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The Healthiest Chocolate I Could Find

Vanessa BargMy guest today is “Chocolate Girl” Vanessa Barg, founder of Gnosis Chocolate. We’ll be talking about chocolate, of course, how to choose the best chocolate for good health, and Vanessa’s unique chocolate creations. A Certified Holistic Health Counselor who has studied with Andrew Weil, Deepak Chopra, and David Wolfe, Vanessa created Gnosis Chocolate in 2008 at the green age of 23 years old to help her clients experience the joy of conscious nutrition. Gnosis now imports from Indonesia and exports to Japan – it’s a worldwide brand. She directs, product development, sourcing, marketing, operations, and just about every other element of the brand herself. “Yes, it’s a lot of time and energy,” she says, “but if you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.” Use promo code “toxicfree10” for 10 percent off your purchase.






The Healthiest Chocolate I Could Find

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Vanessa Barg

Date of Broadcast: June 05, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio, where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world, and live toxic-free because there are a lot of toxic chemicals out there in the world, every place we look, every place we go, unless we are doing something intentionally to be aware of them and remove them from our lives.

There are many products that don’t have toxic stuff in them. There are many places that we can go and have a respite from toxic exposure. You can create your own home to be an oasis away from toxic chemicals. You can even remove toxic chemicals from your body, and you can take nutrition products and foods that support your body in detox.

So there’s a lot that you can do, and that’s what we talk about on this show.

Today is Thursday, June 5, 2014, and I’m here in Clearwater, Florida.

Today, we are going to talk about chocolate, one of my favorite subjects. I love chocolate. But there is so much that could be wrong with chocolate.

If you just go to the store and buy a chocolate bar, there are so many toxic chemicals that could be in them in various ways.
We’re going to talk about those. But we’re also going to be talking about how to choose the best chocolate.

My guest today actually makes some of the least toxic, most delicious chocolate that I’ve ever found.

She’s called the Chocolate Girl. Her name is Vanessa Barg, and she’s the founder of Gnosis Chocolate.

Hi, Vanessa.

VANESSA BARG: Hi, Debra. Thank you so much for having me on this show. I’m truly honored.

DEBRA: Thank you. Thank you so much for being on the show. I met Vanessa last fall at the Natural Food Expo in Baltimore. And her products just really stood out for me so much because she really is taking a whole different approach to chocolate.

But before we talk about what she has to offer, Vanessa, just tell us how you got interested in chocolate.

VANESSA BARG: Oh, my goodness. I don’t know when my interests possibly have begun. Definitely, in the womb, I think. I’ve always loved chocolate since I was a child.

But I was studying at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in 2006. This is the largest and most incredible nutrition school. They teach 40 different dietary theories.

So I was studying nutrition, health counseling, and just overall well-being, and I had clients who, of course, loved chocolate. And they could really easily let go of their cookies, their cakes, soda and things like that. But they said, “No, don’t take away my chocolate.”

And I knew at that point super food is when each calorie contains more nutrients than your average food.

So cacao really came into a different light for me when studying at Integrative Nutrition, David Wolfe came to lecture, and David is really the world’s

leading authority on super foods and detox about cacao. And when I finished that class, I went straight to Westerly Natural Market, which is my favorite market here in New York City, and I bought a pound of straight cacao beans.

I’d never had them before. I ate an entire pound of raw cacao beans, and I was just fine because cacao beans contain so many neurotransmitters.

Oh, my goodness.

So that’s when another level of love—my life was fully chocolate-addicted to that point.

DEBRA: I hate a cocoa nib. I just ate one because I remember many, many years ago when I first started being aware of all this stuff, I didn’t want to eat sugar. And so I bought just regular, unsweetened baking chocolate.

That was so bitter. I just couldn’t eat it. But at that time, we didn’t have all those other sweeteners that we have now today, so when cocoa nibs came on the market, and what that is just a crushed cocoa bean without being processed or anything.

So when cocoa nibs became available, I thought this is going to be really bitter-like chocolate. But it isn’t. It actually is very edible because it’s much gentler than baking chocolate. It hasn’t been processed.

And so this is really just chocolate in its natural raw form.

But I just took a little, tiny nib. And if you haven’t seen them, they’re very small, maybe an eighth of an inch. And it was just like I had drunk 10 cups of coffee. They’re so powerful.

VANESSA BARG: They are. And you know what’s actually really exciting. It’s actually an urban myth that chocolate contains caffeine.

DEBRA: Tell us about that.

VANESSA BARG: Yes. A whole bar of Gnosis Chocolate contains less caffeine than an entire cup of decaffeinated coffee. In fact, it has very, very little caffeine. What it does contain is a sister molecule to caffeine called theobromine. It’s in the same family called methylxantines.
They test for the whole family, methylxantines. And because cacao contains a methylxantine, and they just group it in as caffeine. They call it caffeine but it’s actually not. And theobromine is very, very different in that it affects your cardiovascular system, not your nervous system, like caffeine.

So whereas caffeine will give you the jitters, theobromine will actually activate your heart and circulation. And so it will give you that kind of boost of energy, but not the nervous, kind of, jittery kind.

And that’s one very common misconception about chocolates that I’d love to bust through this call because it’s just incredible the difference when you know that. And so it’s great to use chocolate as a medicine in that it will strengthen your heart amongst many, many other health benefits.

But you’re absolutely right in that most chocolates are incredibly-processed but the raw cacao bean.
The definition of raw food is when it’s not heated above 118-degrees. And so raw cacao is so different and it’s much gentler. It is still on the bitter side of the palate, but what I really think is interesting to think about this food is bitter greens and bitter beans.

Bitter foods are actually very, very healthy for us. If you think about a little bit of bitter greens, it’s on the more bitter side of the palate, but that’s actually medicine.

DEBRA: I think that’s right. Go ahead.

VANESSA BARG: If you look into the history of medicine, if you’re looking into whether it’s ayurvedic medicine or Chinese medicine, […] bitter foods. And so it’s interesting to see as our society becomes and more aware of toxicity of sugars and overconsumption of sugars, we’re starting to lean more towards the bitter side.

Just the cacao percentage, people are trying to appreciate that darker, more complex flavor profile.

I actually love to sprinkle cacao nibs right onto my salad, and go sweet, and go savory with it.

DEBRA: You can. We have so much to talk about, about chocolate. But let’s just say this right now. There’s a spectrum of chocolate—chocolate in different forms. So let’s start with the cacao bean, and that gets crushed to a cocoa nib.

And then where do we go from there? What are the different forms?

VANESSA BARG: When I started making chocolate, there were some brands of raw cacao available in the market, but primarily, it’s just either the bean or the paste. And that really all that was available at the time.

So we’ve come a really, really long way since then, as more chocolate manufacturers have come out.

But when you take the cacao bean out of the cacao pod, the fresh pod, then you ferment that and you dry them in the sun, and you’re left with the cacao beans. And that gets crushed into the nib, and the nib is also—you’re not just crushing, you’re also removing the shell as well.

And then you take those, and what we do is we put them into a granite stone grinder. And so slowly, over time, many, many hours of slow-grinding, that will become a paste because botanically, the cacao bean is actually a nut. So it’s like with any kind of nut butter. It comes very smooth and rich, and it’s amazing.

So when you have that cacao paste, or what some companies will call cacao liquor, and just the cacao bean without anything added, and so you can take that and do a couple of things with it.

Either you can, at that point, add your sweetener. We use primarily coconut sugar, which is a wonderful low-glycemic sweetener from coconut flower.

DEBRA: I’m going to stop you right there, in mid-sentence, because we need to go to break. And when we come back, we’ll hear the rest of the story.

I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. And my guest today is Vanessa Barg, founder of Gnosis Chocolate. And wait until you taste this chocolate. It tastes totally different than anything you’ve evertasted.

But we’ll be right back and hear more about the story of chocolate.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Chocolate Girl, Vanessa Barg, founder of Gnosis Chocolate. And you can go to her website at That’s G-N-O-S-I-S chocolate.

Vanessa, before you go on with your story, tell us what Gnosis means.

VANESSA BARG: Gnosis is actually a Greek word which means knowledge. And in modern day English, it means knowledge of the heart and intuitive knowledge, experienced knowledge, that wisdom that you learn over the course of your life through your trials and your tribulations.

When I started the company, I thought that was such a powerful word for today’s time because we can learn so much from our experiences, and then to open our hearts, and bring that to the world. And so that was perfect for a chocolate company.

DEBRA: I think it’s perfect too.

So what happens next in the process of chocolate?

VANESSA BARG: So after you ground the cacao nibs into a smooth paste or liquor, you can take that and you can either put it into, what’s called the butter press. That will eventually press out the sap from the paste.

If you think about having a nut butter, and if you let it sit for a while, the oils will separate out. So that’s what a butter press does. It presses those oils out. And that oil is cacao butter, and it solidifies at room temperature. It’s actually stearic, palmitic and oleic acids.

So rather your unhealthy, saturated fats, these are very healthy saturated fats, the kind that you would find in avocado and walnut and coconut.

So you separate that out, and what you’re left with is cacao powder. And so that powder is just really concentrated cacao solid. It’s where most of the nutrients can be found in a cacao.

If you want to just get a straight shot of all of the nutrients and all the antioxidants in a cacao bean, you could take that cacao powder and it’s really, really important to find cacao powder that is not alkalized. You see that Dutch-processed, and that is that they’ve added toxins to it, and you do not want to have that. It doesn’t taste nearly as good.

And it’s really, really important to find raw cacao powder. And truly raw cacao powder is actually difficult to find because there’s no real definition legally for the use of the word raw. And so there are a lot of companies that are selling “raw cacao powder,” but in that butter-pressing process, the machine often will get above 200-degrees. There’s just so much pressure that is required.

I’ve visited a few different cacao factories to try and find truly raw cacao, and the only one who actually built their own butter press—that you have to really modify the machine quite a bit in order to make sure that it stays under 118-degrees. And the only company who is doing that is actually called Big Tree Farms, and they’re located in Indonesia, in Bali.

It’s an amazing company, truly high-integrity, completely transparent. You can go and you can visit them if you’re ever in Bali. It’s

And that is our source for both the coconut sugar, as well as for the truly raw cacao.

And so that’s the process if you want to make raw cacao powder and butter. But if you’re making chocolate and you want to leave the cacao butter in, so that you have that creaminess, you take that cacao paste and just grind in your coconut sugar.

That’s what we do. We’re using coconut sugar, which the nectar that comes from the flowers of the coconut tree. And it is truly the world’s most amazing, sustainable sweetener. It’s low-glycemic, about 35 on the glycemic index. And it has proteins, it has so many minerals, and it’s just amazing.

And the flavor, it’s not like your Stevia, which is another wonderful sweetener that we do use. But the coconut sugar is one-to-one with cane sugar in its sweetness, and has a beautiful maple and caramel flavor.

That’s what we do as we grind in that coconut sugar, and you’re left with the world’s most nutritious chocolate.

DEBRA: I really have to say that of all the sweeteners I’ve ever tried, and I think I’ve tried every sweetener there is, I think that coconut sugar is the most wonderful tasting sugar, and it’s low-glycemic. And it pairs perfectly with chocolate. It adds a richness to the chocolate that white sugar doesn’t.

And I think that that’s part of what gives your chocolate its unique flavor because it has the gentleness of the cacao bean, the raw cacao bean. And then it has that warmth of the coconut sugar.

When I first tasted it, oh, my god.

VANESSA BARG: That’s the best reaction I can ever hope for.

DEBRA: It’s different from any other chocolate because I’ve looked at a lot of chocolates. You have everything from the most toxic chocolate which would be pesticides. It wouldn’t be organic, and it wouldn’t be raw, and it would have refined white sugar in it, and artificial flavors.

And so then what happens is that people go to another step, and they say, “Well, we’re going to make it organic.”

And so it’s made from organic chocolate, organic sugar and organic soy lecithin. And it’s still got stuff in it, but it’s all organic.

And you have taken all those things out. Instead of saying, “I’m going to take things out of the toxic chocolate,” you just started with a bean, and said, “How are we going to make this as close to just the bean as possible and make it palatable and healthy?”

VANESSA BARG: And that’s what taking things out. One of the things that I’m really, really just in love with about cacao is that it is an amazing transport for medicinal herbs because as I mentioned earlier, cacao is a vaso dilator, so it helps with circulation.

What that means is it can help deliver nutrients to your system in a much more fast and efficient way.
So what we do is not only take the things out of chocolate that you find in your conventional bar with, like you said, all these toxins in it, not adding those in. But what we’re actually doing is infusing the chocolate with herbs from traditional Chinese medicine, from ayurvedic medicine, from South

American and Native American medicines.

And so we’re actually infusing this chocolate with things that will be beneficial for your health, not only leaving out the things that are bad for your health.

DEBRA: And we’re going to talk more about that when we come back from the break. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Chocolate Girl, Vanessa Barg, founder of Gnosis Chocolate. That’s, G-N-O-S-I-S chocolate dot com.
And we’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Chocolate Girl, Vanessa Barg, founder of Gnosis Chocolate. And that’s at

So Vanessa, let’s talk about your chocolates. The first thing I want to ask you about is the sweeteners. You have a page here about sweeteners that you use, and I see that you’ve included coconut sugar, which we’ve talked about, and also Stevia, and also agave nectar.

I would like to ask you about agave nectar because it says here that you visited your source of agave, and that you read a report about it. So what did you find?

VANESSA BARG: Back in, I think, 2010, we were using agave nectar. And that was our only sweetener at the time. When I launched the company, there was no chocolate on the marketplace that did not contain sugar, or maltitol, or something synthetic. So this was really the first chocolate on the market that had low-glycemic sweetener.

Agave nectar was the only thing that was available at the time. And it was heralded. Everyone loved it.

And then Dr. Mercola, who has a really, really wide reach, and a really amazing website, and a lot of information that he brings about health and wellness, and a lot of controversial information, he came out with a newsletter that stated that agave nectar is as bad as high fructose corn syrup.

And just that headline alone, it made a lot of ripples across the industry. And of course, once you read something like that, you’re going to doubt your sweetener that everyone was using. It was really exciting for people to have that, and then all of a sudden, it was the devil.

DEBRA: I remember that.

VANESSA BARG: Being a health counselor, I really did not start this company to build a product company. I had no interest in making a lot of profit by having a chocolate company. It was really meant as a tool within my health counseling practice.

And so when I heard that, I said, on learning the truth, if this was the case, then I would either find a new sweetener or stop making chocolate.

There was no way that I was going to use cane sugar, and I certainly wasn’t going to use anything that was as bad as high fructose corn syrup.
Within a matter of days, I went down to Guadalajara, the Jalisco region in Mexico, which is where most agave comes from. I went down there and took part in the entire process from the farm, where I harvested pina, and took that agave plant through the entire process, where they removed the water, and heated it at an actually very low temperature, but at high pressure, so that the water would evaporate out of the agave nectar, leaving a syrup without heating it above 118-degrees.

And they did not add any of the toxins that Dr. Mercola had spoken of in this newsletter. And we did a whole lot of testing on that final product. And the only reason why we continue to use it in some of our products is because I know that our specific source is very, very high integrity.

So I wrote a report about this, probably six pages long. It’s got photos on it, and it’s called The Agave Report. If you search for that, you’ll find a lot of really interesting information.

DEBRA: It’s right here at the bottom of the page, yes.

When I started recommending agave—some years ago, I had a blog that was just about sweeteners because at that time, these were all these new natural sweeteners coming on the market, and agave was one of them. The description of agave was that it was the sap of this plant, and cooked down like maple syrup. And it was great.

It’s great to use agave. It’s such a good alternative to sugar, in terms of using it and how it tastes. It was like maple syrup except it was a different plant. That sounded fine to me.

And then all this other information started going around, and I was trying to find out, did that apply to all agave? Was it only certain agave? Were things being mislabeled? Were they being processed differently?

And it’s such a good idea, but I never ended up getting the answers. I didn’t get on a plane and go down and check out all the agave plants. I didn’t have funding to do that.

So all I had to go on was what other people said. So I’m glad to hear this from you. I know that you’re talking about your specific agave, and not all agave. But I do think that agave is a viable idea. We just need to make sure that the agaves we’re purchasing, whichever ones they are, actually are produced the way yours are produced.

VANESSA BARG: Exactly. And I think that when you really look at what the complaints are about the agave nectar and the high amount of fructose in it, you immediately start to think of the high fructose corn syrup toxin because it really is incredibly toxic.

But then if we all realize like, “Oh, fructose can be found in all fruits and in most vegetables.” It is a natural substance.

And so it’s just about moderating how much you’re using. Some people do eat all fruit. There are people who are fruitarians. But if you’re putting a little bit of agave nectar in a bar of chocolate, then you have all that fiber and you have the rest of the product.
We’re not talking about guzzling a bottle of agave nectar, but you really wouldn’t want to do that with any sweetener or any ingredients.

DEBRA: No, you wouldn’t want to do that. But a little bit in context, I think that all concentrated sweeteners that you need to look at how much you’re eating. I know that there are some food blogs where they just put agave in everything like it’s water.

VANESSA BARG: Yes, exactly. And Dr. Mercola did actually revise his statement, and I have a link to that revision where he said, “Well, a little bit is fine.” So if you’re having a tablespoon or two, that’s fine.

It’s very sad actually, having been there and met the farmers. Seeing how much really was invested, and providing for the U.S. market. It was really booming, and then all of a sudden, the support stops. And yes, you can still find agave in a lot of products, but it fell out of grace.

And it’s just really sad to see all of this investment. They really put a lot of hard work into it.

I still do use the agave nectar in some of our products, not many, just because, really, coconut sugar is just so much superior in that it has not only that one-to-one with sugar in the sweetness and the great flavor, but it also is very nutrient-dense.

And that’s one thing that agave doesn’t necessarily have. It has the sweetness and slightly less glycemic than coconut sugar. It’s around 25, 27, whereas coconut sugar has about 35. But really, cane sugar is in the 60’s. So they’re both amazing sweeteners and I really love to use them.

DEBRA: Good. Well, we need to take another break, and when we come back, we want to hear all about your fabulous chocolates. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Chocolate Girl, Vanessa Barg, founder of Gnosis Chocolate,

And we’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Chocolate Girl, Vanessa Barg, founder of Gnosis Chocolate.

Vanessa, where do you want to start talking about your chocolates? I’ve got them all sitting on my desk here.

VANESSA BARG: What do you have sitting down on your desk? We can talk about those.

DEBRA: I have truffles. I have chocolate bars. I have raw trail mix. I have chocolate elixir, which I mix with some grass-fed cream. Oh, my god. It’s so good. And I have this little jar. I didn’t see this on your website, but it’s a little jar of cashew butter with cashew and coconut sugar and coco.

Do you sell this? I didn’t see it on the site. This is so good.

VANESSA BARG: That is actually a brand new product. You’re really the first person to receive that. I’m really excited about it.

Just like we take the cacao beans and grind them with the coconut sugar, we also take nuts like cashews, pecans, walnuts, and we grind those with the coconut sugar to make the most incredible spreads, something that we’re about to launch on the website soon.

People could sign up for our newsletter if they want to learn more about that. We’ll be launching it in a couple of days. I’m really, really excited about those.

For breakfast, a lot of people don’t know what to eat. People used to have toast. What do you spread on it that’s going to be healthy and that doesn’t have sugar because pretty much every […]

DEBRA: There is that famous nut spread that everybody […]

And it’s full of sugar. It’s just full of just processed white sugar.

VANESSA BARG: And other stuff.

DEBRA: So if people are in love with that and want to try something else, your new product is going to be a good thing. Even all the big peanut butter companies are now coming out with their own versions of this, but yours is the healthiest, obviously.
It’s obviously a popular thing.

I’ll tell you that you sent me this box with all these chocolates in it, and that was the first thing I tasted. I looked at the jar, and I went, “Oh, open this.”

VANESSA BARG: It’s really, really good.

DEBRA: Also, tell us about the truffles. Those are featured on your homepage.

VANESSA BARG: The truffles are extraordinary. I think these actually are the world’s only, I believe, raw truffles that have a shell and a different cream filling. And so everything is 100% raw and sweetened with a coconut sugar. And we add medicinal herbs to them.

So the Vitality Truffle Collection is something that we launched in the spring, and we are just closing out for the summer time. When it gets too hot, we stop making them. But we have four different flavors in that truffle collection.

They’re all infused with herbs for detox and for cleansing. So it’s not just the amazingness of a creamy filling and this amazing 70% dark chocolate on the outside. But we’ve actually got functional truffles.

They’re some of my favorite products that we produce. The way we make the cream filling is by using that nut butter.

We make them all through the holidays, so we’ve got a pumpkin spice flavor. We have CinnaPecan truffle. For Valentine’s Day, we do four different flavors. We’ve got passion fruit. We’ve got an aphrodisiac truffle with raspberries.

You can do so much with truffles. You can put a couple of layers. And they’re just incredible. Every single truffles that we make has medicinal herbs in them. So we have some that are good for the immune system.

I try to time it so the flavor and the functionality of the truffle will support your health and wellbeing and vitality through each season.

DEBRA: Excellent idea. And I noticed when I bit into the truffle, I thought, “Oh, this seems like a nut butter,” but it was so much smoother than nut butter, like if you buy peanut butter, cashew butter or something.

VANESSA BARG: It’s just the amount of time. We’re very, very patient with it. And it takes hours and hours and hours of very slow grinding to get that consistency. And also, rather than using some palm oil, which is really bad for the environment, and to the flora and fauna. Most of it is done in very unsustainable ways. We want to try to avoid palm oil in most cases, or using soy bean oil, or some other weird vegetable oil.

We’re using cacao butter as the oil. So it’s really [good]. It’s amazing.

DEBRA: Instead of biting into a chocolate and having all that super sweet goo come out, it was nice to bite into a chocolate and know that I was getting some nourishment inside. It was just really lovely to do that.

When I eat your chocolate, I feel supported instead of like I’m doing something bad for my body.

VANESSA BARG: And that’s so important.

DEBRA: It is.

VANESSA BARG: When I was first making these, I found that my clients were feeling very guilty about their love for chocolate. And this was six years ago, well, actually seven years ago, when I first started making the chocolate. It was just so sad to see people have this love/hate relationship with themselves.

It’s like, “Oh, I’m going to indulge in something but feel bad about it.”

And that dynamic really is unhealthy in our society.

And I think that one of the best things about making really functional, healthy, nourishing chocolate is that it changes that dynamic in our minds as to what it means to be healthy and to indulge ourselves. I found that they could be joyous and really enjoy their healthy diet. It was so freeing for them.

DEBRA: It is because good health actually should be a pleasure. It shouldn’t be deprivation. It should be a pleasure.

And in nature, nature makes all these wonderful fruits and flowers and all these things that are just a pleasure to use. And it makes things that are bad for us. It tastes bad.

Our industrial culture has changed that because now, we have this idea that industrially-processed food tastes good instead of the food that actually tastes good.

It’s like our signals are crossed.

But your products really bring that back. And that it has all these good things in it, and it tastes good. And it’s a pleasure to do something that help support a—so we’ve only got a few minutes left, so I want to make sure that you mention your trail mix. Tell us about the trail mix.

VANESSA BARG: Our love our trail mixes. They are so unique. There’s nothing like them on the market. They’re the only trail mixes that contain raw chocolate. I mean, […], chocolate is always the best part.

So we’ve got Superfoods. We’ve got Power Choc Trail Mix which contains really unpasteurized almonds. It has hempseeds in there. We have goji berries, which are a complete protein. So that really is focused around protein-rich foods.

The Power Choc is one of my favorites. We have Fleur De Sel salt in it, in the chocolate. So it’s this beautiful balance on your tongue between savory and sweet. So that’s our Fleur De Sel bar that is in the Power Choc Trail Mix […] protein.

And then we have our Immunity Trail Mix which is quite unique in that it has persimmons, pecans, black currants, pumpkin seeds, and our Simplicity chocolate, which is just our pure 70% chocolate. That one is very high in vitamins A and C, and has lots of zinc in it. That’s why it’s called our Immunity Trail Mix.

I love them both. It’s just so great to be able to put something in my bag and have my chocolate breaks at the same time. It’s really nourishing myself with the nuts and the seeds and the fruits. I love our trail mixes. It’s so great […]

DEBRA: Tell us about your chocolate bars.

VANESSA BARG: So the chocolate bars are definitely our bestsellers, and they are found in about 300 stores around the world. 12 are available in stores, but on our website, we have over 20 different flavors available.
I’ll just talk about my personal favorite. Don’t tell the other ones I said that though. It’s the SuperChoc bar. The SuperChoc has goji berries, raspberries, a base of 70% dark chocolate, and medicinal herbs that are called adaptogens.

Adaptogenic herbs are incredible. You should definitely look them up and try to include as many adaptogens in your diet as you can. Things like maca root and goji berries are adaptogens. And it has Reishi mushrooms, and all of these amazing herbs to help balance your hormonal system and just be maximum vibrant, and help in vitality.

So the SuperChoc is definitely our number one bestseller, my personal favorite.

The whole line of chocolate bars, some of them have medicinal herbs and superfoods. Some of them don’t. We have just the cool mint flavor. We have hazelnuts. We’ve got a deeply dark 90%. And we just go all over the math.

And I think that most people find something that is reminiscent of the chocolates that they used to it that had all the toxins and unhealthy ingredients in it. But this one just springs a whole other level to their love for chocolate.

I’m more than excited to offer all of your listeners a little coupon code. It’s TOXICFREE10, with no spaces. It can be lower case or capital,

TOXICFREE10. That will take 10% off of your entire order as long as you’re ordering $30 or more.

That coupon code will be available, I think, Debra, you said you’d post it on your site.

DEBRA: Yes. So how long…?

VANESSA BARG: I can keep extending it for you. I’m more than happy to do it.

DEBRA: That’s great.

VANESSA BARG: I really love what you’re doing. I’m so, so honored to be on your show. Thank you so very, very much.

DEBRA: Thank you. I know that people will be listening to this show off into the future. And they will appreciate still having this available.

Well, we’ve only got 30 seconds, 25 seconds left, So I’m just going to not ask you another question and just say thank you so much for being here.

Thank you so much for everything that you’re making and the viewpoint that you have. It’s a pleasure. It’s a pleasure.

VANESSA BARG: It’s an honor. Thank you so much for empowering people with this information. Thank you.

DEBRA: You’re welcome. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. Be well.

How Toxic is Your Hair Salon?

Will SimpsonMy guest today is Will Simpson, Business Development Manager for Green Circle Salons. We’ll be talking about toxic chemicals you are being exposed to in hair salons, what salons can do to be less toxic, and what you can do to reduce your own exposure as a consumer of salon services. Will is a member of Green Circle Salons, one of the fastest growing environmental movements in North America. With a background in customer service and finance, Will joined Toronto-based Green Circle Salons in 2010. Over the subsequent years, the movement has grown across Canada and into the US, with Will at the helm of customer relations. Green Circle Salons has now achieved an industry-wide presence through its diverse partnerships with salon professionals, manufacturers, and policy makers. Will’s career has been equal parts service and strategy, incorporating unique marketing and business development solutions to create a green space inside of the consumer driven salon/spa industry. Will currently lives in Toronto, where he works within the community to embrace the possibilities of a wholly sustainable lifestyle.





How Toxic is Your Hair Salon

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Will Simpson

Date of Broadcast: June 04, 2014


DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio, where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic-free. Now, this is a toxic world so how are we going to live toxic-free? It’s about the decisions that you make about reducing your exposure to toxic chemicals, about removing toxic chemicals from your body. When you do that, you can create your own little piece of the world that is so significantly less toxic than the rest of the world. It makes a huge improvement in your health and your well-being and length of your life and having healthy babies, all those kinds of things that are affected by toxic chemicals. That’s what I mean when I say toxic-free, it’s about you making those decisions for yourself that can result in a toxic-free life for you.

It is Wednesday, June 4th 2014. I’m here in Clearwater, Florida and today we’re going to go on a little outing to the beauty salon. My guest today is from an organization called Green Circle Salons which is actually in Canada but they now have presence all over the United States. What they do is they actually have a little program to help salons reduce their toxic waste. What we’re going to talk about today, what are you going to encounter in terms of toxic exposures when you go to beauty salons and what you can do to be less toxic when you get those hair services.

My guest is Will Simpson, he’s the business development manager for Green Circle Salons and he’s coming to us from Toronto, Canada. Hi Will!

WILL SIMPSON: Hi Debra, thanks so much for having me.

DEBRA: You’re welcome. So tell us about Green Circle Salons, what was the thing that made this organization in the first place?

WILL SIMPSON: Sure. Green Circle Salon started back in 2009, it was launched here in Toronto, Ontario. It was really started because we realized that there is no industry-wide solution for the hundreds of thousands of kilograms of waste that were being dumped down the drain or put into landfill every year. It was essentially started as an industry-wide movement that would enable salons to take responsibilities for all of these wastes being created but also enable the salon guest to ultimately, certainly feel good about the choices they were making in regards to their own beauty services.

DEBRA: So the founders made the decision and put the program together and then you’ve been getting together with salon professionals and manufacturers and policy makers and tell us what happened since the founding.

WILL SIMPSON: Yes, so we started with about 30 salons here in Toronto in 2009. We’ve done double digit growth, month after month ever since then because it’s something that really wants people to hear about. They think that “wow, it’s fantastic”, it’s something that a lot of people know the industry is needed for a long time. Both consumers and salon professionals tell us that all the time because it’s something that—it’s a very visual industry and the ways of being created itself is also very visual.

WILL SIMPSON: Anyway we started in 2009 with 30 salons and the next year we were up to about a hundred salons ad since then we’ve launched here in Canada, we’ve launched in Tibet, British Colombia, Alberta and just recently in Chicago as well. So now we are actually able to service salons all across North America through our program.

DEBRA: That’s really great, so how did you personally get interested in this?’

WILL SIMPSON: I became involved in it because I actually grew up in a sort of green space just North of Toronto and it was very interesting. In my childhood, I actually lived right in an area called the Oak Ridges Moraine and I noticed over time, over about a decade, a lot of painted turtles and frogs in my backyard started to disappear. I’ve always thought that was pretty bizarre. It was an interesting environmental phenomenon that I really can’t put my finger on. That sort of created—it sparked an interest in me, in the ecology.

WILL SIMPSON: Over time, as I grew up, that interest grew from an interest in the ecology to economics in ecology. What does it mean? That some people are making big money from, ignoring environmental consequences and others are making money from creating new environmental solutions and looking for ways that we could be doing business in a better way.

WILL SIMPSON: That informed my personal growth and the direction that I took career-wise, until I ended up with this fantastic team, helping out this industry with their needs.

DEBRA: Well, let’s talk about the industry. I know that you have a program where you’re helping salons safely dispose of their toxic hazardous waste, so where in a salon—is there this waste that needs to be carefully disposed of?

WILL SIMPSON: That’s a good question. Our answer is that we treat the salon as an ecosystem.

DEBRA: Good answer! I love that!

WILL SIMPSON: It’s not just the stuff that’s been going on your head as a salon guest but it’s also the light bulbs up in the ceiling, down to the chemicals that are being used on the floor and everything in between. We believe that this all really does is inform the guest experience as well as the experience the staff members are having, and the owners are having. If you spend decades in salon as a lot of you people do, over that time if you’re making healthy choices that’s really going to help with the longevity of your career. If you’re making unhealthy choices, that’s going to help you age you pre-maturely. So to give you a more solid answer, we tried to—

DEBRA: Give us some details about, like different kinds of products and what kinds of toxic chemicals that are in them, especially the ones that you’re interested in controlling to your program?

WILL SIMPSON: Sure, we don’t think of a—

DEBRA: I’m going to interrupt you in a few minutes because we need to go to break but take all the time you need for this.

WILL SIMPSON: Okay, sure. We don’t really get involved in telling salons which products to use. The reason for that is because, ultimately the salon professional is an artist. It’s like Picasso, what they express unto you. Ultimately, it’s not going to have a good result. What can we do is if they’re looking for suggestions on which products to use, we can certainly point them in the right direction but our focus is on managing the downstream impact of the ways that being created. To answer your question, the product—

DEBRA: Before you do that, I just want to [inaudible 7:1] for our listeners that there is the toxic chemicals that are being created by the use of the products. There are some ways that comes from—to far has just been going to the waste stream when it shouldn’t be. What they’re doing at Green Circle Salon’s program is managing that waste in a responsible way where the salon owners may or may not be controlling the production of it, right?


DEBRA: So that’s a really, really good thing to do. There’s another completely different step of salons and consumers making a choice to be less toxic on the front end. I just wanted to make sure that it’s clear that those are two separate steps and both valid things to do.

WILL SIMPSON: Absolutely. What we do in our company is we help salons by managing about 85% of the waste that is being generated in the salon. That’s everything from the paper and plastics that’s coming in the form of the product bottles and the sugar materials all the way down to the chemical waste that’s left over after the beauty service. So in terms of the toxins that we’re seeing, obviously the most common ones with the perm solutions, the straighteners solutions, the hair dye, the chemicals that are going on the scalp. We’re seeing all different types of products from all different manufacturers but one of the trends that we’re seeing is that people are, that over the last five years or so, there’s been a real emergence of greener products.

DEBRA: I need to stop you right there because we need to go to break and we’ll continue after. This is Toxic-Free Talk Radio, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest is Will Simpson. He’s from Green Circle Salons that are helping salons reduce their toxic wastes. We’ll talk more about that, the chemicals that you might be exposed to at the salon when we come back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is Will Simpson, business development manager for Green Circle Salons. They started out in Canada but they are now coming over to the United States to help salons manage their toxic hazardous waste. So Will, you were telling us—we’re starting to talk about the toxic chemicals in hair products that are used for hair salon services. So let’s start with that.

WILL SIMPSON: There’s a real shift in the late 70s, early 80s in terms of the chemicals that were being used in hair dyes. The reason for that is because they founded the intermediate [inaudible 10:44] which are the chemicals that react with the pigment. At that time, we’re were actually—they were using cancer-causing agents. What they did was that they have been conducting [inaudible 10:59] people who were getting their hair dyed before the early 80s were at the higher risk of developing Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. They basically banned certain substances from being used as toppers in this chemicals, were in this chemical compound but in the process, scientists have been able to get around this bands and create chemical compounds that will react in the same way and they were just derivative of those original. That’s the fancy way of saying the hair dye that was being used 30 or 40 years ago hasn’t really changed all that much because ones the interactions take place they end up forming other compounds that are still known to be potentially carcinogenic.

WILL SIMPSON: There’s still a lot of debates and controversy over whether or not hair dye itself can cause cancer but what they do know is that in this one industry there is an increased risk of bladder cancer. This has been documented in a lot of different studies and they found that ultimately salon professionals do have a high risk of bladder cancer. For that reason, they’re continuing to do studies to bloodstream when they get their hair colored.

DEBRA: Right, of course secondly, being exposed to as much as the salon would care but still, we don’t want our salon workers to be exposed to toxic chemicals s that we could be beautiful. So, what are some other products that have toxic chemicals in them which we should be aware of?

WILL SIMPSON: The main products would be the hair dye itself but all chemicals that are being used can include cancer-causing agents. The main thing that we see are what are known as cold-heart derivative, PPD, that’s p-phenylene diamine. This is the number one ingredient in a lot of hair dyes and this is one of the number one chemicals of the most wanted list because of what it’s been known to be linked to leukemia, bladder cancer and again, Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. This is really the one that people are the most worried about. Formaldehyde is a big one in any of the smoothing treatment and perm solution. Any of those keratin Brazilian blow out type treatment that became so popular in the last couple of decades, these are often linked with formaldehyde.

WILL SIMPSON: Similarly, shampoos and conditioners are known to include sodium laurate or sodium laurate sulfate which is basically have a big question mark around it. Ultimately, a lot of these chemical compounds are still—the jury is not really out yet because they’re still doing research determining exactly where and how it’s affecting women. We do know in a lot of cases, a lot of different studies it’s affecting mammals and aquatic life in really significant way.

DEBRA: One of the things I learned many, many years ago is that there can be similar effect when they test chemicals they test them one at a time in a laboratory and usually on animals or so. They take the mice and take them so much and determine what is the safe level before the mice die. We’re not exposed to toxic chemicals one by one in real life but what we’re exposed to is a lot of toxic chemicals. There’s been many, many studies which show that if you take one toxic chemical and are exposed to another one that they both become more toxic, even just two.

So they say, if you smoke for example, exposure to asbestos is more toxic than if you don’t smoke. I remember the very person I ever saw this concept was 30 years ago when I was studying about combining food additives like a preservative and artificial color and artificial flavor. Separately, they test with them and all the test animals were fine, there was absolutely no effect. Then they started combining them and two of them made the animals ill and three of them made the animals die.

When you go to a salon, it’s not just one chemical, it’s formaldehyde that does something with the hair dye and also things like, one that I’ve written about is something called PVP, polyvinyl pyrolidone, which is in virtually every kind of hairspray.

There was a study, this was many, many years ago, a study where they found that workers in salon have lung diseases because of the PVP that they were inhaling all day long as they were spraying hairspray on people’s hair. That PVP is still in when in a lot of the natural ones but people go to the supermarket and buy hairspray. You can just go down on the aisle and look and on the back you just look on the ingredients; it says PVP, PDP, DVP and one after another. There are all these chemicals that are in a mix in the salon.

We need to go to break in about 20 seconds so I’m not going to ask you another question. Then when we come back, I want to hear about what your program is doing in order to handle these chemicals and how does these minimize our exposure to them and help them not go into the environment. You’re listening to Toxic-Free Talk Radio, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is Will Simpson from Green Circle Salons. We’re talking about toxic exposures in hair salons. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic-Free Talk Radio, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is Will Simpson, Business Development Manager from Green Circle Salon. Now Will, what is your solution for all this toxic chemicals?

WILL SIMPSON: Actually, before we talk about that, I just want to talk about something you mentioned earlier which was the idea that when chemicals get combined they could create a new reaction. I just wanted to mention that a study has been recently conducted in the UK and found out that tobacco smoke and exhaust fumes can actually exacerbate the effects of some of these salon chemicals. Putting clearly, the amines, p-phenylenediamine. PVDs that are found in most hair dyes, this is a common thing that they will create a secondary amine, this again can damage for weeks, months, or even years and ultimately, when it’s combined with secondary agents like tobacco smoke or exhaust fumes that can actually create poisonous chemicals called nitrosamine.

DEBRA: So, you can go into a salon and these chemicals could be floating around in the air, they get on your skin and then you go home and you smoke a cigarette, it can turn to another chemical.

WILL SIMPSON: Absolutely, if you actually look at the material for some of these products they say something like avoid smoking or doing anything in a non-ventilated area while these chemicals are around and the reason is because as we said, it will create a new reaction that compels the effects of these chemicals.

DEBRA: The part I didn’t know was that it stays on your skin and then on a later date, it could combine and create a new chemical. That just makes—I just have to make a deep breath because there’s so many chemicals that we’re being exposed to on time but then to also know that we’re carrying them around on our skin and in the future, they could become more toxic, that’s a whole new danger.

WILL SIMPSON: Exactly, and that is because there are actually different types of hair dyes. So there’s temporary, semi-permanent and there’s permanent. Temporary and semi-permanent, they actually just color the actual hair, whereas permanent dye is changing the chemistry of the hair and that actually stays in the follicle. That’s why these chemicals can penetrate the skin, scalp and also satay inside the hair for a length of time

DEBRA: Wow. Okay so, what are you doing? Tell me about your program.

WILL SIMPSON: Our program is waste production strategy that involves 95% of the products in the salon. Maybe most importantly the chemical waste but it’s also the hair clippings, the foil, the color tubes, the aerosol can, it’s the paper and plastic that 90% of the salons are able to recycle. It’s light bulbs, it’s all the recyclable, broken tools that salons use, it’s glass, it’s essentially everything that’s being brought into the salon on a day to day basis in order for them to run the business.

DEBRA: So then, what do you do? How does the program—do you collect it or what? How does this program work?

WILL SIMPSON: Salons get involve because obviously they see a value in what we’re doing and they want to eliminate their footprints. We do have a couple of different initiative that they can be involved with depending on where they’re located and what recycling services they have after disposal. It’s a three-part system; it’s reducing, recycling and repurposing.

WILL SIMPSON: The reducing is educating the salon about different opportunities to help their salon be more efficient in terms of their water usage, their energy efficiency. The recycling strategy is you take knowledge of the materials that can be shredded and ultimately repurposed like paper and plastic which can turn into post-consumer material, or metal which is melted down and turned into other aluminum products. Then there’s the repurposing element which is taking things like hair and the chemical waste which have no traditional value in the recycling spectrum and giving them a new life.

WILL SIMPSON: It’s a common knowledge now that hair can be used to soak up oil after oil spill. Our company got involved in 2010 after the BP oil spill by shipping our entire inventory of hair to the Gulf of Mexico and [inaudible 22:53] in that shipment, of course. So the volunteers could create oil bins on site that were used to keep the oil from coming up unto the shoreline.

DEBRA: Oh, I didn’t know that at all.

WILL SIMPSON: Well, it’s something that was a little known fact until the BP oil spill, but it actually, the idea originated back when [inaudible 23:14] still happened. Stylists from Alabama was listening and watching it on TV and saw an otter swim by and they notice that the fur or the coat of the otter was actually soaking up the oil. The interesting thing about hair as oppose to the other materials is that an oil company would normally use in their cleanup effort is that the oil actually binds to the hair follicle and the water is repelled. Whereas, if you’re using cotton or another typical absorbent fiber material, what will happen is basically it will act as a sponge and absorb everything and then over time everything will begin to leak out again.

WILL SIMPSON: The hair actually binds to—the oil binds to the hair follicle, what that means is when you take that back on to land, it will actually act as a solid way of transporting all of that liquid crude oil. It can then be put to a train car or any other transportation method and it can be sent to a facility where it could then be expressed, all of that oil can be claimed and the hair bun itself can be used in time and time again.

DEBRA: Wow! That’s very interesting. I have no idea. So then, what do you do with the chemical waste?

WILL SIMPSON: The chemical wastes, that’s the trickiest one for a salon to manage and the reason for that is because it’s not only the most expensive element of their business but it’s also the one that they have the least control over in terms of what staffs are wasting on a day to day basis. We implanted this strategy where there’s a system that they will use for all of their excess chemicals. Right now, we can’t get what’s being rinsed out of the hair but we do have plans to create a system for that in the future.

WILL SIMPSON: In the meantime, it’s a system that could basically make use of all the excess chemical left in the bowl which is usually one to two ounces per service. All of that chemical goes into a storage container, we would pick that container up and that gets processed by a chemical waste treatment company, which will, depending on what they find on each batch, that they will either incinerate it or they’ll neutralize it.

DEBRA: We need to take a break and we’ll talk about this when we come back. You’re listening to Toxic-Free Talk Radio, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, my guest today is Will Simpson from the Green Circle Salons. We’re talking about how to—what’s going on with those chemicals in beauty salons and how they can manage the waste better. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic-Free Talk Radio, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, my guest today is Will Simpson from the Green Circle Salons. Their website is because they are in Canada,, if you want to find out more about their program, if you want to tell your hairdresser abou t their program. Right now, they’re in Chicago, US but they are looking to expand all over. There’s no harm in letting your salons know about this.

DEBRA: So now, you were telling us about the, what you do with the toxic chemical waste and so you take the toxic chemicals that are left in the sink and it goes into a storage container then you pick those up. Is there anything else you do with toxic chemicals? Hello?

WILL SIMPSON: A chemical waste company—

DEBRA: I’m sorry. There’s was a gap in the audio, could you repeat that?

WILL SIMPSON: Sure, so the chemicals get picked up by a toxic waste chemical treatment company and depending on what they find when they analyze each batch, they’ll either be neutralized or they’ll be incinerated. The interesting thing about the incineration process is it’s a closed lit system which actually allows these chemicals which would otherwise be going back to our water system and polluting them and polluting aquatic life, it actually creates an opportunity for us to use it as a wasted energy application.

WILL SIMPSON: Just as some other companies in Europe are now beginning to incinerate or gasify garbage to create electricity. This is actually a way to create electricity with the by-product of salon wastes. What it’s doing is actually creating an opportunity to power our homes in our life and ultimately, our blow driers as well due to the chemical waste collection program.

DEBRA: Well, that’s very good idea. What about the toxic chemicals that are polluting around in the air? Did you do anything for that?

WILL SIMPSON: What we do there is, again, we approach them as ecosystem so we believe that the light needs to be salon quality light but also need to be energy efficient life because this will ultimately help the salon to minimize its environmental footprint and also to more provable over time. The cleaning products should be free of all this chemicals and toxins that we’re talking about. The hair product ultimately, if they can, they should be looking for that. At every level we should be trying to do this. One of the big thing that we stress is air and water purification systems. More pure water actually creates a better end product in the hair service, it creates softer hair, it creates a more radiant hair. Similarly, the air quality in the salon is, if the salon continuous to use toxic products such as perm solution which has that ducky smell, it’s really important that they have some kind of system to pull the VOCs, the volatile organic compounds out of the air. We do offer solutions for all of our salons in the form of some great partners across Canada and the US who can actually offer these type of systems for a salon.

DEBRA: I think that’s a really good idea because even if I’ve been doing this for more than 30 years and I know if you’re looking at toxics in the field of toxics, first thing is reduce the poison at the source. If somebody is exposed to a toxic chemical and they are being poisoned, the first thing you do is take them away from the whatever is the source of exposure is. I’m always saying reduce at the source but in a situation like the beauty salon where they are using toxic chemicals and using a lot of them and if they decide that they need to continue to use those and they don’t go the more organic products then at the very least that they should do is have an air filter. You should be able to go to a beauty salon and not get exposure to toxic chemicals even if they’re being used. The other people are just standing around and also the workers should have that protection of removing those toxic chemicals from the air. We’re happy to hear that if salons are not switching to toxic-free products, that at least they have the option there to use an air filter.

WILL SIMPSON: Absolutely, and we really do believe that this is something that ultimately would become mandated by different government bodies because like you said, it’s not just the health of the salon guest but it’s also the people who are working for decades in this industry as an employee or as an owner. It’s very important that you’re putting all of the safe guards in place to work in a healthy environment. We really think that along with the waste production managers that healthier water quality are going to be very important parts in this industry in the future.

DEBRA: Well, particularly too, you go into a hair salon but they also offer nail services and that’s so toxic, the nail polish remover and the nail polish. When I go, I know that my welcome here has a nail salon and you can smell that all the way down to the hallway. You don’t have to be in a nail salon to smell all those chemicals and you should be able to go into hair salon and get your hair services without being exposed to those toxic nail polish, chemicals which is a whole new different thing. We already talked about that exemptions. We did a whole hour on nail polish. That’s something that needs to be considered when you go to a hair salon.

DEBRA: I know here in Clearwater, Florida, I fell to a salon where there are no toxic chemicals in the salon because the owner has decided to only use organic products and I think that’s wonderful. I can actually sit in the salon and it’s like sitting in my own living room. Hopefully, more salons will go to that direction as well.

WILL SIMPSON: Absolutely. This is something like what I said about earlier in the show, we found that this is an emerging trend. You can really trace this evolution across different industries where people are asking for healthier, greener, more sustainable business practices, specifically, in personal care field in terms of the food and products we’re consuming whether it’s topically or internally, people are looking or healthier options.

WILL SIMPSON: These green salon phenomenon is something that is popping up all over and it’s not distinct to anyone, region or country, it’s really something that should happened in a global level. What we found which is really interesting, is that a lot of this manufacturers are starting to pick up on that so they’re creating greener products for salons to use and it’s something where it began with paragons and sulfates, two of them are most wanted kinds of chemicals but certainly, there are brands that are really trying to do things all natural as best as they can.

WILL SIMPSON: The challenge of course with this is that anytime you’re using a “natural” products, it usually means it’s naturally derived or containing natural ingredients. So, often times, it’s actually just a spinoff of another chemical. What we found is there is TDF, toluene-diamine sulfate and that is considered as a safer alternative to the PPD that we were talking about earlier. It still can be problematic and can still create allergic reactions but it’s that trend that we move towards better and safer alternatives to these chemical compounds.

DEBRA: I think that’s a process that certainly there are more choices today than there were 30 years ago or 40 years ago or even 20 years ago, actually even 10 years ago. I would say that it’s accelerating in terms of how many new products that are coming out and there are so many new products that I can hardly keep tract with them. There’s also different degrees of products that are more or less toxic.

DEBRA: People need to make changes and well, if they’re willing to make a change. I remember there was a time when I had found a perfect shade of red lipstick and then I found out about toxic chemicals shortly. I need to get rid of this lipstick but I so didn’t want to because I was so attached to this red lipstick. But ultimately, it became more important to me not to expose myself to the lead and all the other things that are in red lipstick. After a period of time, there were actually red lipstick that were introduced, it’s actually a lip gloss, it’s not quite a lipstick, but it had that same shade of red and I was able to be happy with the colors and glosses that I could get and I didn’t have to hold on to those old ideas. I think that as time goes by change has happened. That we’re increasingly are being better and better and less toxic and less toxic products. It’s happening and every different industry.

DEBRA: I’m very happy to hear that hair salons are getting less toxic and it sounds like a good program that you have. We just have half a minute, is there any closing word you’d like to give?

WILL SIMPSON: I think it’s just important to people ask salon professionally what are you doing to get onboard with this. Not only because it’s a trend that will help them to stay competitive but also because ultimately, it’s their health on the line and it’s the health of the salon professionals as well who’s working in that industry. There are few things you can do but you can always ask your salon for their MFDF sheet, they can take a look of what products they are using.

DEBRA: Good idea.

WILL SIMPSON: You can ask them to—

DEBRA: I’m sorry I have to cut you off, thank you so much Will. You’re listening to Toxic-Free Talk Radio, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, be well.

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Theo Chocolate

“The first Organic and Fair Trade fair for Life Bean-to-Bar Chocolate Factory in North America…Since 2006, we’ve been making the highest quality chocolate from the world’s best cocoa beans, grown in the most sustainable ways possible.” All organic ingredients, including organic sugar. Chocolate bars with unusual flavors, caramels, confections, gift boxes.

Visit Website

Chocolate Bar Database

2008 chocolate bars, representing 473 chocolate makers, and counting, all indexed by name, maker, ingredients, origin, and organic, milk, no soy, and more. Most contain sugar, some contain soy, and other things you might want to watch out for, but this is such a good resource to help you find the chocolate that is right for you, or to find the ingredients of a brand of chocolate you are wondering about. Debbie and Vic have tasted all these chocolates, with a pile of wrappers for proof.

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Videri Chocolate Factory

I was walking down the street in Raleigh, North Carolina and happened to find this chocolate factory that makes wonderful, simple chocolate bars with all organic ingredients. Though these chocolate bars contain sugar, I’m including them because they are otherwise free from any artificial ingredients. Organic fair trade cocoa, real vanilla beans…”No soy lecithin, no xanthan gum, no emulsifiers or artificial flavorings. Just whole, organic and fair-trade ingredients.” The handful of flavors are delicious: a good dark chocolate, a milk chocolate that’s 50% cacao, and then dark chocolate with sea salt and another with pink peppercorns. That’s it. Simple. Organic. Chocolate.

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Which Face Mask Will Filter Cigarette Smoke?

Question from Pam


I am asking which air mask would be best for filtering out cigarettes. My grandmother is a chain smoker and a hoarder. When we have to go over to her house to do something the cigarettes overwhelm us. I end up with a migraine and my mother ends up with bronchitis. This happens ever single time. We have tried the face masks that doctors wear, and while they help, it’s not great.
We can’t stop going over to her house as we are her major support and she refuses to stop smoking. (she also does not believe that smoking is bad for you but that is another issue!) However, we really do not want to get sick. Do you have any suggestions?

Thank You


Debra’s Answer

I went to the I Can Breathe! website at and they recommend their Honeycomb Mask with Classic Coconut Activated Carbon Filter.

They have a number of different masks for various purposes and explain which pollutants are removed by each.

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How to Help Your Liver Detox Your Body

James GatzaMy guest today is Dr. James Gatza, author of The End Of Health Roulette and Founder of Total Shake. We’ll be talking about the role of the liver in removing toxic chemicals from your body and what you can to to help your liver perform that vital function. Dr. Gatza is a Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine with over 25 years of experience. He uses Applied Kinesiology, Nutrition and Body Chemistry with an extensive background in the treatment of chronic symptoms and disease. He is trained in Clinical Laboratory Diagnosis, X-Ray Diagnosis, Spinography, and Physiotherapy; as well as Reflexology and Cranial-Sacral Therapy. He has attended state of the art seminars on the effects and treatment of Food Allergies, Clinical Nutrition, Acupuncture, and Herbology. For over 20 years, Dr. Gatza has treated over 20,000 patients with weight problems, and other common diseases such as diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic neck & back pain, headaches/migraines, high blood pressure, breathing problems, joint pain, sleep problems, carpal tunnel syndrome, chronic fatigue & fibromyalgia, high cholesterol, joint swelling, and much more. Early in his career, Dr. Gatza realized that most doctors treated the symptoms of illness, and not the CAUSE. He found that because of this backward, thinking, the usual medical approach either didn’t work at all, or at best, helped a patient temporarily. This left patients stuck in the drug/doctor revolving door. In fact, Dr. Gatza found that in most cases, under that type of “care”, patients experienced the same symptoms or worse, over and over again while their doctors simply continued to drug them. Not satisfied with these drug/doctor “solutions.” Dr. Gatza searched and found workable answers as to WHY a person’s body is not working the way it should and devises individual treatment protocol to improve the function of each individual.





How to Help Your Liver Detox Your Body

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Dr. James Gatza

Date of Broadcast: June 02, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world, and live toxic-free.

It’s Monday, June 2, 2014. I’m here in Clearwater, Florida, and I want to tell you about something that I became aware of over the weekend. Well, not for the first time, but I have a picture, a framed picture up on my wall, of the first bridge that was built over the Mississippi River.

You have things in your home, and you don’t always look at everything, every single second. And then every once in a while, you’ll walk by something, and you’ll go, “Oh, I remember putting that there.” And you get reminded of something again.

And over the weekend, I was suddenly reminded of this picture of the first bridge across the Mississippi River. And the reason that I wanted to tell you about this today is because I [inaudible 00:00:57] because I saw a television show. I don’t remember the exact name, but it was something like the man who built America, and was all about all these industrialists—Rockefeller and everybody who built the industrial infrastructure that we have today.

And the importance of this bridge was that it was the first bridge that was built out of steel. It was such a long span that they had to have a new material. And that started the steel industry.

Now, when it was completed at 1874, it was the longest bridge in the world—the longest span bridge, arch bridge in the world.

And on the show, there was a little scene, and they had a picture of a man standing, looking across—of course, it was an actor, the Mississippi River. And the narrator in the back is saying, “He’s looking into the future.”

He looks across the Mississippi, and he sees a bridge. He can see it in his mind. It’s in his imagination. And he’s able to see that future. He’s willing to have enough confidence in that vision to put everything he’s got into it.

He even put all his own money into it.

And he’s willing to convince others that he knows it is going to happen.

And when I heard those words, it’s like, “Yes, that’s the way I feel.” I can envision that there is a future where we have everything is toxic-free, where we don’t have to be reading labels, just everybody is in agreement that we should live in a toxic-free world.

And I’m making that happen on a day-by-day basis. I have put everything. I have put my life into this. I have put my money into it. It’s so important to me, and I know that it’s important to all my guests and many other people. And if we each have that vision, if we can each see that that is what it is that we’re creating, we can create this together. And that’s why this is so important for me to do this show, and do the work that I do every day, bringing information about how to make this dream of living without toxic chemicals a reality.

This dream that we can all be healthy because toxic chemicals aren’t making us sick—it’s something that we all can be in agreement on every day, and take those steps to make it happen.

So I’ll get off my soapbox now and introduce my guest, who is Dr. James Gatza. He is a chiropractor who is here locally in Clearwater, where I live. And he agrees that we should be removing toxic chemicals from our body, and has various ways that he does that.

So today, we’re going to talk about your liver, specifically, which is a major detox organ—how it works, what we can do to make it function better, and also, a little bit about how toxic chemicals can actually destroy its function—that the toxic chemicals destroy the very function that our bodies need to be able to protect ourselves from toxic chemicals.

So the liver is very, very important.

Hi, Dr. Gatza.

DR. JAMES GATZA: Well, good morning.

DEBRA: Good morning. How are you?

DR. JAMES GATZA: I’m outstanding. How are you doing this morning?

DEBRA: I’m doing very well. So tell us how you became interested in chiropractic and doing things in a different way than a standard medical profession?

DR. JAMES GATZA: Well, when I was growing up—I grew up in Michigan, so I’m a nice, Midwestern boy. And I used to play a lot of sports, and I used to have a lot of fun with my life. But every once in a while, we’d get hurt, or I get sick, or something would be wrong with me. And when I went to the doctor, the solutions were just never very good. They never could really figure out what’s wrong with, they never helped me very much. The drugs they gave me didn’t really do me much good.

And I just really didn’t believe that much in taking drugs as a way to make someone healthy.

So I made a choice to become the type of doctor that helped people get healthy in a more natural sense, which actually is really the only way to make someone healthy.

And I lucked out that I made a really good choice because it turned out that like your bridge story, I was right—the way you get people healthy is through natural means. And so that’s what we do in our office. It’s fun.

DEBRA: And I totally agree with you with that. It’s just, we, I think, most of us, who are alive today came into this world with the idea that if you’re sick, you go to the doctor, and they give you a drug, and that’s what makes you well. But if you really think about it, giving somebody a drug to alleviate their symptoms doesn’t actually create health.

DR. JAMES GATZA: Yes, it really doesn’t.

DEBRA: Yes, tell us more about that.

DR. JAMES GATZA: Well, a personal story—a lot of the choices that I make I think it’s like this with most people—these things that have happened to us personally.

I remember I was in college, and I was a tennis player, so I was playing lots of tennis all the time. And I was hurt constantly.

But this one time, I woke up after playing how many days in a row, and my back was so bent over that I couldn’t straighten up. It literally was bent at the waist, 90-degrees, walking like a person whose head is face down.

And I’m only 19 years old. I’m a pretty young guy and I’m in a pretty good shape.
So they take me to the specialist. They x-ray me, and do all the normal tests. And by the time he’s finished, he says, “You’re

totally normal.”

And I walked out of the office and I’m thinking, “Man, I don’t feel very normal. I can’t walk.”

So now that leads to a later period of time where I learned about nutrition and toxicity, and what I didn’t know at the time was I had some habits that were making me toxic and were, therefore, depleting my body of certain key minerals like calcium and magnesium. Both minerals are needed for the muscles to relax under normal circumstances. Me playing tennis was using them up because I was sweating too much, and the toxins were another burden that was too much.

And one day, I woke up bent over. And it was actually because I was toxic. That was actually the reason for it.

DEBRA: So then, did you do something to detox and it fixed everything?

DR. JAMES GATZA: Well, at that time, what I did was muscle relaxers and painkillers because that’s what the doctors told me to do. And I didn’t know anything of toxicity then. I didn’t know anything of detoxification.

So I didn’t do anything. And to be honest with you, this happened to me so often, I pretty much had to quit tennis. I was injured all the time.

And it wasn’t until later in life when I learned about how to detox and the necessity to be toxic-free that I was able to overcome this, and now, I’m back on the tennis court even though it’s 35 years later, 30 years later.

DEBRA: That’s great. That’s great. And so now, you’re a chiropractor, and you studied some other things as well.

DR. JAMES GATZA: Yes. When I first got out of school for chiropractic, the normal thing that you do is you open a practice, and you start seeing patients. And my wife is also a chiropractor, so we were in the business together. And we both loved our jobs.

But what I found was when patients who’d come in, I would give them a standard treatment like an adjustment, and maybe some stretching or something like that—but mostly just adjustment. And I found that most of my patients tended to have the same problem every time they came in, and it wasn’t necessarily correcting the problem all the way though.

So I thought, “Man, this is weird. I do the same thing every time and they like it, but when they come back, I’m starting over again.”

So I went on a search to find why that was, was there really a way to help someone get all the way healthy, was there really something specific that was causing this problem? And after years of study of things like acupuncture and homeopathy, herbology, cranial sacral therapy, reflexology—just about anything you could think of, even study energy patterns on the body.

It came down to a few basic things. The two most significant ones were toxicity and food allergies or food sensitivity of some kind, which really just leads back to toxicity in the end anyway.

DEBRA: It does. We need to take a break, but we’re going to talk about exactly that when we come back. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Dr. James Gatza. He’s a chiropractor here in Clearwater, Florida, where I live. He’s also the author of The End of Health Roulette and founder of Total Shake. And you can go to his website at That’s G-A-T-Z-A

We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Dr. James Gatza, chiropractor, here in Clearwater, Florida where I live. And we’re talking today about detoxing your body.

Now, Dr. Gatza, I know in your bio that you sent to me, you said that you have treated over 20,000 patients. One of the things that I’ve learned that I think that you’re going to agree with is that it looks like that people have many different illnesses, but my conclusion after 30 years of study in my field is that it’s all the same illness. It’s all that the body is overloaded with toxic chemicals, and that it comes out looking like different illnesses because those are the areas where individual bodies are the weakest.

And so you say that you’ve treated people with such diverse things as diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic neck and back pain, headaches, migraines, high blood pressure, breathing problems, joint pain, sleep problems, carpal tunnel syndrome, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, high cholesterol and all these different things.

But I’m thinking that you’re probably treating a lot of them with a basic program. I don’t know because we’ve only just met.

But I’m thinking that there’s a basic program that handles the basic things that are out for everybody. And then there are individual things for the specific illness.

DR. JAMES GATZA: Yes, well, Debra, it’s interesting. When we first started working with all these different chronic illnesses, we had a separate program for every one of them. We thought we had to be a specialist and really understand specifically what was wrong with every particular different disease that was named, by the way, by some other type of agency like M.D.’s or pharmaceutical companies.

But what we found over the years was every single disease, whether it was someone with irritable bowel syndrome, or whether they had diabetes, Crohn’s disease, it really didn’t matter—high blood pressure, high cholesterol. They tended to have similar things at the bottom of the problem—similar things causing the problem.

DEBRA: And what were those similar things?

DR. JAMES GATZA: Well, if you look at the body, the way it actually is designed—you don’t have to be a medical doctor to understand this. It’s just very basic stuff.

The body is controlled by the brain through two areas—one is the nervous system, which are the nerves. The other is through hormones and the glands.

Now, toxins are fat-soluble. So what that means is that toxins are poisons—whether they come from drugs, or food additives, or pesticides, or the environment, or the water, or the air—wherever they come from, they’re fat-soluble. So what happens is once they get into the body in an overwhelming fashion, they start to hide themselves in the fatty tissue.

Well, the brain and glands that make hormones are fatty tissues. So as toxins get more prevalent inside the body, they’re then more in the brain and more in the hormone things called the glands. Once these toxins build up enough, they start to affect the brain’s ability to function properly, and that means that the nerves won’t work properly.

And they affect the glands, so they can’t work properly. So hormones won’t work properly.

And then you have a little bit of a crapshoot, depending on what toxic build-up is affecting what area of the brain, or what area of the nerves, or which hormones, or which balance in the glands. Then you have a certain disease that follows whether it’s asthma, or diabetes, or arthritis.

DEBRA: Yes, you explained that very well. That is exactly my understanding as well. And I studied this from the viewpoint of—I’m not a chemist, a toxicologist or anything like that, but I did study a lot of toxicology books. And that’s my conclusion as well, is that the body has a basic function, and then the toxic chemicals come in, and destroy our basic functions.

And when I wrote my most recent book, Toxic-Free, I actually took a new look at it, and I looked and found that there are toxic chemicals that destroy specifically each one of our body systems—each one of them.

Your body needs to have a heart, and lungs, and a brain, and each part, in order to function as a whole. And when toxic chemicals come in, and start destroying your immune system, or something, or your liver, as we’re going to be talking about, then there’s a hole in the function. It’s like one of the workers is missing.

And then the whole system starts going down.

And not only do we have toxic chemicals that are destroying one system of our bodies, each and every one of our body systems are being harmed by toxic chemicals every single day unless we’re doing something to eliminate those toxic chemicals from our homes and workplace.

And today, we’re going to talk about very soon, after the next break, I’m watching the clock. We’re going to be talking about how toxic chemicals affect your liver, and what we can do to restore our liver function, specifically.

Now, there are all kinds of other systems that need to get restored as well. But there are very specific things that we can do to help our liver, and our livers—you just look at the word, liver. It’s the thing that allows you to live. Without our livers—it contributes to so many different functions.

We’re going to get our liver straightened out today. And because the liver is the major area in the body that processes toxic chemicals, it’s a very, very, very good place to start.

Do you want to say something about the liver for a few seconds?

DR. JAMES GATZA: Sure, I’ll say something. Well, when we look at the simple idea that your body is controlled by the brain, the nerves and the hormone, therefore, for it to function properly, those things have to be in control, and they have to be controlled correctly.

If the toxins build up in the body, those toxins affect that control. So we have to change that or we have to stop that.

Well, the line of defense that controls that completely is the liver. So if the liver is functioning properly and able to do its job as well as it can, then the toxins never make it to the brain, to the nerves, or to the hormone glands, and the body will just function at a much higher level.

So it’s vital that you have to have a functioning liver. I would say that of the 20-plus-thousand patients that we’ve seen here in the clinic, 20-plus-thousand of them had to have liver handling. Almost every single one of them had toxicity in the liver, and toxicity in the body. It’s a primary part of our program and it’s not because we just want to do detox on people. It’s because if we have found pretty much almost as a law of health at least at this time and in this place, if you don’t detoxify your patients, they will not be able to get healthy.

It’s pretty much black and white now.

DEBRA: I totally agree with that. We need to go to break now. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and we’re talking with Dr. James Gatza. And we’ll be right back to tell you what you can do to help your liver be healthy.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Dr. James Gatza. He’s the author of the End of Health Roulette, the founder of Total Shake, which we’re going to be talking about soon, and he’s a chiropractor here in Clearwater, Florida, where I live.

Would you say what you said just right before the break again about how if people don’t detox, they’re not going to get well?

DR. JAMES GATZA: Well, the simple reality is that because we live in such a toxic world, there’s a constant in-flow of things that are harmful to our bodies, certain poisons that just get into our bodies, whether through food, air, water or whatever.

So If we don’t have the ability to properly detoxify those things, which means, to take those poisons and get them out of the body, then they’re going to build up, and if they build up, they’re going to affect your brain, your hormones, and the rest of your health.

So it’s a vital part of being healthy in today’s world.

DEBRA: It is. In today’s world, this is just a necessary bottom line. It’s just necessary for everyone to do this.

I don’t see how somebody could live in today’s world and not get these chemicals in their bodies—just from walking around outside, going into public buildings, driving cars, using ordinary consumer products. If you know where the toxic chemical are, which is my job, is I tell people where the toxic chemicals are and how they can eliminate them from their lives to a great degree, if you do that and live an intentionally toxic-free life, then there’s not so much build-up.

But if you’re not doing that, anybody who’s not doing that, is going to have what’s called body burden. And your liver is the organ that cleans it up if it can.

So now tell us what people can do to help detox their liver.

DR. JAMES GATZA: Well, it’s actually not that hard to understand. I think that most people don’t really know about toxicity, and they don’t know how important it is—to get rid of it. But it’s really simple.

There are two steps in the liver that take a poison that’s somehow gotten into your body, and get it fully out of the system. Now, because these poisons are fat-soluble, they like to hide inside the body, so you’ve got to have a really good functioning liver.

Now, the first phase requires a very specific ratio of vitamins, minerals and enzymes. So things like niacin, vitamin B3, B6, B12, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E—there’s a whole list of things.

Now, it’s the same for every person. Everyone has the same kind of liver, and they have the same vitamins, minerals and enzymes that helps the liver take the poisons out.

What happens in our world, if there is too much of a burden of chemicals or toxins, you use up those vitamins.

So for instance, if someone has a habit that’s very toxic, then they’re putting those toxins in all the time, then they’re going to use up their vitamin B3, B6, B12, C, D, E, et cetera. So what happens with that person is they become deficient in those nutrients, and then the toxins are no longer removed in that first phase, and they start to build up and cause trouble.

DEBRA: And they keep coming in too.

DR. JAMES GATZA: And then they keep coming in, and the depletion gets worse, and then the toxins burden more, and then the depletion gets worse. It’s a dwindling spiral of health. And then you get any myriad of different diseases that the doctors are happy to label for you later.

DEBRA: And then they give you a drug, which does nothing to help your body detox. It might alleviate your symptoms, but—

DR. JAMES GATZA: Well, actually, the drug is one of the toxins—

DEBRA: Yes, it is.

DR. JAMES GATZA: —that has to be removed by your liver.

DEBRA: That’s exactly right.

DR. JAMES GATZA: Every time a person is overburdened by toxins to the point where they get vitamin-deficient, to the point where they get a symptom, to the point where they go to the doctor and get a drug, they have just sped up that dwindling spiral on an exponential level because now, they’re going totally in the wrong direction.

So we have to make sure when we’re dealing with a toxic person in a toxic environment that their phase 1 nutrients are super high-levels inside their body.

That’s the phase 1. Now, the second part is the second phase of detox. You actually need both of them to work. In the second part, this is a heavy amino acid side—which is just the different nutrients that you need to convert that poison in the final step, to make it excretable, or for the body to be able to get rid of it.

So in phase 1, you use certain vitamins to make changes in the poison or the toxin. Then phase 2, you make a final change.

And then once that final change is done, you can now get rid of it, and you’ll be toxic-free for that particular segment.

So when you’re dealing with the liver, you’ve got to make sure you’ve got all of those nutrients, not only by the name, they have to be given in a way the body can assimilate them, they have to be given in a way that’s balanced with the other nutrients, so you’re not too much of one, and too little of the other. And they have to be given on a regular basis, so the body doesn’t build up toxin.

DEBRA: That’s right because they do get depleted. You have to keep putting them in.

And would you say—aren’t people getting these nutrients in the food they eat?

DR. JAMES GATZA: Not to plug my book, but one of the first things in my book, probably the most important factor in getting our patients healthy liver has had to do with the concept of the food. And what people’s idea of what food is, and what food really is, is different.

So what I did was I wrote a chapter called Food versus Unfood.

DEBRA: I wrote a whole article that probably said the same thing, but go ahead.

DR. JAMES GATZA: It’s a funny concept, but people think that food is something you put in your mouth that tastes a certain way, and fills you up, and you feel like you’ve eaten. But in my definition of a food, it’s different really than any other definition I’ve ever seen. It’s simply this—for something to be considered a food, it has to have the nutrients in it that are necessary for the function of the body.

In other words, you have to have vitamins, minerals and enzymes that are alive in it, that once you put it into the body, the body can use those nutrients to further its function.

DEBRA: That’s actually the dictionary definition of food. I looked it up. I wrote a whole article about this about 10 years ago.

I’ll look it up and see if I can send it to you and post it online or something because I differentiated between food being something that you consume that gives your body nutrients, so that it will nourish your body functions.

And that is what the dictionary says.

And that is not what is sold as food today. So I agree with you. Even if you were to go buy a head of lettuce, if there’s no nutrition in it because it’s 25 days old or whatever, and there was no nutrition on the soil, then it’s not a food. A food is something designed by nature in order to nourish the organism of the body.

We can keep talking. Sorry, I was looking at the wrong number.

So go ahead with food. Talk about a little more.

DR. JAMES GATZA: Yes, I agree. What you said is exactly right. And what we found was all the different patient that we’ve seen no matter what the disease they come in with, they don’t know those definitions. And so what’s happening is they’re eating a lot of what we call unfood.

Now, an unfood—

DEBRA: Wait. Now, we do need to go to the break. I’m sorry. We do need to go to the break. And we’ll talk about that when we come back.

This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Dr. James Gatza, and we’re having a very interesting conversation about livers, foods and how to be healthy. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is. Dr. James Gatza—chiropractor, and we’re talking about your liver.

So continue with what you were wanting to say about the unfoods.

DR. JAMES GATZA: Just real quickly on unfood, most people think that when they eat a food, they’re helping their body.

But if what they’re putting in their system is an unfood, all it does is increase the toxic load. And it just adds poisons, adds toxins—it doesn’t give them the nutrients they need.

And therefore, the liver can’t do its job because now, instead of getting a delivery of all the new nutrients that needs to fight the battle, it’s just delivered a bunch of more toxins, and a bunch of more problems, and it causes incredible amount of health problems.

DEBRA: Incredible amounts, yes. I can just say, in a nutshell, from my personal experience, that there are all these toxic chemicals out in the world, which I had been doing my best to eliminate for more than 30 years. But I also discovered that food, just ordinary, everyday food that we think that we’re all eating has caused as many health problems for me as the toxic chemicals.

There are actually some foods that I consider to be toxic chemicals because they cause us worst health problems as anything that’s coming manmade out of a factory.

So that’s a whole different discussion, but I just want to include those in what we’re talking about here.

So I know that you have put together a product that is specifically to help people detox their livers. So tell us about that.

DR. JAMES GATZA: What you just said is really, really true. We basically found that the food—there are all kinds of different sources of these toxins. But we found that the food in America is not very well-made, or let’s say, it’s just not very healthy.

And we had to put people on so many different dietary restrictions. And we had success with that but it was hard for them.
So instead of that, what we did is we got together, and we formulated what we consider to be the perfect food. And what it is, it’s called the Total Shake, and it’s precisely formulated food for the liver. It basically should be called liver food.

And how you make something for the liver is you want to create, basically, a certain type of food that’s easily digestible, easily absorbable, and when it’s absorbed, it builds up all the vitamins, minerals and enzymes needed by the liver to fight the toxic war that happens every day.

Now, for it to be effective, it has to be food allergy-free. It can’t have any toxins in it, so you can’t have preservatives, and other different things that people put in all these crummy products. It has to be very well-made. In other words, it has to help and not hurt.

And Total Shake is very hard to make. It’s very expensive to make. But we have basically formulated the perfect food. And when patients take it, whether they’re asthmatic or arthritic or diabetic or high blood pressure or whatever disease that you can think of, this shake helps them decrease the toxic load by helping the liver do its job.

When you decrease the toxic load, the brain and the hormones start to balance better, they start to function better, and that disease starts to improve just by normal body function. It’s almost like a miracle.

DEBRA: It is. Some years ago, I took a different product that was designed for the liver. I didn’t know about yours until this morning actually. But I was seeing a naturopathic doctor. She gave me a liver shake, specifically designed for the liver.

And she was doing at the time live blood analysis. And what that is, listeners, if you’re not familiar with this, is that they look at your blood, take a blood sample and look at it under a microscope, and you can see what’s going on in your blood.

And it was very interesting to see. And when you have healthy, clean blood, your blood cells, red blood cells float around separately.

And when your liver is not functioning, there are all kinds of garbage. It actually looks like garbage floating around in your blood.

It does. Don’t you think?

DR. JAMES GATZA: Can I say one interesting thing about that?

DEBRA: Sure.

DR. JAMES GATZA: We had a live blood cell analysis person come to our office, and he was evaluating—first, he evaluated Dr. Julie and myself at a seminar. And he couldn’t believe our blood was so perfect. He’s like, “Wow. Your blood, I’ve never seen blood like this before.”

And I could understand Dr. Julie’s being good, but I’m not such a perfect eater. I can tell you, the Total Shake is what helped me with that. But what was fun is they came to the office, and they started doing live blood cell analysis on our patients.

And they were finding one for one, unbelievable analysis on the blood. They’re all doing great.

And let me tell you. When they started, they were pretty sick. But now, they are good.

DEBRA: I believe that because my experience with taking a specific, similar liver detox product was that at the beginning, even though I ate well, and I wasn’t exposed to toxic chemicals and stuff, I still had a lot of stuff in my blood.

My cells were clumped together, just stuff, particles of stuff floating around in my blood. I went on this other product, a similar product, for 30 days. And at the end of the 30 days, I had another live blood cell test, and it was perfect.

All that garbage was gone.

DR. JAMES GATZA: Isn’t that amazing?

DEBRA: The little blood cells were floating around independently, and I went, “Wow.”

It made a big difference in how I felt, in how my body started healing, and some of my symptoms went away. And it was just one of the steps that I took in order to detox. But I think it’s a step that every single person needs to take.

DR. JAMES GATZA: There’s no doubt.

DEBRA: There’s just no doubt in my mind. No doubt. And you’ve shown it with your improvements in your patients over and over and over. It’s just something that everybody needs to do in our world today.

Well, we have a few minutes left. Is there anything else you’d like to say that we haven’t covered?

DR. JAMES GATZA: What I could say is if someone wants to find out more about the Total Shake, they can call our office.

Can I give out the number for them?

DEBRA: Sure.

DR. JAMES GATZA: It’s 727-449-2008, and just ask about the Total Shake. And also, if it would help you with your progress on making a toxic-free world, my wife and I would be happy to do free consultation for anyone that wants to learn more about how to detoxify their body. We would be happy to do that.

DEBRA: Okay. That’s great. You can also go to, and take a look at the product. And I’ve been looking at it this morning, during breaks, and before we started the show. And it is very consistent with what I would expect to see in this kind of product. And there are no allergens in it, and it obviously is made with a top quality materials.

Even though I just met Dr. Gatza this morning, I’ve lived here for 12 years, and have heard his name and know of his clinic and his wife, are very well-regarded in our community. So I think that it is a trustworthy thing. And everything that you have said could be something that I would have said. I’m just totally in agreement.

So if this is something—listeners, if you’re thinking about that you want to do this, this is something to take a look at because this is a product that I would recommend., or you can call the office. What’s the number again?

DR. JAMES GATZA: It’s 727-449-2008.

DEBRA: Okay, good.

DR. JAMES GATZA: But I’ll say one last thing before you have to send off. I have not seen a patient in over 25 years of practice that didn’t need to detoxify—not once. And that’s saying a lot because we see people from all over the world. We have patients fly in from out of this country to see us.

And people are toxic, the environment is toxic, and if you don’t handle it, if you’re not handling your health, it’s that simple.

DEBRA: That’s right. And you could look at a product like this and say, “Well gee, that’s expensive,” or you could look at going to a doctor who knows what they’re doing about this like Dr. Gatza and say, “Well, that’s a lot of money,” that’s relative for each person.

But if you don’t do this—what I found is if you don’t spend the money and put in the intention to do this step, you can spend money for the rest of your life doing everything else, and it’s not going to work. It’s not going to work.

And I’m not trying to sell Dr. Gatza’s product. I’m having him on the show because this is something that everybody needs to do. It’s just something everybody needs to do.

I can’t say that enough. It’s something everybody needs to do.

DR. JAMES GATZA: You’re going to be stuck, and then you’re going to be doing things that don’t work, and you’re going to be spinning around.

Detox isn’t even expensive. McDonald’s is more expensive than doing a detox program.

DEBRA: Right, it is. What are some of the other things, just quickly, people could exercise that will help, they could sweat.

But helping the liver is detrimental.

DR. JAMES GATZA: If you have a toxic liver, and you have a toxic environment, and your habits are somewhat toxic, and your diet is toxic, it’s always a good thing to exercise, it’s always a good thing to sweat. However, your body is being depleted by the toxin. And people that have depleted nutrition, if you also do exercise, which is also depleting, sometimes it’s not the best thing until you cleanse and detoxify because you end up more depleted.

And a lot of people get sicker as they exercise. So people who say, “I exercise all the time. It’s not helping,” because they’re toxic. So toxicity is really the first step.

DEBRA: It is. It is, it is, it is. Thank you so much for being on the show today. I think we all learned a lot. That was great.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today was Dr. James Gatza. You can go to his website at And be well.

Organic fabrics – Are they all treated?

Question from Sheila

Hi Debra,

I am trying to outfit my daughter’s bedroom. I have considered purchasing organic cotton fabric from fabric vendors to make my own curtains, pillow covers, bedding, etc.

Is that a safe bet? Are all fabrics typically treated with formaldehyde and other chemicals?

I also purchased a set of organic cotton sheets from Target. Much to my dismay, they had an odor. I feel like anything with an odor has chemicals on it. Are you familiar with the Target sheets?

Any advice on what fabrics I can use in her room that are non-toxic?

Thank you so much.

Debra’s Answer

Not all organic fabrics are treated, but some are.

Unfortunately, at the moment there is a difference between an organic fabric that is organic every step of the way and fabrics made with organic fibers but then have chemical processing.

Go to the Fabrics page of Debra’s List. These are the best resources I know of for fabrics. They will be able to answer any questions you have about their fabrics.

Especially look for 100% GOTS-certified organic cotton textiles, these are made from organic fibers and processed without chemicals. One example is Naturepedic (babies + kids) and Naturepedic (adult) GOTS certified sheets (and other bedding). There are no chemicals added (fragrances or otherwise) and any cotton smell washes away.

As well, if there ever is any smell, it’s a cotton smell which will wash away.

It’s great that Target and other discount stores are supporting organic cotton, but the cheaper price point usually means some toxic chemicals are involved in the processing and finishes.

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OK to Grow Food in Stainless Steel Containers?

Question from Lynn


I am considering growing fruit/vegetables/herbs etc (consumables) in stainless steel containers (304 grade).

I was wondering is this advisable given that stainless steel contains ‘leachable’ toxins? And has there been studies done on this before?



Brisbane, Australia

Debra’s Answer

There are no studies that I could find, but I will tell you that logically I don’t think it’s a good idea.

Metals leach from stainless steel with contact time. Even a few hours of cooking will leach metals into food, so continuous contact for weeks and months on end could certainly result in leaching metals into the soil that would then uptake into the plant and get into the fruit or vegetable.

ToxIN ToxOUT — How to Get Harmful Chemicals Out of Our Bodies and Our World

Rick SmithToday my guest is Rick Smith, one of the two authors of Slow Death by Rubber Duck and their newest book ToxIN ToxOUT. Since the runaway success of their first book, they’ve been asking “How do I get this toxic stuff out of my body?” and this book is their answer. We’ll be talking about their practical and sometimes surprising advice. Rick Smith is a prominent Canadian author and environmentalist. He is the Executive Director of the Broadbent Institute (, a progressive policy thinktank. From 2003 to 2012 Rick was Executive Director of the national charity Environmental Defence Canada. He co-authored the 2009 book Slow Death by Rubber Duck: How the Toxic Chemistry of Everyday Life Affects Our Health which became a bestseller in Canada and Australia and has now been translated into six languages. With a Ph.D. in biology and a stint as Chief of Staff of the federal New Democratic Party, Rick’s career has been equal parts science and politics. He is regarded as one of the country’s leading environmental campaigners and has spearheaded important new “green economy” policies at both the provincial and federal levels. He lives in Toronto with his wife and two small boys.

Slow Death by Rubber Duck          ToxIN ToxOUT




ToxIN ToxOUT—How to Get Harmful Chemicals Out of Our Bodies & Our World

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Rick Smith

Date of Broadcast: May 29, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio, where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world, and to live toxic-free.

My guest today, I’m so happy to have him on, and I’m really interested in our interview today. Well, I’m interested in all of the interviews. I love all my guests. But this guest, I read a book that he was a co-author of. Back in 2009 and his co-author published a book and it’s called Slow Death by Rubber Duck.

And it has a picture of a rubber duck on the front.

It was a big bestseller.

This book was their account of an experiment that they did on their own bodies during which they intentionally put toxic chemicals into their bodies by ingesting and inhaling particular common consumer products that contain those certain toxic chemicals that they were looking for.

And then they had their body fluids tested to find out if those toxic chemicals they knew were going on were actually there in their body.

And sure enough, they were there.

And the book was a bestseller.

Now, five years later, these two authors are back with another book called ToxIn, Toxout, which is all about their personal experiences, trying to get the chemicals out of their bodies this time. And they explained which detox method works, and why trendy cleanses don’t.

And at the end of the book—I’ll say this now, but I don’t want to give away the story, but at the end of the book, what they do is they give us a lot of tried and true advice for eliminating toxics to begin with, which as you all know, this I’m totally in favor of. And I’m in favor of detoxing too.

We’ll find out today as we talk, if our guest agrees, that the best thing to do is that it’s a lot easier to just not put the toxic chemicals in, in the first place, but since all of us have toxic chemicals in our bodies, we need to know what works to get them out.

And since my guest and his co-author have tried all these different detox methods, we’re going to find out today.

My guest is Rick Smith, and he’s the co-author with Bruce Lourie of Toxin, Toxout.

Hi, Rick.

RICK SMITH:Hi, Debra, a pleasure to be here.

DEBRA: How are you doing? Thank you.

RICK SMITH: I’m doing very well, thank you.

DEBRA: Good. Are you feeling toxed out?

RICK SMITH: Yes, I am. I tried to take some of my own advice in our book.

DEBRA: That’s very good. And I want to say that, first of all, I really love the title of your book. I actually think we should all be using “toxout”instead of detox because the first thing, I guess, I’d like to say is that the term detox is confusing because it could mean anything from going to a drug rehab place to get drugs or alcohol out of your body, to doing something a cleanse, which is designed to get the waste materials of cell metabolism out of your body, to removing toxic chemicals, and a lot of things.
People just hear that word, detox, and they think, “Well, it’s a detox. It’s going to work for toxic chemicals.”
But as you found out, that isn’t necessarily the case.

RICK SMITH: Well, yes. The big focus of this book is investigation of the whole weird world of detox. As you say, I think the term is in danger of really leaving any useful meaning. You can’t open that women’s magazine or a men’s health magazine these days without the requisite detox article.

And most of the times, these articles are about the latest fad diets, the latest mango juice cleanse, or the latest three-day detox diet.

One of the common sense conclusions we reach in the book is that if these things found too good to be true, they probably are. You can’t eat crummy foods, get no exercise for 50 weeks of the year, and then the last two weeks, you think that a broccoli blender diet, and all your problems are going to go away.

DEBRA: I’d just like to say at this point that our bodies are detoxing every minute of every day. And our cells are detoxing every minute of every day. Detox is a continuous process that needs to be supported. The toxic chemicals are coming in on a continuous basis. Our bodies need to process them and remove them on a continuous basis.

We can’t wait a whole year until you get to those two weeks to do that cleanse. Would you agree with that?

RICK SMITH: Yes, that’s exactly I mean. What we do in the book, as you mentioned in your intro, is we try to tell the story of toxic chemicals, reveal the problem of toxic chemicals in an entertaining and direct way.

So what we do is we conduct experiments on ourselves and other intrepid volunteers to see to what extent some of these toxic chemicals are absorbed by the body, and then how you can best get these things out.

And so the first conclusion in the book is that it’s a lot easier to avoid these chemicals in the first place than it is to get them out of you once they’re already absorbed.

DEBRA: And I think that that’s a really important thing that everybody needs to know because that is an additional motivation. There’s a motivation to not be exposed to them because they’re going to make you sick. But then the secondary thing is that once they get in your body, they’re very difficult to remove.

Not that they can’t be removed, but some of them are more difficult than others. But you’re going to have to go through a process to get them out. And so it really is easier to create your non-toxic lifestyle and have that be the solution. It’s easy for everybody.

RICK SMITH: I’m just going to say that one of the other things to try to do in this book and in our last book, Slow Death by Rubber Duck, we really tried to get specific about the chemicals we’re talking about.

One of the weird things about a lot of these fads, detox remedies out there, it talks vaguely about getting toxic chemicals “out of your body” without being really specific about what chemicals they’re talking about.

There are hundreds of different synthetic chemicals that are now being linked to various human diseases. Each of them has a different characteristic in the body. It’s absorbed differently. It’s flushed from the body in a different way.

And so we go into some detail in the book regarding these different families of chemicals, and the different ways that you can absorb and get rid of them.

DEBRA: I want to hear all about that. We only
have a couple of minutes until the break, so I’d like you to tell us first how did you get interested in doing this.

RICK SMITH: I’m a biologist by training, and Bruce is also a scientist by training. When we were trying to figure out how to tell story about this new generation of population that’s just damaging—a new kind of pollution that’s more subtle, that’s more insidious than the more obvious, big, industrial sources of pollution that we’ve all grown up with.

Bruce and I came up with this idea, this renegade, adult, [inaudible 00:08:18] project, using some of our scientific training for good and not evil.

I hope the way that we tell the story with these experiments, these real life experiments, is entertaining for the readers.

DEBRA: It is. I haven’t read all of Toxin, Toxout because I just got it, but I did read Slow Death by Rubber Duck. I couldn’t put it down.

A lot of this information I already knew because this is what I write about too. But it was very entertaining and revealing to watch you go through your science experiments on your own body—you being the guinea pigs.

It was a very easy way to read some really important information that could otherwise be quite dry and difficult to digest.

You’ve done a great job. You’ve done a great job, and I really recommend that everybody read both books. These are two books that I just think anybody who’s alive today should read, in addition to mine, of course.

We need to go to the break. We’re talking today with Rick Smith. He’s one of the authors of Slow Death by Rubber Duck, and the newest book, Toxin, Toxout. And when we come back, we’re going to find out about different causes of toxic chemicals and what goes on in the body, and how we can get them out.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and we’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Rick Smith. He and his co-author, Bruce Lourie, are the authors of Slow Death by Rubber Duck and Toxin, Toxout, which is their newest book, and which is what we’re talking about today—how to get toxic chemicals out of your body.

So Rick, what do you think is the most important from your research and experience? What is the most important toxic chemical to remove from your body, and what did you find was the most effective way to do that?

RICK SMITH: I think I’m going to have a hard time narrowing it down to one. But what we did do in the book is we tried to think through the few ways that these toxic chemicals can be absorbed into the body.

And if you think about it, it can only happen through what you eat and drink, what you apply to your skin, and what you breathe in. That’s a bit of the way that we organize the book and the way that we organize our experiments, as we were talking about before the break.

So we did an experiment, for instance, on organic food, trying to see if eating organic food will measurably lower levels of the pesticides in the body. And pesticides concern me quite a lot.

We did an experiment with the cosmetics. And so we compared levels of toxic chemicals in the body with our volunteers, using both the greener, less toxic cosmetics, and then the regular brand name cosmetics that contain parabens and other nasty things.

And we did an entertaining experiment, looking at indoor air quality as well.

In each of those experiments, we’ve zeroed in on one or two key chemicals that we are quite concerned about.

DEBRA: Let’s go through each one of those, and tell us about what you found. Let’s start with food.

RICK SMITH: I think like a lot of organic food consumers over the years, I just assumed it was better for me. I don’t think the organic industry has done a good enough job putting a number to the organic benefits because, let’s say, for the organic food, in many cases, cost a little bit more.

So we recruited nine kids for this experiment. That was a 12-day experiment. It was complicated to do, actually.

So for the first four days of the experiment, we fed them non-organic food. For the middle four days, we fed them organic food. And then we put them back on the non-organic food for the last four days of the experiment. And we looked at levels of cancer-causing pesticides in their urine each morning.

Really, really dramatic results. In the middle four days, when these kids were eating organic food, the levels of pesticides in their body were cut almost to zero. And then as soon as they went back on the non-organic food, within a matter of hours, those pesticide levels zoomed right back up again.

DEBRA: A chart with that information should be in every natural food store that’s selling organic food.

RICK SMITH: Yes, it really should. The punch line is, “Organic food is worth it,” even if it costs a little bit more, even if sometimes it’s hard to find. Eating organic food is worth it.

It’s not an all or nothing proposition. Every little bit of organic, you can add to your diet, will measurably lower your pesticide levels.

And that’s particularly important for young kids, who we know, doctors tell us, are disproportionately susceptible to pollution of all sorts.

DEBRA: I actually knew that because when I was researching my book, Toxic Free, I saw another study that had done exactly that in Washington State. They had taken some kids, and did pretty much what you did. And they found exactly the same thing.

And so this is where it’s not a question of what do we need to do to remove the toxic pesticides from our bodies because in this case, and I keep saying this because every chemical is different. And even every pesticide is different because some last longer in your body than others.

But in this case, with these pesticides, it was just a matter of you stop eating them, and immediately, they’re not in your body. Not immediately like one second, but on the first day that you stop giving them pesticides in foods, then you notice the difference, so the second day or whatever it was.

But even if it was the third day, that would be very, very quick. And so it’s not like you need to go on a special cleanse, or do some special program. All you need to do is stop eating pesticides. That’s so simple.

RICK SMITH: Yes, really, really simple, and again, particularly important for kids. And the good news here is that there’s an economy of [scale] happening. The more people eat organic food, the cheaper it gets. And the cost differential between organic and non-organic food narrowed. So that’s great news.

The next experiment that we did is we looked at products in the bathroom. We don’t really think about it very much, but it shouldn’t be a surprise that creams and antiperspirant and shaving products that we apply to our skin are actually rapidly absorbed through the skin, and those individual ingredients in those products start showing up in our bloodstream.

So chemicals like parabens and phthalates that are increasingly being linked to different cancers are very common in bathroom products.

The good news is that, as many of your listeners will know, it’s getting much easier to find very good, very effective brands that have got these toxic chemicals out of their formulation.

So what we did to try to nail down whether bathroom products are the main contributors to paraben and phthalate levels in people’s bodies, we did an experiment with two cosmetic industry insiders. And for a few days, they wore just conventional brands, really smelly, artificial scents and things like those. And then for a few days, they wore this new generation of very good, green, less toxic bathroom products.

And the levels of parabens and phthalates were cut virtually to zero in their bodies in those days that they wore [three] of those products. And they didn’t have to sacrifice beauty or their personal hygiene to do it.

DEBRA: In both cases now, on these first two types of products, the organic food and the green bathroom products, all you had to do to not have that chemical be in your body is simply stop using it.

RICK SMITH: Absolutely.

DEBRA: We’re going to go to break, and then we’ll come back, and we’ll hear about the third type. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Rick Smith, one of the authors of Slow Death by Rubber Duck and their new book, Toxin, Toxout.

We’re finding out what are the results of their science experiments they did on removing toxic chemicals from their bodies.

We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Rick Smith, one of the authors of Slow Death by Rubber Duck, and their newest book, Toxin, Toxout. And if you’re interested in ordering these books or getting them at your bookstore, go to You can look at today’s show. I’ve got the covers there of both books. You can click through and order them from Amazon if you want.

I highly recommend both of these books because these books really give the information about what is the problem with exposure to toxic chemicals. In Toxin, Toxout, even showing what’s wrong with some of the solutions and it helps to sort those out.

The conclusions of the books were done by interviewing experts, but also by the authors doing “science experiments” on their own bodies and finding out what’s going on.

So Rick, what happened with the third experiment?

RICK SMITH: Well, the third experiment involved the new car smell for that pungent aroma that we all grow up with, we all loved so much. We’re interested in seeing whether these potent chemical aromas that we’re all familiar with, the new car smell, the new shower curtain smell, the smell of different cleaning products that we grew up with, whether these aromas would be sufficiently potent that the individual chemical ingredients of these aromas might show up in measurable levels in the body.

So what we did for this experiment is pretty simple actually. I sat in a new car for a day.

DEBRA: Uh-oh.

RICK SMITH: And then measured my levels of certain cancer-causing chemicals, benzenes, formaldehyde, before and after. And the results were quite stunning. The levels of these chemicals in my body skyrocketed when I was sitting in this new car, breathing in the new car smell, and then came right back down again, as soon as I exited the car.

At a time when most North Americans spend well over 90% of their lives indoors, and that may sound like a lot, but if you think about it, all the time that we spend sitting around the kitchen table, sitting on the couch watching TV, sleeping, perhaps driving in our car on the way to work, the majority of us spend well over 9 out of 10 hours of the day indoors.

And so indoor air quality is arguably more important than outdoor air quality, and these chemically aromas, the off-gassing of carpets and carpet underlay, the off-gassing smells from that new couch that you just brought back from the store, these things really matter and contribute to these levels of toxic chemicals in the body.

And the good news is that by being a more careful consumer, it’s getting easier to shop at retailers who are trying to get these nasty off-gassing chemicals out of their products.

DEBRA: And of course, an excellent place to go to find those products that don’t have nasty chemicals is my website, of course, especially If you just go to, look at the menu across the top, and you’ll find a Q&A section where you can ask questions about these products. You’ll find that little button that says “shop” and you can go to Debra’s List where I have over 500, 600 or 700 websites where you can buy products that don’t have toxic chemicals in them.

There’s a whole lot of them out there. It’s just a matter of knowing where they are and making those choices.
Again, it’s so interesting to me to see in your book that all you have to do, in some cases, is to just stop using it, and they’re not in your body anymore. They’re just not there. But there are some chemicals.

Tell us about some other chemicals that people might need to remove from their body by special methods.

RICK SMITH: So we move on the book. So we spent a lot of time looking at chemicals that need to be avoided, and how you can do that quite easily because we know people are busy. And the big part of this book is to try to boil down some tips for people that can be incorporated into people’s busy, daily lives.

So in the last part of the book, we delved into the whole occasionally weird and wacky world of detox. And we looked at some of these many detox therapies out there to try to figure out what works and what doesn’t.
And it turns out that some of the most [perspective], reliable things you can do to help out your body, and to exhilarate the flushing of these chemicals from the body is to get some good old fashion exercise, and to get off the couch and to break a sweat every now and again.

My co-author, Bruce, did this entertaining experiment where he took a sauna regularly every day for a week, and collected his sweat every day, which you can imagine. It’s a great thing to sweat into these test tubes. Nothing we won’t do to further science.

And so he compared levels of certain toxic chemicals like BTA coming out of his body every day in his urine versus his sweat.

And the results are quite interesting. On many days, it was his sweat that contained much higher levels of BTA are being flushed out of his body.

So the message here is that depending on the chemical you’re talking about, sweat can be a very important mechanism to flush these things out of your body. So to the extent that we’re a nation of couch potatoes these days, and a lot of us don’t break a sweat, don’t get regular exercise [inaudible 00:29:35] work week. Not only is that bad for your cardiovascular health, but it’s actually locking some toxic chemicals into your body.

So we spent a lot of time talking to experts on the relative merits of different kinds of detox methods, and the good old fashion exercise comes in on top.

DEBRA: Well, in addition to that too, exercise, one of the things that carries toxic chemicals out of the body is the lymph system, and it doesn’t move unless you move your body. It’s not like the heart that is a pump, to pump the blood around. You could just be lying down all the time, and your blood would still move because the heart is pumping it.

But the lymph system that carries all the garbage away from the cells just sits there unless you move your body.
And so here we have people who are, as you said, couch potatoes, so their lymph isn’t moving. And they put on antiperspirant, so they don’t sweat.

RICK SMITH: Yes, that’s exactly the double whammy.

DEBRA: We’ll talk about how the body detoxes when we come back after the break. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is author, Rick Smith, who wrote Slow Death by Rubber Duck, and their newest book is Toxin, Toxout.

We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Rick Smith, co-author of Slow Death by Rubber Duck, and their newest book, Toxin, Toxout. And again, you can go to and look for the description of this show, and you can click right through the Amazon and buy these books.

Excellent books. Everybody should read them. This is just the basic, fundamental information about toxic exposure and toxic de-sposure. I was trying to think of a word. What’s the noun for getting the toxic chemicals out? We need better words.

As I started out in the beginning saying that detox has become meaningless because it could mean so many different things, we need a specific word, and I think I’m going to start using toxout to mean removing toxic chemicals from your body because it’s so perfect. I think that’s the way to go.

So we were talking before the break about how you found the best thing to remove toxic chemicals from your body, and not just theoretically, but you actually took samples of body fluids to show this. It’s just plain old exercise and sweating.

And I would assume that so many didn’t want to exercise. They could go sit in the sauna, which is also very effective. But there’s a benefit to exercising because you’re moving the lymph to get the toxic chemicals moving around. And then it comes out through sweat in the skin.

And right before the break, I was saying that. But what we do in our culture is that we don’t exercise. So we’re not stirring up the chemicals to be released, and we don’t sweat. In fact, people wear antiperspirants to not perspire.

Now, this combination, this particular combination, is horrible because our bodies have this natural function. If you look at people living out in the wild, they would be exercising and sweating as part of their daily lives, but we don’t.

We consider sweat to be a bad thing. And yet, sweat is the redeeming thing.

RICK SMITH: I totally agree. I think that’s right. One of the basic points of our book is that we don’t really need all these often expensive detox remedies to get these chemicals out of our bodies.

A lot of these things probably don’t hurt, but there’s very little evidence that they’re terribly effective. And in some cases, things like ionic foot bath, for instance, there’s actually evidence out there, just outright useless.
What we try to focus on in the book, and the reason that we do these experiments in the book on ourselves, and on other volunteers, is to really to try to nail down what works and what doesn’t, so that people can have some confidence in the tips that we give.

DEBRA: The subtitle of the book is Getting Harmful Chemicals Out of Our Bodies and Our World. So tell us about the our world part.

RICK SMITH: We certainly believe, and we provide a lot of advice in this regard in the book, that being a more aware and careful consumer is an important thing to do. So carefully reading labels, being on a lookout for some of these chemicals we’ve been talking about on labels, parabens and phthalates and crazy antibacterial chemical, triclosan.

Being a more careful consumer is a part of the equation here.

But ultimately, the fact that we have to worry about this stuff in the first place is just outrageous. And the only real permanent answer to this problem is the governments and big companies start to get these chemicals out of products in the first place.

And so the last chapter of the book is about this very encouraging, exciting, emerging world of the green economy, and the different ways that governments around the world are trying to cut down on waste, trying to force consumer product manufacturers to make their products in a safer way.

It turns out that a lot of these chemicals we’ve talked about can be fairly easily replaced. They’re not necessary. They’re not critical to human life as we know it. And as this green consumer movement accelerates, the fact that you can go out to grocery stores now, you can go to mainstream drugstores and find green products on the shelf side by side with non-green products. And they cost, thankfully, the same.

One of these products is toxic, and the other one is not.

So that change in the marketplace, the green consumer movement, I think, is making it easier for governments to change lives and to force these companies to make safer products that they should have been doing all along.

DEBRA: Well, that’s a very good point. I hadn’t quite thought about it that way, that consumers—I’m always saying you don’t need to wait for government in order to live toxic-free. But I hadn’t really realized that our consumer choices are helping government change to make the regulations be such that these chemicals wouldn’t even be allowed.

I’ve been watching all this, and what’s going on with government and regulations, and big corporations. Again, I’ll just say none of these companies need to wait for government to mandate this, just like none of us need to wait for government to make it illegal for us to use toxic chemicals.

And so it’s always a choice. It’s a choice that anybody could make at any time. And a lot of companies are making the choice. And governments are moving very slowly, sometimes frustratingly making a list of toxic chemicals, after 20 years, they have 20 chemicals on the list. That’s a little too slow.

RICK SMITH: It’s a little bit slow. We’re actually quite optimistic in the book about the progress that’s happening generally in this area, largely as a result of change in consumer preference.

But just in the last six months, for instance, Procter & Gamble, Avon, Johnson & Johnson, Wal-Mart, some of the biggest consumer products, manufacturers and retailers in the world have started to get out of the business of these chemicals. They’ve started re-formulating their products to get away from these toxic chemicals.

That’s a huge step forward. I think that change in the marketplace, they’re only going to accelerate.

DEBRA: I am so glad that you said that. I just want to say it again for everybody listening that the companies are changing in response to consumer demand. It’s just an economic law that companies are going to produce what we consumers buy.

And we have tremendous power to change everything.

So whether our representatives in Washington are making regulations happen, or whether you sign a petition or don’t sign a petition, what it all comes down to is the power of voting with our dollars.

So that is the most powerful thing that we can do.

So here, by making a decision to not use the toxic product, we’re not only reducing, removing the toxic chemicals from our bodies, but we’re also removing them from the world. Excellent.

RICK SMITH: The conclusion of the book is that it’s important that people be more aware consumers, but also that we be more demanding citizen because we deserve better from our government.

DEBRA: We do. Well Rick, we only have about two-minutes left. Is there anything that you’d like to say that we haven’t discussed?

RICK SMITH: I think we’ve covered the ground pretty well. What I will say is that the book and with an easy top 10 to-do list, maybe because my co-author and I have kids, we spend a lot of time in the kitchen, so we actually thought it would be fun to boil down the message of the book. Boil down the tips of the book to a ripped off page that you can literally rip out of the book, stick on your fridge.

DEBRA: Do you want to read it to us?

RICK SMITH: And then be reminded of some of the simple ways that you can get toxic chemicals out of your life.

DEBRA: Do you want to tell us what those are in the last minute?

RICK SMITH: Very quickly, think about eating more organic food that will dramatically cut down pesticide levels in your body. Avoid products in the bathroom that contain parabens and phthalates. When you’re looking for products for the home, try to shop for low DOC, less off-gassing products whether those are couches or carpeting.

A little bit of exercise every now and again turns out to be the most significant way that you can help your body to wash these toxic chemicals for good and an ongoing basis.

DEBRA: Good. So thank you so much for being with me, and I just wish you all the best with both of these books. You’ve done a tremendous service to furthering the understanding of toxic exposures.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and you can go to, and go to the top of the page where there’s a menu, and just start looking around because all of the things that my guest has been talking about today about using less toxic products, non-toxic products, this is the biggest resource that I know of, in order to get that information.

You can go click on the shop button and find more than 500 websites to explore. You can click on the Q&A and ask a question. You can even call me up on the phone and talk to me, and I’ll answer your questions.
This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. Be well.

Does “Wood Composite” Contain Formaldehyde?

Question from Stacey

Hi Debra,

I just bought a sea grass storage bench, which I loved, however, I was told it was made of a “wood composite.” That is the only answer I could get, but I assume this is like MDF/particleboard, and that it most likely contains formaldehyde and I should return it. Am I right with this assumption?

Thanks so much!

Debra’s Answer

Actually it doesn’t. But what it does contain is plastic.

The problem is that the plastic could be anything from the least toxic polyethylene to the most toxic PVC and it’s not stated.

IF you can find out what the plastic is, you can determine the toxicity. Otherwise your guess is as good as mine.

I would avoid this material if the plastic cannot be determined.

Add Comment

An Environmental Ethic for the 21st Century—Without Toxic Chemicals

Patricia DeMarcoToday I’m celebrating Rachel Carson’s birthday with my guest Patricia DeMarco PhD. In 1962 Rachel Carson wrote Silent Spring, the book about toxic pesticides that laid the groundowork for the environmental movement and the establishment of the EPA. But she also wrote many other books and papers as a naturalist. Today we will be talking about what Rachel left us and what we can still learn from her work today. Patricia has been a Rachel Carson scholar since 2005, with service as the Executive Director of the Rachel Carson Homestead Association and as the Director of the Rachel Carson Institute at Chatham University. She writes and speaks extensively on the environmental ethic of Rachel Carson and her relevance to modern times. She is currently writing a book titled “Pathways to Our Sustainable Future.”

Silent Spring Rachel Carson                    Rachel Carson Linda Lear





An Environmental Ethic for the 21st Century—Without Toxic Chemicals

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Patricia DeMarco

Date of Broadcast: March 27, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic free. And we just had a long weekend. It’s Tuesday, May 27, 2014. And it’s Rachel Carson’s’ birthday. I’m so excited because, as those of you who have been listening now, I do love Rachel Carson and we talked about her on Earth Day—and you can go listen to that show too.

But today, I have one of my guests back who was here on Earth Day talking about Rachel Carson then. Her name is Patricia DeMarco, Ph.D. And she’s a Rachel Carson scholar. She’s going to be telling us today about—she’s actually writing a book called Pathways to Our Sustainable Future, which is about what she knows about what Rachel Carson has left us—her legacy—and how we can apply that today, what we can learn from that today to move forward in creating our toxic free world.

One of the things that I’m very interested in about—Patricia sent me her first chapter of the book. And one of the things that really was interesting to me is that, in my own life, I long ago made a decision that—well actually, I had a realization that the way to get out of living toxic is to live in harmony with nature. And I’m reading her chapter, and she says that Rachel Carson says exactly the same thing. So, great minds think alike.

And so, we’re here today to hear more about what Rachel Carson has to say about how we can move beyond our toxic world with Patricia DeMarco.

Hi, Patricia. Thanks for being here.

DR. PATRICIA DEMARCO: Hi, Debra. How are you?

DEBRA: I’m really good.

DR. PATRICIA DEMARCO: It’s my pleasure to be here.

DEBRA: Thank you. It’s a pleasure for me to have you. And let’s say happy birthday to Rachel Carson.

DR. PATRICIA DEMARCO: Happy birthday!

DEBRA: And I was just reading again your wonderful first chapter this morning, and two sentences are my favorites. The first one is:
“The planet earth operates on a set of natural laws, to the most extent ignored in the crafting of human laws that drive the economy.”

And then you also say:
“It’s our challenge to transition quickly from a fossil-dependent economy to an economic system operating on renewable and sustainable basis in harmony with the natural laws of the universe.”

And I just put a big star next to that last one and wrote, “Yes!” In the margin, a big yes.

But the thing that I ran into when I had my realization about that was, “Okay that makes perfect sense.” And for me it was a time when I was looking for some solution. If I’m not going to live according to the toxic industrial way, what can I use as a model? What can I use as a basis?

I was living out in a forest at the time. I just looked around and said, “Ah! Well, nature knows how to do it. If we weren’t doing these toxic things, nature would just sustain life.” And there are laws. And everything, even human beings, operate by those laws.

But then the question is, “What are those laws? And how can we actually apply them?”

Before we get into that though, I want you to tell us how did you get interested in this subject?

DR. PATRICIA DEMARCO: I was given a copy of Silent Spring by my Dad for a high school graduation present. And it just came out the fall before my graduation. So Rachel Carson was one of my heroes.

But I had lived all over the world by the time I was out of high school. My father was in the Foreign Service, so we moved every two years to a different country, which means I didn’t have the same kind of peer group that people get whenever they’re in first grade to high school—the same bunch of people from the same town.

So, similar to many people who travel all around during their growing up, I developed an interest in the natural life that was around me—butterflies in particular, and also creatures of the sea because we often lived on the sea shore.

And that really stayed with me as an interest in biology for most of my life. And I have my degree in biology in fact.

DEBRA: So then you have this interest. And then what made you decide to be a Rachel Carson scholar?

DR. PATRICIA DEMARCO: Well, I have been away from Pittsburgh for about almost 30 years, working in energy and environmental policy in both Connecticut and Alaska. I came home to Pittsburgh in 2005 partly because my parents have died, and I needed to be closer to my family. And Alaska is a long, long way from Pittsburgh.

So, it happens that Rachel Carson Homestead was seeking a director. And I took the five years contract to help them look at homestead, rebuild it and restore it to [programmatic] functioning—which I did between 2005 and 2010.

DEBRA: Well, you know what? Until yesterday, I didn’t actually know there was a Rachel Carson homestead. But I looked it up. I was looking for some links we could put on that would lead people to more information about Rachel Carson. And I found the website for the homestead.

So, could you tell us a little bit about that? That’s exactly the kind of thing I love to go to when I travel.

DR. PATRICIA DEMARCO: Well, the best link for information on Rachel Carson is, which is Linda Lear’s website. And she is the biographer, the […] biographer of Rachel Carson. There’s a wealth of information there.

Also, if you go to the Fish and Wildlife Service,, they have preserved there all of her original papers—the conservation and action papers and much of her writings.

And so, those are both really good sources.

If you want to visit the places that were important to her, she was born in Springdale PA, on the Alleghemy River, which is where the way to Carson homestead is. And they are restoring it now to the four room farmhouse configuration that it held when the Carsons lived there.

Now, she was not there for very long. And when she graduated from college at what was then the Pennsylvania College for Women, now Chatham University, she then went on with her studies and her work outside of Pittsburgh and really didn’t come back until about 1952 when she received an honorary degree.

There also is a Rachel Carson Refuge in Maine nearby where she lived and wrote Silent Spring and where her family still has a little cottage in I believe Southport, Maine.

And then, in Silver Spring, Maryland, the house where she lived when she was working in Washington—and even until the end of her life—was in Silver Spring, Maryland. And you can find out about that in the Rachel Carson’s Council.

DEBRA: Yes. I’d put the links for, and the Rachel Carson Council, and the Rachel Carson Homestead on next your interview. So people can go there, and also click through to get a copy of Silent Spring, if you don’t already have one and a copy of Rachel Carson’s biography, which I’m in the middle of reading. It’s very excellent.

So, can you tell us—one of the things that I noticed about myself actually is that I tend to think not the way the rest of society is thinking. It’s like I have my own thoughts. And I like people who have their own thoughts. I see that in Rachel Carson. I see it in a lot of people who are thinking differently ahead of their time, that instead of just following along with what society is saying, that they’re looking for themselves and observing the world from themselves and making their own conclusions.

Can you speak about her? What was it about her that she could, not only observe life differently, that she could see what was going on, but then speak out about it?

DR. PATRICIA DEMARCO: Well, there are some interesting things about Rachel Carson. First of all, her mother was in the [Nancy Comb] arena of children’s education. And she believed that nature was the best teacher.


DR. PATRICIA DEMARCO: So, during the time that she was growing up, they had about 58 acres of undeveloped land in their immediate neighborhood. They lived on a graveled road. And it wasn’t built up the way it is now. So, Rachel and her mother would have many, many times where they could just roam the woods and fields—

DEBRA: I need to interrupt you for a second. I want you to continue your story after the break. But we need to go to the break because the commercial’s going to start.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And we’re here with Patricia Demarco. We’re talking about Rachel Carson on her birthday. Sorry I had to interrupt you, but I was listening to you. I’m so engrossed that I forgot to look at the clock. But we’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is Patricia Demarco. She is Rachel Carson’s scholar. And today is Rachel Carson’s birthday.

So, we’re celebrating Rachel Carson’s birthday by talking about her, and what she has to say about living in harmony with nature. So, go ahead with your story about her childhood.

DR. PATRICIA DEMARCO: Okay. So because she was a child of the fields and woods, she learned to become a very astute observer, which is one of the most important criteria for being a scientist as you know.

She also was encouraged from an early age to write because her mother was hoping that she would be a writer. And she was published in St. Nicholas Magazine for Children at the age of 10 and was an honor author (meaning she was paid) by the time she was 14.

When she went to college, to the Pennsylvania College for Women, she began with a major in writing, and then converted to a major in science because she decided that now she knew what she was writing about. So, she really was in tune with the natural world from a very fundamental level all the way from the beginning.

DEBRA: Yes, I can see that. And I can see that in her writing. I think too, at that time in history, when she was a child, I think that people had more of an idea of being in harmony with nature than we do now. Do you think so?

DR. PATRICIA DEMARCO: …especially when she was beginning to work on Silent Spring. She realized it was after the second world tour and science had won domination over the […] and all of these medical discovery happened as a result of the changing of the industrial might of the country from ammunition to chemical fertilizers, pharmaceuticals because they needed to put that factory production to some commercial use.


DR. PATRICIA DEMARCO: So really, it was […] chemistry. And she was the voice of caution in the face of a predominant perception that nature was there for men’s benefit and amusement, and we can control it. She was arguing that the natural systems know more than any human invention could come up with, and that we may be had become too arrogant for our own good in technology would save us.

And I think this is one of the important messages that are still relevant to us today. I’ll give you some of her words about this.

DEBRA: Good.

DR. PATRICIA DEMARCO: “In spite of the truly marvelous inventiveness of the human brain, we are beginning to wonder whether our power in the face of nature should not have been tempered with wisdom for our own good and with a greater sense of responsibility, welfare of generations to come.”

DEBRA: I can completely agree with that.

DR. PATRICIA DEMARCO: She was concerned about what was going to happen as a consequence of some of the things that we were rushing into forthwith.

DEBRA: Well, I’m thinking back, I’ve done a fair amount of study like the history of industrialism. And when I said earlier that I thought that when she was born, she was a child, at that particular time, there was still some awareness of the idea of living in harmony with nature. And then you described what happened post World War II. That was really a time when there was a big shift.

So, those of us who were born after World War II, like myself, we were not raised with the same ethic that she was raised with. And even in Silent Spring, the title of Silent Spring comes from her having listened to the birds sing in the spring time. And then she went through this period that we all went through of having pesticides being sprayed, and then having some of those pesticides killing some of those song birds to the point where the spring time was no longer the spring time that she was accustomed to.

And so, for her to have that observation was the result of her being aware of those birds in the first place, and then having there be a change and her continuing to be aware and seeing that there was a change. Not many people have that level of awareness of nature.

But I think we all should be having that level of awareness of nature—and particularly, those of us who were born, as I’ve said, post World War II. We weren’t raised with that. And I think that that lack of that awareness, I know in my own life that it was like a rebirth for me to start being aware of that and to not think that I just had to live in industrial consumer culture, that there was this whole world of nature out there that I really belong to as a living being, a species like any other species.

And on that level of existence, somehow, we know that we need to be living in harmony with nature according to natural laws. Just as a tree does, or a butterfly, or all the other living things, those laws apply to us as well.

DR. PATRICIA DEMARCO: Well, I think what Rachel Carson’s gift to us was the understanding of systems and the interconnectedness of the living things. She understood from her years of study of the connections between the land and the sea, and the creatures of the estuary, how we are all connected and the smallest, little creature has a role in the web of life. We cannot perturb one part without perturbing the whole.

That concept of interconnectedness is really essential for understanding why we need to act on a broad scale to address the problems that are eroding our life support system.

And she was very aware, and very effective at communicating how the systems of the world work. And if you look at her book, To See Around Us, where she described the origin of the wave, and the origin of the ocean and how the movement of water and the difference between the salt and the fresh water drives the climate of the planet, these concepts are so relevant today as we’re trying to understand what’s going on with climate change and warming through combustion of fossil fuel.

So, I think because she understood the system so well, and was an excellent communicator, to the public, she had a great deal of credibility and a great deal of influence.

DEBRA: We’re going to take another break. And when we come back, we’ll keep talking about Rachel Carson and her gift to us through her works, and how they can be applied today.

Patricia’s going to tell us about some specific things that we can be doing to live according to natural law in our own lives and in the world. And we’ll find out what Rachel Carson has to say about this.

I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. And my guest today is Patricia Demarco. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is Patricia Demarco. She is a Rachel Carson scholar. She’s writing a book about Rachel Carson’s legacy, what she’s left to us from all her observations and writing and how we can apply that to live more according to natural law.

So, let’s talk about natural law. You’ve told us about systems. What are some other points that we should be aware of.

DR. PATRICIA DEMARCO: Well, the biggest problem we have is the ecosystem services that the Earth provides us for free are not reflected in our economic computations directly.

So, when you compute gross domestic product—which is what everyone uses to determine whether we’re doing well or not—you don’t count things like wetland degradations. You don’t count things like loss of pollinators. You don’t count the services that the living systems provide like filtration, the wetness of water, like sequestering of carbon dioxide in trees, like the purification of our air. We tend to ignore those as given. They’re just there.


DR. PATRICIA DEMARCO: We don’t see a need to compute the value. So when we destroy them, they are not reflected in that market computation.

And these are not easy to ignore. When you have lost a wetland, it costs a great deal to restore it. And I’ll give you the example. The nine mile run in Pittsburgh ran through a slag pile and was—we called it Stink River when I was growing up. It was put in a pipe and ran into the river.

Now, in 2006 they finally completed a five year effort of restoring that wetland to a functioning wetland. They daylighted the stream. They cleaned it up. They put filtration in to get the slag contaminants out. And it is now a park and a wetland that actually helps to purify the watershed of that whole community. And it has also raised awareness to the whole community.

It cost $7.2 million to just restore that three and a half mile stretch.

Now, all over the country, we have 3 thousand miles of acid mine damaged rivers in just Pennsylvania. When you blow off the top of the mountain to get the […] clean out, you inevitably ruin the watershed—and the neighborhood, and the people who were living in the mountains, never mind the animals as well. So, there’s no cost to the destruction of that ecosystem.

When you tear down a forest in the Amazon, which is the lungs of the earth, it generates 50% of the free oxygen that we depend on to breathe, they don’t reflect the cost of replacing that function. You can’t replace an Amazon rainforest just by replanting it. It took years and years to grow.

DEBRA: Right.

DR. PATRICIA DEMARCO: So, we have a flaw in how we compute the value of our economy. The essential life support system—fresh air, clean water, fertile ground, the biodiversity of species—don’t have any specific value in the way we compute our economic merit.

DEBRA: Well, I think that—yeah I agree with you on this. I thought that I’ve had in the past—because I’ve thought all of these things that we’re talking about—is if people don’t have an awareness that nature is even there, and they don’t understand the free services that nature is providing to us, and that as far as they can look as going down to the mall or going shopping or what movie they’re going to see this week—

But also—I mean, fairly I’ll say—people have a lot of attention on how are they going to pay their bills. But the thing that struck me was that we have our attention on what we need to do to survive in the industrial world. We have pretty much zero attention on what nature is providing to us in order to suppress, to survive at all—that if we don’t have air to breathe, if we don’t have water to drink, then we can’t do any of the other things that we do within our society.


DEBRA: And our awareness of this being there, it stuns me when I look around in the world how few people think that broadly. But I had to look back to earlier in my life when I didn’t have that awareness either.

DR. PATRICIA DEMARCO: When you look at what people see in the mainstream media, and there is not a good way to learn about things like wetland restoration and the value of pollinators by watching TV. You don’t hear news stories about, “Oh, the pollinator population crashed,” and everybody’s running around ringing their heads. They don’t go back and say, “Good heavens! Is it possibly because we’re using RoundUp on everything, so that the spaces between the fields that used to have wild flowers are now gone” or, “Good heavens! Maybe because the pollens have become toxic from breathing into the plant a pesticide that was going to diminish the pests, but is now also killing the pollinators. Who would have thought?”

So, I think we need to start thinking about the implications of what we’re doing. And it’s important that we do that before we have tipped over to the point where the ecosystem services cannot be restored.

DEBRA: I completely agree with you. And so, for me at this point in time, after having become aware of these things, for me, the first thing is where are the ecosystems, what are they, where is my local ecosystem that I live in, what kind of condition is that ecosystem in, what needs to be restored, how is it maintained?

There’s a word for this, I think it’s Megalopolis or something of where cities grow into each other, and so there’s no space between the cities anymore. And then there’s whole stretches of land where there are no ecosystems because they’re all cemented over—or parking lots or all of these things.

I’ve lived in everything from living in downtown San Francisco to living out in a forest to now I live in suburbia. And in each of those places, the natural ecosystem environment has been more or less saved or damaged.

I’m looking at the clock. We have to go to break, but we’re going to continue when we come back. Oh, no wait, wait. I still have a few more seconds. So I’ll finish my thought.

But his whole idea of where is your ecosystem, and what is your ecosystem, and what is the nature of your ecosystem, and what kind of plants and flowers and things, everything about it, the first thing that should be of concern to everybody is maintain the ecosystem; and then how can humans live within it in a way that all the flows, and the animals, and the plants, and everything that makes that ecosystem alive, how can that be maintained?

We are going to go to break now. But we’ll be right back. You’re listening to Toxic Free talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Patricia Demarco. She’s a Rachel Carson scholar. And we’re talking about the laws of nature and how to live in harmony with them. So stay tuned and we’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And today is Rachel Carson’s birthday. We’re talking about what she left to us that we can apply in life today to make the world a better place.

Patricia, I wish we have a five hour show. We’re already to the last segment. It goes by so fast. So, I’m just going to not ask you more questions. I’m just going to let you talk—not that I might not interrupt you, but just go ahead and talk about more things you’d like to say about living by natural law.

DR. PATRICIA DEMARCO: So, I think people need to be aware that they’re a part of the living earth and develop a sense of things like, “Where did my water come from? Where does the food come from?”


DR. PATRICIA DEMARCO: And I give an exercise to my energy policy students. I make them list all the things they use in a day, and identify where it comes from. Everything! You get up, you take your blankets off, you turn off your alarm clock, all of that stuff. Where do those come from? And how big is your footprint on the resources of the world.

The average American—although we’re only 6% of the world’s population—we use 34% of the resources of the world. If everyone on earth lives the way we do, it would take 5 ½ planet. So, we need to become more aware of what we do ourselves, use some judicial exercise and understand the problems that we’re facing—the climate change with endocrine disruptors and toxic materials in our food chain.

The answers are not more technology. The answers are a value judgment, an ethical judgment that we will make choices that will preserve the living earth.

And I think that is a good barometer to use when you’re making decisions about things. If you need practical things that you can do yourself, especially at summer time, don’t deliberately put poison in your own face.

You don’t need fertilizers, and herbicide, and pesticide in your own yard. You don’t need toxic materials to clean your property, and your house, and yourself with. You need to think about the fate of the things that you use yourself everyday and try to reduce your own toxicity.

Another thing you can do is to support the move for more responsible production of materials. There has been nine different attempts to reform the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1996. The burden is really on the customer to try read all those labels down to the small type and figure out what to avoid. When the business is computed by how much of the poison we’re allowed to put into the air and water by permit by law, it’s now 3.2 billion pounds a year of toxic material that’s released legally.

We can change that to do what some other countries have done, and say we should prevent the production of materials that have toxic products and by-products by design. So you put the burden on the producer to produce things that are safe rather than the consumer to try to put the genie back in the bottle once it’s already distributed.

And the other we can do is to really get serious about the implication of continuing to burn fossil fuels. I know there are places—in Florida, for example—where they’ve tremendously interesting progress in linking solar and wind to the existing electric grid. If we decided to do this on a policy level nationwide, we could make a tremendous effect on the fossil footprint of this country. And then, export that technology broadly to other people who need it.

I think we have to take this seriously as a way of preserving our living earth. And I would like to leave Rachel Carson’s word with you. She said that:
“Underlying all of these problems of introducing contamination into our world is the question of moral responsibility—responsibility not only to our own generation, and to those in the future. We are […] genetic damage to generation now alive, but the threat is infinitely greater to the generation unborn, to those who have been born in the decisions we’re making today. And that fact alone is our responsibility—a heavy one.”

She asked it this way:
“Who has the right to decide for the countless legions of people who were not consulted that the supreme value of the world without insects, even though it also be a sterile world, ungrazed by the perfect wing of a bird in flight?”

We have to apply our wisdom to the application of technology. Just because we can do something doesn’t mean that we should.

DEBRA: Well, I think that that’s where—it’s not that technology is necessarily bad, but it’s not tempered by good sense. What’s missing is this piece that says we live in a natural world that our lives are continued to be alive because of the planet and what it’s giving us, all the gifts that are there, and that we need to acknowledge and respect, and do whatever is necessary to protect that or we’re not going to be able to live at all.

I know that that is an old statement, but it really is true. We really have to be aware that air is there and we’re damaging it.

I started out during my work because of toxics—toxics in my own home, and my own health, being affected by them. But then I went into a phase where I started being aware that there was something beyond the four walls of my house. I was living in the forest. And I went, “Oh, there’s the natural world” and I suddenly realized that not only could I make choices about toxics in my house, but I could make choices about toxics in the environment.

I became interested in all kinds of different environmental issues, and nature, and how to live in harmony with nature, and all these things.

Toxics were not so interesting for me for a while because I was interested in all these other things. But a few years ago, I came back to really just focusing in on toxics again because of the fact that toxic chemicals, pesticides, cleaning products, solvents, all these things, are in virtually every household in the world unless you have intentionally removed them.

Toxics are the biggest enemy to life. And whether we’re aware of it or not, toxic chemicals are out there reducing the quality of life, killing off species, making people sick, increasing healthcare cost, all these things.

And we have a choice. There are non-toxic alternatives already for virtually everything that’s toxic. All we have to do is choose them. All we have to do is choose them.

And there are varying degrees of being toxic-free, everything from making a less toxic chemical out of petroleum is a step all the way to living as completely in harmony with nature as you can. Any step you take is a movement in the right direction.

But we have to do it, we have to do it because this is the enemy of life in my opinion. Anything else could be wrong in the world, but this is the thing that literally is killing us.

DR. PATRICIA DEMARCO: I think one thing that we need to remember is that much of what we’re talking about here will require policy change on both the state and the national level.


DR. PATRICIA DEMARCO: And unless people makes their wishes known, and communicate the importance of maintaining a healthy world to our representative in the congress and the senate, and in the local government, they’re going to continue to listen to the loudest voice they hear—and that isn’t generally the public pointing they want public health. We need to re-establish the voice of the public interest in the public arena.


DR. PATRICIA DEMARCO: And I think if you haven’t written to your congressman about, “I’m concerned about toxics in my environment,” and demand accountability, “What are you doing about it? I’m concerned about climate change. How are we going to fix this? And what are you doing about it? And don’t tell me we’re going to use natural gas by blowing up the […] under the farm.”

This kind of thing requires public diligence. And it’s an obligation of citizens to engage in this discussion.

And this is one of the things that Rachel Carson did. She was a scientist, and she was a writer, and a naturalist. But she went to congress. She was one of the first women who actually came there as an expert. She gave them recommendations. She gave them opinions about how we go forward based on the studies and based on the science.

And I think we need to do that. We need to have the courage to do that.

DEBRA: Well, that is what this country is about. It was founded on—I remember I went to Thomas Jefferson’s home, Monticello, when I went to Washington DC. And there, there was an exhibit of something that he had written about the necessity of educating the citizens of the United States, so they could understand the issues and have a voice.

DR. PATRICIA DEMARCO: Yes. Yes, exactly.

DEBRA: And that is what public education was about originally as described by Thomas Jefferson. He wanted the people who were voting to understand and create a good country.

DR. PATRICIA DEMARCO: Right. And you need to really take that obligation of citizenship seriously. I think it’s pathetic that, in this country, we have very low turn-out of voting and people are not engaged with the issues that affect their lives everyday—and their children’s lives. Our grandchildren and our children are being affected irreversibly by decision that we are making or that are being made on our behalf without our voice.

DEBRA: Yeah. Thank you so much for being with us. We only have just a few second left.


DEBRA: So, I so appreciate the work that you’re doing and that you’re with us today. And once again, happy birthday to Rachel Carson.

DR. PATRICIA DEMARCO: Happy birthday to Rachel.

DEBRA: And you can go to, and check out the links and the books that we have there. This is I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. Be well.

Fluoride Filters

Question from Don

Hello Debra,

I listen to you on Toxic Free Talk Radio. I recently purchased a Big Berkey black filter system with PF-2 fluoride filters. My question is are there any dangers/side effects of using active alumina filters? The PF-2 filters seem to leave a slightly bitter taste. I would like your knowledge and opinion about these filters. Do you recommend them or is there a better way to filter out fluoride.

Thank You,


Debra’s Answer

There’s a better way to filter out fluoride.

I use and recommend filters from Pure Effect.

There is NO alumina in their fluoride filter. Alumina from the filter can get into the product water. That just adds aluminum to your water, how much, I don’t know. But aluminum is a metal that you want to minimize as much as you can.

This is the filter I have in my home:

Here’s what their website says about their fluoride-removal cartridge.

Although Activated Alumina is effective for Fluoride Removal, comprehensive testing shows that FluorSorbTM has a consistently greater fluoride removal rate (apx. 20% more) and offers additional benefits such as: Raising Alkaline pH, and filtering some anionic (negatively charged) radioisotopes, heavy metals and chemicals.

Primary Purpose: For Effective Reduction of:
1. Fluoride
2. Arsenic
3. Lithium
Secondary Purpose: For Effective Reduction of:
4. Uranium
5. Radium
6. Plutonium
7. Heavy Metals
8. Organic Chemicals

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Allclad surgical stainless steel pot boiled dry and turned dark and gold colored

Question from Al

I have Allclad surgical stainless steel pots. I boiled one dry, and it turned dark grey or black and gold colored in the bottom of the pot. I used a chemical-free creme scrub to try to get the stains off of the pot, but it didn’t work.

My question is: Is it safe to use this pot now, or will I be exposed to harmful chemicals in my food?

Thanks much for your information.

Debra’s Answer

That’s a very good question and I don’t have a definitive answer.

You could call the company, but they probably wouldn’t understand what you are asking.

I would say it’s probably fine. Surgical stainless steel doesn’t have the same metals as regular stainless steel. So if you scratched it, there still are no metals to worry about.

So I would say it’s fine, by logic, but I have no laboratory tests to verify this.

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Does TSP Outgass Toxic Fumes?

Question from Paula

Is TSP toxic to breathe? My painter wants to use it to wash the walls before painting.


Debra’s Answer

TSP, also known as trisodium phosphate does not emit fumes. It is a salt.

Here is a very good article that tells everything you need to know about TSP:
The Natural Handyman: TSP…Cleaning for the Big Dogs!

Just make sure the TSP he uses is pure trisodium phosphate. A few years ago I went to buy some TSP and found there was a product called TSP that had other ingredients in it. Check the ingredients.

New General Electric Stove Toxic Smell

Question from Cathy

Dear Deborah,

You were very helpful a few years ago when I had some questions about home insulation.

I have recently bought a new General Electric electric stove and have encountered serious toxic problems with it.

The company has been stunningly dismissive so I have been able to find out very little from them.

Is there a source of information to which you can direct me about toxic chemicals in new electric stoves.

I have already learned (the hard way) that the self-cleaning cycle that GE insists will “cure all” is a nightmare of toxic chemicals. Among other things it melts the acrylic binder in the oven insulation. Following their advice for getting rid of the original milder version of this chemical bath rendered my home unusable for three days while it was being thoroughly aired out.

Although I no longer smell melted acrylic when using the oven, I do feel strong pressure in my head when the oven is on. (Using the burners is not a problem.)

I am trying to figure out if this pressure I feel is a lesser version of the chemical toxins or if it is an electromagnetic or EMF problem. (I do not have problems with cell phones etc. I am chemically injured and should have done this research before I bought the stove but GE’s answers to my questions were not honest or accurate and I made the mistake of believing them.)

I have tried the internet to research this and have not found any useful information.

Can you refer me to information on possible chemicals in new electric stoves?

Is there a source of information on electromagnetic fields and EMFs that could enable me to decide if that is part of this problem. (My old electric stove was fine but obviously manufacturers are creating more toxic products now.)

And third, do you know of anything like Yelp where people like me can warn others of the dangers of household appliances. (Yelp only covers local people and stores who repair or sell stoves–not the stoves themselves.)

Anything you can tell me to help me make the decision of whether I can co-exist with this stove, which is better than it was, or should simply cut my losses and start over will be most helpful.

Thank you,

Charlotte Shoemaker

Debra’s Answer

Well, you’re not alone. Here are some posts on other blogs that may yield some information, but as yet there is no “smelly stove” clearinghouse information site. Maybe I should start one.

This was all I could find that was worth reading.

For years I have been warning against self-cleaning ovens. They produce carcinogenic polynuclear aromatics that are on the EPA list of priority pollutants. Some new models have a distinct odor that can take a year or more to disappear.

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Vinyl Window Offgassing

Question from Terry

Debra, I found this “green” website discussing vinyl windows, saying that they do *not* affect indoor air quality. Would you read this and tell me what you think? I am about to buy a vinyl sliding door and I am concerned. But this website says there is nothing to worry about.

Debra’s Answer

Well, that’s an interesting article.

I like Green Home Guide a lot, but I don’t know why she overlooked the most obvious thing about vinyl: it’s toxic!

For many years, Greenpeace has had a campaign to eliminate PVC. They have a PVC Alternatives Database that lists windows and doors that are PVC-free.

They say, “this commonplace plastic is one of the most toxic substances saturating our planet and its inhabitants. PVC contaminates humans and the environment throughout its lifecycle: during its production, use, and disposal. Few consumers realize that PVC is the single most environmentally damaging of all plastics.”

It is also not recommended to paint vinyl doors and windows, so paint wouldn’t be the most toxic part. Nor would paint necessarily block any outgassing.

Here’s another good article: PVC, the Poison Plastic

Here’s another article about PVC: Green Building
Pro/Con: Vinyl is Lethal

This article says

Vinyl is the only major building material in which phthalates are used extensively, and it accounts for about 90 percent of total phthalate consumption. Phthalates are not chemically bonded to the plastic but are merely mixed with the polymer during formulation. They therefore migrate out of the plastic over time into air, water, or other substances with which vinyl comes in contact. Phthalate levels in indoor air in buildings with PVC are typically many times higher than in outdoor air. Phthalate accumulation in suspended and sedimented indoor dusts is particularly high, with concentrations in dust as high as 1,000 parts per million.

Because phthalates are semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), not volatile organic compounds (VOCs), they are not accounted for in most indoor air quality (IAQ) tests, which focus only on VOCs. Thus, vinyl products can obtain IAQ certifications even though they leach phthalates, whose contributions to reproductive-system impairment include infertility, testicular damage, reduced sperm count, suppressed ovulation, and abnormal development and function of the testes and male reproductive tract in laboratory animals. They are known carcinogens in laboratory animals.

And now, here is the evidence that vinyl windows and doors DO outgas. This article is from a website for building inspectors, to locate and fix problems: InspectAPedia: Guide to Plastic, Vinyl Odor Source Diagnosis—Vinyl Siding & Plastic Windows, Flooring & Other Sources. They cite vinyl windows as a source of chemical order, especially when heated. This is a pretty interesting website with lots of toxics information about building materials from real life observation.

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Non toxic ways to stop squeaking door hinges and wooden floors

Question from Lynn

Hi Debra,

What might you recommend to stop squeaky metal door hinges ? I am chemically sensitive so not using 3-in-1 oil and silicone spray that would linger for weeks in my bedroom.

Graphite powder I tried squirting into the very thin entry points didn’t work – the hinges have been painted over for years. Last resort would be the time consuming task of scraping the paint, taking the pin out and lubricating it directly, with something !?! I’m hoping to get this done fast and with luck – using a simple non toxic spray.

A friend suggested Crisco, which maybe comes in a spray or Pam? -(Is that the name – I don’t ever use these!) But being vegetable oil might eventually “gum up” I would think?

It should be liquid enough or sprayable right to the hinge breaks to have a chance of working it’s way down – for the quick way to do it!

Any how, love your work, great new website, and I am hoping there is a solution you might know about!

Lisa’s Answer (updated September, 2020)

Readers suggest EZ-1 by Foust that is made for sensitive people.  Always test a small area before using if you are sensitive.

RV Options for MCS

Question from Cathy

Hello Debra,

Perhaps you or your readers can provide feedback and suggestions on the topic of RV’s. I have tried to do research online and by physically going through, or attempting such, a number of RV’s, and I am still in process of doing that. Many/most seem very problematic, particularly as I am especially sensitive to formaldehyde.

However, I want to include a couple of links for review of anyone who is interested. I have just learned of a company who makes the little trailers or pickup campers out of mostly composites and aluminum. They are LivinLite

Also, a company, Evergreen RV, seems to do a lot of composites in the construction, stating, for example, when I view the page on the Ascend small travel trailers, that they have low VOC’s and formaldehyde.

Do you have any thoughts, comments, or suggestions? My husband and I have also looked at Airstream as some/many of them have some aluminum as wall covering, which should be more healthy. However, they are more expensive than most, even for the very small ones.

I have purchased and enjoyed several of your books over the last decade! I also find the blog very enjoyable and helpful.


Debra’s Answer

I haven’t done much research on this topic, but I’m sure some of my readers will respond!

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IKEA Morgongava Mattress

Question from LC

Hi Debra,

I love your site and find all of your information so helpful!!! Thanks so much for taking time to answer readers’ questions!

My husband and I are hoping to replace our memory foam mattress as soon as possible. We really like the feel of the memory foam and would like to go with latex foam.

We are considering the IKEA Morgongava. It is not completely latex (85% latex, 15% synthetic) and I contacted the company to confirm there is no flame retardant used in this model. We need to replace both ours and my daughter’s mattresses so we were looking at going with these, do you think they would be a safe option for all of us? Thanks in advance for your thoughts!!!

Debra’s Answer

I would feel more comfortable if you would choose a mattress that is 100% natural latex. There are still chemicals in that 15% synthetic. But it’s very good there is no fire retardant. And I like the 100% cotton ticking and wool wadding.

There is a lot right about this mattress. You need to decide if that 15% synthetic latex is OK for you.

Just as an aside, you need to be very careful about assessing latex mattresses, as many so-called natural latex mattresses contain synthetic rubber even if not disclosed. There are no regulations for the labeling of latex. So it’s good that IKEA is labeling as such.

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Schleich Animal Figurines

Question from TA

Hi Debra, Could you tell me whether you think these Schleich animal figures are safe for young children? My child is beyond the age of putting things into his mouth, but I am still curious about whether this type of plastic is safe for play. They say they meet and exceed European standards and so forth. Your thoughts?

Here is an excerpt from their FAQ page:
“We not only set tight controls for ourselves and our production stages, we begin with our materials suppliers. They are only approved for use in Schleich products if they are aware of the quality of their processes and materials, comply with international toy regulations and can present the relevant laboratory reports.

The main materials we use are a variety of plastics and a special softener. We make sure that this is used in the same way all over the world so that small parts cannot break off our figures and the material is pleasant to the touch and not too hard. This softener was developed and tested by BASF for particularly demanding applications. It is not only approved for use in toy manufacturing but also for food packaging and for use in the medical field for example as bags for blood products, breathing tubes etc. This means that here too, we are meeting all legal requirements.

Schleich quality assurance staff check and control all production premises as well as our materials suppliers every year.”

Debra’s Answer

Well that’s a very nice description, but there is no mention of what TYPE of plastic it is, nor is there a customer service phone number or even a USA email.

So I can’t evaluate this.

It sounds like they are aware of toxic plastics and are wanting to offer a safer one, but I have no way to validate that.

Compliance with international regulations does not mean it’s necessarily nontoxic and if we don’t know what those regulations are specifically we can’t check them.

I’m not saying there’s anything toxic about these toys, I’m saying not enough information to evaluate.

How Endocrine Disruptors Disrupt Our Endocrine Systems

 steven-gilbert-2Toxicologist Steven G. Gilbert, PhD, DABT, a regular guest who is helping us understand the toxicity of common chemicals we may be frequently exposed to. Dr. Gilbert is Director and Founder of the Institute of Neurotoxicology and author of A Small Dose of Toxicology- The Health Effects of Common Chemicals.He received his Ph.D. in Toxicology in 1986 from the University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, is a Diplomat of American Board of Toxicology, and an Affiliate Professor in the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, University of Washington. His research has focused on neurobehavioral effects of low-level exposure to lead and mercury on the developing nervous system. Dr. Gilbert has an extensive website about toxicology called Toxipedia, which includes a suite of sites that put scientific information in the context of history, society, and culture.








How Endocrine Disruptors Disrupt Our Endocrine System

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Steven Gilbert, PhD, DABT

Date of Broadcast: May 20, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about How to Thrive in a Toxic World and Live Toxic Free. Today is Tuesday, May 20th 2014. I’m here in Clearwater, Florida, on an early beautiful summer day. And my guest today is toxicologist, Dr. Steven Gilbert PhD, DABT who has been in on this show so many times.

If you go to, underneath today’s description of the show, I actually put links to all of his shows. He’s been on seven times. He’s been on six times. This show is number seven that he’s done. I think that he is the most frequent guest on this show, but I think one of the most important because he talks with us about why toxic chemicals are toxic and where they are and what they do to our bodies and why we need to be concerned about them.

This is the information that we all need to have. What are the chemicals that we need to be watching out for?

He is the Director and Founder of the Institute for Neurotoxicology and author of A Small Dose of Toxicology: The Health Effects of Common Chemicals which is I think that every single person needs to have. It’s free. You can go to his website and download it. It’s easy to read. It tells you all the basics of toxicology and the basic toxic chemicals that we need to be concerned about.

So his website is You can go there and download A Small Dose of Toxicology. And I am going to remind you this all throughout the show because I think it’s so important for you to get this book—and especially, it’s free. Just go download it and start learning this stuff. It’s important because everything, all these things are toxic in our world.

Hi, Dr. Gilbert.

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: Hi, Debra. Nice to hear you this morning. I didn’t know that I’ve been on this show that many times.

DEBRA: I didn’t either until I counted it up.

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: That’s great.

DEBRA: So, you got the award for most frequent guest and I hope many more. We will never run out of things to talk about.

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: It really is. Toxicology is a broad field. There’s a lot to talk about.

DEBRA: There is, there is. So, today we are going to talk about endocrine disruptors.
So would you start out by explaining what are endocrine system is? I know that one of the things that I discovered a few years ago when I was writing my most recent book, Toxic Free is that I realized that toxic chemicals now are known to affect every body system.

And as I was writing about that, I realized that I didn’t really know what my body systems were. Not only could I not list them, I really didn’t know what was involved in each one of them. And the endocrine system really is one of the most complex—well, all of our body’s systems are essential, but the endocrine system is responsible for a lot of our everyday activities that we don’t like to be without.

So, tell us what the endocrine system does.

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: You’re really right. The endocrine system is very complex and it’s responsible of producing low doses of chemicals. So, you could think about the blood system as distributing the endocrine chemicals. So, our blood supply distributes these chemicals out that are produced by different glands in our body.

For example, ovaries in the female produce progesterone and estrogen which are incredibly important for pregnancy and have a range of effects on wellness and sexual characteristic. It’s the same with testosterone which is produced by the testes in male. It’s responsible for muscle mass, bone density and sexual maturation. So those are just two examples.

Another good one here that people have probably heard of is insulin. It’s produced by the pancreas. It’s very important for regulating of glucose.

We have a number of other glands. The adrenal glands, thyroid, pituitary, pineal glands are just a few of the other ones that are really incredibly important in our endocrine system.

Now, the challenge is when we disrupt that system. And that is what we are going to talk about with endocrine disruptors.

DEBRA: Right. And so I want to make sure when we say the types of disorders that are associated when these glands are disrupted, then you end with things like—well, when you can’t regulate the insulin, then that’s diabetes. If your reproductive hormones are messed up, you need to go to the doctor for Viagra. It also regulates weight. And so we have this tremendous epidemic of obesity in this country. Well, that’s the endocrine system. All of these different things that are everyday things that we’re dealing with, so much of it is the endocrine system.

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: It’s very important during development. As we mature, we develop sexual characteristics. And that’s where a lot of important cell types and development is laid down, from fetal development on up to puberty. So it’s very important during that period of time because neurological disorders as well as—well, like you mentioned—weight gain or diabetes. It’s really a major framework and foundation for future disorders in our body including cancer.

DEBRA: Well, I’ve been working on this subject for—not this subject of endocrine disruptors, but the subject of toxic chemicals. I’ve been researching for more than thirty years. And I remember when I started, there wasn’t a lot of information. And my first awareness was how the toxic chemicals affected the immune system because that’s what it looked like was going on in my body.

So, in 1993, we didn’t even know about endocrine disruptors until 1993. And I remember when people first started talking about them, I could see that not only was my immune system messed up, but my endocrine system was messed up.

Everything that was wrong with my body was all related to the endocrine system, every single thing. I’m like, “Oh my God, this is it. It’s endocrine disruption.” And so I know this one first hand.

So, tell us about what happened in 1993 that made everyone aware of endocrine disruptors.

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: Well, there’s a couple of really important events that occurred in the both the ‘90s and even before that. I just want to step back before that a little bit.

We’ve learned a lot about endocrine disruptors when we tried to produce hormonal contraceptives [inaudible 00:06:56]

Some of the research started in the ‘30s. In 1939, Russell Marker developed synthetic progesterone. It wasn’t until the 1960s that the Food & Drug Administration recognized the pill. And this is really a summary of [inaudible 00:07:15] endocrine disruptor. It disrupts female fertility. And it’s had an enormous impact on our lives.

DEBRA: What kinds of things have happened to women who took the pill? I never took the pill.

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: You know, that’s a good question. When they first started using these endocrine disruptors, the estrogen and progesterone combinations, they used relatively high doses which caused blood clots in the lungs and in legs of women or some women taking these things, particularly for women that smoked. They found that they could really lower the amount of estrogen and progesterone use in a pill to very small levels because the endocrine system is so exquisitely sensitive.

DEBRA: But did those women go on, after they started to take the lower dose even, to have health effects because their endocrine systems were now imbalanced?

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: Yeah, you can say that. There is certainly an imbalance, a little bit too much stimulation. I don’t think they ever really figured out why it caused the embolism and these blood clots, disrupting the endocrine system. It’s just one of the many side-effects. So, the endocrine system is very sensitive to chemicals.


DR. STEVEN GILBERT: It’s just like when the athletes used an array of hormones and hormones supplements to increase muscle mass. Testosterone is one thing. Testosterone is used in sports events and sports enhancement.

DEBRA: There’s a really wonderful book called Our Stolen Future. And so if anybody is listening who wants to know about endocrine disruptors, that was the first book that I was aware of that came out about it. And it’s still a really good book.

And we are going to go on a break pretty soon. But when we come back, we are going to talk more about endocrine disruptors and the chemicals that harm the endocrine system.

And what’s really important about this is that it used to be that the dose made the poison. So, some poisons were not poisonous until you got up to high doses. But endocrine disruptors affect your body at very, very low doses that we are being exposed to on a daily basis. So we are going to talk more about that when we come back.

This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is Dr. Steven Gilbert author of A Small Dose of Toxicology. And during the break, you can rush over to his website and download it at We’ll be right back.

DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is Dr. Steven Gilbert, author of

A Small Dose of Toxicology. Again, I’ll tell you, it’s free. You can go to his website,, and download it. It’s got so much information including a lot of what we are talking about today.

So, I’m looking at your website which has so much information on it. And I’m on a page about endocrine disruptors, and I see this little ad from the past about DES. Do you want to tell us about DES?

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: Yes, that is a really important story in understanding endocrine disruptors. DES is diethylstilbestrol.

And I want to also mention another [inaudible 00:10:54] is BPA, Bisphenol-A which was actually first created in 1891. There’s a long history with this.

It was recognized as a very low level endocrine compound. But DES [inaudible 00:11:08] by 1938 and it was recognized as a very potent endocrine disruptor and estrogen mimic (so synthetic estrogen). And it’s used to treat miscarriages and for post-menopausal women.

So, the problem though was this was approved by the FDA in 1947 for miscarriages. And it was first studied in 1953. I want to emphasize that. It was approved at ’47. It was ’53 when they first said [inaudible 00:11:39] that it was not effective for preventing miscarriages.

And this was consumed and was regularly prescribed. The doctors thought it was good thing, so they continued to prescribe it. It was not until 1971 when the first study was published showing that the offspring of women that consumed DES had a rare form of vaginal cancer. So, this was a second generation effect of DES.

They said DES was withdrawn. But during that period, millions of young women who were over-exposed to DES had an increase risk for vaginal cancers.

So, it is really a wakeup call to very low-level exposures to an estrogen mimic. It can cause serious problems for offspring when women consumed it. And this is really a key change in toxicology when it recognized that possibility.

Along with that was the very low level effects that these compounds, in very small amounts, can cause effects which goes against toxicology’s principle of dose response—the greater the dose, the greater the response. Some of these estrogen disruptors, very small level of exposure (really sort of like a U-shaped curve) showing that very low level of exposure, there’s an effect. It sort of tapers off. And then there’s a different effect in higher doses.

So DES is really a very interesting example of cross generation effect of compound.

DEBRA: Wow, it’s so interesting to me what we’re being exposed to today. I was born in 1955 (I know that I don’t sound that old). I was born in 1955. And at that time, nobody was even thinking about these things. Yet after reading Silent Spring by Rachel Carson, I realized that when I was born, my mother was already exposed to toxic chemicals and that I was exposed in the womb. And that’s even more of a concern today because we have so many chemicals than we did in 1955.
So, even before babies were born or even before they’re conceived, the DNA has already been changed.

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: You’re absolutely right. I think the thing here that’s really concerning about endocrine disrupting chemicals is we are exposed to a broad array of chemicals that are endocrine disruptors. It’s not just one compound that’s an endocrine disruptor.

For example, Bisphenol-A, about 90% of us excrete BPA, Bisphenol-A in our urine. So we are constantly exposed to it from cash register receipts, tin can lining, from plastics. There’s just a huge array of products.

Phthalates is another one that causes endocrine disruption. We’re exposed to many forms of phthalates in fragrances, perfumes, in personal care products and fire retardants. You could just go down a list of chemicals. A lot of the pesticides are endocrine disruptors.

So, we’re exposed to really an array of these things. It starts really pre-conception for the woman and for a man too. They do cause disruption in sperm. Sperm count has been linked to endocrine disruptors.

So, it’s just a wide, wide array from pre-conception onto the development and then post-natally.

DEBRA: I recently heard over the weekend that—I am looking for the reference for this, I’m sure I’ll find one—that the Human Genome Project found that we’re not so much the product of our genes, but the product of our environment. I don’t have the number right in front of me, but it is something like very small. Less than 10% of what happens to our bodies is by our genes. And the genes can be affected by the environment. They are being affected by the environment.

When I heard that, I thought, “Well, if they are affected by the environment, what we are giving our genes are toxic chemicals which are changing their character.”

I also read that nutrition, good nutrition will improve your genes, and that it can actually improve your DNA. And so do we want to be giving those basic building blocks to our bodies? Do we want to be giving them toxic chemicals or do we want to be giving them something good like good nutrition?

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: You raise a really good point. In every good nutrition, it’s really critical using organic compounds as much as possible with fewer pesticides and pesticide contaminants. It’s really important.

And you’re really touching on the issue of epigenetics where we’re really changing the expression of DNA by exposure to these chemicals. [Inaudible 00:16:43] It changes our endocrine system in a way. So the fly or flight response is part of that system. So stress increases cortisone level which changes endocrine responses.
So it’s a very complex interrelated system that we continue to fill with and contaminate with chemicals as well as the stressful environment that we have.

DEBRA: Sometimes I wonder how do we stay alive. I mean that just goes to show the resilience of our bodies.
I really know for myself that I have been having to address body conditions all my life that have to do with chemical exposures. And it’s not that I have been exposed to these chemicals anymore, but the damage was caused to my body at a time early on. And then I saw that my health has improved tremendously, but still there are things going on.
Anyway, we need to go on a break. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I am Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Dr. Steven Gilbert. Go to and download his book, A Small Dose of Toxicology. We’ll be right back.

DEBRA: You are listening to Toxic Free Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Dr. Steven Gilbert. He’s the author of the book A Small Dose of Toxicology. You can download for free at It’s full of great information.
So Dr. Gilbert, I’m looking at your risk of potential endocrine disruptors and you’ve mentioned some of them, but I just like to go over the list as a whole here because I can see some of these. I am thinking from the viewpoint of how do we get these out of our bodies. I know that Bisphenol-A, I’ve studied that quite a bit about detox and what I’ve learned is that most people have an ongoing present of this Bisphenol-A in their bodies not because its persistent in the body, but because we continue to be exposed to it.

But if we stopped being exposed to it, some studies have shown that within a few days, it’ll all just clear itself out of our body and that the body will detox itself. So it’s not a matter of needing to take some things specific for it.

But I am looking at this list. And the first one of the list is DDT which you know is no longer allowed in the US. It has been many years since it’s been banned. Wasn’t this the pesticide that Rachel Carson wrote about in Silent Spring, DDT?

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: Yeah, that’s right. She rewrote about DDT.

DEBRA: It’s still ubiquitous, isn’t it?

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: Yes, it’s still ubiquitous. We’re still exposed to it from animals that we consume. It’s a very persistent chemical. We’ve tried to get rid of some of these persistent bioaccumulative chemicals. But DDT is a classic example of one that just continues to survive in the food chain.

And it’s also still being used in mosquito nets in some places in developing countries to fight mosquitoes. It’s a very effective pesticide, but it has a very bad side-effect. It will just stay around and continues to be present in people’s bodies. It’s now known to be an endocrine disruptor.

It’s very difficult to get rid of this because it’s stored in the fat. And one way that a woman reduce her body burden of DDT is during breast feeding. Because they mobilizes a lot of fat during that period, they mobilize a lot of DDT which exposes the developing infant to DDT. They’re endocrine disrupting compounds.

DEBRA: Wow! Wow, wow. I was going to say the more I learn about toxic chemicals, but I have been learning about them for so long. But still, the more I learn about toxic chemicals, the more it is just seems like it is such a bad idea that this even happened in the first place. How do ever know?

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: Absolutely! [Inaudible 00:20:54] We just haven’t been thinking more carefully about future generations and really guarding our children. We really want our children to be able to reach and maintain their full potential. They can’t do that if they are exposed to this wide array of chemicals.

DEBRA: Some other things on this list. This is just the list of the big, bad chemicals that I’ve been hearing about on the news all my life—DDT, 24D, PCB, DES and more recently PBDE (Polybrominated diphenyl ethers, that’s the one that is in the fire retardants), phthalates in plastics, Bisphenol A, Dioxin, Arsenic.

Dr. Gilbert has this chart here and it says, “Arsenic, Lead and Mercury: Wide-Spread Contaminants.” All the other ones he was talking about, 24D is an herbicide, Atrazine is a herbicide, BPA is a hard learned classic. Then he gets into arsenic, lead an mercury, and it says “widespread contaminants.” And these are widespread. We are looking at all these, and it’s like our poor endocrine systems.

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: It’s very serious. It’s very serious, the lack of really trying to pay attention to chemical exposures. Mercury is in coal. So you burn coal for our utility plants, you distribute mercury throughout the environment. That’s a really serious consideration particularly on the west coast because they’ve got all the air that’s coming from China.

These are global issues. It’s not just an issue in the United States. These are global issues.

We’ve tried to [00:22:33] bisphenol-A and it still go into product. We’ve banned bisphenol-A in baby toys and we’ve been trying to get it out of plastic bottles and things like that. But why do we start doing them in there without studying the potential health effects? Phthalates are in personal care products and used in fragrances.

So, we end up being exposed to these products from multiple sources. They are in our cars. They are in our plastic. We have phthalates from shower curtains, plastic shower curtains. We have phthalates that offgass from products.

So it really is not being thoughtful about the chemicals exposures. We’ve put the burden on individuals that try to [inaudible 00:23:10] this work where we really should have a more broad effort to manage our chemicals.

If we put new drugs into the environment, we have a very precautionary approach. The Food and Drug Administration is required to study the potential toxicity or benefits of a compound. We don’t have a similar approach for putting industrial chemicals into the environment, exposing our children.

DEBRA: Last night, I was watching TV and I wasn’t awake enough to remember exactly what I am about to tell you. There was a commercial on for a drug. And we are all familiar with those drug commercials where they give you a beautiful picture and some nice music and a nice pleasant voice saying about all the side-effects.

But last night, it just went on and on. And it ended with death as a side-effect.

But the thing that really impressed me was that it was a drug for something that had nothing to do with saving your life or being comfortable. It was like some cosmetic thing like make your eyelashes grow longer or something like that. It just amazes me that all of these health effects can be known and yet they are still allowed to be sold.

Every night, we’re watching TV and there’s at least one or two or three drug commercials that are talking about the dangers of these drugs. And yet, they are being sold. They are being advertised. And people buy them.

Do you have any comment on the fact that we could be having all these warnings, and yet people aren’t listening?

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: I think we are just overwhelmed with that kind of information sometimes. We’ve got lots of information and we want to do things too quickly so sometimes. We want a quick fix. I think our whole medical profession end up as being geared toward the cure instead of preventing disease.

We look for a quick fix to prevent whatever disease we have. And a lot of these don’t cure whatever disease we have or fix it. We’re not looking at the longer term issue of preventing disease like having good nutrition, having fewer chemical exposures where we’re trying to prevent obesity, trying to prevent diabetes, trying to prevent endocrine disruptive effects or the nervous system, ADHD, hyperactivity (with autism, for example). We need to be working to prevent these and not just try to fix them.

But the money is made by treating disease and not preventing disease. That is a systemic problem in our medical system. The whole medical pharmaceutical companies have been geared towards treating disease, not preventing disease.
What is so important about your show is that you’re trying to focus people in how to prevent illnesses [inaudible 00:26:16] instead of working from behind all the time.

DEBRA: Thank you. We need to go for a break, but we can talk about that more when we come back.
You’re listening today with Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Dr. Steven Gilbert author of A Small Dose of Toxicology. I really need to go before the commercial comes on.

DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Toxicologist, Dr. Steven Gilbert, author of A Small Dose of Toxicology and you can get this book for free from

And it’s well-worth downloading it and taking a look. This will help you understand what’s going on in the world with toxic chemicals a lot better

So Dr. Gilbert, this is our last segment now. We are going to run out of time soon. Is there anything that you would like to talk about that I haven’t asked you yet?

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: Just a quick mention, my website, if you go to the book, you can download the chapter in endocrine disruptors as well as the PowerPoint presentation about it just to give a quick overview of how to protect endocrine disruptors.

I want to point out another really good—if you want to dig a bit more details—The Endocrine Disruptor Exchange (TEDX). You can there by It gives a lot more details about the health effects of endocrine disruptors as well as more details on the endocrine system. It also explores chemicals and natural gas operations [inaudible 00:27:42] pesticides.

Another resource has really come out recently. There’s a new book by Philippe Grandjean and there’s a website called You can get his new book from He explores some of the endocrine disruptors as well as the other chemicals that affect early development.

I think what we are really emphasizing here is, with endocrine disruption, the exquisite sensitivity of the developing nervous system, the developing body. And we need to be thinking more about that.

The other thing that’s important is that everything is not just straight dose responses, not “the more of the compound, the more the effect.” There’s also these very low level of subtle changes in performance and subtle long-term effects. And the effects that we garner in our early life can really have impact as we grow older. DES is just one example of that, but it can also be increased incidence of diabetes, other nervous system disorders, sexual dysfunction, low number sperm counts and other deformities.

So, it really is a very complex system that we’re perturbing in unknown ways.

DEBRA: And the best thing that we can do is to be aware on where those chemicals are, what the chemicals are, where those chemicals are, what the alternatives are so that we can create a toxic free home.

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: More broadly, we need a chemical policy reformed. It really does get the heart of the matter. We have more information about chemicals we put into the products we use.

DEBRA: We need to have better labeling

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: We need much better labelling, much more transparency about what chemicals are in the products and what the potential health effects of these products are and really move towards [inaudible 00:29:34] fewer chemicals.

DEBRA: One of the reasons why I like doing this radio show is because we just need to have more awareness, so that people can say, “Oh, I understand that there’s a problem and what can we do about it.” I know that I am constantly talking to people, but they don’t even know that there’s a problem at all. And these are intelligent people. They are just not aware of it.

As much as you want to talk about it, it’s still not part of our collective awareness, and that we all together should be doing this and this is just the right thing.

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: Yeah, you’re absolutely right. I think we sort of assume that it’s out, a product, the government must’ve taken a look at it enough. In this case, the government has not taken a good look at it and is not really monitoring chemical exposures.

And [inaudible 00:30:27] we are not exposed to just one endocrine disruptor. We are exposed to a lot of them. They have so many more mechanisms of action. When we do our assessments of this chemicals, it’s one chemical at a time. It’s very difficult to do mixtures of chemicals that we’re, in reality, exposed to.

DEBRA: Even if they did that in the lab, they can’t possibly duplicate what mixture of chemicals I’m being exposed to because its different than the mixture of chemicals you’re being exposed to. Each of our listeners has their own—I’m trying to figure out what is the right word here—mine field of chemicals that they are—

That’s what it is. It’s like walking through a mine field as you move through your day…

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: Our individual sensitivity is really important, knowing what we’re exposed to and what our individual responses. We all metabolize chemicals a little bit differently. The chemicals we’re exposed to influences our genetic response to these chemicals.

So, it’s very a complex environment that we’re [inaudible 00:31:32]. We’re all individuals. We do not pay enough attention to individual sensitivity. For example, kids are much more sensitive to adults. We don’t account for that in our assessment of toxicity response to these chemicals.

DEBRA: Well, I don’t want to sound really scary. I mean, it actually is something scary. We should be concerned enough about it. We should be scared enough to do something. But I don’t want people to think so scared that they think that there’s nothing that they can do.

And I know in my own personal experience that being aware of the toxic chemicals in my environment, whether it’s in my home or as I am out of the world, and knowing what I can do to help protect my body has so greatly increased my health. It’s just astounding to me. So even though my health isn’t perfect because there’s been damaged done to my body even before we can be aware of it, I am so functional than I have been at other times in my life when I was being exposed to toxic chemicals.

I just want to emphasize that it’s so worth it. It’s so worth to do whatever you can do to find out where the toxic chemicals are that you’re being exposed to, whether they are endocrine disruptors or they harm your immune system or whatever it is they do. If they are toxic, you want to stay away from them.

And when you do that, and if you do things to start removing toxic chemicals from your body, you will see a difference. You will see a difference. I am willing to say that I can guarantee you will see a difference. Because we are exposed to so many toxic chemicals that if we just do something, it’s going to reduce that stress in our bodies and our health can return.

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: You are absolutely right there, Debra. When you see these chemicals used in our homes, in our schools, it’s really important just being more conscious of those issues and what chemicals might be in the products we use and try to reduce exposure to them.

Take off your shoes when you come into the house. Wash your hands. You know I have a couple of grandchildren. The first thing I do when they come to my house, “Take off your shoes. Before you eat, you have to wash your hands.”

Simple things like that are really important too in trying to reduce exposure to chemicals because chemicals are in so many different places. When we touch an old t-cushion, we pick up flame-retardant in our fingers.

So, it’s very important to just try to be aware of what other chemical exposures might be coming from and little simple things to help reduce exposures.

DEBRA: I totally agree with you. And even if you are only doing some small baby steps, it’s worth it to do those. Don’t think that just because you’re not doing everything, that what you’re doing isn’t making a difference because it does. Every little bit helps. Every little bit helps.

You know, I have a very non-toxic house. I know a lot of stuff. I don’t know everything there is to know. But I’ve been doing this for more than 30 years. So, I started out knowing nothing. I started out having as toxic a life as everybody could have. I wore perfume. I drank tap water. I ate TV dinners. I grew up on TV dinners. I probably have as much chemical exposure as anybody is ever had.

I remember, I think I read somewhere that some of our strongest memory is about smells. And I think about smells from my childhood, and I want to tell you three of them that come to mind immediately:
One is the smell of my mother’s ballpoint pen, the ink in my mother’s ballpoint pen. She always wrote with pink ballpoint pens. I remember that smell. Then I learned what was in ballpoint pen ink.

Another one was my grandmother’s sofa. The third one was my grandfather. The garage was his space. And so the smell of his garage was gasoline because he just had cans and cans of gasoline. And as a little kid, I was just there smelling the gasoline, smelling the gasoline, smelling the gasoline. Nobody even thought twice about it. Nobody had an awareness when

I was a kid that we should even be thinking about toxins.

But now we know! Now, we know and we should do something about it.

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: Actually, I grew up working with cars, so I was exposed to gasoline and a lot of solvents too. And one of the consequence of that as we age and get older—we’re not thinking about it when we’re in the ‘50s or in the ‘60s. We’re sort of charging ahead, thinking chemicals are our friends and we’re solving the world’s problems. And what we’re doing, we’re really doing a lot of damage to ourselves and our future generations.

DEBRA: Yeah.

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: Lead is a classic example of that. We spread lead all over the environment, putting lead in gasoline, lead in paint. And lead is one of the endocrine disruptors as well as having a lot of other effects. We are not taking a precautionary approach to this.

They’ve banned lead-based paint in Europe in the ‘20s. In the United States, not until ’78. We did not learn lessons that we should learned looking at the health effects of chemicals.

DEBRA: Well, I read something the other day. I send out inspiring quotes every day. You can go to and just sign up for the newsletter. You can choose that. It’s called Words of Wisdom.

And one of them recently—I’m sure I won’t quote it right—but it was something like “we can’t go back and change what we’ve already done, but we can start today and make a new future.” We can’t change the past, but we can make a new future. And I think that’s an excellent advice for toxics.

Well, thank you so much for being with us. I am sure we’ll talk again.

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: That’ll be great, Debra. Thank you so much for what you’re doing. You’re really great, getting the word out like this.

DEBRA: This is I am Debra Lynn Dadd. Be well.

Developing a Toxic Free Toy

Jim BarberMy guest today is Jim Barber, a Managing Partner at MWB Toy, LLC, a startup toy company based in Danbury, CT. We’ll be talking about how MWB Toy is developing a line of toxic-free toys under the Luke’s Toy Factory brand name. Luke is Jim’s son, and the toy designer. These toys will be made in the USA with sustainable and safe materials. With 85% of the world’s toys produced in China and a slew of quality & safety issues in recent years, Luke’s Toy Factory set out to create sustainable, competitively priced toys made in the US. These toys will utilize organic by-products of industrial farming and industrial manufacturing operations, and never use paint!. Moreover, by eliminating overseas shipping from China they cut down on their carbon footprint and reduce pollution that results from transportation.. Jim is the owner of Jim Barber Studio, Inc, a well known still life photography studio that counts over 100 of the Fortune 500 companies as clients. His work has won many awards for advertising and annual report photography. He is also a judge of the ARC awards, the premier worldwide award competition for the annual report industry. Kickstarter project:





Developing a Toxic-Free Toy

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Jim Barber

Date of Broadcast: May 19,2014

DEBRA: Hi! I am Debra Lynn Dadd and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic free. It’s Monday, May 19th 2014, beautiful summer day here in Clearwater, Florida.

I have to spend the weekend in Raleigh, North Carolina at the conference for Touchstone Essentials. I play commercials for their products everyday on this show and I talk about the 33 servings of broccoli and supplements or the zeolites that removes toxic chemicals from your body. Those all come from Touchstone Essentials.

I was just once again so impressed with this company. The conference was just so professionally done. They continue to have such outstanding products. People continue to have so many wins from taking them.

I just see people’s health improving. These are people that I’ve been promoting these products for two years. I’ve seen these people over this two-year period and I just see people’s health improving.

One of the things that I learned that was new that I didn’t know was that toxic chemicals in your cells can actually block the nutrition that you’re taking in from your food and your supplements. The toxic chemicals can block that nutrition from even coming into the cell. Nutrition needs to get into your cells in order for your body to be nourished.

By taking the Zeolite product called Pure Body and also then taking really pure supplements that are not made from food but made of food—just food and nothing but food–in the supplements—by doing that, you really nourish yourselves and you nourish every part of your body.

It was just so clear to me because I see other people, I see it in myself—I’ve been taking this for two years. And it was just another confirmation that I’m doing the right thing by doing it. I wrote on my book <em>Toxic Free</em> before this company even started. It’s been around for a little over two years.

But a few years ago, I wrote Toxic Free. And the conclusion I came to when I was writing that book was that one thing we should be doing, as I’ve been saying for more than 30 years, is remove the toxic chemicals from our homes. We’re at a point where what we need to do is remove the toxic chemicals from our bodies also. And we need to get better nutrition because our food supply just does not giving it to us.

So then along came Touchstone Essentials and they have these products that remove the toxic chemicals from your body and they give us superior nutrition. I just want to say that, once again, I went and I met with them. I know everybody in the company, I know everybody on the staff, I know the founder and I know all the executives. I am just so impressed with these products.

Give a listen when you hear these commercials and you might want to take a look at these products because if you’re concerned about your health, if you’re concerned about improving your health or <em>improving</em> your health, these are some products to be looking at. They are products I take and products that I recommend. They are doing something important because toxic chemicals, if you have toxic chemicals in your body, it’s going to impair your health in one way or another.

Anyway, that’s my commercial message for the moment.

Today, we’re going to be talking about toys. My guest is Jim Barber. He is a managing partner with MWB toy who is developing some toys through the brand Luke’s Toy Shop. I think I got that right, right? Luke’s Toy Factory, there!

My computer is down this morning, my internet. So I can’t actually go to my website. I have all these little notes on my screen. Okay, Luke’s Toy Factory.

The thing that’s different about this show, usually, I have on people who have already manufacturing products, and I’ll give you their website and you can go by them, what’s different about this one is that they are still in development and they are using the Kickstarter program to come up with money to go into manufacturing.

If you want to, you can go to their Kickstarter program and make a donation. This is what’s called crowd funding, some of you may be familiar with that. If you want to know more about it, you can go to and the link to do that is right at the end of the description of the show.

DEBRA: Hi Jim! Thanks for being here.

JIM BARBER: Hi! Thank you for having me on. I really appreciate it.

DEBRA: You’re welcome. First, tell us how you got interested in this subject. What made you want to make toys?

JIM BARBER: Well, I tell you Debra. The thing is, my kids are actually grown. I’m past the age when they really paid a lot of attention to toys. Few years ago, I guess around 2009, we started hearing all these stories about some of the things that were in the paint coming from toys from China. I started looking at some of my kids’ toys, especially some of the toys that had been recalled, and I realize that I had some of these toys. When I really started looking, I found that 99% of the toys I had were made in China. When you really start looking on carefully, we start thinking what’s really in these toys.

JIM BARBER: I started doing some research just to be interested in what was going on. I started finding out that there are a lot of heavy metals in the paint. Lead is just one of the heavy metals that you find. You find arsenic, you find cadmium. There’s a whole range of things.

And then the other issue is with a lot of the wood, there’s formaldehyde in the ply wood.

So I started thinking, there’s got to be a better way to make these things.

And I read about this material that they’re using in decking. It’s called wood plastic composites. And what it is is they take a regular plastic and they replace part of it, 30% to 40% with saw dust.

So, what you have is 1) you’re taking away plastic and 2) you’re adding what was a waste product to this material so that it transforms it from being plastic to being a hybrid between the two. I thought, “Well, that might be a way to make the toys.” And then, I started doing more research and getting more deeply into the whole process.

DEBRA: Well, we talked before so I know that you were cleaning out your basement and you found these toys. Obviously, your children are grown and they’re not playing with them now. But you have stored some toys and you’re going through them and you’re looking at that. What was that moment like when you were looking at them and made this decision that was so powerful that you decided that you needed to make some toys?

JIM BARBER: Well see, one of the things—I don’t know if my kids are unique in this. But when it comes time to throw something out, it’s like, “Oh no, I don’t want to throw that out. You throw the other thing out, but don’t throw my stuff out.” Even though they’re grown, it’s like, “I want to keep all these toys.”

I guess the real surprise to me was that these were toys and toy companies that I trusted and that I knew their names. When I grew up as a kid – all these toys were the brand names we played with.

DEBRA: Right.

JIM BARBER: And I felt almost a sense of betrayal because when I started really researching this—you can go on the Consumer Products Safety Commission website and you can see all the recalls that are being done on these toys, it’s astonishing how many of these toys get recalled. I just…

 DEBRA: And what are they get recalled for? What kinds of things?

JIM BARBER: Mostly, it’s mechanical issues, things will not be well-made, a lot of toys use screws and they use fastening devices.

The thing about the toy industry is it’s all about price. So, how do you get the price down? You cut quality.

DEBRA: We need to go to a break. But when we come back, we’ll talk about this more.

I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. My guest today is Jim Barber. He is developing toxic free, eco-friendly toys. We’ll talk to him more when we come back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Jim Barber of Luke’s Toy Factory. They’re developing toys that are toxic free and eco-friendly. We were just talking about how Jim found these toys he’s storing in his basement and said, “No, we’re not going to have those anymore,” and wanted to create something better.

And the way he’s financing those is with a Kickstarter campaign. If you’re interested in contributing to that, you can go to and look for his show and at the end of the description is the link to his Kickstarter campaign which is quite long, which is why I’m not trying to describe it to you over the radio.

