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Question from Gary

Anyone know if these carpets off-gas less or more healthily than petroleum based carpets?

Debra’s Answer

These carpets are made from propanediol, or Bio-PDO, a corn-based polymer. It is made from corn sugar, a by-product of making ethanol, generated at a nearby plant. An E. coli bacteria –genetically-modified by DuPont scientists–breaks down the corn sugar through a fermentation process that is much like making beer.

Mohawk is now selling a carpet made from this fiber called SmartStrand.

The SmartStrand website tells all the environmental savings that comes from using Bio-PDO, but also says that only 37% of the carpet is Bio-PDO. So I called Mohawk and found out that the other 63% is polyester. And it contains no stain resistant treatments because the polymer is “naturally” stain resistant. Hmmmm, I’ve never heard of a natural fiber being inherently stain resistant.

I haven’t seen a sample, so I can’t tell you if it offgasses, but maybe someone has seen a sample and will enlighten us.


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