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Paul-Jaminetperfect-health-dietMy guest today is Paul Jaminet, Ph.D., author of Perfect Health Diet: Regain Health and Lose Weight be Eating the Way You Were Meant to Eat (Scribner, 2012), editor-in-chief of the Journal of Evolution and Health, and blogger. He is also the creator of the Perfect Health Retreat, an opportunity to repair health and obtain a comprehensive education in the Perfect Health diet and lifestyle at a luxurious beachfront setting. These retreats are establishing the Perfect Health Diet as a spectacularly successful – and delicious – approach to health improvement. Paul became convinced of the importance of an ancestral approach to health when he overcame a chronic disease through diet and lifestyle. Prior to his discovery of ancestral health, Paul had been an astrophysicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and a software entrepreneur. Paul continues to pursue research in economics and business strategy.





The Best Diet for Perfect Health

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Paul Jaminet Ph.D.

Date of Broadcast: January 06, 2015

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic-free. Happy New Year! This is our first show of 2015. I’ve been off for a few weeks. I always take a little break over the winter. The quiet season of the year to rest and rejuvenate and make new plans for the following years. I have lots of plans for this year and I think you’ll be very happy with them.

[Coughing] Excuse me. I was just eating while I was listening to the news.

So my guest today is Paul – I’m hoping I’m saying this right and I’m sure he’ll tell us after he comes on – Paul Jaminet, Ph.D. He’s the author of the The Perfect Health Diet: Regain Health and Lose Weight by Eating the Way You Were Meant to Eat. Well, on the cover of his book at the very top, it says, “Paleo perfected!” It’s the quote from Vogue Magazine.

And as I’m looking through his diet, I haven’t tried it yet, but it’s very interesting to me because as some of you know if you’ve been listening or reading my website, I did the Paleo diet about a year ago, but it wasn’t quite right for me. And so I’m hoping today – well, I’m sure today that Paul will tell us about more scientific evidence of what we should be eating and why.

And this is very scientific in fact. This is not just a fad, what he’s talking about. He’s done the scientific research and has put together a whole program. He calls it an ancestral approach and this goes back to eating the foods that our bodies are really designed to eat.

So without further adieu, let’s just bring on Paul and he’ll tell us all about it. Hi, Paul!

PAUL JAMINET: Hi, Debra. It’s great to be with you.

DEBRA: Thank you. And how do you say your name?

PAUL JAMINET: Oh, you pronounced it perfectly, Paul Jaminet.

DEBRA: Thank you. Okay, I was guessing. Anyway, tell us how did you become interested in this diet? What prompted you to do this research and put this together?

PAUL JAMINET: Well, like a lot of people in middle age, I started having some health problems. And in my case, I have had some health problems actually since birth. I was in and out of the hospital with chronic ear infection as a young child. Those infections actually kind of persisted, but they became very severe after I had a long course of antibiotics for acne and [inaudible 00:03:38]. And after that, I just started going downhill every year. I started really getting worried for my health. I felt like I was getting Alzheimer’s in my thirties and forties.

So at one point, about ten years ago, I found the Paleo diet and that was the first thing I tried that made a difference in my symptoms. It’s like, “Oh, this proves diet is really important and I should investigate this and figure out how to become healthy.”

So that started a long course of research. I had some problems on Paleo. You mentioned in the introduction that you might have had some problems too. I knew it was an imperfect diet (at least the way I was implementing it), but it’s been promising enough that it could be a starting point for figuring out how to make it better.

DEBRA: That was my conclusion too, yeah. So I’m really interested in what you have to say. I’ve been kind of tweaking my Paleo diet without having done the research that you’ve done, so I’m really interested in what you’re going to tell us.

PAUL JAMINET: Yeah. Well, what I found was after I adopted the Paleo diet, some symptoms improved, but then I started developing clear signs of nutritional deficiencies. I found I needed more carbohydrates than I’d originally implemented the diet with. I also found I developed a vitamin C deficiency and I had symptoms of scurvy. I would have little scratch wounds that wouldn’t heal for six months. When I took vitamin C’s, they finally healed.