We were talking about—what were we taking about before the break? Anyway, let’s go on and just talk about the materials. Let’s talk about…

JIM BARBER: This idea, yeah.

DEBRA: Yes. Let’s talk about some of the materials that are used. You talked about them a little bit in your story, but let’s talk more about some of the toxic chemicals that are found commonly in toys.

JIM BARBER: Generally, you have to differentiate between wooden toys and plastic toys. The ways that most plastic toys are made, they’re made with relatively safe materials depending on what kind of additives are put in them.

Sometimes, you can put additives into the plastic to keep away things like molds or to make them less susceptible to sunlight, things like that. But for the most part, most toys are made out of material called the polypropylene, ABS, another one is HDPE. And all these are different kinds of plastics. For the most part…

DEBRA: But aren’t some made also out of PVC?

JIM BARBER: Yes. Anything that has a thin flexible feeling to it is probably made with PVC. There’s a lot of different ways to create a toy. One of the ideas and one of the things that PVC does well is that it conforms to a very thin mold. The more plastic you use, the more money it cost. PVC is a very popular product. PVC is not a particularly good plastic in my estimation. I’m not an expert on plastics.

DEBRA: Well, this is not a good plastic in other people’s estimations as well. In fact, Greenpeace for many years has had a campaign trying to get people to stop using PVC altogether. Because of its toxicity, they consider it to be the most toxic plastic on the planet. I would agree with that.

So, that’s one of the reasons here. One of the reasons why I was interested in having you on today is because so many toys are made of PVC which is a soft plastic. It’s outgassing carcinogenic fumes. Children are playing with that. And you’re offering an alternative to that.

I wish that toys were marked with very clear symbols or labels that would say, “This toy is PVC and this one’s made out of polypropylene which is less toxic, HDPE which is less toxic and ABS which is less toxic.” But we can’t tell the difference because the toys aren’t required to be labeled.

JIM BARBER: Well, it’s interesting because there are a lot of requirements for labeling for safety. All our toys have to be tested for safety. There isn’t a lot of labeling in terms of recycling. We’re hoping that in the future, of course, that changes.

One of the things we’re looking at is providing a recycling solution for these toys. If your kid outgrows the toy, you’re just going to throw it in the trash, we’ll take it back. We’re trying to keep people from just throwing things away.

A lot of people pass this on, but some people don’t. We live in a more throwaway society.

But the plastic that we’re using, what we’re trying to do is replace part of the plastic essentially with a saw dust. What they’ve done is they’ve develop these plastics that is a hybrid of wood and plastic, but can be injection molded, so that you can make toy. And somewhere between 30% and 40% at this point of the material is a benign wood flour. It’s a pine or oak, things like that.

It’s all about taking steps. I wish it could be a hundred percent recycled, but I’m having a hard time finding a source for recycled plastic where the source will certify to me that it’s safe. No one can say [inaudible 00:16:00] a can of insecticide.

DEBRA: Yeah. That was interesting that I saw. I think it was in your press release. Tell us a little bit more about that, about why recycled might not be non-toxic?

JIM BARBER: Well, a lot of it has to do with where do you get the material. If you get what’s called post-consumer waste, there’s very little control over what actually goes into that stream of plastics.

They have machines that can pull out the metals. They have different ways of separating things. But for the most part, you can’t really guard against the person who just happens to throw something in there and not looking at the bottom of the container and putting it in the wrong stream.

So, where most of the recycled plastic comes from for the kind of thing that I’m doing is what’s called post-industrial waste which means that you are at a factory. And the way the injection molding system work is there’s always some leftover bits of plastic. If you ever made little models where you open up the box and everything that’s all stuffed together on a one frame and you have to cut the little pieces off…

DEBRA: Yup, I remember that.

JIM BARBER: That’s the injection molding process worked.

DEBRA: We need to go to another break, but we’ll be right back. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. My guest today is Jim Barber. He’s developing some toxic free toys through a company called Luke’s Toy Factory.

He has a Kickstarter campaign which you can contribute to. Just go to, and you can see his show and URL for the Kickstarter campaign is right there at the end.

We’ll be right back to talk to more about toxic free toys.

DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Jim Barber. He’s developing a new toxic free toys at Luke’s Toy Factory. That’s the brand.

They have a Kickstarter campaign. So they are not in production yet, but you can make a contribution to their Kickstarter campaign to make this happen. Just go to and the URL for that will be there at the end of the description of the show.

So Jim, when you decided that you were going to make a toy that wasn’t toxic and didn’t come from China and everything was going to be in the US, how did you get started doing that? What was your first step?

JIM BARBER: Well, the first step was research. I like to learn things. I found that the first thing to do was talk to other people and find out what has been done in the past.

There is one company called Green Toys out in California that’s been doing this for a while. They‘re the inspiration for me. These are the people that they make their toys out of recycled milk bottles called HDPE material. They have differences on…

DEBRA: And that stands for, for our listeners who don’t know what that is, <em>High Density Polyethylene</em> which is very non-toxic.

JIM BARBER:That’s my understanding. I do a lot of research and what we tried to do was to identify sources of material that are the least toxic, the safest materials we can. There are resources for that. There are ways to identify that.

JIM BARBER: The big thing was I went to a trade show down in Florida where they had a—it was called the National Plastics Exposition. They had literally everybody in the whole business was there.  I just ran from place to place saying, “Look, here’s what I want to do, give me some ideas.” I met some very interesting people and that kind of built on itself.

But I just kept doing a lot of research on the materials and trying to connect with as many people as I could with the idea that even though it’s something new, there have to be somebody out there who’s willing to try it.

And because the toy industry is gone from the United States, the people who are left here that are still in business basically don’t want to deal with it because it’s a low margin business. They’d rather work in medical, aerospace or things like that. Trying to get somebody to take a chance on this was one of the biggest problems.

But we kept at it and then I found a place here in Connecticut, a guy who was willing to give it a try. And I found a guy up in Massachusetts to do the tooling which is the expensive part of injection molding. I found some great resources with companies here in United States who were really trying to take plastics and make them more sustainable.

There’s a place out in Michigan that I’ve been talking to. They were one of the people that really worked very hard at trying to bring the science forward. Even though they didn’t really have a client for it, a lot of times, these guys, they don’t want to develop a product until someone comes to them says, “I want to make this product out of this”, and then they figure out how it works. This company said, “We’ll make the product, we’ll make the material. And then sell it to people.” We’re going to try to sell it to manufacturers which is how I came across them.

So, there are people here in the US who are looking forward and trying to see  a day when we can, not necessarily eliminate plastics, but at least take away half of the material and replace it with organic materials that are not from the food stream.

DEBRA: I have a number of questions I want to ask you. I’m trying to figure out which one to say first. Here’s the first one. You’re talking about recycling. And the wood, the saw dust that you’re putting in, that’s recycled from. It comes from furniture manufacturing or something?

JIM BARBER: Furniture manufactures, yeah.

DEBRA: Right, okay. So now you have…

JIM BARBER: See the good thing about that—go ahead.

DEBRA: Well, tell me about the good thing about it is and then I’ll ask my question.

JIM BARBER: Well, the good thing is when you go to a furniture manufacture, you can identify where the material came from. You know what’s in there. You know that somebody didn’t throw something in there that shouldn’t been in there.

For instance, if you go back to China, one of the places that they get a lot of their wood for different things is wood pallets, shipping containers and things like that. You have no idea what might have spilled on them or where they got them from. The places that we’re identifying, it’s certified as safe.

DEBRA: It’s certified and safe. I haven’t heard that before. It actually goes through a certification process or they attest to that or how’d you know?

JIM BARBER: Yeah. Basically, what they do is they track the material. They put it in things called <em>gaylords</em> which is a size of shipping container and they ship it to the plastic manufacture. So, they know that it came from this factory on this particular production run and this was the material that they were using, whether it’s pine, oak or whatever. They can track what went into this material as oppose to saying, “Well, you know, we just took this bunch of old wood we had and ground it up.”

DEBRA: That’s a very different thing. I think that that’s an important point that I didn’t know anything about before until I talk to you. When you see “recycled” on the label, you know that that’s good for the environment because it’s reusing something that would’ve otherwise gone into a landfill or into the environment some place.

But from a toxic viewpoint, as you said, you really don’t know if it’s post-consumer or they’re just taking a lot of stuff you don’t know what else might be in there.

I remember when I was researching recycling some years ago, people thought that post-consumer was preferable to—what was the term that you used that comes from manufacture?

JIM BARBER: Post-industrial.

DEBRA: Post-industrial, yeah, that post-consumer was preferable to post-industrial because the post-industrial waste was just going back in the pot, so to speak, in the factory. But the post-consumer, was—

Oh, we need to go to break. I’ll finish this when we come back. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And today we’re talking with my guest, Jim Barber of Luke’s Toy Factory about making toxic free toys. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Jim Barber from Luke’s Toy Factory and he’s making toxic free and eco-friendly toys. That’s what we’re talking about.

Before the break, we we’re talking about the difference between post-industrial and post-consumer waste and we got interrupted by the break. I’ll finish my sentence which is that if we’re looking at recycled plastics or recycled anything from a toxic point of view, if you have post-consumer waste, then there may be some unknown toxic chemicals in there because we don’t know what some consumer might have done—putting insecticide in a plastic bottle, wiped up some toxic spill with a paper or whatever it happens to be. There are a lot of opportunities for consumers to use toxic things.

And in a post-industrial situation, if its post-industrial recycled material, then they can say, “Here’s where this material came from,” and you can track if there have been toxic exposures or non-toxic exposures.

So now, here we have a toy that’s being manufactured and the manufacture can tell you that they know that this recycled material does not contain toxic stuff because it’s been track, the source is tracked and they know that it’s recycled from this type of wood from a furniture manufacturer.

I hope that when you get down to manufacturing and making these products available, that you’ll write all these stuff out, so that your customers know exactly where these excellent materials are coming from. It’s not so important for them to know the exact factory, but that they know that it’s post-industrial as opposed to post-consumer. That level of detail usually doesn’t get known.

JIM BARBER: Well, you’re absolutely correct about that. And that’s one of the things that we can do because we know where things were made, when they were made and how they were made.

One of the interesting things about the companies that are creating these materials for us to use, the first thing that I say to everybody that I talk to is the number one thing is safety. I don’t want to hurt kids. When my son, Luke, who designs the toys—the most important things is we will make sure that it’s safe so the parts have to be big enough you can choke on them.

But also, one of the great things about this is that when you color these things—because kids like bright colors—it’s done in the mold, inside the plastic, it’s encapsulated so there’s no surface paint. Kids like to chew on things, kids put things in their mouth. It’s one of their sensory inputs.

That’s one of the problems with getting a wooden toy that has surface paint on it. Sooner or later, that paint’s going to come off and you have to hope—

One of the stories that somebody told me was they were over in China and this was after the whole uproar over lead paint. They were supposedly getting very really clean, good paint. But the guy run out of certain color of paint, went in the back room and found some cans of paint and throw it into the machine. Well, it turned out to be lead paint. There’s no one there overseeing the operation.

And then, at night, when they clean the machines, they clean it with gasoline. So that’s another source of lead.

DEBRA: Here’s something that is I think a very important point and that is you, as a toy manufacturer, are thinking about all of these things, that you have this idea and this commitment to having things be safe. You can tell us a story and say, “Well, he used this toxic chemical, he used that toxic chemical.”

When you’re in the factory and you’re needing to manufacture something or specify how it gets manufactured, then you are not making those mistakes because you have an awareness of it and you care about it and you want to make sure that it’s done right.

A lot of toy manufactures don’t have that ethic. They just don’t have it. This is where consumers, when they’re looking for how do I make a decision, the thing to do is make a decision to buy a toy from someone like you who’s thinking about these things and acting upon them.

JIM BARBER: That goes back to the manufacture that we’re using too, this injection molder. You can go on to some of these shops—which I have gone in, I probably visited 20 or 30 different injection molders in trying to find somebody to work with—and some of these places are filthy. There’s literally cat litter under the machines, catching whatever’s dripping out of them.  A lot of machines are hydraulic powered and there’s an oil mist on everything.

Again, the guy that I’m using is really clean. He has a scientific approach to things. It’s a little more expensive, but it’s worth it.

One thing is, I want to make sure that I’m doing the right thing for kids. What I really want to have happen from all these is I want other people to do exactly what I’m doing. I want them to bring their manufacturing back here, put Americans to work and make sure that the kids are safe.

DEBRA: What a great thing. I just want to applaud you because I wish that everybody would do that. I wish that everybody would think that way. It’s a very good thing to do.

I’m just going to make sure that I say again that you’re doing a Kickstarter campaign. And for people who agree with those, please go to and find the link to his Kickstarter campaign and make a donation.

Why don’t you explain, Jim, how a Kickstarter campaign works?

JIM BARBER: Well, it’s an interesting process. It’s a cross between a donation and an actual sale because when you make a donation, there are different levels of rewards. You create what’s called rewards.

For instance with us, for $20, you can get one of the first production toys, the little firetruck that we’re making. And that includes shipping in the US. That’s a pretty good deal. You get a toy and have it ship to you.

The tradeoff you make is you’re not going to get it tomorrow. You’re going to get it when the Kickstarter program is finished and then we go into production.

And what we do is we make an estimate on when we will have the production done. We’re estimating August. To be safe, we’re saying September that we we’ll have all these things shipped out.

There’s different levels every rewards. You can get one truck, you can get three trucks. You can also make a donation and say no reward. I have some people that say, “Well, I don’t have kids, I don’t need the toy, but I like the idea.”

And you take a certain time period. In this case, we’re taking until June 8th. And you have to make your goal. Our goal is $15,000. We just broke $4000 now, so we’re getting there. We’re getting there, but we need all the help we can get.

The truck was actually called the Ecotruck. So, if you can’t find it easily, you could just go on and search for Ecotruck and you will find us.

They have a very interesting way of creating the campaigns. It’s a really nice process because it gives people who otherwise who wouldn’t have much of a chance—try hard to go to a bank and say, “I have this idea. And if you can just lend me the money, I can prove this idea can work,” well, the banks will say to you, “Come back when you have a product.” Whereas with Kickstart you can say, “I have this idea,” and people will look at it and say “Whoa, that’s a great idea. I’d like to see that happen.”

It’s a huge new thing. I think Kickstarter, in total, have raised over five billion dollars for various projects.

DEBRA: Yeah. It’s a pretty cool thing. If you go to their page, there’s a little video and then they have the different offers that says what you get if you pledge one dollar or more or five dollars or more. It tells you how many people have contributed in what category.

And the most—I think what was pledged $50 or more. No, the most pledged, $15, somewhere between $15 and $20. Second place right after that is $50 or more. I think that that’s great. I think that is showing a lot of support from what you’re doing.

You can get these little trucks in different colors. Yeah, I think it’s a great project. If you’re a parent or a grandparent—and it even shows the little pellets, the materials, the people and a whole explanation. There’s a lot of information here about what it is that they’re doing. Just great, great, great, great.

Well, we have to go. We’ve only got about 15 seconds left, so thank you so much for being on the show. I really appreciate what you’re doing. You’re listening to I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. Be well!




Stockmar Watercolor Paints, and Choosing Art Supplies for Toddler

Question from TA

Could you give me any pointers for evaluating the safety of art supplies for my toddler? It seems that many products are considered “non-toxic” on the label, but they are made from petrochemicals. My toddler is pretty good about not eating these kinds of things, but paints and glue/paste can be absorbed through the skin. So I’m a bit uncertain about how to ascertain which products are safe. Is the “non-toxic” claim good enough? Or is there something else I should be looking for?

I am specifically wondering about these Stockmar watercolor paints. I have seen them sold on various sites devoted to using natural materials in children’s toys – sites that sell wood toys, fabric dolls, and other Waldorf or Montessori types of products. So I would like to believe that this is an indication that those stores have some degree of confidence about the safety of the paints. I also gain some confidence from the fact that they are made in Germany, as their standards for children’s toys are generally much higher than ours here. But beyond that, when I encounter products such as these, are there any specific questions I should ask to verify the safety of the products?

I do have the Stockmar beeswax crayons. I like that they are made of beeswax, but I’m not sure what the pigments are made from.

Debra’s Answer

This is a very good question.

The quick answer is that there is some controversy about the “nontoxic” seal on art supplies. Until I get that sorted out, that’s all I’m going to say about that.

About Stockmar, now here is an example of a good product being made by a good company, confirmed by the fact that it has been sold for a long period of time by retaliers who are dedicated to choosing natural products. Natural ingredients are part of their ethic. And that’s a very important thing to look at about a brand. What is their purpose? What are they committed to?

See Stockmar’s Product Information page, which clearly outlines what they do to ensure their products are safe.

This is what you should be looking for when evaluating art supplies.

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Piggy Paint Nail Polish

Question from TA

Could you give your opinion about whether Piggy Paint nail polish is truly non-toxic?

Debra’s Answer

I’m correcting this post on 10 April 2016 after a reader pointed out an error I had made. Below is the corrected version.

At they say:

Piggy Paint is specially formulated from God’s natural ingredients and dries to a hard, durable finish. There are no toxic chemicals; it’s free of formaldehyde, toluene, phthalates, Bisphenol A, ethyl acetate and acetone….Say good-bye to harsh, smelly chemicals and hello to Piggy Paint…it’s as Natural as Mud!

They also say it is nontoxic and safe for use during pregnancy, and that you can even paint the toes of babies.

Here’s the ingredient list on their website

Piggy Paint Ingredients Water, acrylates copolymers, melia azadirachta (neem oil). May contain: mica, red 34 lake, ultramarines, titanium dioxide, iron oxide pigments.

But I called them on the phone and they immediately emailed a different ingredient list to me (see below)

Now, toxic or not, I must take issue with their statement “It’s as Natural as Mud!” I don’t know how they are evaluating their ingredients to make this claim, but this nail polish is most definitely NOT natural!

Of the list below, the only natural ingredients are water, neem oil, mica, and copper. It’s full of plastics and coal tar colors.

Yes, it’s better than most nail polish, which contain formaldehyde, etc. But it’s not natural.

Is it toxic? Depends on your definition. Coal tar colors are not considered hazardous but have a long list of health effects associated with them. They were one of the first chemicals I eliminated when I wrote my very first book on toxics in consumer products in 1984.

The acrylate copolymer SDS says that it is not toxic and EWG’s Skin Deep says it’s hazard level is “low.” And The International Journal of Toxicology also reports that it can produce irritation, but little else.

I think the question here is where does one draw the line about what is hazardous? I won’t eat coal-tar colors because they cause cancer, so I would hardly call them safe or natural. But bound up in acrylate copolymer (itself made from crude oil) would they leach into your body? I don’t know.

For anyone sensitive to petrochemicals, this would not be a good choice. It’s not a product I feel 100% confident about recommending.

2014 Piggy Paint ingredient list

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Kitchen Sprayer hose

Question from di

I recently bought a replacement for my kitchen sink faucet, including the sprayer.

The sprayer hose smells very bad. From my experience in buying shower replacement head with a hose attached, this takes forever to off-gas. I have some hanging in my garage that still smell.

I just noticed this in the last few years. The replacements I’ve gotten in the past did not smell this badly.

What would I look for when choosing these products, as far as the hose attached to the sprayers?



Debra’s Answer

I called a supplier of kitchen hoses and he said that you need to buy a hose that goes with the brand of sprayer. Nowadays, he said, the hoses are made either from metal or nylon. So I don’t know what would be smelling so bad about the hose.

My suggestion would be if you are buying a sprayer that you check out the material of the hose ahead of time. Neither metal nor nylon should have an odor.

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Are Organic Cotton Innerspring Mattresses Hard Like Cotton Futons?

Question from andie

Just found out about the EOS mattress, and others (Essentials) from Naturepedic. My question is: do you think the organic cotton batting (which is normally very firm) would be ‘softened’ any, by the springs in the system? Their website is terrific and shows springs with a layer of cotton/batting, then more springs. Perhaps this would solve the problem of organic cotton feeling so darn hard ?? Or would wool and springs (no cotton) be better?


Debra’s Answer

These beds are very comfortable, like any innerspring mattress. The cotton is only a relatively thin layer over the boxsprings, rather than the entire mattress. So yes, it would solve the problem of organic cotton being “so darn hard.” And cotton IS hard! One of the first natural mattresses I had was a cotton futon on the floor and it was HARD.

Wool and springs wouldn’t be better than cotton and springs, but FYI a 1005 wool mattress on wood slats is very comfortable. I’ve been sleeping on one for more than fifteen years and I love it.

If you want an innerspring mattress, Naturepedic is an excellent choice.

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Dental Bridge

Question from Marshmallowcottage

I just got a partial bridge and made sure that it didn’t have BPA or PVC in it. I’ve had it for almost a week and just started with symptoms. My tongue underneath and my bottom inside gums are starting to burn. Also, my salivary glands under my tongue are swollen and painful.

I have MCS and this bridge is necessary for eating and chewing. What kind of other plastics, acrylics are used in a dental piece and is there any way to detoxify it so it doesn’t bother me.

Debra’s Answer

Readers, any experience with this? What did you do?

Marsha, did you get this from a biologic dentist or a regular dentist? If a regular dentist, I recommend you check with a biologic dentist who is familiar with safer materials.

International Academy of Biological Dentistry & Medicine

International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology

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Beyond Organic: How BioDynamic Agriculture Contributes to Good Health

Thea Maria CarlsonToday my guest is Thea Maria Carlson, Director of Programs of the Biodynamic Association. We’ll be talking about the basics of biodynamics and how to find and choose biodynamic foods. Biodynamics is a spiritual-ethical-ecological approach to agriculture, food production and nutrition. It was first developed in the early 1920s based on the spiritual insights and practical suggestions of the Austrian writer, educator and social activist Dr. Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925). Today, the biodynamic movement encompasses thousands of successful gardens, farms, vineyards and agricultural operations of all kinds and sizes on all continents, in a wide variety of ecological and economic settings. Biodynamic farmers strive to create a diversified, balanced farm ecosystem that generates health and fertility as much as possible from within the farm itself. Biodynamic practitioners also recognize and strive to work in cooperation with the subtle influences of the wider cosmos on soil, plant and animal health. Thea is a farmer, organizer, educator, and artist with roots in California and the Midwest. She joined the Biodynamic Association while farming with Turtle Creek Gardens in 2011, and continued to balance both roles until she became Director of Programs in 2013. Her previous work includes teaching gardening, nutrition and beekeeping; developing community and educational gardens in California, Chicago and Maine; organizing strategic communications training programs for nonprofit leaders; and farming with Blue House Farm and Mendocino Organics. Thea earned a B.S. in Earth Systems from Stanford University, a permaculture design certificate from Occidental Arts and Ecology Center, and is trained in the Art of Hosting.





Beyond Organic: How Biodynamic Agriculture Contributes to Good Health

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Thea Maria Carlson

Date of Broadcast: May 14, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio, where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world, and live toxic-free. It’s Wednesday, May 14, 2014, and it’s a beautiful, early summer day, late spring day, here in Clearwater, Florida.

I just want to say that to be toxic-free isn’t one, single thing. It’s a whole scale of things. You could start out being toxic on one end, and then you could move to using a less toxic product that’s still made from non-renewable petroleum, but it’s not harmful to health.

Then you could move into something made from renewable, natural material.
It keeps moving to practices more and more healthy, more and more sustainable, more and more natural, more and more in alignment with nature. And each time you take those steps in that direction, then you become more able to sustain health and sustain life because in order to sustain our health, we also have to sustain the life of the planet, the health of the planet.

And today, we’re going to be talking about one of those very top-of-the-chart practices that contributes to the sustainability of the planet, and contributes to our health. And that is biodynamics.
Biodynamic farming is a practice.

I’m going to let our guest explain about it. My guest is Thea Maria Carlson. She’s the Director of Programs of the Biodynamic Association.

Hi, Thea.


DEBRA: How are you?

THEA MARIA CARLSON: I’m good. It’s not quite as springy up here in Wisconsin, but we’re managing.

DEBRA: Good. First of all, explain what biodynamics is.

THEA MARIA CARLSON: Biodynamics is an approach to agriculture that treats the farm or garden as a living organism. So it’s really taking an opposite view to the mechanistic view that industrial agriculture takes, of the soil and plant just being this production machine where you put in a certain amount of input and you get the certain amount of production, as being all the soil, the plants, the animals, everything as working together as a living organism and trying to nurture and foster those life processes to create a healthy organism that then creates healthy food.

DEBRA: Good. And how did biodynamics originate?

THEA MARIA CARLSON: Biodynamics originated through the work of Rudolf Steiner, who was an Austrian philosopher, renaissance man. He did a lot of work in his life on a number of areas of society. He worked on education, medicine, the arts, architecture, and he also worked on agriculture.
He was approached by a number of farmers towards the end of his career who had known his work. They were noticing that the vitality and health of their land was decreasing as the use of chemical fertilizers was starting, and pesticides. As these various industrial agriculture practices were trying to take hold, they were starting to notice the decline in the health of their plants, animals and their lands.

And so they asked Rudolf Steiner for some guidance as to how they could renew the health of their farms.
And so Rudolf Steiner gave a series of lectures in 1924 to this group of farmers. And out of the various […] that he gave through his lectures, biodynamics, a form of agriculture, has developed and evolved over the past 90 years.

DEBRA: How did yourself get interested in this?

THEA MARIA CARLSON: Well, I became interested in food and sustainable agriculture while I was studying abroad in college. I was in Brazil, studying Amazonian Ecology and Natural Resource Management. I had been really focused on environmental conservation.

When I was in rainforest and saw the tension between growing food and saving the rainforest, I really wanted to understand how to grow food in a way that wasn’t depleting the land the way most of the agriculture has done around the world, including in the Amazon, and how to grow food in a regenerative way.
And so I looked for a farm to work on, and I ended up on a biodynamics farm. I wasn’t seeking it out, but it sort of found me.

DEBRA: So you now work for the Biodynamic Association, but are you currently farming?

THEA MARIA CARLSON: I’m not currently farming. So that first biodynamic farm I worked on, it was 11 years ago. And then I did work with full gardens and urban agriculture for a number of years. And then I was farming full time for a couple of years, and then started working part time for the Biodynamic Association, coordinating the Apprenticeship Program that the Association has.

And then as we’ve been developing more programs, I kept taking on more programs, and eventually, my position became full time. So I am now taking a break from farming. I have a garden in my yard, but I’m in the office full time.

DEBRA: I found biodynamics many, many years ago. And I first noticed it, I think, because I saw it on a label, a food product label, and I don’t remember what the food product was. But I have also been to Germany, and I had noticed that in Germany, a lot of food is grown biodynamically more than here in the United States.
So as we’re talking about this, I just wanted to make clear that we’re talking about not only a way of farming, but as consumers, we can look on the label, and find products. As we go through the show later on, I want us to talk about how people can find biodynamic foods to purchase—what to look for, where to look for that.

But first I want to just tell more about what biodynamics is.

I consider is to be a step-up from organic. Both organic and biodynamics don’t use pesticides. That’s a big thing that they have in common.

But start to tell us some stuff about biodynamics, so that people can understand why biodynamics would be more sustainable than simply organic.

THEA MARIA CARLSON: There’s a broad spectrum within organics, especially since the introduction of the USDA Organic Standard. There are certain things that organic guarantees; and other things it doesn’t.
So it guarantees you won’t have certain pesticides or fertilizers. But a lot of times, as there are more and more big industrial, organic farms, they’re basically substituting the less toxic, more naturally-derived inputs, but still putting in the farm in the same system. So they’re not necessarily building the health of the soil. They’re still feeding the plants.

One of the thing that’s unique about biodynamics—although there are certainly organic farms that do this as well—biodynamics integrate crops and livestock. So there’s a balancing of the nutrients on the farm.

So you’re neither importing a lot of fertilizers if you’re a plant-based farm or having to deal with a lot of manure waste like an animal-based farm would use. There’s a balancing, so that the manure of the animals is feeding the soil and providing nutrition for the plants. But you’re also, as much as possible, growing the feeds of the animals on the farm.

So, it creates more of a closed-loop system, which then can develop its own integrity and health on its own.
Biodynamic farms are also very diversified. There are a number of organic farms that are diversified. But also I’ve been to Southern California and seen acres, and acres and acres of carrots, organic-grown carrots that you could get all over the country. So there’s nothing in the organic standard that says you can’t just have a mono-culture of one crop where biodynamic farming—go ahead.

DEBRA: I think that’s a really big, important distinction for us to talk about, is that system of monocropping versus having a whole system. And so you said earlier, you can grow organic, but you’re still feeding the plants, and not feeding the soil.
We need to take a break in a few seconds here. And when we come back, I’d like us to talk about that particular difference because I think it’s a really, really big one, and of course, talking about animals and plants being in a symbiotic relationship with each other. Well, that’s the way it is in nature.

And we’ll talk about that when we come back.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Thea Maria Carlson. She’s a the Director of Programs at the Biodynamic Association, and we’re learning about biodynamic farming and gardening, and how you can eat biodynamic food.

We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Thea Maria Carlson. She’s with the Biodynamic Association, and we’re talking about biodynamic farming and gardening.

So Thea, just compare the two, what is it like to be on an organic farm that’s monocropping versus the diversity that happens in a biodynamic farm.

THEA MARIA CARLSON: I think something that a lot of people who visit biodynamic farms notice is something that’s a little hard to put your finger on, but it’s a kind of vitality that I think comes from that diversity, but also from some of the other biodynamic practices.

So it’s just a sense of vibrancy and health within. Biodynamic farms really do focus on diversity. That doesn’t mean that they can’t have a specific crop that they focus on. There are some biodynamic farms that mainly have vegetables, but they’ll also have […] that will compliment and balance that out.

There are other biodynamic farms that might focus on meat production. There’s diversity both of the crops that are grown for food, but also including areas for wildlife and natural predators […]
So when you set foot on a biodynamic farm, you’ll probably see a lot more different species of plants and animals than you might see on a farm that’s not biodynamic.

DEBRA: On a biodynamic farm, tell us what some of the practices are. I know that there are different things like using different kinds of fertilizers or things like that. I have nothing against organic. I think that organic is a wonderful thing, so I’m not trying to make it sound like organic isn’t a good thing to do.
It’s certainly better than spraying pesticides and artificial fertilizers and just completely destroying the soil.
But this is a step beyond that because it’s a whole different way of thinking.
So can you tell us more about the general viewpoint that would be different?

THEA MARIA CARLSON: So as I mentioned before, there’s a view of the farm as a living organism, so really trying to nurture the health of the whole organism, and through that, having the products that you’re producing be as healthy as possible.

There is an emphasis on building the health of the soil using compost and manure and cover crops, and compost to plant matter as well. Focusing on those for fertility rather than just putting on mineral fertilizers. There are a lot of organic mineral-based fertilizers that don’t have the whole living composted elements to them.
In addition to that, there are some preparations that are used in more medicinal qualities. There are six preparations that are added to the compost pile to add specific properties to that. And they are each made with different medicinal herbs that

some people might be familiar with like chamomile, yarrow, dandelion. Each of them adds a different energy and work with different micronutrients within the compost pile.

So, each of those is added in homeopathic quantities to the compost pile. And then through the compost, it’s spread over the land.

There’s also a couple of […] preparations that are used on the soil and the plants. There’s a corn manure preparation. That is one of the things that people tend to hear about when they hear about biodynamic farming. So there’s manure of cows that is buried in the cow farm in the fall, and then dug up in the spring. And then that’s diluted with water and stirred rhythmically, and then sprayed on the soil usually in the spring (but it can be other times). And that really helps to bring about more life in the soil and support the fertility of the soil.

So it’s not a fertilizer in the sense that there’s not a large, actual quantity of nutrients in it. But it’s more like an energetic, homeopathic way to encourage balance of the soil.

That works with the earth and the water elements. And then there’s a polarity to that. There’s […] the summer months and […] crystals. And that is sprayed in the air over the plants. And that helps bring in warmth and light […] of the plants.

DEBRA: What’s so interesting to me, I just have a personal interest in nature, and this is part of why I was so interested in biodynamics when I found it, or even found it, is because many years ago, I just looked around at our industrial culture, and I said, “Wait a minute. There’s something wrong here.”

And I thought, “Where is life actually flourishing?”

And I said, “Oh, I need to look to nature and see what nature is doing.”

And one of the things about biodynamics is that, and this for me, is one of the differences I see between organic and biodynamic, we’ve said this but I want to say it in a different way, organic really is taking the industrial model and seeing how to make it natural. It’s natural industrial that there’s still this thought that you have to kill the insects. And so there are natural pesticides.

There’s still the thought that there has to be a fertilizer. And so there’s a natural fertilizer.;
But it’s all still about industrial inputs into an industrial agribusiness.

And I’m not saying that every organic farmer is like this. As Thea said earlier, there’s a wide spectrum of organic farmers, everything from huge agribusiness organic, to small family farmers, to community-supported agriculture and things like that.
But it’s all based on our modern industrial model of having to have there be a fertilizer, having to have them be a pesticide and what are the acceptable ones to use that aren’t synthetic, that aren’t harmful.
Biodynamic is a completely different thing because it’s looking to see what nature is doing.

And so, as Thea is talking, she’s talking about not going to the store and buying manure in a bag. She’s talking about this farm takes the materials that are on the farm and doing these things.
I’m not saying they never buy anything, but I’m saying that the whole idea is that this is creating an ecosystem, and the food products being part of that ecosystem, which is just so, so different.

And I’m making a big deal out of this because this is the change we all need to go to, is to see ourselves as part of that ecosystem.

We’ll be right back. We’re going to go to break. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Thea Maria Carlson from the Biodynamic Association, and stay with us.

DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Thea Maria Carlson of the Biodynamic Association. And I should tell you that you can go to their website at That’s There’s a lot of information there.

Thea, I want to tell you that one of my favorite parts of biodynamics is the Stella Natura calendar. I have years of Stella Natura calendar sitting on my shelf because not only is biodynamics about awareness of our relationship to the natural world, but also about our relationship to the cosmos and recognizing things like the planets, the sun, the moon and everything.

It’s all affecting life on earth. And the Stella Natural calendar, the subtitle is Inspiration and Practical Advice for Gardeners, Working with Cosmic Rhythms.

And there are rhythms in the universe.

I think it’s a big stretch to think of ourselves as being part of this big environment of the earth, and even a bigger stretch to think of our earth as being part of the cosmos. But that’s how it is. That’s nature. It includes all of those things.

I just think it’s wonderful that biodynamics includes all of them too.

So if you go to, look for the tab about books and calendars, and take a look at the planting calendars because they’re very interesting. They have a lot of articles in them about gardening from month to month. And it just gives you a different perspective about life on earth. That’s a very interesting thing.
So you have a conference coming up. You want to tell us about that?

THEA MARIA CARLSON: Yes. We have a conference. Every other year, we hold a North American Biodynamic Conference. This is the year.

And this year, our conference theme will be farming for health. So it’s really taking up this question of how does farming, how can farming really foster the health of the land, the soil, the plants, the animals and the people.

And so we’re bringing together over 60 presenters who are going to be talking about all different aspects of this from how do we bring health and flavor to fruits to how do we really work with the health of livestock, how can we integrate livestock and different types of plant species, looking at the sources of healing in plants and the medicinal qualities of the biodynamic preparations I mentioned earlier, and looking at how those herbs can be helpful to human health, looking at compost and really what can bring high quality compost (not all compost is created the same) and dozens of other topics.

So it’s really a great opportunity to learn a lot more about these topics, whether someone is already farming, whether someone is a gardener, whether you’re just someone who’s interested in food and health and want to dig into these questions of what health really means, what is food quality really means, how can we go beyond just the macronutrients and the levels of vitamin C to what’s really going to give you something that’s going to nourish you and nourish your family.

DEBRA: As I’m listening to you, and I have the website up in front of me, I was considering this whole topic of farming for health. I don’t think I’ve ever heard that phrase before. Those two words are not usually in the same sentence.

There’s farming and then there’s health. And the farmers do what the farmers do, and then the consumers buy whatever is on the shelf. And then we go to the doctor, and the doctor is about health.
But the doctor is really not about health. The doctor is about handling the malfunctions of the body that come from not being aware of all of these other things.

And so this whole idea of food actually contributing to health, it’s not such a strange idea, but as you were talking, I was getting it in a different way because I think that a lot of people know that you need to eat the right foods in order to be healthy.

But if we stop and look at what is it that we’re eating, the vitality of the food, like I’m always going back to nature. If I was just in nature, if we didn’t have an industrial system, then what would I be eating, and I’d be out in the forest eating fruits and nuts and these kinds of things. But they would have an aliveness to them.

And if we just look at that aliveness quality, if somebody has grown something in their backyard and you go out to your backyard, and you pick that tomato off the vine, and it’s alive. But what we buy in the supermarket, whether it’s organic or not, is not so fresh, that nutrients and vitality are much lessened.
If we then take those ingredients and process them, and put it through a factory and have processed food, it’s even less vital.

And I think one of the lessons of biodynamics is that there is a vitality and an aliveness that really does contribute to health.

And that’s what’s missing from most of the food. We can get nutrients, but if we’re missing that aliveness of something, we’re not taking alive food and put it in our bodies, to make our bodies more alive.

Did I get that right?

And I think that that’s probably going to be a lot of what people are talking about at this conference. And that’s part of, as I said, what sets biodynamics apart for me because they’re really talking about how can we have this whole system of life be alive and thriving, and that includes all of us. I so admire biodynamics.

THEA MARIA CARLSON: One of our programs is a research program. And what we’re really working on right now is a pilot project for developing quality testing and quality research on farming methods.
So, even though you’re saying that […] you picked in the backyard is different from the tomato you buy at the supermarket, it’s different from tomatoes that’s canned, a lot of the traditional scientific analyses of the nutrition content and quality of those to say, “Oh, they’re all the same. There’s no difference.”

And so a lot of what biodynamics brings to the table and what we’re really trying to continue to develop through our research program is developing and utilizing ways that can detect those qualitative differences between those different kinds of foods that you can sense through your taste buds, and even using your taste buds as a qualitative analysis in a way.

DEBRA: Also, I find that food feels different to me in my body. Different qualities of foods will feel different. I will have a different kind of aliveness in my body depending on what I’ve eaten. It is an energetic thing. The food gives you energy that is beyond calories.

So we’re going to take another break, and when we come back, we’re going to talk about how people can find biodynamic food to purchase, and how they can find a local biodynamic farmer because once you taste this food, and feel this food, you’ll see a difference.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Thea Maria Carlson from the Biodynamic Association. And that’s at, lots of information on this website.
We’ll be right back.

DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Thea Maria Carlson of the Biodynamic Association.
So let’s talk about if you want to eat biodynamic food, how to find it. And so the first thing I think people should know about that is the Demeter Association. So tell us about that.

THEA MARIA CARLSON: The Demeter Association is the organization that certifies biodynamic farms and biodynamic products in the United States. It’s actually an international association. So there’s a Demeter International and then chapters in each country where there’s biodynamic certifications.

So, there’s an international agreement on the standards for certification. Farms can be certified, and then a specific products can be certified biodynamic as well.

In the United States, the UCSA Organic Standard is the baseline for Demeter Certification. So any farm that is certified biodynamic has also met the requirements for being certified organic. But then there are additional requirements for being Demeter-certified.

Some of the things they talked about, including crops and livestock, including wild areas, balancing the different parts of the farm, working with the preparations and things like that.

DEBRA: Actually, I was just looking at this page. I just clicked away from it. There are two certifications. There’s the Demeter Association, and then there’s the Stellar—I’m looking at a very tiny little thing, the Stellar Association. What’s the difference between these two?

THEA MARIA CARLSON: I believe that the Stellar Certification Service, they work with organic certification. So they can wrap together. If the farm wants to be certified organic and biodynamic, Stellar can do both for them.

But Demeter is the only organization that has the ability to certify a farmer or product biodynamic.

DEBRA: Good. And I know Demeter, it originated in Germany. It’s been around for a long time, even though it’s more recent here in America.

The Demeter Association, I was trying to find online a list of biodynamic foods and maybe there is one and I didn’t find it, but I am on the Demeter Association site, and that’s D-E-M-E-T-E-R hyphen USA dot org.

And they say, “Coming soon, a director of biodynamic farms and biodynamic products.”

But even on the page, there’s a slider which shows different brands that have biodynamic foods in them like wheat organic, biodynamic pasta. The Republic of Tea has some tea and herbs that are biodynamically grown now. Here’s Crofter’s Blueberries.

When you go to a natural food store and you see biodynamic on the label, then you know what that is.
You could also, if you’re looking for biodynamic cherries or whatever, you can just type in “biodynamic” and whatever it is that you’re looking for into your favorite search engine, and the brands of products or the biodynamic farms will come up.

And so if you’re looking for things that are organic, instead of just typing in “organic fruit,” looking for some place that sells organic online, you could also type in, “biodynamic” whatever, and you’ll get a biodynamic quality product as well.

I think that organic is getting to be very well-known and that people just type in organic this, organic that. But remember that biodynamic exists.

Search it out and see, if you see the difference, it’s a very interesting thing.

Well, we’ve got about five or six minutes left. The hour goes by so fast, and there’s always so much to talk about. Is there anything that you want to talk about that we haven’t covered?

THEA MARIA CARLSON: I would say if people are interested in learning more about biodynamic [interventions], on our website, we do have a number of resources, educational resources. We have a monthly e-newsletter. There’s a calendar of events if you’re interested in learning more about it. There are different events happening all over the country. And then there’s our conference on November 13th to 15th in Louisville, Kentucky.

We also are supported by members. And so if you like what you hear about biodynamics, and you’d like to support it, you can become a member of the association. We have a journal that comes out [twice] a year where you can get more in-depth articles. And then, you’re also helping us do more education, community building and research to keep growing the biodynamic movement in the United States and North America.

DEBRA: I think that’s a really important thing to support. And I support it by buying my calendar. Tiny support.
One of the things that has struck me recently, back on Earth Day, I did a show about Rachel Carson, who wrote Silent Spring. And that was such an important breakthrough book about toxics. And yet, I was very excitedly going around and talking to people, even people that I know in my circle.
I was saying, “I’m doing this show on Rachel Carson. I’m doing a show on Rachel Carson. Her biographer is going to be on and the former head of the Rachel Carson Institute.”

And they’re looking at me blankly like, “Who is Rachel Carson? I’ve never heard of this person.”

Also, even, again, in the circle of people that I know, they wouldn’t know who Rudolf Steiner is. People don’t know who Henry David Thoreau is.

I’m sorry listeners, if you’re listening and don’t know who these people are. All these people have done very important things. Rudolf Steiner had a magnificent viewpoint about our relationship as human beings in nature.
Henry David Thoreau, way back at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, he said, “I’m going to go live out by the edge of a lake.” And he wrote a whole book called Walden, about his experiment living in nature rather than living in the industrial society which was encroaching his home in Concord, Massachusetts at that time.

And there are all these ideas, all these ways of thinking and knowing that are just disappearing because people don’t talk about them.

I think that these are the exact ideas that we should be basing our future on, in my opinion, that we should not be forgetting them, that we should be working on them, we should be taking these ideas and doing as you’re doing, to be using them in the world, and teaching them to people, and studying and exploring them, and moving them forward.

And I can’t tell you how much I appreciate what you’re doing because we need to not lose this. We need to expand it.

THEA MARIA CARLSON: Yes, and there are so many people who are now interested in it. And so it’s great because more and more people are waking up and saying, “I want to learn more about this. I want to do something about this.”
So there’s a building movement and it’s a great time to get involved with this.

DEBRA: I think so. It’s very encouraging to me to see over the years that I’ve been studying these things personally, to see the things that I found out about 20 or 30 years ago are now getting much more popular, and much more known, and are starting to become part of our culture.

So this is very, very good. Very good.

What else is on your website that we could talk about? I’m sitting right here.

So tell us about some of your programs that people might be interested in.

THEA MARIA CARLSON: So our main programs, we have an education program. We have a research program. And then we do community building.

I started out working mainly in education, and then my work has expanded to the other programs. We have a farmer training program, which is a two-year program that combines on-farm training with classroom studies.

We have about 45 mentor farms in the United States and Canada. And right now, just about 40 apprentices are enrolled in that program. So that’s a great thing for people who are really wanting to become the next generation of biodynamic farmers. It’s our core education program.

We also have a group of farm-based educators that we work with. So they’re working with kids on farms, helping them to nature and understand how life works and get connected to their food. And so we have a learning community of folks who are working specifically with children and youths on farms.

Our research program, as I’ve mentioned before, we’ve been working to support the development of a qualitative testing network and research projects that will work with farmers using different biodynamic, organic, conventional practices, looking at really how the different farming practices affect the quality of food, and looking at the quality from a lot of different angles.

We have our conferences every other year. And that moves around the country. So we try to move to a different [region] each time. And then we have regional events as well. We did one in California this January, a one-day […] Ecological

Farming Conference that happens there every year.

Then we have the journals that I mentioned where we publish articles and different research, and the monthly e-newsletter.

We also have a directory for our members which includes individual listing, so people can find each other if you have similar interests in biodynamic bee-keeping, fruit-growing, or whatever. There are also farms and businesses which are listed in that directory as well.

And we also have a number of forums on our website for people to post or find internships and apprenticeship listings, job opportunities, land-sharing opportunities, or just to post topics really that’s biodynamic.

DEBRA: I see all these as you’re talking about those. And this is just great. This is great. I just really encourage everybody who’s listening to go to the website, and take a look at this.
Thanks so much for being with me. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. Be well.


Question from SVE

Hi Debra,
I sew a lot but haven’t bought buttons for a long time.

These are the two kinds of buttons I sent for. I know they aren’t green – polyester and nylon – but are the dyes non-toxic to the touch? Thanks!

1 – Jesse James & Co., Inc. – – “Our buttons are from nylon. They do not contain any phthalate. We hand dye our buttons on our premises and use Rit powdered dye to dye our buttons black. It is non-toxic and lead free.” Marsha Pangrass – Jesse James & Co., Inc. – Phone: 610-419-9880
Email: and

2- Hill Creek Designs – “Our buttons are made from a polyester plastic. They are dyed with Aljo Dye so the color is not painted on and won’t flake off. Janice dyes them like you would dye a tie-dyed shirt, just color and hot water.” Janet – Info

Debra’s Answer

To the best of my knowledge, these would not be toxic to touch.

There are many buttons made of natural materials, including wood, shells, nuts, and other natural materials.

Here are a few websites

This website doesn’t sell buttons, but take a look. They are gorgeous and a material to become familiar with in case you see it in a store.

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Health Effects of Modern Man-Made Electromagnetic Field and Functional Impairment Electrosensitivity

Olle JohanssonMy guest today is Olle Johansson, a world-leading authority in the field of EMF radiation and health effects. If you are concerned about EMFs and their health effects, tune in and listen to one of the most knowledgeable men on the planet on this subject. Professor Johansson is associate professor, head of the Experimental Dermatology Unit, Department of Neuroscience, at the Karolinska Institute (famous for its Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine) in Stockholm, Sweden, and yes, we will be talking with him in Sweden. He has also been a professor in basic and clinical neuroscience at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. He has published more than 500 original articles, reviews, book chapters and conference reports within the field of basic and applied neuroscience. His studies have been widely recognized in the public media, including newspapers, radio and TV as well as on the Internet, both nationally as well as internationally. He has participated in more than 300 congresses and symposia as an invited speaker, and with free contributions and as an invited ‘observer’ at an additional 100. Professor Johansson is a member of, i.a., The European Neuroscience Association (ENA), The European Society for Dermatological Research (ESDR), IBAS Users of Scandinavia (IBUS), The International Brain Research Organization (IBRO), The International Society for Stereology (ISS), The New York Academy of Sciences, The Royal Microscopical Society (RMS), Scandinavian Society for Electron Microscopy (SCANDEM), The Skin Pharmacology Society (SPS), Society for Neuroscience, Svenska Fysiologföreningen, Svenska Intressegruppen för Grafisk Databehandling (SIGRAD), Svenska Läkaresällskapet, and the Svenska Sällskapet för Automatiserad Bildanalys (SSAB).





Health Effects of Man-Made Electromagnetic Field & Functional Impairment Electrosensitivity

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Olle Johansson

Date of Broadcast: May 13, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic-free.

It is Tuesday, May 13th, 2014 and I am just going to get right to my guest today because he is speaking to us all the way from Stockholm, Sweden and he has a lot to say.

He is Professor Olle Johansson. He’s a world leading authority in the field of electromagnetic fields radiation and health effects. And he sent me a list of about 500 articles he has written on this. I mean he really is one of the most knowledgeable on EMFs I have ever met. Actually, I haven’t met him yet. I emailed with him, but I am going to meet him right now and so are you.

Hi, Professor Johansson. Thank you so much for being here.

OLLE JOHANSSON: Oh, it is a great honor to be on your show today and it is going to be very interesting to hear your questions.

DEBRA: Oh, good. I am going to be very interested in hearing your answers. So the first question I have for you is how did you get interested originally in this field in the beginning?

OLLE JOHANSSON: Oh, that was actually thanks to radio. I very rarely myself listen to radio. I have to admit that. But in the early 1980s, for some reason late evening, I was listening to the radio in my laboratory and I hadn’t done that for months actually.

And suddenly, I hear in the program a woman with the name […] from one of the trade union secretariats here in Sweden. She was talking about what, at that time, was called screen dermatitis, meaning people that got skin irritations primarily in their face, arms, hands, upper chest when they were sitting in the very newly introduced PC computers.

DEBRA: I remember that. I remember people talking about that then.

OLLE JOHANSSON: Yes. I got very interested because she was asking for expertise in neurology. And I am not a neurologist, but a neuroscientist. So I thought, “Well, close enough. Why don’t I give her a call?”
So, I called her after the program and said that I was prepared to help her investigate these skin problems in people sitting in front of these computer screens and also ordinary television sets.

She got very excited and we put ourselves together with a physicist from one of the universities here in Sweden. He was an expert also in the electromagnetic fields and exposure and measurements and the whole technical side.

I remember, we were very enthusiastic. We met at my office here in Stockholm at the Karolinska Institutet and we drew our plans for different projects that we would apply money for and start investigating.

And no one obviously then realized that a little bit further down the road, around the corner, there were forces in play that actually didn’t want us to investigate that. But that came later on. We started out in grand style.

And the very first project we actually did was to, in a double blind fashion, investigate different types of skin using advanced microscopy, looking for cells and the content of different biologically active molecules. And we looked at skin from normal healthy volunteers. We looked at skin from the people that got the skin rashes in front of the computer screens. And we also had different patient categories like rosacea and seborrheic keratosis.

And we then, in a double blind fashion, tried to pick out which looked normal and abnormal.

And to make a long story short, to our enormous surprise, it came out very easily to pick out the persons with the screen dermatitis, what we today call electro-sensitivity or electro-hypersensitivity because they had dramatic alterations in their cells of different types.

DEBRA: What types of alterations were in their cells?

OLLE JOHANSSON: Some cell types were more or less gone and some others have increased dramatically in number. And you have to remember that, at that time, I was a complete amateur. I didn’t quite understand what I was looking at.
So, I showed pictures to other experts in the clinical dermatology, clinical immunology radiation damages, et cetera. And they helped us. It was very relevant that what we saw was early prolonged stages of classic radiation damage—and with that, I mean what you would have seen if you, for instance, were exposed from an atomic bomb or from other forms of radio-nuclides or overexposure to X-rays or overexposure to strong ultraviolet light.

But they haven’t, these persons, been closed to any radioactivity or X-rays or anything like that. They have just been sitting in front of computer screens, television sets and started to report skin irritations, redness, numbness, pain, pricking sensations, et cetera. And at that time, we called it “screen dermatitis,” later on, as “electro-hypersensitivity.”

And as you may remember, the general explanation at that time was that the reason people felt these skin irritations was because of people like yourself. When journalists, reporters, radio hosts, television program hosts and so on started to report on that, it was believed that the mass media hysteria was developed. It was a mass media psychosis.
But of course, that could be very easily disproven by using, for instance, rats. And rats develop the very same kind of skin alterations. And with all due respect, rats do not listen to radio. They do not read newspapers. They do not watch television.

And still they got the same radiation damages as the persons with electro-hypersensitivity.

DEBRA: Okay, so is there a particular description? Aside from getting the symptoms, how would you describe a typical person with electro-hypersensitivity? Do they have a particular history?

OLLE JOHANSSON: Yeah, that’s a very, very important and very good question. And the simple and quick answer would be anyone.

And as you probably know, there are a lot of very famous people, including for instance the former World Health Organization President Gro, Harlem Brundtland who also was the Prime Minister of Norway, she is a typical electro-hypersensitive person, meaning that she could still work on, she could still manage her life, but with a few alterations.

And then you have a scale from people with very few problems to people that are really handicapped by their electro-hypersensitivity. And from a general point of view, around 70% to 80% start with sensations from their skin and from eyes, from the mouth for instance. And of course, these are the external boundaries towards the rest of the universe. Where you have your skin, your cells stops and the rest of the universe starts. It works like an antenna picking up changes in the environment.

And I very much like the title of your show, Toxic Free because maybe these people, in that way, functions as the classical canary bird in the coal mine telling us that something in the environment is wrong. And they are wise enough to take themselves out of the situation and avoid getting close to computer screens, mobile phones, low energy light bulbs.
But the rest of the population, like myself, who do not have any such sensations, we will keep on using all these gadgets.

And now I am jumping ahead a lot because now we come into the 1990s and the 2000s because then more and more focus was being put on, for instance, long term effects such as neurological diseases and of course cancers—particularly brain tumors and childhood leukemia.

DEBRA: Okay, we need to take a break and we will talk more when we come back from the break. But I have something I want to say when we come back and then I will let you talk about.


DEBRA: You are listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I am Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is Dr. Olle—how do you say your name? Am I saying it right?

OLLE JOHANSSON: Olle Johansson.
DEBRA: Thank you. That’s who he is.

OLLE JOHANSSON: But you can say Olle Johansson, that’s all right.
DEBRA: Olle Johansson. And he is from Stockholm, Sweden and we will tell you more about him when we come back to. So stay with us.


DEBRA: You are listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I am Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is Professor Olle Johansson. How was that?

OLLE JOHANSSON: Oh, that’s good.

DEBRA: Good, okay. He’s a world leading authority in the field of EMF radiation. Now, he’s with the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden and that is famous for its Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine. So this is a very prestigious international organization that he is with and he is very well-recognized in this field.

What I wanted to say in response to what you are saying earlier about the canaries, one of the things that I found in my work with toxic chemicals is that when I started being aware of toxic chemical dangers, it was at a time when people were talking about people being chemically sensitive as if we were a special group of people and that it wasn’t affecting anybody else, except for this little group of people who were chemically sensitive.

And so when I found out that I was responding physically to exposures to toxic chemicals, they didn’t really call them toxic chemicals at the time. They just said chemicals. So there was something wrong with us because everybody else could tolerate them. So there was nothing wrong with them because we were the only ones that we are getting sick.
Now, what I found when I started researching was that it wasn’t just that I was getting sick because of some otherwise healthy materials. I was getting sick because what I was being exposed to then that was making me sick were poisons. They were recognized poisons that were not being acknowledged in the consumer marketplace.

And I see that it’s very similar with electromagnetic fields now because there’s now a designation. And I am not saying it is wrong to designate this way, but there is a designation that there is a group of people who are electro-hypersensitive.
And yet, the way I see it is and I think that you would agree with them that these health effects, as you said, even happen to rats. And so it is not just a select group of people. These things are happening to everyone. And I know that even myself is like, “I don’t have symptoms that I know of that are related to EMFs.” And so I say, “Oh, I don’t need to do anything about it, but I do need to do something about it because it is affecting my health.”
Whether I see it or not, sometimes there are long term things, which you are about to tell us about.

OLLE JOHANSSON: That’s a very, very important comment of yours. And there are so many things I would like to pick up on.

DEBRA: Okay.

OLLE JOHANSSON: I today received a paper that gives a big yes to you. It’s about “metabolic and genetic screening” of electromagnetic hypersensitive subjects as well as subjects about chemical sensitivity. And as you say, they have deranged or rearranged chemical and genetic make-ups. And so they are affected.
And the question is of course which is primary cause and which is the secondary cause.
Then to go to normal healthy volunteers, we did in the late 1990s and early 2000s a study which really surprised us, I could tell you. Namely, we had put normal healthy volunteers in front of ordinary television sets, ordinary computer screens. We exposed them. No one reported any problems, whatsoever.

A few of these are students. The students said that it was a little bit boring to sit with their back to computer screens and television sets for eight hours. They had nothing. They didn’t anything in the skin, no rashes, no irritations, no pain, nothing.

But when we looked in the microscope, they showed alterations after approximately two hours as if they would have been sitting close to X-ray machines or radioactivity. And they were not at all feeling this. But the body had reacted.

As you say, that was the huge warning signal because everyone nowadays is using mobile phones and wireless indoor phones, routers, Wi-Fi, computers, et cetera. And maybe we are looking ahead of a huge collapse, medical collapse when all these people have been worn out from this constant exposure.

And the question is of course, what do we have in a long term run, around the corner?

And I do hope of course that I am wrong and that all scientists are wrong, that there isn’t any risk, whatsoever. But today, I am flooded every day with an overwhelming amount of reports. So it’s hard to really keep pace. And more and more and more are pointing into one single direction that these exposures, they are to be seen as […] toxic one. They are not good for us.

And if you look around the biology, you probably know that there have been a huge number of studies on different experimental animals, on organs, on tissue pieces, on cells, on molecules. And to make a very long story short, no one of these—no rats, no mice, no cells, no one of them—should buy and use these gadgets. But we force them to do it because we buy it and all our cells in our body are exposed and cells everywhere are exposed.

There are some extremely interesting studies from France, for instance, where tomato plants were exposed. It’s a very, very well controlled study, excellent study. And it turned out that these tomato plants, when they look at them and I quote from the French scientists, they said, “They reacted as if we would have crushed them with a hammer.”

DEBRA: Oh, my God!

OLLE JOHANSSON: So it is the same molecular sequence of damaged molecules including molecule called calmodulin. And they hadn’t touched them. They have to allow them to be in pretty low exposure from […] That was it. And still, they reacted in such a dramatic way.
So, what we saw in the 1980s then is mimicked, more or less, identically in a lot of other studies. And as I say, nowadays, I am pretty stressed every morning when I get to work because my computer looks like a pregnant woman more or less. It’s more like going to burst with information because scientists all over the world are producing so many papers nowadays and I am just amazed. And I can only really talk about the Swedish authorities, but I am amazed how rapidly all these studies are swept aside. And I just don’t know why.

DEBRA: I have an idea about that I want to talk to you about when we come back from the break. You are listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I am Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest is Professor Olle Johansson from the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden.

We are talking about EMFs. He has written more than 500 articles about this. So he really knows this stuff. I am sure you can all tell by listening to him. So we will be right back.


DEBRA: I am Debra Lynn Dadd and we are having a very interesting discussion today with my guest, Professor Olle Johansson from the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden.
What I wanted to say was that I think that a lot of the problem with recognizing the damage from EMFs is you can’t see it.

And I think that that’s part of the problem with toxic chemicals too because in both areas, we have a tremendous number of people who are looking at the studies and saying, “Oh well, that’s interesting,” and doing nothing because they don’t think that it applies to them.

But what people don’t understand about EMFs and chemicals is that there can be internal damage going. There can be damage to cells. There can be damage to DNA.

Actually, if I remember correctly I think I read something somewhere about how that the damage happens way before the symptoms occur, just any kind of damage to your body. The symptoms are one of the last things that happen, but you can be sick way before you start having symptoms.

And so what’s happening in our society at large globally is that we are being exposed to toxic chemicals and EMFs, which are causing damage to our bodies that we don’t see. And that doesn’t mean it isn’t there. It just means that people aren’t to the point of symptoms yet.

And when we get to that point of symptoms, I think that there’s going to be a point where the world recognized after many years of everybody smoking cigarettes that it takes 30 years to develop cancer from cigarettes. At any moment, it could be 30 years from when we started using solvent. I don’t remember the year.

When I was a child, we didn’t have all these electronic gadgets. And so there’s going to be a time period where suddenly, we are going to start seeing the results of this like we started making the connection between cigarettes and cancer. What do you think about that?

OLLE JOHANSSON: It is true indeed. Then you also have to remember if it takes 30 years from the initial transformation at the cellular level to develop a cancer, maybe it took yet another 20 or 30 years before that to instigate, for instance, DNA damage which has been shown for exposure from mobile phone, telephony for instance.

And then we are talking about an exposure that happened maybe when you were a baby. You were exposed to the electromagnetic fields. You got the damage to your DNA. But it took time before it really turned into a cancer transformation at the cellular level. And then the tumor and such needs to build up to a level where a clinician can tell you, “I am so sorry. I have something to talk with you about.”


OLLE JOHANSSON: So the span could be enormous. Also you have to remember there are studies pointing to that there could be transgenerational effects so that things may be shown later on in generations.
For instance, there was a very famous Greek study where they looked on fertility. And to make a long story short again, in the first, second, third and fourth generation, they didn’t see anything. But in the fifth generation, the fertility was basically just gone and the population on mice used was becoming fertile, meaning that our grand, grand, grand, grand children may be infertile due to something we did in 2014. And then it is too late to call back and say, “Hey please, could you stop doing this?”

DEBRA: Right, exactly right. And so why don’t you tell us about the Precautionary Principle?

OLLE JOHANSSON: That is something that is used sometimes. And as you know, myself and others, we feel very strongly it should be used now, especially since we are talking about toys. I mean they are not life necessities like food, water, air to breathe, love, compassion and understanding. These gadgets are toys.
And the Precautionary Principle then states that you should take precaution if you cannot rule out any form of risk. And you should remember that for instance, the telecom manufacturers as well as the operators, they tell you to keep mobile phone or similar gadget at least one inch away from your body.

DEBRA: It does that.

OLLE JOHANSSON: Yeah, the telecom operators and manufacturers. For instance, when you buy a mobile phone, in the thick booklet you get, somewhere it will say that you have to keep it at least one inch away from your body, meaning that you can never ever touch it.

DEBRA: That’s right.

OLLE JOHANSSON: And it is very intelligent. In Sweden, we have a completely different legal system than you have in United States. Here, you can never win against the company or anything like that. You can never get any money, anything. So here, companies are safe.
But of course, in the United States, a private person can enter a court of law and win and get billions of US dollars as compensation. And therefore, they quite early realize we have to have some precautionary principle of our own and this is one of the aspects of that.
And the first thing that a lawyer will ask you if you claim you got a brain tumor, they will ask you, “Was it the left or right hand you use when you talk in your mobile phone?” “Well, it was actually the right hand.” “But we told you we cannot keep close to your body.”

DEBRA: Yeah. I totally understand what you are saying.

OLLE JOHANSSON: So it is very, very intelligent from that point of view. So they have their precautionary principle. And also if you go to the insurance companies around the world, including the big ones like Lloyds in the UK and Reassurance in Switzerland, they completely refuse to take responsibility for this. And they say that they will not reassure in any way as they will not do for other things like gene modified organisms, nanotechnology and so on.
And I feel this is very strange. They are sold to us 100% risk-free and completely safe, but then it should be completely safe to insure them, shouldn’t it?


OLLE JOHANSSON: But they completely refused any form of liability for this. And this is not new. This goes back to the early 2000s actually. And already in London, 2004, we learned about these things that all these different levels of society claiming safety still have their precautionary principles.

DEBRA: Yeah. We need to take another break. But we will be right back. You are listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I am Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is Professor Olle Johansson from the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden. And we will continue our discussion on EMFs right after this.


DEBRA: You are listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I am Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is Professor Olle Johansson from the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden. We are talking about EMFs.
Dr. Johansson, there was a video. I think you probably saw it. It was sent to me yesterday and I know we are both on the same mailing list about EMFs here. You are probably on many more. But we are on a common and that’s how we met actually.

And this video is called Look Up. You can probably just go to YouTube and Google it or something. It’s called Look Up. And the whole point of this video is to get people to see how all this technology of smart phones and iPads, even something that we take for granted like email has served to make us very robotic and not have personal human relationships.

I wanted to bring this up and I forgot to do it in the beginning. I remember many years ago when I was doing some local environmental work and we were talking about, “Could we email to each other?” That’s how new email was.

I was living in a rural area in California and we would have to drive to a central point to one of our houses in order to have a meeting. And we were asking ourselves if we could not make the drive and email instead.

And one of the members said, “What about chocolate cake?” And just that moment made such an impression on me because if we get together, we can eat chocolate cake. But it is not about the chocolate cake. It is about us being together, face to face, eye to eye, hugging each other, getting to know each other people instead of being a little electronic message.

And I have a friend or actually several friends who I say, “Come over and see me.” And they say, “I talk to everybody on the phone. Can’t I just talk to you on the phone?” I said, “No, you have to come over and see me. Or I am going to see you.”
That’s because the human experience is so different than the electronic experience. And so here we have, not only these EMFs flying around, but it is cutting into our human experience.

OLLE JOHANSSON: That is very true indeed. And I today read that in an investigation, it has been shown in the UK. They looked into 2200 teenagers that about 40% of them were deeply addicted to their wireless and smart gadgets.
For instance, in Sweden, when I go in the underground, in the subway and in the buses and trans and so on, it is like being part of a Matrix movie that it has robots everywhere. And I seem to be the only person alive. I am the only one left from the planet. And I love chocolate cakes, so I am eating it, but the rest are not. They are intensely focused on it.

And maybe if they actually solve problems, I would be impressed. But you probably have read about that the Swedish educational system has really plummeted downwards because of lack of control, lack of quality, et cetera in spite of that the Swedish schooling system contains the highest numbers of computers, smart tablets, smart phones, et cetera, everything.

Kids here, they have everything in school and still they don’t come out as Albert Einstein or William Shakespeare. So I am not so impressed by all these gadgets.

So, today, that at the Waldorf School in Silicon Valley, they are using a computer free environment, and it is because parents at the high tech company like Google have demanded it. They don’t want their kids to be sucked into this, things that they provide us with and provide this rather negative world, I would say.

On the other hand, if I could be a little bit blunt, Sweden is famous for liking nudity and sex and so on. When I go on the very same underground subways, trans, busses as a man, there’s no risk to view the cleaves of women because they never notice. I mean you can do whatever you want. You can probably steal their wallets and so on. They wouldn’t react because they are so concentrated.

DEBRA: I see people walking around with the little ear buds. They are listening to whatever it is. And so when they are doing that, they are not aware of their environment. They are not aware of people around them.

OLLE JOHANSSON: Unless you know that quite a number of people that have been hurt badly and even been run over in traffic. Such example in Sweden, people on the bikes who ran across a red light were killed instantly right in the middle of Stockholm because they were, as you say, cut off from reality.
DEBRA: Yeah. Wow. So there’s actually so much we could talk about. We only have about five minutes left. So is there anything that you could tell us about how the situation has improved? Are our computers any safer than they were in the 1990s? Are there some things that you think are basic things that anybody should be doing to protect themselves?

OLLE JOHANSSON: Well, I would like to come back to actually your commercial breaks because they are very interesting from a Swedish point of view.

I would say the core issue is that you should watch what you eat and what you drink and the quality of it. And maybe you need to use dietary supplements.

And I also today read a study that said a team of Italian, Russian, Malaysian scientists that have shown that for instance, electro-hypersensitive people, they have the metabolic alteration with a distinctly increased plasma co-enzyme Q10 oxidation ratio.

That means in layman terms that something is wrong with internal metabolism and it needs to be corrected in some way. And again, it’s hard of course at this stage to know what the culprit behind this is. But at least, you should take care of yourself.

And I think people are more and more, not only in United States, not only in Sweden, but all over the world are realizing this and they also realize they need to take care of the environment, all plants, all the animals, all bacteria, all the water, all the food, everything.

And also of course, as you know, here in Sweden, people with electro-hypersensitivity are officially recognized by our government and parliament as a group with function impairment, what we call a disability or handicapped before. So they do get governmental subsidy. For instance, they have organization that takes care of their interest.

And I do hope that could spread because these people, most of them, they can get along quite well actually. Actually you can live very well without mobile phones and so on. But some of them, they do need accessibility measures on a more grand scale. So that is something that has happened the last approximately 10 years.

DEBRA: There’s so much I want to say. First, I want to say that again, we are separating out people who are, as you said earlier, canaries who are showing that there is a human response to all these electronic things and that there is a damage and that damage could happen to everyone.

But instead of saying, “Oh, these people are showing it early and everybody needs to be concerned about it,” the society is saying, “Oh here’s this group of people who can’t tolerate it and now they have to be a special group.”
I am glad that they are getting the help that they need, but the downside of it is that it separates them from everybody else who also needs to be taking the same precautions.

OLLE JOHANSSON: Indeed and even more so.

DEBRA: Even more so, yes.

OLLE JOHANSSON: The rest of the population, they are not aware of it. So they really need to be careful.

DEBRA: That’s right. And also, in terms of access, I realized some years ago that there actually isn’t any place I can go on earth where I am not exposed to EMFs because it is so global and all these satellites and more cellphone access and everything. And there is no place that I can go where I am not being exposed to it.
So all I can do is, in my own home, not have my wireless phone next to me or not use my cellphone or make sure I am making a certain distance from the monitor. But there’s no place in the world that you can go where there’s no toxic chemicals. There’s no place in the world where you can go where there are no EMFs.
And so we really need to be doing everything we can nutritionally to take care of our bodies. We need to reduce our exposure however we can. And we are going to run out of time in about a minute. There’s so much I want to say.
Are there any final things you’d like to tell us?

OLLE JOHANSSON: No, I think that is an excellent summary. We really need immediate and huge divine vacuum cleaner because there’s so much we need to clean up.
And I am as concerned as you are. And one of the very best ways is to get more information and to listen to radio programs like this.
And I say finally, don’t trust me. Don’t trust you. Go to the sources yourself. The listeners should do that. Read, think, read again, think more and make up your mind. Is this good for you and your family or not?

DEBRA: I completely agree. And just in the last few seconds…

OLLE JOHANSSON: I am going to say if they read enough, maybe they can then come to Stockholm and receive a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. It’s the right word.

DEBRA: Oh, I am sorry. Okay, good. So thank you so much, so much for being on the show.


DEBRA: And I hope you will come back again because this is a very big subject that we need to talk about.

OLLE JOHANSSON: That would be lovely. Thank you so much.

DEBRA: Okay. And we will have chocolate cake.


DEBRA: Bye. You are listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. Be well.

Toxic-Free T-Shirts

Eric HenryMy guest today is Eric Henry, president and half-owner of TS Designs, a company that prints t-shirts using toxic-free and sustainable methods. We’ll be talking about toxic chemicals in printed t-shirts and how to choose t-shirts that are toxic-free. Alongside his business partner, Eric has been in the screen printing and apparel business for over 30 years. Eric’s duties at TSD range from sales to R&D to marketing. He is the foremost public face of TSD, attending numerous trade shows, giving speeches to groups and universities and hosting tours of the TSD facility. Outside of TS Designs, Eric devotes much of his time to furthering the sustainable agenda in various community organizations. He founded the Burlington Biodiesel Co-op in 2001 and has run his car on biodiesel (or straight vegetable oil) that now has over 250k miles on it. He co-founded Company Shops Market, a co-op grocery in downtown Burlington that reconnects local agriculture to Alamance County; and now, he serves the co-op board. He also serves on the Burlington Downtown Corporation board, which works to create an environment for development that enhances Downtown Burlington as the cultural, historic, social and economic center of the community. He also serves on the board of NC GreenPower, an organization that purchases and resells renewable energy, andGreen America. Eric is also applying his knowledge of Permaculture to a 12-acre farm outside of Burlington. Eric won the Sustainability Champion award from Sustainable North Carolina in 2009. | |






Toxic Free T-Shirts

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Eric Henry

Date of Broadcast: May 12, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic-free.
It’s a beautiful Monday here in Florida. The date today is the day after Mother’s day—let’s see—May 12th of 2014. The sun is shining and I had a wonderful weekend.

If you’ve been listening to the show, you know that I’ve done some gardening. I used to live in California, now I live in Florida, and the gardening is very different here. But I used to grow wonderful tomatoes and leeks and potatoes and all kinds of things, herbs. And it’s just taken me a while to get used to the difference in Florida.

But over the weekend, I was out walking around in the beautiful sunshine and on a lovely day. The sun was not too hot. I went to a farmer’s market and I went to a nursery. I was just walking around and I just had to buy some plants. I bought some mint and some basil and different herbs. And I bought this wonderful plant that I don’t know if they have it in any other place in Florida, but it’s called the sweet almond plant.

It was a better fly bush if you know what that is. It’s got these spindly flowers at the end of the stem. And they’re very beautiful and they smell wonderful. They smell like almonds. They smell like almond extract.

I bought two of them, and I put them on either side of my front door. They’re not in the ground, but they’re about to be. And when I came home last night, I walked up to my front door and it just all smelled like almond. It’s so beautiful.

So I’m really feeling, really I’m getting so inspired by all my guests that I’m having on about farming and gardening and growing your own food and all these things. And just over the weekend, it just all called to me. So I’m looking forward to getting up every morning and doing a little digging in my garden. I think this is going to be really good for me because I used to love to do it. I just hadn’t gotten back into it.

So, today though, we’re going to be talking about T-shirt’s sustainability and actually some really wonderful things that, as I was writing my guest bio this morning, I didn’t even think about for the show. But we’re also going to talk about—Eric, I hope you’re listening. We’re going to talk about biodiesel. We’re going to talk about sustainability and it’s going to be interesting.

My guest today is Eric Henry. He’s the President and half owner of TS Designs and they’re a company that prints T-shirts using toxic-free and sustainable methods. Hi Henry—I mean Eric.

ERIC HENRY: Good morning.

DEBRA: Good morning.

ERIC HENRY: I should say “good afternoon.” We just slipped past noon.

DEBRA: We did. We did, we did. I’m so happy to have you on the show. I’m excited about all these other things that you do as I was writing them this morning.

But first, let’s talk about your business, what you do. Tell us. How did you get interested in doing T-shirts this way?

ERIC HENRY: It was an epiphany course/direction or whatever. Our original business plan had nothing to do with sustainability. Keep in mind, we’ve been in business for over 30 years.

I actually got my start in college basically just selling T-shirts to groups, organizations in events just to help fund my college education. And that business grew to working with the major brands, companies like Tommy, Nike, Gap, Polo. We’re what you would describe as a contract screen printer. We are one of Nike’s T-shirt provider for the US market.

And so, we built this business model. We had well over a hundred employees working at TS Designs. We’re very successful from the standpoint of […]. Everything was pretty much textbook successful business.

And in the mid 1990s—1994 to be exact—the NAFTL, North American Free Trade Legislation was ratified and put in place. And the brands could not get the receipts quick enough. We went from a period of time where a majority of our apparel was made in the US. It was time now where 98% of our apparels are made overseas.


ERIC HENRY: We saw our business completely be destroyed due to the global marketplace solely based on price.

That was the starting point or the catalyst to think about running our business in a different way. Yes, profits are important, but we realized profits aren’t the only reason we’re in business.

Fortunately, we’ve always had the components of what we call a sustainable business model, triple bottom line of people, planet, profit. It’s always been a part of TS Designs. Employees are by far our most valuable assets.

Since day one, 30 years ago, we’ve had some type of retirement plant, some type of healthcare. We want to make sure employees are successful and paid as well as possible.

And the same thing goes from our impact to the environment. The driver of that, I can’t tie to any particular thing (just like you’re talking about gardening earlier). When I was growing up in downtown Burlington, my parents or family had no connection to farming, but I got interested into gardening.

And again, 40 years ago, organic gardening was the standard default way of gardening. That was when I got my first taste of connecting to the system of nature and what our part is of humans interacting with that.

Anyway, I brought that mindset into our business. Way before NAFTL, mid 1990s, we were recycling way before recycling was mandatory. We started basically following permaculture principles in the management of our landscape. We’re minimizing our mowing and we’re planting trees.

All those components were there prior to the NAFTL meltdown. And then what that hit, and we saw our business get destroyed, we wanted to stay in this printed apparel business, but there wasn’t a market at this time. Everybody says you either go out of business or get an overseas partner, so we charted out a different path and change the mission of our company. We want to be a successful company while simultaneously looking at people, planet and profit. And we like to look at sustainability being this journey and not a destination. So, we’ve been on that journey of triple bottom line from the late 1990s and continued to go down that path.

We’re a lot more fulfilled business-wise, people-wise, community-wise by running a business basically on this triple bottom line compared to what our model was prior to NAFTL. That’s a quick snapshot.

DEBRA: Yes, I’m sure a lot has happened. Now, I just want to ask you. I’m looking at your website, this is I was looking around and I wasn’t quite sure from looking around. If I were to go to your website and want to buy a T-shirt, can I buy one T-shirt? Or are you about printing lots of T-shirts for a company or organization?

ERIC HENRY: We do have an online store. It is a fairly new part of our business. It’s definitely a very small part of our business.

We are a custom wholesale sustainable printed apparel business. We have people that want to support what we’re doing. Our minimal order, if it’s undyed, is 72 pieces. If it’s dyed, it’s 200 pieces.

But as this community grows, people want to reach out and be a part of it, so we do have an online section to our website.

DEBRA: I actually see it now. Listeners, when you go to their website,, you can go to Shop (it’s right there on the menu), and there are various T-shirts that you can buy with different kinds of sustainability messages on them, using the natural, more sustainable, less toxic technology that we’re going to be talking about later in the show.

If somebody wanted to have a T-shirt made, then they could bring it to you and you could print it, but not just one. It would be in a larger quantity.

ERIC HENRY: Yeah, that’s correct.

DEBRA: Okay, good. Sometimes, I think about T-shirts. But I need to figure out if I can sell 72 of them first.

I want to ask you about toxic chemicals that are used in the T-shirt business, especially with the printing process. But we’re going to go to break, so

I’ll just have you wait until we come back from the break in order to answer that question.


DEBRA: Most people and I don’t know what toxic chemicals are used to print T-shirts.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Eric Henry. He’s the President and half owner of TS Designs. They print T-shirts using sustainable methods. And we’re going to find out about those, right after this.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is Eric Henry. He’s the President of TS Designs, a company prints T-shirts using sustainable methods.

Eric, tell us about what’s toxic about a regular T-shirt, especially a printed one.

ERIC HENRY: Well, that goes back to—we talked about our journey to be a more sustainable company. One of the first things we realized when we want to be this different company that not only looks at the bottom line, but the impact to the planet and the impact to people is, we print T-shirts and we realized, “Well, what is this ink that we’re putting on T-shirts?

Well, the ink that we were putting on T-shirts back in the mid 1990s is still overwhelmingly the majority of ink put on T-shirts today. It’s called plastisol ink. It is by far the industry standard.

The challenge that you have with plastisol ink is it contains PVC, polyvinyl chloride and phthalates, things that we just don’t need in the environment. One thing that we realized in the mid 1990s is “What we can do to differentiate ourselves from the industry?” And one of our missions is to create the highest quality, most sustainable printed apparel.

So we took a lot of the money, what money we had left after the devastation of NAFTL. And I partnered up with a good friend of mine, Sam Moore, who is a chemist. As a matter of fact, he gets the credit for introducing the idea of the sustainable business models in the early 1990s. And we spent a year and probably a quarter million dollars to see if we could come up with a different way to print T-shirts.

And we have done that. The process is called REHANCE . The technology is later patented.

But what we’re doing differently, where most T-shirts, what they do is they knit the fabric, they cut and sew the shirt, then they come back and print with that plastic resin that you go fill any T-shirt, that you fill in the shirt that, over time, cracks and peels—it’s not always an [incomparable] product, but it’s not an environment-friendly product.

The REHANCE process is a water-based technology where we print a white shirt in garment dye. So the print actually ends up in the fabric, not on the fabric. It doesn’t crack. It doesn’t peel. You could iron it if you wanted to. That was our first major step in addressing the environmental impact.

And then the thing too that’s been an interesting journey is, again, we were not 30 years ago planning to be going down the path that we are, but what caused us to do too was ask questions. For every product that we buy, every service that we utilize, what is not only the environmental impact, but the social impact of our decision?

REHANCE was the first major step of not differentiating ourselves from the industry not only for the higher quality product, but also to address the environmental impact. And then that evolved to five years ago, we took the next step, which is we developed a brand called Cotton of the Carolinas.

Now, what Cotton of the Carolinas did was, really, it defined the supply chain.

And as I was saying earlier, what I witness in my 30 years in apparel industry, 30 years ago, 98% of the products (or probably, 30 years ago, 100%), of the T-shirts we sold were made in North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia. Thirty years ago, you could buy maybe a shirt from India, but it was a very poor quality, nobody used it. So we are pretty much 100% US-made product.

And what we were realizing was that there were less and less T-shirts printed and made in USA, so we developed this supply chain called Cotton of the Carolinas where we actually go to the farmer in New London, North Carolina, which is about 90 miles south of Burlington where we’re located, and we buy the raw cotton.

Then we take that raw cotton and we convert it. We like to say we go dirt to shirt. We do it in 600 miles, we impact 500 jobs and we do it in a completely transparent supply chain.

DEBRA: That’s wonderful.

ERIC HENRY: We connect consumer with the farmer.

DEBRA: All products should be that way. All products should be that way. Just explain just for listeners who don’t know what a supply chain is. Could you just explain that a little more?

ERIC HENRY: Every day we buy products—we buy a cup of coffee, a tank of gas, a new widget or whatever—that had to come from somewhere.

And when it comes from somewhere, it goes through a lot of steps. When you buy a cake at the store, the flour comes from one place, the egg comes from another place.

And unfortunately, one of the biggest challenges that we have in today’s society is the lack of transparency. And nothing could be truer than apparel.
It really breaks down to two things.

First of all, most people don’t even pay attention where things are made. That’s the first thing we need to do. But then once you do find out where it is made, it is very, very difficult to go back and follow those steps.

And what we do at Cotton of the Carolinas is we essentially give this in the shirt. As a matter of fact, we’re going through a transition now. It used to be a tracking number. Now, we’re sewing a different color thread depending on the supply chain in the hem of the shirt.

But we’re giving this information. They go to the Cotton of the Carolinas’ website, they put in that information and up pops the Google Map. And in that Google map, you go all the way back to Ronnie Burleson the farmer or Wes the ginner or Mark the spinner. And we give you their picture, we give you the phone number, we give you the email, we give you their physical address.

You can go visit anybody in our supply chain. And it’s the only T-shirt that I know that has that complete transparency that we have.

But I like to also reiterate it’s not a perfect system. The majority of the cotton that we are growing in North Carolina to support the supply chain is conventional GMO cotton.

Three years ago, we did grow the first certified organic cotton. And that continues to be a struggle last year, 2013. We had a total loss due to record rains. I think it was 17 inches of rain in five weeks or 15 inches of rain in seven weeks, whatever it was. That essentially wiped us. We have no organic cotton.

But again, all I do is “This is where we are. It’s not where we want to”—back to that sustainability being journey.

DEBRA: Yeah. It’s a step in the right direction. The other day, I was talking with organic farmer about whether she has a community supported agriculture. And we were talking about that some years, there’s a good crop and some years, there isn’t. But it’s what it is. It’s humans interacting with nature, instead of having this false sense of, “Well, we always have food in the supermarket shelves because it’s coming from someplace else.”

We’ll talk more about this when we come back. We have to go to break. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is Eric Henry. He’s the President of TS Designs. They print T-shirts in a more sustainable way. They’re on a sustainable journey. And we’re talking about that .We’ll talk about it more when we come back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is Eric Henry, President of TS Designs, a company that prints sustainable T-shirts. Well, they’re on a journey to sustainable T-shirts—some are more sustainable than the others.

During the break, Eric, I went to and I took a look around at what you are talking about. And this is a very interesting site. Listeners, please go there,

What he was talking about, dirt to shirt, if you click on Dirt to Shirt, it shows you the whole entire nine steps. You can click on each step—farm, gin, spin, knit, finish, cut, sew, print, dye and you go to a page that shows you exactly how they do it.

And then the next link on the menu says, “Track your shirt.” And if you click on Track Your Shirt, you can see the instructions about their tracking method. But then you can go there. And I actually went and tracked and there is a map. You choose (there’s a dropdown menu). And when you choose the number that is printed on your shirt, actually maybe sewn or embroidered or whatever, there’s a new method there using now with a particularly colored thread. So you choose the color of your thread and it shows you exactly on the Google map where the cotton was grown for your shirt.

And you can also buy some shirts on that website. You can buy the shirts that Eric and his company have printed.

This is now the second website that I’ve seen that has this kind of transparency about the supply chain. And we’re going to talk to someone else who does that in a couple of weeks. But this is what I think every company should have. Every product should look like this so that consumers can look at this and say, “I want to buy this” or “I don’t want to buy this.” And they can compare it with other products that they might be considering.

And I think that the more companies do this, the more we’re going to be able to understand.

Eric, I just want to applaud you for doing this. I want to stand up on a table and jump up and down and applaud you.

ERIC HENRY: Thank you.

DEBRA: I’ve been doing my work for more than 30 years as a consumer advocate looking for toxic-free products to recommend to consumers and having to evaluate how toxic something is or find a safer alternative. And the biggest problem that I’ve ran into is I don’t know what’s in the product.

And finally, finally, finally, we’re getting to where we have some idea of what are the ingredients and more manufacturers are revealing what the ingredients are. But now there’s this whole thing about the supply chain where we really need to know where the toxic chemicals are or the things that are not sustainable, all the way down to the making of the product. We just don’t have information.

And so it’s just a happy day for me to see this. Bravo.

ERIC HENRY: Debra. It’s where we all need to go to because it’s not a question of what’s right or what’s wrong. The consumer just needs the information.

We’re going to do something similar with fracking now in North Carolina. And we want to require the companies to disclose what they’re putting down these whales. They come back, “No, it’s proprietary. It’s our competitive edge.” We just can’t deal in that environment anymore. We have got to have this information.

Again, we are not a completely sustainable company. There is a lot of room for improvement. But at least everybody knows where we stand.

So, when they come to TS Designs, I will take you anywhere, I will show you anything, I will answer any questions. If I can’t get the answer, I’ll get you the answer. But we’ve got to get away from this mindset of “This is my secret. I’m going to hold it because that secret has impact on other people.”

And we have found it builds a better relationship with our consumers knowing that we are what we are. At least it’s a better foundation for working relationship than keeping it a big secret.

DEBRA: I totally agree. Another thing is many, many years ago, I used to belong to a business club in San Francisco called BriarPatch. One of the things that we learned in BriarPatch was to be totally open about everything. This was way, way long time ago.

And you may have heard there is a practice called, I think, Open Books. It’s not something that I do, but I’m familiar with it. And for listeners who may not know what this is, Open Books is where you publish all your financial things of your company like what you’re spending money on, how much people are getting paid, everything.

And the purpose of that, part of it is not only transparency, but it also allows customers to come in and give you suggestions, not tell you what to do, but give you suggestions on how you could be more efficient or how you could—maybe instead of spending money over here on this supplier, but maybe you might want to go to a different supplier that costs less and then you can have more profit or you could lower your price or whatever.

But what it does is it allows the customer to be involved in the whole process. And I know that might sound scary to some businesses, but I think it’s a wonderful thing because I like to see.

I don’t know everything. I’m a consumer advocate. I’m setting this up all day long and I have been doing it for more than 30 years. And I can’t just imagine how much an average consumer doesn’t know and how much they don’t want to participate. They just want to go and buy something off the shelf. I think that everything that’s on the shelf ought to be, number one, safe to use.

But if you do want to participate—like Eric was talking about taking people on tours and showing people things. I mean you can see it all on his website. It’s like taking a tour of his business. And I just love that idea of people being able to help if they have a helpful suggestion to make.

ERIC HENRY: I couldn’t agree more. There’s so much more to gain by sharing information than withholding information. But it is challenging for a business to go down that path. It’s been on this path since the mid ’90s. It is just a lot more fulfilling way to run a business.

And I think too what it does is it aligns yourself with customers. We’re in a commodity market. I always say if people are coming to us and they’re only looking for the cheapest T-shirt, we’re not going to be your place. There are so many places that are always going to be cheaper. We don’t do that.

Our customers see the value beyond price. They see a social value and/or an environmental value. That’s why our customers are a Cliff Bar or a Whole Foods or Organic Valley. These people could, no question, go buy cheaper T-shirts, but they want to be basically buying a higher quality product, work with the company that they know that works transparently and basically represents their values.

When Organic Valley gives this shirt or sells this shirt, whatever they do with them, it meets their values. And it’s not something that would just solely bought on price.

DEBRA: Right. We need to go to break again. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is Eric Henry, President of TS Designs. We’re talking about sustainable T-shirts in the clothing industry. But when we come back, we’re going to talk about some of the other things that Eric does, which are very interesting. So stay with us.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is Eric Henry, President of TS Designs. They’re in North Carolina or South Carolina?

ERIC HENRY: North Carolina.

DEBRA: North Carolina. It’s beautiful there. I love North Carolina. Tell us about some of these other things.

First, I want to talk about—in 2001, you founded the Burlington Biodiesel Club. And you have a biodiesel car, a biodiesel or straight vegetable oil that you now have over 250,000 miles on it. Well, I want to tell you that I used to have a vegetable oil car. I didn’t get 250,000 miles on it because my ex-husband took it.

But we did a couple of trips across. We drove all the way across the country from California to Florida a couple of times, picking up vegetable oil along the way. That was a challenge because we had to make sure that we could actually find more vegetable oil before we ran out. It was a fun thing to do.

So tell us about your biodiesel car.

ERIC HENRY: All these things, I guess I have found myself, personally and business-wise, getting involved in this learning process.

Our energy consumption is having a tremendous environmental impact. I remember 30 years ago, climate change is not in our vocabulary. Now, it’s front and center as one of the most challenging things that our society will now face.

So, as you learn about these things, you say, “Well, I got to have a car.” So then the first thing you do is to get a car, transition from your basic focused bottomline business, a nice big BMW fancy car that went real fast and got poor gas mileage and slowly evolve to a Subaru.

As a matter of fact, within Hampton, California 12 years ago I believe, that’s the first time I learned about biodiesel. I had no idea that you could take waste vegetable from French fries and convert it to make a fuel.

Then I went back to that same conference the next year and bought the first equipment that this company made. It’s called a FuelMeister. I brought it back here and started making fuel. And since that time, my car now has about 270,000 miles on it.

All our vehicles in our family—my wife drives a diesel Mercedes, we’ve got a biodiesel pickup truck. We now live on a farm with that. And we’ve got a diesel tractor.


ERIC HENRY: It’s being connected to your food and knowing where your food is grown, it’s exciting to be connected to your energy and help produce that energy. And it’s the value of relationships and making that connection and knowing that you’re doing your small part to leave a positive impact.

And again, like I tell people, I didn’t know about biodiesel 12 years ago. And again, biodiesel is not the solution, the one solution for energy problem. It’s one of the many solutions that we’ve got as we wean ourselves off of fossil fuels.

And again, the thing about the south is we fry a lot of foods, so there’s no shortage of vegetable oil. And since that time, I guess we’re partnered up—we’re just a small scale. We do 100 gallon batches a couple of times a month. But there’s a company that started about the same time we started making biodiesel down in Pittsburgh, North Carolina. And they’re commercial. They do about five million gallons a year of biodiesel. So we have actually retail stations in front of our building.

And I don’t know if there’s one thing you noticed on our map or on our website, TS Designs, we have this virtual map. And this virtual map points out the many different sustainable things that we do. And in addition to making biodiesel here, we also sell biodiesel here.

But yeah, that’s an important part of it. We own about a four acre piece of property. We have a large scale garden. We have chickens. We have honeybees. All of this, the food and the honeys and the eggs go back to our employees because we also know we got a broken food system.

DEBRA: How wonderful!

ERIC HENRY: So we want to connect our employees back to a healthy food system. And we’re able to do that at our facility here. So that’s one of the many things that you’ll see. The map is on our website.

DEBRA: I have to look for that. I haven’t run into that one yet. We only just have about five minutes left. Tell us about what you’re doing with your 12 acre farm.

ERIC HENRY: My wife and I moved to Snow Camp, which is about 15 miles south of Burlington. It’s the Piedmont area of North Carolina, central part of North Carolina.

And the main reason we wanted to get out there was—well, I guess, two reasons. My wife is big into horses. She wanted horses in our backyard.

And I want to be closer, connected to my agriculture community. I’m just a hobby farmer, nothing big scale at this point.

But we do a little farming. We grow a slew of vegetables. We have about 17 chickens. We have honeybees there. My backdoor neighbor […] does grass-fed beef. My neighbor across the field does pastured pork. We are very fortunate in our community, especially during the summer months.

Ninety percent of the food comes right from the community in which I live.

And just being closer connected to that group of people, we just find more satisfying than just go into the store. We helped start a cooperative grocery store when we had our third year anniversary in downtown Burlington three years ago. We created a store that’s owned by our community.

It’s a 10,000 square foot store with the focus on local. We have over 2900 owners. This store is owned by our community. So it supports and the money stays in our community.

I’ve been involved in a lot of different sustainable agriculture ventures. To me, it’s a great satisfaction of being connected and knowing where your food comes from.


ERIC HENRY: And the last thing that we’ve done in the farm is we’re on the process of—this was our house that was already built. It was a much bigger house than we need […] But we’re on a mission to make it a net zero energy home, i.e. it produces much energy as we use.

We have a geothermal system in place now. We just put a 4.3 solar ray on the roof. These last couple of weeks of sunny weather, we have been essentially running completely off the grid. We’re still connected to the grid. We have ice storms and bad weather and stuff. I’m not giving up my grid connection yet, but we are probably producing a good 70% to 80% of our energy now on our property ourselves instead of just connecting to the grid.

So again, it’s taking that same journey that we started our business and now we’re taking it back home.

DEBRA: I think one of the things that have made the biggest impression on me listening to you today is the concept of really seeing it as a journey. I know that a lot of people look and say, “Well, I want something to be perfect. It has been to be 100% this or 100% that.” And yet, there are so many changes that we need to be making today, moving in a direction that we have to look at the things that are step by step because to make a change often is a step-by-step process.

I’ve been eliminating toxic chemicals from my life for more than 30 years. I would say that I live in a toxic-free home, but it’s not 100%. It’s toxic free enough to make a big difference in my health.

One would be hard pressed to live in modern life and not have plastic. I eliminate all the plastic I can, but I can’t eliminate the plastic telephone or the microphone. My computer isn’t plastic. It’s made out of metal and glass. I eliminate it everywhere I can, but it’s not 100%.

But you can do so much more by just starting. I want everyone to understand that, wherever you start, just start and move in a direction and buy less toxic products. Move towards sustainability. See about what you can grow in your backyard. Just any of these things will all help us have a world where we can sustain life in the environment, in our own lives, sustain our businesses, have human relationships.

I see this whole comparison to where we were 30 years ago, wouldn’t you say we’ve come a long way?

ERIC HENRY: Yeah, very much so. But it is a journey.

DEBRA: It is journey.

ERIC HENRY: We got to move forward, learn, be willing to change and adapt.

DEBRA: Yeah. We’ve got two minutes. Any last thoughts you want to give us?

ERIC HENRY: Again, I appreciate the opportunity to be on your show today. And I think what we like about TS Designs is that we’re always learning. We like to say our best customers are educated customers.

Always be willing to connect with your community because your success will happen depending on the wealth and the happiness of your community. So connect with them.

And then also, just as I’ve said, get on that journey. Unfortunately, we’ve adapted a lot of bad habits over the last few decades. We got to start changing those, but it can be a positive thing at the end where we all benefit and it will be worth all the challenges that we’re going through to get there.

But again, I do appreciate the opportunity to be a part of your show. And if any of your guests want to reach out to me, they can find me at

DEBRA: Thank you so much. And I hope people contact you. If I’m ever driving by going someplace or another, I’m going to stop in and see you.

ERIC HENRY: We would love to have you. Stop by any time.

DEBRA: Thank you so much. Okay, that was my guest.

ERIC HENRY: Have a great day.

DEBRA: You too. That was Eric Henry. He’s the President of TS Designs. His website is But you should also go to to find out how their shirts are made.

You can also go to and find out who’s going to be on in the future. I always publish the list of guests for the week. You can also go there and go to the archives and listen to this show again or any of the other almost 200 shows that are there now.

There are lots of information, lots of things that you can do to be less toxic. Just find out. Be well.

Safe Garden Hoses That Are PVC-Free

Question from Stacey

Hi Debra,

I’m looking for a safer garden hose for my children to use and to water my organic garden. I found a hose that is BPA -free, lead-free, and phalate-free, but it is still made of PVC (Gardener’s Supply Company). I also found a hose at William Sonoma that is also BPA, lead, and phalate-free, but is made of a polyurethane (also $20 more). Which hose would you recommend?

Debra’s Answer

We’ve had this question before and there are a number of posts already about garden hose. Just go to the icon that looks like a magnifying glass at the right end of the menu bar and type in “garden hose” to read them.

PVC is the most toxic plastic. The polyurethane hose would be fine (polyurethane itself is not toxic). There are also some made of polypropylene (also OK)

This is still my favorite page for PVC-Free Garden Hoses, though none are inexpensive (I want the purple one first on the list).

But there are now many PVC-free garden hoses available. Here’s a page of polyurethane garden hoses online.

You may be able to find some of these at local stores.

Seems some of those cute coil hoses are made from polyurethane.

This is more PVC-free hoses than I’ve seen in the past. It’s a trend in the right direction.

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Where Your Clothing

A collaboration of farmers and manufacturers across the Carolinas dedicated to growing, making, and selling its t-shirts in the Carolinas (but you can buy them too). In particular this website outlines the entire manufacturing process of their t-shirts, from “dirt to shirt.” They even have a map where you can visit the farmers and factories where your shirt was made by finding the resources according to a color-coded thread on the shirt. Organic and non-organic cotton shirts are printed with a nontoxic process cotton. My favorite is the shirt with the “Clothing Facts” label on the from that says “Certified Organic Cotton 100% – Pesticides Used 0%.”

Listen to my interview with TS Designs President and half-owner Eric Henry.

Visit Website

Valspar Reserve zero VOC paint

Question from Bonnie Johnson

I was wondering if anyone has had a chance to try the Valspar Reserve zero VOC paint yet. I am away from home and we could not get Mystic where I live so the painter is using it in my bathroom. I had to have a plumbing job done for both floors.

I looked at the website and did not see a referral to the MSDS sheet.

Debra or anyone?

Debra’s Answer

Readers, have any of you tried this paint? Comments?

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Area rugs and office chair mats made from both natural fibers—including jute, bamboo, seagrass, sisal and cork—and recycled materials (including recycled cotton). “A family business, we are founded on the principle that only sustainable uses of the earth’s natural resources can be tolerated. The astonishing renewability and versatility of natural fibers and recycled materials creates lots of new ecologically positive possibilities at a time when they are desperately needed. It’s our mission to bring these wonderful resources to as wide an audience as possible.”

Visit Website

Creosote-Smelling Wood

Question from Hannah

Hi Debra… another odd question for you! I had an old work bench in my basement that I had taken apart and removed last year because it smelled strongly, an odor that I have now identified as a creosote/coal tar smell. It had a sticky glue binding it together, and I don’t know why that gooey glue would smell like creosote but it did. Above the bench attached to the wall is a wood pegboard, attached at the bottom to a piece of wood. That piece of wood also smells faintly of creosote, which I recently noticed. I can’t tell if maybe the wood was treated with creosote (not sure why that would ever be) or if the glue used to adhere it to the pegboard somehow smells like creosote. Any ideas?

It is my understanding that this smell would indicate the presence of PAHs and would be unhealthy to breathe in (though I have v=breathed it in some trying to figure out what it is!). Would covering the entire piece of wood with aluminum foil tape be the right approach to make it safe?


Debra’s Answer

If you can’t remove the piece of wood, yes, covering the entire piece of wood with aluminum foil tape would block any fumes from it.

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Antimicrobials on From Front Loading Washing Machines

Question from Dori

Looking for a new front loading washing machine. I am told they now all use antimicrobial coating on the door gaskets.
What are the coatings made of? Do they leach into the environment or contaminate my clothing? What are the risks/safety for a person with MCS?



Debra’s Answer

This antimicrobial thing is getting ridiculous! The other day I went to buy a pair of scissors and all but one pair had antimicrobials!

There are a number of different types of antimicrobials with varying toxicity. If it says “Microban” on the label that’s triclosan and you want to stay away from that, but I don’t know what type of antimicrobial they use on washing machine gaskets and it may differ from manufacturer to manufacturer.

Ask the manufacturer what the antimicrobial is and let me know. Then I can better answer your question.

Debra 🙂

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New Movie on Toxics: Unacceptable Levels

Ed BrownMy guest today is filmmaker Ed Brown, who created the new film “Unacceptable Levels.” The film examines the results of the chemical revolution of the 1940s through the eyes of Ed, a father seeking to understand the world in which he and his wife are raising their children. This documentary was made by one man and his camera traveling extensively to find and interview top minds in the fields of science, advocacy, and law. Weaving their testimonies into a compelling narrative, Brown presents us with the story of how the chemical revolution brought us to where we are, and of where, if we’re not vigilant, it may take us. We’ll be talking about what Ed learned by making this film, how it changed his viewpoint about toxic chemicals, and what changes he’s made in his life to reduce exposure to toxic chemicals.





New Movie on Toxics: Unacceptable Levels

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Ed Brown

Date of Broadcast: May 08, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic-free.

Today is a very special day because tomorrow is the Hollywood premiere of a new documentary film about toxic chemical exposure. And it’s really, really good. I’ve watched it twice in fact. And this filmmaker who is with us today has put together a very complex subject into something that is extremely easy to watch and understand.

I would just say that he’s done such a good job with this that I would just tell everybody. Just watch this film for 120 minutes (or 1 hour and 20 minutes) and then go directly to my website because this film tells you all the reasons why you should be doing everything that I’ve been talking about people should be doing for the last 30 years.

And this is just the perfect introduction to anybody. I mean if you know all about toxic chemicals and you want to introduce somebody to the subject, this would be the perfect thing to have them watch. If you know about toxic chemicals and you want to learn more about the bigger picture, this would be the perfect film to watch. It just is excellent, excellent, excellent.

And I’m so happy to have the filmmaker on today. This is Ed Brown. Hi, Ed.

ED BROWN: Hi Debra. What an amazing introduction. Thank you so much. I’m honored.

DEBRA: You’re welcome. You did a great job. You just did a great job. And for the listeners to know, I watched the film a few months ago and then I wanted to have Ed on then, but there’s other stuff going on and the film wasn’t released at the time.

Now, the film is being released tomorrow and I watched it again today and I loved it just as much today. It’s a documentary film, but it really tells the story of Ed and his curiosity and his concern about what’s going on with the toxic chemicals in the world.

And he interviews the top people in the field. Well, I didn’t get interviewed. No, the thing is though I’m not the top person in the world about the toxic problems. I’m the top person on the world about the solutions. What are the non-toxic solutions?

And what Ed did was he went and interviewed all the people who can tell you the story of what is the problem. And it’s just an exceptional statement of what is the problem.

Anyway, Ed, tell us. I’m going to let you talk. I’m not going to talk through the whole show.

ED BROWN: No, I love you and your thoughts. I think I’m incredibly boring compared to you.

DEBRA: Well, I was not bored with your film for one second. I want to hear about—you tell in the film your story about what led you to be interested in doing this. If you would just tell us that, that would be great.

ED BROWN: Of course. I like to say you are one of the top people obviously working on solutions. And you are one of the key elements to absolutely solving this problem, which is […] across the board.

DEBRA: Thank you.

ED BROWN: And I just want to state that fact. I’m sure your listeners know that. I’m spreading the word every single day about you and your work.

DEBRA: Thank you.

ED BROWN: This film, like everyone else, our lives all tell stories, whether it’s going to be on the movie screen or whether to family members or friends. I just happened to have a camera and I started looking into this issue.

My wife had two miscarriages out of three pregnancies. And quite frankly, I believe the doctors we had on both miscarriages, they didn’t know why this happened. Nature takes its course. It’s probably for the best, et cetera.

And so, after the second one, she had a procedure, which was a D&C. It was right after that that I got really angry—not at the doctors, not at anyone in particular. But I got mad thinking what’s really going on. I keep hearing the same thing. Everybody is sick. I don’t know anyone who isn’t on some kind of medication. Everybody had some chronic illness. I mean I think we can all agree that we all know somebody who has cancer.


ED BROWN: I started thinking maybe there’s something connected here. Maybe there are some dots here that I’m missing.

I started doing some research and I started to learn a little bit more about what’s really going on, I realized that there are so many dots that people haven’t been able to connect.

I just took it upon myself to learn all about this subject that affects every single human being on this planet every single day, no matter what your financial status, no matter what your race or your religion or your age or your sex. It affects everyone equally.

And what I found out is that no one lives a healthier or better life with so many toxic chemicals inside their bodies. Ultimately, that’s why I took this journey myself.

DEBRA: Yes. I agree with everything that you said. And what I found for myself was that when I did all the research that you did at the time in 1978 when I started, we didn’t have as much information as we have today. We didn’t have all those organizations and all the people that are working on it that you interviewed. Nobody, I don’t think any of them were doing it in 1978. So I had much less to work with when I started researching.

But it became really clear to me and as you state at the end of the film that we all need to do something for ourselves. In the film, you go through talking about toxic chemicals in water, in food and personal care products and all these different things. And you also talk about how our laws do not protect us from these things. And when you try to change at the regulatory level, there are lobbyists and people who are posing that.

You talk about our healthcare system. And the thing about healthcare is that you can go to so many doctors who don’t even recognize that toxic chemicals are the basic cause of most of the illness that most of us are having.

And to go to a doctor and get a drug—well, you don’t say this on the film, but I’m going to say it. To go to the doctor and get a drug does not solve the problem of toxic chemicals in your body or in the environment. It just puts another toxic chemical in your body.

We need to have this massive reorientation of every part of society to understand that this is a problem that all of us are experiencing, all of us are being harmed by. And all of us together need to change it.

ED BROWN: I couldn’t agree more. And by the way, Debra, I was only three years old when you started looking into this problem. I wish I could have been a part of it ever since then.

But let’s think about it. You’ve been looking into it for that long and other people have recognized it as well, but you’ve been incredibly influential in taking on this fight.

That’s what your viewers, I’m sure, know and your listeners. I think that they really need to understand across the board that this is everyone’s problem. It’s not going away any time soon.

And yeah, wherever you get sick—hopefully you don’t—if you get sick, you go into a doctor’s office, what they’re not trained at is prevention. What they don’t know a lot about is anything about toxic chemicals. Maybe they know a little bit.

But for the most part, what they’re really, really great at is treating symptoms of a problem. They’re not really great at getting into the root of the issue.

And so the healthcare industry, they have to re-prioritize a lot of the different ways of doing things. I think that over the course of the next 20 to 30 years, I think they have to, I hope at least.

DEBRA: Well, 30 years ago, most of the doctors were just regular medical doctors and over the past 30 years, there have been new fields coming out like functional medicine and things like that. And there are a lot of doctors now that are alternative who are MDs who have said, “Wait a minute. I need to do something else.” And they go off and say, “Let’s look at toxic chemicals. Let’s look at modalities. Let’s look at nutrition.”

I worked with a doctor who is a chiropractor by training. That’s how he gets his doctor status. But he has trained himself in all kinds of other things and he completely agrees with me that we need to reduce toxic chemical exposure and we need to get adequate nutrition. Most people don’t get enough nutrition in order to have their detox systems in their bodies working.

Simple things like this—oh, we need to take a break. I’m talking to you instead of watching the time. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is filmmaker, Ed Brown.

We’re talking about his new film, Unacceptable Levels, which is opening tomorrow in Hollywood. You can go to and scroll down the page and you’ll see a little banner ad for his movie. If you click on that, you can order your own copy or rent it. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is filmmaker, Ed Brown. He’s the creator of the new film, Unacceptable Levels, which is all about our exposure to toxic chemicals and what’s going on in the world.

It premieres tomorrow in Hollywood. You can go to today and pre-order by clicking on the banner. Scroll down until you see Ed’s nice smile and below that, there’s a banner out that says, Unacceptable Levels. You can click on that.

I guess tomorrow, there’s access to the film. Is that correct, Ed?

ED BROWN: Yes, that’s correct. Yeah, tomorrow, everybody with internet connection would be able to access the film anywhere and anytime as long as you have a smart phone or a tablet, even TVs. Yeah, you connect it to…

DEBRA: Or a desktop computer.

ED BROWN: It’s exciting. It’s exciting.

DEBRA: Yeah, I’m very excited about it. Tell us what it was like to go on this—was it a two year journey? You traveled around and you interviewed people. What was that experience like?

ED BROWN: That was a challenge to put it lightly. I didn’t have a clue. It was just me and my camera and my tripod. And I’m staying in a lot of different places all over the world by myself. For the most part, it was difficult.

I was working at a restaurant waiting tables, which you’ll see in the film. That’s where it all started for me. I was waiting tables and I only had one day a week to film because the restaurant was closed on Monday. So I really had to scramble during the week making phone calls and trying to set up as many interviews as I could if I needed to go to a particular area because I didn’t really have a lot of money to use either.

So yeah, I had inherently some troubles. We decided to embark on a film and you’re doing it all by yourself. Obviously, there’s going to be a lot of pitfalls headed your way and a lot of road blocks. But totally, I was able to navigate my way through that.

So first of all, the photography about two years and then it took another two years to finish editing it and honing it and really working with the story into what you’re about to see. Yeah, it’s about a four-year process.

I think I’ve earned some kind of honorary degree somehow, I hope. I don’t know what it would be in chemistry or filmmaking, but I hope somebody can give me something for this. I’m joking.

DEBRA: Well, I would at least acknowledge you because I know what it’s like to be one person wanting to make a difference because I have been doing everything that I do without any funding, without any organizations, just being one person.

So I really honor you for doing that and I understand the feeling that you must have had of seeing what was wrong and then saying, “Wait, I need to tell other people.” That’s what happened to me too.

Once I got sick and I discovered what was making me sick, I said, “Wait, this whole thing could have been avoided if somebody had just told me there were toxic chemicals out there and they were in my products and they were in the food and they were in my perfume and in my water and in my bed and in my body.” If somebody had just told me that, I could have done something to prevent being sick.

And nobody was talking about it and so I had to do that. And I did it all alone just like you did it all alone and I think that a lot of people who are very effective in this world have done things all alone. I totally commend you for deciding to do it and continuing to do it and bringing this information to people who need to have it.

ED BROWN: I certainly appreciate that. And Debra, your story is much more heroic than my own. I’ll always say that. Your perseverance is shining though every single day.

For all of us, if I would have failed—there were a lot of desperate times financially for myself, I have two kids and my wife who tries to take care of them as best as she could. There were a lot of very, very challenging instances where I felt like we weren’t going to make it to the finish line, but I knew that I had to.

I knew I had to see it for myself to the end. A lot of wherewithal and a lot of dedication to this, I saw a lot of people that kept encouraging me to keep going. And their strong will really helped me to make it to the end as well.

And if I didn’t make it, if I failed to do that, this information wouldn’t be available tomorrow to everybody across the globe. And we all need it and that’s the point.

DEBRA: We do all need it, but everyone needs to understand. You did such a great job of starting at the beginning and showing how we got to where we are today and showing that after World War II in the mid 1940s that there had been all these chemists available working on the chemical warfare of World War II that they had developed new things.

And now what are you going to do with all the chemists? And there were cheap raw materials in the form of oil and they just started making things and all these new substances and all these new products and there was money available and people were buying them. It seemed like this wonderful new world and yet, there was this dark side that didn’t start being apparent until some years later.

And now, it’s very, very clear from the evidence, the scientific evidence that these chemicals are toxic and all of us are being affected, all of us need to do something about it and you really showed that. I don’t want to say in an entertaining way because it’s not an entertaining subject.

ED BROWN: Yeah. I see how delicate you’re trying to put it and I can appreciate that because you wouldn’t want to make it seem like this is entertaining, but you have to have that value and appeal to get people to reciprocate.

If you make it just factually based, it could be completely boring and people would get turned off and then you’re not able to make any difference with the subject material that you’re using.

DEBRA: I would say certainly you have presented it in an accessible way and in a way that is not dry and boring at all.


DEBRA: And you interspersed with humor. My publicist once said, “David Letterman wanted to have you on his show, but he couldn’t think of anything funny to say about toxics.” So I wasn’t on David Letterman.

But you actually came up with some clips of people making jokes about toxic substances. And so the way you put it together, you took a subject that can be difficult to understand, difficult to listen to and at times horrifying, and you made it very human.

I just want people to understand that if you hear this word, “documentary about toxic chemicals,” that you don’t think that this is going to be something boring that you don’t want to watch. It is something that you want to watch and it’s something that you want to share with your family and friends and co-workers because everybody needs to have this information, everybody needs to have the truth about the world that we live in so that we can do something about it.

We’re going to take another break and we’ll be right back. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is filmmaker, Ed Brown who made Unacceptable Levels.

It’s opening tomorrow in Hollywood. You can go to right now, during the break and click on the banner ad to pre-order your copy. You can buy it or you can rent it and it will be available tomorrow. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is filmmaker, Ed Brown who made the new film, Unacceptable Levels, which opens tomorrow.

I wanted to ask you a two-part question. Here’s the first question. What did you find most horrifying in your research? What was the thing that you said, “This is just unacceptable.”

ED BROWN: That’s a way to start, right?

DEBRA: Yeah, a way to start. But what was the thing that got you emotionally?

ED BROWN: I always go back to the more disgusting ones, the toxic ones. That’s the one thing that blew me away. I just couldn’t understand. I don’t know. The toxic sludge

DEBRA: Tell us what toxic sludge is.

ED BROWN: It’s huge recently.

DEBRA: Just give us the details about toxic sludge.

ED BROWN: Yes. The toxic sludge are sewage systems or humans’ sewage systems. It was designed in a particular way to collect everything that you flush down the toilet. Everything that goes down, we collect it. It’s tried and then what do you do with it?

It doesn’t magically disappear. It doesn’t magically just go away. This is something that again blew me away because this is something I never really thought about. It’s out of sight, out of mind […]

And what I found out was that our sewage systems collect these stuff. It’s dried and then transported. They don’t take it to the moon. They don’t take it and dump it in the ocean. And it’s extremely toxic. It’s called toxic sludge because all of the contaminants that go down into the sewage systems—pharmaceuticals drugs, heavy metals, pesticides and other contaminants and stuff like that.

All this stuff that’s collected is not magically disinfected. They don’t do anything to change the matter itself. And again, they take it and transport it onto our farmland and it’s called bio solids. So it goes from being called toxic sludge and with some regulatory magic and then they renamed it “bio solid,” which sounded much nicer than toxic sludge.

But anyway, we have 60% of our farmland being fertilized by this stuff. The things, the plants that are being grown out of this stuff and farm animals, we’re going to be eating it. It’s a bizarre scenario, but that’s the situation we find ourselves.

DEBRA: It actually is traditional. We put manure of animals on farmland and that’s considered to be a good organic practice. And way before, all throughout history, both animal and human manure have been used to fertilize the land.

But the part that is different nowadays is that all the toxic chemicals that we’re exposed to that we eat, that we breed, that we drink, that we put on our skin get eliminated through our intestines. And so then when you take that material that is the toxic waste of our bodies being eliminated and then you put that on the farmland, that’s not the same thing.

ED BROWN: Yeah, it’s true. I still find the marketing of this to be fascinating because if they just called it tacky human waste or something like that, it doesn’t change the product. It changes your mindset as to how you view it. And that’s what they did, which is crazy.

DEBRA: Yeah. The second half of the question is I want to ask you, what did you learn that gave you the greatest hope?

ED BROWN: That there are so many amazing people just like yourself, Debra, out there working every single day not just to educate, but to make the world a better place.

That might sound a cliché and that might sound hoaky, but I’ve met so many amazing people and I’ve worked with so many amazing organizations, so many amazing companies that are at the forefront of this problem that have been taking it on for decades. That should give everybody a high degree of hope that we have so many great people out there struggling every single day to take on the biggest challenge we’ve ever faced as a human civilization. And we should have more every single day, joining in this along with each other and holding hands and working together to do this.


ED BROWN: Again, it might sound cliché, but it’s not. These are people that take these issues seriously and we all have a very, very deep responsibility for the next generation to do everything we can to make their lives better than we had it. And I have three children now. I had two at the time when I finished the movie. That’s what they deserve from us.

And looking in their faces, looking into their smiles and making them understand that I’m here in every single way, it’s all […], they give me hope and all the people working out there in this facility are really given hope as well.

DEBRA: I find out every day on this radio show. I am interviewing people around the world who are doing things to make the world safer and they’re working at every level from retailers and manufacturers through regulations and everything.

I don’t feel, like we talked earlier about each of us being one person doing something by ourselves, but we’re not. We’re one person, but we’re a part of a much bigger picture of all these other individuals on the planet that are working towards having a less toxic world or a non-toxic world, a toxic-free world.

Sometimes, I stop and think we have so much information about this, so much knowledge about how to live toxic-free and we can see it if we know where to look. You can see it all around and that’s what I keep trying to show people, “Look here, look there,” because you can make these toxic-free choices that exist for you. It’s right here today. And yet, there are still so many people who don’t even know that there’s a problem.


DEBRA: Go ahead.

ED BROWN: Yeah. I live in Central Pennsylvania. I wouldn’t exactly call it the Mecca for green living and toxic-free lifestyle or anything like that.

And I think that they give me a viewpoint that was completely necessary for the story to be told.

If I grew up and lived in San Francisco, I think it would be much different. I mean it’s an accepted way of life and people are quite educated on what it is out there.

But this is a film that needs to and has to ultimately reach the individuals who have no idea that this is happening. It’s not to say that everybody that’s been working in this field can’t use reinforcement. I mean I am going to suggest that as well.

But I would say that the people like my parents, people like my friends who don’t have any idea that this is a problem and may not over the course of a lifetime, unless something really bad happens to them and they look into it, themselves, that’s where this comes down to.

And nobody is average. I know we never say that average people need this information, but everybody does.

DEBRA: Everybody needs it. Absolutely. We need to go to another break, but we’ll be right back. My guest today is filmmaker, Ed Brown, who created the new film Unacceptable Levels.

It opens tomorrow in Hollywood and you can go to Click on the banner ad for Unacceptable Levels and you can pre-order it and you’ll get it tomorrow. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is filmmaker, Ed Brown who created the new film Unacceptable Levels.

And I’ll just say once more because this is the last segment of the show and I know we’re going to just keep talking right to the end. If you can go to, scroll down the page and you’ll see the banner ad for Unacceptable Levels. Just click on it. You can order a rental, you can order the film itself and it will be available tomorrow.

I think it would be a great idea to invite your friends over to watch it together, talk about what all you can do, what each of you are doing already to be less toxic. Just really help each other and your friends and neighbors to be able to live in a less toxic way.

And if you need some information about that, you can listen to Toxic Free Talk Radio. You can go to my website. Go to Go to the top. There’s a whole menu of things that you can find on my site, including if you click on Shop, there are more than 500 websites selling toxic-free products of all kinds. You can go to the Q&A.

You can go to the search box, which is a little thing that looks like a magnifying glass and type in any product that you’re looking for and you’ll probably get something. There are books that you can read. There’s a blog about how you can detox toxic chemicals out of your body. There’s just so much information.

Watch the film and Ed will inspire you to do something and then you can go to my website and find out how to do something. That’s how these two things fit together.

ED BROWN: I think it’s great. I mean that’s exactly the progression people should go through. You need to educate yourself about it and then have a solution lined up for it as well and a plan.

DEBRA: Yeah. Ed, I just want to tell you that you’re breaking up a little. I’m wondering if the producer can call you back, but let’s just continue.

ED BROWN: Am I still here?

DEBRA: Yeah. You’re still breaking up, but I want to know if people hear what you’re saying. My producer—oh, he says that you sound fine in the studio, so let’s just keep going on. Maybe it’s just my receiving end that’s breaking up.

So tell us some things that you did in your life to be less toxic as a result of you doing this research.

ED BROWN: One of the first things I started doing was I have changed the crib mattress that the kids were sleeping on. That was really, really important.

Why? That’s because the child sleeps on a crib mattress eight to 15 hours every single day. Flame retardants and other chemicals would be going straight to their bodies as they’re breathing. And that’s one of the first things that I always try to say to my other parents as well. Try changing that.

And I also changed my cleaning products. Every time you spray a particular surfactant, it might have an antimicrobial agent into it and stuff like that, you’re inhaling it. You’re putting them onto your skin. I don’t know how you’re cleaning. Ultimately, I needed to do that too, so I’ve changed that.

And now I just use white vinegar and rubbing alcohol to clean everything with. It’s cheaper and it’s effective.

And also when it comes to food, we don’t eat anything, but organic. And that to me is a really smart way of eliminating a lot of toxins that get into us every single day.

So you got to think about what you’re breathing, what you’re drinking, what you’re eating and how you’re sleeping. Those are really the four areas. If you can, make changes there quickly.

Our water filtration system is of the utmost importance. There’s over 250 contaminants in every single drop of water that’s coming from the tap.

It’s not to say that it’s horrifically bad and it’s not to say that bottled water is any better. They’re just sitting back and saying they have to disinfect it and stuff like that. I understand it. But you need to get a water filtration system that’s going to take out the disinfectants and what-not and other trace contaminants that pass through on municipal water facility.

You should think about what you’re doing, what you’re breathing, what you’re eating, what you’re drinking, how you’re sleeping. So those four areas, you make those consorted efforts. Take small steps if you need to. Take big leaps if you’d like to.

And then you‘ll find, over the course of five to 10 years, you may have avoided a lot of struggle in your body. And it’s just ultimately better for everybody like this and especially young kids, starting out at a very young age.

DEBRA: It is ultimately better and I know a lot of times, people think, especially if they watch your film and they may say, “Oh, everything is toxic.” Well, it is.

ED BROWN: Yeah, I just did that.

DEBRA: It is and it isn’t. There are things that are more toxic. For example, cleaning products are a big toxic category of products. And pesticides are a big category and your bed is a big toxic category.

If you change any of those things and use the less toxic ones, the ones like instead of a polyurethane foam mattress, you sleep on an organic cotton mattress. I have an organic wool mattress. If you make that kind of change, it may be that your life is now not 100% toxic-free, but it’s less toxic and you just keep making it less and less and less.

And what I found in myself and others over the years, especially if you have some illness or chronic condition is that there’s such a chance that it’s related to toxic chemicals. As you reduce your toxic chemical exposure, you should be feeling better and better and better.

And even if we don’t get to 100% zero toxics, everybody can reduce the amount of toxics that they’re exposed to enough to make a significant difference in your health. That has been shown over and over and over again. If you just start with the things that you’re exposed to at home, then it can make a huge difference, just a huge difference.

ED BROWN: You’re actually right. I always go with that sentiment, taking steps, again small steps, budgetary mind steps and always moving in that direction. Find small incremental changes and it will have a huge impact.

DEBRA: It will. It will. We only have about four minutes left. Is there anything that you want to say that we haven’t talked about?

ED BROWN: Of course, there are a lot of things that I’d love to talk about. I’m fascinated by one of your ads by the way, thinking about what it would take […] and if I could do that every single day. I think that would be a tough one. I don’t know why I was fixated on that, listening to it, thinking, “That’s heavy stuff.”

I think what we’re doing when it comes to these toxic chemicals, the one thing that—and I’m not chastising the industry and I’m not chastising scientists that do not believe that this is such a big deal. But starting with something, let’s just say a blueberry, one blueberry has 42 trace contaminants and pesticides on it. Some of those are neurotoxins, some of those are carcinogens and some of those have reproductive problems.

That’s one blueberry.

Let’s say you really like blueberries and you eat a handful of them and let’s just say you really like tomatoes and strawberries as well and you like to eat a lot of those every single day. And if you just make a change in those and go organic with some of the really soft skinned fruits and vegetables, you’ll find that your body will reciprocate.

That’s where we get a lot of the pay loads from pesticides and phosphates and stuff like that and other issues that are related to the food that we’re eating like insecticides and fungicides and avicides and stuff like that.

Think about it for a second. This is a great analogy that I give to everybody. If you had two tomatoes, both of those are organic. You watched somebody take one of those tomatoes and they sprayed […] all over it, even if they washed it off really, really well, would you want to eat it? Most people say no.

And I always say what’s the difference between a farmer doing that in a field multiple times over the course of its growth to seeing that in front of your face.

So, really still, the out of sight, out of mind mentality needs to be changed. And that’s why I want to try to encourage people to […] even if it’s made and manufactured and all that stuff and you don’t see any of that happening.

That’s the whole point of this film. It’s just like the Wizard of Oz , we’re pulling the curtain back. You don’t see any of this kind of stuff happening over here. And that’s what this film is trying to expose. It’s exposing our exposures.

I really hope everybody enjoys it. I hope everybody goes to your website, clicks on the banner link and watches it tomorrow when it goes live. And again Debra, you made a great point, sharing it with your friends and family and getting the conversation move in the right direction. It’s ultimately going to be our salvation across the board. It will do everybody a great deal of good to change the way we’ve been doing things, absolutely.

DEBRA: Yes, I completely agree. You were talking about the out of sight, out of mind and I have a friend who gives talks about things toxic. And one of the things that he does is he brings a can of pesticide with him and he holds up an apple and he said, “Now, I’m going to spray this with pesticides,” and people go, “No!”

ED BROWN: It’s real, right?

DEBRA: If you spray a pesticide on an apple right in front of somebody, they will not eat it. And yet, they are spraying the same pesticides on the apples in the orchard and then it’s coming to you.

Anyway, I need to say thank you so much because we’re about to be done with the show. I just need to say thank you so much for being on the show. Thank you so much for doing what you’ve done and I hope that a lot of people watch the film and talk about it and that it just opens the door for so many more people to know about this.

ED BROWN: Absolutely. Pleasure is all mine.

DEBRA: Thank you. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. Remember to go to and click on the banner ad and get your copy of the film, Unacceptable Levels.

Green Sheetrock

Question from Sandy

I posted a question last week on sheetrock, but forgot to ask one of the the most important questions. Would green sheetrock be equally as safe as white sheetrock..which would you recommend?



Debra’s Answer

When I first looked at your question I thought of a piece of green sheetrock I saw years ago that was coated with a think green waxy substance that smelled terrible.

Today that seems to have been replaced with a product with this description:

Sheetrock UltraLight mold tough gypsum panels are lightweight gypsum wallboard panels and have a noncombustible, moisture resistant gypsum core encased in moisture- and mold-resistant. 100-percent recycled green face and brown back paper.

I called US Gypsum and got from them the MSDS for this product, to find out what the mold inhibitor is.

It turned out to be Sodium Pyrithione. Here is a statement from USG about why they use it.

Here is the data sheet from the manufacturer for Sodium Pyrithione

If you wanted to use green sheetrock, it’s unlikely you would have any exposure to the fungicide after it was painted. But it’s not meant to be water-resistant.

In my bathroom and kitchen, I tiled the walls up seven feet to have waterproof walls. My bathroom is sooooo waterproof.

If you are wanting to install tile, use cement backerboard. That will firmly hold the tile in place.

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The Organically Clean Home

Linda CragoToday my guest is Becky Rapinchuk of, a blog that tells you how to simplify and organizee your housekeeping while also using nontoxic cleaners. Becky is the author of The Organically Clean Home, and offers free printables on her site, such as cleaning recipes for using castile soap, lemons, borax, vinegar, and baking soda. 150 Everyday Organic Cleaning Products You Can Make Yourself - The Natural, Chemical-Free WayHas been featured on and HGTV and has also provided content and cleaning consulting for Scotch-Brite (3M), Peapod/Reckitt,, and Bissell. Circle of Moms named Clean Mama one of the Top 25 Home Management Blogs, iVillage named her as one of the 10 Organizers You Should Be Following on Pinterest, and Skinny Scoop named Clean Mama one of the Top 25 Organization Blogs. Rapinchuk is also’s housekeeping expert.

Becky’s Free 55 Simple Cleaning Recipes for using castile soap, lemons, borax, vinegar and baking soda to clean your house.






The Organically Clean Home

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Becky Rapinchuk

Date of Broadcast: May 7, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio, where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world, and live toxic-free.
It’s Wednesday, May 7, 2014. Today, we’re going to be talking about cleaning your house—your favorite thing. Not my favorite thing, but I was talking to a friend of mine the other day about cleaning, and she said that she loves to clean her house because she loves how beautiful it is at the end, and how orderly it is, and how beautiful to have a shiny surface on your table.

And I thought that that was just lovely because I do like my house to look nice. I look like my house to be orderly and beautiful, and cleaning it is the way to get there. Interesting.

So today, my guest is Becky, I hope I’m saying this right, Rapinchuk. She’ll correct me. I’ll ask her. She’s has a blog named, and she’s written a book called “The Organically Clean Home” that has 150 recipes for making your own cleaners at home.

So that’s what we’re going to be talking about today.

The thing that’s different about Becky that I’ll tell you is that her book and her website actually organizes you, helps you organize yourself to get your cleaning done in a non-toxic way. And that’s the key difference, I think, is actually getting it done.

Hi, Becky.

BECKY RAPINCHUK: Hi. How are you?

DEBRA: I’m good. And how do you say your name?

BECKY RAPINCHUK: You said it correctly. It’s Rapinchuk.

DEBRA: Rapinchuk, good. Do you remember the Mary Tyler Moore Show?

BECKY RAPINCHUK: I do. I just watched it the other night actually.

DEBRA: I used to when I was a kid. The Mary Tyler Moore Show was my favorite show. And every Saturday night, I would be right there to watch the Mary Tyler Moore Show. And you know, there was Ted the newscaster, who could never pronounce anything.

And I understand exactly his situation because people come on the show, and suddenly, I look at their name and I go, “How am I supposed to say that?”
I can say that because people have difficulty saying my name too. And I’m on the radio. They don’t know how to pronounce my name.

So Rapinchuk, Becky Rapinchuk,, and her book is “The Organically Clean Home.”

Becky, how did you get interested in writing about non-toxic cleaners?

BECKY RAPINCHUK: Well, it started a long time ago—years ago, I guess, when my oldest sprayed cleaning products on her face. And I had bought from watching commercials. They showed it to be used on high chairs, tables and tabletops, and places where kids were.

And it was supposed to be sprayed right around them, and it was totally safe, supposedly.

But once she sprayed it all over herself, I panicked a little bit and read the back, and it said you had to call poison control. That was where I said, “Hold on.”

This is marketed for moms. You don’t need to rinse it. You’re supposed to spray it on their high chairs, what they’re eating off of. And it’s toxic?

So that was where I started doing a little investigating, and I just started looking for non-toxic cleaners to purchase, and safer, more environmentally-sound cleaners. And it was pretty expensive, just because I was trying all these different things, trying to find the right thing that worked.

When I started the process, it was about eight years ago, and there weren’t quite as many options on the market at that point. And frankly, they didn’t work very well. They just weren’t up to my expectations, I guess.

After years of sampling different cleaners and trying to find something that would actually work that I enjoyed working with, and that I didn’t feel like was playing a huge dent in the back of my pocket, I started making my own cleaners, and realizing that that way, I would know exactly how much of any given ingredient was in it, what I was using, what it smelled like, what it didn’t smell like.

So that was where that quest came for me. It was an eye-opening experience and scary, nonetheless, that I just had no idea.

And I would also say that I tend to err on the side of germaphobe. And so when my daughter was little, I wanted everything to be germ-free. That was real big concern for me too, so I just really had a hard time coming to grips with the actual cleaning process.

It doesn’t have to be sanitized. We’re not in a hospital. Just [meeting] that difference too.

DEBRA: Well, I can appreciate all the work that went into this. I’ve been making my own cleaning products for more than 30 years because when I first became interested in this subject back in 1978 actually, there were no books like yours or mine.

And so I couldn’t just go to a book and find out, “Well, how am I supposed to clean my house now if I wanted to avoid toxic chemicals?”

And so I just started out with baking soda and vinegar, and finding out how to use those, and regular soap. And that’s still what I clean my house with.

So I’m really interested to read all these other 150 recipes because you’re giving recipes for how to do things like clean your showerhead. I’ve never cleaned my showerhead. But I think we probably should.

And you’ve got tile cleaner, and citrus wood cleaner, and toy cleaner, and room freshening spray, and all these things that I don’t ever do. You’re giving me new ways to clean my house.

But I know it works. I know that what all these recipes that Becky is giving you in this book, I know that the whole concept works. I know that it works to use baking soda, vinegar, soap and lemon juice. She uses about a dozen different non-toxic ingredients.

And you just get those basic things, start mixing, and you can very inexpensively clean your house for most reasons that you might want to clean it and not have any plastic bottles that go to the landfill, and all those kinds of things.

So this is a really great thing.

I’d like us to say a little bit about what the toxic chemicals are, and problems with toxic cleaning products? Do you want to talk about that?

BECKY RAPINCHUK: Yes. I think that the big issue is that if you look at the back of a label of any cleaning product, or a lot of cleaning products that are in the store, there are ingredients that you don’t recognize. The problem is we don’t know that maybe it says it’s flammable, so you’ll think, “Well, I’m not going to put it near my heating vent, so I’m fine.”

But when you actually start to investigate what’s in the product, it’s so much worse than just being flammable. It’s because it’s caustic.

Fumes can be produced if you use it in a small space. If your child gets into, it could send them to the emergency room or worse.

People aren’t educated to know that just because it says it’s safe for your family, it doesn’t mean that it really is. And you really need to take responsibility for what you’re putting into your home, and on your kitchen table, and in your washing machine, as well as what you’re putting back into the environment too as it washes on the drain. Those things also leech back into your drinking water.

To me that’s a little snippet of the problem with the toxic chemicals.

DEBRA: Also, in addition to that, most cleaning products, because not 100% of them, there are some things you can go to the supermarket and buy [Bon Ami’s]. It’s totally non-toxic.

But most cleaning products that you’re going to see at the supermarket are actually household hazardous waste. If you don’t use all of them, you’re supposed to take them to the household hazardous waste disposal. They’re not supposed to go in the trash. And they’re governed by those laws as hazardous waste.

Also, another thing is that cleaning products are not required by law to even put their ingredients on the label. So if there are some ingredients on the label, there are probably a lot of ingredients that are not listed.

When I first started researching cleaning products, I had to go to industry—we’ll take a break, and we’ll talk a little bit about this more when we come back.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Becky Rapinchuk. Her website is And you should go there because she has a lot of information. She has a blog. She’s got some free stuffs that you can download. And she’s the author of The Organically Clean Home.

We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and today, my guest is Becky Rapinchuk. She’s at, and the author of “The Organically Clean Home.”Before the break, we were talking about cleaning products being household hazardous waste. And I actually wanted to say, so all you listeners know, that cleaning products are regulated by the Consumer Product Safety Commission, and though the 1960 Federal Hazardous Substances Labeling Act.

This is really important to know because every type of product is labeled differently. And the law about cleaning products is that they are not required to list everything on the label, but they are required to put warning labels on like “toxic,” “extremely toxic,” “corrosive,” “sensitizer,” “danger,” “warning,” “caution,” and skull and crossbones like you see on drain cleaner. It has skull and crossbones.

Originally, these warning labels meant bad. They actually meant something that they showed a degree of toxicity, but over time, that’s all been eroded.

So here we have a situation where we have probably the most toxic products in your home that children can, if they are under the sink, just grab them and drink them, and be very harmed.

But the warning labels, we can’t find out what’s in them because it’s not required for the manufacturers to reveal that. The warning labels are not always correct, and as Becky mentioned, they’re being advertised as being safe when they aren’t.

And all of these are reasons to just skip them all together, the commercial products.

Now, of course, there are some products that are much better than the most toxic ones, and some brands that you’ll find in the nature food store that these are immensely better.

But as Becky said, and I totally agree with her, this is really an area of life where you want to know what’s in the product. You really want to know what’s in the product. And when you make them yourselves, you have total control over what goes in it, you can make a product that is unscented, you can make it scented with an essential oil that is one that you like, and you just have total control.

And I like having total control over my environment.

So Becky, let’s talk about some of your cleaning recipes, but before that, first, let’s talk about organizing because I think that probably it’s just as important to know how to organize your cleaning, so that you feel in control of what you’re doing, and you know it’s getting done, as it is what products you’re using.

So give us some first hints about organizing.

BECKY RAPINCHUK: I think having a cleaning routine is key. My cleaning routine is essentially in my head at this point. I just know on Mondays, I clean the bathrooms, and Tuesdays, I dust, and I have specific jobs that I take care of around the home every day, and then specific jobs that I rotate through the week.

And having that organized just makes it on autopilot. It keeps it easier. It doesn’t make it as big of a deal as you might think it is.

DEBRA: When I first saw this, I thought, “A cleaning routine? Gee, you do something every day. How do you find the time?”
And then I thought, “She must be cleaning all day long.”

But then I thought, no. Actually, what happens to me is that I’m very busy with my work as many people are. And I’m sure you are too.

But I’m so busy with that that I’m not even thinking about this. And then I get to the end of the week, and it’s Saturday, and I’ve got a load of laundry, and I need to dust, and I need to do this and do that.

And it doesn’t all get done.

And so I can see that if I were to integrate cleaning into my life on a daily basis and say, “Okay, I’m going to do my laundry on Monday,” that it could actually get done because I could put in a load. And fortunately, I work at home, so I could put in a load of laundry, come and work, take out the laundry, and it just gets integrated into life instead of piled up.

BECKY RAPINCHUK:And I think that’s the key. If you hadn’t been doing a cleaning routine, and you decided you’re going to follow mine, so Mondays, we clean all the bathrooms. And that’s the big task for the day.

It might take you longer, but if you start cleaning your bathrooms every Monday, it’s much quicker because it’s not all piled up, and there isn’t a whole bunch of toothpaste on the mirror that you have to clean off. It’s just a quick wipe down, quick spray, quick clean and move on.

I think that everyone’s busy and having to waste time cleaning on a whole Saturday or before you’re having company coming, have to throw your whole house into shape before they come, it’s a shame because it can be a 10 to 15 minutes a day routine if you just start making yourself do that.

That’s where the organization part of cleaning routine comes in.

I have one that works really well for me, works really well readers of my blog, and instead of trying to reinvent the wheel, I always suggest just try mine. And then just decide what doesn’t work for you, and tweak for yourself.

But just start with one because if you’re anything like me, if I’m actually working, trying to formulate this cleaning routine, I’d get all caught up in the formulation of it. And by the time it comes to clean, I’m sick of it. I don’t want to do it anyway.

So just try someone’s cleaning routine, see what works for you and what doesn’t.

And another thing that I think is really helpful is to do a load of laundry every day. If it’s one person, if it’s just you in your house, or you and a spouse, you might not have to do a load of laundry every day. But if you have three kids like I do, if you don’t do laundry every day, you’ll be doing it for an entire day.

DEBRA: Yes, I’ve had that experience.

Talking about routines, one of the things that I decided that I needed to do in my life some time ago was to learn how to manage my money. And you can read all kinds of books about managing your money, but I figured out that what I needed to do was manage it in a way that worked for me.

And it was this gradual process to not doing my bookkeeping at all, to just looking at the account statement at the end of the month, to keeping track of it monthly, and then keeping track of it weekly. And then I went to keeping track of it daily.

And so every morning, I would get up and say, “Okay, I’m going to take this 10 minutes and just see where I am financially.”

And that actually ended up working out the best because every day, I knew how much money I had, how much money I needed, what bill I need to pay, and nothing was late, and I wasn’t overdrawn, and any of those things.

And so I think that it was just a matter of learning what worked best for me. And I think that now, you’re bringing to my attention that I could apply the idea of a routine to cleaning also. And then my house would always be in order and clean.

We need to go to break. We need to go to break, but we’ll be right back. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio. My guest is Becky Rapinchuk of She’s the author of The Organically Clean Home, and we’ll be right back.


DEBRA:You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Becky Rapinchuk. She’s at, and the author of The Organically Clean Home.

As I said, she’s got lots of stuff to download. She’s got some free stuffs and paid stuff all about organizing and non-toxic cleaners you can make at home.

So Becky, I’m looking in your book at the section called “A Cleaning Routine that Works.” Why don’t we just go through the cleaning routine of what you do each day? And we’ll talk a little bit about how you do these things, and I’m [inaudible 00:19:02] the fact that you do them.

So on Monday, what you do is sweep the floors. So tell us how you sweep the floors.

BECKY RAPINCHUK:Every day there are four tasks that I do. And so sweep the floors is one, and that’s usually more of a check of the floors. So under the kitchen table is typically a hot spot where crumbs and different things that need to be cleaned up. So I do a little sweep or vacuum under the kitchen table.

Then the mudroom needs a little sweep. And if there’s anything in the bathrooms that needs a specific sweeping, usually, I just wait and do that on my actual vacuuming day. But every day, I just do a visual quick check of the floors.

DEBRA: And then you do a de-clutter.

BECKY RAPINCHUK:De-clutter for me is anything on the surfaces that doesn’t belong there. So the stack of mail that needs to be put away. The kids come home and empty their backpacks, and there is more paper than there should be. So that needs to be sorted.

Most of it just ends up being recycled, but those are the things that clutter up.

And then [inaudible 00:20:29] little toys around the table. There are different things that just need to be tidied up and checked up for the day.

I find that doing a de-clutter, typically, it will be right around in the morning, after everyone goes to school or before they go to school.

If I can get them to cooperate, to do a little de-clutter or before bed, we definitely, every night, set the time for 5 to 10 minutes, then run around and pick stuff up, and then get ready for bed.

DEBRA: I think you just said an important thing. I was thinking about time. You said you set the timer, and then you just do it for that period of time.

I think it comes into play with people thinking like me that we don’t have time to do this.

I have a friend who does things in 15-minute increments, which is even too long for me. She plays the cello and she has given herself 15 minutes a day to practice her cello, even though she’s very, very busy. She takes out 15 minutes to practice her cello, and she even was writing a book 15 minutes a day. That’s her time period.

If she wants to do something, she can give herself 15 minutes

But I was even thinking—I once timed how long a minute is. And a minute actually sounds like not very much time. But it’s amazing to set a timer for one minute, and see how much you can get done in a minute.

And I was thinking, even if I just said, “Okay, I’m going to take one minute to just look around and see how much I can put away in one minute.”

When I first ready de-clutter, the first thing that came to my mind was somebody having a very, very messy house. And I don’t have a messy house, but I have lived with people who are very, very messy.

But there are things like I’ll come home, and if there is a clean surface like my dining table, and I’m tired, I’ll just drop everything on the dining table. And it needs to get put away.

And so even if I were to take one minute or two minutes, and just handle those little things on a daily basis, I think that would really work.

BECKY RAPINCHUK: Yes, and I think even if you were someone that have an incredibly messy house, and you didn’t know where to start, if you just said, “I’m going to de-clutter for five minutes every day,” and it might take you six months.

DEBRA:Yes, but the house would change.

BECKY RAPINCHUK:But it will change, and then that process will continue, and it will just be easier every single day.

DEBRA:Yes, I think that’s a really important point.

So then item #3 of your four is to do a load of laundry, which we already mentioned, and then wipe counters.

But what I’d like you to tell us is let’s talk about the products that you make to do your laundry because you mentioned here having a laundry detergent. Do you know what page that’s on? I just want to go and look at it.

BECKY RAPINCHUK:Let’s see here. I have a couple of different recipes.

DEBRA:Yes, what are they?

BECKY RAPINCHUK:But on page 108 is where it starts. And that’s lemon and clove powdered laundry soap.

DEBRA:There it is. So tell us about that recipe.

BECKY RAPINCHUK: I used castile soap, a bar of that, two cups of borax, two cups of washing soda, a cup of baking soda, and then lemon essential oil and clove essential oil. The bar soap is grated, and I just do that by hand, and then carefully mix the powders together.

I do it in a large, plastic bag just because you don’t want to inhale any of that dust no matter what are those. So I just mix it up that way, and put it in a jar, and just add two tablespoons per load to my wash.

It’s a great formula, it completely dissolves, and I really like the addition of the castile soap, the vegetable-based soap to it.

DEBRA:So you don’t have any problem with hard water? Maybe you don’t have hard water, but sometimes people have difficulty using soap-based products in hard water.

BECKY RAPINCHUK:I haven’t, and I have tested in hard water, soft water, and it’s the same result that the soap completely dissolves. I haven’t had that problem.

DEBRA:This looks like it would save a lot of money too.

BECKY RAPINCHUK:Yes, it’s a great formula, and I like the lemon and the clove. That’s my personal favorite essential oil combination, but you could also not use any essential oil, or you could use peppermint and eucalyptus or lavender and orange.

With each recipe, I try to give a couple of different combinations of scents that you could try.

DEBRA:These look like really good recipes. I’ve been doing this a while, so I have an idea of what works, and you’ve got some good ones too.

So then what do you wipe your counters with?

BECKY RAPINCHUK:It depends. I have granite countertops, so sometimes, I would just mix up liquid castile soap and warm water, and use a sponge and wash them down, or I’ll mix up my all-purpose cleaner as well. If I need to disinfect, I’ll use a disinfecting cleaner.

And I can go into that more. I think we’re going to a break.

DEBRA: Yes, we do need to go to the break. We’ll go to the break, and then when we come back, we’ll talk about disinfecting because I know that that’s a big question for a lot of people.

This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and we’re talking today with Becky Rapinchuk from, and her book is The Organically Clean Home. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA:You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and today, my guest is Becky Rapinchuk of Her book is The Organically Clean Home.

So Becky, tell us about disinfectants. I actually looked them up during the break, and I see that you have quite a few for different reasons.

BECKY RAPINCHUK: Well, it depends. Sometimes you’re going to need to actually [inaudible 00:27:23]. And you can do that naturally. You don’t need toxic chemicals to eradicate germs.

One of my favorite ways to disinfect is with tea tree oil. The scent is strong, but after you use a little bit, you get more used to it. But it definitely does a great job with disinfecting, killing germs. Tea tree oil can also be used to get rid of mold.

If you have a little bit of mold on your grout and your bathroom, you can spray that and it will take care of that as well without having to use bleach, which is what people mostly use for that.

I have a couple of different recipes. Some of them are for bathrooms specifically, or just for countertops, or for kitchens. A lot of the disinfecting has to do with the scent to.

Some people don’t like the smell of vinegar. It has taken me a while to come around to the smell. If that would be someone like you, you can also use a little bit of vinegar and vodka as well, or rubbing alcohol. I have a great recipe for the bathroom disinfecting that’s on page 84, and it has vinegar, vodka, lavender and lemon essential oil and water.

I’d love that smells. It’s very subtle, and it also does a great job with disinfecting bathroom counters. You could use it in your kitchen as well if you wanted to, but that’s a good one.

DEBRA: I just wanted to mention something I wrote in a book that’s no longer in print called Home Safe Home. I told a story about I was going through my great aunt’s things after her death. It was my responsibility to take care of all of her things. And I found a book. I found a very old book that was about making perfume.

It was published in England in 1927. And in that book, they were talking about how they found that the women that worked in the flower-growing district of France had fewer number cases of tuberculosis.

And so they started looking at this, and they found that there were all these flowers that even just being exposed to them as flowers turned out to be disinfectants.

And so there was a list in the book of the most disinfecting plant oils, essential oils, and listed in order for their bactericidal properties.

And the highest one, the best one was cinnamon, and then cloves, verbena, lavender, patchouli, angelica, juniper, sandalwood, cedar, thyme, lemon, pine, wormwood and extracts of jasmine and tuberose.

So any of those essential oils actually could be added to a homemade recipe in order to make give it more disinfecting qualities.

BECKY RAPINCHUK:That’s fascinating too.

DEBRA:Yes, old research. I’ve been working in this field for more than 30 years, and I was just thinking the other day about how 30 years ago, there was information of a certain type that was widely available. And nowadays, even that information from 30 years ago isn’t available, and how as time goes by, we tend to lose information.

And so you think about information like this that is almost a hundred years ago, they knew this, and we don’t know it now.

And so one of the things that I often do when I’m looking for something non-toxic is that I go look at the past because we’ve only had so many toxic chemicals since mid-1940’s. Not that there weren’t toxic chemicals before that but the great proliferation of everything being made out of petroleum has only been since the 1940’s.

And prior to that people did everything we do today. Well, they didn’t have computers, but they wore clothes, and they did their laundry, and they cleaned their house, and they wrote letters, and all these things. And they did everything without those toxic chemicals.

BECKY RAPINCHUK:That’s amazing.

DEBRA:Yes, it is amazing. It was a different world, and this is a different world. I look at how life has change since I was born, and we didn’t have computers, we didn’t have nylon stockings, we didn’t have plastic. I’m not that old.

BECKY RAPINCHUK: All the latest and greatest things or what you think are the latest and greatest things, I think people are starting to realize that they’re actually not so great. It might clean your floor, but it’s also going to slowly poison you. That’s not what you want.

DEBRA:I should just add here that we were talking earlier about the warning labels and the Poison Control Center and all the things related to toxic chemicals and cleaning products. There’s a difference between what is Poison Control Center is about.

The Poison Control Center and what those labels are that say caution and poison and all of that, those are for what are called acute exposures, which means if your child drank it, or something like that.

But then there’s what’s called chronic exposure, and that’s the day-in, day-out. You didn’t drink the cleaning product, but you’re breathing it all the time.

And when people are cleaning all the time, they’re spreading toxic chemicals throughout their homes, even if your children aren’t cleaning, they’re breathing that and they’re breathing it day-in and day-out.

Actually, very few people relatively are going to drink cleaning products, but all of us are being, unless you’re using a non-toxic cleaner, everybody is being exposed to all these toxic chemicals day-in, day-out. The children are being exposed to them. The babies are being exposed to them. The pregnant mothers are being exposed to them. And everybody is being affected by these cleaning products.

And so this is something my research has shown that cleaning products are among the most toxic exposures you have in your home.

And to me, it’s so easy to change this. It’s so easy. It’s so inexpensive that everyone listening today, if you haven’t already made the switch to non-toxic cleaning products, you can do it very inexpensively.

Just get a copy of Becky’s book. Just go to her website.

Actually, I want to tell everybody that at the top, there’s a link that says “Clean Mama Printables.” Just go there. I’m clicking on “Free Printables.” Where’s the one with the 55 recipes?

BECKY RAPINCHUK:There’s a link on my sidebar to that one as well.

DEBRA:So go where it says the 55 recipes. I’m not finding it at the moment because I’m talking and looking at the same time.

It’s a free printable, and it has 11 recipes for castile soap, how to use castile soap, 11 recipes for how to use baking soda, 11 recipes for—here it is, 55 Simple Cleaning Recipes. I’m clicking on it.

For castile soap, lemons, borax, vinegar and baking soda. And for less than $10, probably, maybe $15, you could buy those five things.

On any Saturday, you could read these free printables, and you could follow the instructions. Everybody could do that.

BECKY RAPINCHUK: If you buy a bag of baking soda at Costco, it’s $4 or $5, it will last you a year or more.

DEBRA:Yes, and even if you just buy a small box of baking soda, it’s a dollar. If you just want to start there. And it’s a dollar for a little bottle of vinegar. And I just bought a box of borax. It was $4.99. Lemons are very inexpensive and castile soap is maybe $5.

So you can get started, and here are all these instructions for free. And if you like what you see, go and get Becky’s book. You can get other things on her website. She’s done a really good job of putting these together.

So we’ve got about a minute left. So is there any final words you’d like to say?

BECKY RAPINCHUK:Thank you so much for having me, and I would encourage anyone that’s looking into creating their own cleaning products to also maybe get a glass bottle or a stronger bottle that will last for a little bit for you to put your spray cleaners in, and maybe put a cute label on it, and own it.

DEBRA:I’ll tell you what I did. I took my vinegar bottle, which is really heavy glass, and I just took the squirter thing. You can even buy them at the hardware store. And it fit exactly into the small vinegar bottle.

As long as I don’t drop it, it’s very easy. That’s what I use to clean my windows.

So we need to go. So thank you so much, Becky, for [inaudible 00:37:28] and being on the show.

BECKY RAPINCHUK:Thank you for having me. I appreciate it.

DEBRA:I wish you well with everything that you’re doing. Everybody should go to her website and get this free information. Take a look at what she’s got. And you can also go to to find out more about the upcoming shows and the past shows are all there to listen to in the archives.

Tomorrow, we’re going to have a special treat because there’s a new film coming out. The premiere is on Friday. It’s called

Unacceptable Levels, and it’s all about toxic chemicals. Tomorrow, I’m having the filmmaker on, Ed Brown, and he’s going to tell us all about making the film, and what he learned. And we’re going to learn about toxic chemicals.


Can Dry Cleaning be Less Toxic?

Joy OnaschMy guest today is Joy Onasch, who oversees the community and small business program at the Toxics Use Reduction Institute at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. She manages the community grants which are awarded each year to community-based or municipal organizations striving to reduce or eliminate toxics. Focus areas of the community and small business program currently include reducing or eliminating toxics in the home (including cleaning and building materials), pesticides, the cosmetology industry, auto shops, and perchloroethylene in dry cleaning. Today we will be talking specifically about dry cleaning, how dry cleaning establishments can become less toxic and how you can choose a less toxic dry cleaner. Joy is an engineer with over fifteen years of experience with industry, government, and institutions, assisting them with environmental compliance issues and pollution prevention projects. Her technical focus areas include hazardous waste, stormwater, wastewater, oil storage, and toxics use reduction. Joy earned a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Union College and a Master’s in Engineering and Policy from Washington University in St. Louis. She is a registered Professional Engineer in three states and a registered Toxics Use Reduction Planner in Massachusetts.






Can Dry Cleaning Be Less Toxic

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: : Joy Onasch

Date of Broadcast: May 06, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic free.
There are so many toxic chemicals around, but not everything is toxic and there are so many people who are doing things, many wonderful things to make the world less toxic and those are the people that I talk to in this show and that you get to hear. And we get to discuss how we can make this world a better place and less toxic.

Yesterday, I started reading from a book that I got recently called It Always Seem Impossible until It’s Done. It’s just a book full of quotations, inspiring quotations about getting through the difficult times to reach your goals and to do the thing that you want. And I know that sometimes it can seem difficult to make the switch to live toxic-free. So I want to be giving you some of these quotes as inspiration.

Today’s quote is from Walt Disney. We all know Walt Disney. And he says, “You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.”

Certainly, getting really sick from toxic chemicals like I did was a kick in the teeth. But what it did for me is that it made me wake up and say, “Wait a minute. There are toxic chemicals all around me and they are making me sick and they’re probably making other people sick and there are ways that I can live.” I had to find those ways way back in 1982 when nobody was writing about this.

But I found ways and things that were less toxic and I started doing them and my health started improving. And what that did is it woke me up. It made me say, “Wait a minute. There’s a danger here. There’s something I can do about it.” And I started doing something about it.

And so today, my health just gets better and better the older I get. That’s not usually the way it is, but the older I get, my health gets better and better because I am being exposed to fewer and fewer toxic things and I’m getting more nutrition to support my body’s health and my health just gets better and better.

Everybody can have the same experience. If you have any kind of health problem, toxic chemicals are probably contributing to it. And if you start removing toxic chemicals from your home, from where you work, from your body, you will likely get better. That’s been my experience.

Anyway, I’m not worried about having a difficult situation because sometimes it wakes you up to see what needs to be done so that you can have a better life.

My guest today is Joy Onasch. She oversees the community and small business programs at the Toxics Use Reduction Institute at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. We had one of her colleagues on before, Liz Harriman and we talked about some things that they’re doing there at the Toxics Use Reduction Institute.

But today, we’re going to talk specifically about what she’s doing in the area of cleaning and especially dry cleaning, what she’s doing with small businesses, what the Toxics Use Reduction Institute does to help small businesses swipe out toxic chemicals and use things that are more toxic-free.

Hi, Joy.

JOY ONASCH: Hi, Debra.

Thank you so much for being here with me.

JOY ONASCH: Thanks for having me.

DEBRA: Okay, so why don’t we start out by—Liz went into some of this before, but today is a new day with a new audience. So tell us what the Toxics Use Reduction Institute does.

JOY ONASCH: Sure. We are an organization at UMass Lowell as you mentioned that works with industries, small businesses, municipalities, communities, organizations to reduce the use of toxic chemicals across the state. And our information is available online to anybody anywhere who’s interested in obtaining it.

We focus on certain chemicals at certain times and also additional inquiries that come into the public or there are certain special areas that require attention, different chemicals at different times. But we provide training, we provide grants, we provide peer mentoring type working group. We have a laboratory service. We have a focus on policy research and analysis. We have a library that’s available online and for visiting if people wanted to come to UMass Lowell.

And so our main aim is to provide unbiased information about issues around toxics and alternatives that are available and work with the organizations, whether it’s a large industry or small community organization or any one in between in trying to find a feasible alternative for them to switch from the toxic chemicals. And by feasible, I mean something that’s going to work for them and something that makes economic sense for them.

DEBRA: Yeah. So it works around and win, win, win.


DEBRA: I was really interested to see in your bio that you are a registered Toxics Use Reduction Planner. What is that?

JOY ONASCH: There are many of us across the State of Massachusetts.

DEBRA: I think that’s so wonderful. I think that that’s what I am too. I’m a Toxics Use Reduction Planner. I’m not certified, but that’s what I do.

JOY ONASCH: Right. That would certainly fit in the category. Yeah. TURI actually oversees a very formal program to certify planners. It requires that industries do this thing called the Toxics Use Reduction Plan every other year.
They [inaudible 00:05:30] and report their chemical use each year and then every other year, they have to go through this planning process. And part of the planning process requires that they have a certified Toxics Use Reduction Planner stamp off on their plans essentially. They can do the plan themselves and have a Toxics Use Reduction Planner.

We view it or they can hire or train an in-house person to become that Toxics Use Reduction Planner. And it means that they have been trained by us who are with intimate with what the process should be on finding alternatives and evaluating them and then they can [inaudible 00:06:03] off on these different plans.

The really unique thing about the program is that the companies are required to do this every other year, but they’re not actually required to implement anything. It’s up to them to learn from the process and find out that there are alternatives available and hey, maybe it’s even going to save me money if I go ahead and implement them, which is often the case.

DEBRA: I want to make sure that everybody listening understands that this is required by law in the State of Massachusetts, yes?

JOY ONASCH: Right. Back in 1989, the Toxics Use Reduction Act was implemented and since then, businesses who use chemicals over certain thresholds have to report on their use and go to the [inaudible 00:06:48] process.

DEBRA: It would be wonderful if every state in the union had that law so that all manufacturers will be having to take a look at what is their toxic use. And then everybody needs to start scaling back on the toxics.

California is coming up with something similar to that, I think. But that’s another show. We’ll talk about California another day.

JOY ONASCH: Right. A couple of states have tried to emulate our program or at least parts of it. I know I’ve talked to New Jersey and New York about the community programs that I work on and I know that Canada is starting to implement the Toxics Use Reduction Planners Program that I just described. So it’s definitely emulated both within the United States and obviously internationally.

Something again that’s unique is that it’s talking about the use of toxic, whereas other federal programs deal with the release of toxics, which is too late.

DEBRA: Ah! I am so glad you brought that up because I have never even thought of that. Yes.

JOY ONASCH: Yeah, the Toxics Release Inventory asks companies to report on the releases that [inaudible 00:08:03] the environment. So our program tries to get to the reduction of toxics before they’re even used, before they even enter the workplace or the manufacturing process so that they’re not able to be released in any [inaudible 00:08:15].

DEBRA: Right. That’s even better. Joy, tell us how did you get interested in the subject of toxics. How did you get trained to be this person who can do this?

JOY ONASCH: Let’s see. I am an engineer. I’m a mechanical engineer. It’s my undergraduate degree. And I went on to get a Master’s in Engineering and Policy, which I had been focused on environmental issues.

And then I worked in private consulting for about 15 years and somehow by chance, I ended up working on a lot of regulatory and compliance issues. So I did a lot of site visits to military facilities, hospitals, universities, looking at how they were managing their hazardous waste or waste water, the oil storage and helping them write a plan required by law.

And I ended up starting to get a little frustrated with the private consulting world and looking for something else. I came across the Toxics Use Reduction Institute and that’s what helped. It’s a job opening actually. It’s what helped me realize that I had been working with organizations to manage the waste and the toxics that they were using. But this was an opportunity to work with them, to reduce the use of it in the first place.

It gave a very different perspective, a very different way of working with people instead of pushing them into compliance and helping them with their compliance needs. I’m able to help them be more proactive in getting rid of the use of the toxic chemicals in the first place.

DEBRA: Yes. And when you do that, get rid of the toxic chemicals in the first place, then there’s no need for compliance because there’s nothing there that needs to be complied with.

We need to take a break. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Joy Onasch from the Toxics Use Reduction Institute of the University of Massachusetts Lowell. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. My guest today is Joy Onasch from the Toxics Use Reduction Institute of the University of Massachusetts Lowell. Before the break, we were talking about you being a Toxics Use Reduction Planner. Could you just say a few words about how you might apply what you do with businesses to consumers, how we can use that same structure to think about reducing our toxics use?

JOY ONASCH: Sure. I guess for either small businesses or organizations or institutions or the personal consumers, it’s about understanding what you’re using and what you’re exposed to each day and thinking about making changes and investigating what other alternatives are out there that are feasible for you that perform in the same way that you are used to having something perform for you or being economically feasible for you to use.

We take the same approach, whether it’s a large corporation or a small entity that’s interested in finding alternatives and used to use the toxics. But I guess the first step really is doing an inventory about what you use or what you’re maybe exposed to, what services you use and toxic chemicals you may be exposed there and evaluating what alternatives may fit.

DEBRA: I think that that is so intelligent because I think that a lot of times for people, it seems overwhelming.

I wrote a book in 1984. My first published book in 1984 was just a directory of the non-toxic products that I could find at the time. I’d just like to say that the number of nontoxic options that are available now is so huge, it wouldn’t fit in a book. That’s why I have a website. And that’s how much we’ve improved in the last 30 years.

But I remember at the time, people would say, “Oh, I feel overwhelmed. Where do I start?” And so I wrote another book called The Nontoxic Home, which didn’t have any resources in it at all. It just said, “All right, let’s take a look at where the toxic chemicals are and what you’re being exposed to and what type of things are the alternatives.

I suppose that book was the book that was comparable to your inventory. But I think that right now today, that book isn’t available. I don’t have an equivalent book like that. But I’m looking at how I can provide that information in an organized way on my website so that somebody could look up shampoo and find out what toxic chemicals they might be exposed to. But I think that it is a good idea.

In that book, what I tried to do was organize the products from most toxic first to least toxic. And so some things at the beginning of the book were things like cleaning products and pesticides that are really toxic. And I was encouraging people to take the most toxic things that they could identify and replace those first. And I think that that’s probably the strategy across the boards.

JOY ONASCH: Absolutely. And also factoring in there, maybe what’s most approachable, especially for a consumer that it might be overwhelming for them to think about how to make one change with something else that seems real simple to them and I can go ahead and implement it. If making those small, low-hanging fruit changes gives them some confidence and some knowledge in where the resources are to make additional changes, that can assist as well.

DEBRA: Yeah. I always say start with whatever appeals to you, even if it’s buying organic pickles. Every time we go to the store, we’re making a choice. And I’m not expecting people to suddenly buy everything toxic-free particularly because there’s a certain amount of education that goes with it.

But if you can identify something like if you really like to eat, that’s probably a good place to start. It’s to just start buying organic food and then you’ve done something. Or it’s actually pretty easy to change cleaning products because you can just start using baking soda and vinegar and that will clean almost everything.

Even if you just go down to the natural food store and just pick any cleaning product off the shelf, it’s better than buying it at the supermarket. And anybody can do that.


DEBRA: Okay, so the show is being about dry cleaning and I know that you’re working with dry cleaners. So let’s talk about that.

JOY ONASCH: Sure, sure. Yeah, so talking about making choices. If someone is in a profession or just in their lives, they don’t have time to do all their cleaning or they have special cleaning needs, they need to take stuff to the dry cleaners. The choice they can make is to search out a dry cleaner who is using alternative methods, not using the standard perchloroethylene solvent to clean their clothes.

DEBRA: So tell us, what are the health effects of using perchloroethylene? And are there other toxic chemicals? Why should people not be using this?

JOY ONASCH: Yeah. There are a couple of different levels of issues. But people who are exposed can have acute exposure issues or chronic exposure issues.

It is classified, under the US National Toxicology Program, as a reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen. The International Agency for Research on Cancer lists it as probably carcinogenic to humans.

And the other shorter term issues could be skin irritation, nausea, headaches, exacerbation of asthma, that type of an issue.

So those who are going to be most exposed are the people who are going to work with it most directly and that’s likely the people in the dry cleaning shop who are putting it into their machine and taking it out, cleaning the filters on the machines, opening the doors five or six times a day, depending on how many loads they do.

And then the consumer will have less exposure certainly, but it has been studied that PERC or perchloroethylene does come home on clothes that have been put through the solvent in the dry cleaning process. As the clothes come out of the machine, they get pressed and they get bagged in plastic bags and it comes home once you take the bag off in your closet or in your house. So the PERC is coming out of those clothes.

And they have put in place a law at the federal level, coming into play in 2020 where dry cleaning shops that use PERC are not going to be allowed in residential facilities anymore. And that’s because it has been studied that PERC is actually getting out from the shop and getting up into the residences that are above them.

DEBRA: Also you mean where there’s a dry cleaning shop on the ground floor of an apartment building or something like that?

JOY ONASCH: Right, which is mostly in the big cities. Even less so, not even in [inaudible 00:17:24] like that, but it did push the federal, EPA, to look at it and to put [inaudible 00:17:33]. So there are a couple of different ways of exposure for the public as well.

DEBRA: Good. We need to take another break and when we come back, we’ll talk more about dry cleaning with Joy Onasch from the Toxics Use Reduction Institute at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Joy Onasch from the Toxics Use Reduction Institute of the University of Massachusetts Lowell.

During the breaks, what I do is I check my emails just because people sometimes email me with questions. Somebody emailed. In fact, if you have a question and you want to email me during this show, you can go to and use the contact form there and it will come straight to me and I’ll check it during the break.

But I got an email from one of my readers. One of the things that I do is I send out an inspiring quote every morning and a reader had written back to me thanking me for this particular quote. And it was, “The biggest problem in the world could have been solved when it was small.” And that’s from Lao Tzu from Ancient China.

That’s so, so, so true with toxics. It’s so true because if we look and recognize that there’s a problem and do something about it before it turns into a really big problem, it’s so much easier to take care of and it really makes a huge difference. That’s not to say that it’s just a little problem because little problems turn into big problems.

Okay, Joy. So tell us about the different kinds of alternatives we have to using toxic dry cleaning. Within a dry cleaning industry, what you do is you help different businesses replace their toxic chemicals with not toxic chemicals. So what kinds of things are dry cleaning places using now that are less toxic?

JOY ONASCH: There are several different alternatives out there on the market. Probably the most popular is hydrocarbon based alternative that people have been switching to. It seems to do the job fairly well for them. The cost is fairly comparable for them compared to the regularly used solvent perchloroethylene.

The health issues and the environmental issues may not be as bad as the other alternatives out there. There is an issue with sustainability of it. But nonetheless, it’s been a very popular, easy to use, easy to learn replacement for PERC.

There are a few other alternatives out there in the market. One is acetals based. One is propylene-glycol ethers based. One is siloxane based. I’m a mechanical engineer, not a chemist, so I’m not going to go into exactly what the chemistries of these different alternatives are.

But I guess it suffices to say that TURI has done an analysis of these different alternatives and compared them all literally side by side, looking at their technical performance, their financial aspects, environmental and human health safety, regulatory issues.

And what has come out on top are two other ones that I haven’t mentioned. Carbon dioxide, which actually hasn’t gotten a lot of traction because the equipment is very expensive even though it’s a very clean way of cleaning clothes. But the other one is called professional wet cleaning and that’s the one that’s at the top of our evaluation as well as other organizations that have done similar evaluations.

So that’s the technology and the process that we work with cleaners in Massachusetts to help switch. We like to make the information available to them about these other alternatives.

But we have a bit of a budget that we’re able to financially assist with grant facilitates. And since that budget is limited, we choose to put our money towards the professional wet cleaning technology and assisting the facilities to switch over to that.

And not only does it rise to the top of the pile in those criteria elements that I mentioned, but if a shop switches from a solvent-based system to a professional wet cleaning system entirely, not using any other methods, they will save a lot of money on their energy bills, potentially their water bills, their health insurance, their medical bills.

We’ve had a lot of information about people just feeling so much better. Their employees are out sick much less, but again the electricity bills can be cut in half. We’ve seen it in some facilitates. And the water bills can be cut in half. We’ve seen it in some facilities.

It depends on what equipment they were using and what they’re switching to, how much of an impact they see. But it’s really made a big difference in their operating cost.

We’ve seen paybacks between two and four years generally, which is pretty significant and pretty fast for a small busies like a dry cleaner that depends on public coming and going and bringing their clothes to them. It’s not always that a small business like that in the service industry would get such a quick payback.

DEBRA: I’d like you to explain what professional wet cleaning is. I think that most people don’t understand that what’s called dry cleaning is actually wet because it uses solvents.

And so if they’re taking in for professional wet cleaning now, they’ve got clothing with tags in it that says, “Dry clean only.” So explain what cleaning is. And is it okay to take in your dry clean only clothes?

JOY ONASCH: Right. Just a side note there, we’re actually working with the Federal Trade Commission. Right now, they have a proposed amendment to their Care Labeling Rule out right now that we’ve given comments to, to hopefully change that care label in garments to make it easier for the dry cleaners and for the consumers to understand what can and can’t be done with that cleaning, with that garment.

In the meantime though, yes, if a cleaner feels comfortable with using the professional wet cleaning system on something that says dry clean only, we have cleaners across Massachusetts now doing that. So if they’re trained and they’re knowledgeable in what they’re doing, there won’t be a problem.

DEBRA: Okay. So what is the process of wet cleaning?

JOY ONASCH: Right. It’s not your home laundry machine. We need to make that clear from the beginning.

DEBRA: Okay, good. It’s not just the cleaner throwing it in their laundry.

JOY ONASCH: Exactly. And if someone has a really nice wool suit, just don’t go throw it in your laundry machine instead.

So it is a several steps process that begins with a computer controlled washing machine, which has a detergent pumping system hooked to the back of it. So the cleaner will purchase certain different types of detergents, conditioners, softeners and other additives that get added to the pumping system.

The machine is computer-controlled and it’s programmed to have different programs run on it. So they might press one and it’s a wool jacket program. They might press two and it’s a silk cloth program. They can program, I don’t know, at least 50 programs. It’s in different machines for how different they want it to be. I’ve seen typically they only use 7 to 10 maybe different programs.

Anyway, so then the detergent, the other additives come into the pumping system and mixed with the water and the machine before either the water or the detergent touch the clothing, which is different than your home machine. Either your water comes in first or the detergent dumped on it first. So this mixture of the detergent, additives and your water creates its own solvent essentially to act on the clothes once the clothes are immersed in it.

So that’s the high tech end of the washer. Then at the end of the program, which only lasts 12 to 15 minutes maybe in the washer, it then goes to a dryer.

And the key on the dryer is that it needs to have what’s called a residual moisture control on it. That means that you can either time the dryer to end at the right time or you can program it to end with a certain amount of moisture left in your clothes.

And following the drying process, it goes on to what’s called [inaudible 00:26:07] equipment where the pieces go back on a form finisher and the clothes are pulled and steam blown through them to help them regain their shape and to get out the initial wrinkles in it. And then they’re touched up using pressing equipment.

DEBRA: Very interesting process. We need to take another break, but we’ll be back. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Joy Onasch from the Toxics Use Reduction Institute of the University of Massachusetts Lowell. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Joy Onasch from the Toxics Use Reduction Institute of the University of Massachusetts Lowell.

I’m so used to saying the University of California. I had to stop for a second and say University of Massachusetts.So anything else you want to tell us about dry cleaning?

JOY ONASCH: Let’s see. I just think that maybe your audience is probably going to be consumers of the service, of dry cleaning.


JOY ONASCH: So something that we have tried to work towards is educating the consumers that there are alternatives out there and suggesting that the more they inquire with their dry cleaner as to what they use, the more awareness the dry cleaners will have that there’s an interest and a need from the consumers for them to seek out alternatives.

There are only so many ways we can reach out to the public. We can’t go knock on every single person’s door. So the more ways we can educate the public about that.

Oftentimes when I talk to groups about different ways of reducing toxic chemicals, I suggest that they take home one little piece of homework or one little change to make. And I often suggest that the next time they go to the dry cleaner, simply ask that they can be told what is being used at the facility and even make the suggestion that, “Hey, have you looked into this professional wet cleaning? I’ve heard about it. I’m sure you’ll really get some terrific benefits out of it.”

DEBRA: If somebody wanted to find a professional wet cleaner in their community because people listen to this show actually all over the world, how would they find one? Is there a website that lists them?

JOY ONASCH: Unfortunately, there’s not a really reliable consolidated spot to go to. The EPA does list some on their website, but I found it to be very out of date.

DEBRA: Yeah.

JOY ONASCH: There are different makers of other alternatives that will list users of their alternative. For example, a siloxane material called Green Earth, if you go to their website, they list all the dry cleaners that use their particular alternatives.

And our website lists the wet cleaners that we worked with in Massachusetts to convert to dedicated wet cleaning. But if someone in Montana is interested in finding someone in their town, I’m afraid I don’t have a resource for them, except to go and explore and talk to the different dry cleaners in their area.

And one note of question I would give them is that if a dry cleaner has a sign outside that says, “Organic, environmentally friendly, earth friendly, back to nature,” or something like that, it’s actually often a red flag that they’re using one of the alternatives, but not professional wet cleaning.

DEBRA: Oh, that’s very good because I actually have a cleaner down the street from me that has one of those signs. I thought, “Oh, good,” but I didn’t go in and ask them.

Here’s my solution to dry cleaning. I haven’t dry-cleaned anything in 30 years.

JOY ONASCH: Yes. That’s the other alternative.

DEBRA: Yeah. When I found that you bring your clothes in front of a dry cleaner and they give out perchloroethylene, I decided I didn’t want to breed that in my house.

Here’s one thing you can do. If you can’t get to a dry cleaner that is less toxic and you absolutely have to dry clean your clothes, when you bring them home, hang them up outside on the patio or in your garage or someplace not in the living space, take the plastic bag off and let it air out not in your living space. So that’s the first thing.

JOY ONASCH: Exactly. And also to follow up on the issue with the green friendly signs that people will put out, if that is the alternative available to you in your community, it certainly may very well be better than another cleaner may be using. If you can’t find a professional wet cleaner to clean your clothes using one of these other alternatives, [inaudible 00:30:39] certainly be a very valuable alternative.

