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How Bau-Biology Can Help Cure Your Sick Home

My guest Lawrence J. Gust from Gust Environmental is an electrical engineer and a certified Bau-biologist. He worked for 25 years in middle management of two Fortune 500 companies. Thirteen years ago building caused health issues within his own family forced him to become knowledgeable sick buildings and how to fix them. This knowledge led to a second career as a Bau-biologist. We’ll talk about various indoor air quality problems your home might have, and what you can do to create a healthier home environment.

Links mentioned on the show:

My Bau-biologie Home Inspection

Bau-Biologie: Humidity, Moisture, and Mold

Bau-Biologie: Mold Inspection and Remediation

Bau-Biologie: How I Reduced House Dust in My Home

Find a Bau-biologie Home Inspector

Buy a Pong cell phone case





How Bau Biology Can Help Your Sick Home

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Lawrence Gust

Date of Broadcast: June 10, 2013

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And you’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world. And there are toxic chemicals all around us. It is a toxic world. But we can make our homes safe. We can remove toxic chemicals from our bodies. We can be healthy and happy and not be affected by the toxic chemicals around us.

Today, we’re going to have a guest talking about indoor air quality. And he is quite knowledgeable on the subject. And so we are going to be talking about the toxic chemicals and other harmful things that you might be breathing or exposing your body to through the air.

But before we do that, I just want to read a quote from a very wise person back in Greek times named Herophilus. And he said:

“When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot become manifest, strength cannot be exerted, wealth is useless, and reason is powerless.”

So, it really does all come back down to health. And the more that we can do to have good health, take care of our bodies, and then everything else stems from that. I know that when my body is not feeling well, it kind of stops me from doing everything else in my life.

And toxic chemicals can make you do that. And that’s one of the reasons why I do this show, is so that you can be healthy, happy, have great relationships, be productive, do whatever it is that you want to do without being hampered by toxic chemicals and their effects.

My guest today is Larry Gust. He’s a—

Oh, before we do this, I want to tell you one more thing.

First of all, you may have noticed that this show is now at noon Eastern time instead of 3:00 Eastern time. So it’s noon, Eastern.

And the other thing is I want to tell you about a new feature that I have on my website. if you go to Toxic Free Talk Radio, there’s a link to a new blog I just created over the weekend where it has all the archived shows. And you can go to get more information about the different businesses, the different guests that I’ve interviewed. You can leave a comment. You can ask a question. And there’ll be just more information about each of the topics. I’m really excited about this because, now, each one of these shows will become its own page. It’ll be able to be searched on search engines as its own individual page. And the guest will be able to, themselves, add whatever information they want to add by leaving comments about the show. And you can leave comments to. So, let’s get lots of interesting dialogue and conversation going about these topics.

So, you can go to And then, there are two places where the link is. The first one is right under where it says “visit archived shows blog and learn more.” There’s a link that says “visit my Toxic Free Talk Radio archives shows blog.” Just click on that, and it’ll take you to a blog where all the past shows where you can listen to the archived version and also leave any comments or questions that you want. I’m very excited. I hope you’ll go visit my blog,

Okay, Larry, I am now to you. So I hope you’re standing by. I know you are.

LAWRENCE GUST: Good morning! I am.

DEBRA: Good morning. Yeah, let me just tell our listeners a little bit about you. My guest, Larry Gust from Gust Environmental is an electrical engineer and certified bau biologist. He worked for 25 years in middle management of two Fortune 500 companies. But then health issues within his own family forced him to find out about sick buildings and what to do to fix them.

So Larry, tell us more about your story. How did you go from Fortune 500 middle management to being an expert in indoor air quality.

LAWRENCE GUST: Well, Debra, good morning. This was back in the mid-1980s. My wife who was a real estate agent babysat a new home for two weeks. It had just been completed in construction. And she began sicker and sicker. Eventually, she was no longer able to work. She was home all the time. And initially, the medical establishment didn’t know what to do with her.

In summary, she was really allergic to the 21st century. Everything that connected with modern products set her off. And it was the quest to find a solution for her medical problem that took me from being an engineer in a major corporation to discovering building biology which is a study program particularly that comes from Europe and grew out from the post-war building boom in Germany when people were noticing that these buildings were making people sick and they wondered why. And so an entire course of study grew up around this idea of buildings, they can either be health-supporting or they can be something that will compromise or fail to support or even tear down your health depending on the extent of the problem.

And so, this whole course of study grew out of this whole area of study. It was called Bau-Biology in Germany. Building Biology is the English translation for that. And they discovered about the kinds of materials and conditions that ought to be on the inside of the house that would help support human health.

And so, I learned about these things. And lo, and behold, I had discovered that the plywood in my home was defective. It was breaking down rapidly and releasing formaldehyde into the environment. And formaldehyde is a potent allergy sensitizer as well as it causes cancer.

And I also discovered that the air-cleaning system I put in to help my wife’s breathing—we lived in the middle of the woods at that time. There’s lots of pollens and so forth—that was generating large electromagnetic fields. And she was spending the better part of every day in that unbeknownst to me. Being an electrical engineer, that was sort of like, “Okay,” right? I mean, that’s what we did.

I discovered these things. And all of a sudden, my home didn’t seem as safe and as health-affirming as I thought it was. And I cured these things by doing some things with the flooring and removing this air filtration device into a whole lot of efforts that we put into this. My wife finally recovered, but it took three years and a lot of money.

And that’s what took me into this business, Debra, trying to apply what I learn to help other people to avoid this sort of thing.

DEBRA: I completely understand because my story is very similar. As you may know, I became chemically sensitive in the same way. And I regained my health by identifying a different set of toxic chemicals than you did. But I found the ones that were affecting me. and then, my recovery was so dramatic that I thought, “Wait a minute! People don’t need to be sick in the first place from this. They just need to know that toxic chemicals can make you sick and that if they take those steps to remove the toxic chemicals, this whole illness can be avoided.


DEBRA: There’s just no reason why, in this day and age, with what you and I know (and many others that I have as guests on my show), what we know really makes it entirely unnecessary to have any illness from toxic chemical exposure.

So, tell us just a little more about Bau Biology. I know that it has to do with building health and what ca make you sick and how you can be well. We’re almost coming up on the break, but give us a couple of sentences, and then we’ll talk about it more after the break when we come back.

LAWRENCE GUST: Surely! Well, this is the relationship between the built environment and human health. And when it gets into the details, you’re looking at the kinds of materials you’re putting into your building. Are they natural or unnatural? Are they emitting pollutants or are they not? Are they able to control water and so forth?

DEBRA: And we’ll hear more about this after the break. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. And I’m talking with Larry Gust from Gust Environmental about indoor air quality, Bau Biology and how your house can make you sick or support your health. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. And my guest today is Larry Gust from Gust Environmental. We’re talking about Bau Biology, sick homes, indoor air quality. And Larry, I know that Bau Biology is much more than looking at just the materials. I have never taken the course. I know a lot of people who have taken the course. And I was friends with Helmut Ziehe—Helmut Ziehe being the architect who brought Bau Biology from Germany to America and started the whole movement in America.

And I had the honor of actually having my house have a Bau Biology inspection by a graduating class of Bau biologists living here in Clearwater where, until recently, most Bau biologists get trained.

And when they came in, I’m not going to tell about the inspection. I’m going to let you do that. But I do want to mention that I wrote up my whole experience of having a Bau Biology home inspection. It’s on my website. And I’ll put a link to that after the show if anyone wants to go to the blog that I mentioned earlier. You can go to, click on the blog, look for the show. I’ll put a link there, so that you can see the description of the complete Bau Biology inspection that I had.

So, Larry, tell us more about the different things that you look for. Or perhaps maybe you should start with how you were trained and all the different areas that you got trained in that all have collectively do with the health of the home.

LAWRENCE GUST: Well, the curriculum for building biology is put into three pieces, Debra: the first being indoor air quality.

And those are questions about not only what you bring into the house, but what you build the house out of, but also how to take care of the air in the house. Are you sitting in a soup without exterior or outside air coming in, or do you have some sort of means for bringing outside air. Most homes do not have that other than opening the windows and the doors. And of course, that’s not feasible some periods during the year. So indoor air quality is one of the things that we look at.

We also look at the issue of electromagnetic fields that are possibly being created by wiring errors, the type of wiring we have in houses. And then, more recently, in the last 20 years was the advent of wireless communication. There’s an issue now with external radiation coming from our variety of systems like cellphone, networks, smart meter networks, and then what people bring into their own home in the way of cellphone, wireless, Internet connection, cordless telephone, so on and so forth.

So then there is the aspect of what you are actually using in your home. What are you cleaning with? What kind of cleaning products do you use? Are they toxic? Do they say on the label “only use with the windows and door open or a well-ventilated room”? Or are they something that you can feel more comfortable using, that they’re not going to pollute your body and cause possible harm?

So, the inspection deals with indoor air quality chemicals, electromagnetic radiation. And the average house takes two to three hours to take a look at.

DEBRA: Good! Let’s see… how is this inspection different from the normal building inspection that people have done when they buy a home? And do you do inspections on homes—like if somebody was buying a house, would you go in addition to that home inspector and tell people what’s going on in the house before they buy it?

LAWRENCE GUST: I do! And I frequently get calls to do that. The typical home inspection is really a mechanical and structural inspection. We want to find out whether the building is in good shape structurally, are there termites, were things built according to code, or were they built in some other fashion that could be dangerous or will reduce the life of the building, does the heating system work, does the plumbing look good, is the water pressure great in the bathroom. That’s the sort of thing that a typical home inspector will look at.

Now, in the last few years, they’ve become more aware of mold. If they see something that looks like it could be an indication of mold growth in the home, they’ll tell the homeowner about that. But they’re really not trained to delve into that. The homeowner would have to get somebody like me who would do an environmental inspection, looking at the types of materials, the chemicals, the mold issues, make recommendations to the house […] So that’s the difference between those two things, those two skills.

DEBRA: How much experience does a building biologist have in inspecting homes and offices?

LAWRENCE GUST: Well, everybody has to start at the beginning. The training curriculum for building biology involves a fairly extensive home study course (which is now online) as well as a series of seminars. There are three of them. And each one of those seminars is a week long. So people are spending 40 hours learning about this. It’s split between learning about the material and labs where people take equipment as available and they do inspections.

Each of the seminars culminated with the inspection of a home where they actually get to try these things out, and then it’s also for their own home inspection project where they go back and they apply all of these things they’ve learned to a home and create a report that is sent to a mentor who looks it over and actually grades it.

Every one of these seminars is followed by an exam at the end to check if people have absorbed the material.

I mentioned to you that the third seminar is one on natural, healthy building. And this is where we learn all the different ways we can build differently that will result in a healthier home. Now that’s not only the kinds of materials that we use, Debra, but it’s actually about the kinds of wall structures we have and do they let oxygen and water move through them without trapping them in the house. And that’s the sort of [cross-talking 17:18].

DEBRA: I want us to talk more about that wall structure because it’s one of the differences between Bau Biology and just looking at the materials itself. And so let’s talk about that more after the break.

I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And I have one more commercial for you.
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And right now, one of the advantages of having a home office is that I get to cook all day long. And right now, my house smells wonderful because I’m making chicken stock from actual chicken bones. And it’s going to taste delicious—vegetables, chicken bones, hmmm… hmmm… hmmm…

Well, Larry, if you were here, I would invite you to lunch.

LAWRENCE GUST: Well, thank you very much. I’ll make a quick trip to Florida.

DEBRA: I’m just so excited about my chicken soup. It smells so good.

So, tell us about walls breathing. That’s what we were talking about, walls breathing.

LAWRENCE GUST: Well, one of the […] problems in western building technique (which is to make a wall out of 2 x 4 studs, and then put dry wall on the inside, and some sort of an outside finish like clapboard or stucco or brick or something like this) is that environments have humidity in them either outside if you’re in the south or inside in the winter if you’re in the north where there’s lots of living activities generating water.

And this material with the water, actually, in our structure, it has to be prevented from getting into the walls because, as it moves through the wall, which wasn’t designed to do that, it’s eventually getting to a surface that’s cold.

In the winter time, the outdoor surfaces are cold, the water condenses in that particular space. Usually, the sheathing on the outside of the house, the stuff that’s on the outside of these studs, it condenses. And that condensation begins to cause mold growth and can have great damage to the structure. And we’ve spent a lot of effort to try and figure out how to stop the water from getting into the walls.

And the flipside to that is to build a structure that allows the water to actually enter the walls, go through the walls and exit to the outside without causing a problem.

DEBRA: And what would a wall like that look like?

LAWRENCE GUST: Well, it could be there’s a lot of straw clay in […] construction where they have a wall cavity that’s usually thicker than maybe 8 inches or 10 inches. And they make sure a strong clay is put into that cavity, and it becomes your wall. It has the ability to take on and give up moisture and to pass it through to the outside and release it as long as you don’t put any kinds of vapor barriers…

DEBRA: Vapor barriers, yes.

LAWRENCE GUST: …which are used heavily in our current construction techniques. This is a house which is much easier to control the temperature because the wall has mass to it and it can take on and store heat or it can take on and store cold, and then re-transit that to the inside of the house in different parts of the day/night cycle. T

These are construction techniques that have been used for thousands of years. If we go to Europe and we look at the Black

Forest, we can find houses. And I’ve been in them! I’ve visited them. They’re over 300 years old. And they were built with this technique, and they’re still standing and they’re still functioning quite well.

DEBRA: But this is not something—I just want to make sure the listeners understand this. This is not something that you can retrofit to a modern home.


DEBRA: You need to decide you’re going to have this kind of house and build it from the ground up.

LAWRENCE GUST: You do, Debra.

DEBRA: You can’t just go to a contractor and say, “Oh, put some straw bales in my walls.”

LAWRENCE GUST: Right! And there’s also issues with our building codes. Building codes prescribe pretty narrowly what can be built. And normally, you have quite a job to educate the building departments about new types of structures. And this has been done in some areas. We have architects in this country that build these kinds of dwellings and they’ve been doing it for probably 20 years now. They’ve done the missionary work in some areas to get the building codes change to accept this sort of structure.

DEBRA: This just brings up one of my pet things that I like to say a lot. And that is that our building codes, and indeed our city ordinances and a lot of our government regulations, are not oriented towards healthy and sustainable practices. I think that we need to be looking at the regulatory structure as well as what our personal choices are because there are so many things that we could be doing, and then we find that there’s a regulation that says we can’t. Like I had chickens in my backyard and the police came and took them away. I’d love to build a straw bale house, but I’m sure they won’t let me in Clearwater, Florida.

So, we need to be working on the individual level as well as on the regulatory level so that our government structures are actually supportive of sustainable practices instead of hindering them.

As long as we’re talking about walls, there’s something else going in our worlds that are affecting us—and that’s the wiring.

Can you tell us about that?

LAWRENCE GUST: I’d be happy to. Besides indoor quality, I’d say 20 or 30 years ago, the wiring was the single biggest issue that I found going into people’s homes. It was an issue for two reasons. If you take a short course in electricity, what’s the installation of wiring which is in the house to take electricity to the point at which you need to use it? You have two things. You have a voltage on the wire which pushes the electricity through the wire. And you have a current which is electrons that are moving in the wire and going through the appliance and the light bulb to make it work.

Those two phenomenon, the flowing or movement of electrons called current and the voltage or the force that’s pushing these electrons to the wire, you get two phenomenon, you get something called electric field which is an energy that exists in the space around the wiring. You can’t feel it, see it, smell it, touch it. And you get a magnetic field which are also another type of energy that is in space surrounding the wires.

Research over the years have shown that these magnetic fields are injurious to health and they also prevent healing. So we need to pay attention to doing something about that, Debra, especially in a sleeping area.

DEBRA: We’ll talk more about that after the break. And yes, I agree with that. I used to think that if you didn’t—it’s kind of funny because I tell people who are not reacting to toxic chemicals they need to handle them anyway. And I wasn’t paying attention to electromagnetic fields because they don’t apparently bother me until I learned from another guest that exposure to an electromagnetic fields can make your exposure to toxic chemicals worse.

But we’re going to go to the break. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And we’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And I’m here with Larry Gust from Gust Environmental. And he’s an electrical engineer and certified Bau biologist. He helps people make healthier homes.

And we were talking about the electromagnetic fields coming from the wiring in your walls. Larry, what kind of symptoms do people have as a result of the problems with wiring in their walls?

LAWRENCE GUST: Debra, I know that most people do not have symptoms from these things. People who are described as being electrically sensitive—and I don’t know that because maybe that’s 18% of the population. I’m just guessing at that, something like 10% to 20%, something like that range—they can have all kinds of different physical effects from being exposed to these sorts of things—headaches and so on and so forth.

However, for most folks, the thing that they’re going to notice the most if they’re observant is how they sleep because the electric fields I was speaking about before the break which are given off by wires because they have a voltage on them, pushing electricity through or waiting to push electricity through the wires, those electric fields are not received gladly by the body. They cause poor sleeping patterns in people (although people may not know that). They may chalk it up to something they ate or stress or tension in the workplace and so on and so forth. But you’ll find that it keeps you from sleeping deeply. You wake up quickly. It causes you to have frequent trips to the john during the evening, during the night. And you can have muscle cramping, heart palpitations caused by these fields.

And the most important thing that a person can do is to create a sleeping room which is very, very low in stress—toxic-free as you would say.


LAWRENCE GUST: It should be free of chemicals, free of mold, free of dust, synthetic materials, And it should be free of electric and magnetic fields. And the way you would have to go about doing that is they would shut the power off to their sleeping area at night, something that I do every night. And when I shut that off, these electric fields disappear, and then you’re able to rest and heal much more effectively than you would before.

DEBRA: Yes! And nighttime, when you’re sleeping, is when your body restores itself and repairs itself and detoxes.

And so, I actually did sleep in a room once where—I haven’t made any of these electromagnetic changes on my house. The thing that I’ve done is I got rid of my cordless phone which when the Bau Biology inspection was done, they identified two things—the cordless phone and the electrical backup generator which was sitting under my desk, and I was sitting right on top of every day as I worked.

So, those two things went! But I’m far away from my refrigerator and things like that.

But I did sleep in the home of a bau biologist who had handled all these things in her house. And I could see the difference. I could actually feel the difference. As you said, most people don’t notice because we’re so accustomed to our electromagnetic environments and our toxic environments. It’s like you don’t know how good it feels until you stop hitting your head with a hammer.


DEBRA: You won’t even know that there’s a problem until you stop doing it. And I say that over and over about toxic chemicals, but the same applies to electromagnetic fields when I went and I slept in that room and there were no electromagnetic fields. I slept differently. A

And so, what I’m really interested in is would you explain to us what we need to do to be able to turn off the power. Do you just set your breakers differently or something?

LAWRENCE GUST: Well, before you go to bed, and you’re ready to go to sleep, you got to turn off certain breakers that are affecting the areas around the sleeping room. The easiest thing to do is you’d turn off the circuits that shut down the lights that are in the bedroom, for the plugs that are around the bed—anything that would be on the other side of the wall from you or another part of the house or would be under the floor if you have things that are actually below you, if you’re on the second floor.

You’d turn those off. There’s equipment. You can get to measure these things. But you could just do these things I’m telling you right now and see how you feel when you’re sleeping—do you fall asleep more rapidly, do you sleep better and so on and so forth.

DEBRA: So, I need to find out which breakers are the ones—my bedroom lights and things.

LAWRENCE GUST: That’s right. And so you’ve got the lamps plugged in and all these things. You have a second person helping you. Somebody is at the circuit breaker box. And you just keep turning things on and off until the lamps go out.

I use little color stickers. I put a little color sticker next to that circuit breaker so you know you can turn that off at night.

There’s other control systems you can buy later on if you find this. It’s really terrific. If you don’t want to go outside to do this, down in the basement, depending on where your circuit breakers are, you can have an automated system put in. But you don’t have to have it. And you can make big changes in your sleeping environment just by doing this.

DEBRA: That seems like a really simple thing that everybody listening could do.

LAWRENCE GUST: Yeah, absolutely.

DEBRA: I mean it depends on where their breakers are. My breakers happen to be in the house. So I don’t have to go climb under the house to turn them on and off. But that’s certainly something that I could try. And I think that it’s worth finding out where your breakers are and where things are connected to which breakers so that you can turn them on and off and reduce your exposure.

I want to make sure that we talk about cellphones. And I do want to mention, I want to give your website. It’s

You have a lot of really helpful and interesting articles that are easy to read and understand on your website about all these opics that we’ve been talking about today.

LAWRENCE GUST: And speaking of cellphones, Debra, there is a new page I put up on the latest development by Pong.

DEBRA: I was just going to ask you about that. I am on that very page because I’m familiar with that product. I have a Pong case on my cellphone and on my iPad. And in fact, I’m arranging to have somebody from Pong come be a guest on the show.


DEBRA: And so I was very pleased to see that you recommend it. So tell us more about Pong and why you think people should have a Pong case.

LAWRENCE GUST: Well, the good thing about Pong is it actually went to an independent laboratory that tests cellphones—a very expensive testing regime. And they proved that their case reduces the radiation out the front of the phone to a third of the regular level without reducing the signal that’s coming from the phone and going to the cellphone tower. And that’s a true breakthrough.

As I say in my write-up on my website, that’s not sufficient. We really do not know what power level causes brain difficulties on cellphones. So I’m not advocating you buy a Pong case and talk forever on your cellphone. I still think that you need to be cautious about this whole thing.

Texting is far better than talking on the cellphone because texting doesn’t put that energy near your head and the energy that’s coming out is only momentary compared to all the time when you’re talking on your cellphone.

And you saw there were some other products I’m…

DEBRA: I do! There’s some other interesting products here that I am not familiar with.

LAWRENCE GUST: Yeah. People should look at that because it’s too complicated to describe that in the time we have left.

DEBRA: Right!

LAWRENCE GUST: But the efficacy of the other product that I was referring to in my website—and I’m not selling these. You just go wherever I’m telling you, and you get it from the people who are producing it. I’m just doing this because I’d like people to be healthier. That would be also a benefit to people.

DEBRA: I’d like to add about the cellphones that just simple things, once you start becoming aware—like when I decided that I was going to pay attention to this cellphone thing, one of the reason was because I had a friend who’s like a super sales kind of person, and he had been on his cellphone incessantly. I would say he had it wired to his ear. And he got a brain tumor! He really did get a brain tumor. And I thought, “You know what? I need to take this seriously,” and I got a Pong case.

But also, I now do not ever put my cellphone to my ear. I just use the speaker phone and I hold it about two feet away.

LAWRENCE GUST: Yes, that’s very effective.

DEBRA: And I also use my—a lot of people have stopped using their landline corded phones. And the only time I use my cellphone is when I’m away from home and I need to use it on some emergency basis.

LAWRENCE GUST: I couldn’t agree with you more. Stay with your landlines. It’s the safest thing to do.

And there are two other things before we have to finish the interview, Debra. People need to get rid of wireless devices from their house. No WiFi!

DEBRA: I agree. I have no WiFi in my house.

LAWRENCE GUST: And no cordless telephones. Those are just so injurious to people. We don’t even have the time to talk about the research behind what I’m saying here. But just take it from me. Those are no good for you and your family. Find a way to do without them.

DEBRA: I totally agree. So, is there anything else you’d like to quickly say in the last 20 seconds?

LAWRENCE GUST: I think we’ve really done a really good job of covering the important aspects of this. Clean up your bedroom and the bedroom for your children. Bedrooms are sleeping areas. They’re not entertainment centers. They’re not playrooms. They should be set up for sleeping.

There’s information about bedrooms on my website if you would like to look at that and find out more details about what you can do.

DEBRA: And again, his website is But you can go to and his link is there. You can go visit the blog of the past guests, find out all about the show and more information. And I will post the link to My Bau Biology Inspection: How You Can Find an Environmental Bau Biology Inspector and how you can get a Pong case for your cellphone.

I’ll post that all on his blog page about this particular show!

Thanks for joining me on Toxic Free Talk Radio. If you enjoyed the show, please tell your friends!

Metal Shelves with Bonded Epoxy Finish

Question from Cecilia

Dear Debra, I am thinking about buying some metal shelving for closets. The description says “epoxy-bonded steel construction”. I would really appreciate your opinion about this product. Thanks!

Debra’s Answer

It’s fine. Epoxy-bonded steel is epoxy bonded to steel with heat. The toxic fumes from the epoxy get burned off during the heat treatment, leaving a very durable finish that does not offgas.

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Question from Cristi

Hi Debra! I’ve been researching cloth diapers and everyone I’ve talked to loves the Grovia Diapers. They offer organic cotton inserts and this is what they had to say about the shell:

Thank you for contacting us! Our shells are non-toxic. We are one of just a couple other companies that use TPU versus PUL. TPU and PUL are comprised of two layers. A knit polyester layer and a “plastic” layer that is affixed to the knit layer. TPU and PUL essentially function the say way. However, TPU uses heat to affix those layers instead of chemical solvents like PUL.

I honestly don’t really know what that means and if it’s safe for the baby. I have tried some non toxic disposables and don’t like them at all. I am also planning on using organic fitted diapers with wool covers for overnights, but they are not very convenient during the day for our busy on-the-go family. Thank you!

Debra’s Answer

I’ve already written a lot about PUL, which you can read at Google: Debra Lynn Dadd PUL

I’ve also already written about TPU at (Q&A: TPU ThermoPlastic urethane).

Heat sounds better than solvents but both are basically plastics made from petroleum.

I don’t have a baby, so don’t have personal experience with this, but strictly from a materials viewpoint, the best is organic diapers with wool covers.

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Dirty Garden Secrets Revealed: What They Don’t Want You to Know

My guest Jai McFall is the owner of Organic Living for All, my local organic nursery and garden center here in Florida. Jai grew up on an organic farm, where her family grew fruits, vegetables, meat, eggs, and other farm products. They baked all their own breads, pie’s cakes, and cookies. They canned fruits, vegetables, jams, jellies, and pickles. Jai is a Master Gardener in Michigan and Florida as well as an organic, edible landscape designer. She does everything from full service landscaping to providing healthy plants and soil amendments so customers become able to grow healthy, nutritious and nutrient-dense food in their own back yards. Under Jai’s direction, I have actually been able to grow tasty vegetables in soil that is basically beach sand. Weekends you’ll find her giving classes and tours at her garden center while serving the most delicious iced tea made with herbs from her garden, including naturally sweet stevia. We’ll be talking about why you should grow your own food as well as how.





Dirty Garden Secrets Revealed: What They Don’t Want You to Know

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Jai McFall

Date of Broadcast: June 06, 2013

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And this is Toxic Free Talk Radio.

You know, every day, when I listen to that song, it always puts me in a good mood because each of us can be a point of light, making the world a better place in the choices that we make every day. And here on this show, we’re talking about how to thrive in a toxic world where we can be well and prosperous and healthy and productive and anything else we want because we’re not being affected by toxic chemicals in the world. And they can be in consumer products. They can be in the environment. They can even be in our bodies.

And here, on this show, we talk about how you can find safe alternatives that don’t have toxic chemicals in them. You can do things yourself that aren’t toxic and how you can remove toxic chemicals from your body.

So, there’s lots of things we can do to be points of light and make our lives better and the world better.

Today, we’re going to be talking about growing our own organic food. And I have a wonderful guest for you. But before we get into that, I wanted to just read you a quote from David Masumoto who grows and sells very high quality produce in California.

And here’s what he says. He says:

“[Grandma Rose] considers homegrown produce superior to anything store-bought. A neighbor’s gift of garden peas is welcomed at meals and bartered goods beans for a granddaughter’s babysitting services achieve special homegrown status.

She values knowing where foods come from and who’s responsible for them. She honors them by attaching names to dishes.

Around the dinner table, I can hear, ‘Please pass Glady’s squash’ or ‘little John’s deer venison sausage.’ Even my California raisins have a place in the table after Marci and I were married. She called them ‘Marci’s raisins.’”

And I totally know what he’s talking about because when I lived in California, I lived in the western part of Marin County which is just across the Golden Gate Bridge from San Francisco. And the eastern part is all suburbia, and then there’s a range of hills, foothills. And then, the western part is all little villages dotted in between farms and forests. And so we have a lot of organic farmers up there.

But also, everybody grew their own vegetables in their backyard. And everybody was always sharing, like tomato seeds. I grew tomatoes that were from my neighbor’s seeds. So they were tomatoes that was a variety that was just from a little place where we lived. And we had another neighbor who—every single house in the whole village had his raspberry canes. And we all knew it.

It was so nice to know that the produce was coming from the backyard, and that my friends and neighbors were contributing the plants. It was very much a feeling of connection, that we were all doing this together. A really wonderful experience!

Here in Florida, however, it’s been a lot more difficult because, basically, I’ve got beach sand. And so I was very happy to get acquainted with my guest, Jai McFall, the owner of Organic Living for All. She’s my local organic nursery and garden center person here in Florida. She grew up on an organic farm, but I’m going to let her tell her story.

Welcome to Toxic Free Talk Radio, Jai.

JAI MCFALL: Thank you, Debra. Well, in the 60s…

DEBRA: Yeah, go ahead.

JAI MCFALL: In the ‘60s, I lived with my family up in Michigan on a 10-acre farm. And we grew peaches and grapes and raspberries and cherries. And we raised all our own meat. So we had cows and chickens and goats and pigs and rabbits. And we had a huge garden down front that was in an old swamp land. It was beautiful, black dirt. And we grew all our vegetable.

And we canned our jams, our jellies, our pickles, our sauerkraut. We had two freezers, one full of fruit and vegetables, one full of all the different kind of meats and a big pantry. So we ate really, really good.

Then in the ‘70s, I studied nursing and alternative medicine. But I decided I didn’t really want to be a doctor or a nurse. So I worked at food coops teaching people about nutrition and how to be healthier.

And the sad part about it was seeing people get sicker from eating as opposed to getting healthier. My three aunts were obese, and I watched them die of diabetes and heart failure and kidney failure due to poor food choices.


JAI MCFALL: So, in ’86, I bought the farm from my parents, and I started Jai’s Organic Edible Landscaping. And I’ve been an organic edible landscape designer for over 25 years now helping people grow their own healthy food.

DEBRA: Isn’t it a wonderful thing to do that?

JAI MCFALL: It is! I love it. There’s nothing better than when people come to me and they go, “I am feeling so much better because I’m eating food from my garden every day.”

DEBRA: I can really tell. You know me, but I want to tell our listeners just a little bit about my background in growing.

In California, it was easy to grow. I had quite a lot of things. I remember I was growing heirloom tomatoes. And my house was on a hillside, at the bottom of a hill. There was this big hill, and then my house was at the bottom. And across the street was a creek. And so it was this split-level house. It had the house on top on top of a garage. And so there was a deck on the side, and then there was a flat place where we had the garden.

It was 15 ft. from the garden soil to the deck. And it had lattice all across it. And every year, I would plant six minimum tomato plants. And by the time the summer was over, and we had eaten more tomatoes than we possibly could—and there were still tomatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes of all kinds… delicious—by the fall, those heirloom tomato plants were crawling all over my deck. They were 15 ft. high.

JAI MCFALL: Yeah, that’s cool.

DEBRA: It was wonderful! We had tomatoes until the first frost. And then, there were no more tomatoes. So we had a good six months of tomatoes. And all I did was dig a hole and put a fish head in it. And that was it!

And I remember, one of the best things I ever had was leeks and potatoes that I grew from my garden. I dug up the potatoes, and I steam them. I put organic butter on them and sauteed leeks. And oh, my god, was that a good meal?

And so I was able to grow all kinds of things. And then, I moved to Florida. And the situation is very different here. I still don’t quite have it down because the seasons are all backwards from California. I don’t want to say Florida is backwards. It’s just different. It’s just a different orientation. And there’s like really no soil.

But with Jai’s help, this year, for the first time, I actually grew some beautiful lettuces, I grew some tomatoes (which I haven’t been able to grow at all), and it was as abundant as California yet, but I did manage to actually get the plants to grow. And I got a good three dozen tomatoes of each plant which is good for my Florida soil.

But I’ve seen other gardens that she’s done. And I’ve seen her nursery. And I just see that I could just make my garden as beautiful, lush, bountiful, and abundant cornucopia of thing to eat.

And I also grow parsley, […] and herbs and sweet basil and these various things.

So, it’s a matter of learning what to do, and then actually doing it.

So, we’re going to hear a lot more from Jai about why we should be growing our own food and how to do it and some special products that she has right after this break.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And I have one more commercial for you.

I get lots of questions about cookware, so I want to tell you about my favorite cookware that I use every day.

First, it’s totally non-toxic. No trace metals or chemicals will leech into your food.

Second, it is completely ceramic through and through. No metals anywhere.

Third, and most important to me because I love to cook, ceramic material enhances the flavor of foods and locks in moisture and nutrients. What good is toxic-free cookware if the food doesn’t taste delicious.

This marvelous cookware is called Xtrema. You can buy their skillets, woks, bake ware, sauce pans and sauce pots at Use coupon code DEBRA10 to save up to 10%. That’s

And also, before we get into talking with Jai again, I also wanted to just let all of you know that you may have heard this afternoon on the news that tropical storm Andrea is all over Florida. And it’s about to hit landfall at any time. And right in the middle of this, we’ve got rain, we’ve got wind. We’ve just had a power outage right before the show.

So, if you lose me, just hold because I can come right back. That might happen; it might not. But both Jai and I, we’re not far away from each other. So either one of us might get lost. But we’ll be back. So just hold on.

Okay! So, we’re talking with Jai McFall, owner of Organic Living for All. It’s

And Jai, you do these really wonderful workshops on Saturdays. And I have been to a number of them. I’d especially like you to tell us some of the facts that you’ve given at your workshops about why growing your own food is better and how it’s different from store-bought food.

JAI MCFALL: I’d love to do that. Here’s some facts that many people are unaware of.

In 1936, the US government tested soil throughout the country. And they released a document that reads:

“Most of us are suffering from certain diet deficiencies which cannot be remedied until depleted soils from which our food comes are brought into proper mineral balance. The alarming fact is that food now being raised on million of acres of land that no longer contain enough minerals is starving us no matter how much of them we eat.”

“Lacking vitamins, a system can make use of minerals. But lacking minerals, vitamins are useless.”

So that part is quite scary because if the minerals are not in the soil—and the definition of minerals are elements essential for life, essential for all life. If it’s not in the soil, that means it’s not in the food. And every function in our body depends upon minerals.

So you can take the most expensive, best vitamins in the world. But if you don’t have the minerals, then they’re not going to do you any good.

DEBRA: Well, can’t you just take a mineral supplement?

JAI MCFALL: You can. But if they’re man-made, who knows if there’s a correct balance and if there’s the correct kinds. A lot of times, they add iron to food. And that’s not what we can absorb. This is like metal iron.

So, you want to get your minerals from your food. That’s the best.

Remember, Hippocrates said, “Let thy food be thy medicine. Let thy medicine be thy food.”

DEBRA: Yes, I completely agree with this. I completely agree. And it does need to come from food because if you just take minerals on their own, and they’re not assimilated by the plant, your body doesn’t assimilate them in the same way. It’s just like eating rocks.

JAI MCFALL: Exactly!

DEBRA: And so, when we grow food in our own backyards, we can have control over what’s going on in the soil, and then how the plant is nourished, and then how that nourishment goes into our own bodies. That’s basically the idea, right?

JAI MCFALL: Exactly!

So, shortly after this statement was released, World War II broke out. And at the end of World War II, they had warehouses full of bomb-making equipment left over, and they needed to liquidate it. But they couldn’t find anybody to buy bomb-making equipment.

So, one day, some soldiers were walking through the compound, and they noticed some barrels are being stored outside, and they were leaky and the weeds were growing huge. So they said, “Good! Let’s sell this to the farmers.”

Now, Debra, you know how many minerals it takes to make a bomb, right?

DEBRA: How many? Three, right?

JAI MCFALL: Right! Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. And those were man-made from petroleum products. They’re not mined from the earth.

So, they started promoting this to the farmers. So let’s say we have good soil, and we plant our plant, and you go to Home Depot to buy fertilizer, they’re going to sell you a bag that says 10:10:10 or 10:20:10. And 10:10:10 means it’s equal parts nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium man-made from petroleum products.

DEBRA: And it’ll say NPK.

JAI MCFALL: It’ll say NPK.

And plants actually need how many minerals in the soil to be healthy? Do you remember that, Debra?

DEBRA: I don’t know, but it’s the number of minerals that exists on earth. And I know, let’s say, on Himalayan salt, there’s I think 87 minerals or something like that. It’s a much larger number than three.

JAI MCFALL: Exactly! The research that I’ve done shows that it should be 90, 91 or 92 minerals. And so when you’re planting and you’re using a fertilizer that has three man-made minerals from petroleum products, those plants are going to be weak and unhealthy. And the first thing that Mother Nature does is it sends in the bugs. So then we spray poison on it, and then Mother

Nature sends in the molds, the mildews, the funguses, the diseases, the weeds, anything to take out those unhealthy foods because she doesn’t want us eating unhealthy foods.

So, nowadays, the food in the grocery store is so full of toxins that a group, the Environmental Working Group, actually releases a list of the produce that’s not organic rated from the most toxic to the least toxic. And they labeled the 12 most toxis the Dirty Dozen, and they labeled the least toxic, fifteen, the Safest 15.

DEBRA: Tell us what those are. Oh, […] we need to wait until after the break.

JAI MCFALL: Okay, we’ll cover that after.

DEBRA: Yeah, okay. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And I’m here with Jai McFall, owner of Organic Living for All. Her website is And you can find out more about Toxic Free Talk Radio at We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And I’m here with my guest, Jai McFall, owner of Organic Living for All. And we’re here in the first tropical storm of the season in Florida, tropical storm Andrea. And we still have our power, so we’re still here with you. And Jai was going to tell us about the Dirty Dozen and the Clean 15.

JAI MCFALL: Yes! So, many times, people go to the grocery store, and they think they’re making the wisest decisions when they’re buying an organic produce. But I want to go over this list with you.

The Dirty Dozen actually contains 47 to 67 toxins that cannot be washed off, peeled off or soaked off. This year’s list, apples was number one, celery is number two, then peaches, strawberries, domestic blueberries, nectarines, cherries, bell peppers.

And they lumped spinach, kale and collard greens as one; potatoes, imported grapes and lettuce. Those are many people’s favorite foods!


JAI MCFALL: And I’m not trying to get anybody to stop eating fruits and vegetables. I just want you to look at the toxins in these and switch either from this list to the Safest list or to organics.

DEBRA: And I think it’s really important that people hear what you’re saying because, usually, when we get nutrition advice, the advice goes something like, “Eat more greens” or “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” But if you’re eating just standard produce from the supermarket, you are getting multiple numbers of toxic chemicals as Jai just said. You can’t wash them out. You can’t cut them off. They don’t come out. These toxic chemicals are causing more harm than nutrients that are in the produce.

And this particular produce may not even have as much nutrients. There’s been many studies that show that organic produce has much more nutrition than the standard supermarket.

So, organic, organic, organic… go ahead! Yeah. What is the real thing?

JAI MCFALL: If you switch from this Dirty Dozen—and you can find this list on my website. So if you switch from the Dirty Dozen to the Safest 15, you can reduce the amount of pesticides going into your body by 92%. That’s significant.

DEBRA: It is!

JAI MCFALL: The list is onions, avocadoes, pineapple, mango, and then sweet corn. Well, 88% to 92% of the sweet corn grown across the United States is genetically-modified and should be avoided. If you don’t know what that means, you can go to my website and get more information. So it’s really, really important to know what that is and to avoid anything that is genetically modified.

DEBRA: I agree.

JAI MCFALL: I’ll continue the list—peas, asparagus, kiwi, cabbage, eggplant, cantaloupe, watermelon, grapefruit, sweet potatoes and sweet onions.

Now, I always tell people that buying organic is always the best because you’re going to have to pay the farmer now or pay the doctor later. And it’s going to be much less expensive and much less painful to pay the farmer now than the pay the doctor later.

But that’s one of the reasons that I teach people how to grow their own food. Even if you’re buying the best organic produce on the planet, here in Florida, there’s not a lot of organics being grown. So a lot of it comes from California or Mexico or South

America or even China. And we don’t even know what the standards are in other countries. But if it was grazed in California, it’s been ship for at least a week. And we know the nutritional value of foods decreases every day after it’s picked.

So, ideally, we’re growing it ourselves, and we’re eating it fresh every single day.

And I actually teach a workshop…

DEBRA: Well, I wanted to just emphasize that that is the most nutritional—the best thing for your health is to start out by eating organic food.

One of the products that I recommend very highly and take myself is a set of nutritional supplements from Touchstone Essentials where they have their own farms, the soil is mineralized, they pick the produce. And it immediately gets processed at low temperatures into a powder that goes into a capsule.

And people are having phenomenal success in improve t heir health by having that food.

And this company was founded on the idea that the number one thing you need for health is this fresh right off the plants kinds of food. And that’s what you’re talking about here also, Jai. These supplements are great for people who can’t grow it for their backyard. But the number one thing to do is to grow it yourself so that you can just walk outside and pick the tomato off the plant and put it in your mouth, or walk outside and cut the lettuce leaves and eat that salad. And there’s nothing better for your health than that.

JAI MCFALL: Nothing. And the Soil Preparation Workshop that I teach actually teaches you the four different products that you need to add to your soil, which I don’t have time to go through in detail, but our number one product is called Garden Magic no. 1 because people claim it’s magic when they add it to the soil. And it has 91 minerals mined from an ancient seabed out in Nevada. And it is truly phenomenal.

You’ve used it, Debra, right?

DEBRA: Yes, I have. Actually, I’ve used all your products. And we do have time for you to talk about all of them. And if the break interrupts you, we’ll just continue after the break. So go on with the next one. Tell us all about your products.

JAI MCFALL: Yes, okay. That’s the plant food. You put this in, it’s a whole food for the plant. It’s got the 91 minerals.

Then you know how we have the good bacteria in our gut, and that’s our immune system. Well, those are supposed to be in the soil too. You’ve eaten fresh blueberries and fresh grapes straight off the vine, right, Debra?


JAI MCFALL: Well, that silver sheen on the outside are the microorganisms. So, when you’re picking fresh fruit, it has the microorganisms right on it. You don’t want to wipe it off or wash it off. You just eat it fresh. And you’re getting those microorganisms.

Now, microorganisms are alive. And they can’t live without minerals as well. So when you add the minerals and the microorganisms together to good soil, which I will also teach you how to create, then you have a living community with the worms, the insects, the microorganisms and the plants all working together. And you don’t get bugs, and you don’t get diseases. You just get nutrient-dense, healthy food that tastes phenomenal because minerals are what gives food the flavor.

Then the third product that we have…

DEBRA: You’re going to tell us about the third product after the break.

You’re listenign to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And I’m here with Jai McFall of Organic Living for All. You can go to her website at and find out about her products, about pesticides. You can look at beautiful pictures of her organic gardens. She has lots of ideas! And we’ll be back after this message.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. A blustery tropical storm afternoon in Florida. And I’m here with my guest also in Florida, Jai McFall, owner of Organic Living for all. And she’s at

And before the break, we were talking about your amazing soil amendments. So continue with those.

JAI MCFALL: Alright! Well, when I was up in Michigan, I always had these minerals and microorganisms to the soil, and my gardens were great. But when I moved down here, my first two gardens were miserable failures, and I had to figure out how to do it. So I did.

And at first, I was just using the minerals and the microorganisms. And my gardens were doing great. My peach tree went from 5 ft. tall to 12 ft. tall and 8 ft. wide in a year and a half, producing delicious, phenomenal-tasting, juicy peaches. Do you remember that, Debra?

DEBRA: I do, I do.

JAI MCFALL: And so that’s what I was using, those two products, for the first two years. And then, I noticed that I was getting tomatoes, and they tasted really good, but I never got anything like I did out in Michigan. And other people were saying the same thing.

So, I started doing some research what did tomatoes want. Well, they want a pH of 6.0 to 6.5. And most of the soil here is 7.0 or higher. They want more calcium. And they’re very susceptible to the bad nematodes in the soil going into their roots and sucking out all their energy and dying.

So, I did some research, “Well, how do I handle this?” Well, I found out that bat guano—and those of you who don’t know what guano means, it means poop. Bat guano actually lowers the pH of the soil. It kills the bad nematodes. And it has lots of calcium.

So, I bought 1800 lbs. of bat guano about a year and a half ago.


JAI MCFALL: And we started doing an experiment with it. And it was amazing! The tomatoes, the plants themselves grew really fast, they were filled with fruit, they were delicious. It was amazing how much production we got out of the tomatoes, kind of like what you did out in California. And everybody was really happy with that.

And then, I started experimenting with other plants. And everything loves it! So rather than calling it tomato food, which I thought was what it was going to be called, we mixed it with worm casting (so we get the worm eggs and the other benefits of worm castings) as well as organic blood meal, and we call this super food for the plants.

And if you come over to my garden center, and get a garden tour, you get to have a glass of iced tea made fresh from the garden as well as taste the plants, and you will be able to tell the difference.

DEBRA: You really can, you really can.

I think that probably most people listening—although I can’t say that for sure. But I think that probably most people in this day and age have tasted organic food versus supermarket food and can tell the difference in how it tastes. I think most people in the world today have not tasted food grown in an organic garden with proper soil amendments so that it’s a healthy, intensely nutritious food.

And you can not only taste the difference, but you can feel the vitality. Your body feels different just putting the food in your body. Anybody who loves good food will love just the taste of this food. You don’t have to do anything to it, just pick a leaf, and put it in your mouth. It’s really amazing.

JAI MCFALL: Absolutely! That’s true.

So, those are the first three products that we had. And that was all I was going to have thinking that that was everything. Then about a year ago, I discovered about an ancient secret from 6000 years ago that the Mayan Indian developed called bio char.

And it holds five times as much moisture as regular soil. It absorbs the nutrients and it releases them when the plants need it, as well as having lots and lots of carbon in the soil.

So, when you add that as well as the other products, it’s amazing. We do a lot of experiments showing the difference what you get with it and what you get without it.

DEBRA: I bought all those amendments. And I put them in my raised beds. And I had a much different garden last spring than I had before. Now, it’s summer time and not much grows in the summer here in Florida. Our big season is in the winter time.

But when it gets to be approaching fall, I’m going to be back with Jai and her nursery and finding out what I should be planting, so that this year, I can just have an abundant garden through the fall and winter and spring.

Although I’m sure if I came to the nursery now, you’d tell me what I should be planting now, right?

JAI MCFALL: Yes, there are actually a lot of products from around the world that love, love, love this heat like New Zealand spinach, African spinach, longevity spinach. There’s quite a few things. There’s an Egyptian lettuce that I use in place of lettuce for the summer. And all of these love the heat as well as many of the herbs. And peppers of course. So, there’s a lot you could grow in the summer.

When I first moved down here, people would say, “You can’t grow anything in the summer” or “You can’t grow food down here.”

But there’s even okra and corn and several other things that will just do great down here in the summer.

DEBRA: Well, I think that a lot of it has to do—when you start growing things in our own little micro-climates and little micro-systems, we need to be learning to eat different foods that we don’t see in the supermarket.

And I think that that’s been part of it for me. I know that I see these strange things in the nursery and I go, “Well, gee, do I want to eat that? How does it taste?”, et cetera.

And one of the things that Jai does really well is that she has this garden parties and she has people come and prepare these unusual foods. And one of my favorite things that she makes is she just goes through the garden and she gets leaves of different sorts, different herbs, different edible plants. And then, she just starts piling them up and puts a little parmesan cheese and olive oil in the middle and wraps it all up in this little herb bite. It’s so delicious. And her tea is so delicious.

It’s just getting into starting to think in terms of having your garden, eating what belongs in your place, the nutrition of what grows here, and enjoying doing something that is not the standard industrial supermarket kind of thing.

Jai, in the last few minutes, I just want to ask you what are your recommendations for people who live busy lives and don’t always have time to garden. I think that that’s what happened to me. I set up my garden, I had some success with it, and then I got really busy, and it got to be the next season. And now I need to figure it out again.

But I feel really inspired that I want to eat out of my garden. And I need to set that up as part of my life. So what’s your suggestion for how people can do that?

JAI MCFALL: Well, an easy way to do it is to build a raised bed, like say it’s only 8 x 4 ft. That’s 32 plants that you can grow up. And then, you can actually grow carrots and beets and radishes growing down. So, you can actually grow a lot of food in an 8 x 4 bed. And when it’s raised, it gets less weeds. The rabbits and some of the pest can’t get in it. And it’s easy to harvest.

You just walk out to it, and harvest it every day.

DEBRA: So, when you say raised, how high is raised?

JAI MCFALL: Two feet.

DEBRA: Two feet, yeah. We’re not talking about six inches.

JAI MCFALL: No, no, no. Six inches is not enough dirt to grow plants in healthy. So two feet tall, and you can grow all kinds of things. It’s easy to harvest because you’re not having to bend over.

And we could even build that for you. We could maintain it for you. Whatever people want is what we do. And I do consultations if people don’t know what to do with their yard. I’ll come over, spend a couple of hours with you asking you lots of questions so we can figure out what exactly you want to grow and do with your yard. And then, I lay out a plan for you. And we can do it in stages. I work with you until you get that yard the way you want it to be.

DEBRA: That’s so good. What about people who don’t live in Florida? Anybody can order online. They can order your soil amendments.

JAI MCFALL: Yeah, we ship them all over the United States. So that’s not a problem. And I do have videos on my website on how to prepare your soil. And you can always call and ask questions. But there’s probably enough on my website that you could learn from it.

And you can always look in your neighborhood or in your town for a CSA. CSA means community supported agriculture which is like where somebody grows all the food, you buy a share, and you get fresh food every week. Those are popping up everywhere. And we will be starting one of those hopefully in the next year here.

DEBRA: That will be so great.

And also, people can look for an organic nursery and garden center like yours in their local community. You’ve done such a great job of having all the soil amendments, but also all the plants in that you figured out what grows here. And if you look for your local organic nursery, they should know what grows there too. They’d be much more experienced with that than if you went to, say, a home improvement center.

Well, that’s all the time we have. Thank you so much for being with me today. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio.

JAI MCFALL: Thank you, Debra.

DEBRA: You can find out more at And if you’ve enjoyed this show, please tell your friends!

Will a Polyethylene Vapor Barrier Outgas?

Question from Carol

I am installing solid bamboo in my living room (concrete slab) and am told I need a vapor barrier. They recommend a 6 ml polyethylene vapor barrier, but I’m wondering about offgassing during the hot summer months here. I plan on using a cork underlayment and thought this would act as a vapor barrier, but they are telling me it is not a vapor barrier.

Debra’s Answer

It’s totally fine. Polyethylene is one of the least toxic plastics and is not likely to outgas as a result of temperatures found in a home.

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Nontoxic Fitness/Exersice/Birthing Ball

Question from HG

Do you or any of your readers know of a non-PVC medicine ball (the large exercise and birthing balls)?

Debra’s Answer

Yes! Fitness Ball in Honeydew

The box says “Latex,PVC,Phthalates, and Chloride Free”. Plus there is a review on this page from someone with MCS who ordered it and says “to my complete and utter amazement NO SMELL whatsoever! I mean not even a HINT of something! It’s fabulous!”

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Material Used to Make Jello Molds?

Question from Stephanie

I have inherited a number of my mother’s Jello molds that are a type of metal. I love using them for tomato aspic and the like. A friend mentioned that she thought they might be aluminum. How do I tell if they are indeed made from aluminum or just from tin? I hate to give them away and want to use them but only if they are not aluminum.


Stephanie Pope

Debra’s Answer

Well, there are jello molds made from aluminum and jello molds lined with tin and jello molds that are “copper-toned aluminum.” And maybe more materials.

I would say if in doubt don’t use it. Particularly acidic tomatoes would pull aluminum from the mold.

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Organic Bodycare Products

My guest Janis Uquillas is the founder of JES Organics. She has been a registered nurse for almost 40 years. For the past 10 years has been passionate about researching alternative health treatments, alternative medical research, ingredients, toxicity, and chronic illness. She consults with people daily across the country by e-mail and phone about health conditions and helps them find solutions for chronic health conditions. She founded JES Organics in 2006 after becoming frustrated with finding quality, nontoxic, fragrance-free skin care products for herself. She offers a complete line of natural/organic skin, hair, body, cosmetics and home products. We’ll be talking about toxic ingredients in body care products, anti-aging skin care, and how she created her products.



Galvanized Steel Shelving

Question from LW

Hi Debra,

Thanks so much for taking the time to answer questions and giving such valuable information!

I am thinking about using galvanized steel shelving in my home—I have found some shelving units that are at a good price, and am looking for an alternative to plastic. I have been reading about galvanized steel and some controversy over using it to cook with, but I wanted to know if it is safe for storing food (pantry items and produce), clothing, towels and linens? Thank you for any help you can provide!

Debra’s Answer

When making a decision about using materials, it’s always important to consider the nature of the materials and the use.

I wouldn’t cook in galvanized steel because metals from it can leach into the food over a long contact time using heat.

But I see no problem using galvanized steel for shelving. It does not outgas and would not leach into fabric or pantry items in containers.

I actually love the look of galvanized steel and have a few containers and boxes made from this material. I consider it nontoxic from an indoor air viewpoint, though as I said, I wouldn’t cook in it or store water in it.

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Smart Meter Guard

Question from Concerned Mommy

What do you think about this product to block radiation from a smart meter?

I don’t understand a whole lot about smart meters, but enough to know I’d rather not have one. But we do have one, so I’m interested in this product to help reduce/eliminate the radiation from it. I don’t want us as adults exposed to it, and I especially don’t want to expose my baby to additional radiation – though it’s everywhere, it seems. I would appreciate any feedback or other suggestions for how to eliminate this radiation from our home and yard.

Debra’s Answer

I’m going to ask some EMF experts to look at this, but at first glance it looks to me like it’s only shielding the FRONT of the meter. What about the back? Like if you are on the other side of a wall it’s attached to?

Not sure about this one…

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Wood Finish Made With Whey Recycled From Cheesemaking

My guest Andrew Meyer is founder and president of Vermont Natural Coatings, manufacturer of patented PolyWhey® whey-based wood finishes. Developed in collaboration with the University of Vermont, PolyWhey has emerged as new wood coatings science, using whey protein to displace toxic ingredients common to traditional wood finishes. CNN Money named Vermont Natural Coatings one of two leaders in innovation and technology in Vermont; the other being IBM. Andrew is a partner in Vermont Soy, LLC and owner of the Hardwick Enterprise Group, LLC, which provides business resources to innovative value-added companies. He is a founding board member of the Center for an Agricultural Economy and serves as a trustee of Shelburne Farms. He is a partner in North Hardwick Dairy, a family organic dairy farm. Andrew served as Agriculture Legislative Assistant to U.S. Senator James Jeffords and operated a congressional legislative consulting firm in Washington, D.C. We’ll talk about toxic chemicals in wood finishes, how he makes wood finish with whey, about creating an innovative nontoxic product, and sustainable businesses in Vermont.





Wood Finish Made with Whey Recycled from Cheesemaking

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Andrew Meyer

Date of Broadcast: June 04, 2013

DEBRA: Hi, Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world. And that can be done because even though there are toxic chemicals all around us in the environment and in consumer products, there are some wonderful people who are making some wonderful products that are not toxic.

There are easy ways that we can remove toxic chemicals from our homes and from our bodies so that we don’t have to get sick from them. We don’t have to not be able to think clearly or be unhappy. We can be happy, productive, abundant, whatever it is we want because we don’t have to have our lives [inaudible 00:01:41] by toxic chemicals. It’s our choice.

Today, my guest is going to talk about a wood finish that he makes made from whey that’s recycled from cheese-making. He has a whole little system of sustainable business in Vermont.

But before we talk about that I want to tell you about the results of the study that came in my e-mail this morning. It said 83% of women said they would rather have a healthy body than have a great wardrobe. Isn’t that wonderful? I just love that. And 61% of women said they would rather have a healthy body than a healthy relationship.

So there’s quite a lot of awareness here and quite a lot of desire to be healthy in the world. We just need to know what to do and decide to do it.

So my guest today is Andrew Meyer, founder and president of Vermont Natural Coatings. He’s the manufacturer of patented PolyWhey, whey-based wood finishes. It was developed in collaboration with the University of Vermont and emerged as a new wood coatings science – not just a new wood coating, but a wood coatings science, using whey protein to displace toxic ingredients common to traditional wood finishes.

Now, I want to tell you that I have been using this for several years. This Vermont Natural Coatings Poly Whey, is my very favorite wood finish. So I’m extremely happy that Andrew has done this today, so that we could learn more about it. Their website is

Thank you for joining me, Andrew.

ANDREW MEYER: Thank you very much. And greetings from Vermont.

DEBRA: Thank you. I’ve actually never been to Vermont, but it seems like a very wonderful place to be.

ANDREW MEYER: I know. It’s a beautiful day out. It’s in the low 60s and spring has just arrived. We’re excited about a nice summer season here.

DEBRA: Well, that’s the difference between Vermont and Florida because summer is just arriving here. And we’re, I’m sure, going to have a little thunder and lightning here, which is our summer pattern.

So Andrew, I read your bio and as I said, I’ve been using your products. It’s just so unusual for someone to do so much innovation as you’ve done in terms of looking around at the resources in your community, seeing how you can connect with other businesses and taking a pretty toxic product and making something completely new that is much less toxic. It would be so great if everybody in the world would be doing this right now.

So can you tell me a little bit about your background and what led you to want to do this?

ANDREW MEYER: Well, I grew up in Northeastern Vermont in a small family dairy farm. And I think growing up, we spent the summers eating from our gardens, drinking raw milk, eat around beef, living and using the resources that surround us, things that we raised on the farm, whether it was cutting firewood to supply heat for the homes or grow healthy grasses for the cows. They were all common things that every day, we would look at (and how we access healthy foods) and we knew where they came from.

So growing up on a dairy farm, you’re really connected to that element of it. I think today, there’s a lot of disconnect with that.

DEBRA: I totally agree. You were very fortunate to have that upbringing because most people in the world didn’t.

I just want to mention, I’d like my listeners to just go to my website, and look at Andrew’s picture because he is just the picture of health. When I saw your photo, I thought, “Oh, my God! That’s what we should look like.”

I think that it starts in your childhood, just eating the food right out of the ground and not eating the kind of food that most people grow up on today.

ANDREW MEYER: All organic dairy farmers look like that. That’s the way.

DEBRA: Yes, it is, because that’s the way we should be eating and that’s the way we should be looking. Just so healthy.

So go on. What happened next?

ANDREW MEYER: Growing up on a dairy farm, I went to the University of Vermont and studied Environmental Studies. That experience really gave me a broader outlook and understanding of the issues that really impacted the greater environment (and the health) in which we live.

I learned more about how the federal and state policy impact, how regulations impact our health and our surroundings. That really helped me take a broader look as I grew up on a dairy farm and had access to all these healthy foods and a clean environment too the issues on more of a worldwide scale. It started to broaden my awareness of the issues that are really out there.

So that was a great experience to be part of that program.
And then from the University of Vermont, I was fortunate enough to land a job on Capitol Hill for United States Senator, Jim Jeffords, who was from Vermont. The senator was a very strong advocate for the environment, for diversified agriculture, so I was able to advise him agriculture and natural resources issues for about eight years.

It was an incredible experience and it really opened my eyes on just how connected agriculture and the environment was and all the things that impacted the daily lives that we live, the health impacts around that.

So it was an incredible experience, being a part of that.

DEBRA: What inspired you then to develop a wood finish of all things?

ANDREW MEYER: Well, I think being part of Capitol Hill and being intricately involved with the policies and the politics and seeing the special interest that impacted so many things that we take for granted that are out there. They really impact the quality of our life and the health of our environment, and the homes and places we work.

There was so much involved in creating that and so many influences that, to me, didn’t really have the strong connection to that individual’s health or the overall health as we debated and discussed and helped move legislation to the Senate.

Fortunately, Senator Jeffords is very interested in how these things really impacted Vermont. So I was able to work with him on trying to develop alternatives for environmentally safe products that really sourced local or resources to make these things.

Research developed through the University of Vermont on using whey proteins as a film builder. And in Vermont, we’ve got a lot of cheesemakers, high quality cheese. We win awards every year around the world with our cheddar cheeses and specialty cheeses. We also have a very strong resource in forestry and furniture makers.

So the collaborative concept of how can we help build not only a healthy, safe, new product, but how to build a local economy that can be interconnected using a waste from one segment to create a value-add for another segment.

DEBRA: That sounds wonderful. I’m so excited about your product because not only is whey less toxic than other wood finishes, but it also has this other element to it as well.

ANDREW MEYER: We’re fortunate to be in this position to have such an unbelievable technology with such a high quality source.

DEBRA: I want to hear more about that after the break. We’ll be right back. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. I’m here today with Andrew Meyer, the founder and president of Vermont Natural Coatings. Their website is We’re talking about his wood finishes made from the whey, recycled from cheese-making down the road and how that all fits together in a single, sustainable system in Vermont.

Andrew, before we talk about your products in more detail, could you tell our listeners about why they should be using your natural products (or more natural products, I guess I should say, or more sustainable) instead of the standard toxic products? Tell us something about the toxic chemicals that are in the usual wood finish.

ANDREW MEYER: Well, most wood finishes that are out there, they pose a wide range of health and safety issues, basically, due to the volume and physical properties of the chemicals that are used to make up those finishes.

And most people understand the three basic ways chemicals can enter your body, through inhaling and/or breathing, by eating it or ingesting or contact with the skin.

So the finishes that are out there, they all pose those types of risks to people. Basically, it’s because of the chemicals used to make up the formulas. You have lacquer finishes that can have nitrocellulose in them, conversion varnishes. These are things that you would find in the hardware stores. They use acid-catalyzed chemical. And these are all toxic to us.

What we find a lot is these chemicals can have short-term and long-term impacts, just like other chemicals that are out there.So if you’re doing a floor, we’ve had professionals come to us, talk about irritation maybe from contact with it, with the eyes and throat, sometimes headaches. It can cause confusion and fatigue. These are some of the symptoms that you would get from being around these things.

And then, of course, there is longer term, things which can even cause cancer and other things like that.

It’s so important, and anything that you buy and really investigate what’s in the product because the things, whether it’s formaldehyde or these other chemicals, they can be very dangerous. And it’s not only the danger of just putting them down and the off gassing that takes place during that time, but as the product wears off over the course of several years, it will again offgas and put those toxins into your environment, into your indoor air environment.

DEBRA: This is actually one of the more toxic products that exist in terms of home finishes. I think it’s even more toxic than paint. And so to have an alternative like this is really important.

Tell us more about your product.

ANDREW MEYER: At Vermont Natural Coatings, we use whey protein, which is a byproduct of cheese. So we remove that from the waste channel and through a development with the University of Vermont, we’ve been able to come up with a polymer that comes from the whey proteins that creates a very strong bonding agent, which is important to make the finish strong and durable.

So we’re able to use this food grade whey protein solution, which we were able to patent with the help of the University of Vermont to displace chemicals that are typically found.

And so the advantage that we have is we’re able to build a formula that’s safer because we’re displacing chemicals, but also because of how the whey protein bonds and binds together. It’s actually as durable as any chemical formula that’s out there.

And that’s important because there are so much more awareness of indoor air quality. I think our indoor air quality is probably five times worse than our outdoor air quality for a number of reasons. Opening a can of solvent-based or high VOC wood finish or paint in your home can have long-term impact on your health. So, by using whey, we’re able to come up with a very safe and durable product.

DEBRA: I’m looking at your website and there are some pictures flashing in the header that shows pictures of cutting boards for food and children lying on the floor and chairs out on the patio or I should say out on the deck. You really can use this all around the house, on everything, correct?

ANDREW MEYER: Yes, we have a number of different formulas for different uses. We have furniture formula that is used on anything from a new table to trim, all kinds of projects like that.

Another interesting project that the furniture formula is used on is the Naked Table Project, which is a sustainability workshop that we do using maple to build a table and using our finish on that. And of course, that’s a weekend workshop. That’s an exciting way of tying people together from their resources or where the tree came from, from building the tree and then the next day, we line up the tables head to head and we have a big locavore feast with all the people who were involved in the chain of custody from the tree to the folks who grow the vegetables for the dinner. We’re still proud that our furniture is part of something like that.

And we have a floor formula that’s used on floors from the homes to schools to gymnasiums and a lot of different uses because of how it holds up. And we also have an exterior product that’s used on anywhere from benches, decks and siding.

We’re very interested in continuing to innovate with new products. Our goal really here is to source as much of the resources we can locally to really look at the agricultural roots there or around us, to keep building on these products.

So we’re really excited about how those have worked. We’ve even formulated a new paint with a company, which is exciting. We have a few more new products that are going to fit nicely into our [inaudible 00:21:18] products.

DEBRA: I can hardly wait. And we’ll be back after this message. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. And I’m talking with Andrew Meyer, founder and president of Vermont Natural Coatings. He’s at

We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd.I’m here today with my guest, Andrew Meyer, the founder and president of Vermont Natural Coatings. That’s And is where you can find out more about this show.

Andrew, before we go on to talk more about your products, I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed hearing about your Naked Table Project. It’s because I have an experience on my own where I spent 12 years living in the western part of Marin County, California.

I don’t know if you’re familiar with that area, but there are a lot of dairy farms. And even though I didn’t grow up on a dairy farm, I was driving by the cows every day.

There’s also a lot of family farms growing organic produce in that area. One day we had an event. I knew a lot of the organic farmers that lived there and I participated in a community-supported agriculture program. So I was actually going to my local organic farm just up the hill from where I lived and working at the farm and collecting my produce.

But one day we decided to get all the small, local, organic farmers together and have a dinner. I had the privilege of being the support staff for that and driving around and picking up produce from the farms and then doing the prep work for the meal and then being able to sit down with them in the field with everybody at the table, all of our local organic farmers.

It was just one of the most beautiful and memorable experiences of my life to be able to participate in seeing, going, and picking up the food from where it was being grown and then being in the kitchen with a chef and serving my local farmers. It was just amazing.

When I saw that on your website, I am so happy that you’re doing that. I think more people need to do that. More people in the world need to have that experience of having, really seeing and experiencing that progression from soil to mouth. It’s just amazing.

ANDREW MEYER: Thanks for mentioning that. And Marin County is such a beautiful place, so many similarities too. There are so many places around the country that value that.

And meals are so important. I think what’s so significant about what you talked about and what we’re trying to do with the Naked Table Project here in Hardwick, Vermont is the connection that people are making to where their products are from, who made them, how they were made, that there’s a person behind it, that there’s a care behind it and a thoughtfulness about it, about making it healthy for you.

I think the other aspect of it is just taking time, people slowing down, taking time to really enjoy these things that we all value so much.
So it’s a great experience. It fits in so nicely with what we’re doing as a company and what we’re doing as engaging with our community. So thanks for mentioning that.

DEBRA: Yes, it does. You’re welcome. And also, even too (as long as we’re on this subject) it was such a great experience for me living in West Marin because I knew people in my community and I was growing food in my own backyard. But not only was I growing food, I was growing my neighbors’ food. People would bring me raspberry canes and they would bring me tomato plants. I knew that these were Joe’s tomatoes and Susan’s raspberries. It just integrates you in a different way.

And in that same way, now, here you and I are talking, and I know now when I use Vermont Natural Coatings on my floor, I know it’s Andrew’s wood finish. And it’s not just this nameless, multinational corporation. I know the person now behind the product. And my listeners, when they use your products, will know you and they’ll know who created it and the care that goes into it.

I think that’s missing from so many products. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate what you’re doing. I know you get it.

ANDREW MEYER: Well, Debra, let me tell you just quickly about a new product that we’re launching that builds that concept of collaboration and using local ingredients.

We’re partnering with Caledonia Spirits, which is a local distillery. They made gin and vodka using local ingredients. They use juniper berries to flavor and finish and infuse the gin. What we’re working with them is we’re taking their juniper berries and putting it through a process to extract the tea from that and coming up with a formula that uses the infusion as a natural preservative.

Juniper is a natural preservative. So, what we’ve done is we’ve added their waste to make a penetrating wood sealer called Infusion with Juniper. And we’re really excited about this product, not only because it’s non-toxic, it helps preserve wood and helps reduce mold and mildew and stabilizes the wood, it’s a joint effort of two, basically, byproducts of industries in Vermont to create this really wonderful, penetrating sealer.

We’re so excited about it. Not only that it works, but that the partnership and the collaboration with our neighbor, Caledonia Spirits.

DEBRA: This is just the way industries should be. It should just be like that. It’s sosimple like that, making products. We don’t need all this other huge industrialism.

I just wanted to ask you about a couple of things. I’m looking at your MSDS sheet because I want you to discuss about the term ‘low VOC’ because I think that people get confused about what that is. And also, I know something about how coatings are made. But I think that most people don’t.

So I think what’s going on here is that you’re using the whey as the coating part and then there are some VOCs in it. It’s not zero VOC and it’s not 100% natural, correct?


DEBRA: So my question is, to explain to people that if they go and look at your material safety datasheet, if they’re going to look and they’re going to say, “Oh, there’s hazardous compound in those,” but what happens to those hazardous components.

We’re going to have to get the answer after we take our break, which is only in 10 seconds. So you can’t start talking yet.

ANDREW MEYER: Great. There’s a lot to it.

DEBRA: So think about that over the break. And we’ll be back and get your answer in just a few minutes. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. We’re talking with Andrew Meyer from Vermont Natural Coatings.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. I’m here today with my guest, Andrew Meyer, founder and president of Vermont Natural Coatings at

We’re about to talk about what goes into a coating and what’s “low VOC” and this more technical aspects of this so that you can understand the different component parts and what goes into a wood finish. Go ahead, Andrew.

ANDREW MEYER: Thanks, Debra. There’s a lot of market awareness of low VOCs, which are the volatile organic compounds or the organic chemicals that make up the vapor of what comes off of a chemical in a formula such as wood finish. It’s important that those VOCs are as low as possible. There are national standards for those. There are green standards for those. There are state standards for those.

Our products come in below all of them. And that’s an important piece of our mission, to have a very low VOC product.

The other thing that’s really important to be aware of as a consumer, which is very difficult to find sometimes is that a low VOC is an important element, but even more important is a finish that doesn’t have carcinogens or mutagens in as ingredients.

DEBRA: Good point!

ANDREW MEYER: And those can come in very, very long, complicated words that can also have different descriptions of those words.

So not many people who are going to the paint store are pulling down the MSDS sheet, which is the material datasheet that tells about the specific ingredients in a wood finish.

And then if you do pull it down, it’s very hard to understand.

So it’s important, especially, if you look at schools, where our kids are and where we spend our time, there’s a lot of push out there to have clean, safe cleaning products and finish products that are low VOC.

But one thing, if you’ve got a child in a school or if you work in an office or you’re indoor more than you are out (which is probably the case for most of us) make sure that that finish does not have carcinogens and mutagens as ingredients.

DEBRA: Let me ask you a question. So VOCs, I know, is a [barge] classification that contains many different chemicals in it. And they would be, of course, of varying toxicity, yes? Is that correct?


DEBRA: So you could have at one end of the spectrum of VOC and it would cause cancer or birth defects. But on the other end of the spectrum, you could have a VOC that would be much less toxic. That’s what you’re saying, right?

ANDREW MEYER: Right, and there’s a lot of different elements and ingredients that make up these formulas.

We’re very fortunate at Vermont Natural Coatings to have an ingredient that displaces a lot of the chemicals that are used to make the products strong. Those types of ingredients typically have more VOCs.

In California, they have Proposition 65 which requires a company to list those ingredients that are considered carcinogens or mutagens. So here in California, they don’t say you can’t use it. They say, if you use it, you have to list it, which gives a consumer more awareness.

But so many of these things seem to be so mainstream now. All chemicals (and even when you look in our house), it’s more and more difficult to figure out what is safe and what isn’t. I think that’s a good reason to spend as much as you can learning about the products that you use in your home. And we’re finding such an incredible interest in schools around the country who face similar indoor air quality issues.

A typical school re-finishes their gym, which is probably the biggest surface in the school every single year. And that’s a lot of VOC that is introduced and maintains and stays within that school system through the course of the year.

That’s why we’ve developed a formula using our whey protein technology to create a sport floor finish that is durable enough for that type of surface which takes the wear and tear. In Vermont, we have anything from dances to reunions to town meetings to basketball seasons that occur over the course of the year. So it gets a really big workout. But it’s an example of the low VOC products are important. But more important are the toxins that can make up those VOCs.

DEBRA: So I’m looking at your MSDS sheet for PolyWhey floor finish semi-gloss. During the break, I looked at a few of them. It seems like the ones that I looked at all have the same for VOCs listed. And so I think the point that I want to make to my listeners is if you look at the MSDS sheet, what you’re looking at here is the list of VOCs. And when the VOCs evaporate, then what’s left is basically the coating that’s made from whey protein, correct? Am I right?


DEBRA: So it’s not like these VOCs are hanging around forever. It’s in there. They need to be there. You can’t really make a wood finish without something that liquefies the coating so that you can apply it. But then what happens is that whatever you [inaudible 00:44:47] evaporates and what’s left is just the natural coating.

ANDREW MEYER: Right! And there are many different formulas in there. There have been regulations since the Clean Air Act that have focused on improving these formulas. But we have the technology.

For example, the Southern California Air District, there was a suit down there that said that you couldn’t impose air quality regulations because the technology wasn’t available to build products that could meet those new regulations. The Coatings Association was very much against this, saying that they would be put out of an industry if they weren’t able to sell their product in that area because the technology is not there.

Now, we’re a little company in little ole’ Vermont using a local agricultural byproducts to create a product that not only meets, but exceeds those limitations and we have the technology that can make products. So if a small company like us has the technology, has the innovation to be able to build products that are safer, then what’s out there in the larger industry? We feel good about that but we also recognize that a lot more can be done from other companies. And a lot more should be demanded of the consumer. We hope that the consumer takes more time to really recognize the products that are available and seek out safer products like Vermont Natural Coatings.

DEBRA: I’m doing my best to let them know about them. And I can do even more. Actually, I am doing my best. But there is so much more.

I’ve been doing this for 30 years, but it’s still only a fraction of the population that is even aware. But I’m very encouraged because I see more and more people becoming interested in things that are not toxic. There are so many who are becoming aware that there are toxic things in the world and they’re starting to look for non-toxic products like yours.

I think it inches up on both ends that there needs to be more non-toxic products and there needs to be more consumers buying them. It gets greater and greater, both going back and forth.

I think that we have reached not a critical mass, but we’ve certainly reached a new height of awareness now. And I think that it’s really going to take off. I think that this is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of interest. And where we’re going to be going with this, I’m very optimistic that we are going to have a toxic-free world.

And it’s people like you who are being pioneers and pushing the envelope and saying, “We really can do this” and showing other people that it can be done and what’s possible that is making it happen. Without people like you making these products, I can’t tell people about them.

I just like to call on you, in every area. I would like people to just jump and say, “This is my area of interest. I’d like to do something that’s less toxic and do it” because it can be done and it’s what’s needed.

We have a few seconds. Is there anything else you’d like to say?

ANDREW MEYER: Vermont Natural Coatings, we recognize that we become a part of people’s homes and their lives. And we, very much, want to become part of a healthier lifestyle for people.

It’s so important for consumers to really think about how your product was made, why it was made, where it was made and who made it.

And if you start putting those things together, we’re confident that people are going to start to recognize the benefits and seek out companies like Vermont Natural Coatings.

I look forward to the next survey that shows maybe 95% of the women survey would rather have a safe wood finish and using Vermont Natural Coatings PolyWhey than having a nicer wardrobe.

And it’s coming. The awareness is there and we appreciate you engaging in a conversation like this to make companies like Vermont Natural Coatings known. We would be pleased and we welcome and enjoy learning about people’s experience with Vermont Natural Coatings. If we can share information, especially to the chemically-sensitive community, we’ve had incredible success. It’s a great network out there that shares information. So we’d love to be a part of that.

So I hope everyone who is listening can engage somehow. Let us know and give us feedback. Thanks, Debra.

DEBRA: You’re welcome. Thanks for being this with us. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. You can go to to find out more. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. We’ve been with Andrew Meyer, president of Vermont Natural Coatings, I’ll be back tomorrow with more about how we can thrive in a toxic world.

Savannah Bee Company

A lovely collection of pure “varietal” honeys gathered from a single type of blossom and “everyday” honeys, carefully chosen for sweetness and flavor profiles that suit an intended use. All honeys are unheated and unadulterated. Owned by a beekeeper who has loved and kept bees since childhood, this website reflects a lifetime of knowledge about bees and uses of honey. In addition to maintaining their own hives, “we buy our honey from ecologically responsible beekeepers who cherish their bees.”

Listen to my interview with Savannah Bee Company Founder Ted Dannard.

Visit Website

Finding the Hidden Toxics in Consumer Products

My guest is Jeff Gearhart, Research Director for, a project of the Ecology Center that tests brand-name consumer products for the presence of a list of chemicals of concern. They then rate products as being of high, medium or low concern. Jeff has worked for over 20 years on a wide range of environmental issues including air quality, pollution prevention, life cycle assessment, consumer product testing, and green chemistry. During his sixteen years with the Ecology Center he has spearheaded numerous chemicals policy market campaigns, co-authored multiple peer-reviewed articles on toxics in consumer products, pioneered citizen science in the use of x-ray fluorescence technology for toxics testing in products, and developed the now internationally recognized product chemistry disclosure project and its extensive website of robust advocacy resources and the product testing results of more than 100,000 products. We’ll discuss the project, what they do, their recent report on toxic chemicals in garden products, and specifically how their research can guide us when choosing gardening gloves and garden hoses.



JES Organics

A complete line of natural/organic skin care, anti-aging, hair & body products and natural mineral cosmetics.   Founded by a registered nurse who could not find products pure enough for her own use. All her products are listed as safe by Environmental Working Group. “We strongly believe that all products should be free of chemicals linked to cancer, birth defects, and other harmful effects. ALL JES Organics products are PARABEN, SULFATE, FRAGRANCE FREE, and NON-TOXIC.

Listen to my interview with Touchstone JES Organics Founder Janis Uquillas.

Visit Website

Organic Living for All

This is my local organic nursery and garden center, where the owner teaches neighbors like me how to grow organic vegetables in soil that is basically beach sand. I’ve been using her soil amendments that rebuild and reminerlize the soil so that anyone can grow healthy, nutritious and nutrient-dense food in their own backyard. If I can grow organic food in my beach sand, you can grow it too.

Listen to my interview with Organic Living for All Founder Jai McFall.

Visit Website

Denture Cleaner

Question from Susan

As an older couple, my husband and I both wear dentures, but are not satisfied with the two cleaning tablets available on the market. They are toxic, as they say on the box to “wash hand thoroughly after touching tablets”. They leave a terrible aftertaste even after rinsing many times. They also say to contact poison control if a child puts in mouth.

Is there a safer product or can I use baking soda and water as a soak? My dentist offered no help at all.

Many thanks if anyone has a remedy.

Debra’s Answer

Readers? What are you using?

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Food Dehydrator

Question from Gigi

Debra, I understand that you have a dehydrator. Which one do you have?

I am looking at the following four models:

How would you rank them in terms of safety?

Also, I plan to use good quality parchment paper such as Beyond Gourmet.

Debra’s Answer

I have the Excalibur 9-Tray with Timer and am very happy with it.

I considered the stainless steel, but it was more expensive and I know enough about plastics to know which are the safest and which to avoid.

Here’s what Excalibur says about their case material:

The tray screen material is NOT polycarbonate. It’s polyprolylene.

I feel satisfied that this is safe at this low temperature. I had to balance this against the possibility of metals leaching from stainless steel or chrome.

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Cookware – What’s Toxic and What’s Not

My guest is Rich Bergstrom from Ceramcor, makers of Xtrema Ceramic Cookware, the cookware I use every day. For 23 years Rich worked for and represented Corning Glass Works, considered the finest ceramics company in the world—makers of Corning Ware cookware, Pyrex bakeware and Corelle dinnerware. It was during these years he worked wit many wonderful people who helped to shape and mold his love for the glass ceramics business. In October of 2004, three years after his tenure with Corning ended, Rich received an unsolicited e-mail from Asia asking if he would be interested in a new high temperature ceramic material that could go on top of the stove and under the broiler, a product that would surpass the cooking performance and benefits of the original Corning Ware (the original Corning Ware manufacturing facility in Martinsburg, WV was closed and dismantled in 2002. Corning Ware is still being marketed today by World Kitchen but the product is now being made of stoneware and not the patented Pyro-Ceram material that made Corning Ware so recognizable). That single e-mail became the catalyst for three additional years of research, testing and product development, which led to the introduction of Xtrema cookware In February of 2007. Their vision is to make Xtrema products the healthiest for you and our planet. We’ll talk about the toxic exposures in various types of cookware and what Ceramcor is doing to make the safest cookware.





Cookware – What’s Toxic and What’s Not

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Rich Bergstrom

Date of Broadcast: November 24, 2014 (May 30, 2013)

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world. Yes, the toxic chemicals are all around in consumer products we use every day, in our environment, in our homes. But we don’t have to be exposed to them. We don’t have to get pricked from them. We can choose non-toxic products. We can choose to remove toxic things from our homes and toxic chemicals from our bodies and live the happy fulfilling product lives that we want. And that’s what this show is about.

It’s Thursday, May 30th 2013. I’m here in Clearwater, Florida. Today, we’re going to talk about cookware, which is actually one of my most frequently asked questions. People want to know what they should cook in. There’s a lot of information about toxic chemicals in cookware, which we’re going to talk about today, but there’s also safe dinner ware (safe cookware, I should say).

But before I get to my guest, I just want to tell you a little story about my experience with cooking. I’ve been cooking many, many years since I’ve been six years old and I used to cook a lot of foods that weren’t actually good for me and I’ve eaten a lot of junk food in my life.

But several years ago, I decided that I was going to go for one month only eating food that I cooked myself and that I was not going to eat any packaged foods or go to any restaurants or eat any take-out, not even from the natural food store, but that I would only eat food that I cooked myself.

I consider my health to be pretty good, but the difference to my health after that month was just stunning in terms of how I felt, then energy that I had and some of my minor annoying symptoms went away and it made such an impression on me that I continued to cook and cook and cook and so of course, you need cookware (unless you’re on a raw diet of course).
But recently, I’ve been very, very busy and haven’t had my usual time to prepare my own food. And so I’ve been eating outside and sneaking back in. I’ve noticed even in a short of period of time that my health was not good as when I cooked on my own.

So this is one of the reasons why it’s so important to have good cookware, to be buying fresh ingredients and to know how to cook, to know how to put together tasty dishes that you want to eat.

So today my guest is Rich Bergstrom from Ceramcor, makers of Xtrema Ceramic Cookware, which is my favorite cookware and the cookware that I use every day. It’s made from ceramic material through and through. Thanks for being with us, Rich.

RICH BERGSTROM: Hi, Debra. It’s a pleasure being on your show again. You’re one of my favorite people. I know we’ve had a relationship for the last four or five years and I’m a big proponent of what you’ve done. I’m just glad to be on the show.

DEBRA: Thank you! I’m really glad to have you too. I should say, when Rich said, “I’m glad to be on your show again,” I actually had an earlier version a few years ago of Toxic Free Talk Radio and this is now a new version. So if you’re looking online for another show with Rich as guest, it’s not there. So we’re just going to start over.

