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Question from handy sal

The best way to avoid mold is to not let it get started in the first place. I live on the coast where it is very moist and in the winter, and mold will grow where there is condensation, for instance on window sills. We made the mistake years ago when we built our house of installing aluminum window frames. Big mistake in a cold, wet climate. And of course there is also the problem of mold in the shower, on the shower curtain, and behind the faucet on the sink backsplash.

After battling for years with everything I could think of,(even, gasp, bleach)I found the secret. I saw a small item in some article about using Oregano Oil for cleaning mold and thought I would give it a try. Now sometimes home made potions work really well and sometimes not, but I was hopeful. I am expecting someone to sucessfully market it cause it is the best. If I was younger I might go for it but maybe someone energetic who wants to develop a cleaner will send me a check for the idea!

I am allergic to lots of stuff but thankfully not Oregano Oil. I buy it in the natural food store in gel caps. I don’t buy the essential oil tiny bottles because the gel caps stay fresh a very long time if you keep them dry. When I want to clean the window sills I use one gel cap in a bowl of warm water. I cut the cap open under water and swish it around and discard the cap. Then I just dip a cloth into the water, wring it out and wipe the window and sill. It actually dissolves the mold. It works much better than bleach and smells good. I use the oil full strength on problem areas like the shower grout and sink backsplash. And when I wash my cloth shower curtain I soak it in a small amount of hot water and use two gel caps. After it soaks I wash it and the mold will not grow on it. I use baking soda and vinegar to clean toilets and sometimes after I rinse it out I will add an Oregano gel cap to the toilet to freshen it. I have been passing this on to people because it works so well, is inexpensive, and not toxic.

Debra’s Answer

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