DEBRA: Yes. Yes. So then the other thing is that what I did was I just decided that I would make choices about the clothes that I wear that don’t require dry cleaning. And I wear mostly just cotton and linen. And in the wintertime—I live in Florida and I’m not working in an office, so I don’t have to wear wool suits or something like that. But I have a few sweaters and things that I just wash by hand.

I don’t know what I’d do if I had an expensive wool suit. But there are a lot of clothes that you can buy. You can buy linen jackets. I look for cotton jackets. I look professional enough for what I do with my life. And I can look pretty professional wearing cotton and linen clothes that don’t have to go to the dry cleaners.

And I just make those choices really, really carefully and then I wash everything in the washing machine. And if I really have to look crisp, you can just take your clothes down to a dry cleaning place and they can just iron it for you with a professional iron and it looks like you had it dry-cleaned.

JOY ONASCH: Right, exactly.

DEBRA: If that’s what you mean.

JOY ONASCH: It’s amazing what they can do with a presser.

DEBRA: Yeah, they can do things there with a presser that you can’t do at home.

JOY ONASCH: Exactly.

DEBRA: Yeah.

JOY ONASCH: There are definitely other ways to seek out alternative methods and processes. Yes.

DEBRA: Yeah. And you could also look for—Google is really good at finding local things now. And so you could just type in the name of your city and what cleaning and if there’s a wet cleaner, it should probably come up.

JOY ONASCH: Yeah, the trick is that a lot of the wet cleaners don’t yet advertise themselves as wet cleaners. They’re a little bit worried that the public will think that that means they’re just putting it in the laundry machine or think that they can do it at home.

Each cleaner that I’ve worked with in Massachusetts has taken a slightly different approach. Several of them have promoted the fact that they’re doing professional wet cleaning. Some of them wait until at least a year has gone by, that the consumers are still very happy with how their clothes are being cleaned and the cleaner feels very comfortable with the process and then they finally say, “Hey. Guess what. I’ve been cleaning your clothes in water for the last year. Don’t they smell great and look great?”

So sometimes, they don’t put themselves out there as doing wet cleaning because they’re afraid of how the consumers are going to interpret that language.

DEBRA: That’s a good point. There’s so much education that goes on with this because we have ideas about what words mean and then new technologies come up and we do need to learn the new technologies and consumers do need to be educated.

There need to be a shift. This is one of the things that I’ve talked to a lot of people about. I’ll say to a manufacturer, “Why don’t you make whatever it is less toxic?” And they’ll say, “Because I have to be able to make it in a way that my consumer wants it.”

And it’s not that consumers want toxic products, except that we’re so accustomed to how things are that are toxic.

JOY ONASCH: The performance.

DEBRA: The performance. I’ll just use as an example when I first started removing toxic chemicals from my life, I had found the perfect shade of red lipstick. It took me years to find this perfect shade and I finally got it and then I decided to remove toxic chemicals from my life and I went, “Wait a minute. No, no, no, no, no, we’re not giving up the red lipstick.”

And it really took me a while to really get how toxic that red dye was and everything else, the [inaudible 00:34:36] and everything that was in that red lipstick and then I was eating it and licking my lips and everything and then I was getting so much toxic exposure. And finally, I could get the picture that there was a skull and cross bones on my lips about that lipstick and I stopped using it.

But I found over the years that the easiest thing to do is to go find the nontoxic alternative and find something you like and get the replacement first and see that there’s a replacement and then you can let go of the old toxic thing.

JOY ONASCH: Right. That makes for a very simple approach.

DEBRA: Sometimes it is hard to let go of what is something that you’ve been comfortable with even if it is toxic.


DEBRA: This has been an excellent show, Joy. Thank you so much for being on. We just have two and a fifth. Is there anything else you want to tell us about dry cleaning or TURI or living toxic-free?

JOY ONASCH: Let’s see. I guess to give a quick summary of the full program that I run here is the Community and Small Business Program. So I run a grant program. If there are any Massachusetts listeners, we welcome applications from community organizations and municipalities and small businesses who are interested in getting some grant money to help them implement a project to reduce the toxic chemicals, whether it’s in dry cleaning or pesticides and lawn care or house cleaners.

We have a whole list of projects on our website that have been done in the past to give you ideas. We have up to $20,000 available for large projects and $10,000 for smaller local projects.

And then my program also covers other small business sectors. I’ve been working with auto shops to reduce the use of solvent cleaners and nail salons to find alternatives to the toxic chemicals that they may use and limit their exposure.

There’s obviously much more on our website at And a lot of our program information can be found under the Home and Community tab. And the information about the dry cleaner is actually under our small business section.

DEBRA: Oh yeah, tell me where to look—I have the site right in front of me. Tell me where to look exactly and I’ll go there. Can you tell me exactly how to get there?

JOY ONASCH: Yeah. About the dry cleaning?

DEBRA: Yeah.

JOY ONASCH: If you go to the homepage and then go under Our Work and go to Business.

DEBRA: Our Work. Business. Okay.

JOY ONASCH: And then Small Businesses and Dry Cleaning. It’s varied. You can also just type in and it will get you there.

DEBRA: Oh, okay, good.

JOY ONASCH: It’s a shorter way to do it. But there’s information there about Massachusetts cleaners’ switch. And we have written up several case studies. We collect data from the dry cleaners and their performance and their cost from using solvent to using the wet cleaning. A bunch of our case studies that we’ve written up from that data are on our website if people are interested.

And there’s lots of information there that people can print out and take to their dry cleaners the next time they go by and ask what they use. They can take the information to help…

DEBRA: Joy, you’re breaking up. It’s also the end of the show. So I’m going to say thank you and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio. You can go to to find out more. Be well.

Heirloom Foods and Community Supported Agriculture

Linda CragoMy guest today is Linda Crago, owner of nine-acre Tree and Twig Heirloom Vegetable Farm in Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada. There she runs a Community Supported Agriculture program and grows heirloom varieties. We’ll be talking about the importance of heirloom foods and about buying organic food direct from a local farmer. Seventeen years ago, Linda quit her career as a social worker and began delivering baskets of organic vegetables to her former collegues who were interested in fresh produce. Without ever having heard of the “Community Supported Agriculture” concept, it was in fact what she was doing and her CSA was born. She now has two large hoophouses and a small one, all unheated, to extend her growing season to year-round and to “get my thousands of seedlings off to a roaring and robust start.” She also sells seed…”fabulous organic and heirloom seed, full of magic and possibility!” Her interest in heirlooms increases every year. Her seed comes from many sources around the world, she saves more and more seed herself and also shares her seed with others. Her most treasured business relationships are with those businesses, organizations and individuals who are selfless in their devotion to the cause of ensuring diversity by growing heirloom varieties and reoffering them. She is a lifetime member of Seed Savers Exchange and also a proud member of the rebel Kokopelli in France and Garden Organic. in England. Linda has organized the local Niagara Seedy Saturday for years, believing firmly that seed and gardening knowledge are to be shared. She is also entering into her eighth year as a test gardener for Rodale’s Organic Gardening magazine (her blog has some incredible garden info from very knowledgeable gardeners). In March 2009, Linda was awarded the Agriculture Enterprise Award at the Niagara Entrepreneur of the Year Award and in 2007, she received a regional Premier’s Award for Agri-Food Innovation Excellence from the Province of Ontario.






Heirloom Foods & Community Supported Agriculture

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Linda Crago

Date of Broadcast: May 05, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic-free because there are lots of toxic chemicals out there. And so on this show, we talk about where those toxic chemicals are and what you can do to do something else so that you’re not being exposed to them.

We talk about how to remove them from your bodies, remove them from your homes, remove them from your business, remove them from your life and other more wonderful things that we can do to be happy, healthy and thrive in this world.

The other day, I was in a book store and I ran across the book called It Always Seems Impossible Until It’s Done. And it’s just a book about an inch thick and on each page, it has a quote that encourages. It’s very encouraging quotes for times when you’re doing something really big and you think, “I’m not going to make it. It’s not possible.” And these are just reminders that it is possible and we can do it.

And since making a transition from our current toxic world to living to a toxic-free world or even making the changes in our own lives or work or businesses or anything can sometimes seem like this is an impossible task, so I’m just going to be reading, each day or so, I’m going to just pick one out of the book. I’m just going to open at random.

And today’s quote is “Big goals get big results. No goals get no results or somebody else’s results.” Each of us need to have our own goal about living toxic-free.

Oh, the person who said that was Mark Victor Hansen who is a writer and speaker. So, each of us need to have our own goals to have our own lives be toxic-free. And as we do that, then each of us is contributing to the world being toxic-free.

Now, of course, we need to sometimes do things that look at the bigger picture. But to just start right in our own lives, being toxic-free and set some goals and you’ll be able to accomplish this.

My guest today, she had some big goals. Her name is Linda Crago. She’s the owner of the nine acre farm called Tree and Twig Heirloom Vegetable Farm. She’s in the Niagara Region of Ontario, Canada.

She has a community-supported agriculture program and she grows heirloom varieties and we’re going to talk about all of that. What is a community-supported agriculture? What is the difference between heirloom varieties and other kinds of seed?

Hi, Linda. Thanks for being with me today.

LINDA CRAGO: Hi. I’m very pleased to be here. Thank you.

DEBRA: Thank you. So what’s the weather like on your farm?

LINDA CRAGO: It continues to be chilly. We have a very cold winter. And we’re just still struggling out of it. So at this point, it’s impossible to get out on the ground and get anything in it. We have a frost last night again. We’ll get there.

DEBRA: You will. You will. It’s about beautiful 70° here.

LINDA CRAGO: Sounds lovely.

DEBRA: It is. So I want to tell everybody that the way I found Linda was that I was looking for some photos to use on my website when I was starting my food blog which is at And I came across a picture of her beautiful heirloom carrots. I just had to use that picture and I wrote to her and she allowed me to do so.

But that’s how I found her. And then I started reading her site and I need to have Linda on the show because we’re going to be talking about two very important things. One is community-supported agriculture, which I’m going to let her tell you about it, and also heirloom varieties.

But first Linda, tell us how you became interested in doing what you do.

LINDA CRAGO: It was a pretty natural transition for me. I went to university to become a social worker and did that job for about 13 years. But I had grown up in a farm, so that was really always where my heart was.

And my mom was very much a gardener and grew many things so many years ago, 40 years ago at least in her garden that people are just discovering now. So it was a really natural thing for me.

DEBRA: Yes, it sounds like it was. So you started out, after being a social worker, you started delivering organic vegetables to people that you knew.

LINDA CRAGO: That’s right. Yeah, it was one of those things. I had moved out to the country from the small city of Welland and I had nine acres all of a sudden. And I was feeling a little stressed out at my job or should I say a lot stressed out at my job and my garden kept getting bigger and bigger. I was taking produce into work as so many people do when they have big gardens.

It just went from there. It seemed the logical thing. I was looking for something else to do for my own sanity really to some degree. And it was just a natural thing for me to fall into. And the people that have been getting my produce were interested in continuing to get it. So yeah, it just all went from there.

DEBRA: Good. So explain to us what community-supported agriculture program is.

LINDA CRAGO: It’s a pretty simple concept really. It just involves people, people buying a share of the farm essentially.

So you sign up at the beginning of the growing season. And usually the payment is received before the growing season even starts and any produce is received by the shareholders. Getting that money in advance really helps the farmers purchase the supplies for the season like seeds in particular and anything else they might require.

And then each farm sets the number of weeks that the growing season is going to be and […] accordingly. But every week through the growing season, they get whatever the farm is producing.

So usually traditionally, it has been baskets of vegetables that people are getting. A lot of people do it in different ways. I have talked to some people that do—their shares include meat and eggs and firewood and maple syrup and all sorts of different things.

But I would say by far the majority of people are receiving produce, primarily vegetables, sometimes a bit of fruit, some herbs involved. But yeah, that’s how it goes.

And the understanding is that I think most people that do this program make it clear to their shareholders that not every season is the same. So there might be or there are always some years where the season just isn’t successful because usually of the weather. You can have a very cool and wet growing season and you’re just not able to produce as much.

And people accept that you could also have the most wonderful growing season ever and the people are signing up for the same amount of money and getting a tremendous value because it has been such a fabulous season. But those are the reality of growing food.

Not every season is the same. Not every season is great. And not every season is terrible.

DEBRA: But that’s the way it is in nature and I think it’s important to say that community-supported agriculture is about…

LINDA CRAGO: That’s right. And most people that sign up to become involved in a CS, they are pretty in touch with that.

DEBRA: Yeah.

LINDA CRAGO: Occasionally, you get some people that can’t understand. So it is a bit of an education and getting people to look at the weather and think about the weather and think about the impact it has on growing because that’s certainly the reality for every farmer that’s ever been.

DEBRA: I think one of the things I like about it—and I actually have a lot to say about community-supported agriculture, but we’re going to come up on the break. So I’ll just say one thing to start. And that is that being involved in a community-supported agriculture program actually brings you closer to the experience that that food comes from nature.

And if you’re buying all your food from a supermarket or even a natural food store, they’re bringing in all kinds of foods from different places so that there’s a supply of food 365 days a year. And it’s not always seasonal because it’s coming from different places.

You get a more seasonal quality if you are buying at a farmers’ market. But when you do a CSA, you’re experiencing as the customer what the farmer experiences because what you get is the production of a farm just as if you were the farmer.

I did a CSA for a couple of years and then I moved. I wouldn’t have stopped doing the CSA if I hadn’t moved away. But it totally changed my relationship with food and I’ll tell you about that when we come back.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is Linda Crago of Tree and Twig Heirloom Vegetable Farm. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is Linda Crago from Tree and Twig Heirloom Vegetable Farm.

You can go see her. She’s in Canada. And you can go see her website, her farm and her website at That’s a Canadian website.

So Linda, when I was in California, I have lived out in a rural area north of San Francisco called Marin County over the Golden Gate Bridge. And there are a lot of little farms out there and I happened to live very close to a farm that had a CSA Program.

Now, I couldn’t walk there because it was straight uphill from where I lived. So I had to drive my car. But it was so wonderful because we, as the customers, were allowed to really participate in the farm. We could consider it to be our farm and go there and work there if we wanted to help with the harvest, if we wanted to help fill the baskets and deliver them if we wanted to.

We could do anything we wanted to or not. We could have whatever kind of level of participation we wanted to have.

And it was wonderful to get the basket because it was like Christmas morning every week. It was nice because we all went to a place, a commonplace to go pick up our baskets. So I got to see my neighbors when I showed up at 5:30 on Monday night to pick up my basket.

And I never knew what was going to be in there. And so the difference is to be thinking about what foods, what dishes are you going to prepare from the foods that are available in your place in that season rather than pulling a recipe out of a recipe book and then going to the supermarket and buying the ingredients.

That’s hugely, hugely, hugely different and it aligns us with nature in a way that I just think is magnificent.

LINDA CRAGO: And it doesn’t work for everybody because some people have a problem with that spontaneity in food preparation. I found there are some people that will sit down and plan their entire week of menus and then if they get a basket of vegetables for me, then they’re thrown off.

But it’s a different way of thinking and a lot of people definitely do buy into it. And the same things that you’re talking about or the same things that are happening here, people will call me and tell me that they are just so excited to get their baskets and it’s like Christmas morning. They look at them.

And because I grow a lot of really unusual things, some of the things that are in the baskets, they’re unsure of and they have never seen them or eaten some of these things before in their life. So I always try to…

DEBRA: But then you’ve done something new. You’ve done something new.

LINDA CRAGO: …get people out so they can look at some of these things growing in the garden. And I also pass along recipes so people know how to use some of the unusual produce. So that’s fun too.

DEBRA: I really like cooking this way because it’s very spontaneous and creative. But what it really requires is a different way of looking at food.

And this is something I’m trying to do in my food blog. I don’t think in terms of recipes. I think in terms of understanding a food and technique. I know how to boil water for example. No, I do know how to boil water. I mean that’s a little simplistic.

Like how you sauté something. I could sauté any vegetable for example. But a lot of people when I moved here to Florida because I’m from Northern California where people cook more than people cook here and I didn’t know that. I just thought that everybody cooks.

And here in Florida, people were just amazed that I knew how to cook. And people were asking me to give them cooking lessons because they haven’t met somebody who knew how to cook.

But I do know how to cook. I know about technique and I learned about new foods and I’m really always curious what this food can do. What can I do with it? Like eggs. You can do a lot of things with different vegetables, do different things. They taste differently whether they’re raw or whether they’re cooked. It just excites me to learn foods.

And once you learn a food, then you don’t have to have a recipe in front of you. You just say, “Well, I’m going to take this food and do this with it and add the spice or put on these green onions,” or whatever inspires me that day.

And I think that I would like to see everybody in the world cook that way because that’s the way people used to cook. They just went out of their backyards. So they went to the local farmer or they went down into the village square and picked out the food. And there are still places on earth today where that’s the way people eat. And I think that’s the natural way for us to eat, not going to the supermarket.

LINDA CRAGO: To me, because I grow all this food and it’s just out my backdoor, the best feeling for me in the world is to go out into the garden and pick what we’re going to have for dinner. And that’s generally what I do.

And I see the CSA in the same way. I just pick for everybody else so people get to have that experience as well without the incredible satisfaction that you get from growing your own food. But still, it’s very much like that.

DEBRA: Yeah.

LINDA CRAGO: To me, I love doing the CSA and the whole thing. But to me, the very best thing in the world is me being able to out with a basket and pick what I’m going to have for supper and feed my family. So it’s that loosely translated into the CSA I think. That’s a wonderful thing.

I’m not sure. I know your weather is quite different where you are. But up here, our seasons are so much shorter.

DEBRA: Actually, we have a short season here because our seasons are flipped. You can’t plant in the winter and we can’t grow in the summer. There’s very little we can grow in the summer.

LINDA CRAGO: Oh, okay.

DEBRA: And so our fall is like your spring. So in the fall, we start planting things and we grow things over the winter.
There are some things like I’ve grown cucumbers here and you can’t even plant them until January. And then by May, they’re done because they don’t last over the heat of the summer. It is very, very hot here 24 hours a day.

LINDA CRAGO: I’d be on that stuff if I lived where you live.

DEBRA: I know.

LINDA CRAGO: But our seasons are certainly different.

DEBRA: See that’s what happened to me is that…

LINDA CRAGO: Across the United States and Canada, you’re finding now that there are a lot of CSAs that are actually running year-round. Even in our climate, people are using a lot of really very simple growing techniques. You can grow in the winter.

A lot of leafy greens with chard, kale, spinach, all those really heart greens will survive in an unheated […] This winter was extreme for us.

DEBRA: I actually need to interrupt you because we need to go to break. The commercial is going to come play over you if we don’t stop talking.

LINDA CRAGO: No problem.

DEBRA: But we’ll be back. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio and we’re talking today with Linda Crago of Tree and Twig Heirloom Vegetable Farm in Ontario, Canada. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is Linda Crago from Tree and Twig Heirloom Vegetable Farm in Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada.

Linda, are you near Niagara Falls?

LINDA CRAGO: Yeah. I’m about 45 minutes or so from Niagara Falls, pretty close.

DEBRA: I’ve actually never been there, but that’s a place that I’ve always wanted to go. I always wonder if they have something about Niagara Falls on TV. I always watch it.

LINDA CRAGO: Yeah. You’ll definitely have to get there and then you can come and visit me too.

DEBRA: I will. I will. Please go on with what you were saying about growing over the winter.

LINDA CRAGO: Yeah, I was just trying to emphasize how much CSA has changed over the years. I know in our region, a lot of them actually grow through the winter as well.

Usually when you think about a CSA previously, you would think of a CSA that was maybe 20 weeks long and producing for only about 20 weeks.

But a lot of them now will run through the winter and provide their members with certainly the root crops that you would expect that can be stored like potatoes and beets and carrots, squash as well, but also fresh greens, which is pretty neat because most people would think, in Canada or even in some of the colder northeastern states, that grow and can’t be done over the winter, but it certainly can and it’s very, very low tech.

That’s all I meant. It’s low tech and it’s very possible. So we’ve learned to expand our expectations of what can be done in a CSA. That’s pretty neat.

And just in terms of being a simple thing for farmers to pick up that increases their ability to support themselves through those difficult winter months as well. It’s an important thing to think about as well.

DEBRA: I really like that because it really does give the relationship between the farmer and the farmer’s community continuing on throughout the winter, through all the seasons.

Here in Florida, we actually build our things so we can grow through the summer, but they’re not your ordinary things that you find in the supermarket. Here where I live, we have some people that are very interested in community gardens and local growing and helping people set up, growing food in their backyards and things like that.

We only have one CSA that is all booked up and so I can’t even get into it. But we have two organic nurseries now very close to where I live. And the people who are interested, who are gardeners—like you are an agricultural person. I didn’t grow up with agriculture.

And there are people here that have been gardening all their lives and growing things. And so they are trying out the varieties that will grow here and sharing with the rest of us what we can eat even though they are unusual like Moringa trees. Do you have Moringa trees there?


DEBRA: Probably not. It’s a tropical thing. But you can grow a Moringa tree. I should probably do a whole show just on Moringa trees because there are so many things that you can do with them. But unless you look outside of a supermarket, at what’s edible out in nature, you never find these other kinds of varieties.

And I really think that community-supported agriculture should be very, very widespread because it makes so much sense for people to be growing food right in a community and feeding the community and for people to be able to know the farmer and talk to them and just have that direct relationship. It’s very close to growing your food in your own backyard.

But let’s talk about heirloom.

LINDA CRAGO: If I could just add to that.

DEBRA: Go ahead. Please.

LINDA CRAGO: I think the other thing too is that it’s an excellent way for a farmer as well to market their produce. From a farmer’s point of view, it is community-supported because the produce is sold in advance so the farmer knows that they have that income so they can continue carrying on that lifestyle. That’s very important too.

So from a farmer’s point of view, it’s excellent too. So just to add that.

DEBRA: I agree. It’s just good things all around. I want to say we were talking about taking things on the garden before. I want to say that when I lived in California, I had a garden. I got food for my CSA. I also had a garden.

And one of the best, most memorable meals I ever had was a day when I dug up new baby potatoes and planted right next to them were leeks. And I just dug up these potatoes and I steamed them and I put butter on them and sautéd the leeks. It was so delicious, so delicious because food from the farm and from the backyard just tastes so much better than the supermarket. If you have never eaten it, it’s indescribably different.

LINDA CRAGO: That’s right. And most people that are involved in a CSA experience, that big difference, I’ve had a number of people that have said there are certain vegetables they would never eat. They don’t like them. And then when they tried them right from my farm, they do like those vegetables. It’s a different experience altogether.

DEBRA: Yes, totally, totally. So I really encourage anyone who only eats from the supermarket or even the natural food store to get out and find a farm or somebody with a garden and taste. It will change your life. It will just change your entire concept about food.

So I want to make sure that we talk about—doesn’t the hour go by fast? I want to make sure we talk about heirloom varieties before the end of the show. In my garden, here’s my experience with heirloom varieties.

In my garden in California, I had a split level house. And so the garden was down on the lower level and then I had a whole story and then there was a deck. And I lived on the second story. The bottom story was a garage. And so I had this deck and I put a lot of soil over it. So this was 15 or 20 feet up in the air, this deck.

Down at the bottom, I would always put six heirloom tomato plants and I would plant them. I would dig a hole and I would put fish heads down there. And then I put black pepper on top of the fish heads so that the animals wouldn’t take them. And then I put in the plant.

By the end of the summer, every summer, without fail, these six tomato plants would have grown all the way up to the deck, 20 feet and they would be climbing all over the deck. So by the time we got to the Thanksgiving and remember this was California, I was just walking out of my second story deck and picking tomatoes off the plant.

That’s what you get with an heirloom plant. At least, that’s what I got.

LINDA CRAGO: Yeah, there are some varieties that are […], you’re absolutely right.

DEBRA: So we’ll talk more about the difference between heirloom plants and the other plants when we come back.
You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and I’m talking with Linda Crago of Tree and Twig Heirloom Vegetable Farm. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. My guest today is Linda Crago, owner of the nine acre Tree and Twig Heirloom Vegetable Farm in Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada.

Before the break, we started talking about heirloom seeds. Linda, tell us the difference between an heirloom seed and a hybrid seed.

LINDA CRAGO: Heirlooms are typically varieties of produce or flowers, herbs that have been in existence for more than—usually the figure is around 50 years. So they’re older varieties.

Often, they have a story associated with them such as they have been passed down from generation to generation in the family. But really most importantly for people that are growing them and saving seeds is the fact that they’re open pollinated, unlike a hybrid. It’s not possible to save seeds from a hybrid and have it come true to type whereas with an open pollinated seed, which is what all heirlooms are, you can save the seeds as long as you’re careful about cross-pollination issues.

So there are older varieties that have stood the test of time and they’re still around because they taste good. And a lot of hybrids are created not for their taste, but they’re created because they form in size or they ship well or they store well. Heirlooms are grown for taste.

DEBRA: Yes, heirlooms are grown for taste and hybrids are grown for industrialization.

LINDA CRAGO: Well, to some degree. I mean there are certainly hybrids that taste good. But I mean when you grow heirlooms, really what you’re doing is you’re preserving diversity.

We’ve lost so many vegetable varieties over the last 100 years. It’s hard to imagine and it’s really important to keep these varieties in existence.

DEBRA: Right. I agree. So what are some of your favorite heirlooms?

LINDA CRAGO: Well, my problem is I like it all. That’s why […]

DEBRA: That’s why you have a nine acre farm.

LINDA CRAGO: Yeah, exactly. I really love the heirloom tomatoes. I grow lots and lots of heirloom tomatoes. And some of the ones that are my favorites are ones that are actually unassuming, but have some really valuable characteristics of course, beyond tasting just great.

There’s one that I really like the taste of in particular and I like the fact that in our climate, it’s super early and it’s always the first tomato out of my garden. Usually people in this area get their tomatoes planted around the 24th of May or so. That’s usually considered to be like our frost-free time.

These tomatoes, I can get usually within 50 days of getting them in my garden, which is phenomenal. So that variety that I’m speaking about is a little Czechoslovakian heirloom called Stupice. That’s the pronunciation, but the spelling is S-T-U-P-I-C-E. I love that one.

But I also love the diversity of the heirloom tomatoes. There are more than 10,000 different varieties.


LINDA CRAGO: So every color that you can imagine, black and purple and brown.

DEBRA: I’ve seen a lot of them.

LINDA CRAGO: Yeah, yellow, orange, bicolors, whites, greens. The diversity is incredible in color, in shape, in size. There are some that are fluted, some that are smooth, some that have peach skins. I mean it’s just incredible, some amazing, amazing produce.

DEBRA: When I lived in California in the rural area of West Marin, I had a neighbor who had a tomato farm. She grew tomatoes and sold them. And all she grew was tomatoes. And so you would go over to her property and it would just be tomato plant after tomato plant. And all she grew was heirlooms.

And so I got to try a lot of heirloom tomatoes because I had her so close by and we were friends. And she would take them to the farmers’ market and stuff.

It’s just wonderful to see that diversity. And then you walk into the supermarket and there’s one kind of tomato. You could go to the natural food store.

I think actually you can go to the supermarket and maybe get three or four tomatoes, different types of tomatoes. But to get those heirlooms and see those with stripes and the different colors and make a salad out of them or just taste them one by one and see how they’re different that you really see the amazing diversity that is in nature of things that we can eat and that we’ve really narrowed them down to the supermarket varieties.

And it’s just so, so, so important, in our own backyards and in our own small farms, to be maintaining that genetic material.

LINDA CRAGO: That’s exactly right.


LINDA CRAGO: And it’s not just tomatoes. There are so many amazing heirlooms, squashes and peppers and potatoes.

DEBRA: Carrots.

LINDA CRAGO: Diversity, you can’t even imagine if the only place you’ve ever shopped is a grocery store. There are some amazing things, amazing tastes. That’s really what it’s all about.


LINDA CRAGO: Yeah, it’s wonderful. It’s a wonderful world.

DEBRA: And what a wonderful thing to do all day long.

LINDA CRAGO: You’ve got it. That’s great.

DEBRA: To be out there with the plants. Well, we’re getting to the end of our time, but we still have about five minutes left. Is there anything that you’d like to talk about that I haven’t asked you?

LINDA CRAGO: I am trying to think now. But just really, I would like to stress how important the heirlooms are.

One organization that I just love is in your country. It’s in Decorah, Iowa. It’s a nonprofit organization whose work is only maintaining heirloom varieties, Seed Savers Exchange.

DEBRA: Yes. I’ve known that for years. Tell us about that.

LINDA CRAGO: They do fabulous work. I think in their collection, they have tens of thousands of different seeds that they have maintained and they’ve collected varieties from all over the world and they’re trying to pass them along to individuals that are members or nonmembers.

And I just can’t stress enough how important the work that they’re doing is and what a real difference they’ve made. So if people are interested in looking them up and supporting their work, I think it’s tremendous and I think it’s very important. So you’ve got a wonderful organization.

DEBRA: Yes, they’ve been around for quite a while. And I have been recommending them a lot.
You also mentioned in your bio a couple of other organizations, Kokopelli in France and Garden Organic in England. Can you tell us about those?

LINDA CRAGO: There are a number of organizations that I’m involved with and it’s interesting to see the number of organizations that are springing up in countries really all over the world who are interested in preserving their nation’s produce, their nation’s heirlooms. Really if you look around the world, nearly every country has one now.

But Kokopelli is an interesting one because they do a lot of good outreach work as well. They’re in France, but they go into third world countries and distribute open pollinated heirloom seeds and teach people how to grow them and how to save seeds.

But they do some fabulous work and are really worthy of support as well. But it’s great. I think the interest in heirlooms is growing all the time. The way that we can preserve these varieties is to eat them, which sounds strange, but […]

DEBRA: No, I understand. It is. It is exactly the way to preserve them. It’s to eat them and grow them. I think that growing food—more and more, it is obvious to me that growing food is one of those basic life skills that everyone should have and that everybody used to have. Turn the clock back a couple of hundred years, everybody grew their food.

LINDA CRAGO: That’s right.

DEBRA: And they took their food to the village square and traded it with their neighbors and it was all extremely, extremely local and no corporations involved, just people helping each other eat.

I’m not against industrialization, but there’s so much that industry takes over that we could just be doing for ourselves. And I just think it’s such a beautiful thing for people to know how to grow, for people to help each other grow these foods to help each other understand how to prepare them and store them and to take responsibility and control for our food and our nourishment.

It’s such a fundamental thing and it’s such a direct connection with nature that I think a lot of people have lost and I’d really love to see […]

LINDA CRAGO: And I think it’s important to get children involved in it too. And it’s gratifying to see that a lot of schools are picking up on that in our area anyways and are introducing gardening programs. There’s tremendous satisfaction to be had from growing your own food.

DEBRA: And eating it.

LINDA CRAGO: […] It’s a very stress-free activity and there’s so much satisfaction from seeing what can grow from one teeny-tiny seed. It’s great when you can expose children to that as well and get them interested from the get-go.

DEBRA: Yes, I completely agree. Well, it has been a pleasure to have you on, Linda. This is just one of my favorite subjects and it’s always so good to see people who are doing these things that are—I mean this is not the normal thing that most people are doing.

And so I so appreciate your being able to decide for yourself that that’s what you want to do and do it and set an example.

LINDA CRAGO: Thank you. And it’s been a pleasure being on your show. And when you visit Niagara Falls, climb over and see me.

A Box of Chocolates for Mother’s Day

Question from Craig

Hi, Debra. I have a question. What boxes of chocolate do you recommend for Mother’s Day? Thanks.


Debra’s Answer

If you want chocolates in a pretty gift box, I don’t know of any organic chocolates you can buy in a store, but you might be able to order online. I started to do a search and found some, but they didn’t list their ingredients, so I couldn’t evaluate the sweeteners etc.

But let me say this about gifts. The best gifts are gifts that will make the receiver happy. If a box of chocolates says “I love you” to your Mom, then you should give her a box of chocolates of the kind SHE likes. Having a special treat one day out of the year is fine.

Of the boxes of chocolates that are generally available, I would choose Godiva. Not organic, has sugar, but no artificial ingredients or additives. It’s “all natural” unless they’ve changed since I last looked at the label. I recommended Godiva Chocolates in my first book Nontoxic & Natural in 1984. There was no organic chocolate then, and these were the best because they were all natural.

They are delicious and a very special gift.

Also look for a local chocolatier where you live. You can go in the shop and ask about ingredients and they will fill a box of chocolates you choose, just for your mom.

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Simmons BeautyRest Mattresses Are Free of Some Toxic Chemicals, But Not All

Question from KER

Hi, just saw a segment on a shopping channel, while channel-surfing. The Simmons BeautyRest company was hyping its foam inside the mattress – saying it containted no formaldehyde, no chlorofluorocarbons, no lead, no mercury. They talked about how other mattresses smell a lot when you take off the plastic wrapper; theirs to not, because there is no outgassing. I am SO skeptical, but oh, if only. Their website says nothing about this! Any comments? Thanks!

Debra’s Answer

Well, there is some information about this.

I found it on the website North Shore Bedding, which says

Simmons Mattresses Screenshot

I also found it on a complaints about these mattresses to the Consumer Product Safety Commission:

And here’s a press release announcing these mattresses are certified by GREENGUARD because of the CertiPUR-US certified foam.

But here’s the thing. I researched this foam extensively. It’s polyurethane foam made with a whole list of toxic chemicals (which I will write about another day).

Notice that it says LOW emissions, not NO emissions.

Then it says it’s made without “prohibited phthalates.” Um hmmm. All the foams are made without prohibited phthalates. They are prohibited by law. So nothing different here.

No CFCs. Well, CFCs were banned in 1978, so, again, no polyurethane foam is made with them.

Typically mercury, lead and other heavy metals are also not used to make polyurethane foam.

Formaldehyde also is not part of the polyurethane foam formula.

And PBDE’s have been banned in the United States since 2004. Again, no foam would have them for this reason.

It’s great the mattress doesn’t contain any of these chemicals. But it does contain other chemicals.

In fact, this certified foam is no different than any other polyurethane foam. It’s just telling you that it doesn’t contain chemicals that wouldn’t be there in the first place.

It’s like putting a label on a can of pineapple that says “fat-free.” Well, yes, there is no fat in this can of pineapple, but neither to any other pineapples contain fat.

By contract, organic cotton, for example, has NO emissions. I don’t want to sleep on a LOW emission mattress. When you see that phrase “low emissions” it means there are emissions of toxic chemicals. Certainly there might be less toxic chemicals than other mattresses, but it’s more emissions than natural fibers.

I’ll stick with my organic wool mattress, thank you.

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How Safe is Sheetrock?

Question from Sandy

We may have to put new sheetrock on a bedroom wall. Do you find sheetrock, tapping and mudding that would have to be done, to be inert as far as bothering those with EI.



Debra’s Answer

I can tell you that I have installed many walls with ordinary sheetrock, tape and mud, and never had a problem with it.

Some people with MCS prefer using Murco products,  but these need to be ordered by mail. They are totally fine, I just in the past haven’t had time for a special order, and found that once the mud dries and it is painted there is no odor.

The concern with regular sheetrock is that it is susceptible to mold growth.  Some alternatives that are more resistant magnesium oxide boards such as Dragonboard and MagBoard.

Protect Your Health From EMFs with Clothing That Shields Your Body

Suzanne McConnell James McConnellMy guests Suzanne and James McConnell are the Co-Founders of Off the Matrix, a clothing design and manufacturing company specializing in EMF-sheilding Apparel and Canopy Shields. Through their meditation practices they came to understand the need for EMF shielding. EMF fields are very distracting energy forces, both for the spiritual self and the physical body. The EMF clothing and canopy shield products fill the need for those who are rightly concerned about the abundant amounts of EMF radiation we are exposed to on a daily basis. “The EMF Canopy Shield gives our bodies a much needed eight hour break from this toxic EMF world and allows our bombarded bodies time to heal.” James and Suzanne currently live and work in Preston, Connecticut.

On the show today we mentioned a website where there is a lot of information on EMFs and toxic chemicals. It’s

It’s a pdf, so if it’s too big, use the magnifying function to make it smaller.






Protect Your Health From EMF’s with Clothing That Shields Your Body

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Suzanne & James McConnell

Date of Broadcast: April 30, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world, and live toxic-free.

Today, we’re going to be talking about something I’ve never seen before actually, and that’s one of the reasons why I’m having it on because it’s something that we actually need in our world. And it’s a solution to a toxic exposure, definitely toxic exposure.

We’re going to be talking about EMF’s and clothing that can shield these electromagnetic fields, also, things that you can put in your home, like a canopy over your bed, a cover on your mattress, even a wall-hanging that also shields EMF’s.

We really have EMF’s all around us. We’ve talked about EMF’s on Monday too when we were talking about cell phones. I know in my house, I don’t have Wi-Fi. I don’t have a cordless phone. I use my cell phone as little as possible

But when I turn on my computer, this little thing comes up and asks me if I want to accept the Wi-Fi. Some neighbor has Wi-Fi, and it still gets into my house.

I don’t think that there’s a place on earth that you can go today where you’re not going to be exposed to electromagnetic fields. And electromagnetic fields cause a lot of harm to your body. We’re going to talk a little bit about that today. And they also can make your exposure to toxic chemicals worse.

It makes your body less able to tolerate toxic chemicals. We’re going to talk about that too.

So I want to introduce my guests. I have two guests today—Suzanne and James McConnell. They’re the co-founders of Off the Matrix, a clothing design and manufacturing company specializing in EMF-shielding apparel and canopy shields.

Now, this is so new and so unusual that they actually make all of their products by hand because they’re not even in manufacturing yet.

Anything we talk about today, you can go to their website,, and you can place an order, and they will make it for you. They’re planning on manufacturing these items, but they’re still looking for the right manufacturer to do so.

So this is something that is new, unique, and necessary. And I’ll bet you anything, 10 years from now, it’s going to be widespread, or even sooner.

This is just going to be something that the time has come for.

So hi, Suzanne and James.



JAMES MCCONNELL: Well, thanks for having us on your cutting-edge program.

DEBRA: Thank you. Thank you for being cutting edge.

JAMES MCCONNELL: We’re still homeschooling our child. I want you to know that this would be a mandatory course.

DEBRA: Good. Thank you.

So first of all, tell us how did you become interested, and each of you can tell your own story if you want or you can interrupt each other. I know a couple sometimes just gives one story, however you want. But tell us how you got to be interested in this subject and why you thought it was so important to create these products.

JAMES MCCONNELL: Well, as I say, necessity is the mother of all invention, but I have a unique theory on that. It’s inventions and discoveries are open. And the people that are paying attention or are in need are the ones that are getting the opportunity to discover that […]

So it seems when a new idea comes to the market, 20 other people have the same exact idea. And my way of thinking is just that it’s something that’s opening. It’s ready to come out. And those who are paying attention get the opportunity to play with it.

So I don’t take any credit for having done this. When we first started, I hadn’t seen anything like it. But now, just prior to coming on the show, I did another search, and it’s starting to explode already.

So, there are people that are manufacturing hats and gloves and different things and a band that goes around pregnant women’s stomachs to protect their […] But I like our product because we started with the idea of the coat because it offers so much protection to the entire body.

And then also, if you want a lining in the coat, you can get the full lining, but you can also use it as a means to keep your privacy because the pockets are shielded on the inside and out on one side of the coat. Then the other coat is just shielded on the inside of the lining, so it’s exposed to the other signals.

So […], “Oh, I’m going to put it in the left-hand pocket.” And if you want your cellphone incognito, you pop it into the right pocket. It works amazingly well.

I know there are other products on the market like plastic shields and stuff. They’re definitely serving another function and purpose. People want to use those as well. But the coat is another form of protection.

I think now, they have the technology to be able to scan how much cash you have in your pocket. They can tell what your credit card numbers are and they can see what your passport strip—it’s in all the passports now. It has huge amounts of information about yourself.

So, it affords you a higher level of privacy. But then you can get the full lining in your coat, which is optional, that gives you the protection from the EMF signals which, as you know, are just—

A lot of independent studies have been done on it that absolutely can prove, without a doubt, that it’s causing much damage to our systems.

DEBRA: In preparation for this show, I actually did a little search because I had remembered hearing before—we’ll wait until after the break to talk about this because I want to make sure that I get your stories.

Suzanne, do you want to say anything, about how you became interested in this subject?

SUZANNE MCCONNELL: Well, mostly for myself, my need for such an item would have more to do with my meditation practices because I am very, very sensitive, spiritually-speaking. And so during meditation, I find that the covering or the shielding is pretty useful.

JAMES MCCONNELL: […] canopies.

SUZANNE MCCONNELL: It’s blocking out so many things, even thoughts. You get so many thoughts when you try to meditate that just seem to come out of nowhere. It helps. So for me, […]

I’m interested in what you said earlier about how the EMF signals can make you more susceptible to your own chemical sensitivities. I am chemically sensitive on latex toxic. We’ve had a lot of health problems that came about because of that.

So it will be interesting to see if that doesn’t help. But […] regularly don’t help that chemical sensitivity.

DEBRA: Well, I think it might be because I do so that there’s a lot of correspondence between people being chemically sensitive and electrically sensitive.

I, personally, am not electrically sensitive. I’m very happy that I’m not.

Actually, one of the things is I was reading something completely unrelated the other day about sugar actually, and that there have been studies that show that healthy people can just assimilate sugar in their bodies if they’re healthy.

And the people who have difficulty with sugar metabolism are people who are otherwise, their bodies are not functioning in some way.

And I’ve been saying this for years. I’ve been saying to people. They say, “Why don’t you do this or that because it’s supposed to make things better?”

And what happens is that I do it, and then it’s like my body is operating backwards from the chemical exposures that I’ve had in the past. And it doesn’t. Whatever that healing thing is doesn’t work because my body isn’t functioning correctly, that there is damage to it.

And I think that a lot of people have chemical damage to their bodies, or electromagnetic damage to their body. And then whatever it is that the treatment is just doesn’t work because that’s not what needs to be done.

And so I think that to eliminate the EMF’s, I think James, you were talking about—I think you wrote something—just to give yourself a relief for eight hours.

Oh, I have it. I put it in right in the description. I said, “The EMF canopy shield gives our bodies a much needed eight-hour break from this toxic EMF world and allows our bombarded bodies time to heal.”

Unless we have something like that, we never get a break. We just never get a break.

JAMES MCCONNELL: I’d like to say, the canopy shield is ideal because it gives you complete 360° protection. There are so many products out there, the wall hangings, the different items—you want me to wait until we come back from the break?

DEBRA: When we come back from the break, we’ll hear about your items. But the first thing I want to talk about when we come back from break is what I learned about the connection between EMF’s and toxic chemicals.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guests today are Suzanne and James McConnell, from Off the Matrix. We’re talking about EMF’s and what to do to protect your body.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guests today are Suzanne and James McConnell from Off the Matrix, and they make shielding canopies and clothing. We’re going to talk about this in a minute because you can go to their website, and I’m looking at the canopy shield.

It looks like mosquito netting. It just looks like mosquito netting. And so it completely encases your bed.

But before we talk about that, I want to tell you some things that I found here. So what I’ve looked at was I’ve looked up EMF’s and toxic chemicals, and there was very little. I could find very little, but there’s one page that is just amazing. It’s got lots of links to lots of articles.

The URL is too long for me to give to you, but I’ll put it on the website, along with the description of this show. I’ll include the URL, so you can all take a look at it.

It’s extremely difficult to read. It’s a great, big poster, and you have to keep scrolling around to see a little piece and a little piece. It’s not really laid out to be a page.

I’m just going to read you part of it. It says, “What happens when you’re exposed to EMF’s is (these are some of the things) detoxification methods may be overwhelmed.”

And so, what happens if the detoxification mechanisms are overwhelmed by EMF’s, then what are they going to do when the toxic chemicals come along?

It’s too much. The toxic chemicals alone are too much for your body. The immune systems become overwhelmed. Membranes are disrupted by EMF’s which allow toxic chemicals to penetrate tissues more easily.

Some toxic molecules become charged stickier, more difficult to remove. The body is forced to ration nutrients, and toxic-heavy metals may be released because of EMF’s. Repair from toxic chemical injury is slowed by having the EMF’s because your body is dealing with the EMF’s.

It just goes on and on, and it’s probably got about 50 links to articles on this subject.

It’s an excellent page. I just started exploring it, but damage to the blood-brain barrier by EMF’s allows toxins into the brain.

When I first started studying toxins, one of the things that I noticed was that for things like asbestos, for example, asbestos is more toxic if you also smoke. And that there are all these combinations of things where it’s bad enough by itself, and then you put them together, and it makes it worse.

And it’s very apparent to me that EMF’s and toxic chemicals together make both of them worse.

So let’s talk about your canopy shield.

JAMES MCCONNELL: I was mentioning that the canopy shield offers you that 360° environment except when you take your cell phone into the canopy shield area. All of the Wi-Fi signals drop off to zero. So everybody can test it without getting the expensive equipment to actually read RF signals.

But there are other products on the market like the hanging wall thing that you can put on the backside of where your SMART meter is, or there are big curtains that you can put a wiring in the back of the curtains and curtain an entire wall.

Now, recently, there’s a company called Wise Shield that is making a paint. They use a cheaper graphite metal that they put into the paint. And if you paint the walls, it knocks down all the RF signals coming into your house, which I think would be, of course, the better solution.

There are window pane linings now that you could put on your windows that are transparent, so you can try to enclose the entire environment.

The reason why I’m bringing that up is because I’m so excited. But since we scheduled being on your program, I came up with something else in investigating this paint. They sell you one kind of paint, and it’s five gallons, and it’s ready-made, and then you have to pay the shipping cost. It’s $400 just for five-gallons of paint, and then $75 for probably the shipping that goes along with it.

DEBRA: $400 for five-gallons?

JAMES MCCONNELL: It’s insane! So I started contemplating and meditating on this. And I came up with an incredible solution. I said, “Why can’t we just take the silver powder then mix it in with your paint?”
Then you have the benefit of the primer, and you can put it in the primer, and then you get a double coating which, of course, increases the shielding. And then you can put it in any color pain that you want and the quality of paint that you want.

So we’re working on that right now, and we haven’t yet tested it. It’s up on the internet. I just put it up there last night. But people need to understand that if you go and order today, we have to complete the testing before we actually send it out to you. We wouldn’t want to sell you anything that doesn’t work. I’m so confident that it’s going to work.

So now, you just get one-ounce powder container, and you can drop it into the primer, and the finish coat paint, then you get essentially the same protection for a fraction of the money. And I really believe that’s one of the best solutions.

Even with that paint, you’re going to have cracks and crevices in your wall that would allow some signals to come in, and that canopy bed still provides ultimate optimal protection. So I still would recommend that as well.

DEBRA: What is special about the fabric that you’re using that makes it repel the frequencies?

JAMES MCCONNELL: Well, the industry is racing to come up with the solutions for people because the demand is, of course, increasing. What we do is we order big bulks of the fabric, so it’s much cheaper, then we can pass the savings along to everybody else.

The typical price of some similar products we’ve seen are $24.95 for a square-foot which is outrageous. The jumping in the market to try to make a killing, that’s not why we’re in business. We’re in business to help people. So we’re trying to keep the cost down as much as possible.

We’ve researched different fabrics. There’s a copper fabric. There’s nickel. You probably know more than I do about the nickel being an agitator in the skin and stuff. In proximity to your skin, you’re going to get a rash. A lot of people do. So I don’t think that’s the best solution.

The copper has its positives and negatives as well. But the silver is the way to go for the canopy shield for anything that you’re going to come in contact with.

So the back of a wall-hanging, you could use the copper nickel fabric, which is much cheaper. But for something like the canopy or the clothing, you should go with the silver and cotton fabric. And the silver offers antibacterial properties as well.

DEBRA: We’ll talk more about this when we come back from the break. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guests today are Suzanne and James McConnell from Off the Matrix. And we’re talking about how to shield your body from EMF’s.
We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guests today are Suzanne and James McConnell from Off the Matrix where they make clothing and shielding canopies to shield EMF’s, so that you’re not exposed to them.

Do you have to be careful with this fabric? Does the shielding quality disappear if you wash it?

JAMES MCCONNELL: As with any fabric, with some degradation. That’s why we favor the silver because if there’s some sort of particle fallout, of course, […] You don’t want something toxic showering down on you.

With all clothing, when you put something in the drier or the washer, there’s a length when it comes off of everything. It’s the degradation of the fabric, which is causing the [inaudible 00:19:05].

In a similar fashion, it’s going to degrade over time like anything else. But we haven’t done any studies on that right now to find out what the life of the product is. We’re heading in that direction, but we haven’t done any of those studies yet.

But the silver is probably the least toxic, and perhaps you could even say it’s beneficial to you. Even if something fell down on you because of the coil of silver that people […] and what-not, I think it’s probably a pretty safe product.

DEBRA: So is this like threads of silver? I haven’t seen the fabric. For the canopy, for example, are these threads or particles?

JAMES MCCONNELL: You mentioned that one looked like a mosquito netting. And that particular fabric is silver and polyester. The cotton doesn’t come in the mesh fabric, but it comes in something more opaque, so you can still see through it.

We would recommend the cotton material.

SUZANNE MCCONNELL: It’s more like the muslin, the light-weight muslin material. It looks more like that. So it’s a little bit heavier than a net. But it’s very comfortable […] like a bag.

DEBRA: So air still moves through it, but you can’t see through it so well?

SUZANNE MCCONNELL: The air will move through the cotton and silver better than it will move through the polyester netting.

DEBRA: I wonder why that is.

SUZANNE MCCONNELL: I don’t know if you’ve ever been under a polyester mosquito net. But the air, it looks like there’s movement, but it doesn’t move, the air doesn’t move well.

DEBRA: That’s very interesting because I have had mosquito netting in the past. I had cotton, and the air moved very well.

SUZANNE MCCONNELL: Yes. I would love to find a cotton netting that has silver. But so far, it’s only available in a heavier fabric.

JAMES MCCONNELL: The trick is we constantly beat the bushes and try to find the best solution and the best prices.

SUZANNE MCCONNELL: If we can get that manufactured, we’ll be doing that. So we are looking to try to manufacture that material actually and the netting that has […]

JAMES MCCONNELL: And I contacted some manufacturers to try to do stuff according to my specifications. We’ll see how that goes.

But we’re a young business. We don’t have a lot of help with any capital. So we can’t afford the big purchases upfront right now. But hopefully, we’ll get to the size where we’re able to do our own research, and do our own development on different products as well.

DEBRA: So here’s a question I thought of a couple of days ago. We were talking about cell phones on Monday, and I was wondering, can you make something that would be a pocket for a cell phone? I have a shield. I have a Pong shield on my cell phone. Could you make something that would shield the cell phones as much as your canopy shields?

SUZANNE MCCONNELL: You mean just to put around your cell phone itself?


SUZANNE MCCONNELL: We have that in the coats. We have the pocket that’s completely enclosed. And then we have the pocket that’s open on the outside.

But obviously, it would be very simple to make a pouch that you could just drop it in and then drop that in your purse or the pouch in your pocket.

That’s obviously very simple—and actually cheap, because that’s not something that is going to be against your skin, so you could use the nickel copper.

JAMES MCCONNELL: it’s just like a […] bag or something or even something with a zipper.

DEBRA: With a little zipper or a little fold-over with a little snap or whatever. I don’t know what’s the easiest to get to when your cell phone rings.

But I’m just thinking about people putting them in their pockets, or in my purse. I put it in my purse.

JAMES MCCONNELL: We’re going to do that. We’ll have to give you royalties for the idea.

DEBRA: Yes, I want those royalties. I was just thinking about all these different ways that you might be able to use this because people are needing to shield themselves—coming from a toxics background, the rule is always to eliminate the poison from the source.

JAMES MCCONNELL: But given the choice between having to open the bag, grab your cell phone, and then stick it back in the bag, and put it back in your pockets, wouldn’t it be nice just to be able to pull it directly out of your pocket?


JAMES MCCONNELL: It’s basically the same thing done.

DEBRA: Oh, no, no. Here’s what I was actually thinking. It was not just a little bag. What I was thinking was something like a little fanny pack or something that you could strap around your waist, and then just pull it out.

SUZANNE MCCONNELL: We’ve designed a fanny pack that has shielding, and it will have an outer pocket that’s actually open to the frequency, so that your cell phone can ring, but you can have other things get in the fanny pack or you can dump the cell phone into your fanny pack if you want it to be hidden.

JAMES MCCONNELL: So it’s like two compartments.

SUZANNE MCCONNELL: It’s like a fanny pack with a little outer compartment, so you can put your phone inside or outside.

JAMES MCCONNELL: And sometimes you want to […]

SUZANNE MCCONNELL: […] The hope is that in the future, the clothes, the large clothing makers will just put those kinds of pockets available in your pants, so that everybody who wears a pair of jeans is protecting their important bits at least.

And it has that availability of a fully-shielded pocket or just a pocket that’s open to the outside that your body is shielded.

JAMES MCCONNELL: Does she need to elaborate on what the important bits are?

DEBRA: No. I think we all know what the important bits are.

SUZANNE MCCONNELL: We’d love to see the large clothing manufacturers start to incorporate that into—that’s the design that’s written up on the website. This was designed. And the patent’s pending. We’re working on that.

JAMES MCCONNELL: And even a tote bag or something, there are so many variations of this.

DEBRA: Purses. I was just thinking that you could line the pocket. I have a pocket on the front of my purse where I slip my cell phone in, and if that were just lined, that would protect it too.

JAMES MCCONNELL: There are a couple of solutions. You can order eventually—we don’t offer it right now, but you’re going to be able to order the fabric because we want to work with local drapery and curtain manufacturers or companies, small mom and pop places that can go in your house and actually consult, and find out what kind of draping you want. You’re not limited to the mosquito net-looking one. You can have a full wood canopy bed with this covering all over it, which would look really beautiful.

DEBRA: That would look beautiful.

JAMES MCCONNELL: And we work with local contractors. We only work with people that have good […] ratings or Better Business Bureau ratings. And then we’ll send in the fabric and consult with them on how best to do it.

So we’re really looking to partner with a lot of people. We’re dying to find people with sewing machines […]


JAMES MCCONNELL: I think we can do this mass production and we’re looking into that as well overseas, maybe China or […] I tried to get a local company and he said, “Yes, yes.” You can now say it’s by America. […]

DEBRA: We need to go to break. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guests today are Suzanne and James McConnell from Off the Matrix.

We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and I’m here with James and Suzanne McConnell from Off the Matrix.

I can usually remember people’s first names and their last names.

Before we go on, I just want to tell everybody, you probably hear that commercial that just played for water filters every day on my show. Well, this week through Friday, there’s a discount going on, on those filters, both on the under sink filters, the countertop filters, and on the whole house filters.

So if you’ve been thinking, you might want to get that filter, just go to, type into the search box, and the search box is at the top. It looks like a little magnifying glass icon. So click on that magnifying glass icon, and then type in “discount water filter.” And the page will come up, a link to the page, will come up, where it has all the details on the discount and about the water filter too.

It’s a really fabulous water filter which I have in my own home. So if you’re thinking about water, this is a thing to think about.

So Suzanne and James, during the break, you got a question, and it was e-mailed to me, so I’ll ask you the question.

Can you put colloidal silver on fabric? Will that make it block EMF’s? Also, would mylar protect you from EMF’s?

SUZANNE MCCONNELL: I’m not sure how you put colloidal silver. You mean, like washing with it?

DEBRA: I don’t know. That’s all he said, but I would assume washing it.

SUZANNE MCCONNELL: I don’t think it would impregnate the fabric well enough, but that would be just my assumption.

DEBRA: What do you think, James?

SUZANNE MCCONNELL: The silver is actually woven into the fabric.

DEBRA: Yes, so it’s silver threads, right?

SUZANNE MCCONNELL: It’s actually cotton-wrapped silver fibers. It’s what the fabric is. I don’t think that colloidal silver is going to impregnate the cloth just by putting it in there, and then taking it out and drying it.

JAMES MCCONNELL: Well, there will be a little bit. The question is would it be enough?

SUZANNE MCCONNELL: It wouldn’t last very long.

DEBRA: Well, it wouldn’t last for a washing. What about mylar?



JAMES MCCONNELL: I think the environment, what it would be contained would get a little […]

DEBRA: I think so too because, yes, you wouldn’t want to wrap your bed in a mylar blanket. If you’re going to have something like a canopy, then you’d want to be able to breathe. But a mylar blanket, if it does block—oh, this is just making me think of something.

JAMES MCCONNELL: The real easy way to tell is just go out to your local store and get a mylar blanket and wrap your cell phone in it and give it a call. If it rings, you’re in trouble.

DEBRA: That’s good. That’s a good way to do it.

What I was about to say is that I know that foil, aluminum foil will block toxic chemical out-gassing. The gasses from toxic chemicals can’t go through aluminum foil.

JAMES MCCONNELL: Tin foil hat people.

DEBRA: So, I don’t know if EMF’s go through foil. That’s something I should take a look at.

JAMES MCCONNELL: Again, the easy experiment.

SUZANNE MCCONNELL: Check your cell phone […]

And actually, I think there are different qualities of tin foil. I’m not sure how our tin foils actually can foil anymore. Have you noticed that sometimes you put tin foil, supposedly tin foil, on a food product in your oven and it doesn’t really get hot? I’m not sure it’s actually made out of foil anymore.

DEBRA: I don’t know because I rarely use it. I only use it for very few things.

SUZANNE MCCONNELL: Yes, me too. I don’t use it because of that particular property I noticed long ago that it didn’t get hot anymore. And I thought, “Well, if it’s really metal, it should be getting hot.”

DEBRA: Yes, it should. It’s supposed to be aluminum. But I will look into that. I will look into that.

I just want to reiterate that the conclusion here is that that these special fabrics have threads of these metals. They’re wrapped in cotton. And so people shouldn’t be attempting to just take silver something, and impregnate their fabrics and expect it to work.

SUZANNE MCCONNELL: Yes. You can’t get it to work that way.

DEBRA: So what else do you want to tell us about your clothing or any of your products?

JAMES MCCONNELL: We have a whole list of things […]

SUZANNE MCCONNELL: Just look at the list.

JAMES MCCONNELL: I’m so thrilled about this silver powder thing, this shield. I think this is going to be so great a solution. There are so many applications.

SUZANNE MCCONNELL: But like you said, we need to test it.

JAMES MCCONNELL: But we need to test that. We’re going to test that as quickly as possible. So if anybody were to order it, we would not send it to them until we’ve tested it. We’re probably going to complete that within the week.

And again, just do that simple testing, putting your cellphone in a […] Styrofoam box or something and see if it rings. And if it rings, you’re in trouble.

We want to notify everybody and return everybody’s money. But I’m almost certain it’s going to work. We’re just really excited to try that out.

And then we have the wall-hanging things which you have a SMART meter in the back of your house. It takes […] to get that thing off. So a simple, quick, inexpensive solution if you’re not going to go the trouble of painting and putting up a big curtain that covers your entire wall is just to put a wall-hanging up there.

Of course, the bigger the wall-hanging will be the spot where the SMART meter is, the better protection you’ll have.

DEBRA: Let me ask you a question about that. How far out from the source of EMF’s do you have to protect yourself?

JAMES MCCONNELL: So I’ve been looking into that. I don’t know if the EMF signals are in line of sight, or if they’re like AM signals, they kind of wrap themselves around something. The AM signals can go over mountains and stuff. The FM signals cannot.

So I don’t know what frequency range the EMF’s operates in as well as I probably should. But we’re finding out new things every day. That’s something we’re researching now.

I tend to believe that if you had something that was five-by-four hanging on your wall like a SMART meter, it’s going to protect your entire room environment pretty well because the studies that I have seen, the EMF goes out […] around the SMART meter. Diameter, it’s about three or four feet around the SMART meter.

So having seen that, it tells me that that would be enough, but it’s not ideal. But knocking down as much as you possibly can, it’s going to be a constant battle throughout the rest of our lives, unfortunately, to try to get these things out of our environment.

It’s something I want to touch on without sounding like a conspiracy, is that all these things are coming into our existence with little or no testing. I mean, the correct term is it’s epidemic right now. And whether they’re doing it intentionally or whether it’s just greed driving the industry and getting these products to market without testing them properly.

I do tend to be one of the people that believes that they’re actually dumbing us down intentionally and calling the population in preparation for the robotics phase of our existence where they don’t need laborers anymore.

The best example is I’m trying to buy American products, and they tell me that robots are doing all the sewing. What’s the difference between the Chinese robots and the American robots? I don’t really care about robots.

But they don’t need us anymore. So they’re wanting to kill us off. There are too many chickens in the roost.

DEBRA: If there are no humans, if there are no people, then they can have robots making all of the products that they want, but who’s going to buy them, the robots?

There’s a lot that I appreciate about technology, and technology to me is a very broad word, which some years ago, I actually read an encyclopedia of technology, which started out by talking about the technology of birds in nature, what technology they use.

So technology is a big word.

But our modern industrial technology, and the ideas that go with it, is extremely destructive because it’s only just designed to take nature and turn it into products, and then make garbage. That’s what it is.

There’s a whole other way to think about life which starts out by saying, “We need to sustain the planet. We need to be looking at our health and how do we act from that?”

And people could make products and sell them all day long, and if they thought about that, we’d have a lot better world.

I’m not against people making products and selling them. it’s just the way that we do it. And we do need to be putting life first. We need to say, “How are we going to sustain this planet? How are we going to be healthy?”

And manufacturers need to be asking those questions, and have their products reflect that.

JAMES MCCONNELL: The white papers are out there […] talks about these vaccines and how we wants to reduce the world population. I’m not saying it’s correct, and I agree with you. What are you doing? You’re destroying the very people that you might be able to sell cell phone to in the future. But they have a different mindset.

DEBRA: Exactly.

JAMES MCCONNELL: And I do believe that the EMF signals, everybody talks about the physical harm it’s causing, but I think it causes more spiritual harm because it affects the faculty of the brain where spirituality exists. And I think taking away the very thing that we can defend ourselves against what […] in this evil empire.

So again, I don’t want to go off on crazy, conspiracy theory. I don’t think it is conspiracy theory, but it’s a huge subject and it’s one that […] conspiracy. But I believe it’s intentional, and I think it’s a battle between us trying to protect ourselves against the things that we’re using against us.

DEBRA: I have to interrupt you because we’re going to end in about five seconds. So thank you very much for being with me. And go to, and take a look at these products.-

I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio. Be well.

A Doctor Speaks on Nutrition and Detox for Good Health

Darrel HestdalenMy guest today is Dr Darrel Hestdalen. He’s been a Doctor of Chiropractic for more than 35 years, with extensive use of Clinical Nutrition, Acupuncture and Applied Kinesiology as functional neurology. We’ll be talking about what he’s learned about nutrition and detox over the years, and why it’s important to good health. Dr Hestdalen is now retired, but still promotes good health through his website and his work as Team Chiropractor for the FM Redhawks professional baseball team.






A Doctor Speaks on Nutrition and Detox for Good Health

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Dr.Darrel Hestdalen

Date of Broadcast: April 29, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic-free.

We do that because there are a lot of toxic things out in the world, but that doesn’t mean that we have to get sick or not be able to think clearly or not be able to do our jobs or suffer in any way from having toxic chemical exposure. We can still be healthy. We can choose less toxic products. We can remove toxic chemicals from our bodies. We can get good nutrition.

There are all kinds of things that we can do to support our bodies, to be healthy and thrive even though we live in a toxic world. And on this show, I interview a lot of people who are doing things to make this a less toxic world and make your life less toxic.

Today before we get to the subject at hand, I just want to tell you a little thing that’s going on in my personal life here. And that is today, in Florida—yesterday actually was what I would call the first day of summer because we have a summer pattern of weather here, which is over 80 degrees all day long and not quite 80 degrees all night long.

And there’s a lot of humidity. It’s not quite humid yet, but the heat is such that you just sweat all day long and all night long. It’s just you’re constantly sweating.

And when I moved here, I thought, “There’s no way I can live here without air conditioning.” And yesterday, when I went to turn on my air conditioner, which I do as soon as it gets hot like this, I found out that my air conditioner was so broken that I had to get a new air conditioner. So I have no air conditioning right now. I’m drinking tons of water to stay hydrated.

But how this relates to toxic exposures is that when we run electrical appliances like air conditioners even though we can’t see this happening, somewhere down the line, something is being burned to create the energy, whether it’s nuclear power or coal or whatever is the source of your energy. And it would be a good idea to find out what is the source of your energy. Every time you run some electric appliance, it’s creating pollution in the environment. It’s creating air pollution and that might be nearby where you live, it might be far away.

But what I found out—I started thinking about this because after I guessed how much money I’m going to have to go into debt to buy this air conditioner, the key thing was that not only would I have air conditioning, but the amount of energy that I would be using with using this new system is so much less than what I was using before.

It would be a big savings on my energy bill, but it would also pay for itself. There would be savings once it’s paid for. But also it’s reducing the amount of pollution that I’m putting to the environment just immensely. And so that’s cleaner air for everybody.
So if you’re thinking about things like refrigerators and air conditioners that are using lots of energy, consider, if you purchase a more energy-efficient model instead of continuing to run your old one, that you will reduce air pollution and I invite you to do that because all of us would like to breathe and I am feeling good today that I’m putting less pollution in the environment.

So today, we’re going to be talking about nutrition and detox. And my guest today is Dr. Darrel Hestdalen and I’ll just give you this disclaimer because the FTC likes us to do this. I’ll give you the disclaimer right upfront and say that both Dr. Hestdalen and I are distributors for Touchstone Essentials products, which we’re going to be talking about and how they relate to detox and how they relate to nutrition.

And so I just want you to know that you can go to his website, you can go to my website. You can order from either of us. So if you decide that you want to, both of us are making these products available because we both think that they’re vital to having good health, that we need to get really, really clean nutrition and we’re going to be talking about that. And we need to remove toxic chemicals from our bodies.

So I’m going to let Dr. Hestdalen. I talk about this a lot. But I’m going to let Dr. Hestdalen talk to you today about why these products are important to him as a doctor. And you hear me advertising them on every single show, so now you get to have more information about them.

So hi, Dr. Hestdalen.

DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: Good morning. It’s still morning here. I’m in North Dakota and we don’t have the heat issues as you do.

DEBRA: Well, it’s afternoon here.

DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: We’re about 50 degrees. Yes.

DEBRA: You have a cool morning and I have a hot afternoon.

DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: Yes. It’s 50 degrees and breezy today.

DEBRA: Oh, send some of those over the radio waves [inaudible 00:04:58].


DEBRA: If anybody hears any banging going on in the background here, it’s just my air conditioning being installed.

So Dr. Hestdalen, you’ve been a doctor, a chiropractor for more than 35 years. How did you get into being interested in something like chiropractic rather than being a medical doctor and MD?

DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: Before I entered college, I actually initially signed up to be an engineer. And prior to my first day in class, I switched my major to pre-medicine and was going along that process. But just the more I thought about having to get up in the middle of the night and make life and death decisions about drugs and those types of things that medical doctors did, I just lost some of my zest to do that.

And so then I went on to biology and I taught biology and coached for six years. And during that time, I have a friend of mine going to Chiropractic College and we got together and we’re chatting and I haven’t seen him for a few years. We were talking about. And then it really started to intrigue me. I didn’t have a lot of experience with that, but I followed up.

My wife happened to serendipitously meet the doctor of chiropractic’s wife at a State [inaudible 00:06:17] conference. I followed up and the next thing I knew I was [inaudible 00:06:23] decision and enrolled and got accepted in a chiropractic college.

So we sold our home and moved to Minneapolis and started my four years of training. And then for the rest of the time, after I graduated, I moved out to Western North Dakota and practiced there for 18 years.

And just a combination of things was going on with increased insurance and all the things, the regulation. So we sold my practice to a [inaudible 00:06:54] come in and work with me. And then we moved to Fargo, North Dakota. And after a couple of years there, I had opened up a practice again and just my wife and I ran that.

We did that for five years and now the only official goodies I work is on the sports medicine team for the Fargo-Moorhead Red Hawks professional baseball team and that season got started Sunday. So we’ll be back in working with the team and doing that.

That’s how I got involved from the coaching and working with the natural approach to health through chiropractic. The nutritional component appealed to me.

I remember my wife was doing some sub-teaching while I was training in my clinic work at the Chirorpactic College. And our little daughter was about three. So I put her in the grocery cart and we were going up and down in the grocery aisles reading labels and doing [inaudible 00:07:49]. My wife was teaching and [inaudible 00:07:51] worked out well. But we spent a lot of hours checking out labels and educating ourselves and reading books and getting more in tuned to what we could be doing for ourselves.

DEBRA: Yes. I’ve met you in person and I’m looking at your picture right now and you seem like a very healthy person, healthy and happy. That’s really good.

So then, now tell us. How did you find out about Touchstone and why did you decide that that was something that would be useful for you?

DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: Several years, about 20 years ago now, I had met Eddie Stone who’s the owner of Touchstone in another business that we were involved with, but we had no real direct connection. I just met him at a national meeting.

So I developed a relationship with Eddie over the years and a friend of mine that had been involved with this had joined Touchstone prior to their launch actually and got a hold of me and we talked. I started looking at this. It really fit into some of the things that bothered me over the years.

I remember 30 years ago hearing the story of prisoners of war in the Korean War. And the medical officer that was with them had diagnosed that the prisoners had beriberi, which is B1 deficiency.

So he got B1 from Red Cross and it was synthetic B1, thiamine hydrochloride and gave it to the prisoners and nothing happened, no response. The Korean guard told him to use rice polish. That’s what’s left over after they polished the rice to make it white.


DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: So he was feeding them a teaspoon of this powder every day and within a week all the symptoms disappeared.

DEBRA: That’s very interesting. I understand why that occurred. But when we come back from the break, I’m going to have you talk about why that is that the synthetic version didn’t work, but the rice polish did work.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Dr. Darrel Hestdalen. And we’re talking about nutrition and detox for good health.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is Dr—why do I keep wanting to say Harrell? Darrel. It’s because you have an H in your last name. It’s okay. I trip over everybody’s name. Dr. Darrel Hestdalen. I actually practiced before.

Anyway, Dr. Darrel Hestdalen is with me. He’s been a doctor of chiropractic for more than 35 years. And we’re talking together about Touchstone Essentials Supplements and Zeolite Detox product because we both use them and we both recommend them and I wanted to give you his viewpoint as a doctor.

So go ahead with your story about why the rice polish worked and that the B1 didn’t.

DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: In the rice polish would be the complete complex of the B vitamin. So when they took that, they have access to all aspects, which are necessary for [inaudible 00:11:01] and utilization by the body.

The synthetic B1 is only part of a whole complex of things. And it lacks the protein [inaudible 00:11:11] normally in the food that is necessary to communicate with the cells to get across cell membrane and to be directed to the proper spot in the cell.

So the synthetic, basically in some of the readings I’ve been doing, may be more of a toxin than a help. And in fact, even the American Diabetic Association had quoted in this book that we got to be really careful in using synthetic vitamins for deficiencies because it may create a worse disease than what they’re trying to treat.

DEBRA: The American Diabetic Association? Wow.


DEBRA: Wow, that’s a big statement for them.

DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: And another doctor too suggested that the aspect of it is it may be more of a toxic stress on the body than the deficiency because the synthetic can’t be utilized. It’s like giving a car without wheels. What do you do with it?


DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: It just can’t be utilized properly.

DEBRA: One of the things that I’d like to point out is that there’s a difference. We’re living in a world now that has really two ways, two assumptions. And one is the industrial way of looking at things and the other is the nature way of looking at things.

And I really see the nature viewpoint starting to emerge more and more. But the industrial viewpoint says that nature is full of these resources and you should take them and then split them apart into individual isolated elements. So if they want to make a vitamin, what they do is they make an industrial chemical out of it. They take everything away.

I’ll just give an example. This is not a vitamin, but salt for example. So salt and nature has all these nutrients in it, 89 minerals and metals and all these different things.

But industry said, “What we want is sodium chloride.” So they strip everything out and they just give you sodium chloride and they use it in all kinds of industrial processes. But then they take this very same industrial sodium chloride and they put it in food and we put it in our bodies. And our bodies go, “Ah!” and they get high blood pressure and all these kinds of things because it’s stripped away. It doesn’t have all its other co-factors.

And it’s the same thing with vitamins that a synthetic vitamin has that viewpoint that you just have to have this pure industrial substance. And so it’s pure vitamin C, it’s pure B1 and it doesn’t have anything else. The nature viewpoint says that everything should be as it is in nature because our bodies are designed to utilize whole foods, not to utilize isolated nutrients.

DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: Also along with that is that there’s no way that I can tell what I need now or two hours from now, tomorrow. You’re all going to have different things necessary for our proper cellular function.

DEBRA: Right.

DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: So we need to give the cells all the natural nutrients so the cell can take and pick and choose what it needs. And you can’t do that with a synthetic. You can’t load that up.

First of all, the cell doesn’t have access to it in an adequate manner. And the body may be able to utilize some of the synthetic, but it’s very limited. And then the toxic byproduct of that is just another stress on the body and [inaudible 00:14:42] these people that are just [inaudible 00:14:44] may actually be worse than the deficiency we’re trying to treat.

So giving the body the whole food. We just really give ourselves the [inaudible 00:14:53] so they can choose what it needs. The doctor within us is much smarter than any pharmaceutical manufactured vitamins or whatever it’d be.

DEBRA: I agree. I agree. Somebody asked me the other day and it’s on my website today, the answer. But I’m going to bring it up with you. Somebody asked me why some vitamins don’t have the supplement facts labeled that gives you so many micrograms of each nutrient.

Actually her question was with whole food vitamins, how can you tell how much of the nutrients are in the vitamins since one strawberry has a different amount than another strawberry?

DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: Yeah. When you use a whole food, it would be difficult to label just because there are some variations and growing factors, the soil, the light, the water and all those types of things that affect how the plant matures and develops.

But they’re going to be in a very compact range and to be able to measure that, it could be proven that the number you would put on there isn’t exactly true. It could be very [inaudible 00:16:11]. It’s just not labeled.

We know that when you take the whole food, for how many thousands of years has man existed and tried just eating food.


DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: Our foods today, I’ve seen reports that from 50% to 30% of the nutrients today that we used to have 50 to 80 years ago.

When you were talking about the industrial aspect, I remember when I was growing up that DuPont Chemistry had that Better Living through Chemistry.

DEBRA: Yeah, I have that too.

DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: Wow. I really question that. I just saw an ad this morning, an old ad that said, “More doctors smoke camels than any other cigarettes.”

DEBRA: Oh my god.

DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: And another one about how early can you start [inaudible 00:16:59] Coke. And they have an infant, maybe a one year old. They were promoting starting to feed them Coca Cola.

Those are the types of things in history that were just totally proven not good for our bodies. And we have to go back to what’s in nature, what we can do by getting the strongest nutritional food factors that we can.

And we’ve increased our eating to organic much more than we’re used to and still not everything is available that way. That’s why we supplement with supplements of whole foods and they are not from whole foods because that can get your isolates where it now has lost the protein complex that is naturally found in the food. So the isolated amount of food, you don’t have the whole complex that you need.

DEBRA: We need to go to break, but we’ll be right back. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and I’m talking with Dr. Darrel Hestdalen about nutrition and detox. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. My guest today is Dr. Harold—every time I say your name, I want to say Harold Hestdalen. Dr. Darrel Hestdalen. And he has been a doctor of chiropractic for more than 35 years and now he is helping people be healthier with Touchstone Essentials supplements and detox products.

So tell us why not all whole food vitamins are created equal. Can you tell us about that?

DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: Certainly. There’s a group of supplements, they take on to the whole food component, but what they actually do is extract the vitamins from the whole foods. They may be low dose vitamins, but in the extraction process, they destroy the protein [inaudible 00:19:00]. It’s not concentrated [inaudible 00:19:03] extracted. And so they [inaudible 00:19:07] just picking out, but in doing that, a couple of things. They usually have used high heat. Using above 106 degrees starts to denature the protein and that’s the enzyme.

And some of the products too. A lot of fruits and vegetables in the products [inaudible 00:19:30], they actually pasteurize the liquid before they dry and form it into capsule. Pasteurization occurs at 185 degrees. The minimum standard is being 185 degrees for 15 seconds.

So they are heating from 106 to 185 and then holding it there for 15 seconds and then back down again until the bacteria make it safe to eat and that’s understandable for using [that package?] in that form. But why they would do that to a product that they dry and put it into the capsule anyway is just a process that happens.

You have to understand the process of the product. That’s where Touchstone [inaudible 00:20:09], in a way, they’re very adamant about keeping things at low temperatures so that we don’t denature any of the natural complexes that are in the food, in the nutrients so we’re getting the whole package.

DEBRA: One thing that I think is really important and I totally agree with you on that—one thing that I think is important for consumers to understand when they are making a choice about buying a vitamin product, a supplement is that a whole food, something that is properly done as a whole food, all that’s being removed is the moisture. And it’s just extremely dehydrated, extremely concentrated actual food.

I asked Eddie about why it didn’t have the numbers about how much of each nutrient. And he said because the law doesn’t recognize whole food supplements as vitamins that need to be labeled like supplements. They recognize whole food supplements as food. And so what you need to put on the label is the food that’s in it.

And I thought that that was interesting because it actually is food. You shouldn’t even think of them as vitamins in my opinion. You should just think of them as being, “Here’s a little capsule with food in it.”

And I’m smiling as I’m saying that because when I was a kid and we first had the space program, do you remember they talked about the astronauts just taking food capsules?


DEBRA: And I thought, “Gee, I’d like to eat whole food. I don’t want to take capsules.” But this is exactly—it’s food in a capsule.
And I think the Touchstone Essentials, the Essentials supplement has 33 servings of broccoli in three capsules. I’m not going to ever eat 33 servings of broccoli in one day. And so I know that I can just take this capsule and I get as much nutrition as 33 servings of organic broccoli grown in wonderful soil, harvested at the right time and processed at a low temperature.

And it’s very difficult. I’ve been looking for the past two years. It’s very difficult to find other supplements that compare to that.

DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: Yes. And the synthetic, they [inaudible 00:22:42] huge building that they have several assembly lines and each assembly line has a different [inaudible 00:22:48] to that company. And they’re placing the raw ingredients out of the same [inaudible 00:22:52] and same barrels and just formulating it slightly different. So everything’s coming up to the other end of the line and just being a different combination of synthetic vitamins and they’re still synthetic.

Here, like you said, it’s processed and it’s grown under the ideal organic sustainable agricultural practices. It’s harvested and processed [inaudible 00:23:14] and at low temperatures so you don’t lose any of the nutrients or you minimize any loss of nutrient value. And it’s extremely small.

And about the labeling aspect too, I remember with another company that products that use—they were wanting to go to Canada and Japan. Both countries have a different level. Like for folic acid, [inaudible 00:23:38] 800 milligrams. They want to accept the micrograms, the other 400. And in the process, you even have to have the lowest one because you couldn’t sell the highest ones in other countries.

Here, because of the whole food, other companies have had various strict requirements it’s difficult to get a new product in. Some of those are getting in, in four days. Touchstone is already available in at least 40 countries because it’s so easy [inaudible 00:24:06] because they’re whole foods.

DEBRA: That’s all they are. They’re whole foods. I wrote a blog post once called The Food, the Whole Food and Nothing But the Food and that’s what they are. If you’re looking for a nutrient supplement, what you should be looking for is something that is whole food. Whole food.

And you can tell that it’s whole food because you won’t see any numbers on it. You won’t see so many micrograms of a particular nutrient. You’ll just see that it contains broccoli and mushrooms and whatever is in it. And that’s how you tell it’s a whole food.
So what kind of benefits do you see when you start giving people these nutrients?

DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: I’ve taken vitamins, the synthetic, which what we believed—years ago, that’s what we believed was the best [inaudible 00:24:57]. We were doing what we thought was best.

I had some colds and flus and I was basically healthy, healthier than most. And working at a busy practice, I was face to face with people every day that were sick. And my health was pretty good, but I still would get [inaudible 00:25:13] colds.

And when I started this, it was 180 degree because all of a sudden, I’m not going to take anything. I have not had vitamins for over two years. I have not had a sniffle in two years.

And our grandchildren get the Pure Body, the Zeolite Clay and drops. They’ve had those before they were born because their mothers were taking it. And they continued to do that and had very little illness. A couple of colds in a six year old and the brother is just a little over two years old and he hadn’t had anything other than [inaudible 00:25:51] he gets runny nose and that sort of thing.

DEBRA: Yeah.

DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: They’ve been very healthy and they continue to get the Zeolite and I mix the whole food. I make a roasted red pepper hummus and I [inaudible 00:26:04] capsules of the essentials and the super greens in the mix that you can’t even that’s in there, but then they get [inaudible 00:26:10] spoonfuls, but I know they’re getting a reasonable amount of that.

DEBRA: Yeah.

DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: So it makes it a super food for them to eat. The benefit is that for the last two years, without any vitamins at all…

DEBRA: Wait. I want to interrupt you because the commercial is going to come on any second. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. We’re talking with Dr. Darrel Hestdalen and we’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is Dr. Darrel Hestdalen. See, I’m getting it by the end of the show. Dr. Darrel Hestdalen. He’s been a doctor of chiropractic for more than 35 years.

And we’re talking about Touchstone Essentials whole food supplements and also their Pure Body Zeolite drops and spray.

Let’s talk about Pure Body now. You tell us about Pure Body.

DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: Pure Body is a zeolite mineral. Zeolite is unique. There are several different categories of zeolite and this one is a sheet-like zeolite and it has tunnels and channels in the molecule.

It’s negatively charged, so it has a strong affinity for the heavy metals, lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic and so on. And because of their heavy weight, they have a very small dense nucleus, that actually will fit into channels and tunnels of the zeolite molecule.

So then it just goes into the body. Pure Body has two forms. One is liquid drops. Average is 0.3 microns inside, which is the size that’s necessary to be absorbed across the intestinal membrane. And then the rest of it that doesn’t get absorbed [inaudible 00:28:03] in the intestinal tract.

The spray is in nanometer sizes, 100% absorption. It actually is dipped inside the water molecule. And it’s been taken wherever water goes in your body. So your body spray will go with that. And therefore it can get into the cell membranes and across the blood-brain barrier. And so it can be detoxifying throughout your body.

It only lasts in the body about three to five hours and then it’s excreted when it picks up the loads of heavy metals. And it will a sandwich attachment to many of the chemicals and also organic compounds that are positively charged. The two zeolite molecules can stick together and stand rigid. And then once the zeolite loses its negative charge because it’s [inaudible 00:28:53], then the kidneys flush it and there’s no stress.

We’ve seen people [inaudible 00:28:59] transplant who have actually improved their chemistry scores because they were using the zeolite. So it’s not a stressful thing to the kidney.

And in my practice, we did a few patients where we actually did the testing. They have been on the zeolite. And using a process, we could measure the excretion of the heavy metals and the increase was up to 300% over here.


DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: We tested nine different minerals. And all of them except one person only had seven of the nine increases. All the rest of them had all nine heavy metals. We increased in the excretion in the procedures that we worked.

And so it works. And a number of other doctors around the country are doing the same thing around the country. So we have a large number of patients that were showing the same type of results.

DEBRA: I know that when I started taking it, I saw a result within 10 days or so. I think it was. It’s been a while now since I first started taking it. But I hear this from people all the time because a lot of my readers are taking it. They write to me and they say, “Wow, I started taking this and all of a sudden, I felt euphoric.”

That’s the word that everybody uses. They say, “I felt euphoric.” And I know what that’s like. I now call it “zeolite euphoria” because I’ve heard it so much and I have experienced it myself and people around me who are taking it have this experience.

And I think it’s just because your body gets to this point where the zeolite has removed enough heavy metals that your body is not being suppressed by them so much and that you just suddenly feel really good. To me, that’s the indicator that it’s actually doing something.

DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: Yeah, there’s a good science behind that too because the heavy metals will block the enzymes that are part of the reactions to create the energy ourselves that we need to provide. It’s actually our life energy.

The molecule called ATP, adenosine triphosphate is three phosphate molecules linked in. The bottom [inaudible 00:31:14] and the second and third is a very high energy bond. And the enzymes required to break that bond require an activation mineral called magnesium.

Now what happens is that the heavy metals, lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic will sit and block that binding site, the activation or the [inaudible 00:31:32] center, if you will, of the enzyme.

Now what happens is that the magnesium can’t get in. The heavy metals do not trigger the reaction. So we’re diminishing our abilities to release this energy.

DEBRA: I didn’t know this. Wow.

DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: The zeolite actually traps and removes the heavy metal. Now the magnesium has access to that activation center. It’s like sticking a key in the slop and now it works. So it causes the reaction.

It’s very common to hear people, “Oh, I have just more energy. I talk to people just almost overnight with the clearness of thought.”
DEBRA: It really clears up the thinking.


DEBRA: I’ve really noticed that. I’ve noticed that in a lot of people.

DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: ADD. I have one grandson that—they couldn’t really go to the shopping mall because there’s too much visual stimulation. He was just all over the place. Within three days of taking zeolite, he could walk through and he just held on to his grandmother’s hands the whole time and just walked down. He just behaved very normally. So it really makes that huge difference.

The three systems impacted by heavy metals are the nervous system, the immune system and the hormone balance. If you think about health problems, if you can have a positive influence on those three, you’re going to do a lot to help people function at a more normal level.

DEBRA: That’s right. You mentioned, you talked about the two different, but I just want to reiterate this. The Pure Body comes in two different strengths. This is the regular Pure Body. This is the one that primarily works in the intestines. And then there’s Pure Body Extra Strength, which is a very small particle that can go all throughout your body, including through the blood-brain barrier.

I take both of them. People can take one or the other or both. It’s okay because they complement each other.

And I just think that it’s so important because unless you’ve done something specific to remove toxic chemicals from your body and heavy metals, unless you’ve done something specific, your body is overloaded with them. And so anything else that you want to do to improve your health, you still got this toxic situation going on in your body.

I have been researching this for 30 years and I can just tell you that this product is the simplest, safest, most effective, most affordable thing that I have ever found.

You just put the drops in water or you just spray the spray in your mouth and you don’t have to make any shakes. You don’t have to be allergic to anything. It’s just a natural mineral and yet, it does this amazing thing.

DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: In practice, we know that toxicity was an issue and these herbal detoxes and force-dumping and people will get sick and couldn’t handle it. It was just really tough for a patient’s compliance.

And to get the results they wanted, it was just reading out and to hold their hand and talk them through it. Here, we can do it. We don’t have the side effects. People can get the results. A neurologist friend of mine in Minneapolis said this is the biggest breakthrough in 50 years in healthcare. It’s just a great, great change.

Personally, about 20 years ago and actually about 25 years ago, it was North Dakota’s centennial year in 1989. So we rode bikes across the state. We put a bicycle on the Montana border and rode across and put it [inaudible 00:35:12] and the Minnesota border.


DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: Sometime after that, I noticed we had a new regular heart beat and I know if that’s triggered. I used to have a mouth full of mercury fillings. I had them all removed, but I still had this irregular heartbeat.

And a doctor looked at it and checked it over. He said, “I witnessed it and I affirm it. Just keep doing what you’re doing.” But it was just about every three to five beats, it would just flutter. And it’s called PVC, premature ventricular contraction. And what happens is the fibers in the heart start losing their protective sheet and [inaudible 00:35:47] response to mercury is one of the causes. For me, that’s what was happening.

And so I had this and it just was not really getting better. When I started the Touchstone Pure Body product and about six months ago, I noticed my heart is not skipping anymore.

What happened is I was giving my body total nutrition, plus I had taken enough mercury out of my system now that I was no longer destroying the sheets and the [inaudible 00:36:15] fibers in my heart. And they were healing and I have no skipping at all right now. None. That’s just a wonderful feeling.

DEBRA: Yes, I totally understand what you’re saying. One of the things that that so attracted me to Touchstone Essentials was because I had written my book Toxic Free and this was the book that was the culmination of 30 years of research.

And I figured out in that book that what we need in order to recover from toxic exposures is we need to remove the toxic exposures. We need to remove the toxic chemicals out of our bodies and we need to get enough nutrition for our bodies to heal. And so I had this detox nutrition connection in that book.

And then I found Touchstone and it was exactly the same thing. Here are the products in order to be healthy. You need to detox and you need to have good nutrition. And the products are really the best quality of these types of products that I’ve found.

And I just think that everybody is exposed to toxic chemicals and has been all their entire lives. If you’re alive today, you’ve been exposed since even before you were born.

And it’s just something that I think everybody should take. Across the board, I just think everybody should take it just as a first step towards health. That’s my opinion.

DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: Yes, today with our food supply, because of the commercial fertilization and all of this…

DEBRA: I’m sorry. I have to interrupt you. I’m just not paying attention to time, but it’s the end of the show. Thank you so much, Dr. Hestdalen.


DEBRA: This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. Be well.

Swiss Apartment Building for People Who are Chemically Hypersensitive

A new building has been in the news recently. It was built by Swiss Healthy Life and Living Foundation for Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) patients in a remote part of Leimbach, on the outskirts of Zurich, Switzerland

They don’t allow products that contain toxic chemicals, or cell phones.

15 apartments.

I’m happy this has been built, but I would like to see ALL buildings built this way. Because nobody should have to live with toxic chemicals.

I would like to see toxic-free homes built and have them be available to anyone and everyone. It should just be the norm.

The Telegraph: The Swiss flats where smoking, painting and mobile phones are banned

New York Daily News: Switzerland apartment bans perfume, cell phones and smoking

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Cell Phones, Brain Tumors, Labeling and Your Right to Know

Today I have two guests speaking on the health effects of cell phones and the problem of insufficient product labeling.

Ellen MarksI invited Ellen Marks to be a guest today after posting a press release last week about how she and others protested cell phones at a San Francisco store by placing warning labels on the phones. Ellen is founder and director of the California Brain Tumor Association which focuses on prevention and on the wireless radiation issue being a possible cause of deadly brain tumors. Ellen entered into the cell phone/brain tumor world when her husband was diagnosed with brain cancer in 2008. Her husband and Senator Kennedy had their seizures and same diagnosis 10 days apart. Ironically, her son had worked for the Senator. Her suspicions concerning both her husband’s and the Senator’s long term cell phone use to the same side of the head where the tumors developed led her to worldwide experts. Upon sending them her husband’s cell phone records and medical records they confirmed that her husband’s glioma is “more likely than not” attributable to his long term ipsilateral cell phone use. Ellen has testified before Congress on the health effects of cell phone radiation, attends International Expert Conferences on this issue and has appeared on the Dr. Oz Show, Larry King Live, The View and many national newscasts. Not only is she educating others but by “going public” many other victims have reached out to her and she has brought the victims together to have their collective voices heard.

Andrea BolandEllen then invited Representative Andrea Boland to join us as well. Rep. Boland serves in the Maine House of Representatives and is considered a national expert on electromagnetic radiation health and safety hazards of cell phones, smart meters, and other wireless devices. She introduced the first legislation in the world to ask for warning labels on cell phones to alert users to keep them away from the head and body, especially those of children and pregnant women. She has spoken on the subject in Washington, Vermont, Portland, and Jackson Hole, Wyoming. She received the 2011 National Health Freedom Hero Award for her work supporting nutritional supplementation, advancing wireless health and safety, and promoting the public’s right to know.








Cellphones, Brain Tumors, Labeling & Your Right to Know

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest:Ellen Marks & Andrea Boland

Date of Broadcast: April 28, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and to live toxic-free.

It’s Monday, April 28th 2014. And I have two wonderful guests today. We’re going to be talking about cellphones and brain tumors and your right to know what’s toxic and EMF’s.

The reason that we’re doing this is that I was so inspired by my first guest—actually, we’re going to have both of them on at once. But I originally contacted my first guest because she and others sent out a press release about how they did a demonstration at a cellphone store in San Francisco. They just walked in and put warning labels on their cellphones, little stickers with warning labels on the cellphones. And I actually don’t have the sticker right here in front of me, so I can’t tell you what it says (but she can probably tell you).

But I was so impressed by this because I have often had the thought that labeling is just so inadequate that I just want to walk into a supermarket with a roll of stickers that have skull and crossbones on them and stick them on everything that’s toxic, walk into Walmart and all these big stores that still have toxic things on the shelves and just put stickers on them, shelf-talkers that just would say, “Caution: This is a toxic product. Use it at your own risk.”

Ellen actually walked into a store and did that. So she caught my attention.

Anyway, we’re going to be talking about what she did, but we’re also going to be talking about why she did it and what we can do to improve our right to know and the labeling.

So, my first guest is Ellen Marks. She is the director of the California Brain Tumor Association. And I also have with us today representative Andrea Boland. She’s a representative in the Main House of Representatives. And she’s considered a national expert on electromagnetic radiation and safety hazards in cellphones and other things.

She introduced the first legislation in the world to ask for warning labels on cellphones to alert users to keep them away from their head and body, especially those of children and pregnant women.

So, hello, Ellen and Rep. Boland. Thanks for being here today.

ELLEN MARKS: Hi, Debra. Thank you so much for having us.

ANDREA BOLAND: Yes, thank you.

DEBRA: You’re welcome. So I want to ask both of you how you got interested in this subject. Ellen, why don’t we start with you?

ELLEN MARKS: Okay. Well, if somebody would’ve asked me ten years ago, I never would’ve thought I’d be doing this. But unfortunately, about almost six years ago, my husband had a seizure in the middle of the night.

He was diagnosed immediately at the local hospital with a large tumor glioma in his right frontal lobe.

At the same time, my son had been interning for Senator Kennedy and the same thing happened to him about a week later.

My son was the one that brought it to me. They’re both on their cellphones all the time. And it was true. My husband was a heavy cellphone user for nearly 20 years. He’s what we call an “early adapter.”

So, started researching it and I was shocked to find things. At first, I thought, “Oh, if this was true, our government would’ve told us.” I was kind of naïve, wasn’t I?

DEBRA: Well, I thought that too. When I first discovered about toxic chemicals, I thought, “Well, how come there are toxic chemicals. Isn’t the government watching out for us?” They aren’t.

ELLEN MARKS: No, they’re not unfortunately. I mean, there are some good legislative such as Rep. Boland and Sen. Leno […] There are some good legislators. But unfortunately, we can’t get enough done. The status quo is not good enough anymore. We need to change this.

So anyhow, I did find out. I sent my husband’s medical record, cellphone record to experts around the world. And they did get back to me and said that, more likely than not, his glioma which was on the same side of the head to which he held the phone was attributable to his cellphone use.

So, I have since testified at Congress and involved in trying to get legislation passed from Maine to Hawaii. I’m very active in the San Francisco Right to Know legislation because I want people to know—and many others.

Trust me, I have a list a mile long of people who are dead or dying that are much younger than him. Had he known, he never would’ve risked his life by holding this to his head.

And that’s what we want people to know. And unfortunately, even though we’ve tried giving labeling laws across the nation—and Rep. Boland had been fabulous with this, I can’t thank her enough—this industry is beating us up.

They’re not telling people the truth.

And unfortunately, our government, from the very top, from President Obama down, is involved in this collusion between the FTC and and the CTIA, the wireless industry.

So, that’s how I got involved. I’ve dedicated my life to this because I see the devastation of the brain tumor, and they are on the rise.

DEBRA: Yes, I understand. I have a very dear friend who—let’s see, I think he’s in his early 40’s. Very brilliant, a very kind and caring person. He spent so many years just with the cellphone glued to his head. I sat there and watched him do that.

And he called me about a year ago and said he had a brain tumor.

ELLEN MARKS: Oh, I’m sorry.

DEBRA: He had an operation. I’m thinking that he’s fine. I haven’t heard from him since. But I heard that he’s survived the operation. He was 40 or 42, something like that, when this happened.


DEBRA: I can’t walk around saying, “Well, my friend…”—I know for a fact that my friend used his cellphone for hours on end every day, and he got a brain tumor.

But you had put together evidence. And so I’m so glad that you’re doing what you’re doing. I understand how you feel because when I found out about toxic chemicals and consumer products, and I was made so sick from them, I said, “Wait a minute! If somebody had told me that there were toxic chemicals in all these products that have no labels on them, then I wouldn’t have used them.”

I think that everybody has that sense that if we know there’s a danger, we’re not going to put ourselves in harm’s way. The biggest problem is that we don’t know where the harm is. People are making controversy out of it and—anyway, you understand.

ELLEN MARKS: You’re right. And the controversy with this issue (and Senator Boland will tell you in a minute also), there is a lot of good science. When they separate the independent science from the industry science, there’s excellent science showing that there is an increased risk of brain tumors from cellphone use and from cordless home phones.

People need to be aware of that. They need to get rid of their cordless home phones and go back to the wired landline—if the cellphone industry is going to keep the wired landline. That’s another issue.

DEBRA: That’s a whole other issue.


DEBRA: Well, Rep. Boland, tell us how you got involved in this issue.

ANDREA BOLAND: Well, actually, it was brought to me by someone in California—Ellie actually, I didn’t know, but someone, a retired college teacher, who had been looking at that issue. He saw a story about me in a magazine and thought that I might be one who might take it up.

And when I heard about it, I just sort of groaned, “Oh, my goodness. I have enough things on my plate.” But he sent a lot of good information, even information from Europe and he translated it (in this case, from French to English). So you couldn’t ignore it. I didn’t have any personal connection to the effects of cellphones that I knew of. But anyway, the evidence, to me, was overwhelming, that certainly a warning label is called for to let people know we may have some serious problems here.

So, I went ahead with the legislation. We designed the label. And it had a graphic on it as well because we knew at that time that cigarettes in other countries had graphics with them showing […] and that sort of thing. So we put a graphic on, showing the brain of a 5-year old receiving the—70% of the brain was receiving the emissions from the cellphone.

DEBRA: Yeah. We need to go to break. But when we come back, we’ll talk more about cellphones and their health effects with my guest, Ellen Marks who’s the founder and director of the California Brain Tumor Association and Rep. Andrea Boland from Main. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guests today are Ellen Marks. She’s the founder and director of the California Brain Tumor Association and Rep. Andrea Boland from the House of Representatives in Maine.

Wow! So, tell us something more about the health effects.

ELLEN MARKS: Well, I could start a little bit. First of all, in 2011, the World Health Organization did classify radiofrequency electromagnetic fields—that includes cellphones, cell towers, anything that emits non-ionizing radiation—a possible human carcinogen based on an increased risk of glioma associated with wireless phone use. So, they did this after they studied the findings, the science for […] France.

And the health effects are not just brain tumors. That’s something that people need to be aware of. Just recently, they’re finding out (there was a study done) that women who keeps cellphones in their bras are getting unusual breast cancers at young ages.

And there are salivary gland tumors. There was a study out of China which showed a huge increased in salivary gland tumors […] And those can be length.

And we’re talking about prostate cancer and all sorts of things. Now, they’re saying—I think it was Martha Herbert from Harvard who was a neuroscientist. She came out with a report that she believes that Wi-Fi is causing an increase in autism.

So, there’s a lot of different health effects. And the problem is that it’s from the non-thermal emissions. And the FCC, when they’re putting out their guidelines through these cellphone safety standards are only taking into considerations the thermal effects. And this needs to be changed. This is a terrible, terrible mistake. It’s going to affect just about every man, woman and child in America using a cellphone. How many future cancers and deleterious health effects are we looking at?

And one thing I want to say also is something that got Andrea and I and others involved in this is the language in the manual. Andrea, you can talk a little bit more about this too.

The cellphone industry is required by the FCC to put in what’s called a safe distance precaution. And they’re hiding them in tiny, tiny font on page 250 of the manual or they’re not even giving the manuals out anymore. I don’t know.

Many people use the iPhone. Do you mind if I take a minute to go through what you have to do to find out the warning?

DEBRA: Please. Please do that, yes. Go ahead.

ELLEN MARKS: It’s quite amazing! Who would know this other than us? You have to hit ‘Settings’, and then you have to hit ‘General’, then you have to hit ‘About’, then you have to go all the way down and hit ‘Legal’, then you have to hit ‘RF Exposure’. And in print that you cannot make bigger—like you can on most iPhones—it tells you (if I can read it with my glasses on, which is not easy), “to reduce exposure to RF energy, use a hands-free option such as the built-in speaker phone, the supplied headphones or other similar accessories. Carry the iPhone at least 10 mm. away from your body to ensure exposure levels remain at or below the tested levels.”

So they’re hiding information like this. The Blackberry says to keep it almost an inch from the abdomen of a pregnant woman and the lower abdomen of a teenager. Every cellphone has a warning like this somewhere, but Americans aren’t seeing it. Other countries are warning their citizens, but we’re not doing that here.

So Andrea, do you want to talk a little bit more about the manual?

ANDREA BOLAND: Well, the thing about the manual, of course, is that people don’t see it. They can’t even find it sometimes if they want to. You might have to go online or dig deep into the phone—as Ellie said, to dig deep into a manual, it’s very tiny print.

My daughter recently got an iPhone 4 I guess it was. And there was a very thin, little piece of paper that floated out of it that she wasn’t even going to pay any attention to. She looked at it and there was some information there about finding the warnings or the safety advisories, whatever they want to call. The print was so tiny that when I copied it to show the legislators, it was absolutely unreadable. So, that’s the kind of trick that they pulled.

But when you talk about the health effects—there are others too. There are effects to soft tissue—for instance, the eyes, the testicles, the reproductive organs. So, in the Blackberry, it was saying to keep away from the abdomen of pregnant women and the lower abdomen of teenagers, they’re talking about birth effects.

All I can think of is parents who are anticipating the birth of a child not knowing this information and then finding out too late that they, themselves, cause birth defects or traumas to their newborn baby or their developing child. I just really think it’s criminal.

And in fact, it probably is. Looking at Risk Management Magazine, which is a magazine that corporations go to, it talks about how there is actually requirements that—for instance, manufacturers have often been held liable with their warnings who are deemed not conspicuous enough or placed in the wrong location or fell off of the product by accident. Well, my daughter’s would probably be called “falling off” or “falling away.” There are requirements for these.

And so, not only are the health effects and not only are the warnings hidden, they are actually flirting with the law to not have them obvious.

So, there’s really so much there. And yet, what happens is children may develop and not have good brain function. They’re not able to learn easily. People could have difficulties with vision. I believe I do because of a problem with glaucoma where one eye has huge, huge high pressure and the other one didn’t (a little bit, but really essentially didn’t). The doctors was so shocked. They couldn’t understand where it came from. It was suggested to me that it came from my cellphone use. So, I lost 90% of my vision in that eye.

DEBRA: So many things we don’t know about this.

We need to go to break. We’ll be right back. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guests today are Ellen Marks, founder and director of the California Brain Tumor Association and Rep. Andrea Boland from the Main House of Representatives. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And today, we’re talking about cellphones, brain tumors, labeling, your right to know. We’ve got Ellen Marks who’s the founder and director of the California Brain Tumor Association (they are at and also, Rep. Andrea Boland. She’s got a long URL for a website. Just go to You can look at the description of the show and find out how to reach each of these guests (and any other guest) and find out that we have all over a hundred past shows that you can listen to also in the archives.

Let’s talk about right to know and labeling. Rep. Boland, why don’t you go first? Okay, go ahead.

Ellen: I think at about the same time—and Andrea, correct me if I’m wrong—Maine was starting to look at this, the City of San Francisco was starting to look at this issue. Originally, it was then Mayor Gavin Newsom. The San Francisco Department of Environment was fabulous on this.

What I heard was that Gavin Newsom became concerned when his wife was pregnant and she was holding the cellphone to her abdomen.

And by the way, I want to say something about that, what Andrea was just talking about. There are studies showing damage to sperm. There’s a wonderful couple here in Marine whose young child, at four, died from a GPM, the worst type of brain tumor imaginable which is very unusual in a child. And she does blame herself. She was a realtor and kept cellphones in two pockets while she was pregnant.

So, it’s really important that pregnant women keep this thing away from their bodies—well, that everybody keep it away from their bodies, but especially pregnant women.

So, anyhow, what happened in San Francisco was that we came up with the Right to Know law. It passed unanimously in 2010. But it was to post the SAR, which is the specific absorption rate at the point of sale. Each has a different one. And the limit is 1.6 watts per kilogram.

So, anyhow, the CTIA did come in and sue. The deputy city attorney who was in charge of this case wanted to repeal it soon thereafter because he said he could not defend the […] in court.

Cindy Franklin and I—she is the fellow advocate up in Washington. She has a non-profit called Consumer for Safer Cellphones were very upset by this. We had worked hard to get this done. We knew that it was something that needed to be done. And we got hold of then Lt. Gov. Newsom and he got in touch with the interim Mayor Lee, and said, “No, this is not going to be repealed. This is needed.”

So, what we did was we had Supervisor John Avalo introduce new Right to Know legislation which passed unanimously in 2011. Basically, it was to hand out a fact sheet at the point of sale, talking about the World Health Organization classification and some precautions that people could take.

The CTIA continued to sue. This is what they do. They threaten everybody with litigation across the nation who has wanted to do something. They did continue to sue.

The bottomline is that California, San Francisco did not lose in court. But it wasn’t looking good in federal court, but they did put out a non-binding ruling that this did violate the industry’s—Andrea, what was it—the industry’s first amendment rights. It was compelling speech.

DEBRA: Well, now, wait a minute. Don’t we have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

ELLEN MARKS: Oh, that’s exactly the words that I use all the time, that my family and others have been robbed the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, yes.

ANDREA BOLAND: And those public servants who swear to uphold the constitution swear to uphold those rights. And they too are not doing it.

DEBRA: So to me, life—that’s the very first word that’s used—we have the inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. So anything that violates life, to me, is unconstitutional. And not only is it unconstitutional, but it’s unethical.

There are such things in the world as ethics, which means that you do the thing that promotes well-being. You don’t do the thing that is harmful.

I’m going to make a really strong statement here. People are found guilty of murdering people, and yet, at the same time, consumer products that actually kill people are allowed to continue to sold.

ELLEN MARKS: And I cannot agree with you more. I’m angry. That’s why I continue to do this. This is why we fought back in San Francisco. We had this changed. It’s pathetic, what is going on. It goes as high as President Obama (and I’ll explain that to you in a minute).

What happened was that in 2013, while the lawsuit was still going on (but the city was doing pretty good with it actually), the new mayor wanted no part of it. He’s a text-friendly guy, and he wanted no part of it.

So the deputy city attorney was right behind us, lobbying that it should be repealed if we were lobbying that it should not be repealed.

And I’m going to tell you something now. I don’t think—and many of us do not think—that it was a coincidence that one month later, the deputy city attorney in charge of this case for three or four years was appointed to become a federal judge by President Obama.

We had about 20 other cities and states who wanted to do this Right to Know law. This collusion and corruption is coming from the top. And it is sickening.

You are so right when you say this about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. My family has been robbed it, and I can’t tell you how many families has been robbed of this. And Obama recently appointed the ex-FTC head, Tom Wheeler, to head the CTIA.

The revolving door continues. Last week, an ex-FCC commissioner was appointed to head the FCC. I think maybe I said that backwards before. Tom Wheeler, head of the CTIA, now he heads the FCC. And now we have the ex-commissioner of the FCC heading the CTIA.

This revolving door is going around and around. The corruption is starting at the top. Our hands are tied because whenever we try to do something, this industry who is fueling our global economy and has so much money and is buying politicians, buying science, trying to [… ] their product—it’s tobacco all over again. But this is worse because everybody is using them and it’s a valuable technology.

So, as much as wonderful people like Rep. Boland and Lt. Gov. Newsom, Dennis Kucinich, even representatives […] who wrote to the FCC, the American Academy of Pediatrics—even the Department of Interior last week wrote a letter to the Department of Commerce saying that these FCC guidelines are inapplicable—it’s pathetic what’s going on out there.

And this is why I took the action that I did. I think that we need a National Labeling Day. I hope Andrea is with me on it.

DEBRA: Well, we’ll talk about that when we come back from the break. We need to go to a break. We’ll talk about that when we get back.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my two impassioned guests today are Ellen Marks from the California Brain Tumor Association and Rep. Andrea Boland from the Maine House of Representatives. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guests today are Ellen Marks from the California Brain Tumor Association and Rep. Andrea Boland from the Maine House of Representatives.

So, Ellen, tell us what happened in San Francisco. Why did you take labeling into your own hands at the Verizon store?

ELLEN MARKS: Well, after the law was repealed—and it was the saddest day at the San Francisco Board of Supervisors Meeting […] They had their heads down. They were just embarrassed by what they had to do.

And then, we had—Andrew will tell you what’s happened in Maine. We had this happen in Hawaii just the last couple of weeks where Senator Josh Green of Kona got a cellphone labeling bill passed through the Senate Health Committee, and then the representative, Sen. Roz Baker of Maui refused to hear the bill. It was the same week that she refused to hear the GMO-labeling bill. So there are some industry manipulation going on there.

And then, Andrea will tell you what happened in Main, which was just awful and sad.

We decided we were going to take the law into our own hands. I don’t call it “civil disobedience.” I call it “civil obedience.” We’re trying to save lives.

My colleagues and I went into a Verizon store and we started labeling the phones. We made sure that they were going to come off easy. I have to admit, I was a little nervous. I’ve never done anything like this before. It said something to the effect of “This device emits radiation which the Whole Health Organization says can cause cancer. Do not hold to the head or body, especially pregnant women and children.”

We were in there for about an hour, putting the labels on. They followed us around, taking them off. They were on the phone, waiting for the police to come. And they did not come. And we made some…

DEBRA: But they didn’t stop you from doing it? They just took them off.

ELLEN MARKS: No, they couldn’t stop us. I think they were probably informed not to touch us or anything like that. We kept doing it. We wanted to make a statement that this is what is needed, and we’re going to take it into our own hands if we have to. And like I said before, I hope that we can do a National Labeling Day.

And I think there’s enough outrage, people across the United States right now that feel the same way that we do, that this does not violate their civil rights or their first right amendment, but it violates our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

This is affecting children. And we’re horrified about the effects. And it’s not just cellphones, like I said before. It’s cordless phones. It’s baby monitors. It’s toys that are being made for 6-month old where you can put your eyes on them for them to play with.

I would love for Andrea to tell you also about what happened in Maine.

DEBRA: Okay.

ANDREA BOLAND: Well, what happened in Maine was the legislation I brought was announced with a press release in December 2009. It went to the Associated Press and it just went viral. It was really incredible.

It was all over the country and other countries.

I was sitting on the phone for about three days with all different media outlets—the first one being CNN, which was startling to me. But anyway, people couldn’t believe that there was a problem with cellphones. They were angry at me and they were shocked. Some people did know and weren’t surprised. But for the most part, it really caused a huge uproar.

And from there, I think there’s a lot more that came out in the press and news magazines and everything. And that was just kicking the door open. I had a lot of these folks from California who had been giving me some advice on it and all too. So we just kept bringing it forth.

Anyway, the first label that I asked for actually said “Warning: This device emits electromagnetic radiation, exposure to which may cause brain cancer. Users, especially children and pregnant women, should keep it away from their head and body.” And it had that graphic of the penetration (which has been modeled by a professor at the University of Utah) showing the effects of the emission penetrating the brain of a 5-year old.

All of that caused a lot of uproar.

From that, I’ve had two more iterations of it to tame it down because it couldn’t have graphics and everybody was all nervous about the wording. This year was the third time it’s been voted on in the Maine legislature and all it said was, “If you have advisories in your manual for the user, put them on the packaging so the purchaser can see it or some kind of a label that tells them where to find it.” And the wording would just be “Information on RF exposures can be found at page such-and-such” or “on our website, such-and-such,” so that people have a fighting chance of finding it if they want to. But at this point, people know there may be some kind of an issue.

It was so tame we didn’t use warning, we didn’t use “safety.” We were careful to use no words that could be called “compelled speech.” We only wanted to use the word of the industry itself. Very, very tame, “For information, go to…” That’s all it was.

Well, it passed decisively in the house. It passed decisively in the senate. And then, there’s a final vote. It’s called a “vote of enactment.” And usually, nobody even pays attention to it. It just goes under the hammer and they’ll roll call, no discussion. But the cellphone industry put a whole bunch more lobbyists on the job in that last day and scared the devil out of some of the legislators just enough to turn it so that it didn’t pass on what we call “enactment” that final vote, which was, of course, very disappointing. But they had the help of the leadership of the House of Representatives.

People who, before, had voted in favor of it (it did pass the house the year before), this time, they all voted against it. What was that about? And they let people know they were voting against it. And it was a much tamer label.

Also, the attorney general was lobbying against having that bill passed. She was saying it was unconstitutional even though we had a great constitutional scholar and a Harvard Law professor saying he would just send it all the way up to the Supreme Court if the state of Maine didn’t want to. He contested there was no way it was unconstitutional.

But to see the leadership –and that’s my own party, I’m a Democrat—turn against it after they’ve voted far in a prior year and to have the attorney general working against it really shows you (as Ellen was saying) how deeply the problem goes—how high it goes, how low it goes, how deeply it goes for people who are anxious about the power of this industries.

And in fact, the first year I brought it, I’ve been working with the AG’s office all the way through with it. The assistant AG who’s a constitutional scholar, we had to work with it, it had to be as careful as we could make it, he had told me that the industry had come to him the very first time around. They said it subtly, but he said it was very clear, that they would sue the state of Maine.

Well, we’re a small state economically, and that’s a very threatening kind of thing to say. But like in San Francisco…

DEBRA: I’d hate to interrupt you, but we’re getting near the end of the show. We only have a few minutes left. I want to make sure that you tell us what people can do to be safer with this technology.

ANDREA BOLAND: Well, as Ellen was starting to say, basically, keep it away from your head and body. Use it on speaker phone or a wired headset. Children, really, shouldn’t be using them at all because they’re so much more vulnerable.

And really, that’s it in a nutshell I would say. Texting is better than having it up to your head, but your hand is still exposed.

DEBRA: And also, you’re still exposed to it even when you’re not using it, just having it in your pocket or, as you said earlier, in your bra or in your purse.

ELLEN MARKS: Yeah, you’re right. If you have to have it on your body, keep it in airplane mode, turn it off. Something people have to realize, I do not advocate against this technology. However, we do have to—and some of the manuals even say this—limit our use. User a corded landline when you can’t. Don’t stream videos. I mean, we’re also talking about cell tower radiation which is harming people and the environment.

We need to be responsible starting with ourselves, with our families at home and in school. Wi-Fi’s in schools is starting to be a huge problem.

So turn them off when you can.

ANDREA BOLAND: And you need to hold your representatives responsible. You’ll need to call them. You tell them.

ELLEN MARKS: Absolutely!

DEBRA: Yes. I’m sure both of you remember when we were all children. There was no such thing as Wi-Fi or cellphones or anything like that, and we all got along just fine.

ELLEN MARKS: You’re right. I hate to say it though, this technology is not going to go away.

DEBRA: Well, I know it’s not going to go away. You really can’t escape it because…

ELLEN MARKS: We need to make it […]

DEBRA: …all the cellphone towers and all those things, even if you’re not carrying a cellphone—I mean, I can pick up my neighbor’s Wi-Fi on my computer and I don’t even have Wi-Fi in my house.

ELLEN MARKS: Right, right, right. It’s a very sad state of affairs that we let this get out of control. But right now…

ANDREA BOLAND: But we can push back on it. I mean, it’s still early on in the industry. It probably can be a whole lot safer than it is.

ELLEN MARKS: Well, I’ve heard that they do have patents on safer equipment.

DEBRA: Okay. I have to interrupt you now as much as I don’t want to. I have to interrupt you now because the music is going to come on and it’s going to cut you off.

ELLEN MARKS: We can talk for hours.

DEBRA: I need to say “thank you so much.”

ELLEN MARKS: Oh, my gosh! Thank you. And Andrea, thank you. And by the way, Andrea is running for state senate.

DEBRA: Yehey! Good. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. You can find out more at Be well!

Carbon Blankets

Question from Chris

Do carbon blankets work to protect against off-gassing? We need to protect against a 3 yr old latex mattress with a memory foam topper? My wife is chemically sensitive and is afraid to try it. Does anyone have any experience with the use of carbon blankets? Any other remedies for off-gassing of mattresses? Thank you!



Debra’s Answer

Carbon blankets will absorbs offgassing chemicals from something like a mattress or a car seat.

I don’t have any experience with using one for that purpose, but I’ve been told they work.

My best recommendation to you is to get a toxic free mattress as soon as possible. The rule of thumb for best results is to eliminate toxics at the source whenever possible, rather than try to block them.

You can get carbon blankets at Nirvana Safe Haven

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Toxic-free Eybrow Color

Question from Susaninnyc

Thank you Debra, and hello everyone!

My question is this: My very dark eyebrows are starting to go gray. I use light mountain color the gray henna to color my hair, but was wondering if anyone else has a better idea for eyebrows. I have pretty severe MCS.


Debra’s Answer

I have no experience with this. Readers?

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Grand Legacy Mattresses

Question from Anne Castile

I have been a follower for the last 10 years.

I have a question regarding the Grand Legacy Mattresses. They are advertising a “green ” component. I’m curious if these are really green. They say they are formaldehyde free.. They use soybean and natural latex as part of the matttress.

Made in Cleveland Ohio and carried at the Levin stores.

I’m in the market for a new mattress and suffer from MCS.

Thanks for any info you can send me.

Debra’s Answer

I took a look at the product description at

There are plenty of toxic chemicals in this mattress.

In addition to the gel memory foam and high density foam, the “BioFlex™ foam…

They says “BioFlex™ eliminates the use of harmful chemicals and is extracted from soybeans grown in Ohio.”

I’m sorry, but this just isn’t true. The soybeans may be grown in Ohio, but there is no soy foam in the world that “eliminates the use of harmful chemicals.” Soy foam is, at best, 30 percent soy, the remaining 70 percent is the same polyurethane foam used to make toxic mattresses.

There are many online sources of natural beds at Debra’s List: Textiles: Beds

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Rediscovering the Natural World

Marcie CuffToday my guest is Marcie Cuff, author of This Book Was a Tree: Ideas, Adventures, and Inspirations for Rediscovering the Natural World. Because this show is about toxics and alternatives to toxics, part of my mission is to encourage everyone to become more aware of the natural world, which supports all life. For decades I have looked to nature for life-enhancing ways to live, as a toxic-free alternative to industrialism. Marcie doesn’t wear a bonnet, carry a hatchet, eat hard tack or forage for wild herbs, fruits and nuts each morning. She prefers, instead, to wear spandex and a superhero cape and drink tea while planning clandestine small-scale seedbomb planting attacks in neglected neighborhood vacant lots. Between seedbombing excursions, she and her family live atop 0.013 acres of paradise just north of Manhattan. When she isn’t writing, digging in the dirt, or shop vac-ing the basement after a heavy rain, she is raising two small wild girls and a menagerie of pets with her clever and mesmeric husband. On any given day, Marcie’s small house is teeming with a maelstrom of rowdy kids, powerful ukulele ballads, disorganized experiments in various stages, and a potpourri of fort-building, dress-up bins and early-risers. This Book Was A TreeBefore earning her M.A. in Secondary Science teaching and writing THIS BOOK WAS A TREE, Marcie had plunged into a whirlpool of prerequisite employment—everything from organic lettuce farmer, to tropical rainforest field technician, to stuffed animal designer, to Alaskan tent-dwelling goose researcher. Her award-winning blog MOSSY is devoted to families who share a love of slowing down, simplifying, getting dirty, and finding hands-on connections to art and nature. |






Rediscovering the Natural World

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Marcie Cuff

Date of Broadcast:April 23, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic-free. And usually we talk about things like less toxic products that you can buy, how to make things yourself, what toxic chemicals, where you find them and what they do to your health.

But today, we’re going to take a little different spin on it. Yesterday was Earth Day. Yesterday, we did a fabulous show about Rachel Carson who is the author of Silent Spring, which was I think the first environmental book that was really written for the general public. And it was also the first book to talk about toxic chemicals and how they affect the environment and how they affect our health.

And during the interview, one of the things that one of my guests said because I had two guests yesterday, one of the things one of the guests said was that Rachel Carson’s view was that we really needed to get back to living in harmony with nature and that that was the solution to the problem of toxics.

I was very happy to hear that because I figured that out a long time ago when I’ve been writing about that a lot over on the side because most people would like to know how to clean our house without toxic chemicals or something like that. But for me, the real solution is to regain our awareness that we do live in the natural world though natural world is out there, providing all the resources that flow through our industrial system and that to us as consumer products.

But we’re so busy looking at consumer products that we don’t trace it back through the industrial system all the way back to the earth. If we don’t take care of our environment, we don’t have natural resources to make those consumer products. And the first step to taking care of the environment as far as I can tell is just to be aware that it’s there. And this is what we’re talking about today.

My guest is Marcie Cuff. She’s the author of a wonderful book called This Book Was a Tree: Ideas, Adventures and Inspirations for Rediscovering the Natural World. Hi, Marcie.

MARCIE CUFF: Hi. How are you?

DEBRA: I’m good. How are you?


DEBRA: I’m so happy to have you on today because this is one of my favorite subjects. It was the way that—I think that everybody, as you say, is just connected from nature. And that those of us who are now reconnected had an aha moment.

And for me, it was that I just kept looking for something that was less toxic and less toxic and less toxic. And I finally looked around and said, “Wait a minute. Nature is not toxic.” And I started and I moved from the city. I was living in San Francisco in the city. I moved out into a forest and actually lived in a forest in a very rural area for two years. And that really changed my viewpoint about everything.

So tell us. I know you’re a science teacher. How did you become interested in the natural world?

MARCIE CUFF: I spent a lot of time when I was a kid in the woods. And when I got a little older, I worked as a field assistant for many years for professors when I was in college.

Actually before I got to college, I took a course called School for Field Studies and that got me some background. And then when I got into college, I was hired as a field assistant during the summers to collect data for professors.

So I spent a lot of time with different jobs in the woods and in Jamaica, studying fish and in Virginia, studying birds. And I spent a lot of time on trails.

And then I went into a graduate school in Alaska. So I spent a couple of years there. In graduate school, I lived in a cabin for a few years. It’s very isolated and I did my field work in a very isolated area, Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta. And then I came back to the East Coast and I taught high school and middle school biology and environmental science.

And then when I had my two girls, then I stopped teaching and I got a grant in running their grade school garden. So I [inaudible 00:04:45] program. I coordinated with the teachers and developed a curriculum based on the New York State standards.

So I did that for several years and then I started to blog along the way. I started a blog called Mossy. The blog was originally just documenting projects that I worked on with my kids. So I would document different hands on nature projects like [inaudible 00:05:14] and things we were doing outside.

And so I got a little bit of a following, mostly homeschool parents and Montessori schools. And then I was approached to write a book. So I started writing a book proposal and that’s where the book came along.

DEBRA: It’s a wonderful book. And one of the things that attracted me to it and why I wanted to invite you to be on the show is I love the title, This Book Was a Tree.

I remember a time and this was way back in 1987 when I first became aware of nature, but I remember a day where I suddenly went, “Oh, my desk came from a tree.” I was looking at the [inaudible 00:05:57]. “Wait a minute, this was a tree.”

And then I looked and I had a coffee mug on my desk and I said, “Wait a minute, that’s clay out of the earth.” And I just was looking all over my desk. This pencil is wood. It just came from a tree. And I just started looking at everything and instead of seeing it as a consumer product, I saw it as a natural resource.

And I saw that there were all these living things that had been turned into consumer products and I think it was a revelation for me to see that because I, like most consumers prior to this, would just see something—I mean I thought soup came out of cans and things like that.

My ex-husband, now he’s a very intelligent man and does a lot of things. And when I met him, he didn’t know where spaghetti came from. And so to talk about disconnect, we really don’t even know where the things that we’re using every day actually come from.

MARCIE CUFF: Yeah, I think that we have become progressively isolated from what’s outside. And so a lot of the time, we spend so much time in front of a screen and we forget where things come from.

It is amazing. I worked with kids at the grade school garden and before the kids in the city. A lot of times, I’ll have kids in the garden and they have never ever held a worm before.

I used to live in the city, but now I live outside the city, New York City. We don’t live—I mean easily we could be outside. It’s not like we have a city around us all the time. We could be outside [inaudible 00:07:43] in the dirt. And a lot of these kids have actually never really gotten their hands dirty.

I work with kids a lot, but I think the book that I wrote is actually—I mean kids can read it, but it’s more of a grownup book. It’s a book on how to get yourself and your family outside and set a good example and become aware of change that’s happening around us.

There are things that are going on that we might not even realize. We drive around and honestly there are a lot of things that I see. I guess my eyes may be trained a little differently because of my background in the sciences and environmental science. I see invasive plants and invasive species that people might not recognize if they’re not tuned into it.

So I think it’s important for us to spend time out there and get become aware of things that are around us.

DEBRA: I completely agree. We need to go to break soon, but I want to just mention that I actually have two copies of your book and so we’re going to give one away today. And so I just like to invite my listeners. If you are interested in getting your free copy of Marcie’s book, you can just go to and scroll down the page and there is a contact form.

If you just send me an email and just say that you’re interested in getting the book, I will choose one person at random at the end of the show and you’ll get to have a free book.

We actually do need to go to break in about 10 seconds. Nine, eight, seven. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is Marcie Cuff. She’s the author of This Book Was a Tree. And when we come back, we’re going to learn a lot more about how you and your family can go out into nature and learn something about the natural world. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is Marcie Cuff. She’s the author of This Book Was a Tree: Ideas, Adventures and Inspirations for Rediscovering the Natural World.

She has a website at You can learn more about the book. But she also has a blog. It’s called Mossy, but the URL is I went to It was a car dealer. So you go to

So I wanted to tell you that you were talking about seeing the world with different eyes. And I had that experience too many years ago. I had this big breakthrough about discovering the natural world and immediately after that, I met my husband to be who was very, very nature-oriented.

And I remember one day, we were walking down the street in San Francisco, in downtown San Francisco, in the financial district, which is like New York. It’s skyscrapers. And you can’t even see the sky and it’s just all concrete.

And he said, “Oh, look at that bird nest.” This is when I was just getting to know him. He says, “Look at that bird nest.” And I couldn’t see a bird nest. And he pointed to it and it was way up on the third or fourth floor on a skyscraper on a ledge. There was a bird nest and there was a bird in it.

And what I realized out of that was that I was walking down the street and all of my attention was I’m looking in the store windows. And all of his attention was he was looking at nature. I was looking at industrial consumerism.

And when he said that, when he showed me the bird nest, I suddenly realized that the wind was blowing on my face and I could actually [inaudible 00:11:46] that it was blowing on my face. I could perceive the temperature that was going on. I noticed that there were flowers and flower boxes and trees planted in boxes.

And suddenly, I could see nature, but a minute before, I couldn’t see it. But my awareness shifted and I think that that’s a big thing that needs to happen in our culture.

There’s nature all around us. We’re part of nature. I mean me, I consider myself as a human species to be as much part of nature as a tree. It’s not something separate from me. But we are separated from the natural world in our culture today and that’s the point of this book. It’s such a great book.

I’d like to just start at the beginning. You have chapter one. It’s about creating. So can you tell us about that?

MARCIE CUFF: Yeah. I guess the importance of chapter one I think is to realize that all of us have a creative side, even grownups. So if you’ve forgotten how to be creative, it’s totally important to slow yourself down and get in touch with that part of yourself.


MARCIE CUFF: Each chapter introduces a main project and so chapter one, the main project in chapter one is to take a hard cover, old book that really is unloved and will not be ever used and then to remove the pages and then put your own journal pages in and make it into a nature [inaudible 00:13:29].

So it’s a neat project because you’re taking that part of you and you’re putting it inside a book and you can add different things if you step outside. So it’s a nice creative project to work on.

DEBRA: I love that you’re encouraging people to be creative because that’s another thing. I mean I consider creativity to be part of our natural ability as human beings. And yet, what we do is turn our creativity over to multinational corporations and have them create everything for us and then we go buy it.

And so I think creativity is a really, really important thing to be bringing back. So once they make their journal, then what kind of things do you suggest? What kind of projects do you have them do so that they put something in the journal about their experience?

MARCIE CUFF: Okay. So there are different things that you can do in a journal. You can collect things. You can go outside and make collections. You can treat it as if you’re [inaudible 00:14:36] in a journal. You can make a list of different uses for objects or keep track of things that you see outside. Or you can treat it like a regular journal, but you can also add.

What I’ve done with a lot of my journals is I’ve added envelops and different collection areas for different things. So you can treat more like a collection journal. I have two girls and they’re very active outside kids. So we have a lot of different types of journals. So they all have different types of uses.

DEBRA: One of the things that I’ve enjoyed doing is that I walk around in my neighborhood a lot. And to me, at first I thought this is boring. I don’t want to just walk the same path every day. And so I started taking different tracks.

But then I started noticing that as I would walk past the same spot day after day that it was different that a plant suddenly would burst into bloom or the color of the leaves would change or things like that. I was doing it for exercise, but it turned into a nature walk. And I would carry my cellphone with me and I would just take photos of different things that I thought were particularly distinct at that time.

And that brought me a lot more aware, particularly the plants or the birds or if I would see an insect or something like that. It just made me more aware while I was getting my exercise. And that’s something that could go in a journal too.

MARCIE CUFF: Yeah. There’s another project that has to do with that actually that I have in the book, which is if you collect a stack of paper board and cut them to all uniform sizes, then you can make what we call a [contextual?] calendar and you can put it in an old wooden box. And so you can keep track.

You put a date stamp on each little cardboard piece. And so you stack them one behind the other in a cardboard. Mine is in a wooden box, but you could use any kind boxes. Stack them up, one behind the other.

And then each piece has a different date stamp on it. And so you can reuse this every year. So every day, if something happens outside or around you, you can keep track of when the raspberries start to ripen or when you see the first robin here or when does the big snow storm happen. Every year, things are different and it’s really important to keep track of all these things that are happening.

DEBRA: I have done that and it’s a very interesting thing to do. Here, where I live, in the spring, one of the indicators of spring is the jacaranda trees. And they are just definitely purple and you can’t miss them. And so I was keeping track of what day the jacaranda trees burst into bloom.

We have to have another break, but we’ll be right back. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and I’m talking with Marcie Cuff, author of This Book Was a Tree. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is Marcie Cuff, author of This Book Was a Tree.

As I mentioned before, I have an extra copy here and I’m going to give it away to one of my listeners. So if you’d like to get a copy of the book for free, just go to and scroll down the page to the contact form and send me an email and tell me you’d like your book. And at the end of the hour, after the show is over, I’ll pick somebody at random.

Marcie, one of the chapters I was really interested in, in your book, is “Spend time wisely.” And you have some projects here about time. That was one of the first things that when I started looking at nature, I started realizing that nature operates on a different time.

And you have a project here about building a sundial. I happened to live in a house that is oriented exactly north, south, east, west. And where I’m sitting right now is exactly east. And so I see the sun coming up in the morning and it comes up at different places across my window. And I have a shade and I have to move the shade over as the sun comes up at different times of year in different places.

So I was very happy to see that you had a chapter on time. So tell us about that.

MARCIE CUFF: Most of the sundials that you see for purchasing at nature centers and online, most of them aren’t really set to your longitude. So this project in the chapter, I make it easy.

So it’s a pretty simple sundial. So you use a template that I put on there and you determine your latitude coordinates and then you plug in your latitude and then you can make a sundial from that. And you make the sundial from a base that’s fairly simple. It’s just a sliced tree stump.

You just need a couple of things, the tree stump and a protractor and a ruler and pencil. And it’s a fairly easy project. Based on your latitude, it’s pretty easy to set up. Yes, so it’s pretty simple and you can just keep it in your garden or outside, wherever you want to put it.

DEBRA: Yeah. I watched my sundial. I got a sundial and I watch it and I recognize that we think of hours as being 60 minutes, but if you actually watch them on a sundial, then some hours are 60 and some are 45 and some are 62 and that 60 minutes in an hour is just an average of the length of time of an hour.

But it’s interesting to actually see the difference and the variations in the natural world rather than have your time perception be the way it’s been all standardized. There’s a reason for standardized time. Go ahead.

MARCIE CUFF: That’s right. There’s something called the equation of time. You can correct your sundial in minutes. To be honest, the sundial is probably more accurate than any clock that we have if we look at nature.

There’s a reason, you’re right, that we have those really fancy, cutting-edge clocks. But a sundial is very accurate. You can set it to read what you want to if you use the equation of time. There’s a graph that I put in the book that you can reset your sundial so that it reads what your clocks read.

But you’re right, it’s really interesting to look at it and see that there are differences.

DEBRA: I’m laughing, I’m sorry. I have to laugh at what you just said that you can reset your sundial to read what your clock says.

MARCIE CUFF: I know it’s funny.

DEBRA: I mean to say this, but I have to tell you something even funnier. The whole point is to reorient ourselves to the natural world. And so for me, I just noted the difference between my sundial and my clock and I noticed that my clock was standardized and my sundial is different.

But the thing I really was laughing about was that the first thing that I became aware of about the natural time was the moon cycle, from the dark moon to the full moon back to the dark moon and when was that. And I thought, “Oh, how am I going to find out? Let’s see. I’ll go buy a book.”

MARCIE CUFF: That’s so funny.

DEBRA: And I did. I went and bought an almanac and I bought a tide guide so that I could find out when is the…
MARCIE CUFF: Yeah, instead of just going outside.

DEBRA: Instead of just going outside and looking in the sky.


DEBRA: So I’ve come a long way. I’ve come a long way. But the moon is not that easy because sometimes in the phase, it’s there in the night and other times, it’s there in the day. And you have to understand what that phase is. So there are things to learn about nature. It’s so fascinating.

MARCIE CUFF: Yeah. It’s actually really neat. If you use your sundial, if you make a sundial and then you sit there for 10 minutes every day and record observations about what’s going on around you, it’s nice to train yourself to just sit in one place and just record, just watch time pass.

People so rarely do that these days. We’re moving so fast and we’re trained to have tons of things on our plates. And just sitting there outside for 10 minutes and without interpreting things or comparing things or just looking at things, [inaudible 00:24:03] at the world, it’s important to do that, just to take the time and actually see what’s going on around you.

DEBRA: And you can watch time pass on the sundial because when you’re looking at a clock, what you’re looking at is the hands moving and when you look at the sundial, what you’re looking at is the earth moving.

MARCIE CUFF: I mean if you don’t want to make a sundial, you can actually do it in different ways too.

DEBRA: Yeah. Tell us another one.

MARCIE CUFF: You can watch shadows moving. You can make your own. Sundials have been made of different things for just over centuries. I mean the earliest ones were just tall, tall statues that would set a shadow on the ground. So that is considered a sundial. You can watch time pass in different ways. You don’t have to be as accurate as a sundial.

DEBRA: Right. But it’s a fun thing to do. It is a fun thing to do. I love sundials. So what is your favorite project?

MARCIE CUFF: Oh, it depends on who I’m with. I just last week worked with some nursery school teachers and we did a project as a workshop for them that is really easy for smaller kids. That is in my book and it’s called seed bombs and that’s a fun project.

DEBRA: I love sea bombs. Yeah, tell about sea bombs.

MARCIE CUFF: Yeah, it’s very fun. It’s super easy and really fun with smaller kids or grownups. It’s just a mixture of soil and clay and water and local wild flower seeds.

Honestly, it’s not a really specific mixture. You just wing it. But it’s very simple. And you basically make little small [meatballs?] and then you dry them and eventually toss them into places where they’ll grow.

DEBRA: Isn’t that fun? I love that. So we need to take another break.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest is Marcie Cuff, author of This Book Was a Tree.

If you’d like a free copy, please go to Toxic Free Talk Radio. And not everybody is going to get a free copy. I’ll choose somebody at the end of the hour. So just go send me an email with the contact form and you might be the winner. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest is Marcie Cuff, author of This Book Was a Tree: Ideas, Adventures and Inspirations for Rediscovering the Natural World . And there certainly are ideas, adventures and inspirations.

This book looks like so much fun that I feel like that I would just like, as an adult—and I don’t even have any kids to take on this adventure with me. But it is just something that you could just start at the beginning and go outside and you could gather some kids, you could gather some friends. You could invite people to a workshop and everyone can have a book and you can do it together.

It really is a very good outline of ways to get your attention back on the natural world and see that it’s there. And I think that there are so many people who don’t even see it. And how can we take care of something that we don’t know?

Marcie, how do you think we got so far off track? Even 100 years ago, people were very oriented to nature and very oriented to growing their own food and things like that. It was a very hands-on experience of making the stuff of life out of nature that was right around you. And now, we don’t do that at all.

MARCIE CUFF: Honestly, I feel like maybe it started with supermarkets. We used to raise all of the things that we ate in our backyard.

DEBRA: Right, we did.

MARCIE CUFF: Or we traded with our neighbors. And then supermarkets were more prevalent.

So I think the people started to forget where their food came from first. I mean it’s certainly more simple. And then we started working more, away from the land. So I think that’s probably, in my opinion, where it all started.

DEBRA: I think about it. As I mentioned before, the people think that if you’re going to have soup that you just opened a can.

But I’m really encouraging people. I have a food blog on my site and I’m really encouraging people to learn how to cook because even if you didn’t eat organic or didn’t eat local, just the act of moving away from processed foods and just to fresh foods is a huge step.

When I moved here to Florida, I come from California, from the San Francisco Bay area. When I moved here to Florida, I was astonished at how many women I was meeting did not know how to cook. Their food was coming from takeout and packages and they really didn’t know how to slice a tomato. They really didn’t.

And people started asking me to give cooking lessons. And I thought this is just a skill we need to bring back because it’s a very different experience to go out in your backyard and pick warm tomatoes off the vine and make them into something delicious.

And even if you don’t have that tomato plant in your backyard, to go to a farmers’ market or even buy fresh tomatoes at a natural food store that are organic, it’s a completely different experience than eating a packaged food. And I know that I feel a lot more connected to nature just having my hands on the food than appreciating those plants and animals for giving the nutrition.

MARCIE CUFF: Having a connection with what you eat is really important. I think that most of us eat just out of habit without really thinking about what we’re putting into our bodies. So I think that considering what you eat and you drink or the origins of the food [inaudible 00:30:28] with package or keeping track what you put into your body is really important.

Yeah. I think that it’s also interesting if you just keep track just for one day the ingredients of products that you eat, just thinking about every single thing that you put into your body and just keeping track of what exactly is going into you.

DEBRA: And where is it coming from?

MARCIE CUFF: Yeah. Where is it coming from? Yeah. And eating seasonally is really important. I think that once we have supermarkets, we forget that.

DEBRA: We do forget that.

MARCIE CUFF: A lot of the products that we find in our supermarket don’t come locally. They come from really far away.

And so produce has a season. Things that we buy, they really do have seasons. You have to be paying attention to the season of the products.

DEBRA: I, as a child—my birthday is in June. And so I always had Strawberry Shortcake for my birthday cake because certainly there were strawberries. And we would go looking for the first strawberries as a family. We live in the San Francisco Bay area, so down the coast in Monterey, they would grow strawberries and we would go down to Monterey so we could get the first strawberries because we love strawberries so much and that was a family trip.

So I had a real sense of the seasons growing up with food because at that time, it was before they started shipping things in from all over like they do now. And you couldn’t get the watermelon or a strawberry or any of those red peppers or anything, unless it was summertime.

And I remember when we lived in California, my ex-husband loved bananas and I would say, “No, no, you can’t eat them because they don’t grow here.” I was really trying to really eat only what grew in my bioregion.

And so then we moved to Florida and there are bananas trees in everybody’s backyard, including mine. And I said, “Okay, eat all the bananas you want.”

MARCIE CUFF: We have a very small backyard, but we do have a community garden that we are really actively involved in. And even if you don’t have that, you can grow sprouts in your kitchen very easily.

It’s basically like harvesting. It’s like a little garden and that’s something that you can grow all year-round. That doesn’t have a season.

You can grow sprouts that are really healthy for you and they are super easy, just in a regular mason jar. That’s a simple project that I have in the book too. That’s very easy to do and you don’t need to have a green thumb.

DEBRA: I love growing sprouts. It’s so fascinating to me to watch something grow from a seed. And in a sprout jar, you can see that happening. It’s not like the seed is underground where you can’t see it.

And also for a while, we had chickens that were laying eggs in our backyard until the police came and took them away because they are illegal where I live. But when I got that first egg from the chicken, I just went into the chicken house and there it was, just sitting there. I went, “Oh my god, an egg.” And I knew that I had fed the chicken and they had eaten grass, just right my organic grass in my backyard and things like that.

I knew what had gone into that egg and it was the product of my local backyard and my kitchen scraps and stuff. And then I ate that egg and there was this real sense of knowing where my food was from and that I have participated in that. Connecting with nature just changes your perspective a lot.

MARCIE CUFF: Yeah. I feel like just reconnecting with the natural world and slowing down and looking at our relationship with what’s outside, what we contributed to it is really important.

DEBRA: We only have just a few minutes left. So is there anything else that you’d like to talk about that we haven’t covered?

MARCIE CUFF: Oh, the only thing I can think of is advice for people just to get outside and move away from your comfort zone and get away from a screen and just go outside and pay attention to what’s going on around you.

DEBRA: Excellent advice. Excellent, excellent. And you will see a change. You will notice the world in a different way.

Thank you so much, Marcie for being on the show. Thank you for writing this book. I certainly am going to have fun with it and I help a lot of my listeners do it as well. Thanks for being with me today.

MARCIE CUFF: Thank you so much.

DEBRA : You’re welcome. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio and you can go to The first thing that you should do is to scroll down the page and send me an email that you’d like to be one of the people in the drawing for a free copy of Marcie’s book.

But also there are other things on the page. You can go to the top of the page and there are other parts of my website. If you click on Shop, it will take you to Debra’s List where you’ll find over 500 different websites that sell toxic-free products.

Many of them are very connected to nature and how they’re made with organic things and just right close to nature. Many of the products are that way. Many are hand-made. Many are things that you can find in local stores.

And then if you click on Q&A, you can ask a question. You can ask a question and I will answer it and my readers will answer it and they’re very, very knowledgeable. There are probably 10 years worth of questions on there. There are thousands of questions and thousands of answers.

And then if you click on Body Detox, that’s my blog where all we talk about on that blog is how to remove toxic chemicals from your body because everybody does have toxic chemicals in their body. And everybody needs to remove them in order to have good health. There have been many studies where they test the blood of people, of newborn babies that have toxic chemicals in their bodies. So this is a very important subject.

If you click on Food, you’ll get to my food blog where we talk about how to cook healthy things. And the last one is Nature. And that’s where I talk about how we can reconnect with nature.

You’ve been listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. Be well.

Natural Remedy for Morning Sickness

Question from Kathleen

Hi Debra. I read your first book when it came out. That means I am probably older than you. However, my oldest daughter is pregnant. I wondered if you were aware of any non-toxic natural remedies for morning sickness that actually work.

Nothing worked very well for me back in 1980. I took the Bendictin and it helped a little. I know it was safe.

When I was about 4 months pregnant, we had our house weatherized. Urea formaldehyde foam blown in, and storm windows and doors, and a heat pump. Because the house was already so tight, not much foam came into the house.

However, enough got in that within 18 months, I had health issues that have never gone away. My daughter shares the chemical sensitivities and has some allergies as well.



Debra’s Answer

I’ve never had morning sickness (no children) but I know that ginger calms nausea. An old doctor told me that a long time ago.

People drink ginger ale for nausea, but it’s not the fizz that calms the stomach, it’s the ginger. So you could make ginger tea and drink it hot or cold, or even mix it with fizzy water to make ginger ale.

Readers, what worked for you?

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New Chair Outgassing

Question from Cindy

I have MCS and have been trying to create a better home environment. I also have pain issues and fibromyalgia, so I replaced my worn out comfy chair with a new one. Of course, it bothers me, even after letting it air out on porch for 3 weeks. I have zeolite rocks in bags but not sure how they could help with this. Any input? Love your website and have enjoyed a couple of your earlier books.

Thank you!

Debra’s Answer

I’m afraid it’s going to continue to outgas for quite a while. In addition to polyurethane foam, synthetic fabrics, and formaldehyde fabric protectors, there are also toxic chemical fire retardants required by law.

If you need to keep this chair, you might try covering it with a carbon blanket.

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A List of Scented Stores I Won’t Be Going To

Question from Dave

Hi Debra:

I know you’ll love this one:

Los Angeles Times: For branding, many places adopt signature scents

“Marketing using scent is catching on among retailers, sports stadiums, banks and others that seek to distinguish themselves via the influential sense of smell.” a list of stores I won’t be going to.

best wishes


Debra’s Answer

Thanks for the warning!

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Direct Action in Response to Heavy Handed Wireless Industry Crackdown on Democracy- Attacking City Ordinances and Cell Phone Labeling Efforts in Maine, Hawaii, and California

SAN FRANCISCO – Health advocates from the California Brain Tumor Association and Stop Smart Meters! have affixed health warning labels on cell phones for sale in Verizon’s Market St. store in San Francisco in defiance of the wireless industry’s legal bullying of cell phone safety ordinances across the nation. Store management removed the labels but did not summon police, possibly out of concern that potential arrests may highlight a health risk the industry would rather keep quiet. Further embarrassing the company, one of its employees stuck one of the labels to his own phone in an apparent act of defiance against his employer’s suppression of health information regarding its products.

In 2011, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors unanimously passed a “right to know” law requiring cell phone retailers in the city to issue at the point of sale a fact sheet to each consumer including the World Health Organization classification and the manufacturer’s own language hidden in the phone or manual instructing phone users to keep phones 5/8 inch away from the body at all times when turned on. The Wireless Association (CTIA) sued the city (saying such “forced speech” represented a breach of the company’s First Amendment rights) and withdrew its annual conferences from San Francisco like whiney cry-babies. According to then Mayor Newsom, “their behavior makes me even more concerned as to what they are hiding.” The City did not lose the lawsuit but under the leadership of tech friendly Mayor Lee the Board of Supervisors was coerced into repealing the law, leaving customers in the dark about the health effects of routine cell phone radiation exposure.

Last month the state of Maine passed a cell phone labeling law. The next day the CTIA swarmed the halls of the Augusta Capitol. When the bill went back for the typical rubber stamping, many legislators changed their votes and the bill that had passed was killed. In Hawaii recently State Senator and Dr. Josh Green got a cell phone labeling bill passed through the state Health Committee. It then went to Sen. Roz Baker of Maui who refused hearing the bill and killed it. She also refused hearing the GMO labeling bill the same week. California State Senator Mark Leno has also tried to enact a cell phone labeling bill in California and has been shut down by industry contributions to state Senators. Many cities and states have attempted legislation and all received threatening letters of litigation from the CTIA.

This radiation has been correlated not only with brain tumors but with breast cancer, leukemia, salivary gland tumors, damage to fetuses, damage to sperm, an increase in autism and electro-hypersensitivity. In 2013 the American Academy of Pediatrics stated “Current FCC standards do not account for the unique vulnerability and use patterns specific to pregnant women and children. It is essential that any new standards for cell phones and other wireless devices be based on protecting the youngest and most vulnerable population to ensure they are safeguarded throughout their lifetimes.” The WHO classification included all wireless radiation including that emitted by smart meters. At least 15 other nations have taken action concerning the negative health implications of wireless radiation while the U.S. does nothing to protect Americans.

In February the U.S. Department of Interior in a letter to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, cited studies showing detrimental effects from cell tower radiation on protected migratory birds and stated“ the electromagnetic radiation standards used by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) continue to be based on thermal heating, a criterion now nearly 30 years out of date and inapplicable today”. Those same guidelines have been correlated with deleterious health effects in humans.

Ellen Marks, whose husband was diagnosed with a cell phone related brain tumor in 2008 said,

“Cell phones were never pre-market tested for safety. My husband and thousands of others have developed cancer because of industry greed. FCC Chair Wheeler buried the truth about the risks of cell phones and now families are burying the dead. I am outraged that honest legislators throughout the U.S. are being shut down by the majority who put campaign contributions ahead of the health and safety of their constituents concerning a radiation emitting device used daily, even by children. Getting the hidden warnings, which tell people to limit their use and carry them away from their body, to the consumer at the point of sale should not be this difficult! This madness must stop.” Marks has testified to Congress and worked on a federal cell phone Right to Know law and laws in many cities and states which, even when successful, were never enacted.

According to Josh Hart, Director of the grassroots group Stop Smart Meters!:

“Our labeling action is on behalf of the people of the City of San Francisco and those everywhere being harmed by wireless radiation. We will not sit idly by while the wireless industry takes advantage of a population that remains largely unaware of these deadly serious health risks. Placing warning labels on wireless devices is a reasonable and long overdue public health measure delayed by the collusion between government and industry. The cell phone and ‘smart’ grid industries are covering up the health risks from their products and people lack the information necessary to determine safe exposure levels for themselves and their families. Families are not only being evicted by tech-related gentrification, they are increasingly being subjected to serious health risks, even toxically evicted by the tech industry’s microwave radiation. The situation is unacceptable and intolerable, and these actions will continue until the industry ceases fighting reasonable, fact-based health warnings on their products.”

Media outlets are free to use footage of this demonstration with credit to StopSmartMeters.Org and the CA Brain Tumor Association. Do-it-yourself cell phone labels available at StopSmartMeters.Org

Joshua Hart MSc
Director, Stop Smart Meters!

Stop Smart Meters! is grassroots-funded.

Sent from my wired computer

Honoring Rachel Carson–The First Author to Write About Toxics–For Earth Day

Silent Spring is a classsic environmental book, but it was also the first popular book to write about the toxic effects of pesticides to human health. Today I have two guests who have studied Carson’s life, to tell us more about her life and works, and how she contributed to our modern awareness of toxics.

Rachel Carson is one of my inspirations and heros, because she stood up for our rights to live in a toxic-free world when nobody else was talking about it. So today I want to honor her.

Linda LearLinda Lear PhD is the author of the acclaimed biography of Rachel Carson, Rachel Carson: Witness for Nature, and numerous articles on Carson. Lear’s biography of Carson was awarded the prize for the best book on women in science by the History of Science Society and has been translated into eight languages.

Patricia DemarcoPatricia DeMarco PhD has been a Rachel Carson scholar since 2005, with service as the Executive Director of the Rachel Carson Homestead Association and as the Director of the Rachel Carson Institute at Chatham University. She writes and speaks extensively on the environmental ethic of Rachel Carson and her relevance to modern times. She is currently writing a book titled “Pathways to Our Sustainable Future.”

Silent Spring Rachel Carson                    Rachel Carson Linda Lear






Honoring Rachel Carson—the First Author to Write About Toxics—for Earth Day

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest:Linda Lear PhD & Patricia DeMarco PhD

Date of Broadcast: April 22, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic-free.

Today is Earth Day, April 22, 2014. I’m here in Clearwater, Florida. And we’re going to celebrate Earth Day today by celebrating Rachel Carson.

Now, some of you may know her as the author of Silent Spring. You may recognize the name of that book and not know who wrote it. But Silent Spring is one of the most important environmental books ever written, and it also was the first book to talk about toxics, and how they affected the environment, and how they affect human health.

I want to just read you a little paragraph. This is from the Earth Day website at This is about the history of Earth Day.

It says, “At that time, Americans were slurping leaded gas through massive V8 sedans.”

This is April 22, 1970.

“Industry belched out smoke and sludge with little fear of legal consequences or bad press. Air pollution was commonly accepted as the smell of prosperity. Environment was a word that appeared more often in spelling bees than on the evening news.”

“Although mainstream America remained oblivious to environmental concerns, the stage had been set for change by the publication of Rachel Carson’s New York Times bestseller, Silent Spring, in 1962.”

So the first Earth Day was eight years after Silent Spring was published in 1962.

“The book represented a watershed moment for the modern environmental movement, selling more than 500,000 copies in 24 countries. And up until that moment, more than any other person, Ms. Carson raised public awareness of concern for living organism, the environment and public health.”

Now, we’re going to celebrate her today and learn about her. I have two guests. The first is her biographer, Linda Lear, who wrote Rachel Carson: Witness for Nature. And my second guest, which will be on the second half of the show is Patricia DeMarco who is the former head of the Rachel Carson Institute. And she, herself, is writing a book about toxic chemicals and the environment.

So let’s first talk to Rachel Carson’s biographer, Linda Lear.

Hi, Linda.

LINDA LEAR: Hi. Nice to be on your show. Thank you.

DEBRA: Thank you for being here.

Before we talk, I just would like to read the opening paragraph from Silent Spring.

“For the first time in the history of the world, every human being is now subjected to contact with dangerous chemicals.”

Remember, this is 1962.

“…from the moment of conception until death. In the less than two decades of their youth, the synthetic pesticides have been so thoroughly distributed throughout the animate and inanimate world that they occur virtually everywhere.”

They already knew that. She knew this in 1962. And everyone in the world who read this book knew this.

“They have been recovered from most of the major river systems and even from streams of groundwater flowing unseen through the earth.”

“Residues of these chemicals linger in soil to which they may have been applied a dozen years before. They have entered and lodged in the bodies of fish, birds, reptiles and domestic and wild animals, so universally that scientists carrying on animal experiments find it almost impossible to locate subjects free from such contamination.”

“They have been found in fish in remote mountain lakes, in earthworms burrowing in soil, in the eggs of birds and in man himself for these chemicals are now stored in the bodies of the vast majority of human beings regardless of age.”

“They occur in mother’s milk and probably in the tissues of the unborn child.”

And we now have had studies done which show that that actually is true. They are in the tissues of the unborn child.

So Linda, tell us about this woman who wrote this book.

LINDA LEAR: Well, Rachel Carson, I always want to say, knew that she had some special mission in her life. She was a quiet, retiring person. She never intended to be an alarmist or a revolutionary (although I think she became something of a revolutionary in her lifetime).

But Silent Spring was not a book she started out wanting to write. She was almost dragged into writing it because she was so alarmed by what she was discovering, and nobody else would take up battle.

We have to remember that in 1962, chemistry was god, and chemists in their white coats in laboratories were god-like. We just come from a time of war. Science was king. And science was mostly male.

Rachel Carson did not have a Ph.D. She was a writer. She had made herself famous through writing The Biography of the Sea, three books on the ocean.

And so she came to Silent Spring not as a scientific expert, but as someone who had observed, and read, and studied, and was alarmed by what she found out.

DEBRA: And also what was going on at that time was that, every night, people were watching television and seeing commercials about better living through chemistry. I remember that. I was seven years old when this book was published.

And that’s what we were watching on TV—that and the Jetsons. I remember the Jetsons cartoons about what it would be like in the future to have video phones like we have nowadays. I never thought that would ever happen, but here we are.

LINDA LEAR: Here we are.

DEBRA: Yes. Tell us something about her background.

LINDA LEAR: She came from Springdale, Pennsylvania, which is a little town on the Allegheny River.

When she was a young girl, it was a pristine town.

She and her family were not very well-to-do. They scrabbled. Her mother taught piano lessons. Her father worked in several jobs, mostly unrewarded. And thus, Rachel was always interested in writing and in nature. Her mother was her best teacher. She loved her birds and identified animals.

She graduated from high school in Parnassus. And at just about that point, in 1924/25, Springdale was beginning to be as polluted upstream as Pittsburgh was downstream. Springdale is about 10-miles from downtown Pittsburgh. And so Rachel witnessed the sullying, if you will, of her beautiful, little pristine village on the Allegheny River.

The water turned musty and began to smell. There were big chemical companies […] right in her neighborhood. There was foot and cement dust all over the little homes. And she witnessed this. She witnessed this deterioration of the environment.

So when she went to, what is now Chatham University, she went there with an already built-in sensitivity to the environment and to what was happening to the natural world around her. And she had already published stories in various children’s magazines. She wanted to be a writer.

She started out majoring in English. And at that time, there weren’t very many women scientists, and it was the beginning of the Great Depression. She graduated in 1929, and there were no jobs for women in science.

But Rachel discovered that what she saw through the microscope in her biology class meant more to her than what she was trying to do by writing fiction or even non-fiction.

So, she changed her major in college to Biology thanks to a wonderful mentor. And then she went onto Woods Hole and did graduate work at Johns Hopkins in Biology, and got an M.A. in Zoology, all the while interested in the natural

DEBRA: Tell us about that moment. What led to the story behind why it was called Silent Spring?

LINDA LEAR: That’s a good question. The title of the book was under a lot of debate between her editor, her agent and herself. At one point, the title was Man Against Nature. But what Carson was finding out was that humans were actually the biggest culprit of environmental toxicity and environmental damage. It’s not a popular idea then, and it’s not a popular idea in some corners now.

DEBRA: I need to interrupt you because we need to go to break, but we’ll continue just as soon as we come back.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And today, we’re celebrating Rachel Carson with her biographer, Linda Lear. And then we’ll have another guest talking about Rachel when we come back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. It’s Earth Day, and we’re celebrating Rachel Carson. And we’re talking with her biographer, Linda Lear, who wrote Rachel Carson: Witness for Nature.

So you were telling us how the title came to be.

LINDA LEAR: Well, the title came about because, finally, in her research, she had heard about so many towns and villages across the country where pesticides were being used, and suddenly, birds were dying, bees were dying, cattle were dying, domestic pets were sick and even children were sick.

And so they were talking about the fact that there was a possibility that spring might become silent. And that’s really the metaphor for how she got Silent Spring. But it’s not the fact that there was a specific town where all those things that happened. But in her research, all those towns had something that happened.

And can I just say that in 1962, the American public really did not understand that pesticides were poison. They really thought that pesticides and toxic chemicals couldn’t get through the barrier of the skin.

In the Uses of Pesticide report that the Congress, the President’s Special Committee on Pesticides, wrote just before Rachel’s book came out, the last line of that report says, “The American public does not understand that pesticides are poison.” That just really threw me when I first read that.

DEBRA: I think still people don’t understand that pesticides are poison or that toxic chemicals can get to your skin.

LINDA LEAR: I think that’s right. So Rachel went about trying to make people understand that the skin was not a barrier, that breathing was not a barrier, that putting your mask over your face is not sufficient, that chemicals are in your food, in your drinking water—what scientists and Rachel would call “persistent” in the water, in the soil.

Once DDT is in the soil, in the water, in your tissues, it doesn’t go away.

DEBRA: That’s right. It stays.

I know that you’re only available for the first half of the show. And I just want to mention before we get there in a couple of minutes—it goes by so fast, I know—how wonderful you are as a biographer. I actually haven’t read Rachel Carson, but the way that I found Linda Lear was by reading her book about Beatrix Potter: A Life in Nature.

This is a very thick book. It’s about two-inches thick. I started reading it, and I couldn’t put it down. And you sometimes think that biographies are going to be dry and difficult to get through, but this was not at all. I was fascinated. I couldn’t stop reading this book.

I do want to mention, Beatrix Potter, she has nothing to do with toxics. It wasn’t a problem at that time. Do you mind if I tell the story, Linda?

LINDA LEAR: No. Please, go ahead.

DEBRA: You told it so well. You inspired this.

LINDA LEAR: I appreciate the enthusiasm.

DEBRA: If I were doing a show in Beatrix Potter, I would call it, How Peter Rabbit Saved the Lake Country, because she so loved nature. She so loved nature. Linda and I talked earlier before the show about what a scientist she was.

And not only did she write Peter Rabbit and draw all those beautify pictures, but she also used her artistic talents to preserve information about local flora there in the English countryside.

But what a lot of people don’t know (and it’s in Linda’s book) is that in her later years, she took all this money that she made from writing Peter Rabbit books, and how they were so loved by so many children. And the money that she made writing those books, she used to buy the Lake Country of the English countryside, the whole thing.

She just bought farm after farm after farm because at that time, it was all being threatened. She said, “No.” And she bought it. And that’s why we have the Lake Country.

And every time I think about that, I want to cry because I’m so moved that one person like Rachel Carson, one woman, wrote a book and alerted the world about toxic chemicals. One woman just bought up the whole countryside because she had the money to do it, and she knew it needed to be preserved.

LINDA LEAR: And she cared.

DEBRA: And she cared. You’ve picked two incredible women to write about.

LINDA LEAR: Well, I think there are a lot of Beatrix and Rachel that are actually quite similar even though they lived almost half-a-century apart. Carson was born in 1907, and Beatrix Potter was born in 1866 and very Victorian.

But in their attitude towards nature, they were very, very similar. They both approached nature scientifically. Potter had animal pets as a child. And when they died, she and her little brother would boil their bones, and articulate their skeletons, so to be able to better draw them even more lifelike and to understand how the bodies work.

Carson went out and wrote about birds’ nests as a child and won prizes in literary magazines.

So they were both women whose great talent was in observation and imagination. Potter’s imagination is clearly more visible in her little book stories, but Carson’s imagination enabled her to write her first book about what it must be like to live under the sea. The book was called Under the Sea Wind. It’s a very special book. And it follows three animals who dwell over and under the sea, what their lives, she imagined, are like. And it’s not as she imagined it, but as she studied and observed.

So both of them have imagination. Both of them have this incredible ability to observe, and then to write about it.

DEBRA: Yes, I’ve noticed that with both of them as well. They’re exceptional women, both of them.

Well, we just have less than a minute. That’s all the time we have. So I’ll just let you take that time, and make any final statement you’d like.

LINDA LEAR: I do want to tell your wonderful listeners that Rachel Carson should be a household name. I always have a problem because people want to call her Carlson or something, but it’s Carson. And she did not start the environmental movement, but she did indeed trigger it.

Her writing in Silent Spring woke people up. It made the American public understand that they had to ask questions to their government. They had to ask, “What are you putting in my food? What are you putting in my water? What is industry doing in the name of science that we don’t know about?” We have a right to know.

So all our right to know laws, our environmental protection, really comes from the broad consciousness that Rachel Carson started.

DEBRA: Thank you so much. We have so much to be grateful to her for. I’m sorry I started coughing right there while you were talking.

But thank you so much for being with us today. And thank you so much for everything that you’ve done to make the world know more about Rachel Carson.

LINDA LEAR: Thank you for having me. And Happy Earth Day, everybody.

DEBRA: Happy Earth Day. That’s Linda Lear, and you can learn more about her and her work at

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. It’s Earth Day today, and we’re celebrating the life and work of Rachel Carson who, as I mentioned at the beginning of the show, laid the groundwork for environmental awareness that led to the first Earth Day. Her book, Silent Spring, came out in 1962, and then there was so much more awareness of the environment that we had Earth Day in 1970. And after that, then the Environmental Protection Agency was created.

All of this, even everything that happened today, started—I mean, she wasn’t the founder of Earth Day or the Environmental Movement. But she did what was in her observation and her heart, which was to speak out about something that she knew was wrong and that people needed to know about. And I admire her so much for that.

So our next guest is Patricia DeMarco, and she’s been a Rachel Carson scholar since 2005. She’s the former director of the Rachel Carson Institute at the Chatham University. And she writes and speaks extensively on the environmental ethic of Rachel Carson and her relevance to modern times.

Hi, Patricia.

PATRICIA DEMARCO: Hello. How are you?

DEBRA: I’m very good. How are you?

PATRICIA DEMARCO: Thank you for having me with you today on this Earth Day.

DEBRA: It’s my pleasure.

So, tell us about what is Rachel Carson’s environmental ethic.

PATRICIA DEMARCO: Well, she really is credited with a constellation of concepts collected as the “precautionary principle.” If you look at her work in detail, it really has four parts. One is that to live in harmony with nature rather than trying to subjugate nature to man’s will, we find ways to live in harmony with the natural world.

And second, that you preserve and learn from the natural systems of the world. She was a systems thinker, and her studies allowed her to really understand that interconnectedness and the real importance of the ecosystem services to our own survival. that we should minimize the effects of man-made chemicals on the natural systems of the world.

She really was concerned about not only the burden of all the synthetic materials that were in the biosphere, but she recognized the value of concentration of materials as they go up the food chain. Again, not well-recognized at the time that she began writing, but now, evident everywhere around us, the concentration of chemicals means you have to prevent, rather than try to remove.

And finally, she considered the implications of human actions on the global web of life. She understood that we are interconnected to all of the other living creatures, and dependent upon them, and all of us dependent upon the living earth as the provider of our life support—fresh air, clean water, fertile ground, and the biodiversity of species.

So her environmental ethic was one of precaution and one of living in harmony with nature.

DEBRA: It’s so interesting to me. I agree with everything that you just said. I hadn’t read Silent Spring when I came to those same conclusions myself.

It wasn’t anything I was ever taught in school. Nobody ever said it to me. It was just that I got to a point in the late 1970s, so I guess it was maybe 15 years after Silent Spring. I became very sick from exposure to toxic chemicals, and I said, “Wait a minute.”

No, very, very sick, like disabled sick.

And I said, “Wait a minute. There’s something wrong here.”

And I was just living my standard American lifestyle that everybody lives, but I got sick. And as I started investigating where were the toxic chemicals, and how could I live without them, if you keep asking that question deeper and deeper and deeper, you fall out the bottom of the industrial world and say, “Wait a minute. There’s nature here.”

You’re not looking at the industrial consumer system anymore. You see that there are ecosystems, and that if you just step outside of the industrial toxic world, that there there’s actually life living in harmony with itself, and we actually belong to it. And that we’re as part of nature as a tree is.

And yet, because we live in this industrial world, and we’ve been defined by our culture to be separate from that, we have lost our connection.

PATRICIA DEMARCO: That’s very true. Our connectivity to the natural world is the key feature of our modern technological time. And in fact, we’re more and more separate from the natural world as we develop allergies, and aversions to being outside as a hostile place.

And people think of the built environment as their natural habitat when, in fact, we are really creatures of the earth ourselves.

DEBRA: Yes, we are.

PATRICIA DEMARCO: And are subject to the same laws of nature as all other living creatures.

And I think that has been one of the biggest challenges. Since Earth Day in 1970, we have become increasingly dependent on technology to fix things. And we’ve got to the point now where we’ve gone far beyond the capability to actually stick anything, most of the environmental laws that were passed in the early part of the Environment Movement in the 1976 period, 1972 to 1976, we’re attempting to control the most egregious symptom of environmental contamination.

We’ve put corks in the smoke stacks. We’ve put stoppers in the emission pipes. We’ve put liners in the landfill and thought that we are doing environmental improvement.

But with all of those laws, we have, by law, legally, under permit, 3.6-billion pounds per year of toxic materials released into the environment, and 2.1-billion pounds of fertilizer, herbicide and pesticides drenching our farm wind each year.

Rachel Carson described it as a barrage of poison, and we could not withstand this as living creatures.

You alluded earlier to the quote about our exposure to toxic chemicals from the moment of birth until death, and if you look at the Center for Disease Control’s national report on human exposures to environmental chemicals that’s done every two years, they found that there are 441 synthetic chemicals in the average U.S. adult, and 337 in newborn babies, and 79 of those are known to cause cancer and mutations in humans.

And yet, the burden is on the consumer to try to avoid these materials. We have had so many attempts to try to reform the laws that allow all of these emissions and we can’t even get them out of committee for action in the public interest.

DEBRA: I’m going to interrupt you because we need to go to break. And when we come back, we’ll continue to talk.

I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. And my guest on this half of the show is Patricia DeMarco, who is the former head of the Rachel Carson Institute, and she’s writing a book on how toxic chemicals affect the environment.

We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and one of my guests today is Patricia DeMarco, who has been a Rachel scholar since 2005, and she’s the former director of the Rachel Carson Institute of Chatham University.

We’re celebrating Rachel Carson for Earth Day. She was so instrumental in changing the awareness of the public prior to the founding of Earth Day, and we’re learning more about her today.

Patricia, so how are some ways that we can be applying, those of us who are listening, individuals, how can we apply Rachel Carson’s environmental ethic in our own lives?

PATRICIA DEMARCO: Well, the first thing is to be aware of all the things that you can control yourself that have toxic chemicals associated. The most obvious one being, if you have a garden or property of your own, absolutely stop putting herbicides, pesticides and toxic materials on the ground. It gets in the sewers, it gets into the water table, it is impossible to keep it isolated from our biosphere, and it’s totally unnecessary for domestic uses.

You will have an absolutely beautiful garden without any toxic materials. And if you want directions about how to do that, the National Wildlife Federation has a Gardener’s Guide for Global Warming, which is available very easily, that gives a lot of explicit details.

A second thing you can do is read the label on everything. And if you find toxic materials, and you can identify which they are by going to the Environmental Working Group,, and identify the 12 that you absolutely must avoid in order to be healthy and safe.

You can do an inventory of your personal care products to identify non-toxic and non-endocrine-disrupting alternatives to things that are commercially made.

And one of my most important things that Rachel Carson did was she asked a lot of uncomfortable questions—things like, who has the right side for the countless legions of people who were not consulted that the supreme value is a world without insects, even though it will also be a sterile world ungrazed by the curving wind of the […] She questioned the benefits of technology applied without wisdom.

DEBRA: We absolutely should be questioning that. I don’t understand why the guiding purpose of the powers that be in the world today aren’t saying the number one most important thing we need to do is preserve life.

PATRICIA DEMARCO: We have had nine attempts to reform the Toxic Substances Control Act, most notably under the leadership of Senator Lautenberg, and it can’t even get out of Committee because the money, the interests, have a different perspective on their freedom to do whatever they want commercially.

Limitation of the freedom of commerce has prevailed. But freedom without responsibility, without accountability to the public interest will just yield chaos. And we’re very far down the road of having chaos prevail in this area because the public interest in being protected has not been honored in our laws.

Rachel Carson’s testimony to Congress in June of 1963 laid out some very reasonable and relevant concerns, even in 1963. She was concerned about exposure of workers to toxic materials in their workplace.

This is still a large concern, especially for migrant workers. She was concerned that we have biologically-based alternatives, and this has been a very controversial area because people are claiming that genetically-modified organisms are biological control systems.

But no one asked us if we wanted pesticides to be incorporated into our food products.

DEBRA: They didn’t ask me.

PATRICIA DEMARCO: They didn’t ask me either, so you can’t even always tell what has been modified to include pesticide in the product. Labeling has become a controversial subject, even labeling, to know whether something is organic or not took a large bite.

I think we have to have a broader public debate about the ethical determinations that are being made on our behalf without public discussion. And this applies not only to toxic materials in our environment, but also to our energy choices, many of which have toxic byproducts.

I think we have to be more engaged in the public debate about the laws and the policies that are being adopted or not adopted on behalf of public interest.

DEBRA: Wow. That’s a lot to say. I totally agree with all of it. I’m sitting here thinking how much—a lot of what you’re saying are things, I wouldn’t say they’re commonly known even now, but they’re known to me, and they’re ideas that I’ve come across in other places, or figured out for myself.

But they aren’t widely known, and yet, she was writing about them when nobody else was writing about them, or talking about them, or even thinking about these things.

PATRICIA DEMARCO: Right! I think she understood systems. She was thinking in systems. And much of what she predicted we have now seen in evidence as a result of things that she studied and knew about.

And I think one of the things that we have to really focus on here is going forward, not to continue trying to put Band-Aids on the symptoms, but to actually look at the root causes of our most egregious problems, and try to develop solutions which are based on curing the source of the problem instead of just continuing to patch up the air and the water emissions from things that really need to be replaced.

This is what I’m writing about in my own book. It’s Pathways to Our Sustainable Future, and to look at how do we address the root causes, not because we don’t have the technology to fix things, but because we need to apply the wisdom of natural systems in the choices that we’re making. And we need to choose things that solve the root problems.

So moving to renewable energy system instead of combustion of fossil fuels that were laid down in the last great extinction, doing things like making organic and sustainable agricultural practices, the mainstream component of our commercial agriculture, and looking at designing chemicals to be non-toxic on purpose rather than trying to clean up the risk from how much exposure you have.

Because many of them accumulate, and having the exposure controlled isn’t possible because they accumulate in the biosphere, so to design non-toxic products and byproducts.

And then to actually move to an economy that operates more like an ecosystem in circles, instead of going from raw material to trash, to find ways, to research a way, by design, design things for re-use, design things for being re-purposed, so you’d have an economy that goes in a cycle the way an ecosystem does.

DEBRA: Yes, I agree with all of those things. We’re absolutely on the same page.


DEBRA: I’m writing about things all the time. I know if you’ve been to my website. I didn’t quite introduce myself thoroughly. You just go to, and at the top in the menu, there’s a button called “shop” and you just click on shop, and there are about 700 websites where you can buy all kinds of non-toxic things for your home.

And if you click on “Q&A,” I’ve been talking with people for years. There are actually years of worth of dialogue about what people are looking for, and what kind of non-toxic solutions exist. So there’s a lot, lot, lot of answers here on my website that are just for free. People can just come and read them.

And you were talking about different examples of how we could move to something that is more sustainable and more oriented with nature, and I just want to emphasize just one because just out of all of those, I think the simplest one that we can do is if everybody would just switch to organic food, that is an example.


DEBRA: But that’s an example of how our food is produced by industrialization. It’s industrial food. When we eat refined sugar or refined salt or processed foods, all those things happened in factories. And even, there are factory farms. It’s agribusiness. It’s not agriculture.

And if everybody would just recognize this, we already have this technology of organic, and it’s being done, and it’s growing, and if everybody would just say, “We’re going to eat organic food now,” that would make such a difference in the world.

PATRICIA DEMARCO: It would be ideal, but one of the problems we have is that there are lots of places in this country that people don’t have access to any kinds of fresh produce. And there are places where people in those kinds of areas are taking land of their own volition, and growing their own food.

And I think the return to things like the victory gardens of the olden days makes so much sense because people can establish community composting, community gardens. And this is happening all of the country in many, many places that people begin to look at taking control of their own food chain, and being more familiar with it.

I think the more we know about how we develop our own food supply and our own energy supply, and taking responsibility for the quality of the food that we have—

DEBRA: I’m sorry to interrupt you in the middle of the sentence, but the music is going to come on in about four seconds. So I just need to say thank you so much. Happy Earth Day to everyone. Everybody, go out and find out something about Rachel Carson.

This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. Thank you.

Earth Paste Natural Toothpaste

Question from Diane

Just purchased (on line) 3 tubes of Redmond Earth Paste Natural Toothpaste (peppermint, wintergreen and cinnamon flavors). Package states “no glycerin, no fluoride, from the Earth, no artificial coloring, no foaming agents”. Ingredients: purified water, food grade Redmond clay, xylitol, (peppermint essential oil/wintergreen essential oil, menthol/cinnamon essential oil – depending on the flavor), Redmond real salt, tea tree oil. In fine print it states “California residents proposition 65 – WARNING: this product contains trace amounts of lead, a substance known to the state of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. This product may not be appropriate for consumption by children or pregnant women.” As I understand this proposition 65 warning label appears on a lot of items. The fact that it contains lead even though it is trace amounts concerns me; would you consider this toothpaste to be safe for adults who are not pregnant and since I highly value your opinion, would you yourself use it?

Debra’s Answer

I myself do use this toothpaste. As a whole, it has the simplest, most natural ingredients.

Warning labels aren’t always accurate indicators of toxicity. There are some products that really don’t need a warning label and others that really should have a warning label and don’t. We really need to evaluate each product for ourselves.

Now first, there is no safe level for lead so we should do whatever we can to minimize exposure. But the reality is you probably eat more lead in organic food because it’s a natural element of the Earth’s crust. And humans have been living and thriving with that trace amount for millennia.