So I realized that the diet as I was eating it was missing some nutrition. That gave me the idea, “I’ll just research all the nutrients, all the known nutrients and figure out how much we need, find the foods that deliver those nutrients and then I’ll construct a natural whole foods diet.” That’s why we call it ‘ancestral’. We eat the kinds of foods that our ancestors could’ve eaten before they had a lot of modern technology and chemistry and food science.

So it’s like a hunter/gatherer diet, natural plants and animal, but we’re tweaking the proportions so that we optimize nutrition. We’re including some very nutrient-dense food like egg yolks or liver or bones fat or soup. It took us seven years of research to really get our diet right. But then we found, my wife and I both cured our chronic health problems. When we started a blog and published our book, we’ve had several thousand readers report that their health problems cleared up on our diet.

And so, that really proved to us that it really works. And in fact, when we wrote the book, we knew that it would work for others because it just made so much sense that if you nourish your body properly, then that will greatly improve your body’s ability to deal with almost any health challenge.

DEBRA: I completely agree with that statement. And as I’ve said many times, a large part of our health problems is because we – well, first of all, because we’re exposed to toxic chemicals. But also, because we’re exposed to toxic chemicals, we need more nutrition for our bodies to deal with that. And instead of getting more nutrition, we’re getting less nutrition by eating processed foods.

I’ve done a lot of research on Paleo because I was eating a Paleo diet and I thought that it made sense to go back to our original foods. And for a long time – oh, I can’t even tell you how many years – years ago, I had this idea – I know! In 1987, I got to a point where I said, “Well, I just need to look at nature and what does nature do. Let’s just use nature as the model.” And the first thing was that instead of eating industrial processed foods, to just eat foods that would be in my natural environment locally and seasonally. So that doesn’t take us back in time, but at least it takes us back to nature.

And so I illuminated a lot of these things a long time ago. But the thing that’s missing when I look at a lot of Paleo websites is that they give you lists of foods, but they don’t tell you as you are talking about the proportions. And so people, they look and they say, “Well, I can have chocolate on the Paleo diet” and so they eat a lot of chocolate instead of a lot of nutritious foods or they eat bacon for every meal or they just pick something and they eat their favorite foods off the list instead of considering what the nutritional aspects, so I’m really interested in hearing this.

So we have just a couple of minutes before break and I want to make sure that you have plenty of time to start explaining this. So let me just introduce. If you go to Paul’s website (because this is what we’re going to start talking about after the break), if you go to Paul’s website, which is, there’s a link there in the menu, it’s called ‘The Diet’ (it’s the second link), it has a wonderful diagram that you could just print out and put on your refrigerator door – oh, there’s chocolate right at the top!

PAUL JAMINET: We’re actually one of those that approve of chocolate – at least 85%, not too sugary chocolate.

DEBRA: Yeah. Well, anyway, there’s a beautiful drawing that shows the proportions of how to eat different groups of food and a very nice list of what to eat and what not to eat. We’re going to be discussing that when we come back after the break.

Let me just prepare you how I prepare my chocolate because I don’t eat chocolate bars with any kind of sugar in it. I started a number of years ago trying to figure out the perfect way to eat chocolate and I’ve gone through many evolutions. What I do now is I have organic cocoa powder and I mix it with date sugar. And then I put in coconut butter. For those of you who don’t know, that’s the whole coconut meat ground up like peanut butter or a nut butter, so it includes the fiber and oil. And then I mix it with grass-fed cream. It’s very delicious and very nutritious.

We do need to go to break now. And when we come back, Paul is going to tell us about his Perfect Health Diet. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Paul Jaminet, Ph.D., author of the Perfect Health Diet. And now, we’re going to hear all about the diet. I actually love the way this diet looks.

So why don’t you tell us about the diet first and then I’ll ask my questions?

PAUL JAMINET: Okay! Well, like I said, we’re an ancestral diet, a natural whole food diet. And probably the best way to understand our diet in a moment is we sometimes call it an example of ‘ancestral gourmet cuisine’ because it very closely resembles the proportions and the flavors that you would find in the very highest end restaurant like classic French restaurant or a very high-end Chinese or Thai restaurant. Those are pretty much the proportions of the food. It’s very delicious. It’s very satisfying.

