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Question from Ben Jones

I have mcs and have been living and sleeping outside in my garden for three years because I cannot tolerate the building materials in my house. My mcs is such that i will become sensitive to any toxic substance if im around it too long. I have tried to build me a non toxic shelter out of just wood nails and slate. I understand freshly cut wood is toxic for a time. Do you know how long it takes to outgas fully? And after that what is the best non toxic substance to seal it with. The wood is douglas fir.

Debra’s Answer

I wouldn’t say “freshly cut wood is toxic for a time.”

First, each type of wood is different. Though it is all wood, each type has different characteristics. For example, both redwood and cypress contain elements that make them more impervious to insect infestations and dry rot. Cedar is much more fragrant than, for example, Douglas fir. Pine contains a lot of resin. So people with individual sensitivities may be sensitive to certain, or all, woods, but wood is not “toxic” in the same sense as many manmade petrochemical products.

How long does it take to outgas fully? I think you are asking, how long would it take before any odiferous elements would no longer smell. I think that relates to how much moisture is in the wood, and as it dries, there is less wood odor.

How long it takes for wood to dry is quite variable, as it depends on how dense and porous the wood is, the relative humidity of the air, how much air circulation there is, and temperature.

When wood is freshly cut, it has a lot of water in it. It needs to be dried for specific uses. Firewood, for example, is cut to size and then piled up to “season” for a year. It needs a year of just sitting outdoors in the elements to allow enough water to evaporate before it will burn. Freshly cut “green” wood will not burn.

For construction, the wood must be in equilibrium with the outside air. For indoor use, as in furniture or cabinets, wood must be in equilibrium with the air indoors.

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