But yes, I’ve known Rich – haven’t we’ve known each other almost since the beginning of your company?

RICH BERGSTROM: Yes, the company, I started it in 2004 with the testing of this new ceramic material, but didn’t really launch the company until 2008 and at that time was when our relationship started.

DEBRA: Yes, yes. And I am very happy to be recommending your cookware and using it every day.

Well, let’s start with just having you tell us what made you interested in creating healthy cookware? Why is that important to you?

RICH BERGSTROM: I guess it was by accident. I worked for Corning consumer products started in 1978. They were the manufacturer of Corning Ware, Vision Cookware, Corelle and Pyrex Ovenware. I had a 23-year work experience with them. So I grew up in the ceramics business and all my cooking has always been with Corning Ware.

And then Corning sold their company in 1997 and they stopped making the Corning Ware material. But what was interesting about Corning Ware is that is a glass ceramics. So the one key factor of glass is it’s completely non-toxic, it’s somewhat durable, but it doesn’t heat very well. And when we started this company, when I started looking at different materials that would work well with a stove, that led me to Asia where they’ve had a 5000-year history working with ceramics. I was fortunate enough to work with several scientists and engineers over there that developed a new type of ceramic material unlike Corning Ware.

A glass ceramic actually retracts the heat. It doesn’t absorb energy. So we needed to make inorganic ceramic compound and minerals that could be mixed together and make a cookware that would absorb heat similar to metal cookware.

It took us three years. And in 2008, we were able to come out with a product that was selling now called Xtrema. What makes this so exciting – and I didn’t know this at the time because we want to come up with a ceramic material that would also go on a microwave or go on a steamer oven, would go on to a broiler, refrigerator, freezer and go to the table similar to Corning Ware. And having worked in the restaurant business many years in college, I know in the backend, what they call where food is prepared, all of the chefs and the prep people work with either stainless steel or aluminum cookware, yet on their front end or where their food is served, everything is served on either porcelain or stoneware ceramic plates.
And so the question is why do you cook on metal and why do you serve on ceramic? The reason is metal is very durable and therefore, it can take the abuse in the industrial kitchen in a restaurant, but yet, they’re not serving on metal cookware.

So I said, “You know what? There’s got to be a reason for that. So I found a laboratory in Pennsylvania. In 2007, we started testing various types of metal cookware. There’s a standardized test that they do for extracting lead and heavy metals.

And there’s another test that I invented. The laboratory, they do this with all different types of products and the results that we found is pretty astounding, that most metal cookware, even quality stainless steel, when they performed this testing would prove that was actually leeching chromium or nickel or iron or aluminum or copper into the food during the cooking process. We weren’t even looking for that. We just thought it might be something to test.

When I saw those results, a light went off and I said I wanted to contact Dr. Mercola who is a big proponent of healthy living just like you are, but he was selling a line of cast iron cookware. I tested his cookware as well and I found out that it wasn’t as healthy as he thought it was because nobody has ever tested metal cookware.

So I developed a relationship with Dr. Mercola. We also make the cookware for Dr. Mercola. We’re very proud of that relationship. He’s been very good for our business. He believes in non-toxic cookware and he also believes in ceramic cookware.

So from my relationship with Dr. Mercola and then getting involved with you, we changed the whole focus of our business to healthy ceramic cooking, as well as versatility.
So since that timeframe, what has been really interesting is there had been a lot of studies. If you look on our website (and you’re a big proponent of this too), there’s a tremendous amount of information available on our website not by us, by other people who are experts in the field who have tested the toxicity of metal leeching in the food and some of the ramifications that can have on your autoimmune system.

Dr. Bernard who was just on Dr. Oz did a wonderful show about Alzheimer’s, how 50% of people, by the time they’re 85 years of age will end up with Alzheimer’s and most of that is from the leeching of heavy metal from cookware and the food that we eat.

And actually, there’s a video on our website. I think it’s like a 30-minute video that you can watch, the consumers can watch. This is something that we’re finding out from a lot of other experts in the field. We like to think we’re the experts in making high quality cookware, but we’re not the experts when it comes to testing and leeching of heavy metals. We leave that to the scientists and the people who…

DEBRA: I’m sorry, Rich. I need to interrupt because if I don’t, they’re going to cut you off. We need to go to our commercial break. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and we’ll be back in a moment.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. We’re here today with my guest, Richard Bergstrom from Ceramcore, makers of Xtrema Ceramic Cookware, the cookware that I use every day.

And Rich, before the break, you were talking about studies on your website that show testing. I’m on your website and I’m not finding them, can you tell me where to look for them?

RICH BERGSTROM: Yeah, you have to go – and I don’t have my website in front of me. You go to the ‘products’ section or ‘about us’. And then it goes down, you scroll down and you’ll see ‘testing’. It should say ‘testing of Xtrema products’ and it will show you various reports. There’s a whole bunch of PDF files of testing of not only our products, but then all of our competitors’ products. We don’t list their names. We don’t believe in doing that, but we show the various types of cookware whether it’s cast iron or aluminum or stainless steel.

DEBRA: I see it now. Anybody who’s listening who wants to go see this at their website, across the top, there’s a menu. It says ‘about’. And then when you hover over that, another menu comes down. You want to click on ‘product testing’. That takes you to a page that has an index of articles. Here’s one about the making of seal, hidden dangers in metal cookware and – let’s see, stainless steel drink ware (that’s by me), Alzheimer’s disease, ‘Is Your Cookware Killing You?’. There’s lots of stuff to read on this page.

Also, you have a lot of wonderful information on your website. I’m looking here in the left-hand column. There’s a little graphic that was like a piece of film. It says ‘watch the Xtrema videos’. When you go there, there’s information about – you can watch videos about heating up pans and they’re not melting and things like that. There’s actually quite a lot of interesting information you have here.

So I think we were talking about that you wanted to make a material that gave the qualities of being able to hold the heat like metal that you wanted to have, but also be clean like glass. I’d just like to interject for those who don’t know that glass is made from silica, which is basically glass. It’s an abundant material. It’s completely non-toxic.

I do know that sometimes, toxic things can be mixed with ceramics to have various characteristics like lead and [inaudible 00:16:52] and things like that. But your ceramic is designed to be non-toxic chemicals, no metals. It’s just ceramic, correct?

RICH BERGSTROM: Right. And what makes a difference with our product, when you manufacture different types of metal, first of all, there are a lot of companies out there today. They say that their cookware is green. It might be a metal. It might be aluminum cookware, stainless steel. And now, a lot of people are getting away from the non-stick coatings that people are familiar with. Teflon and POFA and PTFE, those are different types of polymers that were put in chemicals/synthetics that they would put on metal cookware that would make it non-stick so it would be easy to clean.

And now, a lot of companies have gone to a new type of ceramic coating on metal cookware, which does not have PTFE or POFA. It’s called the sol gel coating, but it is a synthetic material…

DEBRA: Yeah, tell us more about this. Tell us more about this because I see different things being labeled in different ways. A lot of them will say it’s a ceramic coating, but it doesn’t really say what it is.


DEBRA: And every time I see some green-ish name on a skillet, I look for it in a store and I touch it. Some of them feel very much like plastics. Some of the feel very slippery. I mentioned Green Courmet a lot. [Inaudible 00:18:33] Green Gourmet, I have a couple of their skillets. But what I have found over time is that the shininess and the slipperiness of the finish wears down. And yours does not. Your pan is the same as it was the day I bought it.

When I first got my Green Gourmet pans, I thought, “Oh, I can cook eggs in this without fats. It would just slide around in the pan. It was very easy. And after a couple of years, I had to spread a bunch of butter on the pan as any other pan. It really loses its effectiveness.

So do tell us about these other ceramic finishes.

RICH BERGSTROM: Okay. So what is happening – and that’s a great question. You put up a perfect example. These new ceramic coatings have only been on the market for about three to four years where the Teflon coatings, believe it or not, the PTFE coatings, it’s a plastic type polymer that is sprayed on. Those coatings are basically safe unless you heat them over 500°. And that’s when they break down and it causes toxicity. And a lot of people unfortunately cook on higher heat than they should. So those coatings have a tendency to break down.
But the original Teflon coatings that were on most of the cookware had a life expectancy of up about three to four years. These new ceramics coatings that had just been coming in the last two to three years, in all honestly (and a lot of manufacturers won’t tell you this, but I know because I’ve been involved with some of these coating companies), they really only last about six months because they’re so new.

The problem is when you’re dealing with ceramics, ceramic material is harder than steel. What I mean by that, it’s not necessarily stronger, but the material itself is harder. So when you put a ceramic coating, which is a hard material on metal, which is softer than ceramic, it’s not going to bond as well and it’s not going to last as long.

So when you talk with these companies and you ask them what is sol gel, it’s a silicon-type base synthetic mixed with ceramic material, but you can’t really get a true answer as to what that coating is made of.
I think the difference between what we’re doing at Ceramcor with other cookware companies is the accountability.

DEBRA: And I need to interrupt you again, I’m sorry because we have to go to break, but we’ll talk more about that after this message. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Rich Bergstrom from Ceramcor, makers of Xtrema Ceramic Cookware. You can go to their website at That begins with an x, x-t-r-e-m-a .com. This is the cookware that I use every day and I’m extremely happy with it. I’ve been using it for I guess five years. That’s as long since I got it, when you started the company. It is in good a condition today as the day I got it. I’m extremely happy with it.

So before the break, Rich, you were telling us about the difference between the ceramic coatings on metal cookware that are being used today and your Xtrema Cookware.

RICH BERGSTROM: Yes. And my point was that we get a lot of calls from consumers in emails. They ask us about our product and then we point them on our website where we have our test results. We believe in total transparency and accountability. That’s why we probably have more information on our website about testing than all of the cookware manufacturers can find. We just believe that it’s better to tell the customer exactly how our product is made, why we believe our product is green as opposed to metal cookware.

The manufacturing of metal (which is a necessary product and we understand that), when there’s a metal manufacturing company that makes cookware that says their product is green because they put a ceramic coating on it would be like me saying there’s a toxic landfill and I put a green bamboo fence around the landfill, that does not make the landfill green. That just makes the fence green.

So if there’s a metal manufacturer out there and they call their cookware Green Pan or ‘green’, that really is scamming because that’s taking a ceramic coating that has not been tested or proven and they’re putting that on metal cookware, which is not green.

So there’s a lot of misinformation about green and the manufacturing of ceramics, all different types of ceramics – local potters, the dinnerware companies – that is green because they use natural fired kilns. There’s no toxicity, no pollution to the environment, to the worker in ceramics factories as opposed to the manufacturing of metal.

So there’s a lot of misinformation. And probably the one thing that really upset me the most when we were finding out about the difference between ceramics and metal cookware – I spend a lot of times with various doctors, I’ve had some health issues like yourself and I’ve had a lot of heavy metal in my system that I had to detox several times.

What I find out is that there are a lot of doctors when I would go to the doctor with my wife, the doctor would say, “Well, if you’re low in iron, you should cook in cast iron because the iron that you have from your metal cookware would be good for you.” I say, “Well, that doesn’t really kind of make a lot of sense to me.” I said, “There’s got to be some documentation on that.”
And then having done some testing and asking doctors and really finding out the truth that there’s really two different kinds of iron – and really, cooking in cast iron is the biggest fallacy. The truth is that iron comes in ferrous and ferric form and our bodies cannot assimilate the ferric iron from cast iron cookware.

Actually, what the term the doctors use is it’s not ‘bioavailable’ meaning when you need healthy food, it goes to your cellular level and its value, it becomes bioavailable and it’s actually good for you. But if you cook your food in toxic metal cookware, if it’s a poor quality aluminum cookware or cast iron, that metal is absorbed into the food, then you absorb it into your body. It can actually do damage if you have autoimmune problems.

A lot of people really don’t have the information about how toxic some of the poor quality aluminum cookware or cast iron cookware can be. And actually, you get the metal taste in your food.

DEBRA: Yes, yes.

RICH BERGSTROM: That doesn’t happen when you cook with ceramics because there’s no metal in ceramics and it’s made of inorganic, natural minerals, so there’ll be no leeching into your food during the whole cooking process.

DEBRA: It fills the food. One of the things that I noticed being somebody who loves to cook is that I have tried different types of cookware and food taste different. You can cook exactly the same food in different cookware made of different materials and it will taste different.

I especially found that out when I was trying to figure out what to cook my eggs in. I was very impressed by your cookware, it was very neutral. It doesn’t give any metallic taste or any taste at all of anything. It just is the food. It feels good.

I also want to make sure that we mention – I’m kind of going off on a tangent here. I want to make sure that we mention that ceramics have thousands of years of history. Isn’t ceramics like making a pot and cooking something in it, isn’t that one of the first forms of cookware, ceramics?

RICH BERGSTROM: Yes. You go back 8000 years. If you go back to biblical times, actually, the first pots that they cooked in was clay. And then they went through the bronze age and metal. But clay, obviously, is an abundant material. From that, the pottery goes dating back thousands of years. Mainly in China, you can trace it back to 8000 years going back to the Ming and the Tang dynasty. So the finest ceramics in the world to this day with an 8000-year history come from Asia even more so than in Europe or the United States. The United States has only really had about 150-year history in the manufacturing of ceramics.

So a lot of people ask us, “Rich, why do you make your products in China as opposed to the United States?”…

DEBRA: I was going to ask you that…

RICH BERGSTROM: And I would like to say, “We could make it in the United States, but unfortunately, there’s only three ceramics factories left in the United States that make dinnerware.” I’ve had conversations with them. They just don’t have the materials, they do not have the artisans, the craftsmen that can make our products.

And so there’s really no alternative than to make our product in China because it takes about 20-21 days. Our products are all handmade. The artisans in China had been making ceramics going back 8000 years. So the technology, the materials, the way the product is made, the manufacturing facilities are more conducive to making our product in Asia than it would be in the United States.

It would be cost-prohibitive for me to be able to train place and take years. And the factory, it would take me probably ten years to get a factory that would be able to make the same quality product that we make in our factory in China. So that’s why our product is made where it is.

DEBRA: Oh, good. We’re going to take another break. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest is Rich Bergstrom from Ceramcor. We’re talking about Xtrema Ceramic Cookware. We’ll be back in a few minutes.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. I’m here today with my guest, Rich Bergstrom from Ceramcore, makers of Xtrema Ceramic Cookware. Their website is That starts with the letter x-t-r-e-m-a .com.

If you haven’t ever seen their cookware, go to their website and take a look at it because it’s absolutely beautiful. It really does go from oven to table as a beautiful serving piece in addition to being healthy. I just love the way the food tastes that comes out of these pots. It’s delicious.

So Rich, tell us briefly how the cookware is made. You start with what and then what happens?

RICH BERGSTROM: Basically, it’s like all stonework type material. Any type of ceramic material, you take minerals from the earth crust. That could be – and I’m going to throw around some terms that are not very familiar. It’s [inaudible 00:39:43], it’s clay, it’s sand, it’s quarterite, petalite. They are inorganic minerals from the earth’s crust that are mixed in different combinations. And the formula that we use gives it its thermal properties.

So our cookware can withstand temperatures up to 2700°F. So that means if you’re using our cookware on top of a stove and you put it in a sink that it’s not going to crack. That’s very similar to Corning Ware, which is very famous for that as well.

So it had that very good thermal properties where it can go from one extreme to the other. That became very important to us because people, you could take it from the stove, then bring it to the – it’s attractive enough to go to the kitchen table. And then if you wanted, you can put it in a freezer. You wouldn’t have to worry about transporting it to a different type of vessel to go from the stove to the freezer. It could all be done in one.

So our cookware became very versatile and multi-functional. And now in various parts of Asia, the type of cooking that they’re doing there, they do a lot of steam cooking. So in the United States, steam or ovens are starting to become popular, but even more so in Asia, so our cookware is absolutely wonderful. If you use a steamer oven, it’s actually perfect.

I just found out last year that the no. 1 appliance sold in the United States last year are toaster ovens. So we’re coming out with different shapes and sizes that will fit a toaster oven because why turn on a big oven at 450° when they can heat your whole kitchen when you can get a high-quality toaster oven for $49 to $69. You can cook a 12” pizza or one quarter or two quarter casserole. You don’t have to heat up your whole kitchen. It’s much more functional.

So we’re designing products that would go on to toaster ovens and then if you have a microwave – some people like to use a microwave, some people don’t. I prefer using the top of the stove, the oven or a toaster oven more so than a microwave, but there are people that do water-based cooking in a microwave, they find that our products work extremely well there. You wouldn’t put a metal product in a microwave oven. And if you put it in a toaster oven, once that metal heats up, then you start pulling some of the metal components into your food.

So when you heat metal, you’re actually extracting the metal into your food. But when you cook on ceramics (and not only our cookware, but any other ceramic cookware or bake ware), you’re not going to pull any heavy metals into the food because it’s basically non-porous. It doesn’t have any metals in it. So it’s a much healthier product.

And like you said – and you’re an expert on that. You know more about toxicity than probably anybody in this country…

DEBRA: Thank you.

RICH BERGSTROM: …and have written a lot about that and you’re an expert. That’s why we found you and we sort of worked together because we found as we developed this product, we were going after customers who are very educated about health, were concerned about their health, wanted to live longer, were very educated about nutrition and working out and exercising. Those are the people that are attracted to ceramic cooking because they’re very much aware of their environment, their health and the whole toxicity of our planet and how we live.
So it’s been really eye-opening for us because when we started this business, we just wanted to make a product that we thought was going to be pretty cool, that was neat, that could work on top of a stove. It moved us in a completely different directions to go whole health and green aspect of our cookware. We’ve been really blessed with a really good following of people that really understand what we’re trying to do. We just appreciate all the support that the people like yourself and others have given us over the last four or five years.

DEBRA: Well, I’m very happy that you’re there because I do think that this is – if you look at the whole, entire picture of the product, I do think it’s the greenest product in terms of cookware and the least toxic product for people who are just eating and are not even concerned about the environment, but just eating healthy food if you’re going to cook your food. This is the safest and healthiest way to do it that I’ve been able to determine.

I just want to tell the listeners some of the different pieces you have available and which pieces I have and how useful they are.

I have the – I don’t know, 12” skillet. That’s a pretty big one.


DEBRA: And then I also have three nested pots. And they do nest. I put them in a drawer and they don’t take up space. And then I also have the wok, which I totally adore. I would say that if people could only buy one piece of your cookware, I would recommend the wok because it could be a skillet or it could be a pot. It’s big enough that I can make soup in it. You can make a one pot meal and yet, you can also stir fry in it. It’s the most versatile one.

I make beans every week. I bake beans every week. I just cook the beans. I work at home, so I can just leave something in the oven all day. I just start them in the morning and cook the beans in and cover them with water. I put them in the oven, 300°. Four or five hours later, I’ve got perfectly good beans. It’s really nice to just –

They’re easy to clean. I wouldn’t call these non-stick because to me, a non-stick pan means that you can cook anything in them and it won’t stick. Eggs will stick. You need to use some kind of butter, oil or whatever you want in order to cook scrambled eggs or fried eggs or whatever.


DEBRA: But I can tell you that if you just let the pan sit in water for a couple of minutes, they’re extremely easy to clean. It’s not like a metal pan or pot where you have to scrub and scrub and scrub and scrub.

They don’t scratch. So I don’t have ‘scratch that pot’. Really, I keep saying this over and over, but it’s an impressive thing that my pot and pans look exactly that they looked the first day that I got them.

I also have a – what do you call it? A teapottle?

RICH BERGSTROM: Yes, we call it a ‘teapottle’. It’s a funny kind of a name. There’s tea wares and there’s tea pots. In the serving of tea, normally, people would use a metal or stainless steel teapot. And then they would pour that into a porcelain or a ceramic teapot to serve in. That’s basically how people would serve tea. They wouldn’t serve it right from the metal teapot. So we call it a ‘teapottle’ because it’s a teapot and…

DEBRA: …and a kettle.

RICH BERGSTROM: …both the teapot and the kettle. It’s two combined. We kind of came up with that catchy phrase. Actually, the first company to make a teapot that can go on top of the stove and boil water out of ceramic and not crack (because you couldn’t do that with porcelain or stoneware) and really with boiling water…

DEBRA: [inaudible 00:48:06]

RICH BERGSTROM: Most of the teapots out there are really made of a low gauge aluminum, a real thin gauge aluminum. That’s probably the most toxic thing to boil water in. Not only that, you’re heating, you’re boiling the water and then you’re extracting the metal into your water and then you’re going to make a green tea, a healthy white or black tea and suddenly, you have water that has a heavy metal in it, it kind of defeats the purpose of drinking tea, which is a very healthy product to drink.

DEBRA: I would agree.

RICH BERGSTROM: So with ceramics, you don’t have an issue because there’s no leeching.

DEBRA: Yes. And so your teapot just sits on my shelf. It’s very clean and hygienic. And when I want to make my green tea, which is about every day, I just fill it up and it very quickly boils the water. I just drop my tea bags in. And then I make iced green tea. And then I have my iced green tea for the rest of the day.

I’m sorry to say we’re at the end of our time. This time has just flown by. It’s been so interesting to be talking about all these cookware. It really is something that I think every kitchen – if a family wants to be healthy, we need healthy cookware. We need to be cooking ourselves. We need to know how to cook and enjoy cooking. I certainly have been enjoying cooking with my Xtrema cookware.

So go to – it’s x-t-r-e-m-a – and take a look. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is – they’re going to cut us off. I’m sorry.

RICH BERGSTROM: If I could say one thing, if you go to our website, you can get an extra 10% discount by using your name, DEBRA10. You get an additional 10% discount.

DEBRA: Okay, thanks. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about thriving in a toxic world.

Garment Bags

Question from Jennifer

I need to find garment/storage bags to hang dresses in when not in use. Are vinyl ones okay to use?

Debra’s Answer

No, they outgas toxic vinyl chloride.

Google “natural garment bags” and you’ll get lots of results for garment bags made from natural fibers.

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Original Indian Earth Makeup Powder

Question from Diane

Is Original Indian Earth makeup non-toxic?

Debra’s Answer

Wow. It’s been a long time since anyone has mentioned this to me.

About thirty years ago this was one of the only natural mineral makeup powders available. I used to use it. Nothing wrong with it that made me stop using it, just more choices became available and I’m always trying new products.

The ingredients are “a naturally occurring mixture of minerals containing iron, silicon, aluminum, calcium, copper, vanadium, molybdenum, nickel and strontium, existing in oxide, silicate and carbonate forms as they occur in nature.”

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Transforming Your Yard Into an Organic Edible Garden

My guest is Bridget Guzzi, owner of Gardens of California LLC in San Ramon, California, which offers products and services for the at-home organic edible garden movement. As a child, her community was graced with fresh home grown gardens. Some fondest memories include lunch in the pea and rhubarb gardens, washing berries for homemade jam and jelly, going to the open fields to collect hazelnuts and to the lakes for fresh fish. Bridget boasts front and backyard organic edible gardens that are visited almost daily by neighbors and friends where she continues to emphasize one at home garden at a time. Bridget also introduced a garden birthday party where children gather to plant edibles. Bridget’s garden apparel line offers elegant comfort with easy care properties. The fabrics used for her apparel include GOTS certified organic cottons from Harmony Susalla, Harmony Art Organic Design, and SPF 50+ fabric that is made rated and tested in the USA. Bridget will give us inspiration for growing our own food at home.





Transforming Your Yard into an Organic Edible Garden

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Bridget Guzzi

Date of Broadcast: May 28, 2013

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world instead of being sick from toxic chemical exposures.

Yes, there are toxic chemicals all around us in consumer products, in the environment, in the news. We’re always hearing about how toxic things are. But on this show, we’re going to hear about how to be safe, happy, healthy, protected and able to do anything we want to do in the world because we’re not being limited by the effects of toxic chemical exposures.

Today is Tuesday, May 28th 2013, and I’m here in Clearwater, Florida. And today we’re going to talk about gardens and gardening.

I had an experience over the weekend where a friend of mine who’s writing a book about music made a reference to a trellis. The staff of a music staff looks like a trellis that you – the music staff, you put notes on a music staff and on trellis, you put plants on the trellis.

And he had various people reading this book to make sure it was understandable and one of them said (this was a fifty-year old man), “Oh. I don’t think you should use that reference to a trellis. Most people don’t know what a trellis is. I don’t know what a trellis is. And besides, young people today don’t know anything about gardening. They have no reality on it. You just shouldn’t have a gardening reference.”

I was just shocked to hear this, but I actually think it’s true. I was shocked to hear it because I grew up around gardening. In my family, we had gardens. We grew tomatoes, we ate tomatoes off the vines. I’ve had my own garden as an adult. I love gardening, I go to garden shows, I like to go to nurseries and walk around and look at plants, I love to go to botanical gardens. And for me, the idea that there will be children and young people who don’t have the joy of gardening as part of their reference of experience was just shocking actually.

And coincidentally or serendipitously, at the same time, here I am having our guest on today who is working on introducing children to gardening. Bridget, welcome to the show!

BRIDGET GUZZI: Hi Debra, it’s nice to be here!

DEBRA: Thank you! Bridget is the owner of Gardens of California. She’s in San Ramon, California, which is right next to where I used to live in Concord, California. I spent my entire childhood in Concord, California where we had a garden in the backyard. She offers products and services for the At Home Organic Edible Gardening Movement. Bridget, would you tell us how you became interested in this?

BRIDGET GUZZI: Well, it’s been part of me like it’s been part of your life story, Debra, and I’m positively thrilled to be one of the voices in Global Grow at Home Movement. My company is structured around that movement. Its products and services are designed to draw the passion and provide the inspiration for others to grow at home as well.

So, my hope is that homeowners will restructure their property to this end and I also would like to see the day comes once again with this healthy lifestyle is never taken away or repressed from our children again by the food and diet industry that truly does not have our health and wellness in mind.

So, in essence, I’m bringing what has been good in my life. It’s a call to beauty, not to pain in making the human-plant connection for both children and adults. It’s seriously awesome. And if I may endeavor…

DEBRA: How did you – yes, you may, but my question was…

BRIDGET GUZZI: Oh, thank you.

DEBRA: How did you get interested in it?

BRIDGET GUZZI: Well, I got interested because it worked for me. I got interested because I got so tired of listening to the news stories of the disease in children, what was happening to our planet. We can see this firsthand now and I have the passion and the inspiration to bring it forward to gardens of California.

DEBRA: Tell us about some of your fondest memories from your childhood about gardens.

BRIDGET GUZZI: I correlate it to freedom, to happiness, to growth, to family, to friends, picking blueberries out in the wild, coming home and having to clean them and getting a smack on the hand if we ate too many when we were cleaning them, pulling off the shells of hazelnuts so they can be stored, having fresh rhubarb pie, made at home. It’s so many, so many great memories of delicious food.

DEBRA: My major food memory from my childhood about gardens is my grandparents had a large vegetable garden. I was always helping them in the garden. And the key point of the garden is a large peach tree.

I remember just being very small (maybe three years old) and my grandfather would pick me up and hold me up, so I could go way high in the peach tree and pick whatever peach I wanted to have. He would guide me as to which one to pick so that I would get a nice, ripe peach.

And then, I would take it in the house and my grandmother would cut it up and put in a bowl and pour cream all over it.

And that was my favorite food, peaches and cream with the peach right off the tree with all the sunshine in it and the grain and the leafy vegetable out of the garden. And that is one of my earliest food experiences. I think that most children don’t have those experiences today.

BRIDGET GUZZI: Yes, I agree. That’s a beautiful story, by the way. The children in my neighborhood do. They aspire to my trees that are growing right now and their daddy or their mommy picking them up when the food is ready to pick their own. It’s a story we can share today.

DEBRA: I know that you are involved in wanting to inspire people to grow food at home. But let’s start by telling the audience what are some of the problems going on in the food world today that this is a solution for from your viewpoint.

BRIDGET GUZZI: Well, I saw a lot of the leaders in this movement including Pesticide Action Network, Ronnie Cummings from Organic Consumers Org and listening. I post documentaries on my website which is how my learning takes place. And what I’m seeing is that we are in a position right now where everything is failing.

We’re taking great risks. I listened to David Suzuki yesterday talking about genetically engineering new trees for our forests and how he talked about the spill-over from the roots and the pollen and we’re really at a time of crisis here.

We need to back up, we need to stop this disease and we need to prevent it by getting into our gardens with organic practices, sustainable practices. And that’s only then can we, I believe, get a handle on what’s going on.

DEBRA: And tell them you grew it here. What do you think is a good way for people to start? What’s an easy thing to do if they’ve never garden before? What’s a good first step?

BRIDGET GUZZI: I think by being a leader. And that’s exactly what I do with my demonstration garden. I pulled up my lawn sometime go and there’s nothing more than a beautiful canvass of lawn to be honest with you. You engage on a community on a personal level this way.

There are three schools that walk by. Children are continuously learning and watching food grow. I can invite them in to the extent I can and show them the processes. But most importantly, I’m looking to the adults and say, “I like that. I’m sensing that. I can taste that food that you’re growing.”

For years Debra, when I started this, I would grow food and I would give away heirloom seeds thorughout the neighborhood. So, I was bringing people in, one person at a time. And then I put my foot down and I said, “Okay, it’s time for me to start.”

So, by being a leader, by showing, by demonstrating, you can grab the most amount of people to come to that who wants to grow at home and deliver the message that your children have to be sick anymore. You can have fun, you can grow, you can become so very healthy in your garden.

DEBRA: We have to go to break now. We are talking with Bridget Guzzi, owner of Gardens of California and her website is I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. We’re today with Bridget Guzzi, owner of Gardens of California, We’re talking about the Organic Edible Garden Movement, specifically growing your own fruits and vegetables at home.

So, Bridget, what was the first thing that you planted? What was the first thing that you did in your garden?

BRIDGET GUZZI: What I’m planting in my garden?


BRIDGET GUZZI: What I’m planting in my garden depends on the season. I’m in California, I’m in an area where I can grow year-round.

So, I eat in season and I plant is season. It’s an array.

I, myself, am an eccentric gardener. I understand I need a clean soil. It’s imperative to have worms in my soil or I can’t go forward. I understand I need to have birds and hummingbirds and little pests around in my soil around my garden. But what I grow is dependent on what the season is.

I save my seeds and I grow them once again. So, it becomes just a beautiful, beautiful reflection of honoring what we can get from Mother Nature when take care of it.

DEBRA: So, what’s in season right now?

BRIDGET GUZZI: Some of the things I growing? Right now, I have so much. I have two asparagus beds. I have taken out English peas and put in some carrots. I have watermelon veins that are growing down my front yard. I have sweet potatoes. I have green beans. I have beautiful, big sunflower heads that are coming out so I can harvest them and eat them and put them in my breads and my foods. I have cabbages, tomatoes, lettuces. It’s just is an array of anything or everything I can get my hands on. I love to grow!

And what I have done with my particular front demonstration garden is I’ve integrated herbs and flowers into that. One of the compliments that I get is how beautiful that you have thought this to be a garden where it’s just not a standard bed. You’ve designed it like a piece of artwork. So, there are lots going out there, Debra.

DEBRA: It sounds like an abundant, wonderful lawn. I’ve gardened off and on in different ways in my life. I studied different types of gardening including permaculture. But I am of the mind as you that I like to see edible things all mixed up.

I love to see just nice rows of lettuces and I want a beautiful garden. And herbs and flowers (especially herbs and edible flowers) mixed together, I have a little pathway up to my front door.

I haven’t planted it this way yet, but it’s actually I think a perfect spot to have about – oh, it’s about probably 30 feet altogether if I were to plant it on both sides and about three feet wide just to have this gorgeous border of edible flowers and all kinds of herbs all mixed together and lettuces.

I think that would just be a gorgeous thing to do. I could just go out there and take whatever I want and make a beautiful salad and it would just be lovely in addition to my garden.

It sounds like you’re just wanting to plant things to be integrated and beautiful, that it can look like a garden instead of – I think that people sometimes have this idea that their house will look like a farm instead of something like a garden. And that’s not necessarily so. It sounds like you’ve got that one down.

BRIDGET GUZZI: Yes and also, right now, I’m harvesting calendula on a continual basis and chamomile and the neighbors are welcome to it. It’s a great way to get a prune because they stop by and they grab some for themselves. Wonderful peace are made from this. And once again, the garden’s organic, so I have no fear.

And if I may, about taking out your lawn, when I started this process, I worked so hard. I dug, I did this on my own. And people who walk their dog by (because that was a concern for me) started to go the other side of the street or if they brought their dog by my garden or into my yard, I will always receive their dogs underneath the chin because I love them. They don’t lose their legs on my yard.

There is an outgrowing, tremendous respect in this community for this type of process and I’m going to see it come further, further to light and the lawns are going to be removed. I’m excited, Debra!

DEBRA: I’m excited too because as you’re talking, I can just see all the lawns in your neighborhood being removed and being replaced by gardens like yours. And then, it really takes somebody like you taking that first step in the neighborhood and saying, “I’m going to do it and set an example,” and then, other people can see the beauty in that and do it as well.

So, I’m glad to see that your neighbors are responding in a respectful way. I’m assuming you don’t have any concern about people stealing your produce?

BRIDGET GUZZI: This is about bringing beauty and adding beauty too and it just replicates in ripples through people’s hearts. And they see this and they feel it. If somebody is so in need, they are so welcome!

DEBRA: I am very happy to hear that I have heard some people say, “Oh, I need to put up fences around my garden so that people don’t steal it or rabbits don’t steal things or whatever.” But I think if there’s such an abundance. If I were to fully plant my yard out (and I don’t have a big yard), if I were to fully plant it out, it would be so much more food than I could ever eat. There’ll be plenty for whatever animals or insects want to share. If somebody walk into my yard and took some food, they’ll be plenty for everyone.

Here, I live in Florida and almost everybody here has citrus trees in their backyard because they were planted so long ago. I don’t have mine anymore because we had a citrus blight come through. But when I moved here, I had five mature citrus trees. I have grapefruit, lemons, tangerines (the best tangerines you’ve ever eaten). We had so much citrus fruits we couldn’t eat it all. And everybody else has so much citrus fruits they couldn’t eat it all and so we’re constantly trying to give it away. There’s so much!

How can we go hungry in a world if we’re all growing food? We just would not. We just would not. I really think that this is really the solution to hunger. I remember reading an article about in Cuba from years ago, but we’re coming up on our break again, so I’ll tell the story after the break.

This is Debra Lynn Dadd. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. We’re talking about Organic Edible Gardening with Bridget Guzzi.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Bridget Guzzi, owner of Gardens of California. That’s She has a very beautiful website inspiration itself.

Of course, it’s about organic gardening, but it’s different from other organic gardening websites. It’s not about what to plant or where to plant it or how to control pests so much as it’s about the whole philosophy (I guess would be the good word) of why grow your own food.

And it has beautiful pictures.

I just want to explore some of the things that you have on your website, Bridget.

First of all, I want to make the point about how fresh food contributes to good health. Why don’t you tell us something about that?

BRIDGET GUZZI: How fresh food can contribute to our health? Well, I live a fairly daring life and often, I wake up in the morning and ask if I’m still here. And every time I look for an answer, I look to my garden. I look at my grandson, singing in the garden (he’s six months of age) and I’m watching his development. I am not seeing the concern for the many other children who are eating GMO, processed and non-organic foods are having.

I believe in it because it worked for me, it worked for my children who were raised in a garden and it’s now working for my grandson. We need to make that natural transition back to our gardens. We don’t know what’s out there and what we’re eating, we can start knowing that by getting it at home.

And it’s time for us to think like a fish, not a fisherman. We need to watch for the bait that’s out there that’s disguise as natural and we need to lean in to real foods one gain. We can do that at home and the benefits will show.

DEBRA: I totally agree with you. Our bodies need to have nutrition from fresh foods. And sometimes I write up like a little scale of what would be the worst foods and what would be the best foods. And the worst food is always processed food with lots of additives in it, and the best food is always, not food from the farmers market, but food right from your own backyard.

There’s just no better food than walking out into your backyard or side yard or your front yard and pulling a tomato right out of the vine or pulling a lettuce right out of the ground and eating it immediately. It has the most nutrition, it has the most aliveness and you know exactly what it is that went into it.

I used to have chickens too. I don’t know if you have any chickens, but I used to have chickens until the police took them away because they’re against our city ordinance. But when I had chickens, it was just a miracle to me (I’m going to have chickens again. I’m changing the ordinance). But it was just a miracle to me to go out and feed them the food and then see the egg come out.

You know intellectually that’s what’s happening, but to go and take my own scraps from the kitchen and wheats from the garden and feed them to my chickens and then have this egg come out that I could see embodied in the egg and feel it as I’m eating those ingredients that I have put into the chickens was quite amazing.

It’s the same thing with growing food I think because you know what you’re putting into the soil and then this plant grows and that’s what you’re eating. It’s that cycle just right there in your garden.

BRIDGET GUZZI: Oh, I agree! My neighbor has chickens, Debra. I actually collect the snails from my garden and bring them over to feed her chickens. And when I need some micromanaging here with pests, she brings one of them for lunch.

DEBRA: It all works! I saw on your website you mentioned something called Horticulture Therapy. Could you tell me about that?

BRIDGET GUZZI: Oh, certainly! I’m actually certified in horticulture therapy a couple years ago in Oakland, California. And it just sung with me. It just resonated. And that was my plant-and-human connection. It works really well.

I work and volunteer to various populations (children with autism, some elderly, developmentally delayed in different environments) and when I structured gardens in California initially in 2008, I structured it on the principles of horticulture therapy in services that I could offer. And one of these is a birthday party that I designed. It is based on the structures of horticulture therapy and continuing with the grow-at-home.

The party basically involves a package party where the children get an earth box or a large growing container, I bring the soil, watering cans, plants, the seedlings work every well with this (and some seeds for them for future use), a reading, a gift, one of my garden book. And the party favors are Norcal pots with herbs or seasonal plants, whatever is in season.

So, it starts the plant-care relationship. We’re emphasizing the human-plant connection here. And Debra, I encourage everyone to do their own party. And if they want any help or suggestions, they can send me a note. And as you write in Toxic Free (your book that I’m enjoying so much), we don’t need to wait for others to find our way to health and happiness. I really appreciate that sentiment that you sent out in your book.

DEBRA: Thank you! And I do believe it. I believe that each of us has the power to create whatever it is that we want to create in our lives and make our own decisions and that we don’t have to live by what the government says or what multinational corporations want to give us.

We can live around them and say that, “This is the right thing” as you have and take out matters into our own hands. Every single person can make that choice. So, I’m very happy to see that you’re doing what you’re doing.

What if somebody doesn’t have a yard? How can we grow food?

BRIDGET GUZZI: Oh, well, there are always pots and community gardens. We have local community gardens here. I would hope that would search out one that has organic, sustainable practices. Of course, we support our farmer markets and we support our small growers, organic growers who are up and coming.

We have a lot of weather issues that are going on right now. People could lose plants. People could go under. We have so many issues going on. So, this focus, this at-home garden focus is basically a supplement to also all of the people to [inaudible 00:34:23] and the small farmers who are trying to take on the big agra and make a difference.

DEBRA: We’ll talk more after the break with Bridget Guzzi of Gardens of California. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and you’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio where we discover how to thrive in toxic world. We’ll be back in a minute.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. We’re here with Bridget Guzzi, owner of Gardens of California.

Her website is

Bridget, one of the things that I like in your website that you have is that you designed a line of clothing for gardening, things like smocks and dresses. Tell us about your clothing line. What inspired you to do that and what materials do you use and things like that?

BRIDGET GUZZI: Sure, Debra! Well, I love fashion, I always have. I’ve had a ball with it my whole life. But when I started out as the design entrepreneur for Gardens of California, I wanted to offer more than a fashion statement. I wanted to offer a difference. So, I decided perennial, comfortable, safe, functional garden apparel and branding on value was the way to go.

I set the bar very high. I took as many social and environmental considerations and respect into this apparel as I possibly could. From lead-free buttons to a silver-weave, sun-protected, breathable fabric, made, rated and tested here in the USA to global standard certified cotton. I also manufacture local to not only keep jobs here and watch quality, but also to avoid potential exploitation of workers in underdeveloped foreign markets.

And Debra, my gateway to you is Harmony Susalla of Harmony Organic Art Design. After years of getting started and researching fabric largely through the Fashion Business Incorporated in L.A., I came to know Harmony. And I not only came to know it, but I really came to love her.

DEBRA: I love Harmony too.

BRIDGET GUZZI: Oh, for sure! Her store is so kind and it’s so healthy. And once I met Harmony, I knew I had an outstanding source of fabric to offer to the consumer.

When I heard about how the workers who grew the cotton were respected, they were paid, they were not subjected to pesticides and herbicides, and when I saw the work that she put in getting this global standard for this beautiful cotton and what I experienced mostly from natural print (after just the array of digitized, loud, aggressive printset that have been in the market), I just felt so warm and at home and connected to nature.

So, Harmony is the bomb when it comes to prints and fabrics, she lives in nature. She’s an environmentalist and really a wonderful person to know.

When I do a show of presenting my apparel and selling my apparel, I always recommend Harmony for anyone who’s sewing at home especially for children. If they’re sewing at home for children, also the sheets (which you and Harmony discussed previously) and also for new entrepreneurs who were coming in to the apparel market.

DEBRA: And you can find Harmony on my website, just type in ‘Harmony Art’ into my search engine and her listing on Debra’s list will come out. But I am also adding a lot of websites that are making things out of her fabrics. I just added your website today to Debra’s list,

Bridget, for your organic gardening apparel.

The last question I want to ask you – well, it might not be the last question, but I’m hoping we’ll talk about this in-depth. As I’ve been saying throughout the hour, I love gardening and I have had gardens in the past. But the problem that I run into with gardening (and maybe you can help me with this) are two things.

One is I don’t always have success and I get discouraged. I know that I need to [inaudible 00:42:50] about gardening, but also I did much better in California as a gardener than what I’m doing here in Florida. I am learning the differences about Florida gardening and what I need to do.

But as much as I experience bonding with nature while I’m doing it, sometimes I don’t always get the result where nature gives me what I am expecting in return for all that I’m doing trying to grow these fruits and vegetables.

So question number one is how do you get through that discouraging phase and learn enough to be able to have success with gardening like you have?

And number two is, I’m a working person where I’m working full time and more doing my work, how do people find time to garden enough in order to be able to produce enough in order to feed themselves?

BRIDGET GUZZI: Okay. As for discouragement, there’s really nothing to be discouraged about. Seedlings are like people and seeds are like people. They have various degrees of potential and we need to respect what they bring to us. I just not have found that that has been the way for me. And I know people are losing plants right now because of the weather changes, so be it. We are not in control. Mother Nature is in control.

So, go back, and do it again and do it again and until it comes about. That’s my feeling. I don’t bring negativity to my garden or discouragement. I bring hope. When I put a seed in, I give it a kiss and say, “Good luck!”

DEBRA: I like that!

BRIDGET GUZZI: “Do well, I love you! Love me back.” But it’s all about the focus and the respect that we know who’s in control.

As to the time factor, there are a lot of people out there right now who have lawns and who have gardeners who are maintaining their lawns because they don’t have the time. And my suggestion for that is to say to your gardener, “How would you like to eat well?” because I’d like to eat well.

So, you can take your garden and a gardener if you don’t have the time and let them build these for you. And when they go home, they’re going home with some fruits and vegetables and you’re eating well. We’ve made a beautiful transition as far as what we’re doing with the time that we have.

So, we ourselves may not be able to, if busy, apply ourselves, but we can have our gardener do that. We can change everything with one homne garden at a time.

DEBRA: I like that suggestion too. I hadn’t actually thought about that. I have thought about, “Well, maybe I need to hire somebody to do the gardening for me and then that’s another expense,” but now that I’m thinking about it, it probably wouldn’t cost anymore to pay somebody to be working in my garden and growing food than it would cost to buy the food.

Right now, I don’t have a gardener, but I do know people that don’t have gardeners. They don’t have yards in which to garden. I think that would be a fabulous thing for people who don’t have time to garden to hook up people who don’t have yards. People could do the work and get paid in the produce because there will be plenty of produce for everybody. A yard, as I’ve said before, can feed much more than one person, much more than one family.

Another thing that I wanted to say (it’s actually a realization that I had while we were doing the show and looking at your website and talking with you), it really is I think about making transformation to growing food and being in connection with nature and your yard. It’s almost like an at-hom organic edible garden lifestyle. If I were to say, “I’m going to make that central with my life and even put in 20 minutes a day, instead of going to the gym,” I don’t go to the gym, but I’m trying to figure out where could people get time in their lives to do this.

I go for walks. If I were to spend more time walking instead of bending over and weeding and getting exercise by working on the garden, it would produce food. I think that’s what’s needed. It’s for people to be thinking (including myself) in terms of how can I incorporate growing food into my life?

Sometimes people think, “In order to do something like this, it’s going to take a lot of time. I can’t do it because I don’t have time.” But what happens is that things get busy in my life and I don’t go out and take care of the plants and I think that taking care of the plants, having time to take care of the plants, they don’t require that much care, do they? Taking care of the plants, sharing care of the plants with someone else is akin to taking time to take care of ourselves.

It’s the same issue. Are people taking care of themselves and their lives in other ways? Taking care of our gardens is taking care of ourselves because the garden takes care of us if we take care of it.

BRIDGET GUZZI: And we get that.

DEBRA: Yeah, it’s a really important point. I would like to see more and more people understand the necessity for health, that health isn’t just doing whatever you want, eating junk food, drinking tap water and going to the doctor and taking a pill when you get sick. Health is taking care of ourselves and taking care of each other and taking care of the environment and the food. And taking care ourselves to give ourselves the best quality things that support life. I see you doing that and appreciating that very much.

Are there any final words you’d like to say? We’ve got just a few seconds.

BRIDGET GUZZI: I would like to say thank you. This has been one of the nicest introduction to someone who’s making such a huge difference. I appreciate your time and I feel wonderful. Thank you so much!

DEBRA: Thank you! Thank you for being with me. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio.

Plants Don’t Like WiFi

From Debra Lynn Dadd

One of my readers sent this to me.

Five young women in the ninth grade in Denmark devised a science fair project to see the effects of their cell phones on plants. I had to smile at this because it reminded me of a science fair project I did in the ninth grade to see if there was a listening to classical music or rock music made a difference to plants.

Here is what was forwarded to me:


Photo courtesy of Kim Horsevad, teacher at Hjallerup Skole in Denmark.

It started with an observation and a question. The girls noticed that if they slept with their mobile phones near their heads at night, they often had difficulty concentrating at school the next day. They wanted to test the effe ct of a cellphone’s radiation on humans, but their school, Hjallerup School in Denmark, did not have the equipment to handle such an experiment. So the girls designed an experiment that would test the effect of cellphone radiation on a plant instead.

The students placed six trays filled with Lepidium sativum, a type of garden cress into a room without radiation, and six trays of the seeds into another room next to two routers that according to the girls calculations, emitted about the same type of radiation as an ordinary cellphone.

Over the next 12 days, the girls observed, measured, weighed and photographed their results. Although by the end of the experiment the results were blatantly obvious ? the cress seeds placed near the router had not grown. Many of them were completely dead. While the cress seeds planted in the other room , away from the routers, thrived.

The experiment earned the girls (pictured below) top honors in a regional science competition and the interest of scientists around the world.

According to Kim Horsevad, a teacher at Hjallerup Skole in Denmark were the cress experiment took place, a neuroscience professor at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, is interested in repeating the experiment in controlled professional scientific environments.

Living From Vision
P.O. Box 1530
Stanwood, WA

In my experiment, the results were the same. The seeds wouldn’t sprout. I also did an experiment trying to sprout seeds in microwaved water. Again, they didn’t sprout.

This is why I use a Pong case to reduce radiation up to 95% from my cell phone. I also now only use my cell phone in speaker phone mode and do not hold it up to my ear. I only use my cell phone when I’m away from my landline, which I always use at home.


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Electrosensitivity and Smart Meters

My guest is André Fauteux, Editor and Publisher of La Maison du 21e siècle (21st-Century Housing) magazine, a Quebec-based, French trimestrial on healthy and sustainable housing which he founded in 1994. During the summer of 1988, Andre was a reporter for the Montreal Gazette daily. There he wrote about a little girl with leukemia whose parents were trying to raised $100,000 to pay for a bone marrow transplant in the US. Sadly, the effort failed and Danielle Hebert passed away. Moved by this, André began investigating the causes of leukemia and learned that pesticides and magnetic fields were suspected triggers. He has dedicated his career to seeking and communicating ways of preventing and fixing environmental diseases and disasters. In 1990-91, while writing for a housing weekly (Habitabec) and freelancing for a New Age magazine (Guide Ressources), he had the good fortune of discovering his mission by learning about Building Biology and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s Healthy Housing initiative. Andre will talk about electrosensitivity and why smart meters are making some people sick.





Electrosensitivity and Smart Meters

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: André Fauteux

Date of Broadcast: February 27, 2015

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio, where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world.

Even though there may be toxic chemicals in our consumer products, surrounding the environment, in the news every day, and even other dangers such as electromagnetic fields (which we’re going to be talking about today), there are things that each one of us can do to live a less toxic life, and flourish, and prosper and be happy and productive, and everything that we want to be without being affected by toxic chemicals or other dangers. We can remove them from our homes and our bodies, and feel a lot better. That’s the whole point of this show.

Today is Monday, May 27, 2013. It’s Memorial Day. And I just want to talk for a minute about Memorial Day, which was started after the Civil War. And it is to honor (and still is) and remember those men and women who defended our country in our armed forces.

I, myself, am descended from patriots who fought in the Revolutionary War. And while I’m not an official member of the Daughters of the American Revolution, my grandmother was and my great aunt was; both were members. And I traced our genealogy back to nine ancestors, who fought for freedom in our country.

And so I very much am aware of the necessities sometimes. While I very much think that we can live without or that would be fine with me, I think there are times when we need to stand up for freedom. And I am very appreciative of those men and women in the past who have stood up for the freedom in our country so that we have freedoms today to make choices like choices to not use toxic chemicals.

So today we’re going to talk about electromagnetic fields and electrosensitivity and smart meters. And my guest actually is from Canada. His name is André Fauteux, and he’s the Editor and Publisher of La Maison du 21e siècle. Now I have to say 21st Century in French. The English name of the magazine is 21st Century Housing. He’s based in Quebec, and the magazine is about healthy and sustainable housing.

Welcome, André. I’m so pleased to have you on.

ANDRÉ FAUTEUX: Hi, Debra. Thanks for your interest. Glad to be here.

DEBRA: Good. So tell us how you became interested in the field of toxic chemicals have electromagnetic fields and led you to make a whole regular magazine. And I should also say that André sends me new articles about electromagnetic sensitivity and electromagnetic fields and what’s going on around the world; multiple articles every week. And of everybody I know, he knows more about this subject than anyone. So I’m very, very interested in what he has to say today.

But tell us your story first, André.

ANDRÉ FAUTEUX: Yes. I began in my twenties when I had serious back aches. I was a reporter for the Montreal Gazette Daily and I wrote a story on a little girl who had leukemia and passed away. So I was really moved by that and wondering what causes leukemia.

So I started to speak to different doctors. I spoke to a dermatologist, who was fighting herbicide applications on lawns, Dr. June Irwin, and she told me that many cancers were linked to herbicide use; 2, 4-D was linked directly to leukemia and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

And so I began, actually, after my internship at the Gazette, writing for Housing Newspaper for five years. And I devote a specialty, a beat in healthy and sustainable housing, and speaking to a lot of architects and engineers, but also chemists, toxicologists and physicians.

I became a specialist ever since 1990, even focusing on all the home pollutants. And I did link it also to myself, my own back aches, and a moderate level also of food sensitivities. I linked them to the fact that I did a lot of painting as a teenager – you know, with a roller over my head and I was just in my shorts. [Inaudible 00:05:44] a whole, little cloud all of my body. So I had to wash my body a few times with bar soap.

So a couple of years later, when I began writing a lot about multiple chemical sensitivity, doctors told me, “For sure that was not very good for your health.”

DEBRA: I had a similar experience where before I knew anything about chemical sensitivity or being poisoned by toxic chemicals, I was very interested in interior design. And so whenever I had the opportunity, I was always doing things like painting.

But one day, I had a new boyfriend and he had a renovated house in Berkeley, California; a beautiful, old house, where the bathroom had been not well-constructed and didn’t have any tile. And the shower was painted concrete. And every time I would take a shower in this little, tiny cubicle, I would get paint chips all over my body because the paint was peeling.

And so one day I said, “I’m just going to take all these layers and layers of paint off.”

And really it was not bigger than three-by-three feet.

ANDRÉ FAUTEUX: Did you know if it was lead paint?

DEBRA: Well, I didn’t know it was lead paint but here’s even worse, I took the most toxic paint stripper. I think it was called Thompson’s or something. And I applied it all over this little space. And then I took a single razor blade, and I stood there for hours scraping that paint off the walls, breathing in all the fumes. And my naked body absorbing them.

That was not the smartest thing I ever did. But I didn’t know. I didn’t know. And I’m sure that people still do things like that all the time.


DEBRA: Go on with your story.

ANDRÉ FAUTEUX: Well that’s why I’ve been writing for 20 years about prevention and solution because people don’t know.

DEBRA: That’s right. That’s why I do it too.

ANDRÉ FAUTEUX: What I learned also is that it could be chemicals, it could be mold or electric shock; all sorts of shock to your nervous system that make you chemically, and even electromagnetically sensitive. It’s happened with mold and people getting shocks; a telephone, how do you say this? Receptionist. An earpiece? They get a shock in their ear?

A lady writing to me today that she got lightning bolt spread in her ear and became electro-sensitive because of that.

And the issue is interesting for many years because it turns out that in Quebec, we have the highest levels, among the highest in the world, levels of exposure to 60-hertz magnetic field. Those are the fields caused by domestic electricity; all in your household wiring and in power lines. And the current is when you turn on an appliance. You get a magnetic field when a current is circulating.

And in Quebec, 70% of our homes are heated with electricity. So we have very, very high magnetic field levels.

And it turns out, I did investigations and we also happen to have the highest rates of cancer for children, and leukemia, brain and breast cancer, with the general population. And those are all suspected to be linked to magnetic fields, electric and magnetic fields. It’s a big issue here in Quebec.

DEBRA: Sounds like it is.

So I would like to know, could you just explain, very simply, because we have 45 seconds until the break, about what are EMFs? Let’s just start with that.

ANDRÉ FAUTEUX: Well that’s when the current, when you turn on an appliance, you get [inaudible 00:10:01] or current, and that’s a magnetic field. And when it only has voltage or tension that’s an electric field. Even though your appliance is turned off, you still have electric field. Those are also suspected to be linked to leukemia and allergies.

So that’s why it’s good at night to, some people are very sensitive, they shut off all the power in their bedroom even at the main breaker; even the electrical tension, so they won’t have also electric fields, not only magnetic fields.

DEBRA: We’ll talk more about electromagnetic fields, how they can affect your health, smart meters and all kinds of related things with André Fauteux, Editor and Publisher of the 21st Century Housing Magazine.

I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and you’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and I have one more commercial for you.

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Okay, André, back to you. Now, explain what electrosensitivity is.

ANDRÉ FAUTEUX: Well, much like chemical sensitivity, some people react to very, very low doses of electric and magnetic fields that most people don’t react to. And surveys in Europe have shown, national surveys in several countries have shown that the percentage of people saying they are electro-sensitive went from under 1 per cent around 1994 in Sweden, to around 10 per cent in several countries; even up to 13 per cent in Germany, around 2004. And Scandivania, in 2000, it was the first region in the world where at least 50 per cent of people used a cell phone daily. And that’s where most countries, northern countries, where most people start saying they’re electro-sensitive because it’s really toxic overload.

And what happens is that people will get headaches, mostly, sleeping problems, digestive problems, even mood disorders. And it goes all the way down to your skin burning and having candidiasism, noise in your ear and all of that.

So for some people it can get very, very devastating. And what’s very, very sad is that doctors often send them to psychiatry. They say they’re depressed.

And we had a conference in Montreal with Professor [inaudible 00:16:04] from Ontario, and Dr. Roy Fox from Halifax, Nova Scotia, who treat people with environmental illnesses. And they both confirmed that it’s really not psychosomatic and if the first treatment is giving them an antidepressant, it can actually make their condition worse.

DEBRA: I would think so. Many years ago I when I first started studying EMFs, I wouldn’t call myself an expert in EMFs by any means, but it seemed to relate to being an environmental exposure such as toxic chemicals and environmental exposure that make us sick. So I have learned something about it.

I don’t consider myself to be electro-sensitive but it is real to me that people could be electrically sensitive.

The thing that was most interesting to me about is that our bodies have electromagnetic fields, as part of their natural construction – and the Earth does as well. And that the way it’s designed is that our bodies are supposed to be picking up that same vibration from the earth and that they entrain to be the same.

Our bodies are supposed to have the same vibration as the environment. But what ends up happening with all these electromagnetic devices, including just wires in our walls, is that they vibrate at a different rate. And to me, anything that interrupts the natural connection between the environment and our bodies or even our bodies and the cosmos; however the cosmos may be affecting us here on earth.

Whatever interrupts that natural connection is not good for our health. If it’s logically not good for our health then that’s the way it looks to me.

ANDRÉ FAUTEUX: Absolutely. I agree with you. Life on earth developed with the direct current from the universe and the earth, and that comes and goes in one direction. And the synthetic electricity we produce, it changes direction or polarities 60 times per second, if you take 60-hertz, domestic electricity. But then for radio waves and microwaves, they go in the kilohertz and megahertz and the gigahertz. So up to billions of times per second, it’s vibrating, changing polarities. And all the wireless devices now, they pulse this, which means that it’s on and off thousands of times, millions of times, or billions of times per second.

Now, your self are all electric; our whole body is electric, and we were not trained to be compatible with this power. So it’s over time, the chronic exposure daily, and especially all night long, you want to really shut off power in your home, and especially avoid wireless devices at night because that’s one when your body needs to recover.

For instance, you have a hormone called melatonin, which is a potent anti-cancer agent, and your brain starts producing it. There’s a gland in your brain that produces that beginning at 9:00 o’clock at night. So ideally, you should be in pitch black, pitch dark, total darkness in your bedroom starting at 9:00 o’clock at night and all night long.

So many people wear masks because if you want to fight disease and repair your DNA breaks, which are normal during the day (we all have some damage to our DNA). But the problem is people work at night. They have light in their eyes or also magnetic fields have the same impact. They stop the production of melatonin. That’s really worrisome.

I’d like to tell you if you have a minute. There’s a French oncologist in Paris that I spoke to. And he’s got a wonderful research. He’s got about 500 electro-sensitive patients and they did brain scans and blood tests. And what they found is that people with elecrosensitivities, they have problems with blood circulation in their brain. They also have higher histamine levels like an allergic reaction. And also very high stress protein.

And we also know that electromagnetic fields will open the blood brain barrier. That’s a filter that prevents pollutants from entering your brain. When you’re exposed to these fields, mercury and other pollutants can go directly in your brain and harm it.

Now, we know there are more and more brain tumors developing in the wireless era.

DEBRA: That’s so interesting about how the electromagnetics actually make toxic chemicals more toxic. We’ll talk more about that and smart meters and everything else about electrosensitivity with André Fauteux after the break. He’s the Publisher of the magazine, 21st Century Housing from Canada. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and you’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and I’m here today with my guest, André Fauteux. André, would you say the name of your magazine in French?

ANDRÉ FAUTEUX: La Maison du 21e siècle, which is the 21st Century Housing.

DEBRA: Thank you. I took a little French but I still can’t read it and pronounce it. I can say bonjour and I can order a little bit [inaudible 00:26:49].

ANDRÉ FAUTEUX: Luckily, I grew up in an English neighborhood.

DEBRA: Okay, so we were talking about electrosensitivities and how they can make your ears hurt. What did you say again about that it opens the blood brain barriers so that then toxic chemicals can get through more easily?

ANDRÉ FAUTEUX: Yes, exactly. Henry [inaudible 00:27:18] is a scientist from University of Washington who studied I believe with a few scientists. That’s worrisome. As I was saying, it’s a chronic exposure. Some alternative health devices can help you with specific low frequency electrical treatment but being exposed all the time, of course, those are one of the impacts. The toxins going to the brain. I would also like to mention heart problems, diabetes and different neurological disorders, including multiple sclerosis.

People who reduce their exposure to EMFs, they feel better. That’s what Dr. Fox somehow was telling us this week. I’ve been giving testimonials for 20 years now. But to that effect, there are a lot of things that we can do to reduce our exposure.

DEBRA: So I’m always telling people, and I think that’s probably the logic, those on the same track as they work with toxics, is if people start out by saying, “Well, what’s the point of me doing anything if I’m not sick? If I’m not feeling the symptoms?”

And I know at first, myself, and I know other people too, they look for the toxic chemicals that they are physically reacting to (what toxic chemical gives me a headache, for example).

ANDRÉ FAUTEUX: The two things I can answer to that, sometimes you’re not sick but you’re just on the verge of getting sick and you don’t know it. Or you have symptoms that you’re not relating to chemicals or to EMFs or both.

That’s the case for many, many people with chronic pain and chronic diseases. And the electrosensitivity, as I’ve said, every year it’s going up. In the last decade, the exposure to radiofrequency in microwaves, from wireless devices exploded. It’s millions of times higher; just the ambient exposure.

If you live in a city, you’re well above levels of exposure that have biological impacts. They’re not necessarily making you sick but they have the potential to make you sick. They’ll affect the transport of calcium; they’ll affect your big DNA. Different things are happening in your body and you don’t know. But you’re preparing cancers and other diseases.

And that’s well-documented with thousands and thousands of studies since the 1940s because the military are very aware of the effects of microwaves. They’ve been using them as non-lethal weapons for many, many years.

DEBRA: I’m sitting here scribbling more and more questions when you talk. I’m scribbling down questions to ask you. But I know that you wanted to talk about smart meters, specifically. So let’s talk about that.

ANDRÉ FAUTEUX: Well that’s it. Again, it’s maybe 5 or 10 per cent of people that we expect will get sick from them if they’re pretty close to the smart meters. These are meters, in that your consumption data to the utility, wirelessly, using microwaves.

And around the world, there’s a neurosurgeon in Australia, Vini Khurana. His website is but he’s in Australia, and he says that most complaints are from people living or spending a lot of time 10 feet or less from a smart meter; on your bedroom, the wall outside, because it’ll go through materials. And these are pulsing microwaves; thousands of times a day. And people get the typical electrosensitivity symptoms of headaches and sleep problems and what have you.

So it’s not everyone that is reacting but already, thousands of people are. And what the utilities will tell you is, no, no. It’s not dangerous because the meter ignitions are thousands of times below those of a cordless phone or a cell phone or a cell tower.

But there are two answers to that. One is you can choose to live far away from a cell tower. You should be at least 500 meters from one. You could choose also not to use a cordless or cell phone because you are sensitive or you don’t want to become sensitive. And the other thing is that if you take utilities, they just talk about your average, daily dose with a smart meter. That’s not what’s harming people. It’s the thousands of pulses which just last a fraction of a second, which your body is not adapting too. Those thousands are often, at least once or twice per minute, you get these peak power ignitions. They are making people sick.

So more and more people are realizing this. They just don’t want one of those meters and utilities and governments are imposing them. Sometimes people obtain the right to opt out, but you have to pay. Here in Quebec, they are asking people that they pay $17 per month to opt out and have a non-emitting meter.

That means they’re taxing you to be healthy; to protect your health. To protect your life, you are going to pay 17-bucks a month for the rest of your life to be healthy.

So I’m pretty confident that it’s going to go to Court or a Human Rights Tribunal beucase those are really unfair taxes.

DEBRA: It is unfair taxes. But also, we should have the average world be toxic or dangerous, and then how to pay extra money to not have that. There should be an ethic which says, “What we do in our world support life.” Rather than having an ethic that goes, “It doesn’t matter what we do to support life as long as we’re making money,” which I think is probably the way businesses think right now.

And I’m not saying 100% of the instances. And certainly, there are businesses that are paying more attention. It’s just like this rampant disregard of life is the norm, is just amazing to me.

ANDRÉ FAUTEUX: Yes. I agree with you. I don’t want to sound cynical but the reality of our world is business before prevention. Governments, civil servants, our elected officials, the industry, they know that chemical pollutants and electromagnetic pollution and chronic exposure are making people sick, and that we could save billions of dollars in health cost if we did prevention. But because they don’t have the smoking gun to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, they don’t want to apply what’s called precautionary principle, which says that if you have reasonable doubt, if most experts say it’s probably dangerous, then we should reduce our exposure.

Like we did in Quebec, we banned our herbicide.

DEBRA: Good for you.

ANDRÉ FAUTEUX: We have a law that went to Supreme Court and won. And others have followed too. Even though after that, the government had to compensate I think [inaudible 00:34:24] and that’s okay. The politician said, “Okay, we’re willing to compensate for your loss of business but we’re going to protect public health, and especially children’s health.”

DEBRA: Yay! That’s what I like to hear. All right, we’re going to talk more after the break with André Fauteux from Quebec. He’s the Editor and Publisher of 21st Century Housing Magazine. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and you’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is André Fauteux, Editor and Publisher of 21st Century Housing.

André, I was going to give your URL. It’s a Canadian website and so it’s in French, of course. MaisonSaine, is that right?

ANDRÉ FAUTEUX: Yes. We have English articles for your listeners on it.

DEBRA: Yes, there are some of those articles. I found them. But I am encouraging André to have more English articles. And I suggested to him that he put one of those little translators on his website so that we can read more of the articles.

I’m going to spell it for our English-speaking listeners. It’s M-A-I-S-O-N

And the easiest way to get there is to go to my website,, and you’ll see it there. You can just click right through on the link.

So here’s my burning question, and we’ll actually get to this one. So I’m mostly concerned. I think if there is one thing that has stood out for me in everything that you said today, is really, the fact that exposure to electromagnetic fields can make toxic chemicals more toxic because it makes your body more able to absorb the toxic chemicals. And so even if somebody had no concern about EMG at all, but is concerned about toxic chemicals, that would be a reason to protect one’s self; take the steps to protect one’s self from EMFs.

And I know that I pay attention to EMFs. I had a bell inspection where I actually have a whole team of bell biologists-in-training and take measurements of all kinds of things. And they located the strongest EMFs switch in my house where the cordless phone was, which immediately went in the trash.

And I also had a…

ANDRÉ FAUTEUX: I did that too.

DEBRA: …battery back-up that was sitting under my desk. And I’m literally sitting on top of the battery back-up. And that was the next thing that went in the trash.

Otherwise, my levels of EMFs in the house were pretty good. And even though I have the 27-inch screen on my computer, by the time I am sitting two feet away from it, the EMFs are practically nothing.

So I got rid of the biggest things and I also have a little thing, a Pong case for my cell phone, but I don’t don’t put it up against my head anymore. I only use the speaker phone. And I know some people have gotten rid of their landlines entirely. I still have my landline, I still use it. And I only use my cell phone when I absolutely need to use my cell phone. I just carry for emergencies or if people need to reach me.

So I’m not on a cellphone all day long since I saw that photo which shows how far the radiation reaches into your brain, [inaudible 00:42:10] your whole head.

So I don’t even put my cell phone near my head, but what I feel like I’m powerless to do anything about is the ambient level of all these wireless, WiFi, everything. Even in my own house, the WiFi from neighboring houses are in my house. And all those towers, you name it, we’re just being zapped every minute of every day. And I don’t know what to do about that.

ANDRÉ FAUTEUX: Well, there are a lot of things we can do. I did a one-hour interview with Professor [inaudible 00:42:54] who is a [inaudible 00:42:57] toxicologist specializing in EMFs for 13 years now. She’s got 10 papers she actually published with her own money. It’s very hard to get funding for these scientists. And she found the cordless deck phones relate to heart problems and also the blood sugar levels. I was mentioning all of that. She is also working with multiple sclerosis people.

So you can look on my website for this long article with 12 ways of reducing exposure. And indeed, some people have no choice but to move because their neighbors’ WiFi, what have you, are going through the walls. Some of them will put aluminum to block the waves.

That’s true. That’s the old bounce back, but the old bounce back can concentrate. You’ll shoot it back in your neighbor’s face. Or if you have aluminum in your house and you’re using a wireless device, then it’s going to bounce back all over and concentrated in the room. So you have to be conscious of that.

One of the building biologists I speak to, who is an expert Sal LaDuca – he recommends using concrete cement products. Those are better at shielding and they won’t reflect the microwave.

Well, that’s one way of doing it.

The first thing you want to do is keep a distance. The AM and FM radio antennas, they could be a couple of kilometers away, a couple of miles away. The most sensitive people can be affected. Even a kilometer, just under a mile, some people feel the cell phone antenna. And power lines usually, you want to keep at least 500 meters away. I’m talking metric here, in Canada. But I think you get the proportion.

In your house, usually three feet away, most appliances are okay, but not the wireless. The wireless, they could be 500 or a thousand feet. Your cordless phone goes that far distant than the smart meters. It will be tens or hundreds or thousands of kilometers. They’re all going to talk to each other through a mesh grid, and the utilities put routers also on buildings and telephone poles.

So the higher density population, unfortunately, are getting more and more exposure. So more and more people are having to move to low density rural areas. And that goes against the grain of fighting climate change. You want to densify cities to have less car travel and burn less gas. It’s getting very hard if you want to densify urban development but on the other hand, you’ve got antennas on buildings making people sick.

DEBRA: Sometimes I feel we should just build ourselves a planet and start over and re-design intelligently. And I would like to see somebody build an area, a dense area, out of healthy materials with no EMFs and organic gardens all around. And everybody can walk everywhere.

Exactly half of all of this technology, but then you say, “Well, go find a spot on earth where all these things come together.” And it doesn’t exist. [cross-talking]

ANDRÉ FAUTEUX: They’re starting to build, I forgot where it is. In Virginia, I think, you have the most powerful, actually, the cleanest place in the US for EMFs because there’s an astronomy center, National Astronomy Center, I think in West Virginia. And people are building there because there is no radiofrequency, microwave interference there. Or else, they couldn’t monitor the outer space from that center.

DEBRA: That’s interesting. I didn’t know that.

ANDRÉ FAUTEUX: I forgot what it’s called. But in Europe, they’re building these White Zones, they call them, where there are no EMFs. And it’s true. You mentioned that to detoxify, some scientists have found that if you’re constantly exposed to EMFs, for instance, with autistic children, they found that they could help detoxify, get rid of their heavy metals, first by removing them from electromagnetic radiation.

So that’s the hope is that you want to reduce. Some people need to really [inaudible 00:47:38] settings. But most people, the first you just want to do is to reduce or break down to zero at least overnight when you’re sleeping. Protect yourself from any exposure. And of course, you need to have clean air, clean water, clean food to help you detox.

And there are several different techniques. Also what you want to do is to calm your brain, your nervous system, after getting poisoned with pesticides or lightning bolts or very high emission from power lines and antennas. Your nervous system, if you become electro-sensitive, it’s constantly in a fight or flight reaction.

Just that in itself is really obnoxious. And if you’re also someone who is working too hard, who is not sleeping enough, who is too emotional, you’re really not helping yourself.

So you can’t just blame the outside and blame others for the pollution. You have to do both things. You have to reduce your exposure but you also have to strengthen your immune system and also your nervous system, be it with meditation, Heart Math. Have you talked about the Heart Math Institute? It’s a kind of biofeedback that you do. You have it on your computer and you see how your heart rhythm, you get it coordinated with your breathing. And that really helps your brain waves to calm down.

And that’s part of curing one’s self from electrosensitivity according to Dr. Fox in Halifax. You really need to stop being in that fight or flight constant brain stress.

DEBRA: Well, this has been so interesting. Unfortunately, our time is up. And again, we’ve been talking with André Fauteux, Editor and Publisher at 21st Century Housing. Go to and next to his description of this show, you can go to his website where he has some articles in French and English. And that’s it for today for Toxic Free Talk Radio. Come back tomorrow to hear more about how you can thrive in a toxic world.

Safe Sneakers?

Question from Beth

I am looking for safe sneakers for myself and my toddler. Do you know of any specific brands that are are flame retardant free, polyurethane foam free, etc.? Do you think Aegis is safe and/or X-static (alternative to triclosan) as many sneakers are treated with these agents? May I ask what brands of shoes you wear? I’m just looking for the best options and realize that I may not find a perfect pair.


Debra’s Answer

I’m not sure you are going to find sneakers with these specifications. I’m looking at a pair or “organic cotton sneakers” online and they still have polyurethane foam padding and the soles are made from recycled rubber tires (which emit many toxic chemicals)

My favorite cotton shoes are espadrilles. I have no idea what they might be treated with, but they are made from very simple materials and I’ve never had a problem with them. Here’s the type I’m talking about : Asos Espadrilles. You can see in the photo they have cotton tops, some kind of natural rope sole, with some rubber.

I have a pair of leather sneakers I wear on vacations when I need a closed toe walking shoe. These are vegetable-tanned leather from Camper. Very sustainable company. Here’s one similar to the style I have:

But every day I wear my leather Mefisto sandals: I can do that here in Florida. I love these. I just buy one pair at a time and wear them until they wear out and buy another. They just are the most comfortable, least toxic shoe I’ve found for my climate. If I lived in San Francisco, I’d wear my Camper sneakers every day. I love those too.

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Toxic Chemicals in Wood Pallets?

Question from Deborah

Are there toxins in wood pallets? I’m thinking of making a pallet garden using some vegetable plants. Thank you. Deborah

Debra’s Answer

Yes, there are toxins of various kinds in pallets. However, it depends on the pallet.

Here are some articles with points to consider about pallets:

How to Determine if a Wood Pallet is Safe for Use

Apartment Therapy: Upcycled Wooden Pallets: Green Resource of Toxic Trend? discusses various different types of health concerns associated with pallets

And just for interest sake: Here’s a copy of a historical document from 1959 about why pallets SHOULD be treated with preservatives, written at a time when they were not. They recommend treating with chlordane and DDT, pentachlorophenol and copper napthenate, all very toxic. DDT has been banned since. Preservatives for Wood Pallets

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Mineral Deodorizer Bags for Closets

Question from D. Carlsle

Do you recommend mineral deodorizer bags to eliminate odors in closets? I used some a while ago and forgot the brand. What do you recommend?

Debra’s Answer

I’m assuming you are referring to the mineral zeolite for removing odors. Yes, those are fine.

There are many places to buy them (just google “zeolite odor removing granules”).

Here’s a link to the zeolite page on Nirvana Safe Haven, run by a woman with MCS, who is very knowledgeable about removing odors:

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Body Friendly Natural Furniture

patrick-clarkMy guest is Patrick Clark from Carolina Morning. Patrick has been researching and writing about design, nutrition, deep ecology, sleep, metabolism, minimalism and somatics for over 20 years. His unconventional approach to increasing wellness and energy through an integrated system uses nature, metabolism, and consciousness as the starting point of design. Patrick got into his eclectic line of work from a personal desire to heal from illness. He ‘brought himself back from the dead’ after experiencing two decades of declining health and trying diets and modalities that failed miserably. He found that diet alone was not the answer. The answer came in multiple parts: environment, nutrition, sleep, and exercise. Now, after ten years of putting together a unique protocol based on cutting edge research, he has invented a line of revolutionary ‘body friendly’ furniture as well as highly effective, nutrient dense, anti-oxidant rich recipes and wellness formulas. Patrick has a certificate in Permaculture Design as well as Outdoor Leadership from the Wilderness Education Association. We’ll talk about Patrick’s cutting edge viewpoint for health and how he translated what he learned into products we use every day.





Body Friendly Natural Furniture

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Patrick Clark

Date of Broadcast: May 23, 2013

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world. Even though there are many toxic chemicals around in the environment and in consumer products that we use every day, we don’t have to be exposed to them. We don’t have to get sick from them. We don’t have to not think clearly because of them.

We can live healthy happy productive lives because there are many, many things that are not toxic.

Today, we’re going to be talking about Body Friendly Natural Furniture made out of natural materials but also fitted particularly to the health of your body.

But before we do that, I want to tell you about a video I saw. It’s an incredible video. It’s about a man in the smoky mountains I think who, after many heart surgeries, gave up taking his drugs and spent his money for his prescription drugs for the many illnesses that he had, and spent the money instead on harmonicas which he distributed to local schools along with harmonica lessons because they didn’t have a music program as part of their budget I guess. I remember when I was a child, we had music programs but they got cut all over the place.

So, when after the first month, he didn’t die because he didn’t take his drugs. The next month, he spent the money he would’ve spent on prescription drugs on more harmonicas—and the next month, and the next month, and the next month.

And this video is about what happened. It just is incredibly wonderful. I mean, me being a musician, it particularly speaks to me. But it really shows that there are many things in life that we can do that are not toxic and are even actually beyond just looking at the material side of life that we can be doing all kinds of things to make the world a better place by giving of ourselves.

And the way to find those, I put it on my website. Just go to Across the top, there’s a link to the right where it says “Living as Nature.” And then scroll down that page, it’s number two right down. Click on the video and watch it. It will just make your day.

I particularly wanted to point this video out today because my guest, Patrick Clark from Carolina Morning, is very nature-oriented. And he really did take a look at how nature works and what’s going on with the natural laws of the planet and our bodies and everything in order to put together the product that he offers.

So welcome to the show Patrick.

PATRICK CLARK: Thank you, Debra. It’s wonderful to be here.

DEBRA: Thank you. And you’re there near Ashville, right?

PATRICK CLARK: Yes. It’s Ashville, North Carolina.

DEBRA: It’s so beautiful there, so beautiful.

PATRICK CLARK: Yes, it is, especially today.

DEBRA: I can imagine.

Now, to start, tell us your story about how you went from probably—well, maybe not, an average person to someone who has such a different view point than our industrial viewpoint and how that’s changed your life?

PATRICK CLARK: Yes. Well, I never was an average person. I started out in life wandering around the trails behind my house and the […] valley near the Great Smoky Mountains, just kind of playing with things. I built little shelters and would go around. I was out in nature.

It was really hard to put me into school. I rebelled like as much as anyone possibly could. I ended up going to a school. I came out of school—college and everything—and I still haven’t changed. I still liked what I liked and things still didn’t feel right to me about how we were being forced to live a certain life that was uncomfortable. It seem to be stifling something I might call ‘life energy’.

So I just ended up not even thinking what I was doing. But what I always did, I just kept doing. I just kept tinkering with my environment. I wasn’t working in office settings. I would stack things up a certain way, and prop things up different ways until I felt like it was right. I just kept doing that. Until eventually, it ended up in the concept of Body Friendly Furniture.

DEBRA: Well, tell us about—you told me that you brought yourself back from the dead after surrendering to decades of declining health. Tell us more about what you went through and what you found started to work.

PATRICK CLARK: Yes. And that is like a slightly different subject. But since everything is really extremely connected, it’s good to talk about. I had I think what I call the dark night of the body.

DEBRA: I like that.

PATRICK CLARK: And I see that in people. It’s almost how we get to you, into your paradigm here, Debra. It’s like until it hits us and we get sick, we don’t really believe people.

DEBRA: Mm-hmmm…

PATRICK CLARK: That it’s just hard to believe that people are getting sick from things you can’t see. So, I ended up becoming toxic because of course no one even used that word back then. And there wasn’t even the concept of ‘green building’ and all those kinds of things. So I ended up toxic, and chronic fatigue and multiple chemical sensitivities.

I guess, in a way, that led up to part of some of my ideas about furniture because I needed to find some way of resting, being able to rest the body and recuperate and restore energy while I was working.

DEBRA: So what was the first thing that you tried when you wanted to get better? And what were some of the sentiments that you had?

PATRICK CLARK: It was being fatigued and just having brain fog.


PATRICK CLARK: Yes, and just depleted where you get up and—I mean part of it was the acute part where I could not even get out of bed. And that’s…

DEBRA: I know what that’s like because I went through that too.

PATRICK CLARK: Yes, exactly. And then that led to eventually moving out of that place that was extremely toxic and then actually building a very tiny house because it was really impossible to find a clean place at that time.


PATRICK CLARK: And part of the time was, like you, living in a tent outside for periods and things like that.

So, yeah, it ended up living I had this new environment of a tiny place, a tiny house, very tiny. And it was so tiny, there wasn’t room for furniture. And I started like re-thinking furniture in the terms of small space, multi-use body-friendly and Feng Shui.

DEBRA: I know what Feng Shui is. But I’m sure some of my listeners don’t. So explain what Feng Shui is.

PATRICK CLARK: Feng Shui is it’s the art of placement. It’s a Chinese art, Asian and ancient science art of placement, so that things are arranged the most auspiciously for energy-flow.

DEBRA: Give an example of what you will do to the entrance of the house for Feng Shui.

PATRICK CLARK: Well, for example like you wouldn’t have clutter. And you would make the entrance be extremely obvious that this is the entrance. Make it stand out as an entrance. Make it real obvious, so that let’s just say the word energy can flow through in and out easily.

DEBRA: Mm-hmmm…

PATRICK CLARK: And clutter is one of the things that Feng Shui is really down on. Western Culture is like a nightmare for Feng Shui. That’s why minimalism and small spaces are like already halfway there as far as Feng Shui because you can’t have clutter.

DEBRA: That’s right. And I think that’s really hard for people nevertheless.


DEBRA: We need to take a break. We’ll be back after this message and talk more about Body Friendly Furniture. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. We’re talking with Patrick Clark from Carolina Morning. And you can go to his website at


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And we’re here with Patrick Clark from Carolina Morning talking about Body Friendly Natural Furniture.

Patrick, before we talk about your furniture, tell us about some of the toxic chemicals that may be encountered in furniture that would be making people sick. Why should they be interested in yours and not just go down to the local furniture store?

PATRICK CLARK: Because there are literally hundreds of chemicals in just about anything that you buy, touch, or look at right now in our environment—formaldehyde, PBDE’s, flame retardant chemicals, glues, adhesives, nylon itself is toxic—it’s just a chemical soup. And if you are going to do the first step to health, I would recommend doing a complete overhaul of your indoor environment.

DEBRA: I recommend that too. I’ve said on other shows that I got to a point where it just became clear to me that it was kind of your social study of chemicals, that what I needed to do was just make this quantum leave out of the industrial world.

PATRICK CLARK: Yes, exactly, because it’s overwhelming. It doesn’t matter. A poison is a poison at one point. You realize that.

DEBRA: Yes. And so I can see in your work that you’ve come to a similar realization that I didn’t see. You just need to look to nature and see what you find there.

So, tell us. When you looked at nature, what did you find? What are the materials that you used that are supportive to life?

PATRICK CLARK: Yes, that’s right. We look at nature because—I call it non-synthetic materials. What we ended up finding out that the available materials are cotton, buckwheat wholes, kapok (which is a seed from the kapok tree from the Amazon) and…

DEBRA: It’s very fluffy for those of you who don’t knw.

PATRICK CLARK: Fluffy, it’s a downing material, yeah.

DEBRA: Kapok, it’s really downing and fluffy. And it doesn’t compress like cotton.

PATRICK CLARK: Exactly! And wool. So combining with those four things, that’s what we found made the best combination.

DEBRA: Good! And then you also use wood, solid wood.

PATRICK CLARK: Yes. We have solid wood for our bed frame system. That’s popular from the Eastern United States right near us. And then we have some of our furniture (not the bedding, but the desk and chairs) made from—it’s called Madex M-A-D-E-X. And it is a Forest Stewardship Council certified non-toxic medium density fiber cord.