We really didn’t expect that when we were developing the diet. We developed them just to be as nutritious and as optimal for health as we could. But then we realize after we were done and it resembled gourmet cuisine that that really makes sense because our brains must have evolved a liking for healthful food to try to encourage us to get the nutrition that we need. So it’s a very delicious diet. It resembles food from expensive restaurants, but it’s actually very easy to prepare at home.

The graphic design that you mentioned on our website on ‘The Diet’ page is in the shape of a yin-yang apple. So the apple represents health…

DEBRA: Yes, I noticed that, yeah.

PAUL JAMINET: Yeah. And the yin-yang symbol represents balance. So that’s partly a balance between plant and animal foods. The Paleo community tended to deprecate plant foods and discouraged eating carbohydrate and we want to emphasize you need both, plant and animal foods for best health.

It also represents balance between east and west. My wife is of Chinese descent. There are elements of Chinese and American, European cuisine. There are many different ways to implement the Perfect Health Diet. You can do it both ways, but it’s actually good to implement some of each.

So for instance, we recommend flavoring foods with fats and oil, with some of the classic cooking accents like lyme juice, vinegar and with Umami flavors like grated eggs cheese, like tamari sauce, like fish sauce. You can sample from a lot of the world’s cuisine and Umami flavors are much more popular in Asia than in America, but they’re good for you.

So when you put everything together, our diet ends up being about three-quarters plant food, one quarter animal food. But most of the calories come from the animals. So a lot of plant foods are very low in calories. It’s a very fiber-rich diet.

For instance, we recommend eating about a pound of starches a day, things like potatoes or white rice. We recommend cooking them and then refrigerating them for a day, which increase the amount of fiber and makes them more healthful.

DEBRA: Ah! I didn’t know that. Wow! Say that again, say that again. The starches, you cook them in advance and then refrigerate?

PAUL JAMINET: Right! So we’ll cook enough starches for maybe three days, the next three days. We’ll cook them in the evening after we’re done eating usually. And then put them in the refrigerator. We usually cook them in a pressure cooker and then refrigerate them. And then we’ll just pull them out as we need them for meals for the next several days.

As you cook the starches and then refrigerate them, the cooking largely eliminates the fiber, but then when you refrigerate them, the starch re-gelatinizes into a form that’s difficult for us to digest, but is very beneficial to gut bacteria.

There’s a lot of evidence that eating starches that you cooked and then refrigerated that way is very beneficial to the health or the gut microbiom.

Our diet is also rich in fruits and vegetables, which are good for the gut microbiom. The standard cooking assets like lemon juice, lime juice and vinegar, those are good for the gut microbiom. A lot of the classic spices that are used for cooking are good for the gut microbiom. Even drinks like coffee, tea and cocoa like you mentioned are good for the gut. They have polyphenols and other compounds that are beneficial for our gut microbiom.

So there’s a lot of – you know, one thing that distinguishes us from the Paleo diet or other forms of ancestral diet is that there are many, many factors in food which informs our health. We try to optimize everything. That’s why we chose the name ‘Perfect Health Diet’. We’re really looking at hundreds of factors that influence health like all the known nutrients and like the nutrients not only for us, but for our gut microbes and trying to get the proportions exactly right.

We also emphasize lifestyle elements like [inaudible 00:19:56]. That also, in turns out, influences health.

We work hard to make everything practical to live. So my wife and I are working on a cookbook right now with practical advice. We’ve learned how to implement this ourselves in 30 minutes a day (or less) work.

DEBRA: Great!

PAUL JAMINET: We can cook very efficiently. We cook once a day for thirty minutes and we make enough food for three meals.

One nice thing is on our diet, you can very easily repackage leftovers to make a nutritious meals that taste quite different from the meal you originally cooked, but is still very satisfying and healthful.

So there’s a lot of good science to our diet. Now, when we go out to restaurants, it’s very difficult to find a restaurant that can serve a meal as good as our own meal, the home cooked meals we have every night.

DEBRA: I find that true for me too, yeah. We need to go to break again, but we’ll talk about the diet when we come back. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Paul Jaminet. He’s the author of the Perfect Health Diet. Go on over to his website, At the top, on the menu, there’s a tab that says ‘The Diet’ and there you’ll find this diagram that we’ve been talking about and it lists all the proportions and everything you can eat on this diet. We’ll be talking about it more when we come back. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Paul Jaminet who’s the author of the book, Perfect Health Diet: How to Regain Health and Lose Weight by Eating the Way You Were Meant to Eat. We’ve been talking about the diet as outlined on his website at He’s got a great picture. If you just go to the page that says ‘The Diet’, he’s got a diagram in the form of a yin-yang apple that shows the balance of the foods. It’s a great reminder. You can just print it out and put it on your refrigerator and it will remind you what to eat.

