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Question from Pram

I am wondering what “stuff” is in cardboard boxes; I did a site search but could not find out much; also I could not access all the questions in any topic, maybe I’ll learn!

I have a food pantry in an outbuilding where I store bulk food and my jars of home canned food. There were many flattened stored brown paper bags and many cardboard boxes as many jars were stored in them. Now that it’s gotten warm, the smell in there is so horrible – a sicky sweet noxious smell that I can taste – overwhelmed me so much that I spent quite some time in there removing every box and bag (there are still a few I need to get rid of). It took my a while because it meant taking out jars and putting directly on the shelves, so I was in there at least a half an hour.

That was about 3 days ago and ever since then I have felt nausea, increased ringing in hears, a bit of dizziness, exhaustion, and a bit of impaired breathing. I am chemically sensitive ever since a heavy oversdose of pesticide about 16 years ago (not my choice, a neighbor’s action).

So now I am trying to figure out what is in cardboard boxes, or could it be something that was sprayed on some of them. Any info appreciated. I am now looking around my house for any cardboard boxes or paper bags so I can get rid of them.

Debra’s Answer

The answer is at HOW PRODUCTS ARE MADE: Corrugated Cardboard.

This is a pretty interesting site:

When you are wanting to know how any product is manufactured, this is site is a good place to start.

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