The problem isn’t trace amounts of lead in natural materials. The problem is industrialized lead in paint chips that kids put in their mouths, and lead in car exhaust, etc. These industrial uses of lead are more than our bodies are designed to be exposed to.

I sent your question to Darryl Bosshardt at Real Salt (who makes Earthpaste). And as I expected, he sent back a long and detailed response, full of good information.

The ingredient that contains the lead is bentonite clay. Here’s what he says about it…

Hi Debra

Bentonite Clay has been used by natural folks for 1,000s of years with great results, but recently clay has been under a bit of attack because there are some natural trace amounts of lead and other metals.

Most clay experts agree that the trace amounts of these metals are bound to the clay and cannot be absorb by the body, which is why healing clays are used both internally and externally for numerous things for 1,000’s of years, even though there are trace amounts of these metals.

Below is a little longer explanation that you can also draw from if you are interested.

We realize that some will choose not to use clay or clay based products because of the natural state of clay and its trace amounts of metals, and we totally respect that, but after looking into clay the science and history of clay use many agree with the clay authors and naturopaths who say that these metals are not bioavailable.

Bentonite/Montmorillonite clay is the base product of Earthpaste and is about 25% of the formula. All natural Bentonite/Montmorillonite clays have natural trace amounts of many elements ( one of which is lead and other metals and minerals.

Any clay actually will have trace amounts of lead (as will collard greens, kale, mixed nuts and almost anything from the ground or grown in the ground) which is why we added the lead statement to our package. Other companies are doing the same thing and here are some examples. In the Garden of Life, Sunwarrior and Ridge Crest Herbals explanations they talk specifically about things like green beans and Echinacea which some find helpful.

For those that don’t know, according the to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) lead occurs naturally in uncontaminated soils at a level of between 50 ppm and 400 ppm ( because lead is one of the elements that the Earth is made of. As long as we live on Earth there will be trace amounts of lead that we are exposed to because it is one of the many elements that make up the Earth we live on. This doesn’t mean we should not try to limit our exposure to processed/refined lead and lead contaminated soils. Contaminated soils such as those around power plants, gas stations, or other industrial waste areas are much higher than those natural levels found everywhere on Earth at the 50-400 ppm level. For comparison, Redmond Clay naturally has around 12 ppm on the recent analysis which you can see is a fraction of the typical amount in “uncontaminated soils” and is just part of the natural earth the way it was created.

For a true comparison we also need to convert ppm or ppb to micrograms in the foods and water we are consuming. In reference to the naturally occurring in lead in foods grown in uncontaminated soils, according to the FDA 2007 study of lead in foods it found that an 8 oz serving of fresh collard greens has up to 30 micrograms of lead (50 times the prop 65 limit) – for comparison an average use of Earthpaste would have about 6 micrograms assuming you consumed the entire amount. An 8 oz serving of dry roasted mix nuts had up to 20 mcg and similar servings of brussel sprouts was 16 mcg, spinach and sweet potatoes were about 15 mcg for the same 8 oz servings size.

It is also important to note that all elements are not bio-available in all forms and that the FDA’s statement of the GRAS status of clay says this, “Apparently, very little, if any, bentonite is absorbed after oral administration and as much as 3 percent in the diet has no observable adverse effects on experimental animals.” The statement also says, “No adverse effects have been observed at dietary levels as high as 12 percent in experimental animals.” And says, “The human therapeutic dose for diarrhea is about 250 to 1,000 mg per kg.”

That would mean that 3 – 12 pounds of clay could theoretically be consumed for every 100 lbs of food. That would be a serious amount of clay and an amount that no one would ever recommend, but it does show that the metals in clay are not absorbable. This is why the right type of clay has such a following, is used throughout the world, and has even been studied by NASA for astronaut use – although still not widely accepted:

Many of the books on clay and most naturopaths agree that these other minerals in clay are in a form that the body can’t absorb and are not bioavailable – this is what the FDA statement also says in the section I included above.

Another favorite quote on this topic comes from Dr. Richard Anderson who is (was) a naturopathic practitioner. Being a natural doctor he probably understands the medical/chemistry aspects of clay better than some. Here is a short section from his cleansing site.

“Today, Bentonite clay is increasingly used both internally and externally by those interested in natural remedies, and it is included on the FDA’s famous “GRAS” list, which stands for “Generally Recognized as Safe.” With increasing public knowledge about minerals, some have expressed concern over the presence of small amounts of aluminum in bentonite clay.

However, Rich Anderson himself, and numerous others who have used Bentonite clay extensively with his cleanse program, have had hair analyses done which indicated that the body does not absorb aluminum from Bentonite. [ . . . ] Some people are concerned about the aluminum in bentonite. Yes, it does have aluminum. For aluminum is one of the most abundant minerals on the earth. However, if you recall the above paragraph where it states that bentonite has a negative electrical charge, you will realize that bentonite cannot be absorbed by the body. The epithelium cells of the gut are also negatively charged. Like the polar opposites of two magnets repelling one another, the cells of our bowels absolutely repel the bentonite from entering the inner sanctum of our bodies. This means that you never need to be concerned about taking psyllium shakes. Rich Anderson has probably set the world’s record in the consuming of bentonite. Not only has he no signs of aluminum poisoning, but also hair analysis has never indicated any abnormal levels of aluminum in his body. And does he still use bentonite? Absolutely. [ . . . ] Why are the toxic metals in the minerals in bentonite not a problem (like chlorine, arsenic, aluminum, and lead.) A: These minerals are in small, trace amounts and organic in nature. They are not toxic in this medium. They are derived from ancient vegetation and are naturally chelated to plant proteins. Organic aluminum actually transmutes into silica and then into calcium according to Professor Louis Kervran. This is explained in his book “Biological Transmutations and Modern Physics” on page 157. (Magalia, California: Happiness Press, 1988.)”

An elemental compound that occurs naturally in nature is not necessarily the same thing as the highly processed, refined, purified element – and the body deals with these types or forms of elements differently. Pure metallic Sodium or pure Chlorine gas are good examples of this. The apparent difference in bioavailability is why most clay users agree with the clay authors, naturopaths and the FDA as mentioned above. Leaded gasoline and lead-based paint are very different than the naturally occurring trace amount of lead in organic kale, peach, pears or clay. That said, some decide not to use clay or clay based products because of its natural state and its natural levels of so many elements including metals – and we respect that as well.

Sorry for the long answer and hopefully this helps add to the discussion. We are working to improve our website to better explain clay and why some choose to incorporate clay into their lifestyle and others choose not to.

Listen to Darryl talk with me about Earthpaste at Amazingly Natural Toothpaste (It Really Is!)

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Building Homes That are Healthy…and More

Jan FlanzerToday my guest is Jan Flanzer, CoFounder and Managing Director of Healthy Home Builders in Scarsdale NY. We’ll be talking about the the toxic-free materials used to build healthy homes. Jan grew up in a real estate oriented family, but took another direction for her career. When she became sick from toxic chemical exposure, she re-evaluated her life and decided to build homes that are not only safe, but a joy to live in. HHB creates properties that are distinguished by understated elegance, thoughtful floor plans, and meticulous detail. The guiding principles for the firm’s projects are to be mindful of how their buildings will become part of the fabric of their community. No two projects will necessarily be alike, as the aesthetic of each home is attuned to the history and architecture of each neighborhood. They believe that indoor air and water quality are overlooked aspects of sustainable development. The firm’s core principle is to pioneer the use of materials, systems, and design to protect the health and wellness of its occupants through improvements in indoor air and water quality. They carefully test and select construction materials in order to incorporate non-toxic or minimally-toxic products. Their buildings combine architecturally-contextual exteriors with clean building technologies. By minimizing energy usage and harmful chemicals, they strive to provide homeowners with a better and healthier interior home environment.





Building Homes that are Healthy and More

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Jan Flanzer

Date of Broadcast: April 21, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and how to live toxic-free. And I do this every day, every weekday at 12 noon Eastern. But you can also listen to these shows in our archives.

I do this every day because there are so many toxic chemicals out there and there are also so many things that we can do to not be exposed to them. So that’s what we talk about here on the show is toxic chemicals, how we can reduce our exposure, how we can heal our bodies and how we can live in a way that is toxic-free.

Today is Monday, April 21st, 2014. We’re going to be talking about building houses today. This is a very, very, very important subject because one of the most difficult things to find that are toxic-free is just a place to live, a home, a building that is not made from very, very toxic building materials.

My guest today, after becoming ill from the toxic chemical exposures, decided that she was going to start building beautiful, healthy places to live. So my guest is Jan Flanzer. She’s the Co-Founder and Managing Director of Healthy Home Builders in Scarsdale, New York.

Hi, Jen.


DEBRA: How are you today?

JAN FLANZER: I’m doing well. Thank you.

DEBRA: Good. Tell us how you got to start building healthy homes.

JAN FLANZER: One of the things as you mentioned in your introduction is I did get sick. I’ve been exposed to toxic chemicals beginning with toxic molds. This happened over a period of time, more than a couple of years.

I went through a battery of tests at major New York City hospitals. No one knew what was going on. There’s very little awareness about environmental illness even today. And the only doctors I found to really did recognize it and think that that might be a possibility after ruling out just about everything else were doctors who themselves have been exposed to some really toxic event or more than one.

That itself is a challenge just to get diagnosed. I really didn’t know what was making me sick for a couple of years. It pretty much took me out of the game. I wasn’t able to work. I wasn’t able to do much of anything. I had really severe symptoms that moved from system to system in my body, and I was really desperate.

So I knew that I had to do something to find out what was wrong with me to get better or I wouldn’t make it.

One day, my daughter suggested that I check the air inside our house. I did that and sure enough, that was how I learned what was wrong.

After that, it was a series of moves and other exposures. It was a series of consecutive exposures to different toxic elements that made me worse and worse and worse until at one point, I ended up in an environmental health center, which unfortunately didn’t help at all, but I learned a lot.

After I started recovering little by little, I got back to a safe place. The way that that occurred was that I met a wonderful contractor who believed me. A lot of people don’t believe others who say they have become sick from the environment, from the air that they breathe, which is exactly what it was that did me in. You don’t really think of that if it’s not something you can see or feel or smell even. That was not visible to the naked eye.

So here was someone who believed my story because at the same time, he was coming in contact with people who had hired him to find out what was wrong or problems they had in their homes from water intrusion. And those things came together and we both connected on a level in which we recognize that this was a problem not just for me, but for many people – water, one way or another, coming into a home.

This wasn’t anything you could see. There weren’t any leaks or puddles or roof lesions where water was just coming down visibly. In my particular case, it was a slow, steady drift from a horizontal pipe in the basement that I never even saw.

But we started putting our minds together, realizing that other people needed to find a way to solve this problem. And the toxic exposures where dramatically changing people’s lives. Nobody really understood that it was all about the indoor air.

So we needed to deal with that in a way that people could recognize it and appreciate the changes. I have, in particular, developed something called multiple chemical sensitivity, which is MCS, which still stays with me today. That is a sensitivity to all toxic chemicals pretty much (or most of them). I’m sure you’re familiar with that.


JAN FLANZER: And those of us who have this have been called the canaries in the coal mine because even though these chemicals are all around us and the society at large, most people don’t recognize them. But we do. We have no choice. Our bodies react to them in a negative way.

DEBRA: I would just like to comment on that because having been somebody who has gone through the same thing a way long time ago and recovered greatly by eliminating toxic chemicals from my home (which is why I started doing all of the work that I do because it was the same thing, you had this happen to you), you go, “Well, everybody ought to know this. Nobody’s recognizing this. Why are these products being used? How come there are still toxic chemicals?” You just want to get out and do something about it.

What I figured out for myself is that there are people who end up having a collection of symptoms of indifferent body systems, which makes it look like, “What is this?” It’s not this or that. It’s a bunch of things.

But there are people who are having symptoms as a result of their exposure to toxic chemicals that just look like a headache or the flu or other things like that, things that you would take an over-the-counter drug for. But if people would stop being exposed to the toxic chemicals, they wouldn’t have the symptoms and they wouldn’t have to take those drugs.

A really good example of that is that formaldehyde causes insomnia. And formaldehyde is on practically everybody’s bed sheets (unless they buy bed sheets that specifically don’t have formaldehyde on them). The standard bed sheet has formaldehyde, lots of formaldehyde on it. People sleep in that or attempt to sleep in that and they end up taking sleeping pills.

Just because they don’t recognize that they’re having a toxic exposure doesn’t mean that they aren’t. I think that the bigger thing is that many, many, many millions of people are having symptoms from toxic exposure and not making the connection.

JAN FLANZER: Yeah. I agree with you completely. I agree with everything you said. One of the things that I learned is that we do have a toxic load that we accumulate over a lifetime.

For most people, they’re individual incidents just like the one you cited. And for me, the exposure to mold at that time and pesticides just put me over the top, and my body wasn’t able to detox anymore. Generally, when you have one incidence that’s isolated, you can detox it, but I wasn’t able to anymore and my body just crashed.

But you’re right. The symptoms taken by themselves appear to the medical community as insignificant, whether they’re muscle problems or eye problems. They move from the central nervous system maybe with tremors to the muscular skeletal system to the digestive system. And they move all around just like you said, exactly the way you described.

Nobody really puts it together, but you’re right about the sheets, which is why I only use organic cotton sheets now. You’re absolutely right. The mattresses as well are at fault because of the flame retardants.

DEBRA: Yes, and all the synthetic materials and everything. I mean it really is…

JAN FLANZER: It is everywhere.

DEBRA: It’s mind-boggling at first to consider the toxic chemicals in everything.

JAN FLANZER: Yeah, it is. And it’s all about everything we breathe.

DEBRA: It is. And how much…

JAN FLANZER: And that’s the common denominator.

DEBRA: Yeah, yeah. We need to take a break, but we’ll be right back. And we’re talking today with my guest Jan Flanzer. She’s the Co-Founder and Managing Director of Healthy Home Builders in Scarsdale, New York. And her website is

When we come back, we’ll talk about some of those toxic chemicals that are in almost every home in America and in the world, and then what we can do about it. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. My guest today is Jan Flanzer. She’s the Co-Founder and Managing Director of Healthy Home Builders in Scarsdale, New York. Her website is

And Jan, tell us about some of the toxic chemicals that are in these products, these building products and which building products that they’re in.

JAN FLANZER: Sure, I’ll be happy to do that. We actually spent years researching and testing products before we selected the ones that we would use for construction. We wanted to make sure that they would be safe to breathe because after all, there are really four elements that determine your health.

After genetics, which of course is the first one, there’s the air, the water and the food. And nowadays, everybody can buy organic food if they want to. And what we wanted to do was take care of the other two elements, which are the air and the water.

So feeling that, to some extent, people are managing to somehow detox municipal water supplies at some point, we took that to the next level and installed a whole house carbon water filtration system, backed up by a point-of-use reverse osmosis system in individual locations. So the water we have is absolutely pure and nobody really would ever need to buy bottled water again.

As you know, those plastic bottles are sources of toxic exposure as well because of the petroleum…

DEBRA: Right, they are. They are, the plasticizers and things. Yes, I actually think that everybody needs to buy a water filter for their home. I think it’s more important than a refrigerator or a stove. I know that’s not as funny, but I really think…

JAN FLANZER: No, you’re right.

DEBRA: I really think that just as every home has a refrigerator and a stove and a washing machine and a dryer, every home needs to have a water filter as standard equipment.

JAN FLANZER: Absolutely right, especially with the municipal water supplies now. Some of them, they’re not just bringing in all the toxic chemicals that we’ve tried to avoid because they’re being they’re carried in the supplies, but even jet fuel is in some of the water supply.

I agree with you. I think that’s a good way of thinking about it that it should be another appliance in anyway.

DEBRA: It is. It should be another appliance that should be – I agree with you about having a whole house filter and a point-of-use filter because what happens is that –

I used to wonder. Why did they put all these chlorine and chloramines and everything in the water? It’s because the water can be absolutely perfectly clean when it leaves the water treatment plant, whatever it’s called. And it isn’t, but let’s just say that it is.

By the time it goes through miles and miles of pipes, which has, who knows what, in them, all that stuff is going to get to your house if it doesn’t have these disinfectants in it. And so that’s therefore are safety to put in the chlorine and the chloramines.

But once it gets to our house, we don’t need those chlorine and chloramines in our bodies. And so you need to filter coming into the house so that when you take a shower, those chlorine and chloramines go right into your skin and into your body immediately. Even if you have fluoride in the water, it goes right through your skin immediately, and any other toxic chemicals.

I mean if you don’t have a water filter or whole house water filter, when you get up and take a shower in the morning, you’re just taking a bath in toxic chemicals.

JAN FLANZER: You’re absolutely right.

DEBRA: It’s absolutely true.

JAN FLANZER: And many people don’t realize that the skin absorbs water just as surely as if you were drinking it.

DEBRA: Even faster because when you drink water, it goes into your stomach and those pollutants get slowed down by that and proteins and fiber and all those things.

When you put something in your skin, it goes straight in, right into your blood. And when you breathe, it goes straight in, right through all these little cells in your lungs. So I would say that one of the easiest ways to get exposed to toxic chemicals is through water and through air.

We think of it as – for so many years, it was like a poison with something that you ingested, but that’s the slowest way to get a poison in your body. If you wanted to give somebody a poison and kill them, it would be better to have them breathe it or put it on their skin.

JAN FLANZER: That’s absolutely right. Yeah, I couldn’t agree more, which is why we focus on this.

We started out thinking that we would be the Whole Foods of residential construction, which is one way to look at it because we’re giving people choices. Most construction is full of toxic chemicals. All building materials contain so many of those.

The list could go on and on and on, but what we decided to do was focus on what was not toxic. And we wanted to build differently and better. And so we decided to change the game. Changing the way we build is what Healthy Home Builders is all about. So we’re not building in the way anybody else is building.

And we’re not even aware of any other company who’s doing what we do. A lot of people are building sustainably, and they call that green. And that’s generally the reference to green. People think of green as being sustainable and conservation. We’ve done that too. We’ve re-cleaned old floors that have no toxic stain or finish on them.

We’ve done all of that, but what we’re doing that’s totally different is focusing on the health of the people who are living there. That’s currently being done by any other builder that we’re aware of, except one or two people on the West Coast who pretty much are building houses that don’t look traditional, the way ours do. The house that they’re talking about are usually extremely contemporary, sometimes even looking something that Jacksons might have lived in.

What we’re doing is building a house that looks like something people really want to live in, that looks like home. But at the same time, we look forward to health benefits that we are offering with all these non-toxic material.

So for us, it starts with the building envelop, which is everything that gets exposed to the outside. That would include the roofing, the siding, the windows, the doors, the drainage, the insulation. All of these things are primary importance to us because we want to make sure that there is no opportunity for any water to enter the house at anytime.

So the installation at all of this building envelop, pieces that come together really determine how we’re going to be able to protect the people inside the house.

DEBRA: Jan, I need to interrupt you for a second. We need to go to break, but I need to really emphasize what you said about not letting any water come into the house. I want to talk about that more when we come back.


DEBRA: This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest is Jan Flanzer of Healthy Home Builders. That’s We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest is Jan Flanzer. She’s from Healthy Home Builders in Scarsdale, New York. And her website is

Jan, before the break, I said that I wanted to talk about water getting into the house. And the reason, I wanted to talk about that is because I actually had a problem with that in my home that I’m living in now.

I didn’t build the house to begin with, but I bought an older house that was built in 1940. And after living in it for a few years, both my husband and I started having symptoms that we haven’t had before. I knew that it wasn’t any toxic chemicals because there were no toxic chemicals in this particular house and none that I had put there. And we had remediated a few things to eliminate things from the house.

So we knew that we were living in a non-toxic house. And what it turned out to be was that the bathroom hadn’t been built correctly. And so there had been a water leak going on in a pipe, in a wall.

This was one of the things about bathrooms. They build the pipes in behind walls. You can never look at them, and they start dripping. You can’t get to them without ripping the tile out. You just don’t know what’s going on.

What we found when we finally – we had somebody come in and do a mold test. They found that the mold was very high. And so we said, “Okay, rip out the bathroom.” And we had to rip out our entire bathroom, all the walls, the ceiling, the floors, everything. We were down to the set, and there was mold all over. There was just mold all over behind the walls. It was getting into our indoor air, and it was making us sick.

One thing that I want to say about pipes is that – I went to a house. I think it was the Winchester Mystery House in San Jose, California. And it was an old Victorian house.

They had built it in such a way that there was a little door on the other side of the pipes in the bathroom. So on the bathroom side, it was tile. But then, the pipes were in the wall. And then on the other side of the wall, there was a little door. You could open it, and you could see the pipes.

I thought that was the most clever thing that I had ever seen. When I was building a bathroom in California, we put that in our bathroom. We put the shower towards on the outside wall. And then we put a little door on the outside that we could just go and access our pipes without ripping out our bathroom. But we had to rip out…

JAN FLANZER: That’s pretty cool. You’re talking about an access panel or more than that?

DEBRA: Like an access panel.


DEBRA: So when we were rebuilding the bathroom because my husband builds, he built our whole bathroom with his own two hands. And the thing that he really, really emphasized was that he wanted to build our shower so that no water could possibly ever escape from the shower.

JAN FLANZER: Exactly. He’s right.

DEBRA: And they are not built that way today. They are not built that way today. They haven’t been built that way for a long time. This is something that can really cause a problem if it’s not built correctly.

JAN FLANZER: Absolutely right. We do build in that way. I’m sorry you went through that, but you’re absolutely right about everything you said. It is extremely important.

That’s why water is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, problem in homes and in terms of causing problems with indoor air. Absolutely right.

DEBRA: Yeah. And it’s something that we don’t often talk about. I was thinking about – I have this big focus on toxic chemicals that we bring in or that are in building materials. But water, it can come into your home in so many ways. It can cause many problems, and you don’t know it.

JAN FLANZER: It’s very insidious, and you don’t know it. Just like what you said, you can’t see behind the wall.

DEBRA: Yeah.

JAN FLANZER: And you ended up opening up your walls. I ended up having to open up my walls one room at a time because you don’t know what’s behind there. It’s not just the bathroom. It’s one wall, and then you think it might be another wall. You’re right. You have to look behind there as well.

DEBRA: And mold is just…

JAN FLANZER: The whole idea is prevention like you said, like your husband did.

DEBRA: Yeah.

JAN FLANZER: And if you can do that, which is how we build a home at Healthy Home Builders now, then the inhabitants never have to worry about water coming in.

It’s about the drainage system. It’s about how our shower is built and put together. There are just so many things like that that we took the time to research, study and make sure would be safe for the people living there.

There are many other elements that I would love to talk to you about including something that we don’t hear about much called garage ventilation. Because if people…

DEBRA: I know that garage ventilation.

JAN FLANZER: You do know?

DEBRA: Let’s talk about that.

JAN FLANZER: Okay, great. So I don’t know if your listeners would be interested in hearing about it or if they already have.

DEBRA: Oh, please go ahead. I’m totally interested.

JAN FLANZER: So now we know that researchers have determined that an attached garage poses a threat with the exhaust fumes coming out of a car when it’s parked in the garage certainly for the rooms above it, unless it’s properly ventilated.

In fact, I understand there’s a law that’s pending in Canada now to require ventilation systems that automatically come on fans that vent the fumes from the car exhaust, whether that’s carbon monoxide or benzene or anything else that comes out of car exhausts. So that it doesn’t go through drywall or porous cement walls from the garage inside the house and get into the air because people aren’t aware of that. It’s certainly dangerous.

So what we’ve done is installed that so that automatically – anytime the garage door closes, for the next 15 or 20 minutes, this fan is venting all the toxic chemicals that come into the garage through the car exhaust. That’s really important too in terms of how you breathe and what you breathe.

DEBRA: It really is so important. One of the things that a lot of people do is they store a lot of their toxic chemicals on the garage, their pesticides and their paint and all those things. All those fumes can just come right in the house.

The house I’m living in now has an attached garage, and you can walk right from the garage into the house. There’s just a door. And it has a little space down at the bottom. Most garage doors do that, unless you put a piece of leather stripping down there. I don’t have anything toxic in my garage, and I don’t park my car in my garage. People think it’s convenient to have that attached garage, but what it’s really doing is polluting your house.

JAN FLANZER: Exactly right. And one way to mitigate that is what we said that’s an alternative. There are so many things that we’re learning that we didn’t know before.

For example, all the other systems, all the other elements and products used in the house, from sealants, to stains, to paints, to crocking – all of these things are toxic as they are right now, unless you do a lot of research.

Hopefully, we’re hoping someday to even come up with a product line of our own. That would be the non-toxic version of these products. So there would be Healthy Home Builders’ sealant, Healthy Home Builders’ crocking, Healthy Home Builders’ stain.

And you can buy zero VOC paints today. In fact, that’s what we’ve used throughout this project, that 8 Kent Road at Healthy Home Builders.

DEBRA: We need to take another break. And then, I want to hear about your project. You can tell us about some of the safe kinds of materials that you’ve used.

JAN FLANZER: Okay, absolutely.

DEBRA: Okay. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest is Jan Flanzer from Healthy Home Builders. Their website is

When we come back, you’ll hear about her project and the materials that she used. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest is Jan Flanzer of Healthy Home Builders. That’s at She’s going to tell us now about the first house that they built. Hello?


DEBRA: Hi. Okay, you’re there.

JAN FLANZER: That’s actually not the first house that we built, but it’s the first house here in Scarsdale.

DEBRA: Okay, good. Tell us about the first house in Scarsdale.

JAN FLANZER: We’ve actually used these systems before in terms of the air and the water and purifying them. I didn’t get to tell you about the air system, the air filtration system and ventilation system…

DEBRA: Okay, tell us about that.

JAN FLANZER: …which is so important when you build a house. You have to ventilate it properly. That’s what we’ve done here. We have some really cool system called an ERV. I imagine you’re familiar with that.

DEBRA: I am, but most of the readers or the listeners won’t be. Let’s talk about it.

JAN FLANZER: That basically is a fresh air exchange system which is called an ERV, Energy Recovery Ventilation System. And that constantly brings fresh air and purifies it, filters it, brings it to the temperature at which you’ve set the thermostat and then carries the stale air out of the house.

So it’s really quite a remarkable system that you can regulate yourself at different locations in the house to determine how much fresh air you want in at any given time and how much air you want removed. And it guarantees that you’re always going to have fresh air coming in and stale air exiting the house, which is what healthy indoor air is all about.

DEBRA: Yes. I’ll tell you that my preference has always been for clean outdoor air. I always try to live someplace where the air is as clean as I can have it.

Where I’m living right now is – I don’t even know how many miles, maybe three miles from the Gulf of Mexico. And so air is coming in off the gulf all the time. It’s pretty good outdoor air. I live with my windows open much of the year, as much as I can, although in the summertime, I have to turn on the air conditioner. And then, it all filled up. So I would always say, “I’d rather have clean air than have air that goes through a machine.” But then, I went.

There’s a friend of mine in LA who has probably one of the most state of the art air systems that there is. The difference between the outdoor air quality and the quality of air inside her house is remarkable, remarkable, remarkable, remarkable.

I mean it was just stunning. I mean you would never go out…

JAN FLANZER: I’m so glad you noticed it. That’s probably the carbon and HEPA filtration also.

DEBRA: Yeah. So I did notice that the filtration really made a difference. So if you’re living someplace where there’s a lot of outdoor air pollution, this is something you really need to have.

JAN FLANZER: Yeah, and also for things like dust and pollen and all kinds of things.

DEBRA: Yes. It makes difference.

JAN FLANZER: I totally agree with that.

DEBRA: Okay. So tell us about…

JAN FLANZER: That’s the primary system. The things that we’re specializing in are indoor air and water quality cleanliness and safety and filtration.

And then, we also use cost-saving energy systems like solar panels and geothermal heating in air conditioning and rating in the floors and the bathrooms upstairs. All of these systems dramatically reduce cost. So people would pay between 70% and 80% less than their traditional energy bill every month, which is really pretty huge.

They’re clean, which is really cool. There are no compressors outside the house like you see around most houses. There are machines all around them, but we have none. So that’s a really good thing.



DEBRA: Wow. Wow.

JAN FLANZER: Exactly. It’s a clean way to live in so many ways. There’s nothing off-gassing.

You walk outside sometimes – even in my house, the exhaust from the air conditioning when it’s on is blowing right in your face. So all the air that’s being sucked out of your house, you’re breathing anyway if you’re outdoors nearby.

But with this system, it’s not like that at all. The solar panels provide all the hot water in the house. There are just so many cost-saving benefits, not counting the fact that it’s still nice and clean. That’s the best of all.

DEBRA: Yes. You’re not adding toxic pollutants to the outside air that you will turn around and breathe.

JAN FLANZER: Exactly, that’s right. So I think the other thing that’s really important to know is that there really is a seat change going on. And we really are firm believers that this is just the beginning and that it’s going strong.

I don’t know if you heard or read a couple of weeks ago that even Walmart is going organic now. They bought Wild Oats Company, which was a major competitor of theirs. And Wild Oats will be supplying the organic products on the shelves for them.

That really means that mainstream America is starting to think about health. It’s going healthy. Walmart I think is pretty much the definition of that. It’s not just the…

DEBRA: Walmart is very mainstream.

JAN FLANZER: …people that we thought were going organic now. It’s everyone.

DEBRA: It’s not a fringe thing at all anymore. I mean Walmart, I didn’t know that they had bought Wild Oats, but they have been moving in a more sustainable, organic direction for a number of years.

So it’s starting to come out that they have – I did another show where we talked about this – that they have a whole program within their company to be moving in the direction of removing toxic chemicals from their products. They’re notifying their vendors that by a certain date, if they still have toxic chemicals in their products, they have to be on the label or they won’t put them on the shelves…

JAN FLANZER: Yeah, I read that.

DEBRA: So I think that all of this is moving in the right direction. I think that you are way running out way out in front in terms of what you’re doing.

JAN FLANZER: We know that. We are way beyond green. What we actually hope to do is raise awareness so that other builders will do the same thing we’re doing as well.

DEBRA: Yes. Traditionally so far, the whole thing about green building hasn’t been about toxics, but I’m starting to see some interest in that. The green building has been all about saving energy, conserving resources and all those things, which is great. But toxics need to be addressed.

JAN FLANZER: Exactly. What I said before, they’re focusing on sustainability to the exclusion of health. And what they’re doing is…

DEBRA: Let me say it in another way. Let me say this because this is going to sound even more incredible.


DEBRA: What they’re doing is that they’re trying to sustain life without addressing the very thing that is destroying it.

JAN FLANZER: Exactly right. Yes. Also though, it’s been presented as the fact that it’s about the planet, but we’re talking about the people on the planet.

DEBRA: Right. But all these toxic chemicals that are harming us are also harming every other living thing on earth.

JAN FLANZER: Of course.

DEBRA: So if we want to have – tomorrow is Earth Day. If we want to have a planet to live on, if we want to have all the things to sustain our lives, we need to pay attention to what we’re putting into the environment.

If we put toxic chemicals in the environment, we’re going to be living in a toxic environment. There’s an old saying. I wish I could remember it. It’s something about a frog living in a pond. If what you’re doing is living in a place and what you do is just fill it up with garbage, then you’re going to be living in a garbage place. If what we do is we create toxic chemicals and we put them in our environment, we’re going to live in a toxic world.

And we do. We’re at that point where there is no place on earth that doesn’t have toxic chemicals in it. You can go to Antarctica and the penguins are dying from toxic chemicals. It’s everywhere. And what we need to be doing is we need to be making these choices one by one, like I’m doing and like Jan is doing, and saying, “We’re not going to be toxic anymore.”

And I think that you’ve done a great job, Jan, of saying, “This can be done. We know how to do it. We’ve done the research. We’re actually building houses. And everybody can build a house like this.” The information is there now. It’s just a choice. We need to keep building the toxic-free world by all the choices that we make.

So Jan, we’ve just got a couple of minutes left. So I’m going to let you to say whatever you’d like to say as your final statement.

JAN FLANZER: I really just like to thank you for having me on, being able to talk about this really important change in how we’re building so that people can leave healthier lives and not have to deal with illness that’s environmentally related.

It’s really good to know that you’re out there talking about these things. As I mentioned too, I think in my e-mail, you were one of the first people who had inspired me and guided me when I got sick in terms of telling us what we needed to do and what were the safe routes.

So I’m very grateful to you. I know many others are as well. I hope you keep doing the important work you’re doing.

DEBRA: Thank you. Thank you. I intend to do that.


DEBRA: I am enjoying very much of doing this radio show and talking to people like you who are, in addition to me, out there doing things to make the world less toxic. It impresses me everyday what people are doing that they’ve come to from their own decisions and their own hearts and their own conscience of knowing what’s right.

What do you say on your homepage? I think you say, “We’re doing something different not because we can, but because we should.”

JAN FLANZER: Exactly right. That’s what we say, “Because we should.” And we hope everyone else will.

DEBRA: Well, I’m sure they will. You’re giving us a great example.

JAN FLANZER: Yup. And these things…

DEBRA: Again, her website is We have to go.

JAN FLANZER: Thank you so much.

DEBRA: Thank you so much. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio.

Waffle Iron

Question from Debra

Hi Debra: Long time follower. I use your website all the time to find things I need. Is there a waffle iron that you know of with a suitable non-toxic non-stick surface? My daughter is at college and she is asking for one so want to do my best to get her something healthy. Thanks so much.

Debra’s Answer

Some years ago we had this question and could find only one cast iron waffle maker that didn’t have a Teflon finish.

Now, there are a number of choices for wafflemakers.

I’ll list them here to make it easy for you to compare, because I know waffles are a favorite.

There are two types to choose from. If you want an electric waffle-maker, you can now buy them with a ceramic-based nonstick finish. Much less toxic than Telfon, but as I’ve noted elsewhere, these finishes tend to wear down and get more sticky with time.

There are also old-fashioned cast-iron waffle makers that you put on a stovetop gas burner. I bought one of these and it just arrived today.

The reason I bought a waffle iron is because there are now recipes for gluten-free waffles! Yay! I’ve been missing waffles!

I haven’t tried any of these yet, but here are some to experiment with:

There’s more online, but I think that’s enough for now. You can always search for “almond flour waffle.”

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Best Floor Choice & Underlayments for Condos

Question from Mira

Hi Debra,

I’m considering asking my condo HOA Board for permission to install wood floors in my 2nd story unit. They would require acoustic insulation so the neighbor living below me doesn’t hear footsteps/noise. There are cork and polyurethane underlayment options, which can be used separately or in combination. Or, I could get wall-to-wall wool carpet with felt pad. (Neither option is ideal I know, but I want to do the best I can).

The wood floor would need one or both of these types of underlayment:

WE Cork Soundless and Soundless+ underlayment MSDS:

Healthier Choice Sound Solution Acoustic Underlayment (contains antimicrobial) MSDS:

(I wonder if the polyurethane underlayment would be safe with the wood flooring over it. It has a very slight odor).


I’ve home tested dozens of natural, green, wool carpets samples and the only ones I didn’t react to were two styles made by Hibernia Woolen Mills: Elements and Habitat. These are triple washed and contain no dyes. I detect no smell from them. They are low pile berber carpets which collect dust less than pile carpet and are easier to vacuum and keep clean.


I love this carpet pad — my friend has it under her area rug. It has no smell whatsoever and feels wonderful underfoot. It can be used for wall-to-wall also.

What do you think of each option and which would you choose?

Thank you!

Debra’s Answer

I looked at the MSDS sheets for the floor underlayment and they both were fine.

They both contain polyurethane, however, polyurethane itself is not toxic, it’s the chemicals they add to it to make polyurethane foam and polyurethane floor finish that make these products toxic.

The antimicrobial the Healthier Choice underlayment is Hydrated Alumina, which is well known for it’s antibacterial properties. This is a particle suspended in and surrounded by a polymer–like a seed in honey–so there is no exposure to it.

So either choice would be fine with me.

I think you’d have less problem with the HOA if you chose the carpet. [And that’s what she did.]

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fumes from shower repair

Question from Leslie

Hi Debra – am loving your new site! We are having a small crack in our fiberglass shower module repaired. The tech said they do not use acid etching but rather, their own method ( He said the only ‘danger’ is when they use a very small hand-held fan to spray the small crack; an isotope is released into the room but dissipates in 15 min. and is only harmful to people with severe respiratory problems. My question is: we do have an exhaust fan (but wonder if that’ll spread the toxins into the rest of the house) and a window we’ll leave open. But we have a clothes closet in the bathroom, next to the shower (closet has own door). Do you think a piece of plastic taped over the closet door will prevent the fumes from getting into my clothes? Or do I need to empty out the entire closet? Thanks!

Debra’s Answer

Tape doesn’t always block fumes.

Think of a material as a space with a lot of molecules in it. Depending on the material, the molecules are different sizes and there are different amount of spaces between them. Then you have a chemical molecule that comes along and it’s a size. If there is enough space between the molecules it can get through. If there’s not enough space, it won’t.

The only barrier I know of that blocks EVERYTHING is foil. So the best advice I can give is to put foil over the space around the closet door. Now you’ll need to use a tape that is easily removable, like blue painter’s tape. I would normally recommend using foil tape, but you can’t remove it.

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Preparing Your Own Food? Learn How to Have Food Ready When and Where You Are

Tammy CredicottToday my guest is Tammy Creditcott, author of Make Ahead Paleo. Even if you don’t eat Paleo, Tammy will help you with the logistics of preparing food every day as part of a busy life. The key to staying on an out-of-the-ordinary diet is having food on hand when you’re hungry and when you’re out, and that’s what this book is about. Tammy Credicott is a recipe developer, food photographer, public speaker, allergy-friendly cooking instructor, and the national bestselling author of Paleo Indulgences, Make Ahead Paleo and The Healthy Gluten Free Life. Tammy has a passion for understanding health and wellness as it relates to nutrition and has used this knowledge to help her family overcome health issues such as celiac disease, multiple food intolerances, eczema and ADD. She lives in Bend, Oregon with her husband and two daughters.

The Healthy Gluten Free Life     Paleo Indulgences     Make Ahead Paleo





Preparing Your Own Food? Learn How to Have Food Ready When and Where You Are

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Tammy Credicott

Date of Broadcast: November 26, 2015

DEBRA: Hi. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic free because there are toxic chemicals all over the place in all kinds of consumer products, in the food we eat, in the water we drink. They’re in our homes.

They’re in our bodies. They’re in our workplaces.

But they’re not everywhere. And so what we talk about here is how to identify those toxic chemicals and how to choose all kinds of things without them. And I’m talking to a lot of people every day. All my guests are doing something to make the world less toxic and more healthy place to live.

Today, we’re going to talk about food. It is Thursday, April 17th, two days after tax day. I got my taxes done. I hope you did too. We’re going to be talking about the Paleo diet. But more importantly if you’ve been reading my website and reading my food blog at, you know that I’ve been on the Paleo diet and it’s made a huge amount of difference in my body even though I was eating pretty well, pretty healthy, pretty organic before I started this diet.

Just the exact specifications of both foods that I was eating and more importantly probably the foods I stopped eating made a difference in my weight, my blood sugar, my energy level, everything. So I’m very interesting in keeping going with those and making it really work for me and to have it available for other people.

My guest today is a recipe developer, food photographer, public speaker. She’s got three cookbooks about the Paleo diet and the reason I had her on today is not just about the Paleo diet, but she has written a book called Make Ahead Paleo, which is all about how you manage to get all this food preparation done in your busy life. I think that that’s one of the most important things that people need to understand how to do. I know I’ve had to figure out how to make things ahead, how to have food be ready when I want to eat and she’s got lots of tips, lots of recipes that you can make ahead, thoughts and ideas about how you can arrange your kitchen in your life so that you can take charge of preparing healthy food.

Her name is Tammy Credicott. She’s the author of Make Ahead Paleo, Paleo Indulgences: The Healthy Gluten Free Life. And her website is Hi Tammy.

TAMMY CREDICOTT: Hi Debra. How are you?

DEBRA: I’m really good. How are you?

TAMMY CREDICOTT: I’m doing great. Thanks for having me on.

DEBRA: You’re welcome. Now first, I want you to tell us, me included, how did you become interested in the Paleo diet?

TAMMY CREDICOTT: It was by force from my husband. Let’s see. I never know how far back to start. We’ve been married for 15 years and 10 plus years ago, we were working out at the gym and eating our low fat chicken breast and oatmeal and all that good weightlifting type food that we thought was healthy.

And I continually gained weight over the years. Nothing really seemed to work. I was getting more and more exhausted, granted I had two kids in there two. So that always helps a little bit with the tiredness.

DEBRA: Yeah.

TAMMY CREDICOTT: So we thought we were doing really well. We kept going down this path of trying to make better choices and I take one thing at a time like trans-fats and then looking at organic. We just do it step by step. We felt like we were doing pretty good.

And then both the kids were really young and my husband was not feeling well. And over the course of about six months, he lost a lot of weight very quickly, 30 to 35 lbs, which he didn’t have to lose. He’s a very tall muscular lean guy and he didn’t really have much to lose. He lost of weight very quickly. He was very pale. And one of the big things for me was he got sick constantly. And the whole time we’ve been married, he never even had so much of a cold.

So I knew something was going on and he was complaining about his stomach hurting every time he ate oatmeal for breakfast. And I told him, “You’re crazy. Oatmeal is so benign. That’s what they give babies. It’s one of the most benign things you can eat.” We just didn’t know and he kept saying and kept saying it.

So he was doing research and he said, “I think there might be something going on.” So he was lucky from start to finish. It was probably six months.

He was diagnosed with celiac disease. Some people go decades before the doctors figure out what’s going on with them.

DEBRA: Let me just ask you. I want to hear the rest of your story, but I want to interrupt for a second because I think a lot of people don’t know what celiac disease is or how they might be recognizing it or what’s going on with them.

TAMMY CREDICOTT: The recognition part is very hard, which is why some people can go 20 years before anyone to go, “Oh hey, maybe we should test for that.” The symptoms vary so widely depending on the person. But in a nutshell, it’s an autoimmune disease and in this instance, your body is attacking your small intestines every time you eat gluten.

It’s abrasive to their stomachs, to their intestines and it rubs down the villi, the little hair-like follicles down there that absorb all the nutrients. And so you end up having nutrient deficiencies, which can lead to all kinds of symptoms and it can lead to leaky gut where the food that you’re eating, the larger particles are not being digested properly and it actually sticks to the lining and into the blood stream. And in that case, again you can have lots of symptoms, more importantly neurological issues. It can actually cross that blood brain barrier, which causes huge problems for a lot of people.

So it’s an autoimmune disease. Your body is attacking itself. It thinks that gluten is the enemy and so when you eat it, it’s causing inflammation in the lower intestines.

DEBRA: Good. Thank you.

TAMMY CREDICOTT: And it can be anything. Some people have more stereotypical symptoms like diarrhea, stomach cramps. If they ingest gluten, they end up in the bathroom. Those are the stereotypical symptoms, but over the years, I found that they’re actually not that typical. It’s just really widespread. For example, my two daughters also had celiac disease, 9 and 12 year old. And all three of them are completely different.

If my husband gets gluten accidentally, he starts having stomach problems within 24 hours. He ends up in the bathroom. Then his mood just tanks into this severe depression. He’s completely not himself for a couple of days. So it’s an interesting process.

My oldest, she gets more hyperactive. She doesn’t seem to have stomach issues, but she can get more hyperactive in her verbal communication declines. That’s been something that affects brain more. And then my youngest, it affects her sleep and her skin and her mood. She gets very whiny and crying and just not like herself.

So it’s interesting. They’re definitely all different. But for my husband, he’s having stomach issues and not feeling well that way with the stomach every day. And he went in for a blood test and he was so off the charts, testing positive for antibodies and all the stuff. We saw no need to go in and do a biopsy, which is right now the gold standard in determining a positive for celiac disease.

DEBRA: So you got the diagnosis and then what happened?

TAMMY CREDICOTT: We got the diagnosis and I cried for about a month because I was a baker. I loved to bake. My whole life, I had dreams of having a bakery and things like that. So I was really upset.

And part of it was because I saw him not feeling well. I saw that he was sick and I knew that we needed to heal his gut and get some meat back on his bones and all my tricks of comfort foods that I would have normally made wouldn’t work. So I felt a little helpless.

It took me about a month to get over that and trying separate meals for the kids and I and him. And I just realized it wasn’t working. He was getting cross contamination because of bread crumbs or pasta stuck to strainers and that sort of thing.

So we made the leap and all of us decided to go gluten-free. And about the same time, my oldest was going through some issues as well. My kids have gone through severe dark circles under the eyes, eczema, ADD diagnosis, night terrors and all these different symptoms that at the time we had no idea why they were happening. But once we started researching the food for my husband, all the light bulbs went off and it was very obvious that we had a lot of food related issues going on in the family.

Yes. So we decided it will help the kids. Well, I wasn’t having any symptoms of any sort. It certainly can help because gluten free is healthy. Well, it is if you choose healthier. But we did the norm and went into “Let’s replace everything.”

DEBRA: We’ll talk about that when we come back from the break. We need to take a break now. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is Tammy Credicott. She’s the author of Make Ahead Paleo and other Paleo cookbooks. We’re going to be talking about the Paleo diet and how you can possibly prepare all this food yourself at home. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. My name is Debra Lynn Dadd. Today, my guest is Tammy Credicott. Am I saying that right, Tammy?

TAMMY CREDICOTT: Yes, you got it perfect.

DEBRA: Good. And she’s the author of Make Ahead Paleo, which is a great cookbook. It’s so beautiful, the cookbook, just to look at. Did you take all these photos?

TAMMY CREDICOTT: Oh, thank you. I did. Yes. I’m learning as I go.

DEBRA: Not only are the recipes luscious, but the photos were beautiful. And this particular cookbook, instead of just having a list of recipes at the beginning, it has in this table of contents little thumbnail pictures of all the dishes so that you can look and see.

One of the things that I like about the recipes in this book is that they really are Paleo versions of things that you would like to eat anyway. They’re not strange.

This actually has been a problem for me in the past when I go and I read this diet or that diet and then the recipes are just inedible to me. I just can’t envision myself eating them. But I envision myself eating every one of these recipes. I haven’t tried any yet only from lack of time and sometimes lack of ingredients.

I have gone through your entire book and put post-it notes on half the pages. It’s not about I can’t find a recipe I want to try. It’s that I want to try so many of them. I can’t decide which one to try first.

TAMMY CREDICOTT: I love that. That’s great.

DEBRA: Yeah. And let me tell you listeners that she’s got things in here like waffles that I thought I was never going to eat again. And I love waffles. I used to have waffles, wheat waffles every morning for breakfast, smothered with butter and drenched in maple syrup, which is probably not the best thing for me.

But I love waffles and I would have made them the day I got this book except I don’t have a waffle iron. I need to get a waffle iron. And then I’m going to make these waffles. I mean she knows how to make everything. And I can’t wait to try this. Anyway, I’ll talk about more of those later.

First, I want you to describe. I’ve been doing so much research about Paleo in the last couple of months and I know that everybody has a slightly different version of Paleo. So, explain what your version of Paleo is and why.

TAMMY CREDICOTT: That’s a really good question actually. It’s hard to put into words. Our philosophy is real food and with my husband and daughters having celiac disease, we walked this very interesting line sometimes.

Our lives started in the gluten free community, which is actually my first book. It’s not Paleo. It’s The Healthy Gluten Free Life. It’s gluten free, dairy free, egg free. It was made for multiple allergies because that’s what we were going through at the time.

And then overtime, my husband still wasn’t feeling great. Gluten free wasn’t good enough. We were still eating 80% gluten free grains and sugar.

And that’s when he found Paleo diet and started feeling better and we all jumped onboard and started feeling better immediately. So gluten free made us feel better, but Paleo made the big difference. And for us, we think that that was…

DEBRA: For me too.


DEBRA: For me too.

TAMMY CREDICOTT: Yeah. I think primarily it was because of getting rid of the grains and the sugar. But I think you had mentioned earlier that it’s not so much what you do eat. It’s what you get rid of that can show some of the most improvement.


TAMMY CREDICOTT: And so for us, we’ve been doing it for a few years now and it morphs and changes depending on where we’re at. My husband is still healing his gut. So he can’t eat all the Paleo foods. Coconut does not agree with him and nuts, some things that a lot of people really rely heavily on in the Paleo world. And he still can’t do eggs.

So we work around those parameters. And when we travel and stuff, we have to keep them safe from cross contamination in restaurants. So we might not be quite strict Paleo at those times because you can’t just get a bunless burger and we’re looking at safety first. It’s an interesting line that we walk between the Paleo world and the gluten free world because they’re not the same.

Gluten free community tends to want to replicate the sweets and treats that they’ve had before and focus on that. The Paleo community is more interested in health and eating whole real foods and not replacing everything although you can find many recipes that duplicate, but it’s not the priority.

DEBRA: I think that I’ve seen that too. I had Sally Fallon Morell on last week from the Weston Price Foundation. And I actually started more with that kind of orientation before I ever got to Paleo.

But the problem that I was having doing the Weston Price diet was number one, I did have some sensitivities. And so to try to do the Weston Price diet as written, I felt like you can eat wheat, you can eat eggs. Do you know what I mean? All foods are included on that diet.

TAMMY CREDICOTT: Right, sprouted grains.

DEBRA: Yeah, all those kinds of things, sweeteners. And I thought, “I’ll just eat this diet, but in fact, my body can’t eat all those foods.”


DEBRA: And it wasn’t until I actually talked to her person-to-person last week that I really understood. And she even said this. She said that all these foods are allowed on the diet, but that doesn’t mean you have to eat them all.


DEBRA: And I think that there’s some Paleo that is a cross. I think probably my diet is a cross between the real foods of the Weston Price diet and the Paleo eliminations. It’s a cross.

TAMMY CREDICOTT: Yes, I think that’s very common. There’s a lot of crossover there. A lot of the Paleo community still does some sprouted grains if they can tolerate.

We have done some sprouted buckwheat occasionally and everyone seems to be just fine with that. I myself felt fine afterwards, but I’m still working on my overall health and I have still weight loss to work on and that sort of thing. So that tells me I’m not completely healed of whatever I have going on. It’s just one big experiment really. So we just felt…

DEBRA: I think it is for everybody. I think that if people just focus on the real food, what I’m getting down to is just start with the Weston A. Price Foundation diet, the real food of it. And then if you need to eliminate something, if you decide that your body needs to eliminate grains or if you need to eliminate eggs or whatever it is.

Then you just keep eliminating until your body goes off. That’s it. This is it. This is what makes me feel good. This is what makes my blood sugar down. This makes me lose weight when I could never lose it before.


DEBRA: And I think then you have this list of foods. And the question is “What are you going to do with it?” Let’s talk about it when we come back from the break.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is Tammy Credicott, author of Make Ahead Paleo. And her website is We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is Tammy Credicott. She’s the author of Make Ahead Paleo and we’re talking about how you can prepare all this food whether you’re on the Paleo diet or some other diet where you are preparing all your food instead of eating packaged processed foods or takeout or restaurant food, but really fixing real food at home.

Now, we’re going to talk about how you can actually get that done. But first, I want to say I keep browsing through her cookbook, Make Ahead Paleo, during the breaks. And I know the first thing I’m going to make is I’m trying to decide between the English muffins and the pizza crust.

TAMMY CREDICOTT: Those are two popular ones. Yes.

DEBRA: When you’ve been gluten-free for a while – I’ve been totally gluten-free since last June and what happened for me was my doctor said, “Why don’t you go on gluten-free? Let’s just try gluten free diet.” And I had been on gluten free diets before and I said, “All right.”


DEBRA: I like to be simple and so I say, “Well, I’m not going to do all those replacement things. I’m not going to make everything out of tapioca starch. I want to eat real foods.”

And so I would just eat salad and I eat meat and I’d go, “But I want an English muffin. I want a pizza.” So it’s really good to be able to see that there are ways to do these things and that you’ve worked these things all out for us. I’m very grateful and I’m sure a lot of people are too. I can’t wait to try this.

TAMMY CREDICOTT: Thank you. I’m very happy with what the English muffin has turned out. Let me tell you.

I had that one in my head for a while and I was just like, “I don’t know if I can do that one grain-free.” But I was really pleased with the results of that one because English muffin is just so versatile. You can use that for sandwiches, you can use it for little pizzas, you can use it for breakfast and you can have breakfast sandwiches on the go. They’re just so versatile.

DEBRA: And you can just eat them with butter because they’re so good.

TAMMY CREDICOTT: Yeah, just loads of grass-fed butter.

DEBRA: Yes. And put honey on them. There are all kinds of things. Okay.

TAMMY CREDICOTT: That sounds great.

DEBRA: I ran out of almond flour, but I just ordered some. I always wait until it goes on sale and then I order almond flour. And I ordered some this morning. So we’re going to have more baked goods.

TAMMY CREDICOTT: Honeyville is one of the brands that I like. And they have 15% off right now.

DEBRA: Right now?


DEBRA: I think it [inaudible 00:29:13]. I just got an e-mail from them. I was waiting for that 15% off. So tell us. Just start at the beginning with this information that you have in your book about how to organize so that you can always have some good food on the table.

TAMMY CREDICOTT: I think the biggest complaint that I’ve heard from people living a Paleo lifestyle, especially those starting is it takes a long time to prepare food because you’re not grabbing any of the convenience boxed items. You’re making everything from scratch and it’s expensive.

I would debate on the expensive part. Good quality meats are more expensive, but when you’re not buying sodas and chips and donuts and all of those extra little things, that adds up too. I don’t find that I spend any more. The only place that I spend a little extra is on the organic local grass-fed meat.

But the big thing is the preparation. I live a life. I’ve got two kids in school and activities and I work fulltime. I have some works fulltime. And we both are self-employed. So we have crazy hours and not just 8:00 to 5:00 thing. So I totally get that it can be hard.

But you have to want it. You can’t just assume that I’m going to be lazy and come home from work and then somebody is just going to magically make my dinner for me although that would be really awesome.

DEBRA: Before you go on, I just want to say something about that because last night, I went out to dinner and since I started the Paleo diet, at the end of January I think it was, I think this is only the second time I’ve eaten out in a restaurant.

TAMMY CREDICOTT: And [inaudible 00:30:57]?

DEBRA: I noticed that I somewhat didn’t feel as well this morning. But here’s the thing that was interesting to me. My awareness level has shifted because before I would say, “Here, what’s on my plate is a salad and there’s some chicken.” And I went to a restaurant that I hadn’t checked out their ingredients. But in the past, I would look at it and I would say, “This is [inaudible 00:31:22], here’s fresh lettuces, here are fresh tomatoes, here’s fresh guacamole, here’s chicken fajitas on top and I’m not eating corn chips and I’m not eating tamales with corn on them and stuff like that.”

TAMMY CREDICOTT: Which is a great step for most people.

DEBRA: Yeah.


DEBRA: That is a step that I did for a long time, but I’m sitting there eating and I’m going, “Oh, this is delicious.” And I suddenly went, “Gee, I wonder if there’s any sugar in this.”


DEBRA: “Gee, I wonder if there’s this.”

TAMMY CREDICOTT: Yeah. What oils do they use?

DEBRA: Which oils do they use? Yes, exactly. It was like I didn’t use to ask myself those questions. I used to think I’m cooking well for myself at home and I’m eating organic food and I know which oils and what kind of salt I’m using and stuff. And then last night, it was just suddenly like I ate them and I went, “Wait, I don’t want to eat this. I’m not going to eat this.”

TAMMY CREDICOTT: When you finally put your body and your health as a number one priority and you know what it’s like to finally feel good, that’s a big one. I don’t think that the majority of people remember what it’s like to feel good because I think we’ve been bombarded our whole lives.

So, most people have never felt great.

DEBRA: Well, that was what happened as I went on this Paleo diet and I went, “Oh my god, I haven’t felt this good.”

TAMMY CREDICOTT: Yes, it’s amazing. And you just want to shout from the rooftop and annoy everybody with all of it, but it’s true.

DEBRA: Yeah.

TAMMY CREDICOTT: It is true definitely.

DEBRA: And then I walk around out in the world and I see people eating all this stuff and they’re a million pounds overweight and they’re shooting their insulin at the restaurant table and all this stuff. And I’m going, “Just eat differently. Please eat differently.”

TAMMY CREDICOTT: Yeah, it’s really not hard and you’ll feel amazing and it will be great. And it’s funny once you get your body off that heightened – I think everybody is at this high level of inflammation and your body is constantly filling with everything that was thrown at it environmentally, food. And then when you finally get a lot of that stuff out and your body calms down a little bit, then it’s the little things like eating out that you go, “Oh, that didn’t use to bother me, but now I don’t feel my best. I don’t feel horrible, but I don’t feel my best.”


TAMMY CREDICOTT: And that’s what I’ve noticed over the years. I’m able to identify and be more body aware because things have come down and I can actually identify those things now. Before, it was just part of the whole mess.

DEBRA: I can actually feel like I had so much inflammation go down for almost 30 days on just the really restricted Paleo diet that when I ate something, I think I eat honey or something, it was just like, “Oh, there is inflammation.”

TAMMY CREDICOTT: And honey, especially if you buy it local or where you are, has some great health benefits. However, it is high in fructose. So a lot of people who have issues metabolizing and using glucose for energy and that sort of thing and switching to the fat burning side of the Paleo diet, honey doesn’t work for them. We don’t use a lot of honey in our house just for that reason. It tends to spike our blood sugar and restarts some of those cravings and cycles.

DEBRA: Yeah. And when you really take out the sweeteners, then your body can go into that fat burning. We’re going to live on fat instead of sugar. And then when you start putting sugar back and you get out of that mode, I can see difference now.

We need to go to another break. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. My name is Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is Tammy Credicott.

She’s the author of Make Ahead Paleo. Her website is We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is Tammy Credicott, author of Make Ahead Paleo. Her website is

And Tammy, I think the number three thing I’m going to make is lemon coconut mousse. This looks so luscious.

TAMMY CREDICOTT: It’s so good. I [inaudible 00:39:06] anything.

DEBRA: Yeah, I do too. And it’s made with coconut flour and almond flour and it’s only got a little bit of maple syrup in it.


DEBRA: It just looks on the page like a luscious piece of cake.

TAMMY CREDICOTT: Awesome. It was and it freezes really well. Everything, all the baked foods and things in the book freeze really well. So that’s why they were included. So I’m big on the freezer.

DEBRA: Well, tell us more about some of the things that you do to make your food preparation easier.

TAMMY CREDICOTT: The first thing I try to teach people, I call it my three Ps. Like I said, you have to want to commit to making your meals at home. And once you’re there, you actually have to plan a little bit. It doesn’t take very long especially once you get used to it and you start cycling through some of your favorite recipes.

But the first one is planning and it depends on your schedule. We used to do a monthly menu because I didn’t want to mess with it. We were busy and I never wanted to come home at 5:00 at night and ask, “Okay, what are we going to do for dinner?” because that’s the time that everything falls apart.

DEBRA: That’s exactly right.

TAMMY CREDICOTT: If you already know what you’re going to have and you have it planned out even if you don’t really want it, once you’ve made it and you’ve sat down and you’re eating it, you’re not going to think, “Oh well, I didn’t really want that very much.” But at the end, you’re going to say, “Oh, I’m glad I did that because I didn’t eat out and I didn’t grab a bag of chips.” So planning for sure.

And for most people, I suggest starting off with a weekly menu. It’s a little less intimidating. If your case changes, each week, you can plan some different recipes. And from that menu, you can do everything from just planning your dinners. We tend to cycle through the same breakfast and lunches. So I don’t usually…

DEBRA: What do you have for breakfast? Tell us about breakfast.

TAMMY CREDICOTT: I rotate through various proteins anywhere from pork tenderloins that I cut up into small pieces that cook quickly, that’s another trick, small pieces of meat cooked very quickly. If you don’t want to cook a whole chicken breast, cut it up into bite-size pieces. I cycle through that.

We have bacon, good quality local bacon once a week. I do some organic local sausages as well. Sometimes, depending on the day, I will also put a large roast in the Crockpot at night when I go to bed. And then after eight hours, it’s ready in the morning and it’s really good with eggs. That’s good.

We try not to do eggs every day because we do have some food intolerances and we have to cycle through and not eat the same thing every day while everybody is getting better.

DEBRA: Yeah.

TAMMY CREDICOTT: Yeah. So if you want to plan the breakfast, we tend to cycle through the same. So I usually just list my dinners and side dishes. And from that, you make your shopping list and you go to any pantry items, any fresh stuff and then any proteins and things that you need.

From there, you got to go get it.

But if you spent the time to do your weekly plan and make your grocery list, then the shopping goes really easy. I mean shopping in a Paleo lifestyle has been the easiest thing I’ve ever done. I’m in and out. There’s no reading labels because you are not really getting much with labels.

DEBRA: I find that too. I have my list now of foods and these are the foods that I know that I can eat. And I just go into the Natural Foods Store and I buy them.

TAMMY CREDICOTT: Yeah. And you go around through the edge of the store there and very quickly.

DEBRA: And I don’t get pulled into cookies or whatever. I just go in and I buy my real foods and I leave and then I come home and do things with them.

I cook things ahead like I cook chicken. There are things I always want to make sure are in the refrigerator and one of them is chicken.

TAMMY CREDICOTT: Which is the final P. That’s my final P, preparation, preparing. That’s exactly. I’m a big proponent of taking a few extra minute here and there.

If I’m making something for dinner, say we’re going to have spaghetti squash with a tomato sauce, I will double my tomato sauce so that I can have dinner that night and the rest goes in the freezer so that at another time, I can just pull it out.

It’s the same thing with chopping an onion as I need that to cook with the chicken that night. I chop two onions. I throw the other into a freezer container. I stick it in the freezer and then I have it. Frozen onions are great to add to scrambled eggs or other dishes that you’re sautéing and you don’t have to pick the time later on. If you do that all the time and take a few seconds here and there to double up on things, pretty soon your freezer is stocked. It doesn’t take long and then you always have things to pull from including chicken or anything like that.

With grill, instead of grilling one or two for dinner, grill the whole package that you have and let it cool, freeze it and then you can chop it up for salads or stir fries or anything that you want to throw together. That’s a huge one and it just takes a little different mindset. Instead of racing through getting some done, just add a little bit of little extra time here and there.

DEBRA: And I’ve also found that instead of thinking about how I am going to make a big new recipe each day or every couple of days, I do have those basic things. I always have cooked chickens. It’s always there. And the game becomes “How am I going to make this chicken taste different tonight?”

TAMMY CREDICOTT: Right. And another thing I talk about a little bit is having your favorite spice blends on hand so that you can transform meals into different flavors. I have the taco seasoning and Italian seasoning and then a basic dry rub that I can use on any meat. And those are my basics that I always go back to. I can mix and match other spices with it to change it or I can use it to alter a meal that I’m making.

So find those blends that you really like. And if you’re looking for more than even what I have in the book, there are tons of them out there if you like, more of a Greek style than you can combine or more of an Asian flare and get some Chinese spice in there. So it’s a good idea to have some spice blends and then you can just sprinkle it on and then your meals transform and you didn’t really have to do anything.

I’m lazy in the kitchen.

DEBRA: I am too. It’s like I love to cook and there are times if I really have the time or if it’s a special occasion, I really make something special. But I’m really looking for “How can I do a five-minute meal?” Thirty minute meals are too long for me.

I need to get in the kitchen and put something on the plate and eat it, but I want it to be really good. So making sure that I have things there in order to choose from and knowing what I’m doing, I think a lot of it is education too, figuring out what are the foods that you really like to eat.
I love Chinese food and the more I think about it – my brother was just talking to me the other day. He said, “Oh, just put some oyster sauce in it.”

“Well, do you know what’s in oyster sauce?”

TAMMY CREDICOTT: Yes, gluten usually.

DEBRA: Besides, gluten there’s refined sugar, refined salt and sodium benzoate. It’s just a horrible, horrible list. And if you go into any Chinese restaurant, they’re putting oyster sauce in things. It just made me not want to go to a Chinese restaurant. But yet, I grew up in San Francisco on Chinese food. I want to eat Chinese food. And so I’m making my own Chinese recipes.

TAMMY CREDICOTT: Yeah. Just changing some of the spices, you can get some amazing flavors.

If one person that just wanted to change one thing about their home-cooking to make it better and more accessible and more entertaining for their body, it would be to learn spices. Go online and get some books, whatever you need to do to learn some spice blends and things that work well together because you can change anything at that point.

DEBRA: Yeah. Out here where I live, we have a couple of different spices shops that have so many spices and you can go on there and you can smell them and taste them. I spent an hour in a spice shop once and I came out with about 25 different little bags. And I could just really play with them and see what I like and then go back and get them.


DEBRA: So we only have a few minutes left. Would you just tell us something about takeaway foods? What do you send with your children to school for lunch?

TAMMY CREDICOTT: My kids, gosh, they eat just about anything. And in the book, I have it On-the-go Section and we pull from that one a lot.

They are things that are quick and easy and travel well. That’s the key.

School years are typically over the winter months. So we use the thermos a lot. Today, they took steak bites. We cut up some steak and sautéed it in coconut oil. And then I have the tomato based sauce that I add some spices to and they are able to dip it in the sauce. They love it.

DEBRA: That sounds great.

TAMMY CREDICOTT: Yeah, we’re big on that. And they like coleslaws with added protein and a pasta salad, it’s a big one, deviled eggs, just anything we can throw together. And we were doing little ham rollups a lot, ham with some avocado and veggies in there and we rolled it up.

After about a year, they were like, “Please don’t give us the rollup, mom.” So we’ve been varying it a little bit.

DEBRA: It is really important to not get bored. It really is, to be able to…

TAMMY CREDICOTT: Yeah. My husband could eat the same thing every single day and be fine. I need something different all the time. So it’s interesting how every person is a little bit different.

DEBRA: Yeah. What I do is I find something that I want to eat and I go, “Oh, this is delicious. I want to eat it tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.” And then all of a sudden, I go, “It’s time for something else.”

TAMMY CREDICOTT: I’m done now.

DEBRA: Last week, I was eating this, oh my god, gorgeous tahini dressing I was making. And then I thought, “You know what? I think there’s probably something in this that isn’t ideal for me as much as I love it.” So now, I’m finding the next thing. But that tahini dressing is going to come out again, but maybe I won’t eat it every week.

TAMMY CREDICOTT: Tahini makes a great added ingredient in baked goods keeping them moist without adding or changing the flavor.

DEBRA: Yeah.

TAMMY CREDICOTT: Yeah, I have tahini blondies in the book. They’re definitely a family favorite. I have to make them all the time to keep the freezer stocked.

DEBRA: Oh, good. I’m going to try those too. Well, I have to say goodbye now because the show is going to be over in about 15 seconds. But thank you so much, Tammy.

TAMMY CREDICOTT: Thank you so much. That went by so fast.

DEBRA: It does go by really fast. I mean an hour sounds like a long time, but it goes by really fast. Thank you so much.


DEBRA: Her book is Make Ahead Paleo. Her website is And everybody, try it.

Berkeley Ergonomics

Question from Dani

I’m looking for a safe mattress. Where I live, it’s difficult to get to a showroom where I can test organic mattresses. The one store I found carries a line of mattresses made by Berkeley Ergonomics. Is anyone familiar with this brand and is it non-toxic? I’ve heard that there is some synthetic latex out there. I’ve also heard that all latex in the U.S. is made in a facility in Connecticut, where they make both synthetic and all-natural latex. This is all very confusing!!

Debra’s Answer

I looked at their Berkeley Ergonomics website and it looks pretty good to me.

They use

  • prewashed organic cotton
  • organic wool
  • 100% natural filler-free latex (not organic, but Oeko-Tex certified)

They list a lot of certifications but don’t show them on their website (“certificates are available”) so I can’t verify without asking them for certificates (my opinion is if someone says it’s certified, the certificate should be on the website.

All of their materials are from Europe, even though, being in California they could get Pure Wool from California.

On paper, it looks good, but I haven’t see their certifications. It would be better if they used organic latex, which is available.

Understand their Oeko-Tex 100 certifications doesn’t mean a material is organic. It means it doesn’t contain a list of 100 priority chemicals.

And no, all latex in the US is NOT made in one facility in Connecticut.

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How Smoke From Fireplaces, Wood Stoves, BBQs and More Contribute to Outdoor Air Pollution and Affect Our Health

Mary RozenbergMy guest today is Mary Rozenberg, Co-Founder of the Burning Issues website, a project of the nonprofit organization Clean Air Revival. We’ll be talking about particulate pollution in outdoor air, how you are contributing to it, and how it is affecting your own health and the health of others. Since 1987, Mary and members have been working tirelessly to improve ambient outdoor air quality through the reduction of Fine Particulate Pollution. The most common sources of deadly Fine Particulate Pollution are residential wood burning (RWB), restaurant wood burning, coal burning, forest fires and agriculture burning, and diesel and auto exhaust. It is estimated that 72,000 people die annually in the United States from the effects of these fine particles. Once emitted they are impossible to clean up. More than half of the fine particulate is caused by fewer than 10% of the population using the dirtiest fuels for recreation and heating. Their principal activity is public education, including the collection and dissemination of the latest science information regarding health effects, economic impacts, and individual actions to reduce and stop solid fuel combustion. Burning Issues also actively does particulate monitoring and has published the results.





How Smoke from Fireplaces, Wood Stoves, BBQs and More Contribute to Outdoor Air Pollution and Affect Our Health

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Mary Rozenberg

Date of Broadcast: April 16, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio—where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world, and live toxic-free.

Today, we’re going to talk about something a little different than we usually talk about because we’re usually talking about things that are going on inside our homes, or in our workplaces, or how to detox toxic chemicals from our body. But today, we’re going to be talking about the outdoor environment, outdoor air pollution to be specific, and a particular kind of air pollutants, to be even more specific.

And there are things that we can do, there are things that we need to be aware of in the outdoor air that are making us sick.

And in fact, it was very timely that I have this guest on today because last week, there was a statement from the World Health Organization, and I talked about this last week actually, when we were talking about indoor air pollution.

But I want to talk about it again today because on March 25th, the World Health Organization released data from 2012 that estimated that 7-million people had died in 2012 as a result of outdoor air pollution exposure.

That’s one person in every eight.

And they have stated that air pollution, outdoor air pollution, is now the world’s single, largest, environmental risk.

So there are things that we can do. Today, my guest is going to talk about how we’re contributing to that air pollution, and what we can do, and the kinds of health effects that happen.

Her name is Mary Rozenberg. She is the co-founder and president of the Burning Issues website. That’s at And what they do is they work with fine particulate pollution in outdoor air. And we’ll be talking about, as I said, how you’re contributing to it, and how it’s affecting your own health and the health of others.

It’s actually worst. I think I’ll find this statistic, but I’m just [reading it] off the top of my head that it’s actually worse to breathe—no, I won’t give it to you until I actually have the right thing.

Anyway, it’s estimated that 72,000 people die annually in the United States from the effects of the specific fine particles. And once they’re emitted, they can’t be cleaned up. So the solution to this, to removing this toxic pollutant from the outdoor air, is for people to be aware of how we’re contributing to it.

The number one thing to do with all toxic exposures is to reduce them at their source—whether you’re removing toxic cleaning products from your home, so you don’t have toxic chemicals, or whether we’re understanding outdoor air pollutants, and reducing them at the source. Source reduction is the number one thing to do for toxic exposures.

So Mary is joining us from California. Hi, Mary.

MARY ROZENBERG: Good morning. Good afternoon.

DEBRA: Well, it’s afternoon here, but it’s morning where you are. And people are listening all over the world, so good day, or it may even be evening where somebody else is listening.

Anyway, Mary, tell us how you personally became interested in this subject.

MARY ROZENBERG: Well, I was a professional [cellist] in New York City. And I began having health problems. I had always had them, but they became more pronounced. I had learned to move around and live around them, and I didn’t know why I had to make choices, but I did. I knew if I didn’t do this or that that I would be ill.

I was diagnosed with lupus in my 30’s and I could no longer continue with my career in New York City as a professional cellist. And my husband is a computer geek, and he wanted to come to Silicon Valley. And so we decided maybe it’s a better climate would help my health.

Once we were out here living in Los Altos, I got sicker. And I ended up with my own pulmonologist and trips to the pulmonologist, into the throat specialist, and so forth, accelerated. And I one day, I looked around and realized that there might be a difference when there was smoke or not.

And that’s how I started observing. I had become a bird watcher. They said it was the same thing because, of course, with smoke, it’s fairly visible most of the time. So what I found out, the journeys that I went on, was fascinating and horrifying.

DEBRA: Yes, I understand that.

MARY ROZENBERG: I’m sure you do.

DEBRA: I had a very similar story in that I was a professional classical pianist. And I had to stop playing because I had paralysis in my hands. I could play for my own enjoyment, but I couldn’t represent myself as able to perform, if in the middle of performing, my hands ceased up, and I couldn’t do anything about it.

And it wasn’t until later that I found out that as I removed the toxic chemicals, that paralysis went away. And it didn’t even occur to me that toxic chemicals just in my very own home would cause paralysis in my hands, but it did.


DEBRA: So I understand the process of discovering that what’s happening to you is an environmental pollutant, it’s causing you problems, and how horrifying that can be.

MARY ROZENBERG: Well, the first thing you do is identify what the problem is. So if you go to our website,, we have a chart that has some big brown balls, and it shows various forms of home heating, and whether they’re clean or dirty.

Our political situation in the world has led people to believe that it’s patriotic to switch to the dirtiest form of fuel because supposedly, wood is there, and it doesn’t cost anything to use. And what it’s doing is costing us 30,000 lives a year, and raising our medical bills because when you’re exposed to smoke, it lowers your ability to fight off infection 25% to 40%.

So when the particles reach a certain level, like 10-micrograms per meter-cube, there is already a health risk. And at 30-micrograms per meter-cube, there’s a death rate, and then at 40, it’s even more. It goes up incrementally like that.

So what was happening in Los Altos was that the wood burning, due to their weather condition, the wood burning was kept in due to weather inversion—so cold air at night, and all the smoke that was emitted was emitted within about 100-feet above the houses. So it just goes up and up and up until the toxic levels were quite high.

And no one seems to be aware of this. And as I became aware, I was very fortunate to contact the Stanford Civil Engineering Department, and the Bay Area Air Quality Management District. And they all recommended that I should meet

Dr. Wayne Ott.

Well, we did, and I started doing some monitoring. I was helped by a professional at the [inaudible 00:09:17] Air Quality Control District. And she told me how to set up the monitoring, what to do. One of our volunteers brought the instrument which was pretty amazing. It was $5000.

And so once I had that instrument, and I started measuring everything, I had people’s attention because you could show it to them.

DEBRA: We need to take a break. We need to take a break, but right after the break, you can tell us what you found.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Mary Rozenberg, co-founder and president of Burning Issues website. That’s, and this is a very easy to understand and comprehensive website with a lot of information about this issue.

We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Mary Rozenberg, co-founder and president of Burning Issues website, and that’s And we’re talking about outdoor particulate pollution.

Before we go on with Mary’s story I just want to comment on the homepage of her website. She had mentioned earlier about a picture that compared the particulate emissions of different kinds of heating fuels. And the worst, by far, is a wood boiler. I’m not even sure I know what a wood boiler is.

But then after that is an uncertified wood stove, EPA-certified wood stove, and then a pellet stove is much, much less. But then if you look at oil heat, you practically can’t even see the dot, and gas heat. Well, I really can’t see the dot. It’s about as big as a period, whereas a wood boiler is about three-inches across.

So there’s a huge amount of difference in terms of what we’re using to heat our homes, and not only individually, but then if we look down the line, say, if you’re using electric heat, what are they burning to produce that electric heat?

Now, she makes a note right at the beginning of her homepage that says that burning solid fuels yields a particulate pollution—solid particles that are smaller than a red blood cell.

And it’s been found that these little particles are responsible for 2.1-million deaths worldwide per year. The Harvard School of Public Health says, “Particulate pollution is the most important contaminant in our air.”

We know that when particle levels go up, people die.

And she says, “Wood smoke is chemically active in the body 40 times longer than cigarette smoke.”

So this is something that most people aren’t aware of, and yet, it’s affecting so, so many people.

So Mary, you took some measurements.

MARY ROZENBERG: Yes, and luckily, I was able to interest Dr. Ott. And by the way, we have good news. Dr. Ott has joined our board of directors.

DEBRA: Excellent.

MARY ROZENBERG: Yes, it’s good to have that support as he’s supposed us all along. So Dr. Ott began to gather together equipment to do the monitoring. It was very new. There hadn’t been a lot of fine particulate monitoring, and he did a 12-year-study of his neighborhood, and of course, of everything else.

And with him, I did study for cigarettes, which their work, his work with other scientists, has led to the ban on cigarette exposure. And we did restaurant. And, of course, I was very keen on what was the fuel the restaurant was using.

And the numbers of the pollutants inside wood-burning restaurant are really very high because you add the [inaudible 00:13:55] and the food charring, [inaudible 00:14:02] toxic situation for the cook are there every day.

And, of course, they have high rates of stomach cancer, and probably other things they’re not even aware of. But his work made it possible to get my work published, and it was, in the [inaudible 00:14:35]. And it’s on the website. It’s very hard to show day by day the increment of the pollution. But what we saw was the outdoor [inaudible 00:14:48] burning was that you can start with very clean air from a rainstorm or whatever.

Think of this in terms of a city or a town with burning [inaudible 00:15:03] and, of course, it’s huge. It starts usually in the evening. And that burning from that day stays close to the ground. And this weather condition called an inversion traps it there, close to the ground. And then you have all of your daily activities the next day—the traffic, people going to school and work, and so forth.

So that adds to it. And then in the evening, the people who heat with wood come home, and turn on their 5:30, just as the inversion is really tightening down, and they add more pollution to it.

So what we saw is over a series of days. The air moved every day more and more and more toxic. After four or five days of this, the hospitals were overrun with patients, the doctor’s offices, the cancer specialists. We’ve got 40 people there [inaudible 00:16:08], the phone is ringing, and nobody can breathe.

And still, no one was making these connections that it was indeed wood smoke. So we were able to follow a program that had been started in [inaudible 00:16:24]. And the Bay Area Air Quality Management District began to call Don’t Light Tonight Program where they ask people not to burn.

The first time that happened, it was just incredible. The air was already building up. The news stations got on and encouraged people to please turn off their burning, do whatever they could to stop it. And the pollution that was [inaudible 00:16:55] was gone.

It rather showed the Air District officials, I don’t, had been aware that the wood burning was the largest contributor to the winter air pollution. And now, what we have is year-round pollution with wood burning restaurants. I was discussing with Debra that [inaudible 00:17:25] around the green in New York, in the park, they’re going to have a wood-burning pizza place. And this has been going on [inaudible 00:17:32] to do.

And of course, everybody looks at the dollars and cents, and they make a lot of money with these restaurants. And so we are creating this pond of pollutants that we’re breathing. And the thing to do is not burn. We can’t clean it up.

DEBRA: We’ll talk about it more after the break. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Mary Rozenberg of the Burning Issues website. That’s, and we’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Mary Rozenberg, co-founder and president of Burning Issues website. That’s at

The more I look at this website—here’s something actually Mary wrote to me in the e-mail that there’s no real controversy in the scientific community that is saying that wood smoke is safe. And she says no one is saying that wood smoke is safe.

Hundreds of papers are all in agreement about the danger of it.

So this is something where it’s not even controversial. Nobody is saying, “Well, wait a minute. Maybe this isn’t true.”

Everybody agrees, so it’s something that we all should be doing something about.

I just want to say that the most common sources of particulate pollution are residential wood burning. So those are your fireplaces and your wood stoves, restaurant burning, like Mary was just talking about for cooking, coal burning, forest fires and agricultural burning of the fields, and diesel and auto exhaust. It comes from all of those things.

And so we not only need to be burning less, but how can we reduce how much we’re driving our cars. There might not be a lot that we can do about forest fires, but there’s a big difference between an occasional forest fire and auto exhaust day in and day out, and people burning with their wood stoves night after night after night.

Mary, I was thinking, as you were talking about asking people not to burn—this is so interesting. In nature, one of the things that I learned about nature is that nature will often try to warn you, like a poisonous mushroom—not all poisonous mushrooms have this, but a lot of times a poisonous mushroom will be bright red, or a poisonous berry, or that there are indicators. They’re going to have spines on them, or things like that.

And so nature tries to warn us about things that are bad for us, like making it taste bad, or something, and it tries to give us indicators of pleasure of things that are good for us.

I think that a lot of people have a lot of positive associations with the smell of wood smoke. I hate to say that but we go, “Oh, it’s winter time. That smoke smells good, and it tastes so good.”

But this is one of those times where even though it seems like a pleasure to us, it really is a poison.

MARY ROZENBERG: Yes. There are, I believe, people that are addicted to wood smoke. They’re basically part of the smoking addiction. Remember, you heard it here first. Combustion byproducts, it’s not just the nicotine. I think that part of why it’s so hard to give it up.

So what we see many times is these committed burners who absolutely don’t want to hear that they’re toxically—totally destroying the neighborhood air, they are former smokers.

A single fireplace operating for an hour burning 10 pounds of wood, during that time, will create more carcinogenic, [inaudible 00:21:55] than 30 cigarettes.

So that’s a real wham-pow for your brain.

DEBRA: I can understand everything you’re saying about the toxics, and then there’s this other part of me that goes, “But sitting in front of a fireplace and the smell of that wood smoke, and it’s so romantic,” and all that stuff. I think this is a difficult thing to give up. Psychologically, it’s a difficult thing to give up.

MARY ROZENBERG: Part of that is carbon monoxide, and other chemicals. And we have on the website, if you go down to the bottom of that first page, the front page, on the right side, you will see educational material.

DEBRA: I see it.

MARY ROZENBERG: And there are actually flyers which we created that have the chemicals in wood smoke, and what they are, in terms of—

DEBRA: Is that the one called Wood Smoke Brochure?

MARY ROZENBERG: it’s right below that.

DEBRA: References for Wood Smoke Brochure?

MARY ROZENBERG: It’s Chemical—

DEBRA: What’s the title of it?


DEBRA: What is the title of it?

MARY ROZENBERG: I’ll find it for you.

DEBRA: Is it over under Scientific Information? Is it the one called Chemical Constituents?


DEBRA: Okay, that’s under Scientific Information.


DEBRA: I see it now.

MARY ROZENBERG: Thank you for showing me my website. The references you mentioned for the wood smoke brochure, I want to assure people, when you go to our website, you’re reading the science. It’s not influenced by politics, and everything that we say we have a scientific reference for the scientific statement.

And I talked with many of the scientists and, of course, they are experts in one little tiny particulate area, and so it was fascinating as this all unfolded. And I’m delighted to say that Dr. Ott is continuing the monitoring.

So that’s important to remember is that this isn’t an area of science where there’s been much attention paid.

DEBRA: No, and I think that a lot of times that the toxic substances that are really getting attention, it’s people like you who are actually being made ill by it, and they say. “What’s making me ill?” And you start doing the research, and you start seeing that there are all these studies, studies, studies, but they don’t get out into the public, and they don’t get attention.

And so it’s so wonderful that you have this organization. When did you found this? Haven’t you been doing this for 20 or 30 years?


DEBRA: Yes, and so there just needs to be more and more and more and more awareness, so that when people are considering, “Well, shall I put wood-burning stove in my restaurant?” When I said that, I thought of this little restaurant where I used to live in Inverness, California, that is an old hunting lodge, and they have this big fireplace, and they put a grate in the fireplace, and they cook right in the fireplace. And the whole place just smells like smoke, and people just think it’s so delicious.

And yet, people just aren’t aware of how much pollution that’s creating, even in that little, tiny place where it has an inversion [inaudible 00:26:09] too.

We need to go to break, but we’ll be right back after this. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Mary Rozenberg, and we’re talking about fine particle pollution in outdoor air.

We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest is Mary Rozenberg of Burning Issues website. That’s

There is so much information on this website, and all you need to do is just go down to the bottom part of the page, and you’ll see all these links to different brochures and reports and things. And I’ve been clicking around during the break, and I’m looking at one right now called the Cancer brochure.

Actually, the one that says Wood Burning brochure, that does have a list of the toxic chemicals that are in wood smoke.

But now, I’m looking at the Cancer brochure. And it says, “Wood smoke is 12 times more likely to cause cancer than the same amount of tobacco smoke.”

That’s pretty amazing. Wood smoke is 12 times more likely to cause cancer than the same amount of tobacco smoke.

Then it goes on to say, “You might be surprised to learn that 50% to 70% of outdoor wood smoke fine particle levels seep directly into homes, even non-burning homes.”

MARY ROZENBERG: It’s the next thing I wanted to mention, yes.

DEBRA: Okay, you go ahead and talk about that.

MARY ROZENBERG: No, you’re doing very well.

DEBRA: I’m just reading your brochure. It says, “In smoky neighborhoods, towns have been shown to have the same amount of indoor polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons as five cigarettes smoked inside a house at non-wood-burning time of the year.”

[inaudible 00:28:02] many communities. It’s like there are things that we can do at home like remove toxic cleaning products, but we also need to really be taking a look at what’s going on outside in the environment around us because it does affect us. It’s not just that we’ll walk outside our door, and breathe this pollution.

It’s coming in our houses.

MARY ROZENBERG: Because it’s so small. It’s really a gas. What we’re talking about is aerosol. And that was why the discovery of the fine particulate and its role in health was so amazing. It was new.

And now, they are looking at even super fine particles, smaller than just the PM2.5. So 70% of it comes in, and there is no protection other than trying to clean it up. There is only one air cleaner, and I’m not paid for this. I will give it a plug because I feel it’s saved my life.

It’s called IQ Air. And they’re expensive. I have six of them in my home, and I have several in the office. And I depend on these air cleaners to keep me going because I get so ill when I’m exposed to smoke that I’m really totally incapacitated.

I’ve been driving where there was smoke, and the police had pulled me over, thinking I was drunk. And all I was trying to do was get out of the smoky area.

So the IQ Air, which you can find on the web, is Swiss made and invented. And it does the best particle removal because it also removes the aerosol, the gasses. It has three stages.

So it’s important. The first thing, of course, you want to do to protect yourself is [inaudible 00:30:29] filter. Make sure that anything you get is [inaudible 00:30:33] filter.

The second thing is you do not want an electronic filter that just emits ozone or something like that that’s supposedly cleans the air because that can cause health problems. And you actually have to clean it up and clean up the carbon monoxide that’s coming in, clean up the [inaudible 00:30:57] hydrocarbons as they’re coming in.

I’m in a rural area here on the coast now in California, and there are, unfortunately, burns—most of them caused by local people thinking that they’re saving forest fires by having these big piles of wet wood burning.

DEBRA: And wet wood creates more smoke than anything to have it be wet.


DEBRA: But wet or green wood that’s just been chopped you really shouldn’t be burning. Well, we’re talking about not burning wood at all, but if you’re burning wood, the best wood to burn is dry-seasoned wood because that produces the least amount of smoke.

MARY ROZENBERG: However, it’s very toxic.

DEBRA: It is.

MARY ROZENBERG: Dry-seasoned wood—

DEBRA: Burning is toxic. It doesn’t matter what you’re burning—if you’re burning incense, or candles, or whatever, but the combustion byproducts are toxic.

MARY ROZENBERG: Yes, and so when they’re telling you to relax and burn a candle, no. Don’t do that. It’s very toxic. You do not want candle smoke or incense smoke in your home.

We actually have reports of renters, apartment dwellers, who have been made ill by a neighbor who is burning incense all the time.

I had a woman contact me. She was doing research on candles. And she was very upset because she had gotten some candles that destroyed some of her furnishings. And she wanted her insurance company to pay for all of the damage from the combustion, which I think they did at that time.

And what she missed entirely was the fact that it doesn’t matter what the candles are. You don’t want to burn them.

The wonderful thing now is we have these nice, little flashing, little mini candles, and they are very available now. And so that’s what we have with my grandchildren at Christmas.

DEBRA: I was thinking about the obvious things like fireplaces, wood stoves and restaurants. And I was thinking here I live in Florida where we have no problem with people burning fireplaces because nobody has one. It’s too hot here for fireplaces.

But what we do have is barbeque. We have barbeque pits, they’re called. They’re not in the ground, but there are barbeques that are just smoking all day long, all day long, all day long, smoking meat. And a lot of times, they’re just right in residential areas, or shopping areas, or whatever because they’re attached to barbeque restaurants.

And you just walk down the street, and there’s smoke. And it’s going up into the air.

And so you really need to really think about and really observe where this smoke might be, and what the sources might be.

If I were to say, “Let’s not have barbeques because they’re contributing to toxic air pollution,” I know here in the south, people would just go up in arms over not having barbeque.

This is what we’re faced with.

MARY ROZENBERG: They think we want to create this mess.

DEBRA: It’s just in [inaudible 00:34:59]. You know what I’m saying.

MARY ROZENBERG: Yes. Our monitoring showed that if you used a gas barbeque, a propane, then the pollution was really insignificant until the chicken wings caught on fire—so until something is actually burning.

So if you must have your barbeque, do it over propane. Now, some of the—

DEBRA: To me, I don’t think that even tastes like barbeque.

MARY ROZENBERG: It can’t have the charred—

DEBRA: Not that I’m a big fan of charred meat, but I think it tastes really good, but it’s not something that I need to eat every day. It’s not part of my heritage or something like that. And we need to recognize that burnt meat—those are toxic chemicals in that burned, charred meat also.

MARY ROZENBERG: Yes, and they also emit this charred air. When the chicken is disappearing, when it’s charring, it’s going into the air as pollution.

DEBRA: I’m just making a little note here about this. Well, you know what? That went by so fast. We have about a minute left, so are there any final words you want to say?

MARY ROZENBERG: Well, please go to the website. I also recommend an Australian website that we linked to, and that’s done by a very fine scientist.

DEBRA: I see it right here—the Armidale Air Quality Group. It’s right there, about halfway down the page on the left.

MARY ROZENBERG: Yes. Keep in mind that wood smoke is chemically active in the body 40 times longer than tobacco smoke. 70% of it, once it’s emitted, is going to go into every house, including that person down the block who has a heart problem.

Unfortunately, it has been a growing concern, and it’s time that we all start to speak up. Tell our grocery stores we don’t want them barbequing outside. Don’t go to wood-burning pizza places.

So it’s the choices you make, and that you have to begin to educate others. And keep in mind they can be nasty.

DEBRA: Well, I need to say thank you now because we’ve only got about eight seconds left. So thank you so much for being on the show today, and thank you for everything that you’ve done all these years, and you continue to do to educate and bring all this information together.

Everybody, go to, and find out more about this. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio.

Cleaning Biofilm From Jetted Tub Pipes

Question from Leslie

Hi Debra

I was looking for something to clean our jetted bathtub. I am concerned about using the tub, because when we bought the house, it was unoccupied for a while before we got here, and I have no idea how (or if) the inner parts had been cleaned prior to that. So meanwhile I’m not using the tub while I try to find a suitable way to clean it. I’ve seen many recommendations online for using Cascade dishwasher detergent and bleach, and I’d prefer not to use those. I thought about trying vinegar, baking soda, or some other natural cleaner. But my concern is that those will probably not remove what is lurking in the plumbing. Then I saw the “Oh Yuk” biofilm remover, and it claims to remove the harmful bacteria, molds, etc, that grow in the unseen plumbing.

The company indicates that other options don’t actually remove the biofilm. Because we can’t actually see the plumbing lines, it’s a bit difficult to know if the nasty stuff inside has actually been removed. But people who use the Cascade/bleach method, or the Oh Yuk product, say that they see black/brown/green film, flakes, etc, come out into the water while doing the cleaning. So there does seem to be some evidence it is working.

I suppose it comes down to trusting the company that they have done testing and examined the tubing to make sure it is, in fact, free of harmful bacteria after using the product, since we can’t actually see the tubing or test it ourselves. So it appears to be effective.

But I’m wondering about the safety of the product. Their site says: “Oh Yuk is safe to work with. Unlike many jetted tub cleaners, Oh Yuk’s fumes will not harm you, your employees, or your guest when the jets are turned on. Some other brands jetted tub cleaners contain carcinogens, mutagens, and harmful VOC’s.”

Their MSDS is provided via the link above, but here is the direct link as well:

I don’t have enough experience reading MSDS to feel confident in my interpretation of the info they give. The health rating is 1, but I’m wondering why it says “Not Available” for things like toxicological info, carcinogenic effects, etc. Is that common on MSDS? The “personal protection in case of a large spill” section makes me think the product is pretty potent. But again, I don’t have enough familiarity with interpreting MSDS info to know for sure. I googled “quaternary ammonium cation” – one of the ingredients on the MSDS – and the info on Wikipedia wasn’t reassuring. But I’ll admit that the chemistry lesson goes a bit over my head, and it’s possible that the product is fine.

I definitely want to use the safest product possible. On the other hand, is it possible that a less-than-perfect cleaner is a better option than bathing in water that contains harmful bacteria and molds? Meanwhile, I have a tub I’m not using but would like to be able to use for aching muscles, for detox baths, etc.

If you know of another option for addressing these issues in a jetted tub, I’d be glad to know. I suggested replacing the plumbing, but my husband said that would probably be very difficult because of the design of these tubs. Any suggestions?

There is a similar product, called Ahh-Some, but I have the same confused feeling about their MSDS. They claim it is a natural and eco-friendly product, yet the ingredients are irritants. Does that make the product toxic? They also have a “1” rating for health.

Debra’s Answer

OK, just off the top of my head, both of these MSDS’s are incomplete as far as I am concerned.

A health hazard rating of “1” is pretty nontoxic. I think either of these are better than the standard toxic cleaner, but I can’t evaluate them really because there is no information. It may say “not available” because there is none because it’s not needed.

If I had to choose one, I think either would be fine. There’s nothing here that indicates a big toxic exposure to me.

Good you found these safer products!

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Toilet installation products

Question from TA

We are planning to replace 3 toilets in our home, and this is our first experience with installing toilets. I know that a wax ring, or some alternative, is necessary. I saw some non-wax alternatives online, but upon closer reading, it appears that they are made of PVC or polyurethane foam (also antimicrobial). So even though they are supposed to be far easier to install and other such benefits, I’d rather not purchase those kinds of products.

Is the basic wax ring a good option, or do you have another recommendation for what to use? I know my husband would prefer whichever is easier to install, and those alternative ones are claimed to be easier. Perhaps there’s a wax alternative that is non-toxic but I just haven’t seen it yet.

After looking a bit more, I saw this option for a wax-free gasket. I checked the company’s website, and it specifies that they use a special type of rubber. I suppose this could have a strong rubber smell. But perhaps it’s better than buying PVC or PU foam? I guess I’m looking for the less-toxic option, whatever that may be!

Then regarding the toilet seat selection, I know I read long ago that you use wood seats. Would you mind sharing a link to the type of seat you have found? When I find “wood” seats, they seem to be either 1) molded wood (is that okay?) or 2) finished with a glossy finish, and I don’t know if the finish is toxic or not. Have you found ones that are only wood? I have to wonder if a polypropylene seat is better than a glossy finished wood or molded wood (which has been made white somehow – so again, is the finish non-toxic?).

I was looking at our existing toilet and noticed the caulking around the base. I realized I hadn’t considered whether that type of product is usually toxic. My husband will know what to get at the hardware store to get the job done, but won’t necessarily know if it’s non-toxic. Can you point me in the direction of a safe product to use there, where the toilet connects to the floor?

Are there any other components I should be aware of, that will take special effort to locate in a non-toxic version?

Debra’s Answer

I’ve installed a number of toilets and we’ve always used the wax ring. I never had a problem with them. Once installed it is covered completely by the toilet.

For toilet seats, I bought mine years ago and they are getting more difficult to find. Here are a number of solid wood toilet seats, but as you said, the finish may be problematic and we don’t know what the finish is on any of them.

They don’t sell unfinished wood toilet seats, but you could buy the toilet seat you like and sand the finish off if necessary and apply the finish you like. See, here’s an opportunity for some industrious person. Go to a wood toilet seat manufacturer, buy some wholesale unfinished, apply a nontoxic finish, and sell them. A niche waiting to be served. A wood toilet seat needs a finish to protect it from water. But it doesn’t need to be toxic.

For caulk you can get EcoBond at Home Depot.

No other components I can think of.

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Natural Sense latex mattress

Question from TA

Are you familiar with the Natural Sense brand of latex mattress? When looking for mattresses, there is so much to be aware of — whether or not fire retardants are used, whether the wool was processed organically, whether it’s truly natural latex or a blend with synthetic latex, and so forth. These mattresses appear to be the real deal, but I want to make sure I’m not overlooking something that would indicate that they aren’t actually non-toxic.

They are sold on the Foam Order website, as well as their own site.

I find their website a bit confusing. And there is alot of info on the sites. It’s alot to take in. But from what I can tell, it seems like a decent product. Your thoughts?

Debra’s Answer

Evaluating latex is a major subject to write about. I’ve been researching it for over a year and some major changes have taken place. I’ll write about it soon, but for now I’ll just comment on Natural Sense.

Well, first of all there is a mistake on their site. It says the natural latex foam is “FCS certified” but it isn’t. When you click on the link it takes you to a certification for Oeko-Tex Standard 100 certification, which means it does not contain a long list of chemicals.

There’s another mistake, “nontoxic organic rubber.” It’s certified nontoxic by Oeko-Tex but I don’t see any organic certification for the latex at all. They have a certificate for organic cotton and organic wool, but not organic latex.

And, they refer to their mattresses as “organic mattresses.” They actually can’t do that. An “organic mattress” means the entire process of materials and manufacture is organic and certified by GOTS. I don’t see any GOTS certification.

Their product may be just fine. But they don’t seem to be aware of what’s going on in the field of mattresses to know how to properly describe them.

When I see this, it makes me wonder if they really know how to make a natural mattress. I’ve never seen their mattress, I don’t know them at all, but this is what it looks like to me. When I see a site like this, I just pass. I could correct them, but what I’m really looking for are people who really know their stuff. People I can learn from because they are on the inside and can see and experience what is going on. That’s not the impression I get here.

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The Dangers of Exposure to Radiation and How to Protect Yourself

 steven-gilbert-2Toxicologist Steven G. Gilbert, PhD, DABT, a regular guest who is helping us understand the toxicity of common chemicals we may be frequently exposed to. Dr. Gilbert is Director and Founder of the Institute of Neurotoxicology and author of A Small Dose of Toxicology- The Health Effects of Common Chemicals.He received his Ph.D. in Toxicology in 1986 from the University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, is a Diplomat of American Board of Toxicology, and an Affiliate Professor in the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, University of Washington. His research has focused on neurobehavioral effects of low-level exposure to lead and mercury on the developing nervous system. Dr. Gilbert has an extensive website about toxicology called Toxipedia, which includes a suite of sites that put scientific information in the context of history, society, and culture.









The Dangers of Exposure to Radiation and How to Protect Yourself

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Steven G. Gilbert

Date of Broadcast: April 14, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio—where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and how we can live toxic-free because there are so many toxic chemicals around, so many toxic things that we’re exposed to that we need to be able to identify them, we need to know where they are, and we need to know what to do in order to protect our health—physical, mental, spiritual and our happiness, and raise our children well, and have a future, and just do everything that we want to do in life that often toxic chemicals prevent us from doing because they’re making our bodies sick.

Today, we’re going to be talking about radiation, and the reason that we’re talking about radiation today is because I saw an article we’ve all been watching for the past few years about Fukushima—the radiation coming from the nuclear plant when there was the earthquake.

And this spring, it’s being expected that radiation from Japan, from that earthquake, will be arriving, in small amounts, on the West Coast of the United States.

There was an article about how a group of people have gotten together to do, what they’re calling, a citizen scientist program. And they’re crowd-sourcing funding to have water tested along the West Coast, to find out how much were actually being exposed to this radiation.

And so if the federal government does not consider this to be a priority because the levels are so low, still, people, citizens, are considering this as to be something that we want to find out about. And I’m glad they are doing that.

There’s a website called, and there’s lots of information there that shows what’s going on as to how much radiation is happening. So that’s something that you can check on.

Another thing that prompted me to do this was last summer, I think it was, I interviewed a woman named Cory Trusty. She has a business where she makes soap. It’s called Aquarian Bath. And I interviewed her because she does not use plastic in her business. She’s a plastic-free business, and she wraps everything in paper, and all of that.

But one of the things that she makes is what she calls a detox soap with zeolite and activated charcoal and bentonite clay.

And she actually lives on the West Coast, and she has her own meter, so that she can check the radioactivity where she lives.

This was last summer. She found that there was sufficient radiation that she needed to develop this soap, so that when people are exposed to radiation, they can wash with this particular soap, and it will take the radiation off of their bodies.

So people are concerned about this. It’s invisible, it’s not something that you’re going to walk outside and say, “Oh, there’s radioactivity,” but it’s something that we need to understand and we need to learn how to protect ourselves.

So I have here today toxicologist, Dr. Stephen Gilbert. He’s been with us before. He’s the director and founder of the Institute of Neurotoxicology. He’s the author of A Small Dose of Toxicology—The Health Effects of Common Chemicals. And he has a wonderful site called

And before we start talking, I just want to tell you that you can go to, and everything that we’re going to talk about today is on the website for free, and you can read it. It’s in the chapter about radiation in his book, A Small Dose of Toxicology, and you can get that for free right on his website.

This is something that you’re probably going to want to read about. This is not enough just to have it go by and listen to it.

This is an important subject that we all need to be concerned about.

Hi, Dr. Gilbert. Hello?

STEPHEN G. GILBERT: Yes, I can hear you.

DEBRA: Okay, good. I can hear you. Hi.


DEBRA: So you’re over there on the West Coast of the United States where the radiation is coming.

STEPHEN G. GILBERT: I am. So we’re watching for it. It’s supposed to arrive next month or so, on the water, an ocean plumed of radioactivity at very low levels, but it’s not something we want to see on the West Coast.

DEBRA: No, it’s not. So if there’s a plume coming in on the ocean, would people be exposed to that if they’re not in the ocean?

STEPHEN G. GILBERT: No, it’s in the ocean. The thing to be concerned about is potential for fish to concentrate the radioactive particles. And there’s some concern about tuna [inaudible 00:05:19] along with fish [inaudible 00:05:22] particularly the [inaudible 00:05:24] part of the contaminants that were released by the Fukushima reactors—they’re melting down.

But these fish have been tested too, and they’re at very low levels, at least up until now.

DEBRA: Well, let’s see what happens. It’s something to watch out for. But tell us, I know you’ve been on before. I always like to start with people’s history, so why don’t you give us just a little bit of background about you, just for the people who haven’t heard you before.

STEPHEN G. GILBERT: My background is, I did a lot of work on lead and mercury. I was very interested in protecting children’s central nervous systems and making sure they could reach and maintain their full potential.

And from there, I wrote a book—A Small Dose of Toxicology. My view is that we have tremendous amounts of knowledge.

The challenge is using this knowledge to take [inaudible 00:06:15] and understanding the consequences of chemical exposures. You have to remember that children are not little adults. They eat more, breathe more, and drink more than adults do [inaudible 00:06:25] get a bigger exposure because children are more sensitive to radiation exposure, for example.

[inaudible 00:06:32] can get to the thyroids and cause thyroid cancer.

But my interest [inaudible 00:06:38] how do we make better decisions given the information we have, protecting children from lead, mercury exposure and other contaminants in our environment, and other chemicals we use.

DEBRA: And he’s doing a very good job at this. I find, out of all the information that I’ve read in the past 30 years, the easiest information to understand is Dr. Gilbert’s.

STEPHEN G. GILBERT: Thank you, Debra. That’s so kind of you.

DEBRA: You’re welcome. Well, it’s true. And I just think everybody should go to, and it’s the easiest place for a person who’s not a scientist to understand what the chemical exposures are, and some things that you can do about it.

And he’s also got some very fascinating information about the history, and ethics, and everything that has to do with toxicology.

STEPHEN G. GILBERT: For example, we highlighted Rachel Carson. It says in 1964, Rachel Carson died today in 1964.

DEBRA: I saw that and I was going to mention it, so I’m glad you mentioned it. Rachel Carson is one of my heroes. I think that most people don’t realize—I didn’t read, let’s see. How old was I in 1964? I was nine years old. Obviously, I wasn’t reading Silent Spring. But Silent Spring is such a perennial classic that I could have read it at any point in time, but I didn’t, even though I was interested in toxics.

I didn’t read it until about three years ago, I think. I read it one summer. And all of a sudden, I realized that I had always thought that it was an environmental book because she was talking about the birds. That’s why it’s called Silent Spring because the birds weren’t singing anymore because the pesticides had killed them.

And so I always thought of it as being environment. But then I hit this chapter where she talked about pesticides in human exposure. And I realized that that was probably the very first book on human, for the general public, about human exposures to toxic chemicals—that that was a warning way back in 1964.

And yet, nobody was doing anything about it.

STEPHEN G. GILBERT: Yes, there’s a great quote from Rachel Carson. It’s on the front page of Toxipedia right now. It says, “We are rightly appalled by the genetic effects of radiation. How then can we be indifferent to the same effects in chemicals we disseminate widely in our environment?”

She’s a remarkable, amazing woman.

DEBRA: She is. And I highly recommend that you also, everybody also, read Silent Spring. It’s such a context for where we are today, and that all these things were known back in 1964. And it’s [inaudible 00:09:22] so long to do what we need to do to make things right.

But that’s part of why we’re here on Toxic Free Talk Radio in order to push this forward.

We’re going to take a break.

STEPHEN G. GILBERT: [inaudible 00:09:34] using the information we have to make the decisions. And we’ve known a lot of this stuff back when—Rachel Carson’s time. And we’re still overexposing ourselves to pesticides, just using chemicals, not understanding the toxic properties, and exposing our children to them.

We’re not thinking about the future generation.

DEBRA: Well, you and I are making a difference about this, I know. We’re going to take a break, and then we’ll come back, and we’ll find out about radiation.

This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is toxicologist, Stephen Gilbert, and his website is


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is toxicologist, Dr. Stephen Gilbert. We’re talking about radiation.

Dr. Gilbert, would you explain what radiation is?

STEPHEN G. GILBERT: That’s a big question.

DEBRA: It is a big question, and I always get confused about it.

STEPHEN G. GILBERT: We need to [inaudible 00:10:30] from photosynthesis onwards, and when we look at the sun, I’m sure everybody enjoys a little sunshine. And that sunshine is important for the warmth it provides, as well as the photosynthesis of the plants. So really, it sustains life.

But as with all things, and we know the sun can also be dangerous. [inaudible 00:10:50] too much, [inaudible 00:10:51] sunburn, and that could be very hazardous to our health.

So it’s always a balance, and that’s called non-ionizing radiation. We’ve [inaudible 00:11:00] radiation for our cell phones, for our telephone communication that uses enormous amounts of energy and a lot of that is radiation.

And the ionizing radiation is what’s given off [inaudible 00:11:13] particles that are decaying, and that can damage our health. And they come in the form of alpha and beta particles, and gamma rays. So there’s a wide spectral radiation. A lot of it [inaudible 00:11:26] radiation came at the turn of the century.

Marie Curie, for example, was one of the leaders in this, about [inaudible 00:11:31]. But it was really not until World War II, during the 40’s, that we learned how to build nuclear reactors, and the first reactor to go critical [inaudible 00:11:41].

The B Reactor was in Richland, Washington at the Hanford [inaudible 00:11:46] area. [inaudible 00:11:48] called Hanford Nuclear Testing Grounds. And the B Reactor produced plutonium. So that’s what these reactors did. It really manufactured plutonium, and learning how to do that was really incredibly scientifically challenging, as well as really interesting.

But the tragic part was the plutonium can be used to create nuclear weapons.

And they did that. The first nuclear bomb was [inaudible 00:12:11] Trinity, and another bomb was the [inaudible 00:12:13] constructed bomb to strike Nagasaki.

But the basic design of the reactors went on to create nuclear power reactors. And you have to remember that nuclear power reactor is basically boiled water to drive big turbines. So this produces radioactive waste, and that’s very hazardous.

And we’ve struggled to deal with this radioactive waste problem for a long time.

And that’s when the reactors melt down, like in Fukushima. There had been other nuclear reactor accidents too from [inaudible 00:12:43] in Chernobyl. It contaminated enormous amounts of the earth, and displaced millions and millions of people.

And we have millions and millions of people now in the United States [inaudible 00:12:54] that live within 50-miles of a nuclear reactor [inaudible 00:12:58]. [inaudible 00:12:59] and be aware that there are potential hazards in nuclear reactors and meltdown in Fukushima, is just an example of that.

So radiation is a broad subject. I really encourage you to read the chapter of radiation of my book, A Small Dose of Toxicology, gives an overview of that. [inaudible 00:13:18] go to a lot more details about it, but it’s a complicated subject, but it really deserves some study.

DEBRA: Now, could you explain—because this is where I think it becomes confusing for a lot of people. And I had to separate this out for myself. So when we are using a cell phone, we’re being exposed to radiation, but there are also radioactive particles. There are particles coming in the ocean, and they get into a fish, and then we eat them. And that particle gets into our bodies.

So can you explain the difference between these two things?

STEPHEN G. GILBERT: Yes. That’s a fairly important distinction. So the radiation that’s come from our microwave power and our cell phones, and many other gadgets that we use—Wi-Fi signals for example. And some people do seem to have some sensitivity with this radiation is the non-ionizing radiation. So it’s low energy, and generally does no harm.

The ionizing radiation [inaudible 00:14:22] the particles [inaudible 00:14:25] plutonium, uranium, and other radioactive elements. [inaudible 00:14:32] more energetic particles, and they can create ions that can damage the DNA.

So the radioactive particles, if we absorb those radioactive materials, they can damage the DNA, and the DNA could then mutate and start dividing, and become cancerous.

So for example, plutonium—you can hold plutonium in your hands because it’s by large an [inaudible 00:14:55] particles have very low energetic in larger particles, so they cannot penetrate the skin. But the problem is if you inhale plutonium, and get that particle in your lungs, it [inaudible 00:15:06] your DNA, it can cause lung cancer.

So it really depends on what kind of exposures you have, whether it’s an internal dose exposure, or an external dose.

And then there are beta particles that are more energetic. It can travel through paper, but a block of wood can stop them, so they don’t travel as far. And gamma radiation is highly damaging, very energetic. The gamma rays require lead or concrete to stop them. That’s the best way to sum it up—what are low energy or high energy particles.

And the most dangerous ones are the ionized radiation, the high energy particles—the alpha, beta and gamma rays.

DEBRA: So how prevalent is it if I’m just walking around in the world at large, and I’m not getting x-rays or something like that? How are we being exposed, and are we being exposed to a degree that we should be concerned about?

STEPHEN G. GILBERT: We are always being exposed, and our bodies try to repair some of the damaged caused, for example, by the sun. But if you walk outside in the sun, and you’re being exposed to radiation, toxic radiation, if you go into an airplane, and you fly, you increase your exposure to cosmic rays.

And we can tolerate some of that and there are standards about that. So we’re all exposed [inaudible 00:16:34] radiation.

People who live in higher elevations are exposed to more radiation.

Then we can also have radiation from sun contributes to global warming and greenhouse gasses that stop the radiation and trap the heat from the energy of the sun.

So there are many aspects to radiation. The concern is if you’re [inaudible 00:16:56] radioactive particles or [inaudible 00:16:56] material exposed to that, you can damage your DNA. And that’s why people who work around nuclear reactors, they have [inaudible 00:17:06] exposure to radioactive materials, trying to limit that damage.

But we also use radiation a lot. For example, dental x-rays, x-rays in hospitals, CT scans—all these use ionizing radiation x-rays that have the potential of higher dose to damage your DNA. And you use those materials, for example, radiation, in chemotherapy that’s used to kill the dividing cells of cancer. But on the other hand, it can also cause cancer.

So we have very tenuous relationships with radiation.

DEBRA: Good. We need to take a break, but we’ll find out more about radiation, and what we can do to protect ourselves, and how much of a danger it is when we come back. My guest today is Dr. Stephen Gilbert. He’s a toxicologist. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and you’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is toxicologist, Stephen Gilbert. Ph.D. He’s the author of A Small Dose of Toxicology—The Health Effects of Common Chemicals. And you can get a free copy of this book at his website,

It’s a book that I think everyone should have if you only become aware of this shortlist of chemicals in Dr. Gilbert’s book, and do something about those, we’ll all go a long way towards eliminating a lot of toxics in the world. It’s just an excellent guide.

And I just think everyone on the planet should have one.

And since it’s free, everybody can have one. It’s just a matter of distributing it around.

So before we go on, Dr. Gilbert, I just want to point out some consumer product sources of radioactive materials. I have made an article on my website called Are You Protected from Radiation Exposure?

Actually, you can just go to Go up to the menu at the top, and there’s a little icon that looks like a magnifying glass. Click on that and type in the word “radiation.” And anything I’ve ever written about radiation will come up.

And in this article, it’s got some wonderful links to various websites that will explain to you in easy terms about what radiation is. But there are also two links that I’ve included about where you find radiation, radioactive materials in consumer products.

And some of the surprising places you might find it is in dinnerware, especially they pointed out [inaudible 00:19:49] in some bathroom tile, in porcelain dentures, let’s see what else—there’s actually some old glass that’s green and yellow called uranium glass that actually has radioactive uranium in it. There’s also a camera lens, low sodium salt—in fact, in particular, anything that has potassium in it is more radioactive than things that have sodium in it.

Glossy magazines, let’s see what else—anti-diarrhea medication, smoke detectors, cat litter. There are a lot of things here that you just wouldn’t think of—water softener, salt, a tape dispenser.

I don’t know how much is in any of these things. But one of the things that we should just be aware of is that these things are all over the place, and the more we’re exposed to them—cigarette smoke.

Actually, in this article, it says, that I was just showing you—let me quote it to you from the EPA. The EPA says by far the largest radiation dose received by the public comes from smoking cigarettes. And they while cigarette smoke is not an obvious source of radiation exposure, it contains small amounts of radioactive materials which smokers bring into their lungs as they inhale. They lodge in the lung tissue, and over time, contribute a huge radioactive dose.

So even if you’re not smoking, if you’re living with somebody who smokes, or you’re breathing cigarette smoke, that’s radioactive exposure.

So obviously, this is something that is out there. There are two things I just want to recommend, and then we’ll go back to Dr. Gilbert. There are two things I want to recommend that you can do to lessen your radioactive exposure.

One is that if you think you have any radiation in your water, there’s a water filter that I have the link on it on this page that removes radiation. And this is the only water filter I’ve ever found that removes radiation. So if that’s a concern for you, if you think it’s raining radiation and getting into your water system, or anything, any reason that you have to believe, then you can actually remove radiation from your water.

Another thing that you hear our commercials for every day on my radio show is liquid zeolite, pure body liquid zeolite. And that will remove radiation from your body, if you have radiation in your body. Zeolite is the thing that they use when there was a meltdown in a nuclear reactor. They bring in the zeolite to absorb the radiation. And so this zeolite product will remove radiation from parts of your body.

So again, just go to, and click on the little magnifying glass icon, type in “radiation,” and you’ll get several different articles that I have written with more information about where it is in consumer products, and what you can do.

Okay, back to you, Dr. Gilbert.

STEPHEN G. GILBERT: Yes, I wanted to mention too another [supporting] source is radon gasses. So radon can [inaudible 00:23:15], so I encourage your listeners to have their homes [inaudible 00:23:18] for radon, to clean certain parts of their [inaudible 00:23:21]. It tends to be more [inaudible 00:23:24] hard rock foundations—Pennsylvania for example.

And you can accumulate radon gasses which are radioactive. And if you’re a smoker, you’ll increase probability of lung cancer from inhalation of radon gas.

DEBRA: And of course, if you’re smoking around children, you’ll increase their chances of cancer as well.

Tell us about the health effects of radiation.

STEPHEN G. GILBERT: So there are different health effects. The primary one is [inaudible 00:23:54] about cancer. For example, and you have to [inaudible 00:23:56] elements are positive. Strontium, for example, goes to bone, so it can damage the bone marrow and cause leukemia and other blood types of cancers.

If you get plutonium or other particles in your lungs, you can get lung cancer. And the particles also go to your kidneys. [inaudible 00:24:14] substitutes for potassium, so it distributes [inaudible 00:24:20] phosphorous, it distributes throughout the body. So that can cause radioactivity in a variety of organs.

So my primary concern is cancer, although exposure to radioactive gamma rays, for example, can increase likelihood of glaucoma, and having it in the lungs or the lenses in the eye, and other things like that.

So there’s a range of health effects, but the primary one is concern about cancer—the damage to [inaudible 00:24:48] resulting from damage to your DNA.

DEBRA: Yes, that just seems like such a fundamental thing—to damage your DNA.

STEPHEN G. GILBERT: Yes. Like I mentioned, we have some kind of repair mechanisms, but that can easily be overwhelmed. And everybody’s familiar with skin cancers that are caused by too much exposure to the sun. And we actually use sun blocks and other chemicals to block—sunscreens, but they also have their own side effects, and many of them now use nanoparticles to block the sun’s rays.

And the greenhouse gasses in the ozone reduce the amount of ozone, and [inaudible 00:25:24] increases ultraviolet light, and ultraviolet light is more energetic, and that causes increase of likelihood of skin cancers.

So we have to be very careful to guard our natural environment. The earth is a very precious thing that is being damaged by our release of materials. I think that [inaudible 00:25:42] materials, and you gave a great list of the, Debra, is [inaudible 00:25:45] increase in the background radiation [inaudible 00:25:49] Fukushima is really increasing the background radiation [inaudible 00:25:54] in our environment.

We don’t really want to go there.

DEBRA: No, we don’t need that. We need to take another break. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest is Dr. Stephen Gilbert. His website is where you can get a whole lot of information about radiation, and all kinds of other toxic chemicals. It’s the best, most complete, most easy to understand information that I think is on the internet. And so I hope you all will go there and get a free copy of A Small Dose of Toxicology.

And we’ll be right back to talk more about radiation.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Dr. Stephen Gilbert, toxicologist, author of A Small Dose of Toxicology, and his website, where you can get a free copy of his book, is

Dr. Gilbert, one of the things I love about your work is that it’s very interesting to read all the historical associations that you have. You just don’t tell us, for example, that radiation causes cancer. You tell us a story of how they discovered that.

Would you tell us that story?

STEPHEN G. GILBERT: Yes, that’s a very interesting story, how that came about, and starting at the turn of the century, what [inaudible 00:27:11] and other that discovered the x-ray, about Curie discovering uranium. It’s really the fundamentals of science that were discovered from Einstein, [inaudible 00:27:21] and developing of, as I’ve mentioned before, the B

Reactor, and the Manhattan Project in Chicago [inaudible 00:27:28].

The B Reactor at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation was the first large scale reactor to go critical, and they built a number of other reactors to create plutonium.

So the first use of nuclear was with x-rays, and [inaudible 00:27:44] evolved into creating nuclear weapons. [inaudible 00:27:48] talk about that—the nuclear power because right now, the nuclear power plants that were [inaudible 00:27:53] peace program were—Fukushima’s [inaudible 00:28:00] Mark II, Mark I and Mark II reactors were not very safe. That’s what melted down in Fukushima.

But these reactors were basically designed to boil water, and create steam to their electricity. The nuclear reaction at Hanford was designed with a different purpose—to create plutonium, to extract plutonium for nuclear weapons.

[inaudible 00:28:19] northwest, and Bangor Submarine Base is one of the largest concentration of nuclear weapons in the world. We spend enormous quantities of money [inaudible 00:28:29] radiation. And this is the legacy of the Cold War, but somehow that war is ongoing with nuclear weapons. And then we create all this nuclear waste from the nuclear power reactors.

So [inaudible 00:28:42] be thoughtful about radiation, and the creation of more radioactive materials that we’re doing for the war efforts, as well as for nuclear power. So I think that it has a long complicated history. We tried to document some of the history, particularly around Hanford, in a website called The Washington Nuclear Museum and Education Center, which [inaudible 00:29:04] look at the worldwide implication of Hanford.

[inaudible 00:29:07] some more insights and history of this [inaudible 00:29:10] nuclear weapons that [inaudible 00:29:12] in Las Vegas, when you get tired of gambling and things like that, the Nuclear Testing Museum, that’s within walking distance from the Center Las Vegas, go over there and look at the number of weapons that were detonated. Over a thousand nuclear weapons were detonated outside of Las Vegas to [inaudible 00:29:28] radiation.

There are a lot of studies done on health effects. And we [inaudible 00:29:34] Marshall islands’ story, a really important culture there.

So have done a lot of damage with nuclear material, and we continue to do that with our exposure of radiation material, and increasing the background levels of radiation in our environment.

It’s why I urge people to [inaudible 00:29:51] legacy of [inaudible 00:29:57] material. We’re really creating a lot of waste for future generations to deal with.

DEBRA: I agree. And I think that something like using nuclear weapons and the nuclear waste that comes from nuclear power plants, it seems like such a big issue. It’s not like going into a grocery store and buying organic [inaudible 00:30:18].
What are some of the things that we can do to help that bigger problem?

STEPHEN G. GILBERT: This is a huge issue. A lot of our nuclear plants are aging. I would urge everybody to look around, and look at the nuclear power plants that they have in their state and ask [inaudible 00:30:37] questions.

When we have that campaign right now in Washington, we have one nuclear reactor. It’s the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

And ask the questions about how that plant is doing, and are we really generating energy that is useful. It’s useful energy, but what are the byproducts generation? What are the waste products that are being produced? Where is the waste going?

Right now, we don’t have any plans for the nuclear waste [inaudible 00:31:06]. These plants generate enormous quantities of nuclear waste from the [inaudible 00:31:11] fuel rods that are using these reactors.

And also, the nuclear weapons industry, it’s enormous. We spend a lot of money on that. We’re now looking at redesigning nuclear bombs when what we really need to be doing is retiring these weapons and urge our congressional leaders to move toward a nuclear-free United States.

DEBRA: Yay. Yes. And I would just say that in my own life, I’ve noticed that there are ways to be with people that result in conflict, and ways to be with people that result in harmony and friendship. And I, for one, don’t think that we need to have nuclear bombs. I think what we need to do is improve our relations with other countries. And I think that that’s possible that we can live in a [inaudible 00:31:55].

STEPHEN G. GILBERT: I really agree with that. If you look worldwide, the issues with North Korea and South Korea, North Korea nuclear weapons, India and Pakistan is a very serious area. The positions for self-responsibility just [inaudible 00:32:09] report on [inaudible 00:32:11] that is the Pakistan and India [inaudible 00:32:13] even a minor exchange of nuclear weapons, it could kill 2-billion people from creating a nuclear famine from the dust and the changes in the environment that were let loose by just the detonation of very few nuclear weapons.

So we don’t need nuclear weapons to solve world problems. There’s no problem it’s going to solve.

DEBRA: I think that everybody should just lay down their nuclear weapons and if we have to have pistols at dawn or whatever, do something else, but don’t use nuclear weapons because that would just be a tragic [inaudible 00:32:46]

STEPHEN G. GILBERT: [inaudible 00:32:46] submarines roaming the ocean with nuclear weapons in them.

DEBRA: No, I totally agree with that. I totally agree. Well, the story I wanted you to tell us was about the Radium Girls.

STEPHEN G. GILBERT: The Radium Girls, that’s a fascinating story. So the Radium Girls, after World War I, you can’t even [inaudible 00:33:08] also used this during World War II to [inaudible 00:33:13].

But the Radium Girls worked for a corporation that was painting [inaudible 00:33:17] painted the watch dials and other instrument. And they used the tips of these brushes to paint the radium onto the watches, and they would sharpen these tips by putting it in their mouth.

But the radium is a bone-seeking radioactive material. And the radium would get into the bones and cause cancers of various sorts, mouth sores and things like that.

There were some jokes about, “Radium just make your teeth glow a little bit better.”

But t turned out, the owner of these plants and the scientists involved [inaudible 00:33:48] material but just didn’t take [inaudible 00:33:53]. The workers were not given any guides in taking any precautions.

So five of the women that were exposed to radiation were dying from radium exposure sued, and this is one of the first suits that resulted in monetary compensation. It really set the stage to some changes in workplace injuries and considerations of workplace exposure to materials—not just radium. But radium is a classic example of workers being exploited and exposed to very toxic material while where knowledgeable people are very cautious about it.

So it’s a great story. I urge you to take a look at that story, and look into the Radium Girls. There’s a play about it, and I think a movie.

DEBRA: A movie? Wow. You have in the radium chapter of A Small Dose of Toxicology, there’s a little quote from an article where it tells about how the women painted their teeth and faces, and then turned off the lights for a laugh.

And I can just see these women being completely innocent, and not knowing that they’re putting radioactive stuff on their faces. And yet they’re doing it because it would make them light up, just like the dials.

STEPHEN G. GILBERT: Yes, [inaudible 00:35:05]. It’s really tragic. It’s a really horrible situation, and it is completely avoidable.

DEBRA: And another example of this workplace exposure that’s even earlier was the mercury that was used to make hats.

The phrase “the Mad Hatter” came from hat makers being exposed to mercury, which affected [inaudible 00:35:28].

STEPHEN G. GILBERT: The Mad Hatter [inaudible 00:35:29], Alice in Wonderland, the Mat Hatter from exposure to mercury from hat building. And that was another really important story in trying to understand how [inaudible 00:35:40].

Both of these we knew are potential hazards, and we just disregarded workplace safety.

DEBRA: And that’s still going on. That’s still going on.

STEPHEN G. GILBERT: We need to be always vigil about that.

DEBRA: Yes, that needs to be fixed. There’s so much work to do. Anyway, we only have about a minute left. Are there any final words you’d like to give?

STEPHEN G. GILBERT: I think that we really need to be thinking about future generations, and creation of more nuclear waste is not consistent with our concern about future generations and child health because somebody has to deal with this waste. We have no good [inaudible 00:36:15] right now, and we definitely need to curtail our use of nuclear weapons, and reducing our nuclear weapons.

There’s no reason for the world to have 17,000 nuclear weapons in the world and spend billions and billions of dollars on management and developing new delivery systems for nuclear weapons.

So radiation is all over the place. We need to be very cautious about it. I urge everybody to learn a little bit more about it.

DEBRA: Thank you so much. And a good way to learn about it, as I said before, is to go to There’s free information just right there that you can find about radiation. You can also read the radiation chapter in A Small Dose of Toxicology, Dr. Gilbert’s free book about toxic chemical exposures and what you can do, so you can understand the chemicals.

You can also go to my website, Go up to the menu at the top. There’s a little icon that looks like a magnifying glass. Just click on that and type “radiation” in the search box, and several articles will come up, and you can find out more about what you can do to protect yourself more about where those toxic chemicals in consumer products. You can find out about Cory Trusty’s soap that you can wash radiation off your skin if you’re exposed to it.

And there are just lots of information about all kinds of toxic chemicals, and what you can do about it on my website Again, that’s And thank you very much, Dr. Gilbert, for being with us today.

STEPHEN G. GILBERT: You’re very welcome. I really appreciate your show, Debra. Thank you so much.

DEBRA: Thank you.

Wallpaper seam repair

Question from di

I have severe MCS. I’m looking for a way to repair wallpaper seams.

I love the old wallpaper and would just like to re-stick some of the edges and seams without it showing or aging on the paper.

What would you suggest?

I have two types of old paper…….the paper variety and old vinyl of some sort.



Debra’s Answer

I’ve never repaired wallpaper. Haven’t a clue.

Readers, any suggestions?

Add Comment

Is There Lead in Mikasa Antique White Dinnerware?

Question from Kim

I recently purchased Mikasa’s Antique White Dinnerware set, but a friend of mine told me that I should not because it contains lead. I cannot find anything definitive on the web that confirms or contradicts this. Can you help direct me to an authoritative source that addresses this concern? Thank you advance for your assistance.

Debra’s Answer

This is a thorny question. I did quite a lot of research on this some years back and the gist of it was:

* all the companies now say their products meet state and federal guidelines (I just called Mikasa and that’s what they said
* there’s no such thing as 100% lead free because there is lead in the clay naturally and lead in the atmosphere.

The only way to know is to test. The least expensive way to test for lead is with LeadCheck swabs, which you can get for about $25 in the paint department at Home Depot.

Read more:

Is Cermic Dishware Safe?
Safe Dinnerware
Dishware Labeled “Prop 65 Compliant for Lead & Cadmium”

The Logic and Science Behind the Paleo Diet

Liz WolfeMy guest today is Liz Wolf, author of Eat the Yolks, an excellent book that gives all the logic and science behind the Paleo diet. Liz is a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP™) certified by the Nutritional Therapy Association who is passionate about dismantling widespread nutrition myths and discovering the truth about food. eat-the-yolksShe works with individuals, businesses, and nonprofits to develop nutrition programming based around real, whole foods, and she documents her personal adventures in cooking, nutrition, and homesteading on her much-loved blog. When she’s not enjoying fresh eggs from her free-range chicken flock or hanging out with her goats, dog, or husband, she’s serving as ambassador for her favorite nonprofits: Steve’s Club National Program, which provides athletic training and mentorship to at-risk youth; and The First Twenty, an organization dedicated to improving the long-term health of America’s firefighters.





The Logic and Science Behind the Paleo Diet

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Liz Wolf

Date of Broadcast: April 20, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic-free.

Today is Thursday, April 10th, 2014. And I’m here in Clearwater, Florida, where the sun is shining, and there’s a nice little breeze, so it’s a beautiful spring day.

And today, we’re going to talk about food again. If you’ve been listening all week, we’ve had a preponderance of food shows this week. But that’s just the way it falls. I do try to do some programming, so that it makes sense and there’s a variety. But sometimes, people are available in certain days, and so a lot of food people were available this week.

But food is an extremely important subject. It’s so, so important because the whole issue of toxic chemicals is very present in foods. But there’s also the issue of food themselves having a harmful effect on your body. Even if you just go to the store, and buy a piece of meat, or buy eggs, or produce or something, if you buy certain ones that have certain—the way they were raised, or toxic chemicals in them and things, even just regular old food can be harmful to your health, and there are better choices to be made.

But today, we’re actually going to talk about the Paleo diet because I’ve been writing about that on my food blog at I recent went on a Paleo diet for 30 days, and lost some weight, and my blood sugar went down, and my thyroid got better. And so I was very pleased with that result, and have been continuing on that.

But also, if you were listening yesterday, I also have a lot of experience with the Weston Price diet and those principles. And so today, we’re going to talk about the Paleo diet. And my guest is—I had a page open where I was going to tell you all about my guest.

My guest is Liz Wolf, and she’ll actually tell you about herself.

She’s the author of a book called “Eat the Yolks—Discover Paleo, Fight Food Price, and Reclaim Your Health.”

When I started reading this book, I couldn’t put it down. Fortunately, I was at a point where I had a few days where I was waiting a lot somewhere, and needed something to do, and I was able to sit here and read the book, which I read from cover to cover because it has a lot of information in it about what are the problems with food and what are the good food choices.

So, we’ll find out all about that today.

Hi, Liz.

LIZ WOLF: Thanks for having me on here for your food boot camp week.

DEBRA: You’re welcome. Well, I think you’re a good person to have on because—well, tell us your story because you, like me, like everybody else who has made a transition, started out eating just regular, standard American food. And we’ve made changes in our lives.

Let’s hear about that first. How did you go from eating standard American food to the wonderful diet you have today?

LIZ WOLF: Oh, my, I feel like I bounced around probably much like most people do when they’re trying to figure out what to eat.

DEBRA: I did that too.

LIZ WOLF: We’re told to eat one thing, and I guess, I probably considered the standard American diet, whatever the government was saying was supposed to be healthy. I’m sure that was always on the back of my mind as “Well, that’s what we’re supposed to eat.” And that’s the baseline, and that’s how you get as healthy you can get. It’s probably by eating the standard American diet.

However, I did a lot of diet with a capital D dieting—bouncing around from this diet food, which is certainly packaged, processed, boxed, bagged, encapsulated, all kinds of processed junk that had the word “natural” or “diet” or “low calorie” or “low carb” or whatever that’s plastered across it that wasn’t necessarily one of the recommendations of the US government.

But at that point, I don’t know if I was really seeking health or seeking weight loss at all cost or whatever I was looking for.

But I was certainly floundering and bouncing around quite a bit from diet to diet. And all the while, I think my body was showing the signs of toxicity.

I’ve dealt with acne. And from the time I was very young, I had eczema in my arms and my ears. And I was tired. I didn’t sleep well. I just wasn’t happy with my body. And I think that’s evident, not just the way I felt, but also in the fact that I never stuck with one thing because nothing ever enlightened me in any way.

DEBRA: I know. I know. I felt when I did this Paleo diet for 30 days—and I’m still doing it. And so it’s been maybe three months now, I think. When did I start it? The end of January, January or February, March. So it’s a little over two months.

But what I felt was that I had finally come home to the list of foods that worked for my body well. I knew that I could just eat off this list, and put it together in any way that I wanted to, and that my body would feel good day after day.

And then after the first 30 days, then I went, and I tried to eat some other things, that didn’t work so well. I just went back to my list. My body calming down.

I think that these are the foods that our bodies are designed to eat. And it’s a matter of recognizing that and figuring out all the things that you need to do to make that transition.

So, particularly, how did you find Paleo, and what was it like for you to start that?

LIZ WOLF: What happened was I was still on the same track of trying to change my body through whatever extreme diet and exercise I could find, and I had heard about this thing called CrossFit, which was apparently the toughest workout that I would ever do.

And so I reached out to a local gym. At the time, I was looking in Kansas City. So I went to this gym with the expectation that I would get some counseling as to how to cut more calories without—I think I said on the book “without passing out on my way to the break room” out of total exhaustion while getting a really, really tough workout. And what I ended up getting was an education in real food.

Sometimes, I call it Paleo, and sometimes I call it real food. Truly, it doesn’t so much matter to me because at this point I think it’s just real food. It’s just real, whole, single ingredient foods that people have eating for hundreds and thousands of years. So, thinking of it that way makes more sense to me.

But what ended up happening at this gym was yes, I got a great workout, a more functional workout than I ever had before.

But I also got a hold of this idea that if I wanted to feel better, if I wanted to look better, I need to just feel better. And if I wanted to feel better, I needed to eat real food.

And so, I started incorporating this principle, and wow, I see improvements in my energy levels and my skin. And I start to also not so much—I don’t want to say that, “all of a sudden, I lost all this weight, and I met all my goals.” My goals change. I didn’t care so much about […] as much as I cared about health, and feeling great, and being as capable as I could possibly be.

So, my whole life changed just from A to Z since my introduction to real food.

DEBRA: Yes. Well, you’re being nourished. That was one of the things that I found was that even though—

When I was six years old, my mother—and this was a long time ago—my mother was very interested in health foods. This was before natural food stores, health food stores.

So, there was a store where I lived in Oakland, California (it’s probably still there). It’s a big center where they ground their whole wheat flour fresh, and they had bulk nuts and dried fruits and all these health food store things.

So, she had the idea that we should drink something that she called green drink which is probably equivalent to what we would call a green smoothie now. And so she would take all these greens—lettuce and spinach and celery, and all these things—and just put them in a blender. It was not a very good blender, so it came out goopy.

LIZ WOLF: A little bit chunky.

DEBRA: It was yucky. No, she had another one. I was going to say she put a Maraschino cherry at the bottom. But she had this other one. We had a green drink and a pink drink. And this was our healthy diet. It was green drink and pink drink.
Pink drink was cottage cheese and milk and strawberry-flavored Quick. Do you know what that is? Nestle’s Quick?

LIZ WOLF: Yes, I do.

DEBRA: Yes. Okay, so strawberry-flavored Quick. And at the bottom was a Maraschino cherry because that was the only way she could get us to drink it. It tasted so horrible. And the texture was so horrible.

But then after that, she gave up on that. And so my diet was McDonald’s, Shakey’s Pizza and Jack in the Box, and TV dinners.

And then I became an adult, and I decided that I was going to make my own food choices.

But we’ll talk about that after we come back from the break.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Liz Wolf. She’s going to be talking about some food myths and the good things to eat.

We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Liz Wolf, author of Eat the Yolks.

Liz, now, I have my piece of paper in front of me. So you are a nutritional therapy practitioner, certified nutritional therapy practitioner. What is that?

LIZ WOLF: A nutritional therapy practitioner is basically a holistic nutrition professional. I’m certified by the Nutritional Therapy Association.

And what I do with a client would be to just evaluate the nutrient content of what they’re eating, their challenges with regards to digestion or maybe potential mineral deficiencies, that type of that, and just help them carve out a diet that’s appropriate for them and what they’re dealing with.

I have to be very clear about my credentials. I am not a registered dietician. I’m not a clinical nutritionist. So there are limits to what I can do, but I certainly can help people get a little better nourished.

DEBRA: And you could help them transition to a real food diet like what we’re going to be talking about today, as opposed to—I don’t want to say anything bad about regular nutritionists. But aren’t usual nutritionists trained in other ways of thinking?

Like you would go to an ordinary nutritionist and say, “Can you help me be on a Paleo diet?”

LIZ WOLF: Generally, that’s not going to go over well.

DEBRA: Good! So, somebody needs some help making this kind of transition, they could go to you, or they could go to someone else who is a nutritional therapy practitioner.

LIZ WOLF: Absolutely! And is the website for the governing organization if you want to find somebody near you. And a lot of us, a lot of the nutritional therapy practitioners in the United States, we’re writing books, we’re talking about these things online. So a lot of this information we’re putting out there for free, or for a lot less than the cost of a consultation because so many people truly have the same questions, the same concerns.

When I talk about in Eat the Yolks is the history of how we got here because one of the biggest questions I get is “If all this food is toxic, and we should be eating these other foods that we’ve been told to be afraid of, how is that even possible? How did we even get here?” And I think that’s important information.

DEBRA: Well, how did we get here?

LIZ WOLF: Oh, my goodness.

DEBRA: I know. It’s a whole book worth. We’re not going to get through the whole entire thing. But before we start talking about that, why don’t you just describe—you have in your book a basic food philosophy in a hundred words. Why don’t you just give your summary of what you think people should eat?

LIZ WOLF: Just real food, the food that has always been food in some form—animals that are raised in their natural environment and plants that are grown in nutrient-dense soil.

DEBRA: And so, what you’re really getting is very high nutrient-dense food, as opposed to, even if you were to go to the supermarket, and buy a fresh apple, it’s not going to have as much nutrition as if you were to get an organic apple, for example, and it’s also going to have lots of pesticides in it.

So, if you buy that organic apple, you’re getting good nutrition, and you’re also getting not toxic chemicals.

So, it’s important with real foods that you buy the pastured beef and all of those things because those are the products that have more nutrients in them, yes?

LIZ WOLF: Yes. And I know that’s actually one of the biggest challenges, I think, that folks face, is having to shop different.

Our industrial food system, number one, is set up so that we’re really dependent on it. Most people have forgotten how to grow and raise their own food, and that is a tragedy because many of us cannot, even if we wanted to, be responsible for our own nourishment. We have to rely on other people and on supermarkets and what-not.

But I think that paradigm is very rapidly fainting, I think, in part thanks to the Weston A. Price Foundation, the Paleo Movement, people that are really emphasizing and demanding better food. We’re starting to see more grass-fed beef even at the supermarket and you see a lot more local farms listed on

Farmers markets are—five years ago, there were no farmers markets where I lived. And now, there are two huge farmers markets. So it’s becoming more affordable and more possible to shop that way, and get really nutrient-rich food more so than it was five years ago which is really encouraging.

DEBRA: I agree. I see that too. And I am very encouraged about it. I think it’s still more expensive to buy these foods. But if you do things—

Sally Fallon was on yesterday, and we were talking that I was raising chickens in my backyard (and I see you raise chickens too). It was very inexpensive to raise my chickens, and get those pastured eggs right in my own backyard. I can now buy pastured eggs at my local natural food store.

But I was talking to the stockperson, and he was saying that they got this special deal on these pastured eggs. And so they were selling them for the same prices just as organic eggs like $4 a dozen. He said, usually, the price would be $7 or $8 per a dozen eggs that I could get in my own backyard for less than $4 a dozen.

But I did have chickens and the police came and took them away. I’ve said that many times on this show because it annoys me that I can’t have chickens in my backyard.

LIZ WOLF: It absolutely blows my mind that we are literally prevented by law from raising our own nutrient-dense food appropriately in a low-waste environment in our own homes.

DEBRA: Yes, and I think that that’s one of the obstacles that needs to be overcome. It’s another thing that is getting better and better in different localities across the nation where some of these old laws against people having chickens in their backyards are being overturned by popular demand.

Unfortunately, that hasn’t happened in my community yet, but we’re working on it because I think that we should have the freedom to grow our own food, even in our front yards instead of a lawn.

LIZ WOLF: Agreed, agreed.

DEBRA: Yes, absolutely. So there are so many questions I want to ask you, but we’re already coming very close to the break, and I don’t want to ask you a question and have you start and not be able to finish. So tell us just a little about your chickens for a few seconds.

LIZ WOLF: My chickens are silver laced Wyandotte. We ended up with one rooster. We got pullets. They’re a breed that can be fixed. So when they hatch, you’re supposed to be able to tell the male from the females. So we did end up with one rooster.

We started out with 18. And unfortunately, this is our first year of homesteading adventures, and we’ve learned a lot of lessons the hard ways. So we’ve lost some to stray dogs and a couple to sky predators.

But they’re wonderful. They provide us with eggs every day, and we couldn’t be more grateful for that.

DEBRA: Yes, I just love chickens. I love chickens. I love chickens.

LIZ WOLF: They’re so funny.

DEBRA: They are. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest is Liz Wolf, author of Eat the Yolks. She has a website,, where she has a blog and all kinds of things. So you can check that out too.

We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Liz Wolf, author of Eat the Yolks.

And her website is

Liz, there’s so much in your book that we could talk about. We could talk for hours and hours and hours for everything. But you mentioned before, how did we get from there to here, or how did we get from healthy food to that industrial food?

LIZ WOLF: Our fake food culture.

DEBRA: Our fake food culture, yes. Why don’t you just talk about whatever aspect that you’d like to talk about first, and then I’ll ask you some questions?

LIZ WOLF: Well, I love this question, how did we get here, because it’s a little more complicated.

Back when Paleo man was roaming the world, everything was great. And then we started eating grains 10,000 years ago.

And the now, everybody is sick, which I think a lot of times is what people perceives the premises of Paleo diet to be.

And I do take a bit of license with the Paleo concept because I think it’s important that we look at, not just what healthy humans eat for hundreds of thousands of years (which would have been animals in the natural environment and plants grown in soil that could support them), but it’s more about, I think, how we got away from the foods of our ancestors.

And even the foods that our grandparents used to eat—homegrown plants, and free range chicken, and free range chicken eggs, and things like that—but how we got from there to this culture based around soy bean oil, how do we process food, and that’s about it, that’s basically what we’re told to eat.

We’re told to eat low fat, so whatever we’re eating, the fat and those naturally nutrient-rich fat soluble vitamins, we’re missing out on those.

So, it’s more for me, I focus on the last 50 years of food quality.

DEBRA: I think that’s where we really went wrong. So tell us about that.

LIZ WOLF: I agree. So, here’s what happened in a nutshell. Some people used some information for their own corporate gain, the government adopted those standards, and here we are.

DEBRA: Oh, that was in a nutshell. Thanks.

LIZ WOLF: Yes, absolutely. So really, what happened, I think, was we got really, really paranoid about skyrocketing, most importantly, heart disease. And in looking for the responsible party, we ended up—and I say “we,” really, the scientists that were working on this at the time—lumping together trans fats and saturated fat.

And that was one of the real sticking points where from that point on, I think, we were looking at saturated fats from natural sources like animals, egg yolks, red meat and things like that as the same as trans fats.

And so, we were lumping those together, but at the same point, we were eating all of these trans fats-laden margarine, and we’re starting to eat more and more processed foods that were full of trans fats, and our health risks just continued to get worse—stroke and cardiovascular disease, in the 1980s and beyond, obesity.

So, things just got worse. And obviously, I had to write a whole book about this because it’s really tough to encapsulate it in a nutshell, but it had a lot to do with bad science that was adopted by the government and turned into food policy.

DEBRA: Well, let’s just focus on one aspect because I think that there’s a lot of converging things that people started eating low fat, and too much high fructose corn syrup, and too many carbs, and wheat flour. All kinds of things went wrong during that 50-year period. But let’s just pick one of those.

I’d like you to talk mostly right now about fat because I think that one of the things about the Paleo diet or the Weston A.

Price diet that’s really important is that people need to eat more fat because there are nutrients in fat that we’re not getting if we’re on a low fat diet.

I think that people have been on a low fat diet long enough to see that that diet doesn’t work. And yet, it’s still in our consciousness that we should be eating low fat, low fat, low fat.

So, could you tell more about what is the myth behind this, so that people will have more scientific information about why they should be eating more fat?

LIZ WOLF: It’s so interesting to me when I was researching my book to come across this quote from Walter Willett, who is a public health professional—I think, chair of the Public Health Department at Harvard or something like that. He basically said flat out that the low fat diet has had unintended health consequences for millions of Americans. And the reason for that is because, as you said, real, natural fat, including fat from properly-raised animals is full of nutrition. It’s full of fat-soluble vitamins.

Fat-soluble vitamins A, B, K2, vitamin E as well, these are all critical to human health. And that’s becoming more obvious now with some research that’s going on thanks to the Weston A. Price Foundation. Chris Masterjohn is doing amazing work.

I cite him in my book quite a book.

But these fat-soluble vitamins determine the quality of almost every cell—how healthy we are at a cellular level. And this low fat diet, which really came about because of these misconceptions about what causes heart disease, and the role of saturated fats and cholesterol had to play, combining with this fear of calories, and thinking, “if we want to be healthy, and if we want to lose weight, we have to eat fewer calories” rather than more nutrient-dense food that packs a better nutrition punch maybe with a fewer bites than we would need in, say, a 100-calorie pack, or a diet granola bar, or something like that, like I said, it’s a lot of these rolled into one.

DEBRA: Well, I really have to say—and I’ve been saying this a lot, but I want to say it again right now—is that it’s been very revealing to me since I’ve been on this very focused Paleo diet that I am much less hungry, and so I eat less food. And I mentioned this to my doctor, and he said—my doctor who, by the way, an M.D. doctor who, by the way, says, “You just stay on this Paleo diet for the rest of your life and all your health problems will go away and never come back.”

He said that. He said to just stay on the diet that I was on and walk half-an-hour a day, and I will be very healthy for many, many years. But that makes sense to me because I already see the benefits.

Not that I was eating so bad before, but there were just certain things that I’ve changed. And one of them really is to pay attention to the nutrient-dense foods. When I’m eating more nutrient-dense foods, especially more fat, I am not hungry, and so I eat less food, and I lose weight.

So, calories aren’t calories aren’t calories.

I mean, I can eat a hundred of those 100-calorie packs, and I would not get the nutrition that I get from a few tablespoons of fat.

And I also wanted to say, if you’re listening to this, and you think, “Oh, I need to eat more fat,” that doesn’t go eat the fattening French fries. It means eat real fat from animals in its natural state like butter, like lard, like bacon.

I know some people are horrified listening to us. But no, what we’re talking about is really pasture-raised butter and things like that which you can get.

We’ll talk more about this when we come back from the break. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Liz Wolf. She’s the author of Eat the Yolks. We’ll be right back.

DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Liz Wolf, author of Eat the Yolks which is about the Paleo diet and fighting food lies and reclaiming your health.

Liz, we only have 10 minutes left, and there’s so much more to talk about, so I want to make sure that I get some of these things in.

LIZ WOLF: I’ll try to keep my answers brief.

DEBRA: No, it’s okay. I want to make sure that everybody gets your website, which is During the break, I’ve been looking at your website. Right now, I’m looking at a very creative recipe for butternut crusted roasted red pepper quiche.

One of the things I love about this is that you really have a limited list of foods, but everybody is so creative about how you use them in all these ways. So instead of having wheat crust, you have butternut. Tell us about this recipe.

LIZ WOLF: Oh, it’s so delicious! I can’t even tell you. Really, I actually ate that. It was meant for the whole week, but I ate the whole thing that day.

But if you think about—maybe we’re eliminating food, and it feels like we’re not free to enjoy some food, but think of the entire vegetable kingdom, the whole span of amazing things that we have to eat—

And this recipe, it’s just a crustless piece with this perfectly […] wheat butternut squash sliced really thinly, and used as the crust is so delicious. And it’s so easy.

I am not a good cook. I never have been. This is really simple. You just slice the butternut squash thin, lay it out around the dish, bake it for 10 minutes, and then pour in the egg mixture with the roasted red peppers, a few spices, and you bake it.

And then you have breakfast for the whole week done.

DEBRA: I am going to try that. It sounds fabulous.

LIZ WOLF: It is so good.

DEBRA: And another thing I wanted to get in here is reading your blog, you’re talking about skincare. You have a big sign that says, “Fix your skin naturally.” So tell us about how eating this way changes your skin.

LIZ WOLF: I love that you asked me that. That’s my other passion, and I thought you and I would definitely relate on that point, which is removing toxins not just from the diet, but from you skincare routine, and how you care for your body on the outside, and your home, and everything like that.

So, that’s one of my products, the Skintervention Guide, which is based on everything that I did over the course of three/four years to take my skin from really frustrating, in need of four or five different topical medications—I was prescribed oral antibiotics, topical antibiotics, topical sulfur. Anything that you can imagine, I was using to try and fix my skin.

And getting to whole, real food, and a natural non-toxic skin care routine was a complete turning point for me.

But it wasn’t just one thing that did it. It was healing my body from the outside, changing my food and getting those nutrients (especially fat-soluble vitamins) and also helping to heal my digestive system, which I think has really suffered for many years of everything from antibiotics to processed food.

DEBRA: Well, what you’ve just described as being a remedy for skin really is what I’ve come to see as being the remedy for health, that no matter what’s wrong with your body, it’s basically those steps of healing different parts of—you know, your intestinal system, healing your liver, so that your liver can process all these toxins, healing your kidneys, et cetera.

And the way that you do that is by removing toxic chemicals, eating good foods, getting all the nutrition that you need, and letting your body detox, and everything comes back. It’s about that simple.

LIZ WOLF: It really is.

DEBRA: Now, here’s the big, burning question I want to make sure we talk about. And that is:

I’ve done a lot of reading online and books about Paleo, just like with the Paleo diet now. I wanted to see what everybody was saying. You would think that it would be very straightforward, but there are a lot of opinions and different viewpoints about what the Paleo diet is.

And one of the reasons why I like your book is because it’s very real food-oriented (and I already had that real food orientation from the Weston A. Price Foundation, and Sally Fallon’s book, Nourishing Traditions, which I’ve read many, many years ago). And so, we’re in agreement on that.

But not everybody has that viewpoint. So, could you speak to this big variety of Paleo diets?

LIZ WOLF: Definitely! Well, the Original Paleo Diet book by Loren Cordain, the granddaddy of the modern Paleo Movement, I think, that is the rulebook that a lot of people go by. And when we really get down to brass tacks, there is no rulebook when it comes to eating. We’re all bio-individuals. Different things work on different people. We all have ancestry from different parts of the world.

So, we all have a different story, a different math that turned on different genes, and turned off different propensities. So we are all so different—and too different to say one list of rule works for everybody.

I think the rule that processed food is not food, is not so much a rule than it is common sense.

DEBRA: Yes, I think so too.

LIZ WOLF: I just think that that’ the baseline. Get rid of industrial processed food, see what you have left. And from there, it’s really just animals, plants, maybe some dairy, things like butter (which I eat daily), quality foods that we can get from the earth, hunt, gather, grow if we wanted to.

And that’s what I love about the Weston A. Price Foundation, which really changed how I felt about real food. I was really steep in the Paleo Movement, but moving into the Weston A. Price, and learning about sustainable farming, and how we can produce foods that is most nourishing, that works for us best that has a long history in the human diet, that’s the big picture that I like to look at.

I think a lot of times we get so mired in the “rules,” we forget to think about where the nutrition is. And generally, those things line up with Paleo foods, the Weston A. Price friendly foods, and where the nutrition is. But we lose sight of the forest for the trees.

So I just think let’s get rid of the processed food, let’s get back to our roots, and eat things that we could produce ourselves if we needed to and just start from that baseline.

DEBRA: I think that’s just about my baseline too. Talk a little bit about not eating dairy and not eating grains.

LIZ WOLF: Sure! Well, I eat raw dairy from pastured cows. We get it from a farmer just right down the street from us. It’s a food that works for me.

And I talk in the book about how I think maybe the Paleo community has it wrong when it comes to dairy. There are just so many gray areas. I think we need to really understand why we started eating dairy in the first place. And that’s because it’s a very nourishing food when it’s done right. So I think there’s room for dairy.

As far as greens go, again—

DEBRA: I want to say something about dairy before you go into grains. Well, I just thought about the Maasai in Africa. They live on milk. Now, we’d call that a traditional culture or a Paleo—I mean, they’ve been living on milk since time immemorial.

They keep their cows, and they live on milk, and that’s dairy.

LIZ WOLF: And it’s an extremely nourishing food.

And the same goes for organ meat. Liver is really rich in vitamin A—so is raw dairy. Now, if you have an animal that you could use for dairy, rather than actually killing that animal, and eating its meat—and I’m thinking from a very ancestral perspective, someone who really, really needs to ensure their own food supply—it makes a lot more sense to make use of the dairy than it does to lose that animal in a one-off shot as the same nutrient. That’s a little harsh, I guess, but it’s true.

DEBRA: But that makes sense. It makes sense. So then cheese arose from needing to preserve the milk, having a certain supply of milk, and that they’re not just going to throw the milk away when the cow is producing more than the people need to drink. And they also need to have food in the future. And so they can take a certain portion, and cheese got developed.

All these things came from those ancient cultures. Cheese is not an industrial food. But processed, pasteurized cheese is an industrial food.

LIZ WOLF: And processed cheese products.

DEBRA: Yes. So what we need to be looking at is not eliminate all cheese, but to be looking at what’s the difference between the modern, processed, pasteurized cheese product, and actual, real cheese made from raw millk—which does exist and it’s pretty easy to get.

LIZ WOLF: It’s context. It’s all about context.

Lists of rules are very, very helpful to take some of the burden off of figuring everything out all at once. So if someone says, “These are Paleo foods. Just eat these for 30 days and see how you do,” for the most part, I think people are like, “Wow! I feel great after 30 days” and they’re convinced.

But then at that point, I think that’s when you need to start really speaking knowledge about what you’re eating and why, and that’s what has always been the most fascinating to me, the context.

DEBRA: I’ll give you one minute to talk about grains, and then we’re done. Didn’t that go fast?

LIZ WOLF: Oh, my gosh. That went so fast. Well, I think for the most part, the grains that people are eating are not the grains that our ancestors ate since they began developing 10,000 years ago. So, we’re talking about modern wheat, which is different than it was 20 years ago today.

So, we’re actually looking at modern bread and processed food. If you look at the ingredients label, you can hardly identify half of them.

There are people who do well with traditionally produced grains—soaked, sprouted, traditional fermented sourdough. And I have no problem with that. But I think, again, the most important thing is to look at what’s actually a food with a long history in our diet, what’s a processed food, and most importantly, how does our body tolerate it.

So, any food that bothers our bodies needs to be evaluated, whether that’s a strawberry or a grain, or highly-processed dairy. So it’s really that awareness of your body, and what you could tolerate.

DEBRA: I agree. And I would also just to add quickly that the more people remove toxic chemicals from their body, the more foods they tolerate. And I used to work in a doctor’s office where I saw that very clearly. So that’s something to consider too.

It’s not just the food itself, but is it organic or not organic, or raw or not raw, or your toxic levels and everything.

Anyway, we’re at the end. Thank you so much, Liz, for being with me.

LIZ WOLF: Thank you.

DEBRA: Her book is Eat the Yolks, and her website is I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. You can go to

Nourishing Traditions: Bringing Traditional Foods to Modern Life

Sally FallonMy guest today, Sally Fallon Morell is author of the bestselling cookbook Nourishing Traditions and The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby and Child Care. She is the founding president of the Weston A. Price Foundation. We’ll be talking about how Dr. Weston Price researched traditional cultures to learn about nutrition and what we really should be eating for good health. Sally is a journalist, chef, nutrition researcher, homemaker, and community activist. Her lifelong interest in the subject of nutrition began in the early 1970s when she read Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston A. Price. Called the “Isaac Newton of Nutrition,” Price traveled the world over studying healthy primitive populations and their diets. The unforgettable photographs contained in his book document the beautiful facial structure and superb physiques of isolated groups consuming only whole, natural foods. Price noted that all of these diets contained a source of good quality animal fat, which provided numerous factors necessary for the full expression of our genetic potential and optimum health. Ms. Morell applied the principles of the Price research to the feeding of her own children, and proved for herself that a diet rich in animal fats, and containing the protective factors in old fashioned foodstuffs like cod liver oil, liver and eggs, make for sturdy cheerful children with a high immunity to illness. And since she has been educating the world on how to enjoy this diet deliciously.

nourishing-traditions-baby         Nourishing-Traditions-large





Nourishing Traditions: Bringing Traditional Foods to Modern Life

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Sally Fallon Morell

Date of Broadcast: April 09, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and to live toxic-free.

Today, we’re going to talk about food. We’re going to talk about food that is truly, deeply healthy, and comes from our traditions, our human traditions in food.

Today is—what is the date today? Wednesday, April 9, 2014. I’m here in Clearwater, Florida. The sun is shining. And my guest today is Sally Fallon Morell.

She’s the founder of the Weston Price Foundation, and the author of a wonderful, wonderful book called “Nourishing Traditions,” which I’ve been studying and eating from since it first came out, I think, 15 years ago or something like that.

Sally is on the line, but I want to tell you about my experience with her work before we talk to her because it’s changed a lot for me about how I think about food and my health, and I want to really emphasize the importance of what she’s done.

First of all, I want to say, Sally is going to tell us her story from her viewpoint, but I’m going to tell it to you from my viewpoint.

Sally is one of these people who figured out that something was right in a world where a lot is wrong. And she figured out a right way to eat. She fed her family, and she saw the results, and she said, “I need to do something to bring this to the world.”

I’m assuming she said that because her actions followed from that kind of thought. And so she wrote a book. She started an organization, The Western Price Foundation (and there’s much, much accumulated information on that site. When you become a member, you can have access to all of it).

She does scientific research. Everything that she says is based in science and research. It’s not her opinion. It’s based in something. She has other equally high integrity researchers around her who are also researching with the same kind of intelligence and thoughtfulness.

The organization puts on incredible conferences. I had the honor of being invited to speak about five years ago (I went to San Francisco and spoke at their conference).

And let me tell you. I’ve been to a lot of conferences on subjects that are health-related. And what you do is that you go to a hotel, and you’re expected to eat the regular hotel conference food, which is usually not very delicious, it’s not organic, and it’s not healthy for you.

Well, when you go to the Weston Price Foundation Conference—and I would recommend that you go to the Weston Price Foundation Conference—just eat the food because when I went, it was a revelation as to what food is supposed to taste like, and also, how it feels in your body. All of the things that Sally writes about, all of the things that she speaks about, about food, were right there being demonstrated.

They had Weston Price Foundation members preparing the food at the conference. And they brought in the food. They didn’t use the hotel food, they brought it in. And we all ate the best food that we’ve ever eaten. It was really incredible.

When I went to the conference, I tasted the food, I saw the members. I saw how happy and healthy everybody was. It was like being in another world. And it’s the world that we all could have if we just ate the way we should be eating.

SALLY FALLON MORELL: Wow, thank you.

DEBRA: Hi, Sally.


DEBRA: That’s what I wanted to say. So I am very pleased that you are here today with us. I just have to thank you for the excellent work that you’ve done and continue to do.

SALLY FALLON MORELL: Well, I appreciate that. And I’m so glad that you started off talking about children because your narrative is accurate. I raised my children according to this diet. I had read the words of Weston Price and applied his principles to raising my children.

DEBRA: Tell us about Weston Price’s work. I want to allow you to explain it. That’s why I didn’t go into it.

SALLY FALLON MORELL: Weston Price was a dentist who traveled throughout the world, studying isolated, primitive people to, first of all, ascertain were they healthy. And he found 14 groups that were superbly healthy as manifested first and foremost by their teeth. They had beautiful, broad faces, all of them had straight teeth, and hardly any cavities at all. Some groups had no cavities.

And then he looked at their diets. Now, these diets, of course, were different everywhere he went. The Eskimo diet was different from the Southeast diet, and the Alpine Swiss diet was different from the Gaelic diet.

But there were certain underlying characteristics: and 1) was, of course, there were no processed foods in these diets, 2) is that all of the diets had animal foods in them (there were no vegan diets), and 3) and this is the really critical one, was the very high levels of vitamins and minerals, especially what we call the fat-soluble vitamins. These are vitamins A, D and K, which we can only get from few foods.

We get them from organ meats, egg yolks, butter, cream, the fats of animals, certain types of shellfish and oily fish, fish eggs. And they need to be from animals who are outside in the sunlight, eating green pasture. And then you get a maximizing of these fat-soluble vitamins.

And our mission is a real uphill battle because these are the foods that people are being told not to eat, people have been avoiding now for over a generation. And they are the very foods that traditional cultures valued most of all for having healthy babies, having a healthy pregnancy, healthy babies, healthy reproduction.

So, we really stress these foods. We have created a network of chapters, local chapters, that help you find these foods, and help you buy direct from farmers because it’s very hard to find these healthy foods.

DEBRA: They are! I’ve known about this diet since Nourishing Traditions first came out. But it’s been a very long route for me to apply these things in my life. It’s not because I’m not interested, or that I don’t think that they’re a good idea, but I live in Florida. I live in an area of Florida that is not like living in San Francisco or New York or some place where you can get a lot of food. I had a very hard time.

I joined my local chapter, and I found out where I could get these things. But they were so few and far between. They were expensive. To get to the farmer was maybe an hour and a half drive. And finally, finally, right in the last few months, I can actually buy pastured eggs off my natural food store.

SALLY FALLON MORELL: Good! These things are coming. It’s getting easier. Raw milk is one of our big themes. We really promote the consumption of raw milk. And that’s becoming more available.

We have Dr. Price, of course, who suggested cod liver oil. And we now have a really wonderful cod liver oil that’s manufactured in the United States. It’s the only cod liver oil that has all the natural vitamins and it’s not heated during processing.

So yes, it’s becoming easier. Raw milk, for example, is becoming much more available.

Well, these are the foods that create healthy children. And I saw it happen in my own children. Just to give you an example. I needed braces. All of my brothers and sisters needed braces. None of my children needed braces. So, you can reverse that narrowing of the palate in a generation or two with the right food.

So, you’re right. I just thought, “Well, the world needs to know about this. There are so many dietary schemes out there and theories about how we should eat. But none of them is based on how real people eat.”

And so we like to say that we show the scientific validation of traditional food wisdom. And if you can find a food with food tradition, and then show that the science validates that, then I’d be pretty sure that you’re on the right track.

DEBRA: I totally agree with you. I totally agree with you. And I understand how you felt that the world needed to know that.

That’s because when I found out that toxic chemicals were making me sick, and that I could get well by not being around them, I said, “Oh, my god.” It just became something I had to do for the rest of my life until the whole world gets it.

SALLY FALLON MORELL: When you raise children on the side, they might have a much greater tolerance for toxins.

We’ve always had toxins in our environment. Smoke is loaded with toxins. And of course, there was much more exposure to smoke amongst traditional culture.

DEBRA: Well, I think we have a combination. We need to go to break, but I want to say this one thing.

It’s clear to me that what’s going on in the world today is we have a combination of inadequate nutrition, which makes our bodies not function as well as they could, and then we have too many toxic chemicals which are also destroying the function. But also, our lack of nutrition makes it, as you said, more difficult to tolerate the toxic things within the environment.

So, it really goes hand in hand. We need to reduce toxics and increase nutrition.

And we’re going to go to break. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Sally Fallon Morell from the Weston Price Foundation. She’s actually the founder of the Weston Price Foundation.

We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is Sally Fallon Morell. She’s the founder of the Weston Price Foundation and author of Nourishing Tradition and other books.

Sally, tell us what’s going on in the world today with how people eat and why that’s a problem for health. What are the problems that you’re solving with the Weston Price diet?

SALLY FALLON MORELL: Well, let’s just talk about the toxins for a moment. One of the key things that we need in our bodies to eliminate toxins is saturated fat. Saturated fats support the enzymes that your body uses to get rid of toxins. And our bodies have a very wonderful system for getting rid of toxins because we’ve always been exposed to toxins.

And without plenty of saturated fats in the diet, and the cell membrane, and also if you’re eating the industrial fats and oils, the liquid oils, and the partially hydrogenated oils, they replace saturated fats in your cell membranes, and these enzymes can’t work anymore.

And this is one of the reasons we’re seeing so many people so sensitive to toxins, especially these children who started off their lives on low fat diet, not getting these good animal foods and so forth.

Now, another thing that’s critical for getting rid of toxins is vitamin A. And most doctors today will tell you that vitamin A is toxic. And we’re extremely deficient as a population in vitamin A. And this is why we recommend cod liver oil to make sure that we’re getting adequate vitamin A every day. And vitamin A is our number one vitamin to defend us against toxins.

DEBRA: I have a question. Let me ask you this.

So one of the things that I’ve run into in eating all the things that you recommend is that my body is actually pretty sensitive to different foods and has been since I was born, so I don’t eat any seafood, for example, because it actually makes me sick to eat it. And I can’t event put it in my mouth without gagging. And so to take cod liver oil is like an impossible thing.

So, for those of us who can’t take cod liver oil, what do you suggest is the next best thing?

SALLY FALLON MORELL: So then you need to eat liver. Every day, you need to eat liver just for vitamin A. Now, probably the easiest type of liver to eat is chicken liver or duck liver. It’s much milder than beef liver, and you can make a delicious pate with it.

DEBRA: I love chicken liver pate.

SALLY FALLON MORELL: Yes, and chicken liver pate will have vitamin D and vitamin K as well. But you really need that vitamin A, and it’s hard to get it if you’re not taking some kind of liver product—either cod liver oil or liver.

DEBRA: Okay, I’m going to go get some organic chicken livers and make pate. I have a great recipe.

Okay, what’s next?

SALLY FALLON MORELL: Well, the saturated fats and the vitamin A, and then just a good wholesome diet. I think it’s really critical not to let your blood sugar get too low. When that happens, you become more sensitive to toxin. And that means eating three good meals a day with plenty of fat and protein in every meal.

So, you don’t want a real high carb diet….

DEBRA: …which is what most people eat.

SALLY FALLON MORELL: And by the way, I want to say though, we’re not against carbs. A lot of traditional cultures had lots of carbs in their diet. But the key thing is to get those vitamins and minerals in your food.

DEBRA: And the vitamins and minerals are in the animal proteins and fats.

SALLY FALLON MORELL: Well, the key ones. But they’re also in good plant foods as well.

DEBRA: So, tell us then what are the basics of the Weston Price diet?

SALLY FALLON MORELL: Well, it’s good whole foods, especially good animal foods—so meats and organ meats from pastured animals. And you always eat your meat with the fats. Traditional cultures never ate lean meat. They knew that it would make them sick. And it makes you sick by depleting vitamin A.

You need vitamin A to digest protein. And if you just eat a lot of protein, you’ll deplete yourself of vitamin A, if you eat the protein with the fat.

Lots of butter, cream, eggs, egg yolks—we do recommend plenty of seafood if you can tolerate it.

DEBRA: I know! That’s the one part I can’t eat. I just can’t eat it. But I know it’s very highly recommended.

SALLY FALLON MORELL: And then we recommend proper preparation of grain because grains can be quite toxic if they’re not properly prepared via fermentation process. So, in practice, that means you want a genuine sourdough bread, or you soak your oatmeal overnight to pre-digest it. And you eat your bread with plenty of butter, and you put butter and cream on your oatmeal, butter or cream.

And then we recommend fermented foods, lacto-fermented foods like sauerkraut, and lacto-fermented beverages like natural sodas like Kombucha.

And then the last thing is bone broth, good old-fashion chicken broth, beef broth. And that, by the way, is extremely detoxifying. The types of amino acids in the body help the liver detoxify.

DEBRA: Excellent! And you have a new book coming out in the fall called Nourishing Broths. I got an advanced copy, and it’s fantastic.

SALLY FALLON MORELL: Good. I’m glad you did.

DEBRA: I want to say it’s as good as your other books, but I think it’s even better. Listeners, I want you to know that Sally just has this way of doing excellent, meticulous research. And then she tells you everything about the subject—the history, the science. And then she turns it into delicious food, so we can just apply all of that knowledge in the food that we eat.

And Nourishing Broth is no different than her other books in that regard.

SALLY FALLON MORELL: Thank you. We’re very excited about the book, very excited.

DEBRA: Yes, I can hardly wait for it.

SALLY FALLON MORELL: I have another new book also—The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby and Child Care.

DEBRA: I saw that, and I didn’t know if it was a new book.

SALLY FALLON MORELL: Well, it came out last year.

DEBRA: Okay, that’s probably why I didn’t know about it before. But I saw it. If people go to, in the description of today’s show, there is both Nourishing Traditions and the new baby book, and links to them, where you can buy them on

We’ve got 20 seconds until we go to the break. So I didn’t want to ask you a new question. But we need to go in, let’s see, 15 seconds.

So is Sally’s—


DEBRA:, that’s right.

SALLY FALLON MORELL: And we have a website called

DEBRA: And we’ll talk about that after the break. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. And my guest today is Sally Fallon Morell. She’s the founder of the Weston Price Foundation, and author of Nourishing Traditions. And we’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Sally Fallon Morell. She is the founder of the Weston Price Foundation and author of Nourishing Traditions and other books.

And just before the break, we were just mentioning raw milk. I know you have a campaign about this, Sally. Tell us what you’re doing, and the problems with milk, and why we should be drinking raw milk.

SALLY FALLON MORELL: Well, one of the projects of the Weston A. Price Foundation is called “A Campaign for Real Milk.” It has a separate website— And our goal is to have raw milk—well, let’s say, “real milk.” And by “real milk,” we mean raw, whole milk from pastured cows, available in all 50 states where it’s legal to either sell or provide with cow shares some way. That’s available in all 50 states.

And we’ve actually gotten close to our goal. We’re 40 out of 50 now.

DEBRA: That’s wonderful!

SALLY FALLON MORELL: Yes, and we have a lot of legislation coming up in the states that don’t have it. In another 10 years, I think we will have met our goal.

My strategy in the teeth of a very hostile government—hostile agencies, hostile medical establishments, hostile public health establishments—is just to create implacable demand for this wonderful food. And we’ve done that by educating people on the health benefits of raw milk, the safety of raw milk.

And what’s also working in our favor is that industrial pasteurized milk is just very hard to tolerate. It’s got a lot of toxins in it.

And we have more and more people who simply cannot drink ultra-pasteurized or pasteurized milk.
The market for pasteurized milk is declining at 3% per year whereas the market for raw milk is growing in about 25% per year.

DEBRA: So, let me ask you this. So when people say they’re allergic to dairy, or when people are told to eliminate dairy, there’s a difference between industrial dairy and raw dairy.

SALLY FALLON MORELL: There absolutely is. We actually did a survey, and we found that 82% of people who were diagnosed as lactose intolerant could drink raw milk without any problem. And it is really hard to have a good healthy diet in the west if you’re not consuming dairy foods because they are our best source of calcium, they’re our best source of good fat, and lots and lots of other wonderful nutrients.

And they’re in a particularly appealing package. Most people really like milk and cream and butter and cheese.

DEBRA: I do. I love butter so much.

SALLY FALLON MORELL: Yes, butter is our signature food.

DEBRA: I love butter so much that I eat bread only to hold the butter.

SALLY FALLON MORELL: Exactly! You need to see teeth marks in the butter, or you don’t have enough butter on your bread.

DEBRA: I have been known—this is one of those things that people don’t like to admit, but I have been known to just eat butter with nothing else—a spoonful of butter.

And now, I’ve been making ghee. And I love ghee too. In fact, I think I like ghee even better than butter. And it’s wonderful to cook with.

I think that the key thing here is that we really need to be eating raw. But wait, I want to just amend what I just said.

It’s not just about milk. Raw milk versus industrial milk, I think is a really good example of the difference between how prevalent we’re all eating industrial food instead of what one might call a real food.

And so, a raw milk from a pastured cow would be a real food. But look, it’s illegal to even sell it in 10 states. And when you started, it was probably illegal to sell it in—

SALLY FALLON MORELL: By half the states, yes.

DEBRA: Yes, in Florida here, sometimes we get raw milk at my local natural food store, independently-owned. But it says on there, it’s for pet food. It’s only for pets.

SALLY FALLON MORELL: But that’s okay. There’s no law against eating pet foods.

DEBRA: Right. But that’s the way they have to sell it, which I think is—

SALLY FALLON MORELL: But they can sell it, and that’s the main thing.

DEBRA: It’s horrible!

SALLY FALLON MORELL: It’s just booming in Florida. Several dairies, and yeah, it’s just booming in Florida. And the health department just stepped back, and there hasn’t been any problems with it either.

DEBRA: No, there are no problems with it. I love raw milk. I think it tastes so much better. It’s actually easier for me to get raw goat milk here. And it’s just delicious. I can get cheeses made out of raw milk. So all the nutrition of raw milk is, I think, it can be available if you know how to get it.

SALLY FALLON MORELL: And that’s what we’ve done at the Weston A. Price Foundation. We’ve helped people find it.

We’ve created customers for raw milk farmers. It’s just booming. At least 10 million people in the United States drink raw milk.

DEBRA: That’s wonderful because I think that the way the world should be is that the norm is that we should just be able to go into any store and buy real foods and […]

SALLY FALLON MORELL: Yes, it’s very hard today. And I think we should be, but in actual fact, we aren’t. For example, it’s almost impossible to get pastured eggs in a store. And that’s why we recommend that everybody have a relationship with a farmer.

And a lot of our chapter leaders have created food clubs where they order online, and they get a big delivery of food once every two weeks from somebody’s garage. And that’s worked very well.

DEBRA: Well, another thing that I did—for a while, I had chickens in my backyard until the police came and took them. But they were the best eggs I had ever eaten. And it was such a wonderful experience to be able to feed them, and know what they were eating. And even to feed them grass and greens—

SALLY FALLON MORELL: In the old days, people fed chicken their scrap.

DEBRA: Right! And that’s what I did too. And so to be able to experience this whole life cycle of feeding my chickens what I wanted them to eat, and then an egg would appear—

The first time that happened, and I actually saw the egg in the nest, it was such a great day for me. It’s like you had such a separation of food if you think of eggs as being something in a carton at the store, then you see a chicken actually produce an egg, and then you take it inside, and you make an omelet, and then you eat it, it’s such an experience.

