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Question from windhawk

I have MCS and have extreme home challenges in finding a non-toxic, affordable home rental that will take my HUD sec voucher.

I know someone willing to rent to me their mother’s home who just passed away. It could work in all aspects but old moth ball boxes were discovered sitting in a bedroom and den closets.

I thought I could smell faintly mothballs when first walking in downstairs and did discover the ancient moth ball boxes in these two closets. One closet seemed stronger smelling than the other and did have adverse neurolgical reactivity that made me sick, still recovering 12 hours later.

If I was not going to lose my voucher in finding a single family home to rent that is affordable in the middle of winter, I would walk away. I know mothballs are highly neurotoxic and not good.

From a logical view I wonder if once the mothball boxes are removed, windows opened, shelves cleaned, air purifiers run, baking soda used,etc would thse neurotoxins truly dissipate for me being hyper reactive with MCS.

THere is a product called Smelleze to remove/neutralize mothball odors/toxins do you know if it works. I requested the MSDS info. I suspect it is zeolite and something else in there. ALso, zeolite helps removes VOCS would it be effective enough to pull out mothball toxins?

Debra’s Answer

I don’t know the solution for this one. We’ve had this question before and there were no answers except “air it out”.

One thing I have done in the past is call manufacturers and ask how to “clean up” various chemicals. You want to ask for “paradichlorobenzene removal.” Call any mothball manufacturer and let us know the answer.

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