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Urth Caffee

While driving down Main Street in Santa Monica, California one evening, I saw this tiny sign lit up in the dark that said “Exclusively Organic Coffees & Fine Teas.” I couldn’t stop right then, but went back the next day. It was crowded with a line out the door and Starbuck’s a block away was empty. “Founded in 1989, Urth Caffe is widely considered the first coffee roasting company in America to offer exclusively organically grown, heirloom coffees. Each season we choose the very finest beans from our farmers – carefully selecting only a small percentage of the crop representing the coffee’s finest seasonal flavor & characteristics. The flavor profile of our blends changes from season to season – always presenting exciting new characteristics. All our organic coffees are small batch roasted using secret, innovative techniques in roasting and blending developed by us, to give the coffee its full potential of depth and complexity of flavor…Heirloom means that the trees have never been genetically modified, and are like their ancient ancestors found growing wild in the rainforests. Heirloom species such as Bourbon, Geisha, Heirloom Culitvar, Typica (to name a few) can grow up to twenty feet tall, require deep shade, and produce less coffee yield than hybridized trees. Heirloom coffee has superior flavor, has a more distinctive aroma, and is naturally lower in acid for easier digestion. “ Their exclusive selection of fine loose leaf teas include black, fruit scented, oolong, green, white, matcha green teas, and herbal infusions. “Each source garden is carefully selected by Urth Caffé based on highest quality, commitment to purity, uniqueness, and sustainability.”

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Just Skin Food

Skin care products for men and women, plus make up, all made from certified organically grown and wildcrafted ingredients. “By selecting botanical ingredients based on their beneficial properties, our products provide the healing effects of each plant. ..We make all the herbal oils, salves, balms, butters, soap, body scrubs, and lotion sticks by hand, by using various infusing methods with a range of organic herbs, unrefined, steam-distilled and cold-pressed ingredients.We also double infuse certain oils for therapeutic reasons in order to provide additional healing properties. It is through these raw materials that the color, texture and scent of the products are determined. Our products are made in small batches in order to pay attention to each step in the process and to keep the integrity and quality of the herbs and the essence without compromising the outcome…For packaging we use only glass, reusable or biodegradable products. Even our inside seals are made from certified unbleached chlorine free paper.” Ingredients page.

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Branch Basics

A multipurpose, unscented, plant-and-mineral-based concentrated “soap” that can be used for different cleaning tasks by mixing it with different amounts of water. Comes with labeled BPA- and phthalate-free plastic bottles that have markings for easy mixing of concentrations. For MCS they have a 2 oz all-purpose spray you can purchase as a sample to test. “We have taken every step we could to create a product that works even for very sensitive people.”


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Nova Scotia Organics

USDA Certified Organic whole food vitamins, minerals, and supplements…”We often use a production approach called the Whole Herb Method which uses the raw plant exactly as found in nature. Such plant preparations contain all the inherent constituents of the plant including the natural buffers, which help protect the body from overdose, toxicity and dangerous interactions. In contrast to many unregulated techniques that isolate a single biochemical constituent, we use the entire herb plant, allowing it to work synergistically to create the positive health effect Nature intended. Just about all of our herbal vitamins and supplements are simply whole herbs and plants dried using a gentle freeze drying process which preserves almost all of the nutritious properties of the original plant. Some formulations also add organic minerals if it is called for.” Choose from single vitamins or solution-based blends.

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Blessed Nest

A unique nursing pillow filled with buckwheat hulls, which allows you to get your baby into the proper position, and then it conforms to baby’s body and its weight helps it to stay put, instead of simply placing your baby on top of the pillow. “The miracle of buckwheat hulls is that they not only move around like a bean-bag, but they are shaped like little pyramids that interlock together like puzzle pieces so it gives stable support whatever size, shape or position you are in (and where you’re sitting!).” All of theirfabrics are certified organic by GOTS.

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Essential Wholesale & Labs

Certified organic bodycare bulk products and bulk ingredients. This allows you to purchase formulated UNSCENTED organic personal care products of all types in bulk, or purchase individual unscented ingredients and make your own. Then if you want scent, you can purchase the essential oils and add any scent you want. Products and ingredients are sold by the 1/2 gallon, gallon, and 5 gallon, but they also sell samples, so you can try before you buy in bulk.

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AcroAma Blends

Chef-created gourmet seasonings that combine the superior flavor of Celtic Sea Salt® with organic herbs and spices. ‘We go beyond exquisite taste by utilizing handcrafted production methods that preserve the delicate oils and compounds Nature intended. Every blend is made in small batches with 100% organic ingredients to ensure a fresh, potent culinary experience. Naturally gluten free and vegan friendly….We begin at the source, with farmers and producers who are committed to sustainable organic processes. Our spices are selected from the finest certified organic gardens and then handcrafted into small batches for a gentler, healthier way to preserve their benefits and ensure freshness. Every blend is 100% organic and non-irradiated, containing no hidden fillers, fragrances, anti-caking agents, or ingredients of any kind.”

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Onomea Tea Company

Certified organic teas grown in Hawaii. “Onomea Tea Company sits just above Onomea Bay on the scenic Hamakua coast of Hawaii Island. Stunningly beautiful, abundant rain with rich volcanic soils, it is ideal for making good, flavorful whole leaf Hawaii teas. We process the tea leaves into white, green, oolong and black teas and are excited by the exotic subtle, yet complex flavors achieved in this environment…we believe careful and healthful stewardship of the land contribute to healthy, flavorful tea and ensure the land stays clean and rich for the future generations.”

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Bodega Portable Buildings

Clever design adds more space to this tiny building by popping out space in the back and side walls.


Since Larry and I are considering the possibility of a tiny house for our next residence, a flyer for Bodega Portable Buildings caught my eye as I walked by a local grocery store window.

When I went to their website, I learned that here in Sonoma County, California (and in surrounding counties), one can build a “storage building” of 120 square feet (8’x15’) without a permit. This can be used for a studio, shop, extra bedroom, reading room, exercise room or storage.

But there’s a bonus. These counties don’t count “window seats” as floor space. These window seat areas extend out beyond the foundation and can add considerable floor space, as they could hold actual window seats, counters, desktops, shelving units, closets, or whatever, allowing you to use the entire 120 square feet for living space.

I wanted to pass this along to all of you because I know many of you are needing an extra room or a tiny house for one reason or another. And this is a clever way to get one without permits and with extra space.

The peaked roofs and arches over window seat areas add considerable charm as well as loft.

This design for a tiny house appeals to me more than any I’ve seen. Two or three or a whole cluster of these could be brought together to make a house of any size.

And while they are not built on wheels as many tiny houses are, they are small enough to be easily portable on the back of a flatbed truck when the time comes.

This company builds and delivers these portable buildings. They are just down the road from us, so we’re going to go see them (if possible).

We’ll build our own because Larry has the skill and we enjoy building together, but if we couldn’t, one of these would now be at the top of our list. I haven’t checked all the materials yet, but I’m thinking they might be open to using materials other than their standard. I’ll let you know when I find.

Mostly, I’m in love with the design and the possibility for opening up the space out beyond the foundation.

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