I just think that it should be legal to have chickens everywhere. People have backyards. You shouldn’t have the government come and take your chickens.

SALLY FALLON MORELL: Yes, that’s our next fight. Our first fight is get raw milk legal everywhere.

DEBRA: Well, you’re doing a fabulous job. And I know that we’re all happy that you’re doing it, so that we can have our milk, so that we can have our eggs. It’s just you’re really taking us out of the industrial world and saying, “Here are the real things that people should be eating.”

SALLY FALLON MORELL: I’m not against industry. We need industry for cars and airplanes and all sorts of things—computers. But it’s just inappropriate to apply this industrial model to our food. It just doesn’t work.

DEBRA: I agree, I totally agree.

And we’re going to take another break. We’ll be right back with my guest, Sally Fallon Morell, Founder of the Weston Price Foundation and author of Nourishing Traditions. And that’s, W-E-S-T-O-N-A “Price” dot-org.
I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and you’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. We’ll be back.

DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Sally Fallon Morell. And we’re back.

I’m looking at the Weston Price—I should say it right—Weston A. Price Foundation website. That’s Weston, W-E-S-T-O-N-A “” And the kinds of thing that you’re going to find on here, if you just look over in the right-hand column, you’ll see that you can find the “Help me find nutrient-dense foods.” You can find a local chapter. They have a free brochure that you can read.

And one of the things that is right there on the homepage, about three-quarters of the way down, is a link that says “Differences between the Weston A. Price Foundation diet and the Paleo diet.”

I was very interested in that because, recently, I went on a month of a very strict Paleo diet. And I did it because I was having some problems.

I’ve not been eating the American diet for 30 years. And when I found Nourishing Traditions, it changed a lot for me. But as I’ve said, I couldn’t actually eat everything because I can’t eat cod liver oil and things like that.

And so I’m not as healthy—I’m so much more healthy than I was 30 years ago or even 10 years ago or even 5 years ago.

But there are still things going on with my body. And I went on this Paleo diet which helped me a lot because I was eliminating some things that I hadn’t eliminated before. I know that you have grains on the Weston Price Foundation diet, but I have been eliminating grains. And I see that there are a lot of things that I haven’t been fully applying like preparing the grains properly and things like that.

So, I know a lot of people know about the Paleo diet. What I’ve learned about the Paleo diet is I went on a very particular type of Paleo diet which helped my body a lot for that month. And I still continue to be on it. But I can see the importance of adding these things back in, that you’re talking about, and doing them in the proper way, not just saying, “I’m going to go out and eat white bread,” but preparing the grains the way you do properly and things like that.

SALLY FALLON MORELL: The grains, our diet that allow for you to leave things out. Some people leave out grains, some people have to leave out dairy, some people have to leave out seafood.

DEBRA: Seafood, me.

SALLY FALLON MORELL: Just because you’re not going to eat a certain food doesn’t mean it should apply to everyone.

But my real concern about the Paleo diet is way too high in protein, too low in fat, and that will deplete you of vitamin A faster than anything. And people can really get in trouble on this diet.

DEBRA: I did really well on this particular version that I have on my food blog, But I’ve been reading a lot of—I thought, “Well, let me look around on the internet and see what people are saying about the Paleo diet.” And there are so many versions.

SALLY FALLON MORELL: Well, that’s the other thing. It’s very confusing. Some allow fats. But the main speakers for the Paleo diet, their books are extremely low fat. And you just actually can’t stay on a diet like that. You start getting cravings.

DEBRA: Well, the one that I went on, actually, I think they probably—the doctor that put it together, I think that she probably is applying Weston Price principles as well because she encourages fat on her Paleo diet. And so, I’ve been eating a lot of coconut oil and butter and things. And I’ve been doing really well.

And I’m not hungry. And that’s the thing. Every once in a while, I’ll go on some extreme lose seven pounds in seven days kind of diet or something. I did the HTC diet. Did I say that right? HTC, I think that’s right. I did that, and I took the injections, and all these things. I lost weight, and I gained it all back and more.

I started taking the injections, and then it turns out—

SALLY FALLON MORELL: The fat goes away and they come back with their friends.

DEBRA: Yeah, yeah! And I was hungry. I was hungry all the time. So when I went on this Paleo diet for 30 days, and have been continuing it, I ate a lot of fat. And I lost—I think it was 11 pounds in a month. But I was eating a lot of fat.

And I went to my doctor, and I said, “I’m not hungry on this diet.”

And he said, “Because you’re getting nourished.”

And so, I know that I’m not eating excess protein. I’m eating about three ounces of protein per meal. I’m eating my fat, I’m eating my vegetables, and I’m eating nuts and flaxseeds and things like that. And I’m doing really well on it. But it is a more adequate protein, the high fat. Real food as much as I can get.

SALLY FALLON MORELL: Well, you really do need the fat, yes.

DEBRA: Yes. So I think that I put it together in a way that it considers the things that I need to do, but it is also following the principles as best as I can that you’re talking about.

I can’t say this enough about how much I admire this particular diet, and what it’s based on, and how well you’ve brought it into practical application in modern life because your recipes are delicious, your instructions are very, very clear, and it’s easy to do if you can actually get the food.

SALLY FALLON MORELL: And that was the big challenge. That was the big challenge. And that’s why we set up the chapter system. And I could tell you, these foods are so much more available now than when we started. The sourdough bread, lacto-fermented foods, homemade broths—you can buy all these things now. You don’t even have to make them.

And the number of farmers doing pasture-raised animal products has just increased exponentially. It’s really exciting to me to see this new kind of farming come in and just be prosperous.

DEBRA: So here’s another big question I want to ask you. I think that one of the obstacles that a lot of people have—and I know this has been a challenge for me too—is how do you actually get into the groove of preparing all this food? Especially,

I don’t have a lot of pre-prepared foods here, and so I find that I have to prepare everything. I have to just go get the best ingredients I can, and then do all the preparation. How do you work that into your life?

SALLY FALLON MORELL: I’ve been cooking since I’ve been five years old. And to me, I escape to the kitchen. In other words, there comes certain times during the day when I get tired of what I’m doing, and my relaxation is going to the kitchen and cooking.

A lot of people are afraid to cook and so forth. But I think if you start with simple things, just eggs and bacon for breakfast, and cheese and sourdough bread for lunch, there’s no preparation there at all. You buy the sourdough bread, you buy the cheese, you buy the butter.

One of the things that we tell people, the first thing they should learn to make is their own salad dressing. It’s very easy to make, and it replaces—I mean, the absolute worst garbage in the supermarket are those salad dressings.

So, start there. Learn to make your own salad dressing. And then you can be an artist making your salad.

It really isn’t hard to cook simple meals. Bacon and baked potato with butter, or steamed vegetables with butter, and roast chicken or something like that. Get a slow cooker. It’s very easy to cook in a slow cooker.

DEBRA: I agree. I think also for me, it’s helped to make a big pot of super stew over the weekend that I can then just portion out in a refrigerator. And then when it comes the time to eat it, it’s just a matter of warming it up.

I’ve discovered that my favorite breakfast is scrambled eggs with sweet potatoes in them. I just bake enough sweet potatoes for the week, and then I cool them off and peel them and chop them up, and I have a container of sweet potatoes ready to go into the ghee, in the pan, and I brown them up and put in green onions, and a couple of beaten eggs, and my breakfast is done in three minutes.

It’s just a matter, I think, of working out what it is that you like to eat, and see how you can prepare it, in the most efficient, quickest way.


DEBRA: But it is a transition for people who are accustomed to buying everything packaged.

SALLY FALLON MORELL: Well, I have to say, there’s really no other way. If you’re not willing to prepare your own food, it can be done, but it will be a lot more expensive.

DEBRA: I totally agree with you. When I first moved here—I’ve been cooking since I was six. My father taught me how to cook. But when I moved here to Florida, I was astonished at the number of women who did not know how to cook. They were just incredulous that I knew how to cook, and that I would go to a potluck, and that I would bring something that I had made with my own two hands.

People started asking me for cooking lessons just because they taught my food tasted so good, and they didn’t know how to cook. And they really were opening cans, and taking frozen food out of the freezer, and warming them up. And that’s what they were feeding their families.

I think it’s a pleasure to cook, and I think everybody needs to learn.

Anyway, we’re getting very close to the end, about 30 seconds. The music is going to come on, and we’re going to be done.

So I just want to thank you so much for joining me today and all the work that you’ve been doing.
SALLY FALLON MORELL: You’re welcome. It was a pleasure to be here. And I should say the website is We really encourage your listeners to be members of the

DEBRA: I encourage that as well because it’s worthwhile for them to do. It really is going to improve our health more than anything else that I can imagine. And thank you, thank you, thank you.

SALLY FALLON MORELL: Alright! Well, thank you for having me.

DEBRA: You’re welcome.

Air Pollution is Now the World’s Single Largest Environmental Risk to Health

On March 25, the World Health Organization released data from 2012 that estimated around 7 million people died that year as a result of air pollution exposure. That’s 1 person in every 8.

The new data also showed a stronger link between both inoor and outdoor air pollution exposure and cardiovascular diseases, and between air pollution and cancer, This is in addition to air pollution’s known role in the development of respiratory diseases.

Outdoor air pollution-caused deaths — breakdown by disease:

40% — ischaemic heart disease
40% — stroke
11% — chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
6% – lung cancer
3% — acute lower respiratory infections in children

Indoor air pollution-caused deaths — breakdown by disease:

34% – stroke
26% – ischaemic heart disease
22% – COPD
12% – acute lower respiratory infections in children
6% – lung cancer

WHO estimates indoor air pollution was linked to 4.3 million deaths in 2012 in households cooking over coal, wood and biomass stoves. This produces particulate matter air pollution, which is linked to such diseases as ischaemic heart disease, strokes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, respiratory infections, and lung cancer.

I’m wondering if the number would be even higher if they considered deaths from other sources of indoor air pollution as well.


WHO: 7 million premature deaths annually linked to air pollution
WHO: 7 million deaths annually linked to air pollution
World Health Organization Confirms Air Pollution Is World’s Single Largest Preventable Health Risk

The following week I interviewed Mary Rozenberg, Co-Founder of the Burning Issues website, on Toxic Free Talk Radio. Her website is all about the health effects of fine particle air pollution and what each of us can do to reduce our exposure individually and within our communiites. Listen to the interview at How Smoke From Fireplaces, Wood Stoves, BBQs and More Contribute to Outdoor Air Pollution and Affect Our Health.

The Flooring that Improves Indoor Air Quality

Priscilla BergeronToday my guest is Priscilla Bergeron, Communication Manager at Lauzon Exclusive Hardwood Flooring, maker of Pure Genius flooring, the world’s first air-purifying smart hardwood floor. This green-focused company, based in Papineauville, Quebec, Canada, actually owns its own forest, bringing its products from “Forest to Floor.” An avid environmental supporter, Priscilla was closely involved in the launch of Pure Genius. With a degree in Business Administration, Marketing, her experience includes brand and marketing management for a range of consumer products, including coatings and hardware items, always working with brand teams to ensure minimal environmental impact of the products she represents.





The Flooring That Improves Indoor Air Quality

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Priscilla Bergeron

Date of Broadcast: April 08, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic-free.

It is Tuesday, April 8, 2014. We’re here in Clearwater, Florida where we have a thunderstorm this morning. It’s all gray, cold and wet. But that’s fine. It will be spring time tomorrow. The weather changes very, very fast here in Florida.

So today, we’re going to talk about indoor air quality. I just posted something on my site this morning. I’m going to see if I can find it. I forgot to bring it up before I got here. I will find it very quickly, of course, because it’s so easy to navigate around my site.

So what it was about—and it’s not opening in that browser, so we’ll go to another one. Sometimes, browsers don’t refresh the pages, so it’s not that it’s not there.

I’m going to to see this story.

Just about a week ago, the World Health Organization released data from 2012 that estimated around 7 million people—7-millon people–died that year as a result of air pollution exposure.

That’s one person in every eight. And as I went and I continued to read the article, I found that they analyzed both outdoor air pollution and indoor air pollution. And this is the World Health Organization. They estimated worldwide in 2012 there were 4.3 million deaths linked to indoor pollution alone.

Now, I have to say that what they were measuring was deaths in households where they were cooking over coal, wood, or biomass stoves. That’s what they were looking at. But could you imagine what the number might be if they included all sources of toxic exposure from all toxic things that might be in homes? I think that the number would be much higher.

But today, we’re talking about, just coincidentally, indoor air pollution because there’s a new product on the market that I’ve never seen before because—well, it didn’t exist before. And what it is is flooring that cleans your air.

Now, always before, if somebody needed to reduce indoor air pollution, I would say to them, “Well, you need to reduce it at the source.” So that would mean that you need to take out those toxic cleaning products and take out those toxic plastics and whatever that you have that are emitting toxic chemicals And then, the second choice would be to get an air filter.

But now, we have another choice, which is you put this flooring on the floor, and the flooring itself improves your indoor air quality.

So today, my guest is Priscilla Bergeron. She’s the communication manager at Lauzon Exclusive Hardwood Flooring.

Hi, Priscilla.


DEBRA: Did I say that right? Is it Lauzon?


DEBRA: Lauzon, of course, with a French accent.

PRISCILLA BERGERON: That’s okay. No problem.

DEBRA: Lauzon. Well, you’ll say it many times, I’m sure.


DEBRA: And I’ll say it too. So tell us about this flooring. Just give us a brief description. We’re going to have lots of time to talk about it, but just tell us a little bit about it.

PRISCILLA BERGERON: But first, I would like to thank you for your interest in our new flooring and for the opportunity to be here today and to talk to you…

DEBRA: You’re welcome.

PRISCILLA BERGERON: …and to get my message out to all of your listeners.

So Pure Genius, what it is, is that it’s the world’s first air-purifying, smart hardwood floor. So it’s a technology that is activated by natural and artificial light and by the movement of air.

So, what happens is that the flooring keeps breaking down airborne toxins, and this creates a constant supply of pure air in the home.

In fact, studies have shown that the air in a room installed with Pure Genius is up to 85% cleaner than a space without the flooring.

DEBRA: I think that’s a huge number. And I think I was reading on your website or in the press release that it’s 85%—I think you measured formaldehyde—no. There was another number for formaldehyde. But I think you said, overall, it’s 85% cleaner.

Now, of course, we’re talking about in homes where there are toxic chemicals. So in my home, for example, it wouldn’t be 85% cleaner. But it does have a property to it (which we’ll discuss later. You’ll explain all the technology behind this that tells us how it does that).

But first, I’d like to know how did the company come up with this. What was it? It’s a thing that doesn’t exist before, so how did somebody get the idea that they should make a floor into an air cleaner?

PRISCILLA BERGERON: Just to put you in context because, at Lauzon, […] It’s part of our value system. So our company is all about two things—first, sustainability, and then it’s innovation.

So, we’re always looking for ways to make our flooring more environmentally friendly and more innovative.

So, we’ve been doing this long before it was fashionable in all […] In fact, at Lauzon, we even own our forest, and we focus in best practices in environmental and social responsibility.

So, what happens is that, three years ago, we came across an opportunity with a Swedish firm called [Valinge] and a Danish firm called […] who were doing interesting research […]

So, our R&D department made an association with them to develop what we call now “Pure Genius.”

So, what those two firms were doing is that they were doing some really interesting research to create a […] technology that would purify the indoor air that would work with both natural and artificial light.

So, what our R&D team said is that they worked with them to further develop the technology, and to be able to integrate it in our flooring; and after, we secured the patents.

So we’re really, really so excited to be the first product to use their specific technology in the world.

We launched the product last January. I can say that the market answer has been really positive, but we’re still in the midst of moving it out. It’s now available across Canada and in most US states.

Debra? Hello?

DEBRA: Okay, I can’t hear you now.

PRISCILLA BERGERON: Sorry? Hello? Hello?

DEBRA: Priscilla, can you hear me now?

PRISCILLA BERGERON: Yes, I can hear you.

DEBRA: Good. Let’s go on. I don’t know. Sometimes, we just have technical problems […] So, go ahead with your story.

PRISCILLA BERGERON: Sorry, I wasn’t able to hear you. What did you just say?

DEBRA: Can you hear me now?


DEBRA: So, go on and tell us how you got interested in the environment.

PRISCILLA BERGERON: Sorry, there is some music.

DEBRA: So, what we’re going to do is we’re going to a commercial break, and then we’re going to figure out this technical problem. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. Today, we’re talking about indoor air pollution and how you can solve it with your flooring. My guest today is Priscilla Bergeron from Lauzon Flooring, and that’s L-A-U-Z-O-N “flooring” dot com. Did I do better that time?


DEBRA: Good. So now, tell us your story. How did you get interested in the environment?

PRISCILLA BERGERON: First, I will just put you in context with the Lauzon Company. At Lauzon, green isn’t just the color of our logo, it really is in our DNA. So our company is all about two things—sustainability and…

DEBRA: Wait! All the part that you talked about before, we still have that. We didn’t lose it. So you can just start with your story—your story, personally.


DEBRA: Just tell us personally how did you—you, Priscilla–get interested in the environment.

PRISCILLA BERGERON: So, from my point of view, it started long before I started working with Lauzon because I’ve only been with the company for a few months now. But I’ve always been concerned about my health, my environment and everything.

So this is why I tried to eat as good as I can. When I can eat […] organic food, I’ll do it. And I’m always willing to try new recipes and new stuff like that.

I’m also a runner. I run outside and […] during the winter because I’m not living in Florida. So I can say we have a great winter all year long. I live in Quebec, so it’s really cold.

DEBRA: It’s probably really cold there now. Do you still have snow?

PRISCILLA BERGERON: We still have a bit of snow, but it’s really raining out here as well today. But last week, it was still snowing.

DEBRA: Wow! Spring comes slowly the further you are north.

So, tell us about some of the indoor air pollution problems that your flooring solves.

PRISCILLA BERGERON: So, what I’m going to do for that is I have some really, really interesting facts that I can share with you.

First, did you know that every day we take over 20,000 breaths, and that we spend 90% of our time indoor? We spend 14 hours a day at home, and that indoor air we breathe is 5% times more polluted than the outside air. So that’s really interesting, and that’s really scary at the same time.

Many people, they don’t realize the extent to which the air in our homes contains pollutant and toxic contaminants. And when I say contaminants, it includes the formaldehyde you were talking earlier. And it is from furniture, building materials and common household products.

And also, we don’t realize that poor air quality in our homes causes […] bacteria, viruses and mold. And that poor air quality in our home may also lead to allergies […] and even asthma.

And as you mentioned earlier, those studies had even shown that 19% of cancer can be associated to the environment and that poor air quality is one of the first environmental causes of cancer death, and that more and more people are now affected by the Sick Building Syndrome which is how our buildings are now keeping everything inside including harmful contaminants.

So really, personally, if we say that you are what you eat, now, you have to be concerned about what you breathe as well.

DEBRA: Yes, absolutely.

PRISCILLA BERGERON: Personally, I was really, really scared about all the statistics that I came across while doing my researches for the launch of Pure Genius. And when I came home after, I threw away all my Frebreze plugins and all those awful products that I had that were full of those harmful contaminants.

My boyfriend was even looking at me really saying, “Wow! Relax…”

DEBRA: I think a lot of people think that. They just go, “Oh, toxic chemicals… yeah, yeah.” But they really do have health effects. And so on the one hand, we have all these toxic chemicals, and on the other hand, we have higher healthcare costs than we’ve ever, ever had.

And I was reading another article (in addition to the one that I talked about earlier about indoor air pollution and the deaths from it), there was another article that I put on my blog yesterday at about how people are getting sicker and sicker at younger and younger ages.

People say, “Oh, toxic chemicals, so what?” But all you need to do is look at the statistics and see that people are getting sick. People are getting sick. We didn’t use to have these amounts of toxic chemicals in our homes a hundred years ago. But since the 50’s and 60’s, it’s just been more and more and more.

And so unless you’re doing something to reduce your exposure to indoor air pollution, then you’ve got these toxic chemicals in your house. It’s just there, and people are sick, and healthcare costs are up, so there needs to be some solutions.

So, in addition to formaldehyde, what are some of the other toxic chemicals that might be in your home?

PRISCILLA BERGERON: There is also acetaldehyde and nitrous oxide—and really, the list goes on and on. And all the furnitures and everything […] in your home is also endless.
That’s why the serious part of it is that everything that has it, and everything emits it, so you cannot run from it.

DEBRA: Well, there are a few things that people can do. I have a whole website. Like at, you can go and find lots and lots of things that aren’t toxic that you can put in your home. But the point here being that you have this new product that will clean the air. And we’ll hear more about it right after the break.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. My guest today is Priscilla Bergeron from Lauzon Exclusive Hardwood Flooring. That’s And we’ll be right back to hear about this new product.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is Priscilla Bergeron, Communication Manager at Lauzon Exclusive Hardwood Flooring. And they’re the makers of Pure Genius Flooring, which is what we’re talking about today because Pure Genius Flooring actually cleans the air of indoor pollution and cigarette smoke odors and pet urine odors.

So, even if you have a totally non-toxic home, you might want to consider this just for controlling these kinds of odors if those are something that you have a problem with.

Priscilla, explain how your flooring does this. It has a special coating on it, right?

PRISCILLA BERGERON: Yes. In fact, Pure Genius is like having three trees in your home. And what I mean by this is this makes indoor air up to 85% cleaner. So, Pure Genius really is the best solution for a healthier living space.

It works constantly without any loss of performance over time. Like a tree, as I’ve said, Pure Genius breaks down bad molecules, converting them into harmless water and carbon dioxide.

But Pure Genius is infused with a titanium dioxide, which is included in our own titanium finish. The titanium dioxide, it naturally reacts to […] prisms off natural light.

But what makes the Pure Genius’, our Pure Genius’, titanium dioxide so interesting is that it reacts to the prism of natural and also artificial light.

So, the simple movement and basic ventilation are sufficient to ensure adequate air circulation of the VOCs, which allows them to enter in contact with the excited nanoparticles of the Pure Genius floor. That means that the surface of the floor acts as a giant natural filter. As the VOCs come into contact with the Pure Genius floor, they are naturally broken down and converted into harmless water and carbon dioxide molecules.

At the end of the day, it’s a pretty simple concept. All we need is light, normal air circulation and obviously a Pure Genius flooring.

DEBRA: I think that’s pretty amazing.


DEBRA: This is not the first time I’ve heard of this kind of technology where the air going into contact with something—in this case, titanium dioxide, maybe all of them are titanium dioxide. But here you have a toxic chemical, and because it comes in contact with this other substance, when the two come together, there’s a chemical reaction, and then it makes the toxic chemical not there anymore because of that reaction between the two things. It just disintegrates and, as you said, turning it into water and carbon dioxide. So, it’s just like breathing. Pretty amazing!

So, you have this finish, and you have these test results. Are the test results on your website?

PRISCILLA BERGERON: Yes. They are all available on our website. Plus, since at Lauzon, we’re really concerned about everything we release, we are still in the process of doing some new testing, and we’re still investing in it.

So, as the year goes by, and you’ll visit our website at, you’ll see more and more test results from different external firms appear on our website to back up our technology.

DEBRA: So, you have different kinds of flooring. And this is a high-quality flooring. It’s not something cheap. It’s good quality.

So, when you have different types of wood and different color and things like that, are all of them available with this finish?

PRISCILLA BERGERON: Not all of our flooring are available with the Pure Genius finish, but most of them. Our Designer Collection and our Ambiance Collection, most of our products are available with it. From our Essential Collection, no products are available because it needs to be on our titanium finish which is only available with those two collections.

DEBRA: Maybe you just chose to only have it be limited. Is there a technical reason why it just wouldn’t be available on all of them?

PRISCILLA BERGERON: Because our Essential Collection, it’s not the titanium finish that we use on it. It’s a regular aluminum oxide finish, so it cannot work. The photocatalyctic technology cannot work on this type of finish.

DEBRA: So, I’m assuming it’s clear that it doesn’t affect the finish, the look of the finish at all.

PRISCILLA BERGERON: No. Exactly! So, you can either choose to have our flooring with or without Pure Genius. And if you wanted Pure Genius on it, you can choose between two different glosses. But we also have the new wood flooring series that are only available with Pure Genius which is our Organic series and our Authentic series that we just launched at the same time as the Pure Genius at the beginning of this year.

DEBRA: Well, tell me about those different lines. What makes them unique and individual—different types of wood, different colors, different styles?

PRISCILLA BERGERON: Yes. The Organic is really my favorite. It’s hard maple. It’s a solid hard maple FSC-certified product. It’s made with a breakthrough, a new breakthrough technology that we cannot tell because it’s a secret. But it’s aging the wood really, really fast to give it a perfect imperfect barn wood look.

So, it has a lot of character, and really, it’s aligning beautifully with all the new trends that we can see on the market.

And then you have the Authentic series that is the Wire Brush series. Again, it goes really well with the perfect imperfect look. And if you have pets in the home, if you have a dog, you’re covered because it’s already scratched. So, you’ll have it from light to dark colors, so you choose which scratch you want to fit with your dog.

And plus, it purifies the air. So if your dog smells, your good covered with the scratch and with the odor.

DEBRA: That’s the first time I’ve heard that described like that. Very good!

Let’s see what else. I’m looking at the page on your website about the titanium finish, and let’s see what else we can find out about it.

So it resists cracking. And it doesn’t bend if you drop something on it. It maintains its sheen over time. And it’s say it’s remarkably clear, so that you can see the wood and not the finish.

PRISCILLA BERGERON: Yes, but it has a sun shield which is a sun protection that prevents the wood from yellowing which is another Lauzon innovation.

DEBRA: We need to go to break again. So, you’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Priscilla Bergeron, and she’s from Lauzon Flooring. We’re talking about Pure Genius floor that cleans the air. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And today, my guest is Priscilla Bergeron. She’s from Lauzon Exclusive Hardwood Flooring, and they make Pure Genius flooring.

We’ve been talking about how it cleans toxic air pollutants out of the air in your home all by itself 24 hours a day.

All you need to do is walk by it or the breeze through the window, and the movement automatically will do this. I think that’s pretty amazing.

And here’s another thing about it. It’s silent.

Now, I’ve used my fair share of air filters in the past. Nothing against air filters, but they do make noise. And this is absolutely quiet except for the sound of high heels clicking on the wood.

PRISCILLA BERGERON: Yes. Another interesting thing is that it doesn’t only clean the air, it also decomposes bacteria and viruses. So it’s double healthier.

DEBRA: It would make it healthier in your family. If somebody has a cold, it would cut down on the transmission of those bacteria and viruses.


DEBRA: That is a very important point. So this would be excellent for hospitals, or daycare centers, or schools—any of those places where there are a lot of germs around, and as well as a home.

So you have a very cool thing on your website to help customers choose their floor. I was just playing with it during the break. It’s called the Deco Zone. And if you go to their website,, L-A-U-Z-O-N, right at the top center, it says “Deco Zone.” And when you go to there, what you do is you can choose a room—this is just fun to play with.

You can choose a room—living room, dining room, kitchen, bedroom, and then you choose a style. And so you click on the room, then you click on your style, and then it puts furniture for that room in that room.

And then, down the side is all the different flooring that you could choose, and the different styles, the different colors. And as you click on a flooring, it not only shows you a picture of the flooring, a close-up of the flooring, but it shows you that flooring in the context of the room.

And so as you go, you can change around and see what a light-colored floor, or dark, or medium, or different design/style, and it really gives you an idea of what these floors are going to look like.

I think that’s pretty innovative.

PRISCILLA BERGERON: Thank you. We’re really proud of this tool. It’s really appreciated by all our customers.

DEBRA: Yes, you can really get a sense. There’s a close-up picture just like you’re looking at it. Great job with that!


DEBRA: I understand you have a contest.


DEBRA: Do you want to tell us about that?

PRISCILLA BERGERON: In fact, to celebrate the launch of the Pure Genius, we’ve decided to throw a contest–and what better subject than to say that we want to give a chance to the customers to win a trip to breathe fresh air away from home.

DEBRA: Good idea.

PRISCILLA BERGERON: We’re giving away a […] gift certificate to the destination of their choice worth $4000.

So, we will give one gift certificate in Canada, and another one in the US.

DEBRA: You can get more information by going to Again, that’s L-A-U-Z-O-N. But the important point about this is that it’s for people who actually buy a floor.

PRISCILLA BERGERON: Yes. If you buy the floor, you can go online and register to the contest with the floor information you bought. But then you can also register to the contest without buying any flooring by sending us a text about how Pure Genius makes the indoor air cleaner, healthier and everything. And you send that text to us in our office in Lavac.

DEBRA: What’s the text address?

PRISCILLA BERGERON: All the information in order to send that text is available on our website. The address is the 666 St. Martin West in Lavac.

DEBRA: Okay, good. So let’s see. Well, we still have a few minutes left. So I’m looking at your website. Tell us more about your forest that the company owns. You have your own forest.

PRISCILLA BERGERON: Yes. We have our own forest. It’s in Quebec, in the Quebec provinces. And we have two million acres of forest that we own, and that we harvest, and that we care for. So really, Lauzon is really from forest floor.

So we own our forest, we take care of it, we cut our trees. And then we take it, and we bring it to our own sawmills, and then in our own plants to put the Pure Genius and the titanium finish on it and everything.

So we control the wood every step of the way that ensures the customers get the highest quality flooring possible from us in a sustainable manner.

We also sell flooring that comes from other types of wood that we cannot grow in Quebec. But all of the flooring that we buy from outside of the Quebec provinces come from really sustainable and really well-managed other companies and other forests because we really are concerned about that.
We also have the FSC certification which means our products, our hard maple products, are FSC-certified. So this is quite something we are proud of at Lauzon.

DEBRA: […]

PRISCILLA BERGERON: Yes. Because our product also contributes to get the LEED points for LEED buildings, so we are in the process with an association to make all of this certification process with our flooring easier for architects and designers. That’s really a big advantage with Lauzon.

DEBRA: Another thing, I’m looking at the page that describes here your forest, and a benefit that they talk about is that wood is a natural, renewable resource that does not release toxic air pollutants during the manufacturing process (unlike vinyl, carpet and other flooring materials that are made from petroleum that contributes a lot of toxic hazardous waste into the environment when they’re made).

This is something that I really like, and I think it’s an important point. A hardwood floor is a piece of a wood from a tree. If you cut a tree, and you’ve got wood, and that’s what’s on your floor, it’s a natural material made by nature.

And when you put something else like vinyl flooring, or synthetic carpet or any of those things, all of those are made in factories. They’re made out of crude oil. It creates a lot of pollution in order to even get that crude oil to begin with which then is shipped.

And then there are oil spills.And then you put it in a factory, and it puts hazardous waste into the environment during its manufacture.

And when you’re done with those products, they don’t biodegrade. They just sit in landfills.

And so, in addition to how toxic something is for us when we’re using it, we also need to be thinking about the whole life cycle of where are the toxic chemicals. And this is a product where the toxic chemicals are greatly less, if there’s any at all, than using most flooring products that exists.

So, I think that that’s a really, really important point. It’s not something that affects you while you’re using it, but it’s something that affects the world that is supporting our health.

PRISCILLA BERGERON: Yes, truly. I don’t know if you’re aware, but as you know, when trees are growing, it transforms CO2 into oxygen. But when the trees become mature, this process stops. So, if the trees just releases all of what it’s been filtering from all those years, so if we cut it before it completely matures and releases all those toxins, we are helping also the environment and our own health.

So, we’re not only making indoor air cleaner, we’re making outdoor air cleaner by harvesting the forest and everything.

DEBRA: I can see that you’ve put this together, your company has put this together intelligently, thinking about the whole big picture and not just one small part of it.

We’ve only got just about a minute left. So I just want to say thank you for being here with this new product. I think it’s really interesting. And I think that people should go to your website. Again, do you want to give us the website again?

PRISCILLA BERGERON: It’s And thank you very much for the opportunity.

DEBRA: You’re welcome, and thanks for being with me today. Sorry about the technical difficulties. And good luck with this. Good luck with this.

PRISCILLA BERGERON: Thank you. Thank you very much.

DEBRA: You’re welcome. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and you can go to to listen to other shows. I’m here Monday through Friday, 12 noon Eastern. And all the shows get recorded, so you can listen to all of them all the way back to the beginning.

It’s almost a year now. I’ve got more than 150 shows. And there’s a lot to listen to. There’s a lot to learn. There’s a lot of interesting people doing a lot of interesting things to make our world less toxic. And this is where you can find out about them—

Living Sick and Dying Young in Rich America

I am on a lot of health-oriented mailing lists. This morning I opened an email to find an article that was in The Atlantic a few months ago called Living Sick and Dying Young in Rich America.

Now nothing was said about toxics in this article. The point there was that people are getting sicker at younger ages now, and this is becoming the norm. Our life expectancy is getting shorter.

I for one will suggest that these statistics are due to toxic chemicals in consumer products. Have I done a study? No. But there are many studies that show chemicals found in consumer products are toxic, and I know from simple observation that people get healthier when they switch products to those that don’t contain these chemicals. It’s something anyone can demonstrate for themselves.

In early 2010, the organization Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families released a report called The Health Case for Reforming the Toxic Substances Control Act. Based on more than 1200 studies, the report shows just how toxic chemicals are contributing to many widespread health problems. According to this study, 133 million people in the U.S.—almost half of all Americans—are now living with chronic diseases and conditions related to toxic chemical exposures, which now account for 70% of deaths and 75% of U.S. health care costs.

We all have the choice to reduce toxic exposures in our own lives, but what really needs to happen is to eliminate toxic chemicals broadly, to restore health to the populace of our nation.

To be sick from toxic chemical exposure is so unnecessary.

Source: The Atlantic: Living Sick and Dying Young in Rich America

Why I Cannot Use a Cellphone

Are We Losing Our Choice of Safe Landlines Instead of Harmful Cell Phones?

Legislation that would make it easier for phone companies in Michigan to discontinue traditional landline service is making it’s way through the government there.

Does that mean landline phones are about to become obsolete?

Not anytime soon. Any changes would still need to be approved by the FCC.

My concern is that a safe, workable technology may be replaced by a new technology that is known to be harmful to health. And that our choice to have a landline phone would be eliminated.

Controversial landline phone legislation passes Michigan Senate committee

Below is one woman’s comment.

Why I Cannot Use a Cellphone

Here is my response to the proposed legislation by telecom companies to discontinue landlines. This is despite the fact that wireless radiation has been classified as a class 2B possible carcinogen by the World Health Organization and a probable carcinogen by the EPA.
I would not be able to function without a landline. Because of the previous cumulative effects of radiation (cell phones and other EMR) on my body from using a cell phone and living 150’ from a disguised cell tower, I can no longer tolerate any sort of prolonged wireless radiation, Wifi or smart meter radiation. I have been forced to live in the outback where there is no cell tower.

I am a PR professional who used a cell phone exclusively for 8 years until it made me dizzy and nauseous whenever I held it to my head. My ear on the side of my head with which I used this cell phone is now permanently numb. I count myself as lucky to have given up this cell phone before I developed a brain tumor. Please note that more and more people are now winning legal battles due to the brain tumor damage they have received from cell phone wireless radiation.

Wireless cell radiation (EMR/RF) is now categorized by the insurance industry as a high risk: A major Swiss insurance industry report featuring emerging risk topics acknowledges recent reports of courts ruling in favor of claimants who have experienced health damage from mobile phones.

People like me are the canaries in the mine shaft. Wireless microwave radiation poisoning has been undeniably shown in 4,000+ peer-reviewed academic studies to damage DNA, destroy the blood/brain barrier, and interfere with the production of melatonin by the pineal gland, along with a host of other effects. Living beings can only handle the effects of radiation so long before their immune system gives out. (See: for a partial selection of scientific studies.)

Because corporate-owned PR firms and media are blocking the flow of this information, I have spent a great deal of time sharing with others the numerous academic studies that prove wireless radiation is toxic. Because of my advocacy work, I have been harassed and threatened by telecom industry shills. However, my ethics and Ivy League education demand that I continue to insist that the truth about cumulative wireless radiation be acknowledged. If we give in any further to this monopoly of money, we will be directly harming the public for all time. You know the tobacco and asbestos stories.

Granted, the companies that make wireless technology are now among the most powerful in the world, making trillions of dollars every year and paying little to no Federal income tax. They use vast PR networks, media/political control, and advertising to hide the proven effects of wireless radiation poisoning from us.

The kicker is that telephone landlines use less than one third as much energy to operate as cell phones do. With 6 billion cell phones, imagine the energy we could save on this planet if we decide to use safe fiber optic hard wiring instead of radiation to communicate with one another.
I am convinced that the unending stream of wireless microwave radiation emitting from millions of cell towers across the planet is contributing significantly to global warming. Now industrial-level WiFi is being installed in the ceilings of classrooms and businesses across America in order to sell massive quantities of wireless technology. However, hard wiring computer technology with fiber optics would be better quality, cheaper to operate, and without the effects of microwave poisoning day in and day out on us and our children.

Alternatives to dangerous wireless technology are disappearing fast. These days it is almost impossible to buy landline phones, cable TV boxes, computer mice and routers, utility meters, etc. etc, that don’t emit wireless radiation. Although there is a large lobby for the needs of the disabled here in America, phone booths are rarely available to the many people like me who have been injured by wireless radiation and cannot use cell phones.

After arriving home recently from vacation, I found out that my mother was on her deathbed. I had tried to check up on her health condition while on vacation, but every phone booth between Southern California and Utah was disconnected or broken. Although I immediately took the red eye to New York to see her, she passed on before I got there. In order to fly to New York, I had to endure a radiation-emitting full body scanner and WiFi emitting from the confines of every airplane. After getting back from my Mom’s funeral, I developed a painful burning condition in my spine for months–another symptom of wireless poisoning.

The phone booths are now all gone. It is inconceivable that the increasing number of people who are being injured by cumulative wireless poisoning could function without landlines. Do not take away the landlines so trillion dollar companies can make a few more bucks. And although cell phones are touted as great for emergencies, landlines are the only device that will still work when the power goes out.

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The Right Type of Salt is Actually Good for You

Daryll BosshardtMy guest today is Darryl Bosshardt, who is in charge of sales and marketing at Redmond Incorporated, makers of Real Salt and Earthpaste Toothpaste. We’ll be talking about different types of salt and how they help or harm your health. Darryl is passionate about healthy living, healthy eating, and life-long learning. After growing up working for his family’s salt and mineral business (Redmond, Inc.) in Utah, he earned a Bachelors of Science degree at Southern Utah University and an MBA at Western Governor’s University before returning as a third generation family member at Redmond. In his spare time Darryl enjoys the outdoors, hiking, fishing, canyoneering, beekeeping, and just about anything else he can get is hands on.





The Right Type of Salt is Good For You

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Darryl Bosshardt

Date of Broadcast: November 28, 2014 (April 07, 2014)

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and how to live toxic-free. We do that because there’s toxic chemicals all around in the world today, but they are not everywhere. There are actually a lot of things that we can do to reduce, minimize, eliminate our exposures to toxic chemicals in every aspect of our lives. And so we talk about where the toxic chemicals are, how you can identify them and what you can do instead of being exposed to them.

Today is Monday, April 7th 2014. I’m here in Clearwater, Florida where the sun is shining and it’s a beautiful spring day. And today, we’re going to just talk about salt.

Actually, all week this week, we’re going to talk about food except tomorrow. I didn’t plan it that way. It’s just the guest are live whenever they’re available. And so sometimes, I just ask someone to be on the show and they’ll say, “Well, I can only show up on this date” or I ask them to be on a specific date and I just take them when they could come. So that’s the way it is this week. It’s that we’re having three talking about food.

Food is an extremely important thing because we can ingest a lot by eating the wrong foods and also, some foods themselves can be toxic. That’s one of the things we’re going to be talking about today. We’re going to talk about salt. All we’re going to talk about on this show is salt because it’s a big, big issue.

We’re exposed to salt. Well, if you eat any processed food, if you eat on restaurants, you’re exposed to toxic salts. I’m going to explain that right after I introduce my guest. And so it’s really about choosing the right kind of salt that will nourish your body instead of the toxic salt that can make you sick.

My ugest today is Darryl Bosshardt who’s from Redmond Incorporated and they make real salt. You probably have seen that on the shelf in your natural food store or have tried it yourself or know somebody who has. It’s been around for a long time. And it’s really salt. It’s not an industrial product.

Hi, Darryl. How are you?

DARRYL BOSSHARDT: Good, Debra. Thanks for having me on today. Can you hear me okay?

DEBRA: I can hear you okay. Now, first, I want to say that Darryl has been on before. He was here talking about the toothpaste that his company makes called Earthpaste. You can go to and look in the archives and listen to that show too. But today, we’re going to be talking about the salt that the produce.

Darryl, why don’t you tell us something about your background? I know that some people have already heard it who heard your other show, but you come from a family where your family has been producing salt products for a very long time. So tell us about that.

DARRYL BOSSHARDT: Yeah! So I grew up in central Utah. Back in the 1950s, my grandfather and his brother, their farm wasn’t doing all that well, but they knew there was salt underneath their farm because there was a little outcropping of salt [inaudible 00:04:10] south of their farm that the American Indians had mined or harvested long before the settlers came into the valley. And so they knew the salt was there and the farm wasn’t doing so well.

And so they moved the cornfield out of the way and right there in the center of the farm, they started harvesting these natural sea salt from an ancient seabed that had been laid down during the Jurassic era, started selling it primarily to local farmers for their cows and livestock and sheep and what-not and of course, eating it themselves as well.

And what the farmers found is their animals did so much better on this natural mineral sea salt from this ancient seabed than they were doing from some of the processed current ocean salt that were being imported into the area. And so yeah, that’s kind of how it got started.

And then a few years later, a nutritionist from New York came through. I think he was visiting the Grand Canyon or something. And as he came through, he noticed this salt. We didn’t think much of it, but a few months later, we started getting phone calls from New York looking for salt. We said, “Hey, that’s great. Yeah, we’ve got this salt here. Is it for your farm or for your farm?” They said, “Actually, no. There’s this nutritionist who said that the salt out of your deposit there is the healthiest salt around and we need to be all using this salt.”
And so we got a copy of this article and sure enough, that’s what he had said. And so we sat around as a group and said, “What do we call this salt? It’s not [inaudible 00:05:40] salt. It’s not fake salt. It’s just ‘real’ salt’ and the name stuck. And so that’s the name that we’ve been using for the sea salt or the natural food salt brand of this ancient sea bed salt that we’ve been harvesting since the late 50s.

DEBRA: That’s such a great story. So now, I would like to explain to our listening audience the difference between your salt and the salt that is in practically every salt shaker on the planet. What it is is just regular salt that you just buy, table salt is actually a processed, industrial chemical. What happens is that this salt like Darryl has, his family is selling is in the ground or it’s in the sea. Wouldn’t you say that the salt that’s underground is the same as the salt in the sea because it originally came from the sea and it’s an underground deposit of sea salt, right?

DARRYL BOSSHARDT: Yeah, that’s a great question. And because of that, today, the term ‘sea salt’ or salt in general is a bit confusing and part of that is that any salt, really regardless of how it’s produced can be defined as ‘sea salt’ because it comes from sea bed at one point. It might be the Dead Sea like the Dead Sea in Israel or some other dead seas around the world. It might be from a dead sea like the Great Salt Lake here in Utah. It might come from a current ocean like the San Francisco Bay or the Gulf of Mexico or it may come from an ancient seabed or a seabed that was trapped eons ago.

And so sea water though occurs with many complex chlorides. You go out to the ocean today and find a great, clean spot in the ocean and you take that water, you’re not going to have just pure sodium and chloride. You’re going to have some complex chlorides in there, many minerals actually, things like potassium chloride, calcium chloride, magnesium, sodium, zinc all in trace amounts and varying amounts. There’s other minerals there besides just pure sodium and chloride.

Unfortunately, the industry knows that. If I were a farmer and I had a cow and I was going to milk this cow, I could sell you the cream off of this gallon of milk for top dollar, this cream that you could use to make butter and ice cream and whatever else. And then I’m going to take this leftover milk after I’ve already taken all the cream off and sell it as a full gallon of milk.

As a farmer, that makes a lot of sense because economically, I just pretty much doubled the amount of money that I can get off that gallon of milk. If I take the gallon of milk, sell you the cream for top dollar and I sell the remaining white substance that used to be milk leftover, well I’ve just really increased my sales.

Well, salt companies do the same thing. And if you look at a lot of the operations around the San Francisco Bay or the Gulf of Mexico or these other places where the salt is produced, they use a series of evaporation ponds or they use solution mining and then they pull the salt up. And then they’ll take out the magnesium chloride. They’ll take out the potassium chloride. They’ll take out the magnesium chloride, potassium chloride and calcium chloride. Those are the main three they’ll take off. They can sell those to industry and they can still sell the remaining sodium chloride left over for normal salt.

The problem is the body need those other minerals and elements to offset sodium.

And so that’s the first real problem with many salts on the market, whether it has ‘sea salt’ on the label or not, finding out if the salt has been processed at all. It’ll be like buying an orange after the vitamin C has been taken out and selling it as a whole natural orange.

Sometimes, you’ll hear words like ‘living’ or that natural salt is alive. And salt, seawater is not technically alive, but in a natural state, it’s much more living than after you take all the other minerals out, you expose it to high temperatures to drive out moistureand then you add a series of chemicals to it that the body doesn’t recognize the natural salt like it did when it’s coming from its natural deposit be it a current ocean, an ancient seabed or a dead sea.

DEBRA: Yes. My basic thing is that life is one big system and our bodies are part of this big system of nature. All the minerals and plants and everything is all part of nature and that our bodies really have been created to be nourished by all these things that are in danger.

I’ll continue on with that thought after the break. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Darryl Bosshardt and we’re talking about salt. So we’ll come back, stay tuned.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Darryl Bosshardt from Real Salt. We’re talking about the difference between real salt and the salt that you get in the salt shaker.

What I was saying before the break is that we live in a system where it’s a whole system of living things that our bodies are all tied in to this system. Everything that’s in the environment are the things that our bodies are designed to eat. And when you take something like real salt, which is part of the earth and you eat that, then our bodies know how to recognize it. When you take the salt from wherever it’s coming from in the earth and put it through an industrial process where there is as Darryl said all kinds of heat and you remove all the other co-factors that are surrounding it, the sodium chloride and you end up with just this pure sodium chloride, which is really a processed, industrial chemical. You put that in your body, your body doesn’t know what to do with it. It doesn’t recognize it. It’s just is the same as putting any other industrial chemical in your body and it can be just as toxic.

And so when people talk about the health effects of eating salt like high bloodpressure and things like that, it’s your body’s normal reaction to eating something that shouldn’t be there in the first place. That’s my opinion.

DARRYL BOSSHARDT: And what’s interesting, Debra, I think it’s more than just an opinion because I think probably almost all of the listeners have heard that salt is bad for us, whether it was on TV or the mayor of New York or maybe even your own cardiologist or something has said salt is bad.

And before I make this next statement, I do want to say I’m not a doctor, I’m not practicing medicine and I’m not making any claims here. But what’s interesting is any time you have somebody say, “Hey, salt is bad for you,” but yet the first thing that’s going to happen when you go to the hospital or the EMTs or paramedics picks you up and haul you to the hospital, they’re going to hook you up to an IV. This IV they’re going to hook you up to isan IV of salinesolution, which is salt water.

In fact, any IV other than salt water would be disastrous. If they hook you up to an IV of distilled water or an IV of Coca-Cola or an IV of anything, even an IV of spring water, it’s going to be disastrous to the body. That IV has to be a saline solution and 99% of the time, that saline solution is going to be primarily sodium and chloride.
There are a few examples where you might get a potassium chloride-based IV, but for the most part that’s going to be a sodium and chloride-based IV with some other electrolyte.

And so it’s interesting you hear salt is bad for you, but yet your body will not function without salt. And without salt, you actually will die. And so the key is eating the right salt in the right amount that then can balance the body like the IV in the hospital versus destroy the body like some of the processed, chemical salts that we hear so much about.

DEBRA: Yes, I would agree with you on that. I was just looking at some articles online during the break. I read a lot about salt and I’ve changed from – I mean, obviously, I think most people – well, I know for myself, I was born just into our normal American way of doing things and so I ate a lot of processed salt in my life until I started learning about the health effects of eating that kind of salt and I switched over to eating natural salt like yours.

I’ll just say that I’ve been eating your Real Salt since you’ve been on the show with me some months ago and I love it! I love it, I love it. My body loves it. I really love your garlic salts. I put that in my salad every day.

DARRYL BOSSHARDT: You know, not to change the subject there, but because you did mention our seasoning line, something that I think is really fun about that, not only does the natural salt good for you, but it also actually taste a whole lot better.

DEBRA: It does, it does.

DARRYL BOSSHARDT: And the seasonings is a good example of that. A lot of your seasonings today will have things like MSG added [inaudible 00:18:26]. There’s all kinds of fillers and stuff that are added. There are a lot of seasoning salts on the market.

And one of the reason that you add MSG is it’s a flavor enhancer. But if you have a natural salt like the Real Salt and then you add some natural, organic freeze dried garlic to it, you can get a flavor profile that’s absolutely amazing…
DEBRA: It is…
DARRYL BOSSHARDT: …with ingredients that’s just natural, ancient sea salt and organic freeze dried garlic. You don’t have to add all those other fillers in there and you still have an amazing, tasty and healthy product.

DEBRA: Well, I can vouch for that. Now, I’m somebody who really likes food. I enjoy cooking, I enjoy eating food, I want it to taste good. But when I first started eating natural salt with all the minerals in it, it actually has a flavorto it instead of it just being – I find table salt now to be really harsh. But there’s a gentleness – I don’t quite know how to describe it. There’s just a gentle salt-ness, there’sa mineral-ness to it that enhances the flavor of the food. It does make the flavors of the food itself taste more alive.


DEBRA: I mean, anybody who’s interested in having food that tastes good should immediately switch to natural salt because it does make your food taste better.

DARRYL BOSSHARDT: And there’s actually two reasons for that, quite scientific reasons. The first is that if you have a traditional table salt or traditional sea salt that’s almost 100% sodium and chloride that’s been refined and heated and things like that, you’re tasting that very sharp flavor. But a lot of your natural salts, whether you buy the Real Salt – which of course, I’m a little biased towards. But there’s also other good brands. Another favorite I have is a brand called Celtic from the Grain of Salt Society.

DEBRA: I love that too.

DARRYL BOSSHARDT: I know the owner of that company. Her name is Selena, she’s a wonderful lady. Great product. Or the Himalayan Salt that comes out of Pakistan.

DEBRA: I like that too.

DARRYL BOSSHARDT: That’s also a good product line. With any of those, in addition to the sodium and chloride, you have about 2.5% to 3% trace mineral that’s included in the sodium and chloride. Those trace minerals help soften that sodium bite that you get if it’s 100% pure sodium and chloride that’s been refined.

So there’s other trace minerals – potassium, magnesium, calcium, selenium. They do soften the flavor quite a bit. And actually, the reason that there are some difference in taste versus the Celtic and the Himalayan and Real Salt, they all have about the same number of minerals, but those ratios can be a little off. And so the Himalayan generally tastes a little more earthy. Ours has a little sweeter flavor to it. The Himalayan has a little higher sulfur content, which is good, but it just has that little bit of flavor difference.

So that’s the first aspect. And then I’m not sure if we have time to go into the additives.

DEBRA: Well, actually, you know what? Let’s take a break and then we’ll go into the additives in salt when we come back.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Darryl Bosshardt from Real Salt and that is I believe You can go to their website and find out all about their salt. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Darryl Bosshardt from Real Salt. Before the break, we were about to about additives in salt. So tell us about those, Darryl.

DARRYL BOSSHARDT: Yeah! So in addition to the fact that a lot of the salts have been stripped of many of their minerals. And that alone can make the salt bitter.
One of the things that can impact that flavor (not only the flavor, but also the help) is that there are a number of additives that are typically added to salt and added to sea salt. Again, I want to keep driving that point home because I think sometimes consumers – and rightly so, if they go to a health food store or their grocery store, they have heard that sea salt is better. So they’ll pick up a ‘sea salt’. But again, if you look at the back of that sea salt, that can have just as many or more additives than a lot of your table salt. So the term ‘sea salt’ doesn’t mean what it used to mean.

But some of the additives that are added to salts today are things like sodium bicarbonate. Now, that’s just baking soda, not too bad. But there’s also some kind of mean ones. One of the standard ones that are added is something called ‘yellow prussiate of soda’.

DEBRA: What is that? I’ve never heard of that. I’ve never heard of that. What is it?

DARRYL BOSSHARDT: Sometimes, at the back of a salt canister, you will see that listed as ‘anti-caking agent E535’. And if you Google search ‘yellow prussiate of soda’ or ‘anti-caking E535’, the chemical name for that is actually sodium ferrocyanide. That’s actually a very common additive in many salts.

Some brands that I can mention here have that you probably are very aware of. And the problem with sodium ferrocyanide, that’sreally sodium, iron and cyanide and that’s a very strong toxin to the body in that combination. in fact, there’s an MSDS material safety data sheet on all of these chemicals that are added to salt. And sodium ferrocyanide is a pretty mean one. It’s known to cause all kinds of problems.

Now, the reason that’s approved as a salt additive is it’s in trace amounts and in those trace amounts, one dose isn’t probably going to hurt you immediately. But as many of your listeners on a toxic radio program would be aware of, that can accumulate over time or daily exposure to something like sodium ferrocyanide is not something you want to be shaking on your eggs or your celery or your cucumbers or your tomatoes on a daily basis.

DEBRA: No, you wouldn’t, you wouldn’t, not at all.

Daryll: So the reason that we add – we don’t, but the reason a lot of salt companies will add these other chemicals to salt is salt by nature is hygroscopic. Hygroscopic is kind of a fancy chemistry word that means ‘absorbs moisture’. It’s kind of like a dehumidifier. And because of that, salt will tend to get lumpy or sticky or damp if it’s left to its own devices.

DEBRA: Well, I have experienced that with natural salt. It just kind of sticks in the salt shaker. But what I do is I just kind of bang it on the counter and embrace it or another thing good people do is that they put rice or something in with the salt. I’ve seen that in restaurants that the salt shakers and the sugar containers have rice mixed into them to keep them from caking.

DARRYL BOSSHARDT: And either of those options are much better than putting a little bit of sodium ferrocyanide in with your salt.

And so another common additive that’s put in in many salts – and if you are at home, listener, go ahead and open your kitchen cupboard and grab your shaker of salt or your canister of salt and flip that over and kind of see what ingredients are listed if any (hopefully, there’s not).

But another one you’ll often see is one called sodium silicoaluminate. Now, that is somewhat similar to the anti-perspirant agent that’s added in anti-perspirant. It’s an aluminum-based chemical there. It’s a water repellant, anti-moisture, which is why it’s in an anti-perspirant. And again, if you take two licks of your anti-perspirant in the morning before breakfast, I’m sure you have some water retention, some blood pressure issues. And yet we shake this onto our food a couple of times throughout the day and we wonder why salt has gotten this bad rep.
DEBRA: Well, it’s not necessarily the salt. It’s salts and toxic chemicals. Now, one of the things that keeps coming up in articles about salt is they’re talking about ‘excessive salt’. I think that doctors are always wanting you to lessen your salt intake, but I think what they’re talking about is people who are eating a lot of processed foods are eating a lot of salt because those foods have a lot of salt in them. But that doesn’t mean that if you’re not eating processed foods that you shouldn’t be eating salt. As you said before, salt is vital to being alive.

So do you have some advice – again, not being a doctor, but do you have some advice about how much salt our bodies need on a daily basis?

DARRYL BOSSHARDT: Yeah, that’s a great question. And the resource that I know – there’s two great books. If any of your listeners would really like to get the full story on salt, two books that I would highly recommend, one was written years ago by a doctor named Batmanghelidj. His book was called ‘Your Body’s Many Cries for Water’.

DEBRA: I love that book.

DARRYL BOSSHARDT: He had another one called ‘You’re Not Sick, You’re Thirsty’. That was excellent as well. In his book, one of the things that he talks about is adding a quarter teaspoon of salt to every quart of water that you drink. And part of that – it’s kind of a fun discussion. If you went in to the hospital today and you wanted one liter of saline solutionbecause you’re a little bit dehydrated or you’re not feeling well or for any reason you walk in the hospital, they’re going to hook you up to an IV of saline solution, that liter, when you get your bill back from the hospital is going to be probably several hundred dollars for that one liter of solution, which is basically about a quarter teaspoon of salt in a quart of water. And so you could save yourself a lot.

And in Dr. Batmanghelidj’s book, he recommends that you salt your food liberally – natural salt, of course – and then for every quart of water that you’re drinking throughout the day, you add a quarter of teaspoon of salt to that quart of water.

DEBRA: In addition to the salt that you put on your food?

DARRYL BOSSHARDT: Yes, in his book, uh-huh.

DEBRA: Wow! Because I do drink water by the quart. If you were here, you would see that I have quart glass bottles of water that I fill with my filtered water that I filter at home and it’s just always on my desk. I’m sitting here all day long. I probably drink through four quarts of water as I’m sitting here working especially in the summer, especially in Florida.

DARRYL BOSSHARDT: Yeah, and that’s really important. I think one thing that Dr. Batmanghelidj points out in his book, he says that probably almost everybody – and there are probably some exceptions to that, you sound like you may be one of those is that we’re walking around dehydrated. And in his book, and others have said that at a minimum, we should probably be drinking about half our body weight in ounces because you perspire…

DEBRA: At a minimum, yeah.

DARRYL BOSSHARDT: You urinate, you cry, you sweat and all of that. Your tears are salt water, your sweat is salt water, your urine is salt water. And so you are burning through salt all the time throughout the day. And on days particularly on hot summer days if you’re out working in the yard or out running or doing whatever, you are burning through at least about a gram of salt every hour. And if you don’t replace that, you’re going to start to have issues.

DEBRA: I hate to interrupt you because – I need to interrupt you, but that is an excellent point because we talk about losing water, but we don’t talk much about losing salt. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest is Darryl Bosshardt and we’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Darryl Bosshardt of Real Salt and that’s I eat their salt every day. I also eat some other salts, but I do eat Real Salt every day. I especially like the garlic salt like I said. They have a seasoning salt and an onion salt. It’s their wonderful salt mixed with organic ingredients. And just the salt by itself is really great as well. You can go find out more about it at their website.

I was thinking, I thought it would make a wonderful gift if you’re ever wanting to give somebody a gift who likes food, instead of their seasoning salt, I think it would be a great thing. I remember, one Christmas, I introduced everybody I knew to organic oranges. And just having a new taste sensation, people really liked that. I think it would make a great gift. I’d be very happy to get that as a gift.

Anyway, so before the break, we were talking about how to replenish your salt needs from drinking a lot of water or heat or just the things that our bodies do every day like crying and sweating and things like that. I just wanted to repeat that because I think that’s a really, really important thing. I know I’m sitting here drinking four quarts through, four quarts of water a day as I’ve said, but I do put a lot of salt on my food – not tons of salt, but a nice sprinkle. I would say that each of my meals have some nice sprinkle of salt. Does that sound about right?

DARRYL BOSSHARDT: Yeah, I think the important thing is listening to your body talk, listening to what your body’s needs are. Everybody is going to have a different need obviously. Somebody that’s a marathon runner is going to be burning through a lot more salt and a lot more fluid than maybe somebody like me who is in a desk unfortunately more often than I’d like to admit. We each have different needs.

And there’s another great book. I’ve mentioned Batmanghelidj’s, there’s another one that was written by an MD who actually practices up in Detroit. He’s a great natural MD. His name is Dr. David Brownstein. His book is called ‘Salt: Your Way to Health’.

DEBRA: Yes, another great book.

DARRYL BOSSHARDT: Just the title seems so dramatically different from what we hear that salt is going to give us all these health problems and here’s an MD who’s actually prescribing salt to his patients and helping them – as he says in his book “salt their way back to health.” But again, it’s the right kind of salt and in the right form.

Like you pointed out before , if you’re eating a lot of processed foods, you’re getting so much processed salt with that that your body is going to have some overload issues not only maybe with the processed salt there, which is the small ingredient, but just the processed food in general is going to link to many health problems as a whole.

DEBRA: Yes. Now, I want to make sure – I have a question and I want to make sure we get to it. And we’re getting to the end of the show, so I’m going to ask you right now. First, I’ll say if you want to know that you have pure salt with nothing else in it, you can of course buy Real Salt and know that you’re going to get that. You can buy Himalayan Salt, the original Himalayan Salt and know you’re going to get that. You can buy Celtic Sea Salt and know that you’re going to get that.

But so often, especially in the natural food store, it will say ‘sea salt’ on the label. We can’t really know what that sea salt is. And so could you tell us more how it might not be the kind of salt that you’re talking about that you sell?

DARRYL BOSSHARDT: Yeah, you know there’s really just about three questions that a consumer would need to ask themselves when they go buy salt. I would suggest these same three questions could be used almost for anything you’re ever going to purchase. The first one is know who’s actually producing it.

So often today, the traceability in our food becomes difficult if not impossible. And if there’s a way to know the person is actually producing these or has the farm that’s raising the eggs, I would much rather buy from somebody local or someone that I actually can see their chickens and know they’re free-range and know they’re not being treated with all kinds of stuff than just getting them in some blank, generic box out of a grocery store.

Adn so I always encourage people to find out who’s producing it. That can be a little difficult with some products; salt being one of those. You walk in. If you buy a store brand or some just generic brand, it’s kind of hard to know where that salt is coming from.

And you see that with the Himalayan today. Unfortunately, you walk in the stores and now, there’s all kinds of different brands of Himalayan. It kind of makes it hard to know who is processing the salt correctly, who’s not using explosives and who’s not using child labor and things like that.

And so I would always encourage first off to buy from a company that you can find out and know and trust. Do a little research and find out. And whether you use the original Himalayan salt, the Celtic, Real Salt, those are three brands that I use and I trust all three of those. That would be the first thing.

The second question would be to find out what they’re taking out of the salt. And it’s kind of hard to see that on a label sometimes, but you can find out if there are other minerals in the salt or if it’s pure, refined or processed.

And if the salt pours out of the shaker and it’s perfectly 100% identical beady crystals, you know that’s not the way that occurred in nature. Typically, salt should have some variation in crystals, should all look a little bit different, should look unique, more like snowflakes than like these manufactured beady product.

And then after you find out if they’ve taken anything out or if they’ve heated it, put it through a kiln, furnace, find out if they’ve added anything back to it. Find out if they’ve tried to make it look pretty and to flow smooth by adding some of these chemicals we’ve talked about today.

I think if you know your source, find out what they’re doing to it, if they’ve taken anything out or putting anything back in, you’ll end up with some great products. And that would apply both for toothpaste, for salt, for any food item that you’re purchasing or even topically going to be using for yourself or for your family.

I think those are three great questions that could lead you most of the time to clean, quality products that you could feel good about using for yourself and your family.

DEBRA: I completely agree with you. And see, this is one of the reasons why I invite people like you to come be on the show so we can get to know you.

DARRYL BOSSHARDT: Well, I appreciate you having me on.

DEBRA: You know, every time I use your salt, I do think of you. I think of our interview and I remember what you said about the salt and it just is nice for me in the same way that I know the woman who made my bed and I know that sheep that gave their wool to put in my mattress and things like that.

So I completely agree with you. It makes a big difference t know that and I know your integrity and your intent. And so when I put your product on the shelf, then I know, I can recognize it. It’s not advertising. It’s not because I saw a commercial on TV. It’s because I talk to you.

And I think that’s how transparent all products should be. That’s what I think. And I think it would be a better world if we had that.

So one other thing I wanted to say though is that if you see the word ‘sea salt’ not necessarily on a brand of salt because you can go into a store and it’ll say ‘sea salt’ on the salt package and it may have other things in it. But then when you go that next step like pasta sauce and it says ‘sea salt’ on it, there’s just no way for us to know I think because the manufacturers – even if you called the manufacturer (that sounds funny, call the manufacturer of the food), the manufacturer of a pasta sauce, they’re going to say, “Well, we just bought sea salt in a 55-gallon drum and they don’t know anything about it.”

DARRYL BOSSHARDT: Yeah, that is a bit unfortunate. And I don’t know if you’re – there are a few companies that aredoing a little bit better about disclosing those ingredients. And if a manufacturer is just looking to put sea salt on their label, chances are they’re going to buy unfortunately the cheapest, most lightly processed sea salt that they could find just because they want to put it on their label, not because they really care about the food.

One company though – and maybe you’re familiar with them and maybe they would be potential guest for you next time is a company called ‘One Degree Organic’. It’s a really kind of a neat company. They’re an organic and vegan product line. They’ve got breads and cereals and things like that. But when you buy their product, there’s a little barcode on the back, you can scan it and it will bring up a little video that shows you the quinoa farmer in Mexico and shows you the grape producer…

DEBRA: Oh, great!

DARRYL BOSSHARDT: …and a little video of them talking about why their grapes or why their quinoa – it’s a neat company. It’s called One Degree Organic. I can send you the company’s name.

DEBRA: Oh, please do.

DARRYL BOSSHARDT: …and maybe have them on your show. It’s a really neat concept.

DEBRA: I’ve seen that on some kind of products, not food products. I had someone on where he was making yoga mats in a very unique way in India. His site has – and I’ve forgotten the name off the top of my head, but it’s in the archives. His site has a video and pictures of the peopleactually making the mats. You see them where they actually are in India, weaving them. It’s that kind of information I think we should have for every product so that we know.

We’ve only got about a minute left, so is there any final words that you want to say that we haven’t covered?

DARRYL BOSSHARDT: No. You know, I appreciate you having me on. I do think that salt is a very important topic and one that can make a big difference. The book ‘Salt: Your Way to Health’ is a great place to start I think to understand the importance of salt. And if I can leave with just anything, it would be to not write off salt and not be scared of salt.

Now, there are some with maybe some salt sensitivies or kidney issues. That’s going to change this discussion entirely, but for the most part, we with Dr. David Brownstein, most of us should be salting our way back to health with the right kind of salt and good, clean water.

DEBRA: Thank you so much for being here today. It’s always a pleasure to talk to you. My guest has been Darryl Bosshardt from Real Salt and that’s You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio and you can go to and listen to this show again or listen to any of the other past shows. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd.

do oven mitts have flame retardants?

Question from Ric

Howdy. Thanks for all you do.

Do you know whether normal, quilted oven mitts have flame retardant chemicals in them? I can’t seem to find anything confirming or denying this, but, frankly, I wouldn’t be surprised if they do.


Debra’s Answer

Now you might think that they would, being around fire and all, but to the best of my knowledge, oven mitts are NOT treated with chemical fire retardants.

Oven mitts are made out of materials that are difficult to ignite, such as thick quilted cotton, or materials designed to be fire barrier fabrics, like Kevlar.

No toxic danger from oven mitts that I’ve ever heard of or found.

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Please Help Me Choose A Rug

Question from Jenna

Hi Debra,

I need some advice on buying a rug. I need a large healthy rug that can withstand pets and children in the living room. I’ve been researching for many months now and am no closer to figuring out what is best. Ideally, I would buy an organic wool rug but I don’t have the budget for one. Here are my options, as I see it:

1. I thought about buying a large cotton rug but I wouldn’t be able to fit it in my washing machine, as it would inevitably get dirty a lot.

2. Flatweave wool/cotton rug from ikea, like this one – I could vaccuum it and can blot up stains. The thing that worries me is the moth treatments etc. on the wool. Maybe I could hose it down with cold water and blot it dry when I first buy it?

3. A polypropylene rug. I know these are not ideal but I wondered if I let it off-gas for a while and regularly hose it down outside or wash it in the tub/shower, if it would be a good choice?

We do have a fresh air exchanger in the house and all wood floors, just to give you an idea on our environment. All of our beds are organic as well and no polyurethane foam in the house expect for a couple of small chairs I’ll be getting to next.

I would really appreciate the help. Thanks so much.


Debra’s Answer

1. Well, we don’t know for sure if it has moth treatments, or not, or what type. Please call IKEA and find out.

2. I’m more concerned about the polypropylene rug. Polypropylene is not that toxic, but synthetic latex can outgas. So I would pass on this one.

It’s good that the wool rug is only wool and cotton, and no jute or latex. Find out about the moth repellants.

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Why is Polyester Batting Toxic?

Question from Jenna

Hi Debra,

Can you please explain to me why polyester batting is toxic? I can’t seem to find any specifics on it. All I find is that it’s a stable material and, if it remains inside whatever it is (cushion, toy etc.), it’s not a danger.

Debra’s Answer

I’m going to answer your question with a link to a blog post about polyester, written by two intelligent women who I personally know and admire: Patty Grossman and Leigh Anne Van Dusen at O Ecotextiles. You can listen to my interview with them on Toxic Free Talk Radio at Fabrics That are Nontoxic, Ethical, Sustainable…and Beautiful.

They sell upholstery fabrics, so they are interested in textile toxics.

Here’s the link: Polyester and our health

Even though this is about polyester fabric, and you are asking about polyester batting, polyester is polyester and plastic is plastic. It’s made from crude oil and it outgasses who knows what.

Years ago I decided for myself to minimize plastic in my home as much as possible, especially if it’s many hours of contact time, like in a bed, or if it’s touching my skin.

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How Do I Remove Smelly Grease Lubricant?

Question from Joy

Hi Debra.

I’m wondering if you might have any ideas about how to remove a very smelly grease lubricant from my garage door?

I was away this week and my landlord allowed some company to “lubricate” the garage door with this horribly toxic smelling stuff, and it’s getting in the house and causing me to have major MCS reactions.

In my experience in the past, this sort of grease doesn’t offgas very easily.

Should I spray the parts I can see maybe with baking soda water? I need to absorb the smell from it, not so much any grease, but don’t want to cause rust on the metal garage door tracks either. This is a real dilemma, it’s quickly making the house unliveable for me. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


Debra’s Answer

Baking soda isn’t going to handle this odor. I think you need to remove it entirely. You probably need to use something like isopropyl alcohol or chlorine bleach.

The best thing to do is find out exactly the product used and call the manufacturer to find out how to remove it.

Readers have recommended EZ-1 by Foust as a lubricant.

cell phones

Question from Janice

Hi Debra-

My soon to be 18 year old son wants a new cell phone (smartphone) for his birthday.

Any thoughts on CDMA vs. GSM? Is CDMA technology still considered safer?

I just did some research and I read that LTE is going to be introduced soon. I know you recommend the pong case as well but what technology /network provider would be the safest. I’m confused.

Thanks for your help.

Debra’s Answer

I can’t find anything on which wireless technology might be safer than another.

Anyone have any ideas on this?

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Denatured Alcohol and Odorless Mineral Spirits

Question from Melissa

Hi Debra,

We are hiring a contractor to install our new stove and to repair the surrounding cabinetry (which was damaged during attempts to repair the old stove). The contractor says that the only products he will be using are “denatured alcohol” and “odorless mineral spirits,” both of which he says are generic products (i.e., he was unable to specify brands being used).

I told him that I am chemically sensitive and that I have two young children at home, so I am concerned about what he would be using. His response was that we should not be home when the work was being done but that the fumes would dissipate in about two hours and there would be no after-effects or off-gassing. I have done some research on these products and both appear to have harmful fumes, but I have found no information about lasting effects.

What are your thoughts on these products? If you think they are bad news, do you know of any comparable and safer alternatives?

Thanks in advance,


Debra’s Answer

You are right that both have harmful fumes, and your contractor is right that both will dissipate in a few hours.

Both of these substances are solvents, which evaporate quickly.

You leave the house while the work is being done and be sure to tell him to have all the windows open while he is using these chemicals. Fans, too, would be even better.

I don’t know the purpose for which he is using these chemicals, so I can’t suggest an alternative.

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Dandruff Remedy

Question from sue r.

Is there any natural remedy for dandruff? I am extremely sensitive to odors and head is irritated by the ones I have tried.

Debra’s Answer

Actually, in my very first book, Nontoxic & Natural, published in 1984, there is a remedy for dandruff: baking soda.

“Simply rub a handful of dry baking soda into wet hair and rinse. For the first several weeks of use, hair will be drier than normal, but then the natural oils will begin to make your hair very soft.”

Anyone else have a suggestion for this?

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For the Love of Linen

tricia-roseMy guest today is Tricia Rose, Founder of Rough Linen, where she makes hand sewn bedding and other household items from exceptional linen fabrics. We’ll be talking about linen as a natural fiber, making things by hand, and living with elegant simplicity. “I didn’t find linen,” Tricia told me, “It came to me. I found this homespun, hand sewn linen pillow slip while I was clearing my grandmother’s cottage in Scotland. It was made by her great-grandmother, in 1840, and was in regular use for three generations. When it came to me I used it to store lavender. Years later, by good fortune, I found a natural linen with the same wonderful texture and feel, and I decided to make bedding in this simple, elemental tradition. I wanted the feeling of connection, appreciation of good materials and handiwork which is part of my heritage as part of my everyday life.”





For the Love of Linen

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Tricia Rose

Date of Broadcast: April 02, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And this is Toxic Free Talk Radio, where we talk about how to survive in a toxic world and how to live toxic free.

I’m feeling so great this morning. I don’t know if it’s just because it’s spring time and the sun is shining. And it’s 80 degrees outside here in Clearwater, Florida—what’s going on? Maybe it’s because it’s April [inaudible 00:00:24]. It’s a great day for me. It’s Tuesday—no, it’s not. It’s Wednesday, April 2nd. And I’m getting a note that my mic…

TRICIA ROSE: [inaudible 00:00:38]

DEBRA: I’m hoping that sounds better. I can’t tell from here. No? Well, we need to fix this first.

TRICIA ROSE: Alright. You know what, I really…

DEBRA: Okay. Try that. It’s just a mechanical difficulty. And I’ll tell you what it is. It’s just a little place where the cable hooks into the mic. There’s something with the mic that it falls out.

Anyway, today we’re going to have a wonderful show. We always have wonderful shows. In fact, you can go to and you can listen to all the shows that I’ve done for the past. It’s been almost a year, coming up on April 22nd. It will be a year on Toxic Free Talk Radio. So, all the shows are archived on Fridays. Instead of doing a live show, I play some shows from the past. But every single one of them is wonderful, every single one of them has great information and you’ll get to meet the people who are actually creating a toxic-free world.

Today, we’re going to talk about women. My guest is Tricia Rose. She’s the founder of Rough Linen. And she not only makes the things that she offers out of natural fibers, natural linen, but she hand sews them. These are not sewn on big industrial machines. She sews all these products herself. Hi, Tricia.

TRICIA ROSE: Hello. Hi, Debra.

DEBRA: How are you doing?

TRICIA ROSE: I’m fine, but I have to say I do have ladies who help me. I don’t sew everything myself.

DEBRA: Okay. But you’re all sewing like on sewing machines or by hand, or something like that, right?

TRICIA ROSE: We have a very small, little workshop. But it started on my dining room table, so it really is one of those grassroots things.

DEBRA: Yes. Yes. Well, I want to hear everything about what you’re doing. But before we start talking about your products, tell us your story of how you got started in doing this.

TRICIA ROSE: Well, my mother was a health food nut and a natural liver. And I know that she cared very much about where things came from and what they did. So, we had a vegetable garden. We always ate brown bread. We were allowed to have sweets or cookies or pudding only if we made them ourselves, which I think was a terribly clever rule.

DEBRA: I did that myself when I was making a transition from eating garbage food to—I mean, I always ate good food. My mother was a healthy food nut too. She used to make what we now would call a “green smoothie.” She called it a green drink.

And to get us to drink it, she would one of those horrible red—well, it didn’t taste horrible, but a horrible red maraschino cherry. She’d put it in the bottom, so we’d have to drink it in order to get the cherry. She was trying to be helpful. And I think that at the time nobody knew how bad FD&C maraschino cherry was.

TRICIA ROSE: Debra, I’m a great believer in intention.

DEBRA: Yes, me too.

TRICIA ROSE: If your intentions are pure, then some good has to come of it.

DEBRA: I think so too.

And so, when I decided that I was really going to eat natural, and all-healthy, and organic, and not eat so much packaged foods, my rule about any desert at all (except for ice cream), any cookies or cakes, or anything like that, if I was going to eat them, I had to make them myself. I had to make them out of organic ingredients and natural sweeteners.

That really cut down on eating junk food. And I got to have my treat if I actually stuck it through and actually made it.


DEBRA: That’s a good strategy. So, she’d let you eat homemade cookies? Good.

TRICIA ROSE: Yes. And when I was 13, because she couldn’t sew at all—my grandfather sewed—I used to work the treadle for her machine. I mean, don’t ask me how somebody else work the treadle [inaudible 00:05:25].

And so, my mother sent me on a sewing course in the summer holidays. And when I came back, I had one beautiful clumsy dress with big puffed sleeves and a [inaudible 00:05:41] to show for it. I then made her clothes and mine my sister’s, a large proportion of them.

And then later, when was at the university, I wanted extra income. I sewed [inaudible 00:05:55] for other people. And so, I’ve always, always sewn. And all through my marriage, I’ve sewn as well because my husband and I worked together. But his hours tend to be longer.

And I have always gravitated towards beautiful pure fabrics. And then I found a linen pillowcase in my grandmother’s linen closet. I had to clear out her house after 67 years of continuous occupation (my aunt went into a nursing home).

And so, I went to this little stone cottage that I’ve known all my life. And amongst all the free beautiful linens, still wrapped in their cellophane, pure, beautiful linen sheets. I found this one neglected hand-woven, natural-colored [inaudible 0:06:52].

And it hadn’t been at all respected. Someone had put a casing into it and the drawstrings. I assumed it was used a shoe bag or as a laundry bag.

And I have a vague memory of an old spinning wheel, but I couldn’t find it. I knew that this was from my great great grandmother, who had lived in the country in Scotland. And it was around about 1840, which was a point at which people still grew a field of flax for their own use and then they spun it and wove it.

And so, I brought it with me to America. And I kept that [inaudible 00:07:37]. But about four years ago, I found a manufactured linen which had exactly the same texture. It’s obviously not hand-woven, but it has precisely the same texture and color and handle. I thought that I would make myself a duvet cover. I did. People started admiring it, so I made a few more.

And then I had one glass of wine too many one Sunday night and thought, “I need to share this with the world.”

DEBRA: And I’m so glad you did.

TRICIA ROSE: I just wrote a little piece about it and I sent it to a design blog called Remodelista , never thinking that they would run the piece the next day. And suddenly, I had 10 orders. And that was how it started in 2009.

DEBRA: Well, that was exactly the right place. I love Remodelista and Gardenista. I get the Gardenista email every day, and I always read it because it’s so beautiful about…

TRICIA ROSE: It’s a bright spot in the inbox, isn’t it?

DEBRA: It is. It really is, and I highly recommend it, It really has a being-aligned-with-nature viewpoint, and bringing nature inside, and using natural materials, and all those kinds of things which is right in alignment with me.

So, they ran it the very next day of course because that is just what they do.

We need to go to break, so we’ll talk more when we come back.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is Tricia Rose. She’s the founder of Rough Linen. That’s the name of her website. It’s She has absolutely gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous natural linen bedding and curtains, and other things for the home.

And we’ll be right back to talk with her more.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Tricia Rose, founder of Rough Linen. That’s at She makes gorgeous things out of beautiful linen.

Tricia, I know that you started your company because you were inspired by the fabric and the history and the possibilities.

But I’m doing this show because I’m looking for things that are not toxic, which of course yours is. Is there anything you want to tell us about regular fabrics and toxic chemicals?

TRICIA ROSE: I really [inaudible 00:10:38] so much on linen. And I’ve never liked synthetic materials. That said, what would do without Lycra. I don’t know [inaudible 00:10:50]. But I feel like if I look at my underwear, I’m definitely in a state of confusion.

But for big items, like sofas and beds, it’s appalling how toxic they can be. I have a number of these in my [inaudible 00:11:16]. One of them is box-spring. I do not know why anyone in the world has as a box-spring in their bed because, first of all, they’re just very big, and bulky, and ugly.

If you have sprung, laminated wooden slats (like the very expensive European ones), it [inaudible 00:11:40] in a narrow profile.

And then, again, mattresses, since I came to America, first of all, I noticed how enormous the beds were, and then the mattresses have kept on growing with the advent of pillow tops and things.


TRICIA ROSE: You have to be so careful. All of that bulk is plastic and rubberizers and [inaudible 00:12:09], why do we want to have that near us? A slimmer profile mattresses (and preferably of natural materials) makes so much more sense than this sort of bed where you need a little ladder to climb into.

I think that would health risks quite apart from [inaudible 00:12:30]. I mean, what happens when people fall out?

DEBRA: That’s a very good point. I was housesitting for a friend of mine who had one of those beds that you have to climb up a little ladder to get in it. Really, I did. It was difficult to get in and out of. I myself sleep on a woodstock bed with maybe five inches of mattress. And it’s all stuffed with wool and natural fibers sheets. Everything about my bed is natural.

But I understand what you’re saying, and I do very much prefer the natural-stuffed mattress on top of the woodstocks in terms of comfort.

TRICIA ROSE: Yes. Yes, I mean, it’s just far more comfortable. Obviously, there’s a hierarchy of bedding. And I would say right at the bottom is nylon and polyester. Although polyester is actually the strongest sheeting that you can have. Polyester is next doors to indestructible, but it [inaudible 00:13:42] and it looks stingy, and it doesn’t feel nice. It has sort of a clamminess next to your skin.

DEBRA: I agree.

TRICIA ROSE: Then you have the poly cotton mixes, then you have cotton which of course is beautiful. But the way that cotton is produced is not beautiful. Cotton has a very high use of irrigation and pesticide because the little ball is a fruit, so the caterpillars and things like it, whereas linen is the stem of a plant and so it’s much less likely to be attacked by insects.

It’s a big tough, longer stem.

We might have trouble [inaudible 00:14:30] pesticide used in linen. It’s basically a weed.

It traditionally was grown in places where it hasn’t needed irrigation. What it does need is a reliably damp autumn. And when it’s harvested—and quite often it’s pulled up by the roots by machines, not by hand anymore—then it is laid in stooks in the field. If allowed to just sit there and get damp, it’s called field resting.

And what happens it that the softer stuff rots away from the long stem. It smells terrible. But then that is harvested [inaudible 00:15:24].

And the reason that linen is relatively expensive is it goes through so many hand mechanical processes after that. You whack it with a little stick, and then you drag it through a bed of nails, and it turns into long hanks. It looks like long blonde hairs. And then, it’s woven [inaudible 00:15:57].

DEBRA: But it’s a very natural process. As you’re talking about, all these are happening in the field and by hand. It’s not something that requires a lot of chemicals and thing like that.


DEBRA: I just want to describe that linen is the name of the fabric that comes from the flax plant.

TRICIA ROSE: That’s right.

DEBRA: And if you’ve never seen a flax—now, I actually grew up with flax plants in my front yard. And they grew quite large.

They were very good flax, little yellow and green flax. But if you’ve never seen a flax plant or you don’t know what it is, it is like a bunch of blades—big, wide blades. It’s like a blade of grass, but on steroids. It’s very big.

And the flax plants we had when I was growing up were maybe three or four feet high. And there was a bunch. All these leaves would come out.

Oh, I see we need to go break, so I’ll continue my story when we come back.

This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And today we’re talking about linen fabric with Tricia Rose, founder of Rough Linen. She has got the most beautiful linen bedding you’ve ever seen. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: Here we go. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Tricia Rose, founder of Rough Linen. She’s at And you can go there and see her beautiful things that she makes from linen with hand sewing.

So, to just finish up my story about the linen plant, you can actually see—I remember as a child, I would pull the leaves off the linen plant, and I’d rip them apart, these long strands. I thought that was a lot of fun. I had no idea it was linen at the time. But you can actually see the fiber in the flax plant.

TRICIA ROSE: Oh, yes. Yes. And one of the beautiful things is—but unfortunately, in the United States, there is no fiber flax grown. But there’s a lot of nutritional flax. I mean, flax seed is from linen. It’s a wonderful plant. And anyone who’s driven through fields of flax knows that they’re such large plant, those are. But the field grows green, and the plants go away, the flowers open again and they bloom. It’s a beautiful, ethereal sky blue.

DEBRA: Oh, how beautiful.

TRICIA ROSE: It’s a lovely sight.

DEBRA: I’ve never seen that.

TRICIA ROSE: So, it’s grown…

DEBRA: Go ahead.

TRICIA ROSE: Well, apparently, you can’t use—I mean, it’s a matter of economics, I’m sure. You can’t use the seed flax for fiber. But there used to be a flourishing flax industry.

I mean, it’s what people used to grow. There was in Washington State and in Oregon, in particular, there was a very flourishing flax industry, and an interesting story that comes with it.

At [Inaudible 00:19:20], flax was grown and woven. And the best mills sold flax in America were slaves growing cotton. Flax couldn’t compete with this new cheap slave-grown cotton.

DEBRA: What’s coming to mind is linsey woolsey. Was that linen [inaudible 00:19:45]?

TRICIA ROSE: Linsey woolsey is linen and wool woven together.


TRICIA ROSE: I mean, what a wonderful name?!

DEBRA: I know! I love it.

TRICIA ROSE: If you read in the Bible, there are a lot of [inaudible 00:19:58] against mixing wool with linen because pure linen is mentioned over and over again. Pure white linen, it was what you use as a shroud. The priests at the temple wore it.

And I’ve read a lot of stuff on the internet about the purity and helpful vibrations within it which I find very interesting.
I mean, I love linen for itself. It doesn’t sway me in any way except that I find it fascinating that there’s such history going back so far.

In fact, the oldest—not woven, the oldest spun linen fibers ever found were in a cave [inaudible 00:20:50] because of the dye that was used in them, they are 65,000 years old.


TRICIA ROSE: So, it’s very likely that people [inaudible 00:20:59] this sort of woody plant, and they just twisted it. It makes a lot of sense.

DEBRA: Yeah. It just kind of blends itself to being a fiber, that you could…

TRICIA ROSE: Absolutely.

DEBRA: Yeah. Also, another thing is that linen is traditionally the preferred fiber for clothing in hot climates because it breathes really well. And here in Florida, I think that linen is actually the correct fiber for us to wear.

And so, does it grow in all kinds of different climates? Could I grow linen in my backyard?

TRICIA ROSE: I don’t think Florida noted for long damp autumns, is it? You might have a bit of trouble. I mean, think of Ireland, Irish linen and Belgium, Belgium linen.

DEBRA: So, it needs to be [inaudible 00:21:50].

TRICIA ROSE: [inaudible 00:21:51]

DEBRA: Yeah.

TRICIA ROSE: Yes. And in those northern latitudes, a short but very intense growing season—it has I think a 60-day growing season. If you haven’t got a reliable dampness, you do need to damp it down. It [inaudible 00:22:13] what we call a wetting pond, and rest it that way (although it needs a bit more supervision). And if you [inaudible 00:22:21].

DEBRA: Now, you have—

TRICIA ROSE: But if you want to wearing linen, it’s cool to the touch. It’s wonderful, just wonderful to sleep under because it retains a sort of wholesomeness and [inaudible 00:22:37] even better than cotton.

Sometimes people who come to linen after cotton say that the handle is harsh because cotton tends to be much smoother.

You have to try them both to find out what you like for yourself. But I’m now at a stage where I can’t stand anything remotely slithery or clingy like bamboo.

DEBRA: I myself love linen. It’s my favorite fiber. We have a store here in the Tampa Bay area where I live that was made as kind of a homage to England from somebody who had gone to England and spent a lot of time there. He wanted to come back and have this store be like a store in England. And I’ve been to England, so I know what that’s like. It’s my favorite place to be in the entire area here where I live.

I went in there one day, and they had whole rack of linen throws, I guess, that you would toss on the sofa. And they were in all these different colors and they had been washed a million times. They were so soft. I just wrapped one of those around me and I didn’t want to take it off.

I didn’t have the $200 that day to buy it, but I went back because I couldn’t stop thinking about it. And when I had the $200, I went back and they didn’t have them anymore. I was so disappointed!

TRICIA ROSE: Oh, dear.

DEBRA: It was like from that moment on, that was all I wanted to sleep in.

I mean, I sleep on cotton flannel sheets, so they’re very cozy, and comfy, and soft. But when I wrapped that linen around my body it was like, “Yes. This is my fiber. This is what I want to sleep on. This is what I want to wrap myself in.” It’s just so attuned with my body.


DEBRA: It was amazing.

TRICIA ROSE: And it’s so versatile because, obviously, if you iron it, it becomes crisp and very, very smooth. And new linen, you need to wash it and to use it before it soften down. And it becomes the most beautifully soft, light, embracing textile quality that you could possibly search for.

DEBRA: It really does. It’s a pretty amazing thing. Well, we need to go to break.

TRICIA ROSE: And it’s easy to care for too. You just wash it. It’s very important not to over dry linen because that will shorten the life of the fiber. This will break it down. It doesn’t like dry heat.

DEBRA: Mm-hmmm…

TRICIA ROSE: So, you can lay off the ironing.

DEBRA: Well, we’re going to break again. When we come back, we’re going to hear all about what Tricia makes at Rough Linen. She has different kinds of linen fabrics. We’re going to hear about that.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. We’re talking about linen today with Tricia Rose of Rough Linen. That’s We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Tricia Rose, founder of Rough Linen. That’s at And Tricia, tell us about these different kinds of linen fabrics. What’s the difference between them? You have four different types.

TRICIA ROSE: It’s all linen. It depends where it’s grown, how you can use it. And in fact, just about every part of the plant is used. The tougher, shorter fibers are made into rope. And I’m extremely thrilled that now it’s legal to grow hemp in California.

There was a ridiculous ban on it because it looks exactly like marijuana because it’s the same plant family. I mean, it’s quite ridiculous. You couldn’t grow this absolutely harmless useful plant just because of the way it looked. It would confuse people.

Hemp and linen are related. I’m looking forward. If there is hemp grown in California, I would like to sew it [inaudible 00:27:08] how can I do that.

But the very best linen is grown in Belgium and Ireland. But the trouble is it’s un-economic to process. The reason that you get such a beautiful linen out of that strip—it’s Belgium, France, Ireland, that entire strip, that latitudinal strip, and France and Luxemburg. They’re heavily subsidized there.

And then as you go further north, there is [inaudible 00:27:51], but it tends to be the more utilitarian linen. And there used to be a thriving linen industry in Scotland, in Poland. Lithuania didn’t plant a single hectare of linen last year, not one. And they were big, big producers.

So, there will not be a shortage because the price will simply go up to cope with this. But it does seem like something where it’s one of the places where the government could actually do some good by allowing us to grow linen.

DEBRA: Wow! Yeah, they really should. They absolutely should. So, there’s these four different kinds. Are they different by—like if I were wanting to choose to buy some bed linens and you have Orkney smooth linen, St. Barts, and Myriad. How would I know what the difference is in those? Which one would I want to choose?

TRICIA ROSE: Yeah. Orkney is my original and best-loved linen. That’s the one that has the homespun texture. We sell it now. I have Orkney natural (which is the one that my heart belongs to), Orkney white (which is a creamy white), and I have flax which I use to make a pinafore. I didn’t mean to go into clothing. But once again, I made a pinafore, and it’s been selling like hot cake.

So, a pinafore, it’s like an apron. It’s based on an old Amish canning apron. You slip it over your head, the straps cross at the back, and you don’t have to tie it. Both your hands are free. You don’t have to mess about behind you. And it’s a wonderful garment because you have two great big pockets. So, my iPhone is one pocket, everything else is in the other.

And it’s just a very useful garment.

But anyway, sorry, that is Orkney and that is the toughest of them all.

Then I have St. Barts, which is very like the Orkney. It’s just a little bit lighter. And the reason I carry St. Barts is that it’s the only one I can get in color. And so I make curtains, in particular, out of that and some duvet covers.

Of course, most of the people who buy my linen goes for natural all-white. That’s the way it is.

Then Myriad is an off-white open-weave curtain material. So, it’s like with a shear, and I only can use it for curtains. It’s too loose for anything else. I couldn’t resist it. And the third linen…

DEBRA: And I’m looking at the pictures on your site as you’re describing these. And the Myriad, really, it’s diaphanous. I thought that were diaphanous.

TRICIA ROSE: I got a lot of teasing about the photograph from the website. I was soaking the curtain material and I loved the texture. And I love the way all linen curtains move in the breeze. They are just wonderful, the way they float. But people were saying, “Ooh, Tricia. You’re in love with a curtain.

And then, our third linen is woven for me to my specification, double width. I wanted to make a sheet, and you cannot have a sheet with a seam in it. So, it has to be at least 120 inches wide. Mine, it varies. I’ve learnt such a lot about the finishing of linen. It varies between 123 and 128 inches wide depending on the batch. And I have that in natural and I have it in white.

When people ask me if my fabrics are natural, the white has been bleached, there’s no way I can get around it. It has been bleached. So it has been treated chemically. And the colors have been bleached before they’ve been dyed. So, for people who do have chemical sensitivities, I would send them the natural.

DEBRA: Yes. It’s nice that you have both those choices to make. And I see some of the other things that you have besides the beddings and curtains. I see there’s a shower curtain here and various table runners, and napkins, and placemats, and things like that. So you can just look around her site and see all these lovely things to bring linen into your home.


DEBRA: I also wanted to—

TRICIA ROSE: The napkins are a wonderful—I’m sorry, dear.

DEBRA: Go ahead. You go ahead.

TRICIA ROSE: The napkins are wonderful for everyday use because, first, you don’t have to iron them. You’re not stuffing around. I make them a generous five. And the texture gives you plenty of traction if you got a bit of mustard on your chin.

And you just use them every day, and wash them, don’t iron them (don’t give yourself that amount of work). And they look very attractive.

I use the old-fashioned napkin rings, so that we can tell whose napkin is whose. So we don’t change them every day. That’s too much hard work.

DEBRA: Oh, yes. I use cloth napkins. And I actually have some linen napkins. I’m looking on your page here and I looked at this picture of the restaurant, and I went, “Oh, that looks familiar.” I used to live in [West Marine in Forest Hills]. Here, this restaurant is there in [inaudible 00:34:04]. I know that building. I’ve been in that room.

TRICIA ROSE: It’s such a beautiful room, yes.

DEBRA: It is.

TRICIA ROSE: Yes. I was very honored that they’ve heard of my linen. It goes completely with the ethos because it’s local…

DEBRA: Absolutely. They would be perfect.


DEBRA: They’re perfect, perfect. So, I just wanted to talk a little bit. We’re almost near the end of the show, but I wanted to talk a little bit about hand-made things. Could you just speak to the importance of hand-made items in your home?

TRICIA ROSE: I think the real importance of hand-made items is to the person who makes it because there’s such a disconnect. If you don’t create anything, you’re robbing yourself of an interaction with the rest of the world.

I mean, I think it’s almost the leaning of our day to day reality. I would include in that gardening, or looking after animals or pets, as well as crocheting and sewing, and knitting. I mean, even making up your face can be an art form.

DEBRA: Oh, of course.

TRICIA ROSE: Yes. So, one of my favorites, I used to love to braid my daughter’s hair. You know how little girls are. They’re quite [inaudible 00:35:31]. So I would do that. It’s almost like cornrowing. That’s what you do on the tail of a horse. And it would keep her hair beautifully neat all day. And I felt when she went out through the door, she looked as though somebody loved her because somebody had taken the time to braid her hair.

I mean, that sort of everyday [inaudible 00:35:55], it’s an art form to anyone—and men too. It isn’t just if you’re a woman in a domestic context (and most of us work now). But for men to work with their hands, and women—

I’m on Gandhi’s side. He used to sit and weave he needed to think.

DEBRA: Yes. One of the things that I do is I make desserts from natural, organic, and natural sweeteners. And now I make them gluten free. But I bring them to—whenever there’s a potluck or something, I’m always bringing things that are hand-made as opposed to going and buying something because so many people just go buy something and bring it to the potluck.


DEBRA: And I remember, one day, I had made these cookies. I had to just kind of padded them with my fingers instead of rolling them with the rolling pin. A friend of mine picked one up and she said, “I can see Debra’s fingerprints in the cookies.” I almost cried when she said that because it’s like that’s what we should have our lives to be about. It’s to see that love in the products that we use every day.

And I’m going to run out of time saying this here, so I’m going to say it really fast. But my wool bed, I know the girls that sewed it. I know where the sheet came from. And I know when I ordered your sheets that you sewed them, and that’s going to be special to me.

TRICIA ROSE: I want to know where everything comes from, and we love things.

DEBRA: I need to stop because we’re really out of time. They’re going to cut us off.

TRICIA ROSE: Thank you so much, Debra.

DEBRA: Thank you so much for being on the show. I love what you’re doing. Good luck to you with everything. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. Bye.

Overcoming the Challenges of Finding Toxic-Free Home Furnishings

Sarah_ValiantMy guest today is interior designer Sarah Valiant, Founder of Valiant Design Company. We’ll be talking about toxic chemicals in home furnishing and decorating products, the toxic-free products she uses for her clients, and how we can help encourage change in the interior design field. Over the last few years, Sarah noticed a substantial shift with her clients’ wishes for toxic-free options for the decor in their homes. As Sarah herself believes in a toxic-free environment for her own family, she eagerly embraced this change. So much of what we decorate our homes with is replete with formaldehyde, phthalates, VOC’s, flame retardants and toxic glues. With all of these chemicals being severely detrimental to our health, Sarah believes it is imperative that we work to bring to market, options that are safe for us and the health of our families. Sarah was very hard pressed to find healthy, yet attractive design items for her clients due to a severe lack of options on the market and so she decided to develop her own solution. Her company, Valiant Design Co., developed a product line called Healthy Home. Currently it designs and manufactures a line of organic and toxic-free cushions, but Sarah intends to expand that to include furniture, fabric, and bedding in the near future. Sarah acquired a Bachelor of Commerce (Hons) from Queen’s University and began her career in event design. She later attended the KLC London School of Design in the UK. After graduating with Honors, she worked for two leading design firms in London and Paris before returning home to Canada to start up her dream company. Her passion to create beauty through functional and toxic-free design drives her from project to project.





Overcoming the Challenges of Finding Toxic Free Home Furnishings

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Sarah Valiant

Date of Broadcast: April 01, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and how to live toxic-free.

We did that because there are so many toxic chemicals all over the place that we need to know how to recognize them, watch out for them, eliminate them from our homes and workplaces and our bodies. And when we do that, we increase our quality of life because it improves our bodies, minds, and even our spiritual awareness.

So, what I do here is I talk to people who are doing the things that are making our world less toxic.

Today is Tuesday, April 1st 2014. And though it’s April Fool’s Day, we are not fooling around here. We are actually coming up with solutions that make our lives less toxic.

Today, we’re going to talk about the interior spaces of our homes with interior designer, Sarah Valiant. She’s the founder of Valiant Design Company. And I can tell you, her big vision is to create a whole line of everything that you would put in your house.

She started with one product. But she’s so passionate and has so much information about the chemicals that are in products and her ideals about how to change things that I wanted to have her on the show.

Hi Sarah.

SARAH VALIANT: Hi Debra! How are you?

DEBRA: Oh, good. How are you?

SARAH VALIANT: I am well. Thank you so much for having me on today.

DEBRA: It’s my pleasure.

Now, I always like to ask people this question because everybody kind of starts out being a normal American consumer buying toxic products, and then something happens or changes… and then, your life changes. I’d like everybody to go through that transition. So how did that happen for you?

SARAH VALIANT: Well, it happened a few years ago in a number of different ways. I really started noticing that a number of my friends and family members were battling cancer. They had a huge influx of infertility problems. And we’re also dealing with chronic health issues.

And also, my husband and I was starting talking about starting a family.

And then, in the past few years, I had articles that popped up on my newsfeeds about chemicals in our food and in our homes and cleaning products and what-not. And it would register with me for a few minutes, but I wasn’t paying enough attention to it.

And so, when all of these things were happening with my friends and family, and we started talking about a family, I just scouring all these past articles for every possible detail because I really realized how difficult it is to make sure that we live within a toxic-free home.

DEBRA: Yes, it is. And then, what happened?

SARAH VALIANT: I guess with starting to talk about starting a family, I had a number of clients also that were wanting to focus more on having toxic-free homes and how to eliminate them. Sorry, I’m just getting a bit distracted here.

Can we talk more about the furniture in our home?

DEBRA: Well… yes, we can do that. Is there more to your story that you’d like to tell us?

SARAH VALIANT: Yeah, I guess…

DEBRA: Okay, so let me ask you a question. How did you go from reading all these things in the newspaper to making a decision in your life to do things differently? What happened in that decision-making process?

SARAH VALIANT: Well, guess with all of the information that I was taking in, I really started figuring out that all of these toxic chemicals are really in everything we have. They’re in our cleaning products. They’re in our furniture.

And doing more research in what’s the regulations that we all think that are in place to protect us from all of these things, they’re really not doing what we think.

When you look on an ingredient list for a product, for a cleaning product or your face wash, for example, you’d think, “Okay! Well, all of these chemicals that are in these bottles, I guess they must be okay for me.” Most consumers are thinking that. You’re just assuming that all of these regulations are in place to protect you.

And unfortunately, all of these chemicals are horrific for you. They cause so many different problems—cancer, infertility problems, breathing problems. And it’s really up to us to make the best choices for us and for our families.

DEBRA: So, as an interior designer, as you kind of looked around in your field, what did you find?

SARAH VALIANT: So, in so many different things like our furnishing, there are so many different types of chemicals. And I feel like that the main chemicals that we need to watch out for are formaldehyde, phthalates, VOC’s (which are volatile organic compounds) and flame retardants.

They’re in everything from kitchen cabinets, foam cushions, mattresses, wallpapers and paints. You just need to be very careful about what you’re purchasing because the majority of what is out there and what we bring into our home contains all of these chemicals. We really need to start looking for the manufacturers that are making these products without all of these chemicals because they really are unnecessary.

DEBRA: They really are unnecessary, I know. I’ve been doing this for more than thirty years. And so I’ve been doing exactly—and my process was pretty much like your process (and I think it is for most people), you find out that there are toxic chemicals, that there’s some kind of illness in your own personal life or in people around you, and then the light bulb goes off, and you go, “Oh, my God! The chemicals are causing these.”


DEBRA: and know in my own life that when I started identifying where those toxic chemicals were in the products and swapping them out for other products that didn’t have the toxic chemicals, my symptoms went away. I felt better and I could think more clearly.

But but when I started doing this thirty years ago, there weren’t so many products available as there are now. And it was much more difficult.

But even now, even now, even though—I live (and I think you do too, and a lot of my guests too)— we live in a world of our own creation where I decided I’m only going to let things that are toxic-free into my home (and most of my friends are people who share that same idea, so it seems like common place), but really, what’s happening is that we’re only one, little tiny percentage, and the whole rest of the world is still toxic.

All of that needs to change as well because it’s not just about each of us living in our own houses; it’s about we walk out the door, and it’s still toxic. And when we go to try to find something, a sofa for our house or something like that, you can’t just go down to the sofa store and buy a toxic-free sofa.

DEBRA: Yeah, that’s the problem.

SARAH VALIANT: That’s the problem right now.

So, tell us more about some of the problems that you’ve run into as a designer, the things that you’re finding and things that are difficult for you to find.

SARAH VALIANT: Exactly! As I’ve mentioned earlier, I do have a number of clients that are really looking towards improving the toxicity of their homes. And as a designer, finding those options, it is difficult.

It is getting better. I do have a number of suppliers that I do go to. But the majority of what is out there that is toxic-free tends to, I guess, cater to a style that may be a hippie style or as a very uber-contemporary style. You don’t have that middle ground, that transitional style. I call it “transitional,” a mix between contemporary and traditional.

And that, to me, most of my clients are of that type of […] And we don’t have an option that can give us that look.

And I really find that, in our mindset, we’re not willing to sacrifice style for toxic-free (or the majority of people are not). And I think if we are going to make this change…

DEBRA: That is a very good point. I want to talk about exactly that point when we come back from the break.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guests today interior designer, Sarah Valiant, of Valiant Design Company. That’s at And we’ll be right back to talk more about interior design and toxic chemicals.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is interior designer, Sarah Valiant. She’s the founder of Valiant Design Cmpany. She’s moving in the direction of making more and more toxic-free furnishings, everything that you would use in your home, available.

So, Sarah, before the break, you’ve made the comment that people don’t want to sacrifice design for things being toxic-free. Tell me more about that. I have my own ideas on that point, but you go first.

SARAH VALIANT: Well, I just feel that if someone is looking for, let’s say, a chair and they’re walking down the street. If they pass a small store, and it has the perfect chair they’re looking for, it’s at the right price, they’re not really going to go and look for a toxic-free counterpart or the toxic-free option of that chair.

And I think that if we want to really affect change, we’re going to have to provide more options for these people to have a go-to place to go to to have the toxic-free option.

At the moment, it’s difficult to find. You have to do a lot of research. And the places that do have toxic-free options, they’re usually one-off stores. It’s not like a large chain like, say, Pottery Barn or Ikea. You don’t usually have the wonderful websites that you can go to to have shipping and all of that. It’s just too difficult to find the toxic-free options.

DEBRA: I agree with you 100%. I’m a very visual, aesthetic person. And I like things really nice and look beautiful in my house.


DEBRA: And that’s been one of the challenges for me.

I do have beautiful things in my house. When people walk into my house, they say, “Oh, how beautiful! What a lovely, aesthetic place.” And yet, most of what I have in my house in terms of furnishing, I’ve had to you either have custom-made for myself or make it myself.

Right now, I’m sitting on a chair at my desk that is not very comfortable. I’ll be honest. I would rather have one of those nice, cushy desk chairs with padding and wheels. But I can’t find one that’s made from materials that I would want to sit on.

And so, in order for me to have that, I’m going to have to have it custom-made. And I just can’t even imagine how much that would cost, $1000 or $2000.

SARAH VALIANT: Yeah, sure. And that’s for every item in your home. So, that’s not usually doable.

DEBRA: And so, what I’m sitting on now is a solid wood dining table chair, just kind of a mission style arts and crafts. It’s kind of plain. It doesn’t even have any finish on it. I just bought it at the unfinished furniture store. I would […] on it.

And it’s good. Everything’s all natural about it. It’s natural wood. I have a wool pillow with a cotton cover. It’s all perfectly fine in terms of being toxic-free. But it’s not as comfortable as I would like. And it doesn’t have the visual appeal that I would like.

But that doesn’t mean that something can’t be beautiful. I have a gorgeous sofa. I have a gorgeous sofa that I had custom-made. I got an old sofa frame, and I had it re-upholstered in linen. And it’s absolutely beautiful.

And I had my wing chair from my great aunt upholstered in a cotton tapestry. And in my office, my desk that I use is an old oak library table from Stanford University that I got at a salvage place. And the edges were all ragged.

And so my husband cut all the edges off around this whole table and put a new edge all the way around it in purple heartwood.


DEBRA: And so I have a purple edge all the way around.

First of all, you would never find this. It’s the most beautiful desk you’ve ever seen. He made these little purple handles for it too. And you would never find it in a store, number one; and number two, if you did, I just can’t even imagine how much it would cost.

It cost us $50 to buy the old ratty table which was in pieces. It wasn’t even a table. He found the pieces at the salvage yard; and maybe another $50 in wood to fix that. And then, we put on a non-toxic finish. But it was a lot of labor for him and a lot of design stuff.

But I have all these beautiful things because there handmade. You can’t go into a store and buy this.

SARAH VALIANT: No. And if we’re going to really make change, we have to make toxic-free options really reachable for the masses. We’re not going to be able to make that change without that.

DEBRA: Many years ago—I was just looking at this the other day, it was like 25 years ago. Wow! I can’t even imagine doing something 25 years ago. That’s such a big number. But 25 years ago, I co-founded a corporation that what we wanted to do was make green products available to the masses—green products, not non-toxic specifically, but products that had environmental benefits.

And what we found in doing the R&D for that was that people wanted products with environmental benefits, but they weren’t willing to give up function and what they wanted out of the product in the first place.

SARAH VALIANT: Mm-hmmm… absolutely!

DEBRA: And remember, these aren’t products that are affecting their health, these are products that are affecting the environment. That’s another question because what happens to the environment happens to us.

But anyway, what we found was that if there were two products on the shelf, if they were comparatively priced and if one of them had environmental benefits and the other didn’t, but they were otherwise similar, that people were willing to buy the one with the environmental benefit.

And I think that that’s where we need to go with products being toxic-free as well. There needs to be more products available that it just is a no-brainer to choose them.

SARAH VALIANT: Oh, absolutely! As you’ve mentioned, everything, if you go into a big box store with furniture, it is going to be filled with formaldehyde, with flame retardants that are just slowly killing us really.

DEBRA: You just go into any of those stores, and you just see product after product after product. All the household products all have toxic chemicals in them. It’s really hard to find anything that doesn’t.

We’ve got to go to another break. But when we come back, we’ll talk more with my guest, Sarah Valiant, about toxic-free interior design. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And you’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is interior designer, Sarah Valiant. I keep tripping over your name, Sarah Valiant. Her website is And we’re talking about toxic-free interior design and some of the challenges that need to be overcome in order for everybody to have a toxic-free home.

One thing I want to say about this whole issue of people having to choose between style and toxic-free is that what I found is that toxic-free materials that are available that can be fashioned in any designed. But what you say is true. You can’t, at this point in time, just go into a store and say, “Oh, here’s 10 different design styles all in toxic-free furniture that we can just take home with us right now.”

And that’s the problem. That’s where we are in this transition. And that’s what you’re wanting to address.

I know that you lived in Europe for a while. So tell us how different is there. I haven’t lived in Europe, but I’ve been to Europe. I was struck, greatly struck, about how different it is there.

SARAH VALIANT: Yeah, I lived there for three years. And they really just have a completely different mindset towards chemicals and toxins in our everyday products.

I mean, the E.U. has banned 1100 chemicals that are considered unsafe for our health, while over here, the FDA has only banned I think five and the EPA has banned 11.

So, we’re really not on the same level as they are in terms of just making the changes that are absolutely necessary. They have a number of regulations in place that are more restrictive on the chemical companies that we think we have over here, but I find, more often, they’re really trying to protect them more rather than protecting us. And I think that’s one of the major, major issues we have.

We also have so many lobbyists that are really up there protecting these chemical companies. And all we can do is make our voice heard as loud as possible.

And the other way, obviously, that we can make change is to start making proper choices when we’re making changes to our homes. It’s all of our purchases from this point forward. We’re making choices that are toxic-free rather than their toxic counterparts. That will also help affect change.

DEBRA: Well, Sarah, tell us about what you’re doing to get started with moving in the right direction.

SARAH VALIANT: Well, I recently started a toxic-free product line. We’re starting with cushions at the moment.

They have organic cotton, organic muslin, architect-standard linen and silk and also what they call cotton batting. I feel that you really need these options for décor in your home.

It’s the small changes. If we can make these small changes (even just accessories like cushions, blankets, whatever), it will help us really improve our home.

I think we maybe should talk about also the chemicals that we mentioned briefly earlier, the chemicals that you need to watch out for, what they’re in. And then, maybe we can talk about that there are definitely some companies that you can go to to get these toxic-free options.

DEBRA: Okay, good. Let’s do that. Tell us about some of the chemicals and where you find them.

SARAH VALIANT: So, the four ones that I really feel are very important (and that I’m always mentioning to my clients) are formaldehyde, phthalates, VOC’s (which are volatile organic compounds) and flame retardants.

So, formaldehyde is found in particle boards. So, if you think of the sheath wood products that you can get from the big box stores, foam cushions, mattresses and carpeting, and thinking that formaldehyde causes horrific problems like cancer and respiratory issues, developmental disorders—I could go on.

Phthalates are found in vinyl wallpapers, paints, carpeting again.

And VOC’s, I think people are hearing more about VOC’s now than the others. They’re in paint and also building materials and carpeting as well.

And flame retardants are found in fabric and mattresses and, again, in carpeting.

DEBRA: Carpeting sounds pretty bad. I think there’s something like 250 chemicals in carpeting. I would have to go look that up.

SARAH VALIANT: I think that’s exactly right. I never, ever advise clients to do carpeting in their home. I really believe it’s one of the most toxic things you can bring into your house.

DEBRA: I agree, I agree. One of the things that I do is consulting where I go to people’s houses and I help them identify the toxic chemicals, and then make suggestions about what they can do to be less toxic.

And I remember, one day, I went into a client’s house and I said, “I’m sorry to tell you this, but really, the biggest toxic problem you have in your house is your carpet.” I was so proud of her. She said, “Well, let’s just take it right out.”


DEBRA: And she and I got down on our hands and knees and ripped her carpet apart.

SARAH VALIANT: Oh, my gosh! We like that type of reaction.

DEBRA: Yes, we do!


DEBRA: I learned to wear work clothes when I go to consultations.

SARAH VALIANT: Oh, my gosh!

DEBRA: But I would just like to see everybody rip their carpet out really.

SARAH VALIANT: Well, I really feel that people are shocked. They are absolutely unaware that all of these things have all of these chemicals in them, and that they’re so toxic to our health. They just don’t know. And so, I really feel that we need to spread the word about all of these because people are just shocked. And when you tell them what’s in it, 100%, they’re going to want to make the change. We just need to make them aware.

DEBRA: I agree. I see, if you just go walk around just out in the world and look at people just passing by on the street, and seeing how they look and that they’re sniffling or coughing or whatever’s going on with them or they can’t walk or whatever, every single one of those things is related to toxic chemical exposure or what their eating—and/or what they’re eating.

I’m at this point now where I can look at somebody and I can tell you what they eat. I can tell you what chemicals they’re being exposed to. If everybody change what they eat, change the toxic chemicals, we would be such a healthy nation—we would, we absolutely would.

SARAH VALIANT: We would. Exactly true.

DEBRA: Actually, we’re coming up to the break very soon. When we come back from the break, what we’ll do is you can tell us about some of the great products that you’ve found that are toxic free that are out there. We talk about them on the show all the time. I’ve interviewed some of them, but you probably know more than I do.

And also, I’ll just mention that it’s great to know an interior designer like Sarah (or a local interior designer that you know) because they have access to many more things that are not in retail stores. An interior designer friend of mine once took me shopping in the design showrooms. And I was delighted to see what’s available that’s not in the store.

So, we’ll come back. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest is interior designer, Sarah Valiant. She’s at We’ll come back and tell you some toxic-free products that you can use in your home.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. My guest today is interior designer, Sarah Valiant. I don’t know why I keep saying that.

SARAH VALIANT: Sarah is a fairly common name.

DEBRA: I know! Sarah Valiant. It has to do with the way the vowels are I think. I don’t know!

Anyway, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd—I can say my name. Sarah Valiant is my guest. And she’s at

Did you ever used to watch Mary Tyler Moore, that show? I’m old enough for that show. You know the Mary Tyler Moore Show?


DEBRA: and they had Ted Baxter, the news guy. And he was always mispronouncing people’s names. Anyway, I’m not like that.

Now, tell us about some products that are toxic-free that you can use in your home.
SARAH VALIANT: Right! We have been talking about that they are difficult to find. It’s not as easy as going to the nearest big box store. But they are out there, 100%. And as an interior designer, I found companies all over North American that, really, they do actually have a number of options that are very effective—more of the transitional, more common type styles.

One of the first ones is White Lotus Home. And they’re I believe located at…

DEBRA: I love White Lotus Home. I’ve been to their store.

SARAH VALIANT: They’re amazing! I actually use their cotton for our cushions. It’s amazing! They have everything from mattresses to beddings to cushion support to whatever. But it’s all organic. And I mean, there are lower price points. I think they just got a recycled option which I guess may not have had pesticide used. But they have a lot of options.

Another one that I found recently is called EcoSelect Furniture. And they’re located—have you heard of them before?

DEBRA: No, I haven’t.

SARAH VALIANT: I think they’re in South California. And they are fantastic! They have a huge line of traditional style—it’s not just an uber contemporary thing that we seem to get stuck with when it comes to eco and toxic-free.

It’s perfect for any type of style.

There’s also Green Slade. And they’re at They’re great for accessories and décor, all toxic-free, lead-free, you name it. They have a great variety of all that type of smaller accessories.

And then, of course, my cushion line is at Valiant Design Co. Healthy Home. And as I’ve mentioned, it’s all organic, toxic-free options. And it’s more of a transitional style (so again, moving away from the uber contemporary that most of my clients don’t seem to gravitate towards anyways).

If we’re talking about paint, what I love to use is actually a Benjamin Moore line. It’s called Natura Paint. And the great thing with having a VOC-free option with Benjamin Moore is that you have the entire library of colors that they have. And obviously, Benjamin Moore is one of the biggest paint companies in North America.

DEBRA: And also, you can get it anywhere you live.


DEBRA: You can just go down to the Benjamin Moore store and get it.

SARAH VALIANT: Exactly! I think it’s even carried in some hardware stores. I wouldn’t be surprised.

And it’s all VOC-free. And that’s really what you want to go for when you’re painting anything in your house. The non-VOC counterparts are just filled with stuff that’s really bad for you, and it off-gasses for years. So, you want to stay away from that.

There are also a few smaller companies that I’ve called Mythic Paint and YOLO paint. And also, there’s the old fashion milk paint. And they have a bit smalle of a color library, but they’re just gorgeous colors—and again, completely VOC-free (which is what we’re going for).

DEBRA: I just want to mention that I I’ve not used all those paints. But all of them are listed on Debra’s List and I’m familiar with all those paints. But I have used the old-fashioned milk paint. And I just want to say how wonderful, wonderful, wonderful it is.

SARAH VALIANT: It is wonderful. It’s fantastic!

DEBRA: You buy it as a little powder like powdered milk. You mix it up and it smells like a warm glass of milk.

SARAH VALIANT: It’s true! I mean, who wants to walk into a room that’s newly painted and it’s hard to breathe?

DEBRA: But you have to be willing to be creative because you can’t just go down to the paint store and say, “Here’s my swatch, make it this color.” You have to order the powder pigments from the old-fashioned paint company and mix it up yourself and make sure that you mix enough so that the color doesn’t change in the middle of the wall.

SARAH VALIANT: That one, you definitely need a little formula.

DEBRA: It’s a process. It really is a process—but it’s a creative process. I’ve done it, and I just love it! Out of all the rooms in my house—I paint each room with different paint because I was trying out different types of paint. But the room that I love the most is the one with the milk paint. And if I were moving into a new house, I would just paint every wall with milk paint.

SARAH VALIANT: Yup, absolutely. I think we really need to focus on VOC-free paint. It’s definitely pretty detrimental to your health when you’re using just the regular paint.

That’s another thing I wanted to mention. When you’re finishing hardwood floors, the traditional polyurethane coat is just horrible for you.

DEBRA: It’s horrible.

SARAH VALIANT: There’s also a bunch of different finishes that you can use. There’s one I’ve used a number of times, it’s called tung oil. And there’s also a finish called Polywhey. They hardly smell at all, so you’re not worrying about the off-gassing that goes on for years and years and years.

It’s just something we really need to focus on when we’re redoing our homes, absolutely.

DEBRA: Polywhey from Natural Coatings?

SARAH VALIANT: Yeah, exactly.

DEBRA: Yeah! I have used that. And that’s actually my favorite wood finish at the moment.

SARAH VALIANT: Ah, amazing!

DEBRA: I had a rental house, and we had to redo the floors after our renter moved out. I just painted that stuff all over the place, and it hardly smelled at all. And it’s so beautiful! It leaves such a beautiful finish.

And so, one of the points I wanted to make is that, a lot of times, for me, I found that the toxic-free thing is so much more aesthetically pleasing than the toxic thing. It just is more beautiful. It has a nicer texture that I’d rather put my hand on a natural fiber than a synthetic fiber. And just all the way down the line, I think the colors are more beautiful. It gives a better feel, better texture, everything. It’s just like having nature.

And so, once you just start exploring this world of things that are not toxic, then a whole different world opens up really, don’t you think?

SARAH VALIANT: It really does. It’s amazing! And I think if more and more people can do a little bit of research that it requires (because not everyone is going to do it at this point), as more and more people can, that’s really going to change the market. That’s what we want to do. We want to make all of these items more available to everyone.

DEBRA: Now, anybody who’s listening can go to my website, and there’s a section—like if you just go to, just go up to the navigation bar at the top, and it says ‘Shop.’ If you click on ‘Shop’, it will take you to Debra’s List where I have 700 websites…


DEBRA: A lot of them are for things like furniture and paint and all these things that you use in your home, cabinets. All these things, whenever I find out about something, I put it on Debra’s List. And some of them, I’ve been recommending for 25 to 30 years.

SARAH VALIANT: Oh, amazing!

DEBRA: So, there really is so much available that you really can create a toxic-free home, 100%.

I think what Sarah and I are talking about today in terms of things not being available is that it’s not widely available. It’s not available every place you look. It’s not available in an affordable way. When I wanted to get a sofa 20 years ago, I had to go have it custom-made. I think it was $2000 or $3000 at the time. I couldn’t just walk into a store and bring my sofa home at the back of my car for $600 or whatever.

And so, that might sound like a lot of money, but it’s an investment in my health, in my happiness and in my life. I still have that sofa. I’ll still have it for the rest of my life. It’s not going to wear out. If I had children, I could hand it down to them.

And I don’t pay that money in medical bills, I put it on my sofa.

SARAH VALIANT: That’s the thing. And all of these chemicals, they really do cause a lot of these problems that you’re mentioning.

DEBRA: They really do.

SARAH VALIANT: They really, really do. I mean, I feel with the majority of my clients, and even friends or family, even minor issues that you may be having like rashes or mild asthma or what-not, when we switched all of our cleaning products, all of our furnitures, and what-not, et cetera, over to toxic-free options, these minor problems, they just go away. It’s incredible!

DEBRA: Well, good. Everybody should try it.

SARAH VALIANT: It’s incredible! They just go away. It’s amazing.

DEBRA: So Sarah, we have about 39 seconds left before the music is going to come out and cut us off, so I just want to thank you for being on the show today.

SARAH VALIANT: Thank you so much for having me.

DEBRA: It’s been a delight. I wish you just the best with adding more and more things to your of line. I can just see you having a whole complete line where you could just go into the Valiant store…

SARAH VALIANT: Oh, thank you! That’s the goal.

DEBRA: …and walk out with whatever you want to make your house look beautiful.

So, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. You can find out more and listen to this show again (or past shows) at

WalMart Takes Initiative to Get Manufacturers to Reduce Toxic Chemicals

Listen to my interview with Mind the Store Campaign Director Mike Schade to hear more about WalMart’s policy and what other retailers are doing to reduce toxic chemicals.

In a stunning bold move, WalMart is now insisting that it’s vendors eliminate toxic chemicals from their products or fully disclose them to the public.

*By January 2015 all manufacturers who sell cleaning products, cosmetics, baby and personal care products will have to disclose the ingredients used in their products online. This is important because cleaning products in particular are not required by law to disclose their toxic ingredients on the label (they are required to disclose them on a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). By January 2018, any toxic substances still in products will be required to be disclosed on the label.

*Walmart now has a list of about 10 priority toxic chemicals which they are seeking to reduce and eliminate from cleaning products, cosmetics, baby and personal care products. The list will be released later.

*Walmart will work with their suppliers to move towards safer alternatives. They are working with groups who are doing the research to make these kinds of transitions.

*Walmart brand cleaners will no longer contain toxic chemicals outlined by the EPA’s Design for the Environment program. This program has a lengthy list of chemicals that can’t be used.

This doesn’t mean that WalMart will suddenly become our one-stop-shop for all things toxic-free, but they are taking the lead to make the products they sell less toxic, and that’s a good thing. Because if a manufacturer goes less toxic for WalMart, that same less toxic product will be sold everywhere.

Read Walmart’s policy

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Cork Floor

Question from Mira

Hi Debra,

My finances are such that I can afford a small condo but not a free-standing home. My HOA will not allow wood or tile floors in my 2nd floor unit (the 2nd floor is best for me because I have mold allergies and I’m further away from the ground). They will allow carpeting or cork. I’ve been testing 100% wool carpet samples, but I’ve reacted to them thus far. There is a cork company called WE Cork located in New Hampshire that makes cork flooring that looks like wood. The MSDS for this “Serenity Floating Floor” is here:

My concern of course is the formaldehyde. When I talked with them they said the formaldehyde is in the high density particle board which is sandwiched between two layers of cork; there is also a top coat of water based polyurethane sealant that is applied in a heated state which increases its strength/hardness. There will also be a polyethylene moisture barrier laid on the subfloor before the cork is laid. There would be a 3/8″ gap between the floor boards and the walls to allow for swelling without buckling. They said I could use a water based polyurethene coating on these edges to completely seal anything I could be exposed to. If I did this, do you think it could be a “safe” floor? I would alert the installers to wear protective gear.

Another cork company is Wicanders who also make cork flooring to look like wood in their Woodcomfort Floating Floor collection. Their main offices are in Portugal and I can’t find an MSDS sheet on this product. 

After much searching I finally found something close to an MSDS sheet for Wicander’s.   I’m passing the link along to you in case it helps you answer my question.   It has some chemicals but is Greenguard certified.   I’d be grateful for your take on chemical safety for someone with MCS (me).  Of course I will test with samples, but I’d love your input as well.

They list formaldehyde emission as E1.

I would appreciate your thoughts on both of these products.

Thanks so much!

Debra’s Answer

I’m reluctant to say that any flooring that emits formaldehyde in any amount could be safe.

All these emissions ratings for formaldehyde don’t mean “zero.” They are small amounts.

Have you tested samples of either of these corks?

Let’s examine the WE layers in order:

* top coat of water based polyurethane sealant that is applied in a heated state which increases its strength/hardness
* cork
* high density particle board
* cork
* polyethylene moisture barrier laid on the subfloor before the cork is laid

Cork would not block formaldehyde, but the polyurethane sealant might. And more layers of sealant would block more formaldehyde, especially if you used AFM Safe Seal which is designed to encapsulate formaldehyde. If you were to apply that as a topcoat over the flooring, I think it would be pretty safe. At least the best you could do given your choices under the circumstances.

In this document from Wicanders it says that the cork is attached to PVC and high density fiberboard (outgasses formaldehyde).

Cork is only 29%.

55% is high density fiberboard.

6% PVC.

Formaldehyde emissions are class E1. That means it’s emitting formaldehyde.

Greenguard certified doesn’t mean no emissions. It means the product has less than a stated limit of emissions. If that number were 10, some products certified have 9, some 8, some 7 etc, some 0.

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How to Live With a Reactive Body

My guest Larry Plesent is the Founder of Vermont Soap, He began making organic soap products because his own body was “reactive” to toxic chemicals in common personal care products. He’s now written a book called The Reactive Body Handbook, which tells what he’s learned over the past 20 years about surviving in our artificial toxic environment. The Reactive Body HandbookVermont Soap makes “100% natural and non-toxic alternatives to the chemical based personal care products now in general use, including; handmade bar soaps for sensitive skin, anti-aging products, 100% natural shower gels, castile liquid soaps and non-toxic cleaners. Most products made by Vermont Soap are certified to USDA organic standards. Larry is also a writer,philosopher, restaurateur and farmer.





How to Live with a Reactive Body

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Larry Plesent

Date of Broadcast: March 27, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic free.

It’s Thursday, March 27th 2014. I’m here in Clearwater, Florida—and actually around the world because this radio show is broadcast via the Internet. Every place, everybody gets Internet. And you can listen to all the shows in the archives 24/7 as well as live shows (like right now) Monday through Friday at 12 noon Eastern.

Today, my guest is Larry Plesent. He’s the founder of Vermont Soap. But here’s today not to talk about soap, but instead, he’s here to talk about his new book called The Reactive Body Handbook.

Now, this is actually a free book. You can go to the website and you can download it immediately for free. So, everything that we’re going to be talking about today, you can go get this book for free and see what he has to say about this.

It’s actually a brand new book. I think that it was just posted this morning or yesterday. You can go to and look for the How to Live with a Reactive Body listing of today’s show. And in that paragraph, there’s a link to the Reactive Body Handbook. Just click there, and you can get your free copy.

Hi, Larry.

LARRY PLESENT: Debra, great! Thanks for having me on again.

DEBRA: You’re welcome. Thanks for being here. This is a subject that I’m very interested in. And I know it’ll be valuable to a lot of people.

So, you started your business, Vermont Soap, because you have a reactive body and you needed to have some soap that you could use yourself.

LARRY PLESENT: Absolutely! Well, soap and every other product.

DEBRA: Every other product, yeah.

LARRY PLESENT: I figured I was the ideal guinea pig if you will. So, I tell people, “Well, I formulate for myself. I have an extraordinarily sensitive skin. So, if it can get past me, you’re most of the way there.”

And then, I have some other people who are also part of our initial testing of new products. And their skin sensitivities go in different directions than mine, so we can get a good picture of how sensitive skinned people will handle it.

DEBRA: Well, tell us what is your definition of a “reactive body.”

LARRY PLESENT: Oh, boy! I’m so glad you asked.

DEBRA: I know! You were just waiting for me to say that.

LARRY PLESENT: Can I read right from the book or is that cheating?

DEBRA: No, you can read from the book.

LARRY PLESENT: See, now that I’m a published author, even if it’s a free book, I can quote from my book. We have a chapter here called What is a Reactive Body?. I’ll have to start right in:

“You know the old practice of bringing canaries down into coal mines? Mining, coal mining especially can release large amounts of the natural gas methane. And methane displaces the air we breathe. Without necessary amounts of oxygen from that air, humans are toast in a matter of minutes.

The canaries were brought down to sing as the miners worked. And they were more sensitive to the drop in oxygen levels than humans are. They would be the first to suffer from the lack of oxygen, and they’d stop singing.

This gave the miners a couple of minutes of notice to get the heck out of dodge and possibly save their coal-mining lives.

Now, reactive bodied people are like those sleeping canaries. We notice molecules before other people do. Reactive bodies feel and perceive the world more intensely than most.”

So, if you’re a reactive bodied person, if you’ve ever suspected that you indeed feel the world more intensely than most people around you, you’re correct. It’s not narcissism.

“This hyped up sensitivity increases the risk of becoming over-stimulated. And when you become over-stimulated, you become exhausted. You wear yourself out. And then, we become short-tempered with those we love. ”

You hear that? Reactive bodies are easily over-stimulated because they feel the world more intensely.

“A reactive body is not a psychosomatic illness as some people—and even many professionals—believe. And as I like to say, if they have a reactive body, they will not talk so foolishly.

DEBRA: I agree!

LARRY PLESENT: Now, let’s keep it real simple. Debra, you’ve heard me say it. I see it this way. Having a reactive body is kind of like having body asthma. Think of it, body asthma.

Now, asthma, by definition, is a pulmonary (lung) condition. It’s characterized by the inflammation of the bronchial lining. But a reactive body is essentially a body in which every part and system has the potential for inflammation and hypersensitivity.

Now, when something molecular—and this is a molecule-based way of looking at things—when something molecular triggers you, you might, if you’re worn down, experience a flare-up.

Now, the symptoms of a flare-up may or may not include histamine-based reactions (like true allergies), runny nose, […], et cetera, hypersensitivity to aromas—that’s very common. But also, it affects people emotionally. There’s the possibility of mood swings. Suddenly, you’re feeling claustrophobic. Mood swing, bipolar behaviors will come out, anxiety and panic. If you can’t breathe, you start to have anxiety and panic and general hypersensitivity to anything that might pose a threat to your metabolic well-being and balance.

Now, the flare-up eventually subsides. But the hypersensitivity, they linger on for days (and for some people I’ve talked to, even weeks after a flare-up, an episodic flare-up). You can just feel your hypersensitivity go up.

And after a flare-up, you’re left feeling spent and emotionally wrung-out.

Now, I believe that reactive bodies are following a normal human mechanism. I think this is a normal thing.

DEBRA: Yes, it is. I agree. I agree.

LARRY PLESENT: It’s normal.

For example—and I know you and I have talked about this—we all know somebody who’s drunk too much of some alcohol, right? “Tequila,” they go, “Oh, don’t even say the word. I feel nauseous.” So, one night, they had a big night out. They got very sick. And now, their body can’t even stand the smell of the stuff. And I’ve known people get nauseous just from talking about it. I say, “Wow! I had a sip of some amazing tequila” and they start grabbing their belly.

This is, in fact, the same principle as a reactive body response. And as I like to say, it’s your body’s way of saying—the basic premise of this book is your body is trying to talk to you. But we’re distracted and we don’t get all the messages.

DEBRA: Well, I agree with that. Our bodies know when there’s something wrong. And in all the research that I’ve done about toxic everything, in the world of toxicity, symptoms are signals to you.

LARRY PLESENT: That’s right.

DEBRA: It’s like the body is saying, “Wait!” I’ve never smoked cigarettes or anything else. But I know from watching other people that the first time you smoke a cigarette, you cough. Your body doesn’t like it. You have to keep smoking and smoking and smoking, so that you can smoke without apparently having symptoms. And then, you smoke too much, and then you’ve got emphysema and cancer and all those things.

But the point being is that your body will tell you almost immediately when you—like smoking a cigarette for the first time—are exposing it to something it doesn’t like. But what happens is we get exposed to some toxic chemical or some food or something, and then we don’t pay attention to the symptoms and the signals, and then we eat it or smoke it or whatever again, and then we stop paying attention. We’re exposed to so many things that are causing these symptoms that we can’t distinguish them even. But our body is just getting worse and worse and worse, until eventually, there’s some kind of breakdown and our bodies get overloaded.

LARRY PLESENT: You’ve got it! That is the essence and a good summary of my conclusion of 20 years of living in a reactive body.

DEBRA: When I used to work with people who were chemically sensitive—I mean, I still do as a consultant. But I used to work at a doctor’s office. We use to explain it by saying there’s like a water bottle or a rain barrel. You can be exposed to all these things, and they keep building up and building up and building up. But it’s that last drop, you put in the last drop, and you start overflowing. And that’s when you start being hypersensitive—that’s the word that you used.

LARRY PLESENT: That’s when you’re filled up.

DEBRA: When you’re filled up and your body just can’t take anymore.

So, we need to take a break, and then we’ll come back and talk more about this. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio.

I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Larry Plesent. He’s the founder of Vermont Soap, but he’s also the author of The Reactive Body Handbook which is what we’re talking about today. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is Larry Plesent. He’s the founder of Vermont Soap and author of The Reactive Body Handbook. And you can get a free copy of this instant download.

Just go to, look for Larry’s smiling face. He’s the guy with the hat on. Just scroll down the page where it’ll say “How to Live with a Reactive Body.” You’ll see Larry. And in the middle of that paragraph, you can just click on The Reactive Body Handbook and get your free copy.

Larry, you have a statement in your book that I want to make sure that we say in big letters—like you did in the book. And that statement is:

“It’s not that I am broken. This stuff is bad for me.”

LARRY PLESENT: This stuff really is bad for me.

DEBRA: It really is bad for you. And I want to really just emphasize this because so many people with this condition, they think there’s something wrong with them, like “the environment is okay. There must be something wrong with me that I’m getting sick from the environment.”

LARRY PLESENT: Right! “My friends are eating poison and breathing poison and driving in poisonous vehicles…”

DEBRA: “They’re all okay. What’s wrong with me?”

LARRY PLESENT: “They seem to be okay.”

DEBRA: “They seem to be okay. But what’s wrong with me?”

I want to make that everybody understands that if you’re getting sick, you’re normal. You’re healthy. Your body is responding the way it’s supposed to respond. And what we need to do is have a less toxic world to live in. We need to live in less toxic homes. We need to use less toxic products like Larry’s soap products and all the other products he makes and all the products that I talk about on my website and all the products that my guests talk about. These are the things that will make us healthy. What’s going on with the world at large is these things that are making us sick.

And so let’s just say that together again.

DEBRA: It’s not that I am broken. This stuff is really bad for me.

LARRY PLESENT: It’s not that I am broken. This stuff really is bad for me.

It’s so true. And it’s so liberating to say it. Yeah, just say it out loud yourself. You’re not broken. You’re beaten up, but you’re not broken.

DEBRA: But you’re not broken. There’s not something wrong with your body.

LARRY PLESENT: No, there is…

DEBRA: It’s the world.

LARRY PLESENT: No, your body is acting differently than other people’s bodies by and large because reactive bodied people are still a very small percentage of the population. Although, increasingly, as people are overloaded with the—we use the word “toxics.”

You know, I’d like to define that a little more narrowly if we could.

DEBRA: Okay, good. Go ahead, let’s talk about that.

LARRY PLESENT: So, I like to say that I’m a natural formulator. I work with tens of thousands of molecules that are found in nature. They’re all found in nature in these useful little bundles (like vitamin C isn’t found in itself. It’s found in a bundle of bioflavinoids. And that’s how your body uses it too).

But as I say, human minds are restless minds. And because we can, we think that means we should. We’ve gone ahead and we’ve synthesized/created hundreds of thousands of molecules that never existed in nature before (or only for a few seconds, excuse me. Maybe they were burned up or something. That’s the end of it).

And not only that, we’ve created these new molecules and we’re pouring them all over the soil, the food, the air, the water.

Now, even natural things—think about it, this is something that maybe people don’t think about that much. For example, metals—copper, lead, all the metals that we use to build our civilization, nickel, aluminum—these are always found bound up in ores. They’re always tightly bound to other things, so that they’re inert because nature seeks to be leveled, to be even, to be inert (just as water seeks its own level. It’s the same principle).

So, we come along and maybe take some aluminum, and we blast that aluminum ore with all kinds of electricity to blast out the so-called impurities (everything that’s not aluminum). And now we have pure aluminum in our hands that hasn’t existed for 2 ½ billion years on this planet—even longer, since this planet was made.

So, here we are. Did we create something new? No, it’s aluminum. It’s an element. But is it its natural state to be found that way?

DEBRA: No, it’s not. See, this is the point. This is the whole point of industrialization. I’m glad that you’re talking about this.

What industry does is it takes all these raw materials and it purifies them. And so not only do we have pure aluminum, but we have pure sodium chloride instead of natural salt, and we have pure sugar instead of sugar cane, et cetera, et cetera.

Our bodies don’t like those.


DEBRA: It’s not the way it is in nature.

LARRY PLESENT: Exactly! We’re designed to use everything in a bundle. Too much pure sodium chloride is unhealthy for us. But sodium chloride found with all of the other trace minerals that are dissolved […]


LARRY PLESENT: And that’s the point.

And now we see a lot of nickel poisoning. As I’ve been researching the roots of Alzheimer’s disease […], everything that I see points to metal—not just aluminum, but all metals (possibly discounting iron because it’s taken up much differently).

And I talked to chemists who have said, “You know, people are paranoid about aluminum and that it might lead to Alzheimer’s disease. I’m not paranoid about aluminum.”

I say, “You’re not?”

“No.” He says, “No, when you look at its reactivity, how your body would deal with it,” he says “I’m not really paranoid about aluminum.”

He says, “You know what I’m paranoid about?”

I said, “No…”

He said, “Nickel.”

I said, “Why is that?”

He says, “Your body needs a little bit of nickel. There’s actually a requirement for it. There’s a nutritional requirement for nickel. There’s no nutritional requirement for aluminum. So your body goes, ‘Oh, nickel, yeah! I know that stuff. Good stuff.

Oh, I’ve got too much of it? Let me store some for later. Where are we going to put this stuff anyway, body?’ And there, you start to get into problems.”

We wouldn’t normally uptake as much nickel as we do these days. We don’t even know we’re getting them.

DEBRA: Well, as you were talking about taking the metals and things out of the ground and blasting them and then having them in their pure form, also, I think that there’s a reason why nature has hidden some things underground like petroleum and coal and metals and things like that. They don’t belong in these huge amounts on the surface where the plants and animals and humans can get to them.

LARRY PLESENT: Well, that’s a very interesting point. All of nature did not evolve to live on puddles of petroleum.


LARRY PLESENT: We’re on a very, very narrow band which is only about an inch and a half deep of the soil which is where most microorganisms, most life live. It’s a narrow, little piece of our world.

DEBRA: That’s so interesting.

We need to take another break, but we’ll be right back. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is Larry Plesent, founder of Vermont Soap, and author of The Reactive Body Handbook. You can go during this commercial break to and click on The Reactive Body Handbook. Look for Larry wearing his hat and get your own free copy. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is Larry Plesent. He’s the founder of Vermont Soap and also the author of The Reactive Body Handbook, a new book that has just been released.

I think we’re the first ones to hear about it. You can go to and download it for free. Just scroll down the page until you see Larry with his hat on. And right next to it, it says The Reactive Body Handbook. Click on that and you can get your free copy.

Oh, I know what I want to ask you next. Tell us how you discovered that you had a reactive body.

LARRY PLESENT: Oh, that’s a great question. How did I discover I had a reactive body? Nothing worked! I was broken.

DEBRA: It’s broken!

LARRY PLESENT: I was broken. I had the worst depression of my life. It lasted three days, Debra. It was terrible. And then, I woke up on the fourth day. I looked at myself in the mirror, and I had this big sad [frown] on my face and I said, “Alright!

Enough of that.”

DEBRA: I should tell you, all listeners, that I have talked a number of times with Larry. And I’ve met him in person. And he is always one of the most cheerful people that I’ve ever met.

LARRY PLESENT: Thank you. You have to be. It’s a choice.

DEBRA: You have to be.

LARRY PLESENT: It’s a choice.

And let me just say just to kind of side step your question just for a minute (and then we’ll get back to it). Having a reactive body means—once you recognize it, you take off the blinders, you go, “Oh, okay. I’ve got this reactive body, fine”—it means that you’re in training.

In fact, I’ve used that line. “What do you do with that big pile of kale on your plate?”

“Well, I’m in training.”

“What are you in training for?”

And I look up […], “Brother, life.”

You have to have a sense of humor. First of all, you’ve got a whole negative cascade of hormones when you’re feeling down. And you get an all positive cascade of hormones when you’re feeling up. So, the cheapest way to live a long, healthy, happy life is to practice being positive.

And by the way, what that means is—in case you’re wondering—it doesn’t mean you don’t get annoyed, you don’t get upset, you don’t get angry. It means you let it go as quick as you can.

DEBRA: You know, my grandmother, she would tell me not to frown and not to get angry. Well, you’re going to get angry.

But the point is that people who are down all the time, she said, “When you get upset, it’s poison to your body.” She actually used that word. She said, “Getting upset, getting angry, being negative is poison to your body.” And it does release, as you’ve said, negative hormones in your body that depress your body, your physical body.

LARRY PLESENT: Well, as a middle-aged man in business in America, I watch other middle-aged men around my age in business eating up their arteries with worry and stress.

DEBRA: Right!

LARRY PLESENT: Where are you going with this guy? You’ve got to live every day. Great! You’re 70 years old. You sell your business, you cash out. And you’re walking wounded the rest of your life. You’ve eaten yourself up. That’s not winning.

DEBRA: No, it isn’t. And we also know that a lot of chemical exposures actually make you feel depressed, so it’s more difficult.

LARRY PLESENT: That’s so true.

DEBRA: So, I think for myself, I decide to be happy. I think it’s very easy to just go around not being cheerful and…

LARRY PLESENT: Oh, it’s a habit.

DEBRA: Yeah.

LARRY PLESENT: It’s a habit to be cultivated. It absolutely is.

And I’ve talked to people who are generally happy people about this. I said, “So, how did you arrive at this state? Were you born this way?” And one woman said—again, her grandmother taught her. She said, “Wake up with a smile. It doesn’t cost you anything. It’s just as easy to wake up with a smile on your face as a frown.”

DEBRA: Absolutely! I totally agree.

So, tell us. How did you discover you had a reactive body?

LARRY PLESENT: Sure! Let’s see. I couldn’t use anything. I guess it was really about the soap. I could put up with only washing my hair once a week or something like that and chronic, strange scalp issues that I had and all kinds of reactions.

But it was when there was no soap left that I knew about it that I could find that I could use. And for me, that kind of pushed me over the edge in a way.

I don’t know if I’ve told you this story last year. I hope I didn’t. But I was in a country fair in Vermont. I think it was 1990 or 1991. I found some goats milk soap. I took it home. I’ve used it. And this contact dermatitis I’ve had for eight years on my arm went away after the third day. I said, “Well, there’s either something magic about goat’s milk or there’s something magic about farm soap, the process of making this kind of soap.”

And it turned out, as far as I can tell, there’s nothing magic about goat’s milk, but there’s everything special about making handmade soap (which it takes a month to make a bar).

So, I looked at that. I said, “Well, here’s a craft item.” It’s hardly available in any stores back in 1990, 1991. I couldn’t find it anywhere. I said, “Well, hey, I know! I’ll be the guy who takes this handcrafted item, perfects it and starts making millions of bars, so everybody who has sensitive skin can use it.” It’s the process of making it that’s different than making other kinds of soap. You get a very, very mild bar.

So, I said, “Well, that’s it! I’ll make soap the rest of my life. That’s great.”

So, after about eight years into it, I felt like that I’ve taken it as far as I really could for what I was doing with bars, bar soaps.

So I began formulating. My goal became (and continues to be) to replace every single item in your household with non-toxic, effective and cost-effective products that you can buy factory direct. And that’s what our mission is. We replace yucky stuff with yummy stuff.

DEBRA: Yeah! And you’re doing a really good job with it too.

LARRY PLESENT: Oh, I know! You’re the same. Thank you so much. I appreciate that.

And we have a new completely—I have to say it’s completely unscented. But soap does have a mild soapy aroma. You can’t get rid of that completely. We quadruple filter it and carbon filter it. We do all kinds of things. It still smells a little bit like soap.

So, when I say “unscented” or “scentless,” that’s what I mean.

DEBRA: Well, I think that “unscented,” the general term of “unscented” means that there’s no added scent. I think that there are some people who think that unscented means that it has no smell at all. But you really can’t get away from—

This is an interesting, ironic thing. If you make something out of natural ingredients, it’s going to have its own scent from the ingredients—its own smell. The only way to get something that smells like absolutely nothing is to process it industrially. And so you have these products that smell like nothing that are made out of petroleum and crude oil. And then, you have things that are natural that have their own smell.

LARRY PLESENT: …which is usually something nice.

DEBRA: It is usually something nice. I don’t mind something that has a smell that’s natural. I don’t mind. I mean, at this point, I’m able to use products with essential oils. I didn’t used to be able to do that.

LARRY PLESENT: Oh, yeah, that means you’re healing.

DEBRA: Yeah, yeah.

So, we’re going to take another break. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest is Larry Plesent. He’s the founder of Vermont Soap and the author of The Reactive Body Handbook. You can go to and click on The Reactive Body Handbook link, and get your own free copy of this book. It’s a good book to have. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Larry Plesent, founder of Vermont Soap and author of The Reactive Body Handbook which is free. You can download it instantaneously from his website. You can just go to and click on The Reactive Body Handbook link to do so.

Larry, you mentioned so much information on this book. You talk about not only what is a reactive body, but the science behind the reactive body, what triggers flare-ups. And you also have a lot of suggestion on what you can do to make your body less reactive. So, let’s talk about some of those.

LARRY PLESENT: Oh, yeah. This is a handbook.

DEBRA: It really is a handbook.

LARRY PLESENT: You’re supposed to walk away with specifics.

DEBRA: Yeah, I mean this isn’t just theoretical. This is really Larry’s chronicle of his 20 years experience living this way and what has worked for him.

So, tell us some of the things that have worked for you that made your body feel better.

LARRY PLESENT: Oh, great! So I’m just going to run quickly down through the list.

DEBRA: Good!

LARRY PLESENT: First of all, maximize nutrition. No empty calories. I mean you’re in training here. There’s no room in your training diet for empty calories. You are maximizing nutrition. And that’s a systematic way of life. It’s an ongoing process of improvement.

So, if you’re just starting that journey, you can start by saying, “You know what? I’m just going to cut out dessert. That’s a really good thing. And I’m going to replace those calories with nutrition-packed calories and, along the way, taking supplements” like the good stuff that you have, Debra. And there’s a huge difference in supplements as people will find. It really makes a difference. So there, right there.

General good advice any grandmother would have given you—fresh air and sunlight. Lots of fresh, lots of sunlight.

DEBRA: I agree. I agree with everything you’ve said.

LARRY PLESENT: Of course! And water, try to get the best water you can. And anybody who has spent any time around me knows, I am vehemently, vehemently, I’m extremely against plastics in the food and water supply. There are no good plastics. People always ask me, “What’s the better plastic?” Well…

DEBRA: There are none.

LARRY PLESENT: There are none. We can give you plastics that have less phthalates. And phthalates basically are miracle growers for cancer cells. Or we can give you plastics that don’t off-gas phthalates, but they off-gas things like bisphenol-A.

DEBRA: It just destroys your endocrine system. And when your endocrine system goes, that’s it.

LARRY PLESENT: Oh, yeah, besides the fact they were estrogenifying our population which is very, very strange. It’s a very strange thing.

So, get the best water you can.

And while we’re on water, Debra, I don’t know if you’ve ever heard me say this—we’ve had a couple of conversations—that I don’t travel well?

DEBRA: No, I’ve never heard you say that.

LARRY PLESENT: Oh! I don’t travel well. Reactive bodied people do not travel well. It’s basic. You have strange foods, strange smells, strange carpet preservatives, all kinds of weird things, the air fresheners. God help us!

But I would go and I would go to conferences—I’d go down in New York City, for example—and I’d come back, I’d be sick for two weeks. I go away even for a couple of days, come back—

Now, I started coming back covered with rashes all over my torso. Quite frankly, I thought I had staph-A. I thought I had MRSA. I came back from Africa, I was sick for a month. And it turned out—one of the things wrong with me anyway—was that I’m highly reactive to chloramine.

It’s not new, but it’s new to most municipalities. A lot of municipalities are switching from chlorine or free chlorine to chloramine because it makes the water taste better.

DEBRA: Actually, I think it’s because it lasts longer. As the water goes through the pipe, it has to travel for miles to get from where it’s being delivered to your house. And so the chloramine actually lasts longer to continue to hold the disinfectant quality.

LARRY PLESENT: Yeah! It works better.

DEBRA: It’s chlorine and ammonia. It works better.

LARRY PLESENT: It also almost put me in the hospital.

DEBRA: Well, it also kills all the fish in the aquarium.

LARRY PLESENT: —and kill the fish in the aquarium. And if you brew beer with it, there’s a poisonous reaction that occurs.

You can look that up on Wikipedia.

So, I went away to—Debra, I’m at an organic farming conference eating organic , farm fresh foods, and I have a complete collapse. I had a flare-up. My immune system collapses. My whole body breaks out in a pulsating red rash.

Well, guess what? I was drinking the water and I was bathing it. And by the second day, people were saying, “Hey, Larry, you look really healthy. You look really strong. Have you been working out?” “No, I’ve been working in the woods.” “Hey, that’ great, okay” to my neighbor who came over and he said, “Look, I’m a trained EMT, and I’m making the call. I’m taking you to the emergency room.”

I said, “No, the doctors can’t help me.”

He said, “Do you need a glass of water?”

I said, “No, that’s probably what did it.”

And then, I finally came to realize that, in fact, it was the chloramine.

Mind you, I’ve been working in Monrovia, Liberia doing some volunteer work the last few years. And it turns out, they disinfect their water lines with chloramine as well which explains why I kept getting sick.

So, get the best water you can. And best of luck with it! Know what your water department is putting in your water. It may be stranger than you think.

DEBRA: That is really important. As long as you’ve bought yourself—I’ll just say that if you go to, I have a little ad over in the right-hand corner that says “the water filter I use in my home.” And it really is the best water filter that I’ve found in 30 years.

I used to say to people, “Make sure that you test your water first and get the right water filter for your water.” But this filter actually removes everything.

LARRY PLESENT: My web guy bought your filter.

DEBRA: Oh, great!

LARRY PLESENT: When we work together at his home office, I drink copious amounts of water from your filter.

DEBRA: Oh, I love hearing that. Well, did you get one for yourself, Larry?

LARRY PLESENT: Well, unfortunately, at home, we have our own well. I know everything that goes in there.

DEBRA: Oh, great! Well, I’m glad you liked the water. I’m glad you liked the water. Everybody that I know, everybody that comes to my house and drinks it buys one.

LARRY PLESENT: Well, Jackson said it’s the best water filter he’s ever seen. Him and his wife, especially his wife, have reactive bodies.

DEBRA: I’m so glad to hear this. Yeah, it really is.

LARRY PLESENT: And I hope they don’t mind. I just said a name. It doesn’t indicate…

DEBRA: Yeah, they won’t know who Jackson is.

LARRY PLESENT: But this is a wonderful couple that has Lyme Disease. They are battling Lyme using the exact, same technique (and others) that I use to keep my reactive body functioning.

DEBRA: Well, you know, a long time ago when I was first struggling with this exact, same thing myself many years ago and I started studying, my logic was, “If the industrial toxic world has made me sick, there must be some other alternate universe where things would make me well.” And I started looking at all the different ways, all the things that you’re talking about—how could I remove the toxic chemicals, how could I eat healthy and get good nutrition.

And what I discovered was that if you really look to nature, if you really look at the basics of what supports life, there’s a way to be healthy that applies that is the antidote to any body condition. Anything that’s wrong with you, if you do these handful of things, you’ll get better.

LARRY PLESENT: You know, I can almost feel the audience saying, “Now, come on, Debra, what about cancer? I need to go and get radiation to cure cancer, right?”

DEBRA: No, no. Actually, what you need to do is stop causing cancer, then your body will heal. And I really have researched this. I really looked at it. And so I decided that I was just going to live this way regardless—I wasn’t going to wait to get sick. I mean, my immune system was already shot, but I rebuilt my immune system and I’m in the process of rebuilding my endocrine system. And I can tell which body systems have been affected by my body.

But the answer to everything is that you get the chemicals bond, you eat organic foods, you get nutrient-dense foods, you exercise, so that you can move things around in your body, you get good rest, you breathe clean air, you get some sunshine, and you’ll be healthy.

LARRY PLESENT: Everybody’s grandparents who came over from the old country would be very happy to hear you saying that.

DEBRA: But it really is the answer to everything.

LARRY PLESENT: Time-tried and true advice. But it’s getting harder and harder to get food that actually is nutritious or water that’s actually safe to drink and air that’s actually safe to breathe.

DEBRA: That’s right. That’s the problem. That is exactly the problem. I mean I could fill my house with your products. We could all fill our houses with your products. But then we walk outside and the air is not fit to breathe.

I was reading something (and I think it’s going in my newsletter next week) about the number one environmental problem—air pollution.

LARRY PLESENT: Well, yeah now that there’s radiation blown around.

DEBRA: Yeah, that’s right. And so not only do we need to just—I mean, we just can’t go to some Garden of Eden spot on Earth that isn’t polluted anymore. It doesn’t exist. And so what we need to be doing is we need to be doing things that get the toxic chemicals out of our body that we can’t […]

LARRY PLESENT: That’s right. You have to continuous. It’s not just you do a big cleanse. And I’m not telling people to over-cleanse over-fast or any of that stuff. But certainly, Debra, you’re exactly right. You have to get what’s in you out.

There are some really good methods for that.

DEBRA: I have to interrupt you though, Larry. I hate to do this. But in a few seconds, the music is going to come on and the show is going to be over.

LARRY PLESENT: You have to have me back on!

DEBRA: I will, I will. But I want to say thank you for being with us.

LARRY PLESENT: Well, thank you, Debra.

DEBRA: Larry’s book is The Reactive Body Handbook. You can go to and download it. We’ll talk again soon!

Surviving A Toxic Stay in the Hospital

Question from SallyS


I have MCS and am facing a lot of medical procedures, frankly part of the dread comes from the exposure to all the toxins in the medical arena.

From the medications to all the plastic and toxic chemicals used to clean such, all the way to the beds and the food. Last year I was hospitalized and the worst thing was the smell, the humming of machinery, and the awful things that I cam in contact with such as plastic, vinyl bed, and so on. The more doctors I see the worse it gets, seeming to accumulate in my system and throwing things off – it takes some time to recuperate from each occurrence and feels like going backwards.

Have you any suggestions as to how I can better cope with such? I truly appreciate any input.


Debra’s Answer

First, I know there are some healthcare organizations who are becoming less toxic.

Kaiser Permanente is one.

There’s an organization called Health Care Without Harm that is working internationally to “transform the health sector worldwide, promoting environmental health and justice.”

You might contact them to find out which hospitals in your area might be less toxic.

Readers any suggestions from your own experience with a hospital stay?

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Pest control in-the-wall system

Question from Andie

Hi — am looking for a new home in a del Webb community (retirement for active adults). Many of their homes have a system called Taexx pest control in-the-wall. I googled it and it seems as if the insecticide can waft out through the outlets, etc right into your living space! Any idea about this system? Thank you!

Debra’s Answer

Sounds like a bad idea to me. I wouldn’t live in this house. Do they say anywhere what pesticide is being used?

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Basement Floor Options

Question from Joy

I am looking at flooring for an under grade basement floor. I have been warned not to use solid wood as it will warp.

I am looking at engineered wood (Eco Timber), strand bamboo (Prefinished Solid Locking Strand Woven Bamboo Flooring) or Cork (Wicanders).

I am told they all use no VOC adhesives.

I want to be sure they are safe?

Thank you!

Debra’s Answer

Here’s a past post about Eco Timber Engineered Flooring.

Strand Woven Bamboo Flooring does emit formaldehyde. It’s made by cutting the bamboo into strips, shredding it, intertwining the shreads with a “bonding agent” and heating it or not heating it depending on the color. You can ask for a formaldehyde emissions report. Here’s one I got quite easily over the phone that shows 0.05 formaldehyde emissions from this particular brand: bamboo formaldehyde emissions test results.

Cork, I understand from a previous post today is adhered to a layer of fiberboard, which may emit formaldehyde (see Cork Floor).

Is there a reason why you can’t install ceramic tile, or natural linoleum, or paint the floor. I honestly would install any of these in my house.

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What Major Retailers are Doing (or Not) to Reduce Toxic Chemicals in the Products They Sell

My guest today is Mike Schade, Mind the Store Campaign Director at Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families. The Mind the Store campaign works with the nation’s leading retailers on creating comprehensive chemicals policy. For the previous eight years, Mike was the Markets Campaign Coordinator with the Center for Health, Environment & Justice (CHEJ), a national environmental health organization where he led national campaigns to phase out PVC plastic, phthalates, BPA and dioxin. Prior to CHEJ, he was the Western New York Director of Citizens’ Environmental Coalition. Ethisphere Magazine listed Mike as one of the 100 Most Influential People in Business Ethics for 2007 and the PVC Campaign received two awards from the Business Ethics Network.





What Major Retailers Are Doing (or Not) to Reduce Toxic Chemicals in the Products They Sell

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Mike Schade

Date of Broadcast: March 26, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and how to live toxic free.

It’s Wednesday, March 26th 2014. And I’m here in Clearwater, Florida. And today, we’re going to be talking about what major retailers are doing (or not doing) to reduce toxic chemicals in the products that they sell.

For the past year, there’s been a campaign called Mind the Store. It’s being done by Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families. And they’ve been asking the major retailers in America to remove certain toxic chemicals from the store shelves, so that we don’t have to be reading all the labels. We can just know that these products are safe.

And today, I have the campaign director of this campaign here to tell us about what’s going on. His name is Mike Schade from Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families.

Hi Mike!

MIKE SCHADE: Hey, Debra. Thanks for having me.

DEBRA: Now, Mike has been on before. Some of you might remember him. He was on for the Center for Environmental Health Injustice. Did I get all those words in the right order?

MIKE SCHADE: Yeah, pretty much, yeah. Actually, it’s the Center for Health and Environmental Justice.

DEBRA: Health and Environmental Justice, right.


DEBRA: And he is now over at Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families during the Mind the Store campaign.

Mike, tell us about the campaign.

MIKE SCHADE: Yeah, great. Well, thanks again for having me. It’s always a pleasure to come on your show. I really appreciate it.

DEBRA: Thank you.

MIKE SCHADE: So, Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families…

DEBRA: Just give us the general idea of it. And then we’ll talk about it in great detail.

MIKE SCHADE: So, we’re a broad coalition of public health organizations, environmental organizations, advocates for people with developmental disabilities, reproductive health advocates and others that are united about our concern about toxic chemicals in our homes, schools and places of work—and most importantly, the products we use every day, products we bring in our homes (cosmetics, cleaning products, plastics, you name it).

And in recent years, some of the most effective ways that, here in the United States, have taken action to address chemicals of concern is through the actions of major corporations, huge Fortune 500 companies.

So Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families launched the Mind the Store campaign with the recognition that major retailers like Wal-Mart, Target and others really have the power and the moral responsibility to ensure that the products that they sell are safe and healthy and non-toxic.

So, we launched the Mind the Store campaign to challenge major US retailers, the top 10 retailers with the biggest market share to get tough on toxic chemicals and to work with their suppliers and their vendors to eliminate the worst of the worst chemicals and the product that they sell, what we call the Hazardous 100 List of Chemicals of High Concern. And these are chemicals that are linked to cancer, birth defect, asthma, and other serious health problems that affect our communities across the country.

DEBRA: Thank you.

So, I had a question. It’s on the tip of my tongue. And now I forgot what it was.

Okay! So, you started out—I know that Washington Toxics Coalition did a report that had showed where a lot of chemical hazards were in the products. Why don’t you start by telling us about that report? Wasn’t that the beginning of this campaign?

MIKE SCHADE: Yeah! So, as you know, because unfortunately our federal chemical safety system is broken, many states have been forced to figure out how to deal with this challenge of dangerous chemicals and products in our environment.

So, in recent years, the number of states—most notably, the states of California, Maine and Washington—have passed pieces of legislation that begin to comprehensively address the problems of chemicals in the environment. So, we’re not just banning or restricting one chemical at a time. These states have passed more comprehensive approaches to chemical policy.

Back in 2008, the state of Washington passed a landmark piece of legislation called The Children Safe Products Act. This is a law that requires manufacturers and retailers to disclose to the state of California whether products that they sell in the state of California contains chemicals of high concern for children.

DEBRA: Wait, wait! Washington?

MIKE SCHADE: Yeah, this is the state of Washingtont, that’s right.

DEBRA: Yeah, you said California.

MIKE SCHADE: Oh, I’m sorry, the state of Washington. And this is back in 2008. And so if you are a company that sells a product to the state of Washington, you need to report whether this product contains one of these 66 chemicals of high concern. This includes chemicals like formaldehyde, bisphenol-A, phthalates, flame retardants and many of the other well-known bad guys.

So, in the past couple of years, companies have begun to report in accordance with this law. And we just co-published a report with our friends at the Washington Toxics Coalition which found that, as a result of this reporting law, companies are reporting chemicals of high concern in all sorts of consumer products. There were over 4600 reports of toxic chemicals in children’s products.

For example, they found formaldehyde in children’s table wear and dangerous flame retardants in car seats and toys.
And so, this just goes to show you how chemicals of high concern are widespread in products that we purchase, in products for our children. And of course, many of these chemicals in products were being reported by major retailers such as Wal-Mart and Target.

So, if you go to our friends at the Washington Toxics Coalition, their website, you can actually download this report. And the website is

I think it’s important because this report just shows how widespread this problem is and also how important it is for retailers to clean up their act and get touch on toxic chemicals in products that they sell, and also how, unfortunately, government regulation is—while the state of Washington is playing a significant leadership role in requiring disclosure of chemicals of concern, it’s clear that the Washington state can’t do it alone and we need other states. Most importantly, we need the federal government to act and to regulate dangerous chemicals in products, particularly those for children and infants.

DEBRA: I completely agree, yes. I’ve been reporting to consumers for the past 30+ years about the toxic chemicals I can identify in products and saying, “Here are some products that don’t contain those chemicals.” And so consumer can make those choices.

And I would say that over the last 30 years, there definitely has been an increase in toxic-free products available for consumers to choose. But we also need to have, at every level—at the retailer level, at the manufacturer level, at the government level—everybody needs to be saying, “We need to get rid of these toxic chemicals.”

I mean, if you really think about it, the most dangerous thing in the world is we’re all trying to take vitamins and eat well and exercise and do all these things for our health, but there are so many toxic chemicals that we can’t control because they’re there at levels that we don’t have any control over.

And so, everybody needs to say, “At the level that I’m at, whether I’m a retailer or a manufacturer, a government employee or a consumer,” each one of us needs to say, “How can I reduce toxic chemicals where I am?” I think it’s excellent that you’re doing this.

So, when we come back, I want to ask you a question. We’re very close to the break, so I don’t want you to get started. But when we come back, we’re going to talk about the toxic chemicals, the Hazardous 100, and what kinds of things you can do.

We’re going to talk about the top 10 retailers that are being targeted in this campaign and how they are responding (or not) and all different kinds of things that you can do.

If you want to go to the Mind the Store website, you can just go to, and right there on their home page, there’s a little button that says Mind the Store. You just click on that, and that’ll take you to all the different information that’s coming up.

So, we’re almost there. I watch the clock. We just have to go with the break. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is Mike Schade. He’s the Mind the Store campaign director at Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families.

And we’ll be right back!


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Mike Schade. He’s the campaign director of Mind the Store at Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families. And their website is

Mike, this whole thing is based on a list you call The Hazardous 100+ which is a list of chemicals that you’ve given to these retailers where you’re saying, “We don’t want these chemicals in products on store shelves.”

So, can you tell us how the Hazardous 100 Chemicals List was developed?

MIKE SCHADE: Yeah, thank you. I’d be happy to.

So, we’ve developed this list for a couple of different reasons, a couple of different ways. One of the key reasons we developed this list is because, over the past 10 years, manufacturers and retailers had gone about addressing chemicals of concern in almost like a whack-a-mole fashion where they will restrict or ban one chemical, and then a few months later, another one is in the media.

This has been effective to a certain extent in getting, for example, BPA out of baby bottles and lead out of kids’ toys and phthalates out of baby products. But it really fails to address chemicals of concern in a more comprehensive fashion.

If you look at the scope of the problem with over 85,000 chemicals on the market, we really needed to begin addressing chemicals in a more systematic and widespread approach.

So, we develop the Hazardous 100 list as a way to give retailers and manufacturers a starting place to work from. It represents a small subset of inherently hazardous chemicals of concern to which people, children, pregnant women, families, are regularly being exposed to.

We developed this list by looking at different authoritative government agencies across the country and across the world and what have they identified as chemicals of high concern. As we mentioned earlier, states have really been at the forefront of regulating and addressing chemicals, dangerous chemicals in products.

And over the past five or ten years, a number of states has developed a list of chemicals of concern—the states of California, Washington, Maine, Minnesotta. The USCTA has developed a [00:12:12] substances that they’re concerned about. And in Europe, there’s a law called REACH where they’ve identified chemicals of high concern that are subject to eventual regulation and phase-out.

So, basically, what we did is we combined all these different lists together, these different state, federal and international list, and then we looked at where are chemicals commonly found on these lists. If a chemical shows up on at least two of these lists, we added them to the Hazardous 100 list.

And then, we also added some additional chemicals, chemicals that perhaps the government agency hasn’t identified yet, but we know are problematic—for example, perfluorinated chemicals which are used in Teflon.

So, that’s how we came up with this list. And what we’re doing is we’re encouraging retailers and manufacturers to work with our suppliers to eliminate the Hazardous 100 List of Chemicals of High Concern. And if you go to our website at, you can download and check out the list and see examples of some of the chemicals that are on that list.

DEBRA: I think it’s a great list. When we did a show on this before last year, I downloaded the list. I’ve been looking at the list and considering what I can do from my viewpoint as a consumer advocate to be identifying safer alternatives to those chemicals.

One of the things that I came up with—I mean, first of all, this is the place to start. I remember many, many years ago, when I was looking at how could I reduce my own personal exposure to toxic chemicals, the first thing that I did was to try to identify what the toxic chemicals were that I wanted to not be exposed to.

And at that time—I’ve said this many times on this show—and at that time, I’ve identified 40 chemicals. But that was way back in—what was it—1882. We didn’t have all the information that we have today at about what are the toxic chemicals.

But I identified 40 and I did a really good job of finding where those 40 chemicals were and finding alternatives.

But I also say that it seem to me that what I’ve learned over the years was that if you just kind of jump out of the chemical way of doing things—for example, instead of eating industrial food, eating organic food—you’re not just eliminating one of those toxic chemicals, you’re eliminating a whole set of them.

And so, I’m always looking for how can we jump to what is the non-toxic thing to do. You see what I’m saying?

MIKE SCHADE: Oh, yeah, absolutely. Yeah! I mean, thankfully, there are simple steps that we can take as consumers to significantly reduce our exposure to chemicals of concern. So, like you said, there are things you can do like, for example, eating local foods that you buy say at farmer’s market or from a local grocer instead of buying pesticide-laden foods. So yeah, there’s definitely things that you can do.

And actually, on our website, we actually have a list of top tips that you can do to keep toxic chemicals at bay.

So it’s true that, as consumers, we can definitely take action. But on the other hand, we can’t just shop our way out of this problem. We really need retailers and manufacturers to step up, and we also need the government to step up and do their job and restrict and eliminate chemicals when we know that they’re linked to cancer and birth defects and other serious health problems—especially when we know that there are safer alternatives available.

DEBRA: I totally agree! So, why is it then that retailers aren’t just saying, “Well, for example, we could eliminate a lot of pesticides if we offer organic food.” I know some retailers are doing that. But why aren’t they just saying, “Well, okay, let’s just jump on the bandwagon and do this”?

The alternatives are there. It’s not like each retailer needs to go through and say, “How can I eliminate each one of these 100 chemicals?” There already are products that they could have on their shelves—and they aren’t there.

MIKE SCHADE: Well, the good news is that retailers are beginning to wake up and take action. Just this past year, both Target and Wal-Mart have actually taken pretty significant steps to begin to address toxic chemicals. Both Wal-Mart and Target announced their chemical policies this past fall. And just a couple of weeks ago, Wal-Mart actually announced a pretty significant update.

DEBRA: And I want to hear all about that after the break.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Mike Schade. He’s the campaign director of Mind the Store campaign at Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families. That’s We’ll be right back!


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Mike Schade. He’s the campaign director at Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families for their Mind the Store campaign.

Mike, what are the 10 retailers that you’ve approached?

MIKE SCHADE: Yeah! We’re encouraging the top 10 retailers with the biggest market share to take action. There’s Wal-Mart, Kroger, Target, Walgreens, Costco, The Home Depot, CVS, Lowe’s, Best Buy and Safeway. These are retailers that sell all sorts of products that often contain chemicals of high concern, whether it’s in food packaging or whether it’s in children’s toys or even in building materials that we bring into our homes and schools.

DEBRA: Well, I’ve been to a lot of these stores—not Kroger’s because they’re local to a certain area of the country. They don’t have them here or in California where I used to live. But let’s see the other ones on the list. We have CVS here in Florida, Lowe’s, Best Buy. Safeway, they have in California where I used to live, but not here in Florida.

But I would say that out of this list of places—I mean, some of these, I shop and I find things that aren’t toxic. There are some of these that I think have more awareness than others.

And I would actually say that Target is one where I can find a lot of things that don’t have toxic chemicals. There are still a lot of things with toxic chemicals, but Target is a place.

Costco, particularly—a lot of the organic food that I eat, I buy at Costco because they have things like organic chicken that costs half as much the same brand. It costs half as much at Costco as it does in my natural food store. They have a lot of organic food, things like rice and staple foods—not fresh produce, but staple foods—that are organic.

And Home Depot has a lot of non-toxic building products. But Lowe’s has even more. If I want to find something like a less toxic wood finish, I go to Lowe’s.

So, some of these, I think, are already on the right track. But I think all of them need to improve.

So, before the break, you said that Wal-Mart just changed their policy. What are they doing now?

MIKE SCHADE: Yeah! So, different retailers are at different stages. And surprisingly, Wal-Mart is actually arguably—in addition to Target, Wal-Mart and Target are really leading the charge in developing comprehensive chemical policies.
Wal-Mart is doing a number of interesting things. One, on disclosure, they’re actually requiring their suppliers to fully disclose chemical ingredients in products—not all of the products, but certain products (cosmetics, cleaning products, baby products, pet toys and some other product areas). They’re going to require the companies disclose chemical ingredients online as of January 2015.

DEBRA: Wow! Oh, my God!

MIKE SCHADE: January 2015, yup. And then, beginning January 2018, if the company still sells products that contain what Wal-Mart describes as “priority chemicals of concern,” companies will be required to put those ingredients on the product label.

And this is huge because, as you know, Wal-Mart is the biggest retailer in the world. Companies are probably not going to want to have to publicly disclose whether they sell, say, for example, a baby bottle or shampoo for your child if it contains a chemical that’s known to cause cancer or other health problems.

So, this really provides a huge incentive for manufacturers, supplies that sell to Wal-Mart to eliminate chemicals of concern.

So, they’re doing a lot of really great things on disclosure.

They initially developed a list of 10 high priority chemicals of concern. And they recently expanded that. They’ve developed a much broader list of chemicals of concern which literally includes thousands of substances, chemicals linked to cancer and birth defects. And it includes every single one of the chemicals on our Hazardous 100 List and much, much more—which is pretty interesting.

So, if you sell to Wal-Mart, you’ll not only be encouraged to disclose whether your products contain these chemicals, but Wal-Mart is calling on their suppliers to reduce, eliminate and restrict these chemicals, and then also to not just move from one bad chemical to another, but to try to ensure that substitutes are actually safe.

So, they’re encouraging their suppliers to get off what we call the “toxic treadmill” and to really assess the safety of alternative ingredients which is pretty significant.

And in their expanded guide which they just published a couple of weeks ago, they are calling on their suppliers to embrace concepts of informed substitution and alternative assessment which basically means that if you’re going to replace one hazardous chemical, you want to make sure that you’re not replacing it with another that also has a similar hazard profile.

So, this is all really exciting stuff, especially given the sheer magnitude and market impact that a big retailer like Wal-Mart has. And the good news is they’re also going to be publicly reporting on their progress in doing so. And they’re going to be tracking how their suppliers and vendors actually meet this new policy.

They’re going to look at how many suppliers sell products that contain these chemicals. They’re going to look at reduction of chemicals over time. They’re going to look at sales volume, weight volume.

So it’s really quite significant. This really has the potential to seriously send shockwaves through global supply chains and to really provide a major incentives for big brands to eliminate dangerous chemicals that are commonly found in products and store shelves.

DEBRA: All I can say is, “Wow! Wow…”

MIKE SCHADE: That was my first reaction as well. It’s amazing! Typically, a retailer, you don’t expect to be leading a charge on an issue like this, but they’re actually doing some pretty significant things.

And of course, there’s room for improvement, and there are things that they’re not doing that we’d like them to do. But we think this is a really major step in the right direction. We’re hopeful that Wal-Mart will continue to improve this policy over time and we’re also hopeful that other retailers will now join them in taking action. Wal-Mart can’t do it alone. We need other retailers to join the bandwagon and get tough on toxics.