DEBRA: And do you know what’s in Madex?

PATRICK CLARK: It is from 100% recycled like saw-dust and some kind of adhesive that’s non-formaldehyde. That’s non-toxic.

DEBRA: Yes. I’m familiar with Madex. And it’s a pretty non-toxic thing.


DEBRA: Yes. Okay. So could you…


DEBRA: Go ahead.

PATRICK CLARK: I think I’ll just throw in about the finish. We have a really nice finish too that is a whey-based Vermont Natural Coatings and…

DEBRA: I love Vermont Natural Coating!

PATRICK CLARK: Oh cool. Yehey!

And the other thing about it is we add another dimension to it. It’s a magic element that adds some health enhancing qualities that’s called EM—it’s an EM ceramic powder. I’ll talk about that later, but it’s a really nice material.

DEBRA: I didn’t know that you could mix it with—well, I’m slightly familiar with it. But that’s interesting that you could mix it with the finish. And we can talk about that later.

So, I know that you’ve put different modalities together so that you have a basic philosophy that you’re working throughout from. So could you just explain that so that we know what your viewpoint is?

PATRICK CLARK: Yes. It started with kind of an instinctual feeling like “something’s wrong here.” And as I went to work wherever, in different settings, it was always like, “Something’s wrong here. I just don’t feel alive. I don’t really want to be here.” And as I did research, there’s some definite physical problems issues with sedentary lifestyle. And they had not been solved.

In fact, they had barely been even mentioned at the time I started the research. And a sedentary lifestyle, it also has another name (or maybe several). One of them is called ‘office illness’ and ‘metabolic syndrome.’ And it has a lot of—mostly with metabolism and alignment and circulation and breathing. It crunches our body into a shape that it’s not supposed to be in. It reduces the amount of oxygen that you can bring into your lungs. It also causes chronic back pain and leading to serious back issues.

And just to show you what a scale we’re talking about, the back pain (an undefinable back pain) is the second leading cause of people missing work.

DEBRA: I didn’t know that, but I’m not surprised.

PATRICK CLARK: And the only other thing is the common cold. And there’s $4 billion spent on the back pain industry, and I don’t even think they include the chiropractor and massage that they may not be associating with a sedentary lifestyle.

DEBRA: Yes. Well, I can see that you’re looking at like if we were not in an industrial world, we would be out in nature walking around all the time. We would probably be walking from place to place instead of riding in a car. We would be gathering our food, and we would be hunting. We would be carrying logs for fire, all these things would be an extremely physical kind of life.


DEBRA: And now we have a very sedentary life where we’re sitting all day, and then we go pay for a gym membership and drive to an air-conditioned building where we have machines exercise for us.

PATRICK CLARK: Yes, exactly.

DEBRA: That does not make sense.

PATRICK CLARK: It’s not a good design, is it?

DEBRA: It’s not a good design. Well, we’re going to take another break. And we’ll be back with Patrick Clark from Carolina Morning after this. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and you’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And we’re here with Patrick Clark from Carolina Morning. His website is He’s going to tell us—what is Body Friendly Furniture, Patrick?

PATRICK CLARK: Yes. Good question. It is furniture that encourages movement. It gets you to move and it alternates active positions where you’re actually exercising with passive positions where you’re resting and restoring your energy.

DEBRA: Well, I’m not sure what that looks like. Let me see an example of how that would be.

PATRICK CLARK: Good question.

DEBRA: I can’t imagine sitting in a chair exercising.

PATRICK CLARK: Yes. It’s a new concept. Well, active sitting is actually exercise. So active sitting, you probably know—I mean you may not know what that is.

DEBRA: I have no idea what active sitting is.

PATRICK CLARK: Okay, alright! Well, that is…

DEBRA: All of this is new. You’ve invented this new thing.

PATRICK CLARK: Yes. We will start there. Okay, so…

DEBRA: We have no memories to draw upon.

PATRICK CLARK: Okay. So you know the idea is you mentioned about the hunter/gatherer type lifestyle where we kind of have this movement, constant movement, resting movement, hunting or whatever. THe idea is to create a lifestyle, something like that.

And the lifestyle is more important than the actual furniture. But you need furniture that can support that kind of lifestyle. So standing is actually an option. If you can somehow work while you stand, then you can do same thing while you’re standing than you can sitting on a desk.

DEBRA: You know, let’s just stop right there. Because that is I think a revolutionary concept. I sit at my desk all day long.

And I can’t imagine standing up all day long.


DEBRA: And maybe it’s because my body is too weak from all these sitting.

PATRICK CLARK: Yes. No, I mean it is a process. And that’s one of the first things people see that they say, “Wait a minute.

I don’t know about standing—maybe for a little while. But all day? I don’t know.”

Well, that’s the whole point. The whole point is movement.

You’re right. If you stood all day, it wouldn’t probably be a good idea. So my furniture puts you from active type positions into passive positions, so that you can get some circulation and oxygen into your lungs and energy flowing. And then, when you have had enough of that, you can go into the passive position and then you restore your energy. But you need to do it in a way that your body is in alignment.


DEBRA: I think I’m starting to get it. I sit in a chair all day long that is just a regular upright chair with a pedal on it. It’s a solid wood chair with a pedal on it (and a wooden desk). I think it’s at the right height. I can just put my arms comfortably bent on the desk and sit here and type.

And I think that the listeners should go to your website, and look at the pictures. You have a girl sitting in a reclining position with pedals all around, typing on her laptop. Now, I have a big 27-inch screen on my computer, so it needs to have a base. But I can imagine, if I start thinking about all the tasks that I do during the day, when I’m sitting for example needing to be upright when I’m typing, that’s one position. But when I’m speaking with somebody on the phone—like even the other day, what I wanted to do was go in the other room and lie down while I was talking to somebody on the phone. And I was trying to figure out how I could do that with all the things that I needed to write with and everything. Could I do that?

And so I could see that you could have a set-up whereby just being in one place, you could be able to be in a more active role (say when you’re typing on a computer), and then you could be resting while you’re talking on the phone.

PATRICK CLARK: Yes, exactly. And the floor is one of those places, to have space on the floor. And yes, you need to have props like sort of planned ahead that you’ve figured out where your screen needs to be, where keyboard needs to be, where you’re going to sit or stay, where your body’s going to be. And you have little props that are set up for different activities.

And that is what my line, Body Friendly Furniture, is.

DEBRA: So that you could figure it out in advance and make sure those spaces are there when you need them.


DEBRA: I really like the sound of that because my mind is just going a mile a minute about re-figuring this out and how I’m in my space in a completely different way than what you’re talking about. What I was just thinking was how I arrange the space in my office for optimum work production, not for optimum body comfort or what the energy level would be of my body after sitting here for a few hours or how my health would be.

I considered having toxic things, but I didn’t consider how the environment and the desk and the chair would actually support my body. It’s all arranged by what’s the workflow like.

PATRICK CLARK: Yes. That would be the right order though. Get the toxins out first. And then think about the next step of vitality, health and energy.

And the idea is that it’s to make it fun. I mean, it’s like you just sit there at the desk and that’s it. You don’t know. I mean the whole idea, this is productivity, this is creativity. It’s proven scientifically this increases the power of your brain. Movement makes your brain work more efficiently. So this actually becomes of extremely powerful way to work.

DEBRA: So even if we don’t have the perfect furniture, there is probably a lot of things we can do to be moving in our sedentary lifestyle in a different way. One of the things that I thought is that my massage therapist gave me a little roller thing for my feet. And so it feels so good as I’m sitting here to just roll my foot on this little thing.


DEBRA: It’s got ridges on it. And I could see that it stimulates the blood flow in my feet, and it would stimulate the oxygen instead of just having the foot sit there just stationary. I could see that—now that I’m sitting here thinking about it, I could see that I could be moving my arms. I could be wriggling my shoulders. I could get up and do something instead of having everything at arm’s reach. I could place things to force me to get up out of my chair. All of these things are a whole different way of thinking.

I want to tell you that fact […] for a minute because one other thing that is so important about toxics is moving your lymph system. And I’m sure you know all about this, that the heart has a pump for our blood, but the lymp system is this whole system in our body that carries out the waste from yourself. It also carries out the toxic chemicals that come in. And if your lymph doesn’t move, then you continue to store those toxic chemicals.

So even whether you’re doing heavy lifting or going to the gym or whatever, even any kind of movement as you’re sitting at your desk all day is going to move your lymph system to some degree.

PATRICK CLARK: Exactly. That’s the whole idea behind the Body Friendly lifestyle. I think you’re getting it, Debra.

DEBRA: Oh, I’m so glad. Okay. We need to take a break. In fact, we’re past time with the break. So I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. And we’ll be back in a moment.


DEBRA: This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and we’re here with Patrick Clark from Carolina Morning. He’s up there in the beautiful Smoky Mountain—in a very non-toxic environment, I’m sure.

Patrick, tell us about your more innovative things like your Quantum Calming Mat and the Little Magic Desk and all those interesting things you have.

PATRICK CLARK: Yes. Sure. Well, there are problems with electro-magnetic fields in cellphone radiation and some things out there that aren’t so good for us. And so one solution is called EM ceramic powder. It comes from Japan from Dr. Kiruthika. And it’s been around for about 20 years.

Basically, this material, we put it in our bedding and our quantum calming mat and our finish, the finish in all of our furniture.

And what it does is it emits a frequency called infrared radiation. And that is a healing frequency to the human body. And our cells entrain to that frequency while you’re exposed to within three inches of it.

DEBRA: Hmmm…

PATRICK CLARK: That is one of the nice things we have in it. It reportedly calms you down. It actually does some detoxing of your blood and things like that.

DEBRA: Well, you know, I think that most people aren’t aware that the earth itself has its own vibratory frequency and that the wires that run through the walls and all the EMFs and the WI-FI and everything, that’s a different frequency.

But if our bodies, actually, if all these man-made frequencies weren’t here, our bodies actually line up with the frequency of the earth. I think that you would agree that part of the problem that’s going on is that we no longer have that frequency connection.

PATRICK CLARK: Yeah, exactly. If we can get out somewhat during the day in nature, that’s one of the best things.

Everyone’s talking about it now.


PATRICK CLARK: But we are so missing that. We live in an artificial environment. We have not just chemical toxins, but the toxicity of electro-magnetic fields and artificial light is in itself a toxin that throws off our circadian rhythms.

And basically, what we’re trying to do with our business, our products, is provide the ways for people to go back closer to the nature to all of the things that you would be having if you weren’t in this artificial toxic environment.

DEBRA: Yes. Even doing things like going out—not necessarily lying in the sun if you’re concerned about sunburns or things like that. But even I find that if I failed to stress or everything, I just need to take a break.

One of the best things that I can do is just go out in the backyard and I just put a wool blanket down on the grass. I just lie down for 20 minutes and just neutralize. That’s probably the best word I could think of.


DERBA: And again going back to that nature is a model kind of thing, our bodies are accustomed to having things like sunlight, connection to the earth where our bodies are actually on the earth. We’re used to walking barefoot, so that whatever earth energies there are can actually come into our bodies.

And so, in addition to the toxic chemicals being a detriment, we’re not getting our nourishment from nature. It goes way beyond food. And I think that’s a big element that’s missing in health as well.

PATRICK CLARK: Yes. I agree. And the dilemma is what do you do about when you’re in in an artificial environment…


PATRICK CLARK: There’s a few ideas about—maybe you might call it “bio-remediation.” And EM or effective micro-organism is like a huge and inexpensive solution to a lot of this toxic problem—not just what we incorporate into our products, but you can actually put it in your paint and paint your house with it and use it for healthful cleaning. There’s a whole lot of range of things that you can do to create this more harmonious field around you.

DEBRA: Yes. Because we do need to have that. I know, for me, I’m a bit of a purist, and so I always want to tell people, “Just go out with nature.”


DEBRA: Except that not everybody can do that the way that things are arranged today. And I could see that, particularly with the population (the density in Japan), that they would come up with something like this, so that the indoor-built environment can be healthier. There’s so much that needs to be undone in the world today.

Tell us about your mats. I forgot what it’s called.

PATRICK CLARK: Photon or quantum calming mat?

DEBRA: Your quantum calming mat, yes.

PATRICK CLARK: Quantum calming mat. Okay, yeah. The idea is if you could take a piece of earth and put it in your bedroom and sleep on the earth in your bedroom—you know, something like that—it would be calming and grounding.

You’re literally grounding as far as your electricity, pulling static electricity off your body. So that’s the idea behind this. It is basically a piece of organic fabric that’s coated with the EM ceramic powder which emits infrared frequency.

And another thing which is a gem stone, amethyst powder. And the amethyst powder has some healing qualities in itself and it actually amplifies the infrared by ten times.

DEBRA: Well, I didn’t know that. I love amethysts. And I’ve been thinking a lot about frequencies because I sing and play the piano. I sing in a choir and we’ve been talking about what is music and what is sound. Every sound has its own frequency as well. And frequencies, it seems like everything comes down to energy frequencies and yet that’s something that we’re so unaware of in our industrial culture.

But nature, don’t you think nature is fascinating?

PATRICK CLARK: I do. I do and I like that harmony and beauty and adding that into our lives.

DEBRA: Yes. I do too.

PATRICK CLARK: And everything with quantum physics. Everything really boils down to light and frequencies.

DEBRA: Yes. It does. Well, we only just have a few minutes left. Is there something that you’d like to say that you haven’t said?

PATRICK CLARK: Yes. I would like to read a little thing from a customer if that’s okay.


PATRICK CLARK: Okay. “I have lived with chronic back pain for 25 years. This pain has awakened me every night since its inception when I was 19 years old, now 44. I’ve used inversion tables, physical therapy, stretching, etc.”

“Within two hours of my first usage of the tilt chair and peace bench, I noticed a gradual relief in the constant strange feeling in my lower back.”

“By the time the first two hours were up, I reported 80% to 90% relief of all back pains, soreness, shoulders, dizziness and soreness, and 80% relief of neck soreness, aching and stiffness.”

And then, it goes on to say that, “They’re not advertised as miracle furnishings. But to me, they are. I never expected anything like this.”

DEBRA: Wow! So tell us more about those two pieces of furniture.

PATRICK CLARK: Yes. So it’s active sitting. That was that thing I described as active sitting where you’re basically sitting without leaning back into something?


PATRICK CLARK: And what it does is it’s as if you’re toning, you’re actually aligning your body vertically so you’re toning the front and back of your core while you’re sitting doing sedentary work and stuff like that.

DEBRA: I’m starting to get this idea as you’re describing it as I’m sitting here. It’s hard to say because it’s not words that you are accustomed to having for a concept. But I’m really getting it, that I could be sitting here holding my body up. That’s it, I’m holding my body up with my muscles in an active way, so that I have to tighten my muscles to sit in that position versus slouching or having no support. That would make my body stronger.

PATRICK CLARK: Exactly! And it’s almost impossible to do in the normal chair. What you normally need is a tilt, a front-sloping, tilted seat because you need to tilt your pelvis to keep your back in the proper alignment.


PATRICK CLARK: So it’s harder if…

DEBRA: I’m sitting here touching my pelvis while you’re talking.

PATRICK CLARK: Okay. You got it. So yes. Some people think it’s impossible because they haven’t quite figure it out that you have to have the right type of a surface to sit on.

DEBRA: Wow! This is amazing. This changed completely the way I think about things.

Well, Patrick, our time is up.


DEBRA: I’m sorry to say that, but this has been fascinating. I’m so glad that you’re our guest today. This has been Patrick Clark from Carolina Morning. He’s at I hope you will go take a look and see all the different things that he has.

I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. And I will be back tomorrow. You can go to

If you enjoyed the show, tell your friends. You can listen to all the shows. They’re archived at (including this one with Patrick). And so if you missed something or you wanted to hear to it again, just go listen to it. Tell your friends. And I’ll be back tomorrow.

Organic Cotton: Behind the Scenes

My guest is Harmony Susalla, founder of Harmony Art Organic Design. Harmony has created designs and products for every retail level from Target and Walmart to Nordstrom and Williams-Sonoma and many points in between. Personal conviction and a desire to show the world that organic fabrics can be beautiful led Harmony, in 2005, to become the first textile company to offer only printed organic cotton fabrics and make them available by the yard for businesses and home sewers alike. Harmony Art’s stock fabrics feature organic cotton, wide-width, woven sateens and twills as well as knits.





Organic Cotton: Behind the Scenes

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Harmony Susalla

Date of Broadcast: May 22, 2013

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and you’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world even though there may be toxic chemicals all around us in consumer products and in the environment, and everywhere we look and everything we read about in the newspaper and listen to on the radio about how toxic everything is.

In fact, there’s a lot in the world that is not toxic. And that’s what we talk about here, how to protect ourselves from toxic chemicals, how to remove them from our homes, how to remove them from our bodies and all the wonderful things that are not toxic.

Today is Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013. I’m here in Clearwater, Florida. And today, we’re going to talk about organic cotton. We’re going to talk about some of the toxic chemicals that are in organic textiles, and we’re going to talk to a pioneer in the field of organic cotton. She was the first – I was going to say “the first woman,” but she’s the first person who created a business selling well-designed organic cotton fabrics that could be used for a variety of purposes, both commercially and for home sewers.

But before we meet our guest, I want to read you a quote from John Quincy Adams. Now, John Quincy Adams was the son of John Adams and Abigail Adams with John Adams being one of the founding founders of America, and I think the second president, if I’m remembering incorrectly. John Quincy Adams, his son was the sixth president of the United States. He said, “Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish. A little knowledge that acts is worth infinitely more than much knowledge that is idle. Take action on what you have and that is worth more than having a whole lot of information than doing nothing with it.”

I think that’s really vital to this whole question of toxics because we really do make change one step at a time, one product at a time. Even if you want to change everything about your house, you really just start with one product.

So whenever you’re listening to the show and something catches your ear, and you think, “That would be interesting. I could do that.” Whether it’s just starting to clean your windows with vinegar and water or deciding you want to get an organic cotton tee shirt, or whatever it is, start with one thing and see how wonderful it is and then do something else.

So our guest today is Harmony Susalla from Harmony Art. And as I said before, I have to get her bio. Harmony has created designs and products for every retail level from Target and Walmart, to Nordstrom and Williams-Sonoma and many points in between. Personal conviction and a desire to show the world that organic fabrics can be beautiful led Harmony in 2005 to become the first textile company to offer only printed, organic cotton fabrics and make them available by the yard for businesses and home sewers alike.

She didn’t say, “Well, maybe we’ll just continue to offer toxic fabrics and have a little corner. We’ll have a few that are organic.” No. She jumped wholeheartedly out of the toxic textile world into organics. And she’s here to talk to us about that.

Hi, Harmony.

HARMONY SUSALLA: Hello, Debra! Thank you for having me.

DEBRA: You’re welcome. I’m so glad you’re here. So please continue the story for our listeners and tell us about your story of how you decided that you were no longer going to be toxic and you were going to be a pioneer in the field of organic fabrics.

HARMONY SUSALLA: Sure! Well, I have to go back in 2004, which I can’t believe is almost 10 years ago now, I was working for a textile design firm. My job, which I loved, was getting to create the patterns and prints that ended up on a variety of consumer products all over the market. And I loved what I did and the company had tasked us all to figure out what’s the next big market was.

And so being me, I gave it some thought and I decided that the next big move was going to be green movement, the sustainability movement. Organic food was already out there, I was an early adapter of that believed in buying things that were made as thoughtfully as possible.

And so I said, well, I put together a DVD, I started doing research and what I found was, to my horror and surprise, was that cotton was one of the most heavily-sprayed crops in the world. And not only was it one of the most heavily sprayed, but what it was sprayed with was some of the most dangerous things in the world too. I had no idea. You think of cotton, you think of the natural fiber. Unfortunately, that’s not really the truth.

So I put together a DVD. I actually flew to Chicago and went to the All Things Organic tradeshow that used to happen there with my husband who is very supportive, and started researching and then made the pitch to the company, and they thought, “Oh, yes. That’s a good idea. So when we have time and when your deadlines are up, you can work on that project as sort of a side gig.”

And the more I knew, the more convinced I was that not only was this the new market, this is the way the whole entire market needed to go in.

DEBRA: I had a moment like that too. It was around 2000 when I was working with some partners to open some green boutiques. And as I was working on that I went, “Wait a minute! There’s no point in having green boutiques. All the products in the world need to be green.”

And at that particular point, I remember there was a mail order catalogue that had a roll of recycled paper on the cover that you could buy recycled toilet paper from this mail order catalogue. And I thought, “Wait a minute. People are not going to continue to buy recycled toilet paper especially with a mail order catalogue. It’s going to be on every shelves.”

And it is now. You can buy it almost anywhere.

HARMONY SUSALLA: I love that we’ve gotten to see it really emerge. I used to have to make the pitch that green was the next movement, and now I don’t even have to talk about that. Everybody knows it’s happened. It’s here.

DEBRA: It is. It is here and I think that’s very good.

HARMONY SUSALLA: So it is. I got to the point where every project that I had to work on that was conventional, it was like a piece of me was dying.

DEBRA: Yes, I understand.

HARMONY SUSALLA: I couldn’t hold out any longer with the hope that one day, my pet project would see the light of day. And so, ultimately, I had to leave to survive truly. And that led me to Harmony Art because when I went to try to find another job where I could just be doing something I could believe in, the job didn’t exist. There wasn’t anybody hiring organic cotton textile designers out there.

DEBRA: I actually had the same thing. There was nobody who were hiring non-toxic writers.

HARMONY SUSALLA: Exactly! You know what I’m talking about. You have to create your own world when it doesn’t exist for you to walk into.

I was actually at a green business network conference and the key note speaker was Julia Butterfly Hill. Do you know her?

DEBRA: I don’t know her personally, but I know who she is.

HARMONY SUSALLA: For those that are listening that don’t, she is the woman that lived in a redwood tree for years to try to save them from being shut down. I lived in a redwood forest. I have a strong connection to the trees. And so I was waiting in line to talk to her afterwards, after her lecture. And the woman behind me in line, I started this conversation with, and her name is Kate Scott, and she was an eco-apparel designer. This is late 2004. Not many people doing that. And I asked her, “Do you use prints in your organic apparel line?” And she said, “No.” And I said, “Well, why not?” She said, “Because there aren’t any.” And that was the lightbulb moment.

I said, “Well, if they existed, would you use them?” And she said, “Absolutely. It’s just, they don’t exist.” And I thought, well I know how to design prints. So I guess I need to fill this market need.

Little did I know about actual production or marketing or sales or accounting or any of the other hats. I knew how to design textile. So I’ve learned a lot. It’s been quite a journey and it’s been wonderful.

DEBRA: Well, you’ve certainly filled the niche beautifully. And we’ll hear more about the dangers of what’s going on in textiles and what you are offering as an organic cotton alternative after this message. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and I’m here with Harmony Susalla from Harmony Art.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and we’re here today with Harmony Susalla from Harmony Art, who was the first business to offer only organically grown cotton fabrics and make them available by the yard for business and home sewers.

Harmony, let’s talk about some of the toxic chemicals that are in just ordinary fabrics that led you to decide that you needed to go organic. And actually, I just put up your toxic truth infographic on my website today so listeners can go there to my Green Living Q&A. If you just go to, across the top, there’s a menu with all different parts of my website, and just click on Q&A. And right now today, the very first one is Toxic Truth.

And this one is written for choosing baby fabrics, but you’ve got some toxic chemicals listed here as being, I’m assuming to be the most important ones. And do you want to talk to us about those three?

HARMONY SUSALLA: Sure. What’s interesting about textile is there’s the growing. Well, in the case of cotton, there are all the chemicals they put on in the growing process, which are really deadly and dangerous. And then there are the processing chemicals that they use to add color and design and finishing to the fabric. And the three that I think are some of the scariest are lead, formaldehyde and then PBDEs and BFRs, which are flame-retardant finishes.

And I personally, if I see wrinkle-free, which sounds fabulous and we love the idea of not having wrinkled clothes and not having to iron, but when I see that I immediately translate those words into doused in chemicals because that’s really what wrinkle-free means. And stain resistance. Same thing. If it’s not going to wrinkle and it’s not going to stain, it’s got some sort of chemical finish on it. And until they come up with healthy finishes, I avoid those like the plague. I’d rather have a wrinkle and a stain than to be slowly breathing in things.

DEBRA: And also, they never come off. You can wash and wash and wash. And especially with things like wrinkle-free, cotton sheets or polyester cotton sheets. You’re sleeping on that all night long in a cloud of formaldehyde.


DEBRA: It’s just not a good thing for babies or adults.

HARMONY SUSALLA: Right. And some of the scariest statistics, and I try not to spend too much energy on it, but I think it’s important the people know. Otherwise, they’re not aware. But one out of six American children currently has the developmental disorder of some kind. That’s crazy. And 12.4 have been diagnosed with asthma. And these have been directly linked to things, to chemicals found in textiles. I’m not saying they’re the only cause of these things but we know for a fact that lead and flame-retardant finishes and formaldehyde cause cancer, leukemia, respiratory problems.

We did this Textile Truth. We designed it with the consumer in mind of how do we help educate in a way because as you know, Debra, everything is, you start to look and then you’ve jumped down the rabbit hole of information. It’s sort of an information overload.

And we also know that none of us lives in a perfectly toxic-free world or we’re not on this planet right now.

DEBRA: That’s also correct.

HARMONY SUSALLA: So how do you make steps? And I think that’s what you do so beautifully. It’s to help people take those first steps.

So we put this graphic together. And actually, it was the brain child of one of my distributors who said, “Harmony, we need the dirty dozen and the [inaudible 00:18:00] for fruits and vegetables. Where do you start? If you’re going to make a change, where should you make that change first? So we need that for textiles.” And it was not as easy as it would seem to put something like together. It took us about a year.

DEBRA: Well, let me ask you this question now because when I first started out, there was no information. I had to go to toxicology books and things like that. And as I started piecing everything together, I started out saying, “Well, now which chemicals do I need to avoid? And how much can I be exposed to them?” And those are the questions that I was asking.

And then there was a moment where I took a quantum leap and I said, “No, it’s not about how many chemicals can I be exposed to and what are they. It’s more about what can I use instead.”

And so when I started discovering things like – well, at the time, there were no organic textiles. But there was organic food. And so instead of trying to figure out which pesticide was on my cucumbers, I discovered organic food and I said, “Oh, well we just need to jump to organic food.”

And it’s the same thing with textiles. We just need to jump to organic textiles.

HARMONY SUSALLA: That would be nice. I like the sound of that. I don’t know that we’re all going to get there overnight though.

DEBRA: I don’t think we are either. And I think that people do need to understand why we need to make that leap. And also, there’s a push me, pull you leapfrog thing that happens between manufacturing and consumers where consumers can say all they want. I want organic textiles. But unless there are designers and manufacturers and distributors and retailers and the whole system is on board to supply those new organic textile products, then they’re not there for the consumers.

And so it all needs to go hand in hand, and it does take time. And it takes understanding why we need to make a switch, and also having the product available.

HARMONY SUSALLA: I couldn’t agree with you more. I absolutely couldn’t agree with you more. And on the Textile Truth, it says the rule of thumb is if it touches my baby for an extended period of time or covers some sensitive areas, opt for organic.

Like you said, bedding. To me, if you’re going to start nowhere else, the place that you lay your head for hours of a time, invest in organic.

And if your favorite store that has those jeans or whatever that fit you just perfectly doesn’t have organic, just start asking for it. Every time someone walks into a store and just says, “Oh, do you carry this in organic?” You’re planting seeds of change. Even if it doesn’t exist yet, marketers they want to know what consumers want.

DEBRA: Exactly.

HARMONY SUSALLA: If you said, maybe it’s just one person making the comments, if you said, and then next Tuesday someone else does two, at the next sales meeting, people are going to be, “People are asking for organic.”

It really does make a different, every little request.

DEBRA: Well, we need to go to break again but after the commercial message, we’ll be back with Harmony Susalla and talking about organic cotton. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and you’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio.


DEBRA: This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and we’re here today with Harmony Susalla from Harmony Art. And you can visit her website at and see all her beautiful textiles.

Harmony, these are all based on – tell us how you do your patterns because they’re all based on patterns you find in nature, right?

HARMONY SUSALLA: It used to be when I worked for big companies, they would have you go trend shopping where you would go to other stores and see what was in the market, what was hot. And now, instead of going trend shopping, I go trend hiking. At least two days a week, I try to get out on our local trails and see what’s in bloom, what the plants are, what the ocean looks like, what the sky is like. And I find it so rewarding and such an infinite source of inspiration. It never ceases to amaze me. Even though I may be on the same trails, they’re different every time.

DEBRA: I found that too. One thing that I really appreciate about you, Harmony, and I think you probably appreciate about me too, is that we both really have a sense of nature that we see nature and participate in nature. But for us it’s not just a world that’s not toxic. That it’s a whole world in nature which is a different thing than the world of industrialism. And I really see that in everything that you do.

And I think that that’s really where we need to go. I had an experience just yesterday where I’m working with a friend, helping writing and editing a book. It had a reference to nature and somebody else read the book and I said, “Oh, you should take out this reference because nobody will know what you’re talking about. That people aren’t oriented to nature.”

And it’s just that when I heard that I couldn’t believe it. And yet, I know it’s true that for some people, it’s like you and I have a sense of experience and reality. And when we look in our memory banks and our knowledge and our experience, nature is there as a real, living, experiential thing. And there were people who are missing that. It’s just not part of their information set.

And that just really came home to me today and yesterday when I was thinking about that. That was just heartbreaking to me.

HARMONY SUSALLA: I was going to say you’re making me want to cry.

DEBRA: I know. Well, I did cry. It did make me want to cry because it’s such a rich experience to me. And to think that some people don’t have that, I don’t even know what to say.

And so that you base your designs through nature, that’s part of your reality and part of what you want to bring to people, is so special to me.

HARMONY SUSALLA: I think it is part, again, of that deep connection, it drives me to have my life’s work be something that contributes to its collective health. And I think we’re a lot less separate than we think to the natural world. We like to think of humans as above and having dominion over. Nature is ours to use and exploit when we’re no separate from it. We’re just another part of it.

DEBRA: We can’t survive without it.


DEBRA: You can’t have air and water and food.

HARMONY SUSALLA: Yes, exactly.

DEBRA: Where do people think cotton comes from?

HARMONY SUSALLA: It does seem quite ludicrous not to understand that we’re in a symbiotic relationship.

DEBRA: I know but this is how far our industrial viewpoint has taken us that people think that nature is someplace else or non-existent.

But anyway, let’s talk about organic cotton. How do you choose organic cotton? How do you know it’s really organic? Tell us about GOTS. What does that mean?

HARMONY SUSALLA: GOTS is the Global Organic Textile Standard. And when I launched Harmony Art beginning in 2005, there were over 40 different organic standards, and trying to figure out what to use is really a challenge. And when you’re a small producer, your weight of your order is not that strong.

Thankfully, a couple of years later, the Global Organic Textile Standard emerged, and I was pro GOTS as soon as I heard about it, mainly because in addition to the chemical part in the processing that they address, they also have a fair trade section. And as we know, especially with the recent developments in Bangladesh and such, and the human element of how we treat people too, is a big part of textile. So Global Organic Textile Standard takes it from the cotton, the raw, organic cotton through the finish products so that you know that the people and the planet haven’t been harmed.

DEBRA: And of course, the end user is not being harmed as well. The consumer.

HARMONY SUSALLA: That’s important too. So GOTS, we just got certified our warehouse, our fabric had been, for a number of years that our warehouse got certified, a year and a half ago. So we can offer fully GOT-certified fabrics to our customer, which is usually small businesses or retailers that then sell the fabric to home sewers.

DEBRA: And you have on my website, on Debra’s List, I have several websites that sell home sewers that carry your fabrics. And you also have listed on your website a number of businesses that use your fabrics to make their products.

HARMONY SUSALLA: Absolutely. And people always ask, “What do people make with your fabrics?” It’s like, you name it.

DEBRA: Everything.

HARMONY SUSALLA: From dog beds to baby beds to women’s apparel and all points in between.

DEBRA: Yes, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful fabrics.

HARMONY SUSALLA: It’s really fun. Sorry.

DEBRA: I’m just sitting here thinking what should I ask you next.

HARMONY SUSALLA: Well, what’s really fun is watching it come to life. I make the fabric but I don’t make products. So when I see someone take it and then have a vision for it, I call it bringing it to life. And to see someone using it is just even that much more exciting for me. And I love that co-creating process, working together and the relationships have gotten to develop with Harmony Art have been so rich. To be working with likeminded people doing something that feels important is so rewarding rather than being a number on the spreadsheet that someone’s looking to find the cheaper way.

DEBRA: Do people come to you and say, “I want to make a baby blanket. Would you design something blah-blah-blah?”

HARMONY SUSALLA: Yes, we do customer exclusive designs for people. That happens less frequently than people buying my stock fabrics. But we absolutely have that capability and have done specific projects. In fact, I have a library online, it’s password-protected, of over a hundred designs that I love to see the light of day.

Every time you get a fabric printed, it’s very expensive, and then inventorying it and everything else.

DEBRA: Well, once again we have the commercial break. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and we’re here with Harmony Susalla of Harmony Art. She designs 100% organic textiles and makes the yard available for businesses and home sewers. And her website is And we’ll be back after the break.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and we’ve been talking with Harmony Susalla from Harmony Art, and she designs 100% organic cotton fabrics which are produced by the yard and then made into all kinds of things with beautiful patterns that are based in patterns that you find in nature.

Harmony, could you tell us more about things, I’m looking at your website and you have a very interesting blog with different information about different aspects of the production. Tell us something more about that the listeners might not know about different parts of the production process, like dyes for example. I think the people know that a lot of pesticides are used in the growing of cotton and organic cotton is without those pesticides. But I think that most people don’t know very much about what happens next. So could you fill us in on what some of those steps are, what some of the problems are and how organic cotton is processed in a way that’s different?

HARMONY SUSALLA: Sure. The cotton has to be cleaned, then it gets spun into yarn, and then it’s either woven or knitted into fabric. And all along those steps, there are different chemicals that are often used, often petroleum-based with varying degrees of toxicity.

I don’t know if you’re familiar with William McDonough, the Cradle to Cradle.

DEBRA: That’s one of my favorite books. Cradle to Cradle.

HARMONY SUSALLA: Well, they did a study and found that over 8200 chemicals are routinely used in the production of textiles.

DEBRA: Oh, my god. I have no idea.

HARMONY SUSALLA: I know. It is crazy. But in each step, the dyes and then getting the dyes to adhere to the fabric, and then finishing the fabric and sometimes they put softeners on the fabric. As we’ve talked about a little bit before, there are symptoms and issues for flame-retardants. Don’t get me started on that topic. I think it’s possibly insane that we want to treat fabric so that it doesn’t catch fire.

DEBRA: When you’re not smoking a cigarette.

HARMONY SUSALLA: I don’t know. Did you see that report done by the Chicago Tribune last year?


HARMONY SUSALLA: Absolutely phenomenal how the cigarette companies and the chemical companies are responsible for flame-retardants being added to all sorts of things. Rather than getting people to stop smoking, we’ll just cover their products in things that will poison them slowly, will kill you fast or burn you. You’ll just be poisoned slowly instead.

DEBRA: And then I’ll mix with all those other toxic chemicals that we’re being exposed to, and who knows what the result is of that mix and how they synergize together. This is why we just need to jump to organic cotton.

I won’t interrupt you.

HARMONY SUSALLA: No, the fact that it makes so little sense to me means it’s just a temporary thing. It’s nonsensical so it’s got to change. And I think there is a movement and a lot more awareness about flame-retardants. We see legislation coming up here in California to try to get rid of some of those requirements and foams and other things. So I think that there is hope on the horizon. In the meantime, all we can do is do the best we can.

DEBRA: Well, tell us more about dyes because I see low impact dyes. What does that mean?

HARMONY SUSALLA: That’s a good question. How about I define more impact?

DEBRA: Your things are very colorful.

HARMONY SUSALLA: Right. We use synthetic dyes. They’re not natural. And I’m sure you know this too that not everything that is natural is non-toxic.

DEBRA: That’s true. And not everything that is synthetic is toxic.

HARMONY SUSALLA: Right. So our dyes are not from a natural source. They’re not plant-based. They are synthetic but they have been screened for toxicity. And they’ve been screened so that the runoff from the water doesn’t end up back in the water systems. There is water treatment in place. They are monitoring that. That’s what the GOTS standard is all about, making sure that what you’re doing is done in the most thoughtful manner.

When I started, there was organic cotton available. It was just in, what I like to say, beautiful shades of oatmeal and granola. And well, I love oatmeal and granola colors but I thought, if this was going to go mainstream, it’s going to have to have some patterns and designs.

DEBRA: It doesn’t seem to have some design and some color and having gone through this whole fabric transition and watched it, oatmeal and granola, to what we have today, there was a certain time period when I was really looking at natural dyes, and I learned a lot about that subject. And one of the things about natural anything is that it’s temporary and fades out and biodegrades. One of the reasons why we have synthetic perfume, actually, the reason why we have synthetic perfume is because Coco Chanel decided that she wanted her perfume to last and last and last. And all the fragrances prior to Chanel Number 5, a woman would put it on at the beginning of the evening, and by the end of the evening, it was gone because it was all natural and it dissipated.

And Coco Chanel just happened to be there at that point in chemical history when synthetic things are being developed. And she found that there were synthetic fragrances and she made them popular.

HARMONY SUSALLA: Wow. I have no idea.

DEBRA: Yes, I didn’t know that before either. And now, I found that out. But it’s the same thing with natural dyes. That natural dyes are something that an artisan could work with, that you could make a color a color. But to make that same color over and over and over for thousands and thousands and hundreds of thousands of yards is a different thing. It’s something all these natural things are really artisan things. And that if we had 100% artisan culture, then more of these things would be available.

And they are available on the artisan level. When you’re starting to work on the industrial level, then you need to use materials that industrial system can produce to then put products into the industrial system. And we do need to be doing that right now as we’re going through a transition because people are accustomed to buying things on an industrial level. So to have something like organic fabric with a low impact dye is such a step in the right direction. That even though it’s not 100% natural, it’s not harmful.

And I think that people have an idea that if something is synthetic or petrochemical, it’s going to be bad, period. And that’s not the case. And on the other hand, if it’s 100% natural, it’s going to be totally safe. And again, that’s not the case.

So really, it’s about finding the things that are safe whether they are synthetic or natural.

HARMONY SUSALLA: I agree. And what I find, for me, I think if everybody just look at their own life, what they do every day for a job or with their children or in the store, and just made the best decisions they could, and we’re not all going to get PhD’s in everything, but just your day-to-day decisions and just made a choice to live the life and contribute to the things you want to contribute to, we would have a different world really quickly, if everybody did that.

DEBRA: I think so too.

HARMONY SUSALLA: And I don’t think it’s as hard as it sounds. We’re not going to be perfect overnight but just the little things and the big things. If everybody decided to just do the best they could, imagine how powerful that could be.

DEBRA: It would be extremely powerful because we, as consumers, actually have all the power. If we were to stand up and say, “This is what we want,” then Walmart and everybody else would follow because they are constantly doing focus groups and surveys to find out what consumers want. And if consumers would just stand up stand up and say, “I want organic this and I want organic that,” then they would continue to be more and more in the stores as they are now. And we could completely eliminate toxic products of all kinds by simply refusing to buy them.

HARMONY SUSALLA: Absolutely. And it could be a lot quicker than waiting for governmental agencies or companies to make their own good decisions. If something stopped selling, they would stop making it.

DEBRA: That’s exactly right.

We’ve got about a minute left before the goodbye music comes on. But I want to just get this in really quick. When I was looking at the opening quote from John Quincy Adams, I was thinking, “Wait a minute. Was he part of the American Revolution? No.” It was John Adams. And I started thinking about the Revolution and you know how quickly it went. It wasn’t overnight. It wasn’t one year. But it was a very short period of time that the United States went from being colonies of Britain to being an independent country based on freedom.

And it could change that fast by people deciding that we’re not going to have these toxic products.

I’ve been doing this for 30 years. Thirty years is a relatively short period of time but it’s only been in the last 20 years and 10 years but there has been so many more non-toxic products. And we can just keep going at that pace and just keep going.

Anyway, we have to go.

HARMONY SUSALLA: Thank you, Debra. You are amazing. Thank you for all you do.

DEBRA: Thank you, Harmony. You are amazing too. And I’m so glad that you are here today. Her website is My website is And we’ll be back tomorrow with more ways that you can thrive in a toxic world.

Glidden Paint: High Endurance Plus

Question from Bonnie Johnson

Glidden has a newer paint called High Endurance Plus. It is paint and primer and supposed to be low voc and low odor. Has anyone used it yet? I have a couple of projects coming up that need paint. I have used Mystic. Good coverage, low voc but I could smell it for about 3 months. The problem is trying to find it. I have to drive 60 miles to get some. Just curious about the Glidden. Thanks.

Debra’s Answer

I have no experience with this paint. Readers?

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Cold Packs

Question from Gigi

I am looking to use cold packs for various body areas and joints. For instance, neck, shoulders, fingers, wrists, and knees. I like the ones that can be refrozen and shaped to the body parts like those offered by Chattanooga Colpac. However, some are made of vinyl and some are made of polyurethane that would be tossed in the freezer and reused. Given that I will be using a towel between myself and the ice pack, is there any reason to avoid either type? The vinyl ones do have some shapes that I will need. What are your recommendations? I am looking for good flexibility, good body part coverage and reuseability.

Debra’s Answer

The polyurethane packs are less toxic than the vinyl packs. However, the cold temperature contributes to inhibiting outgassing, so to use the vinyl packs would be less toxic than using a vinyl shower curtain, for example, where the heat would increase the outgassing of the vinyl.

You can wrap either in foil, which would block any chemicals but not block the cold.

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Wood Finishes on Children’s Furniture

Question from Stacey

Dear Debra, I will appreciate your advice about wood finishes. After a lot of research, I have found many companies that offer solid wood children’s furniture,but I still have some doubts about the finishes. Since I so not have space to do it myself, I really need to be able to buy something that it is ready for use. And I am not sure about the results of totally unfinished wood, especially for kids. What do you think about these?: Danish oil beeswax polish clear lacquer linseed oil.

Thank you very much!

Debra’s Answer

Danish oil is a mixer of penetrating oil and varnish that hardens in the wood rather than on the wood. It can contain toxic solvents.

Beeswax polish is made from beeswax and is generally fine. Sometimes various chemicals are added, so you would need to find out whatever you can about the exact brand used.

Lacquer is a catch-all term for a natural or synthetic material dissolved in a solvent, which dries to form a hard protective coating. Shellac, made from ground beetles and alcohol, is a lacquer, but a lacquer could also be made from petroleum

Linseed oil is explained at Q&A: Tung Oil and Linseed Oil for Furniture Finish

I wish I could give you a simpler answer. It comes down to getting as much information as you can about the finishes and then evaluating the dangers.

See if you can find someone to apply a finish for you to a piece of unfinished furniture, then use Vermont Natural Coatings. That’s my favorite wood finish so far.

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How to Choose Toxic Free Shoes

Question from Stacey

Just wondering if you have heard of “Kalso Earth Shoes.” I’m trying to find less toxic shoes, but it’s not easy since you really don’t know what materials are used, and the information is not available sometimes (most times). These shoes have a “negative heel” technology, and supposedly are made of leather. However, when I received a pair, there is an odor to them. I tried contacting the company but got no response. Just wondering how you chose shoes?

Thank you!

Debra’s Answer

It’s very difficult to find toxic-free shoes. Part of the problem, as you said, is that the materials are not disclosed.

In another post, Q&A: Safe Sneakers?, today I talked about the shoes I wear. I look for shoes made from leather or natural fibers. Like I would wear shoes made from cotton or linen. I don’t have any at the moment made from natural fibers, but I would wear them. And I basically avoid any shoes made from plastic or that contain antifungals. That’s about the best we can do at this point in time.

Leather does have a natural odor to it that can smell a bit like cows. But if the odor is a chemical odor, return the shoes. Leather can be treated, but isn’t always. Always ask and try to get information.

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Finding Your Voice and Speaking Up About Toxics

Rick Furbush is the Region 8 Advisor for Toastmasters International, which includes all of the Southeast USA and the Carribean. He has acheived the highest honor Toastmasters bestows, the Distinguished Toastmasters Award. I have been a member of Toastmasters under his leadership since 2009. Since his motto has been “Find Your Voice – Make a Difference,” I invited him to come talk with us about how everyone can make a difference in the world to reduce toxic expsoures by improving their speaking and leadership skills. Toastmasters covers all communication skills, from interpersonal conversations to media training..we’ll give lots of examples of how you can communicate in various ways to make a difference about eliminating toxics.





Finding Your Voice & Speaking Up About Toxics

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Rick Furbush

Date of Broadcast: May 21, 2013

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how we can thrive in a toxic world. Even though there are toxic chemicals all around us in consumer products and the environment, and sometimes it seems all over the news and every place we look, there are many things that we can do so that we don’t have to be sick from being exposed to toxic chemicals, so that we don’t have to be exposed to them at all in the first place. And so we can remove them from our homes, from our bodies, and our lives. And that’s what this show is about.

It’s Tuesday, May 21st 2013. I’m in Clearwater, Florida. And today, we’re going to actually talk about something a little bit different that’s not about toxic chemicals in consumer products per se or alternatives to toxic chemicals, but about how we can communicate better about toxics issues, and thereby be able to work together and make change in the world so that the world at large is less toxic.

There are a lot of things that we can do in our own homes for ourselves, but then we talk out our front door and we go out into the environment whether it’s toxic chemicals and we go into public spaces where there are toxic chemicals, and we send our children to schools where there are toxic chemicals, and we go to hospitals where there are toxic chemicals.

And in order to change on this larger scale, we need to be able to communicate with others and we need to be able to work with others in groups successfully in order to make change.

My guest today is Rick Furbush who is the Region XIII advisor for Toastmasters International. This is an international executive position. He’s in charge of Southeastern United States and the Caribbean. We’re going to talk about Toastmasters and how Toastmasters can help you and everybody in the world actually communicate better, know how to lead groups and thereby find your voice and make a difference in the world.

Hi Rick, thanks for being here with me.

RICK FURBUSH: Hi Debra. It’s great to be with you.

DEBRA: Thanks! So, where shall we start? There’s so much to talk about. Would you just tell us some about yourself? How did you get so interested in communication and decide to devote so much of your life to Toastmasters?

I just want to interject here that Toastmasters is entirely a volunteer organization. And so people who work in executive positions do not get paid to do this. People are Toastmasters because they love it and they can see the difference that it makes in people’s lives.

So, tell us your story, Rick.

RICK FURBUSH: Well, it’s interesting. I was thinking as you were introducing me, what came to mind, I remember hearing a quote: “If you know how to read, and you don’t, what good is it?”

It’s the same thing as if you actually have the answers, but you never communicate them to anyone, how will they ever know?

So, communication is really important. And you can have all the answers, but if you don’t have the ability or knowledge or the confidence to actually talk to groups, then it’s really difficult to get your point across.

DEBRA: It is! And I don’t want to interrupt you, but I’m going to. I just want to keep saying to the audience that’s listening here that there are in the world people who can communicate about toxic chemicals. There are people who get paid a ton of money to go on television and make commercials or to go on television and speak on talk shows or to go to Washington DC and be lobbyists. And the reason that toxic chemicals are winning in the world is because people communicate about them. And we need to have more people who can communicate about toxic-free alternatives.

So, go ahead, Rick.

RICK FURBUSH: Well, that’s great. Taking a look at this, a lot of people will say, “Well, I’m not going to plan to be a public speaker. Why would I want to have anything to do with Toastmasters?” Well, actually, Toastmasters is something very different.

A lot of people get in Toastmasters first to overcome their fear of public speaking. But they realize, the one thing they really get out of Toastmasters is more certainty and confidence in life to do anything!

Like I said, there’s no long line waiting to be a public speaker. But there are a lot of people that want to get more confidence in life. And if they’ve got something they want to say, they want to have the confidence to be able to get up in a speech and not go crazy, go dry in the mouth, so afraid to speak that they can’t stand up.

And the wonderful thing about Toastmasters (and why I got into it) is that you can do things on a gradient. A lot of people say, “Oh, I could never get up and speak. I have to do something in high school or college” and so forth. Well, they did it the wrong way.

If you do something […] in a stage environment where you can make mistakes and it’s not really serious, then you learn very easily.

Well, it reminds me of a time when I first tried to drive a car. I was scared to death! It was myself in the front, three or four souls in the back and the instructor on the right. We pulled out at the downtown traffic in Waltham, Massachusetts at five o’clock. I was petrified. I had the stick shift. And I was white knuckling it.

Then we came driving down the hill, a truck was coming at us, and I’m holding on for dear life, and the instructor said, “Why don’t you let go of the wheel, and I’ll take over from here.” I said, “Wh-wh-what?!” He said, “Let go of the wheel.” I said, “No, no. We’re going to hit the truck.” He said, “Trust me.”

So, I let go of the wheel. He reached over and grabbed the wheel. He had his own clutch and brake. He turned down to a tree road. And all of a sudden, I realized, “It was safe. I didn’t have to be so serious.”

And what happens in public speaking is people never practice it. Once you’ve started driving a car a few times, all of a sudden, it gets better. Nowadays, people do everything in a car besides drive. It’s so easy! It’s second nature. Well, public speaking can be second nature if you practice it a little bit.

And the great things about Toastmasters is it’s made up of clubs—15 or 20 people in a club, they meet once a week for an hour, and they practice impromptu speaking and prepared speeches. And what’s surprising is […] they start to get more comfortable and more comfortable. And you get to a point where you’re just natural, you don’t believe yourself.

So, I joined Toastmasters in 1989 when I already was a paid professional speaker just to improve myself. I didn’t necessarily have to get over the fear. But Toastmasters is for people of all levels, whether you just want to get over a fear, or you want to polish yourself to be a great speaker.

DEBRA: The reason I joined Toastmasters was that a lot of my friends were in Toastmasters. But I had this idea—I didn’t even have an idea of what Toastmasters was except that it seemed to not pertain to me. But I already was speaking as a published author. People would invite me to speak, and I have been on television and radio and everything. And yet, sometimes, you don’t know what you don’t know.

And because I could get up and speak, I thought, “Well, that’s all I need to be able to do.”

And then, I went to a Toastmasters meeting, and I found out what else I needed to know to be more professional. And that’s why I decided to join Toastmasters.

But once I did, I found that it really improved every aspect of my life. For example, one of the things that you learn in Toastmasters right at the beginning is—I was going to say, there’s a series of manuals that you do. And the first one, The Competent Communicator just teaches you 10 basic things about communication. And one of them is simply how to organize your thoughts, so that you know what it is what you want to say. And so, instead of just rambling on, you can say, “Well, what is it that I want to say?” and really make your point.

And that is something that’s really necessary, whether you’re making a speech in public or giving a presentation in business or having a conversation with a friend or if you’re a parent wanting to know your child […]

Whatever the communication is, you need to know what it is you want to say and be able to say it clearly and get your point across.

And I remember the very day that I recognized this. I wanted to talk to a friend, and I wanted to make sure that I said exactly what I wanted to say, and I wanted to have it go well. I sat down and I wrote a speech (not because I wanted to give my friend a speech, but because I wanted to organize my thoughts).

And since that point, I can see that there’s been a huge improvement in how I communicate just in general.

We need to go to break, but we’ll back with Rick Furbush. And we will talk more about improving our communication and leadership skills, so that we can help make the world a safer place to live.


DEBRA: This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And today, we’re talking about communication and leadership and how important that is in creating a toxic-free world in everything that we do when we talk to people, being able to talk to our neighbors about not using toxic chemicals or going to a public hearing or speaking up, or even going to Washington DC and saying, “I don’t want toxic chemicals” or writing about it. We need to be able to communicate.

And I’ve invited Rick Furbush to be here today. He’s an international executive for Toastmasters International. And we’re talking about how Toastmasters can help you improve your communication skills.

Rick, I know that you probably have many, many examples—as I do myself—of seeing people coming into a club and just not being willing to talk at all, and after a few weeks or months of Toastmasters, you can’t keep them quiet!

RICK FURBUSH: That is so true. In fact, the other point you’re making just before we went to break about getting organized, this is one of the most important things a person needs to do that they don’t realize.

Let’s say you are impassioned about toxic waste and want to talk about it. You show up to a meeting, and all of a sudden, you’re not sure what to say or how to put it in the right words. You’re a little confused. It’s not quite organized. You finish talking and you look at yourself and say, “Wow! I should’ve thought of this, this and this.”

Well, what’s great about Toastmasters is you actually plan out your speeches. You learn how to put your thoughts together, so they really can make a difference.

And one of the interesting things for brand new people when they come, we have them do—their first speech is what’s called an icebreaker. And this is a fun one. And it’s easy for them because they’re talking about themselves. We get to know a little bit about them. They don’t have to do any research on the topic. They’re talking about themselves.

And what’s amazing is, after they’ve done their icebreaker, and they’ve sat down […], their heart is racing, they finally get finished, they’re so happy, then they got to prepare for the next speech. And they don’t know what to talk about.

DEBRA: That’s right.

RICK FURBUSH: Organize your speech. That’s the actually second one. It is so important. And it’s probably where people really start to realize the value of Toastmasters […]

DEBRA: I think it’s basic to us as human beings to want to communicate and to be understood and have people communicate back to us. And when you don’t know the basic nuts and bolts of how to do that and how to listen and how to have a conversation, I think that so much conflict occurs from misunderstandings or that you feel like that you have, as you were saying earlier, valuable information.

I know many people who are listening have valuable information that they’d like to share about toxic chemicals. But they don’t know how to get up and say something that actually communicates that. And that’s where Toastmasters comes in.

I also want to really emphasize that there’s so much more than simply getting up to speak. That’s only part of it. You get the opportunity to take a look at your grammar and how you use words and um’s and uh’s. Now, I don’t even want to say this because I have not totally conquered um’s and uh’s. But now that I’m aware of this, I’ve practiced so much not saying “um” and “uh” and “well” and “you know” and “like” and “so, well…” and all those little filler words that we fill in with.

And then, now I look or listens to professional radio hosts and TV announcers, and they’re all saying “um” and “uh”. And then, I listen to somebody who is more trained and has removed those um’s and uh’s from their speech and how much more clearly they can communicate what it is that they want to say without the distraction of those words.

And we also learn how to have more vocal variety and use gestures and to things like speak to time. That’s one thing that’s been very useful for me since I’m interviewed a lot on radio and now have my own radio show. They only give me so much time, and I need to make sure that I fit in what I want to say in that period of time.

And that’s something that you learn in Toastmasters. And that can be valuable in all kinds of different areas of your life. So, it really is…

They teach you how to persuade someone else of your viewpoint, they teach you how to negotiate, all these little things that you use in your life or can use in your life if you know how to do them.

And I have to say that it’s the best bargain for personal growth because, as you go through a program, you really need to see parts of yourself. You find out more about yourself. You find out things about yourself that are really wonderful skills that you didn’t know you had. And you find out areas where you have fears and blocks and that you need to get through those in order to accomplish what you want.

It’s one of the most wonderful things that I’ve ever done in my life.

RICK FURBUSH: Wow! I agree with you.
What’s amazing, as you mentioned a little earlier, when you listen, you don’t—when you have lots of uh’s and um’s, you say them, you’re not aware of them. So you actually have to sit down probably your first and second meeting, and they make you the uh’s counter. And you actually have to listen. And what’s a lot of fun is you have an advanced Toastmasters next to the brand new person, and they both count um’s and uh’s and compare notes. [unclear 16:12] would find 35 or 40. It’s shocking!

DEBRA: It is!

RICK FURBUSH: And as you tune in, it’s almost like scratching your nails against a chalkboard when you hear an “uh” and an “um” after a while.

And here’s the thing that the audience may not know, but the only reason you have uh’s and um’s is because people are petrified to have silence. So when you’re trying to think of your next word, instead of a nice pause, they have filler words, “uh… um… uhhh…” They’re just nervous.

So, when you get over the nervousness, you start to get confidence, you can use those moments of quiet as a gesture. A pause is very, very powerful.

In fact, I heard a world champion giving a speech, and he had the most powerful pause. And he told me he had to count to 10 before the next word.

DEBRA: Well, Rick, it’s time for me to put you on pause…


DEBRA: …while we go to a commercial break. We’ll be back after the break. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And we’re talking with Rick Furbush about how to improve our communication and leadership skills.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. I have one more commercial for you.
Spring is in the air. Are you sneezing and coughing? Feel relief with the comfort of an I Can Breathe silk mask that prevents pollen and dust from entering your lungs. Breathe deeply without side effects.

If you need to avoid perfume, air pollution or cigarette smoke, wear an I Can Breathe Honeycomb Mask with Activated Carbon Filter which captures chemicals as well as pollen and dust.

Enjoy spring and summer by visiting You too will shout, “I can breathe!” Use the code DEBRA513 when you order to get a 5% discount. Code good through June 1st 2014. That’s

Now, we’re back with Rick Furbush, international executive for Toastmasters International. And Rick, let’s talk about the leadership side of Toastmasters. Tell us about how that goes.

RICK FURBUSH: That’s a great point. You know, when you go to learn leadership, when you think about it, did you go to college? Is there a college for leadership? You show up to a business, and all of a sudden, you’re expected to kind of be a leader? How do you learn about it? How do you do it?

Well, Toastmasters is effective because you learn to do it by actually doing it. You learn to speak by getting up and speak. And you learn to be a leader by getting up and leading.

So, what’s amazing about Toastmasters is, first of all, it’s been around for 89 years, number one. Number two, it’s non-profit.

No one in Toastmasters get paid, including the international presidents. And the entire organization is run with volunteers.

In a club, you have seven officers that are elected by your peers for a year. You have a president, three vice presidents, sergeant at arms, treasurer and secretary and so forth. And above that, you’ve got an area governor who’s over five clubs.

Then above the area governor is the division governor over five or six areas and 30 clubs. And then, you’ve got a district governor who’s over 200 clubs let’s say. And then you’ve got 86 of these districts around the world.

So it’s pyramid-shaped where the leadership is done on a voluntary basis. And you actually learn to be a leader by doing.

There’s training involved, but so much doing. And you actually get those abilities by the experience of doing Toastmasters.

So, not only do you learn to speak, but you learn to lead.

As you’ve noticed, there’s never been a great leader that wasn’t a great speaker. So they go really hand in hand.

DEBRA: They do! And I really appreciated this. I’ve been a Toastmasters since 2009. And I’ve done a lot of the manuals, Learning to Speak. But I’ve also done most of the leadership side up to—there’s a designation called Distinguished Toastmaster which is the highest award that you can get in Toastmasters. And it leads you to learning a lot about speaking and a lot about leadership and that you need to do certain different projects in order to get this.

And I’m about to get this award on June 30th. I’ll be done with all of my qualifications. And it is the most valuable thing that I’ve ever done in my life because it does teach you these basic skills of communication and leadership.

And so, I needed to do things like, first, I was the president of my club. And then, I moved up to being an area governor. And I was expected to do things like be in charge of putting on a speech contest. Well, I have never done that before. Where would I learn how to do that?

But they do teach you how to do this. They teach you how to be a leader. They teach you how to get a group of people together united around your purpose and be able to work together as a team.

Now, how valuable would that be for you to get a group of your friends and neighbors together and go down to the city council and make an effective presentation and stop fluoride in your water or something like that.

And this is what is needed to make change in the world. It’s for people to work together. I’ve been in so many groups, local groups, where they didn’t know how to work together. And yet Toastmasters teaches you how to do that. And you can put together a group of Toastmasters, people show up, they do what they agree to do, and they actually produce something like a speech contest or whatever it is that they want to create together. They have the skills to work together and communicate and not fight with each other and disagree—

It’s not that we never fight and disagree. But we have the skills to be able to come together and say, “Alright, this is going to be our accomplishment. And this is how we’re going to get there and do it together and have fun doing it.”

As you said, Rick, where else would you learn that?

And now I feel like I could lead anything! It’s just that you learn those skills. And now I could go into a corporation, be an executive or I could run a non-profit or I could gather together people and make some change in my community because I know how to lead.

And that’s what I’ve learned in Toastmasters. It’s an amazing thing!

RICK FURBUSH: That’s fantastic! What’s very interesting is so many people don’t know how to run a meeting!

DEBRA: That’s another thing I’m going to have to do.

RICK FURBUSH: People have heard of this thing called Robert’s rules or parliamentary rules. They haven’t got the foggiest idea. And of course I think the British came up with it so it’s very confusing. But you learn not only the procedure but how to run a meeting, a democratic meeting, effectively, on time, getting things done.

And we do this every day in Toastmasters, so when you go out to the world, you’ve got an edge up. You can go and run any meeting.

And most meetings that you’ve been to, they run over time, they never get things correctly. They don’t know how to run it. And this is the basic thing you learn in Toastmasters every day in your meetings.

DEBRA: Yes, these are basic life skills. And I’m having Rick here on the show because this is a show about toxics, and these skills need to be learned and applied in the world of toxics so that our voices can be heard, so that we can go to a meeting, and as the meeting is not being run correctly, we can stand up and say, “Okay, let’s do this,” and everybody will follow you and listen to what’s going on with you because you can just bring order to the room. You can call on people to be able to speak and have their voices heard.

It’s just an amazing, amazing thing. And I want people to know that this is what Toastmasters is about, that you can learn those skills there for very, very little money—like really very little money, isn’t it, $46 for six months or something.

RICK FURBUSH: Yeah, it’s equivalent to a cup of coffee a week. It’s very inexpensive. It’s non-profit.

The whole idea, the purpose of the organization which started 89 years ago was to help make the world a better place through communication leadership. And it’s that effective, and it’s doing it every day.

DEBRA: Wouldn’t it be amazing for people to understand? We usually think that there are leaders, and then there are the followers. But what Toastmasters does is it makes everybody a leader.

One of the things that I am so impressed with the way Toastmasters is structured is that you learn the different roles that are necessary to the meeting. And you can just go to any Toastmasters meeting in the world and step in and fulfill that role.

We’ll be back after the break. We’ll talk more about Toastmasters and how you can be empowered to speak and lead.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And we’re here with Rick Furbush, international executive from Toastmasters International. And we’re talking today about learning to communicate effectively and when leadership skills can help create a toxic-free world, things that you can do that’ll help you have a less toxic life for yourself, [unclear 26:25] and just have there be general harmony.

I just really see people blossom when I go to a Toastmasters meeting […] I’ve been in Toastmasters since 2009. And I just see people who come in and won’t speak and sit in the back of the room, after a few months, they go talking and participating—and their whole lives change.

I know that my life has changed because I really amped up my ability to communicate and communicate well and organize my thoughts. And that’s how I got a radio show actually. I decided that I was going to be able to communicate my message in a way that would make sense to other people and that I’d be able to do it clearly and that I would take a leadership role in my field, create that.

And so, Rick, this is the last segment. Let’s talk about how people can join or create a Toastmasters club for themselves.

RICK FURBUSH: Good point. In fact, I wanted to just [unclear 27:37] people first. I know they were listening for toxic, and then we’re talking about communicating. But the point I want to make is when they use Toastmasters or anything else, you really need to overcome that fear if you’ve got it and really be able to communicate well. And we have found—because it’s so good.

It’s the leader in the field. It’s so inexpensive. And it’s such an ability-building organization—that Toastmasters for us has worked so well. And that’s why we’re talking about it. and

But we’d like to encourage you to go on and use whatever you can to become better speaker.

DEBRA: I agree.

RICK FURBUSH: And I’d like to share a couple of tips because people are going, “Well, I’m going to have to speak next week” or “I’m going to be the maid-of-honor. What should I do?” Well, here are a couple of tips—a couple of tips right off the bat.

If you go to, right on the front page, they have the tips. You can just print them down.

But the first couple of tips, one is you want to be prepared. You want to know what you’re talking about. There’s nothing worse than have to get up sort of impromptu and try to wing it. You want to really be prepared. Write down your speech—practice it, and practice it, and practice it. And you’ll have so much more confidence.

That’s probably one of the big tips I can help people with.

But second of all, if you’re going to be going and speaking to a group, see if you can’t go out and introduce yourself to as many people as possible. You’ve sort of broken the ice, and you have some friendly faces in the audience that you got to talk to, and it makes your nerves start to go away.

So, those are two great tips for anyone whether you’re Toastmasters or not if you want to go on and speak.

DEBRA: Those are all great tips. And I would say that, on the other hand, one of the things that you learn in Toastmasters is to just be able to speak extemporaneously off-the-cup. There’s a whole very fun part of each meeting called table topics where you get asked a question, and then you just get to give a 1- to 2-minute reply. And that comes in very handy at parties or if you’re at a job interview, or if you’re meeting somebody for the first time, or if you’re on a radio show and you have to answer a question.

RICK FURBUSH: I think that’s probably one of the most valuable things for me that I get out of Toastmasters, having the competence to be able to [field questions].

If you noticed, some of these politicians, you ask them a question, they don’t answer the question. they tell you what they want you to hear. It’s very amazing! But it sort of has this art of impromptu speaking geared the way they want to go.

So, if you’re really good, you’ll actually be able to answer the question and sound intelligence just because you have that competence with having practiced the impromptu speaking.

DEBRA: Yes. And I know a lot of people are experts in a field of something (like I’m an expert in my fields of tactics. But just because you know your field or doesn’t mean you know how to communicate. And I think that that’s a great area people still need to be trained so that you can communicate what you know and sound like you’re somebody who knows what you know. If you don’t have those communication skills, you can know all the facts you want and somewhat come across as being the intelligent person that you are.

DEBRA: Yes, very good point. In fact, as you’ve mentioned, you asked—before we run out of time—“How could someone join Toastmasters?”, it’s very simple. You can go to And on the front page, it says “find a club.” Click on it, and it’ll say, “put in your zip code.” And it’ll bring up the 20 closest clubs to where you live. There might be one around the corner.

And just here in Pinellas County, there’s 48 clubs in Pinellas county and almost 50 over in Hillsborough. And every major city in the world has a lot of Toastmasters club. They meet either morning, noon or evening. So it’s easy to find a club.

In fact, I suggest that people go and visit different clubs because these clubs have a different personality. But you’ll find that the one thing they all have in common is they’re very friendly, and they’re very warm. And everyone’s in the same boat.

If you show up and you’re afraid of public speaking, they either are or they have been. They know what you’re going through.

So it’s a safe place to go visit and overcome your fear of public speaking.

DEBRA: I totally agree with you. As area governor particularly this year, I’ve had occasion to go to different clubs. The first couple of years, I just stayed in my own club. But I’ve been going around visiting different clubs. And I do see that if you want to go some place, if you just moved to a new city, and you want to meet some new people, and you want to go some place, you don’t have the confidence to say go to a bar and strike up a conversation with someone, go to a Toastmasters club because, when you walk in the door, somebody will walk over and talk to you, I guarantee it.

RICK FURBUSH: That’s absolutely true.

DEBRA: They’ll be friendly, and they’ll be interested. And they’ll introduce you to somebody else. And it won’t be like going to a party and just standing in a corner.

RICK FURBUSH: In fact, I have to point out that when I went to Hong Kong last summer—I was there for two to three weeks—the first week I was there, I’ve been through four Toastmasters’ clubs. And they all spoke English. And it was an incredible experience! They had 40 or 50 people in each of the clubs. And they have over 50 clubs just on the small island of Hong Kong.

I mean China, India, South America, South Africa, you name it, there are Toastmasters clubs anywhere.

So, if you’re traveling, what a great networking experience!

DEBRA: Yeah, yeah.

RICK FURBUSH: So, I feel like, now, I could go any place in the world and I can be part of a family anywhere. If I ever needed something, if I needed to meet people, or I was in trouble in a strange place, I could just find a Toastmasters club, and they would take care of me. That’s not really what it’s for. But I know that I have friends everywhere because I’m a Toastmaster.

DEBRA: Absolutely!

RICK FURBUSH: Well, the call-to-action simply is, if you want to get over that fear of public speaking, it’s a safe, easy place.

Just go online,, put in your zip code, find a club and go visit it. It’s friendly, it’s safe. They won’t have you get up and speak. You go at your own pace. And you’ll be shock!

My wife didn’t get into Toastmasters until she was over 50 years old. And she wishes she had done 40 years earlier. It’s made all the difference in her life. And she’s been very public speaking-petrified! And now she does stand-up comedy for fun on weekends.

RICK FURBUSH: Yes, I’ve heard her. And I’ve seen her even just over the past four years that I’ve known her, the transformation that’s gone on with her.

One thing I want to make sure that we do mention before our time is up is that there’s two kinds of Toastmasters club. One is what’s called an open club. And that’s open to the public. And then, there’s also what’s called a closed club. And there are actually a lot of closed clubs. And what a closed club is is a club that is formed around an interest group. A business can have their own closed club where you have an employee of that business or a member of a church or a member of some organization. And so, in that way, people within already established groups can get to know each other and learn to work more effectively together.

So, for example, if you belong to an organization, say a non-profit that’s working on a toxics issue, you could form your own Toastmasters club for that group. You only need to have 20 people to have a Toastmasters club.

And if you have an organization or a business that’s making non-toxic products or something like that, you can form your own Toastmasters club, and then you will be more effective operating as a group, but then you could also go out in the world and speak more effectively about whatever is the purpose of your organization or the purpose of your business.

Say you have a business selling organic vegetables. Maybe you’re a farm or something, and you want to sell more organic vegetables. It would be so much easier for you to go out in the world and talk to people about your organic vegetables if you have the skills of communication.

So, I just really see this as a tool that so many people could use to be more effective to do their toxic-free purpose. And it’s available to anyone everywhere. And if it isn’t there, you can make it be there.

RICK FURBUSH: Very good point. And if they really want to start a club in their group, they just go online,

There’s a place where you want to start a club, and they just fill in the information. They will connect you off with someone in your area to help you start a club. It’s very simple. It’s almost nothing to do. Just find a group of 20+ people, and they’ll come in and do a kickoff meeting, show you how it’s done, and help you start a club!

DEBRA: Well, here’s the red light, Rick. We need to stop. Thank you so much for being—this has been—

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And I will see you tomorrow.

PVC and Lead Dust

Question from Donna

Hi Debra, I have two questions that go hand in hand.

I’ve been reading a lot lately about lead dust on PVC products, but I’m confused. Does the item (like a toy or window blind) need to be deteriorating to produce lead dust, or can household dust settling on an item (that’s intact) get lead in it?

Also, our house is six years old, and the builder used faux wood doors throughout. They’re made of some kind of plastic, and now I’m worried that they’re PVC but have no way of knowing for sure. They’re hard plastic with a fake wood grain. Are you familiar with these doors? If they are PVC, would you suggest replacing them? We have 24 of these doors!

Again, thank you for all you do!


Debra’s Answer

I think things get confusing when people with no background understanding try to write about toxics.

Lead dust gets created when an item that is painted with lead paint–such as doors or windows–breaks down the paint into dust through the friction of opening and closing it. PVC products contain lead, but there would be no dust unless the PVC item were cut, such as sawing a PVC pipe or window. Lead CAN be released by touching PVC, but it’s not dust.

The only way to know what type of plastic was used to make your faux wood doors is to contact the manufacturer and ask them. If you can’t find out who the manufacturer is, look for a similar door in a store and ask that manufacturer what their doors are made from. It may or may not be the same. I don’t think it’s PVC.

I can do this kind of research for you as a paid personal consultation. If you have 24 of these doors, you might want to know what they are made from. But if your house is six years old, you probably have other materials that are of greater concern. We can go over all of this in a personal consultation. It’s beyond the scope of a blog answer.

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Fertilizer for Plants in Pots

Question from Colleen

What do people with MCS use to fertilize flowers in pots outside and in the outside garden for acidic and non-acidic loving plants? Are the 3 month feed pellets ok to use outside in the garden? I haven’t fed my plants outside for 6 years now because I don’t know what is safe to feed them. We have river rock as mulch in our main flower bed so I’d need something that doesn’t have to be worked into the soil. I was thinking mushroom compost for the bed that didn’t have river rock in it but that has cocoa in it and I don’t want to use that because it could poison our dogs. Thank you for your help.



Debra’s Answer

I use organic potting soil in my pots along with these products from Organic Living For All

These made a huge difference in my Florida garden. I suggest you find a local organic nursery or Permaculture group and find out what is right for the place where you live.

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Unearthed Paints

“Purely natural wall paints, plaster, and wood finishes,” made with the highest quality, minimally processed ingredients such as clay, marble, and chalk. Following recipes that have been successfully used by people throughout the world for thousands of years, these coatings are 100% free of VOCs and other petrochemical ingredients, and instead are made with fully-disclosed, natural ingredients. They carry six types of paint, which can be used to paint any interior room. “Natural paint relies on the inherent qualities of natural ingredients that can be used as binders (such as casein, a protein glue), fillers (such as marble, which provides opacity and whiteness), and pigments (such as earth pigments that derive natural color from their mineral content). A variety of different unique natural paint types exist, and include clay paint, milk paint, and lime paint. Most natural paints, including the entire line of paints by Unearthed Paints, are 100% zero-VOC and safe to use while pregnant.”

Visit Website

Using Essential Oils for Household Cleaning and Personal Care

My guest is Jackie McLaughlin. As an independent distributor for Young Living Essential Oils and natural health enthusiast, Jackie’s passion is helping others find more natural ways to create and sustain better health, without the harmful ingredients often found in commonly used products. Jackie has been assisting others in switching to a chemical-free lifestyle since 2002. She is currently taking a 300-hour curriculum to become a Certified Clinical Aromatherapist, and has been teaching classes about how to create a more chemical-free environment at home, as well as the workplace. We’ll be talking about the difference between beneficial essential oil and toxic “fragrance” and how to use essential oils around the house.





Using Essential Oils for Household Cleaning and Personal Care

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Jackie McLaughlin

Date of Broadcast: May 20, 2013

DEBRA: Hi. This is Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world even though there are many toxic chemicals around us and consumer products in the environment. It seems like every place we look, things are toxic.

There are actually many, many, many toxic-free products and things and many, many people who are working on making the world a safer place to live.

I have been doing this radio show now for – I think this is week four. I look back at the archives of people that have been guests on the show. And I look forward at the huge list of people that I have waiting to book.

I just look at this and I think there are so many people doing so much to make the world less toxic. How can we not eventually do it?

There are so many resources available to you on my website. You just go to and look across the top of the page. There are all kinds of links in the different parts my site. Also go to my guest website. Just look around and look at how much is being on the world. It’s really very, very, very encouraging.

Today we’re going to talk about Essential Oils and how they’re different from toxic fragrance and how they can be beneficial to your health.

First I want to tell you about something that happened over the weekend. A lot of what we’re talking about on this show is change. I’m asking you to change things. I know even in my own life it’s difficult to make changes especially if we think we need to hold on to things. I’ve talked about this before and I know I’ll talk about it again.

But I want to tell you something that happened over the weekend. It just encouraged me that it’s okay to make change. And that is my telephone broke.

Now of course, being an author, a consultant and a radio talk show host, having a telephone is essential. One of the things that I need on my phone is a timer, a call timer so that when I’m doing consultations, I don’t have to set a separate clock. It just times it.

A few years ago, the last time I needed a new phone, there was only one phone that I could find that had a timer. It took me a long time to find it. I have to make a choice between having a call timer and caller ID and then speaker from a different work. But I needed my call timer.

This time, the phone broke. I’m like, “Oh, no. No. No. Now I had to go through all this again.” And then I just looked online. In about five minutes, I got a new phone that not only had a caller timer and caller ID and speaker phone and any other feature that I could possibly get.

But it was only $20. I ordered it. I have it delivered overnight and I just love this phone. It is the best phone that I’ve ever had.

So here I went from a crisis of having to make a change, to be willing to make a change and saying, “Well, let’s go out there and see what there is” and finding that I was delighted that I was forced to make a change.

This is where we are with toxics. Well, not me anymore. I know a lot of you listening and people out in the world have things that are harming their health and their ability to think and spiritual awareness and harming the environment or harming their children. In order to handle that, there needs to be a change.

I just want you to have this example of “I made a change and it turned out for the better. You can do that too.”

Our guest today is Jackie McLaughlin. She is an independent distributor for Young Living Essential Oils. As a natural health enthusiast, she has a passion for helping others from more natural ways to create and sustain better health without harmful ingredients often found in commonly used products.

Now I’ve been looking for products for many years that don’t have toxic chemicals in them. Jackie has been very interested in the specific alternative of using essential oils that have beneficial effects.

She’s currently taking a 300 hour curriculum to become a certified clinical aroma therapist. So we’re going to learn all about natural fragrances and how they can help us today.

Thanks for being on the show, Jackie.

JACKIE MCLAUGHLIN: Thanks, Debra. It’s really a pleasure to be here. It’s a very beautiful day here in western North Carolina. I look forward to our little chat today.

DEBRA: Me too. I love western North Carolina. It’s such a beautiful place. Please tell us how you got interested in learning about toxic chemicals and safer alternatives.

JACKIE MCLAUGHLIN: Okay. Like most people, I was just rocking along in the world like everybody else does, not thinking too much about the products that I was using and the effects that they might have on me.

I had a lot of problems with allergies. I found out that I actually had a thyroid condition and autoimmune thyroid condition that I don’t know.

They never know what brings things on, but a lot of the products that have chemicals in them are endocrine disruptors. And thyroid is an endocrine gland. So that’s where my interest got peaked if you will.

At the time when I was living in Texas, I still am in Texas, as a certified massage therapist. So I was working with clients with health and they’re feeling good and making their body pains go away. One of my friends told me, “Now we’re going to use essential oils. In your body work, you really should use Young Living because they really are the best.”

I said okay. So I got some and I had no idea what I had. They stayed on the shelves and I didn’t do much with them.

One day, the universe tapped me on the shoulder and said, “Hey. You need to look at this stuff.” So I started experimenting with it and reading about it and learning about it. I started incorporating the oils into my session and like I said, I believe the changes that were happening for people. So that really got my attention.

DEBRA: What kind of changes? Tell us about this.

JACKIE MCLAUGHLIN: Well, where I had worked with people and helped them with chronic pains, we could get things moving and get relief, but it used to come back.

I learned to do Raindrops Therapy, which is using specific oils predominantly on the spine. And unbelievable things were happening for people there. Their chronic disease was literally going away and they had no more pain. They were totally functional. They were able to get back to their daily lifestyle and do all the things that they love to do.

It’s a very powerful oil application that can just boost the immune system. I would use those oils when the flue was going around. Instead of taking medications, I would use essential oils that are anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal. And I was able to keep my health when everybody around me was sick.

As far as my allergies, I used to have to take allergy shots. I used to take medications for allergies. When I discovered Young Living Lavender Oil, all that stopped.

Lavender oil is actually natural anti-histamine. And as I started to have allergy symptoms, I just start using my lavender either rub it under my nose. If my eyes are itching, I’ll put a little bit in my hand and my put hand over my eyes and just let the fumes go in and it will stop itching.

I can even put it in a capsule and take it because Young Living oils are therapeutic grade, which is a little different – actually quite a lot different than the perfume-grade oils that you typically see in the health food stores or on the market.

DEBRA: What’s the difference between a perfume-grade and a therapeutic grade? It’s processed probably in a different way. I actually don’t know very much about essential oils because from my background, one of the things that I was very allergic to in the past was perfume.

So I was around people. I still am. In the early days, there was a general assumption that if you had reactions to a fragrance, it didn’t matter if it was synthetic or natural. This is before anybody talked about aroma therapy.

I just tried to stay away from everything. I remember the day when I went into a store in San Francisco where you could put your own scent in your shampoo. We’ll talk more about this after the break.



DEBRA: This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. I’m here with Jackie McLaughlin.
She is a distributor for Young Living Essential Oils. She has lots and lots of experience in the natural health field as a massage therapist and different things.

We were talking before the break about – let me give you her website which is My website is where you can read her bio on the link that’s right there.

Before the break, we were talking about many years ago before we knew anything about aroma therapy. I was first being sensitive to toxic chemicals.

The whole point was to avoid anything that has fragrance. There wasn’t a distinction between artificial fragrances made out of toxic chemicals and natural essential oils, which could have benefits.

I was about to say that I remember the first day that I walked into a store in San Francisco where they had various products like shampoo and lotion and things like that where you could scent them with any scent that you wanted. They were all essential oils.

I thought, “Hallelujah.” I went from feeling like I could never have a fragrance again and that I just needed to shut down my entire sense of smell to feeling like “Here were some natural fragrances that I could try.”

What I found was that I could use vanilla as a fragrance. I could use mint as a fragrance. And vanilla mint shampoo was my favorite for a long time. Those two scents just smell wonderful together. Then I added lavender and different things.

And then we started hearing about aroma therapy. I thought, “Well, there could be some benefits.”

So tell us the difference between an artificial fragrance and a perfume essential oil that you might buy at the natural food store versus therapeutic essential oil such as you have with Young Living.

JACKIE MCLAUGHLIN: Yes, it is. The artificial fragrance is first of all mostly synthetic. That’s the reason so many people have sensitivities to them. They come from petrochemical products and things like that.

Essential oils that are not the therapeutic grade like Young Living also are all about fragrance and not necessarily about the chemistry that makes them have a therapeutic benefit.

So you may find oil in a health food store that says 100% pure and it smells just like lavender let’s say. So you buy it and you think you have a product that’s safe to use in your body. You look closely at the label and it will have a warning. They’ll say, “For external use only” or something along those lines.

The reason they have those warnings because they do use some chemicals in their distillation process sometimes. Or maybe you have [tyrosine] in it, which is very bad for you. So they have to put those warnings on.

Young Living is completely different. They don’t use any chemicals, whatsoever in the process on the oil. They don’t add anything to it. Each and every plant has a different requirement for distillation.

Most perfume grade oils just distill long enough to get the fragrance they want and they’re done. With Young Living Oils, every plant has a different requirement to get the full symphony of components of it to create this energy that gives it a therapeutic benefit.

DEBRA: Could you say the difference is somewhat akin that the whole food would have all the nutrients as opposed to just a single nutrient that might be manufactured in a factory? And you talked about whole oils that have all the components that you would find in a plant.

JACKIE MCLAUGHLIN: Correct. Most oil companies don’t go to that trouble. They don’t care about getting the full and to cause any of the components. All they want is the smell.

If you get the smell, that’s nice for your proprio or whatever. But it’s not going to give you necessarily a therapeutic benefit. That’s where Young Living is completely different than the rest of the companies on the market.

When you talk about harmful chemicals in the home, Young Living created an oil blend called Thieves, which was named in honor of the 15th century thieves in Europe that were robbing the dead bodies of the plague. Nobody would touch the bodies because it was so contagious.

They captured the thieves and told them to give up their secret. They spared their lives or whatever. So they told them. “We’re spice traders and we’re using the oils from these plants because they’re anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, et cetera.”

Gary Young, the Founder of Young Living took that information that he got when he was traveling in Europe and studying in the ancient archives there. He took it home and created Thieves Oil, which is an essential oil blend.

It was so successful at killing germs and viruses and bugs and so forth that they create an entire line of products from that one oil. Also in addition to having essential oils, we have personal care products.

There’s a Thieves household cleaner that is so toxic-free, you can drink it. There’s Thieves mouthwash. There’s Thieves toothpaste. There are Thieves anesthetic sprays, Thieves anti-bacterial hand sanitizers. That’s a big one.

