This is currently the wood finish I use. High performance water-based wood finishes made using whey, a by-product of local cheese making. Whey “has a high BOD (biochemical oxygen demand) that can increase the burden on waste treatment facilities and can pollute rivers, lakes, and even the ocean…By reformulating whey into a durable, natural wood finish, a potential waste product is taken out of the waste stream and put to a useful purpose.” The VOC level is about 180g/L (grams per liter), which is lower than California’s 250g/L–the toughest indoor air quality standard in the United States. I smelled a sample and it is remarkably low in odor (though it does still contain small amount of toxic chemicals, according to their MSDS). Once cured, it is very “food-safe”, not toxic if child or pet chews on it. Cans are made with post consumer materials which can be recycled when discarded.
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Listen to my interview with Vermont Natural Coatings Founder and President Andrew Meyer./a> |