DEBRA: Well, I agree! They all need to band together. And it would actually be great if all your 10 retailers would get together and say, “We’re all going to have the same policy. We’re all going to get a policy that’s as good as possible” and that they’ll all apply it, so that no matter where a manufacturer goes, all the retailers would say, “No, you have to meet this policy.”

MIKE SCHADE: Absolutely! And it’s not just Wal-Mart. As I’ve mentioned earlier, Target has also announced a pretty significant chemicals policy. They announced that this fall, when their policy is—it’s similar to Wal-Mart in many ways.

They’re requiring suppliers to disclose chemicals of concern through an online database.

They’ve also identified a list of over a thousand substances of concern. I don’t think their list is as big as Wal-Mart’s, but it is very significant. And they are going to be tracking how suppliers follow this policy because they’re requiring disclosure online through a system called The Good Guide.

DEBRA: Wow! We’ll be right back after the break. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Mike Schade. He’s the campaign director of Mind the Store campaign at Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families which is at We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is Mike Schade. He’s the campaign director of the Mind the Store campaign at Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families. And that’s

And just right on that home page, you can look for the Mind the Store campaign image, that little button. You can just click right there and find out more about all the things that we’re talking about.

Mike, is there any plans by Wal-Mart or Target in their plan to somehow identify products that have been reviewed for toxicity so that consumers can identify those products on the shelves like shelf talkers or stickers on the product or something like that? How will consumers know which ones passed?

MIKE SCHADE: Yeah, that’s a really good question. Well, both Wal-Mart and Target are pushing their suppliers on disclosure and transparency which we think is a huge issue. When you are shopping, oftentimes, products are not labeled whether they contain chemicals of concern.

So, Target’s program is really an incentive program. They’re going to be ranking their suppliers on a number of different issues. And transparency is a big one for Target. So if a supplier discloses chemicals of concern online or on the product label, Target will give more preferential treatment to suppliers that are being transparent about chemicals of concern in their products.

To a certain extent, Wal-Mart is going a little bit further in that they’re providing a clear timeframe for transparency. So, as I’ve mentioned before, by January 2015, Wal-Mart is requiring suppliers to disclose chemicals of high concern on company websites. So if you go and wanted to find out if a certain product made by Proctor & Gamble or SC Johnson or whoever contains X or Y chemical, you can go to that company website and find that out.

And then, by January 2018—which it seems far away, but as we know, time flies, and it’s really not that long from now—

DEBRA: Well, it’s better January 2018 than never.

MIKE SCHADE: Totally! Absolutely, yeah. I mean this issue is not going away any time soon unfortunately. So, by 2018, if a company still sells a product to Wal-Mart and it contains a chemical of high concern or a chemical of concern (which again includes thousands of substances), then that company will be required to label the product on store shelves. And I think this is pretty significant.

DEBRA: So, wait, wait, wait. The company will be required to label the product that it contains hazardous chemicals. It’s not entirely clear in terms of what that label will look like.

But the thing that I think is perfectly notable about this is if you’re a manufacturer, you probably don’t want to have to create a different label for just Wal-Mart. It’s probably likely that if you’re going to change the packaging of your product, you would change it for all of your suppliers.

So, we are hopeful this will have a huge, major, spiraling effect across brands throughout global supply chains—not just in the US, but internationally as well. It’s not enough, but it sure as heck is a step in the right direction.

And I think what’s particularly significant about this Wal-Mart announcement is they’re also focusing on fragrance which, as I’m sure you well know, is a huge issue for cleaning products and for cosmetics products because that’s often where nasty substances are found. Chemical like phthalates are often found in fragrances. And most fragrances are usually never labeled.

And so the fact that they’re pushing the envelope on disclosure especially for fragrances I think, hopefully, that’ll have big ripple effects through global supply chains.

But the question is: “Will their suppliers listen?” I think that’s a question that we’re going to be paying very close attention to in the years to come because we want to make sure that their suppliers and vendors are actually complying with their policy as well as Target’s new policy. And at the same time, we’re going to be working really hard to get other retailers like Walgreens, for example, to join them in taking action on dangerous chemicals and their supply chains.

DEBRA: So, I think what you’re saying is that by 2018, Wal-Mart will still be selling toxic products, but they have to be clearly labeled that there are chemicals in them and what those toxic chemicals are which is a big improvement on what we have now?

But this is where consumers can then say, “Well, now we can clearly identify there’s a toxic chemical in there and not buy it.”

And what will happen is if consumers who shop at Wal-Mart don’t buy those products, you can be sure that Wal-Mart will take them off the shelf if they are not purchased.

MIKE SCHADE: Yeah. And again, they’re not only requiring disclosure, but they’re also encouraging their suppliers to reduce, restrict and eliminate chemicals of concern. So there’s a really strong incentive for manufacturers and vendors to not only disclose chemical ingredients, but more importantly, to eliminate them because if you’re a manufacturer, like I’ve said before, you probably don’t want to have to put a label on your baby bath or whatever it is saying that this contains a chemical into asthma and birth defects. That’s the last thing that any brand would want to do because they would provide an incentive for a parent, a mom to not buy that product for their child, for their baby.

DEBRA: But we already have a labeling system. Especially on cleaning products, we have to put warning labels and pesticides and paints and things like that where they are very toxic products. And yet people are just buying them anyway.

And they don’t even look at those danger signals.

So, you would think that it would be a deterrent if those kinds of warnings were required on the label. We already have them and people aren’t deterred. They still make them. They still sell them at retail stores. And consumers still buy them.

So, I think there needs to be a lot of education as well. I think that still despite 30 years of my writing books and speaking out on this subject and all of your work, there are still consumers who don’t know there’s a problem.

MIKE SCHADE: Yeah, no, absolutely. It’s really important for consumers to take action on this issue. We encourage if you’re a consumer and you’re out shopping, you should speak to the store manager if you’re at a retailer or if you’re at Best Buy or Walgreens or any other major retailer to take action. Speak with the store manager, and let them know that this is an issue that you’re concerned about.

You’re concerned about the fact that their store likely still sell many products that contain chemicals that are harmful for children, that are harmful for pregnant women, that are harmful for women of vulnerable age.

You could actually even go to our website at or and actually send a quick email to retailers and tell them that you’d like them to take action to get dangerous chemicals out of their products.

Another thing you can do is to plan a retailer rendezvous. Get together with a bunch of your friends. We actually have a toolkit on our website you can download. Go to the retailer together with some of your friends and family and put together a little event.

DEBRA: Wait, wait! Tell us more about the retailer rendezvous, about how that goes. Maybe some people listening will want to do that.

MIKE SCHADE: Yeah, yeah. The retailer rendezvous is a really fun way for folks to take action. The idea is that we want to get retailers to come up with policies to take action on toxic chemicals.

So, the first way to plan a retailer rendezvous is to send an email to your friends and ask them if they’d be interested in joining you to visit your local big box retailer—Walgreens or Best Buy or whoever it is. Figure out a date and time that would be convenient for all of you guys to get together. You can go to our website and print off sample copies of letters that we’ve sent to retailers. Figure out when and where you guys would want to meet, and then set up a time to meet with the store manager and have a conversation with them about why as a consumer or why as a parent you’re concerned about this issue.

We think that store managers really have a unique place of power. And what we’re doing is we’re trying to get store managers to relay a message to their regional managers and corporate headquarters that this is an issue that customers are asking them about.

We actually have a whole toolkit on our website. If you go to and you click on the “take action” button, you can download a simple guide, Retailer Rendezvous Toolkit which has information on how to plan one of these events.

I’ve done one myself. We’ve had some of our blogger friends, some of our green blogger friends do them over time. We have talking points in the Retailer Rendezvous Toolkit. We have frequently asked questions. We make it really simple and easy to do this.

And like I said, it could be really, really effective because, oftentimes, retailers will listen to the sorts of questions or comments that they hear from their customers. This could be a really effective way to convey a message that we want retailers to take action and get tough on toxics.

Especially if you could go to one of the retailers that has not taken action yet like a Best Buy or a Walgreens. That could be particularly effective. Since Wal-Mart and Target are beginning to take action, we like to see other retailers like Best Buy and Walgreens to join them and to mind their store and to develop a plan to eliminate harmful chemicals in their products.

So, Walgreens, for example, they’re the largest drugstore chain in the country. And they are, unfortunately, falling behind.

They are lagging behind Target and other retailers. So, this year, we’re hopeful that Walgreens will join Target, Wal-Mart and others to get tough on toxics.

DEBRA: Mike, I’m sorry to interrupt you. There’s so much we could talk about, but we’re coming to the end of the show, and pretty soon, the music is going to come on and cut you off.

So, thank you so much for being with me today. So much great information! And again, the website is

You’ve been listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd.

Improving Office Building Air Quality

Question from Emily

Hi Debra,

The office I work in is a very old building (one of the oldest in the city, if I remember correctly), so the ventilation leaves much to be desired. On top of this, the building next to it was recently demolished, sending particles into the air (and nearby buildings) that the newspapers say may take several months to dissipate completely. They also replaced the carpeting on the entire floor just prior to this, although I did not notice any odor from it, which is unusual for me. Since my company has moved into this building several months ago, I (and other department co-workers) have noticed that I have been sneezing more often, and my nose is almost constantly stuffy.

I was wondering if I had any options for improving the air quality? I am planning on getting a few plants for my desk once the local gardening centers open for spring. The large room where my cubicle sits receives zero sunlight, but my horticulturalist friend picked out a few plants on the houseplant list from NASA you linked a while ago that are supposed to do well in all-fluorescent lighting (the peace lily was one of them).

Are there any other options? I did do a search on Amazon for desk-sized air purifiers, but I don’t even know what to look for in those. Thank you!

Debra’s Answer

This is an easy answer.

Get this desktop air filter from EL Foust: 160DT Desktop Air Purifier.

Many years ago I had this very air filter when I worked in an office building. I just put it on my desk and pointed it so the clean air would blow right in my direction. I noticed often people would come talk to me during breaks so they could stand next to my air filter.

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Toxic chemical emissions in apartment

Question from Jay

Dear Debra

I’ve been a fan of your radio show ever since I experienced the following problem. And I was wondering what advise you could give with regards to a nightmare situation in my apartment.

Nine months ago I bought a PowerTec LeverGym (made in of course….) that started “off gassing” something nasty from the painted metal, soon after it was erected. It damaged my lungs to the point that I had to see a respiratory consultant.

I vacated the property for eight months whilst trying to wrestle a refund and collection from the company, to no avail so far. Because this is going on longer than expected I took it apart last month, sealed the segments in polyurethane and put it in a friend’s well aired garage at the bottom of his garden. But the biggest nightmare is that whatever that chemical is, it seems to have permeated everthing, and the toxic gas is still present even a month after its been removed, even after scrubbing and washing all the floors, walls and ceilings down!
It burns my lungs and throat and gives me a headache when I go in there even now. I’m thinking it’ll never disappear, and I can’t just move home that easily. Do you have any idea what that damn chemical weapon is (I’ve searched everywhere on the internet to no avail) and what I could possibly do to remove it completely?



Debra’s Answer

I don’t know what the chemical is, but the standard thing to do is bake it out.

If this doesn’t work, painting over it might work.

Readers take heed. Don’t bring things that outgass into your home.

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How Organizations are Reducing Toxic Chemicals to Protect Public Health

My guest today is Liz Harriman, Deputy Director of the Toxics Use Reduction Institute (TURI) at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. We’ll be talking about what businesses, community organizations and government agencies are doing to reduce the use of toxic chemicals to protect public health and the environment. As Deputy Director of the Toxics Use Reduction Institute, Liz Harriman is responsible for managing the operations and technical functions of the Institute, as well as working with the other TURA agencies to set direction for the program. In her 20+ years working at the Institute, she has provided technical research and support services to Massachusetts companies with the goal of identifying safer alternatives to toxic chemicals used in manufacturing and products. Recent technical work includes prioritization and hazard evaluation of chemicals, chemical alternatives assessment, and flame retardants. Ms. Harriman is a registered Professional Engineer and holds Bachelors and Masters degrees from Cornell University in Civil Engineering and a Master’s degree in Hazardous Materials Management from Tufts University.





How Organizations are Reducing Toxic Chemicals to Protect Public Health

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Liz Harriman

Date of Broadcast: March 24, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world. Today is Monday, March 24th 2014. And I’m here in Clearwater, Florida. and we’re going to be talking about how organizations are reducing toxic chemicals to protect public health.

It’s not just us consumers who are concerned with that, but there are businesses and organizations and all kinds of groups who are looking for ways to reduce our toxic chemical exposure, and then it gets passed on to you.

But before I introduce my guests, I just want to say that, over the weekend, I actually received some e-mails from some listeners. And I just wanted to say that I would love to hear from all of you. Anybody who wants to write to me, just please go to, and at the bottom of the page, there’s a form where you can send me an e-mail, and I would love to hear from you.

I’d love to hear how you like the show, what you like, what your favorite show is, guests that you’d like to have on, anything that you want to tell me about the show to make it better or just say thank you, say hello, whatever you’d like.

Please feel free to just write to me. I would love to hear from you. It’s You can just go there and say whatever you want to say. There’s a form at the bottom of the page.

So, my guest today is Liz Harriman. She’s the deputy director of the Toxics Use Reduction Institute at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. And what she does is that she helps businesses and organizations, community organizations, and government agencies, to reduce the use of toxic chemicals, so that they can protect public health and the environment.

Hi Liz! Thanks for being with us.

Respondent: Hello! Thank you for inviting me.

DEBRA: So first, tell us what is the Toxics Use Reduction Institute. What do you do?

Liz Harriman: So, the institute is part of the Massachusetts Toxic Use Reduction Program. And that is a program that was passed into law in 1989. It requires manufacturers to submit to the state annually how much they’re using in toxic chemicals, and also mandates that they do a planning process every other year on the chemicals that they use.

The law doesn’t make companies do anything in terms of changing their practices. But it does ask them to evaluate the chemicals they use and figure out why they’re using them, how much they’re using, and whether there are safer alternatives or ways they can reduce their use.

And when companies do that process of evaluation, then they normally will find good opportunities and find that those will save them money. And so they’ll go ahead and implement them. It’s all really voluntary in terms of what they end up doing, but they’re required to go through that on a bi-annual planning process.

So, our program has been around for more than 20 years. And companies have been going through this process and have made a lot of progress. The first decade, they reduced their use by about 33% and their releases to the environment by 85% and about 50% in waste reduction.

And then, the second decade, you would think, “Okay, they’ve gotten all the low-hanging fruit. Maybe there really isn’t anything more to do.” But as it happens, there is still more to do. They find more opportunities continually, so that the second decade, they’re still reducing use by 22%, waste by 33% and emissions to the environment by an additional 65%.

There’s been huge progress over the last 20 years in Massachusetts and, to a good extent, in many other states as well. Most states don’t track their chemical use. They just track their emissions and waste reduction via a federal program. But in Massachusetts, [00:04:08] requires them to also track their use and allows that information to be out in the public.

So, truly, involvement in the program [00:04:17] responsible for our education and training and research and laboratory testing and doing a number of different things with industry sectors and communities and others, producing a lot of information products [00:04:31] to help the companies and the community groups, the municipalities and everyone figure out what good options they might have to reduce the [00:04:40] toxic chemicals in the Commonwealth.

Interviewer: Wow! Wow. What a great program! What a great program! How many other states are doing this?
Respondent: There are a number of states that have some part of this criminal law. But there is no other state that has the same thing [00:05:05].

There are some other states that require companies that use certain types of chemicals to do a pollution prevention planning process (which is similar to the Toxic Use Reduction Process) and there are some states that collect some information on you. But no one else has it kind of wrapped up in the same package [00:05:25].

The other thing about the law in Massachusetts is that companies have to pay a fee when they file that annual report. And so those fees go to support the implementation agencies. So that’s TURI here at UMass Lowell. And there’s also an Office of Technical Assistance which provides direct, on-site, confidential assistance to companies.

And that’s at our Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs. And then, there’s a part of our Department of Environmental Protection that does the regulatory work.

So, the [00:05:55] return services back to all those companies that paid the fees. That has kept the program very vital and engaged, when in some states, these similar programs have sort of languished because of lack of funding at the state.

DEBRA: Yeah. Wow! Well, it sounds like that you’ve got it all figured out in Massachusetts to actually be doing this—and are doing it successfully. That’s very impressive. I would like all the states to do that.

How did you get interested in working in the field of toxic chemicals, you personally? I see on your bio that you are a professional engineer. I don’t know all the different jobs one might have in this field. So what does a professional engineer do? How did you get interested in working in this field?

Liz Harriman: I guess like many people today, I’ve had more than one career. So I started out as a structural engineer. I was a civil engineer in college. I did structural engineering which is about designing buildings and bridges and things like that for about 10 years. It was fun. And I really enjoyed it. But I felt like I was taking down trees and putting up buildings, and perhaps not leaving the mark I wanted to leave on the planet.

So, I went back to school at Tufts University. I’ve gone to Cornell is an undergrad. I went back to Tuft in a program on Hazardous Materials Management. I learned all about hazardous chemicals and what could be done to prevent their use.

And after that, I came to work here at the very new (at that point) Toxics Use Reduction Institute. And I have been here ever since. It’s very, very rewarding work, which is why I’m still here.

DEBRA: I find it very rewarding too. I feel that if there is one thing that causes the most harm in the world, it’s toxic chemical exposure. And every time I do something to help there be less of that in the world, I know that I’m making the world a better place. I can imagine how rewarding it might be for you and everybody there.

Wow! There’s so much to talk about. I’ve been looking at your website, and there’s so much here. So I’m trying to figure out where to start.

Well, first, let me just tell everybody that you can go to their website. It’s Why don’t you give us just a little tour of what people will find on the website because there’s so much information.

Liz Harriman: Sure! We recently re-did the website a little bit. So hopefully, it’ll be easy for your listeners to navigate.

If they go to at the top tab that says ‘Our Work’, then it has different sections on the different things that TURI is responsible for under the law (i.e. training).

And it has a section on grants. We provide grants to companies, to academic researchers to come up with new innovative solutions for things that companies don’t already have safer alternatives for.

And we have a section on business, which you’ll find information on different industry sectors and things that are going on with them;

Toxic chemical sections where there are some basic information about the chemicals that are regulated under the TURI Act, and also, what things our Science Advisory Board might be looking at, what’s on the list that our Science Advisory Board believes are more hazardous or less hazardous things on the list;

There’s a section on Green Cleaning which has information about our Surface Cleaning Lab where they do both parts cleaning for industry (like solvent degreasing), and also research safer methods for janitorial cleaning.

DEBRA: Liz, we need to go to break. But we’ll talk more about this when we come back.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is Liz Harriman, deputy director of the Toxics Use Reduction Institute. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: I want to start with telling our listeners where to go. They definitely want to see this in the future or whenever they listening because I think a lot of people are listening online. At, it’s under [00:10:28] tab, and I chose ‘Toxic Chemicals.’

Now, one of the thing that I would say from my viewpoint of [00:10:38] is there’s a basic process that one might go through to lessen the amount of toxic chemicals that they use. And that’s the same whether they’re an individual listening to this for an organization. And it’s basically to identify some toxic chemicals that are toxic [00:11:04] have less exposure.

And then—hold on just second. I shouldn’t have [00:11:15]. Just say something for a second.

Liz Harriman: You’re sounding a little bit garbled.

DEBRA: Okay, is that better?

Liz Harriman: That’s much better.

DEBRA: Okay! There’s something wrong with my mic. And every once in a while, I have to just unplug it and plug it back in. So now, we’re back.

Liz Harriman: That’s wonderful! It’s very clear now.

DEBRA: Okay, at least I know what the problem is.

So, the first thing is to identify some toxic chemicals that you might want to reduce the use of. And then, you need to find alternatives. So it’s basically those two steps.

You have—what I chose was ‘Toxic Chemicals’ and I’m looking at a page called ‘Chemical Lists’. I’d like you to talk to us about how one chooses, how one finds out what are the toxic chemicals that you would want to reduce in your life?

So, I understand that some of these chemicals—I guess all of these—have been determined by law in the state of Massachusetts for businesses. But tell us how they came to those decisions.

Liz Harriman: So, I won’t say that the chemical list is our pride and joy. It was established in 1989 when the law was first passed. And it consists primarily of chemicals that are from the Federal Toxics Release Inventory which was a list generated originally in 1987, and then updated a few times through the 1990s. But it has not been well-maintained since then.

We also include chemicals from the CERCLA list which is the Superfund list. And so that broadens it somewhat more than the Federal Toxics Relase Inventory. But the list really is in need of being updated for chemicals that are more widely-used now and chemicals that we now have more information about than we had back then.

DEBRA: I would agree with you. I mean, I’ve been looking at listed chemicals for more than 30 years. And when I go back and looked at the first time I wrote a book, I chose 40 chemicals. Forty, I have to laugh at that now. But they were the 40 chemicals that I could identify back in 1982 as being toxic chemicals in consumer products. I didn’t have any lists to go to then in 1982. I just needed to kind of look and dig and find and see where the toxic chemicals were, and I identified 40.

And as you’ve said, I’ve observed exactly the same thing, that we have more information now, and there are new chemicals that are being used, things that we didn’t even think about before.

And we also not only have more information, but we have more understanding. Thirty years ago, we didn’t know what an endocrine disruptor was. We didn’t even think about the endocrine system. When I started, the only thing I was looking at was, “Was it toxic to my immune system?” And now, a few years ago when I wrote my latest book, Toxic Free, I looked at everything again, and I realized that you can now associate toxic chemical exposure with every body system. It can affect every single body system all the way down to your DNA.

We didn’t know that 30 years ago.

Liz Harriman: Right! And what I will say about endocrine disruption is that we still don’t know a lot about it. It’s definitely an emerging science. It’s something that we know is a problem and we know exists. We know some substances that cause it. But the federal government and international agencies are still researching and debating about how best to identify and say, “This chemical causes endocrine disruption.” It’s definitely sort of a spectrum from weak to strong, and where you cut that off and say, “This one is an endocrine disruptor.” So it’s certainly still up for debate (which is one of the reasons why a lot of those substances aren’t on the lists yet).

DEBRA: I was just going to ask.

Liz Harriman: The other thing I would say is that [00:15:34] is really geared towards manufacturers and industry.

So there are many chemicals that are of concern in consumer products that might not be the biggest concern for our manufacturing base. So you’ll see a lot of chemicals in there that you would never find in a consumer product.

They’re intermediate or processing chemical.

DEBRA: Right! So, they are things used in the manufacture of consumer products, but they’re not necessarily chemicals that would be shown on the label because they’re not the end result. Is that correct?

Liz Harriman: Right. So, there are some other lists out there that are perhaps more up-to-date and not always regulatory. But there are things like the SIN List, the Substitute It Now list in Europe which has a lot more things geared towards consumer products and chemicals that are of concern to the public end consumers. California and Maine and Washington state have all developed lists of chemicals of concern in children’s products or in consumer product. And so those are things that are more relevant for that particular end point.

But they’re still having trouble with the fact that there’s an overwhelming number of chemicals that they could be working on.

DEBRA: I think that that is one of the challenges, just the sheer number of chemicals. And we’re going to talk about that when we come back from the break.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is Liz Harriman from the Toxics Use Reduction Institute at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. We’re talking about toxic chemicals. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. My guest today is Liz Harriman. She’s the deputy director of the Toxics Use Reduction Institute at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. Their website is

Okay, Liz, before the break, we were talking about the sheer number of toxic chemicals. And so, I don’t even know how many toxic chemical there are. Often, people will say there’s 80,000 toxic chemicals in use. I know that there’s the CAS site where you go and register your toxic chemical (or your chemical, whether it’s toxic or not). It has millions! The number is in the millions.

And so, how do you go from looking at this immensity of chemicals to choosing something that you can actually do in daily life?

Liz Harriman: Yeah, there have been several efforts to try to distill down that volume of information. And there are something like 60,000 to 80,000 chemicals that may be currently in commerce. But they aren’t all toxic or there are certainly degrees of toxicity among them.

Again, some states like Maine and Washington have done a prioritization process of all the chemicals that they could identify with information—so does Canada. Maine came out with a list of 1400 chemicals of concern, and then narrowed that down further to—some of them, high concern for children. Washington did something kind of similar. So, there are ways to try to focus in.

And I wanted to add that for the existing list, particularly in the U.S., but the main categories of things that are missing, I think one of them are phthalates which are the softeners that are in plastics. There are many, many different ones, and there are only a few that are really part of our law and many other laws.

And so, in Massachusetts, we have our Science Advisory Board trying to look at that class of chemicals, things like flame retardants. There are very, very few flame retardants on the list, and there are many, many toxicity issues.

They are coming out with more and more slightly different chemicals all the time with flame retardants and those are not regulated well at all.

Anti-microbials is another class that is not very well-regulated. So there’s really a lot of work that needs to be done.

And again, programs like ours are trying to have our Science Advisory Board look at these things and try to figure out what should be in the list. But it’s a very slow process. It really needs to be done I think at the federal level.

And that just hasn’t been happening.

DEBRA: I agree with you. I’m really trying to look at the big picture and see what everybody is doing. I’ve obviously had a lot of guests on this show doing different aspects of it. But I mean, I started out 30 years ago saying, “Well, I’m just one consumer, and I don’t want to have toxic chemicals in my products. Where do I find out information?” and there was none. And so, I had to just figure out as best I could. I mean, I never even took chemistry in school.

Liz Harriman: I wouldn’t know that from reading your book.

DEBRA: Thank you. But I became interested in chemistry in my 20’s. I started becoming interested in this subject.

I taught myself chemistry by reading it.

Here’s how I actually started.

I bought a book I still have on my shelf called the Condensed Chemical Dictionary. I would just find a chemical, like say formaldehyde, I would look it up, and it would tell me, “Well, here’s some health effects. Here’s how formaldehyde is made.”

And then, I’d look up the next chemical. I was trying to understand the definition. I just look up chemical after chemical after chemical.

And now, I would say that working with this information every day for more than 30 years, I probably know more about chemicals and their health effects and what classification they are and all those things than most average consumers. But we really need to know this information.

But I still find that I’m having difficulty finding the authoritative place to go where I know that all this information has been looked at and there are some prioritization of chemicals and all these things. I’ve had to do that for myself in order for me to do my work and to live my life. But I don’t see that that’s been done on a a large scale.

Liz Harriman: Well, I think Canada did it a bit. The issue is whether you would agree with their criteria.

DEBRA: Right! That’s it.

Liz Harriman: Each one of these programs have certain criteria. Either they’re looking at children’s products or they’re more concerned with things that are persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic in the environment or whatever.

So, you can go through that list in a lot of different ways and come up with different answers.

DEBRA: Yeah.

Liz Harriman: One of the other things on our website, if you go to the Library tab, and then look at Subject Guide, we do have a site which would be good for you probably, Debra, but might overwhelm some of your listeners on environmental health and safety data resources.

And so if you’re looking for more information on a chemical, then that subject guide has a lot of great links and references on it.

DEBRA: Yeah, I also see on the library, you have a link called TURI Chemical Fact Sheets. I was starting to look at that. In fact, I’m going to click on one right now. These are pretty simple explanations for people who want to know just something simple about these chemicals. Here’s one on formaldehyde. Yeah, these are pretty simple.

I just really think that everybody needs to have this kind of information, so that we can make decisions. I mean, I know a lot of consumers, they’re asking me, “Is this chemical toxic? Is this chemical toxic?” And there are not really places that are well-publicized and easy for consumers to understand and things like that. So I think I need to do more work to provide that. It’s such a big job!

Liz Harriman: There’s also an effort by a group which developed something called There’s a series of short, 15-minute webinars that were done on six different classes of chemicals for which we have concern. And those are very accessible. They were designed by retailers and others.

DEBRA: I actually went to all of those original webinars. And they are very good summaries that anybody could understand. I really advise people—it’s, right?

Liz Harriman: Yeah.

DEBRA: You can just go there and see these six classes of chemicals. If concerned about triclosan, you can look at the anti-microbials; and fire retardants, there’s a whole one fire retardants. They just did a really good job putting those together.

It’s time for the next break. We’ll go to break now. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd.

And my guest today is Liz Harriman, deputy director at the Toxics Use Reduction Institute. And that’s at We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Liz Harriman, deputy director of the Toxics Use Reduction Institute.

And Liz, tell us about your Cleaning Laboratory, what you do there.

Liz Harriman: Our Cleaning Laboratory tests safer cleaners for industry as well as for janitorial cleaning. So, we started out back in the early ‘90s when it was necessary for industries to replace CFP, an ozone-depleting chemical. That’s when we started looking for safer alternatives. And that’s primarily different methods of cleaning with water and detergent and using other mechanical methods to help accomplish that. So that’s all about industry parts cleaning.

It turns out that industry still needs help with that. There are billions of toxic solvents for a lot of cleaning. And so, we’re still at that trying to help companies.

And then, we also do testing on janitorial products. A lot of janitorial products will contain toxic chemicals. Some of the surfactants or the anti-microbial, et cetera, can be bad for you. It can be asthmagens or sensitizers for the folks who use them. And so we’ve been testing safer janitorial equipments and cleaners for quite a while. So, we test the efficacy of the safer cleaners.

DEBRA: And these are particularly cleaners that are used in businesses and industries.

Is there an organization for consumers that does what you do for business, but does it with consumer products?

Liz Harriman: I’m not sure. But we do it in some ways for consumers as well. We don’t have the website up yet, but we do have one that’s in the process which will look at what we call D.I.Y. cleaning products, do-it-yourself.

There are a lot of sites that give those recipes. But we have actually gone through the process of testing them and to see which ones were…

DEBRA: How great! That’s really needed, yeah.

Liz Harriman: Yeah. But if you go to our community website, under the ‘Our Work’, if you go to ‘Home & Community’, there’s a video there demonstrating for a headstart programs how to mix some of your own cleaner and to use those. And there’s also quite a bit of information from previous community projects on more home janitorial cleaning. So, those would be helpful to your listeners as well.

DEBRA: Yeah. I see over in the ‘Home & Community’ page over on the right-hand column, there are some do-it-yourself cleaning recipes. I’m going to just click on one. Here’s floor cleaners, and it gives you some ingredients and if it’s tested or not tested. And I can see that you’re going through this very systematically to come up with answers.

I’m looking at all this, and I’m thinking about how long you’ve been doing this and how long I’ve been doing this, and there’s so much work to do in order to make this transition from finding out what are the toxic chemicals to coming up with the solutions to educating people that they can do something else. It’s just a big job! It’s a big job.

But it needs to be done. It needs to be done. Wow! I just I admire all these things you’re doing.

Liz Harriman: Thank you. I was going to mention one that kind of crosses over the business and community line.

And that’s dry cleaning. So dry cleaning is traditionally done with perchlorethylene which is a carcinogen. And it’s still largely done with perchlorethylene. But it is possible to just use water and detergent and special equipment, and to not ever have to use toxic solvents.

So, we have been working very hard to help companies in Massachusetts, our dry cleaners, to switch to professional wet cleaning. We have eight that we have helped to fund. There’s a handful more that have done it on their own. And I encourage everyone to ask their dry cleaner what solvent they use, and then also to ask if they’ve considered doing everything in wet cleaning. A lot of dry cleaners will do many things in water. But if they don’t have the right equipment, it’s difficult to do dry clean-only fabric. But it is possible. It’s being done in California and Massachusetts. And there’s a handful of other places across the country. That’s a very important transition.

DEBRA: I think so too. I haven’t been on a dry cleaning establishment in at least 20 years. But I’ve been following what’s been going on with this transition and the things that are available. And the other day, I had a stain on my shirt that I couldn’t get out, and I didn’t want to throw it away. I went into my closest dry cleaner here in Florida, in Clearwater, Florida, and they were doing all these things. And they explained to me how green and non-toxic they were, and that they were doing wet cleaning and all these.

And I had no idea! They didn’t have a sign out in front that says, “You know, we’re a non-toxic cleaner. Come in!”

Liz Harriman: That’s true.

DEBRA: So, I recommend to people that they check around in their community and find out who is doing the best dry cleaning if dry cleaning is something you need.

I actually went through a whole wardrobe transition. I now only have clothing that does not need dry cleaning. And that was a conscious decision that I made. Everything I wear is in the washing machine.

Liz Harriman: which is another great transition.

DEBRA: Yeah, yeah. So, there are all kinds of ways to reduce our exposure to toxic chemicals.

Liz Harriman: One of the other things I wanted to mention about that dry cleaning in particular is that one of the things that we worked very hard with business on is not making regrettable substitution.

So traditionally, someone would say, “Well, perchlorethylene is bad. You need to get rid of it,” and companies would then go to their vendors or just try to find another substitute, but not necessarily understand the hazards of the newer particular chemical that was on the market.

They would make a transition to the next chemical. And then, in a few years, you find out that that one’s also bad.

So, we do what’s called Alternative Assessment. We try to look carefully at the alternatives. Rather than just telling someone, “Don’t use this,” we try to say, “Oh, this one’s not good. These are your alternatives” and this is how they kind of stack up in terms of performance and cost and environmental health and safety attributes.

So, for example, there’s one of those on dry cleaning on our website. There’s a 4-page, short fact sheet. If you go to your dry cleaner, and they say that they’re using a particular alternative, BF2000 (which is a hydrocarbon or the GreenEarth), then you can go to that fact sheet that we’ve put out and try to see where some of the environmental health and safety concerns are.

DEBRA: This is so valuable because that the hardest part of that I think is not that consumers or organization or businesses don’t want to change; it’s understanding what to do, and then having to actually make the change.

There’s no point in everybody having to do the same research over and over and over, which is why I think what you’re doing is so valuable because not only is it helping in Massachusetts, but anybody and any state can go to your website and find out the information and do the same thing in terms of making those switches in their business. They could change their dry cleaning business by going to your website and finding out how to do it.

It’s not a matter of just walking around in the dark and not knowing what to do because people like you are doing that groundwork and putting it together in a way that’s understandable.

Wow! Wow. It’s just very, very good, what you’re doing. I know I’m saying that over and over, but I’m just so pleased and impressed that a state has put together this program, and that you’re doing this.

Liz Harriman: Another state, California, has been doing some interesting things. They’re trying to actually mandate alternatives assessments for certain consumer products because they have the Safer Consumer Products Law. I don’t know if you’ve had someone on your show to talk about that yet.

DEBRA: Not yet.

Liz Harriman: But they came out with their first draft list of three chemicals in certain uses that they will make companies do an alternatives assessment on and say, “Is there a safer alternative that you could use for that product?”

So, they’re methylene chloride (which has traditionally been found in paint strippers) and chlorinated tris (which is a flame retardant) and diisocyanate (which are what you make polyurethane out of). They’re particularly concerned with the diisocyanate in spray polyurethane foam where there had been lots and lots of problems with worker health and safety and homeowners having residual chemical effects from the spray polyurethane foam.

So, that should be really very interesting to see.

DEBRA: Yeah, to see what they come up with. I know that methylene chloride, there’s a lot of non-toxic ways to strip paint. That’s something that should be easy to replace. I mean, it might not be a chemical. It might be something else. You can use heat. Just heat up the paint and scrape it off. So that’s not a replacement chemical, but it’s a replacement method. And so, it might not help a business to replace, to be able to sell the same product in a less toxic form. But it helps the consumer have another way of doing it.

Liz Harriman: Right! And one of the particular problems with methylene chloride is in bath tub stripping. So, when someone gets their bath tub refinished, because methylene chloride is very volatile, it evaporates easily, but it heavier than air, it settles on the bottom of the tub. There had been many worker death from when you stick your head down in the tub and you’re overcome.

DEBRA: Wow! Wow. That’s so interesting.

Liz Harriman: Don’t do your own bath tub stripping.

DEBRA: No, no. I’ll just say—we’re coming to the end of the show. Oh, actually, I can’t say this because we only have 10 seconds left.

So, thank you so much for being with me.

Liz Harriman: You’re welcome.

DEBRA: This has been interesting. And the website is Go there and find out some information.

This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. You can go to And as I’ve said at the beginning of the show, go there and write me a note. This is Debra Lynn Dadd. We’ll be back tomorrow. Bye!

Greenlink Adhesives and Caulks…No Longer?

Question from janice

Hi……thanks so much for all the work you do in posting all this great information and resources for those of us with sensitivities to toxic products and vocs. Clicking on the link for adhesives and chaulk – it appears that Greenlink is no longer available? Any other suggestions???


Debra’s Answer

Yes, they are gone. Thanks for asking so I can remove them from Debra’s List. Their website is still up, which is why they didn’t appear as a broken link.

The site goes to Chem-Link, the manufacturer of GreenLink. These products, though similarly less toxic, are not being sold to the consumer market, only commercial.

Readers, any suggestions for replacements?

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Bath/Shower Surround

Question from Janice

Thanks Debra for all your wonderful information and sharing this knowledge to all. We need to redo our shower/tub walls and I have no idea which is the least toxic, NO VOC’s options – tiles or pre manufactured surround. What would you recommend or would you use, to not have any awful vocs? Thanks.

Debra’s Answer

I would absolutely use tile over an acrylic surround, which is pure plastic.

You can use stone tiles as well as porcelain, and also Swanstone

Read my review of Swantone here

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Bath accessories

Question from Stacey

Hello Debra,

I think I have read in your books to choose natural fiber towels, but organic is not necessary. Is this true? I did find some clearance organic towels that are whitened with hydrogen peroxide, which I assume is safe and no problem. Are dyed (not organic) towels fine?
Also, what about the shower curtain? I found an organic hemp curtain, but also a much cheaper cotton curtain. Is the non-organic cotton curtain fine (for a children’s bathroom)?

Thanks so much!

Debra’s Answer

Both are fine.

My experience with cotton shower curtains is that they mold easily and the mold eats holes in the cotton. I wasn’t able to get one to last more than a few months no matter what I did to it. I was going to try a hemp curtain, but I decided to just install a glass shower door, which cost about $100 at Lowe’s or Home Depot and can be installed by a handyman. You’ll save a lot of money by installing the glass door.

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MDF in toys

Question from Stacey

Hello Debra,

I am sorting through my children’s toys and have found some wooden toys that do seem to contain MDF (now that I know how to recognize it). Some of these toys are at least 4 years old. Supposedly, they still comply with safety standards but would you discard these toys? Or, since I’ve had them for a couple years, have they outgassed and become safe/acceptable?

I also have a couple wooden plaques/decorative accents in the kids’ rooms that I realized are made of MDF. Again, I’ve had them for about 4 years, so are they safe now, or would you still discard these items made of MDF?


Debra’s Answer

First, MDF is medium-density fiberboard, an engineered wood product made by breaking down wood residuals into wood fibers, then combining it with wax and a resin binder, and applying heat and pressure to make boards. It’s similar to particleboard in that it contains and outgasses formaldehyde, a carcinogen, but it is denser and stronger.


If you’ve had these toys for four years, they should be outgassed by now. Setting them out in the sun would help outgas any remainging formaldehyde.

But I wouldn’t buy any new toys that contain MDF.

The Best Water Filter Just Got Even Better

Today my guest is Igor Milevskiy, founder of Pure Effect Advanced Water Filters, a small, family-owned company that makes exceptional water filters which remove fluoride, radiation, and pharmaceuticals as well as chlorine, chloramine, lead, and other common pollutants…at an affordable price. I’ve been using a filter from Pure Effect for over a year now and love it. Igor just developed a new carbon cartridge that is the best I’ve ever seen. We’ll be talking about his new carbon filter and water filter cartridges in general—how different filter media remove different pollutant. Even if you have a water filter, it may not be removing water pollutants as effectively as you think. Also find out how you can pay for your filter by selling these exceptional filters to others (and there’s no fee to join).








The Best Water Filter Just Got Even Better

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Igor Milevskiy

Date of Broadcast: March 19, 2014

Debra: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic free because there’s so many toxic chemicals around in the world. We don’t have to become ill by them. We don’t have to be exposed to them. There are a lot of things that we can do to reduce our exposure and remove toxic chemicals from our body so that we can be healthy and happy and productive and enjoy life. And that’s why we do the show.

Today is Wednesday, March 19th 2014. I’m here in Clearwater, Florida. It’s a beautiful spring day. The sun is shining. There’s flowers outside my window. And today, we’re going to be talking about water filters, how to get pure water. It doesn’t come out of your tap.

My guest is Igor Milevskiy. He’s the founder of Pure Effect Advanced Water Filters. It’s a small family-owned company that makes exceptional water filters, which remove fluoride, radiation, pharmaceuticals as well as chlorine, chloramines, sled and other common pollutants. And the thing that’s amazing about this is not only does it do all that, but it’s an affordable filter. It doesn’t cause thousands and thousands of dollars.
This is such a good filter that I have one in my own house. I’ve had it for over a year. I love it. A lot of my readers have purchased them too. I get lots of emails from people telling me, “Thank you, thank you, thank you. This water is great.” You just need to change the cartridges about once a year and they are also affordable.

Igor just developed a new carbon cartridge, which is amazing. And so we’re going to be talking about that today, but we’re also just going to be talking about water filtration in general and the kinds of things that are effective and not effective. Hi, Igor.

Igor: Hi, Debra. Nice to talk with you again.

Debra: Thank you. Thanks for being on again. I know you’ve been on before, but tell us (because I know we probably have a lot of new listeners here) how you got interested in water.

Igor: Well, in my younger years, I was always interested in aquariums. I was an aquarium hobbyist. And with fish, they’re really sensitive to water changes. So I had to make sure that I really understood the chemistry of the water and kept it on top shape.

Many years of taking care of fish taught me about the need for proper water balance and chemistry in these particular animals. So with myself then, I began to realize, “Well, why am I not really looking at water that I’m drinking?” And so I started to research.

Debra: Yeah, good question.

Igor: Yeah! I took care of the fish, but I wasn’t really drinking the water that was that clean myself. So I started to look into water filters and do a lot of research just like anybody else who comes to realize that something is wrong with tap water.

I’ve tested a lot of filters, I’ve gotten to the chemistry of it all and I realized there was not a solution in the marketplace that took care of all the contaminants I wanted to filter out. There was not an all-in-one filter that took care of fluoride, chloramines, chlorines, drug residues, radiation and also adjusted the pH to make the water more alkaline. So the idea was born to create something, like an all-in-one, high performance filter system.

Debra: And you did an excellent job at that.

Igor: Thank you.

Debra: Yeah, there’s so much that we can talk about. I’m just thinking where should we start. So let’s just talk about the different pollutants. Why don’t you give an overview of the different pollutants because I think that a lot of people understand that their tap water isn’t very pure, but they don’t know where to start in terms of getting a water filter that’s effective.

They see advertisements for inexpensive filters that you just put on your faucet or pitcher filters and they think that that’s enough. So would you give us the different pollutants and also, the different types and to divide into their different types?

Igor: Sure! Well first, I’d like to start by saying that the laws for cleaning water, for filtering water are outdated. So, the water treatment centers are legally not required to deal with the contaminants that are emerging now more and more often. For example, drug residues that have been found in over 40 million households in the United States.

So that’s the first problem. The laws are outdated and we’re already getting water that’s not fully clean as well as it should be.

But even if the laws were updated, you would have problems still because the water still needs to be disinfected before it reaches your home. As it passes through the plumbing and the pipes, it needs to contain some kind of a disinfectant so there’s no bacteria or mold or things like that.

So even if they cleaned it well at the treatment center, they would still add and introduce new chemicals after the treatment and those include chlorine, chloramines, which is a more persistent disinfectant that they’re using now. It’s a combination of chlorine and ammonia. It lasts a lot longer in the water system, but because of that, it’s a lot harder to remove. It doesn’t evaporate as quickly as chlorine.

They also introduced fluoride into the water, pH stabilizers, rust inhibitors to prevent pipes from rusting. There’s a lot of chemicals involved even in the treatment process itself that the best idea to deal with that is to filter the water right out of your faucet.

Debra: That really is necessary. I used to think many, many years ago, “Why don’t they just send us clean water?” And as you just explained, they can’t because it could be absolutely pristine when it leaves the water treatment plant, but by the time it goes through the whole system of pipes – and I don’t even know how many miles of pipe it is from the water treatment center to my house, but it’s a lot of pipe. All those pipes are already contaminated with other things. They may have bacteria in them. They may have all these different kinds of things.

Water is called the universal solvent because it will pick up whatever it passes by. And so if you were to send that very clean water through a pipe and have it pick up bacteria and rust and whatever else is in there, then it will be very polluted by the time it gets to your tap.
So really, every single house needs to have a water filter – every single house. There’s no way around it because you cannot get clean water from your tap period. You just can’t.

Igor: Yes.

Debra: Everybody has a refrigerator, everybody has a stove, everybody should just have a water filter.

Igor: Yeah, that’s the right thing to do if you care about your health and you don’t want to drink chlorinated water. I’m not a medical specialist, but I’ve read some studies that chlorine, because it kills bacteria (and also chloramines) could also interfere when you drink that water with the stomach balance of bacteria that is good for you like probiotic.

Debra: Right! All those bacteria, they are bacteria that are sensitive to chlorine and chloramines. And so in order to digest your food, you need to have all those probiotic bacteria there. People take probiotics and then they drink tap water…

Igor: …which kill bacteria.

Debra: …which kill the bacteria – not only does it kill the bacteria that is already just naturally in your gut, but it kills those expensive probiotics that you just took with that glass of water that has chlorine and chloramine in it.

Igor: Yes.

Debra: This is just really something that we really have to watch out for. And also, chlorine and chloramines can get absorbed through your skin when you take a shower and go into your body in the same way. So it’s more drinking. We really have to look at the total picture of our water quality and we can put water filters on our faucets.

Let’s just talk about the three styles. Go ahead and describe them. Otherwise, I’m just going to talk through the whole interview.
Igor: Yeah, you mean our bestselling Ultra filter that have the chambers?

Debra: Yeah, yeah, the countertop, under-sink and whole house.

Igor: Well, those are as I’ve mentioned earlier in the program the all-in-one high performance system that’s our bestselling unit, the Pure Effect Ultra. We also have an under-counter version, the Ultra-UC, which installs out of sight. And also, we have a whole house version that cleans the water to your whole home – shower, bath water. Even the water you use to garden can be cleaned.

Now, each of those systems has various stages of how it filters the water and they’re scientifically correct stages. The water gets treated properly. The first stage the water goes through is our newest innovation as you mentioned earlier. We’ve created a new carbon block, which is made out of two types of activated carbon. Your audience may know activated carbon is one of the best substances to absorb chemicals.

Debra: Actually, I need to interrupt you because you’re going to give us a long explanation here and we need to go to break. So let’s take the break and then you can come back and talk as much as you want.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is Igor Milevskiy from Pure Effect Advanced Water Filters. We’re talking about portable effective filters. We’ll be right back.


Debra: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Igor Milevskiy, founder of Pure Effect Advanced Water Filters. Actually, what you should do is you should go to and in the right sidebar, there’s a little ad that says the water filter I use in my home. Click on that and that will be the easiest way for you to get to his website and see the filter that I use.

So Igor, before you go on, I want you to start over describing your filter, but I just want to give another example so that listeners can compare what you’re offering with what a lot of people are using. So let’s just talk about the regular pitcher type filter or the type that goes on a faucet and all that’s in there is carbon, regular carbon and not very much of it.

Igor: Right, very small amount.

Debra: Very small amount.

Igor: Yeah.

Debra: What happens with carbon is that it will ‘adsorb’ – I know, people think that I’ve misspoken “It’s absorbed,” but no. It’s ‘adsorb’. It means that the pollutants, it will draw the pollutants in.

But what happens and what most people don’t realize is that when all the little pores in the carbon – that’s like a sponge, it’s like a hard sponge. There’s all these little pores that the water goes through and the pollutant molecules get caught. What happens is that when all of the little spaces are filled and the water comes through, it starts releasing the molecules of pollutants that it has gathered back into the water.

So if you only have a little bit of carbon or you don’t change your filters, you’ll start re-polluting your water. And so if you have just a little, tiny carbon filter like in a pitcher or on a faucet and you just leave it there for six months or something, you’re just making your water more and more polluted instead of removing the pollutants.

Now, that’s what those inexpensive filters are like. Now, listen to what Igor has put together.

Igor: Okay! So we packed all those concerns into our unit. The first chamber in our systems features a carbon block that’s about 10” in length. It actually combines two types of high-grade catalytic carbon. What ‘catalytic’ means is it decomposes chemicals in contact. It’s a much higher grade of carbon than just regular activated carbon you may get in pitcher filters and little faucet filters.

You need catalytic carbon to deal with, for example, chloramines. Regular filters are not going to remove that very well.

Debra: No. That’s why people should recognize that two different kinds of substances are being used. You either have chlorine or you have chloramines, which is the mixture of chlorine and ammonia. The carbon that removes chlorine is different from the carbon that removes chloramines. And so you need to make sure that you get the right one. I think yours removes both, right?

Igor: Exactly! It removes both. And because we’ve combined two types of activated carbon – as you know, carbon can be from coconut shell, wood-based or coal-based. We’ve combined two of the best types, which have different pore sizes, as you’ve mentioned earlier, for the adsorption. They have different pore structures and what we achieved was a wide range of pores from micro to meso to macropores, which capture a super wide range of different chemical molecules that can be found in the water.

Debra: That’s just amazing! I just love that.

Igor: Yeah! Yeah, yeah. So that’s the first stages. It’s all a half a micron compression. So all these carbon is compressed into half a micro pore size as far as the granules of the carbon (we’re not talking about the micro pores of the carbon itself). So the block is half a micron, which is extremely fine. It also blocks microbial cysts like Giardia and Clyptospiridium, which survive the disinfection process. They have a hard shell, so it blocks those and sends the water on to the next stage for fluoride removal, which is another big one that a lot of mainstream companies don’t address like the Brita or Pure. I don’t believe they’ve removed these…

Debra: No, they don’t remove any fluoride. And even some of the other companies, I looked at a lot of water filters and I say, “Well, why don’t you remove fluoride?” and they say, “Oh, well that would make it too expensive.”

But I guarantee you that this is an affordable filter because I’ve looked at al of them.

Igor: Yeah, and you don’t have to replace the cartridges so soon with the little faucet filters. You have to replace them almost every two months.

Debra: Right, you do.

Igor: Yeah, and you’re not getting as good of a filtration.

Debra: No. Absolutely, you aren’t. Have you ever added up the cost of those little filters in comparison to yours? Probably yours is a little more expensive, I’m guessing, but it’s so much better.

Igor: It could be. Yeah, to be honest, I haven’t done that, but I’ve heard a lot of complaints from people – I have complaints myself when I use those filters. They clog very quickly because they’re so small. And number one, they don’t remove fluoride, especially the pitcher filters. They’re inconvenient because you have to wait for the water to filter. I have to wait for it to drop down. Whereas with our system, it’s virtually instant. Turn on the filter and you have water coming right out the spout.

Debra: Yes. So go on with the different cartridges you have.

Igor: Okay! So as I’ve mentioned, after the first dual carbon block, the water goes on to the fluoride stage where it removes the fluoride using an all-natural media. There’s not many companies that remove fluoride, the ones that do usually use aluminum-based media. We don’t. We use the carbon calcium base media as well that reacts with fluoride and safely takes it out of the water).

And as that happens, the water moves on to the third phase where we have a nuclear grade zeolite. What that means is that it’s especially processed mineral that has been shown to remove radiation infused by nuclear facilities worldwide. We also have that feature in the system. Especially if you’re living in the west coast or by a nuclear plant or by a weapons development facility or even if you’re on well water that may have naturally occurring plutonium or uranium, it’s a good idea to have this in a water filter if you’re drinking this water. And so we have that and as well as heavy metal removal media in that last stage.

So combining all these technologies, we also reduce the water flow to a certain rate so it’s not going through the system so quick. You get quite the pure effect.

Debra: Yes, you do. Sorry, I was laughing and I took this big breath of air. We need to go to break, but you did a very good job putting that right into that time period and getting all those points in.

Igor: Right.

Debra: So we’re going to go to break. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Igor Milevskiy, founder of Pure Effect Advanced Water Filters. If you want to go to his website, just go to and scroll down the page until you see the little ad that says the water filter I use in my home. You can click right there and get right to his website. We’ll be right back.


Debra: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Igor Milevskiy. He is the founder of Pure Effect Advanced Water Filters. He has some of the most amazing water filters that I’ve ever seen and I’ve been looking at water filters for over 30 years. He’s thought of some new things.

Igor, I want to talk about the alkalinity of the water because you’ve done some special things to adjust the pH of the water and there are some other units available where people are really stressing about drinking alkaline water that’s very, very alkaline.

I know myself, I put my water through an alkalizer for five or six years and I drank alkaline water. For me personally, it didn’t seem to do some of the things that were claimed to do, which is why I started drinking it in the first place. But I have just been drinking your water for over a year and my body likes it much better.

So tell us about what you do, but first explain what pH is because I think a lot of people don’t know.

Igor: Okay, yeah. pH is the power of hydrogen. It’s a measure of how acidic or alkaline the water is. In other words, how much minerals can be present in the water or be absent from the water as well.

In nature, generally, the pH of the water is alkaline. It’s not heavily alkaline, but it’s alkaline because the water contains minerals like electrolytes like sodium, potassium and calcium. What this does is it creates a buffer within the water structure, so the water is not reactive anymore. It’s not hungry anymore. If you take acidic water, it can corrode metal. If you take water that’s properly balanced that has an alkaline pH, it’s actually not going to be a corrosive agent anymore to such a degree.

As far as the body goes, you do need the minerals and drinking acidic water isn’t good. So this is why we have natural calcium in our system. What it does is it treats the water with trace amounts of calcium that help raise that pH naturally.

Those machines you mentioned, those other types of water ionizers, they do it artificially. They use electricity, which our system doesn’t. We don’t use electricity with our filters. And it uses metal plates to create an electrochemical reaction to generate those ions, which who knows the long-term effects of that type of water is.

We like to look at nature as our blueprint. In nature, we find natural minerals. And so we try to replicate that process as much as possible in our water filter.

I agree! And yes, the machine that I had in the past did have metal plates and the water was actually in contact with them and they put electrical charge into the water. I like your system much better. The water feels right in my body. From the very first glass that I drank, I thought, “Oh, this feels so much better.” My body just wants to drink it.

And you know, when my friends come over to my house, I give them a glass of water. And every single one, when they drink your water, they say, “Wow! What is this water?”

Igor: Yes! And one of our customers actually started a little business that’s selling the water to people in an area. They’re filtering it for them and they’re selling it for them because they like it so much.

Debra: Oh, I should do that. I should do that.

Igor: Yeah. In some cities, you can go and buy filtered water, but it’s usually reverse osmosis, which is lacking minerals. It takes the minerals out.

Debra: Wow! What a great idea. And probably anybody listening could buy a filter and set that up and it will pay for your filter or share it with your neighbors or whatever – your neighbors on side going on a filter. It’s just so worth it to have clean water. It really is, it really is.

Igor: I know! And an interesting thing that I noticed is that some of our customers who have pets like cats and dogs, they wrote a review for us for the filter and they noticed that even their animals are drinking more water after it’s been filtered more than the usual that they’ve been drinking.

So to me, that’s a sign because animals, they know that something’s right or not right. They have a sense.

Debra: They do.

Igor: That was a good sign for me to see that as well.

Debra: Well, I’ll tell you that everyone of my friends that has come to my house and drank my water has purchased a filer because they could really see the difference. I had friends who are like drinking bottled water out of plastic bottles and things like this. Now, I just go to my friend’s house and I look around and I see, “What are they doing for water?” I tell them that they should buy these filters. I have had not one complaint about your filters in all the filters that have been sold to people that I know or my readers in the last year, a little over a year – not one complaint.

Igor: Ah, that’s great to hear.

Debra: Yeah, you’re doing a great job. I can’t say often enough how thrilled I am with this.

Igor: Thank you, thank you. Quality is our main goal as well, to make sure that it’s a quality built system that is not going to fall apart on you. We don’t use any Chinese components or anything. All the parts are US made. So it’s a really high performance, high quality unit you can depend on.
Debra: Mine has had absolutely no problems at all. I also want ot say that it is easy to install and it also was easy to change the cartridges.

Some people who I’ve asked who – because I say I have a little write-up in my website and I make a big deal about how I like this filter so much, I was willing to drill a house in my granite countertops who have written to me and said –
I should say, the rest of that story was I was so skeptical about this filter when I got it that I didn’t want to drill a hole in my countertop because what if I didn’t like it and wanted to take it out? So I installed it out in the garage in my laundry sink, so that I could preserve my granite countertop. I got so tired of going out to the garage to get my water that I…

Igor: I remember that.

Debra: I just drove a hole in the countertop because I thought I want this filter to stay. I want it to be right here and I’m not going to take it out. I’m just going to drink this water and keep putting in the cartridges because it has such a beneficial effect in my body. And everybody else likes it too. It’s pretty amazing.

Igor: Yeah, yes. I’m glad I can present such a wonderful solution and you recognize the value of such a product and you’ve added it as a permanent fixture to your kitchen, so that’s a lot.

Debra: Well, what I want to say though is some people have said that they don’t want to drill a hole in their countertop, can they still have a filter. The answer is yes. The same components are in a countertop filter that you can put on your countertop and you don’t have to drill any holes in. You don’t have to install it. It just goes on the countertop.

And also, if you’re renting, you don’t need to damage the countertop or you can take it with you when you move. And if you have your own home, you can put in a whole house filter, which as Igor said before filters all the water in your house.

I have a whole house filter myself, but this filter does a better job and I’m going to swap it out and get one of Igor’s whole house filters. But I also have one on my drinking water and that’s the first one that I bought.

Igor: Wonderful!

Debra: We need to go to break. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. My guest today is Igor Milevskiy. He’s the founder of Pure Effect Advanced Water Filters. We’ll be right back.


Debra: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Igor Milevskiy, founder of Pure Effect Advanced Water Filters. They’re a small family-owned company that makes these water filters that we’ve been discussing. He’s not a large conglomerate. He doesn’t get his components from China.

I get this impression that you order these parts, Igor and you put them together by hand?

Igor: Yes, for the most part. Some of them already come pre-assembled. It depends on what part we’re talking about. But often, the case is yes, there’s a lot of involvement with these systems and they’re quality made.

So they’re in limited quantities. Sometimes, we’ll go out of stock like right now, we’re out of stock for a little bit until next week because it takes time and effort to make a quality system. You can’t rush it. So this is definitely something that we put a lot of attention into.

Debra: In years past, I used to start off my discussion of water filters by saying, “The first thing that you need to do is get your water tested so that you can find out what kind of filter you need because different types of pollutants are removed by different types of filters.”

And so heavy metal, for example, which is a particle requires something different than say chloramines, which is a gas. But would you say that your filter is universal like that somebody could pretty reliably just put it in their home, their faucet – and I don’t want to say ‘put it on their faucet’, but install it in their home – and it would remove whatever’s in their water?

Igor: Generally, yes. It’s designed to fit the widest range of different water types because it’s the media used and the amounts of media we use. It’s not a small system. It’s not overly large. It easily sits on a counter. But it’s bigger than the typical little faucet filter you look at or the pitcher filter. It’s a real machine.

Debra: It really is. And one of the things I don’t think we’ve said that I think listeners should understand is that you do need to have the effectiveness of the media. It has to do with contact time too. If the water is only in contact with a small amount of filter media for a short period of time, you’re not going to get as much removal of the pollutant as if there’s a longer contact time. This is a larger system than just the little half inch filter that’s on the faucet one or in a filter. And so the water is going down like through a foot of filtered media or so. Is that right?

Igor: Oh, yes. Yes, yes. And that’s just one chamber. We have three chambers of different media. We have three types of activated carbon in the system. It’s all U.S. made cartridges, so it’s very high quality controls on the media. We don’t source, like I mentioned before anything from China.

And we also have four regulator built into the system, which makes sure that if the water that’s going in too fast, it slows it down. So in addition to have enough media, we also slow the water flow down on purpose.

So you could fill a regular cup in about eight seconds. But most other filters on the market, probably four or five seconds, but the water is going through it much faster, which is not a good thing. And without a filter, you don’t get that.

Debra: Yeah, it is a little slower than tap water. I mean, the one that I have that is the under-sink one has that little auxiliary faucet that you put. That’s why you have to drill a hole in your countertop, to put in that little faucet. You just flip the little lever –
And actually, one of the things I like about yours, Igor is that you can swing the faucet around, so it can go into the sink or it can go over towards the countertop. And what I’ll do is I’ll just put my measuring pot or my teapot or whatever. I’ll just sit in the countertop and flip your little auxiliary faucet towards the countertops so that I don’t even have to hold it.

Igor: Yes, yes. It’s a makeshift [inaudible 00:43:23], exactly.

Debra: And that was very clever that you did that because I don’t think the other ones do that. I don’t remember that from the faucet.

Igor: It depends on the faucet that you’re using. We use very high-grade faucets that are well-designed. It’s all meant to really simplify your life and give you some good water.

Debra: Yup, yup. So I want to talk about minerals because minerals are important to our health and yet, most water filters remove minerals. And yours doesn’t.

Igor: Yeah, the common systems out there, the mainstream knowledge – you know, a lot of people get a reverse osmosis systems. Generally, reverse osmosis is designed to create ultra pure water that’s devoid of all the minerals for specific purposes like electronics, manufacturing and medical substance manufacturing where you cannot have any competing ions or minerals in the water. But somehow, that technology made its way into the drinking water.

Debra: But that’s industrial. That’s making industrial water, reverse osmosis.

Igor: Yeah, exactly. And you’re not factoring in the wholesome properties of water. You can’t barbarically treat water and remove just everything. You have to do it intelligently and make sure that the water is resembling something that is found in nature, something that we’ve evolved with – and that’s water with minerals and electrolytes.

We’ve always drank it, humans have drank it through all of history. There’s some information that if you’re drinking acidic water that doesn’t have inerals I it, that it could actually leech minerals out of the body. I’m not sure how.

Debra: I’ve seen that.

Igor: I’m not sure how accurate that is, but there is some research on that as well.

Debra: Well, that makes sense to me because as we said before, water is the universal solvent and so if it’s very, very pure in your body, then it can leech things.

Also, isn’t reverse osmosis water pretty acidic?

Igor: Yes because it removes the minerals that has a membrane that just blocks just about everything, but the water molecule.

And also, it stores the water in a steel tank, which stales it. I don’t like to store water in stale materials because it creates a staler taste. And also, it rejects at least two gallons of water to filter one. Think about that, you’re doubling your water usage, your water waste because you have a reverse osmosis unit for example.

So there’s downsides to it. Our system doesn’t have any of those downsides. There’s no water waste, there’s no steel stale storage tanks to worry about. It’s very simple. It’s on demand. You flip the switch and you have clean water.

Debra: Amazing!

Igor: And another aspect is you save money. You don’t have to buy bottles anymore.

Debra: You know, I think – I haven’t figured this out, but I think that someone could save – like for the price of what they pay for bottled water for a year, they could probably buy your filter.

Igor: Yeah, if you’re using…

Debra: Have you ever worked that out?

Igor: Yeah, I forgot the calculation, but I think it comes out to like ¢119 a gallon with our system once you filter it. As far as reverse osmosis, the cost of the replacement cartridge, this comes out to about ¢19 a gallon to use our system as opposed to paying $1 or $2 a gallon for water in a plastic jug from a store that has petrochemicals potentially leeching phthalates and who knows what else that’s not been discovered yet coming off that plastic.

Debra: Yeah, all those things coming off the bottle, yeah. So if you want bottled water – I carry bottled water with me, but I put it on a glass bottle. I tie a bandana around it so that it doesn’t – like if I bang it against something, it has a little buffer to it. I just carry your water around in my own bottles, in my own glass bottles. And I think that’s much better than plastic bottles. People really don’t understand how much plastic is on the water. There really is –
Water, again, water is the universal solvent. And if you put water in plastic, it’s going to leech.

Igor: Especially if the company is putting it in plastics. Some of them use reverse osmosis water, which is water that’s so-called empty. It doesn’t have minerals. So it’s more reactive to absorb things into itself. So if you have water that’s reverse osmosis treated in a plastic bottle, it’s going to absorb more plastic.

Debra: It will. It will, it will, it will especially if it’s sitting out in the sun in front of a convenient store.

Igor: Oh, yeah, exactly. Have you had a drink of water from the car after you’ve left it in the bottle for a while?

Debra: Yes! It tastes terrible.

Igor: You can really taste that plastic especially on a summer day.

Debra: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Igor, we only have a couple of minutes left. Thank you so much for being with me today. Is there anything that you want to say that we haven’t covered?

Igor: Well, we offer free shipping within the U.S.A. on these systems. There’s also no sales tax if you’re not in New York. So the rest of the country has no sales tax. If you’re in New York, unfortunately, there is. We do also offer international shipping. We offer a 7% discount on the system for those orders. So if you’re from another country, you’re also welcome to order our products as well.

Debra: And I’d like to add that Igor does have an affiliate program, which costs nothing to join. So if you are in another country or if you’re some place that you’d like to make a little extra money, you can certainly sign up as an affiliate and particularly if you’re in another country where these filters are really, really needed, you can set up your own business selling them and help a lot of people. So that’s something to consider too.

Igor: Absolutely! It’s a good idea, yes.

Debra: Good. So again, the way to get to Igor’s website is you can go to and scroll down the page to where it says ‘The Water Filter I Use In My Home’. Click on that, you’ll get straight to the website. And then you can take a look at them and see if it’s something that you’d like for your home. And if you want to refer your friends to it, you can make a little commission.

So thank you for being with us today. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. Go to I’m Debra Lynn Dadd.


Question from Alyce

Would like to know what kind of ceiling would be good for MCS? We’re taking down the drywall ceiling, and would like to consider some other material.


Debra’s Answer

I’ve never installed anything but drywall for a ceiling and have no objection to using regular drywall. I’ve installed it many times with no problem.

I’m not sure what else to use.

I supposed you could use any wood panels that did not contain formaldehyde.

Readers, any suggestions?

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Formica Water Based Adhesive

Question from Gustavo

Hello Debra,

I need a Formica adhesive that has a low VOC and is as less toxic as possible and I came across one from Formica itself, called “Water Based Contact Adhesive”.

The ingredient list is: polychloroprene, water and synthetic resins.

I called them for more info on these synthetic resins, but they said they can’t disclose what it is made of.

What is your take on this product, specially on the first ingredient? Do you know any adhesive that can be used to glue Formica that might be better than this one?



Debra’s Answer

Polychlorophrene is a synthetic rubber made by DuPont . It appears from the MSDS to have fairly low toxicity.

I don’t see any VOCs in that formula. They would be in solvents, and there are no solvents on this list.

Also, the Formica would block any fumes once installed.

What are you gluing it to? Particleboard? If so, you need to block the formaldehyde fumes by using a sealer or covering it with foil and taping the edges with foil tape.

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How to Make the Laundromat Less Toxic

Question from Renae

Hi Debra,

I submitted my question already but wondered if you have any thoughts for me. I have to wash clothes at a laundromat. I am very allergic and sensitive to odors and chemicals. I use natural but others do not. I am getting the odors of detergents and softeners on my clothes and it is making me sick. Do you have any suggestions for me?

Thank you so much,


Debra’s Answer

wonder washI totally understand your predicament.

I don’t know your living situation, but if you can manage to install a washing machine, that would be your best choice. I don’t know of a way to control toxic exposures in a laundromat.

Do you have a friend who does toxic free laundry? Can you wash your clothing at their house?

Another possibility would be a laundry service. Some use natural laundry products now.

Here’s a hand washer tool you can use at home that costs only $14.85: Emergency Essentials Hand Operated Washing Machine

Here’s another style that costs $49.95: Wonderwash

Find more by searching for “hand crank clothes washers.” There are also apparently “hand crank clothes dryers”

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Rough Linen

Gorgeous handsewn 100% bedlinens made from four different weights of linen. Plus linen curtains, tableware, and some small things like little sachet bags. “I found this homespun, hand sewn linen pillow slip while I was clearing my grandmother’s cottage in Scotland. It was made by her great-grandmother, in 1840, and was in regular use for three generations. When it came to me I used it to store lavender. Years later, by good fortune, I found a natural linen with the same wonderful texture and feel, and I decided to make bedding in this simple, elemental tradition. I wanted the feeling of connection, appreciation of good materials and handiwork which is part of my heritage, as part of my everyday life . I hope you love it as I do. With care, it should last a hundred years.”

Listen to my interview with Rough Linen Founder Tricia Rose.

Visit Website

How to Prevent and Fight Cancer with a Ketogenic Diet

My guest today is Ellen Davis, author of Fight Cancer with a Ketogenic Diet and creator of, a website showcasing the research on the positive health effects of ketogenic diets. We’ll be talking about what a ketogenic diet is, how it can help your health, and how to prepare it. I read her entire book because a friend of mine who has cancer is on this diet and improving. You’ll be surprised to find out what single food feeds cancer. Ellen is currently finishing a Master’s degree in Applied Clinical Nutrition at New York Chiropractic College and works to help others implement a ketogenic diet for health. She has authored several articles on ketogenic diets for the Well Being Journal and recently released the second edition of her ebook which has in over 45 countries. Ellen lives in Cheyenne, Wyoming. | |




Get the recipe for Ellen’s Sandwich Rolls


How to Prevent & Fight Cancer with a Ketogenic Diet

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Ellen Davis

Date of Broadcast: March 18, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic-free.

Today, we’re going to talk about something that might sound a little bit different to what you usually hear about what you should be eating. We’re going to be talking about a Ketogenic Diet. And basically, what that is is a high fat, adequate protein, low carb diet.

And the way I found out about this is because a very good friend of mine who has cancer is on this diet. And it has actually helped her cancer. And not only did it help her cancer, but it’s helping a lot of people with their cancers.

And when I read the book—I actually read the book that my guest today wrote. My friend recommended it to me because it has a recipe—we’re going to talk about the recipe too—for a gluten-free bread that really looks like bread and tastes like bread. I made some this morning, and oh, my god, it really is like bread. I just toasted one of that. You make them in little roles, like little hamburger bun kind of rolls. And I just sliced one in half and put it in the oven with some butter on it and it came out all crispy and toasty. I’m very excited about this because it’s a very different texture, much more like bread than most gluten-free breads are.

And so my friend wanted me to know about this. I read the book. And I learned so much about food—just so much! I read a lot of books about food, but I learned things that I didn’t know about food by reading this book. And we’re going to talk about those too.

So, this morning, I’m going through my emails. I get a lot of health-oriented newsletters. And this morning, there was one with the headline Woman Battles Deadly Brain Cancer Using Low Carb Ketogenic Diet without Chemo.

And so, obviously, we’re going in the right direction here.

But even if you don’t have cancer, you probably want to listen to this today and look into this because it will help prevent cancer—obviously, we can’t say that it cures cancer, but people fight cancer with it. But even if you don’t have cancer or if you don’t want to have cancer, this diet particularly sets up your body in a way that will make it very difficult for cancer to develop. And we’ll find out more about that coming up.

The name of my guest is Ellen Davis. She’s the author of Fight Cancer with a Ketogenic Diet and creator of Welcome, Ellen.

Ellen Davis: Well, thank you for having me. Glad to be here!

DEBRA: It’s my pleasure. I really love your book.

Ellen Davis: Thank you.

DEBRA: Another thing I liked about it, not only is it full of really great and useful information for keeping people healthy, but it’s really easy to read. Ellen writes in a very straightforward manner that made things that I’ve read ten times very understandable than other places. So I really appreciated that. And I think everybody should have your book.

Ellen Davis: Well, thank you.

DEBRA: So, tell us how you got interested in this subject.

Ellen Davis: Well, it’s been a long journey. I started about five years ago. I was having the symptoms of diabetes.

My mother was diabetic, my grandmother was diabetic, so it kind of scared me. I started looking at my diet and made some changes.

The first thing I did was take processed food out of my diet. I felt a lot better after doing that. But as I went along, I started finding that the more that I avoided bread and carbohydrates in general, I felt even better.

So, that kind of snowballed into learning about the Ketogenic Diet, just looking at low carb diet, and then just going further and looking at the Ketogenic Diet. And I decided that all of the information that I had learned over my research of two to three years needed to be shared with people.

So, I started a website called the Ketogenic Diet Resource. And that is the place where I put all of the research I find about the efficacy of that diet in promoting health. It not only can be used to treat cancer, but that particular diet has been used to treat epilepsy in kids for the last 20 or 30 years. So, it was only known in the medical centers in that area. But it actually has a lot of beneficial effects for many different diseases including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s and just general health things like GERD and reflux disease and things like that, joint pain.

The diet itself is just very beneficial for human health.

DEBRA: Well, let’s just jump right in and talk about the diet because there’s so much to talk about about it. So, explain just basically what a Ketogenic Diet is.

Ellen Davis: So, a Ketogenic Diet is a diet in which you restrict carbohydrates to a very low level. And you eat just enough protein to support your lead body mass—and by that, I mean the part of your body that’s muscle and bone (that’s not fat basically). And then, the rest of the calories come from natural fat. And that has the effect of changing the body’s biochemistry.

When you restrict carbohydrates, you go into a state in which the body doesn’t have enough carbohydrates to provide the brain with fuel. And so it switches over to burning fat for fuel instead. And when you break down fats through the liver, it creates these things called “ketone bodies.” And that’s where the “ketogenic” comes from because that process is called “ketogenesis.”

So, as those ketones get to higher levels in the bloodstream, when we get to a certain level, the brain can start using them for fuel. And so it doesn’t need as much glucose. And the brain actually prefers to burn ketones. It does better on them as do your muscles as well.

DEBRA: I find that to be very interesting. I didn’t know that. I can’t tell you how many books I’ve read about foods and diets. And I didn’t know that until I read your book, that the body actually prefers ketones. And I have always read since I was a child in school that what your body runs on is glucose.

And so to have this idea that we should be running our bodies on fat instead of sugar was a totally new thing for me.

And yet, I don’t remember if it was on your book—I’ve been reading like about five books this week—but in one of the books I’ve read said that what the body does is it actually stores fat. We think that storing fat is a bad thing because we don’t want to be fat. But the point was that our bodies store fat so that in times gone by when we didn’t have all the food that we have available now and people were living out in the wild for millennia and food was irregular, we needed to store some fat as a survival thing until we haunted the next wooly mammoth or whatever it was.

DEBRA: Yeah, exactly, yeah. I wrote that on my website as well. That is true, that’s absolutely true.

And this is the controversy over low carbs diet that everybody sees in the mainstream media (which is completely incorrect) and most dietitians will tell you. Our registered dietitians are trained by the American Dietetic Association. Most of them will tell you that you will die without carbohydrates which is completely false. There are no essential carbohydrate, meaning that if you don’t get carbohydrates from your diet, it doesn’t matter. You’ll still go along just fine.

And even the bible that the American Dietetic Association goes by says that, that for all intents and purposes, the human body does not need carbohydrates coming from the diet to survive. So that totally negates that […], that you have to have carbohydrates.

What they don’t understand is that if your diet is very high in carbohydrates, it stops your body from using your ketones. So if your blood sugar is high, that means insulin is going to be high.

Insulin is the hormone that helps your body store blood sugar. You don’t want to have a lot of sugar in your blood because it causes problems. Those are the problem that diabetics deal with. So your body has a mechanism to move that sugar out of your bloodstream into your cells as quickly as possible because it’s somewhat toxic.

So, when that happens on a regular basis, if you get a high carb diet, then your blood sugar is pretty high all the time which means that your insulin is going to be high because it’s always having to store that sugar. When insulin is high in your bloodstream, it stops your body from burning. It literally locks the fat that you’ve stored in your fat cell, so it’s not available to you anymore as a fuel.

So, yes, when you are adapted to a high carb diet, if you don’t get something to eat, you’re going to feel pretty crappy. You’re going to feel shaky. You’re going to feel like you don’t have a lot of energy because your body is used to burning a fuel that it can’t store very much of.

You can only store about 1600 calories of glucose in your bodies. So if you don’t eat every six to eight hours, you start to feel kind of shaky because you’re getting low on fuel.

DEBRA: We need to take a break. But after, we’ll talk more about this. And the point that I wanted to make is that our body prefers to burn fat. And we’re going to talk about that more when we come back from the break.

This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Ellen Davis, author of Fight Cancer with a Ketogenic Diet. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Ellen Davis, author of Fight Cancer with a Ketogenic Diet. And her website is And she also has a couple of other websites, and She’s a very prolific writer and a very excellent researcher. A lot of what she says, I totally agree with.

There’s a few things I didn’t agree with, Ellen. I didn’t want to put my butter in the microwave to melt it in your recipe.

Ellen Davis: Oh, okay. Okay!

DEBRA: But the basic things that you say, I totally agree with.

Ellen Davis: Okay.

DEBRA: So, we were talking about the break about how the body’s preferred fuel is actually fat. That’s what it stores for emergencies. It doesn’t store glucose for long-term fuel. So tell us more about that.

Ellen Davis: I’ll just skip to the punchline on that. I was just saying how the dietitians recommend a high carb diet because that’s what everybody eat. But if you lower your carbohydrate intake and you adapt to breaking down fat and using the products of fat called ketones for fuel, your body does much better on that fuel. And that’s what dietitians don’t know.

They assume, like doctor’s do, that ketones have something to do with what’s called ketoacidosis which is a dangerous condition that type 1 diabetics can go through. But there’s a difference between nutritional ketosis (which is what I’m talking about) and ketoacidosis. The difference is just in the volume of ketones that are released into the body. In a diabetic situation, it’s 10 times or 20 times what you would have in nutritional ketosis.

So, ketones are beneficial for the body. But if you haven’t done the research, you wouldn’t know that.

DEBRA: So I’ve been eating more fat. I mean, there’s been times in my life I always want to eat fat. My whole life, I’ve wanted to eat fat. Butter is my favorite food. I can just eat butter out of—just butter.

Ellen Davis: Yeah, I do the same.

DEBRA: I’m just always looking for things to put butter on because I have to put it on something. And avocadoes and all these things that are very high fat, I always want to eat them.

And so, when I was trying to do a low fat diet, the hardest thing for me was to just reduce the amount of fat I was eating. People would say, “You have to reduce your calories. And fat has more calories per gram than anything else. So you really have to reduce them out of fat.” And yet I found that as I’ve just been letting myself eat all the fat I want (butter all over everything and lots of coconut oil), the right kind of fat, not trans fat and things like that, the good fat, I’m losing weight with no problem. Whereas with carbs, I was…

Ellen Davis: Well, good for you. That’s excellent! That’s great.

DEBRA: And my body feels better. I sleep better. I have more energy. And I’m not craving food. Since I’ve been doing this for the past month or so (six weeks or so now), the amount of food that I’m eating is less and less because my body is starting to burn some of my fat as fuel and I’m not so hungry. And some days, I wake up in the morning and I don’t even remember to eat because I’m not hungry. Whereas before, I would be starving in the morning, just starving.

Ellen Davis: Yeah, that’s a side effect of ketosis. It diminishes hunger.

DEBRA: Yeah, yes. So I’m very happy with this.

Now, I see in your book that the percentages for what you call a Restricted Ketogenic Diet is 75% to 80% fat and oil; 15% to 20% protein (and that would be just the amount of protein that you need); and then 5% leafy greens fibrous vegetables.

I understand how to do this now. But tell us how do you get 80% of your diet to be fat.

Ellen Davis: Well, you have to be very careful about how much protein you’re eating. That’s where I think people have the most difficulty. I mean, you can cut your carbohydrates. You just cut all of the grains and flour and sugars, anything cakes, cookies, breads, stuff like that, pasta. Cut that out of your diet. And there’s still a lot of food left to eat. There’s all kinds of meat you can eat and all kinds of fats.

But fat, since that does have 9 cal/g and protein and carbohydrates only have 4 cal/g, it doesn’t take much fat to get to 80% of your calories. So, a typical day would be a couple of eggs scrambled in 2 tbsp. of butter, and that’s only 14 g of protein in about 30g or 40g of fat. So already, you’re up there.

And then lunch, a lot of times, I will have 4 oz. of sour cream mixed with cinnamon and cardamom and a little bit of Stevia. And that might be lunch.


Ellen Davis: I know you don’t eat dairy, but you could do it with avocado. You could have a huge bowl of mashed avocado with onions and tomatoes and a few other vegetables…

DEBRA: I do that! That’s actually my afternoon snack. I eat a whole avocado with tomatoes and green onions and paprika.

Ellen Davis: Yeah, I forgot that you don’t eat dairy. Sorry about that.

DEBRA: That’s okay.

Ellen Davis: But yeah, there are lots of ways you can do it. It’s just basically adding fats to your meals. So dinner could be 3 oz. or 4 oz. of some kind of protein meat or poultry or fish. And then, you might make a hollandaise sauce to go over it or you might just put a whole ton of butter on it. It doesn’t take much to get up to 80% fat.

DEBRA: Yeah, because what we’re talking about percentage of calories, not percentage of food. It’s not 80%…

Ellen Davis: Yeah. And that’s also going to change. If you’re having 1200 calories a day, then you would eat—you start with your protein. If you’re a person that weights 126 lbs., and let’s say your lean body mass is 100 lbs, your protein is going to be set at 1g per kilogram of lean body mass.

DEBRA: What’s that in American numbers?

Ellen Davis: In American numbers, it’s going to be 100/2.2. So that gives you your kilogram. If you do that, that comes up to about 45g. And that is 1g per. So that’s 45g of protein for somebody that’s about 125 lbs. And then, your carbohydrates are going to be below 20. If you’re a cancer patient, you’ll be below 12 to start. And then, the rest of the calories are fats.

So, if you take that all out, and you do 45g of proteins times four—and this is all done in the book for people. They can figure it out in the book themselves. There’s a little thing that they follow. But that’s about 200 calories worth of protein. So you’ll have about a thousand calories worth of fat to eat. That’s only about 90g of fat. And that’s really not that much. A tablespoon of butter has 12g of fat in it. So, 90g adds up really quick.

DEBRA: Like 10 tablespoons of butter and avocadoes and cream and all that stuff.

Ellen Davis: Yeah. Right!

DEBRA: We need to take another break, but we’ll be back. My guest today is Ellen Davis, author of Fight Cancer with the Ketogenic Diet. We’ll talk more about the diet and what we can eat and how it helps your health. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Ellen Davis, author of Fight Cancer with a Ketogenic Diet. She also has a website,, where she has lots of information about this diet including recipes. And you can order her book online there. Just a very interesting book!

So, Ellen, I want to make sure that we have plenty of time to talk about this subject I’m about to say. When I read this, I thought, “Oh, my God! If I haven’t already done this, I would sure do it now” for this reason. Tell us about what cancer cells love to eat.

Ellen Davis: Cancer cells love sugar because it’s the only fuel that they can burn.

DEBRA: Say that again. Say that again.

Ellen Davis: Cancer cells love sugar. And it’s because the only fuel that they can burn.

DEBRA: Okay! So now, when I read that, I thought, “Oh, my God! There are all these people who are eating sugar and we’re all talking about diabetes and things like that, but we’re not talking about how sugar…”—

I’m not going to say that sugar causes cancer, but cancer cells can’t survive without eating sugar. So if we remove the sugar from our bodies, then if we don’t have cancer, the cancer is not going to grow because the food isn’t there for them. And if we do have cancer, it’s going to help a lot to reduce it.

And so, it seems like it’s such an obvious thing to me, that if I haven’t already eliminated sugar years ago, I would do it right now. I would just go to my kitchen and take every piece of sugar out of it.

And it’s not just talking about white sugar, but this is why it’s a low carb diet. It’s because cancer cells love sugar.

Ellen Davis: Right, right.

DEBRA: I actually have never heard that before. I’m not saying that you’re the only person who’s ever said that, but I’ve never heard that before.

Ellen Davis: Yeah. And what’s funny about it—it’s interesting to me why doctors don’t embrace this more—is that they use a glucose in the body (the medical term is glucose) and they use a chemical that’s called a glucose analog to find cancer in the body. Cancer cells, when you inject this drug, the cancer cells love sugar, so they suck it up and it glows. It has a tracer in it, a fluorescent tracer in it. And that’s how they find cancer on a PET scan.

DEBRA: Wow! That’s just so obvious.

Ellen Davis: They give people a glucose analog drug.

DEBRA: That’s just so obvious! That’s just so obvious if that’s how they find cancer.

Ellen Davis: There’s a video—I have a video—on my website from Sloan Kettering, one of the top cancer centers in the country with the president of the Sloan Kettering talking about how a high carbohydrate diet is probably not a good idea.

DEBRA: Wow! Well, everybody that’s listening, this is another reason why I have been on a low carb diet for many years. But what I have learned from studying the Paleo diet and what I’ve learned from Ellen’s book, there’s more to it than simply eliminating carbs. And this is why it’s so necessary to—it’s like low carbs is a good place to start and gluten-free is a good place to start, but there’s more to it. That’s about what I can say.

So, let’s see, what else do I want to say. Now tell us about how different foods affect blood sugar and insulin.

That’s what we want to do. We want to keep our blood sugar down because that is what fuels cancer. That’s what makes our body store fat and dump all these other symptoms that come from that.

Ellen Davis: Sure, yeah. So there are three different types of food, what we call macronutrients: there’s carbohydrates; there’s protein; and there’s fat.

Carbohydrates have the greatest effect of course on sugars. Any amount of carbohydrate that you eat—people talk about good carbs and bad carbs, but all carbohydrates drive up blood sugar. I don’t care if it comes from a potato, a huge salad or whatever it is. It’s still carbohydrates and it’s still going to have an effect on blood sugar.

Protein has less of an effect although it still has an effect. It’s just a lesser effect. Unless you eat a lot of excess protein, the effect on blood sugar is not as great as carbohydrates. So if you sit down to eat a 24 oz. steak, you’re going to have a pretty big insulin and glucose response.

DEBRA: Before you go on about this, I want to make sure that this point is clear because this is something that I didn’t know—and here I was, trying to control my blood sugar for years and years and years and eating all the protein I wanted because I thought that protein didn’t affect your blood sugar.

But the point that you made is that if you eat the amount of protein that your body needs in order to repair your body, then you’re using up the protein. It’s the excess protein that makes your blood sugar go up.

Ellen Davis: Right, yeah. So if you’re eating way over what you need for body maintenance, anything that’s not being used gets turned into glucose in the body.

DEBRA: And see, I think that I was already on the right track because I eat about 3 oz. of protein per meal, and I think that that’s right for me.

Ellen Davis: Yeah. That’s about right, yeah.

DEBRA: And I think you have some way in your book of figuring out how much protein you need?

Ellen Davis: I do, I do. Absolutely! There’s a whole little process there.

DEBRA: So, people can figure that out for themselves.

For me, that’s something like two eggs in a meal (whichever meal I decide I want to put them in) and 3 oz. of chicken or 3 oz. of grass-fed beef. And I have a pretty good idea of what that looks like now. And I also do things like make soup or I’ll make four to six servings of soup to eat all week and I’ll put in the right amount of week. If I just eat my serving, it’s got it in there already.

So, that was one of the things that I thought was most interesting. If you think of fat, I think most people understand that fat has no carbs (and protein has no carbs), so people think if it doesn’t have any carbs, it doesn’t affect your blood sugar, but that’s not true.

Ellen Davis: That is not true.

DEBRA: Protein can affect your blood sugar if you eat too much.

Ellen Davis: Right, right. And fats have no effect on blood sugar. They have a very, very little effect. So, the higher your diet is in fats, the lower it is in carbs and protein, the less effect it’s going to have on blood sugar and insulin.

DEBRA: Isn’t that interesting, that the body prefers to burn fat and it doesn’t raise the blood sugar at all.

Ellen Davis: In your blood, for a normal person, there’s only about a teaspoon worth of glucose circulating at any one time. So, when you go eat a bagel, that’s 16 teaspoons of sugar that you’ve just dumped into your system.

DEBRA: Phew!

Ellen Davis: Your body is just not designed to handle that sugar load. And we didn’t have that kind of sugar load until about 10,000 years ago. We didn’t have that kind of sugar load on our biology until agriculture started about 10,000 years ago. There were various reasons why that started, but we’re just not genetically designed to handle that much carbohydrate.

DEBRA: Interesting! So, on this article that I was talking about the beginning about the woman who was battling brain cancer using the Ketogenic Diet, they had a little clip from the Andy Griffith show. Aunt Bee had made a pie and they were talking about how they shouldn’t eat the pie, they should eat the meat loaf. She was talking about at that particular time back in the 60’s, we knew we should be eating meat loaf and not pie. And now it’s completely flipped.

Ellen Davis: It was in the ‘70s that that flipped around when a government committee decided that low fat was the way to go. And then, the media picked it up. But before then, yeah, everybody knew…

DEBRA: We need to take a break. we need to take a break or the commercial is going to come in on top of you.

This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest is Ellen Davis. And we’ll be talking more about the Ketogenic Diet when we come back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Ellen Davis, author of Fight Cancer with a Ketogenic Diet. And Ellen’s website is It’s

Ellen, if somebody wants to get started on a Ketogenic Diet, can anybody do this or are there people who shouldn’t be doing it? How would you get started?

Ellen Davis: There are people that should not be doing it. On my website, I have a page called a Keto Diet Plan.

And one of the first things I do, there’s a list there that you can download that has some medical conditions that are contraindicated for the Ketogenic Diet (meaning you shouldn’t be doing the Ketogenic Diet if you have these conditions).

So, I would recommend that people look at that page. It’s called The Keto Diet Plan page on my website. It has that information there.

If you don’t have any of those conditions, then the Ketogenic Diet is safe, and it’s non-toxic. And it’s healthy for just about everyone. So if you want to start it, you can go to that page. But it’s basically just being conscious of your carbohydrate intake and knocking down your protein a little bit and eating mostly natural fats and green, leafy vegetables and meat, fresh meat.

It’s really a fresh food diet. Mostly, you can do it just by getting rid of processed food.

DEBRA: Right! But I found for myself that I got rid of processed food a long time ago, but I was still eating the wrong relationships of fat and carbs and protein. I was on a low carb diet, but I think I was eating too much protein and not enough fat.

When I started changing around the fat, that made a big difference in my ability to lose weight and how my body looked and how I feel.

One of the things that I highlighted in your book is about coconut oil. Now, a lot of websites where they’re talking about low carb or real food, coconut oil, coconut oil, coconut oil is a big thing. And I read a lot about why people think that different foods are healthy and why they think they’re not healthy.

But one of the things that you say about coconut oil is that if you take coconut oil, it gets converted directly into ketones in your body. And so that’s a way that just by adding more coconut oil to your diet, you can make that transition faster.

Ellen Davis: Correct, yeah. At the beginning, that’s recommended to help ramp up ketosis, to take a tablespoon or so of coconut oil. You don’t want to go crazy though because if they’re not used to that, it will cause some bowel issues. So you want to go slowly on ramping up your coconut oil intake.

DEBRA: I remember, there are so many different ways. Tell us different ways that you might use coconut oil. I know that it’s not something that one would typically put on their salad and salad dressings or things like that.

Ellen Davis: It is a saturated fat. It’s solid at room temperature, so you kind of have to melt it if you want to use it as an oil.

But one of my favorite ways to have coconut is to get coconut butter and just eat it right out of the jar. It’s really good. If you’ve never had Artisana’s coconut butter, I highly recommend it. It’s very, very good.

DEBRA: I have! It’s delicious. It’s delicious.

Ellen Davis: So I’ll do that a lot. Or you can use it to fry foods. A lot of people will fry their eggs. And a lot of people will take it and put it on a hot drink in the morning and drink it. So they’ll put it in coffee or they’ll put it in tea or something like that.

DEBRA: I’ve never heard of that. So, we don’t have to avoid fried foods on this diet?

Ellen Davis: No, no. No, you just don’t want to have vegetable oils. First of all, if you want to fry, you’ll need butter or olive oil or coconut oil.

DEBRA: I think that’s wonderful.

Ellen Davis: Of course you don’t want to bread anything. You just want to fry.

Now, if you want to have fried eggs in the morning, you can have that. Yeah, I fry stuff. All my Teflon skillets gets used very, very frequently.

DEBRA: I made the other day fried chicken by first putting it in coconut flour, and then dipping it in egg, and then dipping it in coconut flakes.

Ellen Davis: Ooh…

DEBRA: Then I put about an inch of coconut oil in my skillet, and I really fried them. They were crispy and just all the characteristics of what you would want in a fried chicken. They didn’t taste like they were dipped in wheat.

They tasted kind of coconut-y. They were crispy and salty. They’re wonderful! Wonderful!

Ellen Davis: That sounds great.

DEBRA: Yeah, yeah. So there’s a lot of things that can be done. And I love being able to have more fat in my diet.

So, we only have about five minutes left, five or six minutes left. Is there anything you want to talk about that we haven’t covered?

Ellen Davis: Yeah, there’s quite a few things. This diet can be used to prevent cancer. I think you’ve mentioned that at the beginning of the show. Cancer patients are restricted to a pretty low carbohydrate intake, maybe 12 grams. But you could start this diet at 50 grams of carbohydrates because that’s really the cut-off for ketosis.

So, as long as you’re eating a moderate amount of protein and you’re staying below 50 carbs, you can get a lot of the benefits from a ketogenic diet. And that gives you a little more choices in terms of what you can eat. At 50 carbs, you could probably have a few strawberries or something like that during the day.

So, it’s not as restrictive for cancer prevention or just to optimize health. Like I said, you can stay right around 50 grams for that. My website has a lot of menu plans and some other things that people can look at. There’s quite a bit of information there if somebody wants to start the diet.

DEBRA: Good! One thing I just realized that I wanted to say is when I was reading your book, I realized about how we get all these nutrients from foods. And one of the things that my doctor said to me because I was commenting to him, my medical doctor, that I’m not so hungry, he said, “It’s because your body’s actually getting nourished.

And it’s actually getting nourishment from foods.” And for years, I’ve heard this argument about whether or not people need to take supplements because they can’t get enough nourishment from food.

Well, now, what I would say after eating this way is I would say I’m getting so much nourishment from food that I look at my pile of supplements and I go, “You know what? I don’t really feel like taking these.” I’m taking much less supplements than I used to.

But it occurred to me that the only reason that supplements even exists is because people aren’t eating real food.

I mean, the worst supplements to take would be those made from synthetic nutrients and have synthetic additives in them, but then you can go to whole foods supplements, but still, it’s even better to just get your nutrients from food.

And if you’re eating these whole foods that are nutrient-dense, like eating complete proteins, eating fats (those are where the nutrients are), and for calories, eating animal proteins and fats, it has so much nutrition than eating plants.

Ellen Davis: Correct, yes.

DEBRA: And so here we have food that doesn’t have nutrition. And then, we’re being sold the nutrition in a bottle or a pill.

Ellen Davis: It doesn’t make much sense.

DEBRA: It doesn’t make much sense.

Ellen Davis: No, it’s a crazy way to do a food chain, but that’s where it is right now for the American diet.

DEBRA: Yeah, yeah.

Okay, so what else do we need to know? We’ve got about three minutes.

Ellen Davis: The thing I would also say about the Ketogenic Diet is they’re anti-inflammatory. So if you’re having any kind of inflammation issues, this is definitely a diet you want to check out and look because it is very anti-inflammatory. It really shuts down the inflammation even at the cellular level. So it’s something that people want to take a look at if they have a high Celiac to protein reading or having any kind of inflammation issues within the body. It’s something that they should definitely take a look at.

DEBRA: Good, good. So, tell us typically what you eat.

Ellen Davis: In the morning, usually—I’ll make a quiche on the weekend. So I have a quiche that—again, I’m a dairy person—will have heavy cream in it and cheese and eggs. But if you didn’t want to have dairy, you could have eggs in the morning with bacon or gluten-free sausage. That’s another favorite breakfast of mine.

Lunch, usually, like I said, a very high fat meal is sour cream or avocado or a salad sometimes with some meat on top of it. And dinner, usually, a piece of dish or a piece of chicken and some more green vegetables—bread and butter of course.

DEBRA: So, let’s see, what do you eat for your carbs. Your carbs are basically your green vegetables?

Ellen Davis: Yeah, pretty much. I mean, I’ll make the bread with the almond flour. That’s got a few carbs in it. I’ll have one of those or so. But I don’t usually eat very many carbs during the day. I just have found that with my blood sugar, the past blood sugar issues that I’ve had, if I go over 20 or 30 carbs a day, I start to not feel good. So I keep it pretty low for myself.

But that’s not always the case for everyone. If you don’t have any blood sugar issues, like I say, you can probably get—there are some people that can eat a hundred carbs a day and still be in ketosis. It just depends on what your metabolism do.

DEBRA: Yeah, everybody’s body needs different…

Ellen Davis: Absolutely, yeah.

DEBRA: Yeah.

Well, Ellen, thank you so much for being on today.

Ellen Davis: Well, thank you for having me.

DEBRA: Yeah, I really appreciate the information that you’ve put together in your book and on your website. I’m going to be looking at this more.

Oh, so let’s talk about your recipe. On my food blog—you can just go to and go to “Food” in the menu across the top, I put in there Ellen’s recipe for making her sandwich rolls, her bread. And this bread, actually, these rolls, if you shove them to somebody or have them eat them, they would not say, “Ewww… what’s this?” They’d say, “Oh, this is good bread.” It really looks and tastes like a wheat roll.

It turns purple when you break it, a very beautiful color.
Ellen Davis: Yeah, I know. Sometimes, it does it; and sometimes, it doesn’t. I think it’s the type of […] that you get.

That’s the only thing I could figure out.

DEBRA: Oops, we’ve got to go! We’ve got to go. It’s the end of the show.

Ellen Davis: Okay.

DEBRA: Thank you for being with me today.

Ellen Davis: Take care.

Washing Toxics Out of New Clothes

Question from Bonnie Johnson

What’s the best way to wash/soak new clothes, to get the toxins out (or remove as much as possible)?


Debra’s Answer

I just wash new clothes in my normal laundry.

I take care to buy clothing that is not permanent-press because that finish will not wash out.

Most new clothing has a corn-based finish on it called “sizing” that washes right out with the first laundering.

I only purchase natural fibers.

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Question from Bonnie Johnson

Hi Debra,

A Colorado marijuana business owner was interviewed on the news the other night – face hidden. They are earning millions of dollars and needed to find a way to get the marijuana odor out of the money before sending it to the bank, so this person has his money sprayed with Fabreze.

I looked up the MSDS for Fabreze – “ethanol!” I’ve also heard that money has traces of street drugs and we know it contains fragrances.

We seldom use real money but do need it at times such as to pay a bridge toll. I don’t want to either touch it or smell it. Do you have any suggestions on how to avoid these chemicals in money? As always, thanks for your valuable help!

Debra’s Answer

Well, there really isn’t a way to clean your currency in a way that really penetrates the paper.

Various websites suggest laundering your money by putting paper money in with your laundry and then air drying it. That would sanitize it to a certain degree and also remove much of what is on the surface.

You can also get clean bills from any bank. They do sell chemicals for cleaning currency, but they are not something you would want to use at home.

I generally use my debit card and don’t use much cash.

If you really want to protect your hands, wear gloves when handling money or wash your hands immediately after handling it.

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What’s the Most Toxic Thing to Remove First From My Home?

Question from Elaine

Hi Debra, I have your Toxic Free book and have been using your site the past 4 months and totally redoing everything I have ever done or used to try and heal my MCS body! So thankful as I never would have known what was wrong with me without stumbling onto your site.

We wanted to move to a less toxic home…unfortunately I think we may have to stay in our 1994 home which even though isnt very new u know has nothing natural in it.

I am clueless as which project to start with. What do I do with this drywall? I was thinking of sealing with AFM safeseal. Do I take out and replace linoleum first or the carpet? I am replacing with ceramic and REAL wood for flooring.

Basically what is the biggest mass of synthetic junk I need to focus on removing first??

Thank you!

Debra’s Answer

Can you do both at the same time? It’s kind of a toss-up as to which is more toxic.

I’m not sure you need to do anything with the drywall. It depends on the drywall. I’ve never had any problem with drywall, but some drywall can contain toxic substances. AFM Safeseal would seal it, if it needs sealing.

Other “big” items would be your sofa and getting a water filter.

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Triclosan in Towels?

Question from Bonnie Gary


I recently bought some towels at a garage sale and just today noticed that one has a Martha Stewart label and says “Anti-Microbial Treatment”. I assumed this meant triclosan and was about to throw it and any others like it in the trash when I decided to check, and I find various articles on the site about green living, including warnings against using triclosan. Do you think it’s possible some more natural anti-microbial was used on this line of towels?

Debra’s Answer

Well, the antimicrobial used on towels IS triclosan.

Martha may have discontinued this item, as it seems to be out of stock at Macy’s.

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Cleaning Carpet

Question from Bonnie Johnson

What is the best way to go about shampooing house rugs?

What type of products would you recommend utilizing to clean house carpet?

Debra’s Answer

Well, first, I don’t recommend carpet because it’s too toxic.

But if you have one and need to clean it, I recommend just steam cleaning it with a Rug Doctor steam cleaner, which you can rent. Just steam clean it, no rug shampoo.

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Can Aluminum Leach Into Sardines from the Can?

Question from Bonnie Erik

Hi Debra,

I am a longtime follower & have had wonderful & informative consultations with you in the past.

I love to eat sardines- can you please tell me if the aluminum from the BPA free can could leach into the fish. Of course I would not buy it in acidic tomato sauce- only olive oil or water.

Thank you very much

Debra’s Answer

Well, the consensus seems to be that aluminum does not leach into sardines, but I’m not sure I agree.

If aluminum leaches into food from aluminum pots and pans, and aluminum foil, it would also leach from an aluminum can, particularly if there is no lining on the inside of the can, which seems to be the case.

Here’s an article from one of my favorite trusted websites The World’s Healthiest Foods. According to Is it Safe to Eat Fish Packaged in Cans, Like Salmon and Sardines?:

With canned food, the risk is greater if the food inside the can is either watery and acidic (like canned tomatoes or canned tomato sauce) or if it is oily (like canned sardines and salmon). The risk is also greater when heating is involved. In general, we would place oily, canned fish like canned sardines and salmon in a higher-than-average risk category since there is often “double-cooking” involved (cooking prior to canning, and then heating in the can for sterilization purposes), and oils in and surrounding the fish can allow contaminants in the packaging to migrate from the can into the food.

But the article then goes on to say what I was about to say, which is one always needs to consider if the benefits outweigh the risks.

Will you get more positive benefit from the food than harm from the contaminants?

It all comes down to balance: balancing the good and the harm, and the toxic substances coming into and moving out of your body.

I always try to err on the side of caution.

Only you can make those decisions.

The Way Food Should Be—Let’s Help Bethany Start Her Goat Dairy

Bethany-micarelliMy guest today is Seattle resident Bethany Micarelli, who keeps goats and wants to start her very own organic goat dairy and fromagerie (which is a fancy name for a place that makes cheese). With a dream of moving our society into the realms of sustainable living and organic farming, where animals are treated with kindness, love and generosity, Bethany realized that big changes begin with individual actions, and so, she bought a few goats and created a crowd-funding campaign to raise the $22,000 she needs to make her dream come true. Bethany grew up in Montana, and started down a career path in medicine. While she couldn’t wait to leave the country behind, she eventually ended up in Seattle…on 9 acres… “So, I decided I needed some goats. The more time I spent finding ways to care for them that aligned with my principles, the more I fell it love with it; the more I fell in love with them. It became my focus. The more I learned about farming practices, genetic tampering, and food processing the more passionate I became about doing something different with my farm. Something that not only I could believe in, but the community could believe in. I’m part of new generation of farmers that believe in a simple concept: Let nature lead us, and don’t screw with our food. I’m not OK with the hands off approach to food that is so common in our society. I want people to know and understand the intention behind the process of getting our milk, and making our cheese. Why those processes are so different from factory farms; even most organic farms. This isn’t about making more money off an organic label; it’s is about doing what is right for customers, the environment, and most importantly the special animals that help make the product possible.”





The Way Food Should Be—Let’s Help Bethany Start Her Goat Dairy

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Bethany Micarelli

Date of Broadcast: March 05, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic-free. Today is Wednesday, March 5th 2014. I’m here in Clearwater, Florida. And today, we’re going to talk about food. We’re going to talk about growing food, making food, and all the things that are wrong with the system today, and what we can do instead.

Today, this is a show about the way food should be, and what people should be doing. I’m actually so excited to introduce my guests tonight. Her name is Bethany Micarelli. She’s a young woman who decided that she wanted to start her very organic goat and dairy fromagerie—and a fromagerie is a French word for a place that makes cheese.

With a dream of moving our society into the realms of sustainable living and organic farming where animals are treated with kindness, love and generosity, Bethany decided that big changes began with individual actions.

And so she bought some goats, and she created a crowdfunding campaign to raise the $22,000 dollars she needs to make her dream come true.

I just so admire one person, one woman deciding that she’s going to do something differently in the world that I asked her to come be on the show and talk about that.

And if you’re interested in making a donation to her crowdfunding campaign—and I’ll just explain what crowdfunding is in case any of you don’t know what it is. Crowdfunding is where somebody puts together a project, and people, a crowd of people, fund it instead of somebody going to a bank or to venture capitalists. You can make a donation. You can pledge $10, $25, $100 or more. And if she gets her $22,000, then you pay your pledge.

She gives you something in exchange for that, and then she has her money and the support of all these people who love and care about what it is that she’s doing.

So… hi Bethany.

BETHANY MICARELLI: Hi! How are you doing?

DEBRA: I’m good. How are you doing?

BETHANY MICARELLI: I’m doing well, thank you. Thank you for having me on this show.

DEBRA: Thank you for being on the show.

So, Bethany, just start out—I know you’re a young person in comparison to me. I’m not going to ask you your age, but I know you’re earlier in life than I am. And so, at a young age, you’re like a different generation than I am, a younger generation than I am (and maybe a lot of our listeners). But it’s good to see that people of your generation are really interested in these issues.

So, how is it that you are, number one, even interested in organic farming? And number two, why goats?

BETHANY MICARELLI: Well it’s honestly been a little bit of an evolution. I was born and raised in Montana, but that doesn’t mean that I was born and raised on a farm. We lived in a city. And so that was my life, it wasn’t country living. And I actually really wanted to get out of Montana and get to the city. I just loved that lifestyle, that urban lifestyle.

I started down a career path in medicine. And so it wasn’t in line with organic farming. And you know, you get plunged into science, it’s so bright. And the idea of GMO foods, it all seems really exciting. And it’s kind of been a snowball.

You start reading things that I think everybody should be inquisitive and inform themselves on the matters that are going on in the world. I just started reading. I started watching documentaries and stuff. And I started doing my own research for my own knowledge to kind of see where food comes from. What is this all about […]?

And when I started reading those things, it kind of started to change the way I thought. And the more I changed the way I thought, the more I wanted to kind of get in there and get involved.

And I think it’s also about you find what makes you happy, and you try to align that with your purpose. And for me, I’ve always really cared about animals. Since I was a very little girl, I’ve always volunteered at animal shelters and rescue organizations. And for me, it’s always been kind of something in the back of my mind of “How do I do this on a larger scale?” and also really caring about people and caring about health and caring about the environment and our planet and leaving something for future generations. And so that’s kind of on the back of my mind too.
I ended up moving to Seattle. And just for some reason, I decided I wanted to get goats. I came across this woman. Her name is the Annette Pischell. I ended up getting goats from her. And she kind of became my goat mentor. And she’s helped me along the way of realizing my dream of how to raise my goats.

And the more I started to get into this, I realized I really loved it.

And then, one day, it just kind of clicked—your food chain and the environment. And those things […], you can’t separate them because the way we grow our food is directly involved in the way we care for the planet.

And I just realized I could get in there on a larger scale, and I could affect change in a large way because the way animals are treated in an industrialized system, that’s why so many people are I think turning vegan. They’re so revolted by the way that we’ve taken animals and turn them into a commodity and the way we run them for our purpose. I realized I could get in there and change that.

I could change hopefully the effect on the environment and give people a great product that they can really be proud of when they buy, and hopefully, become sort of something that other people can look at that it can be done.

You don’t have to mistreat animals. You don’t have to treat them like a commodity. You don’t have to pollute the earth to stock dairy on your shelf.

DEBRA: That’s exactly right. And one of the things that I really like about what you’re doing is that food is a very local thing. I live in Florida right now, but I used to live in Northern California around San Francisco where there’s a lot of local food, and there’s a lot of small farmers, and there’s a lot of people that are doing very much what you’re interested in doing. And it is an individual thing. It’s someone deciding, “I want to have a small farm” instead of having all of our food come from agribusiness.

And for me, it’s such a beautiful thing to have a person growing the plants or raising the animals and having our food come from that kind of personal attention. And so just bravo to you for doing this.

And one of the reasons why I wanted to have you on is to show that one person, even one young person, can do this and have a dream. And if you can do it, other people can do it too. We don’t have to just be sitting around and saying, “Well, we need to change the larger structure” although that needs to be changed too, but each one of us can be making those choices to say, “I’m going to start a little business that does something different” just like you’re doing. Everybody, anybody can do this. Anybody can do it. It’s so wonderful.

BETHANY MICARELLI: And as you mentioned, I am part of a new generation. And I think I’m also part of a new generation of farmers. I think that that comes with challenges because a lot of us don’t necessarily have a background in farming. But it also opens up this kind of possibility. You don’t have the limit that some people are more likely to have.

And it I think we’re doing something that’s not traditional, but we’re trying to get back to the very basics of tradition in farming and being at one with the ecosystem instead of constantly trying to fight that.

DEBRA: Right, right, right. I’m having all these thoughts about all the ways that that’s different. And the one that is coming up first is producing, like living within the production of nature, that goats produce a certain amount of milk, and if there’s a certain population that you need to give goat milk to or goat cheese, then in order to satisfy that, you would have more goats or people would have less milk, that there would be a balance that you know like what is your population that you’re serving instead of doing things like having toxic chemicals and hormones and things being given to the animals, so that they produce more.

It’s just a whole different way of thinking about it—just, just completely, completely different.

I know we’re coming up on the break in a few minutes, a few seconds. And so I’m not going to start a new sentence here. But when we come back, we’re going to continue to talk with Bethany. And she’s going to tell us some things that she’s learned about how animals are produced and the whole system of giving us animal products. And then, we’ll talk about how she’s going to do that differently.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest Bethany Micarelli who’s going to start her own dairy and fromagerie. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is Bethany Micarelli who is starting her very own organic goat dairy and fromagerie (she’ll be making cheese). And you can contribute to her crowdfunding project if you’d like. Go to, and scroll down the page until you get to the description of this show, and the link to her crowdfunding project is right there at the end of the description.

You can pledge $20 or $25 or $100 or more.

Bethany, tell us a little bit more about the crowdfunding project and how it works because they get something if they pledge.

BETHANY MICARELLI: Just for the record, there’s no set amount. People can go on and donate a dollar if they want to or $5. It’s totally up to them.

And it’s called And also, there’s a short link if people want to go to. It’s And that will take them right to my page.

And so, if I raise this money, it’s on the premise that you’ll do something kind of funny in exchange, like people will dare you to do something. So I’m going to dress up like Little Bo Peep. And we re-made this song, I Know What Boys Like. We called it I Know What Goals Like. And so the goats are going to be singing it with me. It’s just going to be a fun, little music video.

And there are also some little—you know, people donate a certain amount. There are cute little things that they get like some t-shirts, a copy of the […], so some little thing like that.

DEBRA: Yeah, I think that’ll be cool.

So, tell us about some of the things that you learned that you didn’t like about food production in the world today that inspired you to take a different path.

BETHANY MICARELLI: Well, specifically for dairy (because that’s what I’m trying to do), I think a lot of people they probably think more cow milks. We can relate a little bit more to that.

But in our industrialized system, cows of course are bred like crazy. You have to breed an animal to get milk. And the amounts of milk that they require, oftentimes, they’re given hormones to increase that production.

And of course, when they have the baby, the calf, they can’t just be taking all the milk. So most often, they’re taken away right away. Sometimes, if they’re a male, they’re just discarded. Sometimes, they’ll just throw them in the trash. You hear those horrific stories. If they’re a female, sometimes they’ll let them stay with the mom for maybe about three days before they’re taken away.

So, there’s no bonding. The whole idea is horrific. But specifically for the calves, it’s extremely unhealthy. If she’s not getting milk, if you think about like a human baby, they need milk for a certain amount of time. And so, we’ve just pushed these animals.

And most often, they’ll only keep them around for about four years, and then they’ll take them off to slaughter because they’re not producing enough milk for them.

It’s just horrific. And it’s something that as an animal lover, that’s part of the reason I was vegan for a long time, because I didn’t want to be part of this system.

But I also see another side of it. You think if these healthy French countrysides, the farmer is out there with his animals and he lives with them. It’s kind of a symbiotic relationship. And what I wanted to do is to create a dairy that’s based not around a product, but about the animals and to see them truly as living creatures, not as a commodity, and to give them not just like the best life, but just to have a whole system that’s built around their best interest.

And so that’s always changing. You’re always learning. You’re always growing. And obviously, you do have to breed, but I think there’s a way to do that responsibly. I don’t take the babies away. They get as much milk as they want for as long as they want. They’re not pushed. I don’t give my goat chemicals or hormones of any kind. But even when it comes to milk production, they produce what their body wants to produce. And that’s good enough for me.

I think if you treat them with, like I say in my video online, love and respect, they’re going to give you a really great product, and I think you can have a great relationship.

DEBRA: I think so too. So, I just want to ask you some questions about milk production because I don’t have your experience with animals. So, do goats or cows produce more milk than the calves need?

BETHANY MICARELLI: Yes and no. For me, I don’t take any milk for a couple of months. They just get whatever they want. And by that time, they’re actually already eating hay. And so you can start taking a little bit of milk, but I still don’t take all of it.

So, some people have different views on that. You can be an organic farmer and have a little bit different views on that. But for me, I guess I just it’s the idea of not doing harm to them.

DEBRA: Oh, no. I totally understand.

BETHANY MICARELLI: But yeah, after that, you can start taking the milk. And then, sometimes, they’ll produce—you don’t have to breed them every year—especially if you have good milk. And some goats will go up to three years, and you don’t have to breed them again to have milk. Their milk production might not be as high…

DEBRA: Oh, so they continue to produce milk even if they’re not feeding a newborn.

BETHANY MICARELLI: Yup! As long as their body has enough nutrition to keep up with the demands obviously of creating milk. But yeah, you don’t need to constantly breed them.

And even in my breeding program, I don’t breed my goats every year. I’ll give them a year off because I think it’s too hard on their body. And also, I’ll let them dry up before they get bred again because sometimes people will just breed them, they’ll milk them all the way out, and they’ll still be bred again, and they milk them all the way up until they have to stop which is like maybe three weeks before they give birth. And I just think that’s so hard on their body.

And so, that’s something I don’t want to do it all. Like I said, it’s totally in service of the goat and making sure that it’s not a strain on them.

DEBRA: This is just so different. Your viewpoint is so different—so in alignment with mine, but so different from what it is in the world. And I know that we are so accustomed to buying food in supermarkets or natural food stores. And going to a farmer’s market is one step closer to where it’s being produced.

But when you’ve been born and raised into a system where your food comes out of packages off of shelves in a store, I think a lot of times people don’t even think about where their food actually comes from and how it’s produced or what it’s even made of. And you’re giving us a good picture of what are some of the things that we should be looking at and to be aware of.

For most people, milk comes in a carton. And that’s as far as they think. So, this is just so wonderful that you’re thinking way, way, way beyond that.

When we come back, we’ll talk more about good things that can be done to raise animals. My guest today is Bethany Micarelli who is about to start her own organic dairy and fromagerie. She’s raising money through her crowdfunding project. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And this is Toxic Free Talk Radio.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Bethany Micarelli who is starting her very own organic goat dairy and fromagerie. She’s financing it through a crowdfunding project.

And Bethany, give us the URL for your project again.




DEBRA: Okay, good.

Now, tell us more about your basic philosophy. I know on the website that you gave three basic principles that your farm will be based on.

BETHANY MICARELLI: Yes. So, the first one was just the idea of letting nature lead us and living with the ecosystem. I think in modern farming, we’ve just gotten so away from that. We’re constantly fighting pests. We’re constantly giving our animals chemical wormers. And there’s a way to do that with nature.

My goats, it’s not just their diet—which I mentioned, mimics what it would nature which is grass- and foliage-based versus grains—but their wormers, everything is herbal. And so, it’s a way to treat them with nature, so we’re not creating more superbugs and creating resistant worms and things of that nature that you often find in industrialized farming.

And then, just the way they live. Like I mentioned, you do have a breeding program. And so that can create moral dilemmas, just how does the offspring live, how do the parent live. These animals, they’re part of our family. They all have names. We love them all. I spend time with them all. And it is based around their well-being.

DEBRA: If I can just interject something here. I do have a small amount of experience raising animals for food when I had chickens. I loved raising my chickens. They got taken away by the police because it’s illegal actually where I live to keep chickens. And so I don’t have them anymore.

But you know, I would go out every day, and I would feed them, and I would bring their little chicken scratch food. But I’d also pick little grasses and feed them out of my hand. They knew me, and I knew them.

And when they laid their first egg, I was so excited! I was so excited to eat the egg, and eating the egg from a chicken that produced it for me was so different than going to a grocery store and buying it in a styrofoam plastic container.

And I knew exactly what went into that egg because I was feeding them the food myself. I knew that there was nothing toxic there. And I knew that it was my organic grass, and it was my organic feed. But it also had that personal element of actually having the relationship with the chicken.

I can’t even describe how different this is than having kind of this anonymous food that is in the supermarket of really knowing the animals really, being able to see the plants and all these things.

And so, what you’re doing is very similar to that. I understand your relationship with them.

BETHANY MICARELLI: Yeah, it’s a very different relationship. I keep mentioning this, but so often, people don’t see them as animals, they’re a commodity.

DEBRA: Say it all you want. Say it all you want because they are animals, they’re living beings.

BETHANY MICARELLI: Yeah! Even just the way we go buy meat like you mentioned before the break, we’re so disconnected. We go buy this thing in a cellphone-wrapped package, and we have no idea.

And to me, often, it’s not what they say on packages; it’s what they don’t say. And I think when people buy products, they should always be asking themselves how. How did this animal live? How did this animal eat? How was this animal foddered even if people choose to eat meat? I think that is really important.

I know that people want to be disconnected. But the same time, if you’re not—like I’m a vegetarian. But if you’re not a vegetarian, and you’re going to eat meat, I think you should know about this animal that you’re going to eat because it gave its life, so that you could eat it.

And I think we really want to be disconnected from that. I think if more people thought about it, more people probably would be vegetarian. But I just think those are really important questions.

And I love the idea of an agrarian society, but I also don’t know how practical that is. I mentioned I’m from my Montana. And it’s funny because when I went back last Christmas, I went to the grocery store to just grab a few things. And as I’m going through this supermarket—and it was like a natural supermarket—they didn’t have very much. They didn’t have very many products. And it was really expensive because it’s Montana and I guess […] their farmer’s market. I’m in Seattle, so we have farmer market all year long—but they don’t there.

I think the need to create a really great product that you can get out to people I think is really helpful. And I think there’s a lot of potential to kind of step up and do this in ways that aren’t dependent on oil and aren’t adding the CO2 emissions. I think there’s a lot of clever ways that we can ship products to other states without it being a burden on our environment.

DEBRA: Good! I think there are all kinds of possibilities. In fact, there are so many technologyies—and I use that word broadly, I don’t mean it to be industrial technologies, but even organic farming as a technology. There are so many technologies that can be used that are based in nature that already exist. We’re just not even using them.

I really see that that’s the shift that we need to go to. We need to see how can we do things that are in alignment and in harmony with the natural environment and how can we live—I want to say “how can we live like a tree,” but it’s not about being a tree, it’s about being as natural as a tree. If you look at a tree, it’s like this wonderful natural factory where everything’s in order and everything does its part, and it produces a product of oxygen.

And we could be doing that too. We’ve just forgotten how to do it.

So, this is so exciting to me. It’s just so exciting to me that you’re doing this and that you’re thinking in this way.

Let’s see, what else can we talk about. Again, we only have a few seconds before we need to go to the break.

Why don’t you give your URL again and a few words about your program.

ETHANY MICARELLI: Okay, it’s That will take you right to my crowdfunding page. It has an introductory video, and it has a long of description of what I’m doing and why I’m doing it and why I’m using crowdfunding and just information on how to donate if you want to or just share the link if you want to because that’s great too.

DEBRA: Yes. And I hope that some of you will donate because this is just such a good thing to do.
Okay, we’re going to go to break. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Bethany Micarelli. We’ll be right back and talk more about goats.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is Bethany Micarelli who’s about to start her very own organic goat dairy and fromagerie. And she has a crowdfunding project to raise money for that.

Go ahead and give your URL again. I know I keep giving it, but I want to make sure people get it.

BETHANY MICARELLI: No, it’s okay. It’s

DEBRA: Good! So, I have a couple of questions about goat milk. So, first of all, one of the things I know about goat milk is that it actually contains less sugar than cow milk. And that was something that was really interesting to me because a lot of people like diabetics can’t drink milk because of the sugar content. But goat milk, and therefore goat cheese, has less sugar in it.

But what I want to ask you about is about the difference between pasteurized milk and raw milk.

BETHANY MICARELLI: Well, oftentimes, when we go buy milk, most often, it’s ultra-pasteurized. There’s kind of flash pasteurizing, and then there’s pasteurizing, and there’s ultra pasteurizing. And so, what it is if you’re taking raw milk, raw milk has of lots bacteria. And all these bacteria are very beneficial. The FDA gets worried that it can get contaminated because also we can introduce bad bacteria into the milk through unsanitary practices. So they require that it’s pasteurize.

And as we pasteurize land increase that temperature all the way up to ultra pasteurizing, we’re basically killing the milk more and more and more. And so you’re left with a product that has no bacteria in it whatsoever and has no health benefit whatsoever.

That’s the express version.

DEBRA: I don’t know if you notice, but yeah, that is how it goes. Many years ago even at the turn of the century—well, the turn of the last century, not this one. I was born in the 1900s. So the turn of the century is 1900.

So, way back a hundred years ago, before we had so much pasteurization, milk used to be considered a health food. The doctors would actually give people raw milk to cure them of whatever ailed them because it was so full of nutrition and aliveness. And that’s not what our milk is today. When you buy milk in a carton, that’s not what it is—even when you buy it in a bottle, that’s not what it is.

So, it’s important to have local producers who are producing raw milk. Are you going to be producing raw milk?


DEBRA: I was just assuming that with everything else.

BETHANY MICARELLI: Yeah. Yeah, for sure. It’s funny because well before I ever got into this, I have a Boston terrier. And she kind of had stomach issues. And it’s so funny because my vet and the pet store, they say, “Oh, go get raw goat milk.” They sell like a grade B raw goat milk in most pet stores because. It has all these bacteria in it.

And of course, it helped her.

But it’s this funny idea that, “Oh, yeah. Here’s this product that’s really good for you and helps the digestion. But people can’t have it.”

DEBRA: People can’t have it. Here, they sell it at our natural food store. But it says, “This is for pets.” They can’t sell it for human. There’s a label on it that says here’s some raw milk for your pets.

BETHANY MICARELLI: Mm-hmmm… yeah. Thankfully, it’s legal in the state of Washington. But there’s a lot of states where selling and consuming raw milk is still punishable by jail time even because they feel that it’s so harmful.

Goat milk is not as much of a big deal, but a low of cow milk is homogenized too. Goat milk is I guess what you’d call naturally homogenized. The reason they homogenize cow milk is—like back when my grandmother would find milk, there used to be a cream top (that’s what they would call). And it was because the fat would separate.

And so now, I don’t know if people just don’t want to be bothered with that. For some people, they might not like the idea. It might gross them out or something. But they homogenize it…

DEBRA: Yeah, explain what homogenization is.

BETHANY MICARELLI: What they do is they go in, and they manually make these fat globules smaller, so that it doesn’t separate. But also, it confuses your body because now you’ve got this product that is not natural and it actually can increase cholesterol levels because your body doesn’t know what to do with it.

That’s not a problem if you can get raw milk, but goat milk, the fat globules are actually naturally smaller. So you can say that it’s almost naturally homogenized, so it doesn’t separate like cow milk does. That’s another reason that it’s healthier for you as well.

DEBRA: I love goat milk, I really do. At first, I thought, “What is this going to taste like?” But once I tasted it, raw goat milk, fresh—here, we have a woman who has a goat farm. And if you can get her at the farmer’s market at exactly the right time of year, you can get—and she also makes cheese—raw goat milk.

And so, I have had the kind of raw goat milk that you’re talking about producing. You probably have I think a much more personal relationship with your goats than maybe she does, I don’t know. But it tastes so different. It tastes so good. And it feels so good in my body because it’s actually a living food.

And that’s what we should be eating. That’s what we should be eating all the time. And again we get back to things like regulations as we said earlier, but it’s illegal in some places to sell raw milk. We just should not be having those kinds of regulations at all. It should be always legal to do the best thing for health and the best thing for the environment and the thing that gives us the most aliveness and is the best thing for everybody.

BETHANY MICARELLI: Yes, I definitely encourage people. If raw milk is legal in your area, go find raw goat milk.

It has essential fatty acids. It’s higher in vitamin B6 because, as you’ve mentioned, there’s less sugar. People who suffer from lactose intolerance, lactose intolerance can usually have goat milk.

And when the goats are fed a good diet, goat milk is actually sweeter than cow milk. I hear people say, “Oh, goat milk has that gooey-ness” and it’s like, “No, that’s probably because something happened in the process.”

DEBRA: No, it’s really sweet.

BETHANY MICARELLI: Yeah. Goat milk actually should taste less earthy than cow milk does. It’s better all the way around.

DEBRA: I think so too. Once I started drinking goat milk—and it didn’t matter to me if I drink cow milk anymore. I can’t even remember the last time I drank goat milk. And I used to drink it all the time. But I’ve recently found that my body actually does not like dairy, and that I’ve been eating it and drinking it. It’s going to be interesting to see if goat actually turns out to be okay. I haven’t tried it since I started eliminating dairy all together.

But I think it’s a very different thing than cow milk. I think our bodies like to live in a different way.

Well, we only have a few minutes left of the show. And so I just want to ask you if there’s anything that you want to say that you haven’t said yet.

BETHANY MICARELLI: I guess if nothing else if people hear this, the one takeaway would be the next time you go to the grocery store, just really, really know what you’re picking up. Pay attention to the brands. Do some of your own investigating. And just be inquisitive about where your food comes from.

And of course shop local as much as you absolutely can. Know your farmers, know their processes. Just get involved more in your food. That would be my only advice.

DEBRA: Well, I certainly agree with that. I was born and raised in Northern California just outside of San Francisco. And I lived, for 12 years, out in the country next to—about an hour north of San Francisco in an area known as West Marin, which is kind of between suburbia and ocean in a very rural area where we had a lot of small farms.

And I actually got most of my food from community-supported agriculture which is when you have a contract with the farmer, the farmer grazes the food and then he gives you food every week. You pay for it in advance. You buy shares. And then, you get this delivery every week.

And it was the most wonderful thing. I never knew what I was going to get. Sometimes I got eggs; sometimes I didn’t. But there were all kinds of vegetables.

And a lot of my friends and neighbors were doing the same thing. And so, it was like, “This week, we all got kale.

Now, what are we going to do with it?”

It was entirely different—you know, it was all based on the seasons and the place and not what the recipe says. It was just, “Here’s the food. Now we’re going to prepare this luscious food in a way that’s really good for all of us.”

Thanks so much, Bethany, for being on the show. I really enjoyed this.


DEBRA: I look forward to—I hope you’ll keep in touch with me and let me know what happens.

I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio.

Oh! Oh, sorry, we have 45 more seconds.


DEBRA: I read the clock wrong.

So, to go on with my story about what goes on when I was doing community-supported agriculture, it’s a whole different way of thinking about this. And this is also having to do with the farmers, the farmers’ market.

You start meeting your local farmers. And with the community-supported agriculture, I could go and even work on the farm if I wanted to. I could help with the harvest. I often helped with the distribution. We would just get these big baskets of food, and then we’d have to separate them out into the other little baskets.

But it so puts you in touch with what’s happening.

There’s the music! Thank you again, Bethany.

BETHANY MICARELLI: Thank you so much.

DEBRA: I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And it’s Toxic Free Talk Radio.

New News on BPA

We’ve known for a while that there is BPA in cash register receipts and that it can transfer to your fingers and on to paper money and credit cards.

Now a new study shows that clerks who handle receipts all day long are absorbing the chemical through their skin.

“researchers measured the levels of BPA in the volunteers’ urine. Roughly four in five of the participants had BPA in the blood before the trial; once they had handled receipts, all of the volunteers showed levels of BPA. In addition, the volunteers’ levels of BPA continued to rise for eight hours once they had stopped handling the receipts.”

Source: CINCINNATi,COM: Study: Receipts may expose clerks to chemical

* * * * *

“”almost all” commercially available plastics that were tested leached synthetic estrogens—even when they weren’t exposed to conditions known to unlock potentially harmful chemicals, such as the heat of a microwave, the steam of a dishwasher, or the sun’s ultraviolet rays. According to Bittner’s research, some BPA-free products actually released synthetic estrogens that were more potent than BPA.”

Read this very long and detailed article about Tritan, a so-called BPA-free plastic.

Source: MOTHER JONES: The Scary New Evidence on BPA-Free Plastics

* * * * *

“A pair of new studies…suggest bisphenol A (BPA)…is causing serious bodily harm—even at very tiny doses such as those commonly detected in the human body.

“This study, published in the journal PLOS One, is just the latest case suggesting BPA can travel from a pregnant mother into her unborn child. Emerging science is finding that when this chemical transfer occurs during critical windows of fetal development, it could lead to irreversible effects that may only show up in diseases that strike years or decades down the line.

“The scientists fed pregnant animals BPA-laced fruit once a day for 50 days, bringing their bodily BPA levels to those commonly seen in humans. While BPA was only detectable in their babies’ fetal blood for a brief, several-hour period, scientists observed some devastating changes in the babies—abnormalities in the fetal brains, lungs, mammary glands, uterus, and ovaries. These changes were not seen in unexposed monkey fetuses.

“Since BPA is a hormone-disrupting chemical that acts like fake estrogen in the body, it’s able to get into all of the developing organs, damaging the body’s natural control system, potentially throwing off those systems forever, and leading to diseases like cancer, behavioral problems, and infertility—among other things—many scientists believe.

  • “Avoid canned food. Instead, opt for fresh or frozen.
  • Avoid eating and drinking out of plastic, particularly #7 polycarbonate plastic.
  • Don’t heat plastics in the microwave—ever.
  • Say no to cash-register receipt. Most are loaded with BPA that is readily absorbed through your skin and likely poorly metabolized.”

Source: RODALE NEWS: BPA and Heart Problems: New Primate Study Suggests Canned Food Chemical Could Cause Cardiovascular Damage

* * * * *

Here are just a few things BPA is doing to your body:

  • Eroding teeth
  • Misfiring hearts
  • Lowering sex drive
  • Making you fat
  • Affecting future generations

Source: 5 Weird Things BPA is Doing to Your Body

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Ethical Silk

Eva-power My guest today is Eva Power, Founder of The Ethical Silk Company in Dublin, Ireland. We’ll be talking about the benefits of silk as an alternative to synthetic fibers, and silk production. Eva uses only silk that is produced in a way that is toxic-free, animal friendly, and fair trade. “The Ethical Silk Company produces 100% eco-friendly & ethically made mulberry silk products, where no silkworms are harmed or killed in the production process, resulting in beautiful natural mulberry silk. All tailoring is done in the Nano Nagle Tailoring Unit in Theni, India. This tailoring unit is run by the Presentation Sisters, where they teach women various crafts including tailoring as part of the local Women’s Federation. This Women’s Federation aims to empower the women through self-help groups.”





Ethical Silk

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Eva Power

Date of Broadcast: March 04, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic-free. It is toxic out there. There are a lot of toxic chemicals and a lot of things. We do need to pay attention to that. We do need to know the difference between what’s toxic and what’s not toxic because we all want to make choices in our lives where we do the right thing, where we do the good thing, where we do the thing that makes us healthy and happy. And we can choose consumer products that do not have toxic chemicals in them.

We can make our homes into havens where it’s totally toxic free.

I’ve been living without toxic chemicals for over 30 years. And you can do it too. That’s why I have this show. And that’s why I choose my guest, to tell us how we can do that. We discuss toxic chemicals, their health effects and the products that don’t have them or alternative things that we can do because we don’t always have to buy a consumer product.

Today is March 4th, Tuesday, March 4th 2014. I’m here in Clearwater, Florida. And my guest today, what she does is that she sells silk products. Some people are electing to use silk because of the ethical things that go on with the making of silk. Silk is a natural fiber, and it is a good alternative to synthetic fibers made from crude oil. And that’s why I wanted to have her on the show, because this is a natural fiber. And she’s doing this in a special way. She’s going to tell us about that today.

Her name is Eva Power. She’s the Founder of the Ethical Silk Company in Dublin, Ireland. So she’s talking to us all the way across the Atlantic Ocean in Ireland.

Hi Eva.

EVA POWER: Hi Debra.

DEBRA: You sound really good, all those many thousands of miles away.

EVA POWER: Good! Well, hopefully for now anyway. Hopefully, the line doesn’t crash on us or anything.

DEBRA: Well, we’ll just hope for that.

So Eva, I’m interested in two things. How did you get interested in doing things ethically and in a non-toxic way and why did you choose silk.

EVA POWER: Well, I suppose it actually started with the silk. It was only when I started researching the company or the start-up of the company that I decided, for my own personal wants and beliefs, to do it a certain way.

I have family in India. So I’m used to my aunt sending us back silk. And my mother would always sleep with a silk pillowcase on her pillow. She said it was really good for her skin and her hair and just the benefits of the natural fiber. And apparently, my grandmother would wear a silk headscarf on her hair as well, and it was good for her hair.

So, the idea initially became—well, we started to make silk pillowcases. And then, I watched a documentary on silk production, and I saw how on regular silk production, all the silkworms, they make a little cocoon around them, pretty much, they’re boiled alive in order for them to extract the maximum amount of silk threads from each cocoon. And it was just when I saw this that I just thought it was awful. It was this torture to all these little animals.

So I just thought, “Okay, well, I’ll just start researching and see if I could find an alternative.”

So, I find this one manufacturer in India that does this particular eco-friendly mulberry silk. What they do is they wait until the silkworm has gone through its metamorphosis, it turns into a moth. And then, it pierces a hole in the cocoon and leaves, and it continues its natural life cycle. So at the end, you’re left with a cocoon that is broken. It’s broken threads instead of one, long, continuous thread. You don’t get as much of a yield per cocoon.

So it’s a different type of silk in a way. It’s actually softer than regular silk. It’s not the real saffrony shiny one.
When I found this one manufacturer, I asked him for samples. He sent them to me. And when I saw them, it wasn’t what I was used to, that sort of saffrony look. But I was just like, oh god, this is beautiful. So I was really happy with it. I was happy with how he produces everything. I was just thinking, okay, I can go with this. It was an alternative for me that I felt comfortable to work with. If I’m going to run a company, I want to be proud of it and run it in a certain way.

DEBRA: Well, it’s very interesting to me that you say that because one of the things that I found is that there is a difference between a thing that is produced in a more natural like when you were describing it even ethics aside (and I totally understand your ethical viewpoint and the ethical viewpoint of others, and I agree with that).

But one of the things that I find so interesting is to do something according to its natural process. I haven’t heard this story before. It’s just now I’m hearing this for the first time. But I love this, the way instead of killing the worm, the process lets it go through its natural life cycle. And then, what’s left at the end is the cocoon. And then, you take the cocoon and work with what nature has provided in that leftover home for the silkworm so to speak.

EVA POWER: Exactly! You’re not only impacting only yourself. You’re using what nature has provided.

DEBRA: Right! What I wanted to say from this is that, often, what nature has provided doesn’t look like what we’re accustomed to because what we’re accustomed to is industrial products. Either they’re made from crude oil through an industrial process or even when you take a natural fiber or a natural material and you put it through an industrial process, it looks like industrialized. And that’s what we’re accustomed to.

I’ve never seen your fabric, but I can just imagine how beautiful it is in its own non-industrial way. You see what I’m saying? It’s really in its natural state because of when it’s taken in the life cycle of the moth. I think that that’s lovely. That’s just the kind of thing that I like. I like to feel that I’m in alignment with those natural processes and not interrupting them. That’s just beautiful. A beautiful, beautiful story.

EVA POWER: Well, thank you, yeah. I know it’s true because I actually do have some customers that come up to me, they’ll be honest and they’ll say, “Oh, I don’t care about the silkworm.” I’m like, “Okay. Well, fine. But do you prefer the fabric?” They’re like, “Oh, yes. They’re beautiful!” I’m like, “Well then, even if you’re not in any way bothered by the actual process of the finished product, in my eyes, it’s a superior product as well.”

And I agree with what you said, that you’re working with let’s say a finished product from nature and something that is natural, sort of natural in its production.

DEBRA: Yes. Yes, I just love that. I just love that. I guess, for me, I have a thing about wanting to step outside of the industrial world and do things just as close to nature as I can. And this looks like a product that is one of those rare products in the world that is that way.

I’ve had other guests on where they’re doing similar things with their own materials, but this is really beautiful. I have an affinity for silk because my father—I don’t know when he started doing this—my father used to wear a raw silk scarf, just the natural color, a raw silk scarf. He may have picked that up from my great aunt who spent quite a lot of time in India. I don’t know if that’s something that they did there.

But anyway, I spent all my childhood of my father wearing this raw silk scarf. And then, when I got older, got one of my own. And they’re just beautiful! There’s a difference between the shiny silk that you make (like a silk shirt). But this raw silk is very soft and [inaudible 08:40]. And the more you wash it, the more comfortable it becomes. I just think it’s one of the most beautiful fabrics in the world.

EVA POWER: Yeah, exactly. And also, I love natural fabrics. I love 100% cotton, 100% wool. They’re so much more comfortable to wear just next to your skin. They’re breathable. It’s synthetic stuff, [inaudible 09:04]

DEBRA: I love natural fibers. I just love them. One of the things that I learned recently about silk is that, like wool, it is naturally fire retardant; that cotton and linen and hemp will burn, but silk and wool don’t. So if people are looking for wanting something that’s fire retardant, silk is a good fabric that won’t catch on fire.

EVA POWER: Yeah. And that’s something that I’ve noted on the website because I sell products for children as well. Yeah, exactly, it’s fire retardant. And it doesn’t attract dust mites either which is a great thing. And it’s hypoallergenic. So it’s so nice especially for young babies next to their new skin.

DEBRA: We need to take a break, but we’ll be right back. My guest today is Eva Powers. She’s the Founder of the Ethical Silk Company. And that’s She’s in Dublin, Ireland, but they do ship to the USA if you want to take a look at her website.

I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. And we’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. My guest today is Eva Power, Founder of the Ethical Silk Company in Dublin, Ireland. We’re talking about silk.

Eva, tell me, are there any toxic chemicals used in the regular production of silk—I mean, besides the ethicalness of when the silk is taken? Can you tell us more about how ordinary silk is produced?

EVA POWER: Regarding the chemicals, I think that would probably depend on different production units if you know what I mean. Other places might use pesticides or sprays just to get the leaves (like the leaves that the silkworm feeds on) to stimulate them to grow more.

So, to be honest, I think that would just depend on the different production. I just know in the silk that my manufacturer makes, there are no chemicals or toxins used in the production. The only thing they do use is a little bit of soap. And at the end, what happens is, when the silkworm turns into a moth, in order for it to leave the cocoon, it secretes a type of a gum that makes the hole in the cocoon, and this gum, they just use a little bit of soap just to get rid of this. So that’s the only thing that they use in this production.

So yeah, in regular silk production, I don’t know.

DEBRA: Well, it seems to me like—I mean, I never researched this, but it seems to me like it’s in a natural environment that the worm spins in the mulberry trees and they’re spinning their cocoons, there might be some pesticides used. But I don’t know, I don’t know.

But anyway, yours is just natural.

EVA POWER: Numerous times, I’ve actually gone back to the manufacturers just to say, “Just to clarify, can we go through everything again?” And I’ve been over to the production unit as well. He just said no. He said that little bit of soap is necessary because that gum is quite a sticky gum just because obviously that actually—not that it burns the silkworms to get it, but it creates the hole in the cocoon in order for the moths to leave.

DEBRA: Tell us about some of the benefits of silk.

EVA POWER: Well, it’s a natural protein fiber. It’s got 18 essential amino acids in them. And they’re really good for your cell metabolism. It speeds up your cell metabolism. So that’s the whole idea behind it being anti-aging. It delays the aging process.

And silk doesn’t draw moisture away from your skin and your hair the way that let’s say cotton would. And you don’t wake up with those creases down your face and. So I suppose that was one of the reasons behind why I wanted to do the silk pillowcases. It’s just so good for your skin and your hair.

DEBRA: Ooh… I was wondering because I’ve heard you say this several times about the skin and the air, but I was trying to figure out why is it that it’s better for skin and hair.

EVA POWER: Yeah. Well, I suppose it’s the natural protein fiber. It’s just a natural fiber.

Actually, a lot of the benefits—because it does sound quite fantastic when you list them out. But all the benefits, you can actually trace them back to the silkworm inside this cocoon. It all makes sense when you actually think of the actual nature, inherent nature, of silk. It’s a natural temperature regulator as well. So it’ll cool you down if you’re too hot, and it warms you if you’re too cold. And it also is [inaudible 14:08].

If you think about the little silkworm that makes this cocoon, and then it has to incubate in that in order to let’s say go through the metamorphosis, that’s just nature’s way of protecting this creature, that it doesn’t attract dust mites and these other insects. And also, it’s temperature-regulating. So it actually keeps it in a nice temperature in order for it to go through its change.

Again, with the amino acid stuff, they speed up the cell metabolism. This little silkworm, its cells need to be [inaudible 14:45] to help them go through the metamorphosis. Its skin cells needs to be invigorated to actually go through the next change if you know what I mean.

DEBRA: Yes, I do. I totally understand.

I was just thinking about like I have slept on cotton pillowcases for more than 30 years. Prior to that, I was just an average American consumer who knew nothing about anything except to just buy whatever looked pretty to me.

And so I was always sleeping on polyester cotton sheets because they were pretty.

And then, I started sleeping on cotton flannel sheets. And they were so comfortable. I’ve never slept on a silk pillowcase. But they were so comfortable in comparison to this polyester.

And then, I go and stay in a hotel, and the polyester in those hotel sheets is so scratchy that actually my face ends up being red in the morning from scratching on the pillowcases. And as much as I love to travel, I’m always happy to come back to my cotton pillowcases. And I even now, in hotels, will just put the cotton towel from the bathroom on my pillowcase because I didn’t want to sleep on those pillowcases like that.

So, I can imagine that if you have this fiber as you’ve just described that has all those qualities of nurturing the little silkworm into a moth, the fiber still has those qualities, and if you’re sleeping next to those qualities, and your cheek is rubbing up against that instead of some scratchy polyester, then that would have a very different effect on how you sleep and what your face looks like in the morning. That just makes sense to me.

EVA POWER: Exactly! When I go away, I actually bring a pillowcase with me. It just goes in the luggage. They’re so small to take and I just travel with them. I have a number of customers that have come back to me that have admitted to like, “I bring it away with me.” I bring it with me as well.

DEBRA: Well, I’ll probably do that too.

EVA POWER: I understand. But I’ve actually had a lot of ladies come back saying they’re actually sleeping better using these silk pillowcases. One lady came back saying, she said, “Look, for the last 15 years, I’ve been waking up every single night,” and she’s like, “I don’t actually wake up sleeping on these.”

I’m actually not sure which factor to attribute it to. I do think a good part of it is the temperature regulating. At night time, when you sleep, your temperature can fluctuate. So the silk could help cool you down if you’re too hot and warm you up if you’re too cold. And also, the fact that it’s hypoallergenic and it doesn’t attract dust mites.

Sometimes, it’s just a small factor that can be the trigger to wake you up at nighttime or disturb your sleep.

So, I’m not sure which one it is for this particular lady. But yeah, she brings the pillowcase when she travels now.

DEBRA: We need to go to break. We’ll take a break and come right back. My guest is Eva Power, Founder of the Ethical Silk Company. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And you’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is Eva Power from the Ethical Silk Company. And we’re talking about ethical silk, silk that Eva sells, that is made by allowing the silk worm to go through the entire life cycle and come out as a moth, and then the cocoon is used to make a beautiful, beautiful silk.

Eva, you have a lot of information on your website about different aspects of silk. I’m looking at your blog. And one of the things that you talk about is about the dying of silk. Give us more information about that.

Hello? Eva, are you there? Aha! It sounds like we’ve lost Eva.

Okay! So, my producer is calling her back. So let’s just hold on for a second. I’m looking at her website. And she’s talking about lots of things on her blog here. It seems to me from talking to her that she’s very interested about the importance of sleep and that she got into this wanting to know about silk because of wanting to produce silk pillowcases.

And the benefits of silk pillowcases, we were talking before the break about how that you can actually sleep better.

Now, I haven’t ever slept on a silk pillowcase, but she has a blog post here about the importance of sleep. She says:“Throughout antiquity, we have always been fond of an afternoon snooze. Naps have been enjoyed as far back as Roman times, though it more recent times, they have been getting a bad reputation. It’s thought to be a sign of laziness or taking it easy. It seems the Spanish have been the main folk at the forefront of keeping the mid-day snooze an integral part of the day. However, in recent years, research has shown that there are far more advantages to having a mid-day snooze than previously thought.”

And I have Eva back. Are you there, Eva?

EVA POWER: Hi there, Debra. Yeah.


EVA POWER: I don’t know what happened there.

DEBRA: Well, this is to be expected on live radio and considering that you’re so far away.

Okay, good. So we’re back. And what I wanted to know was—I was looking at your blog during the break. And you have a post here about dying silk. You want to tell us more about that?

EVA POWER: Yeah, at the moment, the only silk I use is the natural color. There are no chemicals or dyes in them. And I just had so many people inquire about dying silk. It’s just something that I’m looking into at the moment.

Now, the products that I have for sleeping are like the pillowcases and the cot sheets. I’m never going to dye them because I just think if it’s something you’re sleeping on, the less chemicals, the better. And also, if it’s something you’re putting a baby on or wrapping a baby in, obviously, the less chemicals, the better.

And also, when you dye a natural fiber, you can tend to weaken it. That’s one reason why I will predominantly just stay with the natural color. And it’s lucky that the natural color is a beautiful sort of ivory, shiny finish.

DEBRA: I love the color just of the natural fiber. It’s so beautiful.

EVA POWER: Yeah, it is lovely. It is really lovely. I mean, if it was a horrible color, I might’ve had to look at things differently. But anyway, it works well.

So I just started looking up the dyes. And obviously, the nicest dye to use will be the natural dye [inaudible 21:43].

And I did look into that, but the dyes run in the wash. And I just know—Irish people anyway—just won’t deal with that.

DEBRA: I know. Yeah, me too, no.

EVA POWER: There’s nothing worse than putting it on the wash, and let’s say, the colors run and it run through everything. I know also, the one piece that you have, the colors might run out of it, so it’s not a consistent color. So that’s bad. I was just like, “Look, I want to produce products that are usable, very usable, for everyone, and not something that you have to really take too much care of. These are every day products. How often do you wash a pillowcase or a sheet?” or stuff like that.

So, I am constantly researching to see if there are other natural dyes that can be locked in (like color fast). But it’s sort of trial-and-error at the moment.

DEBRA: It is! And one of the things, again, going back to what I said earlier about appreciating what nature has to give to us is that colors are beautiful. But I think that we’re accustomed to having everything be so colorful because, again, of the synthetic dyes. A lot of those colors that we’re accustomed to seeing are coming from toxic chemicals and heavy metals and those things. And so we want everything to be colorful because that’s what we’re accustomed to.

EVA POWER: Exactly, yeah.

DEBRA: And I really appreciate having natural fibers be in their natural state just in their natural colors. I’m looking at my window here. And where I sit and do my shows in my office at home, I have 17 feet of windows that look out in my garden. And mostly, what’s in my garden is green and brown and just kind of the colors of vegetation.

And then, occasionally—like right now, it’s Spring here in Florida. It’s 70 degrees right now. The azaleas are coming out. So I have these little bits of pink and these colors. It’s not like everything in my garden is constantly color, color, color. That’s not the way nature is. There’s background muted shades, and then there are occasional thing that are color.

So, I think it’s very peaceful to sleep just on a natural color like that, and then be able to use vegetable dyes. I’ve done some vegetable dying. And I used to know a woman who was—I mean, she used to teach plant dyes. That’s how much she knew about them. And there are ways to do it. But a lot of times, when you’re dealing with plant dyes, you have to use things like heavy metals to get them to actually stick to the fabric. And then that’s putting something toxic in it as well.

So, I would just like people to just accept natural things the way they are.

There’s a company in California. I don’t know if you’re familiar with them. I’ve forgotten the name of it off-hand. But they grow cotton in different colors. And there’s just only limited shades, different shades, because it’s only what the plant would produce. But there’s just the natural shade, and then there’s a brown and there’s a green.

And I once had a jacket that was made out of the natural brown cotton. And in the lapels of this jacket, they had woven in little threads of blue that had been dyed with natural dyes. And it was so beautiful, just little threads of that.

We need to take a break. We’ll be right back. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is Eva Power from the Ethical Silk Company.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is Eva Power from the Ethical Silk Company.

Eva, in addition to the ethical-ness of not killing the silkworms to get the silk, you also have some tailors who are in a fair trade program?

EVA POWER: Yeah, everything is ethically tailored. Again, when I had the idea to begin this company, the initial idea was that I would do the tailoring. I’ve been to India three times, and I heard of a tailoring group in the south of India in a town called [Tahini]. It’s run by the Presentation Sisters which are like an order of nuns. They run a women’s federation. So it teaches women’s empowerment through self-help group.

So, amongst other things, one unit they run is a tailoring unit where they teach the ladies tailoring. So I approached them and said, “Well, will the ladies, once they learned their tailoring, would they be interested in working on my products for me?” The unit is run through the sisters. So again, it’s for my own piece of mind as well. I’ve been out there. I’ve met them all. And I know that the money is getting to them essentially, and they all get well-paid. I know where they work.

And so, it was just another aspect of it. If I’m going to run a company, I want to know exactly who’s doing the work, what they’re getting paid, that everyone is being treated fairly. It should trickle down. You want to know exactly where your products are coming from. I want peace of mind. And then, I can pass that peace of mind onto customers as well, that they know where their products are being made.

So, at the moment, three of the ladies are working on the products. I’m probably going to start working with another fair trade tailoring group in the north of India just as production increases. And again, the tailoring group in the north of India are a fair trade organization. And again, they provide [inaudible 28:15]. And their tailors are very well-paid.

But the standards are very high. At the end of the day, it needs to be a high standard of tailoring.

So, it was really nice. Actually, one lady in particular that has worked on my products from the beginning, she, as a result of I suppose a few years of working on our products has now opened her own tailoring shop in the town.

And she employs three ladies now. She’s actually really busy with that. It’s really nice.

She now has her own business. And she’s created work for more ladies in the town. So that’s essentially [inaudible 28:55]. I’m just so happy for her. She has her own business now. And she’s doing really well. So it was just really gratifying and just really encouraging to hear that […]

DEBRA: I love hearing this because with a product like yours, it’s so simple to just go from the silkworm to the silk to very simple processing of the material to—well, there’s the weaving of the fabric. How does that happen?

EVA POWER: The weaving is done in a certain town in India. It’s special to that town, to that area. There’s a particular weaving process involved in this silk. It’s not a generic one. Because the continuous thread is broken when the silkworm leaves the cocoon, what you have as a result is a lot of smaller, broken threads. So these all needs to get spun together in order to make a thread of silk, and then be woven into the actual fabric. So it is quite specialized.

There is a certain area in India that, apparently, this is their industry. The tailors are all very well-paid. And even according to my manufacturer, the tailors, they’re the ones that call the shot because it’s a specializing manufacturing process.

DEBRA: Well, it’s just so beautiful, to be able to see the line from you know as a manufacturer where the material is coming from and how that material is handled all the way through the line of manufacturing to the women who are sewing the final product—and that you can see that. And it’s a simple thing. It’s not like all these different things are being brought in from all these different places and you can’t even track it. It’s a very transparent thing.

You’ve been there. You’ve seen every step.

I think all manufacturing should be that way. When we have something so close to nature that way, and is such a simple process, then I as a consumer on my end know that that is a good thing.

EVA POWER: And essentially, it was my own peace of mind that I wanted. If I’m going to run a company, it has to be something that I’m 100% proud of. I can hold my head up and say, yeah, this is what we do, and this is how we do it. I just couldn’t bear the thought of thinking that, oh, yeah, I’ll get the tailoring done in this big factory somewhere.

And especially in recent years, you’ve heard terrible stories of different tailoring factories in, let’s say, India and Bangladesh in particular. You’ve heard these awful stories. And you don’t even know. I’d say even half the companies might not even know or haven’t looked into it properly where their items are being tailored. They’re taken at face value.

So, I just think it’s important. It’s just very important for me. And then, I can pass that on to my consumer, my customers. It’s another aspect of it. Essentially, people need to have a good product, top to bottom line [inaudible 32:26]. Here, you do need to obviously be selling a prime product. But what comes of those will have a big impact on people. And it gives them peace of mind, especially, as you’ve said, just the transparency. And that’s what I aim for, just total transparency that I can just sell everything, “Yup, this is everything. There you go!”

DEBRA: And when you go to Eva’s website which is, she has a picture of the silkworm, she has a picture of the women who are sewing. And so you just get to see the whole thing.

So, basically, you have two products—well, you have three. The three products are pillowcase, baby blanket and a scarf.

EVA POWER: Yeah, the baby blanket started off as a cot sheet, just for the baby to sleep on. And then, I just kept getting more reports back from mums that have gotten them as gifts saying that they’re just really versatile. You can use it as like a breastfeeding throw if you want a bit of discretion in public because it’s breathable and it’s a lightweight fabric.

And also, you can use it as well in the hotter weather as a cover. Let’s say if you have the baby out in the pram, but it’s too hot for a blanket, but you still want something over them, just put this over because it will help cool them down. So, it’s really versatile.

And then, I do a scarf as well which is sort of like a bit of a wrapper, a throw . I’m looking into more, this year, scarves and wraps. And again, I’ll do some tops and some vests, like a [inaudible 34:13] or something like that.

But it’s all very slowly, slowly. It’s my own company. [inaudible 34:20] in recent years with the economy in Ireland. I went into this very carefully sort of testing the waters. So yeah, I’ll just build it up slowly.

But here, it’s getting better and better. And the feedback is great. Hopefully, this year, I could add a few more products; and then, next year, maybe a couple more as well.

DEBRA: And so you have here some benefits for babies and children. Tell us about that.

EVA POWER: Well, again, the benefits. The temperature regulating I think is a huge one. And also, the amino acids are known to evoke a good night’s sleep. So it’s a natural fiber that you have next to the baby for sleeping well. And also, the fact that silk is a hypoallergenic and it doesn’t attract dust mites. And it’s also good for people with sensitive skin. Some babies can be prone to a bit of eczema. So again, it’s just a natural fabric that you can have next to their skin.

And the fact that it’s un-dyed, that it’s a natural color, you don’t have any chemicals or toxins on it, that’s another reason why I’m adamant that the cot sheets are always going to be that natural color.

And then, again, the temperature regulation, I just find it great. Even for my son, I just find it great. Even when we travel with them, I’d always just have one in the bag. If it was too hot if he was in the pram, I’d just have it thrown over. I’d had a couple of moms come back to me saying that their little ones have actually gotten really attached to them and they use them as blankies which is very sweet […]

DEBRA: That’s so sweet, yeah. I can just imagine babies wanting to be next to things that are natural, that it would just seem very natural to them and very comfortable to them to have something like this. Good job! Good job. I really like these products.

EVA POWER: Thank you.

DEBRA: Well, we’re just about to the end of the show. Thank you so much for being with me today. This is really interesting.

EVA POWER: Oh, my pleasure! Thanks for having me. It’s lovely speaking to you.

DEBRA: You’re welcome. Again, the website is This is The Ethical Silk Company. My guest is Eva Power. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And you can go to find out more about this show at I post all the guests there. You can listen to all the back shows.

There’s more than 200 of them on the website. So take a look. I’ll be back tomorrow.

Toxics Throughout History—Exposure to Toxic Substances is Not New

 steven-gilbert-2Toxicologist Steven G. Gilbert, PhD, DABT, a regular guest who is helping us understand the toxicity of common chemicals we may be frequently exposed to. Dr. Gilbert is Director and Founder of the Institute of Neurotoxicology and author of A Small Dose of Toxicology- The Health Effects of Common Chemicals.He received his Ph.D. in Toxicology in 1986 from the University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, is a Diplomat of American Board of Toxicology, and an Affiliate Professor in the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, University of Washington. His research has focused on neurobehavioral effects of low-level exposure to lead and mercury on the developing nervous system. Dr. Gilbert has an extensive website about toxicology called Toxipedia, which includes a suite of sites that put scientific information in the context of history, society, and culture.









Toxics Throughout History – Exposure to Toxic Substances is Not New

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Steven G. Gilbert, PhD, DABT

Date of Broadcast: March 03, 2014

DEBRA: …Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic-free. It’s Monday, March 3rd 2014. I’m here in Clearwater, Florida. And today, we’re going to be talking about toxic chemicals throughout history.

My guest is Dr. Steven Gilbert, PhD, DABT. He’s been on before. He’s our resident toxicologist. And we’ve been talking about all kinds of different things. He has a fascinating, fascinating website called Toxipedia at that looks at toxic exposures from all different angles.

One thing that I just discovered this morning—I periodically take a very intense look at his website—that I haven’t seen before is a section called This is My Health. And if you’re on his website, it’s over in the left-hand column.

And he invites people to write about your own personal experience sharing your opinions on environmental and public health topics. Like some of the titles are My Thoughts on Community Health, Garbage: Rethinking the Needs for Bags, Ingredient Disclosures Like a Fishnet Stocking. People are just saying what they’re thinking, feeling and experiencing about toxic chemical exposures.

So, if you have something that you want to say, this is a place where you can say it. I’m even thinking about writing a story myself and see if Dr. Gilbert will accept it to be on the site.

Anyway, if you’re at, the part that we’re going to be talking about today is the History of Toxicology section. And as I’m looking through and reading different parts of it, I’m seeing that he talks about toxicology from the viewpoint of history, like “on this date in history, this happened about this related to toxicology.” But he’s looking at the history of single substances—one of them is BPA (and we’ll talk about that later because I’m interested in the history of BPA).

So, good morning, Dr. Gilbert. How are you?

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: Good, Debra, very good. Thanks for having me on again.

DEBRA: Thank you for being on again.

So, you’ve been on so many times, we all know your history. But some people don’t know how you got to being here, why you’re interested in toxicology. So, let’s start with that again so that everybody will know how you got into this. What’s your interest?

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: My original interest in toxicology was concerned about the developing nervous system. I was concerned about the consequences of lead and mercury exposure to the developing nervous system. So I did a lot of research looking at very low levels of exposure to lead and mercury and its consequences to the developing nervous system.

I really believe that our children have a right to an environment where they can reach and maintain their fully potential. When we expose the developing nervous system to lead, mercury, alcohol, BPA even, flame retardants, the whole plethora of chemicals, we’re really robbing their developing nervous system of their potential and robbing our children of their potential.

DEBRA: That’s an excellent reason to be doing what you’re doing.

So, one of the things that really interested me about your website is that you’re looking at toxic chemicals not just from their toxicity, but all different aspects of it—the history, the social aspects, all these different things. How did you come to have such a variety of viewpoints?

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: Well, really, I came to the conclusion—I’ve actually stopped doing any research. I do very little researching because I think we have tremendous amounts of knowledge. The trick is trying to make the knowledge accessible and useful in today’s age. I tried to put the information on toxicology in the context of history, society and culture.

I don’t believe we can just throw science on the wall anymore. We need to put it in context. I think looking from a historical perspective on what we know, the mistakes we’ve made in the past and how to avoid them is really critical. So I tried to put together an interesting look at the history of toxicology and put it in perspective.

And it’s actually both enlightening. And I think it’s quite fun to look back and see some of these personalities, how toxicology was used in the past and how we need to be thoughtful about the future right now.

So, I’m trying to make it fun and put together resources that are interesting and give insight into the history of toxicology.

DEBRA: Good! So, for the listeners, if you go to the website, one of the things that is there is a poster called Milestones of Toxicology. Why don’t you tell us some of these milestones in toxicology?

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: Well, the poster, Milestones of Toxicology was built a few years ago partly in response to some interest at the Society of Toxicology.

The poster is an interactive poster. So, if you go to the right side of the Toxipedia website, you could see the poster there. If you open that poster up, it’s a PDF file. It’s clickable. It’s an interactive poster. There are mini-squares on the poster. They have different events in history related to toxicology. If you click on those squares, you’ll get more information about any subject.

For example, if you just start with the very first square, it’s about China. Shen Nung, at 3000 BCE, he experimented with herbs and other medicinal materials. He was concerned about being poisoned, toxic overdose.

So, he was the very first experimenter with poisons.

If you go across that row and look into different other pathological events, like Socrates, for example, he committed suicide in 399 BCE by taking hemlock.

If you look a little further along, you’ll see Sulla. He made some of the first regulation about trying to curb poisoning of people. Poisoning was wildly used throughout history, both arsenic and other poisons. So some of the first regulation was trying to contain poisoners.

So, there’s a variety of really fun things to look through.

DEBRA: Well, let’s talk about some of these in-depth because not everybody has the chart. They’re not all sitting in front of their computer right now. So let’s give them some idea of things that happened in history. You just gave us some ideas of antiquity. Why don’t you pick one from the Middle Ages and just give us more information about that one?

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: Well, the Middle Ages, let’s see. What would be a good one from the Middle Ages? Well, I think one of the interesting ones and sort of a fun part of history is actually looking at the Sorcerer’s Stone in alchemy.

DEBRA: Oh, yeah, let’s talk about that.

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: So, Nicolas Flamel. People that are familiar with the Harry Potter books will know that the Sorcerer’s Stone was used to create the elixir of life. Long-lived Nicholas Flamel, he was the long-lived character in Harry Potter books. But it can also turn metals into gold. And that was the great effort of many alchemists. And really, the foundation of a lot of toxicology is to try and understand how to turn metals particularly into gold. And mercury was wildly used in that regard.

But Nicolas Flamel was quite a character in that period of time. He had a great reputation for working with the Elixir of Life and the Sorcerer’s Stone. That’s just one fun example of how the history of toxicology had turned up in our current literature.

DEBRA: What’s this association between the Knights Templar and toxicology?

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: The Knights Templar, well, that’s sort of interesting. These were great poisoners. And they each had control over vast amounts of wealth. They controlled a lot of their enemies through different poisonings. So they were an interesting group of people that used arsenic and other chemicals to their advantage in controlling and dispatching their enemies through poisons.

DEBRA: Wow! As you’re talking about this—so, poisoning, I haven’t obviously done as much research as you’ve done in the past. But it occurred to me at a certain point that even though I had a lot of attention on these man-made chemicals in modern times, that in nature, there are poisons. We have Poison Control Centers, and we’ve talked about poisoning, poisoning, poisoning. And then, at a certain point, we started talking about toxic chemicals as if they were something different. But there’s this whole history. It’s still poison. Toxic chemicals are still poisoning us. And you’re giving us this whole social picture now of how poisons were used—that they were recognized, but they were also used intentionally as well as trying to prevent them from being used intentionally way back many, many centuries ago. This is not a new thing. It didn’t just start with the industrial revolution. It started way, way back.

We’re going to take a break. And we’re going to talk more about this when we come back. We’re talking about the history of toxics today. My guest is toxicologist Steven Gilbert. And his website is where there’s a lot of information about this subject. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is toxicologist Steven Gilbert, PhD, DABT. And he publishes He has a huge section on the history of toxicology.

Dr. Gilbert, during the break, I was just looking for the interactive (clickable) Milestones of Toxicology because the one I had clicked on before didn’t interact with me.

So, what we need to do is go to the Milestones of Toxicology page, right? And then, you “download the clickable Milestone poster in English, click here.” And then, I got it! I’m clicking on it, and it opens up in a whole new window, and it tells you a little story. This is very fun.

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: Is that fun?

DEBRA: It is fun! I’m reading about John Jones who was a Welsh cleric, inventor and physician. Dr. Jones extensively researched the medical effects of opium and wrote The Mysteries of Opium Revealed in 1701. So we’ve got the whole history of toxicology here.

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: Yeah, it’s quite an important document actually.

DEBRA: Yeah, yeah. This is good. So, tell us more stories here.

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: I also want to mention that the Milestones poster has been translated to about a dozen languages too…

DEBRA: I see that here.

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: …to German, Italian, Korean, Persian, Portuguese. And we’re really proud of the fact that we had it translated into Spanish. And the Spanish version is also a clickable poster. So I’ll be underlying information on the posters and translating to Spanish too. So, we’re very proud of having taking that task on.

DEBRA: That’s great.

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: I just want to mention we have another thing called The Toxicology History Room. So, you go to the The Toxicology History Room and get little briefings on specific posters. They’re all free posters that we put up at different meetings about the history of toxicology. It goes into alchemy, Alexander the Great, bisphenol-A, all kinds of interesting details about a particular subject related to toxicology and its history. One of them is [inaudible 12:01].

DEBRA: I did see that. It’s where I saw the BPA poster. Let’s talk now about the history of BPA.

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: Oh, BPA, that’s fascinating history, BPA.

BPA was first actually discovered along with DES, diethylstilbestrol, in the 1930’s. So BPA was actually put aside because there were no medical uses of it at that time. They focused on diethylstilbestrol which was approved by the FDA to be used to prevent miscarriages.

But as a matter of fact, it turned out there was no real use. I was not applicatious in that regard. But the real tragedy was it was discovered in the ‘70s that women that consumed it, their daughters have had a form of cancer, vaginal cancer that was very serious and detrimental to their health. So, this is an example of an endocrine disruptor, a very potent endocrine disruptor that had pathological properties.

BPA is also an endocrine disruptor, but it was discovered to be useful in plastic. It was used as a plasticizer, a hardener of plastics, and many other uses.

So now, many […] excrete BPA in our urine. The question is what are the consequences of BPA over the vast majority with the widespread exposure? And the answer is it’s an endocrine disruptor.

So, this is a history of a compound that was studied, but not probably studied as well as it should’ve been, and then finally distributed in our environment.

DEBRA: And now, it’s virtually everywhere.

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: It’s virtually everywhere. And I don’t think anybody ever gave their consent to be exposed to BPA and to actually be excreting it in their urine.

DEBRA: Yeah! I know I didn’t give permission to do that.

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: Yeah, I didn’t either.

DEBRA: I don’t think anybody gave any permission to be exposed to all the different toxic chemicals that we’re exposed to and how they interact with each other.

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: Right! They just came out, for example, that cash register receipts, so many cash register receipts have BPA as the chemical used for the transmission of the images onto cash register receipts.

Well, it’s finally distributed in the environment. And the question is: “What are the health consequences of low level exposure to BPA?”

DEBRA: Do we know?

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: Well, as an endocrine disruptor, there’s some subtle changes that might occur. For example, it had been affecting male reproductive organ and early menarche for females, these consequences that we’re just investigating, and there’s good data.

My view is to take a precautionary approach. You want to reduce your exposure to BPA as much as possible.

DEBRA: You know, this is one of those situations where—like I’ve been writing for over 30 years about how people can make choices in their everyday life to avoid a chemical. But BPA is extremely difficult to avoid because especially when it’s in a public health kind of setting where people are passing around cash register receipts, they’re touching money, they’re touching credit cards, and it’s not stable, it comes off on your fingers, you can touch a cash register receipt, and then handle money, the BPA goes on the money and then somebody else handles the money, and then they eat their sandwich and touch their sandwich. Not only is it going in through their fingers, but then they’re eating it now.

This is where one, as a consumer, would have a very difficult time to eliminate their exposure to BPA, especially in cash register receipts. You would have to walk around wearing gloves all the time I think.

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: Yeah, I think the problem is we don’t know all the products it’s in because the industry has not been transparent about where it’s used. I think that’s a huge issue. We have a right to know what chemicals are in our products. And this has not been upheld by industry and not being required by the government.

DEBRA: I totally agree that that’s a huge problem. We’ve talked before about how every toxic chemical should be on the label of a product; and it isn’t. Even the ones that have warning labels on it, the toxic chemicals aren’t there listed, so that you can’t even know what it is.

But what I wanted to say about BPA and cash register receipts is this is where I think a regulation would be very much in order. There are cash register receipts that do not have BPA. And there’s no way for a consumer to tell if that cash register receipt contains it or not.

There is so much evidence of harm of BPA. This is where the government should be saying, “Well, let’s step in and say, ‘There are cash register receipts that don’t have BPA. Let’s only allow those in cash registers.’” That to me is an extremely rational and logical thing to do.

DEBRA: Yeah, we’ve moved the bad BPA from children’s sippy cups and bottles for milk for young kids. So we’ve made some efforts to reduce exposure, particularly to people that are most vulnerable, remembering our children eat more, drink more and breathe more than adults do. They’re consequently exposed to more. I mean, it’s a small amount of exposure, but it’s a bigger dose based on their body weight. They’re the more vulnerable, and we need to be taking better care of them.

So, we’ve actually made the efforts to ban BPA from certain consumer products for children, but we haven’t done the same thing for adults.

And we have to remember that, endocrine disruptors, there’s a variety of them—pthalates being another one, some of the flame retardants. So we’re exposed to a variety of chemicals that can be disruptive to the endocrine system. BPA is only one of them.

DEBRA: I need to interrupt you because we need to go to break. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. And today, we’re talking with toxicologist, Steven Gilbert. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Dr. Steven Gilbert, toxicologist. And his website is

I’m just sitting here on the breaks clicking through on this chart. And there’s so many interesting things. They range from different chemicals being discovered to different people who had significant roles in the development of toxicology to different regulations that have come into play.

Would you tell us about Paracelsus? Did I pronounce that right?

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: Yeah, that’s correct. Paracelsus is a much more complicated German name. But he’s one of the granddaddies of toxicology. He came out with the saying that “dose makes the poison.” It’s dependent on how much of a substance. All substance are poisonous, it just depends on the dose. I think that’s been somewhat disproven now. This is for historical point. Paracelsus was around 1500 or 1520. This was at a time of great revolution in our understanding of our physical environment. And he noted that the dose makes the poison, that any substance is poison. It just depends on how much you consume.

And I really think that’s been somewhat disproven in the fact that we kind of take on individual sensitivity. For example, some people can be allergic to bee stings. It can be deadly to them, a very small microgram quantity of insect protein. But others, it’s just a nuisance. So, really, it’s individual sensitivity that’s critical.

He was a very important figure in toxicology.

DEBRA: Yes, I think he was called the ‘Father of Toxicology’ I think.

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: Well, there’s a couple of people that will qualify for that term including [inaudible 19:43] who wrote a great book on poisons in the 1813. So our understanding grew better.

Paracelsus was also an alchemist. He was sort of at the beginning of trying to understand chemicals in our environment.

DEBRA: Well, another person that you have on your chart is Leonardo De Vinci, famous artist.


DEBRA: What does he have to do with toxicology?

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: He did some experimentation with animals. He was an amazing individual. He did both great art as well as devices. But he also experimented with the bio-accumulation of chemicals in animals and how these chemicals would affect them acutely as well as chronically. So he experimented with trying to understand again how our body is interesting with the physical environment. He was an interesting character.

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: That is interesting, that he was thinking about that so long ago.

DEBRA: Yeah, he was pretty amazing. He had a very wide-ranging intellect.

But if you look at other figures like Shakespeare, for example, some of his poetry, some of his plays, there’s one that said: “Here’s to my love! O, my true apothecary. Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die.” If you look around, toxicology is almost every place. I see toxicology everywhere.

One of the things that I was thinking about the other day was that I tend to look at the world through what I was calling “toxic-free glasses.” It’s like you say look for somebody who’s wearing a red shirt, and then suddenly, you’re looking for a red shirt, and you see everybody is wearing a red shirt, whereas otherwise, you could walk down the street, and you just don’t see the red shirts at all.

And I really do! I’m looking for, very selectively, anything that’s toxic-free.

And I can see that you, with your toxicology background, you’re looking at the toxicology of things as your lens in life.

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: You’re right. That’s a different twist on how you view the world, for sure, with toxic glasses on.

DEBRA: I suppose a chemist or a biologist would look at the world through chemistry or biology or whatever people’s individual interest in. But I do know that, for myself, I very selectively look for the things that are not toxic, and the rest of the world just is kind of grayed out for me.

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: Yeah, I think it’s actually an important perspective to have. You’re thinking about chemicals and materials that might do us harm and how we avoid them. I think it’s an important perspective to have given our current society and our dependency on chemicals.

DEBRA: Well, would you say that this is a unique time in history where we have more of a concern about toxic chemicals than in the past?

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: In some ways, yes; in some ways, no. I think we have a better understanding of chemicals and their use in the environment. At the same time, we have not taken into account some historical lessons.

A really important lesson was around thalidomide. Francis [Kisley] stopped the wide distribution of thalidomide in the United States. Thalidomide causes birth defects. It was used in Europe and Australia. That really changed our regulatory approach. And the FDA was given a lot more authority to regulate drugs that go on the market. So, we have a very strong approach to regulating drugs.

We do not translate that over to regulating chemicals coming out in the environment that are used in products. For example, the Toxic Substance Control Act passed in 1976 is really broken. So we don’t have a good chemical policy. Although we have a lot of understanding about chemicals, we don’t have a good chemical policy.

And that’s how BPA gets out to our consumer products. We don’t know where it is. We don’t know what products have phthalates in them. We don’t know all about the pesticides we should know about.

DEBRA: I agree.

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: So, I think we both are doing well and we’ve got a long way to go.

DEBRA: I agree. I agree with that. And since I’ve been doing this for so long, I can see how much progress we’ve made in 30 years. But there’s still so much more that we need to do. But there’s this huge increase in interest now that we’ve never had before. And so I see a lot of people wanting to make change and a lot of people being interested and a lot of manufacturers being willing to take a look and see what they can use that are not toxic chemicals. All kinds of things are happening.

So, another one, another square I clicked on, led me to a label for cocaine toothache drops.

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: Oh, right. Yeah, that was an interesting one. Cocaine, one of its uses is a drug. It was actually in Coca-Cola for awhile. It has very good reactions. As an anesthetic, you pick a little cocaine and put it on your lips, your mouth, it numbs it. It was a very popular drug that was very widely used.

And the same marijuana. Marijuana didn’t become illegal until the turn of the century—1915, that ballpark there.

So these drugs (including heroine) were all legal up until really the turn of the 19th century. The government started coming down on these drugs and started more restrictions on them. It sort of went along with alcohol, the prohibition of alcohol. There’s a lot of history around the prohibition of alcohol. And we still struggle with drug use.