The hand sanitizers. I think all of them just about on the market have something called triclosan. Triclosan was originally created as a pesticide and it is a very nasty product that can cause a lot of health problems.

So people go around using these hand sanitizers, carrying them in their purse and they’re using them all day long. They’re harming their health.

DEBRA: We should say that it’s very easy for toxic substances to go in through your skin. I think a lot of people grew up thinking that a poison is something that you need to drink.

Actually if you put any kind of toxic chemical on your skin, it’s actually worse than drinking it because it goes straight through your skin into your blood stream and throughout your body in a second.

JACKIE MCLAUGHLIN: In a second, that’s absolutely right.

DEBRA: If you put it in your stomach, it could slow down by fats and other things that are in your digestive system. But if you put it on your skin, it goes straight into your body.

So it’s even more important to be careful about what you put on your skin and what you’re breathing and even what you’re putting directly in your body through eating it or drinking it. So that’s a really important thing.

We’re going to need to go to break. But after the break, I will hear more about your products.


DEBRA: I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. I’m here with Jackie McLaughlin, a Young Living Essential Oils distributor. Her website is We’ll be back in a few minutes.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. We’re here today talking with Jackie McLaughlin who is an independent distributor for Young Living Essential Oils.

Her website is You can go to my website, You can see her beautiful picture there and her bio and the link to her website.

Before the break, we were talking about some of the products that are made from the aroma therapy, therapeutic grade oils that she sells. Before we get back to hearing about those, I just want to mention something that I wrote in my book, Home Safe Home some years ago. I was cleaning out some books that belonged to my great aunt. I found the book from 1927 called The Mystery and Lure of Perfume.

In my book Home Safe Home, I quoted a section from it where they found in Paris that the women, who were working in the Flower District and also working with essential oils, distilling the oils for perfume and things, have less illness than other people in the general population.

From observing that in the people who were working with flowers, there was then a study which was done at the Pasteur Institute in Paris and other places. The results of these experiments showed that the substances in the essential oils did kill, just as what Jackie has been talking about – the Institute Pasteur way back the beginning of the 20th century showed that these were anti-bacterial substances.

The oils that they found to be most effective for disinfectants were cinnamon, thyme, French geranium, Indian verbena, lavender, patchouli, angelica, juniper, sandalwood, [cedar]. When I heard…

JACKIE MCLAUGHLIN: I was just going to say it’s interesting too that according to Dr. Jean Valnet, vaporized oil of lemon can kill meningococcus bacteria in 15 minutes. It can kill typhoid bacilli in one hour, staphylococcus aureus in two hours, pneumococcus bacteria in three hours. And even a 0.2% solution of lemon oil can kill diphtheria bacteria in 20 minutes and inactivates tuberculosis. That’s just lemon oil.

DEBRA: Yes. And the nature is full of all of these things. I went on a nature walk once. I was told that if you touched something and let’s say you got a rash, like stinging nettles or something, the remedy is always within a certain radius of the plant.


DEBRA: Isn’t that interesting? It’s like nature is so wondrous and has put together in such a way to support health.

Instead of learning more about that as a culture, what we’ve chosen to do is embrace this whole artificial synthetic toxic world.

JACKIE MCLAUGHLIN: Now we have all kinds of disease to go with it.

DEBRA: Yes, we do. It’s the product of lifestyle. It’s a product of choice.


DEBRA: And this is one of the reasons why once I got to the point where as a mother and consumer many years ago, I’ve withdrawn and I said, “Wait a minute. I’m consuming all these toxic products. There must be something else.”

I discovered that there was this whole other world. Since then I really had been looking to nature to see how nature guides us and what kinds of gift the nature has for us. It’s not just about being non-toxic. It’s about embracing this whole other idea that there are life-reforming things all around us.

Tell us more about your products.

JACKIE MCLAUGHLIN: Debra, we have a full line of products. We have more essential oils than any other company because we’ve been doing it for so long. Of course ours is a better quality than anybody else’s. But out of that, we’ve created a whole line of other products to help people get away from those toxic products.

Dr. Sandra Steingraber wrote a book called Raising Elijah. She writes in there that well-informed futility refers to a particular kind of learned helplessness.

Basically she’s saying that the more knowledgeable we are about a problem existing, the more we’re filled with paralysis. And we can’t act. It’s almost as if we’ve become immune. She says in this case, the action is too easy. We just need to change our buying habits.

Young Living created this full line of products to help people get away from those toxic chemical-laden products. So we have body lotions and [bath] gels and shampoo and all those personal care products. They’re toxic free with essential oils in them.

And then we have a full line of supplements. We have, as I mentioned earlier, the oral care. We have the toothpaste and the mouthwash and even dental flosses with essential oils on it, with the Thieves oil on it.

There’s a full line of products, deodorants – you name it, anything that you would use in your body or on your body, Young Living has something for everyone so that we can get away from the toxic products just by changing our buying habits.

DEBRA: What would you say to somebody especially who is chemically sensitive? And I’ll just interject here that there are people who cannot tolerate any fragrances or any toxic chemicals because of their particular damage that has occurred to their body.

That’s different from somebody who is basically healthy that they want to be not getting sick from toxic chemicals.

JACKIE MCLAUGHLIN: First of all, I would say that lots of cleansing would be in order and supporting the liver.

DEBRA: My question was what would you say to them with regard to using aroma therapy products?

JACKIE MCLAUGHLIN: Well if it’s the quality that Young Living has, it should be safe. Now if they’re really toxic, they could have a detoxing reaction, which would be the oils are bringing the toxins out.

Sometimes people that are very toxic can get a rash from using the oil. It doesn’t mean they’re allergic to it. It means it’s pulling – the oils actually digest these petrochemicals and pull them out. If you take a drop of lemon oil…

DEBRA: Tell me more about that. How does that work?

JACKIE MCLAUGHLIN: If I take a drop of lemon oil and put it in a Styrofoam cup, it will eat right through it. So you don’t want to put lemon oil in your water if you’re drinking water out of Styrofoam.

DEBRA: Yeah.

JACKIE MCLAUGHLIN: So yes, the oils will go in and they will just break up these petrochemicals that are stored in the body.

We actually even have some of the other distributors in Young Living who have experimented with ways to get rid of cellulite and fat because the fat stores toxins to protect your organ. If people have problems with weight, oftentimes it tends to do with the toxins in their body.

DEBRA: I found that too. And I hear my music cue. We need to go to break.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. We’re here with Jackie McLaughlin, talking about the many benefits of essential oils. We’ll be back after this.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. I’m here with my guest, Jackie McLaughlin who is an independent distributor for Young Living Essential Oils.

Her website is My website is You can go to my website and find out more about Jackie and click right through their website.

Before the break, we were talking about how therapeutic grade essential oils can actually break the toxic chemicals in your body. I want to hear more about that, Jackie.

JACKIE MCLAUGHLIN: Okay. If they are the therapeutic grade type like Young Living and they don’t have warning labels that say you can’t take them internally, then you can – I like to drink lemon oil in my water and just drink it all day long. It makes the water taste great and it also helps me.

There are many other ways you can use essential oils. If you’re not sure where to put the oil, just put it on the bottom of your feet. As you mentioned earlier, it will go through the skin and through the body within seconds. In minutes, it will be permeated throughout the entire body.

Because it’s natural, these oils just seem to know where to go and what needs addressing. So they just interact with your chemistry, with your body and take care of things naturally. And there are no side effects. That’s the best part.

DEBRA: So how would one know? How many essential oils do you have available?


DEBRA: Hundreds. So if I were to come to you…

JACKIE MCLAUGHLIN: I’d say the number, 240. That’s a ballpark.

DEBRA: Okay. If I were to come to you and say, “I want an essential oil,” how would we know which one I should have?

JACKIE MCLAUGHLIN: Well, we would talk about what you want it for. There’s a reference book. There are actually a couple of reference books that I recommend when people want to start using essential oils.

One of them is called Reference Guide for Essential Oils by Connie and Alan Higley. And the other one is the Essential Oils Desk Reference 5th Edition. It’s the latest one. Higley’s book is the 12th edition.

You could just look up anything. If you had headaches, you could look up headaches and it would tell you which oils could be good for headaches or that kind of thing.

DEBRA: You would just start trying. Maybe there are three oils or something that could help headaches and you would just try taking whichever one…

JACKIE MCLAUGHLIN: And there are different ways to use them. You might take them internally or you might use them topically. You might even just diffuse them when you’re at home or office. There are a lot of different ways.

DEBRA: So then they would go in your body by the methods that you said. See I’ve never used this, of all the things. I’ve tried so many things.

I’ve never tried essential oils and I think it’s because going back to what I was talking about.

JACKIE MCLAUGHLIN: It’s amazing how many times I had that happen everywhere. Somebody will say, “Well, I can’t use essential oils because the smells bother me.”

“Well, they bother me too. I can’t go into a candle store or the Bed, Bath & Beyond place where they have all those lotions and scented products. They give me a headache as soon as I walk in the door. But we’re not talking about the same thing.”

So you just have to help people understand that even though it does have a fragrance, it doesn’t have the chemicals in it that are going to give you the problems. It’s not the perfumes that bother them. It’s the way they made the perfume, the chemicals that’s in it.

DEBRA: Very interesting. Very interesting.

JACKIE MCLAUGHLIN: But there are a lot of different ways you can use them as I said. It depends on what it is you need.

When people are really serious about wanting to use essential oils to improve their lives, I teach classes. I consult with people over the phone. I talk to them one-on-one. The bottom line is I refer to them to resources that can help them educate themselves and figure out what’s the right plan for them because everybody’s different.

One oil will maybe work for headaches for one person. And a different oil will work for headaches for another person. Maybe your headaches are hormone-related or maybe they’re stress-related. So different oils are going to be helpful depending on why you have that headache.

DEBRA: Tell us specifically – I know a lot of people listening have thyroid problems. That’s very common for people who are sensitive to toxic chemicals.

The thyroid seems to be affected. It’s just one of the endocrine things that can be affected by fluoride. It can be affected by lack of iodine. There are so many things.

Let’s just take that as an example of what might be something that people could try for thyroid.

JACKIE MCLAUGHLIN: For thyroid, believe it or not, clove could be a good oil. Myrtle is another oil.

Young Living has a wonderful blend that they created just for endocrine glands called EndoFlex. That’s probably a favorite for thyroid and adrenals and any kind of endocrine gland.

There are also other blends you could create yourself with lemongrass and myrrh. I’m trying to think. It’s on the top of my head. Peppermint, spearmint, all of those can be helpful to thyroid. It’s depending on whether you get hyperthyroid or hypothyroid.

And then Young Living also has a supplement that they’ve created called Thyromin, which helps the thyroid. It supports it. There are a lot of different possibilities there.

DEBRA: Good. I’m trying to remember. I took a look at your website actually some months ago. I’m trying to remember different things that I saw there.

Young Living, they have their own farms or something. Can you tell us more about where these oils come from?

JACKIE MCLAUGHLIN: Absolutely. That’s one of the things that make Young Living by far and away superior to other companies because we do have our own farm.

We have farms on four continents. We have farms in Idaho. We have farms in France, Utah and Ecuador. And now we even have one in Salalah, Oman where we’re growing frankincense.

Young Living tries to grow as much as their own plants as they can. And then they do their own distillation with very stringent guidelines and testing. Every batch is tested.

Like I said earlier, every plant is distilled differently because every plant, to get the full symphony of components out of that oil, one may have to be distilled for six hours. And another one may have to be distilled for 23 hours.

Gary Young has found new plants. He has discovered plants and distilled the oils that no one else has ever distilled. They started distilling Idaho’s blue spruce. No one in the world has ever distilled that before. And they’re having incredible results with that in the research that they’re doing.

They check every 15 minutes when they’re distilling the plant, when they first started distilling it to see when they get the full benefits and when it goes past that and starts to destroy them. Nobody else in the world goes to that kind of trouble in their distillations.

Most companies are actually brokers. And they just buy oil from big brokers all over the world and stick their own label on it.

DEBRA: That’s the way it is with vitamins and minerals and all kinds of [inaudible 00:47:14]. In fact, I think this is one important point.

One of the big problems that consumers have is that most products – the people who assemble them – they’re not even manufactured. They’re just assembled. And the people who assemble them don’t know anything about where the material came from. It just arrives in a barrel or a box or something.

One of the things about Young Living and other companies like Touchstone Essentials, which we’ve talked about is they are actually growing the plant material. And they have control over every single step.

You can go to Jackie’s website. And they have a whole process they call Seed to Seal where they plant the seed. They cultivate the plant. They distill it, they test it and they put it in the bottle. They have everything on that.

JACKIE MCLAUGHLIN: The other important thing about that, Debra is the seed itself. Many companies are now using modified seeds or hybrid seeds. Young Living never uses hybrid. They use the real deal.

As a matter of fact, a couple of years ago in France, they had a virus or a fungus or something that literally wiped out all their lavender fields. It destroyed them.

They actually came to convention at Young Living last year and spoke on the stage about their gratitude towards Gary Young because Gary trained in France with the experts over there about distillation and so forth. They are getting their seeds from Young Living to re-establish their crops in France. And Gary is donating the seeds to help them get re-established in France.

DEBRA: Yeah, that’s so wonderful. That’s so wonderful. Well Jackie, it’s been a pleasure to have you. I’ve learned some things about essential oils and aromatherapy that I didn’t know. And I’m glad that I do know it now.

I think the work that you’re doing is great and I do want people to know. I have been saying “Independent distributor, independent distributor.”

I know that some people have less than kind thoughts about independent distributors. But I want people to know that there are businesses in the world where you can be doing something good and something not toxic and helping people live less toxic-free and [inaudible 00:49:55].

So we’ll be back tomorrow with another wonderful guest. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. You’ve been listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio.

Twine to Make an Outdoor Doormat?

Question from Lisa

Hello Debra, I was wondering if you could suggest a natural or one of the ‘safer’ non-natural twines or yarns that someone could use for an outdoor doormat. I would like to have something that didn’t mildew or mold, since I am sensitive to mold and I have heard that sisal can be bad when it gets wet. Any ideas?

Thank you so much!

Debra’s Answer

I’ve never made an outdoor doormat. If you could send me some possibilities you are considering, I could review the materials, but I don’t even know where to begin with this.

I purchase my doormats, which are usually recycled rubber. I’ve given up on natural fibers because it rains so much here in Florida that they just fall apart.

Readers, any experience with this?

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Natural Sun Protection Without Lotion

Question from SVE

Dear Debra, I need to avoid the sun and can’t use lotions. Would you please list the best natural fabrics, kinds of clothing and non-toxic items for blocking UV rays from hitting the skin? It’s especially difficult on hot, very sunny days. Thanks so much!

Debra’s Answer

First, I suggest that you read “Debra’s Guide to Choosing Natural Sun Protection“.

As for fabrics that offer the best protection, there are studies and ratings about this, but the simple guideline is to choose natural fabrics.

So for natural fabrics, a loose long-sleeve black woven cotton or linen blouse and similar pants would offer the best protection, with a wide-brimmed hat.

I would also get a parasol. Here are some cotton parasols specifically designed to provide shade from the sun and not to be waterproof against the rain (even the word parasol means “protect against the sun”. Google results “cotton parasol”

Jacquard Cotton Umbrella @

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How Your Bra Affects Your Health

My guest is Maria Monti, founder of The Healthy Bra Company. The wrong bra can harm your health in many ways and the the right bra can improve it. My interest in the subject is that incorrect bras can block the natural flow of lymph in your body, preventing the flow of toxic chemicals through and out of the body, and contributing to the buildup of chemicals levels that contribute to illness. The right bra can actually help your body detox. Maria is a professional Postural Therapist with 18 years experience in analyzing posture and designing corrective exercise programs to relieve the stress and strain of the daily postural duress on the body. With her experience in assessing posture and re-aligning the human structure, becoming a custom bra fitting specialist was a natural next step. Maria founded The Healthy Bra Company, in 2002. With now ten plus years experience (and over one thousand hours) in custom bra fitting, she offers a “highly personalized fitting opportunity” which incorporates a revolutionary way of matching your BODY TYPE, UNIQUE ANATOMY and presenting STRUCTURAL ALIGNMENT with the bra styles(s) most suited to give you the best structural support, look, proper sizing and fit.





How Healthy Bra Affects Your Health

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Maria Monti

Date of Broadcast: May 15, 2013

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world even though there are toxic chemicals all around us in consumer products and then in the environment. Every place you look it seems, there are actually many things that are not toxic in this world and that’s what we’re going to be talking about.

We talk about how to remove toxic chemicals from your home, from your body so that you can be happy, healthy, productive, can think clearly, be spiritually aware, have plenty of energy in your body and all of those good things.

Today is Wednesday, May 15, 2013. I’m here in Clearwater, Florida. Today, I had already scheduled my guest, Maria Monti from The Healthy Bra Company when I saw the news that Angelina Jolie has surgically removed both her breasts in order to prevent cancer. We’re going to talk about that as well as what we were going to talk about originally.

But instead of me giving my commentary on it, I’m going to introduce Maria right away so that Maria and I can both comment on that before we talk about what we decided we were going to talk about.

Maria is the Founder of The Healthy Bra Company. The wrong bra can harm your health in many ways and the right bra can improve it. My interest in the subject is that incorrect bras can block the natural flow of lymph in your body, preventing the flow of toxic chemicals through and out of your body and contributing to the buildup of chemicals levels that contribute to illness. And the right bra can actually help your body detox.

Maria is a professional postural therapist with 18 years experience in analyzing posture and designing corrective exercise programs to reduce stress and strain of daily postural duress on the body. And with her experience in assessing posture and re-aligning the human structure, it was natural for her to go into custom bra fitting.

So she founded The Healthy Bra Company in 2002. Now, with all those experiences, she offers a highly personalized fitting opportunity, which incorporates matching your body type, unique anatomy and structural alignment with the bra styles and materials most suited to give you the best support, look, proper sizing and fit.

Welcome to Toxic Free Talk Radio, Maria. I’m so glad you’re here today [inaudible 00:03:38].

MARIA MONTI: Yeah, it was very much so. I wanted to mention that your summary was very well spoken. I would like to express my sincere gratitude for being able to share my path and the information today with your listeners.

DEBRA: Thank you very much. Let’s get right to Angelina. I’m going to go ahead and let you comment first. I have things I want to say, but you go ahead and comment first.

MARIA MONTI: Yeah, I gave this a lot of thought last night because she is a women beyond all else. What I want to say is that I respect her choice because it is her choice. And secondly, I would like to say that I am not qualified despite the fact that I’m a woman and I have breasts.

I am not qualified to make a judgment about this because it is her body and I don’t live in her body.

But I get calls all the time about women who want to take off their breasts as a result or reduction surgery and we have this conversation weekly. In the sense of her consciousness and the choice she made, I respect it because it is her choice.

DEBRA: Well, what I would like to say is that I think there are other options. I also want to make sure that my listeners understand what has happened here and what she’s saying because it certainly is being presented in shorthand way and certainly it’s a sensational thing to see this beautiful movie star make a decision like this.

And if you really read the articles and find out what the message is, she’s not saying that every woman should remove their breasts if they might get breast cancer.

She happens to test positive for a very specific gene called BRCA gene. Only a very specific group of women have that gene. If you look at the medical recommendation, if you have this gene, they are saying remove your breasts because it’s genetic and that none of the standard things that you might do to resist your cancer risk would affect this gene.

So if you remove your breast for this reason, then it improves your risk of getting cancer by 90%. With that information, I can certainly understand why she would make that choice.

In the articles, they say, “Angelina Jolie is removing her two breasts that don’t have cancer. Why would she do that?” Well, why she would do that is because her doctor told her that to do that is the recommended treatment, which reduces her risk of cancer by 90%. If somebody were to tell you to do something that would reduce your risk of cancer by 90%, you might just do it.

So I wanted to make it clear that women should not just run out and cut their breasts off so that they won’t get cancer. There are many things that contribute to cancer, including toxic chemical exposure, including poor nutrition. There are very specific toxic chemicals that cause cancer and breast cancer and you can certainly remove those from your home.

But I also respect her decision and I’m sure that she considered it. I mean, that’s not the kind of thing that you just do overnight. I’m sure that she considered what was best for her family and for her life and did the right thing.

MARIA MONTI: Can I make one more comment there?

DEBRA: Sure. Go ahead.

MARIA MONTI: I also wanted to refer women as they’re pondering this subject to the pioneers that came before us, Rachel Carson, Silent Spring and Sandra Steingraber who wrote books about these very issues about cancer as well as environmental toxins. These are back in the 50s. So this is not obviously a new subject. And your passion is all about that too.

So there is a lot of material out there that can give solace at a time when perhaps fear is in the [inaudible 00:08:21].

DEBRA: Yes. Yes. I can say that I have a very dear friend personally who has been recovering from breast cancer by using natural means.

But she’s not out of the woods yet, but her recovery has been great. Again, it’s a different kind of situation that she doesn’t have that gene.

What’s being recommended is that women do get tested if they fall into this particular ethnic group. You can find out more about that. I actually put some links on my Facebook page at Debra Lynn Dadd, Queen of Green that has all kinds of information to determine if you’re somebody who should even be concerned about those. But all of us should be doing things to reduce our cancer risk. And you should find out if this gene is a concern for you. And if so, what is the recommended thing to do about it.

I also want to mention, as I said on my Facebook page, that just because somebody has a genetic propensity to something, that doesn’t mean that that’s the end of the story. There’s something now called epigenetics where people are finding that they can reverse genetic damage or change your genes. If toxic chemicals can damage your genes, then doing the right thing can make your genes come back or improve them.

That’s not widely known even in the medical community, but there’s a lot of research on it. So there really is a lot that can be done and we shouldn’t be afraid that women by the…


This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and we’re having a few, little technical difficulties here. I’m not sure what’s going on, maybe a sunspot. We’re continuing on the phone because there was a technical difficulty with Skype and we’re working on fixing it.

What don’t you go ahead and tell us why did you choose to go into health field for your profession?

MARIA MONTI: I’ve always been a very highly sensitive person, particularly very much so in my body and my physiology. I grew up on my grandma’s organic farm in Michigan and I was very heavily influenced by her philosophies of nature and natural laws.

And then we moved to Canada where I was living right downstream from DOW Chemical and a lot of the Detroit automakers.

So I had diagnoses of chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic fatigue immune deficiency syndrome, Epstein-Barr and of course multiple chemical sensitivities. So all of that led me basically into the health field because I knew I was going to need to help myself as well as I wanted to help others.

So I studied health and wellness, personal training for fitness and then later postural therapy. That kept me into the health field.

DEBRA: Wow! That’s very interesting because I didn’t know that about you. I think there are a lot of people who are doing the kind of work that you and I do have that beginning. So what made you choose the field of custom fitted bras as the avenue of health to pursue?

MARIA MONTI: I’ll do a segue way. It took 25 years for me to be my own health advocate, exercising self responsibility and basically trailblazing resources to “get clean” so to speak from a detox standpoint. That led me down different roads.

And since I studied postural therapy, I saw that there were complications to women’s bras and bra-wearing as it related to the symptoms that they presented when they came for their appointments.

So I filed that away and thought that’s something important, but not necessarily timely. But at the time, my heavy patient load started to really get much more fatiguing and it got the best of me. I started to experience non-cancerous and large lymph nodes and I had to retire from postural therapy. And like the people you were interviewing yesterday, you were with Jennifer Parker, I had to find a toxic-free haven to continue my self-healing.

I hear the music. Would you like for me to continue?

DEBRA: Let’s wait until after the break. I’m hoping we’ll be back on Skype, but we will be continuing after the break. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. I’m here today with Maria Monti from The Healthy Bra Company. We’re talking about bras and breasts and how you can be healthy.

Maria, tell us about the body’s lymph system because I know that the type of bra that you wear can either help the lymph system flow or block the lymph system. And you need to have a functioning lymph system to get toxic chemicals out of your body. So explain it to us.

MARIA MONTI: Let me just do a little segue way because it’s really critical. During my healing hiatus, I found these bras and basically simultaneously and serendipitously, I also found another lump in my left armpit. As a part of working with these bras and the manual lymph drainage procedure that we teach with them, the lump actually disappeared after 12 weeks. So this was my connection to the power of the lymphatic system.

Now, we could spend hours talking about it because it’s a system that is critical, but not well-known. It is part of the body’s immune system. I have read recently that the extreme importance of it is that without it functioning and if it’s shut down, autointoxication, which is the internal poisoning of our own body by our own accumulated toxins would cause death within 12 to 48 hours.

So these kinds of things, we want to make sure that the lymphatic system is working against the body’s detox mechanism. And it is very fragile. It is easy to damage and it is very easy to also cut off, especially with tight clothing. So think about anytime you put a rubber band around your finger and it turns purple and it starts to swell, this is what tight clothing can do (for example, bras) if not fitted correctly and properly for a person’s body type, their posture, the weight of their breasts, many aspects that I look at as a postural therapist.

Education is so critical in tying these two things together, bras and lymph health.

DEBRA: Good! So do you want to explain a little bit about the lymph system itself? I know we’ve started late, so it does need to be brief because I want to make sure that we talk about some of the other things too.

MARIA MONTI: Sure. The lymph system is made of vessels and nodes. We often hear about the lymph nodes. Think of those as filtration systems. The lymph vesselsare like a spider network.

So if you were to think about filling up a glass jar with marbles, the space in between the marbles is like the lymph fluid and the lymph vessels. When that is not working properly, not only do your cells not get bathed with nutrition, but the cells do not get to be detoxified.

So this is what we really need to know about the lymph system and why it can’t be overlooked in any situation especially with the load that’s on it these days with so many toxins that are coming in by air, by food, by water, by everything that we are exposed to. And probably the person with even the most perfect health would have a challenge in dealing with all of these lymph issues. So the bra is obviously a woman’s issue.

DEBRA: Yes. Also, when chemicals come into the body, don’t they go into that fluid in between the cells?


DEBRA: So it’s like the cells are sitting in this toxic fluid. If it doesn’t move, if the lymph doesn’t move and take the toxic chemicals away, then it’s just like marinating your cells on toxic chemicals.

MARIA MONTI: Exactly. It’s like toxic soup.

DEBRA: Yeah, it’s just like toxic soup. And this is why it’s so important to have the lymph nodes moved. And I’ll just interject here that the lymph is not like the heart where the heart has a pump that moves the blood around in the body. The lymph sits there unless you exercise.

And even if you exercise, if your bra is not fitted properly, it’s like putting a rubber band around your body so that the lymph can’t move.

That’s why we’re here today discussing this.

MARIA MONTI: There are other things besides exercise too that can stimulate it. I’ll talk about those too.

DEBRA: Okay, good. What makes it challenging for women to find the correct or right bra today?

MARIA MONTI: I think four things are really critical. We have cookie-cutter designed manufacturing for mass production. We have advertising coming across radio, TV and magazines saying what look is acceptable and fashionable by society. We have tremendous synthetic fabric cotton and synthetically chemically treated fabric. And then we have the way that bras are fit. We have improper fit and wear and the lack of knowledgeable fitting technicians who can understand the links between the proper fit of a person’s body type, their posture and not impairing the lymph system.

So it’s a multi-faceted, complex situation. That’s why I spend probably two hours with every new person I work with to help them bridge the gap of education and also help quell their frustrations about why they can’t find anything out there that works.

DEBRA: Yes, it is a challenge. Now, don’t tell anybody else. I’ll just tell you. I haven’t worn a bran in years. And fortunately, it’s not a big deal for me because I think I don’t need one and you might think otherwise because it’s supporting. But it was because I couldn’t get past all those things that you just said. I didn’t want to wear synthetic materials. They were uncomfortable. It didn’t seem like it was doing anything anyway. I couldn’t find the solution, so I just gave up on the whole field.

So I’m really glad that you’re there, understanding and giving women other options. Now just briefly, let’s talk about the synthetic materials for a minute. I know I get this question over and over again about, “Why can’t I find an organic bra? Why is it that every organic cotton bra I look at has synthetic materials in it?”

MARIA MONTI: Yeah. It should not be that one cannot find that. What I have discovered in searching out fabric content as well is that there is organic cotton material out there, but depending on what other criteria one has, let’s say they want support (which is often the reason to wear a bra), the more cotton you use, the more something stretchy you have to use also in order to not make it feel like a tablecloth on your body.

So you’ve got to have a combination of good fabrics, but also a design and the fabrics that support the design. We have that difficulty too. I’m not going to say that we don’t have synthetic or some synthetically treated fibers, but we have found a way to work with them and work around them to the best health of the woman and particularly relating back to the lymph system. So I’m very, very cognizant of that.

And you might think I’m a pro-bra person, but I’m not. As a postural therapist, I know some women just have to wear bras because of the heavy weight of their breast or their posture. And we look at postures…

DEBRA: I have to cut you off, I’m sorry, because we have to go to commercial. But we’ll be back.


DEBRA: This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd with Maria Monti.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. I’m here with Maria Monti from The Healthy Bra Company and the website is I think, isn’t it, Maria?


DEBRA: Good! So tell us what you offer. What are your products and services that you can offer to women to have them have the correct bra?

MARIA MONTI: Okay. With the health of the breast in mind, I always look at the individual uniqueness.

So the first thing we do is a proper assessment of that uniqueness. That’s really, really critical because you have to have that in order to get the right bra for that unique person. We look at if their circulation has already been cut off by what they’re wearing with the weight of their breast.

The proper bra design is then selected and oftentimes, custom alterations are made in order to perhaps increase the support or make the bra fit so that there are no bindings anywhere or stresses that would again cut off the lymph system, which we also don’t want to do.

We also teach them a manual lymph drainage technique when they’re putting the bra on so that they’re stimulating lymph flow. And then I will give them resources, additional resources to understand how their lymph really needs to be addressed every day.

For example, when I was going through my issues, I needed additional help with the toxic load. And so I started going to a company in Bellingham, Washington called Internal Harmony that had far infrared saunas. Now, the interesting thing about this is that a regular sauna will produce 97% sweat and 3% toxins, whereas the far infrared sauna is 80% sweat and 20% toxins.

So teaching women that the bra is one aspect of this, but also looking at all the other things that they can do throughout the day in making healthier choices helps them look at prevention, detoxification and the maintenance. And then also always checking in on how their body changes because obviously a bra fit at one time that might be great for the circumstances of that situation (they gain weight or they lose weight, it doesn’t fit properly anymore), we need to address those issues again. So that’s it in a nutshell.

DEBRA: How do you work with women who don’t live where you are in Washington? Can people work with you at a distance?

MARIA MONTI: Yes. I’ve been doing that actually for five years. We call it a virtual fitting and it’s not exactly technically virtual as one would call it on the Internet, it is a way where I create the same kind of assessment process and then I mail them the bras that I choose for them with any other alteration pieces that might need to be fitted in with the bra. And then I’m on the phone with them for generally about an hour for the fitting, teaching them how to put the bras on, what to look for for getting the proper support for their body type.

For many women, it works very, very successfully. Obviously, we screen for any kind of difficulties. Surgeries are difficult to do long distance and other anomalies. But we’ve been very, very successful with about 80% of the long distance fitting.

DEBRA: You mentioned about stimulating lymph flow. How do you that?

MARIA MONTI: If anybody has ever had a massage (which I would imagine most people have), stimulating lymph flow is a directional massage in the direction of the lymph pathways and it’s very, very gentle. I’ve heard of it called the lover’s kiss because it is such a gentle stroke. It’s like you’re moving water right under the skin.

So we teach this as part of the overall lymph drainage in order to make sure that women are being cognizant of their body and being in touch with their body quite literally every day. If you’ve ever heard of skin brushing, it’s a similar technique where you’re doing circulation by tactile stimulation.

DEBRA: Yeah, I’ve done skin brushing. I actually myself get massages every week (and in fact, two massages every week). I know that sounds like a luxury, but it’s not. Most people I think go and get a massage when they’re injured or their body isn’t feeling good. I’ve been getting massages twice a week for I think a couple of years now. And as I do it, I just get healthier and healthier because it releases tension in your body on a deeper and deeper level. I’m getting that lymph stimulation as well. So I highly recommend that.

MARIA MONTI: Also, lymph drainage massage is a very different kind of massage than what you’re speaking of. Highly trained technicians who specializes in lymph drainage massage are the ones that you would look out for to do this kind of thing because standard massage, although it can assist, you have your peripheral or superficial, very close to the skin lymph and then you have your deep lymph and both of them have to be addressed in different ways.

DEBRA: Yes, I agree with you. If anybody wants to get the right kind of massage for your lymph, you need to specifically get the lymph massage. I get some lymph massage, specific lymph massage as well as standard kind of massage as my body needs it.

I know that our time is cut short. But we do still have some time that we can talk. Is there anything that you’d like to cover that you haven’t had time to mention?

MARIA MONTI: I think yes, I would because as we see, this is a growing concern for women. And as a result, The Healthy Bra Company is growing after 10 years of doing this. We need help. So I think what I’d like to do is make a national call out right now for the kind of health that we’re looking for and have women recognize that there are jobs available for this kind of thing.

DEBRA: Go ahead!

MARIA MONTI: We’re looking for seamstresses who want to work in the field of custom alterations for these types of bras. We’re looking for women who would like to be trained in professional fitting as it relates to lymphatic health.

And another callout that’s of major importance is for any trailblazing textile manufacturers who are out there and interested in working with more natural fibers and notions. We want to hear from them.

And I think the last thing of importance that I’d like to speak out to the community is this call out to charities too who are working with the future infrastructure that will help support people on their journey of detoxification. I was so impressed yesterday with the Jennifer Parker Foundation, but I know that when I walked this path, I felt alone. I didn’t have the resources that I do now and I didn’t have people to talk to.

So I support charitable foundations who are working toward what we would call a toxic epidemic and bra is just a part of it. I’m a postural therapist first, I am a woman first, so I work in that avenue, but it gives me the tools by which to address the lymphatic system that really hasn’t had enough attention to it.

DEBRA: I agree, it hasn’t had enough attention. I like that you’re using the terminology “toxic epidemic” because it is an epidemic. When I look at the numbers of all the different ways that toxic chemicals can affect our health and the sheer number of people who are being affected and not knowing it, if it is really recognized as it should be, it would be more than an epidemic. The numbers of people affected would be more than what we could call an epidemic.

It’s something that is there that needs to be addressed in many, many, many ways. So I really appreciate when an individual like you has taken up your own specific area of interest and say, “How can I make this area nontoxic? How can I figure out what is the solution? How is this contributing to the problem and what to do about it?”

I was just talking to Jennifer Parker Foundation yesterday. I was just seeing that, oh, my God, what we really need are safe places for not just a handful of people or thousands of people, but really everybody on earth should be able to go to a safe place and not be exposed to toxic chemicals and wear the right clothes and eat the right foods and really just handle their exposures to toxic chemicals.

I think we’re moving in that direction. Each of these things that we’re doing, each time I do a radio show (since I’ve been doing this radio show in particular), I’ve been seeing so many ways that we need to be getting the word about so many things and that it all fits together into one big picture.

Thank you so much Maria for being with me. I’m sorry we had technical difficulties and we didn’t get all the time that I thought we would have. But I want everybody to know…

MARIA MONTI: Well, it happens. I’ll tell you what, I’m a compassionate humanitarian and I have to share the stage with Angelina Jolie, I don’t have any problem with that.

DEBRA: Oh, good. Okay. Her making her statement brings attention to the problem and opens the way for people to have discussions like we had today. And it opens the way for people to be thinking about “What is causing cancer? What can we do about it? What am I willing to give up in order to not be sick?” which is a whole other question that I think needs to be dealt with.

MARIA MONTI: Exactly! Well, I’ll be happy to come back again if you want me to and we can discuss more.

DEBRA: I think that we have a lot more to discuss and I will have you back again. Again, that’s
So, that’s about all the time that we have today. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. You can find out more at There are more resources there. And I’ll be back tomorrow.

Why Your Newborn Baby Needs an Organic Crib Mattress

My guest is Barry Cik, founder of Naturepedic, the leading brand for organic baby and children’s mattresses (they now make adult mattresses too). As an environmental engineer Barry understands toxic chemical issues better than most product manufacturers and has a “no compromise” policy when choosing materials from which to make Naturepedic products. We’ll discuss why an organic mattress is so important for babies and children, toxic chemicals found in common mattresses and their health effects, and what goes in to designing and constructing a “certified organic mattress.”








Why Your Newborn Baby Needs an Organic Crib Mattress

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Barry Cik

Date of Broadcast: May 13, 2013

DEBRA: Hi, Barry.

BARRY CIK: Hello. How are you?

DEBRA: I’m fine. I’m very happy to hear your voice. I was wondering what I was going to say for the next hour.

BARRY CIK: No problem. I’m happy to help out. I’m still delighted to hear this program is going well.

DEBRA: It is. We’re having a lot of great guests and you are yet another one of them. So let’s just start over. You started at the beginning of the hour.

I’ll introduce you again. This is Barry Cik. He’s the founder of Naturepedic. Naturepedic is the leading brand of organic baby and children mattresses. They now also make adult mattresses. And as an Environmental Engineer, Barry understands toxic chemical issues better than most product manufacturers and he has a no-compromise policy when choosing materials from which to make Naturepedic products.

And so, today we’re going to discuss why an organic mattress is so important for babies and children. What are toxic chemicals found in mattresses and their health effects and what goes into designing and constructing organic mattress?

Now Barry, I told you while I was waiting for you to come on the line, but I want you to tell again how you became interested? Well first, many years ago, why did you become an environmental engineer? And then, what made you decide to make certified organic baby mattresses?

BARRY CIK: We have to start with my background. I’m a board-certified environmental engineer. And I’ve been chasing toxic chemicals for a living for pretty much all my adult life. We’re talking 30 years of doing this. So I do know little bit about toxic chemicals.

I’m also certified by the Institute of Professional Environmental Practice. I’m also a certified Hazardous Materials Manager. I’m an author of a textbook for Government Institute for Environmental Matters. I’m a Diplomat Forensic Engineer. I’m entitled to testify in court as an expert witness. I’m certified by the Ohio EPA and a few other smaller things.

Anyway, 10 years ago, my wife sent me to a baby store to buy a crib mattress and a few other things for our first grandchild. Now, truth be told, as of that day, I had never been in a baby store in my life. My wife used to buy all these things that we needed for our kids and I just never paid attention to it.

But here I was in a baby store, looking for a crib mattress, and every single one was made with foam and styros. They contain various chemicals that I didn’t think were appropriate for my grandchild. I talked to the salesperson. I said, “What else do you have?” And salesperson pretty much said, “No. There’s nothing else. This was the way it’s done. This was the way mattresses are made.” And that was that. I was not comfortable with all that.

At one point in the conversation, the salesperson said, “Well, if it wasn’t safe, the government wouldn’t allow it on the shelf,” but I knew better. The government doesn’t regulate everything. The government regulates a few things. For example, they have [inaudible 00:04:39] standards and now they have some standards for certain chemicals like lead and certain phthalates, but the government really doesn’t know what’s going into mattresses. The government really doesn’t know what’s going into a mattress if it’s coming from China and so on.

So I was not impressed to say the least. I came home and I told my wife, “I just didn’t buy it, sorry.”

My grandfather sent some straws. Maybe, we should go to some of our neighbors and borrow some straws or something because in my opinion, we think we’ve made progress, but in some ways, we have not made progress. It’s quite the contrary.

DEBRA: I agree.

BARRY CIK: So one thing lead to the other, and here I am.

DEBRA: Well, you certainly have the finest — I was going to say ‘one of the finest’, but I think that you actually are considered by most people to have the top-of-the-line baby mattress, particularly in the organic category.

I want to talk to you about the toxic chemicals that are in regular mattresses. I want you to tell us little more. We’re coming up on a commercial break, but just start and tell us about what you think is the most dangerous toxic chemicals. Then, we’ll continue after the break.

BARRY CIK: Truth be told, the problem is not trying to find the single most toxic chemicals, because the real problem is trying to identify what’s there in the first place.

There are 80,000 chemicals in the marketplace currently, and nobody has any clue as to what combination or what chemicals they use in any particular product. Different manufacturers, the same kind of material will often add or subtract this or that or the other thing. There’s nobody keeping track. So the biggest problem is not even knowing what’s there to begin with. That’s the biggest issue.

DEBRA: We’ll talk about that more after the break. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio, and I’m here with Barry Cik, founder of Naturepedic.


DEBRA: This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and I’m here with Barry Cik, founder of Naturepedic, the leading brand of organic baby and children’s mattresses.

Barry, you said something that’s really interesting before the break. You said that it’s really difficult to find out even what is in these materials and ingredients that are used in products. Tell us more about that because I think that most consumers think that you can just go to a label somewhere and it will tell you everything that’s in everything. That hasn’t been my experience. I think that’s not your experience too. So tell us more about that from your experience inside the industry as an environmental engineer.

BARRY CIK: You’re totally correct. Basically, even I, let alone the public, can’t find out what’s in those materials. But let me go back and paint the bigger picture here, so everybody can understand the bigger issue.

It all goes back to the 1970s when the public woke up and realized that we’re using all kinds of chemicals that are polluting our environment. There was a big, huge push to deal with the issue. And here is how Congress at the federal level dealt with that issue. It created several laws. Several laws have worked in different areas. There are some other ones that don’t apply to consumer products.

For example, something like [inaudible 00:14:12]. This is [inaudible 00:14:13] that I’m protecting workers in the factory, so that if the factory uses toxic chemicals, they have to admit that to their workers and they have to provide the workers with a basic knowledge about the chemicals that are being used and how to protect themselves and what to do in the event of a spill or another accident, so on and so forth. So that’s one kind of law that was created.

Another kind of law that was created was the Superfund, where our Congress created laws to clean up real old toxic dumps that are just polluting the groundwater and so on. That’s another kind.

Then, there were different laws to protect forests, laws to protect [inaudible 00:14:57]. There are various different laws all created during the ‘70s and the early ‘80s.

Now, among all those laws, there are two that are most relevant to consumer products and to the consumers in general. Those two are called RCRA and TSCA.RCRA is the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. TSCA is the Toxic Substances Control Act.

Now, RCRA was designed to track the use of toxic chemicals from cradle to grave. So if you have a toxic chemical, you have to identify it and you have to monitor it as it’s going through the system. And most importantly for RCRA, at the end of the system, so to speak, it’s got to go to a hazardous waste landfill.

So let me give you an example. If you’re making a product and you’re using arsenic in the product, when you make that arsenic, you identify it, you identified it going through the product. And when you’re done making the product, if you have some arsenic left over, that waste material, it’s yucky and gummy and you can’t use it, that leftover arsenic can no longer be dumped into your nearby lake or river or out your backdoor. It has to go to a hazardous waste landfill where it’s buried in a proper kind of landfill where it won’t leak out into the environment. That’s what RCRA does.

Now, TSCA was the other side of the coin. TSCA regulates the introduction of the chemicals to begin with. What chemicals are allowed to be used? In what ways are they allowed to be used?

So now, what happened was that the RCRA was a very severe, well-done law. TSCA was not. Let’s go backwards. TSCA does not really control the introduction of toxic chemicals. It’s pretty much the wild west where manufactures can introduce whatever chemicals they want to. There’s very little oversight from the EPA. There’s very little oversight.

Today, if you want to introduce a new chemical, you fill out a form and you usually get it approved within three weeks without saying too much about your product. You can pretty much get it introduced. Sometimes, the EPA will ask you to do a little bit of some analysis, but for the most part, you can introduce whatever you want and get away with it. That’s TSCA.

And so, what’s the bottom line?

Oh, and the way, as far as TSCA is concerned, when TSCA was created, there were already 70,000 to 80,000 chemicals. I’m saying 70,000 to 80,000 chemicals on the market and all those were grandfathered. None of those ever got tested. You can use it all you want.

So at the end of the day, what that really means is if you’re making a widget, and you’re starting with 100 lbs. of arsenic as part of the formula for the widget, at the end of the day, when you’re done making your widget, 95 lbs. of the arsenic went into the widget, 5 pounds are leftover yucky, gummy waste. The 5 lbs. that are controlled by RCRA must go to a landfill, but 95 lbs. that went into your baby product is completely uncontrolled.

DEBRA: Yeah. This is what’s so ridiculous about it. There are laws when I started studying this just as a consumer 30 years ago. I’m looking all this and I’m saying, “This doesn’t make sense.”

If you buy a bottle of formaldehyde, there’s a warning label on it telling you all the dangers of formaldehyde, “Don’t drink it. Don’t breathe it” and all that stuff. And yet, here, then I thought a particle board piece of furniture that is out-gassing formaldehyde perpetually, there’s no warning label on it at all – or bedsheets that are coated with formaldehyde.

Probably, an even more graphic example is that you have to put a filter on a cigarette and put a warning label on the package of the cigarette for the smoker, but the person standing next to the smoker has no warning label and no filter.

This is what’s going on in virtually on all the products that have toxic chemicals in them, am I right, that we’re being exposed to.

BARRY CIK: Exactly.

DEBRA: There are regulations for the toxic wastes that are produced and there are regulations for if we dispose of them (we have to take it to the household hazardous waste dump), but there are a very few regulations that say, “Don’t put this chemical in the products in the first place.” And that’s what people are trying to change.

We need to go to a break now, but when we come back, I want you to tell us about what you’re doing as a manufacturer and how you’re making products that doesn’t contain toxic chemicals. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And I’m here today with Barry Cik, founder of Naturepedic, the leading ground for organic baby and children’s mattresses. They now make adult mattresses too. You can see all of them at You can also learn more about this radio show, Toxic Free Talk Radio

Barry, tell us now about your standards and materials that you use to make your mattresses and how they’re different from the kind of mattresses that you would find in a regular mattress store.

BARRY CIK: A typical baby mattress, for example, has to be waterproof. So let’s just start with that. There’s a waterproof and there’s a surface material. So we do not use the vinyl because of all these issues with plasticizers that are used to make vinyl soft.

Vinyl is actually polyvinyl chloride for the most part. In order to make a soft polyvinyl chloride or vinyl, you have to add various plasticizers commonly known as phthalates chemicals. They’re the most common type of plasticizer. There are all kinds of issues with phthalates.

Four years ago, the Consumer Product Safety Commission finally banned some of them, but there are many others on the market that are being used now. It will take many more years until people determine whether those are safe or not safe. You can’t really make vinyl without the use of plasticizers. This is one issue after the other after the other.

We took a position. We’re just not interested in using vinyl or phthalates chemicals of any kind in baby products. We believe that it’s not a prudent way to design a product for a baby.

DEBRA: Yes. We should also mention that babies, their bodies are not developed like adults are. They are many, many times more susceptible to toxic exposures. If you were to put an adult and a baby on the same mattress, it would be much more harmful to the baby than to the adult because they’re so susceptible to exposures at that age.

BARRY CIK: Exactly, exactly. So then comes the question (and you’re asking me) of how do we do things in a practical manner? How do we solve these issues?

So let’s continue on this one example for a moment. There are two ways to waterproof a mattress. There are plasticsand there are chemicals.

So let’s go backwards. Chemicals like perfluorinated compounds are frequently used to waterproof. I saw a recent study done by the Mount Sinai School of Medicine’s Children’s Environmental Health Center that correlated the use of perfluorinated compound in a different setting, but nonetheless correlated it with some very serious health issues. And so, we took the position that we don’t want to use any waterproofing chemicals to waterproof a product.

So if we’re done with chemicals, how about the use of plastics? That’s really the only other practical way to waterproof a product, but we all know that plastics can be pretty nasty also. There are chemicals that are added to plastic that are not very cool.

So how do we deal with that issue? The answer is there are many ways to make a plastic. There are thousands of ways to make plastic. There are a thousand and one chemicals you can put into the plastic or not put into the plastic.

So if you have to waterproof a product and you have to use a plastic or you’re down to a plastic, why not at least use a plastic that is rated as a safer plastic? It’s really not asking that much. It’s not that difficult. It can be done.

So in our case, you listeners can go, for example, to Green Peace is certainly a very reliable and conscientious organization when it comes to chemicals. They have a page on their website called the Pyramic of Plastic

DEBRA: Yes, I’ve seen that.

BARRY CIK: …where they rank all the common plastics. They consider PVC or vinyl can be the most hazardous of all the plastic. And they consider bio-based to be the least hazardous of all the plastics. It’s a new corn plastic that have come out recently.

We’ve been working on the corn plastics. We have not been able to use them yet because the corn plastics on the market are very noisy. They make a lot of potato chip bags out of corn plastic, but it’s a very noisy bags. So the corn plastic itself has not worked yet, but the very, very next best plastic that Green Peace would approve of is PE or polyethylene.

And we decided that we agree. Polyethylene happens to be a fairly simple plastic. It is a plastic. It is petroleum-based. It’s not for Tarzan and Jane, but that’s fine. But if you need to have a plastic to waterproof a product, why not use something like polyethylene, which is a fairly simple plastic. It’s synthetic, but it doesn’t have all the harmful chemicals that some of the other plastics have. So why not use something like that? So that’s what we decided to do.

We even took it a step further because we realized that there is something called food grade polyethylene. It’s an FDA standard, which is used at your grocery, your supermarket. If you go in and you buy a loaf of bread and if that loaf of bread comes wrapped in a clear, thin plastic, that’s a food grade polyethylene. They wrap your teas in the food grade polytethylene. It’s the purest, cleanest plastic on the market and we decided we’re going to find a way to use that to waterproof a mattress. No one has ever thought of that before and that’s what we use.

So this is one example of testing facts and saying, “Okay. How can we achieve something that the consumer wants, the consumer needs and do it in a more responsible manner with less risk than some of the more common materials?” And that’s we’ve done. We follow that across the board.

We found ways to get rid of the use of flame retardant chemicals entirely, entirely. We don’t use flame retardant chemicals in our product.

DEBRA: I think that one of the things that I see (because I hear people discussing products all the time and asking me questions) is that I think a lot of consumers have in their mind that if it is natural, it’s safe. And if it is made from petroleum, it’s bad. And that’s pretty simplistic because I see what you’ve done.

I’ve been calling your company since almost the beginning I think. I see what you’ve done, you’re always choosing the least toxic, but the most natural material that you can. So in your top-of-the-line crib mattresses, you’re Naturepedic brand, you’re making those from certified organic cotton. Your whole mattress is certified organic by GOTS, the Global Organic Textile Standard.

Aren’t you the only that’s certified by GOTS to be a certified organic mattress?

BARRY CIK: Not the only one, but we’re the only commonly used baby mattress and the only that’s been waterproofed that meets the GOTS standards. That’s correct.

DEBRA: Yes. So here, you started out and said, “Well, the most totally pure thing that we could use would be organic cotton. But then we have this problem that babies wet their beds. And so is there a natural material that could be used?” And finding that there was none, you jumped outside of the box and found an acceptable material and then said, “How can we use this acceptable material to fulfill its function?” And I think that that’s really growing design.

If parents are concerned about wanting to keep their mattress dry and having that waterproof layer, then they know that they have a non-toxic option in your mattress. If they want to go 100% absolutely natural, no petroleum product, no plastic, then then you can also sell them a very-well made, well-crafted excellent material mattress that has no waterproofing, none at all.

So you really give a lot of options here for parents. I think that you’re really doing an excellent job with that.

Barry, we only have just about a minute left. Is there anything else that you’d like to add? You know so much about toxic chemicals in manufacturing, in products, in laws, and everything. I certainly want to have you back again. But is there anything you want to say just for us today?

BARRY CIK: Well, sure. And remind me, when I come back, we need to talk about the Global Organic Textile Standards and how that works, things your listeners would love to hear about and…

DEBRA: We certainly will. We certainly will.

BARRY CIK: And if I have to say one thing very quickly that’s more in line with what we covered today, I just want to remind the audience that there are 80,000 chemicals out there and we don’t really know which ones are being used in what quantity and in what product. There’s just no way to keep track of all that. That’s the underlying crust of the problem.

And another way of saying the same thing…

DEBRA: But I have to cut you off because the music is going to cut you off. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. We will still be talking tomorrow.

Blocking Fumes from Vinyl Shelving

Question from AC

Hi Debra! Thanks so much for your site and all the great info you provide. I have a question about vinyl shelving. We currently have shelving in our rental home that is vinyl. Unfortunately removing it is not an option as we are renting. The shelving is in our pantry, every closet, and our laundry room so going without using it would drastically cut down on our storage space. Is there anyway to protect ourselves from the shelves out-gassing? This is our second year living here, and I don’t think the shelves were put in right before we came so I am guessing they have been here at least two to three years. Is it safe to store things in the closets but not actually on the shelves? Thank you so much—this site is such a valuable source of information!

Debra’s Answer

Very simple. Cover them with heavy duty aluminum foil. The foil will block any fumes. Tape around the edges. Best would be to use foil tape, but you want to have something removable, so you may need to use blue painter’s tape that can be removed without leaving a mark.

Not the most attractive, but will block the fumes.

If you think heavy duty aluminum foil is not heavy duty enough for the wear-and-tear, go to a building supply store and get foil-backed building paper and lay it on the shelf with the foil side up. It’s a lot more durable and gives the same foil protection. Nothing I know of gets through a layer of metal, even a thin layer like foil.

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Safe Water While Traveling

Question from PT – Pittsburgh

I was wondering if you could share any thoughts on how to travel/vacation with the least amount of toxins. I struggle every time we go on vacation with things like water. At home we have a whole house water filter but what do you do when on vacation? Is it better to buy bottled water rather than drink the local water (in the U.S.) from the tap? How about using the water pitcher filters even though they don’t filter out a whole lot of contaminants? Is it worth it to take a shower filter? I try to keep thing in perspective that this is only a week away from our normal toxic free living but always worry since my 6 y/o son had leukemia.

Debra’s Answer

I think the answer to this question really depends on how much exposure the body in question can tolerate.

For myself personally, my body is healthy enough that I can travel without taking precautions for several weeks and still be fine. It takes a lot of exposure now for me to have symptoms, since I have reduced my body burden so much, so for a short trip, I just eat and drink and sleep and shower with whatever.

That said, I DO do things like choose less toxic lodging when it’s available, seek out organic food, often drink bottled water, and bring my own soap and shampoo. Once we went on a 3-day trip and packed many glass bottles of home-filtered water. We we VERY happy to have it, along with our homemade organic food we also packed, but what we missed was the enjoyment of being in a new place, eating local foods and having a different experience. Bodies are resilient. I’ve found I can take a few days or a week away from my toxic-free life and my body is fine as long as I go back to toxic-free basics when I come home. But you need to determine for yourself if you body is able to do that.

When I was really sick with MCS however, I took a lot more precautions while traveling, as you might want to with your son.

And I also take PureBody Liquid Zeolite and all my Touchstone Essentials supplements. The PureBody zeolite removes up to 99% of all of the various types of toxic chemicals for 4-6 hours, as soon as they enter your body, so it’s a great thing to take on a trip. Just keep taking it every 4-6 hours and it will remove chemicals almost as fast as they come in.

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Least Toxic Way to Pack a Drink for a Kid’s School Lunch

Question from PT – Pittsburgh

what is the least toxic way to pack a drink for a kid’s school lunch? I was using Honest kids juice pouches but they get so expensive and so does organic milk in the mini containers. I am curious to know what the inner lining of those types of containers is made out of? It seems my only options would be a reusable plastic water bottle (ugh!) or a stainless steel water bottle. Both have leaching issues. Kids can’t take glass to school so the glass water bottles are out. thanks for your help.

Debra’s Answer

Moms, I’m going to let you answer this one. I don’t have children to pack lunchs for, so no experience for this one. What do you use to pack drinks for lunch when not allowed to use glass?

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Nontoxic Water Nozzle?

Question from Cindy

Debra, Any suggestions for a non-toxic water nozzle? Every one I’ve seen has brass or plastic and is not good. How about aluminum? What’s the lesser of all these evils? And what do you use in your garden? Thanks.

Debra’s Answer

Well, I will tell you that this is of so little concern to me, I can’t even tell you what I use in my garden. I have in the past used both metal nozzles and plastic nozzles.

The thing about nozzles is that there needs to be contact time for anything toxic to leach into the water. Since water is flowing through these nozzles at practically the speed of light (no, not really, just exaggerating!) I don’t see that there is enough contact time to be concerned.

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Dr Oz Finally Says No to Sunscreens

Question from Linda

Dr Oz amazingly enough is finally debunking the myth of sunscreens and their cancer-causing, endocrine-disrupting dangers.

Sorry, this isn’t a question but of interest to all here; after years of hearing Dr Oz recommend sunscreen & wanting to yell at my TV about the danger of toxic chemicals being worse than any sun-promoted cancers, this is long overdue! (We can only hope the air “fresheners” dangers show will follow soon).

Warning: on part 2 there’s this nightmare of a woman from the AAD (American Academy of Dermatology) with her horrible (to be polite) denial & useless, ignorant rebuttals about “lack of scientific proof” that will make everyone here cringe. (Why people fall for that line will forevermore be beyond me!)

Now if only he could stop promoting the toxic chemical face & eye cream lines! Not to be mean but he says he uses them and obviously they’re not working for him! Well one step at a time, I guess!

Totally Natural Beauty and Household Products…That Work!

evan_symondsEvan Symonds is founder, owner and “head honcho” of Evan’s Garden. She makes “totally natural products that work” for body and home by hand, with the help of her family. Evan’s viewpoint is that it would be irresponsible to make products that aren’t natural and safe. She has learned from life experiences and vast study of natural health approaches, that only natural substances heal and comfort us in a completely positive way. When it comes to choosing ingredients and formulating, there’s no compromising. She selects the most natural ingredients she can find, as close as possible to their whole, raw and untampered state. Whenever possible, these are organically grown, biodynamically grown (viewed as “beyond organic” because of the time-honored, natural cultivation techniques) or responsibly wild-harvested. Her products deliver the power of organic, whole-plant nutrition. On so many levels, you can feell the love and reverence for nature that went into their making. We’ll be talking about just some of the toxic chemicals you might find in ordinary beauty products, but more about how Evan makes extraordinary alternatives.





Totally Natural Beauty & Household Products… that Work!

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Evan Symonds

Date of Broadcast: May 09, 2013

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio, where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world, where we can be healthy, happy, productive, and anything else we want, in a world where toxic chemicals are always trying to make us sick.

It’s Thursday, May 9, 2013. I’m here in Clearwater, Florida. And today, we’re going to be talking about natural beauty and household products with a woman who makes them herself by hand.

But first, I want to read you a quote from Epictetus. He was a philosopher from ancient times. And he said, “Conduct yourself in all matters, grand and public or small and domestic, in accordance with the laws of nature. Harmonizing your will with nature should be your utmost ideal. Where do you practice this ideal? In the particulars of your own life with its uniquely personal tasks and duties.”

“When you carry out your tasks, such as taking a bath, do so to the best of your ability and harmony with nature. When you eat, do so to the best of your ability and harmony with nature, and so on.”

And the reason why I wanted to read this today is because what we’re talking about here is how you can remove toxic chemicals from your life, and replace them with something else that’s more healthy. But the criteria is not always what’s not toxic. There’s a whole world of different ways of looking at what’s not toxic, everything from choosing a product that’s made from petroleum that is not toxic, to having your life be completely in harmony with nature, which is a completely beyond our consumer viewpoint.

And I chose this quote today too because our quest, Evan Symonds of Evan’s Garden, has this philosophy of wanting to make her products as close to nature as humanly possible. And that’s something that I really respect and admire.

Evan Symons is the founder, owner and head honcho of Evan’s Garden. She makes “totally natural products that work for body and home by hand with the help of her family.” Evan’s viewpoint is that it would be irresponsible to make products that aren’t natural and safe. She has learned from life experiences and vast study of natural health approaches that only natural substances heal and comfort us in a completely positive way.

When it comes to choosing ingredients and formulating, there’s no compromising. Evan selects the most natural ingredients she could find as close as possible to their whole, raw and untampered state. Whenever possible, these are organically-grown, bio-dynamically grown, which is viewed as beyond organic because of the time-honored natural cultivation techniques, or responsibly wild-harvested.

Her products deliver the power of organic, whole plant nutrition.

On so many levels, you can feel the love and reverence for nature that went into their making.

And today, we’ll be talking about how just some of the toxic chemicals you might find in ordinary beauty products, but more about how Evan makes her extraordinary alternatives.

Evan, thank you so much for joining us today.

EVAN SYMONDS: This is wonderful. Thank you, Debra.

DEBRA: You’re welcome. And also to mention now and throughout the show that if you want to go to her website, and learn more about her products, it’s

Evan, please tell us how you got interested in natural things. I know that you don’t want to be around toxic chemicals, but what was the thing that happened in your life that made you choose to do what you do?

EVAN SYMONDS: Well, there was one thing that happened about 14 years ago or so, but before that during college, I started gravitating more and more towards cooking for myself and finding natural things, and this is in the late 60’s, so health food stores were just beginning to make their appearance. Remember, there were lots of [inaudible 00:04:46], vaccines.

And they were very fun. And it just turned on the light. So after college, I started pursuing this. This is a path [inaudible 00:04:59], studying, finding out about things, why were whole grains better for you than processed.

So from the 70’s forward, my interest became stronger and stronger because any time I found something that was untampered with and whole, and grown in rich minerals, just a wonderful health food, or even something cosmetically that I could whip up, it felt so much better. And it started creating a gulf between what I was buying, for instance, for my skin at cosmetic counters at malls, the expensive stuff.

And then we started just mixing up stuff with royal jelly and whatnot, and fooling around. And the more I did this, I noticed the better overall that I felt, not just for my face or for the spurt of energy that I might have eating something, but generally speaking, I really noticed the difference.

And then I lived in Oregon for a while where a lot of our neighbors would bring over stuff that grew in their yards, or they had a little farm. Everybody’s very generous way out in the country. And I started growing things too, Debra.

Then I realized, wow, what a difference between a whole food that you just eat, or that you mash up and put on your body, as opposed to something that’s been viewed in the spotlight/chemical that’s been isolated from the whole plant.

So that grew and grew with my orientation. And then for a while, I worked handling questions where natural doctor’s products were made. And I had to answer people’s questions about their health, [inaudible 00:07:13] and this and that.

I learned so much. But what happened was that I was watching while I was actually working in shipping there, and it was a TV and video one of Dr. John Christopher. And it was a lecture that he gave in the 1970’s, talking about the mouth and herb that will handle essentially anything in the mouth.

You know that John Christopher was very much attacked for the wonderful, in-depth, and workable natural discoveries and herbal technologies that he [inaudible 00:07:53]. He’s a master herbalist.

So I was listening to this, and then I shortly thereafter found out from my dentist that a bridge that I had had put in maybe 15 years before or more and had been put in with [inaudible 00:08:11] wasn’t properly done, that I needed dental surgery. It was to the tune of up to $3500 to $4000.

I did not exactly have that set aside. And even if I did, I’m not into knives and surgery. I knew what Dr. Christopher said.

So I started looking for a product that contained the herb that Christopher was telling and saying would handle anything.

And I looked in the health food stores, all the local health food stores. I was here in Clearwater at that time. And I looked online. And I found absolutely nothing.

So I said, “Okay. I’ll make it.”

And then I set myself to find a good study. I love to read and study. I love it. By that time, I had a big library already of books on herbology and aromatherapy and so on.

So I looked up everything I could find out about what would help the gums become strong and hold the teeth in better, and what would help circulation, and what would help the bone. And I put together a product called [inaudible 00:09:24] gum powder, and [inaudible 00:09:27] dental surgery.

DEBRA: And it’s a fabulous product. I have used it. We need to take a short commercial break here, but we’ll find out more from Evan after the break. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and I’m here today with Evan Symonds from Evan’s Garden, and we were talking about how she made a tooth powder and didn’t have to have surgery on her teeth.

Evan, I have used it in the past, and then I stopped using it because my holistic dentist recommended that I do his program, which consists of using hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. And I found that yours actually works better, and I’m going to get more of your tooth powder because I like it better than what my holistic dentist said. You really know what you’re doing with having the functional and healing products, as well as cleansing products. It’s not just toothpaste.

As long as we’re looking at this one product of tooth care, tell us the difference between your product and a standard toothpaste you would buy in a drugstore or supermarket. And also, the difference between your product and so-called natural toothpaste you might buy in the natural food store.

EVAN SYMONDS: First of all, I have a separate product called Natural Toothpaste, and that’s actually my bestselling product, using gum powder, [inaudible 00:11:22].

I have a few points that completely differentiate what I do from the commercial products, but also distinctly differentiate what I make from other natural products, I think. In terms of commercial products, I don’t include anything that is unnatural or chance-y, or unnecessary, but only for looks or texture. In other words, every single thing that’s in there in my product is in there because it will synergize, it will work with everything else, I’m always checking that as I formulate, to create the effect that I’m after.

I decide what I want, and there’s a study behind it. And of course, for what would be in the list of things that I would include. I refer as well to my perception or intuition or what have you. And if I ever do, I double check if it would be okay. I have a lot of books on medical aromatherapy, how much of what essential oil is safe at what age, for what use and so on.

I’ve got a lot of references. I check everything for safety. Basically, [inaudible 00:12:53] certain result, and then I make whatever will be the absolutely—that I can figure. There’s nothing absolutely about it, but what will be as far as I can tell with all my heart and soul will be the most effective product.

If it takes, like in my anti-aging skin care, a ridiculous amount of colloidal, true colloidal gold, which is expensive, or other things—I’m not looking at the expensive because I figured that people for ages have been wanting to get results from what they buy, and then there’s the hike, there’s the marketing hike.

There is a realization that strikes people even if it’s vague like, “Shouldn’t this be better for me?” These people have held onto what they really want when they use my products. And I’m not meaning to brag or anything. It’s just the truth. They’ll get results. They do get results.

And that’s what I’m intending, so I don’t care so much when I make it, if I use a great deal of, or hardly any, or whatever. I’m only trusting for what seems to me to be the optimum amount of any ingredients that will work with all the other ingredients. I don’t [inaudible 00:14:22] anything that would help if it’s unnecessary, then of course, I don’t, or not good.

And I’m just making the very best that I can.

Well personally, you look at the labels of commercial products, and they include just things that can make us sick, things that save money.

DEBRA: I’d like to mention, especially since we’re talking about toothpaste, that they put fluoride in toothpastes. And they’re required by law to put a warning label telling people not to swallow it, and especially for children not to swallow, that they actually should call the Poison Control Center.

And why they would put poison like fluoride into toothpaste, and then have to tell people not to swallow it just seems ridiculous to me.

EVAN SYMONDS: It’s not a good intention. It couldn’t be. We know that. Fluoride is the waste product of the [inaudible 00:15:33].

DEBRA: So this hazardous waste is being put in our toothpaste, and we’re expected to think that it’s fine, and this warning label just is there to tell us that we should watch out for it, that these manufacturers and the government still think that we should use this toxic product and put this poison in our mouths every morning and every night.

And we don’t have to do that.

EVAN SYMONDS: No, we absolutely don’t. People are beginning to wake up. The lights are turning on. When I started my business 13, 14 years ago, I would tell, “What do you?” “I hand make products from organic and whole plant ingredients.”

They would be like, “Oh, I see.”

People were not so interested. It wasn’t a go button. It wasn’t something that was approved generally. It’s quite amazing that it wasn’t, and it’s been brewing interest and awareness.

One thing I can say about this, Debra, is that we need to be responsible. If we want health and happiness, and to be carefree and not ill, then it’s our job to become educated and to be discerning, and to make choices.

So fluoride is ridiculous. Fluoride makes money, and it makes people ill. Hitler put fluoride in the water because it mentally depresses people and it reduces ambition. Is that wild?

DEBRA: I’ve read that, yes.

EVAN SYMONDS: Isn’t that something? So it’s just really creepy. And Clearwater, we need to get rid of the fluoride in our water.

DEBRA: I agree. We had it out and then put it back in. We’ll talk more about Evan’s amazing natural products that work when we come back from the break. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and I have one more commercial for you.

Spring is in the air. Are you sneezing and coughing? Feel relief with the comfort of an I Breathe Silk Mask that prevents pollen and dust from entering your nose and lungs. Breathe deeply without side effects. If yo need to avoid perfume, air pollution or cigarette smoke, wear an I Can Breathe Honeycomb Mask with activated carbon filter, which captures chemicals, as well as pollen and dust.

Enjoy spring in summary by visiting You too will shout, “I can breathe!”
Use the code Debra513 when you order to get a 5% discount. This code is good for June 1, 2013. That’s Breathe with an E on the end.

Okay Evan, let’s hear more about your products. Tell us about your skin care products.

EVAN SYMONDS: What I say about them [inaudible 00:18:48] pretty much anything because there are a couple of standards and guidelines and the ideas about nature that I follow, and definitely in the skin care, and really in anything.

I work with what will be nourishing and what will help nourishment actually arrive to the cells. Let’s just talk about skin care right now. If the cell walls are hardened, and when a body is toxic, the cell wall itself, the outer membrane, it becomes hardened, and then toxins will get out, and nutrition doesn’t get in.

DEBRA: I didn’t know that. Could you say that again? I want to make sure everybody hears this.

EVAN SYMONDS: When the body is toxic, the cells will hold onto the toxins that they’ve accepted into them. Maybe it’s out of some sort of basic confusion or something like, “Well, I’ve got to have something.”

I don’t know. But the outer part of the cell wall becomes more and more impermeable, which means it can’t be penetrated. If you’re [inaudible 00:20:18] the most lovely meal of whole food, fresh, ripened organic, it’s how I try to use everything, in nutrients, and you’ve done everything to open the capillaries, which is another thing that I do gently. Nobody has capillary problems. Their [inaudible 00:20:40] but just very gently open the capillaries so that the blood is reaching the cells.

But if you don’t also do something to nourish and soften the cell wall, then those nutrients aren’t penetrating [inaudible 00:20:58]. If you have an imbalance of potassium and sodium, then there is less likelihood of things penetrating the cell or the wrong things penetrating the cell.

It’s an interesting thing. So what I included when I first made my first cream, which was La Crème de la Crème, I studied this a lot. And I found the plant, and that would be in the form of mostly essential oils because essential oils contain all the nutrients. It contains the entire everything of the plant. It’s the substance of their hormones, the essential oils are.

And so I found out what essential oils and what nutrients will mollify, soften and then make more permeable the skin cells.

And then, of course, it’s a piece of cake. Then the cell will go, “Oh, my gosh. There’s [inaudible 00:22:00] out there. Yay, come on in. I don’t need you anymore, toxins.”

And so it will then excrete the toxins. And then not only this, obviously, [inaudible 00:22:12] a bit softer, of course, but it’s going to be feeding, it’s going to be nourished, and then it can make better copies of itself, and so on, of the skin.

DEBRA: This is such a different approach. This is such a different approach from [inaudible 00:22:30] does. I’ve studied enough about nature to know that what you’re saying makes total sense that I can see you working with nature’s processes by using natural ingredients.

And of course, our bodies are part of nature, and so that’s exactly what we should be doing, and that’s the way to get the results.

I think that a lot of what industrialization is producing is not only harmful, but they’re trying to solve a problem without really solving it, that they create the problem, then try to do something else. And then they try to do something, and then people just get sicker, and sicker, and sicker.

But you actually came up with a healing solution.

EVAN SYMONDS: That’s right. Our bodies, as human beings, I realized that like anything, like ants, look ants and they’re swarming around the bees, and they go, “Man, they have it down. Look at the communication, and look at how everybody has their own job, and they coordinate. This is phenomenal.”

Well, we as people have these wits and distractions, and we get seduced by things that have nothing to do with our survival.

We can get off the track. We can do anything we want, and that is the plus. We can create. I’m not saying that we should just go around living like lower life forms, but what I’m saying is that people, through the industrial age and so on, I really believe, have forgotten and lost their senses of how they should live, and what value nature has.

And part of it is that, this is another big piece of my [inaudible 00:24:26] to say it, do I?

DEBRA: Yes, you actually have a minute and 15 seconds.

EVAN SYMONDS: So really quickly, the more toxic a body gets, the more it creates toxic garbage. The cleaner our body gets, it actually [inaudible 00:24:46] and can feel the difference, and what it needs that would be beneficial.

DEBRA: I [inaudible 00:24:52] that in switching from toxic junk food to eating really good, organic food, whereas before, I was craving sugar and wheat and refined food and all those things. But when I made a decision that I was going to eat organic food and more raw vegetables and fruits, and good quality protein and things, now, I want those things. It’s hard for me to believe that I crave eating salad instead of chocolate cake.
[inaudible 00:25:23]

EVAN SYMONDS: [inaudible 00:25:25] I’m sorry. Go ahead. [inaudible 00:25:28]. Go ahead. Finish.

DEBRA: That’s what I wanted to say that it was amazing to me that I would actually crave eating salad instead of chocolate cake.

EVAN SYMONDS: It’s amazing. What happens is that as we eat sugar, and white flour and [inaudible 00:25:46], we feed our parasites. And they don’t have anything distracting them, and they want to survive, so they mandate what we put in our mouths. We aren’t thinking, “Should I, or shouldn’t I,” it’s an urge. They cause it.

So the more you get away from it, you clean them out, the better you want the good stuff.

DEBRA: Yes, and we’ll take a break right there. We’ll back with Evan Symonds from Evan’s Garden, and me, Debra Lynn Dadd on Toxic Free Talk Radio.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and I’m here today with Evan Symonds, owner and founder and head honcho of Evan’s Garden. She makes totally natural products that work for body and home by hand out of extraordinarily natural ingredients. Her website is

Evan, tell us more about the other types of products because I know that you have some household products as well. I’ve used your laundry product. What was it called again?

EVAN SYMONDS: Astonishing.

DEBRA: Astonishing. And I think you have several Astonishing products. So tell us about that because it really was astonishing this laundry product, and I still use it.

EVAN SYMONDS: Well, I have Astonishing, and I can tell you about that. There is one thing I wanted to say that I feel is very important. As we reject poison in our life, part of the reason for my doing this, in fact, about the biggest reason, is that being poisoned depresses one spiritually and mentally, even if it’s not obvious.

DEBRA: I agree.

EVAN SYMONDS: And so I find that [contending], having the body’s attention on having to deal with poisons and get rid of them were—shuffle them off into little fat sections, or move them away from the main communication lines of the body and so on, away from the nerve and the blood and whatever, so that you can live, that of course takes a decent amount of attention away from [inaudible 00:28:15].

And also, if you think of it just mentally, that life is good, life should be happy, it’s a challenge and a game, and it’s exhilarating and enervating, something that should be expansive, and we should have the energy for it, and it should be something that throws us.

And yet, when you are dealing with poison or a poisoned body, your mental outlook actually is depressed. And that is why I wanted to help people to recover their mental vitality and their gusto in living. And I feel that using products that support your body and work with your body’s own nature and connect you with nature because they just do, then this, of course, frees you up mentally and spiritually.

And I have found that to be the case very much so.

DEBRA: I have found that to be the case for myself as well, and that has a lot of why I’m motivated to do this at this particular point in my life as well. I started with wanting to restore my physical health, but then I found how it was affecting me mentally and spiritually to be able to have enough awareness, or to be able to think clearly, and do the things that I wanted to do in my life.

Removing the toxic chemicals addresses all of those body-mind-spirit things. It’s a very holistic thing to do. It’s not just about physical health. It addresses our whole-being-ness as a human being.

And so I can appreciate what you’re doing very much because I have that same motivation.

EVAN SYMONDS: That’s awesome. So I tried to make enough kinds of products so there wouldn’t be a hole for somebody.

So I made shampoo and it’s wonderful for the scalp. A few people have had bad scalps that actually peel off. And their scalps renew with my Crowning Glory shampoo, which is, how cool is that?

And then my dental products are actually becoming more and more well-known. The word just spreads like crazy on them from all the people who have paid on expensive procedures. You don’t have to use whiteners which, by the way, are horrible because they’re going to kill your intestinal flora. You don’t stick those bleach garbage things in your mouth to make your teeth white. It’s not good.

[inaudible 00:31:05] my toothpaste. So I make dental. I make deodorants that actually work. And yes, they’re [inaudible 00:31:13], and I make makeup which is difficult for me frankly because it’s visual. I don’t have one of those that measures down to [inaudible 00:31:26].

I make makeup and I try to make practically everything that somebody would need, so that they don’t have to resort to [inaudible 00:31:37] anything yucky.

And my Astonishing is very cool because the essential oil blend that I created for Astonishing, the original one, I have Astonishing citrus spice, and I have the original which is very invigorating. The blend is solvent. I found that out by cleaning the cabinet, which is an antique where I keep my essential oils in.

The first time I used Astonishing after making it, it took the varnish off of the cabinet. So you don’t use it on varnished things, but it’s cleaned up things. It’s a powder blend of [inaudible 00:32:15] and baking soda, and so, and this very wonderful, and there are lots of these essential oils in there, when you smelled it.

DEBRA: Actually, it smells wonderful. It has a eucalyptus smell, but more complex than that. And it smells very clean and it gets the clothes very clean and soft. Aside from soap nuts, which I also love, this is right up on the top of my list of favorite laundry products.

EVAN SYMONDS: Well, it isn’t just laundry. For instance, there is a kindergarten school around here where they could never get the stains off of the floor, and Astonishing took it up just like that.

So it’s actually for all your cleaning. You just put some in the water, you can do your dishes with it. You don’t have suds, but then you can feel your dishes really well. And you can use it for everything.

And in the laundry, I have to tell you this really fast, a story when my ex-husband put the clothes in the first time with Astonishing, nothing was really particularly super dirty. We haven’t been making mud pies with our clothes or anything.

He opened up the lid and ran over, “Evan, look at the water.”

And the water was brown.

They really get in there, but it doesn’t harm the fibers. It doesn’t have anything caustic that would harm the fiber. And clothes last [inaudible 00:33:45] wonderful for cleaning. You don’t need a fabric softener.

Another circumstance that happened to me was I had mildewed sheets, Florida, right. And it [inaudible 00:33:56] cleaned all the mildew stains out of sheets this one time through.

DEBRA: Astonishing.

EVAN SYMONDS: It’s astonishing. That’s simply astonishing. And then I have a spray. Some doctor’s office has used the spray, and they clean the counters with whatever. I have a scouring powder. It mutates the different forms and uses.

And then the Citrus Spice—I prefer the original, but the Citrus Spice is really cool too, and just as microbial because essential oils are antimicrobial to some degree, all of them.

DEBRA: Yes, I actually read that and I wrote about that in one of my books, Home Safe Home, I think. There was a study done in Paris about the antimicrobial effects of essential oils. It was pretty amazing. They’ve known this for hundreds of years, and yet, we use these toxic things instead of the natural essential oils that are given to us by nature [inaudible 00:35:02].

So is there anything that you would like to say that you haven’t said?

EVAN SYMONDS: There is one thing. Don’t use those things with triclosan on your hands. Don’t buy those antibacterial.

They’re horrible for you. A doctor told me that that is just another use of leftover Agent Orange. I’ve never verified that.

But it isn’t good for you, and you can look it up on the internet. I make a foaming hand soap, and then there’s even Astonishing. Wash your hands to see [inaudible 00:35:36] with plain, old soap. I had that too. And so were a lot of people.

Even soap kills the bacteria. But I have a Meadow Foam hand soap with lavender in there or lemon that’s awesome.

DEBRA: Well, thank you so much for being with us today. I’m sure that we could talk for hours and hours. You know so much, and I really appreciate your being here with us.

Again, Evan’s website is And we’ll talk soon, Evan. Thanks so much.

EVAN SYMONDS: Thank you, Debra. This is so much fun.

DEBRA: I had fun too. So you’ve been listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. My website is But I have many more things on my website besides this radio show. You can go to and just look across the top and see that I have a Q&A blog where you can ask questions. I have a directory that has hundreds of websites like Evan’s and all different kinds of products that are non-toxic and much more natural.

You can even call me for a consultation and I can help you choose products. I can help you remodel your home.

If you enjoyed this show, please tell your friends. Just have them go to and they can listen to the show live. You can too, of course, as you are right now. But also, all the shows are archived, so you can listen to them anytime you want, anywhere in the world, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

And I’ll just be continuing. I’ll be here tomorrow, and we’ll have the phones open. You can ask anything you want. See you tomorrow.

Chantal Stainless Induction Sauce Pan

Question from Sheri

I just bought a 3qt sauce pan made by Chantel. It is called Stainless Induction 21 Steel. It is for use on all types of stoves including magnetic tho I don’t have that type. I just needed something that would sit flush on my coil burners.

Here is what the info on the tag says: Metal Composition 21/0 21% Chromium, 0 Nickel. The Nickel has been eliminated since it can leach during boiling. It is NSF approved. “Stronger, improved construction resists stress cracks. ” It has a few other metals listed too but at lower amounts than 18/10 for”extra corrosion resistance”. If you need to know about them let me know.

I just want to know if this is a safe pot to cook from? I am not allergic that I know of to Nickel but don’t like the idea of leaching so I was attracted to these claims.

What do you think? Thanks so much for all you do, your work has made my life much better.

Debra’s Answer

As far as I know, chromium and any other metals listed can also leach into the food that is cooked in them. I use Xtrema Cookware because it is ceramic through and through and there are no metals to leach.

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Tips for a Toxic Free Home

My guest Annie B. Bond and I have been kindred spirits since her publisher asked me to write the forward to her first book Clean and Green. She is the best-selling author of five books, including Better Basics for the Home (Three Rivers Press, 1999), Home Enlightenment (Rodale Books, 2008), and most recently True Food (National Geographic, 2010), and winner of Gourmand Awards Best Health and Nutrition Cookbook in the World. She was named “the foremost expert on green living” by “Body & Soul” magazine (February, 2009). She has been the editor of a number of publications, including “The Green Guide.” Currently Annie is the Executive Director and Editor-in-Chief of The Wellness Wire and leads the selection of toxic-free products for A True Find.







Toxic-Free Bamboo Steamer

Question from Liz

I talked with a rep at Thunder Group regarding bamboo steamers and he could not tell me the name of the chemical, but said that it is used on bamboo steamers & chopstick as a mold inhibitor. He told me to steam it 3x before my first use with food to remove the chemical. This concerns me that there is any chemical on it to begin with. I cannot have any toxins due to health issues. Do you know of a bamboo steamer that does no chemicals? Desperately seeking! Thanks, Liz

Debra’s Answer

This is the first time I’ve heard that there is a chemical on them.

Sleeper Sofa Mattress

Question from Sleeper Sofa Mattress

My question is for a sleeper sofa mattress. I just want to get a custom sleeper sofa mattress with the innerspring coils, but want it to be short in height and all natural. Are you aware of any company that does this? My husband and I always sleep wonderfully at a family member’s household on his Sealy sofa mattress, and want one for our own mattress at home, of course, with no chemicals and with a wonderful natural wool topper. We just don’t like most of the innerspring mattresses available today (natural) and I was thinking of getting creative and creating our own. Just like you. 🙂 Please let me know if you have any tips. Thank you, Dardi

Debra’s Answer

Try White Lotus Home. They have been known to do custom work.

