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Question from Lisa T.

I have read posts on this forum in the past about the toxicity of conventional crib mattresses, and would love to replace our baby’s mattress entirely. However, the steep cost has caused me to ponder alternatives, so I have a couple of questions:

1) Is there a less expensive barrier for a mattress that would prevent the toxic fumes from reaching the child? Was wondering if an allergen barrier work? For example the CleanRest Allergen Barrier, Pristine Basic, or Pristine Complete? Or are some or all of the allergen barriers mattress encasings toxic as well? I noticed the CleanRest product says it doesn’t contain any plastic, vinyl, or polyurethane, and the Pristine line says they’re made of microfiber and not any urethane membrane, but I’m not sure what the other toxic possibilities might be. (This question about allergen encasings holds additional interest for me, as we already have allergen encasings on all our adult bedding.)

2) Would a wool mattress topper help with this issue at all?

Thank you in advance for any wisdom anyone has to share.

Lisa T.


Debra’s Answer

Toxic chemicals that emit from toxic mattresses are gasses, which have very small particles. An allergen casing designed for dust, etc, will not contain a gas.

Children have not yet developed body systems to protect themselves against toxic chemicals. Your child spends 1/3 of his life in bed. It needs to be as safe as possible.

Whatever you spend on a nontoxic bed now, will come back to you manyfold in the future, when you don’t have to pay medical bills.

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