And it’s interesting to see historically how two states, Washington and Colorado, now legalizing the recreational use of marijuana.

There’s a lot of complicated history with drugs, both legal and declaring them illegal and moving forward.

DEBRA: We need to take another break. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is toxicologist Dr. Steven Gilbert. We’re talking about the history of toxicology. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is toxicologist Steven Gilbert, PhD. And his website is which has all kinds of information. To me, it’s the most comprehensive website about toxicology, especially for lay people who are not scientists who just want to understand more about toxicology.

He has a great free ebook. You can get A Small Dose of Toxicology. That gives you all the basics about toxicology and tells you about some basic chemicals that everybody should know about. And he just makes everything easy to understand.

So, thank you for doing all these. It’s just very interesting. It really is very interesting to me.

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: You’re very welcome, Debra. And the book, the free ebook, it’s got a chapter on the history of toxicology as well as the poster in a powerpoint presentation about the history of toxicology.

DEBRA: Well, good. Good. Well, let’s talk about the history of regulations. So, one of the squares I clicked on on the history poster was Pure Food and Drugs Act of 1906.

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: Right! So, the Pure Food and Drugs Act of 1906 was really the first effort to try to control elixirs and other stuff that was getting onto the market.

It has a really interesting history. Harvey Washington Wiley, Harvey Wiley, is an MD. He was one of the first regulators in the FDA that really worked hard to get the Pure Food and Drug Act passed to try to remove adulterated and poisonous food, drugs and medicines. But prior to that, it was really sort of the wild west about what could be marketed. You could see that with all kinds of things, with cocaine and other drugs and pesticides in it.

For example, in 1929, there was the Ginger Drake incident where an organosphosphate was mixed with an alcoholic type beverage which really affected over 50,000. In 1929, 50,000 adults were harmed by this compound.

So, the Pure Food and Drug Act was a huge step forward in trying to protect human health.

DEBRA: So, we think that things are not regulated enough now because there are still toxic chemicals in all kinds of products. But it was even worse then.

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: Well, yeah, it was worse then. And we still have a lot of problems about governors of some states trying to reduce the EPA’s influence. The Environmental Protection Agency has got a strong role to play. But people are trying to roll back these regulations, de-fund the EPA and de-fund the FDA. But we really need them. We can’t have toxic chemicals showing up in our river and into our drinking water supply. When nobody was looking over the shoulder of industry, it was just taking advantage of the lax regulatory environment.

So, I think regulation is really important to protect human and environmental health.

DEBRA: I think it is too. I know that, before, I went through a situation in my own life where I discovered that I have been poisoned from toxic chemicals just from consumer products in my own home. Prior to that, I had no awareness of toxic chemicals in products, in the environment… none! Just absolutely none. It was not anything that I thought about.

And so, sometimes, I ask myself from my present level of awareness how come people don’t know these things, how come they don’t think about putting chemicals in the water or destroying the environment, or how come they don’t think about what we put in our bodies makes a difference to our health. And I think it’s because that they just don’t understand it yet. They just don’t have the information yet.

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: Right! I think that’s true. I think we don’t pay enough attention. On the other hand, there should be good enough regulations. We all don’t have to be experts in toxicology.

DEBRA: I agree.

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: We need to be thoughtful about what we’re consuming, what we’re exposed to. But at the same time, I think our government regulation should be strong enough to protect us from a lot of these more egregious examples of toxicology.

And we really need more transparency. I think it’s critical for us to know what’s in our product and what we might be exposed to, particularly when it comes to our children.

DEBRA: I completely agree with that—completely, completely. And if there was one regulation that I would like to just have be put in place instantly, it’s simply to put everything on the label of every product.

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: Yeah, that would go a long way towards changing our approach to chemical, just knowing what’s in them and what we’re being exposed to.

DEBRA: Mm-hmmm… mm-hmmm…

So, what’s the latest about regulations with improving TSCA?

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: Well, that sort of got stalled out again. They changed the act in the House of Representatives at the federal level. I think it’s Chemicals and Commerce Act which really weakens TSCA even further. I think it’s a bad legislation that’s being moved forward in Congress right now.

I don’t see TSCA reforms coming up any time soon which is really unfortunate. That law is a really weak law and it really doesn’t protect us.

Europe is moving forward much better in this area. They have a program called REACH, Registration, Evaluation, Authorization of Chemicals. And Europe is taking a more precautionary approach to chemical exposure. The United States has been really slow and really not forthright in trying to use the regulatory process to protect us from chemical exposures and learning more about the health hazards of the chemicals we might be exposed to.

DEBRA: Is there some place? I know that I’ve been working on just taking a look at—I don’t even know how to say this. I’m trying to find out is there some central resource that has toxicological information that anybody could just go look up and see this is the health effects of anything?

What I’m finding is that there are a lot of places where you can look up some information (like your book has some information). And then there are some organizations that are working with a limited list of wanting to do something with this list of chemicals. But it seems like, for me, I need to just go haunt on the Internet at this point in time. I just need to type in formaldehyde, and then the studies will come up. But there isn’t a place where everybody can just go and say, “I can find this out now.”

DEBRA: Well, I think that for the common chemicals, you have data on them. The ATSDR, Toxic Substance Control Agency has got a pretty good website that has information on a lot of these chemicals.

But the problem is there are 3000 chemicals produced over a million pounds per year. And many of those chemicals, we don’t have a lot of data on. So a lot of times, there’s just not good information. The chemical that was released onto the river and contaminated people’s water supply, there’s very little toxic data or information about that chemical. And that’s really an egregious example of us not looking into the potential hazards of a chemical, and yet we’re producing large quantities of it, and we end up getting into the water supply.

So, I think you make a great point. There is really no one central source for toxicological information about chemicals. They’re sort of scattered around. That’s the one thing we try to do at Toxipedia, but it’s a huge daunting task. There’s just an enormous number of chemicals we use in commerce.

DEBRA: There are! There are just way too many.

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: There are way too many.

DEBRA: It’s like you can’t even wrap your head around the number.

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: Right! And they keep showing up. Mercury, they’re in coal. So if you burn coal, mercury gets into the environment. Mercury shows up in fish. So that’s a huge problem. How do you deal with that issue?

What fish to consume? What fish to avoid? So it’s really complicated. Kids are more vulnerable than adults, and pregnant women. Women of child-bearing age are more vulnerable than others. It really is a complicated situation.

DEBRA: Mm-hmmm… what would you say is the thing that, if we look at history, what are some lessons that we should be learning about toxicology from history?

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: I think that we want to eliminate exposures as much as possible. I think of Rachel Carson, for example, with pesticides. She was the one who really brought out the fact that pesticide exposure can really be hazardous to the health. It’s got ecological consequences. It’s not just human health that we need to be concerned about, but ecological consequences.

I think the bottom line is for us to have a more health-based approach. The problem with industry is that they charge ahead trying to figure out how to do things quick and cheap, but they don’t have a health [inaudible 34:38] to what they have to do.

I think we need to have a more health-based precautionary approach with putting chemicals to the environment and using chemicals in commerce both from a human perspective as well as an ecological perspective.

So, I think we need to know more about the chemicals that we’re proposing to be used and having better data sets on these chemicals and look for the least toxic alternative at all times.

DEBRA: I agree.

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: I wish we’d move in that direction. And we need to have a chemical policy reform. I mean, just look at the list of disasters that occurred from Love Canal in 1978, the Bhopal disaster of 1984, to Chernobyl in April 26, 1986. We’ve had Fukushima. We’ve had the Three Mile Island. We read down the list of toxic events.
We need to be more thoughtful. We need to be looking at the future, thinking about the sustainability of our globe.

DEBRA: Yes, absolutely. Well, we’ve only got about a minute left. So is there any final thing you’d like to say?

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: I think toxicology and the history of toxicology is a very fun subject. I encourage people just to poke around at the website, try out this poster, and just learn a little bit more about the history. There are some great books out there about toxicology history.

But I think just enjoy it. It’s sort of a fun subject. It puts information in perspective. It puts our chemical use in perspective. We need to be cautious about the chemicals we use in our environment.

DEBRA: We do! And I think, looking at your chart, that was really interesting for me to go through and click through. I didn’t click through on every single one obviously. But to just go through and see those different things, see the different aspects of what we need to be looking at, and what the history is.

We have so much attention on what’s going on today that we don’t look in the past and see that this whole issue of what’s toxic and what’s not toxic, and how do we use the things that are toxic, how do we protect ourselves from things that are toxic, these have been issues that have been growing back since the beginning of time.


DEBRA: And this is just what we’re going through today, just our modern version of it.

Thank you so much. We’re out of time.

DR. STEVEN GILBERT: You’re very welcome.

DEBRA: This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd.

Snapstone Porcelain Floor Tiles

Question from Bonnie Johnson

Someone mentioned Snapstone porcelain floor tiles as being MCS safe. Any word on if they are better than most laminate or vinyl tiles?

Debra’s Answer

I’ve never used this product, but there is a red flag for me.

It’s porcelain tile, which is great, but the grout is made up of sand mixed with polyurethane. The [MSDS]= says “This product may cause dizziness, headache, or nausea if used in a poorly ventilated area due to the evaporation of the polyurethane bonding agent as the product dries/cures.”

It may be fine when cured, but I don’t know how long that takes. I wouldn’t say it was safe for someone with MCS to install.

I personally wouldn’t install this in my house. I have a lot of standard tile that I’ve installed myself.

Readers, any experience?

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Silicone and Cookware

Question from kris

Hi Debra,

Was wondering if you’ve come across an article by Healthy Child Healthy World regarding the safety of silicone?

Was wondering what your thoughts were on this. I was planning of purchasing a few silicone items for baking but am now not sure what to do.
Would plan B be aluminum with parchment paper?

Thank you for your help.

* * * * *

Question from kris


Would “silicone jacketed handles” on a double boiler or steamer be of any health concern? Would the food absorb fumes from them?


Debra’s Answer

With all due respect to Healthy Child Healthy World, I can’t consider an article by them to be a “source” document. Im consider scientific writings about studies to be source documents, and I don’t see any mention of a source document for this article. Did I miss it?

I couldn’t find a source document to back up what they are saying.

I did find an abstract of a paper called Determination of siloxanes in silicone products and potential migration to milk, formula and liquid simulants. which says “Migration tests were performed by exposing milk, infant formula and the liquid simulants to silicone baking sheets with known concentrations of the six siloxanes at 40°C. No siloxanes were detected in milk or infant formula after 6 h of direct contact with the silicone baking sheet plaques, indicating insignificant migration of the siloxanes to milk or
infant formula.”

My personal policy for using silicone is I use silicone baking sheets and spatulas, and just bought a muffin tin coated with silicone. I also use parchment paper, which is paper coated with silicone (I use the unbleached brown parchment paper). To me, these are safer than standard nonstick finish or absorption of metals from metal baking sheets.

I don’t use any colored silicone because I am uncertain about the colorants and their migration.

I don’t see any problem with silicone handles. Silicone does not ourgas, to the best of my knowledge and experience.

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The World of Organic Foods and Beverages

Max GoldbergToday my guest is Max Goldberg, who blogs about organic food and drink at Living Maxwell. We’ll be talking about what he’s learned about organic and natural products from his extensive research in this area. Called an “organic sensation” by The New York Times and named as “one of the nation’s leading organic food experts” by Shape Magazine, Max Goldberg is the founder of Living Maxwell, one of the most widely read organic food blogs in the country, and Pressed Organic Juice Directory, the world’s first pressed organic juice directory. An organic food activist, partner of the Just Label It! campaign, and speaker at industry trade shows, Max runs the Organic Food Industry Group on LinkedIn, where his weekly curated email is read by thousands of organic food CEOs, founders, and executives from all over the world.Max received his BA from Brown University and his MBA from the Columbia University Graduate School of Business, and he is the author of the upcoming memoir CLEAR: Life After a Decade of Antidepressants and Other Escape Mechanisms. Max has been featured in The New York Times, Fox News Channel, CNN, Forbes, Shape Magazine, Self Magazine, The Huffington Post, Veria Living, and numerous other publications. |





The World of Organic Foods & Beverages

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Max Goldberg

Date of Broadcast: February 27, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world by living toxic free. And we need to do that because there are so many toxic chemicals in everything, in the tap water that comes out of our tap, and just walking down the street, being sprayed by pesticides, car exhaust, all over the place and all kinds of consumer products.

It is a toxic world, but we don’t have to be affected by it. We can remove toxic chemicals from our homes, from our offices. We can choose things that don’t have toxic chemicals in the foods that we eat, in the water we drink, in everything. We can live a toxic free life, we can remove toxic chemicals from our bodies. And that’s what this show is about. It’s how you can be toxic free.

Today is Thursday, February 27, 2014, and I’m here in Clearwater, Florida. And today we’re going to be talking about Organic Food and Drinks with somebody who really knows about organic food and drink. My guest is Max Goldberg who blogs about organic food and drinks at Living Maxwell. He has been called an organic sensation by the New York Times and names as one of the nation’s leading organic food experts by Shape Magazine. And he has a very interesting story.

Hi, Max. Thanks for being here.

MAX GOLDBERG: Well, thanks for having me. It’s a pleasure.

DEBRA: So first of all, I want you to tell everybody your story about where you’ve come from and how far you’ve come and the things that you’ve changed in your life that led you to deciding that organic foods are so important.

MAX GOLDBERG: After college, I went to work on Wall Street as an investment banker. I got my MBA and worked in technology and software for a while. And then in the late 90s and the beginning of 2000, in the early 2000, I had dramatic health changes. I quit drinking in 1999. I quit smoking cigarettes in 2000. And the biggest changes in 2001, I had been on Prozac, an antidepressant, for close to 11 years, and went off that antidepressant in 2001, nearly 11 years. And it was right around that time that I found organic food. And that is one of the reasons I went off of Prozac, was because I found organic food and I realized that I had been putting food with all these chemicals into my body all this time. I said, “I don’t want this in my body anymore.”

And so I got into organic food and then I realized that it didn’t make any sense. I was running around trying to find food that didn’t have chemicals in it. I was popping a chemical each morning. So eventually, I went off of Prozac in December of 2001, and I have been eating close to 100% organic food since that time.

So in the summer of 2001, I find organic food, I go off antidepressant, and going off antidepressants was a very, very traumatic. It took me three and a half years to recover. I was suicidal. And eventually, three and a half years later, I turned a corner and I was able to really start building my life again.

And I’ve actually got a memoir, a book about my time before, during and after the Prozac, which will be out later this year, detailing all of that.

So in 2001, I pretty much started eating all organic food and maybe about four years ago, I started writing about the industry. So I always really interested in organic and passionate about it at that time in the early 2000s. But my mental state was such that the thought of starting a business was just a little bit overwhelming. I was just having trouble surviving.

DEBRA: I understand.

MAX GOLDBERG: So about four years ago, I started writing about organic food and that started. And the blogs grown, and it’s done well, and it’s really allowed me to work in an industry that I love and really share the message about the importance of organic food.

DEBRA: Well, tell us why is organic food so important to you? What’s the basic message for you that you want people to know?

MAX GOLDBERG: Well, first of all, there are several reasons. One, it’s for your personal health. You’re putting food into your body that does not engage toxic pesticides and chemicals, the genetically modified organisms not allowed in organic. And nutritionally, it’s superior foods. Studies have come out that show higher level of antioxidants, higher level of Omega-3’s in organics. You’re putting a superior food into your body.

And the other thing that I want to point out and really stress is that organic is also an environmental issue as well. I don’t think people realize the extent of how chemicals are used in this country.

There was a story in the New York Times how in Central Valley in California, the farming communities, the water is so polluted and so toxic from all these pesticides that are sprayed that they have to drink bottled water. They’re not allowed to drink tap water.

DEBRA: Yes. My grandparents actually lived in the Central Valley. And I used to go there a lot because I lived in California. And yes, that is the way it is. When I was a child, sometimes I think about my childhood and it scares me, the kinds of things that I used to be exposed to. And I used to live in the San Francisco Bay area, and my grandparents lived in Fresno, which is in the middle of all that agriculture in the Central Valley. And we would be driving down Interstate 5. At that time, I think they hadn’t built Interstate 5 yet. But we would be driving down this freeway and it was agriculture on both sides. It was just fields, miles and miles and miles of fields. And as a child, one of the games we would play was what is growing in that field. And it was actually really fun. And we say, “Oh, there’s lettuce. There’s cotton.”

The other part of it, it was kind of charming, was that these bi-planes would fly over and spray clouds of pesticides right out of the plane, right on the freeway, where we were driving right by. It was open pesticide spraying over the fields with the bi-planes.

And we would just be driving through it and thinking, “Oh, look. There’s a bi-plane.”

And now, I look and I’m going, “Oh, my god. I’m driving down the freeway and I’m being sprayed by pesticides.”

And this was every time we would drive to my grandmother’s this would happen.

And so this was happening to me. You couldn’t imagine the people who are living in those communities.

MAX GOLDBERG: No, I really can’t. And I was told the other day that similarly, when they spray out there that a lot of these people, they can’t leave their home and things like that.

Interestingly enough, I was at a book party last night here in New York City, is where I live, for a guy who wrote a book. It’s called Natural Profits and it’s about a guy who wrote a book about the organic food industry, and really the rise and the entrepreneurs and the visionaries who made it happen whether it’s Gary Hirshberg at Stonyfield or John Mackey at Wholefoods. And what he said was there was a 60-minute report, I think it was in 1989 or ’87, in the late ’80s. And they did a report on alar, which was the chemical sprayed on apples.

DEBRA: I remember that.

MAX GOLDBERG: Do you remember that?

DEBRA: I remember that setting. Yes, go ahead.

MAX GOLDBERG: So they did the 60-minute story on that and apparently, that was one of the real tipping points where people, they started throwing out their applesauce and they stopped eating apples. And that was really a point in time when the organic movement was started and taken much, much more seriously.

DEBRA: Yes. Well, there are many, many pesticides. I’m happy to have you tell us more about the toxic chemicals in agriculture that are not in organic foods.

MAX GOLDBERG: Well, I think the biggest thing that people should know about is one that’s going on right now, which is, in Washington, they’re getting very close to approving a genetically-engineered corn and genetically-engineered soy crop by Dow Chemical, both of which are resistant to 2 4-D.

Now, what is 2 4-D? So just let me back up just so people understand, why about the GE crops. Basically, these companies engineer these seeds or these crops in a laboratory to make them resistant to certain chemicals. So when this genetically-engineered soy, when they’re planting the soy, they make the soy resistant to a specific chemical so the chemical can be sprayed on the soy crop and it won’t kill the crop but it will kill everything around it, whether it’s pests or fungicides or whatever it may be. Or weeds or whatever it may be.

So it’s killing everything around the crop but not the crop itself.

DEBRA: I need to interrupt you because we need to go to break but we’ll hear more about this when we come back.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Max Golberg, who blogs about organic food and drink at And we’ll be back after this.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Max Goldberg who blogs about organic food and drink at

Before the break, we were talking about GMOs, so continue with that please.

MAX GOLDBERG: Okay, so I gave just the basic explanation about how GMOs work, how basically they designed these crops so it kills everything around the crops when they spray the chemicals on the crop. It kills everything around the crop but they don’t kill the crop itself.

So Dow chemical is trying to get approval from the government and it appears very likely it’s going to happen within the next month or two since they’ve already received a preliminary approval. The genetically-engineered soy and corn that is resistant to 2 4-D, so that’s the chemical they’re going to be spraying on this.

Now, what is 2 4-D? 2 4-D was the primary ingredient in Agent Orange. That was the herbicide warfare program that killed 400,000 people in Vietnam and left 500,000 people with birth defects. That was the primary ingredient in Agent Orange. And this is what they’re going to be spraying on our crops.

DEBRA: That’s just insane. Not only is it insane that they’re spraying something that toxic on our crops, but it’s insane to think that any kind of plant or animal or organism of any kind grow in an environment where the point is to kill everything around it. There’s just something wrong with that logic.

MAX GOLDBERG: Well, I don’t disagree with you at all. People just don’t really know what is going on out there. And it’s funny with the 2 4-D, the Vietnam Veterans Association wrote a letter to President Obama asking him not to approve it. And of course, they’re going to approve it. It just shows the incredible power that the Ag-Biotech Industry has in this country. And what people need to know is that the same companies that make these seeds, that make these genetically-engineered crops, are the same companies that sell them the chemicals. It’s the same company. It’s not two different companies. It’s the same company.

So they worked hand in hand. And according to the Food and Water Watch, the Ag-Biotech Industry, which is these chemicals companies and the seed companies, spends $572-million on campaign contributions and lobbying from 1999 to 2010. And that is why we have food policy that allows it. There are 64 countries around the world that require GMOs to be labeled so you know what you’re eating but the US does not. And why don’t we have GMO labeling? It’s because the Ag-Biotech Industry has purchased food policy in this country.

DEBRA: I’m just sitting here silently shaking my head. I don’t know what to say to this because it’s so illogical. My basic philosophy is that we should be considering, as the very first thing, what supports life, what supports the environment, what supports our bodies. If we don’t have an environment, if it is a healthy environment in which to grow food and produce all the things, all the materials that go into making the things that we need in order to survive as individuals, then we don’t have those things to survive. We don’t have food that gives us the nutrition that we need so that our bodies are healthy.

And so we need to have a great environment that is thriving. And we need to have bodies that are thriving in order to be happy, healthy and productive. And it just seems like that there is a whole structure that does not think that way. But then there’s another whole, emerging group of people, an ever-increasing group of people like you and I who are thinking quite differently than that.

MAX GOLDBERG: Well, more and more people are slowly waking up to this. And you just look at the growth of the organic food industry. It’s growing for a reason because people realize that the food that they’re putting into their bodies needs to be of a certain quality and it can’t contain toxic chemicals, it can’t contain GMOs, an as much all these food companies would like us to believe that are completely safe, consumers don’t believe it

The studies they provide are totally biased. And the government just listens to whatever these big corporations say because they’re so beholden to the campaign contribution and the lobbying. As a result,. The health of consumers gets compromised.

There’s a reason why the US has 41%, and this is from the president’s cancer panel report. 41% of Americans are going to get cancer, 21% of Americans are going to die from cancer, and there’s a reason. And at the end of the day, what it really shows you is that every single person has to take complete responsibility for their health because if you’re going to rely on what the government is telling us, it’s safe to eat, you’re going to end up as a statistic.

DEBRA: I complete agree. And when I was researching my last book that I wrote a few years ago, Toxic Free, I found a study where they had tested the urine of children who had eaten foods with pesticides and then after a period of them eating organic food, they tested their urine again and they found that within days, it only took a few days of eating organic food, that they no longer had the pesticide in their bodies. It was no longer coming out through the urine.

And so that was just such a dramatic thing to me because pesticides are one of those things that are persistent. There are probably some pesticides that are persistent in your body, but other pesticides aren’t persistent. And things like BPA, BPA is not a pesticide, it’s not in your food. It’s in packaging. So it could end up in your food, like if you eat canned foods. But BPA will go through your body in several days. It’s not persistent. All you have to do is stop eating canned foods and a lot of BPA will leave your body.

It really is so easy to improve bodies in this way. It’s just to say, “I’m not going to eat pesticides on food. I’m going to eat organic food.” It’s there. It’s available to almost everybody in America. Anybody can go and buy organic food in almost every city in America. And in a few days, you’re not going to have so much pesticides in your body. That’s just a fact.

We need to go to break. So I’m not going to let you say anything as I don’t want you start.

This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Max Goldberg and he blogs about organic food and drink at Living Maxwell. He’s been called an organic sensation by the New York Times. And when we come back, we will find out what Max eats. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. My guest today is Max Goldberg who blogs about organic food and drink at Max, you have on your website four points that describe your eating habits. And I think that they’re really good ones. So would you tell us what those are?

MAX GOLDBERG: I’m sorry. Could you repeat that? I couldn’t hear you.

DEBRA: Can you hear me now?

MAX GOLDBERG: Yes, I can hear you better now.

DEBRA: Okay, you have four points on your blog where you talk about insights into your eating habits. So tell us what are those four points that guide what you choose to eat?

MAX GOLDBERG: Okay, well, I’m eating close to 100% organic.

DEBRA: And how do you do that?

MAX GOLDBERG: Well, I live in New York City so there’s plenty of organic restaurants here. So that’s some huge help. But everyone can do that for breakfast. I’ll get some [inaudible 00:27:41] points so we can [inaudible 00:27:43]. I eat close to 100% organic, so when I got out to restaurants, I’m eating organic. And when I travel in the US, I figure out where I’m going to eat, and then I book my travel around that, where I’m going to stay and things like that.

So I think about food very differently. I think about where I’m going to eat way in advance. I don’t just go on a trip and then figure it out. I figure it out in advance before I even take my trip. Traveling internationally is a slightly different story than the US. So it’s not 100% but it’s very, very close to 100%.

So I also eat cooked and raw food. I probably do one to two raw food meals a day. I’m not a or vegetarian. I do eat grass-fed red meat and I do eat sardines. The other thing, I always travel, as I mentioned, when I fly, I’m always taking food with me to the airport and for food when I’m on the plane. And I always think about, “When I get off the plane, where am I going to eat?” So in the back of my mind, I know exactly where I’m going to be eating. I have it all organized. And if I’m staying with a friend, do they have a blender? Do they have a juicer? Where’s the closest organic supermarket to where I’ll be staying? I really am buying these things in advance.

DEBRA: That’s so intelligent.


DEBRA: That’s so intelligent.

MAX GOLDBERG: Well, if you want to eat this way and if you really want to be serious about eating organic, you have to. And friends of mine who eat similarly, it’s the exact same thing with them. We plan. We plan a day or days in advance.

It’s funny because the big organic food tradeshow is next week in Anaheim, California. And I gave a lot of thought as to where I’m going to stay based on where I can get my food. And I think for people who are starting to embrace this lifestyle, these are the things that you need to do. And it’s no different than anything else in life. It’s saving for retirement or whatever it may be. You need to plan. And it’s no different from how you eat on a daily basis.

And the last thing is I drink as much organic green juice as possible. Green juice is the chlorophylls of magnesium and I actually started because I’m such a big pressed organic juice fan. I started something called which is the world’s first pressed organic juice directory. So when you travel, you know where you can get pressed organic juice wherever you are.

DEBRA: That’s so good to have that kind of information from city to city. So I’m assuming that you also carry snacks around with you when you’re going around during the day. So if you’re out and are hungry or it’s time for you to eat, then you have something to eat and you don’t have to find organic food some place. Is that right?

MAX GOLDBERG: I would say that’s more when I’m traveling. Just because in New York, there’s just such easy access for it.

DEBRA: And where I live there is not easy access to organic foods. So you must have an idea of what did you eat for breakfast this morning. On a typical day, what do you eat?

MAX GOLDBERG: I’ll either do something like a nut milk smoothie where I’ll either use Brazil nuts or I’ll soak hemp seeds overnight. And then I will make nut milk out of those. I have a video on my website on how to make nut milk. Basically, you put hemp seeds and water into a blender, you blend it and you stain it and you get hemp seed milk. And you can put that back into the blender with bananas or raw cacao powder and mocha, things like that, and you can create a super food smoothie for breakfast.

Or I’ll do things like GSC pudding. Sometimes I’ll do a raw oatmeal. So those are typical breakfast.

DEBRA: And then what do you have for lunch?

MAX GOLDBERG: Lunch, I’ll either a salad and soup or I’ll do beans, I’ll do lentils, quinoa. Dinner is pretty similar too. I’ll do the same thing. Or I’ve actually found this really good brand of pasta called Tolerance, which is certified organic non-GMO pasta made from nothing more than organic red lentils.

DEBRA: I’ve never heard of that one.

MAX GOLDBERG: It’s an amazing product. I did a big giveaway on my website and people just flipped out over. And I found them at the big organic food tradeshow last year. And it’s an amazing product. So all it is, is pasta made from certified organic red lentils. And they have one for black beans as well. It’s certified organic black bean pasta. So I’ll do that. And I’ll juice every single day pretty much without fail.

DEBRA: Well, it sounds like you have a very healthy diet. I can see that a lot of things like the seeds and lentils and things like that those are kind of staple products that anybody could get. You can even order them online, and you can fill your pantry with those kinds of things. And then a lot of that is organic.

I know for me, it’s hard for me to get organic produce here where I live. My nearest Wholefoods is about an hour’s drive for me and pretty expensive. But I have a small, local, natural food store. But they don’t always have a lot of variety.

And so if I were to eat 100% organic, it would be more limited than I’d like it to be. And so I think that a lot of people that don’t have the access that you have that there’s always that question between, “Am I just going to eat organic and have it be very limited and maybe have it cost more, or am I’m going to not eat organic and have more variety and be more in my budget?”

So what would you say to somebody like that?

MAX GOLDBERG: What I would do is, if I couldn’t have access to this, I would really load up on things like these organic green powders. So you’re getting the benefits of the green juices in powder form. And that’s something I always travel with.

DEBRA: We need to go to break. We’ll be right back. And you’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Max Goldberg and he blogs about organic food and drink at We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. My guest today is Max Goldberg who blogs about organic food and drink at And do check out his blog. I actually subscribed to his newsletter which you can do so just right at the upper right hand corner of the right hand column on his blog. And he writes a lot of different things. Some of his blogposts are very simple things that anybody can do who are just getting started out. The top post right now is Five Essential Ways to Avoid Genetically Modified Food.

But he also writes about what are the toxic problems, again, talking about GMOs. He wrote a post called Consuming Genetically Modified Soy is a Very Very Risky Proposition. So you can get information on the dangers of non-organic food and information on what’s there out in the world that’s organic, whether it’s food or drink or even cleaning products, personal care products made from organic, it’s all there at

And you’ve done a great job putting this together. I’m very happy to recommend it on this show.

So you have, Max, a post here that you said the must share video, the organic industry rolls out its first advertising campaign, and you said that this is so important that it should be shared. So why don’t you tell us about that?

MAX GOLDBERG: It’s something that’s been in the works for a long time. There’s a perception out there for a lot of people that natural is better than organic. And nothing could be further from the truth. So what this video is, is a satire about how companies brainwash all their products. They slap the word natural on everything. So it basically makes fun of an executive who advises these companies about the natural.

And what happens, what are the standards for natural? There are none.

DEBRA: There are none. Yes, I’ve been saying that for 30 years. Yes, there are none.

MAX GOLDBERG: There literally are none and it’s not like there’s some and they’re not enforced. If you go to the USDA’s website, it says there are no standards for the labeling of natural food products if they do not contain meat or eggs.

So they can put absolutely anything in there and just call it natural.

DEBRA: Wait. Let’s just also point out that there’s a whole industry called the Natural Foods Industry and the Natural Cosmetics Industry, and there are no regulations for what that word means.

MAX GOLDBERG: It’s a joke. So what’s happened lately is, in the last few years, the lawyers have gotten involved and said, “This is ridiculous.” And they’ve sued a lot of these companies for using the word natural on products that contain GMOs and synthetic substances. And the most notable of them all has been by far the most viewed story on the website since I started a few years ago. It has been about Naked Juice.

Naked Juice just settled a $9-million class action lawsuit. Naked Juice was sued for using the word, natural and non-GMO, when the lawsuit said that they were using substances that weren’t natural and substances that were genetically-modified. So that’s what the lawsuit said and they just got sued. And they settled.

DEBRA: That’s blatantly fraud. I think that there’s an assumption about the word natural. When I started writing about natural products all those years ago, this was like pre, before organic became popular, when we would refer to a natural product as one that didn’t have additives in it. It didn’t have artificial colors or flavors or preservatives. That was a natural product. But there are no regulations about it. But that was the general practice of what it meant. And we weren’t even talking about organic because it was never on the label of anything.

I think there’s an assumption, a cultural assumption that that’s what natural means. And so for a company to market themselves to the natural product market and be sold in a natural food store, there’s that word again, and then have GMOs in it and have substances in it that are known to not be natural, that’s fraudulent to me.

MAX GOLDBERG: Well, they still claim that with Naked Juice that there were no GMOs and the only thing that they agreed to aside from being fined was they both greed to take the words all natural off. But yes, it’s crazy that they’re using the word natural, we know companies in general, when it contains genetically-engineered ingredients because those are not natural. Those are not found in nature.

DEBRA: Those are not natural. They’re not even remotely.

MAX GOLDBERG: [cross-talking 00:44:48] and we grow it in nature because that’s where it’s growing, so it has to be. It’s growing in nature even though it’s engineered in the laboratory.

DEBRA: That’s like people saying it’s organic because it’s made out of organic chemicals.

MAX GOLDBERG: Exactly. It’s insane. That’s why consumers just really need to understand. That’s why I said my share because consumers – too many people they think natural is better than organic, and organic has very clear standards, regulation enforcement.

If a food manufacturer labels their products as organic and they aren’t organic and they have not received the USDA official certification, yet they’re labeling it as organic, they go to jail.

DEBRA: I think this is something that people – I did a whole show about this but I’m going to say it again here because we’re talking about organic. I found out that the whole organic certification program is so well-regulated and it goes through so many layers of checks and balances and that the certification means particular, particular things and there are people who are going out and checking. And I’ve talked to people who have organic certifications and they tell me how stringent it is that really, if you want to get some of the most, most, most toxic free products of any kind on the planet, what you should be looking for is certified organic products because they actually are. There’s a structure. It means something. And it’s not only regulated but certified by certifiers who go out and check exactly what you’re doing even down to the point of that they look at how much you’re producing, like say, how much tomatoes you’re producing. And they’re looking at the materials, the soil additives and things like that that they’re putting in. And they’re checking the amounts to make sure that what you bought, and you have to produce your receipts like what you bought, that makes sense about what it is that you produce.

And that’s how stringent it is. And so people, you really need to understand that this organic really is the primo, number one certification for the most pure product you’re going to be able to buy.

MAX GOLDBERG: Organic is not perfect. There’s a lot of room for improvement but it is absolutely the best we have.

DEBRA: It is the best we have right now. And if every product on the planet were to be aligned with and certifying according to the organic system, we would have such a less toxic place.

MAX GOLDBERG: No doubt about it.

DEBRA: No doubt about it, I agree.

So we only have a few minutes left and I wanted to just ask you if there’s something else that you’d like to say that we haven’t talked about yet?

MAX GOLDBERG: I think the biggest thing is for people just to really get involved and really start asking questions because if we want the food system to change, it’s going to require every one being involved because the major food corporations have a tremendous amount of money and power. And through the money they are able to really dictate food policy.

So if we want change, it’s going to require people to be involved and have their voices heard because if we all get together and demand something different, we can get this. And that means voting politicians out of office if they’re not going to support food policy that’s really beneficial to their constituency.

So that’s the biggest thing. We just need people involved.

DEBRA: I totally agree with you. Well, thank you so much for having been on the show today. And I’m just looking through your website and I’ll just tell people some other things that they can find here. I’m looking at organic Valentine’s Day gift ideas. So if you want to know what’s organic to give your Valentine, this is the kind of place to find it.

I’ve been to New York. I don’t live there but I’ve been to New York and I know that you have so many organic resources there. I live in Clearwater, Florida where we have practically none. And I’m just sitting here thinking, “I had to really push to have there be an organic restaurant.” I just need to make it happen because I think that a lot of people would benefit from it and they’d really like it.

When people get together and they decide that this is what they want, then you can in a place make things happen.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And thank you, Max, for being with me today. And you can go to to find out more about this show. We’ll be back tomorrow.

BPA-free Plastic Spray Bottles

Question from kris

Debra, I am having a heck of a time finding some BPA-free spray bottles to use around the house for cleaning solution like vinegar water. Do you know of anywhere I can find them?

Mostly I’ve been looking on amazon. I don’t know if they have BPA or not, but I can’t find any that say they DONT have BPA.


Debra’s Answer

Plastic bottles won’t necessarily say BPA free, but just because they don’t, doesn’t mean they do.

Most of these types of bottles are made from PET, which doesn’t have BPA, but it does leach other things. Best would be a bottle made of polyethylene.

Here’s one on amazon:

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Which Poison Will Change Your Life?

Glenne ChanceMy guest today is Glenna Chance, author of Which Poison Will Change Your Life? While pursuing her career in music in 1988, Glenna was poisoned by an illegal pesticide application. Her life-altering diagnosis of the chronic illness Multiple Chemical Sensitivity catapulted her into a new direction, and she has since battled the physical ramifications and lack of legal parity that often accompany MCS disability. Glenna has worked tirelessly to bring recognition to the illness and support to sufferers. We’ll talk about the the social and political forces that contribute to MCS and many other “invisible” illnesses that are the result of explsure to toxic chemicals in ordinary everyday consumer products. Glenna is a professional musician, environmental consultant and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity advocate and activist. Which Poison Will Change Your LifeShe is the founder and director of MCS, an agency which advocates for the MCS-disabled and their families who need assistance in finding housing, benefits, nontoxic products and medical and legal resources. She is a proponent of life lived in harmony with the universal truths of nature.





Which Poison Will Change Your Life?

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Glenna Chance

Date of Broadcast: February 26, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world. And it is a toxic world out there. There are lots of toxic chemicals in consumer products, in our homes, in our cars, and just walking around outside on the pesticides on the lawn in the park. Every place you go, there are toxic chemicals.

But there are also places where there are not toxic chemicals. We can make our homes into havens of toxic-free living. We can remove toxic chemicals from our bodies. There are lots of people who are doing lots of things to reduce the amount of toxic chemicals in the world. And that’s what we talk about on this show.

Today is Wednesday, February 26th. I’m here in Clearwater, Florida. And today, we’re going to be talking about multiple chemical sensitivity—but not just the illness of multiple chemical sensitivity because this is a particular condition that is the result of toxic chemical exposure, but many, many illnesses are the results of toxic chemical exposures.

This was something I found out when I was writing my latest book, Toxic-Free. I actually studied all the health effects that I could find in a new time. I’ve been studying this for more than 30 years, but I just took a new look at everything. And what I found was that every single illness can be associated with toxic chemical exposure. It doesn’t matter what symptom you have. It doesn’t matter what disease you’re suffering from. All of them can be associated in some way or another with exposure to toxic chemicals.

So, it is affecting everybody in many different ways, even down to the cellular level and down to the level of our DNA and how children will be born in future generations are being affected by toxic chemical exposures today. So, this is something that we all need to be paying attention to.

My guest today is Glenna Chance. Hi Glenna. Hello, are you there?

GLENNA CHANCE: Yup, can you hear me?

DEBRA: Great! I can hear you now.


DEBRA: She’s the author of a book called Which Poison Will Change Your Life? While pursuing her career in music in 1988, Glenna was poisoned by an illegal pesticide application. Her life-altering diagnosis of the chronic illness, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, catapulted her into a new direction. And she has since battled the physical ramifications and lack of legal [parity] that often accompany MCS disability.

Glenna, you and I have things in common. I was pursuing my career in music in 1978 when I discovered that I was poisoned by—for me, it wasn’t an illegal pesticide application. It was just the toxic chemicals that I was exposed to in my average American home. I ended up with the same MCS (I shouldn’t say “the same MCS” because I think it turns out in different ways for different people). And we both went on to feel that it was so important to be helping other people to recover from it or not get it in the first place.

So, tell me your story.

GLENNA CHANCE: I also want to say it’s a real pleasure to talk to you after all these years because your books kept me going in the late ‘80s after I was pesticide-poisoned.

DEBRA: Thank you.

GLENNA CHANCE: There wasn’t that much out there at the time. There’s a lot out there now.

DEBRA: Right! That’s why I had to write something.

GLENNA CHANCE: Yeah! It gave me something to work for and work through, seeing that there was another person. And again, to see that we were in a similar profession and situation, that’s another plus.

DEBRA: Thank you. Well, what’s your instrument?

GLENNA CHANCE: Viola and violin.

DEBRA: Oh, wonderful!

GLENNA CHANCE: And what happened at the time was I was in Syracuse, New York. I was playing in the Syracuse Symphony. I was in graduate school full-time and working a full-time, 40-hour office job. People say, “How do you do that?” I don’t remember anymore.

But somebody I guess called an exterminator at that office building (which was in the Civic Center) for no reason really. Somebody had a thought that maybe there were some fleas or paper fleas I think they said. It wasn’t notified, which was against the law. They just came in.

And what they sprayed was diazinon, an organophoisphate, which was clearly labeled never, ever, ever for indoor use.

And I’m again a person that finds out things. My employers couldn’t tell me. I called the exterminator and said, “What did you use?” That’s how I found out. I think a lot of this investigative work is a matter of timing. You have to make the phone calls fast.

One job I had subsequent to that some years later. I was around a Saturday, and they had told me when I applied for the job that they don’t use pesticides in that building, I was there on a Saturday, and here came the exterminator. I ran down and I said, “I need a copy of that receipt of your bill.” They gave it to me, so I could prove, yes, indeed, they did—which of course then they threw me out of the job […] “You can’t work here. You have to leave.” They tell you get up from your desk, take your things and leave. And that means you can’t have unemployment or anything else. You’re just out of a job.

So, that’s what happened to me. I went to see—and this is something that I advise people to do. If something like that happen, forget all you learned, your work ethic and being a do-be (or whatever they used to call it) because that’s what I did. I thought, “Well, I’m supposed to come to work here.” I went the next day, I went for two or three days until I was just sitting in a chair at home unable to breathe, unable to walk, unable to think. And finally, I said, “I can’t do this anymore.”

Which I think is another thing people don’t understand about MCS. They say, “Well, what do you mean? Can’t you just take something? Can’t you just drag yourself in there because there are a lot of tired people?” and I say they’re toxic people. There are a lot of tired people dragging themselves to work every day, but the thing with MCS—and you’ve probably experienced this too—is there comes a point where you just can’t.

DEBRA: Yes, I totally know what that is. And for people who haven’t experienced that, you just can’t function at all.

You can’t even access that part of you that can push you to do something. It’s all down. And I got to that point in my life where I considered that I was disabled because I couldn’t get myself out of bed in the morning on a reliable basis and go do something.

So, I just had to say I’m disabled [inaudible 07:28]. And a lot of people with MCS get to that point because these chemicals are very, very powerful. They’re affecting all of us to some degree in some way. It’s just that some people are more affected more dramatically and to a greater degree and in ways that are more obvious. And sometimes, people are more affected more quickly. And other people are not being affected or they think they’re not being affected, and then 10 years later, boom, they’re down too. It doesn’t matter.

I used to work for an endocrinologist in his office treating people actually with MCS. I was the person who did the test to see what they were sensitive to. And he once said to me that—because my mother had died of cancer. He said, “You have MCS. Your mother had cancer. But it was all the same cause. You were exposed to all the same chemicals. It’s just your body responded differently.”

GLENNA CHANCE: Right! And all disease is is imbalance anyway. You get exposed to something, and you get thrown off. Your body systems get thrown off. So how it manifests itself, as with anything, is the weakest point. We find that in water. If it’s going to come through your foundation, it’s going to find the weakest point there, and it’s going to make a little hole through. So, yeah, whatever your weakest point is, that’s where it’s going to hit you.

DEBRA: It is! And so for people with MCS, it’s an immune system thing. So that would be a person whose immune system would be the weak point in their body. And then, someone else, it would be another area of their body.

They’d get cancer or they’d get heart disease or whatever is going on with them.

But it just has to do with the weak point in your body, but it also has to do with the types of chemicals you’re being exposed to. And different chemicals target different organs in your body.

We need to take a break, Glenna. And when we come back from the break, we’ll go on.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. My guest today is Glenna Chance, author of Which Poison Will Change Your Life? She also has a website called We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. My guest today is Glenna Chance. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is Glenna Chance. She’s the author of Which Poison Will Change Your Life? and has a service for people with MCS called

So Glenna, you were playing in the symphony. And then you got exposed to pesticides. And then, you became chemically sensitive. How did you get from that point to establishing MCS Advocacy and writing your book?

GLENNA CHANCE: Well, I was very fortunate, I have to say, that the doctors that I had who was actually in Rochestor (and I was in Syracuse) was a clinical ecologist. I want to say that first because, with all the invisible illnesses (whatever invisible illnesses are anyway), there are things that are discounted because nobody takes the trouble to actually do the research and see what’s going on. But they’re life-altering.

Anyway, most of the people that develop MCS or other of these invisible illnesses are really battered around the system. They’re sent to doctors who know nothing about it. They’re sent to psychologists, psychiatrists. They can’t get validation. They can’t get help. They can’t get well.

And so I was very fortunate because the doctor I already was seeing was a clinical ecologist so I at least had validation even though MCS treatment is mostly just avoidance, “Don’t go here. Don’t go there. Don’t work anymore,” which is more easily said than done of course.

It was pretty much out of necessity that I started doing advocacy work because I had to help myself again with not much out there. Your books were out there, there were a few books out there, but not a lot. And also, no Internet, so if you wanted information, you had to go to a library. And when you’re in the throes of debilitating illness, it’s hard to go to a library […] and things like that.

So I had to find out information for myself. And then, as we all do, we have a certain amount of compassion for other people going through the same thing. I tried to get information out there for other people to access. And then, as the Internet was coming along, then I could put something up called a website and do things like that.

I get inquiries from all over the place which is satisfying.

DEBRA: Good!

GLENNA CHANCE: I give them information on how to find a doctor, how to get legal help, and tell them that there are already laws on the books.

We’re not anymore trying to establish MCS as something that hits the parameters ADA law. That’s been done.

People worked long and hard to do that for us. And I think that happened in the early ‘90s. That’s done. So it’s mostly just trying to stand up for yourself and knowing that these things are on the books, knowing that you are covered legally, and that you do have a leg to stand on.

The people that you go to, doctors (unless you get a clinical ecologist), doctors and lawyers and things like that, they’re listening to the mainstream who says it’s not a valid illness, there are no laws, there is no help. And that’s not right.

So, it really helps people when they know, number one, they’re not alone; number two, there are laws to protect them out there already. And they do have a leg to stand on.

DEBRA: Well, that’s very good that you’re doing this because I remember the times when nobody was doing this and people were wondering “Well, where can I get legal help? How can I get social security? I can’t work. How can I…?” It wasn’t recognized as a disability. I remember that. I was a fortunate person that I had family to help me.

And so I wasn’t alone and people believed me. And so when I said that I needed to take toxic chemicals out of my home, I had people to help me. But I know that not everybody is in that situation.

So, I’m looking at your website, and you say that MCS lies outside of the realm of current medical knowledge. I think that more and more though people are recognizing it.

And then, you say, “As with any misunderstood illness, the victims are considered outcasts and are rejected not only by the medical profession, but also by those who administer basic social services.”

And this is an important thing, what you said that I’m about to read. “We are all, for all practical purposes, house-bound. We cannot work. We cannot go to the store. We cannot ride a bus. We cannot go to church, go to school or find housing. There are no services in the community for us. The doctors who can treat us are usually not local.

And they usually do not accept health insurance if we’re fortunate to have a health insurance.”

I mean, this really is the picture of what it’s like to be MCS. When your body has been damaged by toxic chemicals, then really, any chemicals you’re exposed to makes your body react, and you cannot go places where these chemicals are which makes you house-bound. That’s what it’s like. And I think a lot of people don’t understand that.

GLENNA CHANCE: It’s an interesting thing because you go through phases. What I’m doing, what you’re doing—I think you said 30 years of this, and I’m doing a little over a quarter of a century of this. And at first, you go through phrases of “I have to work. I have to try.” And then, you take yourself totally out. That’s one of the reasons I wrote this book, to touch base with my friends and family and colleagues and let them know why I dropped out of sight for decades. I was too embarrassed. I didn’t know what to tell them because nobody understands it.

But then you get to a phase where it’s like I’m just not going to put myself into toxic situations. And I always say I’m so glad. My body must be really functional because it tells me what’s a dangerous situation.

DEBRA: Yes! Yes, yes.

GLENNA CHANCE: Why would I force my body to accept toxins?

DEBRA: I want to stop you right there because I think that this is such an important thing. We do recognize—you and I and other people who are aware of this—when we’re in a toxic situation because our bodies say, “Hey, this is toxic!” I’ve never smoked cigarettes. But when somebody starts smoking cigarettes, what happens? You cough!

Your body says, “No, this is a horrible thing.” And you just keep smoking and smoking until your body doesn’t cough anymore.

But when you go into a toxic situation, you might cough or get a headache. Oh, I need to go to break. But I’ll finish my sentence. You might cough or get a headache or sneeze or space out or whatever. And people aren’t aware of those symptoms.

We’ll talk more about this when we come back. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Glenna Chance. We’re talking about MCS. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Glenna Chance, author of Which Poison Will Change Your Life?

Glenna, your book is Which Poison Will Change Your Life?. The subtitle is An MCS Survivor’s Eye-Opening View into the Socio-Political Forces Which Make Today’s Invisible Illnesses Possible and Probable.

Now, you have a lot of information in here about toxic chemicals and where they’re found. But I’ve never read another book that talks about the social and political forces that make these illnesses possible and probable. So I’d like to talk more about that aspect of it than talk about where toxic chemicals are in products (because we talk about that a lot).

So, first of all, would you tell us more about invisible illnesses? You gave us a definition earlier, but would you give us some examples of invisible illnesses besides MCS?

GLENNA CHANCE: Oh, well, the ones that people always hear about, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia. But it extends to things like MS and illnesses that people talk about as more mainstream.

And one thing I’d like to also add about mainstream is that one reason that the so-called invisible illnesses, some of the serious ones—MS, at least they say, “Oh, this is quantitative,” which ours is too by the way. That’s another thing. MS is quantitative. There are quantitative tests for MCS.

Everybody says it’s idiopathic. Well, nothing is idiopathic. Nothing in life is idiopathic. If illnesses were idiopathic, they would just leave it at that, and there wouldn’t be any research done. Nothing is idiopathic.

DEBRA: Wait! Tell us what idiopathic means because I’m sure there’s a lot of listeners who don’t know that word.

GLENNA CHANCE: Yeah! Idiopathic means “arising from no cause.” There’s no known cause for something. Well, of course, there’s always as known cause. You have to look at it scientifically which is what I do in the book. I give quantitative, scientific facts.

But MCS is not a profitable disease.

DEBRA: Well, it’s not something that you take a pill for. They can’t sell you a drug for it.

GLENNA CHANCE: Right, right. We’re not consumers of pharmaceuticals. We’re not consumers of commercial advertising because we can’t purchase or take part in mainstream products and activities. We’re not consumers of the healthcare industry because we can’t use mainstream medicine, we can’t use a hospital because of access violations. You can’t go to a long-term facility. We’re not part of a medical research.

DEBRA: I know! You just kind of have to have this other life that isn’t part of the industrial world in order to survive.

GLENNA CHANCE: The invisible illnesses, sometimes we call them “orphan illnesses” or “orphan diseases.”

One thing I want to emphasize is that the benchmark for illness definition has always been reliable and reproducible tests. And we have that. Medical professionals tell people there are no tests and everything. And they’ve just said that mantra so long, they actually believe in it. And one thing I always say is what is an expert?

They throw the word “expert” around a lot. And what does the word “expert” mean? Who determines that someone is an expert? Who funded the expert? Is the expert improving the human condition or maintaining the status quo?

So, you have to do your research which is what I’ve done in this book a lot. And when you talk about the sociopolitical aspect of it, when you talk about disease, life-altering illness leads to the inability to think critically and logically, and that leads to the inability to learn, and that leads to bad decisions in life, and that leads to skewed life goals, and that leads to violence. So it’s really a social problem. Any illness and disease is a social problem.

DEBRA: I totally agree, I totally agree. Toxic chemicals do affect us on every level. It’s not just a physical thing. It also can affect your emotions. It can affect your ability to think. It can affect spiritual awareness even.

And so it’s not just a physical problem. It’s not just about going to the doctor, but it really affects your whole, entire life.

GLENNA CHANCE: And in our case, or in a lot of people, you had an idea how your life was going to be. I don’t want to say that only MCS people have this big problem or something, anybody with a major illness. But you have this idea how your life is going to be, and then it totally got sidetracked. And so, a lot of the people—this is why people call illness a gift. It sounds trite before you’re ill, but then you find out what that means. Hopefully, you’re coming to a better understanding of the big life picture and everything like that. But still, you’re just left kind of stunned, and even more stunned when you have no support at all, no social support, no medical support, no legal support. You’re just kind of stunned and turning around in circles. And so you figure out what to do with yourself.

DEBRA: Well, that is exactly right. And again, I’ll say that I was fortunate that I had people around me, and I had a doctor who was a clinical ecologist. And where I lived, there were actually three doctors who were clinical ecologists.


DEBRA: The first one diagnosed me, and then I went and got treated by the second one. And then, I went and worked for the third one. So I was never in an environment where nobody believed me or that the doctor said,

“There’s nothing wrong with you.”

I’m really concerned just on a larger picture that there are so many doctors who don’t recognize the problem not just with MCS, but don’t recognize that toxic chemicals are causing so many illnesses. We still have the normal, standard medical—you know, you go into the doctor’s office, they diagnose you, and they give you a drug. That doesn’t handle it at all. It just doesn’t handle it at all. And you may have fewer symptoms, but you’re not getting to the cause of anything.

GLENNA CHANCE: Well, fewer symptoms in the short run perhaps, but not in the long run.

DEBRA: Well, yeah…

GLENNA CHANCE: …because that’s going to be toxic to your system too, drugs.

DEBRA: But I think that anybody should be able to go to any doctor that’s covered by insurance or however, whatever the system is. But people should be able to go to any doctor and have a correct diagnosis without being poisoned.


DEBRA: And since everybody in the world is being poisoned right now, this is like the number one diagnosis. And doctors can’t even recognize it. They’re not even asking the question.

GLENNA CHANCE: The doctors, we know this—and for people that don’t, well, listen up—the doctors only know as much as they’re taught in their curriculum. And the curriculum in the medical schools are funded by the pharmaceutical companies. So that’s their vested interest. And again, as we talked about, there’s no profit in these illnesses that are caused by poisoning and industrial toxins.

DEBRA: Well, I think that more and more doctors are starting to wake up. On my website, you can go to, and there’s a page that says—I think it says “professional help” in the menu. And it lists the types of doctors that you can go to if you think that you need some help with diagnosis and toxic exposure and healing from that.

GLENNA CHANCE: That’s great.

DEBRA: There are doctors who actually do this today, many more than when Glenna and I started.

We need to take another break. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Glenna Chance. And her website is She’s the author of Which Poison Will Change Your Life?

We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is Glenna Chance, author of Which Poison Will Change Your Life?

Glenna, so what about the political forces that are contributing to this?

GLENNA CHANCE: Oh, yeah. Well, it’s my whole chapter six which I named Hand in Hand in Hand. That’s the one thing about the book. I don’t just say what something is and why it’s bad, but I say how it even came to market. And there are so many in’s and out’s. It’s overwhelming at this point.

Politics and all that stuff, it’s always been like this, people with big egos trying to get profits and things like that. It’s never going to change over humanity. It’s just that now we’re dealing with such poisons that we’re dealing with the very existence of mankind I think. I don’t want to be doom-and-gloom, but…

DEBRA: No, I think we are too. We are!

GLENNA CHANCE: The in’s and out’s, the politics and stuff, it just enforces the social disconnect which is valuing profit over life (human life, plant life, animal life), putting energy in cover-ups instead of accountability, promoting healthcare policies based on a one-size-fits-all fallacy. And that’s a particular point of mine. It’s like you just can’t make everybody conform. Everybody is different. You can’t say, “You have to take…”

Oh, let me just say, I have a great doctor now. Every time I see her, she says, “Let me tell you what’s coming down the pipe, Glenna.” And the last time I saw her, she said, “…with the new healthcare system.” She said, “If you brought your blood analysis numbers in to me, and the government says, you need to be within this parameter, and your cholesterol level, for example, says this, but I know that”—because she’s also a toxicologist—“if I back this up, then I can find this comes from here, and this comes from here, I have a picture of your physical make-up, but the government only has a set of charts. So now, they will say, ‘if your numbers are these, I as your doctor have to prescribe cholesterol-medicine.’” And you have to fill the prescription. If you don’t, I don’t get paid for the medical appointment.

DEBRA: Oh, my God!

GLENNA CHANCE: How wrong is that? Now people are going to fill prescriptions and dump them down the toilet because they’re not going to take them. I won’t do it because I’m a rebel. I would never…

DEBRA: No, I’m not taking it either. And I don’t want to pay for it.

GLENNA CHANCE: Well, I don’t want anything attached to my name saying I did that ever on a record. So these are the kinds of things.

And what I don’t understand about all the political things—well, everything having to do in this society—is these people who are out for profit and just are on the roll no matter what it does to everybody else, what do they think is their future? What do they think they’re going to drink for water? What do they think they’re going to eat for food?

They don’t care about their own children and grandchildren. This is what I don’t get. Are they not asking the questions or do they have some secret plan that we don’t know about? See, I get worried about them. I have to worry about me.

DEBRA: I think they’re not asking the question. I think that they’re not asking the question. I saw a show on TV.

I’m trying to remember the exact name and where I saw it. It was on the History Channel I think. And I think it was called something like The Men Who Shaped America or something like that. And the whole show was about the men who established our industrial age.

One of them was Mr. Rockefeller. If I’m remembering everything right, he was the one that founded standard oil I think it is. But in the beginning, what he was doing was he was selling kerosene, not gasoline because this was before there were even cars.

So, it was being made, the kerosene was being made. And as they were manufacturing it, the gasoline (what we’re now using for gasoline)—I don’t have notes in front of me, so I may be getting some of these wrong, but the idea is here. I think that they were distilling the kerosene. And then, the gasoline was the waste material. And there was a scene where they just showed this gasoline just flowing out over the land because there was nothing to—you know, this toxic stuff is just like going whoosh out from the factory because there were no laws, there were no regulations. And eventually, they started finding uses for all these different byproducts of distilling the crude oil.

But those byproducts of this toxic stuff, instead of going out in the environment, they now go into our consumer products.

And this is where this kind of comes from. I was just looking at this picture and I’m going, well, this is what’s going on. It started out with this one product, and then there were all these byproducts. And then it changed into all these other things. But it’s all about the manufacturer of that product, about somebody saying, “I have kerosene. I have this. I want to make money” and they’re not even asking the question. They’re not saying, “Is this good for the environment?” They’re not saying, “Is this good for health?” They’re not concerned about the welfare of the people that are using their product. They are concerned about the profit.

I think the world would be a very, very different place if everybody who was producing product would say, “What is the effect of this product on the environment? And what is the effect of this product on the health of the customer who’s going to buy it?”

If you just ask those two simple questions, actually answer them, and make the products so that it actually benefits life instead of hurting it, it would be very, very, very different. Some people are doing that. But we still need to have more people doing that.

GLENNA CHANCE: And the thing is the ego is in the money-grabbing. They’re never going to go away. You can turn on a dime overnight and say, “Okay, we can still make the same profit, but without poisoning everybody.”

Obviously, solar, we’ll go solar instead of gasoline or something like that. You could change it overnight, and everybody would still be making profit. So what’s the harm?

DEBRA: I totally agree!

GLENNA CHANCE: Everybody is still working. The big wigs are still making profits.

DEBRA: Yup, yup. It’s just that people aren’t asking that question, that question of “How can we do this in a way that supports life?”

I don’t know the answer of why everybody in the world isn’t thinking that, isn’t asking themselves that, why their conscience hasn’t woken up.

GLENNA CHANCE: I think people were trained to trust people like the government, their elected officials and things like that. They’re still in that mode of trust, and they don’t understand that everybody is being railroaded.

I think a statistic I read the other day was 90% of taxpayers want GMO’s labeled. Ninety percent, but their representatives won’t represent them. I don’t know how you stop a train, you know? I mean, it’s…

But people need to trust their own instinct. It’s very important.

DEBRA: I agree with that.

GLENNA CHANCE: If you say, “I’m sick,” then don’t let somebody tell you you’re not. I think when people start trusting their own instincts and not just believing—you know, everybody is awash in all these media and everything. You can’t get away from it now unless you just don’t have any TV or Internet or something like that. But it’s a combination of all these information, everybody telling you what you think, and everybody’s minds are pickled from being poisoned. They can’t even assimilate actual information. So they’re just drifting along in life hoping somebody will do the right thing. But I don’t know…

DEBRA: Yes. Well, I think that’s a good way to put it, that people’s minds are pickled from the toxic chemicals. I think that that’s true. And I think that a lot of the inability to think, a lot of the inability to learn and all these things is all affected by toxic chemical exposure. I mean, really, just over and over and over, you can see that when people get away from toxic chemicals, they can think more clearly. Wouldn’t you say that that’s a very common thing?

GLENNA CHANCE: Yeah! I think everybody, if people would actually analyze instead of just mindlessly go through their day and say, “Wow! I was in here, and I feel better. Well, let me think about that,” really analyze everything—

It’s like people who get MCS, most of the people can track back and say, “Oh, man! If I look at my whole life, there was this, there was that, there was this. I used to like the smell of paint thinner” or something like that. You know all the points where you were exposed to chemicals. People can usually track that back if they think.

DEBRA: I was thinking the other day about my grandparents. When I would go into my grandfather’s garage, he always had gasoline (like cans of gasoline). And so as a child, I didn’t know what that smell was. I just knew this is my grandfather’s garage. I’d go hang out in the garage with him and be breathing gasoline the whole entire time.

But then when I figured out that gasoline smelled like, I went, oh, that’s my grandfather’s garage. You just don’t even think of these things.

Glenna, we only have about a minute left. Is there any closing words you’d like to give us?

GLENNA CHANCE: I’d like people to remember that the messages that are seen and heard or the ones that become the most ingrained is the norm and the truth in mainstream consciousness. And that’s not necessarily so.

So, you really need to, again, trust your instincts. You know how you feel. Don’t let somebody tell you something that’s contrary to what you know is true about yourself. I don’t know, just start with yourself. You can’t fight everybody. I’m a rebel, but I’m tired of fighting myself. I’ve been fighting for a long time. Try to concentrate on yourself and your own health.

Use facts like I write in the book. It’s absolute scientific facts. It’s irrefutable facts. Use that as ammunition if you need ammunition. Just try to get yourself well, and then try to help somebody else.

DEBRA: Thank you. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. We’ll be back tomorrow!

Setting Up a Natural Bed for my Daughter

Question from MW

Hi Debra,

Thank you very much for your terrific site! I am in the process of setting up a bed for my daughter who just graduated from a crib and want to make sure I am getting things right:

First, we purchased a natural latex mattress for her from the Clean Bedroom, it is the Naturally Organic Little Sprout Mattress (which I understand is manufactured by Sleeptek of Canada). I expected it to have a latex odor when it arrived but it does not. Should I be concerned that it is not natural latex inside? Or is it possible that some latex would not have an odor?

Second, I am looking for barrier pillow protectors for her pillows. At Target I found an Organic Cotton Pillow Encasement by Allerease. This is a much cheaper protector than I have found elsewhere. The package says that it is “made with 100% organic cotton that is naturally finished and chemical free.” I am not sure what “naturally finished” means. Does this mean that there is some type of coating on the fabric that they regard as “natural.”? I would love to be able to use these but don’t want to if they have anything on the surface. I would appreciate any insight you might have here!

Thank you very much,

Debra’s Answer

It’s possible that some latex might not have an odor.

About the pillow protectors, yes, that would mean there is some kind of finish on the fabric that is made from natural ingredients. Often fabrics have some kind of finish on them that washes right out. If you have a concern, call the company for more information.

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Residential VOC/toxicity testing in Oregon

Question from kris

Greetings Debra,

We relocated to Oregon in part to escape heavy pollution in LA as we have a son who has autism and suffers from enhanced allergy attacks.

Themove has helped a lot, but I’m learning now of toxins potentially in the home and I’m not sure where to start.

Is there testing available on the residential scale that could let me know of contaminants and their levels?

I see lots of kits online but I’m not sure which to choose and we cannot seem to find an air quality service here in Oregon (near Eugene).

Thank you for any help and for your website.

Debra’s Answer

One of the services I offer is home inspections, where I can go to a home or non-industrial workspace, evaluate the toxic chemicals there and tell you how to replace them with safe products. I am available to travel anywhere in the world.

I’ve been doing this for more than thirty years, so I can identify toxic products by looking at them and recognizing toxic materials.

You could have someone come out and take a variety of tests for thousands of dollars. I don’t do those tests and don’t recommend them because they aren’t very useful for finding specific chemicals. Rather, if you know the chemical is there, it can measure how much is there.

It’s not so important to me to know the levels because I like to eliminate any toxic chemicals found.

You could start with any of the home test kits.

The fastest thing to do would be to have me come take a look, as I can tell you what’s toxic, which are most toxic and therefore most important to improve first, and tell you what to replace it with.

I also answer questions over the phone.

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Someone Who Can’t Read, Can’t Read a Toxics Warning Label

heidi-sanner-soapMy guest today is Sharon Hillestad, the most passionate advocate I’ve ever met for helping children learn to read. Today we’ll be talking about how important it is to be able to read to protect yourself and your family from toxic chemicals in consumer products, why we need to reform how reading is taught in schools, and what you can do right now to help someone you might know learn to read using the time-tested method of phonics. Sharon is the Director of Tutors at the Community Learning Center in Clearwater, Florida, a literacy organization formed to service children who need more phonics education that they are getting in school. She earned her elementary education degree in 1966 and was a classroom teacher in Wisconsin and Minnesota. From 1977-1986, Sharon was a leader in the Home Schooling Movement. She joined the Reading Reform Foundation in 1980 and was its Minnesota Representative for five years; now she is the Florida State Representative for The National Right to Read Foundation, which continues the work of the earlier foundation. Sharon is “the mother of three wonderful adult children and 12 brilliant grandchildren.” |





Someone Who Can’t Read, Can’t Read a Toxics Warning Label

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Sharon Hillestad

Date of Broadcast: February 24, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic-free. And it is a toxic world. There are many, many toxic chemicals. But not everything is toxic. And that’s what we learn about on this show, how to identify what’s toxic and learn about how it can affect us, but also learn how to do the things to eliminate toxic exposures from our lives and to remove toxic chemicals from our bodies.

It is Monday, February 24th. I’m here in Clearwater, Florida. And my guest today is a friend of mine, Sharon Hillestad. And she is one of the most passionate advocates I’ve ever met for helping children learn how to read.

Now, why are we doing a show about helping children how to read? It’s because if someone can’t read, they can’t read a toxics warning label. They can’t read my website. They can’t read my book. They can’t any kind of information on a label that might tell them that something is toxic.

And so, I think that in addition to having everybody know how to read—this is kind of off the subject, but related—I think we also need to be looking at the fact that toxics warning information is in words (and I was thinking about this this morning). And if people can’t read them, they can’t find out it’s a toxic product. We need to have visual (like there’s the skull and crossbones). But our warning label system actually has a few different levels. And there’s only a visual for the most dangerous. So in addition to skull and crossbones, we should maybe have a yellow and red and green patch or something on the label, so that people can tell at a glance, visually if this product is safe or has some degree of toxic exposure.

But for now, since we don’t have that, today we’re going to talk about reading. And we’re going to talk about what the problems are about why children can’t read. Did you know that we have so many children who are going through school, and they don’t know how to read? We’re going to talk about that. And we’re going to also talk about what you can do to help children who are not reading—or even adults who are not reading—because we all need to learn how to read. We all need to know how to read.

I’ll tell you that my parents taught me how to read when I was four years old. They didn’t leave it to the school systems. They taught me how to read. So when I went to kindergarten, I already knew how to read (and my other classmates didn’t). And they actually thought I was so precocious that they took me out of kindergarten, and they put me in first grade because I knew how to read.

Anyway… hi, Sharon!


DEBRA: Thanks so much for being here. Sharon, how did you become interested in the problem of reading?

SHARON HILLESTAD: Well, I was always curious because even when I was going to grade school in a country school in Wisconsin, all 8th grade—you kind of get a view on a lot of things that way—there were two boys in my school that did not learn how to read. The teacher was still working with them when one of them was in eighth grade and trying still to learn how to read.

And then, I went to teacher’s college, and then I taught school in Minnesota and Wisconsin (not so very many years, the first two years in the ‘60s). And I found that there would be two or three children in each class that I taught that were in the lower reading group, struggling to learn how to read. And I realized I had really [inaudible 03:48] to teach them.

And then, later, when I had my own children, then it really hit me, that if this child that I had, if he goes to school, he’s going to be taught like the way I was teaching, and he’s going to be at the bottom of the class.

So, that’s when I got super interested. I read a book called Why Johnny Can’t Read. And it made all the difference in how I taught my own child and how I’ve been teaching other children since then.

DEBRA: Well, what does that book say?

SHARON HILLESTAD: That book reveals the fact that—it’s called Why Johnny Can’t Read. Johnny can’t read because Johnny hasn’t been taught all the English language words. The book was published in 1955. And it became a bestseller. Parents were reading it all over the place. I even heard about it as a child.

The book exposed the fact that how first graders were being taught to read had changed. For a thousand years or so, children had been taught to learn the sounds of the letters, and then blends those sounds to words. They then learned grammar and saw how the words get organized so that you can have a comprehensive sentence.

Well, that all changed.

By the time I was trained as a teacher—and this is by the book. It was so pertinent to me because this was exactly how I had been taught to teach kids to read, with whole words: up, down, Dick, Jane, […]—you know, flash card words rather than phonic drills. And in fact, I had been taught not to teach phonics. That drilling was detrimental to a student. And of course, there are some children that are not going to learn to read unless they do learn phonics.

Anyway, what was also pointed out is how dyslexia gets established. It’s a child who doesn’t learn to read easily.

Some people learn to read very easily. I think you must’ve at age four?

DEBRA: I think I must have. And I also think that I must’ve been taught with phonics because even today, if I come up against a word that I don’t know, I will just sound it out by each syllable. I never learned to just recognize a word as a word. I learned each syllable and putting those syllables together. And I still use that today. And I never had problems reading—never, never, never—once I learned it.

I know that you’re writing a book that hasn’t been published yet. I was looking through your book, but I was also looking through some websites that you gave me the URL’s of. And one of them was talking about how there’s—and we’ll talk more about the cider. But one of them has 44 parts of the language. And if you know that there’s only 44, and you learn them, and you put them together, then it’s so easy. It’s like a puzzle. You just put the pieces together and it forms a word. You can read that word, and then you can know what it sounds like. You can get the definition of that word, and you have a word. It’s just so easy.

But when that is not learned by a child, then I can see great difficulties—great difficulties.

We’ll talk more about that later. But you read the book, and then what happened? Tell us more about how you went from there to where you are today.

SHARON HILLESTAD: Oh, wow! When I read the book, I realized that what I had been taught to teach them in my teacher’s college was actually a toxic curriculum. So it’s not just chemicals that are toxic, but this curriculum was toxic.

Anyway, it changed everything for me. And I homeschooled my son. Reading did not come natural for him. So it had to be done step by step, little by little, and work on getting a win. Get a gain, “Oh, we know this. We can read this small book, now we can read a bigger one.” And he ended up being a scientist. He works as a scientist at the Mayo Clinic. He’s wonderful. He can write scientific papers. He got his PhD.

Well, I didn’t think that was ever going to happen when the child was seven years old and wasn’t reading. My only goal was to make sure that he could handle his life as a literate person. I didn’t know he was going to go away past me, you know? But he did!

And so that’s what happens when we just do things correctly.

See, there’s a new label. We’re quite used to the label “ADD” which is “attention deficiency disorder.” Well, there’s another label that is more appropriate—and it’s NBT. NBT stands for “never been taught.” So there are children who had never been taught the sounds of the letters or how the vowels make the various sounds.

DEBRA: I need to interrupt you for a minute because we need to go to break. But we’ll talk more about this when we come back.

My guest today is Sharon Hillestad. She’s an advocate for reading. She’s the Director of Tutors at the Community Learning Center in Clearwater, Florida. She’s a friend of mine. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. And we’ll be right back!


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Sharon Hillestad. She’s an advocate for helping children to read by using phonics and the Director of Tutors at the Community Learning Center in Clearwater, Florida.

She’s also the Florida State Representative for the National Right to Read Foundation. They also help children learn to read through phonics.

If you go to, you can get the website address for her Community Learning Center and also for the National Right to Read Foundation (which has a lot of resources on it).

So Sharon, tell us more. Before the break, you were talking about not taught children (hasn’t been taught). So tell us more about that. But also, tell us what are the problems that are going on today with why children aren’t learning to read.

SHARON HILLESTAD: Oh, there are some huge problems that result from that because when children are in class, and they’re unable to comprehend what’s happening, they can’t keep up with the other students or do the worksheets, then they may act up. It’s actually pretty certain that they’re going to act out.

So then they get in trouble. They become fidgety, and they can’t focus. And so then we end up with them being on drugs.

The recent statistic I heard is like one in seven children are now diagnosed ADD or ADHD (hyperactive thrown in there). And then, of course, the remedy is not to give them an easier gradient, like teach them the sounds of the letters and so forth and teach them to blend.

So, it’s not just how the child in here that knew all the sounds of the letters, but he didn’t have enough practice in blending the sounds.

DEBRA: Give us an example of what blending would be.

SHARON HILLESTAD: So, the letter A, the most common sound that it makes is ă as in “apple.” So to learn how to blend B and A together, he actually needs to have someone model it for him like going “ba… ba, ra, ca, da, fa…” So, he’s using the blending. And he knew the individual sounds.

So, that’s the problem. Putting him on drugs is not going to assist him. And even flunking him in first grade, and then doing the same program the next year is not going to assist him. So I was able to set his mother up so that she can teach him. She’ll do the blending the exercises that he needs.

Our English language have almost like 15 vowel sounds. So those five vowels like A can make three different sounds, and it depends upon the pattern of words that it’s done.

So, when you study the subject, well then you know how to teach it […] And there are plenty of ways to study the subject now. There are lots of books on it. And it doesn’t take very long to be able to teach someone else how to read.

It took 60 years to really teach all the teachers how not to teach correctly. It took that long because the teachers that were in the classroom that knew how to do it refused to just Dick & Jane flash cards. But they were often teaching in secret. They weren’t supervised so closely. Now they are supervised so closely that even if they know how to do this, they probably won’t be allowed to do it.

I mean, this seems to be pretty incredible, but it’s true.

DEBRA: It does seem incredible.

So, tell us how children are taught to read today supposedly—how they’re being taught, but not reading. How are they being taught that ends up with them not reading?

SHARON HILLESTAD: There’s something called the DOLCH word. Your audience can google that, and they can download all the DOLCHE word.

Well, the kindergarten children have to learn a set number of DOLCHE words, 40 of them I think. And for instance, they will have all the sounds of A in those words without seeing the same sound several times. They will see it in different ways. They’ll get the word “wall.” So these are “wall” words. They’re stuck up on the wall.” Well here, the A has the third sound the “au” sound. And they’ll have the word like “ate”, and now it has what they call the long A sound. Then they’ll have the word “at” which has the short A sound.

And this happens with every single vowel. So then, the children, they have to memorize these words. So then they’re just memorizing them as pictures (like the word becomes a symbol).

And then, if they get phonics later, for some, alright, they’ll now be able to go back and sound out that first sound.

They have the first thing that they learned—did you ever try to re-learn something. Just as an older person, learning the computer, there are some things I still do by hand rather than computers just because learning can be kind of painful and you’d just rather do it the old way.

So, if we teach children, first of all, to memorize whole words, and now we’re going to teach them some phonics—seldom do they teach them enough of it actually or drill it enough—there’s going to be a certain number of kids kind of fall to the bottom. And I noticed that even when I was teaching in the ‘60s, I didn’t have too many classrooms, but in my third grade classroom, every single classroom I had had two to three kids that were struggling with reading, about a year behind. Well, that counts up if every classroom has that. That kind of statistic, we end up with 90 million adults who cannot read above the fourth grade level.

DEBRA: Ninety million adults? Like rig ht now, there are 90 million adults who can’t read in the world or in the United States?

SHARON HILLESTAD: Right! That’s called functionally illiterate. Literate means you can read and write. Illiterate you cannot read and write. And we can expect that we’re going to have illiterate people that have never been taught to read and write. But functionally illiterate, that label came only after people were—oh, I’ll get off. Is this break time again?

DEBRA: It’s time to go to the break. But we’ll talk about this when we come back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Sharon Hillestad. And we’re talking about reading and the necessity of being literate because, if you can’t read, you can’t read a toxics warning label. You can’t read about toxic chemicals and safer alternatives. So we need to know how to read.

We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is Sharon Hillestad.

She’s from the Community Learning Center in Clearwater, Florida. And she’s also the Florida State Representative for the National Right to Read Foundation. So, she’s one of the most passionate advocates I’ve ever met for helping children learn to read. And we’re talking about this today because if a person can’t read, they can’t read a toxics warning label. They can’t read any of the information needed to educate themselves about what’s toxic and what’s not.

We could do things like put visual warning labels on products. I can make more videos, things like that. But people need to read.

Sharon, tell us more reasons why people need to read.

SHARON HILLESTAD: Well, wouldn’t you want the truck driver in front of you able to read?

DEBRA: Yes! Yes, it’s kind of crazy when you think about how many people don’t know how to read. They can’t read street signs. They can’t read instructions on a cake mix. They can’t read a magazine. They can’t read the deposit slip at the bank.

SHARON HILLESTAD: Yes. And this is a new label that we didn’t use to have. It’s called “functional illiterate.” So a person who’s functionally illiterate is one who has been to school. You’re an illiterate if you haven’t been taught.

But you’re a functional illiterate if you’ve been taught, but you haven’t learned.

DEBRA: Oh, my God!

SHARON HILLESTAD: So that’s why it’s called “functional illiterate.” It’s reading at a fourth grader below level.

And it’s determined that if you read at this level, you cannot handle many of the words.

I had a 22-year old woman who came in here about five years ago. And she wanted to do better on her job. She was a nursing assistant. She actually couldn’t get to be a nursing assistant. She was kind of just stuck in the kitchen or some place. And it was because she could not read the words on the test that would allow her to move up in her job.

She was a very smart girl, but she never caught on to the phonics. So at 11th grade, she quit school. She didn’t graduate. And her reading level was a little over second grade as far as the tests that I could give her. She did not know how to work with the vowels at all.

And so, in just a very few lessons, her reading started to improve because she knew her short vowel sounds.

Then we worked on the letter teams, the ea and all the letter team type things, ou. She called me up near Christmas time that year, “Sharon, I just read the word ‘ornament’” she says, “Dang! I didn’t think I could ever do that.”

Anyway, eventually, that girl was able to take the test and get the job that she wanted to get, move up. She was able to get more money. And I saw her out in public one time. She stopped me and told me, “You see that car over there? I was just able to buy that because of you.” It was really because of her, because she had the nerve to just call up and demand to learn to read. She told me over the phone, she says, “Well, yeah, I can read, but I can’t read all the words on the back of my driver’s license.”

She couldn’t read all the words. She thought she had to memorize all of them.

Anyway, two years later, I’m tutoring her kindergartener and her second grader. And they’re sounding out words like “cat” and “cut” and “bat” and “bit.” She’s watching them, and she said, “Sharon, I didn’t know how to do that when I was their age, did I?” “You sure didn’t. You had to wait until you were 22 years old before somebody,” which was me at that time, “taught you how to do that.”

And so that’s the miracle that can be done by people who just know the phonics method, have a program. And by all means, I encourage all your listeners to go to your website because they can download a phonics program.

DEBRA: Yeah, just go to, and you’ll see Sharon’s description of the show today. It has the website address for the Community Learning Center, but also for the National Right to Read Foundation because they have so many materials there. You can just download them, and you can start helping your child to read. You can start helping an adult that you know who doesn’t know how to read or who is functionally illiterate.

You can help them learn how to read.

Sharon, when did they start not teaching phonics? I think I must’ve slipped in right under the edge there because I did have phonics and that’s what my parents knew to do. When did they stop teaching that?

SHARON HILLESTAD: Yeah, some school districts have thrown out all the phonics materials and muzzled their phonics teachers as early as the ‘30s.


SHARON HILLESTAD: And so then students that needed that direction weren’t getting it starting in the ‘30s.

Well now teachers kept teaching it anyway (including my teacher). So I had Dick & Jane books, but I also had a phonics workbook. Well, it would be better not to have to have Dick & Jane and just do the phonics for a while, so that when you learn that A says ă, you’ll learn a whole bunch of words where it says ă. And if you learn I says ĭ, you’ll learn a whole bunch of words.

In fact, if the children just learns the short vowel sounds—ă, ĕ, ĭ, ŏ, ŭ (these are the short vowels of the five vowels)—they would be able to read over 1500 words without memorization (i.e. fast, mop, sit). Look at the confidence then that they would have in that. So then you can teach them what the E does to the vowel, then you can teach them the double vowels and the reason why the vowels change their sounds. And it’s a big game.

Instead of that, we’re just making it a total drudgery for the children because they have to memorize words like their pictures. And children will do that. But you know what? It adds up. By the time they get in fourth grade, they can’t memorize more words. And if they haven’t realized themselves that they can find out words or somebody hasn’t taught them, then they will be a very low level reader. They won’t read books. They just won’t read books, then they won’t write books. And they won’t write letters to the editor.

DEBRA: They just won’t communicate. And communication is so fundamental to life. I think the most important thing in life at all is communication. If you can’t communicate—I mean, a lot of people can communicate verbally, but the written word is so important as well in today’s world to get your message out, whatever it is that you have to say.

And just having that confidence that you know that you can communicate I think makes a big difference for people.

We need to take the next break, but we’ll be right back. My guest is Sharon Hillestad. She’s the Director of Tutors at the Community Learning Center in Clearwater, Florida, and also the Florida representative for the National Right to Read Foundation. Actually, we do have the right to be able to read.

So, you can go to my website, find out how to get to her websites at And we’ll be back that. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. We’ll be back in a minute.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is Sharon Hillestad.

She’s the Director of Tutoring at the Community Learning Center in Clearwater, Florida. And we’re talking about reading today because if you can’t read, you can’t read a toxics warning label.

There are so much information that we need to have in order to protect ourselves from toxic chemicals in consumer products today that we need to be able to read and get that information because not all of it is on radio, not all of it is visual. You need to be able to read.

And if you know somebody who doesn’t read or is functionally illiterate, then there’s something you can do. You can help them learn to read with phonics.

You know, Sharon, I was just thinking over the break that, in the dictionary—and I even looked it up to make sure I was right—the words are spelled out in syllables.


DEBRA: And so we haven’t lost that in the dictionary.

SHARON HILLESTAD: No, right. And so if the child can find out these small words, then all the syllables are, they can find both up three or four letters at a time. And of course, each syllable has one vowel sound. And so they just go from vowel sound to vowel sound.

I think there’s something perhaps the listeners might be interested in—and that is the definition of dyslexia.

DEBRA: Oh, please tell us.

SHARON HILLESTAD: Well, during the ‘20s, parents thought that something had to be wrong with their children’s brains because their children weren’t learning to read. And so they took their kids to Dr. Samuel Orton.

Now, Dr. Samuel Orton was a neurosurgeon and one of the very first brain doctors.

Now, Dr. Orton looked over the kids’ brains and couldn’t find anything wrong with them. So then he started to look over how they were being taught to read. And he found, one for one, every children brought to him had been taught to read with the new method at that time which was whole word.

So, what he did is he got phonics teachers. And there were a bunch of them around since this was during the ‘20s. He got these phonics teachers to work with the kids and put them through a phonics program. And every single one recovered and became able to read.

He concluded that they would never have had a reading problem if they had been taught with phonics in the first place. He’s the one that named this brain problem “dyslexia.” And the symptoms of dyslexia are a lot of reversals, […], and misunderstanding in reading. And the cure was teach them how the language works.

The English language does have a complex phonics system. It’s not a one for one. Some of our letters make more than one sound. And some of our sounds are made in two or three different ways. So, to not teach it step by step and carefully is criminal as far as I’m concerned. I just consider it absolutely criminal.

So, that’s what we’re trying to handle here. Any teacher who wants to learn how to do it right can come here and we’ll show them how.

DEBRA: I was thinking about how this applies to so many different things. I’m a very good reader, but I’m not good at math. And I think that I was taught well to read by being taught through phonics, but I wasn’t taught in whatever the equivalent is of phonics about how to understand numbers and how to understand math.

It actually wasn’t until maybe 10 years ago that I read a book (the name of it escapes me at the moment). It was all about numbers. It was just about the numbers one through ten. And it showed how the number appeared in nature and different characteristics of the number.

And so it wasn’t just an abstract thought that this is a one or a three. It really had meaning. There was like poetry and mythology and all these things. It’s like the numbers became real to me.

And I think that one can be taught any subject by breaking it down into those essential pieces, and then you can put it together. Like I’m a really good cook. I learned how to cook when I was six years old. But a lot of people who would be like “cooking illiterate,” they could pick up a cookbook, and it could say, “Beat the egg, and sauté the mushrooms,” and they would have no idea if that meant if they could read it. They would not understand what those terms meant because they haven’t learned the bits and pieces.

But once you learn how to boil water and beat an egg and those kinds of things, you can put that together to make all kinds of food.

And I think that’s true for probably any subject.

SHARON HILLESTAD: Sure, you got to learn it step by step and learn the essentials and learn the easiest things first.


SHARON HILLESTAD: Boiling water is like the foundation. If we taught the children the sounds of B, A and T, and then taught them that B and A together would blend out “ba” and then help them to blend out the whole world—you know, you just teach the easiest thing first.

I had this little first grader that was in here Friday night. One of his words was penguin. Now, he’ll remember that word because it’s the longest word in the book. It starts with a P. Okay, so that’s “penguin.” But that’s the way a lot of kids are learning to read. What’s the first letter? Then they guess it from the context of the sentence.

So, I had a mother recently bring in three children that we’re helping. I checked out the mom, and she’s reading under a third grade level, and she didn’t even know it. She knew she was a bad speller, but she didn’t know she was that bad of a reader because she would guess words. She’d just guess, “Oh, if it starts with a D, it must be blah.” Anyway…

DEBRA: Wow! It’s just so unnecessary. In some ways, what you’re talking about is as unnecessary as people being exposed to toxic chemicals because we know what the answer is. We know that the way to teach children how to read is use phonics. We know that there are non-toxic products available for every toxic product that there is. It’s just a matter of knowing these things.

And it’s so unnecessary for people to not read. It’s so unnecessary for people to be made ill by toxic chemical exposure. It’s just making that choice, you know?

SHARON HILLESTAD: Yeah, it’s solving problems. And the inability to solve problems starts with an unwillingness to confess to the problem.

So, the simplest thing is to just look, and then evaluate. Now, what’s wrong with this? What’s right with this? And then, do something about it.

And so, I’m glad you’re doing what you’re doing in your field of expertise. And I hope I help as many people as you do.

DEBRA: Well, I’m sure you do, Sharon, because it’s just so fundamental. I mean, I think what each of us are doing is just one of those fundamental things of life.

We’re almost getting to the end of the show. There was one more thing that I wanted to mention that I know you work with too—and that is looking up words in the dictionary.

I mean, you can read, you could write, and then the next step is about understanding and being able to communicate to another person and have that person understand what you’re saying, have that other person’s communication have you understand what it’s saying. And as a writer, I look up a lot of words. I just look up a lot of words. I try to use the correct word for what it is that I’m wanting to say. And if I’m ever uncertain, I look up the words.

And to look up words in the dictionary, you need to be able to read. You need to be able to see those syllables and put them together as a word.

I would just encourage anybody who hasn’t been using a dictionary to get a dictionary. You even have to get a paper one because they’re online. I use online dictionaries all the time. I have one built into my computer. It came with my computer. It’s actually my paper dictionary. And so you have that comprehension.

In the field of toxics, there are so many words that are new words that people don’t know what those words even mean. And so it’s something that you have to learn. You need to learn what formaldehyde is and how it affects you if you’re going to understand what people are talking about when they’re discussing this subject.

And unfortunately, this is a subject that people need to know something about.

So, I just wanted to get that in on this show.

SHARON HILLESTAD: Oh, we’re very big on dictionary too. And in fact, we give dictionaries away to families to make sure that they have a dictionary in their home because a lot of families don’t. It’s good if they can get online and get it, but there are families that don’t have computers or maybe it’s just not handy. I think it’s handy sometimes just to look it up on a regular dictionary.

DEBRA: I think so too. I have several regular dictionaries in my house. I have one next to the bed. So if I’m reading in bed, I’m not going to jump out of bed and go look in the computer.

SHARON HILLESTAD: Right, yeah, yeah.

DEBRA: But also, I’m happy that I have a dictionary in my cellphone, so that if I’m out some place, I can just look up a word.

SHARON HILLESTAD: Oh, yeah. There’s no excuse these days. There’s just no excuse not to understand what you’re talking about and what you’re hearing.

Do you know, also, when we talk about illiteracy, being able to read what other people write, and then being able to write what you want to write—

I read two months ago that people would put ads on the Internet to sell things, and they would misspell the term.

One guy caught on to that. He was looking through the ads for a whole bunch of machines. And he saw one that was spelled very oddly. And he thought, “I wonder if they mean something else.” And he got something that should’ve cost him about $150 for $25.

DEBRA: Wow! I need to interrupt you now because the show is over.


DEBRA: The music is going to come on in about five seconds. So thank you so much for being with me, Sharon.

This is Sharon Hillestad. Please go to Toxic Free Talk Radio. Find out how to get to her website. And find out more about how you can help people learn how to read with phonics.

I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio.

PCBs Are Still Present in Some Consumer Products

Polychlorinated biphenyls, aka PCBs, have been banned in the United States since 1979. Recent studies, however, have found that one PCB in particular, PCB 11, is still being found in yellow pigments commonly used in paint and for printing clothing and paper. It’s leaching into the air and water and also found in human blood samples.

“For the current study, Rodenburg and other researchers tested readily available consumer goods for the chemical. They found PCB 11 in all 16 pieces of the yellow-printed clothing they tested, most of them children’s items. They also found it in all 28 ink-treated paper samples, including maps, glossy magazine advertisements, postcards, and colored newsprint, that were manufactured abroad. And it was in 15 out of 18 U.S.-manufactured paper goods tested. According to other research, the chemical is also present in yellow paint.”

PCBs Banned for Decades but Still Lurking in Some Yellow Products

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Safe Glue for Toilet Installation

Question from Angelique

The plumbers can fasten almost all the pipes in our bathroom with “no hub bands,” which are rubber bands and metal clamps (I assume this is the safest thing for me!)

However, the ring where the toilet meets the floor has to be glued, and our plumber warned us that this is a very stinky glue that the chemically-sensitive clients he knows could smell for days. I don’t know if I need to be too worried about it, as we will still have weeks of remodeling after they glue that thing in, but still, I’d like to know the safest and/or least smelly ABS glue.

Debra’s Answer

I’m not sure you need glue. There is a wax ring that seals the pipe.

Here are some instructions. No mention of glue. I’ve installed toilets in my house and don’t recall any glue.

How to Replace a Wax Ring

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Designing a Toxic-Free Home

Lisa Kauffman TharpMy guest today is Lisa K. Tharp, founder of K. Tharp Design. Lisa caught my attention when she demonstrated her understanding of design practices that are healthy for people the planet in her design of the award-winning Concord Green Healthy Home. We’ll be talking about how she incorporates toxic-free choices in design and how you can too. Plus, Lisa will share her 5 steps for recovery for people with MCS. K. Tharp Design is a full-service, boutique design firm specializing in luxury level interiors—environments thoughtfully designed to satisfy and delight the senses. Whether designing a relaxed beach house, gracious country home or sophisticated city residence, Lisa loves helping each client find and reflect their own personal style in spaces that are inviting, comfortable and functional. Lisa hit the Boston design scene in 2012, when her first project landed on the cover of Design New England magazine and was broadcast by This Old House Productions. Visual skills, honed from years of filming and photography during Lisa’s first career in video production and brand management (Time Life, HBO, Kraft General Foods) inform her sense of composition, lighting and scale. Inspired by each new project’s architecture, local vernacular and setting, Lisa calls upon classical proportions, modern form, fine art and nature itself to produce work described as “a fresh take on classic design”. She collaborates with architects and building teams on new construction and renovations, and often creates bespoke furnishings, lighting and original art for her clients.





Designing a Toxic-Free Home

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Lisa K. Tharp

Date of Broadcast: February 19, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world, how to live toxic-free. And we do that because there are so many toxic chemicals out there. But what we need to do is see the world through toxic-free glasses.

I had this idea the other day that it’s like if you were to say walk down the street and only look at people who are only wearing red shirts, you would walk down the street, and you’d be able to see a red shirt because you know what the color red is if you aren’t color blind (but most people know what the color red is).

If you gain the ability to understand what is toxic and what is toxic-free, you can go through the world and say, “This is toxic-free… this is toxic… this is toxic-free… this is toxic.”

And that’s what my work is about, being able to help you recognize what is toxic free and the things that you can do to reduce your toxic exposures and to eliminate toxic chemicals from your body.

Today is Wednesday, February 19th 2014. I’m here in Clearwater, Florida. The sun is shining. And we’re going to be talking about designing a toxic-free home today.

My guest is Lisa K. Tharp, Founder of K. Tharp Design. And I’ve been looking at Lisa’s website. As I’ve been waiting for the show to start, I looked at it before. But I’ve just been kind of browsing through it this morning. Her work has been featured, her toxic-free work has been featured in over a dozen mainstream design magazines in the last two years. He work is beautiful!

In fact, I chose a photo of one of her designs to be on the home page of my website. And she also understands what it means to be toxic-free.

Welcome to the show, Lisa.

LISA THARP: Hello! Thank you so much for having me. And thank you for your nice words about my work. Let me return the favor. Your work has been an absolute gift to everyone looking for information on healthy living. I know I use the Debra’s List regularly when I am checking up on new materials. So thank you for all that you’ve done for everyone.

DEBRA: Thank you, thank you. It’s my pleasure actually. I love doing this.

And you know, when I look at your designs, your test is just my taste. I would design something like that. You choose the same colors and you have the same sensibilities.

But before we get into all of that, tell everybody how you got interested in things that are toxic free. How did you get from being an average person who has no awareness of these issues into doing what you’re doing?

LISA THARP: Well, there’s always a particular pivotal event, isn’t there?

DEBRA: Yes, there is.

LISA THARP: I always, since I was a child, had a great interest in architecture and interior design. But my interest in healthy design came much later. I personally was exposed to toxic and moldy building materials for an extended period of time. And in the years that followed, I noticed that my immune system was really impacted.

And this was followed by losing two immediate family members both younger than me to cancer. And it was at that point I decided something is really wrong and I need to take action. I wasn’t sure at the time how to go about it, but I just started learning all that I could about creating a healthier indoor environment.

And I was frankly astounded at the simple things that are within our power to do. It’s just we need the information.


LISA THARP: And so, I took that information and decided to actually build a healthy house, not only for my own family, but also to model best practices, and use as many non-toxic materials as possible. So we built the Concord Green Healthy House. And I figured that so many others could benefit from all the time I spent doing the research and learning. And so I set up a blog, Concord Green, to blog about the journey along the way and feature many of the materials and design features that I was learning about and incorporating into the design.

And now I’m able to help my clients make their homes healthier too and try and do it as much as possible. I’m always suggesting ways that you can improve the health of your home.

DEBRA: I’m really impressed with how you’ve integrated the whole idea of using non-toxic materials with the other principles of how you design like bringing nature indoors and the colors that you use and vernacular design and things. So give us an overview of what your design philosophy is.

LISA THARP: Well, I do believe that we can learn a lot from our past when things were simpler. When you think about our ancestors, we built with deep respect for nature. They didn’t have the ability to turn on a thermostat switch. So they had to orient their homes towards the warm summer sun on the southern exposure and chill themselves from the northern winds with positioning their homes, your shade trees for summer shade and evergreens for winter, wind protection, these kinds of things.

And those are just examples. That’s a northeast example. Of course, in southern climates, the opposite would be true.

But the idea of our history in building science and in design is very reflective of nature’s realities. And the more we start to move away from that and make things a little bit overly complex, the more difficult things become. And I think that’s true with most things in life.

DEBRA: Yes, I think so too.

LISA THARP: But in design, my designs, I talk about the luxury of simplicity. You don’t need so much. You need to smartly design your spaces so that you have good storage where you need it, comfortable furniture, but no more than what you need. And we set out to try and prove that simplicity can still be lovely and beautiful and comfortable. It does not have to be Spartan.

I also love to reclaim and reuse things that are in good condition and are not moldy, repurpose things. I’ve done antique wood tables as a bath vanity, stuck some things in it for example.

So, my philosophy is that it’s got to be non-toxic (as non-toxic as possible), be a guard at your door and figure out what is safe to bring into your home. Treat your home like your sanctuary which is what it should be.

DEBRA: I also like to take old things and make them new in a toxic-free way. One of my favorite things is I used to be married to a man who—and we’re still very good friends—was very good with his hands. He had all those building and remodeling skills. And that’s how I got my house. He didn’t build it, but he remodeled it.

I needed an island for my kitchen. And so what we did was we just went out. One of the things we love to do was go to architectural salvage and go to antique stores and just see what kind of old, not moldy things, not toxic things, that we could come up and make them into something new.

But the kitchen island in my kitchen is made from an old Singer sewing machine table. It didn’t have the sewing machine in it anymore, but it had these good iron legs. And it still has the pedal on it. And so it’s this great conversation piece. We put a new top on it. And I just love it. I love it!

LISA THARP: It looks great! And it’s one of a kind. And that’s the nice thing about it.

DEBRA: It is one of a kind. It is, it is.

LISA THARP: You have a story and a memory associated with at piece.

Taking as much and putting your own personality and your own interest into your home is the best possible way to create a sanctuary that really reflects who you are.

And the flipside of course is to your point about not moldy. We have to be very careful when we’re salvaging. I got in trouble once on a project using a desk that was antique that turned out to be toxically moldy. The painter, his assistant, accidentally […] spewed lead dust and moldy spores everywhere. It was pretty much a disaster. So, you have to be very careful.

DEBRA: Yeah, you do.

LISA THARP: It’s a good thing to try and reuse things. But you do have to put your health at the first priority.

DEBRA: I think so too. And I think that that’s one of the things. There’s this big emphasis environmentally on re-use. But if we just re-use everything indiscriminately, we will end up running into a lot of toxic things.

LISA THARP: We need to take a break, but we’ll be right back. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Lisa K. Tharp, interior designer. She’s the Founder of K. Tharp Design. And when we come back, we’ll be talking about some toxic things that are found in interior design, products that we want to watch out for. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Lisa K. Tharp, Founder of K. Tharp Designs. She does very beautiful toxic-free designs. You might want to go take a look at her website which is

Lisa, before the break, we were talking about watching out for some toxic things like lead and mold in materials that we might re-use for design. Tell us about some other toxic chemicals that you’ve run into in the past that people should watch out for when they’re considering interior design projects.

LISA THARP: Sure! There are lots of different categories, but we could probably break them down into a few.

One is finishes, so paints and floor finishes are all going to be off-gassing if they’re typical or traditional type products. They will off-gas for a period of weeks, months or even years well after that new paint smell is gone.

There are resins and formaldehyde and adhesives in our furniture if it’s not solid sold. Our kitchen cabinetry, these are all, again, off-gassing and causing issues for the immune system.

There are some other things that are considerations that are not materials, per se, but the way our houses mechanically work. Is that okay for me to get into?

DEBRA: Sure, go ahead.

LISA THARP: So, any time we have things that are off-gassing, it’s affecting our indoor air quality. But the bigger problem is that we are then spreading the indoor air quality issue around.

DEBRA: Yes, do talk about that. Do talk about that.

LISA THARP: I point specifically to the wonder of forced hot air and central air conditioning. This, to me, is a central problem in our modern day house design.

During the oil crisis of the ‘70s, we started trying to be energy efficient without understanding the need for fresh air, so we ziplocked up our homes and tried to seal them tight.

Then we turned on the forced hot air and central air conditioning. And now we’re blowing whatever particulates, whatever off-gassing, whatever fumes that are in our space. We are now making them airborne and easy to breathe. It is my feeling that that is one of the main reasons why asthma rates are so on the rise in this country.

Furthermore, the duct work itself is typically a breathing ground mixture of dust and air conditioning condensation. So even if we don’t have a mold problem anywhere else in the house, we are probably breathing one in the duct work, and again, spreading it around by turning on those systems.

Also, another modern convenience is that we’ve attached our garages to our home. And sometimes, we’re even sleeping in rooms above our garage. You just don’t want to be sharing indoor air with car exhaust. And that’s pretty hard to avoid unless you’re not parking your car in the garage.

DEBRA: I don’t park my car in the garage.

LISA THARP: Okay. In fact, a lot of people don’t do that.

DEBRA: But another thing that I see (because one of the things that I do is I go to people’s homes and do a toxic assessment of them and tell them what’s toxic and what they can do about it), a lot of times what I see in homes is that the air intake for the central heating or air system is in the garage. And sitting next to this air intake are pesticide cans and cans of paint and things that are giving off fumes. It’s going right into the house.

LISA THARP: I mean, things that we grow up just assuming it was okay—the gasoline, the open can of gasoline for the lawn mower—all these things that we got used to growing up in a time when plastics were big and polyester was the miracle fabric, these are all things that we got accustomed to. Of course, you put pesticides on the lawn; that’s how you get a green lawn.

So, it’s a bit about stepping back and saying, “Let’s go back to a simpler time and see what we can learn.” Can we use simpler materials? Can we use simpler materials for our mattress? Does it have to be filled with polyurethane foam and flame retardant that we’re breathing in every night? Or can we use organic cotton, wool, natural latex? These are all options for us that are all healthier than the typical mattress products that are being sold to us.

So, it’s about stepping back and just really thinking. And once you do that, it starts to become quite easy. And then it’s just a matter of looking around and saying, “What resources are available to me? How do I substitute out the toxic floor finish for something that’s safe—or the paint?” It’s just a matter of making a little bit of advanced planning, preparation. And then you can solve most of these problems pretty easily.

DEBRA: I find that it’s pretty easy to solve them too. And I’ve been doing this for more than 30 years. And 30 years ago, it was a lot more difficult to find these products. But now today, there are of course specialty products that you have to get online or from a specialty boutique store. But even places like Home Depot and Lowe’s, you can go and buy a less toxic paint or some of these supplies.

I have a rug in my hallway, a 100% wool rug, that I just bought at Home Depot—not ‘just’, I bought it 12 years ago at Home Depot. But it’s not impossible to find these things in mainstream stores now. You just need to know where to be looking and what to look for. Things have changed a lot.

LISA THARP: And there are two levels of action. The first is the building envelope itself. I don’t want to minimize that. Not everyone has a chance to build a house from scratch. They have an HVAC system currently in their home. And so people say to me, “Well, what do I do with my existing situation?” There are things one can do and we can talk more about that if you like in some detail. But the things that have to do with the building envelope are more complex. But again, there are things even there that you can do even without leaving your current home.

DEBRA: I find that too. In fact, I love to take old houses and fix them up.

We need to go to break. But we’ll talk about all the great things that you can do with the building envelope and inside the rooms when we come back with Lisa K. Tharp. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio.

We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is Lisa K. Tharp, Founder of K. Tharp Design. Her website is She does beautiful toxic-free interior design.

So Lisa, let’s talk about design now and the solutions that you’ve come up with. We could talk a lot about toxic chemicals and safer materials. But first, I want to ask you how, if at all, does design choices play into being a solution for making things less toxic?

LISA THARP: And when you say “design choices,” are you talking about interior…

DEBRA: I’m not talking materials. I’m not talking about materials, but I’m asking—I don’t know the answer to this question. Is it possible that making choices that have to do with design choices could then reduce a toxic exposure? I’m thinking of, for example, if you put a window on a south-facing wall, then it would help bring in heat, and you would have to use less light bulbs.

LISA THARP: Oh, okay, building design.

DEBRA: And so both in the building design and in choices that you might make with furnishings, are there design choices that could be made that would give a less toxic result? Maybe you would make a choice to use a material that you wouldn’t have to then paint or something like that.

LISA THARP: Right, right. Yes, absolutely. So, on the building envelop itself, if you research just a little bit about passive design, you’ll understand that heating and cooling as much as possible without mechanical means is the best way to go.

DEBRA: I agree.

LISA THARP: So yes, if you’re in a northern climate, most of your windows should be on the southern side of the house. If you can build large shade trees that are deciduous so they drop their leaves in the winter so they get all the sun in, and they shade the home in the summer time, that’s all great.

So, as much as you can do passively as possible…

And then, mechanically, I would do everything you can to avoid blowing systems. I recommend hot water radiant or radiators. This is under the floor, the radiant; and radiators, there are modern radiators that are nothing like the steam clunkers that you think of at your older homes. I would make sure that you order them uncoated because some of them are coated with epoxies that continue to off-gas when the hot water heats them.

For air conditioning, ceiling fans are a wonderful choice—box fans, portable fans. But if you do really want air conditioning, I recommend either putting in a window AC unit here or there or using the newer ductless air conditioning. These are mini-splits, they’re called. All of these are detailed on the blog that I was writing that’s at There are articles on all of these choices and resources to learn more.

DEBRA: I’m going to go look at that, your article, especially about air conditioning because I’m faced with an air conditioning dilemma at this point in time. Living in Florida, you really have to have some kind of air conditioning half of the year. And it has as much to do with humidity as heat.

When I moved into this house, I had an old clunker air conditioner that kind of has been on its last leg ever since.

And right now, I don’t have air conditioning. It’s fine because it’s winter. But my thermostat went out and I’m going to have to get a new thermostat. But soon, I’m going to have to get a new air conditioning. To get a whole house air conditioning is thousands and thousands of dollars. And I’m really looking at what can I do instead of that.

LISA THARP: And you’re inviting all sorts of problems that we covered earlier in this conversation. The important thing too to avoid in any sort of air conditioning mechanical system is antimicrobial coating which have become very popular. Kenmore still offers the window unit that does not have those antimicrobial coating which are being used as big marketing slogans, but they’re not good for us.

DEBRA: They’re especially not good for us. I’m going to be writing about those soon.

LISA THARP: So, if you’re heating and cooling as much as possible, passively then, with smart mechanicals, bring in as much fresh air as you can. Open the windows if you’re in the heat of summer, in the early morning and late that night, to kind of flush the house. If you have the means to add in an energy recovery ventilator, that keeps the temperature from going out the window, but it brings fresh air in. You can also attach filters to it, HEPA filters, for particulates and carbon for off-gassing and fumes.

Those are all, again, mechanical things you can do to keep that fresh air coming in that we used to get automatically when our windows were draftier and our doors were draftier.

DEBRA: Yes, yes.

LISA THARP: The other thing I tell people is attics, not basements. If you want bonus space in your home, look up, don’t look down. Basements are notorious for humidity and mold. You do need to dehumidify in your basement. Even if you don’t have flooding, you need to ventilate it. And that can be as simple as hooking up a bathroom-type fan with some sort of small exhaust that’s got a screen on it so nothing, no one crawls in. Ventilate your basement.

And then, do everything you can to disconnect that basement air from the rest of your interior space. So if folks have interior doors to their basement, I tell them to weather strip all around it, so that any sort of moisture air is not really mixing. You’re trying to minimize the sharing of air from your main living spaces to your basement.

And then, there are all of the wonderful non-toxic materials that are out there now. “Green,” I learned, does not necessarily equal healthy. In fact, some of the most difficult insulation choices you can have in your home would be closed cell insulation. It’s the pride and joy of energy efficiency. But it will give you headaches and all sorts of other nasty impacts if you’re at all sensitive.

So, question the necessity of each chemical that’s coming into your home. Do I need to seal my dining room table or is it fine—you know, that more patina’d look?

Check for any allergens. A lot of people are allergic to the terpenes found in various species of wood, so you do need to seal it. But seal it with something that’s non-toxic.

Be like a bouncer at the door. “You can’t come in unless you meet certain criteria.”

DEBRA: Yeah! I like that. I like that a lot.

LISA THARP: And one of my favorite lines—and I don’t get paid by them to say this. ECOS Organics is a line from the UK that now manufactures here States-side. And they have not only in my opinion the best non-toxic paint, they also have non-toxic floor finishes. They have sealers, radiator paints. Their line is terrific.

DEBRA: Yeah, I had them on. I interviewed with them. And they are! I love their line too.

LISA THARP: Oh, great.

DEBRA: We need to go to break, but we’ll be right back. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And I’m here with my guest today, Lisa K. Tharp, Founder of K. Tharp Design. And that’s And you’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Lisa K. Tharp, Founder of K. Tharp Design. And we’ve been talking about how to create toxic-free interiors, designing a toxic-free home.

Lisa, we’re in our last segment now, so we only have a short period of time. But I want to make sure that you get a little bit of time to talk about the design aspect, the furnishing aspects as well as the building envelope. And then, there’s another thing that we want to talk about later as well. So let’s get this all in.

LISA THARP: Okay! Well, I think the first thing I tell folks is to remove wall-to-wall carpeting if at all possible.

DEBRA: That’s the first thing I say too!

LISA THARP: Go with bare floors. You can paint them. You can seal them with the non-toxic varnishes, tile floors, concrete floors. You can do beautiful things. So that’s a major area to hit right away. I use all natural textiles whenever possible. I avoid stain treatments. I use solid wood furniture or unfinished, untreated wicker.

And I can just send the paint to the manufacturer and have them put non-toxic paint on things.

I love using upholstery that is either slip covers so it’s washable, removable cushions, and washable covers.

These are all great tricks of the trade to make sure that your home is both comfortable and also safe.

DEBRA: Yes. And there are a lot of materials now. As I’ve said earlier, 30 years ago when I started, it was really difficult to get these things. But now, you can get them. Everything that you could need to do an interior in your home, you can do in a toxic-free way. Wouldn’t you say that’s true?

LISA THARP: Absolutely!

DEBRA: It’s pretty easy.

LISA THARP: It just takes paying attention to it, doing a little bit of research, tapping into all of the folks out there who are moving in this direction with furniture lines and finishes, et cetera.

DEBRA: And even accessories and pillows and all those kinds of little things. I would say that there’s really not a limit on what kind of design you could create and doing it toxic-free. It’s not like you have to do it all in beige or anything like that.

LISA THARP: That’s absolutely true. You know, a lot of green design was very modern-looking. And again, with the Concord Green Healthy House, I set out to try and show that healthy and green design can also look very traditional. I mean, it’s a very fairly traditional vernacular with a bit of a fresh twist in places.

DEBRA: It is very traditional, yeah.

LISA THARP: You do not need to be limited. You just need to do a little bit of extra homework. Anything is possible.

DEBRA: I would totally agree.

So, you put together, on your blog, five steps for chemical sensitivity recovery. And I thought that we should talk about that because not only does it apply to people specifically who have immune system problems, but it really is—the points that you put together, I completely agree with. And I think they apply to anybody who is needing to recover from any kind of chemical damage. And that’s just about everybody who lives in our toxic world. Some people are more recovered than others, but we’ve all been affected.

So, let’s just go through those five points.

LISA THARP: Sure! I mean, it’s the belief that, just like with the architecture, the return to nature. It’s the belief that your body is powerful and that your immune system knows what to do. Why are we having all these epidemics of life-threatening food allergies and hypersensitivity and autoimmune disorders, all sorts of things? It’s because our immune systems are a bit on overdrive or they’re overburdened.

So, it’s all about taking a few simple steps to unburden the immune system and let it do its own job. And I’ve seen amazing recoveries time and time again.

So, in step one—which is what we’ve been focusing on—is creating a safe home environment that allows your body to begin a healing process.

Step two is physical. Your body was designed to work. And even if you’re bedridden, start doing little things in bed that you can do to make yourself stronger. Build up to walking each day, getting outside and getting as much fresh air into your lungs and sweating and absorbing that sunshine. These are critically important parts to the physical aspects of your healing. You’ll be stronger, you’ll be calmer, and you’ll sleep better.

DEBRA: And you need to exercise. You need to move your body in order for your body to process and excrete the toxic chemicals that are already in your body. This is a critically important part.

LISA THARP: Again, it’s just doing what your body was meant to do.

And then, step number three is nutrition. It’s feeding your body the things it was meant to it. The old “eat your vegetables” couldn’t be more true. Organic vegetables, the more you can put those into your diets and take out the inflammatory foods like dairy, gluten, and processed foods, replacing caffeine and alcohol with water, and ultimately, taking a quality probiotic to restore gut health—

In olden days, they talk about how the gut is the center of an individual’s health. And it remains true to this day.

So that’s a critical, important piece—especially with people who have had illnesses, they probably have been on antiobiotics, which is taking away their own digestive track’s ability to fight off disease and chronic illnesses. This is the way to restore that fighting power back into your own body.

DEBRA: I agree.

LISA THARP: Number four is medical. And this is one where you should rule out anything else that might be going on. For many people, it’s food allergies or Candida albicans which is an overgrowth of yeast that is fed by the typical American diet of carbsn and sugars. It could be leaky gut. It could be something else. You should just make sure that you run at least the testing for food allergies and Candida to rule those out.

And if they are present—some people think that the majority of Americans have Candida albicans, there’s yeast overgrowth. Once you clear that up, you’ll be amazed at how much better everything else is working.

DEBRA: I would agree with you. I think most people have it. I think toxic chemicals, especially in food and water (we’re drinking chlorinated water or water with chlorine or chloramines on it for disinfection), it kills all those microorganisms in your gut, and then Candida just grows and grows and grows. And most people are drinking that water, and they don’t even know what’s going on in their gut.

So, the whole thing about gut restoration is I think a key factor to the whole recovery from the chemical damage in your body. Our poor bodies, I just want to say that if you’re being exposed to the typical amount of toxic chemicals that goes on in this country, it’s like an onslaught into your body.

So it really is this two-pronged approach of reducing the amount of chemicals you’re putting into your body, getting those toxic chemicals out of your body. And the third thing is this whole restoration project. It really is like a body restoration project.

LISA THARP: It is! And that leads us to the fifth step, which, I’ve always wondered, why do some people react so much more significantly than others to the same onslaught of toxicity. Why do some people have just much more extreme situations?

Usually, it’s because they’ve had one serious exposure that hyper-sensitized their body. This led me to the fifth step which is the mind-body connection.

For a long time, I rejected this idea. I though there are physical symptoms that people are experiencing. There’s no way that this is a mind-connection issue. But then I saw several people I trusted who had claims of chemical sensitivity full recovery through brain retraining.

And the idea of brain retraining is that we train the brain conditioned trigger of physical symptoms that result from a prior toxic exposure, the idea that the ancient part of our brain, the fight-or-flight instinct also is attuned to having been exposed to some toxic chemical or mold or whatever it was that got you to be sick in the first place, and the brain recognizes even minute amounts of that in your future and tries to flood your system with adrenaline and re-trigger those same physical symptoms even if you’re not in any real harm at that time.

And so there are programs out there, brain retraining, that actually try and stop the vicious cycle of your brain overreacting, triggering the adrenaline, developing the physical symptoms, and wearing own your immune system. And that, I recommend people check out as the fifth and last step in the full recovery program.

DEBRA: I agree that that happens. It’s like putting your hand on a fire, like on a hot stove, for example. So you put your hand on a hot stove, then your mind or your brain, however you understand it, it records that. It says, “I need to warn you, the next time you come near a hot stove, to not put your hand on it or you’ll burn it.” It’s just that same kind of mechanism.

And so you get exposed to these toxic chemicals, then your body can react even in the future to very minute amounts to exposures, and it multiplies. It does have an effect. The mind and the body are interconnected. So I completely agree that the mind has a factor in this.

I’m not saying that people who are sensitive to chemicals or who have a reaction to chemicals that it’s completely psychosomatic. These are toxic poisons. These chemicals are poisons. Recovering from our toxic world really is a multifaceted approach.

And that’s the end of the show. My goodness!

LISA THARP: Okay! Well, thank you very much for having me.

DEBRA: This has been Lisa Tharp. She’s at I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio.

Are Acrylic Blackout Curtains OK?

Question from D.

I have had four polyester curtains with acrylic backing on my bedroom windows for one year. I have noticed no smell and no negative reactions. ( I am not chemically sensitive).

I then decided to put up six more curtains,made of the same material so they would match, on my very long section of closet doors. When I bought the new set of curtains, I noticed that the backing was made of acrylic. I then googled acrylic and realized that some people consider it to be a carcinogen.

If there is no smell, and the backing is not the typical foam-like blackout material, is the acrylic doing any harm? I presume it is VOCs that would be harmful? With 10 curtains, we would be sleeping exposed to a lot more VO C’s than when we had just four.

Should I take the financial hit and throw out these now ten curtains and purchase 100% cotton fabric to make new curtains? I am really just not sure how dangerous acrylic backing is…

Debra’s Answer

I myself would throw out the acrylic curtains and replace them with 100% cotton curtains.

I have some black curtains I bought at Target and after I washed them they were perfectly fine. I don’t see them on their website, so they may not carry them any more. This was a few years ago.

Home Environment Bamboo Sheets

Question from woksawi

I bought a few sets of bamboo sheets at a store closing sale. They were manufactured in China, by Home Environment.

I reacted to the sheets after washing and then whatever it was got stuck in washer. I’m wondering what it is but can’t find any contact info for the company online. The sheets say “100% rayon from bamboo” and “naturally sustainable, renewable, antibacterial”.

Anyone have experience with this brand? Know what it would be treated with? Know how to remove without vinegar (I’m sensitive to that). I

Any help welcome. Thanks!

Debra’s Answer

I don’t know what might be in these sheets that you are reacting to. Chemicals are used to break down the bamboo into rayon, but who knows what else might be added or what they may have picked up in transport from China.

To clean your washer, I had a problem with an odor in a washer and I tried a lot of things. What worked was a product called “washing machine cleaner.” You’ll find it in any supermarket on the cleaning products aisle. There are several brands, I bough Clorox brand. It’s basically superstrength chlorine bleach. But it removed the odor and rinsed clean and that was the end of that odor.

While I don’t use chlorine bleach on a regular basis, sometimes you have to remove toxic chemicals with other toxic chemicals.

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Marmoleum Adhesive

Question from Allison

I’m having Marmoleum installed in a bathroom. I’m concerned about
possible long-term health dangers from the Forbo adhesive which contains the antimicrobial agent MicroSept. Another reader had asked you about it, and you advised her to ask the company if the Marmoleum will block the adhesive completely once installed.

This is Forbo’s response when I asked them that question:
“Once the adhesive is dry, there is nothing that should off-gas from it.”

The formula of MicroSept is proprietary, but if I send them a list of ingredients I’m worried about, they can ask their supplier if it contains them. Are there any ingredients I should ask them about? Or would their response to me about off-gassing be sufficiently reassuring?

Thanks so much, Debra.

Debra’s Answer

Here is the MSDS for MicroSept.

The hazardous ingredient is gluteraldehyde, but as they said, it should offgas during the curing process and stop outgassing once it is dry.

The MSDS for Forbo C-930 Conductive Adhesive says there are no hazardous ingredients that require reporting. I don’t know which specific adhesive you are using, but you could look up the MSDS and see what it says.

Forbo is a reputable company that has been making natural products for a long time. I know of many people who have installed it and have been happy with it.

I’m not concerned about this.

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Area Rugs

Question from Stacey


My question is about area rugs – can I assume any natural area rugs are safe (jute, sisal, or seagrass)? Some have latex backings, so should I ask if it is natural latex? Do you know of any safe rug pad to use (not sure if I need one)?

Thanks so much!


Debra’s Answer

I’ve purchased a number of area rugs in the past with varied success. One was 100% jute and I could never get the smell out. I left it out in the sun and rain for a year and it still smelled.

On the other hand, when I moved into the house I live in now, I needed to cover an old heater return grate and bought a little 3×4 wool rug from Home Depot and it’s been fine since day one.

I tend to get the “rag rug” type of area rugs that I can throw in the washer.

I’ve listed some websites that sell area rugs on the Flooring page of Debra’s List.

Check these.

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Creating the Perfect Organic Sofa

Today my guest is Aimee Robinson, Founder and Owner of EcoBalanza. They focuse exclusively on creating sofas and upholstered furniture made with organic, certified and natural materials. We’ll be talking about natural upholstered furniture, how it is made, fire retardants, and new regulations in California for upholstered furniture. Ecobalanza is the result of “an”obsessive effort to create the perfect sofa… one that is truly non-toxic: organic materials + true artisan crafted + socially responsible sources + comfortable + beautiful + durable.” Over the past 10 years, Aimee has researched materials and created a vertical supply chain where each material can be easily traced to its origin and producer and, when it comes to textiles, knowledge of all critical third party certifications and origins is key. A background in political science and social change plays a significant role in the commitment to work directly with women, farmers and artisans, and find ways to collaborate towards a more responsible and clean economy.





Creating the Perfect Organic Sofa

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Aimee Robinson

Date of Broadcast: February 18, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to live toxic-free.

And that’s not being affected by toxic chemicals, not that we could be next to them and not have them cause danger to us, but by understanding how to choose products that don’t have toxic chemicals, how to do things to help our body better withstand those toxic chemical exposures that we have. We talk to people who are making products, choosing products, selling products, regulating products, all kinds of everybody who has anything to do with being toxic-free on this show.

Today is—what’s the date today—Tuesday, February 18th 2014. I’m here in Clearwater, Florida. And today we’re going to be talking about sofas. Sofas have been in the news for quite a while because there’s been a lot of talk about fire retardants on sofas. There are some things going on in the state of California about new regulations to do with fire retardants. And there are some small manufacturers around the country who are making sofas without fire retardants out of natural materials.

And so, today, I’m going to be talking with Aimee Robinson. She’s the Founder of and Owner of EcoBalanza.

That’s in Seattle. And they focus exclusively on creating sofas and upholstered furniture made of organic certified and natural materials. Aimee set out to search for the perfect organic sofa and achieved that. She’s going to tell us about that.

Hi Aimee.

AIMEE ROBINSON: Hi Debra. How are you?

DEBRA: I’m good. Before we go on, I just want to say that if any of you are listening to this show every day, we did have Aimee on a couple of weeks ago, but that show got interrupted by an ice storm. So we’re just starting over again as if Aimee was not on before and this is the show!

Aimee, thank you for being here. First, tell us about your background. How did you get from being wherever you were before you decided to make sofas? And why did you decide to make a non-toxic sofa? How did that happen?

AIMEE ROBINSON: I started by having a retail store that offered home furnishings. And so while I was doing that, I started researching. I fell in love with sofas because it was one of the things that we carried. But it still wasn’t perfect enough. And so it was a combination of researching […], learning more about […] conventional sofas, and then trying to find a way to create one that was completely as clean as possible, as non-toxic as possible while made […] beautiful.

So, once we started finding the materials—because we wanted to work with local suppliers directly and with small businesses and farms, I started working with a woman who was passionate about wool, and one thing led to another in terms of procuring especially with the materials and where they came from and how clean they were or not. I’m so sorry, I’m sort of a little scattered today.

DEBRA: It’s okay.

AIMEE ROBINSON: But yeah, we work with the design and the materials, yes.

DEBRA: Good! Tell us what made you interested in doing it without toxic chemicals in the first place. Why did you open a green store?

AIMEE ROBINSON: I did this with a partner. And we were looking to be able to offer things that were non-toxic.

She was into [inaudible 04:28]. I was into the social justice and the trade. And the combination of both was being able to offer things for the home that were responsibly sourced and that were cleaned and that created healthy environments.

Since we spend so much time indoors, especially in this type of a country where we’re inside all the time, we started looking at everything that’s in the house and people getting sick—so anywhere from what flooring, paint, furniture, everything we have in the house that being there so long and overexposed [inaudible 05:05].

People are getting sick. Everybody is getting sick […] And houses are very sealed, especially in certain types of countries. So no air circulation, no natural light, toxic materials, toxic carpets. It was kind of being able to provide all those, being able to support people in having a solutions and options for a healthy home.

DEBRA: Did you have a personal experience about that or did you know somebody? What made you aware of the issue?

AIMEE ROBINSON: It was mostly research—mostly research, I would say. I’m learning about the impact in a lot of other people.

I mean, one is leather. People, especially in certain places in the world, who work with leather […] are exposed to chromium. There’s a high mortality rate in young people because of that, because of cancer. It’s caused by the chemicals that are used to produce leather […]

And people not knowing that, [inaudible 06:24]. Yeah, there are people buying them because of them, because of those things that are in there. It’s a super toxic kind of industry. It’s chemically intensive, [inaudible 06:42]. So it’s polluting, it clings in the house. There are so many problems with it.

And once you start getting into every single thing that’s in your house, you start learning that it’s a time bomb.

DEBRA: It is! Yeah, it is. And there are different levels. It’s good that you’re looking all through—later on in the show, I want to talk about your work with your supply chain. But for right now, I just wanted to make note that there are different levels of looking at this. And the easiest part—and this isn’t even easy—is to just look at what is the exposure of the toxic chemical to the consumer as they’re using it.

But if you start looking back through what’s called the supply chain, then you get to things like, “Well, are the workers dying because this product is being made?” like you were talking about. And that’s a lot of research. I admire it highly that you’re doing that and looking that deeply at things. We do need to be considering what are the effects of our actions.

It’s not just what’s the effect on us, but it’s the effect on the workers and the environment and everything. That’s the ultimate things that we need to be looking at in terms of if we’re to live toxic-free would be to be free of toxic chemicals all the way down the line, to be free of toxic chemicals all throughout the environment and for all people. That would be the ultimate goal with that.

AIMEE ROBINSON: And one thing that you noted is […] everything is interconnected. It’s drinking polluted water. It goes up, and it still comes down through rain.

DEBRA: That’s right. It’s all connected.

AIMEE ROBINSON: So there’s not a boundary or nothing that will keep you from [inaudible 08:39] but that does not mean that it’s not coming back to us in so many other ways. So it’s all connected.

And I know that, initially, what’s our first area of influence? Of course, our personal life, our families, our homes.

And so that’s the first reason I found that people are concerned about finding non-toxic options. But it is essential to consider all the different aspects because it does have an impact whether you like it or not. We can’t really see it…

DEBRA: I completely agree, I completely agree. I completely agree. There is no “away” to send the toxic waste.

So we do need to be looking at it.

We need to take a break. When we come back, we’ll talk more about sofas with Aimee Robinson, Founder and Owner of EcoBalanza. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And we’ll be right back!


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is Aimee Robinson, Founder and Owner of EcoBalanza where they focus exclusively on creating sofas and upholstery furniture made with organic certified and natural materials.

Aimee, let’s talk about what is toxic about a sofa. And I know that you’re constructing sofas all the time. So take us through how a sofa is constructed and different toxic chemicals that are encountered in the materials in a sofa.

AIMEE ROBINSON: Well, one thing that have been done before is that a sofa […] has to be certified at passing the fire retardant law. And so the chemicals are all throughout the sofa. The fabric, the battings, the foams, everything has a fire treatment. And on top of it, it’s synthetic, so it’s petrochemical as well. So everything in it is non-biodegradable and potentially toxic.

DEBRA: And some of the materials that are used, like particularly, I want to mention polyurethane foam, which is extremely flammable. It’s been called solid gasoline. I mean it’s basically 100% crude oil which is very flammable.

And then they put these toxic fire retardants on it in order to pass the fire retardant test.


DEBRA: Also other things that could be used in a sofa could be adhesives which are toxic. But basically, I think that the basic thing is the synthetic materials plus all these toxic fire retardants.

AIMEE ROBINSON: And formaldehyde as well. So [inaudible 11:42] that are also toxic. They concentrate in the system over time. These particles that decompose when they break down, and you’re breathing them. And so there’s lots of […] toxicity in sofa.

DEBRA: If you have a stain-resistant finish or a water-repellent finish on a sofa, that is made from a formaldehyde resin that continues to outgas formaldehyde as you’re sitting on it. As you sit on it, it actually breaks it down and has it release formaldehyde.

So, this is what people across the country are sitting on and what babies are sitting on and what children are sitting on. And these toxic chemicals can cause a variety of health problems. It’s just amazing how toxic these are.

AIMEE ROBINSON: Allergies, neurological problems, there are all kinds of side effects—some are directly linked, some are not so directly linked. But basically, your immune system is having to fight all the time, all the time. And so, people leave themselves depleted. And in conjunction with other lifestyle things, it can be devastating […]

DEBRA: It’s hard to talk about this stuff. During the break, my producer wrote—I had a little chat with the producer—and he said the doctor of his wife read my book. She tossed out all her plastic cookware and switched to non-toxic cleaning supplies.

Once you start learning where these toxic chemicals are—I mean, when I started learning them, I thought, “Well, I don’t want this. Isn’t there some alternative?” And I started looking for alternatives.

So now you’ve provided an alternative to these toxic sofas.

AIMEE ROBINSON: Well, I just want to mention one thing that I thought about. Talking about the supply chain, [inaudible 13:50], we were talking about that, […] I think this is the part that’s really overwhelming for people. You have to research so much behind any product because there’s a lot of greenwashing happening.

There are a lot of green claims. You don’t know who made it, how they made it and what’s really in it and how it’s coming to you. It gets touted as “green” when, sometimes, it’s not. So that can be so daunting for people to even trust what they’re reading. And I find that a lot of people do get overwhelmed with that because […] it’s like going down the rabbit hole. You never know where you’re going to come out with everything that goes there.

DEBRA: I agree, I agree. So this is a reason why I have people like you on this show. There are some manufacturers who know what’s in their products.

I mean, I’ve been doing this research for more than 30 years. And a lot of people don’t even know what their materials are. You can ask the salesperson or you can even ask the manufacturer, and they just don’t know.

But somebody like Aimee here has done a tremendous amount of research. And so she knows what is in her product. And she has been very careful all the way down the line.

So, we need to go to break pretty soon, but let’s start just talking about the individual materials that you use. Let’s start with the covers. Tell us about the cover fabric.

AIMEE ROBINSON: The fabric that I chose to work with, almost all of them are either natural fibers or certified in some ways. So there are different types of certification. And it’s important that we look for fabrics that has some sort of third party certification where they test what the residual chemicals in the products are.

The textile industry is also very, very chemically intensive. Making fabric is really toxic. And so you want to make sure that there’s that third party certification because, that way, you know that if there’s any chemicals or heavy metals or anything that was used, it’s not at a level that may affect you. Fabrics are very toxic. So we need make sure of that.

Natural fibers breathe. They don’t hold odors. There are all these wonderful features about natural fibers. And there’s also those dyed with safe dyes, they’re treated and processed as cleanly as possible. Then you have one more level [inaudible 16:40] of the fabric that you have on.

So, certifications like EcoTex. GOTS is another. GOTS is really good. It stands for the Global Organic Textile Standard. The other one is…

DEBRA: Well, you can think during the break. You can think of that during the break. We’re talking about sofas, natural sofas, organic sofas with my guest, Aimee Robinson, Founder and Owner of EcoBalanza. That’s I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. We’ll be back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Aimee Robinson, Founder and Owner of EcoBalanza where they make sofas and upholstered furniture with organic certified and natural materials.

So, before the break, Aimee, we were talking about certification for fabrics. You want to give us those names again and tell us something about the certifications?

AIMEE ROBINSON: So there are several. One is the highest one. It’s the Global Organic Textile Standard. The acronym is GOTS. And that one looks at the whole cycle. It looks at the material, […], the water treatment. It looks at the environmental impact. And also, they’re testing for the post-production (It’s probably to make sure the fabric is safe […]).

There’s the EcoTex Certification. They test for—that one just looks at the end product. They test for residual chemicals. There’s [inaudible 18:34] that also looks at the production cycle.

But the main ones would be EcoText and GOTS.

DEBRA: Those are the ones that I’ve seen most frequently. And one thing that I want to point out is that GOTS does have two certifications—one is for the fabric itself, and the other is for the fiber. Isn’t that right? There are two ways that it certifies?

AIMEE ROBINSON: I didn’t hear you, I’m sorry.

DEBRA: What I said was isn’t there are two ways that GOT certifies, one is to certify the fiber, and the other is to certify the fabric?


DEBRA: You could see something that says “certified organic cotton,” that means that the fiber is certified organic. You need to look for a certification that says “certified organic fabric,” and that would be that the whole process is organic and that there are no other toxic chemicals, that the whole process from beginning to end is organic.

AIMEE ROBINSON: Yes, exactly.

DEBRA: So tell us what other materials you use to make your sofas.

AIMEE ROBINSON: We also use organic cotton batting that’s US-grown. We buy that directly from the growers in the US. The conventional cotton, it’s sprayed with pesticides [inaudible 20:09] That’s another material.

And then we also use certified organic cotton as the first covers on the sofa. That’s underneath the final fabric.

It’s the [inaudible 20:36] fabric. And I chose natural fibers [inaudible 20:38].

And then, what else do we use? We use Global Organic Latex Standard certified latex [inaudible 20:49]. And that one is kind of the equivalent of the GOTS certification with the latex. There’s a lot of [inaudible 21:02] latex as well, so we need to make sure [inaudible 21:05] closest way to monitor that something is really what they say it is.

DEBRA: Yes. So if you see those certifications, then you know that these third party organizations have checked it out and that those are more trustworthy than if you just see a material that just says “wool” or anything that’s a natural fiber. There’s a lot of things that could be going into fabrics and batting. And these certifications tell you that they’re as clean as exists [inaudible 21:42].

AIMEE ROBINSON: Then we also use FCC certified wood and solid woods regarding any particle wood or any manufactured wood. So that one also ensures that you’re not contributing to deforestation, that it’s to the best of capacity responsibly harvested. And a solid wood frame is going to last forever. It helps with durability, structure and also that you’re not contributing to deforestation […]

What else?

DEBRA: I just wanted to mention and make a note about your wool covers, the wool cover that you use on your covers. One of the things that’s going on right now is that there’s a big shift going on in the state of California where, for many years, they have a flammability standard that had to do with the foam inside the sofa needed to be able to withstand an open flame test. And now they have a whole different kind of test that’s called the smolder test. It’s like you put a smoldering cigarette on it. And the cover needs to withstand that smoldering cigarette. So that totally changes everything.

And also, there are some sofas that are being allowed to be sold now. But by January 1st 2015 coming up, all the sofas sold in the state of California are going to need to meet the standard.

Now, wool is very difficult to ignite. And so if there’s one natural fiber that’s going to pass that test, it’s wool.

AIMEE ROBINSON: Yes. And it’s absolutely universal for everything else on the batting inside our sofas. So, we use several different types of wool. But we use one particular wool that comes from Germany. It’s certified organic. That also has to do with the sheets, with how it’s procured, the treatments, that it’s not treated.

Sometimes, wool, [inaudible 24:14], you denature it. You kind of straighten out the fibers, and then you crank it [inaudible 24:21]. How wool connects with each other is through these—there’s a quality in the fiber of the wool just by itself because these little hook in the fiber will hold on to each other. And so wool, to homogenize it, they can chemically treat it to be able to have it [inaudible 24:48].

So, we use actually use organic wool. And we use a German wool because, for me, with the sofa, just not only that the materials are quality and clean, but aesthetically…

DEBRA: Yes, I think that’s very important too.

We need to go to break. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest is Aimee Robinson, Founder and Owner of EcoBalanza. We’ll talk more with Aimee right after this.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Aimee Robinson, Founder and Owner of EcoBalanza. They focus exclusively on creating sofas and upholstered furniture made with organic certified and natural materials. And she’s at

Aimee, let’s talk about supply chain. Could you first explain what that is?

AIMEE ROBINSON: It’s looking at where everything is coming from that we had talked about earlier—who is building it, where they’re growing it, who’s involved in the process of actually getting all the materials to me (what I use in my products and my sofas).

And so, for me, it’s what has been very, very important over the years because I’m able to make sure that I work with people that are doing what they say they’re doing, and also to work in a way that’s as socially responsible as possible—socially and environmentally.

So, […] with the wool, like I mentioned earlier, I started working with local, small, family-owned farms. They live in the farms [inaudible 26:53] And I know them. I know what they’re doing. I know how they’re doing everything. And so then I know how the wool is washed, who washes it and who [inaudible 27:08] it.

And it’s like that with every single—in most of the products that I use, I try to go as far back as I possibly can to know from how it’s grown or raised to the finished product to the best of my faculty [inaudible 27:26].

DEBRA: It’s a wonderful thing. Here in Florida where I live, there’s not much agriculture or manufacture of anything or artisan production. But when I lived in the San Francisco Bay Area, I lived out in the woods in the [00:27:46], there was a lot of agriculture going on.

I remember having the experience of—I used to buy my food from what’s called a CSA, a community-supported agriculture. And the actual organic farm, the small, organic, family-owned farm, was very close to where I lived. It was just up the hill literally. I could go there, and I could work in the farm if I wanted to. And I could harvest my own food if I wanted to or I could get the weekly basket. I knew the farmer. I knew everybody that was growing anything in my local area.

I remember, one day, we had a wonderful dinner where we invited all the local growers to come and have dinner.

And I was part of it the prep staff that was prepping the food to make the dinner. And it was just so great to see here were all our farmers and we were having a meal with all their food. One hundred percent of the food was the farmers’ food.


DEBRA: It was fabulous! It was just such a demonstration of feeling connected from farm to table that way. My bed that I sleep on is 100% wool Shepherd’s Dream. But when I bought it, I lived like, I don’t know, 50 miles from Shepherd’s Dream and where the wool was grown. I could go visit the sheep and all these things.

So, I know what you’re talking about. It’s such a wonderful experience to know that when I’m lying on that bed, I know where the sheep were that grew that wool. And so you end up having this real connection and also knowing what exactly is going on instead of having your products sourced way on the other side of the world where anything can be happening. You don’t know anything, you don’t know the people, you don’t know what’s happening.

AIMEE ROBINSON: Yeah, exactly.

DEBRA: And so this is just one of the things that’s so wonderful about local ingredients and working with local producers besides the fact that there’s this whole concept of vernacular, of having design come out of a local place, out of the materials of a local place. I just love that, that whole idea.

So, I think you’re doing great things about how conscious you are with every aspect of these materials. And this is something that really needs to be applied to every kind of product.

AIMEE ROBINSON: Yeah, yeah. We’ll have a whole different world if we all attempted to start doing things that way.

DEBRA: Yes, I totally agree.

So Aimee, we have only about five minutes left with the show. So I want to make sure, if there’s anything else that we haven’t talked about that you want to talk about, that we get that covered.

AIMEE ROBINSON: Well, I know we were talking about the materials that are in the sofa. We were talking about the wool. So yeah, the social aspect, the environmental aspect, there’s all these. I would say this to your listeners, pay attention to that [inaudible 31:08]. And the more that people start asking, it starts creating a need and it starts pushing the world in a new direction.

So, ask, ask, ask questions about everything. Stay curious because it’s important. It’s important to be informed. It can be daunting, but it’s so fascinating to learn where things come from, how they’re done, how we can do something different and better.

And also, sometimes, it’s not so cheap. It’s expensive to do things this way. But it’s looking more long-term. It’s changing that mentality from immediate and “I want it now” to long-term. I think about the things. I plan them when I get them whether it’s food or whatever it is. It’s a long-term thing. It’s a lifestyle. If I buy clothing, if I buy whatever, it’s not something that I just switch in the next two weeks, but this is something that I’ll keep for a while like heirloom […]

DEBRA: Yeah. I have a sofa that I made way before anybody was making natural fiber sofas online. And I designed it myself. I had it upholstered and everything. And I re-made it out of an old wood frame. I don’t even know how old it is. It’s at least 15 years old. It might be 20 years old. But it looks like a new sofa still.

All I have to do is drive down the street and see all these synthetic sofas with their ripped covers and the stuffing coming out and people would put them on the side of the street for the garbage to take them away. This is not what we’re talking about with this kind of sofa. You buy this sofa and you buy it once. That’s the sofa for the rest of your life. And then, you pass it down to your children. So, by the time you look at the cost versus the life, it’s really a bargain.

AIMEE ROBINSON: Yeah, it is. That’s it. I concur.

DEBRA: Well, thank you so much, Aimee, for being with me. I’m glad that we got to finish the show this time, and there wasn’t an ice storm.

AIMEE ROBINSON: I know! Third time’s a charm is sort of like what we were saying.

DEBRA: You can go visit Aimee at And I invite you to go visit my website. You can go to That will take you to my website. I have much more than this radio show. I have all kinds of different departments on my website including Debra’s List which is where you can go find hundreds of websites like Aimee’s that are selling toxic-free products. Also, I have a huge question and answer blog where if you have a question about how to live toxic-free, you can ask your question, and I will answer it for free (and also, my readers will answer with their information). I have something like 3000 questions on there already.

So, I’ve got a great search engine. I’ve got a blog devoted to—100% of everything on this blog is about how you remove toxic chemicals from your body, what kind of nutrition you can use, what kind of detox products to use, even things like what foods will remove toxic chemicals from your body, what you can use to support your detox organs. All that kind of information is there.

I’ve got a bookstore that has all kinds of books about what’s toxic and what’s not. I’ve even got a food blog because we talk on there about how to prepare organic, whole, real, natural, local, seasonal foods, what to store them in and what to cook them in, so that you can have toxic-free food.

So, I’ve been doing this for over 30 years. I’ve got lots of things figured out and lots of information on my website.

And of course, we are here talking to people about this subject every day.

Also, if you have a question that you want to ask me personally, you can call me up and ask me that question. I do do paid consultations on the phone. I even go out to people’s homes or businesses and look around and tell you what’s toxic and what you can do to make your home or workspace less toxic. I can come and speak to your group. I can come and speak to your business. I can help you develop new products.

Let’s see. What else could I do? But go to my website. It’s or you can go to and get lots and lots of information. While you’re there, you can even sign up for my free newsletter just right on the home page. You can sign up for my free newsletter, and you will get to read the first chapter of my book, Toxic Free for free. When you get the welcome email, it’ll have a link to the first chapter of my book.

Thanks for being with me. We’ll be back tomorrow.

An All Natural Soap That Leaves Your Skin Clean and Free of Irritating Residue

heidi-sanner-soapMy guest today is Heidi Sanner, Founder of Prima Natural. She makes a premium, truly natural soap free of irritating residues. Raw ingredients are combined using a unique trade secret process. We’ll be talking about conventional soaps and cleansers, the soap industry, the misconceptions consumers are under and how Prima Natural is different. Heidi has a Bachelor of Science degree in Medical Technology with an internship at a Veteran’s Hospital where she cultured all types of skin ailments known to man…and a few unidentified ones. She left the medical field for a “more normal” type of work as a CPA. After seven years she left to start an Organic Farm business, Candle Bee Farm, an organic beekeeping and beeswax candle business. And  10 years later started, Prima Natural.





An All Natural Soap that Leaves Your Skin Clean and Free of Irritating Residue

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Heidi Sanner

Date of Broadcast: February 17, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world.

I’m feeling great today because I have been spending the last two weeks—and even longer, it’s actually been kind of a two month process of redoing my website. And I finally, finally get it done enough that I could make it go live at the end of last week. And so I’ve been spending the weekend resting after working from six in the morning until eleven at night on this website. It’s really beautiful. Everybody loves it. I’m getting so many emails from people who really love the way it looks and how easy it is to use. And it’s much easier for me, so there can be a lot of new content and a lot of different ways to organize things and make it easier to find things. There’s just going to be a big change in my website. I mean, there already is, but coming up, there’s going to be a lot more information. And I’m so excited about it.

So today, we’re going to be talking about soap. And my guest knows a lot about what’s going on in soap products, the regular commercial soap products (she also makes her own). And so she’ll be telling us about that.

Her name is Heidi Sanner. She’s the founder of Prima Natural. And she makes a soap that is unlike any other soap. I’ve been using it, and it really is unlike any other soap. It does not leave a residue, an irritating residue, on your skin. And so you feel really clean.

This morning, I thought, “You know, I should try this on my hair.” I have washed my hair with a lot of shampoos in bottles that just strips your hair. And then, I tried washing my hair with various shampoo bars which I liked more or less. But this morning, I washed my hair with Heidi’s soap. And I don’t have any of that soap residue that always stay on my hair from those shampoo bars.

So, I’m pretty happy with this. And we’ll talk to Heidi. Hi Heidi!

HEIDI SANNER: Hi Debra. Good to be with you.

DEBRA: Thank you. How are you today?

HEIDI SANNER: I’m doing great!

DEBRA: Good! Well, Heidi has been on the show before, so we’ve heard something of her story. But why don’t you tell us the path to Prima Natural. You started out being a medical technologist and got from there to where you are today. How did that happen?

HEIDI SANNER: Well, today, I’m an organic farmer. As you know, I started a candle bee farm I guess in 2002. And working on the farm with extremely sensitive skin was just insane!

In the summer, I was fully of rashes and ticks from the heat and the dirt. And in the winter, my skin was just tapped and dry and actually bleeding.

I took clues from nature. It occurred to me that humans are the only ones with this problem. Maybe it’s how we care for our skin. So I used my medical technology and laboratory background, that experience, and also my European background. The Europeans are far ahead of us in skincare products and use some natural products honestly.

When I grew up over there, it was tremendous! Their skin is beautiful. We hold up the Swiss. A picture of a Swiss woman is the epitome of perfect, beautiful skin—or the Polynesians, for example—that we just don’t have back here.

So, I used what I had on hand, the natural products, and made my own soap. It was two years in the making. I came up finally with the perfect formulation. I can effectively clean the toughest farm dirt and grease, and yet leave the skin supple and soft without the need for lotion and masking, clogging products that don’t allow your skin to function as nature intended.

Today, I’m 53 years old. I haven’t put any lotion or products of any kind on my skin for four years, and I have beautiful skin. And that’s the topic of the emails that I receive. It’s been proven by many people that it’s working.

DEBRA: Well, that makes sense to me. I’m very much one who thinks that we can find our answers in nature because nature has provided for us to be healthy and to have our bodies function right. We’re beings of nature in that regard. And so when I look at all the different things that our industrial consumer society has come up with for us to put on or in our bodies, and then I look at what nature provides, there’s a huge difference.

And knowing something about all the toxic chemicals that are in personal care products and soap—

Are you still there?

HEIDI SANNER: Yeah, I’m here.

DEBRA: Okay, I just heard some crackling and I just wanted to make sure. I wasn’t sure if the line went down.

So knowing all the toxic chemicals are in there and what toxic chemicals can do and other things in our modern lifestyle, it seems like the closer that we can get to nature and have nature nourish our skin and handle our skin in a natural way, that we’ll be better off.

And I see that you are proving that over and over with yourself and your customers.

So, you decided to be a soap maker because you needed soap for yourself. So, can you tell us something about the process that you went through? What’s it like to develop a product that you decide that you’re going to make something, and then going through those kinds of trials?

HEIDI SANNER: Well, it’s a lot of science, a little bit of naiveté and a little bit of luck. Actually, the process we use is unlike any other. It is trade secret. It’s the only soap that really is cold-processed.

Most conventional manufacturers [throw them] in a big pot, heat it up, boil all the beneficial qualities out of every ingredient in there, mash it together, and there you have a bar of soap. That can go from start to finish onto the shelf within two hours. And that’s the reason for it.

I use a very slow method, a very cold method. And all of the natural ingredients in raw goat milk are preserved—and raw honey as well.

It’s important to understand that most soaps—like goat milk soaps, for example—don’t even have any goat milk in them. They have goat milk powder combined/constituted with water. Even the goat milk farms are making it that way.

So, I set out to make this real goat milk which everyone said cannot be done because of the fat content. Again, I just kept at it, it took two years, and produced Prima Natural. And that is why it is so different; it is actually made different. And even the large soap manufacturers are interested at this point and can’t figure out how I’m making it.

DEBRA: Well, I’m so glad that you came up with that. I can understand how that process might work because I come up with recipes for making different food dishes that I like. And instead of making things like cake, for example, out of sugar and flour, I had to figure out how to make something that resembled the dessert out of other ingredients like almond flour and coconut sugar and things like that which have different properties and they require different methods.

But what I found was that there are different methods. You can decide to take ingredients and figure out a process that will end up making what you want. And it may be something very different than what’s being sold in a store.

But I always find that when I actually make something that ends up working, it’s much better! It’s much better. It often tastes better or functions better. In your case, I really enjoy using your soap. And it really does a much, much better job than other soaps.

HEIDI SANNER: Yeah, it’s a feeling. It’s a “clean” that’s impossible to describe.

DEBRA: I would agree with that.

HEIDI SANNER: I can’t describe to you a color you’ve never seen. I can’t describe to you a feeling you’ve never felt. And this is really that different. All the proteins and minerals and the enzymes remain. And their beneficial qualities remain.

DEBRA: And that’s something that I’ve never seen in another soap. Usually, they make soap and then they put additives in it.

But this has the nutrients coming from it from the actual soap through and through.

HEIDI SANNER: Yeah, yeah.

DEBRA: Well, we need to take a break, and then we’ll talk more after the break. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. My guest today is Heidi Sanner. We’re talking about her wonderful Prima Natural soap. And when we come back from the break, we’re going to talk about some of the toxic things and things that you probably don’t know about soap and cleansers that are on the market. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Heidi Sanner, founder of Prima Natural. And that’s at And you can also find Prima Natural on my website on my list of websites that sell toxic-free products, Debra’s List. She’s listed. You can find her there and on her own website at

Heidi, I know you’ve done a lot of research about all the different kinds of soaps and cleansers and what’s going on in the marketplace. There are so many so-called natural soaps and cleansers on the market. Can we trust the labels? And what about the integrity of the ingredients? And are there any legal regulations about soaps specifically?

HEIDI SANNER: Oh, this was a real eye-opener when I went into this field. The cosmetics and the pharmaceutical industries are regulated. But there are no FDA regulation over skin cleansers and soap manufacturers—none! In fact, a product labeled as a soap does not have to list any ingredients at all on the label.

So, what happens is the soap makers pick and choose what they want to put on the label. And many of the so-called natural soaps might have one natural ingredient or one synthetically made essence of something that was once natural, and they can call themselves a natural soap […]

Prima Naturals has every ingredient on the label. And I often get questions about that, but I prefer to do that because then I have nothing to defend now or in the future when, hopefully, these regulations change.

But right now, yeah, it’s scary. People think they’re buying something, and they’re not.

Even unscented soaps, you got to think for yourself a little bit here. Everything has a scent. Everything has a smell. If you have let’s say an olive oil soap or a goat milk soap, would you like to smell like a goat? Everything has a scent. So to think of an unscented soap, there’s really no such thing. What they do is they put in a masking chemical agent that masks or hide the smell of the ingredients and calls it unscented.

So, people think they’re buying an unscented, purer natural soap. But actually, they’re buying a soap with a chemical masking agent in it. I get emails from sensitive people. And I have allergies and sensitivities mostly due from vaccinations of going back and forth to Europe probably as a child.

But Prima Natural is formulated with a natural scent, a natural smell. No one wants to smell like a goat, and I have real goat milk in that soap. If I didn’t, we wouldn’t have to worry about it.

Now, for me to make an unscented soap, I would need a masking agent because, think about it, everything smells like something. If I make olive oil soap, you would smell olive oil. And that would smell rancid after a while. So, that’s one of the fallacies.

We have stopped thinking for ourselves. We’re lulled into the romanticism of these labels and taking what marketers are saying and not thinking, “Hey, wait a minute! This has coconut oil in it. Why doesn’t it smell like coconut? What’s going on here?” It’s upsetting, very disturbing.

Most recently—and I’ll throw this in also—the Natural Resources Defense Council has sued against the FDA. This has been 20 years in the making about antibacterial soap. And what’s in there—the hexachlorophene, the triclosan—these antibacterial soap, again, we are told that we need to [sift] our skin, we need to be antibacterial; and actually, nothing can be further from the truth. What they’re producing is antibiotic-resistant bacteria. It’s been proven that these agents, these chemicals in these soaps affect hormones. They affect muscle function. It’s just really dangerous stuff.

So, just in December, they actually won that lawsuit. And the FDA has been rewriting regulations that antibacterial soap will either have to be taken off the market or reformulated by the year 2016. But we haven’t heard much about that, have we?

DEBRA: No, I haven’t heard about it.

HEIDI SANNER: Look it up! It’s on the web, but you really have to look for it. They just signed that I think in November or December of last year.

Progress is slow and hard. And the public has no idea this is going on. They have no idea what they’re seeing and not seeing on these labels.

DEBRA: Well, labeling really is a problem throughout the entire industry. Every type of product has different labeling laws.

They’re regulated by different agencies. And I actually thought soap fell under the cosmetic laws, but…

HEIDI SANNER: No, it does not.

DEBRA: Yeah! Well, that’s very good to know. A soap manufacturer doesn’t have to put anything on the label or be accurate about it or—wow! That is a really scary thing because…

HEIDI SANNER: It blows you away, doesn’t it?

DEBRA: Well, it does. This is true across all kinds of labeling. Cleaning products are extremely toxic. It seems like the more toxic it is, the less regulation there is about labeling. I personally have been saying for years and years and years that what we need to do is have full disclosure of everything on the label. And that way, we can then make decisions as consumers. And we can’t make decisions that are based on the truth unless the truth is on the label.

HEIDI SANNER: Right! The only thing I can encourage is when you read a label, stop and think. There are even so-called goat farmers out there making pure goat milk soap from their own farm. The whole story is very romantic. It’s very beautiful.

And then, I read down further and it says, “cotton candy scented,” “lemon scented.” Well, I have a hard time believing that they’re putting cotton candy into the soap and making it smell that way.

DEBRA: No, they’re not. I’m sure.

HEIDI SANNER: There’s got to be a synthetic chemical. And how the heck do you get lemon scent into the soap?

DEBRA: No, it’s a synthetic scent. It’s a synthetic scent.

HEIDI SANNER: We don’t stop and think because we’re lured into this beautiful marketing wording and the story.

DEBRA: Yes, yes. We need to go to break, but I just want to throw in here for a second that I was on a website yesterday that claimed to make this product they were making and they were all green and that all their products on their website were green.

I then found out that only like 5% of them were. They were totally misleading.

Anyway, we’re going to go to break. Toxic Free Talk Radio, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Heidi Sanner, founder of Prima Natural, And we’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Heidi Sanner, founder of Prima Natural. She makes a premium, truly natural soap free of irritating residues. So we’ve been talking about her soap and some of the things that she’s learned about the soap industry.

Heidi, during the break, I just got this flashback to when I was a teenager and I had skin problems. I had really, really bad acne.

So, there were all these things. I went to the doctor, I took tetracycline and blah-blah-blah. But I’m sure it was all the toxic chemicals and the stuff I was eating.

But I remember, I got this picture of going to a fancy department store and going to the counter of a famous skincare brand, and all the things that they gave me—like five or six different products—to do this whole skincare regimen morning and night.

And the thing that really stood out for me is that I remember part of the program was this pink lotion that was some kind of cleanser. I put it on with a little brush. It was bright pink. And it actually made my skin burn. Every time I put it on, my skin burned.

And this is what passes for skincare. And this is what we think is normal in this culture. I mean, it’s not just one brand. This is how most of the skincare brands are.

So, tell us what you’ve learned about what modern marketing has us believe and think about our skin and what we need.

HEIDI SANNER: Been there, done that. I’m right with you. Same here! I tried everything, even prescription, and nothing! In fact, what I learned was the more I did for myself, the worst it got.

DEBRA: Me too!

HEIDI SANNER: What does that tell you? That’s when you back up and go, “Whoa! Wait a minute here. The more I’m putting on, the more I’m trying, the worse this is getting.”

We are being led to believe by modern marketing and even dermatology that healthy skin requires dripping clean, removing everything, and then cover it back up with lotions and oils and protectants… or you’re going to die.

DEBRA: Well, that really is it! That is what those skin care programs do.

HEIDI SANNER: You’re just going to melt right off your body if you don’t have all these oils and stuff to protect it.

Skin is perfect as it is. It has to be allowed to function. It has to be allowed to, what I call, breathe. It has to expel sweat; and through that, you’re expelling toxins. And that cooling moisture keeps you cool in the summer.

Now, if you go slathering oils on top of that, you might as well wrap yourself in saran wrap. You think about sweat and bacteria underneath a layer of lotion and oils—I mean, the thought of it still makes me ill to think about it.

DEBRA: My skin is falling as you’re talking about it.

HEIDI SANNER: Yeah, you’re holding all that next to yourself.

Well, they make it all smell good, so you think you’re doing good for yourself because it smells so good with the synthetic chemicals. But it’s just not right.

And then, in the winter time, that moisture that you expel actually keeps you hydrated and soft. And there again, you put all these stuff that’s irritating your skin, actually, what it’s doing is it’s drawing in the tapping. So, the more you do, the worse it becomes. It’s an unending circle.

I just thought, “Enough of this!” In the summer time, I don’t want to be so hot that I feel like I’m wearing saran wrap […] Your skin has to be able to absorb moisture, absorb vitamin D. That’s so important for our health. And then it has to be able to expel sweat and expel toxins to keep your body in balance.

That’s how we were designed to function. And Prima Natural respects that function.

DEBRA: Well, one of the things that I’ve learned about body function is that everything in our body is designed by nature to do a certain function of bringing in nutrients and expelling wastes. That’s the whole thing. And our skin is actually one of our largest organs that is bringing in nutrients, as you’ve said, from vitamin D from the sun and expelling wastes, all kinds of wastes, with our sweat and oils and all those things that we have to have that in-flow of air—even oxygen—and the expelling.

We need to have it in and then out.

HEIDI SANNER: Conventional cleansers will strip your skin, but then they put in all these fancy oils. Now they’re putting in argon oil. They’re getting fancier and fancier with the names and the oils that they’re finding and bringing from overseas in an attempt to lull us more and more into this thought. And it’s just not required.

DEBRA: It’s not. We need to keep those channels open. We need to keep those channels of exchange with the environment through our skin open. And so that’s one of the reasons why I’m so excited about your soap because it allows that. It allows our skin to function as skin.

HEIDI SANNER: Yeah, it’s an original thought, isn’t it, but it’s proving itself.

DEBRA: It is! But what it requires is being able think about how nature functions instead of thinking industrially. Our industrial products are based not on what we need in order to be healthy. They’re based on materials and sales and profits and “we’ll keep the factories going” and all those kinds of things just like any other industrial product.

HEIDI SANNER: Well, I think it was brought out of—I mean, I always have this Pollyanna view of the world. I think it would’ve started as “how do you get the most to the most people?” But this got out of hand.

DEBRA: I think so too. I do think that that was the beginning of industrialism, “how do we get more things to more people?” But we’ve lost sight of that.

HEIDI SANNER: Right! And we’ve lost sight of commonsense is what we lost sight of.

DEBRA: So, we don’t need to have all those oils and toners and moisturizers.

HEIDI SANNER: No! I mean, you tell me. You’ve tried this soap now for a while. As you use it and your skin balances out, you notice “I don’t need lotions anymore. My skin is okay as it is.”

DEBRA: It is, it really is. And I can say that I’m almost 59 years old and I don’t have wrinkles. I mean, I haven’t been using your soap for 59 years, but I think it’s because I’m not using all those commercial products. I actually put very little.

This will sound funny, but I even went through a phase where I wasn’t using even soap. I was just getting in the shower and putting water on my skin because I thought, “Let’s see how this works” because out in nature, I figured…

HEIDI SANNER: Well, let’s get into that when we come back, the pH and neutral and water and how that works. That’s also a fascinating topic.

DEBRA: Okay, good. We’ll talk about that when we come back. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is Heidi Sanner from Prima Natural. We’re talking about soap and skin. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is Heidi Sanner from Prima Natural. We’re talking about soap and skin.

Heidi, tell us about pH-neutral skin cleansers?

HEIDI SANNER: Okay. Yeah, you mentioned with just water. Water is pH neutral. And the latest trend in marketing and skin cleansing are these ph neutral products. But think about it, neutral is just that, neutral. Nothing! No cleansing occurs. No bacterial protection results on the skin. It’s just neutral. You’re just smearing it around. You have to get clean. I’m a clean freak.

I’m sorry. I want to be clean.

And the real reason for pH neutral products in my opinion and according to my research is not for the good of the skin, it’s to extend the shelf life of the product. You have acid-loving bacteria that thrives in acidic environment. You have basic-loving bacteria that thrives in alkaline environment. But bacteria doesn’t thrive in a neutral environment. So that’s why they did this.

DEBRA: Well, that makes sense t me.

HEIDI SANNER: And “hey, let’s tell people it’s good for them. It’s neutral. It won’t hurt you.” Yeah, it won’t hurt you. It won’t do anything. It won’t get you clean either. This is a major discovery I came to when I was developing the perfect soap formulation.

Human skin is actually slightly acidic. And it needs a slightly basic formulation to bring it to neutral. So, I formulated Prima Natural to be slightly basic. So when it comes in combination with your skin, it will bring it to a true neutral where bacteria will not thrive.

DEBRA: Is that the reason why we want it to be neutral, is that bacteria will not thrive in your skin?

HEIDI SANNER: Right, right. You want to bring it to neutral.

DEBRA: Okay. But a neutral skin cleanser won’t bring it to neutral is what you’re saying?

HEIDI SANNER: No! If you remember from high school chemistry classes, neutral plus an acid—your skin is slightly acidic, right? Neutral plus an acid, you’re still going to have an acid. You have to combine a base with an acid to bring it to neutral.

And it has to be in the perfect combination as well so that it comes to neutral. Otherwise, we’ll be too acidic or too basic.

And that’s why you have irritated skin. You’re either too acidic with what you’re using (i.e. pH neutral or acidic products so that bacteria you’re trying to get rid of is still there, just thriving even more) or you have a cleanser that goes overboard the other way and you’re too basic (you’re too alkaline). It’s the same thing. It’s very irritating to your skin. You need a product that works with your skin to bring it to a true neutral, so that you can be comfortable and clean and everything functions as it should. I hope that makes sense.

DEBRA: Well, I’m just sitting here wondering if everybody understands what pH is. Could you just explain that just briefly?

HEIDI SANNER: PH is a measurement of the acidity or alkalinity, how acidic or how basic something is.

DEBRA: And so what you’re trying to do is you’re trying to balance it. It’s a chemistry thing.

Are you still there? I think that we just lost Heidi. I think that the line just went out. And so we will just find out in just a second.

I’m trying to not have dead air time. I think my line is lost.


DEBRA: Oh, okay, good. Good, good, good. Okay. Alright, good! I hope everybody stayed through that little dead air time because I wasn’t sure if it was my line that was gone or your line.

Alright! So, let’s get back to how do you get enough natural ingredients to run a soap company?

HEIDI SANNER: Oh my! That was the hardest part. As you know, I use raw goat milk. And raw goat milk increasingly is becoming illegal across the United States—the sale of raw milk, it has to be pasteurized. It’s being highly regulated.

DEBRA: So, is that true also to use it as a soap ingredient or I thought it was just for consumption?

HEIDI SANNER: No. In many states, it just can’t be sold, period. It doesn’t matter. And you can’t take it across state lines either. Then it becomes a federal offense.

DEBRA: I just need to say something about this. What I’m seeing more and more is regulations that, instead of helping us be more healthy, the regulations prevent us from doing healthy things. You’re talking about the raw milk. I’ve known about these raw milk regulations for a long time. If I was going to drink milk—I don’t drink milk, but if I was going to—I would want to drink raw milk. And there are only certain places—

I mean, it’s so healthy. It’s just so healthy. It’s what people used to drink. And the milk that is available now is not anything like what real milk is like.

HEIDI SANNER: We are more ill and have more disease.

DEBRA: Yeah. It used to be that doctors would prescribe people to drink milk in order to heal their illnesses. But they weren’t talking about drinking the milk we have today. They were talking about drinking raw milk.

And in the state of California now, we have this law. This has nothing to do with milk, but there’s this new law that basically is making it so that people who are selling natural fibers for upholstered furnishings have to put fire retardants on them in order to comply with the law. And this is just ridiculous!

I don’t want that to sound like an alarming statement. I’m actually doing a lot of research to figure out how we can still have untreated cotton upholstery furniture without violating the law. And I think that there’s a way to do that.

I can’t have chickens in my backyard. The police came and took my chickens. This is ridiculous! We should have laws that support health.

HEIDI SANNER: Absolutely! It got almost comical. And the way I got around this was I went to the state capital first and lobbied for the use of raw goat milk in soap. And they were not going to listen. And then I pointed out the fact that the states had given grants to the goat farmers to keep them in business, and then took away their ability to sell the product. It didn’t make any sense.

DEBRA: No, it doesn’t.

HEIDI SANNER: So, the way I got this done was I pointed that out to them. “Do you really want this to be publicized that you gave millions of dollars to goat farmers to build dairies and build up their herds, and then told them it was illegal to sell the milk?”

So, I have a special dispensation for Prima Natural that I can buy raw goat milk for the use of making soap only.

It’s funny, but it’s very sad.

DEBRA: It is, it is. If you look back at pre-industrial cultures, when you look at cultures or societies where people were living close to nature and that they were getting say their food from nature and everything that they needed to make their clothing and those kinds of things, they were growing food or hunting and gathering, if you look at those cultures, they have rules in place that their traditions are all around maintaining the resources so that they can survive. And we’re so far separated from our resources and from knowing what’s going with the relation between what we do and the environment. We can’t even see it because we’ve got this whole retail, industrial, consumer system between us.

All the rules need to say first how are we going to maintain the environment, how are we going to maintain health. And they all need to be in place in order to facilitate those things happening instead of blocking them from happening.

Anyway, that’s me on my soapbox for today. I just feel very, very strongly about this. This is like one thing. It’s like we don’t even have…

HEIDI SANNER: You can’t regulate such things. I mean, commonsense has gone out the window. There’s always an exception to every rule.

DEBRA: But we should not have rules like that, that you can’t sell raw milk. Those kind of rules just shouldn’t be there.

HEIDI SANNER: Especially when you’ve given public funds to the farmers to produce the raw milk.

DEBRA: Especially…

HEIDI SANNER: And then tell them they can’t sell it.
And these are organic. I mean, these are great! These goats are phenomenal. I’ve gone and I’ve visited them often. They’re organic farmers—

DEBRA: I have to interrupt you though because we’ve only got five seconds left. So thank you so much for being on the show.

Heidi’s website is You can go visit. I’ll be back tomorrow.

HEIDI SANNER: I hope it was helpful.

DEBRA: It was!

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Prima Natural

A unique handmade, gentle, chemical-free soap, that leaves your skin “effectively cleansed yet still soft and resilient…without pore clogging residue, sticky lotion or heat retaining oils.” Whole, raw goat milk and raw honey are combined in a special way to retain the vital vitamins, minerals and enzymes that make the difference. The unique process incorporates each ingredient slowly and carefully to enhance and promote the cleansing and nourishing properties. This produces an incredibly dense, gentle yet effective soap. Your skin is the largest organ of your body. Keeping it effectively clean and free of residue allows it to absorb essential needs from the air (oxygen), the sun (vitamin D) and the world around you. Also, important is the ability to excrete toxins and produce cooling moisture. Prima Natural™ soap respects and preserves these vital functions. Skin should not be masked with residual oils, lotions, creams or chemicals. Really clean, nourished skin does not require any of these. For a true natural clean and the health of your skin and your body:  eat well, drink plenty of water and cleanse with effective yet gentle Prima Natural™ soap.

Listen to my interview with Prima Natural Founder Heidi Sanner.

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Toxic Free Valentines

Today we’re talking Valentine’s with my guest Annie B. Bond. We’ll explore how to give the traditional Valentine treats in a healthier manner, and ways to show our love from the heart, I met Annie many years ago when her publisher asked me to write the forward to her first book Clean and Green. Annie is the best-selling author of five books, including Better Basics for the Home (Three Rivers Press, 1999), Home Enlightenment (Rodale Books, 2008), and most recently True Food (National Geographic, 2010), and winner of Gourmand Awards Best Health and Nutrition Cookbook in the World. She was named “the foremost expert on green living” by “Body & Soul” magazine (February, 2009). Currently Annie is the Executive Director and Editor-in-Chief of The Wellness Wire and leads the selection of toxic-free products for A True Find.









Toxic Free Valentines

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd

Guest: Annie B. Bond

Date of Broadcast: February 10, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world.

We do that because there are so many toxic chemicals around – in toxic consumer products, in the air we breathe, in the offices we work in, in our homes. Even in our bodies we’re carrying around toxic chemicals that we’ve been exposed to in the past. All these toxic chemicals can affect us physically, mentally, spiritually. If we eliminate them and take charge of them, decide that we don’t want them, I’ve seen in my own life and in others amazing improvements in health and well-being of all kinds.

So, all of these is here for you to choose if you want to. I’ll just provide all that information I can. Every weekday I have different guests on and talk about how they’re contributing to making a toxic free world.

Today we’re going to talk about Valentine’s Day coming up. Valentine’s Day is a wonderful day to celebrate love, but it also has a lot of toxic exposure, particularly, the toxic exposure of sugar. But we’re going to talk about different ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day that can be healthy and life affirming today.

My guest is Annie Bond and she’s the author of a number of books about toxic free living. Clean and Green was her first one and Better Basics for the Home, Home Enlightenment, she has got a cookbook called True Food and she just has been doing this almost as long as I have. So we have lots of experiences. She’s done a lot of writing of articles and websites. Her website is – well, Annie, I forgot your website. You know what’s going on today. Hi, Annie. Say hi.

ANNIE BOND: Hi! It’s so nice to be here. Thank you. Just is fine.

DEBRA: Thank you. I’m sitting here without being able to see my usual screen on my website because I’m actually redoing my website and it’s taking us a couple of days longer than I expected. I had to shut down my old website, but the new one is not ready yet, so I can’t see anything.

ANNIE BOND: Oh, no! Right! No problem at all. That’s it,

DEBRA: So we’re talking about Valentine’s Day and for everybody who’s listening, Annie has been on four or five times. She’s one of my regular guests. So we’ve all heard her story, but I understand that some of you might be listening and you don’t know anything about Annie. So Annie, why don’t you tell us again something about you?

ANNIE BOND: Sure. Yes, Debra was in a way my mentor because I got into this and she was the only person that was writing in this field when I started. I just have a little slightly different angle, so I just said, “Well, I guess there might be room for me. I don’t know, but I’ll try because I have some things to say.”

Anyway, I was poisoned in 1980. I worked at a restaurant that had a gas leak. I was very healthy, I was 26. It was one of those things that I was breathing the gas so much because I was a waitress that I got really exposed.

Suddenly people started passing out and it was one of these catastrophic things where 80 people had to be taken to area hospitals. It was a big deal.

So at that point, they say I had permanent frontal nervous system damage. I don’t believe it because I’ve worked so hard and I feel like I lead a pretty normal life now. But it hasn’t been without a lot of work.

And then after that, I sort of had back-to-back poisoning. Our apartment building was exterminated with a pesticide that’s been taken off the market because it’s so incredibly neurotoxic. So I just couldn’t have been more vulnerable. That just did me in right then.

And so I got very sick. I was basically a bubble case for a long time until I learned how to live without chemicals. And then I was like a wilted plant that was given water. In six months I popped back and was well enough to have a baby, my doctor said.

So, it was sort of an incredible testament to having an unwavering need for clean air and I just didn’t stop until I got it. That’s what enabled me to lead a normal life ever since.

DEBRA: I think that that’s just a really important point. I had the same experience where – you know, you and I were dealing with this so long ago when nothing was written about this.

When I started, there was only one book that even talked about anything remotely about it. And so, I just took the idea in that book, which was that if you could identify where the toxic chemicals were (and of course it didn’t have very much information about that), if you could identify where the toxic chemicals were, then you could recover from this immune system problem that we were both having.

And so I just took that to heart and I just said, “I’m going to find the toxic chemicals in my house and I’m going to figure out how to get rid of them.” And in some cases that meant just getting rid of whatever it was that had the toxic chemical and having nothing to replace it. It’s not like today where you can go to my website and find anything you want that’s toxic free.

ANNIE BOND: I know! I mean, my work especially is almost obsolete because it’s formulas, it’s the old folk formulas. That’s what interested me, finding how did they use to do it, how did they come up with these, how did they polish the furniture and things like that before we got into the petroleum age. And now, I think you just about do anything. There’s a green product for just about anything.

DEBRA: There is, but you know Annie, I think that there is an important place for people making things themselves and having the power to be able to decide what goes into your products and not just leave it to manufacturers – not that that it’s not good to have things be manufactured.

ANNIE BOND: This is a beautiful simplicity of that lifestyle too. I have to say, I have once had an editor come and she couldn’t believe under my kitchen sink I have five things there – baking soda, washing soda, vinegar, things like that.

It’s not like I live only on homemade cleaning products. I mix and match with a really good green detergent for washing my dishes for example, things like that. But just some of them, you just can’t beat, so why would you ever want to spend a lot of money on something that’s not as good?

DEBRA: Well you know what? That’s what’s under my kitchen sink. That’s what it looks like too.

ANNIE BOND: I’m sure it does. I’m sure it does. And other people say, “How do you do that? How do you get there?” I always say it takes about half an hour in your life once to make the decision to change, find some resources. And then once you’ve made the decision to change and you know what to do, you’re set for the rest of your life. And so you just need to make that intention at some point and then you’ll be fine forever.

DEBRA: I totally agree. That’s all it took. I mean, in my particular case, your books didn’t exist yet and my books didn’t exist yet And so it took me more than half an hour to figure out what I can do, to use baking soda and what to do with it.

But Annie and I have done all the ground work now. And Annie, I just want to commend you for the tremendously helpful and thorough job you’ve done of documenting all of this.

ANNIE BOND:Oh, thank you, Debra.

DEBRA: You really did a lot. You did a lot. I focused more on the consumer products part of it. But I really appreciate all the work that you’ve done to come up with these old folk formulas and preserve them and put them together so that they be used off into the future. You’ve made a tremendous contribution.

ANNIE BOND: Awww… thank you.

DEBRA: You’re welcome.

ANNIE BOND: I have to just interject that somewhere down the line, I’ll have to make sure this is instilled my daughter. I probably have the biggest library of salt formulas of anybody, books with formulas in them than anybody in the planet. So they should go in to some special library somewhere.

DEBRA: They should go in to a special library. Yes, they should. And they should make sure that that happens because that kind of information should not be lost.

ANNIE BOND: Exactly, exactly.

DEBRA: Exactly, yeah. So, I just want to make the point to people who are listening that both Annie and I come from having had this toxic exposures to the point where we were disabled and not able to function in life and having to figure out how we were going to solve the problem. And in both of our cases the major thing that we did was to eliminate the toxic chemicals that were making us sick.

Of course there are other things I did and I’m sure there are other things that you did, Annie, but wouldn’t you say that the first bottom line thing is to eliminate the toxic chemicals.

ANNIE BOND: Absolutely, absolutely. The people that try to just build their immune system and stay in a toxic place just never thrive the way I did.

DEBRA: Yes. And we can see, you can look at both of us and see how we’re thriving and how much energy we have and how we’re pursuing life and that we’re out there talking and doing things and writing books. It’s like if somebody has a chemical situation where they’ve been poisoned, it can be recovered from. That’s the point.

We need to go to a break and then we’ll be back and we’ll talk about Valentine’s Day. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest is Annie Bond.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Annie Bond, author of many books about toxic-free living. She’s at And today we’re talking about Valentine’s Day. Well Annie, I love Valentine’s Day.