Add Comment

Why Women (and Men!) of Childbearing Age Need to Detox Their Bodies Before Having Babies

My guest Vicki Latham is a board certified physician assistant, who has been working, primarily in Woman’s Health for over 30 years, delivering babies during 10 of those years. She is semi-retired and currently works in a internal medicine/family health practice, at Associates of Medicine in Stillwater, OK. Vicki has great concern about protecting the health of the pre-born, who are especially vulnerable to the effects of toxins because of their rapid development and immature functioning of their detoxification pathways while in utero. It is her passion to encourage all women of childbearing age to detoxify their body before and during pregnancy and lactation. When not spending time with the families of her 4 children, and 8 grandchildren, Vicki travels extensively throughout the U.S. and Canada, educating people on the benefits of detoxification, and healthy living choices. Vicki can be reached at 405-614-0079 or





Why Women (and Men!) of Childbearing Age Need to Detox Their Bodies Before Having Babies

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Vicki Latham

Date of Broadcast: May 07, 2013

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and this is , Toxic Free Talk Radio, where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world. Even though there are a lot of toxic chemicals around in all kinds of products, we don’t have to get sick from them, we don’t have to live with them, we don’t have to have them in our bodies. And that’s what we talk about on this show.

Today is Tuesday, May 7, 2013. I’m live here in Clearwater, Florida. Well, I’m live but you might be listening to the archive. And today, we’re going to talk about why you should detox your body if you’re a woman or a man of child-bearing age.

But first, I want to tell you about something that came in my e-mail. I think it was yesterday. This is why I do what I do. It was a special report from Environmental Health News. It says, “Chemicals of high concern found in thousands of children’s products.”

And what happened was a new law went into effect last September in the State of Washington that allows consumers access to a searchable online database that shows which companies reported chemicals of high concern in products made or marketed for children.

Now, this new law opened up the right to know because there are so many laws that make it possible for manufacturers to put things in products and not tell us. And so this law, which was passed a few years ago, was put into effect last September. And now, some questionnaires were sent out to various companies, manufacturers and retailers, asking them what toxic chemicals are in their products that aren’t necessarily on the label.

And now, there’s a database that has all this information.

This is a result of the Children’s Safe Product Act which shows 66 chemicals that have been linked to cancer or reproductive developmental or neurological effects in animals or people. And you can get the link to this. You can go online to my website. Actually, just go to, and then across the top, there is a menu. And in the menu, near the left, it says, “Q&A.” And just click on “Q&A.” And today is item is right at the top of the page, Chemicals of High Concern Found in Thousands of Children’s Products. And you can read the entire article about this and the results that they found in the chemicals that they found, and how prevalent this is.

Virtually, if you’re not specifically choosing children’s toys, beds and clothing, and everything that a child uses, personal care products, if you’re not specifically choosing these to be free of toxic chemicals, there are toxic chemicals in these products that cause cancer, reproductive development and neurological effects in animals and people.

So please go take a look at that.

Now, our guest today is Vicki Latham. And Vicki Latham is a board-certified physician assistant, who has been working primarily in Woman’s Health for over 30 years, delivering babies for the past 10 years. She is semi-retired and currently works in an internal medicine family health practice in Stillwater, Oklahoma.

She’s also a grandmother and she has four children of her own, and I think, eight grandchildren; eight grandchildren, yes.

And she has discovered from her observation and study that toxic chemicals, just the ordinary toxic chemicals that we’re being exposed to every day and on these products, are greatly affecting the health of children, even before they are conceived.

And I’m going to let you explain all of this. Vicki will explain all of this to you because she has the medical training and has some research that we really need to be concerned about or conscious of. If you want to have a baby, you need to grow that baby in a clean body, and the sperm and the egg that come together to make that baby, need to not be toxic; and that it really does. I’ve read these studies too. It really does affect the health of your child throughout their lives if they are born starting with a toxic beginning.

So welcome to Toxic Free Talk Radio, Vicki. I’m very, very…


DEBRA: …happy that you are here. And the first question that I have for you is, just tell us how you became interested in toxic chemical exposure, and what you observed, as a medical professional, that made you passionate about detoxing child-bearing women and men.

VICKI LATHAM: Thanks. And how I actually developed my passion for woman in childbirth began when I was pregnant with my very first daughter, Dana, back in 1971. And now, she has three precious children of her own, Marin and [McQuay], who are two and four, who are both geniuses. I’m a proud grandma.

When I was pregnant with Dana, I went to childbirth classes and I decided then that I didn’t want any unnecessary interventions or chemicals put in my body during that process. And so I had her and all four of my children without any pain medications or other medications.

Well, they were so impressed by my birth and her 10 Apgar score, which is really rare in the [inaudible 00:07:27]

DEBRA: What is an Apgar score?

VICKI LATHAM: Apgar scores are a scoring that you give to babies at one minute and five minutes that assess five different things that determine how well the baby is doing; it’s color, it’s respiration, it’s reflexes. And these things are very important in how aggressive you want to be with determining how healthy that baby is doing right from the get-go.

So 10 Apgar is your highest score than you can get. And it’s very rare in high altitudes that children can be born completely pink at one minute because of the lack of oxygen. But she was.

So they were so impressed that they asked me if I would come and teach the nurses at the hospital where I gave birth how we assist women in having unmedicated births.

And that was the beginning of my journey. And then for the past 40 years, I taught Childbirth Education classes, I counseled women on breastfeeding, then I was a licensed midwife in New Mexico for 10 years and had my own birthing center, and really worked to emphasize the importance of healthy living and nutrition to my patients. And then I went to PA School in 1990. And since then, I have been working in internal medicine, the emergency medicine, woman’s health, and also, for nine years, the Woman’s Health Practitioner at a major university, working with adolescent women as they were beginning to make very serious decisions about their sexual healthy.

And then for the past few years, I’ve been working in an internal medicine practice, helping people, they are older in life, and mostly working with one of my other fashion, which is diabetes.

And so in the course all of my experience, what I’ve come to believe is that detoxification is your first step on your journey to optimal health.

DEBRA: I agree.

VICKI LATHAM: And if we do not detoxify our young women and our future mothers before and during pregnancy, I really have a fear about this future of human beings on this planet.

So this is my passion and it’s my purpose to take this message about Environmental Toxicity and the benefits of effective, safe, easy detoxification to everyone, but especially women of child-bearing age.

DEBRA: Well, what was it that happened that made you make this switch to be so interested in toxics?

VICKI LATHAM: Well, I was actually looking for something that I was antiviral that would be natural. That’s when I discovered [inaudible 00:10:21] and it benefits in that way.

And then from that I gave the product to all of my family members and I saw such incredible, remarkable results in all of them, especially in my grandson, who had severe asthma. He has been hospitalized five times with asthma attacks, had rashes on his body. And within three weeks of taking that he was completely clear. His skin was clear, the rashes were gone, and he hasn’t had an asthma attack since then.

DEBRA: We need to go to commercial break, so we’ll be right back and talk more about that. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio.


DEBRA: We’re back. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and I’m here with midwife, Vicki Latham. And we’re talking about why women and men of child-bearing age need to detox their bodies before they conceive and having babies.

And Vicki that was exactly the way I became interested in detox too. I took Zeolite detox products, and the result was so remarkable for me and people around me that I said, “What a minute. Why are walking around with all these toxic chemicals?”

But before we talk about what people can do to remove toxic chemicals from their bodies, tell us what specifically is the problem about environmental toxic chemicals for pregnant women, and why it’s important that they remove what’s in their body prior to conceiving.

VICKI LATHAM: Well, the one thing that we absolutely won’t inherit from our mothers are her toxin. Unless you do something to change that you are going to see those results in your babies. And when you’re pregnant, most women are worried about everything, and while some of these news might be distressing, it is also very empowering because I want to alert people to the problems but I also want to help them get a new vision for how they can have a toxin clear pregnancy and give birth to a child born clear without that inheritance of your toxin.

The CDC says that in 2001, they did a study checking the body burden. The body burden of toxin is those toxins that are left in our body after our body does its normal processes through our liver and our kidneys, and our bowel and our breath and our skin. We normally get these things out. Our bodies are very good at detoxing. But when the amount of toxins we’re exposed to becomes too high, our body stores them. And it stores them in the most inert tissue it can find, usually fat and bones.

And so they tested this in 2001, and they said the average American had about 27 toxins.

They re-tested it in 2009, and they found that it was 212. CDC also says that 10 per cent of women have mercury levels high enough to cause fetal damage.

So this is a very new and emerging issue. There are over 80,000 chemicals out there, only about 200 have ever been tested for effects on pregnancy and fetal development. And 71% of the chemicals that are on the ETA list of the 7,000 worst chemicals were only created in the past 10 years.

This is really, truly an emerging problem. And then the Environmental Working Group did a study showing that the umbilical cord blood of newborns have over 200 toxic chemicals in them; things like Teflon and flame retardant, and heavy metals and insecticides; all kinds of toxic environmental chemicals. And this study has been repeated in Europe and in other places as well.

So awareness of these issues for the general public, I think, really came about in August of 2012. I call this the tipping point for toxins.

And that was when Johnson & Johnson, and I do want to applaud them for having at least the courage for being the first, huge, multinational corporation to this, that they announced that they were going to take their endocrine-disrupting chemicals out of their baby care products. Because believe it or not, they admit it, that in things that we’ve come to accept as really part of our baby culture, the smell of baby powder that their physician representative stated that in this powder, and in the baby creams and the shampoos are chemicals that can contribute to an increased risk of premature puberty in girls, the conversion of testosterone to estrogen in boys, it can increase their risk for obesity, diabetes and behavioral issues.

They admitted this and they said that they were going to take these chemicals out of these products by 2013.

Another reason that people would like to see, on Bill Moyers & Company, in the last Saturday in April, you can watch this on CBS, there was a very articulate woman who talked about these issues. And you can go online and observe this if you’d like because really want you to become aware of this. The information about this is everywhere.

But most people live under the illusion that the industry and government is working to keep us safe. And there are many people in industry and government who do care about these issues. Our Tax Dollars at Work, there are two websites that you can check out. One is called Tox Town. Just Google that. Another is This is the Library of Congress for Medicine. And you can go in and put in anything you’re concerned about and all the medical studies will come up. And you can research this for ourselves.

But if you are pregnant, you can’t wait for years for the government to regulate these changes or for corporations to step up and begin to do the right thing regarding their toxic input that they are getting to your body. You need to have a toxin-clear lifestyle now because toxins go where the water flows and the wind blows. And you just can’t say no to toxins. They’re in what you eat, what you breathe and what you drink. And so we got to get them out of our body so that we won’t pass them to the next generation.

DEBRA: I completely agree. Now, you’ve talked to me before about epigenetics. Could you explain what that is?

VICKI LATHAM: Yes. This is a fascinating and emerging science that really does a great job in explaining the biological complexity of life. And when they did the National Genome Project, they expected that we would have millions of genes. They found out that we actually have less than 25,000 genes, but every gene has thousands of epigenetic expression. Because what distinguishes ourselves is not their gene, but it’s how the genes are switched on or switched off by epigenetics.

And I think this is a good example of how this kind of information takes a long time to get to the general public. Because I know when people first hear this, I call it a “deer and the headlights” look. People look at you like, “Are you kidding me?”

But it takes a really long time for this kind of information to come in to the general public.

There was a benchmark study at the University of Washington in 2005, showing that these epigenetic changes are passed four generations. And then there was another program in October of 2007, and a Time Magazine cover story in January 2012.

So from research in 2005 until 2012, before the general public was even aware of it, about epigenetics and what it’s doing.

DEBRA: We need to take another break, so we’ll talk about more about this after the commercial break. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and I’m here today with midwife, Vicki Latham. And we’re talking about why women and men of child-bearing age need to detox their bodies before they conceive children.

Now, we were talking about genetics, Vicki, before the break. And I had a question for you. We were talking about epigenetics, which is about genes turning on and off various characteristics. I got that, right?

So I read another book. The title escapes me at the moment, but it was about food. And the author was talking about the same thing, where the environmental conditions make the genes turn on and off various things, and that you could actually improve your genes by getting proper nutrition.

And I remember when I was reading that I thought, “Well, if food can turn things on and off in your genetic make-up, then chemicals certainly could do that.” And that how many things that we think, although it’s genetic, are simply inadequate nutrition or environmental chemicals.

And I think it’s fascinating because I think that we could actually change our health overall and our bodies; the way our faces work, and how we feel, what we think, just by the things that we’re exposed to and how that affects our genes.

VICKI LATHAM: Yes, absolutely. The activity of the genetics expressions of these proteins can be disrupted by many things, and the most common things are heavy metal, industrial toxins, viruses, funguses, some medication and malnutrition. So the good news is that these codes can be switched back on or switched back off because our body wants to be healthy. It wants to function at its maximum potential if it can. And so many of these things that we used to think were genetic such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity and behavioral issues, we now think they are not genetic; that they are epigenetic. And that is great news because while genetics can’t be changed, epigenes can.

DEBRA: Yes, I’m very excited about this

So tell us some things that women and men can do before, during and after conception. Well, obviously, men can’t do anything after conception to change their bodies. They can but it won’t affect the child. But what women can do before, during and after conception to clear toxic stuff out of their bodies and keep toxic chemicals out of the bodies of their developing children?

VICKI LATHAM: Well, before pregnancy, of course, you want to detoxify and you want to maximize your nutritional status. Then during pregnancy, you want to detoxify and how you do that safely, I’m going to talk about next. And then, of course, you want to maximize your nutrition with whole, unadulterated food because it will hopefully have some life in them.

A friend of mine says, “It’s not the food in your life that matters. It’s the life in your food that matters.”

And so you want to eat food that’s been alive recently. You’re building a live baby in there and you want to have healthy foods. And so Raw Food Movement has really done a lot to bring about awareness of the benefits of that.

And also that the supplements that you take be made out of food and not out of chemicals.

DEBRA: Let’s talk about that for a minute. I’d just like to talk about that for a minute because I think that most people aren’t aware, really, because they think they’re taking natural vitamins. They’re not aware that most of the actual nutrients are made from petroleum. Dead dinosaurs. And there’s a big difference between feeding your body and feeding your baby dead dinosaurs. And feeding them live nutrients that are formed by plants, from sunshine and oxygen and rain, and all of those things that make up plants.

And it’s just such a difference and so important that when you’re choosing a dietary supplement to get the best supplements that you can that are made out of whole foods.

VICKI LATHAM: Absolutely. These things all work better logistically; the enzymes have to be in tact as the catalyst to cause the chemical reaction to be correct. And things like folic acid. We all know that folic acid is important for a pregnant woman because it has been shown to reduce, virtually eliminate the risk of neural tube defects and things such as spinal bifida and cleft palate. But not as a chemical folic acid that’s made in a lab, but as folic acid naturally, as it occurs synergistically a part of the B complex.

And so eating high sources of food, primarily, green, leafy vegetables are about our best source of folic acids, mixed with the synergy of all the other b vitamins that are there. Because they all have to be present; that’s why they call it a complex. They all have to be present for them to work correctly.

So it’s very important.

And then after pregnancy, it’s just a miracle to me that we not only grow our children, and after they’re born, we continue to grow them by feeding them with our breast milk. And unfortunately, though, our breast milk is subject to toxins just like anything else.

There was a study done a few years ago where they tested the breast milk of women before and after flying in an airplane. And after the milk was tested, it has flame-retardant. She has fuel present in the milk.

So again detoxification is critical so that you don’t pass on toxins in your breast milk.

DEBRA: And it’s not just a one-time thing. It’s ongoing because we’re exposed to these chemicals, as you just said. Flying in an airplane, it changed the chemical composition of the breast milk because it had new toxic chemicals in it.

So it’s not just about doing once, it’s every day that our body naturally is detoxing itself every day. But we need to continue to help them every day because we have such a huge amount of toxic chemicals in the environment.

VICKI LATHAM: Yes, and I’m totally convinced that breast milk is still absolutely the optimal way to feed a newborn because if our milk has toxins, you can imagine the toxins that are in cow’s milk, milk that is not raised organically, it has been pasteurized for the enzymes. They’re necessary for the body to use the nutrients. And cow’s milk was designed to baby cows, not baby humans. The breast milk for each creature has been uniquely created for each of us mammals.

And so I don’t want, in any way, discourage women from breastfeeding. But you do need to detoxify your milk while you are breastfeeding.

DEBRA: Well, as you’re talking, I’m thinking that the one thing that we have the most control over is our own body. And if we’re choosing breast milk, we have more control over the quality of our breast milk than we do over any cow or any goats or any other animals. And we can do things such as eat the proper nutrition and detox our bodies so that we can produce the best breast milk possible.

And we need to take another break but we’ll be right back, and we’ll continue to talk on this subject. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio.


DEBRA: We’re back on Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is midwife, Vicki Latham. And we’re talking about what women and men of child-bearing age can do to detox their bodies before conceiving a child.

And before we get back to that session, I just want to mention, at the top of the hour, I was talking about this new collection of information gathered about toxic chemicals that are found in children’s products. And these same toxic chemicals that are in these children’s products, and shouldn’t be there, are also in our bodies. Everyone else, unless we’ve done something, like Vicki and I have, to remove them from our bodies.

You’re walking around with the same toxic chemicals that are known to cause cancer, reproductive development, neurological effects and everything else.

When I was writing my most recent book, Toxic Free, I found that toxic chemicals are now associated with every single symptom and illness. And so we don’t have much control over what the manufacturers were doing. But we can sure take those toxic chemicals out of our own bodies and not house them onto our children.

So Vicki, tell us what you found to be the most effective way to do this.

VICKI LATHAM: Yes, Debra. You really hit on something. When I went to medical school as a physician assistant, there was virtually no education at all about toxins. And now, it is on my list, my differential diagnosis list, with every patient I’m looking for. What could be a toxin that could be contributing to this?

But when we think about detoxification, most people, the first thing that pops into the head is a colon cleanse that can aid their liver in doing a better job of detoxification or they might think of things like fasting or [inaudible 00:40:43], things that will help you to get the toxins out.

But what these things do is they actually stimulate the body to release the toxins from where they’ve been stored in the body (usually in fat and bones, but can be on receptors [inaudible 00:40:58] tissue). And then it requires the body to actively do the work of detoxifying. And we do not want the body doing this kind of act of detoxification in pregnancy. We don’t want to stimulate your toxins to be released back into your bloodstream because then it can travel into the fetal circulation.

And fetuses do not have active detoxification pathways like we do. Their liver doesn’t function, until after they’re born, to do this kind of work.

So we don’t want these toxins going into their active circulation where it could affect neurologically or another way.

So what I have found is this incredible mineral, which you’ve been talking about, called clinoptilolite. And it works so different but completely safely. It’s a natural, negatively-charged mineral with a cage-like molecular structure, and the clinoptilolite goes into the bloodstream where it’s a toxin trap. It draws into and unto itself, positively-charged bad things, and so you just swallow a clean cage and you excrete a dirty one. And this process has nothing that it requires the body to do except to pump the blood around the body. But the clinoptilolite vacuums up the toxins as it travel. It creates no stress for your body, no hassle for you, and no risk to your baby.

The thing that’s really the most amazing about this is that it also is selective. It doesn’t have an affinity for healthy things like potassium or calcium, calcium particularly. Your baby is growing these bones. If you don’t’ want that to be removed from the body, you just want the mercury and the lead and the bisphenol and the phthalates and the benzene, that’s what you want out. And it really has no attraction for those things. And so it just takes out the trash and you just put it in the dump the next time you urinate or have a bowel movement. It’s 100 per cent excreted, six to eight hours after you take it, which is why it is completely safe for pregnancy.

Here’s a couple of examples of how this works. Now, we know that eating fish, women who eat more fish in pregnancy have children who has higher IQ. But we also know that our fish supply is full of mercury.

So what’s a woman to do? Well, if you have this clinoptilolite traveling into your blood because you either sprayed it into your mouth or you dropped it in water and ingested it, this is traveling in your blood. Any mercury that was in that fish is going to be trapped by the cages and urinated out your next trip to the bathroom.

Another thing is that we all have lead stored in our bones and it likes to displace calcium. So when a pregnant woman needs calcium for her baby, which she does, then as the body goes and breaks down that calcium to give to the baby, it also breaks down and releases the lead back into her bloodstream where it can travel into the baby, potentially causing neurotoxicity, or you can have the little cages floating in your blood that are going to not attract the calcium but will trap the lead. And so the baby never gets the lead, the baby is healthier, and mama gets the lead out.

So you see how safe and practical, and really, I think, revolutionary this is.

DEBRA: I think it is too because it actually makes it; people, I think, have a viewpoint that they have to be concerned about what they put into their body, especially when you’re pregnant. You’re not supposed to drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes or things like that. But we don’t really have this sense that there are things in our body that need to come out.

And that’s where, I think, that it’s hard for some people to grasp the idea of doing a detox because we don’t have the awareness that there are these chemicals and that they’re interfering with natural processes.

But the way you described it, I can completely understand. If I was pregnant, well, I’m not pregnant, but I’m still doing exactly what you recommend. I do it because there’s no point in having these toxic chemicals sitting around in my body, building up a point where they could be making me sick. And eventually, they will if we don’t do something about it. And it makes it possible to do the beneficial things, like eat fish, because this is a way to not have mercury in our body, or to get the calcium, as you said.

I just wanted to tell everybody who are listening that I call it Zeolite because I can’t pronounce clinoptilolite. I think it’s easier to remember Zeolite.

But I want to tell people where they can get this. I resell it. You can go to my website, ToxicFreeTalkRadio.Ccom, and there’s a button, a little ad on the right that looks like a magnet. And it says Zeolite in big letters. And you can just click on there.

You can buy it from Vicki, if you want. She doesn’t have her own personal website but she has website where you can buy the clinoptilolite. I’m going to learn how to say that.

You can go to and it has a phone number where you can reach her, and also has e-mail where you can reach her. So you can buy it from either one of us. And there are distributors throughout the country. The brand that she and I both like is Pure Body, which is made by Touchstone Essentials. And I had Eddie Stone on the show, who is the founder and CEO of Touchstone Essentials.

Vicki, tell us more why people should buy this clinoptilolite, am I getting it right?

VICKI LATHAM: The reason that I like to say clinoptilolite is there is about 50 different Zeolites. And this is one of those 50, and it’s the one that’s the most studied. You can put that in. You can type in clinoptilolite on PubMed. You can see over 30 studies including animal studies, studies of the breast milk of animals.

So we know that this isn’t something that we’re just making up. This is stuff that has real science behind it.

But when you’re choosing your clinoptilolite products, which does have [inaudible 00:48:06] status from the FDA meaning that it is safe to be taken in pregnancy and by anyone of any age, including pregnant women, it has four really critical factors. You want to look at purity, particle size, activation and third party validation.

Clinoptilolite, this occurs in nature, but the Zeolites are dirty already. They’ve been doing what it is their nature they do and trapping toxins into their cages. And so you want to go with the company that can prove that they’ve completely purified the molecule. So you’re putting clean cages in that’s going to attract your toxins.

Particle size matters because if it’s not been sized down, so that it can get into the bloodstream where it can do a good job in your GI tract, it really doesn’t get into the bloodstream. And in pregnancy that’s where we want this traveling. We want it traveling through your bloodstream, trapping and capturing any toxins that your body happens to break down, or any toxins that are present in what you eat, drink or breathe. We want those things captured so that they won’t go into the baby.

The other is activation. You want to make sure that the processing hasn’t damaged the negative charge because it’s that negative charge that attracts the positively-charged, heavy metals and industrial toxins and insecticides and all these terrible things that we don’t want in our body, especially when we’re pregnant.

And then the final thing is third party validation. And this is the only company, Touchstone Essentials, that I know that will provide you complete transparency and third party independent research. There is a few that do it in-house, but to me that’s [inaudible 00:49:51] in-house. I want independent people telling me that the product I’m putting in my body, and especially, the body of my daughters when they’re pregnant, which they have been using this, and of course that’s why I have such outstanding grandchildren.

DEBRA: I’m sorry to cut you off, but the radio station will cut us off if we don’t stop talking. So [cross-talking]. Go to and you can read more about Vicki and more about what we’ve been talking about.

I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is

25 Years of Toxic Free Remodeling

My guest is Larry Redalia–artist, woodworker, builder, tree man, gardner, and all-around handyman. Larry has been remodeling with me without toxic building products for more than 25 years. We’ll be talking about our remodeling projects, including kichen and bathroom, and specifically about our experience with paints, laying tile, and laying hardwood flooring. Learn from our experience and successes.





25 Years of Toxic Remodeling

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Larry Redalia

Date of Broadcast: May 06, 2013

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio, where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world, even though there are toxic chemicals all around, and we may not be able to do anything about those, but there’s a lot we can do about the toxic chemicals in our home, workspaces and our bodies, so that we can be healthy instead of sick.

Today is Monday—what is it today? It’s Monday, May 6th. That’s right! Yesterday was Cinco de Mayo. And it’s 2013. Okay, let’s get the date. May 6, 2013. And I’m here in Clearwater, Florida.

Today we’re going to be talking about 25 years of toxic-free remodeling. My guest is Larry Redalia, who’s an artist, a woodworker, builder, tree man, gardener, and all around handyman. And he’s been doing all my toxic-free remodeling with me for 25 years.

Before I bring him on the phone, I just want to give you my thought for today having to do with having someone to help you when you’re wanting to do something different.

I know that Larry has been by my side. I’ll just tell you something here. Larry and I have been married twice and divorced twice, but we’re still the best of friends. And we’re not even going to go into marriage or any of that stuff. What we’re going to talk about is helping each other through life and having someone there by your side who’s in agreement with what’s going on with you.

I’ve been fortunate to have that regardless of what might be going on in our relationship otherwise. Larry has been extremely steadfast in our commitment to living toxic-free for 25 years.

And prior to that, I had my father being very much a support in that as well.

It makes it so much easier. I can’t tell you how many times I get calls from people, particularly women saying, “Well, I want to take the toxic chemicals out of my house, but my husband won’t let me,” or, “My husband is not in agreement,” or, “My family thinks that I’m crazy.”

And I just want people to know that throughout my life, one of the things that has been the most important to me is to be myself, be honestly myself.

When Larry met me, I was living in a non-toxic way. And prior to that, I dated other men. I was living in a non-toxic way, and I always said, “Well, if you’re interested in a relationship with me, you need to live the way I live. And that’s just it. I’m not going to live toxic to be with you.”

And with that viewpoint, the men that really belonged in my life stayed in my life. And they were willing to live the way I want.

And Larry just made it so possible in so many ways for me to have the non-toxic environment that I have.

He’s remodeled, he’s built things, he’s figured out solutions to toxic problems with me.

And so I just want to acknowledge that and let you know that as my guest here today, he’s extremely knowledgeable and well-trained by me.

So Larry, are you there on the phone?

LARRY REDALIA: Yes, I’m here. Hi.

DEBRA: Good! Hi. So we’ve been remodeling together for more than 25 years. And later on in the show, we’re going to be talking about our kitchen remodel, our bathroom remodel, and specifically about our experience with paint, laying tile and laying hardwood floor.

But first, Larry, why don’t you tell me how you became interested in toxic chemicals, and how you like living in a non-toxic way?

LARRY REDALIA: Actually, my interest in toxic chemical dates back to when I was in high school, and I was on the debate team. We were debating the pros and cons of smoking, of all things. And I did some research on this and found that smoking was very, very bad, and quite toxic. And our family, soon after thatm moved to Los Angeles, which was the equivalent of smoking two packs of cigarettes a day for everyone there.

So that sparked my interest in this subject actually.

DEBRA: Yes, I guess, living in Los Angeles.

So then, you met me. And what happened?

LARRY REDALIA: That’s right. Well, my then girlfriend at the time, actually, took me to see a lecture by you. And I was very, very impressed with your knowledge and expertise in this area. And I thought, “Wow, what a good idea, to live less toxically.”

It didn’t occur to me that this would be possible other than stopping smoking and maybe leaving Los Angeles. You presented the information in such a way that I was like, “Wow, anyone can do this. This is great.”

And it very much impressed me. And I thought this is a good thing. This woman could use some help. I could help this woman live a less toxic life. And I thought that would be a fine thing to do.

It would be good for everyone else too for that matter.

DEBRA: And so you did. What’s it like for you to living non-toxic?

LARRY REDALIA: Well, I like it, actually. I like it a lot. I don’t have to wrinkle my nose when I walk past a laundry room or something because of the drier sheets and the toxic laundry stuff. We just used soap and there’s no awful smell about it at all.

I like actually living without toxics. During the time I was a small child, I had a carpet dust allergy, which I finally traced down when I was about 13. And I don’t miss the carpet at all. I think it’s a fine idea to live without carpet all over the house.

DEBRA: Me too.

LARRY REDALIA: They hide stuff.

DEBRA: What would you say to some husbands who are reluctant to make changes in the home to make it less toxic?

LARRY REDALIA: I would ask them, if you saw a two-year-old playing with a bottle of insecticide, would you take it out […]?

I would!

DEBRA: Good point.

LARRY REDALIA: Yes. Or if you saw anyone playing with an insecticide or putting it in drinking glasses or something, you go, “Hey, this is not the right thing to do, folks. Come on!”

DEBRA: That’s right. Have you noticed any improvement in your own health?

LARRY REDALIA: Yes, I have. Actually, I used to get colds and flu probably four times a year, four or five times a year. And it would last for a couple of weeks. And this was devastating to my work and school and stuff. And I rarely get colds now. I maybe get once every year or two, get a cold, or something like that. And they go away quicker too.

So yes, I’ve noticed a big improvement in my health.

DEBRA: I have too, 25 years of […]

Before we go to the first commercial break, I just would like you to tell your story about taking Pure Body Liquid Zeolite because I’m advertising that a lot and recommending that a lot.

You had quite a dramatic result from taking it, so would you tell us about that?

LARRY REDALIA: Through my previous work, I was exposed to fair amount of toxic chemicals, during remodeling and stuff in a toxic way, and using gasoline and stuff. So I got exposed to toxins more than most people probably.

I think on the third day of taking the zeolite, I was thinking, “This is nothing. It doesn’t taste like anything. It doesn’t seem to be doing anything.”

After about the third day, I was like, “Oh, I get it. I feel better. I have more energy. I sleep less.” I was working 8, 10, 12-hour days, and out in the Florida sun, working outside.

This is not something I would even consider was possible. And I was doing it day after day after day, often seven days a week. And I was like, “Wow, this is a really great product.” I love it.

DEBRA: It made a huge difference, didn’t it?

LARRY REDALIA: It sure did.

DEBRA: I was watching all this, and it was just like, night and day, to see the difference in his energy level, and just his cheerfulness. Not that he was depressed or unhappy before, but I could just see a whole new man emerging because his body wasn’t being suppressed by the toxic chemicals that had been accumulated.

We’re going to take a commercial break here, and we’ll be back in a minute.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and I have one more commercial for you.

Spring is in the air. Are you sneezing and coughing? Feel relief with the comfort of an I Can Breathe silk mask that prevents pollen and dust from entering your nose and lungs. Breathe deeply without side effects. If you need to avoid perfume, air pollution or cigarette smoke, wear an I Can Breathe honeycomb mask with activated carbon filter, which captures chemicals, as well as pollen and dust.

Enjoy spring in summer by visiting You too will shout, “I can breathe!”

Use the code “Debra513” when you order to get a 5% discount. The code is good through June 1, 2013.


Larry, let’s talk about our bathroom remodel. What happened was that we had a leak in a pipe behind the wall. And so we didn’t even know it until the tiles started falling off from around the bath tub. And there was tremendous amount of damage when the mold inspector came. We had to remove everything from the bathroom, down to the studs.

And then they had to do a big mold remediation, and we decided that we were going to make the bathroom water-tight, not only non-toxic, but also water-tight.

Larry, do you want to talk a little more about this, about what was the strategy behind our bathroom?

LARRY REDALIA: Yes, we decided we didn’t like the mold, so we had them take out all the molds, and we had them take out the flooring, and we had them take out the walls, anything that was damaged. We took out everything—the bathtub. We had to take everything out.

We basically started it again from the studs which were treated with the stuff that killed molds and […] So we had this nice, empty slate to work with.

DEBRA: I just like to interject that I’ve forgotten the name of the products that we used. Anybody who wants to know it, just send me an e-mail, and I’ll look it up for you. But the product that killed the mold, which needed to be applied by, according to the mold inspector, was a water-based coating, like a water-based paint that had silver in it, as the active mold killer.

So it didn’t have anything that was toxic that would release into the air. It was just silver that was toxic to the mold, but not harmful for us to breathe because it was encapsulated in the paint.;

So go on.

LARRY REDALIA: That was interesting to see them doing that, just that process was interesting. I’ve never heard of that particular product before. And that was a fine way to kill the mold.

DEBRA: Me too.

LARRY REDALIA: Then we put down the plywood, and sealed that. We put down [HardieBacker] board, I believe it was, all over the walls. We put it all the way up to the ceiling actually, the HardieBacker board. And then we put ceramic tiles all over the whole room, up to about seven-feet. I think it was a nine-foot ceiling. So we put them up to about seven-feet, white subway tiles, with some decorative ones, of course.

And then we built a large shower enclosure ourselves using tile, with a PVC liner. I think it was the only thing we used that was actually non-toxic. But it’s under the tile, so it’s not—

DEBRA: It’s under the tile. So the points of all of this was to make an absolutely water-tight space.

LARRY REDALIA: Yes. We didn’t want the water getting under there, creating more mold problems.

DEBRA: And it turned out that typically, bathrooms are built in a pretty cheap way, and after some number of years, 10 years or something, then you’ve got all these leaks and water under the edge of tiles, and around the edge of pipes and things. And then you start getting mold growing in your walls.

We did not want that to happen.

So Larry researched it, and took very careful precautions to make sure that our bathroom was water-tight.

So first we have this tile on the floor, ceramic tile on the floor. And then there’s ceramic tile up the walls. And where they meet, we have marble baseboards down there at the bottom.

And there are no edges where you have a wall. The tile goes all the way around the room continuously for seven-feet up.

And we even have ceramic crown moldings up the top of the tile. And then our shower space is one corner of that.

So it’s continuous tile all the way around.

So go ahead and tell them more, Larry.

LARRY REDALIA: Well, just the shower enclosure, and the step up, here in Florida, they use marble window sill material.

You can buy it in five or six-foot length, just about six-inches wide. And we just saw no reason not to use that for our sills that we step over this marble thing, and all the baseboards were marble. And of course, I had to learn how to cut marble, cut it with a table saw—a tile saw, I mean—and even double the edges of the [sillly] thing. It looks really nice.

I think the bathroom wound up in a magazine actually.

DEBRA: It did, it did, a couple of magazines.

LARRY REDALIA: So that was a fun project. And we have glass shower doors, so we don’t have the problem of the mold growing on the shower curtains, or having PVC shower curtains. We don’t have that. We just had glass doors. And that works very well. I’m quite happy with it.

DEBRA: Me too. And we have a skylight right over the shower.

LARRY REDALIA: We wanted to have a more natural light in the room, so we put a large skylight over the entire shower area. And that way, if there was a leak in the skylight, it’s right over the shower area, which was all sealed, so that’s not a problem.

DEBRA: Do you want to say anything about laying the tile?

LARRY REDALIA: I basically just used standard tile-laying stuff. I didn’t use mastic. I used […] and grout without a lot of toxic chemicals added into it. And it work very well. I mean, I was in Europe a few years back and saw some of the tile work the Romans did. And 2000 years later, it still looked good. I was like, “Okay, that’s a good way to go.”

DEBRA: The most toxic thing about tile is the grout sealer, and we used one that was totally non-toxic by a company called AFM.

We’re here with another commercial break, so we’ll be right back and talk more about our remodeling projects.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and today, I’m here with my guest, Larry Redalia, artist, woodworker, builder, tree man, gardener, all around handyman, and the man who’s been doing all my toxic-free remodeling for the past 25 years.

We’re talking about our remodeling projects, and toxic-free building materials.

Larry, next, I’d like to talk about paint. And you and I have tried a lot of different paints. Why don’t you tell me which is your favorite paint?

LARRY REDALIA: My favorite paint, I think, is milk-based paint we used in the office we redid.

DEBRA: And why did you like it?

LARRY REDALIA: It didn’t smell toxic at all. There are other low VOC paints, they don’t smell bad. This one smelled like milk.

DEBRA: It does. It smelled like warm glass of milk.

LARRY REDALIA: Yes. And painting a room, and it just smelled like milk. I was like, “This is wonderful.” I could paint and not have to have a respirator and turn the fan on and everything. This is great.

DEBRA: That’s right.

LARRY REDALIA: I had no problems […] I actually loved painting with that stuff.

DEBRA: Also, one of the things that I love about it is that it has very soft finish, as opposed to the acrylic paints or the latex paints. And you mix it yourself. And so we had fun doing that, coming up with the color. And it’s a beautiful color. It’s so soft and gentle.

But it’s a creative, artistic kind of thing, as well as being a toxic-free thing because it’s just so beautiful, and it’s so hands-on.

You get involved in it. It’s not a plastic thing that you go to the store and they mix up the color for you, and you bring in a swatch. You just create it right on the spot.

Speaking of colors created on the spot, when we did our bathroom, we used colored plaster. So tell us about that, Larry.

LARRY REDALIA: That was a fun project. We didn’t paint above the tiles and the ceiling. We used a colored plaster. You mix the white plaster with some blue powdered stuff, and troweled it on the wall.

First, you put a primer up, which had a little bit of sand in it, so it sticks better. And on top of that primer, just trowel the blue plaster on. It went on and dried, and I was like, “This is interesting stuff.” And it stayed here, and it looks good.

The thing about this is it’s not a sealant. It doesn’t seal out the water. The water can go into it, and it dries right away, and it’s not a problem. It’s actually very good to use in areas that may get a little splash from the shower or sink or such.

We were very happy with that. I love that color too. Of course, we mixed it ourselves.

DEBRA: Well, it’s a sky blue. And so between having the sky outside the skylight, and then having the sky blue on the ceiling, and it’s the color of water. And so it feels like a very watery room.

One of the things that I like about it is that it does seem to control the mold because, as Larry said, it absorbs the moisture in the room even fixing the air. And then it releases the moisture back out into the room. So there’s no condensation running down the walls, and there’s no black mold growing on anything, or any other kind of molds.

It’s a very natural way to have that little breathing going on, the exchange of the moisture with the wall and the room.

Also, you know how sometimes you need to have a little touch-up, and then there’s a little discolored place on the wall. With this, you just mix more of the plaster and put it on, and it looks like it’s been there all the time.

So I think that if I were to just be starting out with a house, and I was building it, or I was remodeling the whole thing and I had to do all the rooms, they would all be colored plaster or milk paint. And I think that in the future when I paint, it’s going to be one of those because the difference is so great to be using those natural materials.

LARRY REDALIA: Yes, it’s a joy to work with it. You don’t wrinkle your nose while you’re using it at all.

DEBRA: You don’t have to turn on the heater to dry the paint. None of that. It just is the least toxic paint, the paint and finishes that I can think of.

Well, so when we got to the kitchen then, we applied some things that we learned from the bathroom. And we did the same thing, putting down a ceramic tile floor, and then we used the marble baseboards. And we put the white subway tile up seven-feet with the crown molding.

And I really believe having done this that this is the way to go for any bathroom or kitchen because both of those rooms involve water and sanitation, and you can just take a sponge, lots of water all over the walls and floors, and whatever kind of disinfectant that you want to use, a natural non-toxic one, of course, and you can clean those rooms with no leaking at all.

It’s just no problem with water.

I just can’t say enough about that.

LARRY REDALIA: I think we went to, it was Hemingway’s house in the Florida Keys.

DEBRA: That’s right.

LARRY REDALIA: We had his kitchen done that way, and there’s white subway tile that’s fairly high. And I thought, “What a good way to go.”

DEBRA: And also, the Gamble house in Pasadena had the same thing in their kitchen. High walls, the whole thing was just walls of subway tile. And I think it’s old fashion. It must have some old fashion reason for being that way.

Some people think that tile is very expensive. We used to think it was expensive until we discovered that you can go to a place like Home Depot or Lowes one of those discount places, and you can buy subway tile very inexpensively. And it looks great. Go to any kitchen or bath design magazine, and you always find subway tile.

And what we do is we use a lot of subway tile, and then we go to the fancy tile store, and pay a couple of hundred-dollars for accent tiles.

And so, it ends up looking like you have a designer kitchen, but it actually costs very little.

LARRY REDALIA: I wanted to say something else about the bathroom. A lot of times, in the bathroom and in the kitchen, to build the walls, they use a green boards which is like a sheetrock but it’s specially made to use in areas that might get wet.

The problem with that is if your grout isn’t exactly water-tight after a number of years, water will get in there, and it will leak, and your tiles will fall off.

I don’t use those anymore when I’m remodeling in a bathroom or kitchen, or an area that might get wet. I just use the HardieBacker board. I don’t use the green board or sheetrock board on areas that might get wet because it’s just a mold trap waiting to happen.

DEBRA: Not only that but they’re also toxic to install. The HardieBacker board is basically cement.

LARRY REDALIA: Yes, cement with some fiber in it.

DEBRA: With some fibers, yes. It’s not a big danger once it’s been applied because the tile will block any fumes that might be coming from it. But you’re putting those toxic chemicals in your home while you’re going through installation.

Larry is doing all this work. And I don’t want him to be affected by toxic chemicals. So we’ll talk more about this when we come back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and we’re here with my guest today, Larry Redalia, who has been remodeling with me for 25 years.

What else do we have to talk about, Larry? […] hardwood flooring, laying hardwood floors. So tell us how we lay hardwood floors.

LARRY REDALIA: Well, first of all, we rough up the surface […] a little bit if it’s a sound surface. And then we put Titebond wood glue, and lay the hardwood floor on top of that. It doesn’t have a problem with it coming up or anything.

DEBRA: And this is pre-finished hardwood floors, not engineered, not laminate, but pre-finished, solid wood, hardwood floors. And they come in what’s called Tongue and Groove. They just fit together, and you pour the glue down. This is non-toxic glue.

You pour the glue down in a big puddle, and then you spread it around with a mortar spreader. You’ve probably seen this. It looks like a piece of metal with notches on the side, and a handle. Spread it around nice and even. And then you just lay your wood tiles, or planks in.

You really can’t get it off the floor. It’s water-proof glue, so even if you spill water on it, it’s not going to come up.

I don’t suggest you take a bucket of water, pour it on and mop your hardwood floors. But if you just spill a glass of wine or something, it’s not going to harm it.

I think that this is the way to go. Hardwood floors are extremely non-toxic. What happens with the finish is that they bake it on in the factory, so you don’t have outgassing, like if you were to put down bare floors, and then put a finish on it.

It’s relatively inexpensive, depending on where you buy your hardwood floors, and which style that you choose. We’ve gotten a lot of hardwood floors for $1 to $2 per square-foot. And then we lay them ourselves. We get down on our hands and knees. We don’t pay labor for it because it’s so easy to do the installations.

And we’ve always been very happy. We’ve done this in several houses. I’ve been recommending this to my clients for years.

That’s how easy it is to have a non-toxic floor.

LARRY REDALIA: The only tricky part about is you have to cut the tiles in the edge and if there’s a doorway or a wall or something.

DEBRA: Oh, yes. Well, that’s why I have Larry. He does all the cutting. I do the laying of the tiles in the middle of the room where it’s easy.


DEBRA: And I let him do the hard part. But if you don’t have Larry, you could hire any handyman to do that kind of cut. And again, it’s a creative, artistic kind of thing that you can do in your own home. Anybody could do it. Do it yourself. And you have the pride of having done it, as well as removing whatever toxic flooring that you’ve had.

LARRY REDALIA: Don’t let somebody use a toxic glue to put this down. You don’t need to do that. It’s just Titebond wood glue is the best stuff we’ve found.

At one point, we were just using white glue, and then we had a leak, and the water got on the floor, and […] I was like, “We need something a little more tenacious than that.” And we found the Titebond. It works very, very well […] at all.

DEBRA: Well, Larry, we’re almost coming to the end of our hour. It goes by so fast. Is there anything else that you’d like to say?

LARRY REDALIA: Yes. If you’re looking to remodel something, you can do it non-toxically and often cheaper than using the toxic stuff. And you’ll be doing much better for the environment and your own health too, and the health of the people who live there.

If you love your family, then why remodel toxically? You have a choice. It’s up to you. Each decision you make, to remodel non-toxically, that’s the whole world.

DEBRA: That’s nice. And I agree with that. One of the reasons why I decided to have this subject today is because last Friday, I got a call from the Jennifer Parker Foundation. And what they do,, is that they help people with extreme chemical injury find or build non-toxic housing that they can manage to live in.

And as we were talking, I realized that, it’s not just people with chemical injury that can’t find toxic-free housing. It’s everybody who can’t find toxic-free housing. And as I was thinking about this, I really saw that over the last 30 or so years that I’ve been wanting to live in a non-toxic house that I could not go into the housing market and find one, even one.

And that in the last 25 years, we’ve moved several times, and each time, we still cannot find one house that is toxic-free.

That says something to me about the state of our housing supply.

LARRY REDALIA: You need to go with the least toxic ones, and improve it from there.

DEBRA: And that’s what we did over and over. And so what I want to say to you is that if you’re living in an ordinary house, there’s probably something toxic about it. And there’s never been a problem that we found in a house that we couldn’t fix.

And so it’s entirely possible for anybody who’s living in any house to fix it, to make the house itself to be toxic-free.

A lot of times, we talk about things like cleaning products or pesticides or beauty products or clothing, those are all consumer products. But what we’re talking about now is the building [show]. We’re talking about the wall, the floors, the cabinets, and all of those kinds of things that come with the house when you get it.

One of the things that I do is, as a consultant, I go to people’s houses that they’re considering buying or renting. And I can tell you where all the toxic things are in these houses. And I’m available to go any place in the world that you might want me to come look at your home and tell you if it’s toxic or not, and what you can do about it.

With our 25 years of experience of remodeling, anything that’s a problem, we can fix.

I’ve worked with a lot of builders. I’ve worked with a lot of architects. I’ve worked with a lot of designers, interior decorators.

And there are toxic-free solutions for any toxic problem. It’s just a matter of knowing what they are.

So that’s a service that’s available to you. And when you call me to help you with a building problem, Larry is available to answer the building aspects of it. Even though I’m not experienced as a builder as much as Larry is, he knows what to do. I can bring the non-toxic aspect to it.

So I just want everyone to know that that’s a service that is available that collectively, we can turn all this whole housing supply into a world of toxic-free houses, instead of a world of toxic houses. And then everybody, regardless of their state of health can all have a safe place to live.

LARRY REDALIA: That sounds like a fine plan to me.

DEBRA: It sounds like a fine plan to me too. Well, we have a few minutes left, Larry. What else do you think we should talk about?

LARRY REDALIA: It just occurred to me the organization, the Habitat for Humanity.

DEBRA: I was just thinking that too. Go ahead.

LARRY REDALIA: Well, they do excellent work in getting lower income people houses that they can live in. But they’re not particularly non-toxic, and I thought, “Maybe they can have a branch that would be non-toxic housing.”

DEBRA: I think we should talk to Habitat for Humanity because I know that they are concerned about things like recycling and making the houses energy-efficient, and those environmental things. But this is something that happens over and over where people get interested in “the environment.” And there’s a set of things that they think are included in that or the definition of green being that is energy-efficient or resource-efficient.

And often, the toxic aspect is left out. And so a lot of people get confused about this. They’ll say, “Well, about this green product, but green does not mean non-toxic.” Non-toxic or toxic-free means non-toxic.

LARRY REDALIA: Right. It could be energy-efficient and toxic as heck.

DEBRA: Well, we know now that compact fluorescent light bulbs are very toxic. They’re toxic to use, not just to drop. And as people have been using them, there’s a whole movement of various agencies and organizations that want compact fluorescent light bulbs to be the only light bulbs used. Yet, if you look at the research, we find that while they’re energy-efficient, they are making people sick.

And what’s really needed is a much larger view that encompasses the health effects, as well as the environmental effects because if you do something that’s safe for health, you’re also doing something that’s safe for the environment because you’re reducing hazardous ways in manufacture and in the disposal of those things.

Every time you throw a compact fluorescent light bulb, you really should be taking it to the household hazardous waste disposal site because it puts toxic mercury into the environment.

LARRY REDALIA: I would hazard a guess that probably 90% of those bulbs are not taken to the hazardous waste area either. They just put it in the regular trash.

DEBRA: I would guess that. I saw somebody just throw it in the waste basket, and I’m not referring to you. We don’t have any compact fluorescent bulbs in my house, but I have seen people just toss them in the waste basket.

And when I point it out to them that it needs to go to the household hazardous waste, they just shrug. But these are the things that we need to be learning as a community, as a nation, as a group, to keep not only our lives safe, but also our future generation safe.

Thank you so much for being with me, Larry. It’s been a great interview. Thanks.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd.

Getting a Good Night’s Sleep on a Natural Bed

My guest is Marlon Pando, President and Owner of White Lotus Home. We’ll take an “under the covers” look at how natural mattresses and bedding are made, discuss materials, and best choices for various sleeping needs. Marlon worked in his family business until he purchased White Lotus Home, a company that has been making natural and organic bedding in the USA for 32 years.





Getting a Good Night’s Sleep on a Natural Bed

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Marlon Pando

Date of Broadcast: May 02, 2013

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world. Even if you’ve got toxic chemicals all around you, you can still be well, happy and productive, and not be affected by them if you know what to do.

It is Thursday, May 2nd. I’m here in Clearwater, Florida. And today, we’re going to talk about natural beds and bedding, natural mattresses and how you can get a good night’s sleep.

But first, I want to tell you about a news item that I came across this week, Apples Counteract Chemicals That Cause Cancer. I’m always saying that we’re living in toxic world and we can’t, at this particular point in time, eliminate every single exposure that we have to toxic chemicals. There’s a lot of we can do, particularly at home and then our workplaces, but we can’t eliminate all of our exposures. And so we need to do things that counteract those exposures that we really can’t do anything about.

And one of the things that we can do is just eat apples. But you need to make sure that you eat apples with the peel on because this wonderful ingredient that counteracts the cancer chemicals is in the peel of apples.

And this is the top story on my Toxic Free Nutrition blog today. You can go here and watch the video that explains all the science behind this. And it actually shows the study where they took cancer cells and then they took apple peels and – I don’t remember, mix them with water or something. And then they drop this apple concentrate on the cancer cells and you’ll see the change in the cancer cells.

So this is something that all of us can do. Enjoy apples, but it’s not a glass of apple juice, it’s not a peeled apple, it’s not dried apples without the peels. It’s the apple peel that does it.

Our guest today is Marlon Pando, president and owner of White Lotus Home. We’re going to take an under the covers look at how natural mattresses and bedding is made, discussing materials and best choices for various sleeping needs.

Marlon worked in his family business until he purchased White Lotus Home, a company that has been making natural and organic bedding in the USA for 32 years. And you can go to his website at

Hi, Marlon. How are you today?

MARLON PANDO: Fine, Debra. Thank you. Thank you for the welcome.

DEBRA: Well, thank you for being on. I just want to tell my listeners that I’ve known Marlon since, I think, he purchased White Lotus Home, and I don’t even remember how long that’s been now because it’s been long enough that I can’t count anymore. And a couple of years ago, I had the pleasure of going to his store in Highland Park where they also make the mattresses and I can tell you that it’s a charming, little town, and he’s got his business in a nice, old, brick building that’s completely non-toxic and they’re making all these mattresses in a very clean space with no perfume, no cigarettes. They’re all handmade. And it’s actually a beautiful process to watch the tufting of these mattresses.

In fact, he’s got a video on the website that shows exactly somebody making the mattresses. It’s like a beautiful dance.

So it’s a very high quality product that that they’re turning out and I think that not only is it high quality, but it’s also some of the most affordable mattress and bedding that you can get at this quality and this purity.

So Marlon, I’m always starting by asking people how did you become interested in doing what you’re doing. What led you to be interested in making a natural, sustainable product, and then why also did you choose mattresses and bedding?

MARLON PANDO: Well sure, Debra. I’ll definitely try to touch on both of those points. Well, basically, I was born in Peru in South America. And there, being green, recycling is a part of life. It’s not even something that’s of a major effort. So coming to the States 30-some years ago, in America you have all these great things and all these great stuff, but I wasn’t too aware of where all this extra stuff, this waste, was going.

And I got my MBA, I started working in Corporate America. I wanted to dig in more and more to see how where everything was going, all the waste. And once I started doing some more digging, I came to the realization that we actually have a big problem in America with all these extra products that we like and get and use and not reuse.

Eventually, the last thing, the trigger was I took a trip to Arizona once and I developed a very high allergy. I actually didn’t think I had allergies. I just got it. And from there on, I started doing more research and digging.

I guess the stars aligned and I had the opportunity to become the general manager of White Lotus Home. And I fell in love with the whole idea of taking this local, green, organic, bedding product and giving them, I guess, another life, if I may say, where we are turning these fibers into natural, sleeping surfaces. I thought it was just a great and wonderful idea that needed to be further exploited.

I guess the last thing, also the whole handcrafting, going back to where I first started in this country, my family owned neckwear factories. I used to work doing that. I actually [inaudible 00:07:54] my first handmade necktie factory when I was 18 years old.

So the whole combination, everything came together very nicely.

DEBRA: Good. Sometimes it just works out that way. As you said, the stars aligned and everything flows and you end up doing everything. And I really believe that you are doing the right thing because I see in you your joy of what you’re doing and the quality of products that you put up.

What are some reasons why people should be sleeping on a natural bed?

MARLON PANDO: Well, I think what’s becoming more apparent to people, without any medical conditions, just people becoming more aware that there are just so many toxic things in our homes. Of course, I get to hear from the folks that are discussing their furniture and their bedding. The first thing that comes to mind when they ask me, “So what is it with my traditional mattress?” And unfortunately, there are laws out there that allow manufacturers of bedding and mattresses to include dozens of many different harmful chemicals.

Of course, the idea is to help them pass some codes and things like that [inaudible 00:09:28] because all these harmful chemicals that were going to cause cancer and allergies, et cetera. But I think that’s the main thing. Once folks find out what is in their current mattresses or bedding now, is when they run towards us.

DEBRA: The most surprising thing for me when I was doing research 20 years ago, when I was first doing the research, was actually insomnia was one of my major symptoms that I had that I was trying to solve. And I wouldn’t sleep all night and then I’d be exhausted all day. And I know there must be millions of people who are having the same experience because isn’t sleeping pills a billion dollar industry, multibillion dollar industry?

So what I found out, quite to my surprise, when I took a little detective work to get this was that – oh, have a commercial break, so I’m going to have to tell you after this commercial.

I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and we’re here today with Marlon Pando, president and owner of White Lotus Home where they make natural fiber bed and bedding right here in New Jersey, USA in a very clean facility, I might add.

Before the break, we were talking about the most surprising thing that I found early in my research about beds and insomnia, and that is if you have just a regular cotton sheet that is treated to be no iron or permanent pressed, or if you have any polyester cotton sheets, it’s treated with a resin that contains formaldehyde. And as you sleep and as you continue to wash your bedding, it continues to release formaldehyde. And so you’re actually sleeping in this cloud of formaldehyde.

Now, it starts off when you have a new sheet with more formaldehyde emissions. And then as it wears, there’s of course less and less and less, but this could go on for years. And one of the symptoms known to be the results of formaldehyde exposure is insomnia.

So I just have this picture of all these people across the country and around the world taking sleeping pills when all they need to do is change their sheets. And not only that but even if you change your sheets, then you go beyond and look at the mattress, some of the toxic chemicals that you find there are polyurethane foam and particularly, fire-retardants, which are required by law so that when you’re smoking and you’re in bed and drop your cigarette, so your bed doesn’t catch on fire. And your bed will catch on fire if you drop cigarette ash or you knock over a candle.

But for all the rest of us who not smoking in bed and have the intelligence to not be knocking over candles in the middle of the night, we’re still being exposed to all those toxic chemicals. And the solution to not being exposed to them is to go to other places that sell natural fiber mattresses and bedding that don’t have these chemicals on them.

So Marlon, tell us. Typically, l know that you have a number of different mattresses that you make from different materials. And we have time today to talk about all of them. So why don’t you tell me and tell our listeners which one you think is – just describe the ones in any order that you’d like.

MARLON PANDO: Sorry, Debra. Do you want me to go over the options we have right now?

DEBRA: Tell us what options you have right now for mattresses.

MARLON PANDO: Well, basically, just to add a little bit to that is that White Lotus Home has been around since 1981. I did take over the company going on eight years now. And since I took over, I saw urgency for offering more than just a couple of type of green or organic mattresses. So after a lot of survey and a lot of feedbacks from our customers, we have come up with, right now, I want to say six different main options. And the reason there is, we want to make sure that we hope that everyone in America is able to afford a green and organic mattress.

Sometimes it gets misinterpreted, but basically, if you wanted a handmade, 100% chemical free mattress, it’s made in the US, we have that for you. If you want that in a firmer, softer, thicker or thinner size, we have that for you.

So while it is a lot to absorb and a lot to research and gain, we wanted to go and become a leader in the green bedding industry. I believe that all the options, again, while I know it can be [inaudible 00:18:18] has been helpful in getting us there.

DEBRA: Let’s talk about them one by one. So let’s start with the one that is most green and describe what that is. What are the materials of them? And anything you want to tell us about. Did you have any difficulties putting that together? Just tell us about that top of the line one.

MARLON PANDO: Sure. Well, if I had my choice, I will have everyone just buy our 100% organic, USDA, organic-certified mattresses. And what happens there is because we all want the best, of course, for ourselves, the only way that we can guarantee – and I’m going to say we at White Lotus (I can’t talk for everyone in the industry), I know everyone is trying to do the right thing. The only way we can guarantee that, what you’re getting is 100% chemical-free, chemical fire-retardant free is by going 100% USDA-certified.

And basically, those mattresses, we hand make them by using 100% USDA-certified organic cotton. We get the layers of cottons on top of each. And if you guys could imagine, each layer is about two inches thick. We pile up 10 to 12 layers on top of each other. Then we compress this cotton with our hands to come up with a mattress that would start at six inches in thickness. We already would make all our mattresses up to nine inches in thickness and we can add our toppers to make the sleeping surface even thicker.

So that would be the ideal when money is not a problem, when just full, healthy, solid sleep is the goal of the customer. That’s what we offer them.

So increased comfort level in 100% organic mattress, we also add things like our evergreen foam, which is a foam that is not petroleum-based, rather special oil-based. We have natural latex also to increase comfort level. We include a layer of wool. Now, what’s new for us, which is great, is that we are able now to get the wool USDA-certified organic as well.

DEBRA: That’s great.

MARLON PANDO: Yes, Debra. I’m sure that’s actually news to you. .

DEBRA: It is.

MARLON PANDO: Surely, we’ve got it and we’re very comfortable with it. It had the testing. It’s been great to be able to offer that.

DEBRA: Okay, we need to take another commercial break. But we’ll hear more about it after the break.

You’re listening to Debra Lynn Dadd on Toxic Free Talk Radio.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. This is Debra Lynn Dadd, and we’re here today with Marlon Pando, president and owner of White Lotus Home. We’re talking about natural mattresses and bedding, and you can visit his website at You can visit my website at

Marlon, so we were talking about how you put together a non-toxic, natural, organic mattress. And I think we were in the middle of a list of things that you can add to the basic, organic, cotton mattress to give it various different characteristics and different levels in comfort for different needs.

So why don’t you go on with that list.

MARLON PANDO: Sure, Debra. Thank you. Just to go back a little bit, we were talking about the best organic mattress and what we recommend would be the 100% USDA-certified organic mattress that we handcraft in New Jersey.

So basically, we layer about 10 to 12 layers of cotton bedding on top of each other. And we put them in a 100% organic casing. And it’s all hand-tested, handmade and it would take anywhere from one to four hours to hand make a mattress, though my guys are pretty great at doing this. And we make our mattresses so they can end up about six inches in thickness and we can make all the mattresses be up to nine inches in thickness.

That would produce a semi-firm supported mattress. It’s something that is recommended by back doctors. And we can add toppers and all those fillers to try and meet our customers’ goals and preferred comfort level.

DEBRA: I want to ask you. One your 100% cotton mattresses, well, first I want to say, these aren’t mattresses with springs on them, right? They are what people think as futon. They’re just the fiber and the casing, correct?

MARLON PANDO: They are just pure filling in the case, yes.

DEBRA: Right, and there are no springs in them. So I know in the past that some people, including myself, think of cotton futons, obviously it’s a mattress, we’re not talking about a traditional Japanese futon that’s very thin. But I had a cotton mattress many years ago. The first mattress that I bought was cotton mattress. It was so hard and I just laid it on the floor. It was so hard, I couldn’t sleep on it. So I’d like you to address that because anybody that has that idea that we’re now in 2013 and that’s not the way they are today. So talk about that a little bit.

MARLON PANDO: And I’m glad you touched that actually, Debra, because it is the idea of futon. It’s something that we all remember back in college where [inaudible 00:29:55] place to sleep. But yes, the look of it is that, but it’s certainly not the feel. The way we make our mattresses –

Well, let me go back. Traditional futons are made where they just open a big case and a machine just blows a bunch of polyester and very highly infested fibers in it. Most futons that are sold, that are made, after a few nights of sleep, even maybe a month, it loses everything. It loses the give, it loses the comfort level.

Again, the way we make our products is so that it can last seven, and some folks own our mattresses for over 20 years. And again, the idea is that it has no springs but there are ways for us to get there. And primarily, what we do when we do our pre-organic bedding consultations is we talk to folks and we try to get their moan goal. So just to throw it in there, we do have a toll free which is 877-HANDMADE. And that’s where folks can call and get their free consultations.

What happens is we try to find out what the preferred customer’s comfort level is and also preferred chemical, if any, exposure is allowed. Because if we know that the customer is not going to tolerate any latex, any foam, no matter how green it could be, we do our best not to touch that, not to consider that in our suggestions. This way we are trying to make a perfect match-up which happens about 99% of the time. There are some folks out there that still can’t find a match sometimes. But 99% of our customers had been satisfied since I took over.

DEBRA: It’s really good that you offer that service because I think the people really do need a consultation from somebody who understands the options to get them what they want. That it can be confusing to look at all the different possibilities and know how to match it up with their needs. And you probably would get a better match if you talk to somebody who understands that rather than just trying to buy a mattress of the storeroom floor.

MARLON PANDO: Right, exactly. You mentioned something, insomnia, and actually, my girlfriend (I know she’s listening), whenever she’s over, she just falls asleep. She really falls into death, deep sleep. And I think that on top of everything, we go through our days, to come home to a place that it’s like sleeping in the middle of nature, it’s such a great feeling. I feel like natural bedding can actually help us cleanse our bodies while we breathe all night long. And I think that’s what people are missing.

DEBRA: Well, one of the aspects of detox is that you need to be able to sleep. You need to be able to sleep all through the night in order for your body’s detox system to kick in. So when people are not sleeping or they’re only sleeping a short period, toxic chemicals are building up in their bodies because they’re not getting a good night’s sleep. And I really noticed, I’ve been sleeping on a natural bed for almost 30 years now. And I noticed that when I go away and sleep in a hotel bed or say you’re by somebody’s house that doesn’t have a natural bed, it only takes one night. I just want to say, I love being wherever it is I am but I really want to sleep in my own bed. And when I come back home, I was just away for five nights, and I came back home, and I just felt, “Oh, I love my bed. I love my bed.”

And I just always want to come home. And at the end of the day, when I’m tired, I just go, “Oh, I’m so happy I have a natural bed.”

MARLON PANDO: That’s great! I can relate, you don’t know. I used to love, love traveling. I love traveling. Because of my green consciousness and all, I haven’t been traveling a lot, but those are the one thing I regret. Wherever I can, I drive because I can bring a pillow or more bedding easily. And it just becomes such a hassle.

Yes, I totally agree and relate that when we sleep is the best chances that we have to actually get rid of any toxins. Can you imagine you’re doing this and then you go and sleep on a bed with chemicals? I can see how that could be a big problem.

DEBRA: We’re going to go to another commercial break. And we’ll be right back. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Marlon Pando, president and owner of White Lotus Home. We’re talking about mattresses. You can visit his website at, where you’ll find affordable, good quality, made in the USA, natural bedding

Marlon, I would just like to, since this is our last segment and we only have a few minutes left, I would like to just describe for our listeners what are the components of a natural bed. And you’re making a mattress that is not the traditional kind of mattress box spring combination. Those are available. But I really like myself, I prefer what you’re doing because there’s no metal and I don’t want to go into the whole story about electromagnetic fields. But suffice to say that some people think that even lying in bed with the coils of the bed that can increase your exposure to electromagnetic fields. I, myself, have a wool mattress that is like the ones that you make, which I purchased before I even knew you. I’ve had it a very long time. And I have it on a wood slat frame which allows it to breathe. And then I also have, you mentioned toppers a couple of times. I just want to explain because people don’t know what a topper is. It’s a big pillow, or like a mattress, but it’s very thin.

How thick is this topper? A couple of inches?

MARLON PANDO: Yes. They start about an inch-and-a-half up to three inches in thickness.

DEBRA: I like to say that if you can’t replace your whole entire bed now, the thing to start with is a topper. How many are your toppers, like wool toppers? A couple of hundred dollars? A hundred dollars?

MARLON PANDO: They start at early 200s actually for a twin size.

DEBRA: So I have the experience a few years ago of needing to be in San Francisco for three months. I rented a furnished studio apartment which came with a regular toxic bed. And it was extremely uncomfortable even though I brought my cotton flannel sheet. I could still feel the bed, the synthetic bed, underneath the sheets.

And so I just went to a local natural bed store in San Francisco and got myself a wool topper. I put it right down on the synthetic bed and it made all the difference in comfort. I had my topper, I had my flannel sheets, I had brought my wool pillow with me and I slept really well.

So a good way to get started is to just get a topper, get a natural pillow, and get the natural sheets. And if you just start buying those pieces one by one as you can afford them, then you can always use them on your natural mattress when you get to that point.

You need to have a frame, and you need to have a mattress, and then a topper. I will actually admit I had three toppers on my bed. And I like having the layers because rather than getting a thicker mattress, I don’t know how thick my mattress is. I think it’s six inches. And then I had three toppers. And then I can take the bed apart and take it and put all the pieces out in the sun or shake the dust powder whenever I want. And then I have my cotton flannel sheets, and then I have my wool pillows.

Those are basically the parts of the natural bed.

MARLON PANDO: Yes. Those are all the main parts. Unless, you have a few more than [inaudible 00:42:57], I can understand why.

DEBRA: Is there anything that you particularly would like to talk about in these final few minutes that we haven’t already covered?

MARLON PANDO: I think we covered a lot. I guess because we have to wrap it up, I understand. But the idea of going green, of course, ideally, you just [inaudible 00:43:27] and you are able to pick and choose and to start from scratch. But I am with you that a topper it’s a great, great step up. There are also ways to take your current mattress or bedding, maybe [inaudible 00:43:42]. As you know, we also sell organic barrier cloth, which can be used now. Either way, that fabric is tight-woven and it doesn’t let anything get in and out. So it’s great for dust mites, allergies, and things like that.

We’re starting to see a peak in sales in all our barrier cloth products. People are taking their current mattresses and just buying big covers for them and things like that.

Again, I agree with you that a topper is a great step-up. Folks, of course, we would like to start from scratch. But when you can’t, it just doesn’t make it an offense to do that. A topper on top of your mattress is great. You can always just cover your mattress with something, again, like to cover up the moss from anyone that would sell you an organic or natural cover. Just add in a topper.

And we do have four different types now from all wool, organic, cotton. We do the natural latex topper. We do evergreen foam toppers.

So there are many options. When you mentioned traveling and things like that, Debra, we also have now our guest bed that you roll them up. It’s still 15, 20 pounds or more [inaudible 00:45:02]. But it’s something that you can definitely put in a trunk or maybe, if possible, have it mailed to you. It would be so costly to ship it back if you’re going long-term…

DEBRA: What a good idea! I didn’t know you have all these things. You keep adding all these products.

MARLON PANDO: Yes, we’ve been pretty busy. I mean, I think God that since I took over White Lotus, we were two small stores in Jersey and now, we have over a hundred stores that carry our products all over the country via online and actual brick and mortar stores. So there’s a [inaudible 00:45:36] locations of people that carry White Lotus Home products all over the country.

And with that expansion came new products. The great thing about our market, Debra, that it’s so new that we are able to test the waters first before we bring a product fully on. Once we get a certain amount of request for something, we try to see how we can make it in a nice, cost-friendly way.

And the guest bed has been one that – we call them stow-aways. If you look at them on our site, it’s something you can roll up, put in a closet or even just tuck under a bed. And some folks actually do. They buy double bags or whatever from us and they keep them in their car when they’re traveling.

So it’s a nice way to be able to take your natural bed with you so you get a nice, green, clean place to sleep on.

DEBRA: You also sell furniture like wood slat beds, but you also sell furniture so that you can convert your mattresses to things like sofas and things like that.

MARLON PANDO: Right. Definitely! I’d definitely touch up on that. But I just want to touch a little bit. Folks that are not able to come to one of the stores so they can test things out, I just want to let them know that, again, we have a store locator online. We also offer free fiber samples. And I know this is [inaudible 00:47:00], especially probably your listeners, Debra. I just want to thank you. A lot of folks do call us, come to us, mention your name and we are very grateful for you. I’m just letting you know.

DEBRA: Thank you. I appreciate that.

MARLON PANDO: Sure, sure. I saw what you’re doing. It’s wonderful. We do offer them free fiber samples. We mail it so they can have it tested or [inaudible 00:47:27] doctors.

We also offer samples of our mattresses that people can buy online and [inaudible 00:47:35] with their purchase of the original mattress. We are looking up ways to get the word out and get the items out to folks as much as possible.

DEBRA: I do see that and especially I have known you over time and so I can see your consistency and your dedication that you really are there to serve the customers. And you even do custom work. And people can buy your materials from you and make their own if they want. So you really are giving the full spectrum of every possible thing that I can think of that one might need in a supplier of natural materials and natural mattresses.

MARLON PANDO: Yes, yes. Thank you. Definitely! Selling the fiber has been great. People are doing their own projects. Great! I mean, I’m already content where were are with this company. My family is too. They got my back all the way. I always have to thank my sister, Elizabeth, who’s always there, and my nephew, [inaudible 00:48:36]. If you can see pictures, they’re always up on the web. We take pictures of them and use them as our models.

But we’re at a place that we want everyone to hopefully that more and more people will be able to sleep naturally and organically without major cost and major hassle. You never know. One day, there may be a White Lotus store in every city in the United States. That will be great.

DEBRA: That would be great. Okay, we’ve come to the end of our time. Thank you so much for being with us. And I want everybody to just go to website and take a look at what they have. And particularly, look for the video of the tufting of the mattress.

I actually saw someone doing that in person in the store. It’s just a beautiful sight. I think of that, not only are they great materials, but it’s all handmade and not an industrial process, but a human process.

So this is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. You can go to my website, and there are information about other shows. There are archives. You can find out about other things on my website. And tune in again.

Removing Build-up from Unfinished Wood

Question from Paula Bond

Please help, I am a housekeeper for over 10 years and my clients are always amazed with my work. However I just recently started on this house with all unfinished wood (meaning) no polyurethane was applied. Now there is so much build up I need to know what I can do to get rid of build up. I know your not suppose to use water base, but I don’t have a sander ….please help me

Debra’s Answer

Readers? Any experience with this?

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Black Rubber Parts from China

Question from Sara

When we buy products from China that contain black rubber parts, they have a strong odor. Two sink stoppers smelled up my kitchen. Leaving them in the sun to gas off did not help. Soaking them in baking soda and water did not help. I don’t know why these and other items with black rubber parts have such a strong odor. Is it a safe odor or is there reason for concern?

Debra’s Answer

I don’t know exactly what they are, but am assuming their composition is something like rubber tires, which contain a lot of toxic chemicals.

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The Many Ways Toxic Chemicals Affect Your Health and What You Can Do

My guest is Dr. Doris Rapp, one of the first medical doctors who began to associate toxic chemical exposures with the symptoms of her pediatric patients. A board-certified environmental medical specialist, pediatric allergist, and homeopath, Dr. Rapp served as Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the State University of New York at Buffalo until January 1996. Dr. Rapp practiced traditional allergy medicine for 18 years. After learning about environmental medicine in 1975, Dr. Rapp began to incorporate the principles of environmental medicine into her pediatric allergy practice. Dr. Rapp is a past President of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine. She is also the author of the bestselling books, Is this Your Child and Is this Your Child’s World, which help identify and provide practical methods of treatment to eliminate substances which can cause illness and behavioral changes in both children and adults. Her book Our Toxic World: A Wake-up Call tells how chemicals damage your body, brain behavior and sex.





The Many Ways Toxic Chemicals Affect Your Health and What You Can Do

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Dr. Doris Rapp

Date of Broadcast: May 01, 2013

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world. Even though there are toxic chemicals around, we don’t have to let them make us sick. We don’t have to have them in our homes. We don’t need to have them in our bodies. And we can live toxic-free, healthy, happy, productive. It can be a great life and a great world.

It’s Wednesday, May 1st 2013. I’m here in Clearwater, Florida. Today, we are going to talk with one of our most knowledgeable doctors about exposure to toxic chemicals and what they can do to your body and what we can do to be happy.

My guest is Dr. Doris Rapp and she was one of the first MDs to learn and use environmental medicine. She treat her pediatric patients way back in 1975. I first learned about toxic chemicals and products and their health effects in 1978. And so Dr. Rapp and I have known each other for many years and have been both working in parallel in our respective fields to be handling problems with toxic chemicals with her clients and patients and me with consumers.

I’m just going to get right to the phone. Dr. Rapp, welcome to Toxic Free Talk Radio.

Doris; Oh, it’s a pleasure to hear your voice and talk to you ear-to-ear. I’ve read your many books and I can’t get over how much practical, sensible information that you give people, to get it down to the nitty-gritty and you tell them what they need to do and then, it’s up to them. You can lead them to water, you can’t make them drink. But most of them are going to drink because they have fate in what you say and the suggestions are practical and will definitely improve their health if they listen.

DEBRA: Thank you. Yesterday, my guest told me that when she became ill with toxic chemical exposure that she got one of my books and she followed it to the letter religiously and she recovered from just doing what I outlined in my book.

That was an old book. We know so much more today that I just really feel that it’s not a question of information. It’s just a question of getting people to understand that there is a problem with toxics and there’s something they can do about it.

I want to ask you to tell us your story of how you got interested in this? But first, let me just give the little bio that I failed to give, so that you don’t have to talk about how you were a board certified environmental medical specialist, podiatric allergist and homeopath, you served as a clinical assistant professor of pediatrics at the State University of New York at Buffalo until January 1996.

Dr. Rapp practiced traditional allergy medicine for 18 years. And then after learning about environmental medicine in 1975, Dr. Rapp began to incorporate the principles of environmental medicine into her pediatric allergy practice.

She’s the past president of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine, the author of the bestselling books Is This Your Child?, Is This Your Child’s World?, Our Toxic World: A Wake-up Call and several other books. You can find out all about everything that she does and everything that she’s written and everything that she has to offer at her website, If you go to her website and you subscribe to her newsletter, she will send you all kinds of free information about toxic chemicals in your house.

So all that said, now tell us about those point in your life where you discovered environmental medicine and how you began to observe what was going on with your patients?

DR. DORIS RAPP: I was practicing allergy just like everybody else until 1975. And then fortunately, I went to a medical meeting and the man there said that he could put a drop of an allergy extract in your arm and produce your symptoms and that different drops cause different symptoms and that they could be treated by giving them a dilution of whatever made them sick.

I was really irate because I’ve been trained that you couldn’t treat food allergies and that this wasn’t possible. And yet this man claimed that he could do this. So I said to me at the meeting, I said, “Show me” and he brought in five people, five patients and he caused asthma and he caused their bellies to swell up and he caused all kinds of symptoms right in front of our eyes. I said, “I can’t figured out how he’s fooling me, but this can’t be for real.”

I decided to go to various offices of environmental medical specialist and see if they could really do what they said they could do and I was really astounded. If you had problems with your belly after eating a food, they put a drop of that food in your arm and immediately, in eight minutes, you had the bellyache. And then they give you different dilutions.

Our bodies are so smart, so much smarter than the doctors that one drop of a substance in your arm can mess up your whole body – your pulse will go up, your blood pressure will go up, your breathing will become worse, your belly, you can’t walk, you can’t talk sometimes, you don’t act appropriately. All this happens from one drop of an allergy extract.

And then the second amazing thing is that a dilution of that drop, a 1:5 or 1:25 or 1:125, one drop of the right dilusion and in eight minutes, the whole body goes back to normal. It sounds too good to be true. It sounded so good that I didn’t believe it.

And then I went back to my office, I tried it, I found I could do it and it meant that the next 20 years, I had someone hired in my office who do nothing, but photograph what was going on because the reactions were so dramatic that nobody would believe them.
The disappointment to me is that it’s now 2013 and most doctors and most patients and most people with severe allergies do not know that it can be turned on and off like a switch using provocation, neutralization allergy testing.

With provocation, you put a drop of something into the arm and you see if you can provoke. The provocation test is to provoke symptoms so you might produce slight asthma or difficulty walking, talking, thinking, an area of your brain to be affected (any area of your body could be affected). And then you would turn it off with a fivefold weaker dilution of that same substance that caused the problem.

You say, “Well, how could it be that a drop of milk would enable you to drink milk without difficulty if you put a drop of diluted milk solution in the mouth” and all I can say is the body is an awful lot smarter than we are because we don’t have the answers.
There are some theories as to why it might work that explain it, but the bottomline is if you have a food allergy, it can be treated. It you’re allergic to dust, mold and pollen and chemicals, most of those can also be effectively treated with the right dilutions of an allergy extract.

If you want to find a doctor that knows the method that I’ve just talk about, you call the AAEM, that’s the American Academy of Environmental Medicine. 316-684-5500. That number again, 316-684-5500.

It’s just astounding to me and unquestionably, the best thing I ever did my whole life was to go to that one medical meeting because it opened up a whole new world and the result was that patients I’ve help that I never believed in a million years that I could help.

I can remember one woman that had severe herpes and cancer – herpes, shingles. She was walking up the driveway to my office at that time. I looked out the window and I said, “Doris, how do you think that you could possibly help this patient? You’ve never seen a patient like this and you just think you can do it by using a dilution of flu vaccine?”

I said, “Well, it’s what I learned and I’m going to try it.” Sure enough, I tested the patient. I treated them and the herpes didn’t spread to the eye, which could cause blindness and the pain was gone and the patient was better. It was just a whole new world of medicine. I had no idea that people could be treated so effectively. And if you combine the allergy testing and treatment with good nutrition and a proper diet and you did make some [inaudible 00:10:46] to get rid of the toxic chemicals and things stored in your body, which is called natural detoxification, there’s no doubt in my mind that most people will improve and some people will become entirely well.

DEBRA: I need to interrupt you because we have to go to station break. But we’ll continue talking with Dr. Doris Rapp after the break. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and you’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio.


DEBRA: This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and I’m here with Dr. Doris Rapp. We’re talking about allergies and chemicals and all kinds of things.

Dr. Rapp, you and I started in the same place although I started with provocative neutralization testing, but I was on the patient end of it. That really proved to me that there was something going on my body that it could be turned on and off by being exposed to a toxic chemical.

DR. DORIS RAPP: Did they diagnose you with having a psychiatric problem because you have this illness that affected any area of the body?

DEBRA: No because I didn’t go to any other doctors. The first doctor I went to was a clinical ecologist. I didn’t know what was wrong with me, but I was having all kinds of symptoms that seemed to be not related to each other. It was actually my father that went.
My mother was dying of Cancer. My father took her to a doctor practicing environmental medicine because he was the only one that would give her intravenous vitamin C as a treatment. He’s sitting there waiting in the office for my mother watching the technician perform provocative neutralization testing and watching these symptoms turn on and off as a result of drops for food and pollens and toxic chemicals. He’s looking at this and going, “That’s what’s wrong with my daughter” because I would just start crying at the drop of a hat for no apparent reason.

And so he wanted me to go in. He told me about it. He wanted me to go in. I said no, I wouldn’t go because at that particular time, one of my symptoms that I didn’t recognize as a symptom was depression and not being willing to do things to help myself.

He was being aware that I needed to do something to help myself. He just went into the office and listened and watched and found out that if somebody was having a reaction, that they could take Alka Seltzer in a gold package and it would stop.

So one night while I was having a reaction, he got some Alka Seltzer in a gold package. He had gotten it just for this very moment. He had put it in the glass and he said, “Here, drink this.” I took the glass and I said, “I am not going to drink this” and threw the glass against the wall, smashed it.

He had to go make another glass of Alka Seltzer gold, wrestle me to the floor, hold my nose, opened my mouth and poured it down my throat.

After about two seconds, suddenly, it was like I had woken up from a dream like, “Where am I? What just happened?” I had completely come out of the reaction from whatever it was I was reacting to in about two seconds, very fast.

DR. DORIS RAPP: Absolutely amazing!

DEBRA: He knows.

DR. DORIS RAPP: But if you don’t have Alka Seltzer gold, any of the people that are listening can take a quarter to a half of teaspoon of baking soda and a half a glass of water or enough water so they can swallow and they can stop a food allergic reaction in about 10-15 minutes. And if the baking soda relieves it, you know you’ve got a food allergy. And once you know what’s causing it, you can either get treated for that food or stop eating it or try eating it only at a 4-day interval.

DEBRA: I did all of that. I went on a rotation diet. We identified what my food allergies were. I went on a rotation diet. I was on that diet for a year. And at the end of that year, I wasn’t allergic to any of those foods.

DR. DORIS RAPP: Isn’t it amazing that help is there for everybody that’s listening if they have food allergies?

DEBRA: It is.

DR. DORIS RAPP: If they find somebody that knows environmental medicine, you can be treated or you can treat it with just a diet of eating individual foods every four days rather than in sequence every day.

DEBRA: Well, here’s the most amazing thing that I found. After I saw how well this worked, I went to work for the doctor administering the provocative neutralization testing.

DR. DORIS RAPP: Who was the doctor?

DEBRA: What was his name? I don’t remember the first one. But then I went to work for Dr. McGovern. You know McGovern?

DR. DORIS RAPP: Oh, yes. Dr. McGovern was an absolutely wonderful doctor.

DEBRA: Oh, absolutely! And then I went to work for Dr. Allen Lavine. I’m sure you know him too.

DR. DORIS RAPP: Yes. And he’s more a research doctor than he is a clinical doctor I think, but he’s absolutely brilliant.

DEBRA: Yes, he is. Absolutely. So I had all this time observing people while I’m giving provocative neutralizing testing. Dr. McGovern got me started doing consulting by sending me off to the patients’ home to find out what toxic chemicals they were being exposed to.

The most amazing thing that I included from my observation was that one day, one of my patients went on vacation for two weeks. She came back and she said, “I can eat all my foods I’m allergic to.” What we figured out was that it was the toxic chemical overload that was making it impossible for her to eat the foods. It was too much on her body to have both chemical exposure and the food exposures. And when we went in and took the chemicals out of her house, her food allergies just went away.

DR. DORIS RAPP: It’s amazing. It really is like a barrel. If your barrel is overflowing, you’re having symptoms. If the things that fill up barrel are dust, mold, pollen, foods and chemicals, you can’t get rid of everything, but you can get an air purifier, a water purifier, eat organic foods. Just that would make you better because you’re going to have less in your barrel. And the more that you can decrease the number of allergenic things that you’re getting into, the more [inaudible 00:19:48] you are, the emptier that barrel, enough that you can get into things that previously caused trouble, you will not have difficulty.

DEBRA: That’s right. It’s just an overload. Wouldn’t you say? It’s just an overload.