Okay! So now, I’m going to ask you my questions. I know that for me, the problem I had with the Paleo Diet was that it was too much protein and vegetables, that actually, if I eat too much protein, I end up having gout attacks. I ended up after a few months on the Paleo diet having two months of gout. I had three gout attacks back to back. I thought, “This is not going to work for me.”

But I also found that for me, I wanted to eat more carbohydrates, yes and I need a little bit of fruit. And what I added back in was legumes, which is on your ‘do not eat’ list. And the reason that I added them – but what I want to eat is sweet potatoes. I want to eat sweet potatoes and I want to eat potatoes. I don’t because of blood sugar.

And so how could somebody who is – like I’ve been on a low carb diet for years because of blood sugar. And so I have all this big, “Don’t eat these starches.” So what would you say to somebody like me?

PAUL JAMINET: Okay! Well, yeah, all of those are very common issues. And so the reason you got gout on a high protein diet is that when you’re burning proteins for energy (which isn’t really a good thing to do), you’re releasing all these nitrogen. That gets processed in the liver, the urea, which makes your urine smell – you know that classic urine smell. But if the liver can’t make enough urea, then it makes uric acid, which gives you gout or kidney stones or gallstones or things like that.

And so you definitely don’t want to overeat protein. We recommend getting about 15% of calories from protein and that’s about what most people normally do. So for most people, they want to increase their meat consumption relative to their normal diet.

And then the other issues, the blood sugar, well, there are two aspects to that. One is the post-meal blood sugar and the other one is the fasting blood glucose. If you’re prediabtic or diabetic, then you’ll get elevated fasting glucose. And for both of those, it can actually be beneficial to eat some starches.

That helps in several ways. One is the resistance starch really helps your gut microbiom and the things that the gut microbes make for you help improve your metabolic function and help you to handle or control your blood glucose better. So being [inaudible 00:30:31] in resistant starch fiber.

Now, they also have some compounds that are toxic for your digestive tract function. And if you soak them and then cook them for a long time, then you’ll destroy those and there will be a healthful food.

DEBRA: Yeah, that’s what I thought.

PAUL JAMINET: So that’s fine. If you’re willing to take the time to prepare them properly, then you can include beans in your diet. But it’s not really necessary for health and if you have less time, then it’s perfectly fine to do what potatoes, white rice, sweet potatoes. The key is (like I said before the break) just cook them in advance and then refrigerate them. And then you’ll get a similar amount of fiber as what the beans have. So you’ll get the same benefits that the beans do.

DEBRA: So let me ask you a question before I forget. So then after you refrigerate the rice or the potatoes, can you then warm them back up again.

PAUL JAMINET: Yeah, warm them say on a microwave.

DEBRA: I don’t use a microwave.

PAUL JAMINET: So long as we cook them, don’t put them in boiling water, you can make them comfortable to eat.

DEBRA: Okay! So I don’t use a microwave, but I could just like steam them a little bit or sautee them or something?

PAUL JAMINET: Yeah, something to warm them up a little and make them at an enjoyable temperature to eat.

DEBRA: Yeah, yeah. But you could eat something like one of my favorite things, potato salad. That would be a cold potato. That would be really good. That would have a lot of fiber in it.

PAUL JAMINET: Yeah, exactly.

DEBRA: Yeah! So then I also wanted to ask you why white rice instead of brown rice?

PAUL JAMINET: Well, the general problem with the cereal grains and legumes is that they’re all grassland, above ground seeds. They were always getting eaten by herbivores, so things like cows and horses and so on. And so they evolve these poisons that suppress mammalian digestion. And in cereal grains, those are mostly on the bran. We don’t want to eat too many of those. That’s why we eat the [inaudible 00:33:00], the cereal grains and the beans unless you can prepare them in a way that eliminates the toxin.

