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Question from TerryAnn

Hello Debra

Having a heck of a time trying to find pureed pumpkin that is not in cans, and completely unable to locate real pumpkins during most parts of the year, to make my own puree. Any suggestions? It seems pureed pumpkin in jars is simply not made. I have been using an organic brand, but it comes in a can and worry about BPA.

By the way, when you make your own puree, how do you go about it?

Thank you.


Debra’s Answer

I’ve never seen pureed pumpkin sold in glass jars.

Fresh pumpkins are a seasonal food, you would not be able to find it most of the year.

During October and November, when pumpkins are plentiful, you can make all the pumpkin puree you want and can (in glass jars) it or freeze it for use throughout the year. However, I would encourage you to enjoy it seasonally, in tune with when nature produces it.

To make pumpkin puree, use smaller “pie” pumpkins, rather than the larger pumpkins that are more suitable for jack-o-lanterns. Do not make a jack-o-lantern and then cook the pumpkin for pie.

Cut a whole pumpkin in half and scrape out the seeds. I use a soup spoon for this. The seeds are held in with some stringy stuff, you need to scrape out all the strings and seeds. Wash the strings from the seeds and save the seeds for roasting. Spread them out on a baking sheet and roast them until golden brown. My husband and I like to eat them hot with butter and natural salt.

Take your pumpkin halves and place them cut side down in a large baking dish. Add 1/2″ of water to pan to help keep the pumpkin flesh moist. Bake at 450º until you can pierce the skin with a fork (about 45 minutes to an hour).

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