DR. DORIS RAPP: Absolutely! An overload. So you don’t have to change everything. I hate to say this, but you don’t have to do everything that the doctor asked you to do. But once you got their barrel lowered below the tap, it won’t overflow and your symptoms will not come back. But if you binge –
Many times, for example, I have people that can’t eat a certain food and at Christmas, they’d like to celebrate, I might tell, “Go ahead and eat” the food they haven’t been able to eat if it doesn’t cause a really bad reaction and sure enough, they can eat it.
But if they binged every single day, they’d soon find that they were sensitive to it again. You have to use…

DEBRA: That’s what I found for myself too. We’re coming up on another commercial break in about 10 seconds, so I don’t want to ask you another question until we come back. I’ll just announce again, Dr. Rap’s website is If you go to her website…

DR. DORIS RAPP: And let me add this. They don’t have to buy my book. Go to the library for all the books. They have my book, Is This Your Child?. It came out 20 years ago, but it was a bestseller for good reasons. Read it and I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if it helped you.

DEBRA: I’m sure. Anyone who has a child should read this. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and we’ll be back after this.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. We’re here today with Dr. Doris Rapp. One of her books is Our Toxic World: A Wake-up Call. Chemicals damage your body, brain, behavior and sex. I’m sitting here with this book right in front of me on my desk.

Dr. Rapp, let’s talk about the poisoning aspects of this. Certainly, people can get help as you’ve described in the first part of the show. A lot of people think, “Well, I don’t have allergies” or “I don’t have symptoms,” so they’re not motivated to do anything by the fact that they’re sick. But that doesn’t mean that they’re not being poisoned.

So can you tell us about some of these toxic chemicals and what they’re doing to our bodies?

DR. DORIS RAPP: Well, if a man sprays the lawn next door with toxic chemicals and he decides to conceive a baby, he’ll have trouble. His sperm will be damaged for at least a month or two. If a woman gets into toxic chemicals the first 90 days of her pregnancy, the first three months, she has a 70% chance of having a miscarriage, a stillborn or birth defect of the baby.

I think one of the thing that we have to do is test young couples that if they would like to reproduce, both the male and the female have to spend a few months getting their body in shape. They have to get rid of toxic chemicals. They have to stop the chemicals from going into their body and they have to get rid of all the toxic chemicals that they can and build up their nutrition. If they’re not willing to do that, then they shouldn’t be conceiving a child and putting them in our polluted world.

The average newborn baby now floats in 287 toxic chemicals. This means that baby is marinated for nine months in uterine fluid that is not good for it. It’s amazing to me that the baby is withstanding it as well as they are. There is no doubt that these chemicals cause birth defect, causes sterility (the male sperm count goes way down, the females also are less fertile), it causes problems in their immune system.

Many of these exposure to chemicals puts stresses in the body and allergies become evident that weren’t evident before. These chemicals can cause diabetes and thyroid disease and I believe that it contributes to Alzheimer’s and autism. Everone says, “What can we do about this cancer epidemic?”

My question is, “Why the hell are we doing it? We know what causes cancer and yet, we are doing as a country or as a nation or as a world, we are not doing what needs to be done so obviously to cut down on the known causes of cancer.

If you buy yourself a new synthetic mattress or carpet, the smells of toxic chemicals and paint with toxic paint and put all kinds of toxic furniture in your house, you will not be well. And if you get cancer, you may get better after the treatment, but you go back into that house and sleep on the same bed mattress and you breathe the air from the same bed, don’t be surprised if it comes back again.

Your body is precious. If you don’t believe in reincarnation, this is it! This is the best it’s going to be. Take care of your body. It is so precious. Clean it out, get rid of the chemicals, get on organic food, get a water purifier, get an air purifier and you’ll find that you’ll feel much better, you’re going to live longer.

There’s no sense in living longer in a line-up of other people in a wheelchair and a wet diaper. You have got to live longer, but feel better and you can do that, but you simply must take care of your precious little body by giving it the right nutrients, by giving it organic foods, by not eating processed foods and canned foods, by breathing good air and good water.

You’ve got more than a fighting chance to stay healthy. And if your children learn how to have a healthy baby, you’ll be much happier as grandparents.

DEBRA: I couldn’t have said that better. I frequently see advertisements and get emails for people wanting donations for cancer research and research for this disease and that disease. I just look at that and I say, “Instead of asking for money for research, why not just reduce toxic chemicals?”

We know! We know! There’s no question. There’s study after study after study these chemicals cause these diseases. And yet people continue to say, “Oh, I’m going to live my normal, toxic life and it must be caused by something else.”

We need to understand this as a nation, as a world. We need to really understand that toxic chemicals are what is making us sick. They’re the primary, underlying cause of virtually every illness and symptom. That is the thing that needs – we don’t even need research dollars. We just need people to stop using toxic chemicals. Wouldn’t you say? Wouldn’t you agree with that?

DR. DORIS RAPP: Yes, absolutely. Absolutely. We already have the answer and the big question is why haven’t we as a nation or as a world decided that we’ve got to put an end to it. How much worse does it have to get before we say, “Enough already”? When are we going to say stop using 24D on the lawn? We know it causes lymphomas. Why is it banned in many countries, but not banned in this country? How are we allowing the corporations to hire the lobbyists who then affects the politicians who pass the laws that allow increased pollution of our air, food, water and genetically engineered foods.

We have got to find when we vote for somebody what their opinion is of the environment and how important is it to clean it up. If they’re not interested in the environment, they’ve never passed any bills that shows that they want to protect and help our air, food and water stay pure, they’re not the right man to vote for.

DEBRA: I completely agree. And again, we’re coming up on the commercial break. So I’ll announce again that Dr. Rapp’s website is She’s got a lot of information. Go to her website, see her books, see what else she has to offer and sign up to be on her mailing list and she will you lots of information about toxic chemicals and allergies and how to be healthy. It’s just a lot.

Also, you can go to my website. An easy way to get there is by just going to And across the top of the page, there’s a menu that will take you to different parts of my website. One is enormous Q&A where you can write in and ask a question and I and my readers will answer. We’ve got over 3000 questions and more than 2000 answers. I’ve got a director with more than 500 websites that are selling non-toxic products. So there really is no reason why everybody in the world can’t live in a totally non-toxic way. We have all the information. It’s just everybody making the choice.

So we’ll be back after this station break. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. We’ll be back with Dr. Doris Rapp on Toxic Free Talk Radio.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Dr. Doris Rapp, pioneering medical doctor in the field of environmental medicine and author of many books on toxic chemicals and how they affect our body including Is This Your Child?, Is This Your Child’s World? and Our Toxic World: A Wake-up Call.

Dr. Rapp, give us some of the dramatic cases that you had where you saw really amazing kind of damage from chemical exposure and then amazing recoveries.

DR. DORIS RAPP: One of the most impressive things is the air purifier. I can remember one mother that put the air purifier in her infant’s bedroom and in about an hour later, she went rushing in the room thinking the baby had died. It was the first time the baby was breathing quietly. She didn’t realize that babies don’t make noise when they breathe at night. That was pretty dramatic.

I was seeing hundreds and hundreds of children that diet and just tried to diet in my book, I never saw them. It’s the book, Is This Your Child?. They tried to diet within five to seven days, the children changed and one mother said, “My bananas kid is gone. In the past, he would take a hose from the basement and slide all over the basement in the water that is spread around.”

I had so many children who wanted to commit suicide who had put their heads, broken every window in the house, broke every mirror and piece of glass in the house. They were just violent and the mothers were desperate, in tears, absolutely frantic. They put the child on the diet and in five to seven days, the child was better.

If it’s dust, mold, pollen and chemicals, the air purifier may have a miraculous effect. You can buy one purifier, put it on wheels and put it in the various rooms in your house for two to four hours on high and the air in that room will be clean. The sickest person in the house should put it in their bedroom four hours before bed, shut the door, turn it on high and then close and open the door when they go to bed and you’ll find that that air in that room will be so good, then they sleep better than they ever slept.

So the sometimes, the answers are easy – one day with an air purifier. If it doesn’t work in a month, you can get most of your money back and you can check on that by calling 480-905-9195. You can get a discount on the air purifier. That’s 480-905-9195.

The diet is right on my website. You don’t have to go any place to get it. You can try it. Also exclude any food that you absolutely crave. For example , if you’re sunflower seed-aholic or a [inaudible 00:42:09]-holid or any kind of a –holic. Whatever it is that you crave that you can’t live without, if you have a food allergy, that would be the substance. If you write your two favorite foods and two favorite beverages and you’ve got a food sensitivity, stop those for a week and you’ll probably see you’re better in five to seven days and then add them back one at a time, find out which one causes trouble. And if it’s approved, baking soda is very effective in stopping allergic reactions. As little as an eighth or a quarter of a teaspoon in a glass of water will stop many allergic reactions in 15 minutes. It’s a good thing to have in your person if you have allergies because it helps right away.

And there’s a whole book on it called the pH Miracle. Dr. Robert Young who wrote the book feels that it prevents cancer. There’s a lot of evidence that if you can keep your urine alkaline by using a pH stick checking it, if your urine stays alkaline, you will be much more well than you would otherwise. There are even claims that you don’t develop cancer if you can keep your body alkaline.

DEBRA: And toxic chemicals actually make your body acid.

DR. DORIS RAPP: Oh, yes.

DEBRA: So that’s another reason to not be drinking tap water and have toxic chemicals in your home because it all makes your body more acid.
Which air filter do you recommend?

DR. DORIS RAPP: I use the Austin because it’s the only that I know that takes 3000 chemicals out of the air and therefore, I like that one.

DEBRA: Mm-hmmm… good…

DR. DORIS RAPP: They all take out 99.6% of dust and mold and pollen and particulates and all those things, but you have to have one that takes off the chemicals because the chemicals…
DEBRA: Right, that’s exactly right.

DR. DORIS RAPP: Every place, from every place, you’ve got to take it. And if you do that, everyone in your family will be better. If you don’t do it, then they will be more prone to become sick.

DEBRA: Also, I just want to – because an air filter can be a really powerful thing as you’ve described in order to show the difference between living with chemicals and living without and protecting yourself. So I just want to make sure that everybody understands when Dr. Rapp says air filter, she’s not talking about a little, tiny air filter that you might find at a discount store.

DR. DORIS RAPP: Right! It’s a machine that’s going to cost $250 to $700. It really purifies the air. You put it in a room and go in an hour later, you’ll smell the difference.

DEBRA: You will smell the difference. When I was first dealing with my own environmental illness, the first thing that I did was I got an air filter. And not I only got an air filter for my home, I got one for my car. There was a period of time when I had to go work as a temp in an office and I thought, “How am I going to sit in this office? I have to make some money.”

I got a tabletop filter as opposed to a whole room filter and I brought – but this tabletop filter, this big, round canister that was about a foot across and about three feet high. I just put it on my desk in a big, open room and people would come have their break at my desk. They couldn’t quite put their finger on it, but they knew that they felt better when they were standing around my desk. So air filters can make an enormous difference.

DR. DORIS RAPP: It can change your life. I have parents buy them for the classrooms. The problem is at the end of the year, the teachers notice that if you put one in your child’s classroom, the infections goes way down. That’s because it takes dust, mold and pollen and chemicals out of the air, which cause the nose to get swollen and so you have more allergies and infections in your sinuses and your ears.

They notice that everybody, they had less illness in the classroom, the academic performance went up in the classroom. And when the child was leaving for that year and went into the next classroom, the teachers almost always bought an air purifiers themselves for the classroom because they saw that it was so effective.

And of course, ideally, in a wonderful world, the school systems would put in ventilation systems that purified the air and cleaned the air, so that the children aren’t sick with infections and allergies needlessly. That will come in a new world when it gets there.
DEBRA: The new world that we’re creating.

DR. DORIS RAPP: As far as I’m concerned, we really have to buckle down right now and decide we want to save this planet because we cannot do what we are presently doing and think for a second that we’ll make it to the end of the century.

You can’t kill off all the bees with chemicals. You’re not going to have any bee-pollinated food or crops. You can’t spray the ground with toxic chemicals so that the foods aren’t able to be eaten for several years. We cannot genetically-engineer everything in sight. Read the book Genetic Roulette by Jeffrey Smith and Seeds of Deception. When you read these books, you’ll understand that you absolutely have to read the labels and make sure they say that they’re not genetically-engineered.

And of course, the people that are in the chemical industry are trying to pay the government to forbid from putting any signs on the labels saying that something is genetically-engineered or not genetically-engineered because if you can’t find out, it’s not written on the label, you’re going to buy the product anyhow.

DEBRA: Well, this has been a wonderful hour with you, Dr. Rapp. I’m sure that everybody is listening is inspired to make some changes. I just feel very privileged that you came on the show. We’ll certainly have you on again.
DR. DORIS RAPP: I just want to say something if I can…

DEBRA: Sure!

DR. DORIS RAPP: …and that is if we could clone people like you, the world would be a much better place. You’ve spent your whole life trying to educate people with fast, easy, inexpensive ways of coping with environmental challenges. And so I want to pay a tribute to you right now because you’ve done so much – probably eight books. If you haven’t read the book, you don’t know how much work it is to get it right. It means that you’ve spent much more time than the average individual trying to contribute to our world and that’s a real tribute to you.

DEBRA: Thank you so much. Well, we’re at the end of our time. Let me give Dr. Rapp’s website again. It’s You can go there and sign up for her newsletter, her mailing list and she’ll send you lots of information. You can also go to my website, and you can sign up for my newsletter too. There’s lots of free information on both of my sites. We are united in our passion for making this a toxic-free world and you can help, each one of you can help. We can achieve this.
That’s all for today . This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd.

Decontaminating Home from Sewer Gas Smell?

Question from Mike

Our home recently had a sewer backup and now my wife has been experiencing some nausea and headaches since, due to a smell she senses, but I do not. She is able to smell it everywhere in our home and on our clothes. Our home tested positive for benzoic acid, but I do not have a baseline result prior to the backup event. What are some good ways to decontaminate her to alleviate her reactions as well as decontaminating the home? We are trying to leave the windows open as much as possible and have purchased two air purifiers. Additionally I changed out the filters in the furnace and had the air ducts scraped and cleaned. It has been almost six weeks since the event and this does not seem to be going away or mitigating itself. My wife feels better when we leave the house, but when she gets a scent off her clothes, she gets a nausea feeling.

Debra’s Answer

I have no personal experience with this. Readers?

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Wall-to-Wall Carpets: The Good, the Bad, and What To Do If You Have Them In Your Home

Daliya Robson is my guest on this show. She became “a chemical injury statistic” while working as a realtor, viewing and showing toxic new homes or homes with new carpets, paints, and cabinets. After becoming extremely disabled in 1993 with multiple chemical sensitivities, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and a broken thyroid, Daliya started a website called The Nontoxic Hot Line to warn people of the dangers of all chemicals. Nirvana Safe Haven became the name of this website after she began providing healing healthy solutions for a nontoxic environment. After 20 years Daliya is still providing solutions for surviving in a toxic world.





Wall-to-Wall Carpets: The Good, the Bad, and What To Do If You Have Them In Your Home

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Daliya Robson

Date of Broadcast: April 30, 2013

DEBRA: Hi I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world. There are lots of toxic chemicals out there, but we don’t have to be sick.

It’s Tuesday April 30th 2013 and I’m here in Clearwater, Florida. Today, we’re going to talk about wall-to-wall carpeting, what is toxic about it, what you can do if you have wall-to-wall carpet in your house and how to choose a safe carpet.

My guest is, Daliya Robson from Nirvana Safe Haven who has more than 20 years experience dealing with carpets and all kind of toxic things. And she’ll be here in just a few minutes with me, but first, I want to give you a thought for today.

A friend of mine has, at the bottom of every email she sends out this quote from Buckminister Fuller, “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.” And this is actually something that I live by. In my work, I’m not trying to in my work make companies not do something. What I’m trying to do is support the building of a new model.

I’m trying to put out information so that people can make wise decisions. And then, help you build a new model right in your own home. And by each of us building the new model of a toxic-free home, toxic-free work places, that’s how it’s going to happen. Not by telling other people that they need to stop.

I know that there are people working on regulations and on changing retailers (what they’re doing), all that needs to be done, but I think it’s most effective to do it from the view point of how can we create something new, rather than saying that we have to stop doing something. Because when we say, “Stop doing this and stop doing that,” all we have is a stop. And when we create something new, we have something new.

So, I’d like to now welcome, Daliya to Toxic Free Talk Radio. Daliya are you there?

DALIYA ROBSON: I’m here! I’m very excited to share.

DEBRA: Thank you!

DALIYA ROBSON: And thank you for your work.

DEBRA: You’re very welcome!

I haven’t introduced you in any way except to say that you’re with Nirvana Safe Haven. I want to let you tell your own story about what happened to you and how you came to do what you’re doing today.

DALIYA ROBSON: Okay. Well, the dramatic happening was when I was a realtor about 20 years ago. The actual beginning of my environmental illness was the age of three when my father became a farmer and the DDT was in the bedroom and I was licking the peas and tomatoes to remove the DDT. But while I was growing up, I had symptoms that I never had a diagnosis and I never went to a doctor. I just had pains, fibromyalgia, I had sniffles and just generally sensitive to smells like campfires and things like that.

But In 1990, I became a realtor and that’s when I got really ill from new carpets, new paint, and particle board in the houses. You would open up a home to view it, to show a client and you literally keeled over from the toxic fume.


DALIYA ROBSON: I still didn’t have a diagnosis, but eventually I got to an environmental doctor and he said, “You’ve been poisoned. You have environmental illness, you have chronic fatigue, you have fibromyalgia, you have a broken thyroid. Start detoxing.”

So that was 20 years ago and of course, I stopped being a realtor because I couldn’t even leave my home, I was so ill. So that’s the story.

DEBRA: Before we talk about carpets, would you tell us what you did to start detoxing?

DALIYA ROBSON: Oh, It started off with antioxidants of every description. And then I couldn’t digest my food anyway so we had to do things like L-glutamine, and probiotics, and Zeolite and one thing after the other and everything helps a bit. It took years.

I then had a set back and started again, but basically, food had to be completely organic and chemical-free. It had to be rotated. It had to be blended so I could digest.

One doctor told me that he cured people with a bottle of probiotics a day, so I tried a third of a bottle. And I went out with my husband, I said, “People have stopped using perfumes. My fliers are working.” He said, “Your stuff is helping you be less reactive.” In other words, the probiotics was one of the major things once the leaky gut was over. And that needed L-glutamine and B6. And that’s it! Eventually, I got less and less vulnerable, but I still have to be careful.

DEBRA: Yes, and I just also want to make a point (and I’m sure you’ll agree with me about this) that people can become very ill from toxic chemical exposure. But once they recover (and it’s possible to recover to greater or lesser degree) what a lot of people want is the ability to living their toxic life.

DALIYA ROBSON: I don’t think you can.

DEBRA: You can’t. You can’t and…

DALIYA ROBSON: I don’t think so. No.

DEBRA: No. And so for me, the goal is not to go back to living a toxic life, but to create a new non-toxic life that one enjoys more than the toxic life because the toxic life is making everybody sick. It’s not something that anybody can tolerate.

The people are getting sick in all kinds of different ways from these toxic chemicals and even if they aren’t showing symptoms as traumatic as yours, after years, they’ll end up with cancer and heart disease, and it shows that this diabetes and impotence and every illness. It’s not just something like yours, which is called multiple chemical sensitivities, but all the illnesses now, all the symptoms are now associated with toxic chemical exposure.

So the goal here is not to get well so that you can live a “normal toxic life”. The point is to do the things that create a healthy life and enjoy doing them. Don’t you think?

DALIYA ROBSON: I think so.

Here’s the situation. After 20 years of being very, very careful, with occasional cheating which made me sick, I would decide, “Let’s see if the bread really does makes me sick.” So I would eat a loaf of bread and some stinky cheese and say, “Okay, I’ll do it on Friday. Let’s see how long it is before I’m ill.” So for four days I was depressed and sniffing and asthmatic. And then it passed. So I thought, “Okay, I’m not going to do that very often.”

Then I would have a processed meal and then have every joint hurting so I have a quick fix. I’ll take the Zeolite that you offer or I’ll take charcoal tablets and it goes away. But I know I can’t cheat often. And also…

DEBRA: But when we cheat often, we’re just sick all the crime.

DALIYA ROBSON: Well, let’s presume I decide I want milk in my coffee, which I shouldn’t have either of them, I’m more sniffy and I can smell the neighbor’s Downy up to 20 feet instead of previously, 7 feet.

So originally when I was sick, I would open the window and smell Downy 50 feet away. Now I open the door and I smell it 7 feet away and I say, “Oh God!”, butI can make it to the car, whereas previously, I’d practically have a seizure when I open the window.

So by getting well, what happens is that you’re resting your body and your immune system all the time, so occasional exposure won’t set you back completely.

DEBRA: Yeah. I agree.

DALIYA ROBSON: For example, I go to the fitness center with the carbon fabric on my seat and my clothes can get contaminated with Downy of other people because if I wash my clothes in my machine, there’s a smell of Downy. So, I have to protect my machine and protect me. So this is after 20 years.

Now 20 years ago, I couldn’t go to the fitness center. People spray (or whether it’s a detergent), it would bother me tremendously. Now I go at off-peak hours and I move away, but I can tolerate somebody’s odor from 4 feet away whereas previously, I couldn’t open the door of the fitness center.

DEBRA: Okay. Well, we need to go to commercial break now, but we’ll be back with Daliya Robson from Nirvana Safe Haven after this break. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and you’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio.


DEBRA: This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and we’re here with Daliya Robson from Nirvana Safe Haven.

Daliya started a website 20 years ago called, The Non-toxic Hotline to warn people of the dangers of all chemicals after she became extremely disable from toxic chemical exposure in 1993. Then she began providing healing healthy solutions for a non-toxic environment.

Her website is full of all kinds of things that help control toxic chemicals in your home. And she has extensive knowledge about how to remove toxic chemicals. So, if you want to get the toxic chemicals out of your home and need to do things like remove the odor of carpets or remove perfumes or any of those things, Daliya has all these products that will do these things, and in some cases, products that I’ve never seen in any place of.

So everything she’s going to say to us today comes from a great amount of experience. And I’m very pleased that you’re on the show with me Daliya. Thank you for coming.

DALIYA ROBSON: Oh, I want to share. I’m 78 years of old and it’s 20 years of research. I don’t want to pass away without sharing what I know.

DEBRA: I understand.

DALIYA ROBSON: So, anybody who needs to call me, you don’t have to buy my stuff. If you want someone else to earn the money, I’ll give you a list of competitors. But call me if you need any advice.

And I’m referring not only to carpets and the things like vinyl curtains or the covers, the vinyl in the car or particle board in the closet or toxic insulation or moldy odors in the basement or any odor or even something from the clothes space. We’ve got solutions to it.

DEBRA: I would call Daliya about all these things because you really know more than anybody that I know of about odor, how to get rid of it.

DALIYA ROBSON: I mean, I had to survive. I had to go to Australia to see my mother and I said, “I don’t need a mask two inches by two. I need mask material 40 by 80 to cover me completely while those crazy people spray the airplanes with pesticide.


DALIYA ROBSON: So that’s how I came up with the carbon blankets and the carbon fabrics for protection, for self-protection, and mattress in cars and things.

I want to talk to you about carpet fumes.

DEBRA: Let’s talk about carpet fumes. I want you to talk about that. Can you tell us what’s toxic about carpets?

DALIYA ROBSON: Here’s the problem. Because of being chemically injured, I can hardly remember that there are about 30 chemicals, it’s on my website, and every year of course, they have other chemicals, newer ones. But the worst things are the Scotch guard, the fire retardant, and the pesticides to stop insects. And they do use recycled hazardous waste and re-do carpets with Styrene and SB backing and formaldehyde and vinyl acetate and a whole list of things.

I actually never remembered it. I have a list here I can read you, but that’s boring. You can get that list. The most important thing is what it does to you like itchiness, hair-loss, moodiness, flu-like symptoms, asthma, allergies, joint pains, tummy ache, memory loss, poor concentration, even seizures and twitching, and everything to do with the breathing, the skin, the eyes, and the brain.

And so, regular carpeting is dangerous, but they do make a very, very, very, cheap nylon carpet called…

DEBRA: Wait, wait! Hold on, hold on. We’ll talk about the solutions later. Let’s just talk about the dangers at the moment.

I’d like to say that, when I became very chemically sensitive like Daliya—we both have a similar story in that regard—the first thing I have to remove, I lived in a condo with my father, and the only room that I had any control over was my bedroom. The first thing that I removed is the carpet because it’s all over the floor. It’s giving off all these toxic fumes and until you remove a carpet or handled in some way—like Daliya is going to tell us about.

When I was going through this, I didn’t have Daliya on the other end of the phone—so what I did was I ripped off my carpet. That was the number one thing in order to remove toxic chemical s because you could do all kinds of little things to remove toxic chemicals. What you’ve got is a big source of toxic exposure in that wall-to-wall carpet, so I removed it.

And all I had underneath was a cement floor with paint speckles all over it, but it was worth it because I could actually breathe better. And I wasn’t really having breathing problems, but I didn’t understand. It was like I thought that I was doing okay except for I had headaches and I was depressed and all these things. But once I started removing the toxic chemicals, the symptoms that I knew that I had started going away

And over the years as I’ve done consulting for people, and they’ll have me come to their home and say, “Well, I don’t feel good. What do I need to do to take out of my home?” I always tell them, they have to do something about the carpet. Either remove it, or do one of the things to make it safer.

And I have even gotten down on my hands and knees and ripped carpets out of the houses of my clients to help them do that. And I remember this one woman, we just ripped it all out, put it all out on the front porch and went back in the house and she said, “Oh, my God! I feel completely different.”

So, I just want you all to understand the importance of wall-to-wall carpet as the major source of toxic exposure. Do you want to add anything to that?

DALIYA ROBSON: No. It’s true. But let’s say somebody just moved into a house for a year and they don’t have the permission to remove the carpet. If it’s the landlord, you can ask them to take it up and keep it for the next person, but they may not agree.

So then we have a shampoo and the sealants and Lock Out to seal everything. Now it’s called—the company that makes it is AFMSafecoat .com They have dealers everywhere, even Canada and Hawaii. If you forget this, call me. I sell it too, but if you happen to have a local store right next to you, you’ll save the shipping.

So they have a carpet shampoo and something called Carpet Guard and Lock Out that blocks the fume. Now, if you have about…

DEBRA: We need to take our commercial break, but we’ll talk more about this when we come back because I’ve used that product too.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd.


DEBRA: This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and we’re here with Daliya Robson from Nirvana Safe Haven.

Today, we’re talking about wall-to-wall carpets, what’s toxic about them, what you can do if you got one on the floor and we’ll also be talking about how to choose a safe carpet and other flooring.

So Daliya, we were talking about using the AFM products. I actually used them many years ago. These products have been around a long time. A lot of people have used them. I needed to rent an office and the only one I could find that I could afford and that’s nearby had a carpet, and I couldn’t be in there because of the carpet.

And so, before we moved anything in, I shampooed the rug and I used the AFM Carpet Guard and it made the difference between not being able to be in the room and being able to sit in that office all day long everyday and work. It really dramatically reduces the fumes and it works.

DALIYA ROBSON: It does work.

DEBRA: It does! And it’s not toxic enough and I was able to apply it myself.


Now, here’s a few other ideas. Let’s say you were only there for a short time and it’s a big place and you can’t afford it and it’s a year old, you can get something like Zeolite and put it over the carpet for 3 days and vacuum it. Now, this is only going to help about 15% to 20%. You want to do that 10 times, some people do. The thought of hiring a machine and spraying something frightens them, so they do Zeolite.

If you’re really in a bad situation like a hotel room, you can use baking soda. That lasts for about three days.

DEBRA: I’ve done that too. Yeah.

DALIYA ROBSON: You could cover the carpet out with baking soda and ask the hotel for some sheets to cover up the carpet. If you’re going to stay a long time in the hotel, I have carbon fabric that works better. So, you just cover everything out with carbon fabric. That’s a temporary thing, but while it’s on the ground, it’s absorbing the fumes. You can’t go shampooing and sealing up hotel rooms for two weeks.

DEBRA: No, you couldn’t. But if you had, let’s say a rental apartment – I stayed in a rental apartment for three months

DALIYA ROBSON: Three months is worth it.

DEBRA: Yeah. If somebody didn’t want to or couldn’t afford or couldn’t actually physically remove the carpet, could they just put down your carbon fabric on top of the carpet and walk on it and…

DALIYA ROBSON: They could. It’s not very comfortable. They can sit over it and stay there for three months. It depends how old the carpet is. If it’s a year old, Zeolite might be enough. If it’s very new and they have no option, the carbon is a good idea. But then, cover the carbon with some old sheet or something so you’ll remember not to trip up on it. And that could be good. You can use carbon to fix the other things afterwards. And also…

DEBRA: I’d like to clarify, before we go on, I would just like to clarify that you’ve been talking about applying Zeolite to the carpet. I want to make sure, people who are not familiar with Zeolite knows that this is a natural mineral. And it comes in a powdered form that can be used to absorb odors.

DALIYA ROBSON: The fluid that used there is used to detox the body.

DEBRA: Right. And I want to make sure people understand the difference, so that they don’t think we’re talking about buying liquid Zeolite to detox their carpet.


DEBRA: What you want is powdered Zeolite that is used to absorb odor.

DALIYA ROBSON: …or sand. It’s even less dusty, sand, like beach sand.

DEBRA: So you just put beach sand down and that will absorb it too?

DALIYA ROBSON: Yes, not completely, but good enough to make it tolerable if you’re in the hotel for a week or two.

DEBRA: Oh, good! These are all great suggestions. Go on.

DALIYA ROBSON: …and even baking soda will last for three days. You don’t want to kick baking soda up. Please put it down and put an old sheet if you’re in a hotel and tell them that when you leave they got to clean the carpet. That’s it.

DEBRA: Okay.

DALIYA ROBSON: If you buy carpets though, if you’re going to buy a chemical-free carpet, get the doctor to put in your medical file that absolutely no chemicals, toxins, or allergens in your house. And if the doctor doesn’t want to do it, tell them that you don’t want poisons in your house so, “Would you please put in my medical file that there should be absolutely no chemicals, toxins, allergens, in my home in food, air, water, carpet, beds, clothing, and start deducting most of this as a health expense.” And if anyone wants to know more details, they can call me.

The pure wool carpet that we have and also native carpet – there’s Earthweave and there’s Nature’s carpet from Canada. They are the only pure wool untreated carpet. Now, even Nature’s has got a dark green version, that’s the only one that’s really pure. The others are iffy, but they’re better than the regular one. And they cost double than what a regular carpet costs. It’s $5 a foot at least.

DEBRA: What about carpet pad?

DALIYA ROBSON: Well, we have the pure wool carpet pad from both companies, Nature’s Carpet and Earthweave. And it’s still only $1 a foot, $9 a square yard. So let’s say something cost you $7 a square foot and you deduct at least half of it as a health expense. Now, you don’t write pure wool carpet, you put non-toxic carpet. Because pure wool carpet in the store can be $75 or $85 a square yard.

So, you just say chemical-free, non-toxic carpet in your medical file. So if you’re ever audited, all your doctors are saying that you must not have chemicals, allergens, toxins in your house, your air, your water, your food, your clothes, your bed, to stop running up medical bills to the IRS.

There’s only one catch, you have to spend 7 ½% of your income. So, if you’re in a 300,000 bracket, you’re not going to reach $21,000 unless your house is chemical free, in which case, this information will do.

You would deduct the difference between a plastic particle board house and a non-toxic house. So that would work for people who are in the really high bracket if they’re rebuilding a new house.

DEBRA: But people in a low income bracket, they do not have to come up with that much money to have some…

DALIYA ROBSON: Well, no. If they’re low income, they’re not paying tax anyway.

DEBRA: Yeah.

DALIYA ROBSON: Or they’re paying 10%, but it’s still worthwhile because whatever you—if you’re buying organic food, you got $3000 to deduct right there.

DEBRA: Yeah.

DALIYA ROBSON: So, it’s worth keeping you’re receipts and it’s worth getting every doctor that you have to put in to your medical file. Because you never know when you have a flood and you have to replace pure wool, untreated chemical-free, moldly carpet.

DEBRA: That’s true.

Oh, we have to take another break and when we come back, we’ll continue talking about carpets with Daliya Robson from Nirvana Safe Haven. And her website is at

I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and you’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. I’m here with Daliya Robson from Nirvana Safe Haven.

We’ve been talking about wall-to-wall toxic carpets and what you can do about it. So, where were we, Daliya? We were talking about various things that you could do to improve the carpet.

DALIYA ROBSON: To make it safe. We talked about the pure wool Earthweave and the Nature’s carpet.

DEBRA: Before we go on, tell us more about those better carpets. What kind of things to look for. If somebody were shopping for a carpet, they don’t want to go for their just regular carpet warehouse.

DALIYA ROBSON: They won’t get in a regular carpet store because if they have untreated chemical-free, dye-free carpet, first of all, they have to explain why they’re carrying all the other toxic stuff. So if you find a place that is selling Earthweave or Nature’s carpet, the dark green version, it will be pure wool, untreated and un-dyed if it is Earthweave. Now, with Nature’s Carpet, they might use a dye but I’m not sure. I don’t think they even use a dye. They just blend different kinds of wool.

There’s pure wool and there’s jute and cotton backing and natural rubber to hold it at the back, very little of it.

DEBRA: Is there any odor to it?

DALIYA ROBSON: If you put it under your nose, you might smell the rubber, but if it’s on the ground, you’re fine. But people can get a sample on the site.

If somebody is so severely reactive and they can’t tolerate a wool pillow, they shouldn’t buy carpet. They should have a hardwood floor and wait till they’re healthier, or a cork floor.

DEBRA: Yeah.

DALIYA ROBSON: Now, if somebody’s already not that vulnerable, but they still want to be careful and they really can’t afford carpets. The cheapest, cheapest carpet is untreated nylon olefin. You make sure that there’s no Scotch Guard, no stain repellent, no fire repellant, no insect repellant.

And if it’s completely untreated, all they have to contend with is a slight rubber or the vinyl or the latex underneath. They can treat that with the product called Mystical before they lay it down, put it out on the sun and then put it down. That’s very cheap.

So if somebody needs to be somewhere for a year or two, they can use the AFM on it. They can just put it down with no padding. And just use the AFM product on it and that will be safe as well.

DEBRA: Where would somebody find an untreated nylon carpet?

DALIYA ROBSON: They have to look. I don’t know. I mean, I read about it.

My neighbor downstairs could hear me walking because I have a cork floor. So, in respect to her, I got some olefin—you know, the thing you walk on paths. It’s 2 ½ feet wide like the slip you use in the hall. I got some of those with horrendous smell, so I use the Mystical, which is a good product on my website. We probably can talk about that one day. I used Mystical on the back, put them out in the sun, then roll the carpet up in the Zeolite in a plastic bag and after few days, it’s fine. But really it would not have worked 20 years ago, but it’s okay now.

So it’s safe. If somebody’s just wanting to be careful, they can’t afford, they should look for something like that, all of it.

DEBRA: There really are different degrees of what’s appropriate for people at different levels of health. And I know that we hear a lot about people who are very chemical sensitive and they have their own needs like, as you just said, they might be too sensitive to be able to tolerate a carpet, whereas someone who’s healthier might want to have a carpet like the Earthweave because it’s not toxic.

DALIYA ROBSON: And they don’t want to get sick.

DEBRA: They don’t want to get sick. That’s exactly right! But I want people to know that they don’t have to be sick in order to do these things

DALIYA ROBSON: That’s true. I keep on forgetting that there are normal people who just don’t want to be sick.

DEBRA: And I think, the best health insurance is prevention. And people’s health costs are sky rocketing and we might as well just not get sick from toxic chemicals in the first place.

So, for somebody who doesn’t want to get sick, something like the Earthweave carpet or the nylon carpet would be fine if you want carpet. But for somebody who’s very sensitive, then you would need, perhaps not have carpet altogether.

I don’t have carpet myself and I haven’t for 30 years. Some people may have been told this story before. When I moved into my house in California when I was living out of the woods, there was an old avocado green shag carpet on the floor. The house has passed with pest inspection. Like you said, there are no problems with carpenter ants or termites or anything. And I took out that carpet to lay a hardwood floor. There were carpenter ants living under my carpet that the pest inspectors didn’t find.

And so, in addition to the toxic chemicals, I just think that carpets have issues with dust and molds and insects and all kinds of things like that. So, my very best recommendation is to have not carpet at all. But I really appreciate you selling the purest carpet that you can find and all of these fixes for carpets because there are people who do want to have carpet. I especially get women calling me saying, “My husband won’t let me pick up a carpet.”

DALIYA ROBSON: Debra, can I say something?

DEBRA: Sure.

DALIYA ROBSON: The wool carpet that doesn’t have dust mites, doesn’t have molds, doesn’t have odors can last for 50 years.

DEBRA: Wow! I didn’t know that.

DALIYA ROBSON: And it also absorbs odors and it breathes. But I don’t still recommend carpet. If you can live with hardwood floor or cork, you better off because you don’t have to vacuum.

DEBRA: Yeah. I agree.

DALIYA ROBSON: But the wool carpet doesn’t have molds, doesn’t have dust mites, doesn’t have chemicals — in fact, it does absorb chemicals – it will last more than 50 years. The only thing is if you spill food, and you go away for a 6-weeks holiday, you’ll have molds unless you leave the fan on, keep the carpet clean and leave the light on. You should when you leave your house anyway.

DEBRA: Yeah.

DALIYA ROBSON: So that’s the story about wool carpets. I just had to put that down.

DEBRA: I’m glad that you did because they actually are really beautiful. And there are areas of the country where people want to have wool carpets for warmth so I’m very happy to hear that that’s an option.

Here in Florida where I live, people actually lay ceramic tiles through the whole entire house just to keep cool. Carpets are not high in my list, but I know people do call me and say. “Is there a carpet that I can actually use?” so I’m very happy to hear your experience with it.

DALIYA ROBSON: Can I share with people that I’m available until about 2 p.m. Pacific Time if they ever want to ask me anything.

DEBRA: You certainly can. And is there anything else that you’d like to say? We have about three minutes left.

DALIYA ROBSON: Well, I’m at 1-800-968-9355. I’m always here till about 2 p.m. Pacific Time and I’m often here up to eight. And between two and eight, I’m in and out, and in and out, so I don’t like to promise to be here.

It’s just I do come in to get my emails and pick up messages, but I just want to make it clear that I’m here from 9 to 2 Pacific time and maybe from 8 to 10 Pacific time if people want to talk about anything at all. They’re welcome. They’re not obligated and I’ll be grateful to share.

DEBRA: Thank you so much and again, I appreciate all these decades of work that you’ve put in and I’m happy that you are here today so that you could share your knowledge with other.

DALIYA ROBSON: Can I tell you that your book saved my life when I first got sick?

DEBRA: Oh, please tell us about that.

DALIYA ROBSON: I don’t remember that name of it, but it was the first thing I bought and I did…

DEBRA: Non-toxic and Natural?

DALIYA ROBSON: Something like that. The first book, I’ve already given it to hundreds of other people. I sent them to get it. But I went according to every letter of the book, it was my bible and that helped me start getting better.

DEBRA: That is so amazing!

DALIYA ROBSON: So you are 10 years ahead of me so…

DEBRA: Well, I think that we’re still—both of us—ahead of the general population, but I think that they’re catching up because we hear more and more about toxic chemicals in the news now than we ever heard before and I think that people are starting to become aware that there’s a problem. But they’re not so aware that there’s a solution.

And so, that’s why it’s important for us to be speaking about that so that people know that nobody has to be sick from toxic chemical exposure. That was something that I recognized after I went through struggle and struggle and struggling to get well as I know that you did. And once I started getting well I realized, “Wait a minute, if I just had not get these toxic chemicals in the first place, I wouldn’t have gotten sick.” I didn’t want anyone else to have to go through that because it’s so preventable. You don’t have to do it.

DALIYA ROBSON: Thank you, Debra.

DEBRA: Thank you and I’m sure we’ll talk soon.

Daliya’s website again is, And my website is, and from that page there’s a menu across the top and you can get to other parts of my website where you can find non-toxic products and kinds of things.

This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd.

GMO-free Corn Syrup

Question from Carol

For Mother’s Day, my mother-in-law wants me to make a cake with a boiled chocolate icing. The icing recipe calls for Karo corn syrup. I’m concerned it might contain GMO corn. What can I substitute for Karo? Would honey work?


Debra’s Answer

Here’s a great article about corn syrup that tells when and why to use it and gives the one brand to use that is organic and non-GMO. Personally, I don’t make anything that requires corn syrup, but your Mother’s Day request sounds like a time even I might make an exception.

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Great Glass Water Bottles

My guest is Laurel Herter, architectural glass artist, principal of Laurel Herter Design and founder of BottlesUp Glass. When Laurel became concerned about the leaching of chemicals from plastic water bottles after being diagnosed with breast cancer, she brought her own experience as a glass artist to design a solution. We’ll be talking about the chemical contamination of water from bottles, why glass is the best choice, and why it was important to Laurel that her bottles not only be toxic-free and functional, but beautiful.




LH 400x400transcript

Great Glass Water Bottles

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Laurel Herter

Date of Broadcast: April 29, 2013

DEBRA: Hi. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world. There are lots of toxic chemicals out there, but we don’t have to get sick from them. We don’t have to have them in our homes or our bodies. That’s what we talk about here, how to do that.

It’s Monday, April 29th, 2013. I’m here in Clearwater, Florida. Today, we’re going to talk about water bottles, bottled water, pollutants in water and what you can do to always have clean water with you by having the proper kind of water bottle.

My guest today is Laurel Herter who has created the most beautiful water bottle I’ve ever seen. We’ll talk about that a little bit later.

But first, I want to tell you a story about something that happened to me over the weekend. Some friends invited me over to watch a video with them. It was a film called The Singing Revolution. And this inspired me so much. I want to tell you what happened.

All of these events that I’m about to tell you actually happened in my lifetime, but I didn’t know it at the time. I was so stunned to find out what I’m about to tell you.

If you’re near my age, you probably remember in the ’60s. There was a time when there was a Communist threat in America. I remember as a child, in school we all had to do air-raid drills in case the Communists attack.

In communist USSR, United Soviet – I forgot what it stands for. So United Soviet Socialist Republic, there –there is an area that is known as the Baltic state. And within the Baltic state is a country called Estonia. Estonia is a very small country, but part of its tradition was singing. Even though it’s such a small country, it has one of the largest collections of folk songs in the world.

Early in the 20th century, there were some conflicts where different countries were occupying Estonia. It went from being occupied by the Soviets to the Nazis, to the Soviets. There was a lot of destruction. In fact, Estonia has a whole history of being occupied by different countries.

This last time after World War II, they had been occupied by the USSR for 50 years. And they decided that they wanted their independence. What they did was they rediscovered their own music.

At the end of World War II, the Soviets went in and destroyed all the culture of Estonia and replaced it with Soviet culture. But inside the homes of Estonians, they were still singing their songs.

When they decided that they were going to – when things changed and there was [inaudible 00:04:16] and then they had free speech, they started not only talking, but singing.

When they decided that they wanted to declare their independence, they didn’t have any war or bloodshed. What they did was they found a legal loophole in which they could register themselves as citizens of their own independent country. And every adult in the country registered as a citizen of Estonia.

I’m making a very long story short. But there was a day when the Soviets sent in the tanks. They didn’t like this uprising about independence and freedom. They sent in the tanks. Estonian citizens walked up to the tanks in their street clothes with no guns. And they didn’t shoot.

That day, Estonia seceded from the union of the USSR. The following day, Russia, the entire country of Russia, seceded from the USSR. And the day after that, all the other countries seceded from the USSR. And there was no more USSR.

This big threat that I grew up with in my childhood just disappeared just like that. Well, not just like that, it took years, about a decade. But when it came down to it, it was people acting for their own independence, saying, “We’re going to assert ourselves as being a free people.” And by doing that, that idea was more powerful than guns and tanks.

I think that this moved me so much because what I’m working for on this show and in my work is freedom. It’s freedom from toxic chemicals.

That they were able to do this by asserting that they were free is something that I’m doing every day. There are some things that I’m encouraging all of you to do every day. Just make those choices to be free from exposure to toxic chemicals, to be free from having toxic chemicals in your body, to be free from having the negative health effects of toxic chemicals.

If a small country can bring down the USSR and make it dissolve without bloodshed, without war, we should be able to do the same thing with toxic chemicals. We should be able to have a toxic-free world.

Now, I’d like to introduce Laurel Herter, who is the founder of BottlesUp Glass and the principal of Laurel Herter Design in Bluffton, South Carolina.

I’m looking at the clock and I’m talking so much. There’s so much I want to say about Laurel. We probably won’t hear from here until after the break. But I want to tell you another story just because this is so special.

Laurel’s bottles are just so beautiful. I’m hoping that you all will go to her website and see her bottles at

The second that I saw them – I don’t really remember where I saw them – I wanted one. And I wrote about them on Debra’s List.

Unbeknownst to her, world didn’t know that I had done this. But on April 1st, she wrote to me and she said, “I’d like to introduce you to my bottles.” Somebody had told her that she must get in touch with me.

And then on the 15th of April, two weeks later. And I never received that e-mail. On the 15th, two weeks later, I just happened to be in Bluffton, South Carolina.

I had no plans to go there. I’ve lived in Florida. But we were just driving by and I said, “Let’s go to Bluffton.” The very first store that I went into – her bottles were sitting on the shelf.

There’s just – we talked. We finally connected. When I invited her to be on our radio show, we figured out what had happened.

So Laurel, I know you’re there. We say hello to you before the break.


DEBRA: Hi. So we have a couple of minutes. Why don’t you just tell us a little bit about how you became interested in toxic chemicals in glass bottles, in plastic bottles?

LAUREL HERTER: I had worked for an environmental consulting company for about six years in the middle of my glass career. I’ve been doing glass, all kinds of art glass for the past 30 years ever since I’ve graduated from college.

And I just really paid attention to environmental issues and had grown up in a family that was very conscious of our wonderful planet and taking care of our environment.

And in 2007, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I just couldn’t believe it of course, but nobody can. And it really set me to wondering. What have I done wrong? At what point did this happen to me? How could I have prevented it? What can I change in my everyday life?

I had eaten very well. I had taken good care of myself. But in my business, there are lots of chemicals and solvents. There’s lead. There are other all kinds of petroleum-based chemicals.

I had been pretty careful, but I guess not careful enough because I really do believe that this was an environmental…

DEBRA: I have to interrupt you because it’s time for the station break. But we’ll continue your story when we come back.

I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio.



DEBRA: We’re back. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. I’m here with Laurel Herter, glass artist, principal of Laurel Herter Design and founder of BottlesUp Glass in Bluffton, South Carolina.

So Laurel, continue on with your story.

LAUREL HERTER: After that, I just started looking at what was around me, what could I have done, what had I been eating, what I had been exposed to. Like I said, there were lots of chemicals and solvents.

I thought I’ll be taking this one step at a time. I worked with a nutritionist and I went to the best cancer center. I had an actually pretty enlightening experience through it all. I’m now six years clean from breast cancer.

DEBRA: How many years?


I worked with a nutritionist who didn’t really impart much more than “Watch out for what you’re eating and what you’re exposed to.” Since then at first, I’ve been careful to not be around chemicals that I had been and solvents. And then, I don’t do any of my own stained glass thing anymore.

But I was standing in my studio, in my glass studio, the wonderful pure clarity of glass. I was standing there with a plastic water bottle and realized that, “Well, this is one thing I can start with.”

I live in the south, and the water gets real hot in plastic bottles. And you keep hearing about BPAs and PVCs being leached into your water from plastic water bottles. This was five or six years ago.

I immediately said, “At least, I can drink out of mason jars.” So I drank out of mason jars for quite a while. I took many, many less boxes out to the recycling bin because I have been diligently buying bottled water. And I’m thinking that my tap water was bad.

I started with drinking from mason jars. And then I just started drawing some designs for a water bottle that would be better, easier to drink out of the exterior thread on a mason jar so that you can withdraw with it.

I knew that I wanted a wide mouth that I could put ice in and that you could clean. I also wanted to do something beautiful like the art glass that I had been designing for so long.

After drawing these designs, I then had molds made up in Seattle, wooden molds for a glass store here in Savannah, to do some preliminary bottles with. We went over there and spent weeks doing that.

We just couldn’t get it consistent inside diameter. We knew that they were going to be very expensive. But my idea here was that this is the art glass bottle. This isn’t just an alternative to plastic bottles.

This is the combination of my craft that I had been honing for so long. And this is the combination with good environmental sensibility and a wonderful aesthetic.

So I had the samples made and they just weren’t quite right. They weren’t consistent and they were wildly expensive.

I started working for a solo in Mexico where I was advising on a construction project and doing some stained glass down there.

Every time that I was coming to town, I would drive by this large glass blowing company. I knew that they supply the glass drinking, the glasses and Margarita glasses and shot glasses for Pier 1 Imports.

They had maybe 300 employees. I thought, “Maybe they can do something that’s a little bit more of a production item than fully hand-blown.”

So I went to see them and I dragged in my wooden molds. They humored me. I made some more samples and realized that they too were having the same problem. We couldn’t get a consistent inside diameter.

They referred to a company in Mexico City that has their own curbside recycling program. They use 75% recycled glass. And it turns out to be the same glass that we use in our bottles now as Don Julio Tequila and the Patrón Tequila.

It’s a beautiful hammered texture that looks like hand-blown. But it has all the technical parameters that we needed to be able to make the closure that was seal-tight.

We also had a commitment to not wanting to use any plastic at all in our products or packaging, which turned out to be a really tall order.

We looked at food grade silicone. And we looked and looked and looked. It was very hard to find a silicone manufacturer.

We wanted everything to be made in the United States, but the glass is impossible. We knew that because it’s only the large glass companies and fully automated companies that are able to make a consistent inside diameters to the bottles.

So we knew that we had the good thing going with the company in Mexico. And we started doing prototypes with a company out of Maine who makes a wonderful – they do a lot of scuba diving equipment and hospital grade silicone for medical use.

I went up there and talked to the fellow. He was intrigued by the idea.

And I worked with I think three different industrial designers to get the cap to fit just right on the bottles. We finally came up with eight different colors of food grade silicone and gripper rings around the outside that are interchangeable for identification and just for fun.

DEBRA: It’s such a beautiful bottle. Could you just talk to us for a minute about – we really have a minute until the next station break. Could you talk to us a little bit about silicone?

I know a lot of people are just unsure about it. It sounds like that you have some experience with it. So could you just tell us how toxic or non-toxic? I don’t have any problem with the silicone rings and the top on your bottle.

Could you just tell us what you know?

LAUREL HERTER: What I do know is food grade silicone is one of the cleanest of the – it does have plasticizers in it, but it is about as pure as we can get for any kind of closure that we could be using for a re-sealable bottle.

It’s not a petroleum-based product. A silicone is made from sand, the silicones.

It is even used in medical inserts. People get the silicone in their bodies, and it is all throughout the medical industry.

It can be heated to very hot temperatures. You can bake with it in the oven. So that’s made so that we’re able to use it over and over again in the dishwasher. And it doesn’t change color or stretch or change at all.

DEBRA: Good. We need to make another commercial break. When we come back, we’ll have more with Laurel Herter about water, water bottles and beauty.


DEBRA: We’re back on Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Laurel Herter, founder of BottlesUp Glass and designer of the most beautiful water bottles I’ve ever seen.

Laurel, I want to make sure that we get in this question. Why is beauty important to you in this bottle?

You could have just made – I have so many glass bottles. They’re all pretty utilitarian, except for my favorite – my second favorite now because here is my favorite.

My second favorite until I saw you was just a regular glass bottle, but it had stars etched in the glass all over it. And I would drink my water out of those above all.

What I noticed about your bottle is that it has a quality to it that goes beyond utilitarian function that I actually experienced the beauty and the art of it. It enhances my experience of drinking the water.

It feels good in my hands. The bottle feels like it just belongs there.

The opening – it’s a wide-mouth bottle. Like you said earlier, you can put ice into it. It’s easy to drink out of.

It just overall is an aesthetic function – aesthetic and functional experience.

What was that – William Morris said something about that quote, “If it’s going to be functional, it should be beautiful” or something like that. I should look that up so I know what it is.

So tell us your thoughts about why it was important to you to make those a piece of art.

LAUREL HERTER: The idea of form-following function or function-following form has always been an age-old question. And it’s something that in our school, we discuss ad nauseam.

My mom is at 97 and still an incredible painter and fine artist. Then my father is – they were both naturalists. We’re outside all this time.

We had an appreciation for the natural world around us. In my career, that’s really what my focus has been, just making beautiful objects.

So much of the time, they do several functions. They are architectural. Everything I make. My mission to do was built into buildings. They serve no other function than that.

One of the things that appeals me about doing this is that it serves a utility. It was better for the environment than a plastic water bottle that I could use.

I saw it as a real challenge. I saw my health crisis as something right. A lot was almost revealed to me about how I can make this a beautiful thing and a beautiful alternative to the 38 billion plastic water bottles that were going into our landfills every year.

Maybe it helps to impart not only a sense of environmental stewardship, but to hone their own aesthetic and to see that this is a more beautiful bottle.

I also have a real commitment to glass and to just the beauty and sparkle of glass. And the glass packaging, it has a great slogan of “Glass is nothing.”

That’s part of what we see. Everyone else who is making a glass water bottle, they need to cover it because they’re using [inaudible 00:30:14] just utilitarian glass. It just serves the function of getting away from plastic.

But I wanted this to be beautiful. I wanted this to stand alone. We do have carrying bags, but certainly not bags that you want to leave on the bottom. This is something that you want to have next to your bed or in your office or in your car.

So it’s the statement that you have aesthetic awareness, as well as an environmental awareness.

DEBRA: One of the things that’s important to me – by the way, the quote from William Morris is, “Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” This bottle is both.

One of the things that has been important to me as a human being over the years is that many years ago when I first discovered that toxic chemicals were making my body sick, my only concern was to be in an environment that didn’t make me sick. Aesthetics just went out the window.

But as I was able to start to piece together a non-toxic life, what came back to me was that life is more than simply avoiding chemicals. I had gotten to a point where that was all my life was about. But now, it’s about having a life that’s free from exposure to toxic chemicals.

So I’ve been an artist in one kind or another all my life. I was a professional musician. And I keep up with my music now and my writing. And my house is an aesthetically pleasing place to be.

So it’s not just about a world with toxic chemicals and a world without toxic chemicals. The world without toxic chemicals has so many wonderful things in it that are enjoyable and soulful and healing in their own right because of their beauty.

I just really want to thank you for having all of these elements together in a truly unique piece.

I want to also make sure that we talk a little bit about why people should be carrying their own water, making their own water and having their own water bottles.

Do you want to tell us something about some of the, first of all, water pollutants that we need to be not drinking tap water and then pollutants in bottles that lead us to have glass being a better choice?

LAUREL HERTER: It’s too bad that you have to list them in orders of priority. But truly, bottled water I think is much more of a threat to our physical health and the environment than tap water is.

Tap water is regulated by the EPA much more strictly than the FDA regulates bottled water. One third of the bottled water that we buy in these terrible plastic water bottles that are very, very and frequently recycled is just tap water. Bottled waters are 2000 times more than tap water.

I think the horrible thing here really is the plastic water bottles, not only now they can be recycled – I think the only 20% or at the most, 30% of all the 38 billion single-used plastic water bottles are actually recycled.

It’s just the time it takes, the space it takes. To learn to filter our tap water, to learn what’s in our tap water, to learn what the actual source of our tap water is, is a really important responsibility that we all have.

A lot of us don’t even know where our city water comes from. So much of it is just fine. If you don’t like it or you don’t like the taste of it, leaving it in the refrigerator overnight where the chlorine is dissipated or using charcoal filters such as Kishu is wonderful.

Charcoal filters that we’re now selling through a woman in Denver, who is importing from Japan. It’s almost carbonized charcoal that absorbs most of the chemicals that you would find in any tap water.

So I really think that tap water really isn’t the problem. The plastic water bottles are the worst.

DEBRA: Okay, I hear you.

LAUREL HERTER: It’s too bad that we have to list them, that we have to number it that way. It’s not all just pure and clean water.

DEBRA: We’re going to take a break now. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. We’ll be back in a moment.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. We’re here talking about water and water bottles with Laurel Herter of

We’re getting to the end of our hour, Laurel. I wanted to – I just, during the break, went to your website. I was looking at your Kishu charcoal, which looks like a very interesting product.

I just want to make sure that I understand and our listeners understand what it will remove and what it won’t remove. Water is pretty complex. So could you address that a little bit more?

LAUREL HERTER: I don’t have a label in front of me. It does say it on my website and on her website, which is

It doesn’t of course remove heavy metals, but it does remove tastes. I wish I had the list from…

DEBRA: Yeah, I would think that it would remove chlorine and various other things that are absorbed by charcoal. This looks like a really, really good charcoal.

I’m seeing on your site that it’s made from special oak trees that are sustainably harvested then slowly fired in traditional kiln ovens over many days. And it’s very simple because you just place the charcoal in the bottle, and it starts absorbing impurities and pouring healthy minerals like calcium and potassium. That’s what it says.

LAUREL HERTER: It looks like just a stick. It’s a beautiful stick that, after six months, can be used as an air freshener either in your refrigerator, your shoes. Or it’s often used in Japanese flower arranging as a Feng shui to clear the energy in the room and keeping it clean.

DEBRA: I think that probably in Japan, when people started using this, it probably handled whatever impurities were in the water.

But I’m thinking it probably doesn’t remove things like fluoride or radiation or things like that.

LAUREL HERTER: No, it does remove lead, mercury, copper, cadmium, chlorine, and it really does make the water taste sweeter.

I would recommend it for something out of a stream in Bangladesh or something or someplace where…

DEBRA: My point being not to put down your filter because I’m sure it works very well for what it does. And it’s certainly very beautiful and natural and in line with your bottle.

I just want to make sure that – because our water pollution is so complex – those listening understand that it’s really important to know what is in your tap water, perhaps even have it tested so that you use the appropriate device to remove whatever pollutants you want to remove. This is where the pollutants need to be matched with the filter pretty correctly.

I just don’t want people to think that there’s one filter that can just remove everything. It needs to be pretty matched well. But I’m sure that it makes the water taste much sweeter.

LAUREL HERTER: It is much like so many of our filtration systems that we use, like a Brita filter. I’m pretty sure it’s the exact same stuff that’s just in a different form and it doesn’t come in a plastic package.

It doesn’t say toxic chemicals are out of your tap water. It’s pretty darn good for tap water.

DEBRA: Yes. I think that it does what it does, I think, very well.

It’s just that I want people to understand that if you really have seriously polluted tap water, you need to have a match for that. Yeah.

So we just have a few minutes left now. Is there anything else that you want to say that you haven’t yet said?

LAUREL HERTER: One of the things too that we’re going to be offering in the future, we’re researching more different filtration systems because we really believe the water that we need and can make great use of is all around us.

There are some amazing filters that are coming out now anywhere from a five dollar very simple stick of carbonized charcoal to some ultraviolet filters that are in hundreds of dollars. We’re looking into those and are going to be offering those on our website as time goes on and as we personally look into what their qualities are.

DEBRA: Yes. I think that you’re – I’m totally in agreement with what you’re doing. I think that every person needs to filter and take responsibility for and carry their own water with them.

I’ve been looking at water filters for 30 years. I’ve had several different kinds myself. Yes, I’m just studious about this at home. When I’m away, I haven’t always – I don’t drink tap water in a restaurant or something like that.

And refilling, I’ve just gotten to this point where I just don’t want to do that and that I’m much more willing to carry my water with me now. I go to a restaurant and look at that glass sitting there, and I don’t want to put it to my lips.

And I’m starting to carry your bottle into the restaurant.

LAUREL HERTER: Now, we have some bags. We’re planning on having lots of more choices of bags for exactly that because we have several friends here in Bluffton who have gotten used to using the bottles. They’re even using them on their road bikes.

We laugh that these bottles are sturdy. They’re really heavy like an old coke bottle and purposely so that they really can withstand the everyday stumble.

We get wonderful testimonials from people. “They rolled off the back of my car, under the pavement and it didn’t break.”

It can break. I’m not saying it won’t, but people just – you would have to make a change. You get used to it. And we have friends who are using them on their road bikes where the bottle weighs almost as much as their [inaudible 00:45:31].

DEBRA: Having you found that once you become aware of toxic issues and how much harm they can cause your body and how much better you can feel and how much more healthy you can be by taking these simple steps, doesn’t it make you feel like – obviously not only did you want to do them for yourselves or it made you go through everything that you did to design a whole product that goes into this category.

There’s an inspiration to actually do it when you see the benefits to compare.

LAUREL HERTER: It really was an inspiration. I felt like I was being groomed to come up with this idea that was then really just revealed to me. “I’ve got glasses. We’re talking about chemicals and I have a wonderful environmentalist background.” There it all is. I’m hoping to bring it together with the combination of form-following function and function-following form that they can really work together with a great aesthetic.

DEBRA: That’s really great. Really great. I’m so happy that you are with us today. Thank you for coming.

LAUREL HERTER: Thank you. It’s a wonderful coincidence that we met up.

DEBRA: I just want to give Laurel’s website again. It’s

LAUREL HERTER: No, it’s actually

DEBRA: She has this beautiful glass. And then there are these rings that go around.

You can choose your color in little bottles, in little filters. And you’ll just be off set to walk into any restaurant of any kind. You’ll just be as elegant or as casual as you need to be.

It’s heavy, but not too heavy. And it’s just an all-around, wonderful product.

Thank you very much, Laurel.

LAUREL HERTER: Thank you. I appreciate it.

DEBRA: Just to close, I just want to remind you of the resources that are available at my website. You can go to Across the top of that page, there’s a menu.

One of the things that’s available to you is my Q&A, which is totally free where you can post a question. I and my readers will give you answers about how to live without toxic chemicals from our own experiences.

I have more than 3000 questions posted there. More than 12,000 answers. And then if that isn’t enough, you can go over to Debra’s List, which is a directory of more than 500 websites that sell non-toxic products. is on that list and as are many other non-toxic products.

If you have a personal question that you don’t want to ask in public or it’s a very specific thing you need help finding a specific problem or solving a specific toxic problem or looking for a product or trying to understand what it says on the material that you see in a few data sheets or any of those things, you can always call me up. Do a personal paid consultation with me. I’m available to answer your questions.

If you haven’t read my book Toxic Free yet, that’s a really good place to start because it explains what the problem is about toxics in consumer products and how they affect our health.

It gives you 50 suggestions of things that you can do to remove toxic products from your home and what to replace them with. It tells you how to remove toxic chemicals from your body. It tells you what kind of nutrition you need to help your body heal from our toxic exposures.

And on Fridays, you can call this show. It’s an open phone, so you can ask your questions.

That’s all for today. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio.

Anti-Spot Treatment for Bath Fixtures?

Question from Debbie

I love your website and have turned to it often to help me survive this MCS.

I am having a new shower installed with polished chrome trim (where the water turns on and off), shower doors, and tile. I was told that if I put car wax on the polished chrome and the shower doors that it will not turn spotty with our hard water and will be easy to clean. Do you know of any kind of wax or something else that I could use for this application?

Thank you very much,


Debra’s Answer

I don’t know of anything. Sounds like you are aware to not use the car wax. Readers, any suggestions?

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The Petition Asking Top Ten Retailers to Stop Selling Products That Contain the "Hazardous 100" Chemicals

The man who started this campaign—Andy Igrejas, National Campaign Director for Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families—joins me to discuss their “Mind the Store” campaign. We’ll talk about the campaign, the results so far, why each of us as citizens and consumers need to be involved in changing what’s on the shelf in stores, and what we can do. As consumers we have power. Stores sell what we want to buy. We need to let them know we don’t want toxics.





The Petition Asking Top 10 Retailers to Stop Selling Products That Contain the “Hazardous 100” Chemicals

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Andy Igrejas

Date of Broadcast: April 25, 2013

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world. Even though there’s toxic chemicals all around, we can still be healthy, happy, productive and make the world a better place.

This is Thursday, April 25th 2013. And I’m here in Clearwater, Florida. Today, we’re going to talk about the Mind the Store Campaign that’s being done by Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families. And they’re asking the top 10 retailers to remove from their shelves products, all products, that contain one or more of a list of a hundred hazardous chemicals.

My guest today will be Andy Igrejas. He’s the national campaign director for Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families. And he’s running this campaign.

But before I introduce Andy, I want to tell you something that happened to me yesterday. I want to talk to you about choice—which has everything to do with what we’re talking about today and everything to do with toxic chemicals.

Yesterday, I received in the mail a letter telling me that I was part of a class action suit for a product that I had purchased during a certain time period which was found to be defective. And since I was one of the people who had purchased it, and my name was on a list of having purchased it, that I was now one of the people that was part of the class action suit.

And what was disturbing to me was that they didn’t write to me and say that there’s a class action suit, “Do you want to be part of it?” They wrote to me and said, “There’s a class action suit, and you’ve been named. And if you want to opt out of it, you can.” I read it, and I found that there was no financial compensation, that what I would get is this product again. And there was $830,000 of legal fees. And I wondered, “Well, if I’m somebody who would benefit from this, am I responsible for my portion of the $830,000 of legal fees?” I got about that far, and I decided I didn’t want to have any part of this. And so, I filled out that form.

Now, what it took for me to opt out of something that I never agreed to be part of in the first place was that I had to fill up the form, I had to copy it front and back—and I felt like I needed to make a two-sided copy so the second page where all the signature was would not get lost—and then, I had to address three envelopes, send it to three different attorney’s offices, all to say no to something that I didn’t agree to in the first place.

Now, this is also a tactic that’s used often where they say in some advertising, “Well, here, try this free for 30 days. We won’t charge your card until day 31, but you have to opt out.” And of course, if you forget to opt out, then your card gets charged, et cetera, et cetera.

So, what I would like to see is I would like to see that we all have a choice to opt in instead of being required to opt out. And it’s the same thing with toxics.

We live in a world where the default is to be exposed to toxic chemicals, yet there’s no form that I can fill out that says, “I’m opting out of this toxic world. I want to live in the clean, safe, healthy world.”

And what we need to do is be creating that world. We can create it within our home to a very large degree enough that we can restore our health. But there’s other things that we need to do for us to be opting in to a safe world. We need to be creating that world because, at the moment, it doesn’t exist.

So, this is one of the reasons why I wanted to have Andy on today so that we can talk about something that we all can do to make a difference to get retailers to pay more attention to the kinds of products that are being sold in mass market stores.

Andy, welcome to Toxic Free Talk Radio!

Andy Igrejas: Well, thank you very much for having me here. I appreciate it.

DEBRA: Thanks for being here. Let me just tell my audience something about you. You’re the national campaign director for Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families. And prior to that, you headed the Environmental Health Program at the National Environmental Trust for seven years. And you’ve helped chemical policy reform on the national agenda through work on the Kids Safe Chemical Act. And you’ve also worked on Chemical Security Right to Know Food Safety California initiatives and a list of a whole lot of things that are way too long. But I think everybody gets the idea that you have a lot of background and you’ve done a lot on the level of legislation and organizations to be working on that other retail and regulatory part (where I’ve been working for the past 30 years on helping consumers navigate the non-toxics from the toxic stuff when they’re making consumer product choices).

It’s become really clear to me recently that I think it’s just a new level of awareness on my part of the necessity of changing regulations and getting retailers to do a different thing. So that’s why I’m having you here today, because I want all my listeners to understand the importance of this as well.

But first, tell us how you personally became interested in working in this field.

Andy Igrejas: Well, that’s interesting. I haven’t been asked that in a while. I’ve always been interested in these issues and maybe it does get back to that agenda. I grew up in a very industrial neighborhood [unclear 06:24]. I really grew up right underneath Exit 148 […]

DEBRA: Mm-hmmm…

Andy Igrejas: There are a bunch of factories there. There was a tube plant, […], packaging plant, a pharmaceutical plant all humming with people. All of them has since closed. They’ve just gone to other things because you can make the same stuff more cheaply in developing countries unfortunately and not abide by the rules and regulations and pay people peanuts. I grew up there. And so I’ve always had an interest in the human health impacts of environmental issues.

I started a club in my high school to work to publicize the dangers of the incinerators that was planned for the nearby city of Newark. And when I dug into that as far back as high school, we found that, well, what makes the incinerator ash toxic. And it’s that there are toxic chemicals used in the packaging basically the products that people send to the incinerator. You release some of these chemicals when you burn them. And in other cases, you actually create compounds called combustion byproducts.

And that started for me my interest in “Gee, isn’t there”—part of the problem is what are these chemicals in the first place, what are things made of in the first place. And at different times, at different points in my career, I’ve worked on trying to move the concern from just the air and the water up to a more fundamental level of what do we make things from and how can we switch those things from being toxic things to being safer and healthier things.

DEBRA: Yes, that’s been my interest too from not as young an age as you. But when I was in my early 20’s, I became very ill from exposure to toxic chemicals in ordinary consumer products in my home. And my first question was: “Well, what are these chemicals? I have never had any attention on them at all.” And suddenly, I was wanting to know “Well, what’s in the toothpaste? What’s in the hair spray? What’s in the perfume? And how come they’re toxic? And how come they’re making me sick? And where can I find a product that doesn’t have this in it?”

And those questions where—I mean I couldn’t just go down to Wal-Mart, for example, and buy the non-toxic perfume. And this is what we’re dealing with in the world today—as I’ve said earlier in the show, choices. How do we have those choices? How do we know those choices?

So, now you’re with Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families. Tell me about that organization.

Andy Igrejas: Sure! Well, we organized this a few years ago because we felt that there was a need to have a campaign from all the different groups who worked on this from different angles. Together, we were really trying to put chemical reform on the national agenda. And it required big, national environment groups working closely with the community-based groups, working closely with health organizations that don’t have an environmental focus, that are just focused on individual diseases like autism and breast cancer and other things and working with health professionals.

So that’s what Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families is. It’s a coalition that came together to advocate for reforming the federal system so that it addresses these issues.

DEBRA: And we need to take a commercial break. I need to stop you because we need to go to break. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio with Debra Lynn Dadd.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And we’re here with Andy Igrejas. Did I say that right?

Andy Igrejas: Igrejas is fine.

DEBRA: Igrejas. He’s a national campaign director for Safer Chemical, Healthy Families. And we’re talking about their Mind the Store campaign.

I interrupted you as we went to the commercial break. Was there more you wanted to say about your coalition, Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families?

Andy Igrejas: No, that’s fine. Just that this coalition is environmental and health groups. Health professionals and businesses came together and demand comprehensive overhaul for chemical policies so that we are ensuring that the products that end up on the shelves and that we take into our homes contain chemicals that have really been assessed for their safety and they’re being used safely and using the latest scientific recommendations that have been proposed the American Academy of Pediatrics, […]

There’s legislation to do that, the Safe Chemicals Act. And we’re fighting hard for that.

But at the same time, the chemical industry has really mastered the art of promoting gridlock in Washington, powerful companies. Exxon Mobile, a lot of people think of it as an oil company only, but it’s also one of the top two chemical producers in the country. Dow Chemical Dupont, they’ve really banded to block the reform.

And so, in the meantime, we created this Mind the Store campaign—people can see it at sort of our world’s colliding, you and me—to try and take the power that consumers can have to make better decisions about the chemicals in there that are in the products we’re buying and to increase the power of that by focusing on the retailers.

It’s very hard for the average person to keep track of so many chemicals. But the retailers can! And so we’re asking let’s ask them to take a bigger bite out of this problem and promote broader health and safety goals than just BPA In baby bottles or phthalates in nail polish.

DEBRA: Consumers, I just want to underscore what you’ve just said about the power of consumers. Consumers have so much power. We don’t even know how much power we have. What stores wants to sell, what ends up on the shelf is what you are buying. And so whatever it is that we say that we want via our dollars, how we spend our dollars is what is going to end up on the shelf.

If we were to all say that we were not going to buy any toxic chemicals for a week, say—well, I don’t ever buy them. But if we could get enough people together so that Wal-Mart or Target or any of these stores were to have no sales of toxic chemicals for a week, that would make a big impression on them. And they would say—

I mean, we already see Wal-Mart is already having some less toxic products. Target is having less toxic products. In fact, if you go to, one of the things that they have is a list of the top 10 retailers in it. They tell you what these retailers have already done or haven’t done.

And so, over a 30 year period, I see that there has been a change. I see that there’s more and more non-toxic products as when there were 30 years ago, more choices for us. It’s not a shortage of products. It’s a shortage of awareness and commitment and of course having the opposition of the chemical companies that don’t want to give up their chemical production.

But we have the upper hand, we really do. And so if we can’t get the legislation pass because of what the chemicals are doing, we can’t get things changed in the stores by the choices that we make.

So, go on about your campaign.

Andy Igrejas: No, that’s exactly right. And I think it’s hard. The awareness of this issue for your activism and people like you around the country has increased, and it really has changed the marketplace. And in some places, it’s changed it fairly decisively. The markets for certain products, certain chemicals, have dried up fairly quickly.

The chemical industry fears that because you can buy off congressmen basically, but you can’t buy off everybody.

DEBRA: Yeah, yeah.

Andy Igrejas: That costs too much money. And people, when it comes to sticking up for their own health, people don’t see these trade-offs between—most people don’t believe, and they’re right enough to believe it, that not having toxic chemicals means that we won’t have products, that things will grind to a halt.

At the same time, it’s hard to just use your individual purchasing power because a lot of the toxic chemical that are in things that they don’t associate with chemicals. It’s not just the cleaners and the perfumes. It’s the flame retardants that are in the polyurethane foam in your coach.

I’ve been working on these issues for a while. And I have to admit, when the flame retardant thing really started breaking, I realized, “Hey, I have one of these pillows. I’ve been sleeping on this thing that I thought was cool and modern Swedish foam pillow that fits my neck.” And it had this weird smell I remember when I got it. I was like, “Man, I’ve been working on this for a while. And I was bringing a flame retardant-laden pillow after doing this stuff during the day.”

So, we created this campaign to say—I also think people will look after their own families. But I think most people, good people, get the bigger picture and recognize that we need to take care of each other. And it shouldn’t just be “Well, I can afford it, I can go to the healthy products in aisle five. But some other poor slob can get the cheapest thing in aisle two.”

I think we recognize it, especially for some of the most dangerous chemicals we’ve known about for a long time. Nobody really should be exposed to them. And we should be driving it out of the marketplace.

DEBRA: I agree, we should.

Andy Igrejas: So, this is an attempt to do that. It’s to give you some tools by focusing on your retailers—and you can do it by email, you can do it when you go into the store and ask them what are they doing about this bigger list, this list of the Hazardous 100 we’re calling it. Ask the retailers.

I appreciate what you said about the website. We try to give them credit. Many of them have taken steps to address these things. But they’ve sort of done it after things have been in the press for a while, et cetera. And this says, “Well, what if we address a bigger group of chemicals and all the retailers do it at the same time? They could really make a very big difference.”

And they do care about what their customers are asking them to do.

So, we hope that it’s a way for people to not just look out for yourself by not buying this or that, but also to take a bigger action, help by focusing on the retailers that will protect broader groups of people from more chemicals.

DEBRA: Very good. So when we come back from the break, I’m going to ask you some questions about this list of the Hazardous 100 chemicals and how—well, I’ll wait and ask you the question when we come back.

I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And you’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And I’m here with Andy Igrejas from Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families. And we’re talking about the Mind the Store campaign in which they’re asking the top 10 retailers to remove products from their shelves that contain some of a list of 100+ hazardous chemicals.

So Andy, let’s talk about these 100+ hazardous chemicals. Here’s my question. I’ve been looking at products for more than 30 years as you have. And the biggest problem that I have is disclosure. I can look at a label. And if they give me the names of the chemicals, I can look up those chemicals.

I used to look them up in a chemical dictionary and toxicology books. But now, you can just look them up online. You could type in “formaldehyde” and “BPA” and find out what the health effects are.

And yet, because of regulations, and because of trade secrets, and all kinds of other reasons, there can be toxic chemicals in products that are never going on the label. You can find them out in ways by looking at trade journals and things like that (which I’ve been doing all this time). But there are so many differences between formulas and materials that are used. And the labels are not accurate.

So, if I were a retailer, I could say, “Okay, I’m totally in agreement with you with your Mind the Store program. Let’s just get rid of the Hazardous 100 chemicals. How am I going to do that?”

Andy Igrejas: They have some experience with this already. So, Wal-Mart, when it first started getting involved in this issue, and I’ve talked with them—some directly, and then their colleagues have dealt with that more. And then there are some things they talk about freely and others I think that they’re proprietary about. They’re motivated partly to get in front of consumer preferences so they didn’t have another thing like they had with those BPA baby bottles where the market evaporated for it, and they had already bought next year’s baby bottles. They also had, from my understanding, some environmental compliance issues where, believe it or not, they were—and this makes sense as a bunch of your listeners do. They would get rid of some inventory as solid wastes. And some of it turned out to actually classify as toxic waste because of chemicals in it. And it made them think, “My God! How does this work? Who’s minding the store?” And they realized that they had to.

So, in terms of how they would do this, they’ve shown that, especially with the market power they have, but I think also for the other people on this list, they can actually say to their suppliers, “Hey, we need to know if you’re using any of these chemicals.”

And it’s a bulletin they can send out to all their suppliers, “Do any of the products that we buy from you have this list of chemicals? We need to know. And if they do, we’re going to ask you to stop using them by this date or we won’t want to sell your product.”

And they have done that kind of thing. A couple of years, it became publicized. They sent a note to their suppliers about a number of different flame retardant chemicals. And it leaked to the press. But it was basically issued in December and said, “By June, we don’t want any product that contains these chemicals in it.”

DEBRA: I love that that’s been happening at Wal-Mart. I know people who work at Wal-Mart, so I know that that’s been happening. Kudos to Wal-Mart for doing that.

But on the consumer end, when I walk into my Wal-Mart store—which is not that often, but I do occasionally go to Wal-Mart.

And if I do, I’m looking to see where are the non-toxic products and how would I know that?

And as a consumer…

Andy Igrejas: You wouldn’t.

DEBRA: I mean there’s no label on it that says “Wal-Mart has determined that these chemicals are not in here.”

I’m trying to see the connection between how we can—like you have a coalition of different organizations and interest groups and bringing them altogether around legislation. This is so interesting to me that you’re doing this because I really see that, in order for this really to change, there needs to be a cooperation between consumers, retailers, manufacturers and regulations.

Andy Igrejas: That’s right.

DEBRA: …and that there needs to be communication, that there needs to be a decision that we’re all going to come out of this together in a way that makes economic sense.

I’m certainly not trying to make Dupont go bankrupt. What I would love is for Dupont to start making non-toxic products. I would like everybody to see that if we’re going to be healthy, and if we’re going to have a planet that’s not destroyed, then this is the direction that we need to go—to have there be disclosure on labels, to have there be—

I don’t really want there to be a central organization that verifies. But if Wal-Mart has a program—and I see that they do—where they’re saying to manufacturers, “We don’t want products that have X, Y and Z chemicals on them,” then somewhere, you should be able to go to their website or something, and there should be a list or a shelf-talker or a sticker or something that says, “This is part of Wal-Mart’s Mind the Store program” or whatever they’re going to call it. “You can go online and find out we have verified that it doesn’t have this and this and this in it.

Now, it might not end up being perfect because one thing that I see is that I have my own list of hazardous thousand or more chemicals that I don’t want to see because I’m always assessing products and choosing ones that don’t have the chemicals I want to avoid.

So, I can see that a product might say, “Well, it doesn’t contain formaldehyde. But what else does it contain?”

So there’s many different levels. I’m just really interested in what if Target comes to you and says, “Okay, let’s take out all these chemicals” or some smaller retailer than Wal-Mart, what do you see is the process that they’re going to follow?

Andy Igrejas: That is a good question. And I think it’s a more sophisticated question. It makes sense for Toxic Free Talk Radio that you’ll be ahead on the curve on this. I think you’ve put your finger on a number of things.

I think one of them is consumers have a certain amount of power, but one of our themes for this campaign is with great market power comes great responsibility. People who buy huge quantities of things in bulk has market power. So it is the case with any one of this retailers. In their world, they really have the ability to get answers to the questions that they want if the penalty is that they won’t sell something.

What we would like to do is have each of them respond that they would like to work with us on how to implement this in ways that are achievable for them and are meaningful for the people that sell to them.

So, we’re hoping to have a meaningful process where we can work this through with them.

DEBRA: Good! After the break, let’s continue this […] because I’d like to hear if anybody has responded; and if so, what did they say?

But we’re going to take a break first. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And you’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio.


DEBRA: This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. You’re here with Debra Lynn Dadd. And I’m talking with Andy Igrejas from Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families about their Mind the Store campaign.

And before we go on with the interview, I just want to make sure that you know how to get more information about the campaign. You go And if you want more information about Toxic Free Talk Radio, go to And from there, you can also go to links for other parts of my website including Debra’s List that have more than 500 websites where you can buy non-toxic products (even though they’re not on the shelf at Wal-Mart). I have a huge Q&A with thousands of questions and even more thousands of answers. And you can call me for a consultation if you want. There’s lots of information on my website about how you can find, choose and purchase and toxic-free products.

So, Andy, in this last segment, tell us what the response has been from the retailers. Anybody responded?

Hello, Andy?

Andy Igrejas: Oh, I’m sorry. I apologize, I hit the mute by mistake.

None of the retailers have responded officially yet except to say that they have the request and that they’re considering it. In our letter to them, we gave until June 1st. And we recognize that it’s a big request. It’s a leap from doing this for a handful of chemicals to doing it for over a hundred. And we wouldn’t want to get a negative response because it seems like we were asking them to do something impossible and let them absorb some of the materials and other things that we’ve provided that do show or suggest how to do this.

So, June 1st is when we’ll find out what people’s official responses are. And I’m hoping that they’ll be positive responses and that that’ll be the beginning of a process with us to develop a policy internally to identify where they have these chemicals in their supply chains and to move away from them.

But you raised a point before. You asked them what the response was. I just wanted to come back to it. It was the idea that, even if you get something that doesn’t just have formaldehyde, what does it have. On the website, you’ll see there’s a bullet called Resources for Retailers . It’s very much about this phenomenon. We don’t just want to move from known bad to unknowns. You want to move from known bad things to known good things.

DEBRA: Let me interrupt you for a second. Hold on, wait. I’m looking at your page right now at, and I don’t see that Resources for Retailers.

Andy Igrejas: It’s over on the right. There’s a list of The Top 10 Retailers, The Hazardous 100. Then it that it says Resources for Retailers.

DEBRA: Oh, mine says “Why Mind the Store?” I don’t have “Resources for Retailers”. I have The Top 10 Retailers, The Hazardous 100+, And Why Mind the Store?. I have A Letter to Retailers.

Andy Igrejas: Oh, I’m sorry. If you click on any one of those, that becomes a choice for you. It’s not on the home page.

DEBRA: Oh, I see. So, listeners, what you need to do is click on any one of those three buttons. It’ll take you to another page.

And then, there’s a menu on the right that has The Top 10 Retailers, Hazardous 100+, Why Mind the Store Resources for Retailers, Methodology and Partners.

And so, there’s a lot more information inside once you click on something than there is on the home page.

Okay, thank you, Andy. Go ahead.