In white rice, it turns out, first of all, most of those toxins are in the bran. So when they melt the brown off the white rice, they’re eliminating most of them. And then the rest are destroyed in cooking. So white rice is basically a toxin-free choice of starch. It’s similar to potatoes and the other in-ground starches, which are helpful with normal cooking. They don’t need any special operation.

So that’s the reason we recommend white rice. There is a little bit of nutrition on the bran, but actually, there are many other sources you can get those nutrients form. So there really isn’t much benefit to eating the bran. The bran in other cereal grains is the major source of gluten, which gives some people health problems.

Yeah, so different people would react with different intensity to some of the compounds in the bran of the cereal grains. But it can be really hard to tell if you’re sensitive. You can have low level inflammation and not really notice. But it could be taking the uric [inaudible 00:34:37] or giving you a higher chance of developing cancer. So we sort of take the safe approach. It’s better to not eat those things in quantity.

DEBRA: Right, right. We need to go to break. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Paul Jaminet. You can go to his website, where he has all outlined for you very nicely and even some recipes, which we’re going to talk about when we come back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Paul Jaminet. He’s the author of the The Perfect Health Diet: Regain Health and Lose Weight by Eating the Way You Were Meant to Eat.

Let’s see, what did I want to ask you about – recipes, recipes. Oh, I know what I want to ask you first. What are you eating today, breakfast and dinner?

PAUL JAMINET: Well, I do intermittent fasting. So I generally just don’t eat until maybe 1 p.m. or so. So I haven’t eaten yet apart from…

DEBRA: Ooh, what did you eat yesterday? What did you eat yesterday?

PAUL JAMINET: I had black coffee in the morning. And then for lunch I have leftovers. I basically re-arrange whatever leftovers we have in the refrigerator and I make [inaudible 00:39:50].

DEBRA: And what is that?

PAUL JAMINET: Well, that’s a classic Korean dish that means ‘leftover’. And also, what I do is I put a starch, usually potatoes or white rice. I put in some vegetable. I put in a sweet blend. Sometimes, it’s fruit. Yesterday, it was beet. I put in three egg yolks, which is one of our recommended nutrient-dense foods that we eat regularly. I put in a little bit of leftover beef stew that we had. So that included some tendons as well as meat and a bunch of vegetables like carrots and so on.

I put in a little bit of fish sauce, a little bit of rice vinegar. Those are the Umami and asset flavoring that we recommend. Just a touch of coconut meal. I warmed it up in the microwave.

DEBRA: It sounds delicious, but what did you have for dinner?

PAUL JAMINET: For dinner, I think we made Pad Thai last night. We also have some leftovers. We’ll actually snack on some cheese and rice crackers when my wife gets home from work and while we’re preparing dinner.

So it’s good to try to do most of your eating in the afternoon. So we do a lot of our cooking in the evening when she gets home, but we actually only kind of sample it and have a light dinner. Most of what we make, we eat as leftovers the next day or the next several days.

DEBRA: Yeah, I do that too. When I make things – I have more time to cook on the weekends than I do during the week. And one of the tricks that I found is very helpful to me staying on eating healthful food is to have enough food already prepared that I can just take out of the refrigerator and eat or warm up quickly. I have a little toaster oven that warms it up in three minutes.

And then I don’t have to think about, “Well, now what am I going to eat?” and go get even takeout from te natural food store (it has things in it that I don’t want to eat.” Having the food on-hand, knowing what it is that you’re going to eat, preparing it in advance and then having it there at a meal time, so no matter how busy you are, if you have time for a snack in the afternoon, that you have food there. It’s the no. 1 thing that I think helps people stay on an eating plan, whatever it is. And so I’m a big fan of leftovers.

PAUL JAMINET: Yeah. It’s no fun to cook if you’re really hungry and you tend to not make cheese in time and not make as good food as you should. It’s much better if you can enjoy some cheese and crackers and wine while you’re cooking.

My wife takes two lunches to work. She has her first lunch at about noon and her second lunch at about four. So she’s had most of her food, she’s not that hungry when she gets home. We can have a little extra cheese and crackers and just snack and sample on the first we cook dinner when it’s fun. And then, put it away for leftovers for tomorrow.

