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Question from PAA

Dear Debra

I would like to first thank you for your wonderful web site. I appreciate all the information you share with us on healthy and nontoxic ways to improve our lives.

I would like to ask a question about the Himalayan salt that is posted on your website. I was reading the element ingredients listed on their website and a few of them really jump out at me:

Lead, Radium (radioactive) Aluminium, Nickel, Arsenic, Antimony,

Cadmium (toxic even in low doses).

Please comment on how these elements are healthy for people with MCS who are constantly trying to avoid these toxic elements in their environment. Thank you.

Debra’s Answer

First, there are no “ingredients” (something that enters into a compound or is a component part of any combination or mixture) in Himalayan salt except the salt itself, which is mined from underground salt deposits formed from primal seas.

Himalayan salt is a naturally occurring mineral that contains many elements, nothing is added to or removed from the salt by man. And so it contains the full spectrum of elements provided by nature. The amount are extremely small. Trace amounts.

And yes, all of those elements exist in nature. Throughout nature. Nothing in natural is “pure” in the industrial sense that it is one element only.

Refined table salt does not contain those elements, or any other. It is pure sodium chloride. But it also makes people sick. Himalayan salt, on the other hand, with all it’s natural elements, has been scientifically tested and found to be exceptionally iife enhancing.

I personally have been eating “The Original” Himalayan Crystal Salt for, oh, about four years, I think, and my body loves it.

Just a side note…I recently found that my body had elevated blood pressure. I stopped eating in refined salt entirely (no restaurants or processed foods containing salt) and it my blood pressure went to normal in a few weeks without doing anything else. All this time I was eating Himalayan salt. Then I went to San Francisco for six weeks and all I ate was restaurant food. And now, returning home, I found my blood pressure was up. But I’m not concerned…I just stopped eating in restaurants.

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