Andy Igrejas: Well, part of the reason we know this works is the most advanced experienced in this country anyway with this kind of thing has been with the healthcare sector, in particular, Kaiser Permanente and the Western States version of the Catholic HMO’s. They used to be called Catholic Healthcare West. Now it’s called [unclear 32:08].

And they, as part of their mission to reduce harm to their patients—first, do no harm—they put policies together to try and at first just identify the chemicals of concern that people were exposed to through medical devices like IV tubing and IV bags.

But they [unclear 32:30] to include the building materials in the facilities—the sheets, the fabrics, and now they’re even getting on to the food that they serve.

They sent these specifications that, basically, “We have all these purchasing power as Kaiser and as Catholic Healthcare West in this market. And we don’t want things that have these chemicals of concern.”

But also, when you don’t bring those things, you also want to make sure that what you’re replacing it with doesn’t have any of these characteristics.

And so, they set those specifications. And they specified what the standards were for what they substitute it with. And it was interesting. it had this ripple effect. It’s changed the marketplace and increased the market for safer building materials, flooring, carpeting, medical devices.

And so, in the Resources thing, you’ll see that there’s something from a group called the Business NGO Working Group (or Biz NGO for short). It’s a guide for how to implement this kind of policy. And it mostly comes from that healthcare experience.
And so, we’re trying to take something that has worked and some techniques that have worked, just some very practical things, and have the retailers use them in a broader way and apply them to a broader set of chemicals.

DEBRA: This is very good news. I really want our listeners to understand that, behind the scenes, there’s a whole lot going on to make the world a less toxic place to live. And what we mostly see in the mainstream media is sensational stories about BPA and phthalates and fire retardants and all those kinds of things because the mainstream media is pretty sensational.

But there really has been progress if you know where to look. We have things like Kaiser Permanente like Andy just described. And we have more non-toxic products to choose from. And there really is a trend.

Wouldn’t you say there’s a trend in the right direction?

Andy Igrejas: I do feel and believe there is a trend. It’s hard to measure if it is keeping up with the problem. In other words…

DEBRA: I understand what you’re saying.

Andy Igrejas: But I think there is a trend. I think part of this little letter that I wrote on this book that I called Why Mind the Store? is that I think we need to accelerate the trend. The thing you just described, which is a real difficult thing for activists when you’re being ethical. We want to educate the public about these threats, but kind of like you mentioned, it’s just another story about how there’s something bad in something. And it seem like you can’t do anything about it and the world is coming to an end. That’s very much not what we want.

We want to educate people so they’re aware of the problem and they can take meaningful action to help improve things.

I think a lot of these improvements hopefully do have to happen through policy changes because only the government can force the testing of those chemicals as a condition for them depending on the market.

But in the meantime, we have seen that these marketplace initiatives can really make a big difference. But they need to be more than just the chemical of the month. It can’t just be “Well, BPA is in the news. So okay, we’ll deal with BPA.”

So, that’s what we’d like to think. We’re making it easier for the retailers to basically go, “Oh, okay. Here’s this combined fire power of a lot of the non-profit community. They’re saying ‘focus on this group of chemicals’. They’re giving us credit for what we’ve already done. And we’re giving consumers a hook to also say, “Well, here’s a way to use the [unclear 36:20] as a consumer and focus on something bigger than the chemical of the month.”

And so, we’re hopeful that we can accelerate that trend you’ve described. We have a trend, but I think the trend, it needs to be accelerated to really match the scale of what is worth doubling back to that the scientists, the doctors keep telling us more and more that we’ve been they think understating the role that chemicals play in the chronic illness and the health problems that we have in this country.

DEBRA: Yes, absolutely. Absolutely! A few years ago when Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families first started, you published a really excellent report about how toxic chemicals are contributing to various health problems and the cost of how toxic chemicals are contributing to the cost of healthcare which I have been linking and linking and linking and linking to ever since.

Andy Igrejas: Thank you.

DEBRA: It’s so important for people to understand that. I think that—not to get off the subject—a lot of people still don’t even understand that there’s a problem.

But we only just have a couple of minutes left. So I want to encourage people to go to your website, I encourage you to go on and look at the website for Safety Chemicals, Healthy Families is doing overall.

And as we finish up—we have a minute left I think, about a minute left—just tell us quickly what consumers can do in our every day lives. What can we do to help this?

Andy Igrejas: I think the basic thing is that we know make a difference for reducing your own chemical exposure are things you probably go over a lot in this show. There’s avoiding processed food because the packaging is a big source of chemical exposure; eating more whole foods (organic ones if you can get them easily and afford them).

There’s a certain big ticket things like the flame retardants. So, buying mattresses and furniture that don’t have these flame retardants in them, avoiding the chemical-intensive cleaners and cosmetics, those are things you can do to protect yourself.

There’s a bunch of resources. It sounds like you have the best catalog of anyone.

DEBRA: I think I do.

Andy Igrejas: But I think in the meantime…

DEBRA: [unclear 38:36] in the marketplace, in terms of the marketplace, helping retailers understand. You can go to And right there, you can send a letter to the retailers. You can put in your first name, your last name, your email and your zip code. Just click the green arrow and send your letter.

Andy, thank you so much for being with us today. I’ve learned a lot about what you’re doing. I have more appreciation of Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families as an organization. And I’ll talk to everybody tomorrow.

Tomorrow, we’re going to just have open phones. So I want to hear from all of you. I want you to call me and tell me what you’re concerned about, what your questions are.

I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. Toxic Free Talk Radio.

Allergy to Hemp Fabric?

Question from Donna

Hi Debra, Have you ever heard of anyone being allergic to hemp fabric?

I had some organic hemp/tencel roman shades made for my son’s room, as he has asthma. The first night we installed the shades, he started wheezing. He slept in our room the next two nights and was fine. We put him back in his room, and he started wheezing again. The pediatrician said it’s the pollen (it’s pollen season here), but I think it’s the shades. The designer who made the shades said that they are completely organic and not treated with any chemical, but when the sun shines on them, I can smell a very faint, sweet odor.

Thank you! Donna

Debra’s Answer

Anyone can be allergic to anything, particularly if it is a natural material. And if you say that there is a faint sweet odor when the sun shines on it, it sounds like hemp to me.

Hemp used in fabric and marijuana the drug are both the same plant, but they are grown differently for their different purposes. Hemp grown for fabric and other product uses contains very little THC, the substance that makes you high in the drug marijuana.

The bottom line is, if the windowcoverings are making your son wheeze, take them down.

Why You Need a Water Filter and the Water Filter I Use in My Home

Because our bodies need pure water to eliminate toxic chemicals, we each need to have an effective water filter for good health. Igor Milevskiy runs Pure Effect Advanced Water Filters, a small, family-owned company that makes exceptional water filters which remove fluoride, radiation, and pharmaceuticals as well as chlorine, chloramine, lead, and other common pollutants…at an affordable price. We’ll be talking about pollutants in your tap water, how they can affect your health, and how to choose a water filter that will remove them. Even if you have a water filter, it may not be removing water pollutants as effectively as you think. Also find out how you can pay for your filter by selling these exceptional filters to others (and there’s no fee to join).








The Best Water Filter Just Got Even Better

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Igor Milevskiy

Date of Broadcast: March 19, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic free because there’s so many toxic chemicals around in the world. We don’t have to become ill by them. We don’t have to be exposed to them. There are a lot of things that we can do to reduce our exposure and remove toxic chemicals from our body so that we can be healthy and happy and productive and enjoy life. And that’s why we do the show.

Today is Wednesday, March 19th 2014. I’m here in Clearwater, Florida. It’s a beautiful spring day. The sun is shining. There’s flowers outside my window. And today, we’re going to be talking about water filters, how to get pure water. It doesn’t come out of your tap.

My guest is IGOR MELVSKIY Milevskiy. He’s the founder of Pure Effect Advanced Water Filters. It’s a small family-owned company that makes exceptional water filters, which remove fluoride, radiation, pharmaceuticals as well as chlorine, chloramines, sled and other common pollutants. And the thing that’s amazing about this is not only does it do all that, but it’s an affordable filter. It doesn’t cause thousands and thousands of dollars.

This is such a good filter that I have one in my own house. I’ve had it for over a year. I love it. A lot of my readers have purchased them too. I get lots of emails from people telling me, “Thank you, thank you, thank you. This water is great.” You just need to change the cartridges about once a year and they are also affordable.

IGOR MELVSKIY just developed a new carbon cartridge, which is amazing. And so we’re going to be talking about that today, but we’re also just going to be talking about water filtration in general and the kinds of things that are effective and not effective. Hi, IGOR MELVSKIY.

IGOR MELVSKIY: Hi, Debra. Nice to talk with you again.

DEBRA: Thank you. Thanks for being on again. I know you’ve been on before, but tell us (because I know we probably have a lot of new listeners here) how you got interested in water.
IGOR MELVSKIY: Well, in my younger years, I was always interested in aquariums. I was an aquarium hobbyist. And with fish, they’re really sensitive to water changes. So I had to make sure that I really understood the chemistry of the water and kept it on top shape.

Many years of taking care of fish taught me about the need for proper water balance and chemistry in these particular animals. So with myself then, I began to realize, “Well, why am I not really looking at water that I’m drinking?” And so I started to research.

DEBRA: Yeah, good question.

IGOR MELVSKIY: Yeah! I took care of the fish, but I wasn’t really drinking the water that was that clean myself. So I started to look into water filters and do a lot of research just like anybody else who comes to realize that something is wrong with tap water.

I’ve tested a lot of filters, I’ve gotten to the chemistry of it all and I realized there was not a solution in the marketplace that took care of all the contaminants I wanted to filter out. There was not an all-in-one filter that took care of fluoride, chloramines, chlorines, drug residues, radiation and also adjusted the pH to make the water more alkaline. So the idea was born to create something, like an all-in-one, high performance filter system.

DEBRA: And you did an excellent job at that.


DEBRA: Yeah, there’s so much that we can talk about. I’m just thinking where should we start. So let’s just talk about the different pollutants. Why don’t you give an overview of the different pollutants because I think that a lot of people understand that their tap water isn’t very pure, but they don’t know where to start in terms of getting a water filter that’s effective.
They see advertisements for inexpensive filters that you just put on your faucet or pitcher filters and they think that that’s enough. So would you give us the different pollutants and also, the different types and to divide into their different types?

IGOR MELVSKIY: Sure! Well first, I’d like to start by saying that the laws for cleaning water, for filtering water are outdated. So, the water treatment centers are legally not required to deal with the contaminants that are emerging now more and more often. For example, drug residues that have been found in over 40 million households in the United States.

So that’s the first problem. The laws are outdated and we’re already getting water that’s not fully clean as well as it should be.

But even if the laws were updated, you would have problems still because the water still needs to be disinfected before it reaches your home. As it passes through the plumbing and the pipes, it needs to contain some kind of a disinfectant so there’s no bacteria or mold or things like that.

So even if they cleaned it well at the treatment center, they would still add and introduce new chemicals after the treatment and those include chlorine, chloramines, which is a more persistent disinfectant that they’re using now. It’s a combination of chlorine and ammonia. It lasts a lot longer in the water system, but because of that, it’s a lot harder to remove. It doesn’t evaporate as quickly as chlorine.

They also introduced fluoride into the water, pH stabilizers, rust inhibitors to prevent pipes from rusting. There’s a lot of chemicals involved even in the treatment process itself that the best idea to deal with that is to filter the water right out of your faucet.

DEBRA: That really is necessary. I used to think many, many years ago, “Why don’t they just send us clean water?” And as you just explained, they can’t because it could be absolutely pristine when it leaves the water treatment plant, but by the time it goes through the whole system of pipes – and I don’t even know how many miles of pipe it is from the water treatment center to my house, but it’s a lot of pipe. All those pipes are already contaminated with other things. They may have bacteria in them. They may have all these different kinds of things.
Water is called the universal solvent because it will pick up whatever it passes by. And so if you were to send that very clean water through a pipe and have it pick up bacteria and rust and whatever else is in there, then it will be very polluted by the time it gets to your tap.

So really, every single house needs to have a water filter – every single house. There’s no way around it because you cannot get clean water from your tap period. You just can’t.


DEBRA: Everybody has a refrigerator, everybody has a stove, everybody should just have a water filter.

IGOR MELVSKIY: Yeah, that’s the right thing to do if you care about your health and you don’t want to drink chlorinated water. I’m not a medical specialist, but I’ve read some studies that chlorine, because it kills bacteria (and also chloramines) could also interfere when you drink that water with the stomach balance of bacteria that is good for you like probiotic.

DEBRA: Right! All those bacteria, they are bacteria that are sensitive to chlorine and chloramines. And so in order to digest your food, you need to have all those probiotic bacteria there. People take probiotics and then they drink tap water…

IGOR MELVSKIY: …which kill bacteria.

DEBRA: …which kill the bacteria – not only does it kill the bacteria that is already just naturally in your gut, but it kills those expensive probiotics that you just took with that glass of water that has chlorine and chloramine in it.
DEBRA: This is just really something that we really have to watch out for. And also, chlorine and chloramines can get absorbed through your skin when you take a shower and go into your body in the same way. So it’s more drinking. We really have to look at the total picture of our water quality and we can put water filters on our faucets.
Let’s just talk about the three styles. Go ahead and describe them. Otherwise, I’m just going to talk through the whole interview.

IGOR MELVSKIY: Yeah, you mean our bestselling Ultra filter that have the chambers?

DEBRA: Yeah, yeah, the countertop, under-sink and whole house.

IGOR MELVSKIY: Well, those are as I’ve mentioned earlier in the program the all-in-one high performance system that’s our bestselling unit, the Pure Effect Ultra. We also have an under-counter version, the Ultra-UC, which installs out of sight. And also, we have a whole house version that cleans the water to your whole home – shower, bath water. Even the water you use to garden can be cleaned.

Now, each of those systems has various stages of how it filters the water and they’re scientifically correct stages. The water gets treated properly. The first stage the water goes through is our newest innovation as you mentioned earlier. We’ve created a new carbon block, which is made out of two types of activated carbon. Your audience may know activated carbon is one of the best substances to absorb chemicals.

DEBRA: Actually, I need to interrupt you because you’re going to give us a long explanation here and we need to go to break. So let’s take the break and then you can come back and talk as much as you want.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is IGOR MELVSKIY Milevskiy from Pure Effect Advanced Water Filters. We’re talking about portable effective filters. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is IGOR MELVSKIY Milevskiy, founder of Pure Effect Advanced Water Filters. Actually, what you should do is you should go to and in the right sidebar, there’s a little ad that says the water filter I use in my home. Click on that and that will be the easiest way for you to get to his website and see the filter that I use.

So IGOR MELVSKIY, before you go on, I want you to start over describing your filter, but I just want to give another example so that listeners can compare what you’re offering with what a lot of people are using. So let’s just talk about the regular pitcher type filter or the type that goes on a faucet and all that’s in there is carbon, regular carbon and not very much of it.

IGOR MELVSKIY: Right, very small amount.

DEBRA: Very small amount.


DEBRA: What happens with carbon is that it will ‘adsorb’ – I know, people think that I’ve misspoken “It’s absorbed,” but no. It’s ‘adsorb’. It means that the pollutants, it will draw the pollutants in.

But what happens and what most people don’t realize is that when all the little pores in the carbon – that’s like a sponge, it’s like a hard sponge. There’s all these little pores that the water goes through and the pollutant molecules get caught. What happens is that when all of the little spaces are filled and the water comes through, it starts releasing the molecules of pollutants that it has gathered back into the water.

So if you only have a little bit of carbon or you don’t change your filters, you’ll start re-polluting your water. And so if you have just a little, tiny carbon filter like in a pitcher or on a faucet and you just leave it there for six months or something, you’re just making your water more and more polluted instead of removing the pollutants.

Now, that’s what those inexpensive filters are like. Now, listen to what IGOR MELVSKIY has put together.

IGOR MELVSKIY: Okay! So we packed all those concerns into our unit. The first chamber in our systems features a carbon block that’s about 10” in length. It actually combines two types of high-grade catalytic carbon. What ‘catalytic’ means is it decomposes chemicals in contact. It’s a much higher grade of carbon than just regular activated carbon you may get in pitcher filters and little faucet filters.

You need catalytic carbon to deal with, for example, chloramines. Regular filters are not going to remove that very well.

DEBRA: No. That’s why people should recognize that two different kinds of substances are being used. You either have chlorine or you have chloramines, which is the mixture of chlorine and ammonia. The carbon that removes chlorine is different from the carbon that removes chloramines. And so you need to make sure that you get the right one. I think yours removes both, right?

IGOR MELVSKIY: Exactly! It removes both. And because we’ve combined two types of activated carbon – as you know, carbon can be from coconut shell, wood-based or coal-based. We’ve combined two of the best types, which have different pore sizes, as you’ve mentioned earlier, for the adsorption. They have different pore structures and what we achieved was a wide range of pores from micro to meso to macropores, which capture a super wide range of different chemical molecules that can be found in the water.

DEBRA: That’s just amazing! I just love that.

IGOR MELVSKIY: Yeah! Yeah, yeah. So that’s the first stages. It’s all a half a micron compression. So all these carbon is compressed into half a micro pore size as far as the granules of the carbon (we’re not talking about the micro pores of the carbon itself). So the block is half a micron, which is extremely fine. It also blocks microbial cysts like Giardia and Clyptospiridium, which survive the disinfection process. They have a hard shell, so it blocks those and sends the water on to the next stage for fluoride removal, which is another big one that a lot of mainstream companies don’t address like the Brita or Pure. I don’t believe they’ve removed these…
DEBRA: No, they don’t remove any fluoride. And even some of the other companies, I looked at a lot of water filters and I say, “Well, why don’t you remove fluoride?” and they say, “Oh, well that would make it too expensive.”

But I guarantee you that this is an affordable filter because I’ve looked at al of them.

IGOR MELVSKIY: Yeah, and you don’t have to replace the cartridges so soon with the little faucet filters. You have to replace them almost every two months.
DEBRA: Right, you do.

IGOR MELVSKIY: Yeah, and you’re not getting as good of a filtration.

DEBRA: No. Absolutely, you aren’t. Have you ever added up the cost of those little filters in comparison to yours? Probably yours is a little more expensive, I’m guessing, but it’s so much better.

IGOR MELVSKIY: It could be. Yeah, to be honest, I haven’t done that, but I’ve heard a lot of complaints from people – I have complaints myself when I use those filters. They clog very quickly because they’re so small. And number one, they don’t remove fluoride, especially the pitcher filters. They’re inconvenient because you have to wait for the water to filter. I have to wait for it to drop down. Whereas with our system, it’s virtually instant. Turn on the filter and you have water coming right out the spout.

DEBRA: Yes. So go on with the different cartridges you have.

IGOR MELVSKIY: Okay! So as I’ve mentioned, after the first dual carbon block, the water goes on to the fluoride stage where it removes the fluoride using an all-natural media. There’s not many companies that remove fluoride, the ones that do usually use aluminum-based media. We don’t. We use the carbon calcium base media as well that reacts with fluoride and safely takes it out of the water).

And as that happens, the water moves on to the third phase where we have a nuclear grade zeolite. What that means is that it’s especially processed mineral that has been shown to remove radiation infused by nuclear facilities worldwide. We also have that feature in the system. Especially if you’re living in the west coast or by a nuclear plant or by a weapons development facility or even if you’re on well water that may have naturally occurring plutonium or uranium, it’s a good idea to have this in a water filter if you’re drinking this water. And so we have that and as well as heavy metal removal media in that last stage.

So combining all these technologies, we also reduce the water flow to a certain rate so it’s not going through the system so quick. You get quite the pure effect.

DEBRA: Yes, you do. Sorry, I was laughing and I took this big breath of air. We need to go to break, but you did a very good job putting that right into that time period and getting all those points in.


DEBRA: So we’re going to go to break. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is IGOR MELVSKIY Milevskiy, founder of Pure Effect Advanced Water Filters. If you want to go to his website, just go to and scroll down the page until you see the little ad that says the water filter I use in my home. You can click right there and get right to his website. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is IGOR MELVSKIY Milevskiy. He is the founder of Pure Effect Advanced Water Filters. He has some of the most amazing water filters that I’ve ever seen and I’ve been looking at water filters for over 30 years. He’s thought of some new things.

IGOR MELVSKIY, I want to talk about the alkalinity of the water because you’ve done some special things to adjust the pH of the water and there are some other units available where people are really stressing about drinking alkaline water that’s very, very alkaline.

I know myself, I put my water through an alkalizer for five or six years and I drank alkaline water. For me personally, it didn’t seem to do some of the things that were claimed to do, which is why I started drinking it in the first place. But I have just been drinking your water for over a year and my body likes it much better.

So tell us about what you do, but first explain what pH is because I think a lot of people don’t know.

IGOR MELVSKIY: Okay, yeah. pH is the power of hydrogen. It’s a measure of how acidic or alkaline the water is. In other words, how much minerals can be present in the water or be absent from the water as well.

In nature, generally, the pH of the water is alkaline. It’s not heavily alkaline, but it’s alkaline because the water contains minerals like electrolytes like sodium, potassium and calcium. What this does is it creates a buffer within the water structure, so the water is not reactive anymore. It’s not hungry anymore. If you take acidic water, it can corrode metal. If you take water that’s properly balanced that has an alkaline pH, it’s actually not going to be a corrosive agent anymore to such a degree.

As far as the body goes, you do need the minerals and drinking acidic water isn’t good. So this is why we have natural calcium in our system. What it does is it treats the water with trace amounts of calcium that help raise that pH naturally.

Those machines you mentioned, those other types of water ionizers, they do it artificially. They use electricity, which our system doesn’t. We don’t use electricity with our filters. And it uses metal plates to create an electrochemical reaction to generate those ions, which who knows the long-term effects of that type of water is.

We like to look at nature as our blueprint. In nature, we find natural minerals. And so we try to replicate that process as much as possible in our water filter.

I agree! And yes, the machine that I had in the past did have metal plates and the water was actually in contact with them and they put electrical charge into the water. I like your system much better. The water feels right in my body. From the very first glass that I drank, I thought, “Oh, this feels so much better.” My body just wants to drink it.

And you know, when my friends come over to my house, I give them a glass of water. And every single one, when they drink your water, they say, “Wow! What is this water?”

IGOR MELVSKIY: Yes! And one of our customers actually started a little business that’s selling the water to people in an area. They’re filtering it for them and they’re selling it for them because they like it so much.

DEBRA: Oh, I should do that. I should do that.

IGOR MELVSKIY: Yeah. In some cities, you can go and buy filtered water, but it’s usually reverse osmosis, which is lacking minerals. It takes the minerals out.

DEBRA: Wow! What a great idea. And probably anybody listening could buy a filter and set that up and it will pay for your filter or share it with your neighbors or whatever – your neighbors on side going on a filter. It’s just so worth it to have clean water. It really is, it really is.

IGOR MELVSKIY: I know! And an interesting thing that I noticed is that some of our customers who have pets like cats and dogs, they wrote a review for us for the filter and they noticed that even their animals are drinking more water after it’s been filtered more than the usual that they’ve been drinking.

So to me, that’s a sign because animals, they know that something’s right or not right. They have a sense.

DEBRA: They do.

IGOR MELVSKIY: That was a good sign for me to see that as well.

DEBRA: Well, I’ll tell you that everyone of my friends that has come to my house and drank my water has purchased a filer because they could really see the difference. I had friends who are like drinking bottled water out of plastic bottles and things like this. Now, I just go to my friend’s house and I look around and I see, “What are they doing for water?” I tell them that they should buy these filters. I have had not one complaint about your filters in all the filters that have been sold to people that I know or my readers in the last year, a little over a year – not one complaint.

IGOR MELVSKIY: Ah, that’s great to hear.

DEBRA: Yeah, you’re doing a great job. I can’t say often enough how thrilled I am with this.

IGOR MELVSKIY: Thank you, thank you. Quality is our main goal as well, to make sure that it’s a quality built system that is not going to fall apart on you. We don’t use any Chinese components or anything. All the parts are US made. So it’s a really high performance, high quality unit you can depend on.

DEBRA: Mine has had absolutely no problems at all. I also want ot say that it is easy to install and it also was easy to change the cartridges.

Some people who I’ve asked who – because I say I have a little write-up in my website and I make a big deal about how I like this filter so much, I was willing to drill a house in my granite countertops who have written to me and said –

I should say, the rest of that story was I was so skeptical about this filter when I got it that I didn’t want to drill a hole in my countertop because what if I didn’t like it and wanted to take it out? So I installed it out in the garage in my laundry sink, so that I could preserve my granite countertop. I got so tired of going out to the garage to get my water that I…

IGOR MELVSKIY: I remember that.

DEBRA: I just drove a hole in the countertop because I thought I want this filter to stay. I want it to be right here and I’m not going to take it out. I’m just going to drink this water and keep putting in the cartridges because it has such a beneficial effect in my body. And everybody else likes it too. It’s pretty amazing.

IGOR MELVSKIY: Yeah, yes. I’m glad I can present such a wonderful solution and you recognize the value of such a product and you’ve added it as a permanent fixture to your kitchen, so that’s a lot.
DEBRA: Well, what I want to say though is some people have said that they don’t want to drill a hole in their countertop, can they still have a filter. The answer is yes. The same components are in a countertop filter that you can put on your countertop and you don’t have to drill any holes in. You don’t have to install it. It just goes on the countertop.

And also, if you’re renting, you don’t need to damage the countertop or you can take it with you when you move. And if you have your own home, you can put in a whole house filter, which as IGOR MELVSKIY said before filters all the water in your house.

I have a whole house filter myself, but this filter does a better job and I’m going to swap it out and get one of IGOR MELVSKIY’s whole house filters. But I also have one on my drinking water and that’s the first one that I bought.


DEBRA: We need to go to break. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. My guest today is IGOR MELVSKIY Milevskiy. He’s the founder of Pure Effect Advanced Water Filters. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is IGOR MELVSKIY Milevskiy, founder of Pure Effect Advanced Water Filters. They’re a small family-owned company that makes these water filters that we’ve been discussing. He’s not a large conglomerate. He doesn’t get his components from China.

I get this impression that you order these parts, IGOR MELVSKIY and you put them together by hand?

IGOR MELVSKIY: Yes, for the most part. Some of them already come pre-assembled. It depends on what part we’re talking about. But often, the case is yes, there’s a lot of involvement with these systems and they’re quality made.

So they’re in limited quantities. Sometimes, we’ll go out of stock like right now, we’re out of stock for a little bit until next week because it takes time and effort to make a quality system. You can’t rush it. So this is definitely something that we put a lot of attention into.

DEBRA: In years past, I used to start off my discussion of water filters by saying, “The first thing that you need to do is get your water tested so that you can find out what kind of filter you need because different types of pollutants are removed by different types of filters.”

And so heavy metal, for example, which is a particle requires something different than say chloramines, which is a gas. But would you say that your filter is universal like that somebody could pretty reliably just put it in their home, their faucet – and I don’t want to say ‘put it on their faucet’, but install it in their home – and it would remove whatever’s in their water?
IGOR MELVSKIY: Generally, yes. It’s designed to fit the widest range of different water types because it’s the media used and the amounts of media we use. It’s not a small system. It’s not overly large. It easily sits on a counter. But it’s bigger than the typical little faucet filter you look at or the pitcher filter. It’s a real machine.

DEBRA: It really is. And one of the things I don’t think we’ve said that I think listeners should understand is that you do need to have the effectiveness of the media. It has to do with contact time too. If the water is only in contact with a small amount of filter media for a short period of time, you’re not going to get as much removal of the pollutant as if there’s a longer contact time. This is a larger system than just the little half inch filter that’s on the faucet one or in a filter. And so the water is going down like through a foot of filtered media or so. Is that right?

IGOR MELVSKIY: Oh, yes. Yes, yes. And that’s just one chamber. We have three chambers of different media. We have three types of activated carbon in the system. It’s all U.S. made cartridges, so it’s very high quality controls on the media. We don’t source, like I mentioned before anything from China.

And we also have four regulator built into the system, which makes sure that if the water that’s going in too fast, it slows it down. So in addition to have enough media, we also slow the water flow down on purpose.

So you could fill a regular cup in about eight seconds. But most other filters on the market, probably four or five seconds, but the water is going through it much faster, which is not a good thing. And without a filter, you don’t get that.

DEBRA: Yeah, it is a little slower than tap water. I mean, the one that I have that is the under-sink one has that little auxiliary faucet that you put. That’s why you have to drill a hole in your countertop, to put in that little faucet. You just flip the little lever –

And actually, one of the things I like about yours, IGOR MELVSKIY is that you can swing the faucet around, so it can go into the sink or it can go over towards the countertop. And what I’ll do is I’ll just put my measuring pot or my teapot or whatever. I’ll just sit in the countertop and flip your little auxiliary faucet towards the countertops so that I don’t even have to hold it.

IGOR MELVSKIY: Yes, yes. It’s a makeshift [inaudible 00:43:23], exactly.

DEBRA: And that was very clever that you did that because I don’t think the other ones do that. I don’t remember that from the faucet.

IGOR MELVSKIY: It depends on the faucet that you’re using. We use very high-grade faucets that are well-designed. It’s all meant to really simplify your life and give you some good water.

DEBRA: Yup, yup. So I want to talk about minerals because minerals are important to our health and yet, most water filters remove minerals. And yours doesn’t.

IGOR MELVSKIY: Yeah, the common systems out there, the mainstream knowledge – you know, a lot of people get a reverse osmosis systems. Generally, reverse osmosis is designed to create ultra pure water that’s devoid of all the minerals for specific purposes like electronics, manufacturing and medical substance manufacturing where you cannot have any competing ions or minerals in the water. But somehow, that technology made its way into the drinking water.

DEBRA: But that’s industrial. That’s making industrial water, reverse osmosis.

IGOR MELVSKIY: Yeah, exactly. And you’re not factoring in the wholesome properties of water. You can’t barbarically treat water and remove just everything. You have to do it intelligently and make sure that the water is resembling something that is found in nature, something that we’ve evolved with – and that’s water with minerals and electrolytes.
We’ve always drank it, humans have drank it through all of history. There’s some information that if you’re drinking acidic water that doesn’t have inerals I it, that it could actually leech minerals out of the body. I’m not sure how.

DEBRA: I’ve seen that.

IGOR MELVSKIY: I’m not sure how accurate that is, but there is some research on that as well.

DEBRA: Well, that makes sense to me because as we said before, water is the universal solvent and so if it’s very, very pure in your body, then it can leech things.
Also, isn’t reverse osmosis water pretty acidic?

IGOR MELVSKIY: Yes because it removes the minerals that has a membrane that just blocks just about everything, but the water molecule.

And also, it stores the water in a steel tank, which stales it. I don’t like to store water in stale materials because it creates a staler taste. And also, it rejects at least two gallons of water to filter one. Think about that, you’re doubling your water usage, your water waste because you have a reverse osmosis unit for example.

So there’s downsides to it. Our system doesn’t have any of those downsides. There’s no water waste, there’s no steel stale storage tanks to worry about. It’s very simple. It’s on demand. You flip the switch and you have clean water.

DEBRA: Amazing!

IGOR MELVSKIY: And another aspect is you save money. You don’t have to buy bottles anymore.

DEBRA: You know, I think – I haven’t figured this out, but I think that someone could save – like for the price of what they pay for bottled water for a year, they could probably buy your filter.

IGOR MELVSKIY: Yeah, if you’re using…

DEBRA: Have you ever worked that out?

IGOR MELVSKIY: Yeah, I forgot the calculation, but I think it comes out to like ¢119 a gallon with our system once you filter it. As far as reverse osmosis, the cost of the replacement cartridge, this comes out to about ¢19 a gallon to use our system as opposed to paying $1 or $2 a gallon for water in a plastic jug from a store that has petrochemicals potentially leeching phthalates and who knows what else that’s not been discovered yet coming off that plastic.

DEBRA: Yeah, all those things coming off the bottle, yeah. So if you want bottled water – I carry bottled water with me, but I put it on a glass bottle. I tie a bandana around it so that it doesn’t – like if I bang it against something, it has a little buffer to it. I just carry your water around in my own bottles, in my own glass bottles. And I think that’s much better than plastic bottles. People really don’t understand how much plastic is on the water. There really is –

Water, again, water is the universal solvent. And if you put water in plastic, it’s going to leech.

IGOR MELVSKIY: Especially if the company is putting it in plastics. Some of them use reverse osmosis water, which is water that’s so-called empty. It doesn’t have minerals. So it’s more reactive to absorb things into itself. So if you have water that’s reverse osmosis treated in a plastic bottle, it’s going to absorb more plastic.

DEBRA: It will. It will, it will, it will especially if it’s sitting out in the sun in front of a convenient store.

IGOR MELVSKIY: Oh, yeah, exactly. Have you had a drink of water from the car after you’ve left it in the bottle for a while?

DEBRA: Yes! It tastes terrible.

IGOR MELVSKIY: You can really taste that plastic especially on a summer day.

DEBRA: Yeah, yeah, yeah. IGOR MELVSKIY, we only have a couple of minutes left. Thank you so much for being with me today. Is there anything that you want to say that we haven’t covered?

IGOR MELVSKIY: Well, we offer free shipping within the U.S.A. on these systems. There’s also no sales tax if you’re not in New York. So the rest of the country has no sales tax. If you’re in New York, unfortunately, there is. We do also offer international shipping. We offer a 7% discount on the system for those orders. So if you’re from another country, you’re also welcome to order our products as well.

DEBRA: And I’d like to add that IGOR MELVSKIY does have an affiliate program, which costs nothing to join. So if you are in another country or if you’re some place that you’d like to make a little extra money, you can certainly sign up as an affiliate and particularly if you’re in another country where these filters are really, really needed, you can set up your own business selling them and help a lot of people. So that’s something to consider too.

IGOR MELVSKIY: Absolutely! It’s a good idea, yes.

DEBRA: Good. So again, the way to get to IGOR MELVSKIY’s website is you can go to and scroll down the page to where it says ‘The Water Filter I Use In My Home’. Click on that, you’ll get straight to the website. And then you can take a look at them and see if it’s something that you’d like for your home. And if you want to refer your friends to it, you can make a little commission.

So thank you for being with us today. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. Go to I’m Debra Lynn Dadd.

The Best, Easiest, Most Affordable Body Detox

My guest is Eddie Stone, Founder and CEO of Touchstone Essentials. I’ve been using and recommending Touchstone Essentials’ zeolite detox products and wholefood supplements since the company began in February 2012. Eddie created Touchstone Essentials with the vision that only real farm-fresh food offers real improvement in body, mind and personal well-being. We’ll talk about why zeolite is the best choice for removing toxic chemicals of all kinds from your body, how to choose effective zeolite products, industrial supplements vs wholefood supplements, and how you can get your zeolite and supplements FREE (I do!)









The Best, Easiest, Most Affordable Way to Detox

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Eddie Stone

Date of Broadcast: September 02, 2013

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world. Even though there’s toxic chemicals all around them, we don’t have to be sick, we don’t have to have them in our house, we don’t have to have them in our lives and how to accomplish that is what this show is all about.

It’s Tuesday, April 23rd 2013 and I’m here in Clearwater, Florida. Today, we’re going to talk about how to remove toxic chemicals from our body and replace them with good nutrition. Both of these things are essential to health, ridding our bodies of toxic chemicals and have sufficient, not just sufficient nutrition, but enough nutrition for health and to repair our bodies from toxic exposure.

My guest today is Eddie Stone. He’s the founder and CEO of Touchstone Essentials. But first, before we talk to Eddie, I had in my email this morning an email that was a newsletter and it was about letting go. I thought that that was very apropos subject for today’s show because there’s so many things that we do need to let go of in our world, in our lives and yet, letting go is a very difficult thing. I know I’ve had to let go of things in my life and there’s a sense of loss about that and a sense of unknown and what will things be like if we let go.

But we need to let go of toxic chemicals in our bodies, we need to let go of all these toxic products that are in our homes. I remember years and years ago, when I first working on removing toxic chemicals from my home, I knew that there were things that were toxic, but I didn’t want to give them up. I didn’t want to give up my perfume, for example. It was one by one, I had to say to myself, “Do I want to be poisoned by this or am I willing to let go and open the way for more health and more happiness?”

And the very last product that I wouldn’t give up was my red lipstick. It had taken me so long to find that shade of red and even though I knew it was toxic, I knew it had lead in it, I knew it was 100% petroleum that I was putting on my lips (crude oil) and that I was eating it as I was speaking and eating food.

I still didn’t want to give it up because I was so attached to the idea that I had to wear this red lipstick in order to be beautiful. And I gave it up, I let go. I’ll just tell you that every time I have let go of something that was harmful to me, something much more wonderful came in right away. There’s a whole wonderful world of products that we can chose from that are healthy and toxic-free and we don’t have to live with toxics in our homes.

So I want to introduce our guest now. Eddie, are you there?

EDDIE STONE: Yes, Debra. I’m here.

DEBRA: Hi! It’s so nice to have you on the show.

EDDIE STONE: What a pleasure it is to be able to speak with you and your audience today.

DEBRA: Thank you. I just would like to start by saying when I was writing my book, Toxic-free before your company was even founded and before we even met, I was working with my doctor as I was writing it and what I figured out was that in order to be healthy, the solution that I had to write about in this book was that people needed to remove toxic chemicals from their bodies and then they needed to have nutrition.

They needed to have really good nutrition because not only do we need a certain amount of nutrition just to make our bodies run, but we also need a tremendous amount of nutrition to repair the damage that has been caused by toxic chemicals.
And so it was quite a delight for me last year in February of 2012 to find out about Touchstone Essentials and meet you and find out that you had exactly the same idea.

So I’d like to know how did you come up with that idea and what was it that got you interested in health and producing supplements and zeolites in the first place?

EDDIE STONE: Well, that’s a big subject. What I’d like to do is maybe just tackle it just a little bit of a piece at a time because for me, it’s really a 20-year evolution in thinking.

Perhaps it’s somewhat like your description of the amount of time it took you to slowly sort of get everything out of the house. Then you had the lipstick. It was sort of the last piece to go. Perhaps that’s really my story as well and maybe many of your listeners are sort of thinking the same thing. I think all of us, we come to this information that we find enlightening, but yet we have these entrenched habits and things we think we can’t live without. It’s really difficult.

In my late twenties, I had exposure to nutritional products. I had been a little bit of an amateur athlete while I was in college and tried to pay attention to think a little bit. But as I got out of school away from that athletic environment into the work world, you know how it is, the work week. You wind up being Saturday and sometimes, as well as Sunday, you get away from some of your more healthy habits or you don’t make things like eating right and sleeping right and exercise a priority.

So I found myself headed down a wrong path. And unfortunately, it’s the path that if you look around that many people are on.

So I had this accidental introduction back to nutrition. And what I really saw was that I needed supplements because I just wasn’t going to have the discipline or the access to eat exactly right. They were a way for me to bridge the habit and the gaps between where I was with my daily nutritional intake and where I wanted to be. And it’s a simple idea, right? That’s really true for most people, don’t you think?

DEBRA: Yeah, I do think that it’s true for most people. And especially too, because the food that we’re eating today isn’t giving us – even if we could eat that much food, it isn’t giving us the amount of nutrition that we need. So I absolutely think that everybody need supplements.

EDDIE STONE: I do too. And I think even if we don’t intuitively realize that our body seems to have these cravings for things even if we can’t fully recognize them or realize what they are. And so that stated a journey for me that evolved over time to the point where I saw it not just on local scale or in my personal life, my family’s life, I saw that globally, not just that it’s a big industry, but it’s desperately needed if you look at some of the statistics out there.

But here’s the challenge. In the U.S., there’s probably $25 billion roughly, give or take a billion spent on health and nutrition products and yet most of them, if you look deeply into them are sourced from foreign lands where ingredients are unregulated. Many of the ingredients in the supplements sold today, even the very most expensive one are created chemical isolates, created from petroleum byproducts or GMO corn or whatever it is.

And so there is this real – I don’t want to call it corruption, but there’s this dichotomy between what people think they’re consuming versus what they’re consuming on this path toward health and enlightenment.

And for me, when I became aware of that, it was almost this cathartic moment where I felt like I had to throw myself against the gears of the machine and sort of stop the madness.

DEBRA: I understand that.

EDDIE STONE: So that’s how I arrived here.

Debbie: Well, I’m very glad that you did arrive here. So what was that you made you decide that you needed to – and we only just have less than a minute until the break, but what was it that made you decide that you just needed to break away and start your own company?

EDDIE STONE: Plain and simple, Debra, I could not find products like I felt we needed either on the Internet or food direct sales or at retail. I’ve got kids, I’ve got a wife, I’ve got family. And lacking a good solid source of pure, wholesome products, I felt compelled to do something.

DEBRA: Well, I’m glad you did and I totally understand that because I talk to other people who are making exceptional products in other fields as exceptional as yours. And that was what really did it for them too. And I know for myself that I’m doing this work because I got to a point where I was very sick and I needed to do something to get well and there just wasn’t any help out there. There were no books or anything.

So after our break, we’ll come back and we’ll start talking about these exceptional products that Eddie has made.

EDDIE STONE: Thank you.


DEBRA: Okay, let’s talk about products. These products are fabulous. I take them every day. I don’t mind saying that. There’s a lot of companies that are making a lot of – especially dietary supplement product. I look at them and I just haven’t been able to recommend them. But these, I recommend wholeheartedly and I take them everyday.

The first thing, I want everybody to understand that Touchstone Essentials has put together a collection of different supplements. They’re designed to work together in order to detox your body, remove toxic chemicals and then give you the kind of nutrition that your body needs in a form that is exceptionally compatible for your body to be able to absorb them and give you the nutrition that you need.

First, I want to talk about the detox part because that’s actually how I found out about these products. And what is used for detox in this collection of product is a substance called zeolite. My experience with zeolite was that I had spent 30 years thinking that if I just removed the toxic chemicals from my home, then my body would naturally restore its own health because it wasn’t being bombarded by toxic chemicals. And that was true. I went from being disabled to being functional.

But I still had a lot of things going on with my body that were not right and I still didn’t have that much energy and I wasn’t functioning as well as I wanted to. And then my nutritionist gave me some liquid zeolite. And within a few days, I felt so good, it was unbelievable. It was like, “Oh, my God! Why didn’t I take this before? Why didn’t I do something to help my body remove the toxic chemicals?”

Well, the reason that I didn’t do something before was because there are very few options. Zeolite isn’t the only one, but zeolite is certainly the easiest thing you can do, the most effective and the most affordable.

So Eddie, I want us to spend this segment talking about zeolite and we’ll spend the segment talking about the supplements because I really want to give you time to tell us everything we should know about zeolite.

EDDIE STONE: That’s fantastic. I was just in there thinking about what you were saying and there are a lot of choices. But for me, zeolite, its natural minerals, it’s the most elegant and frankly, nature’s genius because it’s natural property. It has a natural property of a negative charge. And so when you ingest it, when it’s milled down to a small enough size and it’s properly cleaned, so it’s bioavailable, when you do those things and it goes into your body, it just has this natural affinity for those positively charged heavy metals, volatile organic particulates that are bad for us.

And so what it does is it supports our approach, which is to pay attention to cellular health. There’s a lot of ways you can look at the body and this is going to take a complex process to make it simple. We look at the cells and we say to ourselves, “What can we do to keep them clean, to clean them out, then put the good stuff back in?” And so the zeolite serves that purpose.

We offer it in two very distinct ways because the body needs it in that manner. We mine our zeolite domestically. We do do a lot of testing and we do publish this on our website. We think the third-party validation is very important, so we’ve got this on the website.
We check its properties before and then we check it after going through essentially what is a cleansing process because the little tunnels and channels and chambers that you find naturally in this little mineral, they get dirty over time. So we clean it, make it bioavialable to the body and then we mill it.

And then the milling process that we utilized, it tries at every level to minimize the fracturing of the zeolite because you want to keep its cage intact especially because that’s where that negative charge is maintained.

It has really three ways that it works. One is it has these angstrom-sized channels and tunnels that have that negative charge that has got particulates in it. But also, when you mill it small enough, that charge that it has at its core can leak to the surface in something called [inaudible 00:18:40]. And so now, not only is it useful in taking things inside of itself, but also in attracting to its surface. Of course, if we can get enough of that in the body, there’s also a sandwich effect that has three ways that it can support the body.

And here’s the best thing for me, Debra. It’s an inert mineral that doesn’t remain in the body. So if a person has this normal renal function, it’s going to process out of the body in about a 4-6 hour period of time. And so it’s going to support a daily habit of cleansing and detoxing.

What we’ve seen very quickly is people respond with their energy levels and overall health. And so it’s in something that’s been very important for us for us to support that initial piece of our foundation of cellular health by cleansing and detoxing at the cellular level.
DEBRA: I think this thing that you just said about how the zeolite picks up the toxic chemicals and then removes them from the body, I mean, the zeolite particle itself along with the toxic chemicals that it has attracted, the whole thing leaves your body in 4-6 hours. This is so important from my viewpoint because when you use the word ‘detox’, it can mean a lot of different things.

A lot of times, people will say, “Well, I’m doing a detox” or, “I’m taking a product” and what that product is doing is supporting the function of the liver or supporting the function of the kidneys, so that they can do their job better. And those are fine things to do.
But if your kidneys or liver are really damaged or even partially damaged – and for most people, they have damaged livers and kidneys because those are the organs that process the toxic chemicals – if you have damage to them, why wait until they regenerate when you can take zeolite and it just bypasses all of that and goes into your bloodstream, goes into your cells and takes those chemicals away and in 4-6 hours, the whole thing is out of your body? It’s the fastest way that I know of in order to accomplish that.

And it’s so easy because all you need to do is just put some drops in water and drink it or spray a spray just right in your mouth four little squirts and you’ve taken it. You do it three or four times throughout the day, your body is having this continuous, gentle detox.
So once again – wow! These commercial breaks come up so fast. We’ll go to our commercial breaks and then we’ll come back and we’ll talk about what Touchstone has to offer in the way of nutritious supplements.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. We’re here with my guest, Eddie Stone, founder and CEO of Touchstone Essentials.

And before we go back to having Eddie and I talk, I want to give you the number where you can call it if you have any questions for us, 877-342-6673. That’s 877-342-6673.You can also go to my website, The number is there as well as in the future, there will be archived shows and information about who’s coming up as the guest and lots of other information.

So Eddie, let’s talk about the supplements. The first thing I want to say about supplements is that many years ago, I got the idea that when people started talking about, “You should eat more vegetables,” I thought that’s a good idea. It wasn’t that I was not eating vegetables at all like a lot of people, but I was not eating enough that I thought. I was eating a lot of cooked vegetables, hardly any raw vegetables. I went to the grocery store (this was before we had very many natural food store). I went to the grocery store and the quality of the produce was just so poor that I didn’t want to eat it.

And nowadays, the quality of produce is a lot better, but it’s expensive if you want to get organic. You need to learn how to make something that tastes good from it. And so I think it really is unrealistic for a lot of people to really get the nutrition that they need.
And one of the things that I like about Touchstone Essential supplements is that I know that I can get all those greens in my body, I can get all the phytonutrients that I need. And then, whether I eat the right foods or not – and I do try to eat the right foods, but whether I eat them or not, I’m still getting my nutrition. So thank you for these supplements.

EDDIE STONE: Oh, we’re happy to provide them. And you bring up an important issue there about food in our diet. We’re confined with what’s available. If we’re trying to eat fresh raw with what’s regionally available from different parts of the country and then seasonal, it’s never easy to eat the right way.

DEBRA: It isn’t. And particularly, when a lot of our produce is shipped in from other places – I used to live in California. A lot of produce here on the East Coast comes from California instead of being grown locally – as that produce travels across the country, it loses nutrients, it roses vitality. And then if it’s coming from hot houses in Chile and Brazil, by the time it gets to us, it’s just kind of dead leaves.

So tell us about Touchstone Essential supplements, what you do to make them and why they’re so special?

EDDIE STONE: Well, there’s a number of things that make them different. But fundamentally, when we think about supplements, very often, you see a label and you see vitamin C as ascorbic acid or vitamin E or vitamin D, whatever it happens to be. All of those labels – I mean, I’m really talking about everything you see out there. They’re listening fractionated nutrients. They’ve taken one component of what we find in food and there’s very little to support that that’s actually what we need.

I mean, here’s this big industry I talked about earlier, all these money being spent, but yet you’d really be hard-pressed to find a lot of strong evidence using supplements where we improve the person’s health outcome or addresses disease.

Now, we do hear that getting inadequate amount of citrus fruit or vitamin C or grains or things like that can be detrimental to our health. But we start looking at it and say, “Well, what if I then get it from a supplement.” There’s not a lot of good support there. And here I am in this industry, so it concerns me.

And so the first thing we do is we start with whole fruits and vegetables because we know the isolates don’t work. They just don’t accomplish the same thing. You can’t take vitamin C as ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid is just the outer ring of the vitamin C molecule. There’s seven other things that are missing. You can’t just use that and think somehow the body is going to magically convert that into the same thing, a whole compound vitamin C.

And then, of course, that doesn’t even take into account the other hundreds of phytonutrients that are found in a natural food source vitamin C.

So we start with whole fruits and vegetables. We’re very careful to make sure that we’re getting our crops where they should regionally be grown. We’re not using farmhouses. And then we make sure that the soil where our things are grown is healthy soil. We’re making sure that our farmers have organic and sustainable practices, all of these things that we know grow a very rich fruit or vegetable.

And then we’re very careful on transportation. As often as we can, we actually try to process our fruits and vegetables field-side and never with a high heat. We don’t allow our fruits and vegetables to ever be a degree above 106° because we know at approximately 116°, the delicate phytonutrients and native enzymes to that fruit or vegetable begin to be denature and lose value.

And so we do all of this. When we’re done processing – and for us, processing means just simply removing the water and the cellulose material, so what remains is the powder – that that powder before it’s encapsulated is as potent as possible compared to that fresh fruit or vegetable.

And we actually use high-speed liquid chromatography to check our fruits and vegetables before and then check them after. And what we find is their antioxidant qualities and other nutritional components have no statistical deviation, which is exactly what we’re looking for so the value remains. When you’re consuming this stuff, you want all of it, right?

DEBRA: Right!

EDDIE STONE: And so that’s where we start and from there, we build our formulae thinking strategically about the right combination of fruits and vegetables to have that anti-oxidant product. And you spoke about essentials, right? Thirty-three fresh fruits and vegetables, 28 different sources. The grains products, Super Grains or Wellspring, which is for joint pains, stiffness and inflammation. So that process helps us put our recipes together.

DEBRA: Good! So when I was up there in Lallie the other day, a few weeks ago, we were tasting all the powders. They tasted so alive. It was really interesting because they really had the flavors in them that of the real foods and it wasn’t just a powder. It wasn’t just a powder. It wasn’t something that came out of the factory. It was like a food that you might have dehydrated in your dehydrator and then ground up. It had flavor like the spice has flavor.

The green tea extract was particularly terrible, we all agreed, which is why it’s good in a capsule. But the pomegranate was delicious. It’s so good to have those.

I know that there’s a lot of supplements nowadays that say that they’re whole foods. But when I read on the label, they have terminology like ascorbic acid that says – that is, I know means that it’s an artificial vitamin C.

So these supplements, all that’s listed on the label is the foods that they come in. That really shows me that it’s coming from food and not from a laboratory.

So when we come back from our break, we’re going to talk about how you can get these wonderful supplements for free actually. I get them every month without having to take any money out of my pocket and you can do that too.
You are listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio and I’m Debra Lynn Dadd.


DEBRA: I see we have a caller from Pennsylvania. Laura, hello!

LAURA: Hi! How are you, Debra?

DEBRA: How are you today?

LAURA: I’m good.

DEBRA: Good! What’s your question?

LAURA: My question is how best do I explain to someone that they would be getting pretty much all that they need from the entire line? Like if you get the entire line of Touchstone Essential, then would they be getting pretty much anything they get from a multivitamin mineral?

DEBRA: Well, I’m going to let Eddie answer that first and then I’m going to answer it too. So Eddie, go ahead.

EDDIE STONE: Laura, thank you for the question. When I think about this, I really just pay attention to the advice that comes from the medical community.

Most people that would go to their physician, even their pediatrician would give the advice that they need to be eating say five to seven (or maybe five to nine or seven to nine depending on what your doctor’s thoughts are) servings of fresh fruits and vegetables per day. And if you do that, you’re going to get those nutrients that you need for good health or they may refer you to the updated food pyramid, which will show to balance the combination of carbohydrates and fats and proteins for meats and vegetables and good plant fats to get what you need.

You never really hear them talk about advice on taking a supplement because they realize most of those things are fractionated. They don’t remotely resemble what you find in a fresh fruit or vegetable.

So we pay attention to their advice. If someone is using our product, that’s exactly what they’re getting on multiple servings of fresh fruits and vegetables except in this case, we’ve made sure that they are grown in the right region, that they’re grown with organic practices, that they’re not heated, which is probably what you’re going to find when you prepare them in your oven or your stove.

So instead of being confused by these labels out there that show these fractionated supplements that are frankly meaningless, I tell folks to pay attention to the advice of their physician. And if they do, something like our Central Zen becomes an easy decision or someone because that’s the equivalent of 33 80g. servings of fresh fruits and vegetables – and 80g. is what they recommend at the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s website.

DEBRA: And you know, you couldn’t eat 33 servings of fruits and vegetables in a day nor probably could you afford it. How much money would that cost? Wasn’t it something like $12 or something? Eddie, you have the numbers? It was sort of the serving of Essentials was like a $1.28 or something?

EDDIE STONE: Yeah, it’s upwards.. it depends on what region of the country you live in. But the minimum we’ve calculated is $14. And in some places, say like New York City, you could spend $25 and still not get the same quality of fresh fruits and vegetables.

LAURA: Great!

DEBRA: Yes. So it’s quality and it’s very good value. What I’d like to add is I have come from a lifetime of having health problems largely due to toxic chemical exposure. And even though I’ve done a lot of things, I still have things that I’m working on to heal, particularly my endocrine system. And so my body actually needs more than what an average person would do.

So I take my Touchstone Essentials products knowing that I’m getting way more than what my daily needs are if I were a healthy person. And then I take very specific whole foods supplements. I take vitamin C that is made out of – oh, I forgot, amla I think it’s called, a gooseberry, Indian gooseberry, something like that because I need more vitamin C for my adrenal glands. But I’m always looking for a whole food supplement because in my whole food vitamin C, I’m getting the full C complex not just that vitamin C.

So before our hour is over – thank you for calling, Laura.

LAURA: Thank you for answering. Great answer.

DEBRA: You’re welcome. Before our hour is over, I want to make sure that we talk about – now, people are probably saying, “Well, how am I going to afford these supplements?” They’re not the price that you’re going to buy at the drugstore, but I actually earn more money than my supplements cost because this is – yes, a network marketing company.

But I want to address that because I’ve had people say to me, “I don’t want to buy these products no matter how good they are because it’s network marketing.” I’ll just be honest and say, “That’s exactly what I said.” I had such a negative view of network marketing for all the reasons that people don’t like it, but I want to say that that hasn’t been my experience with Touchstone Essentials.

I think a lot of people, individual, don’t understand network marketing and I think network marketing companies are not doing a good job, but this one is. The beauty, for me, of network marketing that I’ve come to learn is that – network marketing companies can introduce products that are really special because they’re being sold by people talking to each other. It’s basically just word-of-mouth and selling the products through people talking to each other instead of having them be on a store shop.

And the other thing about it is it’s a way for you to be personally, financially free. It’s a way for you to have your own business with a structure there who’s doing production and manufacturing and marketing and payroll and all those things. And the only thing that you need to do is let people know about the products.

It’s the simplest way to get your own business going. You have freedom of your own time. You can do what you want. You don’t have to even work an eight-hour day. And people in this company I’ve seen, people I know personally have put their jobs are making – one person just made $1100 in the first week. I didn’t do that, but somebody else did. It just depends on how much you want to put into it.

It’s an excellent product that really helps people. So you’re selling something that helps make the world a better place and it improves people’s lives.

So Eddie, what would you like to say?

EDDIE STONE: Well, I know we don’t have a lot of time. And frankly, I’d love to have a couple of hours to talk about this subject because I’ve got strong opinions at it.

But at its simplest level, we chose this vehicle to get our products out to our consumer because the most effective thing we can do is use word-of-mouth. There’s no way we could slap these products up on a store shelf and have their unique quality. This opportunity for really effective products reveals itself to the public. All that noise in the retail space, the speed with which people make decisions with brands and products, it would just get lost.

And so here’s these great products that can do these great things and without a personal story or two, it’s very difficult for the public to see that. So that’s one aspect of it. But for me, the other side of it is we can maintain and control a freshness with our products by going directly to the consumer.

This is what it allows us to do that we couldn’t do otherwise for those that know the retail model. It’s very difficult. It depends upon what types of products you have, but sometimes, orders are placed for those products well over a year in advance. They get on a boat traveling in from a foreign country nine, ten, twelve months before they get to a store shelf.

And I’m talking about consumables as well as things like electronics. So I think it’s just more efficient. It provides us that word-of-mouth. And then the other side of this is we do think that people do need a vehicle to make a difference in their life financially, whether just earning back the products that they use.

We have a tremendous system. That means if you have just three people consuming what you consume, either customers or members, your products are free. And so for someone that see something they want, maybe has trouble accessing them, this gives them a vehicle to address that. But as you mentioned, this gentleman with no prior experience in his first earned $1100. And that’s not everybody’s story, but nor does that have to be everybody’s story for us to demonstrate the success of our company. There’s all kinds of stories here.

And here’s what I appreciate after my exposure to this industry. No matter where you’re starting from, it meets you where you’re at. Whether you have no experience or a lot of experience, it allows you a vehicle to help you gain that full measure of your own potential.
Who amongst us doesn’t want to have a chance to take that cap off, that lid off of what we can do in life? We want our own opportunity. I think we get that here.

DEBRA: Yeah. Well, I think so too. And another thing that I like about it is that these products really are essential to every person on earth. If we want to be alive and healthy and happy, we need to get the toxic chemicals out. We need our nutrition and anybody of any income or not can have access to these products because – well, you have to have a little money to start, but it’s very little money. Anybody could pick this up and say, “I’m going to start this business and get this money and pay for my supplements.” It makes it accessible to any person on earth without any kind of discrimination for what their financial condition is.

So, just to me, it’s the combination of the quality of the products and the opportunity to be able to make as much as you want helping people. Really, it’s a total package for me in a way that I’ve never seen in any other business, which is why I’m sitting here saying this, not because I want to get my commission, but because I really want people to know that there are ways that even in our economic times that we can be making money by doing good.

And so just once again, I’m just so appreciative of everything that you’ve done, Eddie and that you’ve given us all this opportunity to be healthy and happy and wealthy.

EDDIE STONE: Thank you, Debra very much.

DEBRA: You’re welcome. Thanks for coming. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.

Indoor Plants Emit VOCs

Question from Jamie

Dear Debra,

I am getting mixed messages about my indoor plants. I recently purchased plants that were known for absorbing toxins in the home. One of the plants on the list was a Peace Lily. However, I just read online the Peace Lily emits’ VOC’s into the air and that the plastic containers the plants are coming in emit that as well? Have you heard of this and do you have any suggestions?

Thank you-

Debra’s Answer

Here’s more information about this study:

Study indicates need for further research to determine environmental, health impacts

Apparently plants do emit VOCs as well as absorb them, and they emit pesticides used in growing as well as from plastic pots.

So it makes sense that if you are going to have houseplants, that they be organically grown in clay pots.

It also kind of negates the idea of using plants as air filters because they apparently do not hold on to whatever VOCs they absorb from the air.

Well, good to know.

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Buying a House With Hardwood Floors

Question from Gail

Hi Debra, We are looking to buy a house with hardwood flooring already installed. What do you think about sanding down the finish and putting a non-toxic sealant on the wood? If the floor has been installed for several years, do think that extra step is necessary? thanks for your help, Gail

Debra’s Answer

Probably not.

It really depends on what the floors were finished with, but even if it was the most toxic finish, after a few years it should be mostly offgassed.

The more important question is: are the floors really hardwood, and not engineered or laminate? Both engineered and laminate floors give off toxic chemicals beyond the question of finish.

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Verizon Modem Smelling Up the House

Question from duffy1121

I just received a new Actiontec Modem from Verizon a few days ago. It has been outside and wiped w/vinegar, soap, etc and still has strong odor. We had to plug it in b/c my husband needs wireless for his work. We now have it in the back of our home running and the entire room smells like the plastic. Is there a brand of modem that does not off-gas these harmful fumes? I cannot believe this. We have never had this issue before. We now have it in a brown bag, but it still has the entire room full of this toxic odor. I’m afraid the walls, etc., are going to smell like this and we’ll never get it out.

Debra’s Answer

Here is an answer from David Abbot

There are several possible issues, but by far the most likely is that the circuit board- like virtually all circuit boards in routers, tv’s, radios, CD players, (etc.), is outgasing toxic phenols, which are endocrine-disrupting chemicals that can cause various problems, including but not limited to headaches and nerve irritation in the sinuses and face.

You can’t remove the phenols from the router without damaging the circuit board.

A charcoal air filter that has at least ten pounds of activated charcoal in it, will help remove the phenols from the air in the room, but it will not stop the circuit boards from outgasing, especially when the circuit board gets warm. Put the router as far as possible from you, and put the air cleaner as close to the router as possible, to get as much of the fumes into the air cleaner before the fumes can get into the air that you breathe.

Do not get one of those $10, $20, $30, or even $200 air cleaners. They are a waste of money. As far as I know, all of them have a soft, flexible black mesh “charcoal” filter. The thermoplastic mesh outgases toxic phthalates into the air. That’s right: these are air cleaners that do a cruddy job of cleaning your air, and in some ways they make your air quality worse. At most they contain only a fraction of an ounce of charcoal and because the charcoal is embedded in the thermoplastic mesh, it doesn’t really adsorb any toxins to speak of. If you want a real air cleaner, expect to pay $350 to $1,200 or more.

Do not use any ionic air cleaner for this purpose. It will not work, and most ionic air cleaners outgas phenols. Many people who use ionic air cleaners find they get more sick.

Never put a router in the sunlight, near a heat duct, near a light bulb, or near any other source of heat, because that will make it outgas even more.

Do not expose the router to heat on purpose with the goal being to make it outgas all of the phenols, because it has more phenols than you have time.

Keeping a window or door to the outside open while the router is on, is a fairly good solution.

Here is the best solution:
1. Drill a make a box that fits over the router, that has a 4-inch diameter hole in one side.
2. Attach and seal a 4″ diameter aluminum dryer vent pipe to the hole.
3. Using a hole saw, drill a 4.25″ or 4.5″ diameter hole through an exterior wall of the house, and stick the 4″ diameter aluminum dryer vent pipe through to the outside air.
4. Put an exterior dryer vent pipe fitting on the outside of the house, that the vent pipe goes into.
5. Seal all around the inside and outside of the hole through the wall, with 100% silicone seal.

This will seal off the router from your indoor air, and vent the router’s toxic fumes outside of the house. If you need to be able to access the router to turn it on and off, make the box with a little door that seals, or instead of nailing, glueing, or screwing on one of the sides, tape it on. Then you can cut the tape with a knife to “open” the box and turn the router on and off, then re-tape that side onto the box.

“The Original” Himalayan Crystal Salt

Question from Cindy

You mentioned himalayan crystal salt in your book Toxic Free. Do you know much about it? I would like to try making “sole” but am confused about what kind to buy. Are they all the same? Many different websites sell it, but some say that theirs is The Original Himalayan Crystal Salt, & of course, it’s more expensive than others. What are your thoughts on this? Thank you so much for your time.

Debra’s Answer

I could write a whole book on “The Original” Himalayan Crystal Salt. In fact, there is a half of a book about it. Water & Salt tells the difference between table salt, unrefined sea salt, and “The Original” Himalayan Crystal Salt.

First, the salt is completely in it’s natural state as a whole food. I’m not going to use the word “pure” because that would mean 100% sodium chloride, which is industrial salt. Himalayan Salt is salt in it’s natural state, which is sodium chloride plus 84 essential minerals that occur with sodium chloride in nature.

The salt comes from a primordial sea, evaporated by the sun millions of years ago. Today the salt is buried deep in the Himalayan Mountains, mined and processed gently by hand to retain the original qualities from the ancient body of water. When the salt is added to water, it releases the ancient energetic information that can benefit your body.

And the compression within the mountain range was so extreme, it created perfectly structured crystals in the salt.

Similar salt can be mined from different locations. The salt that says “The Original” Himalayan Salt is the one that meets the description above. I’ve been eating this salt almost exclusively for so many years now I don’t even remember when I started. It’s an alive whole food, straight from the Earth into the natural cotton bag. I buy the real thing.

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How Metal Cookware Affects Your Brain

One of my readers sent me this video from Dr. Oz’s TV show about how metals can lead to Alzheimer’s disease. Dr. Neal Barnard has done research that shows Alzheimer patients have plaque in their brains that contain metal – mostly zinc, copper, and iron (from food, supplements, and cast iron pans). He actually cut open brains to see what caused the disease.

The link below goes to a page on Dr. Barnard’s website that summarizes what is good for your brain and what is not, along with videos of his appearance with Dr. Oz.

Here’s my recommendation: use Xtrema ceramic cookware that is free of iron, aluminum and other metals found in metal cookware. This is the cookware I use every day.

I just want to make a comment about iron…iron is NOT one of the “heavy metals” that we need to remove from our bodies. Dr. Barnard notes “excessive iron” is found in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. Iron is a natural mineral that our bodies require in normal amounts. It’s widely known that cast iron pans leach iron in food while cooking. Some people believe this is a health benefit. Other say that the body doesn’t assimilate iron in this form. The problem here seems to be too much iron. Look at the sum total of iron you may be exposed to from various sources. Make sure you get enough for good health, but not more than your body needs.

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Refinishing a Headboard for Bed

Question from Gab M

Hi Debra,

Enjoy reading the website. I have made a natural bed similar to yours except the bed head is a lot darker in color. It has no smells and seems neutral at the moment.

Wondering if I sand it to make it lighter in color and leave it like that would that create an off gassing problem? or if I should seal it? I would like to change it however if I am going to create a problem.I won’t.

Thanks Regards Gab

Debra’s Answer

It’s impossible for me to evaluate this without seeing it, but I’ll tell you in general that finishes will outgas when exposed to air, and stop outgassing when it is cured. If your finish is completely cured, sanding it shouldn’t make it outgas; if it’s not, then exposing a deeper uncured layer will open up the finish to outgas, which will stop when that layer is cured.

Sealing it will only add another layer of uncured finish.

If it were me, I would sand it and let it outgas. In another room or outdoors if necessary. Sun speeds outgassing.

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Cotton vs Poly/Cotton Futon Cover

Question from Kelsey

Dear Debra,

Thank you for this website! My husband and I are preparing for the birth of our first child, and I have been using your advice to try and create a safer environment in our home for the coming little one.

We are on a very tight budget, but I made it a priority to “detox” our bed right away: we sleep on a Naturepedic mattress with a wool pad, organic cotton sheets, and buckwheat pillows. We do have a down comforter.

Baby will be sleeping in a solid wood co-sleeper with Naturepedic mattress pad.

My next focus has been our sofa. It’s actually a futon – this one:

We bought it last summer when we married. It is definitely a compromise as far as toxicity, (versus a standard polyurethane couch,) but it was really all we could afford at the time. I am concerned about the cover, as it is poly-cotton. Would it be worth it to purchase a 100% cotton cover, even though the mattress itself contains polyester? We cannot afford a new mattress.

Debra’s Answer

Well, you took a step in the right direction away from a polyurethane foam sofa, that’s good. But it would be better to have a futon with natural filling and a 100% cotton cover.

The biggest problem with the fabric cover is the possibility of a fabric finish that releases formaldehyde. Most poly/cotton fabrics have this, but cotton fabrics can have these formaldehyde finishes too, if they are labeled “permanent press” or “no-iron.”

I’d replace the cover and the futon as you can afford them. When you get the cover, be sure there is no formaldehyde finish on the fabric.

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PVC vs Polyurethane Raincoat?

Question from Stacey

I purchased some children’s raincoats from a company called Hatley. I had referred to CHEJ (center for Health, Environment & Justice) which had a list of PVC-free products and supplies. The Hatley raincoats are not PVC, but are made of polyurethane, with a cotton/polyester blend lining. The coats do have an odor, and I am wondering if I should keep them. Although they are not PVC, is the polyurethane much better? Thank you!

Debra’s Answer

Polyurethane itself, just pure polyurethane, is much less toxic than polyvinyl chloride (PVC). What makes polyurethane foam and polyurethane wood finish toxic are the other chemicals that are added.

If you smell an odor, it means something is outgassing. If you are questioning this, I would return them.

My raincoat is nylon and has no odor.

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New Lightweight Cast Iron Pans

Question from Bonnie Johnson

I just saw an ad from Williams Sonoma about some new cookware called Komin. It is lighter weight cast iron. I love cooking on regular cast iron but it is so hard for me to lift. It would be nice if it was the same. Any idea if this is safe?

Debra’s Answer

Komin is made of “ductile iron,” a type of cast iron that is up to 50% lighter than traditional cast iron.

The typical composition of ductile iron is

Other elements, including copper or tin, may be added to increase performance. Improved corrosion resistance can be achieved by replacing 15% to 30% of the iron in the alloy with varying amounts of nickel, copper, or chromium.

There are apparently various types of cast iron that could include any of these metals. Even much beloved “plain” cast iron can have various formulas (I just called Lodge and they wouldn’t tell me anything except it is “100% cast iron”). This description of How Cast Iron is Made mentions only iron and steel as the ingredients for cast iron, though other alloys may be added.

But also see Q&A: How Metal Cookware Affects Your Brain before you buy.

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Can I Wash Natural Fibers With Synthetics?

Question from Stacey

Is it okay to wash synthetic clothing and all natural fiber clothing together? Does it matter? I have been separating all my wash (even socks) into natural fibers and those with synthetic materials and think I might be going too far… Thank you!

Debra’s Answer

You don’t need to wash them separately, but why are you wearing synthetics? I’m more concerned about you wearing synthetic fibers with formaldehyde finishes than how you wash them.

Do what you can to get ALL your clothing to be natural fiber and washing won’t be a question.

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Can I Reuse Old Foam When I Reupholster My Sofa?

Question from Olivia

We have a sofa and love seat from 1980, I believe made in New Zealand. We want to have them reupholstered, but I am wondering if we can just keep the old yellow foam since it’s still firm and just add organic cotton batting and new covers. I don’t want the conventional foam, but natural foam is so expensive. Do you think it would be safer than using new conventional foam?

Debra’s Answer

I think re-using the old foam would certainly be safer than new conventional foam.

If it were me, I would add a barrier around the foam, just to be safe. Reflectix Bubble Pack Insulation has a foil barrier sandwiched between polyethylene bubble wrap. You might see if that works OK to sit on without discomfort or noise.

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How Do I Get a Blood Stain Out of Cotton Sheets?

Question from Anne

Is there any way to get a blood stain out of cotton sheets w/out harsh chemicals…after the stain has set?

Debra’s Answer

Here’s a whole page of ways to remove set blood stains without harsh chemicals…from people who used them and found they worked:

Readers, please add any additional successes you’ve had.

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Co-Spleeper Mattress

Question from Anne

Hi Debra, Per your recommendation, we bought a Naturepedic crib mattress several years ago when my son was born. I never bought a bassinet for him because I couldn’t find one that I felt comfortable with.

However, my son hated his crib right from the start and other moms have highly recommended a bassinet for my next baby.

I would really like to have a baby that will actually sleep in a separate space from me this time around and want to buy an Arm’s Reach co-sleeper. They have an organic mattress option you can purchase but I do not know whether it is truly something good I would want my baby to sleep on. Might I be better just trying to buy a used one that is a few years old? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Debra’s Answer

It looks like it’s basically an organic latex foam mattress with an organic wool wrap and a quilted organic cotton cover.

My only concern is about the latex, as anyone of any age can develop allergies to latex by exposure. It’s not direct contact here, but I know it’s possible to smell latex right through a fabric cover, which means it’s volatilizing. Personally, I don’t care for latex foam, but I’d rather have your baby sleep on natural latex than polyurethane foam with fire retardants.

But what is the bassinet itself made of? I couldn’t find that information on the website.

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Thirty-One Bags

Question from Kristen

Do you know if Thirty-one products are made of safe materials? I’ve checked their website but can’t find what materials they contain. Thanks for your help!

Debra’s Answer

I couldn’t find their materials either.

What I do in this case is

But my experience has been if the materials are natural, the website says so.

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Monstanto Protection Act

Question from Gigi

Hi Debra, I just found out about the Monsanto Protection Act last night. It was slipped in during the dead of night.

The new law that lets biotech companies like Monsanto escape litigation This law was created by a Republican and was supported by Democrats.

President Barack Obama inked his name to the bill, H.R. 933, & in doing so signed off on a deal that essentially prevented a government-wide shut down. The president approved a provision that lets the companies that make GMOs & GE seeds step over legal hurdles in the future regarding lab-made products that may later be proven to be dangerous. Included in the bill is a rider, Section 735, which says federal courts cannot intervene and halt biotech companies from planting and selling GMO goods to the public, even if testing proves them to be potentially hazardous to the greater public.

What can we do?

Debra’s Answer

Organic Consumers Association is already on the ball with this:

Urgent Alert! Tell the Senate to Strike Monsanto’s Rider From Their Continuing Resolution

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Wood shelving for closets

Question from gloria g

Hi, I am looking for toxic free closet solutions regarding shelving. I understand that solid wood comes only in 11 1/2″ widths which is not wide enough for me and, shelving wider than that has glues which are toxic. Perhaps there are closet storage companies that use non toxic wood solutions but I have not found them. Do you have any thoughts about this? Thanks very much!

Debra’s Answer

I don’t know of any offhand, and I’ve looked.

I just have shelves built for me.

I have a couple of ideas.

At Lowe’s there is a department where they sell boards made of various woods that can be used for shelving, building furniture, etc. In my local Lowe’s it’s near the wall molding. It seems to me they have 16″ wide shelving.

And also they have tabletops made of strips of wood glued together. Wood glue actually is not toxic, so if real wood glue is used, it’s OK. I’ve used these before with no problem.

Or you could contact someplace like and see if they can put together something for you of the right width. Just use yellow woodworkers glue and you’ll be fine.

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Milk & Dairy Board Petitions to Add Toxic Ingredients to Dairy Products–Without Putting Them on the Label

Question from Linda

In case you haven’t heard, the Milk & Dairy Board has submitted a petition for the government to allow milk, yogurt and most dairy to have toxic chemicals added with permission to not disclose or list any of that on the ingredients’ label!

Mainly it’s HFCS and artificial sweeteners & flavors.

Dr Oz yesterday gave this link to comment and make ourselves heard before they close it (I think in May is the deadline to write your comments in.)!documentDetail;D=FDA-2009-P-0147-0012

Debra’s Answer

You all should read this carefully. They want to be allowed to use “any safe and suitable sweetener.” What THEY consider safe and suitable is probably not what you and I consider safe and suitable.


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“Earthpaste began because we couldn’t find a natural toothpaste we loved for our families. We wanted a toothpaste that was as natural as possible…It isn’t just safe to swallow – each ingredient in Earthpaste has been used to support healthy systems.” All the ingredients come from a natural source and each has a purpose. Good formula.

Listen to my interview with Earthpaste Founder Darryl Bosshardt.

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Listen to my interview with Greenspace Owner Lydia Corser.

A small, but well-chosen selection of nontoxic interior finishing products, plus a knowledgeable staff to help you make a decision. “We focus on providing products and services that lighten our impact on the earth and improve our health and well being. We provide a wide array of green products including non-toxic paints and wall finishes, eco-friendly flooring, countertops, tile, beds, bedding, linens, towels and more. We work with homeowners, designers and contractors to provide high quality, eco-friendly solutions for home, business and building projects.”

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Fire Retardant Levels are Sky High in Airplanes

A new study found that the cabins of airplanes from all nineteen commercial airlines have high levels of flame retardants in their dust. And one was measured at concentrations more than 100 time higher than found in dust collected from homes and offices.

While exposures to the brominated flame retardants (PBDEs) and others used in seats, carpets, walls, overhead bins and pillows have not been associated with any health effects from exposure in the airplane environment, these flame retardants are known to be toxic and cause cancer.

Female flight attendant have a 29 percent higher risk of all cancers, including a 35 percent higher risk of breast cancer than the general public. They also have a 62 percent hight risk of miscarriage and stillbirth than the general public.

Environmental Health News: Flying the flame-free skies: High levels of flame retardants found on airliners

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EWG’s 2013 Guide to Healthy Cleaning

Just released this past week, this new guide rates more than 2000 cleaning products on an A-F scale for toxic exposures.

I really appreciate all this research and it’s a great tool for researching whatever products an average person may be using so they can see how toxic their products are, however, it’s not an easy guide to finding nontoxic products.

To find the least toxic products, go to the menu on the left that says “Products” at the top and click on the type of cleaning product. It then gives you the choice to choose the lists from A through F. A vast majority of the products rate D and F.

Many of the smaller companies making the best nontoxic products that I’ve put on Debra’s List are not even included.

But if you want to know how toxic the cleaning products sold in most stores are, this is a great resource!

EWG’s 2013 Guide to Healthy Cleaning

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Nontoxic Polyurethane Spray to Protect OUTDOOR Furniture

Question from Alice

Hi Debra,

Can you recommend a NON TOXIC POLYURETHANE SPRAY or paint . We want to protect some outdoor furniture from rain, wind and sun.

Thanks for your help with this.

Debra’s Answer

I would say there is no such thing as a “nontoxic” polyurethane spray. There is “less toxic” polyurethane spray, which would be any brand that is water-based. Water-based finishes do not contain the toxic solvents, but still contain petrochemicals.

Just type “water based polyurethane exterior” into your favorite search engine and you’ll get lots of products to choose from.

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Getting Rid of Vanilla Scent in Rubber Gel

Question from John

Hello. Would like to know if its possible to get rid definitely of that persistent vanilla-scent odour left once I applied some amount of termoplastic rubber gel (Mulco label) inside a washing machine?

Thanks, Jon

Debra’s Answer

I don’t think so. You didn’t give me an exact name for this product, so I searched for “Mulco rubber gel” and found a technical data sheet for “Latex 9000”. It says that is a latex-based sealant with polyurethane added.

Interesting you picked up the vanilla scent, as Talalay latex is known to have artificial vanillin added. This is incorporated into the latex when it goes through the vulcanization process to turn it into rubber and is intended to be an integral part of it. It’s only function is as a scent.

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PVC-free Internet Cable

Question from Need A Cable

Hi Debra, I need to buy a 100ft internet cable for my home but was unable to find the one that would be pvc-free. Do you by chance know where I can find one?

Debra’s Answer

I wasn’t able to find one.

Readers? Do you know of any?

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Esperanza Threads

An interesting and unusual source of clothing for men, women, and children, made from organic cotton and other natural fibers. This is attractive, useful, clothing made from natural fibers in styles that are hard to find, including flowing, natural styles in sizes up to women’s 3x. And… “Esperanza Threads can provide clothing for you if you have moderate chemical sensitivities. We strongly suggest that you first test our fabrics. Look for our Chemical Sensitive Safe Logo next to fabrics which are safe for individuals with moderate chemical sensitivities.” These clothing items are handmade in the USA through a program that trains low-income individuals in industrial sewing, including immigrant refugees.

Listen to my interview with Esperanza Threads Executive Director Lucretia Bohnsack.

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Kasper Organics

“Affordable and socially responsible organic cotton clothing and accessories for men and women.” All the items I checked were 100% organic cotton (except socks), with no synthetics. Many low-impact dyes and natural Colorganic cotton. Some latex-free. Some items are from brand name manufacturers, others handmade by the owner. Also bedding and bath towels. “If I was buying organically grown food for my family, why was I buying toxic clothing?”

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Natural Furniture

A large selection of real wood furniture, made in the USA to last for generations. This “ready-to-finish furniture is available in a wide cariety of hardwoods, each with its own distinctive grain patterns and colorations.” Use the nontoxic finish of your choice. They have hundreds of pieces for every room in your home, made from many types of wood.

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Natural Soap for Laundry and Bathing

Question from Rachel

Hello! I am wanting to use a natural soap to bathe with and make laundry detergent. I came across Kirks Castile Soap. I found a recipe on their website on how to make homemade laundry soap. Do you know if the bar soap has any “toxic” ingredients? I also thought about using Dr. Bronner’s Castile Soap to bathe with. What are your thoughts?

Debra’s Answer

I used Kirks Castile Soap many years ago because it was one of the only soaps I could find at the time that didn’t have artificial fragrance and colors in it. However, it’s made primarily from coconut oil, which made my skin so dry I had to stop using it. Just went to their website to check the ingredients and OMG! Lots of industrial chemicals! Compare these ingredients with any of the natural handmade soaps I’ve listed on Debra’s List. This is also a good source for soaps for bathing. I have no objection to Dr. Bronners, but to me, handmade soaps are more interesting and they are made by hand.

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Wearing Lead Crystal and Tin Against Your Skin

Question from Linda

Do Swarovski crystals pose a health danger? Say if I wear a Swarovski crystal necklace, can the lead leach off the beads and penetrate my skin and into the bloodstream causing lead poisoning? What about their Aurora Borealis beads? Those are quoted with tin foil (so I’ve been told) at back, meaning this would directly touch the throat area. If it’s hot and I’m wearing either, is leaching inevitable or are they somehow safe? Thank you for your help.

Debra’s Answer

Swarovski crystals DO contain lead, however, they say “the crystal manufacturing process creates a matrix which inhibits the mobility of lead. In other words, lead is bound into the structure of the crystal. Because of this structure, lead crystal poses no significant risk of excessive lead exposure to human health via surface contact (hand to mouth), mouthing or even ingestion. Indeed, Swarovski crystals have been tested under a variety of test methods for extractable lead. Test conditions and procedures do vary, but lead levels are well below regulatory limits even when the crystal is tested in an acid solution to maximize the release of lead.” Read more about this at

Tin could be absorbed by the skin with contact, so I would not recommend wearing the Aurora Borealis beads against your skin. You could wear them over clothing if you want.

I Need a New Couch and a New Chair

Question from Sheri

I have MCS also..I need a new couch and new chair. What advice can you give me on brands or what to look for to protect myself and my pets from the outgassing. Glue really bothers me and formyaldehyde. Thanks, Sheri

Debra’s Answer

Readers, any other creative suggestions?

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Will California TB117-2013 Really Reduce Fire Retardants?

TB117-2013 is a new California flammability standard for upholstered furniture (which includes, couches, padded chairs, but NOT mattresses). Because it is not feasible for manufacturers to make different versions of products for different states, the California standard has effectively been and will continue to be the standard for the entire United States. Currently it’s still in the proposal stage, but it’s in the news this week because the deadline to make comments is next Tuesday, March 26.

California Governor Jerry Brown has directed the Bureau of Electronic & Appliance Repair, Home Furnishings and Thermal Insulation to redo the TB117 flammability standard in a way that reduces the use of flame-retardants while still maintaining fire safety. But will the currently proposed revision actually do that?

The existing TB117 rule requires the filling materials of household furnishings (polyurethane foam in most cases) to pass an open-flame test. This is where the foam is exposed to a flame and the foam is required to meet specific flammability criteria. Because polyurethane foam is has an “open cell” structure, there is a tremendous amount of air available between the thin cell walls, which makes the foam extremely flammable. In order to comply with the extisting law, foam manufacturers have to add flame-retardant chemicals into the foam.

