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Question from tatyana05

Hi, we are in the process of looking for a rental apartment and the one we like is in the apartment complex located about 400 feet from the gas station, I was wondering if that could be a concern with any kind of VOC fumes from the gas station, it is located way below and apartment complex is up on the hill, and we would be on the second floor. Our terrace would be overlooking the other side of the building with trees and park. I want a safe place and not sure how far any VOCs that present in any gas station can go… Thank you!

Debra’s Answer

Here’s an article that lists toxic pollutants from gas stations: Gas Station Pollution Prevention. They recommend you live at least one block away from a gas station. How far is one block? 250 to 350 feet. A football field is 300 feet long.

Here is another article that says fumes from placing gasoline into cars from the pumps can extend out 300 feet from the gas station: The Gas Station – An Inconvenient Neighbor. So 400 feet seems outside the zone.

However, fumes travel upwards, so being up a hill and on the second floor doesn’t help. Being on the opposite side of the building might help some.

But air is moving all the time and VOCs can easily be carried on a breeze.

This apartment is too close to the gas station for MY comfort personally.

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