’s a higher form of salt and that’s why we have calcification.

And the other part of that is iodine found in kelp is a better salt and a higher form of salt than aluminum, so it actually gets rid of the aluminum and allows your body to opening up the channels to get rid of the aluminum. And behind that aluminum comes all the other toxins that are prevented from being released as it’s blocking or plugging.

DEBRA: So once the aluminum is removed, then do these products work for other heavy metals?

MICHAEL FESSLER: We do have indications that if you put it directly over an organ like the liver, we have detected throughout the whole body a reduction in nickel and cadmium and some other heavy metals. So it’s kind of exciting for us, but we’re right in the midst of a clinical on that one.

ELIZABETH FESSLER: Yes, and we use other ingredients that make it more potent. As you go down the list (first, the detox and the belly fat and the breast cream), they have a larger and larger list of ingredients. The deck is very large because it includes the anti-inflammatories, things like magnesium and selenium and dandelion roots and throw in the castor oil.

What we’re really doing is we’re creating the ability for the body to pull and also absorb some of these nutrients at the same time and get the blood flow going to the visceral fat areas where there is no water. And by creating this effect, we’re actually allowing the body to correct the condition that’s causing the visceral fat build-up and the toxic.

DEBRA: So did I understand you to say that you should use the detox deodorant first and then use the other two? Should you be using them like one by one or altogether? How do people use these?

MICHAEL FESSLER: We actually have a lymphatic chart and we usually start with the detox deodorant on the feet and the underarms for about three days to a week. And then when you put the others in, when these fluids start to move, they will get down to the feet, they will get out of the underarms because those are our main sweating areas at night time.

DEBRA: Good! And can you just explain briefly because we only have about – oh, no! We don’t. We’re going to go to break and then I’ll ask you another question. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. We’re having a very interesting conversation today with my guests, Elizabeth and Michael Fessler who are the founding partners of Herbalix Restorative. Their website is We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guests today are Elizabeth and Michael Fessler, co-founding partners of Herbalix Restoratives. Their website is We’re talking today about how you can detox very toxic aluminum from your body.

I wanted to make sure we explain what is the process that is being used when the body is really moving – I think you call it skin chelation. How is that similar to what happens when you use a sauna to pull toxic chemicals out through the skin?

MICHAEL FESSLER: Yeah, actually, it’s very similar with a sauna, a swim in the ocean or some form of heat. It helps dilate the skin or it can sweat, artificially sweat and get rid of a lot. So it’s the same method of using the skin to pull the metals that are stagnated. There are 20 lbs. of skin in all of us approximately. And so using these products by osmosis with the kelp, it’s a better salt than what’s in our body. The weak salts would be like aluminum. So it will be attracted to go to the skin.

And at night time, you can wear it for six, seven or eight hours and it can keep working where we can’t stay in a sauna for eight hours, we can’t go swimming for eight hours because it’s just too much on the skin. This is a safe, convenient way to absorb the aluminum salt and to help the skin clean out.

DEBRA: When I think about putting lotion on or a cream on my skin, does it go into your skin? Does it get all over your sheets? I know what people are thinking, “Is it going to be gooey all over the bed?

ELIZABETH FESSLER: You know, this is what we suggest because we are creating poultices. Those are sticky and tacky and they remain on the skin. That’s one of the reasons why we say wear it at night. It also works better at night, but for some people, just to understand that it needs to stay and you don’t want to really have a lot of clothing.

So we suggest that you leave something on the cover of your skin, something light and something that will keep it warm and also something that you don’t mind if it got stained because a lot of the staining are going to come from what you’re pulling through your skin. That’s something that you want to happen, but you don’t want to ruin anything that you own that you like.

And then you’ll find later on in the evening if you’re uncomfortable, you can remove that clothing if it’s bothering you. But certainly, at the beginning hours, you want to have some kind of cover to protect.

DEBRA: That makes sense. So like a t-shirt. If you’re using the deodorant, wear a t-shirt. And then for the other ones, you could just wear a tank top or something just so that there’s something between your body and your bedsheets. That makes a lot of sense.


DEBRA: Yeah, yeah. So what else would you like to say that we haven’t talked about. We still have about five minutes left to talk.

MICHAEL FESSLER: You know, the funny name we made for the belly cream, we view it as a detox, but this doctor actually discovered (she came into our building and helped us develop this product) that when you cover from below the rib cage and the whole stomach area, the belly cream helps to go and clean up the lymph nodes. We have a lot of lymph nodes in the stomach.