These flame-retardant chemicals, however, are only of limited value, because once the foam does ignite, the resulting fire can be just as massive as a fire with untreated foam. Even worse, once there is a fire, the various flame-retardant chemicals are released into the air and create even more toxic conditions for residents and fire fighters. Fire retardants have been found in the blood of fire fighters, and cancer rates are up among them.

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French Press for Making Tea

Question from Hanna

Hi Debra, Thanks for a great site!!! I’m looking for an all glass/stainless steel french press for brewing loose leaf tea. OR something better for this purpose. Just no plastic or leaching materials. French presses are so easy for people to use for this purpose. I looked into the chemex coffee maker, but the herb wouldn’t be submerged in the water because they are intended for filters. Any ideas?

Debra’s Answer

A French Press is exactly what I use for making loose leaf tea and I think it’s the best possible way to brew tea.

I bought my French Press decades ago before they started having plastic ones–I have the original. It’s this one: Bodum Chambord Coffee Press.

I’ve had it for years and I love it. You just put the tea in and let it steep, then push the plunger and pour. No need for a clumsy strainer

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Toxic Exposures in Soap Dispenser?

Question from mc19

Hi Debra, I have a question about soap dispensers for liquid soap. I have been searching for an affordable non-plastic liquid soap dispenser for our sinks (we use bar soap in the shower, but liquid soap suits our needs better by the main sinks) and I think I may have found a possibility. I found two options one is a bronze foaming pump and the other is copper (I plan to attach the pump to an old glass beverage bottle). Both according to the website are made of real metal and not metal-plated plastic. Is there anything to be concerned about with these leaching? We wash our hands quite frequently with having a little one, so I just want to be careful. Also, is it anything to be concerned about that all liquid soap dispensers have the plastic tubing that the soap travels through? I can’t find any source of information that tells me what kind of plastic that is. Thanks!

Debra’s Answer

There’s nothing to be concerned about those metals leaching as long as they are not touching the soap.

All the liquid soap dispensers probably have plastic tubing because plastic is “non-reactive”, that is, it won’t react chemically with the soap in the dispenser.

I called around and found that the plastic used for that part that touches the soap in the bottle is typically made from either polyethylene or polypropylene, two of the safest plastics there are.

So I’m not concerned about these soap dispensers.

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Can I Remove Scent From Breast Pump?

Question from Catherine

Hello, I let my niece borrow my breastpump and upon getting it back noticed a strong floral perfume scent. I called her and she laughed…I guesss it was stored in her front room where she has candles and oils present all the time. I had to throw all of the plastic componants away tubing etc…they wouldn’t wash out. Now I am wondering if the motor is okay or if I should buy a new pump altogether. I don’t think the scent can contaminate with new parts, but want to be sure

Debra’s Answer

Personally, I would just buy a new pump.

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Danger from Combining Cleaners?

Question from J in Va

I have done away with harmful cleaning products in our home. My concern is any accidental contact with bleach or ammonia residue from cleansers that may have been used previously. For example, I am becoming a big fan of vinegar. Is it safe to clean bathrooms that may have previously been cleaned with a cleaner containing bleach? Is a good rinse with water sufficient before trying a different product? And what about laundry? Can I use vinegar in my laundry immediately following someone else who may have used bleach? Trying to avoid any mishaps! I also have discovered Scotch Brite disinfecting wipes with cleanwell. Do I need to take any special precautions with using those? If only labels would be clear! Thanks so much for all you do to keep us on the right track!

Debra’s Answer

There are some cleaners you do need to take care to not combine, particularly ammonia and bleach, which can produce deadly fumes.

Don’t combine bleach with vinegar either, as it releases toxic chlorine gas from the bleach. But I doubt there would be enough bleach, if any, on a surface previously-cleaned-with-bleach to cause any problem. If you have any doubt, rinse the surface first with plain water. Also any bleach residue in the washer should not be a problem.

You don’t need to take any special precautions with Scotch Brite disinfecting wipes with cleanwell. “Cleanwell” is simply thyme oil. This product is made with sodium lauryl sulfate and thyme oil. It’s the thyme oil that is the disinfectant. You could just mix thyme oil with anything you want as a carrier.

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Laminate Placemats

Question from E.K

I came across a placemat that is made of durable sheets that have been laminated. I did a search on laminates but I couldn’t find anything pertaining to this type of lamination or if it has any relation to laminate flooring. I was hoping you would be able to help with this situation. I’m looking for non-toxic placemats that are not cotton. (Have a toddler and would like something that I could wipe down) I have come across silicone placemats and children’s rubber placemats but that’s about it. Are there any other option that you know of? Does the laminate off gas or unsafe to eat off of? Thanks so much for all you do!

Debra’s Answer

The word “laminate” simply means that multiple layers have been fused together to improve performance. A laminate is usually made permanent with heat, pressure, welding, or adhesives.

A laminate floor is made from layers of wood and adhesives.

A laminate placemat is usually some type of artwork sandwiched between two pieces of plastic. If you’ve ever taken a driver’s license or luggage tags to a copy store to be laminated, it’s the same process. You put the driver’s license between two sheets of plastic and run it through a machine that applies heat and pressure, and when it comes out, it’s protected with a thin film of hard, clear plastic.

The standard plastic for lamination is polyethylene perephthalate (PET), the same plastic used to make soda bottles.

Antimony is used as a catalyst in the production of PET. After manufacturing, a detectable amount of antimony can be found on the surface of the product. This residue can be removed with washing. Antimony also remains in the material itself and can, thus, migrate out into food and drinks. Would this be a danger on placemats? Probably the more you wipe it, the less antimony there would be.

Personally, I don’t have any laminated placemats in my house. I use cotton placemats that I can throw in the washer and sanitize with hot water.

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HVAC Air Ducts

Question from Linda

I have central heating with duct work that is not sealed tight so it is not energy efficient and it has asbestos. I need to decide between leaving the existing duct work with the asbestos or removing and replacing it.

The company I am working with is recommending air ducts that are Greenguard certified for Indoor Air Quality and for children and schools. These ducts have a fiberglass core. I am confused by this certification that is rating it as safe and yet it has a fiberglass core. I do not know enough about this subject to be able to evaluate whether this is a good option.

Here is a link to the Greenguard Environmental Institute, Here is a link to the air duct company , The product I am considering is the “silver jacket.” If you click on it, you can get more detailed info, click again and you can see the “data sheet.”

Do you recommend this product or another product? Removing the central heat is not an option. Thanks!

Debra’s Answer

I don’t have any experience with this product but it looks to me that the fiberglass in between two layers of stainless steel. So it should meet that Greenguard standard. I don’t see a problem with this product.

Readers, any suggestions for air ducts?

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Phenol-Formaldehyde “Bakelite”

Question from kristen

Are you familiar with Phenol-formaldehyde used in cookware products? Specifically a metal tea kettle, where the lid and handle are made of this material. I know formaldehyde is toxic, but in this application do you think it is releasing anything or could leach out in any way? Thank you for your time.

Debra’s Answer

Yes I am familiar with this. It’s been called “the first real plastic”. It is formed from an elimination reaction of phenol with formaldehyde. During the manufacturing process, the phenol and formaldehyde react to make a new material that is not toxic. It has been used to make many consumer products and is still used today. It’s not releasing anything and not leaching. You can use it without concern.

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Green Planet Paints

A gorgeous palette of colors made from natural mineral and clay pigments, in a plant-based (soy), zero-VOC paint. “Green Planet Paints was conceived in 1993, when Meredith Aronson, materials scientist and expert in clays and historic pigments, moved to Patagonia, Arizona. Surrounded by the blazing ochres of canyon walls, the electric greens of waterfall mosses, the shifting silvers of high-desert grasses and the multicolored hues of migrating birds, she was inspired to create a paint that not only reflected the beauty around her, but respected it. Combining her expertise in materials science with her knowledge of ancient pigment technologies, she began formulating a new kind of paint founded on three principles: beauty, performance, and sustainability. With the birth of her son in 2000, Meredith realized that her paint not only had to be beautiful, sustainable and durable, it had to be safe as well–with no exceptions. She began to experiment with simple, natural recipes for milk paints and clay paints, guided by her friends Bill and Athena Steen, renowned innovators in natural construction. Over time, she reformulated these simple paints to improve their performance and manufacturability. She incorporated her knowledge of Mayan Blue pigment technology to create stunning blues, and soon had a rich palette of colors inspired by the natural landscape around her.”

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Sweet Harvest Farms

Luxurious soaps, handmade using “the tried and true cold process method of making soap – entirely from scratch with certified organic oils that your skin actually craves….Our soap is made in small batches, from scratch, with each bar being individually cut and hand-wrapped to insure quality control. Natural colorants are used in our wonderful soaps to bring out the beauty of each bar and organic and natural herbs are added to some of the recipes. Shea Butter, Olive Oil, Jojoba Oil, Flaxseed Oil, Palm Oil (sustainable) and Coconut oil are just a few of the rich oils used to create this luxurious line of soap. Rosemary extract is used in every batch because it is a natural preservative and can extend the color and scent of the soap for up to two years.” Also unscented laundry soap and body lotion, scribes, and salts.

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How Long Does it Take for a Vinyl Floor to Outgas?

Question from rachel

how long does it take vinyl flooring and the glue they use to stop making one sick It gave me bronchitis

Debra’s Answer

It can take months or years depending on conditions.

If this is a problem for you, I recommend that you tear it out and install a floor that doesn’t make you sick.

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Nontoxic Finish for Unfinished Wood Bed Frames That Protects Against Termites

Question from Cindy

I bought two unfinished pine beds at IKEA for my granddaughters that I would like to paint or varnish, but I’m not sure how to go about doing this in the most nontoxic way. I’m not only concerned with toxins, but also termites getting into the wood. Would the wood need to be treated with Timbor or something similar before painting? Or would a nontoxic wood finish be sufficient? And if I decide to paint a color, would the wood finish need to be applied first, or is the color alone sufficient? I would appreciate your best recommendations. I’ve already purchased wool mattresses from Shepherd’s Dream, & want to make sure both of my granddaughters have a good nontoxic bed. Thank you so much for all you do.

Debra’s Answer

You don’t need to treat the wood first. According to Dr. Don’s Termite Pages , “If they don’t know it is wood, they may not find it. Keep all exterior wood well coated with paint or varnish, especially the larger bits and at the joins and ends. Drywood termites begin their attack with just two termites. First the female selects a likely place to live and then pairs up with a male before they start tunnelling. So if you can make the wood unattractive, the termites won’t even try. A bit of preservative can go a long way. If it doesn’t taste good, the termites won’t hang around.”

If you decide to paint a color, generally the color is applied first and then the wood finish goes on top, or a colored finish is used.

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Is Your Antiperspirant Preventing Your Body From Detoxing?

We’ve all seen the antiperspirant commercials on television that try to convince us that we need to use an antiperspirant or deodorant so as to not be sweaty or smelly. And they work. Today, annual worldwide sales of these products are more than $18 billion.

But the antiperspirants we use today have only been around for about 100 years. Prior to that time, human bodies did what comes naturally: sweat.

Sweat plays an important role in detoxing your body.

Your body sweats as a natural means of purification. In addition to the critical function of regulating the temperatrue of your body to 98.6 degrees F, sweat rids your body of poisons and metabolic wastes and helps keep your skin clean, supple, and healthy. Because it eliminates wastes, skin is sometimes called the “third kidney.”

Because sweat is a way for your body to excrete wastes, it is a way for your body to eliminate toxic chemicals.

In a natural environment, our bodies would be sweating on a daily basis, particularly during the warmer months. And our bodies would be more active than they are today, as they would be walking and working at the tasks of daily life, rather than sitting, riding, and buying products. Your body would sweat a lot more, for example, churning butter by hand than buying it in a nicely wrapped little package or whipping it up in your food processor.

Advertising has convinced us that our bodies shouldn’t smell or sweat, and so we use antiperspirants and deodorants. Aside from the issue of their toxic ingredients, antiperspirants stop our bodies from sweating, which blocks this mode of natural detoxification.

How to Help Your Body Sweat

The best way to support your skin as a detox organ for your entire body is to allow it to sweat, as that cleanses your skin from the inside out. In fact, sweat is the way your body cleanses your skin, without soap or cleanser or any other industrial consumer product.

The first step is to reduce the factors that inhibit the healthy flow of sweat

  • stop using antiperspirants
  • minimize time spent in air-conditioned indoor environments
  • stop wearing synthetic fiber clothing
  • stop sitting around

Then do things that increase the production of sweat:

  • exercise
  • sit in a sauna or steam bath (an inexpensive way to do this is sit in the bathroom with the door closed and run a hot shower to create steam)
  • soak in a warm bath

And remember to drink plenty of clean, purified water to replace the fluids in your body lost to sweat.

Now you may be wondering what to do instead if you don’t use an antiperspirant. The answer is: NOTHING. I gave up antiperspirants and deodorants long ago. For many years I used baking soda instead. But for the past few years I’ve used nothing. A healthy body that is washed daily does not smell bad. If you have bad body odor, it’s probably a sign you need to improve your health, not wear a deodorant.

How to Detox From Past Use of Antiperspirants

Antiperspirants work by using aluminum to prevent sweat glands from their normal operation.

Aluminum was first recognized as a human neurotoxin—a substance that causes damage to nerves or nerve tissue—in 1886, before being used as an antiperspirant.

While there is a relatively small amount of aluminum in any single application of antiperspirant, it is a metal that accumulates in your body over time. Daily applicationcan lead to a chronic exposure to aluminum over time.

Because aluminum is a metal, the easiest way to begin to release it from your body is with Pure Body Liquid Zeolite. Tiny bits of highly absorbent zeolite (a natural mineral) act like little magnets to attract heavy metals, radiation, and some organic chemicals from your bloodstream, removing them from your body within 4-6 hours. Over a period of months, taking PureBody on a daily basis can remove aluminum and other metals that have accumulated in your body.

So let your body sweat, knowing that it is a natural process that is helping your body to good health.

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Green Planet Paints

Question from Carol

As I was searching online for products to re-do our kitchen, I came across Green Planet Paints at one of the stores. It sounds good. What do you think?

Debra’s Answer

What a great find!

While I haven’t yet tried these paints myself, on paper they look great…zero VOCs, plant based (soy), and a beautiful palette of natural colors that come from mineral and clay pigments instead of petroleum.

I’m going to try these paints.

Let us know how you like them!

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Pampered Chef Ceramic-Coated Cookware

Question from Dawn

Has anyone found information about the new Pampered Chef white ceramic-coated cookware? I called the company two weeks ago to get more information, and was referred to the Test Kitchen. I left a voice message there, and have not heard back.

The rep who transferred me to the test kitchen told me the same thing a PC consultant sent me: “Features & Benefits: Aluminum cookware is attractive and lightweight for easy handling. The interior of the cookware features a white ceramic easy release coating that allows for easy release of foods and for quick clean-up. Plus, the white color makes it easy to monitor food and delicate sauces. The 4 mm thickness allows for even heat distribution while minimizing hot spots and reacts to temperature adjustments quickly. The cookware features riveted stainless steel and silicone handles making them secure and durable. Silicone handle diffuses heat and makes for a soft and comfortable grip and features a hanging loop in handle which allows pans can be hung for storage. Cookware can be placed in oven to 400°F (200°C). Lids feature a stainless steel, tempered glass construction with a silicone handle; this allows you to cook and look. Lids are dishwasher safe and oven safe to 400°F (200° C).This gives cookware versatility; food can be started on the stovetop and then finished in the oven. All pieces have a shaved aluminum rim and base for increased durability. Hand wash to optimize the maximum life of the cookware.”

I wanted more information on what “white ceramic easy release coating” means. If I hear back from the test kitchen I will post again.

Lisa’s Answer

Updated January, 2020:  I do not recommend ceramic coating.  You can read more in my Ultimate Guide to Non-Toxic Cookware.

Good Shepherd Wool Insulation

Natural wool for wall insulation, treated with the natural mineral boron to repel mice, moths, mildew and insects. They also make WEKA, “a wool-based building insulation incorporating a sheep wool and lime which allows the panels to be installed as a semirigid insulation on top of existing dry walls to retrofit homes.”

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“Organic single garden teas…We grow all of our teas in our single USDA-certified organic garden in northern Bangladesh, and they benefit from perfect growing conditions: The soil is developed with the use of organic cover crops and mulching, while the growing area is irrigated by rainwater. And from growing to packaging, Teatulia gives tea lovers only the best and most responsibly cultivated product; the canisters are completely compostable, while the labels are made of recycled post-consumer paper. When you choose Teatulia, you’re choosing teas that nourish the body as well as the environment…Like a fine estate wine, single garden teas ensure a purity, accountability and freshness factor.” Good information on the health benefits of tea, tasting notes, and tea recipes.

Listen to my interview with Tetulia’s Director of Marketing and New Product Development Chris Olsen..

A beautiful selection of black, green, and white teas, plus herbal infusions, sold loose leaf and in tea bags.

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BPA in Recycled Paper — Is Nothing Safe?!?!?!

Question from Stacey

I have recently read that recycled paper products contain BPA. I switched to recycled paper towels and toilet paper, and even paper plates, thinking they contained less chemicals, but now worry about the BPA in the recycled paper. What are we to use? I use Seventh Generation paper products but think they must be tainted since they are recycled. I am contacting the company…I feel nothing is safe! Thanks so much!

Debra’s Answer

That’s right, BPA is found in virtually all recycled paper.

I understand how you feel. On March 1st, our local water company started adding fluoride back into our water supply. I have a water filter that removes fluoride to nondetectible levels, but I went out to lunch and thought, “All this food is prepared with fluoridated water…” I just didn’t want to eat.

The way things are today, we can’t escape toxic chemicals 100%. What needs to happen is they need to stop being used. It’s possible, we have the technology, it’s a matter of making the choice. Most people still don’t understand there is even a problem.

You actually don’t need to use paper towels or toilet paper. I use cotton towels. And there is such a thing as a bidet, which requires no toilet paper. There are separate bidets, and also bidet sprays that can be added to your toilet. I haven’t really explored this option myself, so that’s about all I can tell you about that.

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CertiPUR-US Polyurethane Foam

Question from Bonnie

I have a friend who recently purchased a foam mattress from a company called CertiPUR-US. It claims to be a green item with very little off gassing. I have an older mattress in my guest room and was thinking about replacing it. Any info on them?

Debra’s Answer

CertiPUR-US certifies polyurethane foam that is advertised by various retailers as “certified nontoxic foam.”

CertiPUR-US is a registered certification mark of Alliance for Flexible Polyurethane Foam. The Alliance itself has no website.

The Polyurethane Foam Association describes the Alliance as “A voluntary testing, analysis and certification program developed by members of the global foam industry in response to an increase in substandard imported foam products.”

And on a promotional piece published by the Alliance, it says “The Alliance for Flexible Polyurethane Foam is a joint program of The Alliance for the Polyurethanes Industry and the Polyurethane Foam Association.”

So this is not an independent third party certification program, but rather the industry certifying itself.

This CertiPUR-US “certified nontoxic foam” is a petrochemical polyurethane foam that has been tested and certified by an independent lab to meet specific standards for “physical performance, indoor air emissions and environmental stewardship.”

CertiPUR-US does not perform the independent lab test themselves, but instead directs manufacturers to a CertiPUR-US approved laboratory. Then the signed application and all test data are sent to CertiPUR-US for review and certification.

The CertiPUR-US emissions criteria are:

  • Made without ozone depleters
  • Made without PBDEs
  • Made without mercury, lead and heavy metals
  • Made without formaldehyde
  • Made without phthalates regulated by the Consumer Product Safety Commission
  • Low VOC emissions (less than 0.5 parts per million)

Their website ( explains the CERTI-PUR claims as follows:

certiPUR-US* Made without ozone depleters

“Ozone’s presence is important in our upper atmosphere, where it provides a shield from the sun’s radiant energy. The Montreal Protocol, adopted in 1987, mandated that industries eliminate ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) by the year 2000. U.S. foam producers were well ahead of schedule in complying with this regulation. Unfortunately, in some parts of the world, CFCs are still used to manufacture foam. The CertiPUR-US label prohibits the use of any CFCs, or other ozone depleters, in the foam manufacturing process.”

NOTE: US manufacturers don’t use ozone depleters, so any US foam qualifies

* Made without PBDE flame retardants

“These controversial fire retardants have been linked inconclusively to chronic illness in cats and humans. Some PBDEs (polybrominated diphenyl ethers) were used in foam to meet certain state flammability requirements, but those PBDEs were effectively banned in the U.S. by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in January 2005. U.S. foam producers no longer use PBDEs. Laboratory testing verifies that CertiPUR-US certified foams are made without using PBDEs.”

NOTE: PBDEs are no longer used by US foam producers at all because they were banned by the EPA in January 2005. This certification does not guarantee that there are no fire retardants, only PBDE is disallowed, which is not even legal to use any more. Even if they add more single flame retardants to their list, the field of chemical flame retardants is broad, and any of these chemicals could be present in the foam.

* Made without mercury, lead and other heavy metals

“Though not common components of foam chemistry, heavy metals in food (mercury in fish) and in the home (lead paint in children’s toys) have made the entire heavy metal family an area of concern. CertiPUR-US laboratory testing subjects material extracted molecular analysis capable of detecting even trace amounts of heavy metal content. CertiPUR-US verifies that registered foams are made without mercury, lead and other heavy metals.”

NOTE: heavy metals are not commonly used to make foam

* Made without formaldehyde

“Like heavy metals, formaldehyde has never been used as a raw material in foam. Formaldehyde has been labeled as a cause of poor indoor air quality. The absence of formaldehyde in foam is verified in CertiPUR-US-certified foam by a small chamber emission test.”

NOTE: formaldehyde has never been used as a raw material in the making of foam

* Made without phthalates are prohibited for certification.

“Phthalates (pronounced ‘thal-āts) are mainly used as a softening agent in the manufacture of some consumer products. The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (2009) eliminated the use of seven specific phthalates for use in children’s toy and child care items. CertiPUR-US goes a step further by requiring detailed laboratory analysis of foam extractions and prohibiting the use of phthalates regulated by the Consumer Product Safety Commission in all CertiPUR-US certified foams.”

NOTE: Only the prohibited phthalates are prohibited for certification. This certification does not guarantee that there are no phthalates, only the seven regulated phthalates are disallowed.

* Low VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) emissions for indoor air quality (less than 0.5 parts per million)

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are a major component of air pollution. VOC emissions from household products are also a concern for indoor air quality.CertiPUR-US certified foams are tested using a small chamber test standardized by ASTM International. In the test, foam samples are conditioned for 72 hours after which emissions of total organic compounds are measured. Results of this test verify that CertiPUR-US compliant foams can be identified as low emission.

NOTE: Low emission does not mean “no emission.”

So pretty much every foam manufactured in the USA could be certified.

My conclusion is that this certification gives consumers a false sense of security that the CertiPUR certified polyurethane foams:

  1. are certified by an independent third party certification program, to
  2. meet a higher standard than other foams manufactured in the USA.

But in fact, it’s the polyurethane foam industry certifying that the foams that carry the seal meet a standard for which any polyurethane manufactured in the USA could qualify.

New Plaster Walls

Question from Jennifer Abromowitz

Hi Debra, I am planning plaster walls for a bedroom addition. I am intending to plaster over wallboard rather than use wood lathe (which is usually fir and aromatic, or metal – which I don’t like to surround myself with).

Wondering if wall board contains any chemicals, mold inhibitors, paint etc. What about the joint compounds used to mud it? Are there any preferred products from an Environmental standpoint?

I have been told that drywall is exactly the same stuff as plaster, so why plaster? Is this true? It doesn’t feel the same to me. Is there a preferred kind of plaster to use for plastering – that is plastering over drywall (ie do you just buy Plaster of Paris or are the options all the same?)

Last I have been told that plaster will not stick on regular wall board without a toxic vinyl acetate glue…but that I could use blueboard without the glue. Is blueboard usually ok? It is supposed to be basically wall board with a rough texture skin that plaster adheres better to. Any advice? Thanks

Debra’s Answer

OK. I understand that you want plaster walls. I can understand that. I have old plaster walls in my house and they are beautiful. And they don’t need to be painted.

I applied colored plaster on my bathroom walls, which already had wallboard. I had to apply a “sanded primer” so it would stick. I got the primer from AFM Safecoat. And then I used plaster from American Clay.

Wallboard is made from gypsum, with a paper cover. It may contain performance additives, but if you get just regular wallboard, it should just be gymsum.

Blueboard is standard wallboard with a blue paper cover that is specially treated with a form of aluminum to hold plaster. There is no offgassing, but it does create a dust hazard when cutting. If you want plaster walls, this is probably the easiest way to go.

There are three types of plaster:

I think I answered all your questions.

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Affordable Organic Cotton Towels

Question from LLB52

Does anyone know where to buy affordable organic towels? Mine are worn out and everywhere I look they are very expensive. Thank you.

Debra’s Answer

I don’t have an answer offhand, but I’ll tell you what I would do to find the least expensive organic towels.

Google has a “shopping” feature where it will tell you prices. Here are the results for organic cotton towels

If this link doesn’t work, just type “organic cotton towels” into google and look for the shopping feature.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and it will let you shop by type ie washcloth, hand towel, bath towel.

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How Toxic is Old Floor Finish?

Question from Gustavo R

Hi Debra! When I moved to my house 10 years ago, I had the hardwood floor sanded and then varnish was applied. The brand of the varnish was “Synteko”. I googled it and found a Data Sheet ( ) of this product, but I can’t be 100% sure that the ingredients of the varnish are still the same of the one applied 10 years ago, as they might have changed. But I’m pretty confident it had at least urea/formaldehyde, as I had to stay out of my house for a few days because of the strong smell. I wish I had read your book by then and this varnish would’ve never been applied. Now that I know about the dangers of these chemicals, should I be concerned about off gasing and health problems that might arise because of this varnish? Or after 10 years, there’s little to be concerned about? Many thanks, Gustavo

Debra’s Answer

Yes, pretty toxic during application, but the solvents evaporated long ago. It’s highly unlikely there is any outgassing going on now.

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Radioactive Scrap Metal Coming to a Consumer Product Near You

Question from Gigi


Thank you again for expertise, skill and wisdom.

Regarding stainless steel, now we have another threat that is nearly unimanginable.

The DoD is proposing that they to sell 14,000 tons of radioactive scrap metal from government nuclear sites to the marketplace. That means we could soon be buying radiation tainted silver and cutlery ware, belt buckles, zippers, surgical implants, and other consumer products.

As you can imagine, scrap metal businesses are NOT happy about being told to recycle this hazardous material.

We are already seeing these tainted products. Due to a random inspection of a commercial truck in Northern California, Cobalt-60 radioactivity showed up in metal bathroom tissue boxes within the truck. Enough to set an alarm off at a CHP inspection station. A recall had to be issued for theses boxes which were being sold at Bed, Bath, and Beyond (one of my favorite local stores).

Debra’s Answer

Will they never learn?

Another reason to take Pure Body Liquid Zeolite. You never know what you are going to run into. Pure Body will remove radioactive particles from your body as well as heavy metals and other toxic chemicals. I take it every day just as a safeguard.

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Crazy As a Loom Weaving Studio

One-of-a-kind area rugs, handwoven using leftover products of the textile industry, old blue jeans, and millends. She will also make rugs to order using your own fabric. Also bags and totes, stuffed monkeys, and an everchanging variety of handwovens shawls, baby blankets, kitchen towels and “whatever else my muse has decided to weave. All woven in the weavers home on old looms.

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Swanson Soapworks

I found this soapmaker at my local farmer’s market and was immediately drawn by the artistry of the simle swirls on the edge of each soap bar–akin to the swirl of frosting on top of a cake. Then I learned they make their soaps with a vegetable-based blend of water, olive oil, sustainably produced coconut oil, sustainably produced palm oil, vegetable shortening, sodium hydroxide (lye), essential oils (if scented), clays (if added) & spices. They make our bars in small batches using the traditional “stir the kettle” cold press method and use only pure essential oils, natural clays & powders, herbs from their garden and filtered water. I bought a bar, of course: Spicy Peppermint with Green Tea. Other scented varieties are more citrus and herbal than floral, also unscented.

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Uncle Harry’s Natural Products

Here’s something completely different in bodycare products: “Hand crafted products with natural native ingredients by Uncle Harry, based on traditional recipes from native cultures.” These are traditional body care products and remedies with “absolutely no toxic ingredients.” There is an astonishing amount of information on this site about each of their products, the native ingredients used, and why. A very interesting site to explore. Mouth care, skin care, hair care, aromatherapy oils, henna and incense, nutrition.

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Does Vitamix have BPA?

Question from K Hill

If polycarbonate leaches BPA, then what about the Vitamix container?

Debra’s Answer

Since late 2007, all of the Vitamix containers and lids are BPA-free (since Model 5200). If you have an older Vitamix you can swap out the container and lid for a new one.

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Insulating Spray Foam for Windows

Question from Dierdre

Can you suggest an insulating spray foam product I can use around a window?

The code requires that window installers/builders fill any gaps with insulating material – caulk doesn’t count. They usually use the insulating foam, but my builder said he can use fiberglass instead. Do you think this would be better? With fiberglass, of course, I worry about any airborne fibers, but I guess if it’s sealed inside it wouldn’t be an issue. I guess the fibers couldn’t escape via infiltration of air through the building envelope.

Thanks so very much, Debra. And thanks for all the great work you do in general.

Debra’s Answer

Here’s the story about these insulating spray foams.

First, they are all alike. There’s not one better than another, so your contractor can use whichever one they want to use.

They are VERY TOXIC to apply. Like they should be wearing respirators and hazmat suits. But once they cure, these foams are totally NOT TOXIC. So you can have it in your house, but don’t be there while it’s being installed and air your house thoroughly after.

Be careful when looking for a nontoxic insulating spray foam because websites will say “nontoxic” referring to the end result, and neglect to tell you how toxic it is during installation.

Fiberglass would be much better.


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Is Volck Oil Toxic?

Question from JAD

I run a native plant nursery and we try to be chemical free.

One of the volunteers has brought in volck oil. I looked it up and it is 97% petroleum oil.

We have 3 Chemical Sensitive volunteers and one complained about feeling ill after being in the nursery 5 days after this product was used. Do you think this could still made her ill. I have had a headache this last 10 days and have been puzzled why and maybe this is it?

Before I mention to everyone not to use it I would like some Professional help on what to tell them.

Thank you as always.

Debra’s Answer

I’m looking at the MSDS for Volck Oil and it says, as you noted, that it is 97% mineral oil. Mineral oil is not very toxic, but it is made from petroleum and anything made from petroleum could cause a reaction in someone with MCS, regardless of the toxicity.

But I’m more concerned about the “inert ingredients.” The MSDS says

This product contains a petroleum distillate. Due to the low viscosity of petroleum distillate, it can directly enter the lungs if it is swallowed (this is called aspiration). This can occur during the act of swallowing or when vomiting the substance. Once in the lungs, the substance is very difficult to remove and can cause severe injury to the lungs and death.

This product certainly could cause symptoms.

A safer thing to do would be to just get plain mineral oil and spray that on the plants for pest control. Since mineral oil is the active ingredient in Volck oil, it should work just fine. You don’t need those toxic chemicals.

Thank you for Everything

Question from Mary

Not exactly a question, but I was looking at a pillow case that I had bought years ago through a mail-order company that you had listed in one of your early books. You had named several sources of cotton clothing and cotton bedding, etc. That was a long time ago, before we had the Internet. Looking back, I have to wonder how you found all those wonderful companies. I just wanted to say thank you for providing solutions to so many problems over the years!

Debra’s Answer

You’re welcome. It’s my pleasure. It really is. It’s a delight to discover all these great nontoxic products in a world where so much is toxic and I enjoy telling others about them. It’s a win-win. All of you get to find the products you want and need to be healthy, and your purchases help the wonderful businesses who provide these products to stay in business. I’m happy to be the connection.

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Perfume and Smoke in Handmade Pottery Mug

Question from Mary A.

I just purchased a beautiful handmade pottery mug online. Unfortunately, It has a strong smell of perfume and also of smoke!.. The artist says she stores her materials in her laundry room …hence the perfume smell, and smokes in the garage where some items are stored. She will take the item as a return, however, I would love to keep it if I can ‘deodorize’ it . Any suggestions? also, even if the odor itself is gone, could the substance still be there for me when I drink hot tea in it ? thanks for your input!

Debra’s Answer

Well, this is the first I’ve heard of this! I would just return the mug and find another one you like.

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What About All the “Decorations” on Clothing?

Question from Lauren

Hi Debra,

Thank you so much for your website. I have learned so much from it and I really appreciate the time you put into answering readers’ questions and conducting research.

I know from reading your site that clothes that are cotton/poly blends are treated with formaldehyde, and so I try to stick to 100% cotton clothing for myself and my family.

However, I realized that some of the clothing (like pajamas with “satin” trim) say 100% cotton exclusive of decoration. If the decoration, such as the embroidery, the trim, or in some clothing the drawstring made of ribbon, is polyester but the rest of the garment is cotton, would this item still be treated with formaldehyde?

Also, what about 100% cotton items that are sewn with polyester thread (and how do you know if something is sewn with polyester thread?) are they also treated?

Finally, I am also curious about buttons—we have lots of clothing with buttons and they are all plastic—-is the plastic in buttons harmful (like possibly containing BPA)?

Debra’s Answer

Cotton poly fabrics are treated with a formaldehyde resin to keep them wrinkle-free, however those “decorations” probably aren’t even if they are made from polyester. As far as I know, it’s only the fabric.

Polyester thread would not be treated with formaldehyde as far as I know. Most cotton clothing is sewn with polyester thread because cotton thread breaks too easily. But there are some manufacturers who sew with cotton thread. For myself, I don’t reject an item of clothing over polyester thread.

Buttons are made from many different types of plastic, but I’ve never seen a button I thought was toxic. You are exposed to more BPA handling cash register receipts than you are from buttons.

I wouldn’t be concerned about any of these items as being a source of toxic exposure. However, some people with MCS may react to them because they are made from petrochemicals.

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Wall Material for Building Shower

Question from Debbie

Thank you Debra, for all that you do to help all of us. I sure do appreciate all the help you give.

We had our shower torn out due to mold and are trying to decide on what to rebuild it with. Fiberglass, acrylic, or vinyl is out.

Cultured marble seems easy to clean and there are no grout lines to have to seal yearly and clean with a toothbursh. Having had mold, a solid, non-pourous surface like that makes sense.

However, I am chemically sensitive and am wondering if taking a shower with cultured marble and breathing the steam from the hot water would cause problems?

Please help me as we need to make a decision very soon. Thank you, Debbie

Debra’s Answer

I looked up “cultured marble” to find out what it is actually made from and found that it falls into a category called “solid surface.”

A few years ago I did some research on solid surface products and found that they varied widely in toxicity.

Corian, for example, may emit methyl methacrylate and butyl acrylate vapors, according to their MSDS.

On the other hand, Swanstone, another solid surface countertop, is completely inert, no VOCs, and OSHA does not even require any kind of protection for workers in their factories. It’s certified safe for food preparation. It’s also compression molded to be five times stronger than Corian. So you need to look at each brand individually.

I think if you want a solid surface, Swanstone would be a good choice.

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White Lotus Wool Comforter

Question from RedondoSun

Hello! I am getting ready to purchase a comforter from White Lotus Home and wanted some advice. I see their wool is not organic, but 100% virgin wool. Is there a difference? Or shall I go for the organic cotton comforter to be safe? Thank you always, Debra!

Debra’s Answer

Actually White Lotus Home DOES have organic wool. So you could choose from their organic wool or organic cotton comforter. I have a wool comforter and I love it!

I asked White Lotus Home President Marlon Pando to respond about the wool. Here is his reply:

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Produce Freshies

These little packets keep produce fresh–just like those highly-advertised green bags–but there’s no plastic involved. Fruits and vegetables give off ethylene gas, which causes them to ripen. When produce is stored in a refrigerator, the ethylene gas accumulates, casuing produce to ripen and spoil prematurely. These paper packets hold zeolite pellets treated with nontoxic potassium permanganate, which converts the ethylene gas into inert water and carbon dioxide, so produce lasts longer. The Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) has allowed the material in Produce Freshies to be used in certified organic production of food processing and handling according to the USDA National Organic Program Rules.  After three months of use, you can add the power pellets to any flower, herb or natural home grown garden as an organic fertilizer.

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Stainless Steel Drinkware

Question from Kathy

I am looking to buy stainless steel drink ware, including straws, to use for both hot and cold beverages. My thoughts conflict on nickle content vs environmental responsibility. Comments?

Debra’s Answer

As a rule I don’t recommend stainless steel anything if there is another alternative, both because of heavy metals that can leach into food and beverages from the stainless steel but also because of the environmental effects of producing steel. Yes, much steel today is recycled, which lessens the impact, but it still requires mining of metals and heavy industrial processes.

I’m not sure what environmental responsibility you are referring to exactly, or what use you have that requires unbreakable drinkware and straws.

Is your question the health effects of nickel from stainless steel straws versus the environmental impact of throwing away numerous plastic straws?

First I would question if straws need to be used at all. I rarely use straws. I have some reusable glass straws, but since I rarely use straws, they rarely get used. If you need a reusable straw, these glass straws would be much better from a health viewpoint than stainless steel, and better for the environment in terms of manufacturing as well. Glass straws may seem fragile, but they are actually quite heavy-duty and well made.

If you really want to use stainless steel straws there probably would be little problem with nickel. In order for a metal to leach into a beverage, there needs to be a factor of time present, and a beverage whooshing through the straw for less than a second is hardly enough time for leaching. What would be more important would be the time the straw is sitting in the glass or the time your lips are on the straw. And then with stainless steel drinkware, the length of time the beverage is in the glass.

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Varnish on Soapstone Carvings

Question from Peru Lover

Does anyone know what kind of varnish they use on soapstone carvings from Peru and how toxic it is?

I want to buy a cute mini animal sculpture but it’s awfully shiny. Seller is in the USA and doesn’t know. Assuming it’s old enough and is done off-gassing, would this be a liver-toxic chemical? (I have liver disease which I think is the cause of my MCS).

I Googled and can’t find anything further than “varnish” or “butcher’s varnish” and “wax”. On Google images, unvarnished soapstone is definitely dull and this shines all over.

Is it possible to strip the varnish at all with like vinegar&baking soda? Anyway any input will be much welcome, sorry if it’s a silly question, I know I should shop safe sellers but it’s just something inexpensive I found and well I kinda fell in love with 2 of them. Thank you so much!

Debra’s Answer

I don’t know anything about this. “Varnish” and “wax” are two very different things and could have varying degrees of toxicity, from very to not at all.

When I am uncertain about the toxicity of something, I avoid the exposure.

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Removing Odors from Old Office Building

Question from Angelique

My husband took a new job at a company that uses a lot of auto-spray air “fresheners” in certain areas of the building. There was one in his office, but thankfully he was able to remove that.

He talked to HR, because he knows that they have a “no fragrance” policy, and if they’re worried about harming employees with fragrances, he wondered why they weren’t worried about harming them with air “fresheners.”

It turns out that the building is old and has poor ventilation, and some areas just get stale, stuffy and smelly, which is why they use the auto sprays. They told him to ask me what they could do instead of spray air fresheners. I asked him if they were trying to cover the odor of bodies, mold or something else, but he doesn’t know.

I’d love to talk to HR myself, but he’s brand new there and I don’t know if he wants me to ask them a bunch of questions. At least we have on opportunity to change the situation. Since it doesn’t sound like they’re about to improve the ventilation, I need suggestions!

Obviously I’m going to suggest air purifiers. But I know from experience that even the best purifiers — because I own $1500 Aller Airs — don’t get rid of all the odors an old building can produce. I’ve even thought of gentle fans, which help circulate stale air.

What natural, non-chemical thing would make a stuffy room seem less stuffy?

Debra’s Answer

Zeolite works very well for passive odor control, as it simply absorbs odors. Here’s a page with more information and some zeolite products:

Also, talk to Daliya at Nirvana Safe Haven. She has a number of options for removing scents and odors.

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Home Enema Kit

Question from Deanna

I’m in search of a safe at home enema kit for my family.

I have narrowed it down to silicone or stainles steel bucket kits.

I called and spoke with the owner of— she said that their SS is the 300 series and is “coated with chrome containing oxide so that it does not leach metals into the enema fluid”. I knew that if SS is scratched it can leach so I dug in again and found your post on SS that goes into the details of this.

My question is, if we were to use sterilized water with an added powdered probiotic & kept care to not scratch the bucket, would this SS be a safe non toxic option for my family? The only other additives I would use may be coffee, plain chamomile tea or 24 hr yogurt.

With these I wonder if I should worry about leaching, even if it is not scratched.

My first thought was to just get silicone but it is sometimes hard to clean – the stains should be fine but it can get linty.

Debra’s Answer

It sounds like the manufacturer has done everything possible to make the stainless steel bucket as safe as possible. I would say there would be minimum leaching. It sounds like you would prefer the stainless steel.

My rule of thumb is to always do the least toxic thing, but then I balance it out by the benefits also. There may be a very large health benefit to doing enemas, and a very small toxic exposure.

We live in a world where toxic chemicals are all around. We cannot achieve zero toxic exposure. But reducing our toxic exposure in our homes and the toxic load in our bodies can greatly improve our health.

I personally don’t know of a better option, but my readers might have some suggestions. Readers?

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Healthy Cats

Question from Cats

Debra, Just found your site and love it. Learning so much it has got me thinking.

We have 2 indoor cats, 12 and 14 years old. Both have over active thyroid problems and take medication. My previous cat died of cancer.

Wondering, since you live a non-toxic life, do your animals fair better than the general population when it comes to health? I assume you keep them indoors?

Debra’s Answer

I currently don’t have any pets, but I have had cats in the past.

I had two cats who lived for well over ten years with no diseases. And they were outdoor cats, but I was living in a forest. Very healthy.

Of course, they were drinking filtered water and eating organic food. Real food, not cat food. But they were also living in a nontoxic enviornment.

I do think our modern lifestyle is affecting the health of our animal friends as well as our own human bodies.

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Nontoxic Cologne for Teenage Boy

Question from Helen

Our teenaged son brought home a department store cologne. We went through the ingredient list on the Environmental Working Group website and found that most of the ingredients are a “moderate” hazard.” Is there a hip, manly, non-toxic scent out there that he might like?

Debra’s Answer

A hip, manly, non-toxic scent.

Hmmm. That’s not something I am looking for every day… Colognes are mostly alcohol with fragrance. Common colognes are made with alcohols and fragrances that are completely petrochemical and toxic to varying degrees.

The solution would be a natural alcohol (such as vodka) plus natural essential oils.

Try searching on organic cologne.

I found quite a few, but many had essential oils that might be problematic even if organic.

Here are a couple that sound nice to me.

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How to Get an Organic Bed on a Budget?

Question from Mattress Mama

Dear Debra, I would like to replace several coil spring mattresses at once , so cost is a big issue.

I have been looking at White Lotus Home and am deciding between the Green Cotton Mattress wrapped in wool with a non organic fabric cover and the Organic Cotton Mattress wrapped in wool.

The Organic Cotton version is double the price of the Green version so I was going to go with Green.

However you said in another post … “There are few, if any, pesticide residues in non-organic cotton FABRIC. This has been laboratory tested. However, there are pesticide residues in non-organic cotton BATTING. The processing of the cotton into fabric removes most, if not all, of the pesticides. The problem with pesticides on cotton is that they do go into the environment, where they pollute the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the soil our food is grown in”

Isn’t cotton BATTING what makes up the core of the Green Cotton Mattress? What is a budget minded mom to do? Please advise. Thanks!

Debra’s Answer

Yes, cotton batting does make up the core of the Green Cotton Mattress, but it is a better choice than a synthetic mattress that is made from toxic materials and fire retardants.

You could ask them to make a mattress with non organic fabric and organic fill. That would reduce the price and still no pesticides.

I’m going to say something that I say a lot but it pertains here. Remember we live in a toxic world. What we are trying to do is REDUCE our toxic exposures because we cannot eliminate them entirely. So if you can’t afford all organic, do what you can afford. It will make a difference.

Or see if you can reduce your expenses on other items so you can buy the organic mattress. Or figure out how to get some extra money.

I always keep in mind that whatever I spend on eliminating toxics now will be fewer medical bills in the future. When I compare the cost of an organic bed now against the financial and personal cost of cancer in the future, I do what I need to do to get the money together.

Over the holidays I found I needed some money to make up for the holiday slump in my business and I just wrote emails to everyone I know locally and asked if they needed any help for the holidays. And the result was that I made a new friend and am helping him start a new business, while at the same time learning new marketing skills that are helping me in my business.

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Apvita Hair Color

Question from Mickie

Hi, I am looking for a non toxic hair color to color grey hair, I was wondering if you have heard of Apivita Hair Color, or if you can suggest something else. Thanks, Mickie

Debra’s Answer

This product looks good to me. Let us know how you like it after you try it.

Other suggestions are on various blog posts and Debra’s List. Just type “hair color” into the site search box.

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Sobakawn Cloud vs Buckwheat Hull Pillow for MCS

Question from Mickie

Is Sobakawn Cloud or buckwheat pillows o.k. for severe mcs? Bad neck and head pain from accident and no drs etc can help me can not take meds.


Debra’s Answer

As I’ve said before, it’s difficult to evaluate anything to be safe for every individual with MCS because each has their own unique set of sensitivities.

I can tell you there is nothing I am aware of about buckwheat hull pillows that are toxic.

The Sobakawn Cloud pillow is full of “air beads” that appear to be some type of plastic. They don’t say the type of plastic and have no telephone number on their website, so I would pass on this one.

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Toilet Bowl Cleaner Chemical Also Used in Laxatives

Are you eating organic but using an ordinary over-the-counter laxative?

If you are, then read this article about polyethylene glycol in super-laxative products. The FDA has collected more than 2000 “adverse events” from such products, ranging from forgetfulness to death.

Now if you need a laxative, that’s a sign you need to change your diet. Eat more vegetables. Drink more water. Green smoothies are fabulous. Take probiotics to repopulate your gut and enzymes to help digestive processes. Get your gut going again. Get professional help if you need to.

Digestion is vitally important to your health, to release and absorb nutrients from food and to move toxic chemicals out of your body.

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Whole House Chloramine Water Filter

Question from sttlove

I have city water, and I recently found out that it is treated with Chloramine. I haven’t had it tested yet, but I can tell just by the smell that it is probably a high content. My family is suffering from it and it has become undesirable to bathe or shower. So, I would like to get a whole house Chloramine filter system. Does anyone know of a reputable company that specializes in this? I live in Pennyslvania. I know that Chloramine is much more complicated to remove than Chlorine, so it is important that I have the correct filtration. Thanks.

Debra’s Answer

Yes, I do know of an excellent whole house chloramine filter. You are very wise to make sure you are getting the right one.

I’ve been recommending PureEffect Filters since I installed their undersink filter in my own home (read why I chose the PureEffect Ultra-UC filter to install in my own home…. They also have a whole house filter that removes these same pollutants (chloramines, fluoride, radiation, etc) from your entire house.

Go to PureEffect Filters then click on “Filter Units” in the menu. The whole house filter for city water is the last item on the page. And right at the moment they are on sale.

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Your Experience with Man Pans?

Question from nicolette

Hi there. Are Debra and anyone else still recommending “ManPans” for cookware? I need a saucepan quickly. I burnt up my old Reverware pan, and I read reviews on amazon that the new Reverware is just not of good quality anymore. ManPans sound just what I’m looking for. Just so it is safe! Thank you all!

Debra’s Answer

I have a Man Pan skillet that I’ve been using for a couple of years now and it works very well. The only thing about it–and this is my personal preference, not something “wrong”–it the pan is very lightweight, and I prefer a thicker layer on the bottom. Otherwise I’m totally happy with it.

Readers? Any other comments on Man Pans?

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Talalay vs Dunlop Latex Foam

Question from Bed Question

Questioning my recent order of a new “big kid” mattress for my 3 year old son. He has no allergies, I am simply trying to get the toxins out of our house.

That said, I purchased a double sided Pure Echo Mattress from

I had one inch of Talalay latex added to each side. Now I am reading Talalay latex is not that safe and that Dunlop latex is a better product?

Quite honestly, I am finding it impossible to figure out who is telling the truth. Can you at least tell me if this mattress is better for my son (and our home) than purchasing one from a conventional mattress store?

Debra’s Answer

I don’t know where you are reading about latex, but I will tell you what I know.

I recently have been researching latex and can’t go into the whole story here, but to answer your question about Talalay and Dunlop…

Here is a page from a manufacturer of Talalay latex that thoroughly explains both types:

Talalay and Dunlop are two processing methods. But the materials used are the same. One is not more or less toxic than the other. The difference is in the quality. “Talalay latex is like a chocolate soufflé; although the process is long, your end product is a buoyant, airy, complex delight. Dunlop latex is more like a tray of brownies; tasty, but dense and flat in comparison.”

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Experience with Bona or Safecoat Wood Floor Finishes?

Question from Angelique

Does anyone have experience with Bona or Safecoat wood floor finishes? Or any other finishes? And I mean PERSONAL experience, or the experience of another chemically-sensitive person. We don’t need stain, but if we decide to install 100% mesquite wood floors (nails only, no glue) we will need a sealer. For my husband’s office we’ll need an “ordinary” sealer, but my husband wonders if we want to put the wood in the kitchen too, instead of new tile (our tile is very chipped) so I think that will need a thicker, more waterproof sealer. The wood company likes Bona products. I have had good results with other Safecoat products.

Debra’s Answer

Readers? Any experience with these products?

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Question from Shelly

Hello Debra. I thought I read about a rebounder on your site but can’t find any links. Do you have an opinion about using rebounders (mini-trampolines)?



Debra’s Answer

Yes. My opinion is they are great exercise. Especially to move the lymph system, which is vital for moving toxic chemicals out of your body. Unlike your blood, which moves by the action of the pumping of your heart, your lymph fluid moves only when you move your body. So daily exercise is extremely important.

The problem is that all the rebounders I’ve ever seen are made from some material that smells very strongly right out of the box. However, it does outgas fairly quickly. I have my rebounder in a corner of my living room and it doesn’t smell at all.

If you can rebound outdoors with fresh air, that would be all the better.

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What Can Help MSG Reaction?

Question from Kimberly

Do you know anything that helps if you have an “adverse reaction” to monosodium glutamate or it’s too numerous hidden names. I have also found it at every turn. Sometimes I feel like I am going to die…bad feeling! One time passed out fell on my face, busted my lips and my nose. Had a concussion. I am suppose to believe… FDA says it is safe.

Debra’s Answer

I don’t know what can stop an MSG reaction. My advice would be to simply prepare all your own food from fresh ingredients. That’s what I do.

Readers, any experience with this?

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What Might Be Causing My Symptoms?

Question from Lisa

I’m hoping someone can help.

I’ve lived in a small cottage for three years and have had no health issues. I’m chemically sensitive, but this place has been perfect. And I’m in super health and very fit.

In December, I started having symptoms out of the blue while in the cottage (headache, lung pain, hoarseness, fatigue, dizziness, foggy head, dry cough, etc.) similar to those that I experience when exposed to chemicals such as formaldehyde and benzene, etc. I felt so bad that I moved to friend’s house for a week and was totally fine again. The symptoms returned when I returned to the cottage. I left again for a weekend and was great again. All symptoms back when I returned.

I had PG&E test for CO and gas and they found nothing. I had the cottage tested for mold and it came back with an extremely low count (much higher outside) and the inspector said that it was very very low, that there’s more mold outside. I have no sinus issues or itchiness. There is no new furniture and nothing about the environment has changed. Nothing is new. I even asked the neighbors about pesticides and nothing.

I’m hoping someone can offer ideas about anything I might be missing here. Again, have been fine for three years. Am fine when out for a day. Someone mentioned florescent bulbs as a possible problem, but none are broken and never have been. Thank you.

Debra’s Answer

Readers? Any ideas?

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Drain Claw

This inexpensive tool unclogs bathroom drains without toxic chemicals. It “is the fastest, easiest way unclog a slow moving bath drain caused by hair. With over 100 hooks to grab hair, it just takes a twisting motion to capture hair trapped in a clogged bath drain. For bathroom sinks The Drain Claw not only grabs hair, but it can be pushed into the trap to tear through the buildup of soap, toothpaste and gels.”

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The Shade Store

Custom window treatments since 1946—now made with natural and sustainable materials, including cotton, linen, hemp, silks, wool, paper, wood, and more. “Our experts can help you create attractive window coverings that reduce heating and cooling costs, darken rooms and protect furnishings from the sun’s rays.” Choose from blinds, window shades, curtains and drapery “Free samples help you create affordable custom window treatments for every room in your house…We offer more than 200 varieties of window treatments made from eco-friendly, sustainable materials, including bamboo shades and wood blinds. Every window treatment is custom made in our US workrooms, and hung & tested before it is shipped to you.” What a selection! Lots of colors and fabrics to choose from.

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Glow-in-the-Dark Stickers

Question from Annie

Do u think glow in the dark stickers are bad? I assume they have some sort of phosphor containing chemical on them? Bad to touch?

Debra’s Answer

All glow-in-the-dark products contain phosphors, a substance that radiates visible light after being energized.

Chemists have created thousands of chemical substances that have a phosphor effect. Phosphors have three factors:

The type of energy they require to be energized

The color of the visible light that they produce

The length of time that they glow after being energized (known as the persistence of the phosphor)

A glow-in-the-dark toy needs a phosphor that is energized by normal light and that has a very long persistence. Two phosphors that have these properties are Zinc Sulfide and Strontium Aluminate. Strontium Aluminate has a much longer persistence than Zinc Sulfide does. Whatever the phosphor, it is mixed into a plastic and molded to make something glow-in-the-dark.

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Need a New Comforter

Question from EK

Hi Debra! I’m looking to buy a new a comforter and unfortunately i’m allergic to feathers and my husband doesn’t handle wool very welI. I came across a comforter which was made of recycled polyester and lyocell fibers and was hoping you would be able to explain what this is and if its a less toxic option than polyester. I’d also like to thank you for many years of guidance!

Debra’s Answer

Recycled polyester isn’t any less toxic than virgin polyester, it’s just recycled rather than going into a landfill.

Lyocell is a type of rayon. Rayon is made from regenerated cellulose fiber of various types. In the past, rayon was usually made from cotton fibers too short to spin into yarn. Lyocell is made from wood pulp. Bamboo fabrics are made by the same process, but will cellulose from bamboo.

There are other natural comforter fillings you might want to try, including silk, milkweed, cotton…there’s even a bamboo comforter with bamboo cover and fill. Google each of these for sources.

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Affordable Sofa Without Flame Retardant?

Question from Sofas

Hi Debra, your website is great! So glad to have found it. I’m finding the organic toxin free furniture is so very unaffordable. Is there any website you have come across that doesn’t have flame retardants at least. Basically second best I guess. Ikea? Looking for a couch or two. From Canada too.

Debra’s Answer

I don’t know of any readymade sofas that do not have fire retardants of some kind or another. They are required by law.

I suggest that you type “sofa” in my site search box and read all the other posts on this subject, if you haven’t already.

Readers? Any suggestions?

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IKEA Sniglar Crib

Question from GREENDAD2B

Debra – you rock. Just interested as to why the Ikea Sniglar is okay in your book, given the fiberboard. Hoping you have a great explanation so I can buy it and be happy that it’s not only the offspring of the wealthy who get to breathe clean air. Thanks

Debra’s Answer

I saw this crib at IKEA. The frame is solid wood. The fiberboard is the platform on which the mattress sits. I don’t believe it is particleboard. There are many different types of “fiberboard.”

I don’t have a crib in front of me at the moment to look at it again. But even if it is particleboard, that platform could easily be replaced and the crib is very inexpensive.

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Wet and Forget

Question from June

Has anybody used Wet and Forget? It’s for removing stains and mold from outside patios. You just spray it on and leave it…the rain is supposed to wash it away….there are concerns about pets listed on the label…Is it even safe to breathe? Would appreciate any information anybody has…Thank you…June

Debra’s Answer

Here is the MSDS for Wet and Forget

It lists the health effects.

Readers, any experience with this product?

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Bio Oil for Dark Circles Under the Eyes

Question from Melissa

I am trying to find out the safety of a product called Bio Oil. I want to use it on my dark under eye circles. I have heard such positive reviews but it contains mineral oil, so I’m leery. Any advice?

Debra’s Answer

The ingredients are: Mineral Oil (Paraffinum Liquidum), Triisononanoin, Cetearyl Ethylhexanoate, Isopropyl Myristate, Retinyl Acetate (Vitamin A), Tocopheryl Acetate (Vitamin E), Anthemis Nobilis (Roman Chamomile) Flower Oil, Lavandula Angustifolia (Lavender) (Lavender Oil), Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) Leaf Oil (Rosemary), Calendula (Calendula Officinalis) Flower Extract, Helianthus Annuus Seed Oil (Sunflower), Glycine Soja (Soybean Oil), BHT, Bisabolol (L-Alpha), Parfum/Fragrance (Fragrance), Amyl Cinnamal, Benzyl Salicylate, Citronellol, Coumarin, Eugenol, Geraniol, Hydroxycitronellal, Hydroxyisohexl 3 Cyclohexene Carboxaldehyde, Limonene, Linalool, Alpha Isomethyl Ionone, CI 26100.

I don’t like products like this, which contain some good healing things in a base of mineral oil made from petroleum and useless artificial fragrance.

The active ingredients are the botanicals. It would be better to get a similar product that is 100% natural, or even better, 100% organic.

There are many remedies for dark circles under the eyes and many causes. They can be a sign of a malfunctioning organ or a nutritional deficiency.

Better to find the cause and handle it than use a product such as this.

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Why We Shouldn’t Use Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs

Just want to pass along a very well researched article about why we should stick with our incandescent light bulbs.

“People are reporting migraines, rashes and epileptic seizures caused by the CFLs. Lessor concerns are general ill feelings, achy joints, anxiety and common headaches. I’ve had one report of school children gaining 20 IQ points when moved from a CFL environment to natural light augmented with incandescent light.”

CFL Fluorescent Light Bulbs: More Hype Than Value

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This website is dedicated to cloth diapers, so they have a ton of information and products to make your cloth diapering experience a success. They explain all the different types of cloth diapers, home many to buy, how to fold a diaper, and anything else you might need to know about diapering. Products include resuable cotton diapers made from bleached, unbleached and organic cotton. Plus diaper covers, wipes, liners and all the accessories.

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Eco Lips

More than a dozen varieties of petroleum-free lip balm made with certified organic ingredients. From pure and simple to tinted and sun protection, they have it here. Some varieties contain ingredients that are not organic, only because they are not available organic.

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Peek A Green

Practically everything you might need for babies, kids, and moms, all handpicked by a mom who knows a lot about choosing healthy and green products. For example, ALL clothing, bathwear and soft toys are certified organic cotton or Oeko-Tex 100 certified bamboo fiber, with low impact dyes, free of heavy metals, no chlorine or formaldehyde, nickel-free snaps and zippers. Wooden toys are made from from renewable forests with water-based metal-free dyes and non-formaldehyde glue.

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Stackable Plastic Storage Drawers

Question from Annette Tweedel

Hi Debra, Is there anything toxic about Stackable Plastic Storage Drawers?

Debra’s Answer

You just need to check and see what type of plastic they are made from. Polyethylene and polypropylene are the least toxic plastics used to make this product.

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Old Furnace Emissions

Question from Pam

Hi Debra, Do you know of any chemicals that on old furnace might emit, other than carbon monoxide? Our furnace is 23 years old and is giving me a headache when it runs, but it has been checked out and is in good working order. I’m stumped as to why this is happening. Also, I’m a little worried about getting a new furnace—odors, etc. Do people with MCS generally have any problems when getting a new furnace? Thanks!

Debra’s Answer

Old furnaces can emit much more than carbon monoxide. The burning of any type of fuel produces a whole group of toxic chemicals known as “combustion by-products.”

These include benzene, toluene, formaldehyde, radon, PCBs, dioxins and many more. Different types of fuel produce different pollutants. To find out what might be produced by your furnace, type “combustion byproducts” and the type of fuel, such as “combustion byproducts coal.”

“Good working order” may still be emitting pollutants that can make you sick.

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Let’s Get the Dangers of Air Fresheners & Perfume on Dr Oz

Question from Get Dr Oz to ban air-fresheners!

Wondering if we can’t get organized & contact Dr. Oz so he does a show on the toxicity of air-fresheners and perfumes and all-around phthalates-containing products?

There’s a lot of ignorance out there & the biggest scam is calling these air-pollutants “air-fresheners”.

Who’s with me and how can we do this!?

We need lots of emails from tons of IPs to make an impact here.

Perfumes need to be banned from the workplace, and chemicals such as air-fresheners from apt. buildings (bathrooms, gyms and other common areas & eventually from people’s apts. as they waft onto other apts.) so maybe we can get the ball rolling by spreading awareness to those clueless souls who wait hand & foot on the good Dr instead of doing their own research but do take what he says as gospel.

Dr Oz has been rehashing the same 2 topics ad-nauseatum: how to lose weight, how to get skinny and how to lose wrinkles, how to get young-looking like a broken record for years on end.

Debra’s Answer

OK. Here’s where you can make a suggestion for a show:

Fill out the form and in the Subject menu choose “I have an idea for a segment.”

I suggest you say whatever you want to say about fragrance and why Dr Oz should talk about the subject.

Then give them this link to Scent-free Victory! and tell them to read the letter from Dr. Anne Steinemann about the toxic chemicals found in scented products.

Tell them to have me as a guest on the show. Give them this URL about my book Toxic Free.

Pass this on to everyone you know. Post a link to this blog on your Facebook and Twitter pages and anyplace else. Now. Today. Let’s send them a lot of messages all at once and see if they pay attention.

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Non-Organic Cotton Quilt OK?

Question from audrey

My mattress, sheets, etc are all organic or green (dye free etc). I need to buy a plain lightweight quilt and the organic ones are so expensive. What do you think about just a regular one – that obviously is washed and aired out so it doesn’t smell (even the organic items smell in the beginning). I am leary because it will be on my bed, but the expense of the organic ones are a bit more than I can afford. Thanks.

Debra’s Answer

I don’t know the size of your bed or your “affordable” price range.

If you’re not going to go organic, I would choose something as plain and simple as possible, such as: coverlets from Garnet Hill.

Or this dream quilt also from Garnet Hill which is on sale right now.

Garnet Hill has been selling natural fiber bedding since before I started writing thirty years ago. Ask them about finishes.

Stay away from cheap quilts that may have polyester and formaldehyde.

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Ebay Sellers

Question from Alex

Does anyone here shop ebay? Any tips on how to address sellers?

My very polite inquiries fetch replies that fall into 4 categories:

Very few are honest.

The others are either truthful about no chemical items, or truthful about their houses being smoker’s homes or chemicals-wafting homes

And the 4th category is quite colorful & leaves me puzzled: they either reply flippantly, are rude, make insensitive jokes or tell me that “everything has an odor” &, although they do not use any chemicals in their homes, they cannot guarantee where the (non-toxic, odor-free, natural) product has been!

It’s very frustrating, as an impulsive buyer (don’t judge please) to have to query them first; by the time they reply I’ve often changed my mind & these are things I need.

Debra’s Answer

I’m not sure what your question is.

It seems that all of the ebay sellers you have contacted are responding negatively, which to me indicates they are not the right sellers for you.

All the websites on Debra’s List sell the type of products you are looking for and will answer your questions, I’m sure. I’ve even marked some who are accustomed to the needs of those with MCS.

I think the problem is not how you are addressing them, but you are addressing people who may not even know what you are talking about.

That’s why I created Debra’s List. So you can find businesses that understand and offer nontoxic products.

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Finding a Rental for MCS

Question from Russ

I have a couple questions in terms of finding a healthy place to live for those of us with MCS.

In my case I’m looking at rentals.

Remodelling: Many rentals will have either a recently remodeled kitchen/bath, recently re-finished hardwood floors, or fresh paint. Most MCS info I’ve seen says these places need to be avoided. Do folks here agree with that or might some of these places still work. I’m especially interested in the case of refinished or new hardwood floors.

I know that gas forced air heat is a big no-no (except maybe if it is a high-efficiency sealed combustion furnace). But what about hot water radiant heat that is fueled by a gas furnace in the basement. Is this still a no-no due to combustion products rising up into the rest of the house?


Debra’s Answer

I wish I could give you a general answer, but these issues really need to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

A recently remodeled kitchen/bath is likely to have new particleboard cabinets that reek of formaldehyde. Usually, but not always.

Recently refinished hardwood floors might have very toxic oil-based finish or much less toxic water-based finish. How much the floors are outgassing depends on how recently they were finished. You may be able to use heat to speed up the outgassing.

Fresh paint also depends on the type of paint used. Oil-based paint is difficult to outgas, but a low- or no-VOC paint or even regular latex paint can be easily outgassed with heat.

With a gas heater in the basement, whether or not that is OK has to do with the amount of air that seeps up into the house from the basement. If it is well-sealed, it may not be a problem.

If you find a place you like, I can help you determine if it can be fixed to be less toxic with a paid phone consultation.

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Levana Naturals

High quality organic cotton, organic wool & silk clothing for babies and children. They have everything from organic onesies to fair trade playsuits to organic baby blankets.”Our love of natural products—their feel, taste, smell, look and sometimes even their sound—made it a natural choice for us to look for organic items for our newborn. We want to protect the innocence and carefree nature of our children, the environment they live in and the society they grow up in. And have fun doing it. “

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Wilderness Family Naturals

A select collection of nutrient-dense foods, chosen by a couple dedicated to eating and providing high quality, healthy food. They started their business while living in the pristine wilderness of Northeaster Minnesota, but moved to a nearby small town as their internet business grew. This is not your standard natural food store. There are all kinds of food products, but they are very special. Organic Extra Virgin Olive oil crafted on the coast of the Aegean sea by a co-op of farmers. Chocolate syrup made from raw organic chocolate and agave. Exotic heirloom rice with purple and pink grains. An interesting site to explore!

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Scent-free Victory!

Question from Bohdan Lychacz

Staples is a large chain in Canada selling business supplies.

Just recently they started piping in fragrance throughout the store. Here is the response to my letter of concern.

I want your readers to know that yesterday I sent my husband into Staples ahead of me into the store to check for the fragrance they had vented in. He gave me the all clear.

The sickening fragrance was no longer in the air.

I hope this is a permanent decision on their part.

I am heartened by their decision to suspend the air fragrance.


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Chlorine Protection for Swimmers

Question from Juliee

Debra, I read some of your articles re: chlorine. I swim 3 X a week. Before going into the outdoor pool, I cover myself w/ Coconut oil. When I get out, I pour a bottle of H2o over me that has 1000 mg of Vit C dissolved in it. I then go into the sauna from 15-30 min. I really am trying to get rid of any chlorine that I have absorbed while swimming. Am I wasting my time doing this routine?

Debra’s Answer

We discussed this in 2007 at Q&A: How to minimize risk from swimming in chlorinated pool.

I just was searching about this and came across a useless article that gave ste-by-step instructions for removing chlorine from your body after swimming with soap and water.

Chlorine is immediately absorbed through your skin on contact, so there is no way to remove it after the fact, you need to apply a barrier, like you are doing with coconut oil. I don’t know how effective that is, but it would be better than nothing.

There is a field called “toxicokinetics” that is the description of what rate a chemical will enter the body and what happens to it once it is in the body. It’s very useful stuff to know. You can seach on “toxicokinetics” and the name of the chemical to get this information online. Unfortunately, it isn’t always available or complete.

I searched on “toxicokinetics chlorine” and found that there wasn’t anything on the effects of chlorine in your body when absorbed through the skin, only when inhaled. So I’ll tell you when it is inhaled, it basically is absorbed into the body through the airways. The distribution, metabolism, and excretion of chlorine is determined by how it reacts in one’s individual body.

The purpose of chlorine is to kill micro-organisms. It doesn’t care if those micro-organisms are in the pool or in your body, and it also doesn’t know which are harmful and which are beneficial. It just kills them all. So it’s best to keep chlorine out of your body as best you can. I imagine it would leave your body fairly quickly as it is a gas. It’s not something your body would store.

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Mold-resistant shower curtain

Question from Susan

Hello Debra, Do you have any suggestions to find a mold-resistant shower curtain that is not vinyl? And if it has to be vinyl perhaps a less toxic version?

Thank you, Susan

Debra’s Answer

I know all about this, having been through this problem myself with cotton shower curtains molding.

I’m told hemp shower curtains do not mold.

You can get shower curtains made from nontoxic EVA plastic at IKEA stores (not online) very cheap (I think it’s something like $3) or online at Vita Future

Nylon shower curtains are also nontoxic and don’t mold.

But what I did was just install glass shower doors, which cost less than $100 at Home Depot and Lowe’s. Much nicer than a curtain and mold-free.

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Experience With New Hair Color Products?

Question from Rebecca

About safe (safer) hair coloring: I worked with a somewhat organic/safer hair colorist for the last several years who gave me blonde highlights (my hair is dark blonde naturally with some greying on top). She is no longer available….so on the search for a new person AND a safer hair product. I see there are now a number of hair-color products on WFoods shelves, etc, that claim to be less toxic (no ammonia, resorcinol, etc.) Can anyone recommend a hair coloring product, esp if you go “blonde highlights”, which has worked reasonably well for you? I’m also very scent-sensitive with MCS, so have to take great care. Thanks much!

Debra’s Answer

Readers? Your experience?

My suggestion would be to find the new hairdresser and discuss this with him or her, as they are responsible for the outcome. They also will want to work with professional products and not an off-the-shelf product designed for home use.

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Nontoxic Picture Frames

Question from Christie Fairman

I never knew that even the picture frames in our homes have chemicals that can offgass. There is a new labeling system for “formaldyhyde compliant” with a phase number. I have looked everywhere for solid wood frames. But, mostly I kept finding the toxic picture frames. I am also trying to slowly replace items in my home.

Debra’s Answer

First I want to explain “formaldehyde compliant”.

The statement is “California 93120 compliant for formaldehyde” and it means that the amount of formaldehyde offgassing from the product at 73 degrees in a room that has one air exchange per hour will be at or below the California standard.

This standard was set up in California after a 2009 study showed that 98 percent of the homes tested exceeded the recommended formaldehyde limit established by the state, and the typical home exceeded the limit by four times.

But being formaldehyde compliant does not mean that the product is safe. This is based on meeting the standard when the temperature is 73 degrees and there is one air exchange per hour.

This means all the air in the room is replaced by new outside air every hour. Is that the case in your home? Keep in mind that when you are using your HVAC for heating or cooling, it probably is recycling the air to preserve the heat or coolness.

It also means that the air needs to be at 73 for compliance. The reate of offgassing doubles with every 10 degrees of temperature.

Scents Make Shoppers Buy More

Wondering why we now have all these fragrances on products and in stores? It’s because scent makes shoppers buy more.

“It basically enhances the environment for a first great impression,” says Biondi, whose company serves everyone from Express clothing to Mandalay Bay Resorts. Retailers, hotels, and even car makers use scents, he says, to evoke certain moods that will make customers happier with the brand.

“It’s very subtle,” he says. “When it’s done best, it’s not overwhelming, just enough for someone to look around and say, ‘It really smells nice.'”

It’s well known in marketing circles: Scents can have a powerful effect on consumer behaviour. After sound, scent is the second most powerful sense, experts say, and the only one of our five that bypasses the rational part of our brain to tap directly into our emotions. By spraying the right molecules into the air — into their merchandise, or even onto their letterhead — companies can make customers feel relaxed, energized, safe, young or sexy.

Read more at ABC News: Smells Like Profit: Scents in Stores, on Products, Makes Shoppers Buy More


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Simple, yet elegant and colorful, clothing for women and men, made by fair trade artisans in South America using organic cotton, free range alpaca, silk (harvested by a process that preserves the silkworms), and merino wool. Colors are the natural color of the fiber or the result of low-impact dyes. Garments are handmade through-and-through beginning with the fabric itself, which is hand-knit with needles or hand-woven on a loom. The styles are beautiful and timeless—what clothing should be.

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Renaissance Fabrics

While looking for ideas to make a Dickens costume for singing Christmas Carols with a local choir, I stumbled across this website, which specializes in wool, silk, linen, and cotton fabrics for the historical costumer. They also have historical trims, lace, buttons, and patterns. They have so many lovely natural fiber fabrics in patterns and colors and weights—things you don’t see in fabric stores. They have, for example, plain woven cottons, plus cotton damask, brocade, sateen, sheers, twill, velvet and velveteen and more. I asked about finishes and they said: “Most of our fabrics have some sort of finish on them but no permanent-press kinds that I know of.” They can tell because the fabrics need to be ironed. Even some of the trims are natural fiber—like silk ribbons. Fabric content noted on all items, so you can avoid the few that have synthetic fibers.

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Kugelhopf Mold

Question from liza

Hi debra, i want to purchase a Kugelhopf Mold but they are either made from something covered with nonstick, or tinned steel or anodized 18 gauge aluminum. which is the safest choice? thanks so much

Debra’s Answer

How about none of the above?

One thing I have learned in the past thirty years of living toxic-free is that there are some things that are just not worth the toxic effect.

Not only do you have whatever might leach from the pan, there’s also refined flour and refined sugar, both of which are toxic foods.

I’ve learned to find new pleasures that are nontoxic and support good health, and leave the toxic treats behind.

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Multipure Water Filters

Question from Beth

I’ve been perusing your list for under counter water filtration systems. I see that Multipure is not on there, but it is the only company I’ve seen yet that makes stainless steel housings. Plastic housing on a water filtration system is counterintuitive to me. What can you tell me about the effectiveness of Multipure vs., the ones on your list, especially the top one that has the “accustomed to MCS” icon? Thanks.

Debra’s Answer

First in general I want to say that just because something isn’t on [Debra’s List] doesn’t mean it’s a bad product. I only have so many hours in the day and there are many products that qualify that aren’t on the list because 1) I don’t know about them or 2) I haven’t yet had time to add them or 3) I think other products are better and don’t want to make things so confusing you don’t know what to choose.

For many years I recommended MultiPure and still would recommend their filters if they fit your need.

Multipure filters are mainly carbon block filters that [reduce a long list of contaminants]= The list includes both chlorine and chloramines, but it’s my understanding that you need a special kind of carbon to remove chloramines, so this doesn’t make sense to me. Also I don’t see a lab test that says how much of these contaminants are removed.

As for plastic vs stainless steel housing, in fact, both plastic and stainless steel can leach into water, but the contact time is so slight in a water filter that it’s unlikely that either is leaching much, if at all. What you need to look at is a lab test of the product water to see if substances that leach are in the product water.

I can’t compare this to all the other water filters on Debra’s List here in a blog post, but I will compare it to the top one on the list, the Pure Effect filters. These are very different. You can read my comments about them at why I chose the PureEffect Ultra-UC filter to install in my own home…

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How Do I Remove Tape Residue Hardened Onto Glass or Plastic?

Question from Bluebird

Do you have any idea how to remove tape residue which is hardened onto glass or plastic? The masking tape and other tape has been sitting for a few years and it seems welded to the plastic and glass. I tried alcohol but that is only partially effective. Thanks.

Debra’s Answer

Good question!

I actually had that problem once on a window and removed it by scraping it off with a razor blade

Not sure what to do with plastic.

There are various cleaners that will melt it, however the cleaner would need to be nontoxic.

Readers, any experience with this?

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Fire Retardants in Drywall?

Question from Hannah

Hi Debra, My question is about flame retardants. First of all, is drywall treated with flame retardants? I can’t find any info about that. Second, do you know of any information about whether flame retardants are able to be excreted from the body or do they build up. It would be helpful to know which chemicals we can detox and which ones we can’t so if you know of any databases with that info that would be great! Thanks very much!

Debra’s Answer

Drywall does NOT contain fire retardants. If it did, they would be listed on the MSDS. And it’s not.

Nor have I ever heard drywall associated with fire retardant exposure.

Whether flame retardants can be excreted from the body is a good question. Here’s a study that shows 92% of tris was excreted after 5 days.

The problem is that usually we are exposed to fire retardants day in and day out. So if you have say five hours of exposure sitting on a sofa watching tv and it takes five days for your body to excrete it, you’re putting it into your body faster than your body can remove it. And it will build up in your body. That’s the problem today. We are exposed to toxics faster than we can excrete them.

For more information on how you can help your body detox, see my book Toxic Free and my Toxic Free Nutrition website.

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Fels Naptha Warning

Question from lindab

Hi Debra,

So glad to have found your website.

My husband has developed a multiple chemical sensitivity after I started making homemade laundry detergent using Fels Naptha soap. It took awhile to pin it down to that since his symptoms started a month after using this concoction.

I am heartsick that I brought this on him by trying to save money on something as simple as laundry detergent.

Thanks for all your helpful information. You will probably save me hundreds of hours searching the web for organic alternatives to everything I will need now. So hard to determine what is really organic and what is not.

Thanks, thanks, thanks!!!

Debra’s Answer

You’re welcome, you’re welcome, you’re welcome!!!

Here’s what I wrote about Fels Naptha: Fels Naptha Soap.

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Hardwood Floors

Question from JC Gandhi

We are looking to replace our hardwood floor as we have had 2 leaks in the past year and it has buckeled in several places. We are considering both laminate and engineered hardwood but would like to know if there are any other options. We saw one that is ‘antibacterial porcelain stoneware’ which seems to be green but then we had concerns about triclosan and antibacterial products in general. We had bamboo floors in our old place which I loved but they dented so easily. We have 2 young children and a ton of guests that come through this area – it’s the main area in the house (kitchen plus living). Any suggestions would be greatly apprec iated.

Debra’s Answer

I’ve written a lot about hardwood floors elsewhere on this blog (in particular see Types of Wood Flooring).

I don’t recommend laminate or engineered hardwood.

The other option is solid wood hardwood flooring. And I recommend prefinished so you don’t have to deal with toxic finishes.

Solid wood flooring is not difficult to find. It is more expensive. You can find it at Lowe’s and Home Depot, but also try Lumber Liquidators, as it costs less there.

Just ask for “solid wood hardwood flooring.”

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Wire Fence in Kennel

Question from Steve

I am specifying a wire fence to be used in a kennel. I have learned that PVC coating on fencing is toxic. But I am considering polyester powdercoat. Would it be toxic to dogs if they chew on it?

Debra’s Answer

Polyester powdercoat coating is less toxic than PVC coating. And this applies to any wire product, like shelves, baskets, and dish drying racks.

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Antimicrobials in Clark’s Shoes

Question from audrey

I cannot go in to shoe stores so I only have two pairs of shoes because I find it very hard to order shoes over the internet/catalog due to sizing and comfort issues. Over the weekend I ordered a pair of shoes from QVC. I spoke to a friend the next day who said when I told her I order Clark’s, that they are treated with antimicrobials. I called Customer Service but they did not have any info about this. The next day I cancelled the order. Do you know if Clarks (and other shoes) are treated with antimicrobials? If I wore socks would this prevent my body from absorbing the antimicrobials? Thank you.

Debra’s Answer

I don’t have a list of shoes treated with antimicrobials or not treated. However, I would assume that most standard shoes are treated with them nowadays, and that would include Clark’s.

It’s good you called Customer Service about this, and they should be able to tell you yes or no. That they had no information about this is not very helpful, but doesn’t indicate whether their shoes have antimicrobials or not—they just don’t know. In a case like this, ask to speak to the Supervisor. I’ve gotten a lot of information about products by just going up and up within the company until I reached someone with answers.

A better choice would be to consider shoes made by more natural companies. See Nontoxic Shoes and Are there any nontoxic shoes?.

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Mastic in Shower

Question from DonnaH

Hi Debra, My husband replaced two 6×6 tiles in our hall bath shower using TEC Invision floor and wall adhesive. Later, I looked on your site and saw where you say never use mastic in a shower because of its toxicity. I can’t smell any fumes, but am very concerned because this bathroom is next to my son’s bedroom. Should we rip it out or leave it alone, as it’s only two tiles? Will ripping it out generate toxic dust? In the meanwhile, no one is allowed to use this shower. Thank you so much for all that you do!

Debra’s Answer

Part of evaluating the toxic effect of something is how much of the toxic material is present. There’s a big difference in the concentration of emissions from laying two tiles vs using mastic for the entire shower.

If you don’t smell any fumes, it’s probably fine. Ripping it out will not generate toxic dust, but you will then need to clean up the mastic, which would be a toxic experience.

I would probably just leave it. The tile and grout are blocking the fumes.

My warning about mastic really applies to installing an entire shower or floor with it. A lot of toxic fumes in the installation and someone with severe MCS would still be able to smell it. No reason to use it because thinset mortar works just fine.

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Ikea Sultan heggedal mattress

Question from ENrico

Hey Debra, I purchased the Sultan heggedal mattress from Ikea. I wanted to know your opinion if it is a good opinion. Does it off gas VOC? Thank you

Debra’s Answer

Here is the Product Description from Ikea:

Product description

This isn’t 100% natural, but I don’t see any horribly toxic components I would be concerned about. Looks like they are using a wool layer to meet the fire retardant standards, but it would be worth double checking with them about this.

Synthetic latex and polyester are made from petrochemicals but they are present in small amounts.

Lyocell is a regenerated cellulose fiber made from bleached wood pulp.

PLA is a polyester derived from renewable resources, including corn starch, tapioca starch or sugarcane (in the rest of the world).

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New Vinyl Floors in Otherwise Good Apartment

Question from Karen B

I have finally found an affordable apt I would like to rent- currently I live in a VERY toxic place. But the new apt had recent work done to it including new vinyl floors (in kit and bath only, hardwood elsewhere). Can you tell me how bad this might be: Daejin America, Decoria vinyl Travertine, DF-502. I read that these floors have a double uv cured coat of polyurethane and microceramic coating. I just need to make a decision on this by Dec 24. Any input appreciated! The place has about 10 cross ventilating windows compared to the only 2 that I now have where I live!

Debra’s Answer

It’s hard to say how bad those vinyl floors might be. Usually I would say no…vinyl floors outgas a lot. But these have a cured polyurethane and microceramic coating which may encapsulate some of the outgassing.

Use your best judgement. Even with these floors, it sounds like this apartment is much less toxic than the existing one, and you could always add more layers of finish to the floor if outgassing is a problem. Or cover them with foil to block fumes and lay something else on top to walk on.

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Christmas Dinnerware Set

Question from sandra vb

Hello!! Thank you for this opportunity. I have a dinnerware christmas set made in Romania “Arpo”, the dishes are so beautiful,colorful, when a see in the store I feel in love rigth away. But now I don’t know if they are diswhasher safe or toxic. Can you please let me know as much you can, and I like to know how much is worth. The set is 8 cups, 8 small plates, 8 medium plates, 8 plates for soup and 8 plates flat. Thank you very much for your time and you help.

Debra’s Answer

I have no way of knowing how toxic or nontoxic this dinnerware may be because I don’t have it here to test.

But I can tell you that brightly colored ceramics from foreign countries are exactly the type of dinnerware that might have lead in the paint or glaze and should be tested. You can get 3M LeadCheck Swabs at if you don’t find them in a local hardware or home improvement store.

If the LeadCheck swabs test positive, there’s lead. If negative, they are lead-free.

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