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Question from Reenie

Hi Debra,

Congratulations on your new book. I want to purchase a copy soon as my budget allows!

My question is about clothing made with recycled plastic. As I understand it, there would be BPA bisphenol A and perhaps plasticizer like some type of phthalate in the recycled plastic materials. BPA is an endocrine system disruptor, as I believe are some phthalates.

I don’t want to purchase these, would just prefer cotton sweats that are reasonably priced.

I wrote Dr. Frederick vom Saal, who is one of the source scientists for the BPA research (recall that he is mentioned in Science Daily articles on BPA on the surface of thermal paper cash register receipts. I asked Dr. vom Saal if any studies were being done on the health risks associated with wearing clothing made with recycled plastic bottles. He said he was not aware of any studies. What is your opinion?

By the way, I read a great review of your book in a literary review sort of newspaper that our library gives out. Thanks so much!

Debra’s Answer

I wouldn’t wear recycled plastic clothing myself. Plastic is plastic, recycled or not.

I think the health risks of wearing plastic clothing are the same or worse than drinking water that contains BPA. If this particular plastic contains BPA or phthlates, the skin would absorb them and the chemicals would go immediately into your bloodstream and throughout your body in seconds.

This is an example of where a “green” thing that would help the environment does not help our health.

Organic cotton clothing helps both our health and the environment.

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