DEBRA: You know, one of the things that’s been really a challenge for me is not having starches, to not eat rice for so many years because I was on a low carb diet. It has just been extremely difficult to be able to do a lot of things like crackers, for example. I would love to have cheese and cracker. And so to add rice back into my diet and see how that goes, that would give me rice crackers, rice flour, rice noodles, just all these things that you can make with rice.

So I’m going to try this and see what happens.

PAUL JAMINET: Great! That’s good.

DEBRA: Yeah, because it seems to me that it overall makes sense and that instead of looking at individual symptoms, that if I would just try the diet as an overall good diet, that some of the symptoms might just handle on their own.


DEBRA: Yeah, yeah. So is there a particular reason to use egg yolks only and not eat the egg whites or you’re just trying to get it dense?

PAUL JAMINET: Well, all the nutrition is in the yolk. The whites are basically pure protein. If you get your protein from meat or fish, which is what we recommend, then you’ll get a lot of micronutrients with the protein. You don’t really want to eat protein powders or pure protein, things like egg white. You want to get your protein with lots of other nutritious food compound.

And the other aspect with eggs is that it’s possible to develop a sensitivity to egg. We don’t want that to happen because egg yolks are so nutritious and so good for you. It turns out, the allergenic and immunogenic protein, most of them, 80% to 90% are in the white, not the yolks. So if you discard the white, you get rid of the 80% to 90% of the potential immunogens right there.

And then if you mix the egg yolks with food and cook them a little, then the proteins that are in the yolk becomes much more indigestible. So even if you have a sensitivity, you can reduce your reaction by about 99% just by simply discarding the white, mixing the yolk with food and cooking them. You’ll also greatly decreases the risk that you’ll ever develop egg sensitivity.

So that’s basically the reason you discard the white. You don’t need to. If you like whole eggs, you can eat whole eggs. But your risk of developing a sensitivity goes up.

DEBRA: Interesting. I look at what is commonly promoted as being healthy. And so somebody who were eating egg white omelets and bran, according to your viewpoint, that would exactly the wrong thing to eat.

PAUL JAMINET: Yeah, that’s right. I think there has been a lot of misinformation and a lot of randomness in how people eat and what they think is good. It’s kind of remarkable because if you went back a hundred years, there wasn’t the same confusion about how to eat. But now, we have many more choices and it’s much easier to go astray.

DEBRA: The other night, I was eating crackers made from rice flour and almonds with butter on top. And it was just like exactly the thing that I wanted to eat, but I was thinking, “Oh, rice! I shouldn’t be eating it, but this is what my body wants to eat” and I was doing exactly the right thing.

PAUL JAMINET: Yeah. Well, you should trust your body, trust its desire. It has your best interest at heart.

DEBRA: Yeah, as long as you are trusting…

PAUL JAMINET: As long as you’re eating natural whole food.

DEBRA: Yeah, yeah. I was going to say as long as you’re really trusting your body and not you’re having cravings of what you think you want to eat. You’re probably not craving – I was going to say chocolate cake, but chocolate’s okay. It’s just the cake part. You don’t want to eat wheat and things like that.

But I think there’s such a thing called instinctive nutrition where your body wants certain things and then you’ll want them just because you’re missing out on those nutrients or whatever. So it is good to do that.

We only have about a minute and a half left. So I just want to make sure that if there’s anything that you haven’t said, that I give you a little time to just kind of wrap up.

PAUL JAMINET: Okay. You know, I’d love to tell your listeners a little bit about our health retreat. My wife and I, I mentioned we’ve had several thousand reader success stories, people who cured their health problems on our diet. We wanted to figure out a way to prove scientifically.

No one in the same Perfect community gives much credence to anecdotes because you hear about the good stories, but you don’t certainly hear about people who had a bad time on the diet and gave it up. So you really want to have something that’s more like you see everything that happens, both the good and the bad if there’s any bad.

We were convinced that our diet would really help a lot of people and cure a lot of diseases and we decided to start a health retreat business where people could come for a week and we provide all the food, we provide the environment, we provide the exercise program. We teach every aspect of how to be healthy.

DEBRA: I need to interrupt just because we’re coming up very close to the end of the show. So people can find out more if they go to your website, Thank you so much for being with me. It’s very interesting and I’m going to give your diet a try. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and I’ll be back tomorrow. Be well.


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