But the liver, because of the fatty liver, the fat is on the outside closer to the stomach wall. So it’s easier to do that, access it via the skin. So a lot of times, trying to internally cleanse, at first, this brings the toxicity back into the liver or the organ. So this form of ability to purge, it’s better to use at the skin. If it’s been night after night, we can actually get that liver soft.

We actually had people that we tell them to tuck it right into the right rib and feel the liver. If there’s tension in the liver, they’re a good candidate for that product. But it works throughout the whole body because once the liver starts to function its full function, it starts to remove a lot of fluids in the neck, the fingers, in the different parts of the body. So the liver, it’s very important to keep the aluminum out of it.

DEBRA: I totally agree with you. I think that certainly, Belly Freedom is a cuter name than “liver something.”

MICHAEL FESSLER: Well, if we said something like a ‘liver cleanse’, I don’t think anybody would figure that one out. We had to make it kind of…


MICHAEL FESSLER: …a cute name, a BFF to get people to – but once they use it, they understand.

DEBRA: Yeah, that makes sense to me because the liver is there and you can very much focus the detox on the liver by putting it in that area rather than detoxing your whole, entire body. Just say, “Go to the liver and put it just right there.”

So do people really get rid of their belly fat by using this?

ELIZABETH FESSLER: You know, that is a side effect, yes.

DEBRA: It’s a side effect.

ELIZABETH FESSLER: Yes. What happens is you’ll find that there are a lot of changes in the body – as I’ve mentioned, the inflammation. And it may not start with the belly, but it’ll start with other parts.

The thing about the brain is it decides for you where it’s going to work first. So you may notice maybe in the size of your joints, your knuckles, your fingers, your leg. You may have more flexibility. Certainly, sleep patterns will start to change. You may find that you’re going to the bathroom more than before and we want you to do that, all of those things.

Even bad breath in the beginning because you can express through your breath at night all of the toxins that have been stored in that tummy. What happens is many times, the build-up of fat actually interferes with our digestive process.

DEBRA: Wow! This is such a fascinating subject. So let’s see, what else can we ask you? There’s so much to talk about, wow! Let’s talk about aluminum some more so that people really understand more about the health effects. What more can you tell us that we haven’t already talked about?

MICHAEL FESSLER: I think that when we started to research aluminum – and we called Dr. Exley in England and he invited us to go to the aluminum conferences, we were able to sit and share the information about the aluminum toxicity and aluminum as an metal estrogen and how it interferes in so many different ways.

So collectively, we were able to and still do collect sources of aluminum from air, water, food and medication and we’ve effectively seen where it stores in the body from all these aluminum in folks because they’re telling us. What do we do because it’s not regulated by the government? There’s no way that we can harness it like we do mercury and lead. So it’s something that we individually have to address if we’re going to live with it.

So as you’ve said, the detoxing becomes a part of a daily routine, just like brushing your teeth. The fact that we have the Oligoscan and we can see our levels being reduced, so we know how effective it is that one has to detox because it’s just so plentiful.

So you just don’t want aluminum to stay in the body especially for women because they’re a little more acidic. And in physics, acid and aluminum likes to cluster a little bit more, so that’s where the alkaline really helps because it helps to break up the clustering.

And that’s why our products are on the alkaline side because they help the skin to break up the bindings of what aluminum can do.

ELIZABETH FESSLER: And one other thing, women has more fat because we have breasts and that is where we find breast cancer on the rise. It’s the toxins that hide. It’s the purpose of that. The brain says, “Well, I’m going to put the toxins there because it’s not as essential for living.” But eventually, the toxic build-up becomes dangerous to our health and that’s where we find the diseases start to develop.

Aluminum is stored in every tissue, in every cell of the body. It alters the function of the cell because it depletes the calcium in cells. And without the calcium, we don’t have the proper function in the cell because cells depends on sodium, potassium and calcium. Something as basic as this can have an effect and that’s where break down occurs.

DEBRA: Amazing! Everything that you’re saying, I’m just sitting here thinking, “I haven’t heard most of this before.” But it all makes sense to me based on other things that I’ve read about other chemicals. You just think of aluminum as being such a – you know, we wrap our food in aluminum foil and all these things.

I was looking at your list and so many of these different types of aluminum are used in food packaging. And I was thinking if people just didn’t eat packaged food, they would eliminate a lot of their aluminum exposure. And that’s just one thing right there.

Well, thank you so much for being on the show today. I really appreciate you taking the time and sharing all these wonderful information with us. Again, my guest today have been Elizabeth and Michael Fessler. Their website is Thank you again!

ELIZABETH FESSLER: Thank you, Debra.

MICHAEL FESSLER: Thank you, Debra.

DEBRA: You’re welcome. You’ve been listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. You can go to to get more information. Be well!


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