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Question from Judith Fleet Wisdom

I could swear I saw this information on one of your online resources, but had to interupt before I read it carefully.

I cannot bathe in my bathtub if it’s epsom salts I need to use, which I do. I could sit or even stand in a bucket while showering (or not). I’ve not even thought of the issue of toxicity till I saw your comments. I have simply failed to find something (rubbermaid, whatever) that had a footprint that allowed me to stand with my legs in a safe position; i.e., with enough space between them to allow me to be balanced.

I measure the rectangular size that would work: It is about 21″ wide (side to side) and l4″ front to back. If the level of water were to allow me to soak my feet up to my knees it would have to be about l5 – 17 inches high. But that might make it too heavy. though I’d fill it and empty it in the bathtub. I’d like it to have a handle.

I’ve been all over the place on the web and have found nothing re size appropriateness. And when I tried to use the bucket that is used to clean the floors with (ich) it made me feel unbalanced because it caused me feet to be too close.

I also don’t want to spend an arm and a leg, quite obviously, as we have so many special things it is almost impossible to survive and not be a millionairre.

Any help would be much appreciated. And, I must be able to order it online and if need be on the phone (though I’d like to see it); for I can’t get very many places.

Debra’s Answer

I don’t recall publishing something on this before.

Readers, any suggestions?

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