ANNIE BOND: Very nice, lovely.

DEBRA: Yeah, but there’s a lot of things that probably we shouldn’t be putting in our bodies on Valentine’s Day and let’s start with chocolate. We could talk for five hours about chocolate.

ANNIE BOND: We could. I just would recommend that we can rephrase that to say that we shouldn’t put it in our bodies but also that there are many things that can’t put in our bodies. Chocolate is such a healer of the heart on a biochemical way too.

DEBRA: Well, let’s talk about chocolate because I think that chocolate is the iconic thing to do for Valentine’s Day, give chocolates. And I think that the issue is not chocolate or no chocolate because chocolate is actually a very nutritious food. The problem is what gets put and mixed with the chocolates.

And so, what you want to do is stay away from chocolates that have a lot of sugar, refined white sugar in them or high fructose corn syrup or things like that. And go to the natural food store and buy one that at least has a natural sweetener.

ANNIE BOND: Yes, and that’s very dark because it’s the really dark chocolate that’s incredibly good for your heart.

DEBRA: That’s right, like 70 or 80%.

ANNIE BOND: Yeah, I eat 85% dark.

DEBRA: Yeah, I do too. Many, many years ago, when I first started not eating sugar, when I was very, very sensitive to chemicals, one of the first things that I did was to stop eating sugar. But I love chocolate and I still love chocolate and so I tried to eat cooking chocolate, baking chocolate which has no sugar in them at all.

ANNIE BOND: Hmmm… ooh, that’s bitter.

DEBRA: And that was so bitter, so bitter! Oh, my God. And I decided, “Nope, this is too bitter.” But having that experience of going all the way to totally sugarless chocolate, I could back up to like the 80%, the really bittersweet and it actually tasted good to me.

ANNIE BOND: Even 70% now is so sweet, I can’t stand it.

DEBRA: Really?

ANNIE BOND: Yeah. As you say, back up into it. Eighty-five tastes delicious to me now.

DEBRA: Yes, I like it very bitter too.

ANNIE BOND: But I keep thinking how wonderful it is for my heart. That’s the thing. It’s just staggeringly beautiful for your heart. I’ve read so many scientific studies about how good it is for your heart. I’m like really sold on it.

DEBRA: I’m really sold on it too. I just went on a temporary 30-day diet and I’m on day 19, I think it is of the diet. So there’s no chocolate, no sweetener of any kind for 30 days. But prior to that, I was eating chocolate every day. I just have this little chocolate treat and I make it myself with cocoa powder, organic cocoa powder and coconut sugar because coconut sugar is the lowest glycemic organic – coconut sugar. It comes from the nectar of the flowers on the coconut tree. And it has a flavor like brown sugar.

ANNIE BOND: Yeah, totally with you on this 90%, Debra. That combination is just fantastic!

DEBRA: It is. And so I would just mix it up with a little bit of organic…

ANNIE BOND: Isn’t that funny. After all these years, we just keep on honing in on exactly the same things.

DEBRA: Yeah, I know!

ANNIE BOND: This isn’t about the toxic cleaning products, I mean, these are our foods. We’re doing this exactly the same things.

DEBRA: Right, right. So…

ANNIE BOND: That’s an educated eye for you, everybody. I think we have such an educated eye. We keep going until we find what is the right, what is best and what is the healthiest for the planet and for us. I think that’s really true.

DEBRA: We do. And I think that there’s probably some truth to it because each of us independently find it. I mean, we have the same standards and we go find the same solutions and we’re so much in agreement.

One year what I did was that I wanted to not have any sugar at all. Remember when I used to be making all this recipes with natural sweeteners? One year, I decided no sweetener and what I did was I took a nice, soft date, a fresh date. Well I guess it was dried, but you know they’re nice and soft. And I rolled it in cocoa powder. That tasted so good..

ANNIE BOND: Oh, that sounds delicious.

DEBRA: It was so sweet from the date and you had just enough chocolate, so that it tasted like chocolate. It didn’t need to be cooked, it didn’t need to be anything. It’s just cocoa powder.

And nowadays, there are these things called cocoa nibs. If you’re not familiar with them – you probably know them Annie.

ANNIE BOND: Yeah, I know that. I love that brand. I buy my cacao powder from them, yeah.

DEBRA: Yeah, and so what it is it’s just the cocoa beans cracked up in to little pieces. And so, here’s no processing at all, it’s just the cocoa bean now They’re pretty bitter and I’ll tell you, they have a big kick of caffeine in them.

And so when I eat them, I’ll just take a little one because otherwise I’m wide awake. I mean, that’s as pure and unprocessed cocoa/chocolate as you can possibly get. And so that’s a possibility too, so just grind those up.

ANNIE BOND: Yeah, or to use those ingredients for – I mean buying the cacao powder, the cocoa powder, buy the purest possible one at the health food store and then add I’ll add a little bit of the coconut sugar and then it’s just absolutely delicious cocoa. That won’t get my caffeine hit from sometimes – I mean, not my caffeine hit, my chocolate hits.

DEBRA: Yeah, yeah. So there are all kinds of ways to be creative with it. I have in the past made all kinds of chocolate desserts for Valentine’s Day rather than going out and buying chocolates. And so that adds a little extra love to it too.

ANNIE BOND: I think that’s very nice. One could find a really, really good truffle recipe. I have one actually on I put it up there many many years ago before I was deeper into the food issues. One could substitute the sugars, but it’s a fabulous recipe for truffles if one wants a recipe. It came down through a few grandmothers, from one via France and it’s just fabulous.

DEBRA: Oooh I’ll have to go look at it.

ANNIE BOND: Yeah, just substitute the sugars.

DEBRA: Once you start thinking in terms of making things like if you could make somebody – say you have somebody.

Oh, we have to go to break again. But after the break we’ll talk more about chocolate and other things that have to go on Valentine’s Day. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, this is Toxic Free Talk Radio. My guest today is Annie Bond and her website is


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Annie Bond. We’re talking about Valentine’s Day and how to be toxic-free on Valentine’s Day.

So Annie, just to finish up about talking about chocolate, I wanted to mention that there are so many chocolate recipes of things that people could make. For example, I have a friend who’s gluten intolerant. I mean, I don’t eat gluten myself, but he’s never been able to eat gluten. And so he can’t just like go down…

ANNIE BOND: He’s more like [inaudible 00:27:33], it sounds like.

DEBRA: Yeah, he can’t go down to a bakery and buy a chocolate cake. And so for me to make him a gluten free cake is a very, very big deal for him and make it with natural sweeteners and things like that.

And so to me, doing things like that is so much more important, to give things from your heart that are really things that the person will really appreciate rather than just giving a card or things that you buy, consumer gifts, to figure out how can you do something really special for this person. And that’s something that I’d been known to do.

I know when I was married, Larry, had a favorite dessert called Coeur A La Crème, which wasn’t chocolate at all, but like this kind of cheesecake-y kind of thing that you make in a heart shape (coeur being the French word for heart). And then you put it in a pool of raspberry sauce. That was his favorite dessert and he always wanted it on Valentine’s Day. And so I made what he wanted.

ANNIE BOND: Yes, of course. I mean, if there’s ever a time for a heart-based gift, Valentine’s Day is it for sure.

DEBRA: Yeah! But another thing that I like to do is to roast beets and then cut them in slices. I have a little heart-shaped cookie cutter. I cut out little hearts, little red beet hearts and put them in a salad.

ANNIE BOND: That’s a really nice idea. And then you could use all of your peels to simmer in water and get a lot of beautiful red dye. And then, if you made a frosting or something, you could mix the beet into it and you would end up having a great red confection of some sorts.

DEBRA: I think that would be a great idea. So Annie, tell me about your most memorable Valentine’s Day.

ANNIE BOND: Oh, my gosh. There hasn’t really been a high point in my life. It was actually one of the big challenges of my last marriage because I would say, “You know, it really would mean a lot to me if I have had something, a gift or…” and he said, “You know I love you.” I’m like “Well, but it would’ve been nice to have something.” So Valentine’s have usually been sort of sad days for me.

DEBRA: Awww… I’m sorry

ANNIE BOND: Yeah, I always loved being able to do things. I love that kind of time. So I love doing it for my daughter and boys would get her something special, but we’ll make something, that kind of thing. Anyway, so what about you? Why don’t we turn it around for you?

DEBRA: Well, I actually have three memorable Valentine’s Day. I was thinking about this prior to this show and I was thinking, “Which one was the most memorable?” I think well I’ll tell one of them now and maybe I’ll tell another one later.

But the one that came to mind first was that there was one Valentine’s Day when Larry was off in California after we moved to Florida, the first Valentine’s Day he was – we wanted to move here, but he still needed to be in California so he moved me to Florida and I was here alone and he was back in California by himself.

When it got to be Valentine’s Day, it just got closer and closer and closer and I thought that I don’t want to be here when he’s in California. The day before Valentine’s Day I decided that I was going to go to California and see him, which meant getting a flight the day before Valentine’s Day. I had no money, but I was determined that I was going to go see Larry for Valentine’s Day.

And so I borrowed some money, I got a flight. I took the red eye and on Valentine’s morning, I surprised him in California.

ANNIE BOND: Oh, my gosh! What a wonderful thing to do. That’s awesome!

DEBRA: Thank you! But when I got home, he had sent me a Valentine. What he had done is he had gone and got this huge piece of butcher paper. He put it down in the floor and laid down on it and he traced all around his body. He put his arms out open and so he sent me this big hug, a life-sized hug.

ANNIE BOND: Awww… that’s the cutest thing ever. That’s so sweet.

DEBRA: It was! It was so adorable. I put it up on the wall the whole time that he was gone. There was this big Valentine up on the wall.

See, there are so many ways that if you’re just creative about it, that you say…

ANNIE BOND: That story though, I was afraid that he was on the plane coming east. It reminds me of that love story about that woman who cut her hair to buy the watch for the man and the man sold his watch to buy her a comb.

DEBRA: But now that you brought that up, I’ll tell you another one of my three stories and that is that there was another Valentine’s Day when we were apart, when we were living in California.

We were living in the San Francisco Bay Area and I needed to go Sacramento to work and I was supposed to work for a few days before Valentine’s Day and I was supposed to come home the night before so I’d be home on Valentine’s Day. The job went overtime and I called him up and I said, “I have to stay here for Valentine’s Day.”

So he was at home thinking, “I need to go see Debra. It’s Valentine’s Day, we’re supposed to be together.” And this was before cell phones. And so he couldn’t call me, he didn’t know where I was and he didn’t know where I was staying, but he wanted to be where I was.

And so he got in his truck. He knew I was in Sacramento, that was it. He got on his truck and he drove from Marin County all the way to Sacramento and just kind of followed his nose. I finished my job and I was walking through the parking lot to the hotel from my car to go into the hotel and Larry practically ran right over me.

ANNIE BOND: Oh, you are kidding me!

DEBRA: No, this is a true story. This is a true story.

ANNIE BOND: That’s unbelievable.

DEBRA: I was shocked because he just purely used his intuition about where I was. It’s like he set his radar on me and he found me.

So anyway, Valentine’s Day can be romantic without toxic chemicals, without sugar and without consumer products.

So let’s see what else should we talk about? Oh, wait we have to go to break now in about five seconds. So you’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Annie Bond and we’re talking about Valentine’s Day and we’ll be right back after this.


DEBRA: This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Annie Berthold Bond. Ooops, sorry, Annie Bond. I met Annie so long ago that I still call her by her full name.

ANNIE BOND: It’s okay, it’s okay. That’s why I included the B though in my address because if people search for Annie Bond they don’t come up with my books, but if they search for Annie B. Bond, they still come up for books that were under the name of Annie Berthold Bond.

DEBRA: Oh good, good. So my guest is Annie Bond and her website is and we’re talking about Valentine’s Day.

So other gifts we can give for Valentine’s Day commonly, a couple more are – well actually, I would say that any gift that you want to give for Valentine’s Day, physical or otherwise, well the physical gifts, you can get any of them organic now. You can get organic flowers, you can get organic wine, you can get organic chocolate, you can get anything that you would think of – clothing, anything is all available organic. It’s amazing how many organic products are available these days.

ANNIE BOND: Totally!

DEBRA: So, look for organic. Again, the natural food store is a good place to do that. We’ve had as a guest on our show, Organic Bouquet, which is a great place to get flowers, You also might be able to get organic flowers from your local farmers market or local natural food store. Just look around and see what you can do.

But I’m still interested in things that we can give from the heart. And another thing that I thought of during the break was love letters. Isn’t this the perfect time for love letters?

ANNIE BOND: Oh, that’s a beautiful idea. That’s a lovely idea.

DEBRA: And poems, you could write a poem. You could have a poem written for you. I have a friend who writes poems for people. You can buy a poem for a birthday or Valentine’s Day or a wedding or whatever. I think people should love each other every day of the year, but this is a time to remember to do that. So what kind of things….

ANNIE BOND: Well, it’s a time to tell people things that you don’t normally do, how much you care about people. I think it really matters. I think that really matters a lot.

DEBRA: I agree with you, totally. So what kind of things did you do with Lily?

ANNIE BOND: Well, I was just thinking that I’m a huge heart-shaped rock person. I’m always picking up heart shaped rocks and I often take pictures of them. I’m just going out of my room while I talk on the radio to find this. I have a heart that is a metal heart and written on it is – it’s like a paperweight kind of thing. And it says “Always follow your heart.” One year, that was my gift to her for Valentine’s Day because that’s what I wanted her to be able to do. It’s a hard lesson to learn, to always follow your heart. So that was an example.

I’d always make something and I’d always be using beets to make something with a red frosting. Just like you had your special heart cookie cutter kind of thing, I would always do things with hearts. We have a heart shaped waffle iron and I would make waffles that were shaped like a heart. I think the shape of a heart is a beautiful shape. So I guess I always saw myself focusing around the shape a lot of times.

DEBRA: Yes, yes. I think so too. I think so too. I really like that.

ANNIE BOND: They’re beautiful. There are a lot of really beautiful quilted kinds of things that have hearts on them. It is always just a reminder to keep your heart open, which is not always easy. We all are shattered and it’s nice to work to have an open heart.

DEBRA: I think so too. I just I think that love is one of the best things. I love love. It’s not just a romantic thing, it’s just the feeling of connection with other people.

I think that love as a general feeling and concept has to do with wanting to make things better or make things good or doing things that have to do with goodness. And so if you love a person, you want to do nice things for them, you want them to be happy, but that can extend out to, of course, your family and out into the environment, about loving nature, loving earth, loving everything. And when you have that feeling for it, then you don’t’ want to harm it. And so, loving your body, loving other people, how could you want to harm them? I just think that having love for something, that results in things being better all around.

ANNIE BOND: Totally! And a lot of the suggestions that you’ve given, it doesn’t require money. So one could spend one year finding the heart-shaped rocks and then give them out on Valentine’s Day, that kind of thing. One could write a love poem and do that kind of thing, it really is lovely.

DEBRA: Yes. Yes.

ANNIE BOND: For some reason my eye [inaudible 00:44:33] to a rose hydrosol that I have. And so there’s something about the rose scent that makes me think of Valentine’s Day a lot. That’s something nice to spritz around I think, the spritz around roses.

I wonder what’s the etiology? Debra, you tend to know a lot about roses and if the rose sent during Valentine’s Day has any kind of historical meaning to it?

DEBRA: I don’t know what the historical roots are of roses for Valentine’s Day. Actually, I was looking at what was the history of Valentine’s Day about right before the show and it goes back to – I’m just laughing before I say this because in the article I was reading, it was talking about

Pagan roots as if that were a negative thing, but to me that’s a very positive thing. There’s this whole culture of people who were relating to the seasonal changes of the earth.

And at this time of the year, it’s a time when things start coming back to life. And so, it’s a time of fertility, it’s a time of love and those kinds of things were celebrated because of the new fertileness of the Earth that at that time, people did ceremonies and rituals to connect themselves to what was going on with the natural changes in the environment.

And this is the time when they wanted the plants to be fertile, wanted the food to come back, wanted the animals to be fertile and it was that kind of a celebration.

ANNIE BOND: Oh, that’s so interesting.

DEBRA: Yeah, yeah. It wasn’t until Shakespeare that – see, this is very ancient. When Shakespeare came along, he started glorifying love and they started exchanging Valentine cards, that they would give someone that they loved a Valentine. It was in a form of a card, a love letter or a poem or something like that. They didn’t go buy them, they would make them and then that put their love into that physical form. And that’s where it came from.

ANNIE BOND: Wow, isn’t that interesting?

DEBRA: Yeah!

ANNIE BOND: It really is.

DEBRA: Well, Shakespeare is very romantic.

ANNIE BOND: Yeah, sure. Absolutely!

DEBRA: Yeah, and all those sonnets. So anyway, there’s so much that can be done for Valentine’s Day. It’s just inexhaustible.

ANNIE BOND: Well, one thing I was thinking about when you were asking me what I did for Lily – for those who may not know, this is my daughter who is now 25. But when she was growing up, one of the things that – I always enjoyed this when she was a child, to really include and inspire children to actually do a lot of creative projects around Valentine’s Day.

And so I remember always getting doilies and having red construction paper and making hearts and making Valentines. And certainly for kids, it’s a big deal. Everybody is giving away a lot of candy to kids and kids are giving it to each other in little hearts with writing on it this time of year.

The health food store just are so much better than when my daughter was young at having candies that’s made with natural dyes so that they can give out these little natural dye-covered M&M type of things instead of those little sugar hearts that have the words on them.

There are a lot of creative things I think that you could do for kids so that they don’t end up having a lot of toxic chemicals (food dyes) in their lives. I think that’s a really good bar to hold as to try to keep them from having food dyes for Valentine’s Day.

DEBRA: I think so too because there’s so much red dye that goes on in Valentine’s candy, it’s amazing. So if you can cut down on that, that is a really big source of toxic exposure for this particular holiday. Well Annie, it’s been a pleasure having you on.

ANNIE BOND: Thank you so much for having me. I always love being here.

DEBRA: I love having you too. We will do it again soon. This is going to be a great Valentine’s Day, I think, for a lot of people. And I think that there are certainly things that we can do that are toxic free.

Now you can go to Annie’s website. It’s You can also go to my website to find out more about this show.

Right at the moment, it’s down today, but it will be up tomorrow and if not tomorrow, the next day. I’m in the middle between two different websites and I’m working hard to get it back up. But I know that a lot of you will be listening to this after the website is up anyway. You can go there and you can find out more about how to live toxic free. And that’s it! Toxic Free Talk Radio.

UV Lamps and Ozone

Question from Becky

Hi Debra, What do you know about UV lamps and their safety? Someone recommended installing this in our furnace to help with allergies – the website says it does not produce ozone but how can you be sure?

Debra’s Answer

I learned something by answering your question.

Years ago I learned about how ultraviolet lights produce ozone because my father was doing some research on using ozone to purify water. At that time, he was using a UV light to produce the ozone.

Today there is apparently a new generation of UV lamps that disinfect with the UV light itself, and not the ozone, as I previously thought. These are ozone-free.

These ozone-free lamps can be used safely to kill micro-organisms within an HVAC unit where you are not exposed to the light.

UV light in a certain range kills living cells by being absorbed by the DNA and breaking up it’s structure.

It also can transform harmful substances by breaking them up into not-harmful molecules.

More about ozone-free UV lamps

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How to Have Cleaner Indoor Air

My guest Mark Sneller, PhD is the author of Greener Cleaner Indoor Air: A Guide to Healthier Living. Twenty years in the making, his book is considered to be “the most complete and readable guide on indoor air quality for the average consumer.” We’ll be talking about some of the many indoor air pollutants you might find in your home and how you can eliminate them. Dr. Sneller received his Bachelor’s Degree in Education from California State University at Los Angeles (1965); served in the Peace Corps (India) 1965-1967; Master’s Degree in Microbiology/Biochemistry from California State University at Long Beach and Doctorate from the University of Oklahoma in Microbiology/Biochemistry with a specialization in Medical Mycology (1976). He received two Post Doctoral appointments from the National Institutes of Health in combination drug therapy and cancer research; served as Asst. Professor of Microbiology at San Jose State University, San Jose, California 1977-1979. Dr. Sneller began his air quality company, Aero Allergen Research, in Tucson, Arizona in 1979. He was twice recipient of the Clean Air Government award from the Arizona Lung Association for contributing to better respiratory health of citizens of the state; former member of the State of Arizona Air Pollution Control Hearing Board appointed by the governor; featured on ABC, CBS, NBC national network news, National Public Radio, the New York Times, Newsweek magazine, Hippocrates magazine, and Allergic to the 20th Century (Peter Radetshy, author) for indoor and outdoor air quality work; helped institute and oversaw the nation’s first pollen control ordinance; terrorism consultant for the City of New York, Department of Human and Mental Services; former member of Literacy Volunteers of America; former contractor with the U.S. Department of Justice and Defense; fifteen-year weekly newspaper columnist on air quality; newspaper and TV consultant on bioclimatology; fifteen scientific publications in the fields of mycology, fungal toxins, palynology, and incidence of mold around the world; pollen and mold consultant and enumeration expert for the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology; radio talk show host for The Breathing Easy Show (Tucson and Phoenix, AZ); Sensei with the Japan Karate Association; member of the Society of American Magicians and three-time president of the Society of Southwestern Authors.





How to Have Clean Indoor Air

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Mark Sneller, PhD

Date of Broadcast: February 04, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world.

It’s a beautiful early spring day here in Clearwater, Florida on Tuesday, February 4th 2014. I’m feeling really good today. The reason I’m feeling really good today is last week, I had a guest Dr. Kellyann Petrucci and we talked about – I guess it’s been two weeks, almost two weeks now, ten days, about 10, 11 or 12 days. We had a show about doing her program, the 30-Day Reset and removing dietary toxins from your body.

I decided that I was going to do that program. I’ve been blogging about it on my website. You can go to And at the top, there’s a button that says ‘food’ on the navigation bar, click on that and you can read about how I’ve been doing on this program since the beginning – what I’ve been eating, recipes, et cetera.

But the point here is that usually on the show, we talk about toxic chemicals, industrial chemicals, heavy metals, solvents, things like that. And what this program is about is about removing the toxic residues in your body from toxic foods. And these are every day foods that you think are okay, but they actually are causing problems in your body.

I always thought that I could eat any food that I wanted to eat as long as it didn’t have any toxic chemicals in them. Well, boy! Was I wrong? Because there are some foods that I think probably nobody should be eating. So I’m not eating those foods. I haven’t been eating them for almost two weeks. And this morning, I woke up and it’s like – you know, you grow through any program and there’s little things along the way. But this morning, I woke up and it was like, “Wow! I really get it.” She said, “If you can just go through the first two weeks, you’ll see a big change.” And I’m seeing a big change.

We’re going to have Dr. Petrucci on again, Dr. Kellyann in two weeks from Thursday. We’re going to be talking about the whole program and what happened. But I just wanted to just give you this little – I’m just feeling so good today and my fingers are typing fast, I have lots of energy and I’m very happy. I feel a relief of not having some toxic stuff in my body that was there before.

There are different ways that you can remove toxic things from your body, but there are specific ways for different things and I’m finally doing one that I haven’t done before. It’s great! Great, great, great! I encourage you go read this. I’m doing really well.

That said, we’re going to talk about something entirely different today. We’re going to talk about indoor air pollution, which we haven’t really talked about much as a general topic. My guest today is Mark Sneller, PhD. He’s the author of a book called Greener, Cleaner Indoor Air: A Guide to Healthier Living. This book as 20 years in the making. His book is considered to be the most complete and readable guide on indoor air quality for the average consumer. I would agree with that because I read a lot about indoor air quality, but most of the books are written in a very technical way and this book is very easy to read.

Now, he’s had his own air quality company called Aero Allergen Research in Tucson, Arizona since 1979. So he’s been doing a lot of research, working with a lot of clients right there in people’s homes and buildings, whatever. He was the recipient of the Clean Air Government Award from the Arizona Lung Association twice and he’s got a whole list of credentials that is just like very long.

Anyway, he’s done a lot of stuff. He’s even had his own radio show. He had a weekly newspaper column on air quality for 15 years. So he knows a lot – a lot, a lot, a lot. We’re going to talk about indoor air quality.
Hi, Mark.

MARK SNELLER: Hi, Debra. It’s an honor and a pleasure. You have been somebody that I followed and admired for many years and to be interviewed by you is really a high point of my career.

DEBRA: Oh, thank you, thank you.

MARK SNELLER: Thank you. Thank you for this.

DEBRA: You’re welcome. So tell us, give the story about how you got interested in indoor air quality of all things?

MARK SNELLER: Oh, man! I regionally started out in cancer research and antibiotic research and combination drug therapy and mycology, the study of fungi and molds. So the end of the story is that I’m a mold expert. But in there is a whole bunch of other stuff. I morphed from that into university teaching at San Jose State College for a couple of years and found out that I was an academician, not a politician and resigned that after two years and moved out to Tucson at ’70.

While I was at San Jose though, I had hooked up with an allergist who wanted a professional to monitor the homes of his clients and find out what kind of mold they were allergic to or exposed to, so he could prepare agents suitable to the individual.
So I had that experience for a couple of years. That was quite intense along with the teaching. And when I came out, I decided to expand my own development of my business and expand it not just to cover mold, but to cover indoor air quality.

The more I researched it, the more I found that the less that we know, that there’s no real spokesperson for the homeowner. It’s just a sellers’ market. There’s no protection for the homeowner and the things that we’re exposed to on a daily basis that change our moods, our attitudes, our health. It’s pretty well recognized that we get ten times more cancer exposure indoors than outdoors. Even the federal government, if you can imagine actually recognizes that.

That’s because of a lot of different factors. It’s a combination of factors. It’s sort of like the cup runneth over. You have some allergies and then you have exposure to fragrances and perfumes, which the EPA and FDA say should be on the hazardous waste list along with heavy metals and pesticides. We’re exposed to those in terms of perfumes and fragrances.

And then we’ve got diesel exhaust, carbon inhalation. It’s quite a list. And then we’ve got allergies to pets. And then, of course, as you had mentioned, the things that we eat. And then we’ve got climate changes. So I address all of these things in the book.

And so things just developed through the years and the business grew. I was hired by the county health department in ’85 to start a pollen and mold monitoring program where every day, I would monitor several areas of the city to ascertain their level of pollen and mold. And then the press got a hold of that, so we had great exposure. Half a million to a million people a day were able to get the information. There would be forecasts and predictions.

And then I got hired by other cities to help them with a pollen control program – Las Vegas for one, Boulder, Colorado, El Paso, Fresno, like that. So then they dropped the program in 2000. I hit the ground running and then my business expanded and on and on. And in there somewhere, I was kind of teaching martial arts for the Japan Karate Association when I first moved out to Tucson to make ends meet while I work my way into the scientific community.

And then I wrote the column for the newspaper as you had mentioned and then put that together and updated everything and put it together into the book. And since the book…

DEBRA: Oh, that’s why it’s a whole bunch of little chapters.

MARK SNELLER: Yeah, yeah. I think it was 116 chapters and 14 sections.

DEBRA: Yeah, but it’s great. It’s great. No, I understand that because I do that with books too like if I want to research something, if I want to figure out some new area of where there’s toxic chemicals, I start writing about it on my website and then I put it all together after I figured out in little pieces. So I do the same thing. It’s like making a quilt or something.

MARK SNELLER: Yeah. I mean, you have to stay organized too to see what you’ve covered and learned new things. There are always new discoveries coming out. I’m a microscopist and I have a…

DEBRA: What’s a microscopist?

MARK SNELLER: An expert at using the microscope. And so I have several of them and I’m always puzzled by new things. I can identify maybe 50 different types of particles in addition to pollen and mold identification, but there was one particle that took me 20 years to learn how to identify until I finally figured out what it was.


MARK SNELLER: So not everything is cut and dry. You don’t really know what you’re looking at and there’s a lot of questions about what you’re seeing and they’re yelling at you saying, “Here I am! Don’t you know what I am?” and you’re saying, “No, I don’t” and you’re trying to figure that out too.

DEBRA: Well, we need to go to break. When we come back, we’ll talk about what some of these pollutants are and as we go through the show, I want to learn about what to do to reduce indoor air pollution. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Mark Sneller, PhD, author of Greener, Cleaner Indoor Air: A Guide to Healthier Living. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest is Mark Sneller, PhD, author of Greener, Cleaner Indoor Air: A Guide to Healthier Living. We’re going to be talking about indoor air quality now, how it affects you and what you can do to improve your indoor air quality.

Oh, I should give his website. It’s You can get his book there. You can also get it by just going to There’s a description of his show, you can click right there and order it from, which gives a tiny commission to defray the expenses of running this radio show.

Anyway, there’s so much information in this book. Why don’t we just start by talking about like what is the scope of how indoor air pollution can affect your health. You cover a lot of different things. I focus mostly on toxic chemicals. We don’t often talk about mold or dust or those kinds of things, but in the definition of toxicology, something is toxic – even an allergy is considered a toxic exposure. So why don’t you just give us a quick overview of the range of illnesses that can come from indoor air exposures and the range of pollutants that are considered indoor air pollutants when you’re talking about indoor air quality.

MARK SNELLER: Wow! Okay, there are two basic ways to categorize our problems, our indoor problems. One of them is particles and the other one is gasses.

DEBRA: Gasses, yes.

MARK SNELLER: So by particles, that includes dust, carbon exhaust by vehicles and rubber tires. We’re talking microscopic respirable stuff that gets down into – we call it PM10’s, 10 microns and below by the federal government. It gets into your deeper lung spaces. And then you have the bacteria and then you have viruses, those are all particles.

And as a quick aside, the dirtiest area of the home in my estimation and in my experience is the refrigerator for a lot of reasons. I devote a whole chapter to the refrigerator and why it probably communicates more disease than other area of the home.
That being said, you have the particles that are – most of them are tracked in by shoes. So the dust get ground including pesticides by the way.

Most of the pesticides that we find in homes (or maybe a half a dozen to a dozen) have never been used in those homes before. They’re just tracked in from hither and dither, wherever they’re being used, whether they’re being used in the garden or out on the lawn or wherever. They’re tracked in the home. They mix with the particles and the dust. They get into the air and they’re circulated throughout the home like that.

But that’s basically your particle factor. That can be reduced by having a scrub mat outside the door, to hang off your shoes at the door. That will actually reduce and lower the dust level within the home.

Removal of the dust itself by vacuuming is okay by slow vacuuming, but at the same time, by instrumentation, I find that the dust level inside of a home a thousand-fold once you begin vacuuming. It’s an interesting factor.

DEBRA: Wow! I didn’t know that.

MARK SNELLER: Another instrument that is used is air filtration. And empirically, it would seem that air filtration works because it reduces the level of particles in a room and like that, but we’ve never been able to prove that it works because setting up experimentation is virtually impossible to get matched sets of people and that kind of thing. So that’s [inaudible 00:18:05].

The other category is – and I’ll get to the symptoms and problems in just a second. The other category is the gasses, the volatile organic compounds – the carpet glues in industrial settings, outgassing from paints and there’s acetones and [inaudible 00:18:28] and benzene and those kinds of factors that are in paint that outgas. That’s responsible for most of the smells inside of a newer home rather than the carpet. So therefore, the home needs to be aired out completely, so that that VOC level decreases.

But the biggest problem that we’re running into now is perfumes and fragrances. Your imagination can run riot thinking about the number of perfumes and fragrances that we’re exposed to on a daily basis even if we don’t want to.

I even have a chapter, We’re Covered with Chemicals section and then one of them is in the bathroom and getting up in the morning. I counted 200+ chemicals that we’re exposed to and perhaps a dozen different fragrance product. And this is just normal living.
Now, the thing is what we’re finding – and if I had to expand my book, I would put this in because now, what we’ve been able to do scientifically is to take a perfume, a fragrance. Let’s call it a perfume that has a combination of perhaps half a hundred or a hundred ingredients and run them through gas analyzer. It’s an instrument that tells us what is in there. The items that are in there, there may be a dozen of them that are carcinogenic that are on the list .

So the end result of all of these…

DEBRA: I just want to interject here for a second about the perfumes. None of these is on the label. All it says is ‘perfume’ or ‘fragrance’.

MARK SNELLER: Right! Because it’s proprietary.

DEBRA: There’s no ingredients. It’s all proprietary. I mean, perfume doesn’t sound like a carcinogen that it is going to cause cancer, but listen to what he just said. What was it? A dozen carcinogens, did you say?

MARK SNELLER: Yeah, up to a dozen, yeah. And you take the plug-in air fresheners. I analyzed a home just recently and a man collected antiquities. He trailed around the world. He had these antiquities within his home and his house maid suggested that he has plug-in air fresheners to make everything fine. I come in there. I run air analysis in his home and I find millions and millions of these little microscopic particles of organic solvents that are in the carpeting, that are in every room of the house, every closet of the house that originated from the air fresheners. I told him that he needed to cease and desist because they’re going to affect his antiquities. Some people like them fine.

The point is not to stop everything. That’s not my philosophy, but realize what you’re being exposed to and cut back and to save money. This is really my reason for being and reason for writing this book – save people money, save hundreds and hundreds of dollars a year on doctors visit and the time that you spend at the doctor’s office and traveling. You won’t need medical care if you just take care of yourself at home. I’m serious.

DEBRA: I agree. We need to take a break. Wait, wait. We need to take a break. We’ll be right back. We can continue to talk about this. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Mark Sneller, PhD, very enthusiastic about his topic of indoor air. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Mark Sneller, PhD, author of Greener, Cleaner Indoor Air: A Guide to Healthier Living.

Well, before the break, we were talking about how many millions of dollars could be saved from people reducing indoor air quality. And that’s actually consistent with studies that I’ve seen that said that something like 70% of – I’m trying to remember the number, 70% of all illness that require medical attention is based one exposure to toxic chemicals actually as we go about our daily life and that it could be $5 billion of savings collectively per year in America if we were to reduce the amount of toxic chemicals and consumer products.

MARK SNELLER: I totally agree with that? And we never did get to the symptoms. I want to touch on, if I may, a couple of items in this segment in terms of symptoms, the obvious allergy symptoms of sneezing and coughing and itching and watering eyes. And this includes the pets too of course.

But what’s interesting is that our exposure to these volatile organic compounds (and let’s just stick with the gas part right now) results frequently in headaches, depression and mood swings. So if you wake up in a lousy mood, it may not be your fault. How is that? It might be what…

DEBRA: Exactly! I had that experience in my life. I’m a pretty cheerful person. But I just wanted to tell a story because this so relates directly to indoor air quality.

Many, many years ago when I was back in my early twenties, I used to be engage to a man who lived – I lived in Oakland, California at the time. He lived in Berkeley, California. And in Berkeley, California as in probably a lot of cities with old houses – big, old houses. There are a lot of big, old houses that had been split up into apartments. And so the apartments are not made quite like a regular apartment building would be because they’ve been remodeled by various different people. Some are up to code and some are not.
And so this apartment where he lived is in a beautiful, old house. Great architecture and it had a kerosene heater in it. It was just one kerosene heater in the living room and it had open flames in it like a fireplace. You could see the flames inside the kerosene heater.
We would get along just fine when we were someplace else, but when we were in his apartment, we were depressed, we would argue with each other. It was just like not a good situation at all.

We finally broke up. We were engaged to be married and we finally broke up. A couple of years later – this was before knew anything about toxic chemicals. A couple of years later, I had learned that a lot of what was going on with me was reactions to toxic chemicals and I was working for a doctor. This man came to my doctor’s office and he said to me, “I want to tell you that I realized that what was going on with me was exposure to toxic chemicals, that that was what was causing us to fight like that in my apartment.” He said, “It had nothing to do with you.”

MARK SNELLER: Perfect! Yeah, yeah. I mean, how many marriages are based on that disintegrate from that today?

Debra; Yeah! I mean, he was just so sorry and he wanted to talk to me about how he could get the toxic chemicals out of his body and all these things because he could see the damage that it had done to us.

MARK SNELLER: Yeah. It’s a story that repeats itself on a daily basis in many households. The mood swings happen in children. They’re very sensitive to these things too. So if you see your child or your spouse having a mood swing for some reason, figure out if they just used a lot of hair spray or there’s a lot of fragrance and possibly what their last meal consisted of or if there’s headaches. You might see if there’s an incoming storm and there’s a drop in barometric pressure. There are a lot of variables there too. I just wanted to mention that.

Now, I would could your listeners to the following, to highlight what I’m saying. Take all the products that are underneath your bathroom sink and your kitchen sink and your laundry room, take them all and put them all into one place and add up the cost on all of those products.

DEBRA: Oh, that’s really helpful.

MARK SNELLER: How many of them have volatile organic compounds in them and petroleum distillates? And now add up the cost of a jar or a bottle of concentrated lemon juice, a gallon of vinegar, baking soda and borax. The latter will cost you $10 and will probably last you half a year. The former will cost you $200 or $300 and would be gone overnight.

So now, you can replace everything with – in 90% of the cases, for your laundry detergent, you can use borax. Baking soda, you can use for your clothes, softener, anti-static. There’s a way to use vinegar for that. Fresh lemons, you can use in your showers to remove lime as well as vinegar.

And vinegar is a wonderful disinfectant. But it can’t be called a pesticide or bactericide because it’s basically a naturally occurring product. Same thing with borax, like 20 Mule Team Borax. It’s a naturally occurring product, so by definition, it can’t be called a pesticide. There are other regulations involved in the nomenclature.

But these four items, you can polish your furniture, sanitize and clean your toilet, the sinks, on and on and on, do your laundry and do your dishes and sanitize and sterilize your kitchen after you cut up chicken, you get the salmonella off of that. You need to use it for your refrigerator and clean up the ten areas in your refrigerator that are problematic especially on the doors and like that.

These four items replace the hundreds of dollars of organic solvents and volatile organic compound-producing substances that you have. As far as personal care products…

DEBRA: Wait! We have to go to break again. So let’s take the personal care products after the break. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. My guest today is Mark Sneller, PhD. We’re talking about indoor air quality. I want to say those are exactly the four things I clean my house with, so you must’ve been reading my books. But they are, those are the things to use instead of all these toxic chemicals. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. Today, my guest is Mark Sneller, PhD, author of Greener, Cleaner Indoor Air: A Guide to Healthier Living.

Before the break, you wanted to start talking about personal care products, so let’s go.

MARK SNELLER: Personal care products, be really careful about them especially the types that are aerosolized. And again, I’m not saying quit everything cold turkey, but I am saying that use it wisely. If you’re going to use a hair spray or some kind of aerosol, make sure it’s a pump spray or an aerosol can. The latter makes microglobules that travels through the air space and get circulated throughout the home. So use it sparingly. Keep the fan on if you have one in the bathroom to exhaust that air too.

Much of this is really insidious. We’re sold a lot of things. We get perfume in the mail, we’re sprayed with perfume in department stores. Indeed, we use perfume laundry detergent and dry our sheets. Why?

DEBRA: Yeah. Why? I would like to know why they think that we need to have all that perfume?

MARK SNELLER: Because it’s a sellers’ market. The perfume industry is like the sugar industry, it’s like the petroleum industry, it’s an industry. And so they’re out to sell their product. And so you’re going to wash your sheets and pillowcases with this fragrance and then you’re going to sleep in it. It makes no sense.

DEBRA: It makes no sense.

MARK SNELLER: But why? Because it smells good, you’re going to get a better sleep? It never worked for me. I mean, I’ve got other variables going on when I sleep and it has nothing to do with the fragrance.

So it’s all insidious. It’s permeating through our society and our age and the marketing skills and our ease of exposure through television and various marketing plans and ads and like that. So it behooves us as individuals to wise up and just say, “No, I’m not going to buy products out of petroleum distillates. I’m not going to do this and that. I’m just going to stick with some basic products and do a little bit of research as necessary.” Read your books, read my book. That’s going to change lives and it’s going to save a lot of money not only in terms of purchases and in terms of expenses – doctors visits, time…

DEBRA: Time lost from working when you’re sick.

MARK SNELLER: …argumentation, depression, headaches, better health, better lifestyle, the whole thing. And it’s simple to do.

DEBRA: It’s so simple. It really is very, very simple. I remember back more than 30 years when I was first faced with this question of, “Well, where are the chemicals and what do I do?”, there weren’t any books like mine, there weren’t any websites like mine, nobody has done the research that you’ve done. But I figured it out.

And now that I’ve figured it out, it’s so easy. It really is so easy. It’s just a matter of deciding that you’re going to get the toxic chemicals out of your indoor space and finding out what can you use instead of this that is less toxic and it really becomes second-nature, it really does. I really find that living this way is actually more pleasurable and enjoyable than living with toxic chemicals.

There was a point where I felt like in my mind, I just wanted to put a little skull and cross bones on everything that was toxic. I kind of imagine myself going to the grocery store, putting a skull and cross bones on all the toxic foods and all the toxic products. I think one day, that would be fun, to just go into a grocery store and start doing that.

MARK SNELLER: I would just do the same thing to what used to be underneath my sink and in my laundry room. You take them out and you’re amazed at the number of jars and bottles and cans. Some of them aren’t even properly sealed, some of them are leaking and so on and so forth.

I mean, the kitchen is the worst room for the home for particles. The laundry room is probably the worst room in the home for VOC’s – that and the master bathroom because the master bathroom has of course your fragrances and perfumes. Everything is perfumed in the bathroom and then in the laundry room, everything is perfumed.

And so the highest concentration – I’ve got different machines and devices that measure VOC levels, volatile organic compounds. The laundry room typically has the highest VOC level in the home. It’s a confined space. There’s no air ventilation usually other than, say, through the dryer, but that really doesn’t count for air escaping from the air proper.

So you have then the VOCs there. You’re standing there and you’re working there and you’re exposed, you’re there. Don’t buy perfume detergent. As a matter of fact, you don’t even need to buy commercial detergent. What borax does, 20 Mule Team Borax, what that does is boric acid ties up the hard water in the washing machine. So it takes out the hardness of the water and allows the detergent (a small amount of detergent if you will, half as much as you usually use, even less than that) to actually penetrate. It will bind up with the calcium and the magnesium and the lime. It goes through directly to the clothes and cleans it thoroughly. And then in the rinse cycle, you throw in some baking soda, which is an odor remover, borax along and you’re set.

DEBRA: Yeah!

MARK SNELLER: You used a cheap product to tie up the hard water and then you use less soap to get to the detergent because you don’t need as much, you’ve got clean clothes and you’re good to go.

DEBRA: See, saving money all around. We only actually have just about five minutes left of the show. Didn’t that go by fast? Amazingly fast. You mentioned the refrigerator before. Tell us more about that.

MARK SNELLER: Well, we talked about the surfaces, the handles, the sides, those needs to be wiped on a regular basis. Cold and flu are transmitted, we’re believing now through contact more than through sneezing for a lot of reasons. And so contacting a surface, shopping carts, railing in the supermarkets, at home, the refrigerator handle, microwave handle and then sticking your fingers in your orifices, in your nose, in your mouth (as humans, we do this), we should cease and desist that habit. And so that’s how the bacteria and the viruses are transmitted – aside of course from salmonella. That’s a little different story.

Inside the refrigerator, check the seals, behind the seals. If it’s green, chances are it’s going to be a mold called cladosporium that eats seal and it can become airborne and it’s allergenic. It’s a naturally-occurring mold in those seals and in air ventilation system.

The vegetable tray needs to be cleaned out. As a matter of fact, take everything out of the refrigerator, open up your jars and cans and see what’s spoiled and rotten. Throw it out right then and there. When you move the refrigerator, you’ll find things that you lost before. You got to clean that out, make sure your fan is clean. On top of the refrigerator, it’s usually sitting there, the stove, so it’s going to be full of grease. That’s got to be cleaned off too. Just go through the unit and clean it up. Clean up the floor underneath it. Clean up the walls behind it and like that. And throw out the bad food. There are a number of things to look for that I talk about in the book.

That one, when I really started exploring the refrigerator, I said, “Nah, what could be wrong with the refrigerator?” I think the list was at ten and it’s still counting. I’m finding new discoveries as far as the refrigerator are concerned.

So its surfaces are really important. And cleaning surfaces, you can use vinegar. Dilute chlorine bleach, a 1:10 is fine. Vinegar works just as well to remove the salmonella out of the sinks, out of the surfaces. And again, it’s a very powerful bactericide and virucide, but it can’t be advertised as such. So it’s just word of mouth that helps the spread. And it’s white distilled vinegar that we would normally use to remove the stains.

DEBRA: That’s what I use.

MARK SNELLER: There we go!

DEBRA: And you can buy vinegar in gallon-sized jugs. You don’t have to buy a bunch of little bottles of vinegar. I have probably three or four gallons of it sitting under my kitchen sink right now. You can just go to some discount warehouse kind of store where they sell things in bulk. Even at the supermarket, I think you can buy a gallon.

MARK SNELLER: I think I just pay $2.5 or something like that for a gallon.

DEBRA: Yeah, it’s very inexpensive.

MARK SNELLER: The white distilled vinegar, you can’t buy enough of it for cleaning. The list is endless. As a matter of fact, I ran across a book in the store the other day. They had over a thousand uses for vinegar.

DEBRA: I think I have a book like that.

MARK SNELLER: And a hundred uses for baking soda. It’s endless!

DEBRA: Yeah, yeah. It is. I mean, if you just have vinegar in baking soda, you can do anything with it. I remember, my very first book even before my first published book, my first self-published book, a friend of mine was just glancing through it and he said, “The name of this book should be ‘You Can Do Anything with Baking Soda’” because that was the first book that I wrote about.

MARK SNELLER: Yeah, on clothe, drain, yeah.

DEBRA: Yeah, it’s just a simple, simple thing. If you have vinegar and baking soda in your house, you can do almost anything.

So, wow!


DEBRA: What a treat this has been to have you here today. We’ve got less than two minutes left.

MARK SNELLER: Oh, thank you., I have to promote that new website. Go find out about the book, Read your newsletter and listen to your radio show. This has really been an honor and a pleasure to be with you today.

DEBRA: Thank you. And I hope you’ll come back because there’s so much information we can talk about in your book. You’ve been listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. Go to to find out more and I’ll be back tomorrow.

All Natural Area Rugs and Yoga Mats

My guest today is Kevin Aylward co-founder and Owner of Prairie Rugs and Yogasana. We’ll be talking about how they produce high quality natural fiber area rugs and yoga mats in a sustainable way, and the trend toward sustainable home furnishings. After graduation from the University of Minnesota, Kevin began a career in sales and marketing in home furnishings. In 1996 he co-founded Prairie Rugs a manufacturer of eco-friendly cotton area rugs hand-made in India. In 2005 he became sole owner of Prairie Rugs, Inc., which was focused on eco-sustainable manufacturing before the ‘green’ movement became fashionable. Prairie Rugs is the only rug company in the U.S. that is a Founding Member of the Sustainable Furnishings Council. Working with his partner in India they used their expertise in cotton weaving to make a mat that is dedicated to the practice of Yoga. This seemed like a natural progression because the region of India where the cotton rugs are made is also the area where yoga originated. A new company named Yogasana began production of cotton yoga mats in December 2010. They have sold their cotton yoga mats to yogi in 30 countries around the world. |





All Natural Area Rugs and Yoga Mats

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Kevin Aylward

Date of Broadcast: February 3, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world because there are toxic chemicals all around us in all kinds of consumer products in our homes, in our bodies, in the water we drink, in schools and workplaces and public spaces… everywhere! But we can create our own sanctuary, so to speak, of a toxic-free environment in our own homes. We can remove toxic chemicals from our bodies and we can surround the places we live and work and fill the places we live and work with lovely, toxic-free products.

Today is Monday, February 3rd 2014. And we’ve got a nice overcast late winter, early spring day going on here in Clearwater, Florida. We’re going to be talking about rugs and yoga mats today, area rugs and yoga mats. And these particular ones are made in a very sustainable and toxic-free way and an example of one of those kinds of products that I just—

There are, I would say, a gradient of what’s toxic-free. And at the very bottom—or I shouldn’t say at the bottom because nothing that’s toxic-free is at the bottom. But there are toxic-free in that you would just take a standard product that might be toxic, like paint for example, and just make it out of non-toxic chemicals, and it’s toxic-free. But way at the top of the scale would be a product that’s not only free from toxic chemicals, but it’s also good for nature, the environment, our health, our life, as well as being free from toxic chemicals. And that’s the level of product that we’re going to be talking about today.

My guest is Kevin Aylward. He’s the Co-founder and Owner of Prairie rugs and another separate business called Yogasana. Prairie Rugs makes area rugs. And Yogasana makes yoga mats in actually the ancient region where yoga had its origin.
And so we’re going to be talking about how they do this in a sustainable way.

Thanks for being on the show, Kevin.

KEVIN AYLWARD: Thank you, Debra. Greetings from snowy and cold Minnesota.

DEBRA: I was just thinking that. You must be freezing. I don’t know if you’ve heard the news right before we came on. They were talking about how there’s another blast. And I have a friend who’s going to Minnesota on Wednesday, and I was thinking,

“Oh, he’d better bring warm clothes.” What’s the temperature there?

KEVIN AYLWARD: Oh, it’s zero one above, I’m not sure, pumping around zero. But that seems relatively moderate compared to what it’s been, the sub-zero last that we’ve got. You’ve heard about the polar vortex. So we’re taking the brunt of that a couple, two or three, times.

So, this is one of the colder winters I can remember. But we’re hardy up here, and we don’t complain as you know [inaudible 03:18].

DEBRA: Good! That’s right, that’s right.

KEVIN AYLWARD: We’re very stoic. We’re very stoic.

DEBRA: We’re hovering around 70 here.

KEVIN AYLWARD: Well, if we could split the difference, Debra, we’d both be relatively comfortable.

DEBRA: Yes, I’m sitting here in a little tank top and Capri pants.

KEVIN AYLWARD: Good! Well, we’re waiting for spring. So there we go.

DEBRA: Good, good.

So, tell me. This is a very unusual thing that you’ve been doing. You didn’t start doing this just because the green movement came along. You’ve been doing your area rugs since 1996, right, before anybody was talking about this. Tell me about your background and how you came to do this unusual thing when you decided to do it.

KEVIN AYLWARD: Well, I guess the genesis of the story really, I guess, goes back to when I married a woman from India. My wife is from India. And I graduated from Delhi University. And we moved to the States when we met. And she introduced me to my partner, my original partner, with Prairie Rugs. He was also from India. And he had the manufacturer relationship there.

And we began Prairie Rugs back then.

But I guess the reason that we weren’t late to the green manufacturing game, why it began that way I think is because which are called rag rugs—or the trade name for them is chindi rugs (and chindi is a Hindi word for “rags”—my Indian wife who was Hindi speaker tells me the manufacturing process is inherently sustainable. The base product is recycled—recycled cotton rags.

And while it’s always been important to me, I don’t think there wasn’t much of a call for green home furnishings when we began. We always leaned in that direction and tried t keep the supply chain manufacturing as eco-responsible as possible.

And the trend then developed, and we just played to our strength in that point.

DEBRA: Yeah, that’s very interesting. I also want to just commend you for—1996, so you’ve been married for quite a while.

KEVIN AYLWARD: Oh, much longer! We’ve been married for 26 years.

DEBRA: Congratulations!

KEVIN AYLWARD: Thank you, thank you.

DEBRA: And I think it’s wonderful that you’re doing a business that combines both your cultures, and it’s something that you’ve integrated. I just think that’s wonderful.

KEVIN AYLWARD: Well, thank you. Thank you.

DEBRA: So, let’s see. Tell us then what happened that you ended up—you were doing Prairie Rugs for quite a long time before you decided to also make yoga mats.

KEVIN AYLWARD: Yeah! Well, maybe I’ll take you to the Prairie Rugs genesis a little bit first if that’s alright.

DEBRA: That’s fine, that’s fine.

KEVIN AYLWARD: I’ll tell you how the rugs are made. We visit the manufacturing facility in India at least once a year (sometimes more). And as I mentioned, the process is inherently sustainable because we’re using recycled materials. I’ve pushed and I’ve worked with my manufacturing partners there to try and increase the ways and means we’re doing to make it more eco-friendly.

That’s not something that’s necessarily that well-known or sought after in India. As I mentioned rag rug-making was using recycled materials. There is no power. There is no child labor. That’s the nature of the process.

But we wanted to take it even beyond there and find out if there are ways and means in the manufacturing process where we could improve things and make it more eco-sustainable.

So basically, the cotton scrap is material that’s bought from mills. And it’s pre-consumer. It’s residual cotton. It’s been destined for making bedding and things like that.

So, we buy it from the mills in large bales. And then it’s sorted. And there’s lots of things in the bales. Sometimes, not all of it is cotton. There could be other scraps of this and that. So it’s all sorted out. And the better grades are used. They’re graded I think one through eight or something like that. So we’d use grade six through one in our rugs.

And then, it’s washed and cleaned. And one of the processes that we changed is, initially, they were using bleach to clean the cotton, and we switched to a biodegradable detergent which is more eco-friendly. So we changed that process.

And then, the cotton is dyed all by hand. And then after it’s dyed, it is washed—and not only once, not only twice, but three times, triple-washed in separate basins of water (each clean). And then, within each basin, they’re moving the cotton strips around to try and get the residual dye off of them, and then to put it into the next basin and the third basin.

And then, finally, it’s put out to dry in the hot Indian sun.

After it’s dried, it’s issued to weavers. The weaving is all done by hand, manually.

And then, there’s kind of a final inspection. They’re sort of cutting off the tabs and the little imperfections on the mats and on the rugs too.

And then they’re packaged in India and sent to us here.

DEBRA: We need to take a break. But after the break, I want to ask you to elaborate on some of the points that you just described because you’re doing a lot of unusual things that I want to hear more about.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Kevin Aylward. He is from Prairie Rugs and Yogasana Eco Yoga Mats that are made sustainably in India. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Kevin Aylward, co-founder and owner of Prairie Rugs and Yogasana. They make these rugs in India by sustainable methods.

Kevin, I was really interested to read on your website, you were talking about that the fabrics are hand-dyed. Now, when you say hand-dyed, I think you’re talking about dyed by hand like a person putting a fabric in a pot and not in a factory. But are they actually putting their hands in that? I was thinking as you were talking, “Well, I wonder if they…?”

KEVIN AYLWARD: No. No, no. No, not at all. They’re dyed by hand meaning it’s hand labor. It’s a manual process, not a mechanical process. I’m looking at a picture of one of our dyers right now, and it is in a pot heated with wood. And he uses a long pole to mix the cotton strips around within the pot.

So, it is all by hand. It is not by the manipulation of the cotton. And the dye bath is by hand, not by machine. I guess that’s what I meant by hand-dyed.

DEBRA: Yeah. Well, the reason that I thought of that is because it also says on your website that the water, after rinsing the dying process—what does it say exactly? “The residual dye water is used to irrigate vegetables and mango trees that surround the manufacturing plant.” So your dyes must be really non-toxic?

KEVIN AYLWARD: Yes, they are, they are. Now there’s an interesting story how I found this out. I didn’t know that originally.

Years ago, I was calling on a group of stores, natural food stores, out in Colorado that was eventually bought by Whole Foods. Whole Foods owns all the natural food stores as you know. But at any rate, this is a chain. And I was trying to sell my rugs to them.

And the buyer asked me, “What do you do with the residual dye water after it goes through the dying process?” I said, “No one has ever asked me that question. I really don’t know.” I told her, “I don’t know. I’ll find out for you.”

So, I contacted my partner in India, I said, “What do we do with the dye water? Don’t tell me we’re dumping it into the Ganges.”

He said, “No, no. It isn’t. It’s treated. And It is used to irrigate our vegetables” that surround his manufacturing facility and groves of mango trees.

I was so happy that I could get back to this buyer and tell her that because that is a true story. It’s absolutely true.

DEBRA: Well, it just reflects the care that goes into every step. I mean, I can just see this whole process of the cotton being grown. Your cotton is grown right there somewhere nearby, isn’t it? And then, it goes…

KEVIN AYLWARD: It’s nearby. We don’t know exactly because there’s no source of the cotton coming from the mills. But we know it’s coming from Northern India is where it is. And we’re very familiar with the mill and their reputation. We feel very confident about the source of the cotton.

DEBRA: So you have this cotton, and it’s being grown nearby. And then, it gets turned into this fabric that is used to make bedding. And then, that fabric has some scraps. And then the scraps come to you and you make another product. You make these wonderful area rugs and yoga mats. And then, whatever is left over, like your residual dye water, it just goes on to do something else—to water the vegetables. And probably the workers eat those vegetables and those mangoes.


DEBRA: Everything is just very integrated into your natural system.

KEVIN AYLWARD: That’s all true. That is all true. And we feel very good about the way the workers are being treated. Aside from the due diligence that I’ve done with my partner over there, we did something interesting a few years ago. As I mentioned, my wife is from India. So I engaged my partner in the office while she went out and talked to the workers in Hindi, especially the women. I could try and do the same thing, but may not get the same answer that she would—it’s actually a woman talking to a woman. And we feel very good about how they’re being treated and that healthcare is provided for their familiar. So the karma is good. The karma is good.

DEBRA: Good karma. You know, one of the things that I like about products like yours that have a story like this where everything that you’re doing is interwoven in nature is similar to the mattress that I sleep on which is made out of wool. It’s made by a company called Shepherd’s Dream.

And when I got this mattress, I lived in Northern California, maybe an hour away from where they actually made them. And all the wool the sheep that provided the wool was all in a very local area. In fact, I worked with them to write the first organic wool standards for their growers.

I still sleep on this mattress. And I don’t know, it’s been 15 years or something, but it’s just like new. And I can see a picture in my mind of the sheep. I know where the sheep were raised. I know the room where this mattress was sewn. I had slept on mattresses in this workspace. And it’s like all that interconnection is there as part of the experience of my having this mattress.

And now that I know the story about your rugs, if I had one of your rugs on my floor, that whole story will be there in the rug.

KEVIN AYLWARD: Yeah, that’s right. That’s right. That’s really nice to hear. And maybe that segways a little bit into the genesis of this second company I have that you mentioned. In the west, it’s called Yogasana. In the east…

DEBRA: Well, before we go talk about that, we’re going to have to go to break in just a few seconds. So let’s take a break and start the story when we come back.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. Let’s give Kevin’s website. It’s And the business we’re about to talk about is And you can go to my website, Toxic Free Talk Radio, and find out more about this radio show and listen to all the radio shows from the past. We’ll be right back!


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Kevin Aylward. He’s the founder and owner of Prairie Rugs and Yogasana.

Okay, Kevin, tell us about Yogasana. I know this is what you most want to talk about.

KEVIN AYLWARD: Well, it’s true, Debra. It is my passion, it is. Well, I co-founded Prairie Rugs with two other partners; now I’m the sole owner of the company. Yogasana—which by the way, in the East, it’s pronounced, Yogasana. In the west, it’s Yogasana. Either is correct. I guess I go with the Eastern pronunciation, but either is correct.

This is something that I founded along with my partner in India—I conceived of, and he helped execute. So, the story begins where I was approached by several companies here—one even quite large one—that makes yoga mats. And they asked us to weave a cotton mat for them. When it comes to weaving cotton in India, that is our specialty. We’re known pretty well for that within the industry, within the trade.

So, I looked in that. I could’ve done that. And this would’ve been for their brand. And I thought, “Rather than building up their brand, why don’t we do our own?”

DEBRA: I want to ask you a question. What is unique about a yoga mat that’s separate and distinct from an area rug? If I were practicing yoga, why wouldn’t I just get one of your Prairie rugs?

KEVIN AYLWARD: Very good question. And I began with that premise. So we looked at Prairie Rugs, and I even made some samples, which I have. They’re 2 x 6 which is the normal size of yoga mats. They’re 24’ wide by 72’ long. 68’ is actually the standard. We went to 72 inches.

And I quickly found amongst myself and others who were much more adept at yoga than I am that the product was not suited. Number one, it’s too heavy. A 2 x 6 Prairie rug weights almost 8 lbs. It’s quite heavy, too heavy. And second, the cotton strips are not a good texture, not a good surface for yoga practice. It’s too slippery. It’s too slippery, too heavy.

DEBRA: Hmmm… okay, good.

KEVIN AYLWARD: So, we knew that wouldn’t work. So we started out with a blank sheet. Rather than taking an existing product which is a flat weave—Prairie Rugs would be considered a flat weave or a duree (we know cotton durees are a flat weave)—rather than taking one of those and repurposing it as a yoga mat or call it a yoga mat essentially, I said to my partner, “Let’s try and design a cotton rug for yoga—blank sheet, the best materials, the best weave.”

So, the base material is different than our Prairie Rug for Yogasana. It’s more of a thread than it is the cotton strips.

So, he made some samples. I said, “Make us some samples, 2 x 6.” We brought them over, and I gave them to friends of mine who are serious yogis and those that practice different styles of yoga—hot yoga, hatha yoga, vinyasa, the flow types of yoga, restorative yoga, different types. And then, I had them review the mat and its performance.

I gave them a sheet of 15 different questions. How does it work for grip and color and washability and weight and size and all these kinds of things.

And interestingly enough, he did the same thing with some yogis in India. We wanted to get both perspectives on that.

And then, out of those reviews and reports, we refined the product and developed it to what it is today which is a 2 x 6, 24” x 72” yoga or a cotton composition which we believe is the most eco-sustainable yoga mat on the planet.

DEBRA: So, when you say cotton composition, the first thing I think is that there’s some synthetic material in it. But no, it’s 100% cotton. So how is that cotton different from the cotton that’s in the rug?

KEVIN AYLWARD: It’s different. The cotton in the rug are cotton strips. I mentioned we buy them from the mills. They’re about 18” long and about an inch to an inch and a quarter wide. They’re a strip of cotton.

The cotton in our mat is actually a thread. It’s a cotton thread. So the source is different.

DEBRA: Oh, I see.

KEVIN AYLWARD: So, it’s a different source. And the manufacturing process is slightly different. But it is all cotton. It’s 100% cotton—cotton warp, cotton weft. Cotton composition, it’s strictly composed of cotton.

DEBRA: Yes, I got it. I got it.

KEVIN AYLWARD: A hundred percent, yeah.

DEBRA: I want to hear more about that you don’t use any electricity. I’m looking at a picture on the Yogasana site of a man weaving. He’s in a very open air kind of place with no walls. And so, you mentioned using coal before, but this is very much not a factory.

KEVIN AYLWARD: It’s not. It’s more of a cottage industry because it is an organized space where we’re making the mats and the rugs. But there’s no electricity being used. Most of the processes are done by hand manually. The weaving is on a manual loom. The dying is with coal-fired vat of dye. The warp thread is stretched just by hand. They put up two posts and run the warp between that and stretch it out. And the cotton dries in the sun. The water comes from a well on the site.

I get asked often about the question of child labor. It’s not that there isn’t a lot of child labor in India; there’s a lot. Oftentimes, it’s cottage industry, people making things at home. But this product does not lend itself to work by children. It’s more heavy-lifting and more of a rigorous process, so there is no child labor involved at all.

And so, it is very much of a hand-made process, again, inherently in making these kinds of products.

DEBRA: Again, we need to go to break very soon. But I was just thinking about the tradition of all these handcraft work in India and the spiritual roots of that and Gandhi setting up these villages. Maybe you could tell us more about that after the break.

And I also want to hear about the Sustainable Furnishings Council.

So, we’ll be right back. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest is Kevin Aylward. And his website or We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. My guest today is Kevin Aylward. And we’re talking about making rugs and yoga mats in India. He’s the owner of Prairie Rugs and Yogasana. And the websites are and

So Kevin, tell us more about the tradition of handcrafts and how India got set up that way.

KEVIN AYLWARD: Yeah, that’s a really important part of the story. Weaving has been a tradition in India for thousands of years. And I think really, on the rug side—and you mentioned Gandhi before the break—[Gandhi] talked to the Indian population about the importance of home-spun clothe to try and help liberate the Indian population from the reliance on cloth coming from England before their independence, to be self-sufficient, self-reliant that way. And that became a huge movement.

Now, with regards to my yoga mats, people say, “Well, how did the idea begin, the genesis of that idea?” And in a way, it really began with this 15th century saint from India. He was a mystic poet and saint called Kabir. He was a poet, a saint. But his profession was a weaver. He was a weaver by profession. That’s how he made his living to be self-sufficient.

And weaving cloth in this part of northern India has been a tradition for thousands of years. The city we’re situated there is a very old city. It’s one of the oldest cities in the world. The city’s history dates back up 10,000 years if you can imagine that. It’s a city, a place, where Hinduism was founded and is also sacred to Buddhism. So it’s steep in mysticism and spirituality.

So, if you think about the weaving tradition and the spiritual tradition, it’s the place where yoga really began. So it seems like a natural progression for us to make this mat there.

And so, we talked about how it’s made and the traditions on which it derives from. But the final piece is—and I didn’t mention this, this is really important—that each mat that is made, it takes 10 days to make each mat including three days of weaving, three days on the loom. After which, the master weaver who made the mat signs a signature card that stays with the mat. And this way, it forms a connection between the weaver and the yoga who is eventually going to use this mat—from his hands to her hands in most cases.

I thought that was really important. I wanted to get that in.

DEBRA: I think it’s really important too. There’s such a connection that occurs with products like yours between the earth and the artisan and the user that is totally gone in industrialized products. You have no idea where the material comes from. A machine is making it. There’s a whole tradition of handcrafted things, having heart to them. And you’ve just got it all the way down the line. I can really see that your yoga mats would be very special to somebody who does yoga practice and knowing that they’re made in that place where yoga was developed. It’s all part of the story.

Everything that you’re doing just down the line, I wish that every product was made like yours, with the care and the thoughtfulness into sustainability not only in materials but in terms of history and human connection and connecting the user with the entire process.

And having pictures on your site and all those kinds of things, it’s just… just, just… I’m sitting here smiling.

KEVIN AYLWARD: Well, thank you, Debra. It’s really important me.

And the other thing that we’re doing which is the key to the sustaining this new company, Yogasana, is we have to give back.

We’re giving back to support the education of the production workers’ children. My wife is involved with this foundation and my partner’s wife in India. We call it Yogasana Circle. A portion of every mat that we sell goes towards this cause. And when a yogi buys a mat online, they can make an additional donation if they chose.

And a hundred percent of what is given goes towards our foundation called Yogasana Circle. There’s nothing lost in transfer.

There’s no administration. Every dime, every penny goes towards this.

So, right now, we’re supporting school supplies for the children of the workers—their books and pencils and backpacks and uniforms and things like that. But as the company grows, we’d love to say, one day, that we’re going to be able to build a school over there for these kids.

Education is really important. It’s really important to me. And it’s especially important to my wife coming from India and recognizing how that empowers the youth.

So, that foundation empowers Yogasana. That’s our energy source. So it’s really, really important to us.

DEBRA: How wonderful! Tell us about the Sustainable Furnishings Council. You were one of the first founding members and the only rug company in the United States that’s a founding member.

KEVIN AYLWARD: That’s correct! And the reason is, when the Sustainable Furnishings Council began in 2006, as I’ve mentioned, I had an interest in sustainability, so it was natural for me to sign on. And before it was really popularized, I signed on before any other rug company signed on. So even though I’m a very small company—Prairie Rugs is small—I’m the only rug company in the US that’s a founding member of the Sustainable Furnishings Council.

DEBRA: And what does the Sustainable Furnishings Council do?

KEVIN AYLWARD: Well, what it is, it’s an organization that supports sustainable manufacturing and retailing methods in home furnishing. And while they’re not a third-party certifier like others are, they’re basically rallying around a membership that has the same vision in terms of purveying sustainable furnishings if you’re a retailer or making or using sustainable methods if you’re a manufacturer or a distributor.

And basically, what’s required of me—there’s a membership required, a yearly membership—I have to sign an affidavit each year stating that the methods that we’re suggesting that we use are indeed true. And that membership has to be maintained year after year.

So, I love the idea initially. I thought that they were heading the right direction. It was natural for us because, as I’ve mentioned, our rugs are inherently. And they’re doing very good work, so that’s why I support them.

DEBRA: Good! I’m happy to see that they’re there in the industry so that people can have a resource and belong to something that supports sustainability.

So, we only have a few minutes left on the show. Didn’t that go by fast?

KEVIN AYLWARD: It did for me. I could talk on and on about this. As I’ve said, it’s my passion.

DEBRA: Well, is there anything that you want to make sure that you say that you haven’t said in the next three minutes?

KEVIN AYLWARD: Basically, as I’ve mentioned, Prairie rugs are really important to me and we continue to do that. The yoga mats, we are just launching and trying to gain a foothold in it.

Yoga is growing tremendously. I’m happy to say that we have now sold our mats to yogis in about 30 countries around the world. I just got an order from South Africa this week, from Brazil. We’re selling to Australia, New Zealand and Europe. It’s really growing nicely.

And the feedback, the testimonials that I get are just heartwarming. I invite anyone to go on our website or our Facebook page (you can navigate that from our website), and read some of the testimonials that we are getting from yogis who own our mat.

And I’m just speechless. The kind words that they’re saying about what this mat has done for their practice. It just makes me cry. We feel really good about that.

DEBRA: It’s so incongruous to do yoga on a plastic yoga mat.

KEVIN AYLWARD: I think so.

DEBRA: Yeah! I mean, yoga is so spiritual. It’s about connecting with your body and nature that to then put that smelly artificial thing there and have that be the base of a spiritual practice, this doesn’t make sense to me. So that’s one of the reasons why I think it’s so incredible that you’re doing this, because it’s so natural to the practice.

KEVIN AYLWARD: It’s traditional. It’s classic. And you’re right, the origin of yoga predates the advent of plastic.

DEBRA: Yes! They must’ve used something before a plastic mat.

KEVIN AYLWARD: Yeah! They did yoga on the ground. They did yoga on cotton and wool rug.

So, this is not a new idea that we’re doing. It’s a very, very old idea. This is a traditional idea. We’re trying to respect those traditions.

DEBRA: And I think you’re doing a great job. Sorry to cut you off, but the show’s going to be over in a few seconds. I just wanted to thank you so much for being here on the show and telling us what you’re doing. I think it’s fabulous.

KEVIN AYLWARD: Thank you very much.

DEBRA: You’re welcome. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And I’ll be back tomorrow!


Question from Becky

Do balloons contain toxic or hazardous substances that are harmful to children?

Debra’s Answer

There are basically two types of balloons that are commonly purchased for parties or gifts.

The old-fashioned rubber balloons that stretch and come in bright colors are made of natural latex tapped from rubber trees

The more modern shiny balloons come from the NASA Space Mission. In the balloon industry they are called “foil balloons” because they are made of a nylon sheet, coated on one side with polyethylene and a thin layer of metal on the other side.

Neither of these types of balloons have materials that are particularly toxic.

My only concern is that many people are allergic to latex. And I don’t know what type of colorant or inks are use. These may contain heavy metals.

So as long as your children don’t chew on them, and they are not allergic to latex, I think balloons are fine.

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How to Grow Organic Food in Small Spaces: Container & Vertical Gardening

My guest Jai McFall is the owner of Organic Living for All, my local organic nursery and garden center here in Florida. We’ll be talking about why you should grow your own food as well as how—even if you only have a small garden space or none at all. Jai grew up on an organic farm, where her family grew fruits, vegetables, meat, eggs, and other farm products. They baked all their own breads, pie’s cakes, and cookies. They canned fruits, vegetables, jams, jellies, and pickles. Jai is a Master Gardener in Michigan and Florida as well as an organic, edible landscape designer. She does everything from full service landscaping to providing healthy plants and soil amendments so customers become able to grow healthy, nutritious and nutrient-dense food in their own back yards. Under Jai’s direction, I have actually been able to grow tasty vegetables in soil that is basically beach sand. Weekends you’ll find her giving classes and tours at her garden center while serving the most delicious iced tea made with herbs from her garden, including naturally sweet stevia.





How to Grow Organic Food in Small Spaces: Container & Vertical Gardenin

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Jai McFall

Date of Broadcast: January 29, 2014

DEBRA: Hi! I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world.

There are many, many toxic chemicals around out there. They’re in the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, in our homes, in our schools, in our workplaces, in our bodies. But there are also many things that we can do to make our home safe, to make our schools and offices safe, to make our bodies not have toxic chemicals in them.

And that’s what this show’s about. Here, on the show, I interview people who are doing things to make the world a less toxic place and making alternatives available to you so that you can do that in your own life too.

Today is Wednesday, January 29th 2014. I’m here in Clearwater, Florida where it’s been raining and getting colder. But it’s a nice winter day here.

And today we’re going to talk about gardening even though it’s the middle of winter. Winter is the time to plan and learn about how to grow your own food. There’s a lot to know. And there are certainly things that we can do to be planning about what we’re going to start doing in the spring, whenever that spring comes wherever you are.

Here in Florida where I am, we’re starting to plant our gardens. In fact, we’ve been planting our gardens because winter is the best time to grow food here in Florida when it isn’t scorchingly hot. But I know that that’s not the same in other parts of the country, in other parts of the world.

So, today, we’re going to talk about growing your own food in your own backyard, especially if you have a very small space and need to grow in containers.

My guest today is Jai McFall. She’s the owner of Organic Living for All which happens to be my local nursery where I buy my organic plants and soil amendments. She gives a lot of workshops on different topics on Saturdays. And she takes tours of her gardens. She serves wonderful organic iced tea with herbs that she grows there in her nursery.

She’s just very, very knowledgeable and has put together all the information about why we should be growing our own food and is making it really practical for those of us here in this place because gardening is a very, very, very local thing.

Hi, Jai! Thanks for being with us today.

JAI MCFALL: Well, hi, Debra. Thank you for having me.

DEBRA: Now, you’ve been on before. You’ve been on before, so we’ve heard your story. But tell it again because it’s been months, and I’m sure that some people are hearing this for the first time. How did you get interested in gardening?

JAI MCFALL: Well, I actually grew up on an organic farm in Michigan where we grew all our own food—meats, fruits, vegetables. We can, we bake. And so we ate home-cooked, home-grown, delicious foods. And so I’ve been a gardener for a long, long time.

And one of the things that I noticed in the ‘70s and ‘70s, people were buying more processed foods, and they were not cooking as much. And so I really became concerned especially because I saw my aunt becoming obese and diabetic. And I saw family members getting sick.

And so, my passion was then, and still is, to help people live better, healthier, and happier lives.

DEBRA: So, what was it like? Tell us what it was like for you to be eating food harvested, and then you prepare. I think that most people don’t even have the idea of what that is. Maybe they saw it in a movie or something. But I’ve never had that experience of growing up on a farm. I was raised on fast food and cans and all those kinds of things.

So, just give us an idea of what that’s like because I think that that is the ideal for each of us. Even though we can’t al live on farms, the idea is to be able to have food that’s grown in our own backyards or a community garden, and then being able to prepare those things, know how to prepare them and enjoy that food.

JAI MCFALL: Yeah, it was wonderful. We had such a large garden. It was probably a full acre. And for dinner, I would just go out and pick whatever was available—green beans, tomatoes, peppers. We’d just go out, take it. And it was really cute because we had a dog whose name was Boo. He was a German Shepherd. He’d go out and eat tomatoes right off the vine.

So, all of us were just eating this fresh food. We’d bring it in, and we’d make our dinner. The potatoes were fresh, the beans—even the meat. We grew our own meat. We would just open the freezer, take out whatever meat we wanted. In the winter, we would we would go to the pantry and take out whatever canned we wanted.

We also had two freezers actually—one for meat, and one for fruits and vegetables. So in the winter, they would be frozen, but they would still be fairly fresh from the garden because we would can them and freeze them immediately.

DEBRA: Yeah. And when you say canned, you’re not talking about a metal tin. You’re talking about canning like in glass jars, right?

JAI MCFALL: Exactly!

DEBRA: Yeah, the old-fashioned way that people used to do them.

JAI MCFALL: The old-fashioned way. We made jams and jellies and pickles and tomato sauce. You name it, we did it. My dad even made some wines that were really potent.

DEBRA: But I just want to comment that this is actually the way people used to live prior to supermarkets. I mean, this was the standard. Everybody had their garden, everybody canned, everybody knew how to do this.

I remember, I grew up in California, and I was always really interested in food. And my father actually taught me how to cook when I was six years old. So I’ve been cooking for very many years. And it was just kind of a natural thing for me.

And my grandmother, my mother’s mother, lived in the Central Valley of California in Fresno where there was a lot of agriculture. And she had a big garden too. So when I would go to my grandmother’s, my grandfather would pick me up and let me pick peaches out of the tree. And my grandmother would send me out with a basket to pick tomatoes off the vine and things like that.

So, I had that experience as a child. And she was always cooking, and I was always sitting next to her. She had a big stool, and I would sit next to her, so I could be at countertop level while she was rolling grape leaves and washing lettuce and all these things that she was doing.

So, there was this constant connection in her life between the garden and the food preparation. And so I got to see a little bit of that at my grandmother’s, but that wasn’t the way my family was because my mother didn’t know how to coo, and my father just knew how to cook foods that were not very healthy. And that’s what I grew up with.

JAI MCFALL: Yeah, yeah. And so many people have grown up that way. We’re so far away from the farms that people don’t even realize that food comes from the ground.

DEBRA: I know! Well, I was going to say my ex-husband, Larry, who’s a very smart, intelligent man did not know where wheat came from. He didn’t know that spaghetti was made from wheat. And he didn’t know where wheat came from. And he’s an educated person.

JAI MCFALL: Exactly!

DEBRA: I had to show him what wheat looked like. And there’s just so many people who really don’t know. I know that there are a lot of programs now for schoolchildren where they’re growing things in gardens just so the children know where the food comes from. I used to think that food came from the supermarket. I really didn’t think that it came from a garden or a farm.

And another thing I want to mention is that about 20 or 25 years ago—or more than that now. Well, 28 years ago—I went and lived out in a forest in California. I had always lived in suburbia or in the city, and I went and lived out in a forest. And in my front yard, I had wild blackberry bushes. It was so wonderful! In the summertime, I would just take my bowl out into the front yard to my wild blackberry bushes and fill it with wild blackberries—ripe, juicy, wild blackberries. And then, I’d pour cream all over them.

That food, if you’ve never had food directly from the wild, or directly from the ground, in your backyard, or from an organic farm, it tastes entirely different.

JAI MCFALL: Absolutely, it does. You’re not only getting all those fresh vitamins and stuff, but you’re also getting minerals directly from the soil as well as the microorganisms. People don’t realize that.

DEBRA: Well, we’re going to talk more about that when we come back from the break. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And today, my guest is Jai McFall. She’s the owner of Organic Living for All. It’s my local organic nursery.

But you can visit her online at We’ll be right back to talk more about growing your own food.


DEBRA: You’re listening To Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Jai McFall, owner of Organic Living for All. And she’s at And we’re talking about growing our own food in our own backyard, particularly if you only have a small space. We’re going to be talking about container and vertical gardening.

But first, Jai, I know that you have three specific reasons that you’d like to talk about why it’s important to grow your own food.

So let’s start with pesticides.

JAI MCFALL: Yes, it’s very, very important to know what’s not in the soil that you’re growing your food in, so that you’re not having the pesticides and the herbicides on your food. Most people that I find aren’t really aware that the food in the grocery stores are very toxic, just like the cleaning supplies and the body care products. There are toxins in them. And they can’t be washed off, peeled off, or soaked off.

So, the most ideal thing to do is to get some good, clean soil. And if you get some good organic soil, then you know that it’s not going to have herbicides and pesticides in it.

And then, when you’re feeding your plants properly—I think that’s number two that you were going to talk about…

DEBRA: Well, no. But we could talk about this as part of number one. We’re going to talk about the pesticides, minerals and GMO’s.

JAI MCFALL: Okay, good. Yeah. Debra, you have already posted some things that I’ve sent you. And you’ll tell them how to find those, right?

DEBRA: Right! Yes.

JAI MCFALL: Yes. So, I’ve already sent out the document from 1936 on what the government says about the soil lacking minerals. You could read that there. But because the minerals are not in the soil…

DEBRA: But let’s talk about it. Let’s talk about each one of these because, actually, those documents aren’t up yet. I did post the pictures, but these documents are not up yet. So let’s go ahead and talk about them.

JAI MCFALL: Oh, okay. In 1936, the government released a document that says the soil is badly depleted of minerals< and that the food that we’re eating coming from that soil is starving us no matter how much we eat. And it can’t be remedied until the soil is brought back into proper mineral balance.

Now, that enough is scary. But then they go on to say lacking vitamins, the system can make use of minerals; but lacking minerals, vitamins are useless.

So, if we’re eating food out of soil that has no minerals, the minerals are not going to be in the food. And because every function of our body depends on having minerals, then our bodies are not going to be functioning properly.

So, we really do need to be feeding our plants minerals with all the minerals that should be in the soil which is 90 or 91 or 92 minerals.

DEBRA: Yeah. Now, how much of supermarket produce is grown on mineralized soil?

JAI MCFALL: I think zero.

DEBRA: I think zero too. This is just so incredibly important. I think that this document, this statement that you’ve just made is so powerful. I just want to say something again. Lacking vitamins, the system can make use of minerals; lacking minerals, the vitamins are useless. So if we don’t have minerals, all the vitamins that are in our food, our body can’t use.

JAI MCFALL: Right! And if we’re buying vitamins, we’re wasting our money. We need to get those minerals into our bodies.

DEBRA: Right! So, what about if people take mineral supplements? What’s the difference between taking a mineral supplement versus having minerals from your food?

JAI MCFALL: Well, mineral supplements are going to be man-made. So we don’t know where those things come from now.

I’ve seen this on the internet two or three different times, that if you take cornflakes and you roll them out with a rolling pin in a plastic bag, and then you take a magnet and run it along, you will find iron attaching to the magnet. Well, that iron is not absorbable. That’s not what we’re supposed to be putting into our bodies.

DEBRA: So again, what happens when it goes through a plant?

JAI MCFALL: When it goes through a plant, the plant actually—let me back up just a little bit. When there’s minerals in the soil and microorganisms in the soil, then those microorganisms actually help the plant take up and utilize the minerals and taken it into their cells. But as the microorganisms help make it bioavailable to the plant, and then those minerals in the plant are bioavailable for us, we can take them up and use them.

If it’s a man-made product with different kinds of minerals in it, many of them aren’t even bioavailable. I have talked with people who have seen what comes out of the portapotties. And most of the time, it’s filled with all these different vitamin and mineral tablets that people take. They just go right through. They’re not even broken down and absorbed.

DEBRA: Well, I think that part of that has to do with our own internal microorganisms, that our guts are not breaking these things down or digesting our foods or things like that. But that’s a whole different question.

JAI MCFALL: Yeah, it certainly is. But when people are eating fresh foods right out of the garden, you should be getting those microorganisms from the food.

DEBRA: Yes. Yes, yes.

So, we’ve established that pesticides, you don’t want to have toxic pesticides in your food. And there’s a lot of pesticides in supermarket food, so much so that the Environmental Working Group puts out a list of…

JAI MCFALL: The Dirty Dozen.

DEBRA: They have the Dirty Dozen list. These are the ones that have the most pesticides. Tell us what those are.

JAI MCFALL: Number one is apples. It used to be that an apple a day would keep the doctor away. But now, apples are number one. They have between 47 and 67 toxins on them that can’t be washed off, peeled off, or soaked off.

And then, number two is celery, then peaches, strawberries, domestic blueberries, nectarines, bell peppers. And then, they scrunched spinach, kale and collard greens together, cherries, potatoes, imported grapes and lettuce. Those are things that we all eat regularly because we love them so much.

DEBRA: Yes, yes. And we’re getting a very good dose of pesticides each time we eat them if we’re not eating organic.

We need to go to break again. But we’ll be right back. We’ll talk more about how we can get good, mineralized, healthy, wholesome, pure foods in our own backyards.

I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. My guest today is Jai McFall. We’re talking about organic gardening.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is Jai McFall from Organic Living for All. That’s She’s my local organic nursery where I buy things for my garden.

And Jai, we didn’t get to talk about GMO’s. So let’s just talk about that for a minute as another reason why we should be having control over what we grow and what kinds of foods we eat.

JAI MCFALL: Yes, that’s very important because so many things in the laboratory are changed into something different that our bodies cannot digest. It’s not native to the planet, and so our bodies will actually keep producing more and more acids to try to digest it which ends up causing candida and many other problems.

People who really want to look into that should look up animal studies on GMO animals and really understand how toxic and poisonous they are and dangerous for us. But the thing is when you grow your own food, you just want to make sure that the plants and the seeds that you’re growing are organic, non-GMO and/or heirloom if possible. An heirloom just means that these were seeds that are originally from like the 1800. And so they’re safe. They haven’t been changed by men.

And so, it’s really important to prepare your soil well and to get these safe plants so that you can eat healthy food and digest it.

DEBRA: I want to ask you a question about seeds and GMO seeds versus heirloom seeds. I’ve done some studying on this myself.

In California, one of the big heroes—because I grew up in California, in Northern California—one of the big heroes in Northern California is Luther Burbank. I’ve mentioned his name to a number of people, and they have no idea who he is, but I’m sure you know who he is.


DEBRA: And what Luther Burbank was famous for was for coming up with new types, new varieties of foods that were more hardy and things like that. And the way he did it was that he did it in a way that I think has been going on for millennia which is that you look at the plants that are the strongest and are producing the best food, and then you save the seeds from those.

And the ones that are weak and producing deformed foods, you don’t save those seeds. And so, you just keep planting them, and you just keep concentrating the strengths.

And so, man can have his hand in guiding the evolution of plants. But what’s different about GMO is that it’s not just choosing amongst from one plant to the next in order to continue that line. It’s actually going in and changing the genetic structure, taking things like genes from fish and putting them into tomatoes. This is all highly technological and not something—

I mean, when Luther Burbank chose the seeds from one tomato instead of another, he then planted them and allowed nature to then do what nature would do with it. And that is very different from going into a laboratory and saying, “We’re going to swap out genes here.”

And then, if you’re taking that material that has been genetically modified, this mutant material, and you put it inside your own body, what do you think it’s going to do to the DNA in your body? It’s a bad, bad, bad idea.

But let’s talk about container gardening.

JAI MCFALL: Okay. Especially here in Florida, we use a lot of container gardening because we live on a giant sand dune.

DEBRA: That’s right.

JAI MCFALL: There really isn’t any soil. So to amend the soil enough to make it doable is a lot of work.

So, I do build a lot of raised beds and encourage people to grow in pots. But you can’t grow everything in pots. You can’t grow like a peach tree or an avocado tree. But you can grow all your vegetables and your herbs—and some trees. There are some trees that are very successful like a Meyer lemon tree or a moringa. Now, many people don’t know what moringa is.

DEBRA: Tell us about moringa.

JAI MCFALL: Moringa, if you go on the Internet and put “miracle three” in, that’s what will come up, the moringa tree. It’s native to Africa and Asia. Every part of the tree is edible. They claim it will cure everything because it has a deep tap root that goes down and digs up minerals. Every part of the tree is edible.

Its leaves have a peppery flavor, so they’re delicious in salads. You can use them just like you would spinach. You can put them in scrambled eggs, stir fries, any way you would use spinach. You can eat the flowers raw or stockades. And people claim it tastes like mushrooms. I don’t get that, but that’s fine. And then it make seed pods. You can eat the seed pods when they’re young just like you would ochre or green beans. If you let it get bigger, you can pop out the beans and cook them. And they do have that peppery kind of horseradishy flavor. And I’ve been told that when they get very big, you can actually dry them and grind them up for flour.


JAI MCFALL: I know a woman who all she specializes in is moringa. And she makes all kinds of products out of it. And she tells us how people who are diabetic, if they start eating the beans from it, it will stabilize the blood sugar and keep it under a hundred.

So, it really does have some miraculous properties that help people take control of their health. And it’s a simple tree to grow. It can be grown in pots here in Florida. In the north, you just bring it in. You just keep chopping it back and eating it. And it tastes phenomenal! It’s a phenomenal plant.

DEBRA: See, this is something that anybody who has any outdoor space at all—I mean, you don’t have to have a big garden to do this. It’s just a plant that grows easily in a pot and can have incredible health benefits. And this is something that more people should know about and more people should be doing.

JAI MCFALL: Exactly! And I know, a lot of times, people say, “I can’t grow anything because all I have is a small little patio.” If you have 2 ft. x 2 ft., you can grow vertical gardens.

DEBRA: Tell us about vertical gardens. I love vertical gardens.

JAI MCFALL: Yes, they’re very cool! There are lots of different ways to grow vertically.

DEBRA: Well, we need to go to break, so you can tell us about it after the break. This is going by so fast.

I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. And we’re talking about gardening in small spaces organically with Jai McFall, owner of Organic Living for All. That’s at We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is Jai McFall. She’s the owner of Organic Living for All organic nursery. And that’s at

Jai, we were about to start talking about vertical gardening. So tell us about that.

JAI MCFALL: Well, we sell a product that you just stack these levels on top of each other. Each level will grow four plants. And you can go as high as you want to. And you just put in good, clean organic soil, the minerals, the microorganisms. And it’s phenomenal! You can go 20 to 25 plants in one 2 ft. x 2 ft. area. It’s quite amazing.

DEBRA: So, to me, when you say stack, I think of boxes. And so I’m having trouble visualizing this. Can you describe it?

JAI MCFALL: Well, it’s like four circles attached to a middle section.

DEBRA: Oh, I see.

JAI MCFALL: And then, you stack them on top of each other so that they’re alternating on where they are. So, on one level, they’ll be north, south, east, and west. And then, the next level, they’ll be between those.

DEBRA: I see. I think I saw that at your nursery. I was just thinking of it.

JAI MCFALL: Yeah, yeah.

DEBRA: I just wasn’t thinking of it.

JAI MCFALL: And so, in this little, teeny bit of space, you can grow quite a few plants.

And the thing that I always tell people if they’re just starting out is to start small. Go a few herbs that you love, add some flowers for butterflies, add some vegetable plants. And there’s so many different kinds of materials you can use. You can go out and buy big, huge, expensive pots. I’ve seen people growing them in five gallon pales, 2-liter soda bottles.

DEBRA: I grow things in wash tubs.

JAI MCFALL: Well, our town just got a new recycle bin where we now have the great, big bins that you put out by the road.

They’re telling people that the old boxes, because they have holes in the bottom, just keep them. Don’t try to turn them back in.

And use them to plant in.

DEBRA: Yeah, you really can plant in anything. And I know, coming from California, I had a lot of soil. And so I could just go out in my backyard and plant anything, and it would grow.

And oh, I’d just have to say going back to where you were talking about how delicious food is, some of my best food memories are foods not that I ate in fancy restaurants, but food that I got out of the garden. And I was just thinking about, one year, I grew potatoes. I took these little potatoes about the size of golf balls out of the ground, and I was also growing leaks right next to them, I went inside and I boiled the potatoes. I steamed, and then I sautéed the leaks in butter. I ate those potatoes and leaks. And that was one of the best things I ever ate. It just came to mind when I was talking about planting.

But here, it’s just sand. And it’s very, very difficult. So I actually have a lot of beautiful pots that I’ve collected over the years that I plant in. I’ll have like a pot for parsley. I have a lot of herbs right outside my garden door. I have a pot for parsley. I plant tomatoes in pots and things like that. And you can move them around as you need to and find their ideal spot.

Another thing I just wanted to say about vertical gardening is that, in addition to things like you’ve described, you can also just plant—like put a trellis in a pot and be growing up rather than be growing sideways. And I’ve seen gorgeous pictures of walls of buildings where pots have been attached to the walls or or planter boxes just up and down the walls. You could grow a lot of food just on the side wall of your house if you have the right amount of sunlight and things like that.

And then, we have espalier trees, those all over the side of a house. And there’s just a lot of ways to grow in small spaces that people don’t even think of.

JAI MCFALL: Yes. And I really want to encourage people to start. It doesn’t matter how big you start or how small.

DEBRA: Just start something.

JAI MCFALL: Just start. Start growing food. Once you start eating fresh foods from your garden with the minerals in it, you’ll be shocked at how delicious they taste.

I go out my garden every day and eat out of it. I love it because you can’t get it fresher or you can’t get it more nutritious or more flavorful. So anybody who wants to get our products, we do ship them. And I recommend that you try them and see the difference in flavors.

Now, you’ve tried them, Debra. What do you think about them?

DEBRA: I think that the foods that are grown with your products taste amazingly different. Jai has some products that she’s put together. It’s all organic. And I want you to tell about them after I tell how great it tastes.

The thing is that I’ve put these in—I bought all her products and I put them in my raised beds. And it made a huge difference on how the plants grow and how the food tastes because it has to do with adding minerals which changes the flavor and improves the flavor of the food. You go ahead and talk about them.

JAI MCFALL: Okay. Well, minerals are actually elements essential for life. They’re essential. We can’t do without them. And it’s for all life. And minerals are also what gives food the flavor.

So, once you actually build up your soil, you want to add the minerals into the soil as well as all the families of all the microorganisms that should be in the soil. Then you create this living community where the worms and the insects and the plants and the microorganisms all work together in symbiosis. You don’t get bugs, you don’t get diseases. You get nutrient-dense food that tastes phenomenal!

DEBRA: It does. It’s phenomenal.

JAI MCFALL: Yeah. When people come over, and I let them taste food out of my garden, they go, “I never knew there were so many flavors. And they’re so unique and so wonderful,” because that’s what you get. And then, you combine all of these flavors into salad.

Remember those wraps I brought to your party last year?

DEBRA: Absolutely! You know what? I need to put those up on my food blog now that I have my food blog started. What she did was she took me around her garden, and we picked leaves off of different plants. And I have pictures of all of them. And then, they all got wrapped up into this wrap. What did you put? It’s been a while.

JAI MCFALL: It was the leaf from an edible hibiscus that tastes like lemon.

DEBRA: That was the biggest one, yeah. It’s just a beautiful, gorgeous, purple leaf.

And then, in the middle, there was pesto or something—I don’t remember exactly, parmesan cheese I think?

JAI MCFALL: Yeah, I think some pesto that I made fresh from the garden as well, as well as other fresh herbs.

DEBRA: And what we did was we just kind of wrapped up—she laid out all these leaves from the largest ones to smallest ones, and then just kind of wrapped it up. And it was so delicious. It was unlike anything that you’ve ever tasted because these are all plants that are not sold in the grocery store. And yet, they’re perfectly edible in our environment. They’re right here growing where we live.

There’s just so many things you can do—so, so many things that you can do.

I know, again, in Northern California, there was a very famous restaurant called Chez Panisse. And what Chez Panisse did before they became famous—and I think this is what made them famous—is that instead of going out and going wherever restaurant supply people get their food, they actually were sending out what they called foragers to go out in the community and get food that people were growing in their backyards. They were talking to farmers and saying, “Would you grow food in this particular way and these kinds of different varieties?”

And the food there was incredible. It’s like something that you’ve never eaten before because it’s not the same old, same old that you find in the supermarket. Eating at Chez Panisse really changed my whole idea of what food could be. It’s just a different experience when you start seeing that not all food needs to come from the grocery store.

JAI MCFALL: Exactly!

DEBRA: It’s that simple. Your whole food world changes.

JAI MCFALL: So, I invite people if they do have questions to contact me either through Or my email address is Or they can call me. My phone number is on your website.

I would really like to just say, get started. Try our products. See how amazing it can be. Our business is growing. And we invite you to grow with us.

DEBRA: Thank you. Thank you so much for being here. I really appreciate all the work that you’re doing—all the work that you’re doing for us locally here and helping us know what are the local varieties we can grow here, but also what you’re doing globally in establishing easy ways for people to grow their own food.

My ideal vision would be for everybody to be growing food in their backyards or on their canopies or wherever it is. Wherever you live, there’s a way that you can grow food. It’s a matter of each of us learning what that is, just starting small.

So, this is Toxic Free Talk Radio. You can go to and find out more about our guests that are coming up and all the guests that I’ve had in the past.

The point of this show really is that I’m interviewing people who are out there in the world, making the world less toxic and more toxic-free and are doing all these different things. And every day, Monday through Friday, at 12 noon Eastern, you can tune in and find out what’s going on in the world, all these wonderful things that people are doing from the viewpoint of wanting to be less toxic and wanting to be more healthy.

And that’s what this show is about. I have more than a hundred shows in the archives that you can listen to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And it’s I’m Debra Lynn Dadd.

Air Scrubber Plus

Question from Becky

Has anyone heard anything good or bad about that Air Scrubber Plus for your HVAC system that cleans the air of bacteria, viruses, gases, air particles, odors. Uses hydroxyation, ionization and UV. Has been tested by 2 universities. Cells need to be replaced every 3 years. Was developed by NASA initially. Can be had with or without ozone. Passes California emissions test. Has Stayseal certification., et

Debra’s Answer

It appears that the technology would result in all the claims they make.

Whether or not this is a good unit for you depends on what you are wanting to remove from the air.

They also say it sends out something into the air and it’s not very clear what that is. I would want to check that out before making a recommendation. So this would require a chat with the company for more information.

Anyone have any experience with this unit?

Add Comment

Designing Your Home, Garden, and Life with Permaculture

My guest today is Koreen Brennan, sustainable living consultant, permaculture designer and educator. We’ll be talking about how anyone can apply basic Permaculture principles to create a toxic-free life. Permaculture is a regenerative design practice that works on the principles of natural law – by reflecting the efficient and prolific way that nature works, it is possible to create abundance for all living things within our own systems. Permaculture design provides a route by which people can create healthy self-reliance with home-grown, nutritious food, clean energy, and renewable, organic products. Koreen has taught permaculture at Tuskegee University, Gulf Coast University, Univ of Southern Florida, Miami, Los Angeles, Tampa, Pine Ridge Lakota reservation, Haiti, Cuba, and elsewhere. She is a popular speaker and has shared her knowledge of permaculture through hundreds of speeches and lectures. She has helped many people create healthy and easy to care for gardens in their yards, community spaces or small farms, and founded edible landscaping nurseries in Los Angeles, and in Clearwater, Florida.





Designing Your Home, Garden and Life with Permaculture

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Koreen Brennan

Date of Broadcast: January 27, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world. And I do this show because there are so many toxic things out in the world, but it’s not 100% toxic. There are so many things that we can do to remove toxic chemicals from our lives, from our workplaces, from our schools, from our bodies, from our homes—there are so many things.

And that’s why I do this every day, five days a week, at 12 noon, eastern, so that we can talk to people who have solutions about how you can have a toxic-free life.

It’s Monday, January 27, 2014, and I’m here in Clearwater, Florida, where it’s 70-degrees. It’s been cold here, and it’s going to be cold again. But it’s 70-degrees right now.

And today, we’re going to be thinking completely outside the box, or just talking outside the box of the industrial life that we live in, that is determined by our industrial processes and industry—industry, I guess, is a good word, because we’re going to be talking about permaculture, which is based in nature, and how nature works.

And so it’s a whole different way about thinking about things, and there’s nothing toxic about it. And by understanding these principles, we can apply them in our daily life, to have a less toxic life, and find out how to do things without using toxic chemicals.

My guest today is Koreen Brennan. She is a sustainable living consult, permaculture designer and educator. And she actually lives right down the street from me, I think. I actually haven’t been to her house, but I know she lives in Clearwater.

Hi, Koreen.

KOREEN BRENNAN: Hi. How are you?

DEBRA: I’m fine. How are you?

KOREEN BRENNAN: I’m good. It’s warm.

DEBRA: Do you live nearby me? You used to live nearby me, but I don’t know where you live now.

KOREEN BRENNAN: I think I don’t live too far actually.

DEBRA: Yes, I think so too.

Well, Happy Monday. Welcome to the show. So first, why don’t you tell us—let’s start out with your story about how you became interested in permaculture—how you found it, what made you interested in it, and why you decided to make it your life’s work.

KOREEN BRENNAN: Well, I’ve always been interested in the environment, nature, and gardening. And also, I’ve been interested in advocating for human rights and social justice issues. And I’ve worked in those areas, and I’ve felt like I was hitting up against a wall in a number of those areas. I felt like we can only get so far, and there were problems that we couldn’t really address.

When I first heard about permaculture, it seems to address a lot of these problems really simply, and really elegantly. I got very excited about it because it seemed to open up a door to a lot of situations that could be improved.

DEBRA: I’ve had other permaculturists on—Paul Wheaton and Diane Dirks. But we’ve always talked about specific subjects.

We haven’t talked about permaculture in general.

I know one of the things that we should just say right off the top is that there are three basic concepts that permaculture runs on, and those are care for the earth, care for people, and share the surplus. But beyond that, there are a lot of different principles. And it was developed in Australia by a man named Bill Mollison.

Why don’t you tell us a little bit about his experience—how did he come up with permaculture, and what it’s based on, and what are just some basic ideas?

KOREEN BRENNAN: Well, Bill is a really brilliant individual. I think he was looking for a solution to agriculture originally, and he was looking at—well, if really want to make something sustainable, what should we look at?

So he started thinking about indigenous people who have been growing food in the same areas for hundreds of thousands of years. And he decided to look at what they were doing.

Some of what they were doing is quite amazing. It’s a lost technology as far as—we’re concerned with our modern agriculture practices. He’s also a scientist. He’s got a science background. So he brought modern technology together with this ancient technology of people who have been living sustainably for many, many years and with no toxins as well.

And he put this practice together that is called permaculture.

DEBRA: I remember when I first heard about permaculture, I was—let’s see. How many years ago was this now? 15 or 20?

And I was living in the San Francisco Bay Area, and I met some other people, some people I know who were just learning about permaculture.

And I was actually one of the co-founders of the first permaculture group in the San Francisco Bay Area. My whole group came to my yard, and we applied as best we could different permaculture principles. And so this is something that I know something about.

And I don’t know as much as you know, Koreen, because you studied it much more than I do. But I think that we should say that what started from being an interest in agriculture has spread into other aspects of life.

So tell us about the extended version of permaculture.

KOREEN BRENNAN: You did some great stuff. You told me earlier about some of the things you’ve been doing. It’s really interesting. I hope you’ll talk a little bit about that.

DEBRA: I will.

KOREEN BRENNAN: Permanent agriculture became permaculture, and as the practice evolves and continues, some people started realizing that permanent agriculture—actually, the same principles applied to all of life, to all human existence and human structure.

So permaculture now is short for permanent culture. And it applies to the […] environment, to energy and technology, to education, to finance and to community. And these principles are based on natural law or how nature works. There’s a lot of observation that goes on in permaculture. It’s a really core part of it—let’s observe what our gardens are doing, and what’s the nature world is doing.

And let’s go with that energy, instead of fighting it, which is how a lot of our modern structures are set up. We really fight the natural energies that are freely given to us instead of working with them. And that’s one of the most exciting things about permaculture is to look into how these energies are operating, the beauty of it, and the abundance that’s created by the natural world, and to harness that or work within it, instead of trying to pound it into the ground or destroy it.

DEBRA: Well, give us just one example of that.

KOREEN BRENNAN: In my garden, which is a very practical example, I live in Florida, and we have sand for soil, and we have a lot of fungus and other problems here that people consider problems because it’s hard to grow tomatoes and lettuce here. They don’t naturally grow here.

So rather than grow tomatoes and lettuce in the summer time, which are likely to die, in Florida, I look for plants that love to grow in the summer time in Florida, and I’ll grow those. And instead of working hard to keep the plants alive, I just plant them and walk away, and we go out and harvest daily out of a truly abundant garden.

The plants are delicious. They are actually more nutritious than a lot of the plants we’re used to. And they taste very similar.

You can [inaudible 08:43]. It tastes like plants that we’re familiar with, or foods that we’re familiar with.

So that’s one example.

DEBRA: Some other examples would be things like using wind energy or solar energy where it’s just there. It’s already there.

Here in Florida, particularly, this is the environment Koreen and I are both familiar with, although we’ve both lived in other places.

But we get breezes coming in off the Gulf all the time, in the particular place where we live. And so that’s free and abundant. It can be used to power things, and why should we be digging up coal and petroleum out of the ground when we could be powering things with something that’s free and abundant?

And so that’s just one of the principles of permaculture that gets applied. And we’ll talk about more after this.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Derba Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Koreen Brennan. We’re talking about permaculture.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Koreen Brennan. She’s a sustainable living consultant, permaculture designer and educator. Her website is

And right on her homepage, she’s got this little video called “Permaculture Principle at Work.” She didn’t make this, but it’s on her website. And if you just click on that, it’s 7 minutes, 43 seconds, and it tells you all the basics of permaculture and shows you some permaculture design things.

One of the things that I want to say about permaculture is that it took me a long time to grasp what would be a simple definition of permaculture because it seems to encompass so many different things. And when I first started asking myself 30 years ago—well, if we were to live in harmony with nature, what would that look like?

I found that it really, in order to answer that question, you have to step outside of industrial, that there really is this big world of nature, and then the whole industrial world is a subset of that. And when you step out of this little subset, and you go out into this big world of nature, you find that there are laws that apply to all living things, including us human beings.

And it’s not like we’re separate from the rest of life, we are as much a part of life as a tree, or a bird, or any of those things.

And I found that I really not only needed to think differently, but I needed to have a whole different set of skills. For example, I prepare most of my food from fresh raw ingredients. I hardly buy anything that’s processed. And right now, I’m making chicken stock, but it’s so much better than canned chicken stock.

I bought two organic chickens. I roasted them. I ate part of it for dinner. I have chicken already cooked for the rest of the week.

And today, I’m taking all those bones, and I’m letting them simmer on the stove all day long.

Not only does it gives me chicken soup, but it gives me all these nutrients and minerals and all these health-giving properties that come from homemade chicken soup, not store-bought chicken soup.

And I would say that’s as much a part of permaculture as other parts of permaculture. Wouldn’t you agree with that? Do you agree with that?


DEBRA: Do you agree with the—


DEBRA: That learning how to prepare food is part of permaculture.

KOREEN BRENNAN: Yes. Permaculture is a very pleasurable way to live—using permaculture in your life. I do the same thing. I have fresh food in my garden. And when I go out and harvest it, it takes me less time than it takes me to go to the grocery store.

DEBRA: Yes, it does.

KOREEN BRENNAN: And I, again, watch the butterflies on the flowers, and the birds singing. It’s very beautiful.

One thing I also like about permaculture is we incorporate a lot of aesthetics into our designs. It really is a design methodology, and that’s important to understand. That’s one of the most exciting aspects to me. It really changed my worldview. I became a designer.

Before, I never thought of myself as a designer, but I really was. And I think we all are designers. We’re designing our lives, we’re designing the relationships, we’re designing our future. And we don’t always think about it.

Well, permaculture gives you some tools to think about how you want to design your life. And it gives you some tools to open doors that you might not have thought were open to you. One thing that we do is we use resources that are around us to improve our lives.

So when we design an improvement somewhere, we look at what is available that’s right in my environment that I could use.

DEBRA: I just love that principle. These concepts are so practical, and they’re so common sense. And they’re easy to remember. I learned that from school when I first learned about permaculture almost 20 years ago. And even now, today, it’s become part of me.

It’s not like I am sitting here saying, well, I need to do something, so let me go dig up a permaculture principle.

It’s that when I look—when I say I need this material, or I need to do this, first, I look around just right where I am. I don’t go look at the store. I don’t say, “I have to go to the store and buy something.”

I say, “Well, let me just look around and see what I can use that I already have in my environment.” And my environment includes—I have a very small lot where my house is. But I have a little backyard and a little front yard.

So it includes some natural resources but everything in your home is part of your environment. And so just as you might go look for some material out in nature, you might already have what it is you need right in your home—something that can be re-used in a different way or made into something else.

It’s just that principle of looking around you and seeing how close to where you are can you get what it is that you need.

KOREEN BRENNAN: And it’s a very creative process. It helps you really look at the world in a different way. And that way is a way of abundance.

DEBRA: It is.

KOREEN BRENNAN: It’s the best of all worlds in a lot of ways because you’re taking care of yourself, you’re healing the environment, you’re able to improve your community. It’s definitely a win/win type of process.

DEBRA: Well, we’re going to go to break in just a few seconds, but when we come back, I want us to talk about abundance because I really find that nature and permaculture because it’s working with nature as nature, is all about abundance. It’s all about doing things so that there continues to be regeneration, as opposed to our industrial culture, which is based on oil and fossil fuels, and on things that are in limited supply. Permaculture is based on unlimited supply.

So we’ll talk when come back a little bit about how permaculture does that. I think it’s a different way of thinking about it.

Actually, we do have a few more seconds than I thought we had. So let’s start talking about it, and then we’ll go to break. I’ll interrupt you.

KOREEN BRENNAN: When we design a system, we look for how we can heal it, and how we can make it even more abundant. And also, we think in terms of seven generations ahead. So how can we have a garden that’s going to feed us abundantly, but also, will feed our children, our grandchildren, and their grandchildren.

When you set up a system like that, it becomes much easier to care for because it regenerates itself.

DEBRA: And we’ll hear more about it after the break. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Koreen Brennan. Her website is, and we’ll be right back.

DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Koreen Brennan, and we’re talking about permaculture. Her website is, and there’s a lot of information on permaculture there.

I mentioned earlier that she has a little introductory video there that’s only seven minutes, and it will you all about the details if you want to learn more.

Koreen, so before the break, we were talking about abundance. I want you to tell us about food forests because I think that that is a great example of what we’re talking about.

KOREEN BRENNAN: Yes. In an urban area, we might call them edible forest gardens. And again, we’re working with nature instead of against her, and we’re looking at how does nature keep the forest going?

A forest is one of the most abundant systems and most efficient systems on the planet. It’s far more efficient than anything that humans have developed at this point. And so we look at how can we bring some of those elements into our yard, into our garden, and create a much more abundant situation than we might if we just had rows of lettuce sitting in our backyard.

So we’ll bring in layers of food instead of just a straight line row. We’ll bring in support plants—plants that support other plants.

There’s a plant called the nitrogen fixer, which will actually bring nitrogen from the air, which is like a protein for plants. It’s real necessary nutrient and fix it in the soil to make it available for other plants.

It’s really amazing how nature cooperates so much, and has plants helping each other, and different things in the system helping each other.

DEBRA: In permaculture, what you’re really doing is you’re building a system. You’re not just building a bed.

KOREEN BRENNAN: That’s right.

DEBRA: And one of the things that I think is so beautiful about the concept of food forest is that if you just go to a regular forest, that forest is growing food for everything that’s there. And the animals and the plants, the various plants, and you’ve got the earthworms and everything, at all levels, there’s a lot of food going on in a forest.

And then if you, as a human being, were to go into that forest, and you didn’t have the industrial structure, you could find all kinds of food in the forest. And you could just live off of that forest.

And so if instead of thinking about your backyard as raised beds and rows, and all those things, that if you thought of it as a forest—I actually live in a forest. My house is under some oak trees. And all levels from the ground, growing things on the ground, to having trees that are giving fruits or nuts, it’s everywhere it can be food.

And even using things like—I remember seeing video about food forests, and they were growing specific plants, so that they could then cut the branches and use the leaves in order to build the soil. And that every part of it was about growing something either to eat or to nourish the plants or to nourish the system.

And when I drive down the street and I see all these bags of trimmings that people have put in plastic bags to take them off to dump someplace, so that the garbage people come and pick them up, I just—because all of that greenery should be going back into your backyard to nourish your soil.

KOREEN BRENNAN: Yes. It really is a circular system. And animals play an important role in it as well. The animal waste feeds plants, the plants feed the animals. It’s really a wonderful mutual support system.

And we try to create that in our own way. We bring in birds, beneficial creatures into the system to help us maintain it.

I make lizard houses. I make sure there’s habitat for lizards in my yard because they eat the bugs that eat my plants. We have lizards all through our garden doing my work for me.

DEBRA: Isn’t there a food forest that has been producing food for 2000 years or something?

KOREEN BRENNAN: Yes, there’s one in Morocco that’s 2000 years old. There’s a pretty famous one in Vietnam that’s 300 years old, and the village depends on this forest for its food. And they know every tree in the jungle. They plant them, they choose what are the next trees that are going to grow once an older tree is starting to die.

So it is managed. This is the difference between a regular forest and a food forest or an edible forest garden is—is we do manage it.

In the city, I landscape, so I tend to make it very aesthetic. And I’ll think about those kinds of things as well when I’m designing a food forest.

DEBRA: One of the things that I like to do is go to botanical gardens. And they probably use a lot of pesticides, and it’s a way to manicure those things, but I like going and being in a beautiful garden setting. And I have space in my backyard.

I haven’t had time to do it all yet, to make it be the way I want it to be, but I could just see walking through my garden, and every place I look, I’m growing something that’s edible, or flowers to bring into the house.

I’ve done that kind of gardening before in California. For example, in my garden in California, I had a garden that was down on one level. I had a split-level house, so the garden was down, and then my deck was up about 15 feet.

And every year, we would plant heirloom tomatoes. And we would put fish heads. What else did we put? I don’t remember everything. I remember the fish heads though. But we just dig a hole and put the nutrients in it.

And then we plant these little seeds like you would get in a six-pack or something, these little plants. And by the end of the summer, these tomato plants were climbing up on our deck that’s 15-feet high, and they would just be climbing and curling around on the deck, and coming in the house.

They were just amazing. And we had all the tomatoes we could possibly eat. We only planted six plants.

And we also had—where I lived, I lived out in a rural village at the time, and there was one family that had these wonderful raspberry canes. And everybody ended up getting raspberry canes from this one family. And so you would go around from house to house, and you would see everybody had raspberry canes.

And they were fabulous, and they just bore fruit all summer long. But we all knew exactly where they came from because they came from this one family who was giving everybody raspberry canes.

And that’s abundance. That’s abundance. If everybody’s backyard was like that, we would have no food shortage at all.

KOREEN BRENNAN: Yes, and it’s beautiful. One thing about oak trees—there are a lot of oak trees in Clearwater. A lot of people have a lot of trees in their yard and they think they can’t grow anything because it’s too shady.

Well, there are some wonderful plants that grow in the shade. And again, that’s working with nature, and one of those is turmeric, for instance, which is such a healthy anti-oxidant, healing plant.

DEBRA: We need to go to break. We need to go to break, but we’ll hear more about this when we come back. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Koreen Brennan, and we’re talking about permaculture.

DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Koreen Brennan. We’re talking about permaculture, and her website is My website is, and you can go there and see what other guests are going to be on this week.

And you can also listen to the archives 24/7. We’ve got all the shows, and lots of interesting people saying lots of interesting things. That’s

So I know one thing I wanted to talk about, Koreen. I wanted to talk about in particular one permaculture principle that I have found very, very useful, and that’s the idea of zones. Do you want to tell us about that?

KOREEN BRENNAN: I’m sorry. I didn’t hear the word?

DEBRA: Zones. Z-O-N-E-S. Zones.

KOREEN BRENNAN: I’m sorry. I’m really having a hard time hearing that word for some reason.

DEBRA: I’ll explain it then. So in permaculture, there is a principle called zones. And what it is, is about looking at how using space appropriately, depending on the distance it is from you, or from the distance it is from whatever the central item is.

And so for example, if you’re doing a garden, and you had a house in the middle or wherever it is located on your property, then you would draw circles around—if you were drawing a picture. You would make circles at various intervals out away from the house.

And you would put, for example, the herb garden next to the kitchen door because you could just then step outside and get your herbs, and put them in whatever it is you’re cooking.

And then further away, you would have gardens that you didn’t go to, or need to go to as frequently, but would still be close by because of harvesting. And then you might have the back 40, where you’re doing something that you don’t need to reach very often.

And I found that to be really important as I started gardening because I found that I didn’t want to walk all the way to the other side of the house in order to do something that I wanted to have things. And even in my house here in Florida, my entire edible garden part where I’m growing food, lettuce and things like that, it’s all on the side of my house that goes right outside the kitchen door, so that I don’t have to walk over to the other side.

And I actually have this wonderful south wall where I could be exfoliating trees, fruit trees or something on this wall. And yet, I don’t do it because it’s so far away from me to walk that I would need to, in order to apply this, I would need to put a door on that side of the house. And then that area would be accessible.

Not that I couldn’t walk all the way over there, but zones, they keep everything as close to you as possible.

And so I apply that inside my house too. In the kitchen, my knife is always right next to my cutting board. I don’t even put it in the drawer. I just leave it sitting on the cutting board, so whenever I want to chop something, my knife is right there.

And in my office, I actually intentionally said, “I’m going to use zones.” And I put on my desk only the things that I’m using immediately like pens, pencils and scissors. And I have a drawer next to my desk where I put things like my stapler and things because I’m not using a stapler as often as I use a pen, for example. But it’s right there when I need it.

And then storing the copy paper is way off on the other side of the house because it’s something that I don’t need to be using on an immediate basis.

And I just think that that’s just an example of one of the principles that’s so elegant and so applicable everywhere. It just is, that you just decide where is the central point.

Like I’m sitting at my desk, and it’s like, what do I need to have within arm’s reach, and what do I not need to have that I could get up and get it whenever I need it, like once a month or whatever. That once a month thing doesn’t belong on your desk. It belongs in a closet somewhere.

And when you start thinking about it in that way, it’s a wonderful way to organize all the stuff in your house.

KOREEN BRENNAN: Yes. So much of permaculture is so practical, and it’s common sense. Once you hear it, it’s, “Of course, I knew that.”

DEBRA: Yes, it’s so obvious. Everything about permaculture is like this. And that’s one of the things that I love.

KOREEN BRENNAN: One of the things I love about zones is the zone 5 which is the natural world. That’s a really special zone for permaculturists because that zone we leave alone. And in a small yard, it’s not really practical to have a wild area in your yard. But I usually try. I’ll have a little corner or something where I just let it go and let it do whatever it wants.

And that’s my classroom. That’s where I go to watch what nature is doing in my yard and my ecosystem. And I learn from nature. I learn what she likes, what she doesn’t like, what does well in that area. Sometimes I’ll plant seeds in it, in an area, and just let them go, especially when I’m in a new area.

And this is fun. People, sometimes they feel like they have to follow the rulebook and garden just like it says, and be successful the first year.

I don’t want to approach it that way. I will always have an experimental area where I’m throwing seeds in, and I learn from how they do—which ones do great, which ones struggle. And again, working with nature, and looking for what [inaudible 32:09].

DEBRA: Yes, exactly. Well, I think that having that zone 5 of just the natural world out there as a general life principle, I think it’s very important because then it puts you in a context, and that you’re able as a human being to say, “I do live in this ecosystem, and this part I get to be part of, and that part, I need to make sure continues to be there just in its wild state.”

And if that were a part of planning, community planning is where we can leave nature alone, instead of how we’re going to use all the possible space, our world would look entirely different. It’s just having that consideration, having that awareness that nature even exists at all, and that it has value, is something that I’m seeing is there’s more awareness of that, but there needs to be more.

Our world still runs on industrial assumptions. And those industrial assumptions are not the same assumptions as nature. And permaculture gives us a tool where we can design according to principles, how we live our lives, and how we organize things, and what we can do to create abundance.

And I just think that that’s an incredible, wonderful thing.

KOREEN BRENNAN: Yes. I love it when I get city planners, designers, and urban planners into my classes, and they have that planning background and the design background. And when they get these principles, it’s just a worldview, sometimes remarkably.

And that’s just exciting because they want solutions. They’re struggling. They’re hitting against walls at this point of running out of resources, and money, and et cetera. So permaculture is a solution for everybody. It can used on scales, in large projects or small projects.

I’m looking at my window right now, my leaves growing in my backyard. This is something I just wanted to mention. I leave my Spanish needles growing next to my house, and they’re full of bees right now and butterflies. They’re beautiful white daisy-like flowers, and there are very ubiquitous weeds in our area.

DEBRA: I have those in my yard too.

KOREEN BRENNAN: It’s also completely edible. And it’s a medicinal plant. It’s more nutritious than lettuce, and it’s really good. I cook it like a green. I put it in my salad. It has a little bit of bitterness as it gets old, bigger. But when you eat the young plants, they’re delicious.

And they respond well. You can mow them, and they’ll come right back up. And the bees just cover them. They’re just in heaven.

So I don’t always weed. I leave the lamb’s quarter in the garden and the amaranths. These plants have more nutrition than the stuff that you struggle to grow and you have to take care of so far. They love it. You don’t have to do anything to get them to grow abundantly.

DEBRA: That’s so wonderful. It just seems harmonious to me that life should just flow like that. And it’s just that in this culture, we don’t have the information and the background and the traditions to do that because everybody that has been born, who is alive today, hasn’t grown up with that. We were all taught to live in an industrial world.

And in order to not do that, we need to break out of it, and have more information to think of things in a different way.

And I know I came from that, so if I can change how I think, I think everybody can change how they think, and especially since it’s such a beautiful and harmonious way of thinking. And once you start applying it and seeing those results, it just is a wonderful thing.

KOREEN BRENNAN: That’s a really nice way of saying it. Very nicely. It really is. Most people are attracted once they realize what they’re missing, and what they forgot about. You want to be a part of nature. You feel good when you’re in the woods.

There’s energy there [inaudible 36:44].

There’s nothing more pleasurable than picking something fresh out of your yard and eating it. It’s got all of the life force, and all the enzymes, and all the really super healthy things in it that helps you detox and heal yourself.

DEBRA: Thank you so much for being on the show today, Koreen. We’re coming up to the end of our time. Again, her website is and I think we’ve all learned a lot. Thanks for being with us.

KOREEN BRENNAN: Thank you, Debra. Thank you.

DEBRA: You’re welcome. You’re welcome. That’s it for our time. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and you can go to to find out more.

Putting Real Food First: How The Paleo Diet Can Help Your Body Detox, Lose Weight, Balance Blood Sugar, and a Whole Lot More

My guest today is Dr. Kellyann Petrucci, author of five books on the Paleo Diet, and creator of The 30-Day Reset Diet, an easy-to-follow, delicious plan that will detox and transform your body. We’ll be talking about how the food you eat can make your body healthy or sick, and how you can change your body condition dramatically in just 30 days. She’s a board-certified naturopathic physician, board-certified chiropractic physician, certified nutrition consultant, certified in biological medicine, certified in Chinese medicine, and certified in First Line Therapy, a program designed to help practitioners teach patients to reach genetic potential through nutrition. She’s written five books on various aspects of the Paleo diet. She publishes several websites and even delivers paleo food to your door.,,






Putting Real Food First: How the Paleo Diet Can Help Your Body Detox, Lose Weight, Balance Blood Sugar and a Whole Lot More

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Dr. Kellyann Petrucci

Date of Broadcast: January 23, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world.

It is a toxic world out there. There are lots of toxic chemicals in the food we eat, the water we drink, consumer products in our homes, in our bodies, in our schools, in our workplaces. It seems like every place we go, everything that we touch might be toxic and it’s in the news every day.

But there are many, many things that you can do to make your life toxic-free, remove toxic chemicals from your home, from your body and that’s what we talk about on this show. And today, we’re going to talk about toxic foods, and how you can get the residuals of those toxic foods out of your body in 30 days.

My guest is Dr. Kellyann Petrucci. She’s the author of five books on the Paleo diet and creator of the 30-Day Reset, an easy to follow, delicious plan that will detox and transform your body.

Now, get this. Listen to all these. She’s a board certified naturopathic physician, board certified chiropractic physician, certified nutrition consultant, certified in biological medicine, and certified in first line therapy which is a program designed to help practitioners teach patients to reach their genetic potential through nutrition.

So, she’s a very interesting person. And she’s written some very, very interesting things about food and what we can do about our bodies.

Thanks for being with me, Dr. Kellyann.

DR. KELLYANN PETRUCCI: Oh, it’s a thrill to be here. As I told you, I’ve been a fan of yours for many, many years. You provide the absolute top-notch best out there when it comes to toxic-free living. And your website has been a great referral source for my patients for many years.

DEBRA: Well, thank you so much. So, tell us what inspired you to be interested in how food harms or helps your health.

DR. KELLYANN PETRUCCI: Well, a couple of things. You talked recently about my degrees. And all of that doesn’t really matter as much as spending time listening to patients. That has made the greatest difference and has been the [heartiest] education that I’ve had above and beyond all.

It’s been a matter of listening to patients. When you see patients, you pick up common trends. You start hearing the same things. You start seeing the same things. So you kind of put these pieces together.

So that, in addition to what was going on with me and in my life that really made an impact really caused me to pull out what I call my ultimate Nancy Drew, to really dig in and find out what is our nutritional blueprint.

Debra, I totally crashed. I hit rock bottom. I got in my forties. And you have to understand, this is someone who have focused their entire life on consumer health in every way, shape or form in terms of education, in terms of having a clinic and seeing patients, extracurricular every year. My fun for me was reading the Diabetes Journal. It was not Seventeen Magazine. And I kid you not, fun for me has always been going to seminars and so forth where I learn more about this. I mean, it’s in my blood. It’s who I am.

So, when I got into my forties, I crashed and I burned in every way possible. And I’m somebody who didn’t smoke, drink and do all of these things, and eat a lot of toxic foods. I thought, “Oh, my gosh! If this is happening to me, what does this mean for the rest of us? What’s causing me to crash and burn?”

My hair got thinner. My skin started losing all of its [pallor]. My skin went from being beautiful to not being good anymore. I started gaining weight like crazy. And the most important thing, vitality is really how you really determine health, right? it doesn’t matter, you can be fooled by how someone looks. It’s really their cellular health which we’ll talk more about which gives you the buoyancy in life, which gives you the vibrations and says, “I’m healthy.” That’s what does it. And that’s what I lost.

And that was my edge I life. I had buoyancy. I had vibrancy. I had great energy and effervescence. And that was gone.

DEBRA: I totally understand. I went through a similar thing myself. I’m very interested.

In my life, early in my 20’s, I became ill from toxic chemical exposure. And so when I started recovering from that, when you’ve had something that that’s dramatic, then you say, “Oh, well, the whole entire problem is this. And all I need to do is just recover from the toxic chemicals, and I’ll be healthy.”

And I did recover from the toxic chemicals. I’ve been living in a completely non-toxic home for so many years. But that didn’t mean that it solved all my health problems.

DR. KELLYANN PETRUCCI: Hmmm… great point!

DEBRA: And what I’ve come to learn over the years is that it’s just not about removing the things that are bad for you, but also giving your body the things that are good for it.


DEBRA: And so I’m going to say something because I think a lot of people do this. And that is that if all your attention is on toxic chemicals, then you’ll say, “Well, I’m not going to eat any food additives. I’m not going to eat any pesticides. So if I eat everything that’s organic, I’ll be fine.” And so then you’ll go and you eat organic chocolate and organic potato chips…

DR. KELLYANN PETRUCCI: Everyone, listen carefully to this. After 20 years of seeing people, what Debra is saying is one of the most important things that everyone needs to hear—exactly what you’re saying.

DEBRA: Me too! Thank you. Because that’s what I did. I said, “It’s organic, so it’s okay.” And I ate a lot of processed, packaged organic foods. I spent a number of years writing about 300 recipes for using those great organic sweeteners in the natural food store. Whole Food sweetener is great! And yet…

DR. KELLYANN PETRUCCI: I’m laughing because it’s exactly why I crashed and burned in my 40’s.

DEBRA: Yeah! And I ate soy earlier in my life—not so much later because I found that soy really messed up my hormones.

But earlier in my life, I was like, “Oh, we’ll eat all these soy burgers” and stuff like that. And just one by one, I kept following whatever was the new thing in the natural food industry—and I’m saying “industry” in big emphasis.


DEBRA: What we’re about to talk about today has nothing to do with industry but has everything to do with the way that we should be eating.

DR. KELLYANN PETRUCCI: Yes. And you brought up a lot of great points. That is what happened to me. I think the most common problem that we have is when people go gluten-free, and they say, “Well, as long as it’s gluten-free…”

DEBRA: Oh, my God, yeah.

DR. KELLYANN PETRUCCI: …and they buy packages of this and packages of that. I will tell you, this all started with me, and I have to give you a little back story, but I did a lot of fitness contests and so forth while I was in school. It was very much a part of who I was at that time.

And when I worked with a trainer, the first thing he did—a gym said, “We want to sponsor you in this contest that we’re having.” I said, “Great!” “So we’re going to have you work with somebody that we work with all the time that will help you get really lean and strong.” The first thing this trainer said was, “No gluten.”

Well, I couldn’t believe what happened. I couldn’t believe how strong, how lean. But most importantly, I had a health problem, a really terrible health problem called endometriosis which means, every month, I was doubled over in pain. My mother was at her wit’s end with me growing up because I would have to take three or four days off of school to manage this problem because it really was debilitating in every way. That went away, completely dissipated.

That anchored me into thinking, “Wow! This is the way to go. This is the way to eat. I’m not eating gluten anymore.”

So, I went about my life. I bought all of my gluten-free foods and so forth. And hence, the story goes forward, I crash and burn.

So, I said, “Well, I’m in the solutions business. This can happen. I have to give people the right information, solid information, and research-based information.” Everything I talk about, I can talk about in front of massive groups of people because I have science standing behind me, solid science—not soft science, but solid science that says in fact that we do a have a nutritional blueprint. There are ways that we can eat that work best with our bodies.

And I think, today, what I’d really like to talk to people about is when you work with Debra and you’re listening to her, she talks a lot about pesticides, heavy metals, other industrial pollutants in addition to all of the other pollutants that she talks about in the home and everywhere, they exist and there are ways to handle them. And Debra has great programs to do so. But what I would really like to talk about today are dietary toxins which are different.

DEBRA: And we’re going to do that right after this message. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd.

My guest today is Dr. Kellyann Petrucci. We’re talking about real foods first, a diet that will make your body healthy. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Dr. Kellyann Petrucci. She’s the author of five books on the Paleo diet, and we’re talking today about her 30-Day Reset Program where you can eat the proper foods and have your body do wonderful things.

Dr. Kellyann, before we go on, I just want to put in my two cents about the gluten-free diet and what I think is wrong with it. I went through a similar experience with I stopped eating gluten. And I had this ongoing thyroid. And even though I take a thyroid supplement, and I’ve done lots of things to detox my thyroid and everything, it still was just out of control. And the doctors couldn’t figure out why my TSH was so high.

And then, I read a book about thyroid that talked about that you should go on a gluten-free diet, and I did. And within 30 days, instead of being abnormal, my TSH was normal. It was normal.

Now, this was with the supplement. But remember, before, taking a supplement wasn’t fixing it. But what fixed it was the gluten-free diet.

What fixed it was that I stopped eating gluten. But what people generally do is that they go out and buy all these gluten-free products that are basically made from starch.

DR. KELLYANN PETRUCCI: They’re made from potato starch, and they’re made from corn. And everything else just crushes what I call our internal terrain in every way.

DEBRA: Right! It’s all processed foods.


DEBRA: And even, the other day, I bought some bean pasta, pasta made out of beans. I thought, “Oh, this is great!” I ate them, and I made my blood sugar go way up. And I thought, “What’s wrong with this?” And what’s wrong with it is it isn’t the bean. It’s the starch from the bean without the rest of the bean.

DR. KELLYANN PETRUCCI: Exactly, exactly!

DEBRA: And so you have to be real careful when you buy all these packaged foods. In fact, I rarely buy packaged foods. I just eat whole raw foods.

DR. KELLYANN PETRUCCI: You just can’t!

DEBRA: You can’t because it’s not a whole food. It’s not real. And it says on the package beans. It doesn’t say bean starch. It says beans. This pasta is made out of beans.

DR. KELLYANN PETRUCCI: Trickery at its finest. Trickery at its finest. That’s why you really have to be able to navigate through the store.

You are going to love this program. Your listeners are going to love this program because it really speaks to that. The 30-day

Reset really teaches us, in every food group, what is the healthiest food that you can possibly give your body. And I determine that by what is going to reduce that inflammation, what is going to melt that inflammation out of your body, because one in five now have autoimmune problems. You just talked about your thyroid. I mean, it’s one in five now. That’s crazy! I mean, diabetes and all of these intestinal problems, Crohn’s, colitis. It’s a real problem.

So, you really have to melt that inflammation out of the body. You’ve really got to stabilize the blood sugar. It’s so important. And probably, the most important thing that you can do starting today is heal your gut.

DEBRA: I totally agree.

DR. KELLYANN PETRUCCI: The foods that I recommend, I simply took all of the foods that you’re programmed to eat, that you’re genetically programmed to eat, make no mistake about it. The healthiest foods within those categories, feed your body with those. Feed your cells with these foods. Get the toxins out of your cells, get the nutrition into your cells.

And a lot of the success behind the program is in the simplicity, and also, you get rid of what I call the dietary toxins.

DEBRA: Now, tell us about what a dietary toxin is.

DR. KELLYANN PETRUCCI: Sure! Different than pesticides, heavy metals, other industrial pollutants. This is not about that.

This is about how food is metabolized and digested in your body. And if it’s not done correctly, it becomes a toxin.

A toxin is anything that’s capable of causing any kind of disease or damaging cells when it enters the body. And there are foods that damage cells when they enter the body. And I have my top four big hitters.

DEBRA: And what are those?

DR. KELLYANN PETRUCCI: And that is wheat and grains, sugar, oil—bad oils, let me clarify that. And we’ll all go through these—bad oils, and soy. Getting rid of these four components, these four dietary toxins and replacing them—that’s the key.

It’s not about getting rid of. This is not about being extreme. This is not about having a difficult diet. This is about swapping. This is about this for that.

So, the dietary toxin, wheat, we talked a little bit about that. Really, you have to remember, in life, as humans, we are designed to always look for balance and survival. So, the balance is homeostasis. Our brain is always scanning our body looking for ways to find that balance. And it’s always struggling for that survival.

And the funny thing is plants are no different. Plants compete for survivals against predators—just like we do.

DEBRA: Hmmm… I haven’t ever thought of that.

DR. KELLYANN PETRUCCI: Yes! But see, animals can run away. Plants can’t. So they developed a mechanism for protecting themselves. This is the interesting part. They’re called anti-nutrients. And basically, a lot of these plants like wheat, millet, rye, barley, they produce toxins that damage the lining of the gut.

They also produce toxins that bind minerals. And you don’t want that because that creates what you call nutrient deficiency.

And when your body is deficient of nutrients, it is a Pandora’s box. It’s an open door for every modern day disease out there.

And also, they produce toxins that inhibit the digestion and absorption of proteins. And we need proteins for about every cell and every structure of the body.

So, there really is problems with grains in terms of producing toxins that wreck your gut. And I talk about those three things—inflammation, gut and blood sugar stabilization. So right off the bat, they really create terrible damage to the gut. That’s why you want to avoid that dietary toxin.

And the other dietary toxin, and probably the most important to me, is when we talk about oils. You’ve got to swap out what we call the industrial seed oils for the healthier oil.

So, these industrial seed oils may surprise people, but they’re not healthy. And these are things like corn oil, cottonseed oil, soy bean oils, safflower, sunflower. And it’s the reason why it has a lot to do with the balance of Omega-6 to Omega-3.

So, the right balance is 1:1. I mean, that’s what our ancestors ate, a 1:1 balance. That’s how we’re really programmed. But that’s not what we get anymore. Since the industrial revolution and these oils have come to be, these processed oils, we’re now getting 25 times more of the bad fats, the bad oils than we should be. And this is big trouble because this is inflammation.

DEBRA: We’ll talk more about that after the break. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is Dr. Kellyann Petrucci. We’re talking about her 30-Day Reset Program. Stay tuned!


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is Dr. Kellyann Petrucci. And we’re talking about her 30-Day Reset Program.

You can go to her website. It’s And right at the top, you can get a free download called 7 Steps to Paleo that will give a lot more details about this than we can give in just an hour on the radio. And right below that is the 30-Day Reset Program. So you can see both of those right there. And that’s

And right below that, it says, “Tune in to Toxic Free Talk Radio.”

DR. KELLYANN PETRUCCI: You can’t forget that.

DEBRA: And it shows all the TV shows that Dr. Kellyann has been on. And one of them is Daytime. I’ve been on that show.

DR. KELLYANN PETRUCCI: I noticed that we’re both on that same show. And we had the same interviewer as well.

DEBRA: Oh, really?


DEBRA: Okay! So now, tell us about what we can actually eat on this diet. I want everyone to know, I read this thoroughly, this whole 30-Day Reset thing. And it sounds delicious.

The thing that really appealed to me about it is that probably a lot of you listening are already eating a lot of these foods. But I’m also cheating. And I think if I eat this little bite of this one day a week or something, then it doesn’t matter. But when it does matter, and what you learn in the Reset program, is how you really need to do it for 30 days with no cheats so that your body really goes through a whole transformation that it doesn’t do when you eat even little, tiny bits of those foods that aren’t good for you.

And after I read this, I decided that I’m going to do the program for the next 30 days.

DR. KELLYANN PETRUCCI: And coming from somebody like Debra who reads so much and has so much thrown at her desk…

DEBRA: I do!

DR. KELLYANN PETRUCCI: That’s a huge compliment, I have to say.

DEBRA: Thank you.

DR. KELLYANN PETRUCCI: I’m as excited as you are. I’m as excited as you are because I know it’s going to happen. I know the magic is going to happen.

And you talked about, well, if a little bit of this, a little bit of that, one of the most important things that you can create—and I tell this to patients all of the time—is something called food values. And when you really key in and lock into this, and start really understanding that—

My whole thing here is about getting rid of all the confusion, all the clutter in your diet. Get rid of it all. Nothing is faddy. This is not trendy. This is good ole’ back to nature foods, the foods that we ate that got us healthy before we started cluttering up our diet. That’s all this is.

And we talk about having a little bit of this and a little bit of that. Well, for these 30 days, you’ve got to white knuckle it. For these 30 days, if you go to day four, and you say, “Well, there’s a wedding this day, I’m having a piece of wedding cake,” sorry, buster, it’s back to day one.

DEBRA: Yeah, it really is. I mean, that’s what I do. I’ve been studying food for a long time. I started cooking when I was six.


DEBRA: And I love to eat. I used to live in the San Francisco Bay Area. We had plenty to eat, plenty of restaurants to go to—not so much here in Florida. But I mean, food is a pleasure for me. I love to cook, I love to eat, it’s a social thing. We all have our favorite foods from the past. We have our comfort foods. We have the foods that our grandmothers made. And yet, what we need to do in order to be healthy is we need to just eat what nature provided for our bodies to eat—and it’s not industrialized foods. It’s not factory farm foods.

DR. KELLYANN PETRUCCI: It’s absolutely not.

DEBRA: It’s as close as you can get to nature; it’s really it.

So, I’ve known this for a long time. I’ve read a lot of books. I totally agree with the idea. But what ends up happening for me is that it’s really hard for me to go to that party and not just eat all these free food. I think, “Oh, it’s just tonight. And tomorrow, I’ll go back on my diet.” And that has helped, but it has not given me breakthroughs.

DR. KELLYANN PETRUCCI: Well, you need the tips, the tricks and the traps.

DEBRA: Yeah! And I need to know that I’m on a program that I’m going to do it for 30 days, and I’m not just saying, “This is how I’m going to eat Monday through Friday, and then on the weekend…”

You know, there are actually diet books that say, “Stay on this diet for six days, and on the seventh day, you can eat anything you want.”

DR. KELLYANN PETRUCCI: Step into the commonsense corner of our brain. Is that nonsensical to you or is it just me?

DEBRA: Well, they tell you that you should do this so that your body will keep burning the fat and that you won’t go into that plateau mode. But it’s not giving you the transformation.

I’m really glad, when I read your material, that there is a transformation. And it comes from your body releasing all these toxic stuff and getting into—

We’re going to have to go to break pretty soon. But I just want to say you said something earlier about our intestines, our guts.

Every single person on the planet, unless you’ve done something to heal your intestinal flora and fauna, everybody has a messed up gut. Everybody!

DR. KELLYANN PETRUCCI: Let me just piggyback off of that. I want everyone to get a visual. Your intestines is about 25 feet long. And that’s about 10,000 sq. ft. of surface area. And within it, there are literally trillions—listen, trillions–of cells. So this is a really big deal.

And if they are not locked in and strong and working like an army for you, you’re in trouble. Inside your gut, there’s something called Peyer’s Patches. And these are your immune guards. This has everything to do with immunity. You can look at someone’s skin when you’re trained in my business, you can look at someone, and you know the health of their gut by the way they look on the outside. It has a huge impact.

And I love what you said. Yes, everyone, if you have modern day foods, your gut is wrecked.

DEBRA: Everybody. And it’s not just the foods, it’s also the toxic chemicals because what happens is, as your body processes the toxic chemicals, they go through your liver, and then they go through your intestines. That’s how they get out of your body.

If your intestines are not working to move this stuff along, the wastes from your foods and the toxic chemicals, it all goes through your gut.

And if you have Leaky Gut Syndrome or something, those toxic chemicals just go right back into your body if the stuff is sitting in your gut.

DR. KELLYANN PETRUCCI: Hence, the autoimmune problem. Hence, the amount.

DEBRA: Yeah! And so, it’s like there are very simple things like having gut problems—which everybody does unless you fixed it—from all these exposures that everybody just has in normal life that if you don’t fix it, then it results in all these illnesses.

And the interesting thing to me is that there are these simple things that you can do like the diet that we’re about to talk about and removing toxic chemicals in your life. And doing those simple things fixes everything.


DEBRA: Yes, yes.

DR. KELLYANN PETRUCCI: It’s what I call the magic. I always say, “Just hang tight, and wait for the magic to happen.” I can’t wait! I want to tell you a little bit about my patient, Drew, when we get back because it really is an astonishing story.

DEBRA: We need to go to break, but we want to hear about Drew. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And I’m here with Dr. Kellyann Petrucci. Her website is You can go there and find out all about what we’re talking about. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Dr. Kellyann Petrucci. And we’re talking about her 30-Day Reset Diet Program, which I announced I’m going to go on. I’m actually starting today. I already started. And when we get off the air here, I’m going to go have my salad for lunch with protein.

So, basically, the foods that you get to eat—because you get to eat a lot of different foods. You get to eat vegetables, of course, non-starchy vegetables. But there’s a lot of vegetables. And salad can be really fun.

You can eat fruits, fresh fruits. You can eat proteins. You can eat seeds and nuts. But no beans, no cheese, no sugar, no sweetener of any kind (only fruit). Did I get all that right?

DR. KELLYANN PETRUCCI: So, sweeteners and so forth, we talk about in our Paleo for Life program which is coming out what to do after the 30 days […] You really get to have fun with all of these foods and expand upon these foods. There really is a lot to eat!

DEBRA: Well, let’s just stick to the 30 days because that’s where we are now.

DR. KELLYANN PETRUCCI: Yeah! Yeah, of course.

DEBRA: Let’s not get confused. So first, it’s pretty limited for the 30 days, but you do get to eat fruits and vegetables. And fresh fruits and vegetables, you can cook them. You can have spices and herbs and protein and nuts and seeds. And that’s a lot of foods. There’s a lot you can do with that.

I’ve been cooking since I was six. So I know a lot about cooking. And I feel comfortable just taking any list of foods and doing anything that I feel like with them. But if you’re not that experienced with cooking, Dr. Kellyann gives you the shopping list, she gives you recipes. They all look delicious. Anybody can really do this. So, she’s just giving you every detail, so that even if you don’t know how to cook or anything, you can do this.

And so, I’m going to be doing it, and I’m going to be blogging about it on my website every day. I’ll tell you what I’m eating, what I’m doing with the foods, how I’m doing, how much weight I’ve lost, et cetera. So join me! You can do it too.

DR. KELLYANN PETRUCCI: Oh, it’s going to be so fun. We’re going to have a really good time. I can’t wait until the results come.

So, like you said, we’re eating a lot of fresh, lean proteins. We’re eating vegetables—both starchy and non-starchy vegetables.

There are some approved starchy vegetables. A great one is sweet potatoes. We talked earlier about trying to find pasta, trying to get that pasta-like dish. Being Italian and growing up on the stuff, it’s something that I had to find, “if not this, then that.” And for me, having spaghetti squash, really terrific! Making some of that spaghetti squash, you shred it super easy with a fork. Put some wonderful sauce on top of it. I have to tell you, what a great meal!

And for those out there that are involved in any kind of activity, working out or sports, nothing fuels your body and gets that glycogen back into your muscles, refuels your body, like having some sweet potato or spaghetti squash.

Pumpkin is another one. Even jicama, if you haven’t tried jicama, what a great vegetable.

DEBRA: I love jicama.

DR. KELLYANN PETRUCCI: Isn’t it wonderful!

DEBRA: I do!

DR. KELLYANN PETRUCCI: It adds a lot of crunch in a salad.

DEBRA: Yeah.

DR. KELLYANN PETRUCCI: And it gives you that sweet flavor.

Kohlrabi is another one. If you haven’t tried kohlrabi, it’s really cool to go out and try some new vegetables. Kohlrabi is another one. It’s another starchier vegetable that gives you kind of a sweet, crunchy tang. And I can’t tell you how many people I’ve turned on to it that just absolutely loves it.

But there are all kinds of ways that you can get these approved starchy vegetables. And that’s what keeps you going. That’s what gives you the energy that you need to keep refueling and to keep going.

And then, you have your healthy fats. Your healthy fats are a really important part of this. And when you start feeling like you have cravings and so forth, there’s nothing like these healthy fats that really gets you grounded. It takes those cravings away. It makes a huge difference.

And again, we talked about the gut. The healthy fats really get in there.

DEBRA: Tell us what the healthy fats are. Tell us what they are. Tell us what the healthy fats are.

DR. KELLYANN PETRUCCI: Sure! One of my favorites is the coconut fat. I absolutely love coconut fat for a couple of reasons.

And I’m talking about coconut chips which are absolutely delicious. And I can tell you a quick and easy snack to make with them. It’s absolutely fantastic!

I also love to cook with coconut oil. That’s a really good one. You can add coconut milk. I like the full fat version. It’s important because the full fat versions actually are the ones that don’t have any of the stabilizers or anything else in them. They’re just plain coconut milk.

These are so good for healing the gut. They’re so good for making the skin beautiful. Almost every station I go on, I have to mention this because women want to hear this particularly. It’s like the natural wrinkle-eraser.

DEBRA: Oh, good!

DR. KELLYANN PETRUCCI: Yes! We need that, right?

DEBRA: We do!

DR. KELLYANN PETRUCCI: And it makes your eyes pop and white. And Debra, you know better than anyone on the planet.

This is happening because the toxins are leaving your body.

DEBRA: Right, that’s exactly right.

DR. KELLYANN PETRUCCI: The toxins are leaving your body. And you’re getting that glow. You’re getting that sheen. And coconut helps get you there.

But the most important thing about coconut oil is that you can crank that sucker up. You can crank the heat up when you are cooking, and you will not destroy the oil. It can take a very high heat. We’re talking now about smoke points. But basically, you can just turn the heat up really high, you don’t have to worry about damaging the oil.

Why don’t you want to damage the oil? Because the oil oxidizes, it gets rancid. And rancid oils means rancid bodies. And when we think of rancid bodies, we think of inflammation, one of those top three tier things I always talk about. We talked about blood sugar, healing the gut, and inflammation. We have to combat those three things. It’s necessary to be healthy beings. So that, we have to be careful.

I love olive oil It’s a great oil. But here’s the thing. It’s a drizzle oil. You can’t heat the oil up very high with olive oil. Very low temperature with olive oil or it oxidizes. That’s a fact that most people—when I speak to people in public, they’re always surprised to know that. Yes, you have to watch and understand a little bit about smoke points. Some oils are better to cook with than others. And I love cooking with coconut oil for that reason. It’s just not a concern.

Also, in terms of dairy, the one form of dairy that I find people can have on this 30-day Reset—and the only kind that people can generally tolerate fairly well—is butter from grass-fed cows.

DEBRA: Ah, that’s exactly what I eat, butter from grass-fed cows.

DR. KELLYANN PETRUCCI: And it’s perfect! And the reason why it works is because it’s got CLA’s.

DEBRA: Phew! I can have my butter.

DR. KELLYANN PETRUCCI: Yes, yes! Isn’t that wonderful? It’s got CLA, conjugated linoleic acid. And these are not only an amazing cancer-fighting agent, but they also help you tolerate the butter.

And ghee, ghee is actually the butter with all of the milk solids out. And again, you can put that sucker on the highest temperature, you’re not going to destroy the ghee. You’re not going to destroy the butter from grass-fed cows. You’re not going to destroy the coconut oil.

They make you look and feel great. So I’m a huge proponent.

DEBRA: Well, I don’t want to interrupt you, but we only have about three minutes left on the show, and I know you want to talk about Drew.

DR. KELLYANN PETRUCCI: I do! I wanted to just say quickly, if you’re thinking about the 30-Day Reset, I wish I had Drew with me right now because he would tell you how amazing it is. He has a blood sugar of 353. As he called it—I didn’t, he said it—“I was heading for disaster.”

His wife is a nurse. She called me from the parking lot of the hotel freaking out, afraid that she was going to lose her husband of I think 33 years of marriage with three beautiful children. She was completely distraught. When I told her, “Just food, Pam.

We are going to cure this with just food. Trust. Believe.” And she did.

And I’m so thankful she did because he’s lost over a hundred pounds and has completely normal blood sugar. He lost quite a bit over the 30 days. He continued on the path for 30 days because he said, “There’s no way I’m going back. I can’t believe the way I feel.” He said, “I’ve never had a normal blood test in my entire life. They’re all coming back normal to the dismay—total, total dismay—of all of my physicians. There’s no way I’m going back.” He’s a hundred pounds thinner. He looked amazing, feels good. It was a huge success.

DEBRA: It’s so amazing about how toxic industrialized food is and what will happen to your body when you stop eating it. It goes beyond the toxic chemicals that are in it. Denatured is probably a good word.

DR. KELLYANN PETRUCCI: I love that word.

DEBRA: How de-vitalized, it’s just like all the life goes out of the food. And if you eat whole, real, organic food, pasture-fed, all those kinds of things, your body will respond to those foods being alive and having the nutrients in them that nature intended to feed the body that nature designed that you have. I just can’t say enough to emphasize that.

Any time in my life when I have really focused on doing that and just forget about the industrial stuff, my body always gets better. And so now I’m going to do this for 30 days, and we’re going to see what happens.

Dr. Kellyann, thanks so much for being on the show with me.


DEBRA: Again, you can go to And you can get the free download of 7 Steps to Paleo.

DR. KELLYANN PETRUCCI: Can I say one thing, Debra?

DEBRA: Sure!

DR. KELLYANN PETRUCCI: I’m offering it special on my 30-Day Reset for Debra’s listeners. It is until the end of the month.

You put in the code TOXICFREE. So, you go on to the 30-Day Reset on my website,, you’ll see it right on the front page, 30-Day Reset. Hit that button. When you go to buy, hit in TOXICFREE. And this is only for Debra’s listeners.

DEBRA: Good! And you can also go to on my website. And you can read an article by Dr. Kellyann.

And starting tomorrow, I’ll have posts on my food blog at about my experiences doing this every day for the next 30 days.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd.

Toxic Glue and Foam Sealant for Window

Question from Susannah

Hi Debra, our landlord is replacing the window in my son’s bedroom. He used some toxic glue (don’t know the name) and we’re ventilating to get rid of them smell while my son sleeps in a different room. I’m trying to find out how long it might take to off-gas. Also, he has yet to put in a foam sealant around the frame. We’re trying to find a non-toxic one and I wondered if you knew of one. Thanks for your help!

Debra’s Answer

How long it takes for a glue to outgas depends on the glue. It could take a week or more. Heat will speed outgassing.

As for a nontoxic foam sealant…I don’t know of one offhand. I did a quick search and they are all made from polyurethane foam. Be cautious about how they are labeled. I saw a few that said they were “nontoxic” but then I looked at the MSDS and found toxic chemicals.

Readers, what have you used instead. I’ve actually never installed a window that I recall.

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Bali Cellular Shades

Question from Daisy

What are your thoughts re the safety of Bali Cellular Shades.

Here is their answer to my query re. their toxicity:

The current cellular fabrics are produced with 100% polyester staple fiber. Depending on the type of fabric either a blend of wood pulp or the use of a metalized film is incorporated to meet specific requirements. Our suppliers for these products have improved their methods of processing and utilize environmentally friendly chemicals and allow adequate cure time so as to minimize or eliminate VOC concerns. The Northern Lights fabric is a polyester and wood pulp blended fabric processed in a method that allows only one process step making it eco friendly (Green) product. The method of applying color is water based and oven dried. The print suppler thoroughly dries the fabric to a point that color will not rub off and the moisture content is low providing a fully cured product. The Midnight fabric has a metalized film which has to be laminated with adhesive and cured in a hot room before shipping. The sub-vendor that provides color allows extra drying time to cure the print ink. This extra drying time has proven to be beneficial in curing the product and eliminating VOC concerns.

Debra’s Answer

It sounds like they are familiar with the potential problems and are doing things to minimize outgassing.

I have no experience with the product, but it sounds like it would be fine.

Readers, any experience?

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Polyurethane Floor Finish

Question from April

I am interested in a polyureathane flooring coating for a floor at work. Once cured do they off gas? Thanks!

Debra’s Answer

Once cured, a polyurethane floor finish does not offgas. It gives a hard, protective surface that will last a long time.

Be sure, however, to get a water-based product such as Varathane Crystal Clear Floor Finish. I’ve used this brand with excellent results. But there are others. Look for “water-based” on the label.

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141 Reasons Sugar Ruins Your Health

My guest today is Nancy Appleton PhD, author of many books about sugar and other aspects of natural health. started writing and lecturing about health in the late 1970s as a reaction to her own poor health. Her discoveries about sugar and other common diet mistakes led to her first bookLick the Sugar Habit, which is still chugging along as a 25-year bestseller. Six more books have followed. Her latest is Suicide by Sugar. Dr. Appleton has also encapsulated her life’s work into the movie Sweet Suicide. She is semi-retired and living in San Diego.






141 Reasons Sugar Ruins Your Health

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Nancy Appleton PhD

Date of Broadcast: January 20, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world. And today, we’re going to talk about sugar, sugar, sugar—one of my favorite subjects.

I, in the past, used to love sugar. I grew up on sugar. I used to eat sugar three times a day. I used to eat dessert instead of meals. I’m telling you all my horrible habits. But I stopped doing that—how many years ago now has it been? Maybe 10 years ago.

It took its toll on my body, and I learned to be very happy without sugar.

And so today, my guest is Dr. Nancy Appleton, Ph.D. She has written many books about sugar based on her own health situation as well. She has a very wonderful list on her website, which is She has a list called “141 Reasons Sugar Ruins Your Health.”

So we’re going to talk about the dangers of sugar. I actually consider sugar, refined white sugar, to be a toxic chemical that we should be removing from our lives. I have. And it seemed to me, at the beginning, how am I ever going to live without sugar.

But I can tell you that today, your body actually decides that it doesn’t want it after a while, that it gets used to not having it.

And today, if somebody could offer me the most delicious sugar dessert in the world, and I wouldn’t eat it because my body doesn’t want it, and I don’t want it. I don’t want those devastating effects.

So thank you for being with me, Dr. Appleton.

NANCY APPLETON: Hello, Debra. And I’m Nancy.

DEBRA: Nancy, okay. Nancy, thank you. So you’ve written a lot of books on sugar. Lick the Sugar Habit has been a 25-year bestseller. Tell us how you became interested in this.

NANCY APPLETON: Well, I was sick. Like you said, it took its toll on your health; it certainly has taken its toll on my health. I was a national junior tennis champion. And so if I’d win a tennis tournament, I’d treat myself to two hot fudge sundaes.

DEBRA: I’m only laughing because that’s what I used to do too.

NANCY APPLETON: And then if I’d lose a tournament, I’d treat myself to a whole bag of Oreo cookies. So winner or loser, I was a loser, you see.

And this went on and on and on. I knew it was wrong. I would put the Oreo cookies underneath my car seat on the way home from playing tennis, and take them out one at a time because I know watching 40 Oreo cookies disappear off of the seat was not a good idea. As long as I hid them and just ate one at a time, it was okay.

I mean, the rationalization that people put themselves through in order to appease their addiction is ridiculous!

DEBRA: I understand. And it is an addiction. It really is an addiction.

NANCY APPLETON: It certainly is an addiction. How did I get started? I’m not sure. My sister was not one. I was the one who had all the cavities as a dentist. I had pneumonia for the first time when I was 13 years old. I would hide the stuff as I’ve said.

We had what we’ve called the [inaudible 03:50]. I lived in LA. And it was a bakery truck. And so I would meet the helmsman down the street before it got to our house. And I would pick out all these different things and hide them in my room. And my mom would pay the bill at the end of the month, and she didn’t even look to see who had bought water, whatever.

And so for the first 40 years of my life, I was extremely addicted. I was 25 pounds overweight. I was sick continually.

And why did I change? I read a book called The Pulse Test. Do you know what that book is?

DEBRA: I don’t know that book.

NANCY APPLETON: What it says is take your pulse when you wake up in the morning, and see what it is. Take up some foods you think you might be allergic to, take your pulse again in 10 minutes, and if it goes up or down 10 beat, you know you’re allergic to that food and it’s creating illness in your body.

Now, I didn’t do sugar. I know I was a sugarholic. Why should I check sugar? I was addicted to it. So I said, “I think milk might do this to me.”

So, I tried it. And my gosh, it went up about 15 beats per minute. And did that get my attention?

DEBRA: So you eat the food, and then you take your pulse immediately after you eat the food?

NANCY APPLETON: Ten minutes about.

DEBRA: Ten minutes. I’m going to try that.

NANCY APPLETON: Do! Do three or four foods. Of course, you could try sugar, try dairy, try wheat, try soy. Those foods that I’ve just mentioned are the foods that many, many people are allergic to. So it really gets your attention when all of a sudden, you haven’t run, you haven’t talked to anybody, you haven’t done a darn thing except sit at the table waiting for the 10 minutes, and you watch your pulse go up.

Mine never went down. Mine went up. But the book said up or down.

DEBRA: Wow! So, you figured out that sugar was something that you were allergic to and addicted to, so what was the thing you did next? You started writing your books in the late 1970s. There weren’t a lot of books then about sugar.

NANCY APPLETON: I’ve written, I guess, three books on sugar. And then I’ve done a video called—what’s it called?

DEBRA: Suicide by Sugar? Sweet Suicide.

NANCY APPLETON: Sweet Suicide, thank you very much. It’s an hour video. It gets your attention if you’re not a reader. They all go into different things. I’ve learned over the 40 years that I’ve been writing, but I won’t change one word in Lick the Sugar Habit, which was my first book. Everything I said then is still the same. We just finally know a lot more.

I can’t tell you how many times doctors walked out of my lectures, nurses would walk out, I get put down on radio programs, unbelievable what I went through. And I wouldn’t give up.

DEBRA: Well, I’m glad that you didn’t. I’ve been around long enough. I’ve been doing what I do for more than 30 years. And so I’ve seen that over time, things that we used to think were perfectly fine, a lot of them we’re finding now that they aren’t.

People used to think that cigarettes were fine, that you could smoke, and then we found out that they cause cancer. And one by one, there’s so much more information about what’s harmful now from our industrial world than we knew 30, 40 or 50 years ago.

NANCY APPLETON: That’s true.

DEBRA: We’re finding there’s been a lot of evidence for a long period of time that sugar is very harmful to the body. And we keep finding that more and more. It’s becoming more and more accepted.

NANCY APPLETON: Finally, a lot of research is being done. Let me just tell you the latest research that I have read. It was a study—this is not a small study—of 56,000 people in one of the Scandinavian countries (It’s one of them), and the US was another.

It was written up in two journals—the British Journal of Medicine and a nutrition journal, a very good nutrition journal in the US.

And what it said was, for over 11 years, they watched these 56,000 people. And when they died of heart disease, they tested their cholesterol and started testing different blood things. And what they found out is that 75% of the people who died of heart disease had normal cholesterol—75%.

What’s going on here? What did they die of then?

So, they continued looking, and they found that it is an elevated blood glucose and an elevated insulin. Insulin is what the body needs to help bring the blood glucose back down to normal. And when both of those are elevated, you’re in trouble. And that’s what they found.

So, eat all the fat you want. Eat all the fat you want.

DEBRA: Eat all the fats you want. Don’t eat sugar.

We need to take a break, but we’ll be right back. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. My guest today is Nancy Appleton, Ph.D. She’s the author of the 25-year bestseller, Lick the Sugar Habit, and other books about sugar. And when we come back, we’re going to talk about the 141 Reasons Sugar Ruins Your Health.

We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Nancy Appleton, Ph.D. She’s the author of Lick the Sugar Habits, Suicide by Sugar, Killer Colas, Lick the Sugar Habits, Sugar Counter, and actually, other books about natural healing that have nothing to do with sugar.

But you can go to Toxic Free Talk Radio. Take a look at the description of the show and her bio, and there’s a link to all of her books on, so you can see all of them. You will see all of her book covers. You can click on those individually in order to purchase those if you’d like.

Her website is listed there— And there’s a lot more information on her website and her books than we’re going to be able to cover today. But hopefully, we’ll get across the idea to you that sugar is not the best thing for your body, and give you some tips on how you can remove sugar from your life.

So Nancy, let’s go to your list of 141—no, it’s 143.

NANCY APPLETON: Well, if you look at my website, this book was written five years ago. I think there are 149 now. Every time we find a new one, we keep adding more to it.

DEBRA: So the first one is sugar can suppress your immune system. Do you want to tell us more about that?

NANCY APPLETON: I’m sorry. Say that again, please?

DEBRA: The first one on your list is sugar can suppress your immune system.

NANCY APPLETON: Yes. That’s probably the most important one of all of them because once your immune system becomes suppressed, that means that you’ve opened the door to all infectious and degenerative diseases because those white blood cells, which are your immune system, can’t function correctly. They can’t do what they’re supposed to. They can’t remove toxic substances from your body.

So that should be number 1 through 10. Sugar suppresses the immune system.

DEBRA: Yes, I agree, and especially in the winter time, during cold and flu season, if you don’t want to be catching those bugs and being sick. A good thing to do is to just stop eating sugar because the more sugar you eat, the more difficult it’s going to be for your body to fight just an ordinary cold and flu, the more difficult it is, as you said, for the immune system to process toxic chemicals, and things like that.

Even if there weren’t another 148 reasons, that to me is reason enough.

So number two is sugar—

NANCY APPLETON: By the way, we should also say that all these have articles from medical journals, articles that are double blind placebo studies. So these are not just things that I learned in my practice as I went along in my life. All of them have an index, a bibliography of exactly where this information comes from.

DEBRA: I said at the beginning that I consider refined white sugar to be a toxic chemical. If you read a toxicology book, first of all, you were talking about allergies earlier. Allergy is considered in toxicology books to be a toxic reaction. It’s a toxic effect.

So you could read this whole entire list, and I hope everybody who’s listening will go to Nancy’s website and read this list because we’re not going to get through all 141. But the list reads like—and this is only one substance, the list reads like a poison control center book. All of these things, any toxic chemical, that is a manmade industrial chemical is going to have these kinds of symptoms and effects, and yet, this white sugar that we’re using just on a day-to-day basis, it’s just sitting on every table and restaurant. It’s just so common. It is as toxic as anything else that—

NANCY APPLETON: Debra, I have to say that it’s more than white sugar that is doing this.

DEBRA: Okay, go on.

NANCY APPLETON: Sugar has many forms. Agave syrup or nectar, malt, beet sugar, brown sugar, cane sugar, cane syrup, confectioner’s sugar, crystalline fructose sugar, crystalline fructose state sugar. I can go on and on. I’ve just done about a fourth of them that I knew five years ago—and there are more today.

And it is any sugar that is processed. Go out and chew the cane. Go to Hawaii and go get a piece of cane and chew on that.

Actually, it takes something like nine inches of cane to get one teaspoon of sugar.

DEBRA: Yes, it is something like that.

NANCY APPLETON: That would take you a long time to chew nine inches of cane to get that sugar.

DEBRA: So what you’re talking about is all processed sugars.


DEBRA: What about—

NANCY APPLETON: Honey is not processed, but it still has glucose and fructose in it. And those are the substances that are killing us. I don’t care what you want to call it, or really, whether it’s processed or not, because again, I used that cane just because you’d have to chew and chew to get—you could take a whole teaspoon of honey, and get five times as much as you could chewing for a half-hour on a piece of cane. I do believe that any substance that has fructose and glucose in it—

Sometimes, agave syrup or nectar is about 90% fructose and 10% glucose. And agave nectar is probably the worst thing you can eat because it’s not the glucose, it’s the fructose in the sugar molecule that is killing us off today.

Everybody is saying, “Oh, this new thing, agave nectar,” forget it. Fructose and agave nectar are both real killers. Go back to your table, sir. It’s 50% glucose and 50% fructose.

DEBRA: So what about fruit actually? You just drink on fruit.

NANCY APPLETON: Good question. Fruit, of course, is a wonderful substance. It has fiber, and it has lots of vitamins and minerals. It goes through the body slowly. And for a healthy person, fruit is a good substance because of all of its good things and because it goes slowly.

But fruit juice, let me tell you, has the same—an eight-ounce glass of grape juice, orange juice, or I think it’s the—what’s the third one? Grapefruit juice maybe it is—have the exact same amount of sugar as a Coca Cola of 10-ounces too.

DEBRA: I need to stop right there because we need to go to break. But we’ll talk about that more when we come back. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Nancy Appleton. We’re talking about sugar.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Nancy Appleton—author of four books, maybe more, about sugar, and its health effects. And we’re talking today about how sugar can affect your body, and how we’re going to get off of sugar and become more aware of the sugar that you’re eating.

Nancy, I just want to say that when I was a child, my grandmother would always make some sugar dessert for me. She would either make—she lived about four hours away, and she would always make a cake, or she would make cookies. I still have her cookie jar that I would always run to. The second that I would walk into the house, I’d run to the cookie jar and see which kinds of my favorite cookies that she had baked for me.

I remember her saying—at the end of a meal, I would say, “Grandma, what can I have for dessert?” And she would always say, always, always, she would say, “Have a piece of fruit, honey.”

And I’d say, “No, grandma. I don’t want a piece of fruit. I want cookies. I want cake.”

NANCY APPLETON: Where did you grow up?

DEBRA: In California.

NANCY APPLETON: That’s interesting because grandmas—of course you’re a younger generation than I am. But at that time, unless you had quite a bit of money, you didn’t eat that much sugar.

DEBRA: Well, I was born in the 1950s. And so I was growing up in 50s, 60s, going to my grandmother’s, running in and wanting my sugar. And by then, sugar was very inexpensive when I was a child. Sugar was just all over the place—all over the place. It’s just very, very common.

So before we go on to talk about the solutions to this problem, I just want to read a few more items on the list of 141. It can cause juvenile delinquency in children. It can elevate, we all know that it can elevate glucose and insulin levels. It can cause hyperactivity. It can reduce the body’s ability to defend against bacterial infection.

It leads to chromium deficiency, to copper deficiency. It interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium. It can cause hypoglycemia. It causes premature aging. It can lead to alcoholism, tooth decay, obesity, ulcers, gallstones, heart disease, appendicitis, hemorrhoids, varicose veins.

It’s practically anything that you would go to a drugstore and buy over-the-counter drug for. You could just stop eating sugar, and the symptoms might go away.

It can increase cholesterol, food allergies, diabetes, change the structure of the DNA.

It’s just a good all-purpose toxic thing.

NANCY APPLETON: That is so right.

DEBRA: You want to cause problems in your body, eat sugar. I shouldn’t laugh because you and I have both been through this ourselves, and there are so many people that are listening that I know are still sugar. But this is just one thing.

I want to say, it’s one simple thing that you can [inaudible 00:22:19]. It’s not so easy to stop eating sugar. How did you stop eating sugar?

NANCY APPLETON: It’s easy. I did it many times.

DEBRA: I’d like to say what I did to stop eating sugar. So when I’m saying I stopped eating sugar, I was eating a lot of refined white sugar and high fructose corn syrup, although at the time, it wasn’t so prevalent as it is now, the high fructose corn sugar.

I was eating a lot of basic white sugar.

And what I did was that I started looking at other alternative sweeteners, the stuff that’s being sold in the natural food store.

Until I decided, I figured out well for myself, and I understand that you don’t agree with this, but I’m going to tell you what worked for me.;

So I started eating the natural sweeteners instead of the refined sweeteners. Even though there’s still glucose and fructose, the refinedness makes your body absorb it faster than if it’s in its whole form. And I ended up developing about 300 recipes for how to make anything you could possibly eat with sugar with a natural sweetener.

And what I found to my surprise was that the more I ate the natural sweeteners, the less I wanted to eat them. Where the white sugar was very addictive, the effect of eating the natural sweeteners was that I just lost interest in them entirely. I didn’t want to eat them anymore.

And that’s still true for me today, that I’d much rather eat whole food than eat something sweet. And that really surprised me.

That was my remedy.

I know there are lots of other ways to do it, including just cold turkey. But it is an addiction. It’s really hard to stop and not go back to it.

NANCY APPLETON: Many people say on radio programs or those talk shows, they call in, and they’re like, “Help me! I’ve gotten off of tobacco. Alcohol is no problem. But sugar is the problem. I cannot get off of it.” Yes, it’s just as addictive as any of the other substances.

DEBRA: So what do you recommend for helping people get off sugar?

NANCY APPLETON: Well, I don’t recommend that they do it cold turkey because they could go through withdrawal symptoms. And by that, I mean, they could have a temperature, they could shake, they could perspire, they could just feel terrible, they could have a headache—all of those things. And then they’re going to go, “Well, just give me a couple of teaspoons of sugar, and all of this will go away.”

DEBRA: Yeah. And it does.

NANCY APPLETON: And it will go away too. But it comes back of course. So I don’t believe that people should do that. They should slowly get rid of their sugar. If they drink coffee with two teaspoons of sugar, make it one teaspoon, and then a half a teaspoon. And hopefully, they’ll get into teas and herbal teas, but we’re just talking about sugar right now. And so, going slowly.

What I did with my kids is I actually swiped home. I was in England. Laurie was about 10, and Greg was about 6. I said, “Okay, kids. When you’re over here, there’s no luncheons. You’re not at school. You’re with me 24 hours a day. And we’re going to get off sugar.”

So the first week, I said, “Okay, you can go anywhere you want and have anything you want.”

One kid would go to the milkshake store and get a milkshake. Another one would go to the cookie store and have a cookie.

The next week, it was half of that. The next week, it was a fourth of that. We were there one month. And after that, that was the end of the sugar in my household.

DEBRA: I think that method works. I think it does. And I think that everybody, it’s a new year, I think everyone should try cutting down on your sugar. It really did surprise me to find that I didn’t want to eat sugar anymore after. I used to eat bags of cookies.

We need to take another break, but we’ll be right back and talk more about sugar with my guest, Nancy Appleton.

NANCY APPLETON: Okay, let’s talk about Valentine’s Day.

DEBRA: Wait. After the break. After the break. Okay, Valentine’s Day, great idea.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Nancy Appleton. We’re talking about sugar, and Nancy wants to talk about Valentine’s Day.

NANCY APPLETON: Well, it’s coming up. And chocolate companies and sugar companies make a lot of money over that period of time. And I just thought it might be a good idea to give some suggestions that can still mean love and sweetness and all the good things that we relate to sugar unfortunately.

DEBRA: Well, tell us some of your suggestions.

NANCY APPLETON: What I want you to do is get a piece of newspaper, and make a pattern of a heart. You can make it any size you want. Make it just six inches, approximately six inches. And fold it in half, and cut it, so that both sides are even. And if you don’t like that one, tear it up and make another one. And you’ll finally come to the one that looks correct for you.

And then you can go to the grocery store, and they have these—what do they call them? They’re white lacey—

DEBRA: Doilies.

NANCY APPLETON: Doilies, that’s the word I want. Thank you. Paper doilies that you can put underneath that, or you can fold it (an accordion folding), and make a hole outside of it, so that it has a pretty doily on the outside.

And then, in the center of this thing, you want to cut a hole. And it depends on how big your heart is to start with, or how big your heart with a doily on it is as to how big the hole will be. But then you can buy two or three roses, or whatever, and put them in the center. And then get a little vase and you can have just a wonderful Valentine’s gift that will probably last longer than any candy will.

DEBRA: That sounds adorable. I have a heart-shaped cookie cutter. But instead of using it to cut out cookies, I use it to cut out vegetables. And then you can have a salad that’s all full of little hearts with tomatoes, and bell peppers, and beets.

NANCY APPLETON: Good for you. That’s a great idea.

DEBRA: I think hugs and kisses are much better than chocolate anyway.

NANCY APPLETON: I think they’re a great idea. But we’ve got to get away from this idea that on holidays, Halloween, the list goes on, birthdays, [inaudible 30:03] and christenings, that sugar is the answer—it’s not. And there are many different things that you can do at different holidays to give the same idea that you love this person.

DEBRA: Yes, I totally agree with you. So before the break, you were talking about how a glass of fruit juice has as much sugar in it as a Coca Cola.

NANCY APPLETON: Yes, you can just pick up a Coca Cola and take out a glass or a can of orange juice or a plastic container, or whatever, and just start reading. And you’ll see that they have the exact same amount of sugar.

Now, you’d say, “Well, Nancy, one of them is made from either cane or beet or high fructose corn syrup, and the other is made from a natural substance.” It doesn’t matter. It still hits the bloodstream very fast because there’s no fiber in it.

That’s the difference between fruit juice and fruit. Fruit has the fiber in it. It goes slowly through the body. And fruit juice goes zap just like sugar goes zap through the body.

So, eat your fruit whole from now on.

DEBRA: I think that we probably have—I’m wondering if we have a natural desire to want to eat fruit. It exists in nature. It’s an edible thing. But I think that our taste buds and our perceptions have been altered by these industrially sweet things where the sweet is so concentrated that when we then eat a fruit, where it’s a lower amount of sugar and it’s combined with fiber and all the nutrients that come in a piece of fruit, but it doesn’t taste very sweet to us, but I find now that I’m not eating industrial sweeteners that foods taste very sweet. Even a carrot tastes sweet to me, or an onion tastes sweet to me.

And it’s really nice to be able to have my taste buds not be altered by sugar anymore, and to be able to actually taste the sweetness that is inherent in natural foods. It’s completely changed not only my health, but my experience with food, and my pleasure of food [inaudible 00:32:52] be eating sugar.

NANCY APPLETON: Potatoes taste sweet.

DEBRA: They do, they do. It’s pretty amazing.

NANCY APPLETON: I will have to say that there are still some people—if God said to me, “Nancy, you’ve got 24 hours to live, what would you do?” Well, it wouldn’t be my kids or my grandkids. It would be See’s Candy Store or Haagen-Dazs.

DEBRA: Did you see that movie, “Chocolat?”

NANCY APPLETON: I’m a chocoholic, not a sugarholic.

DEBRA: Okay, well, there was a movie, Chocolat. It was very interesting because—

NANCY APPLETON: I did see it.

DEBRA: It was all about how much these characters love their chocolate, and how important it was. Then there was one woman there, one of the characters that I remember, where even though she was diabetic, she was still going to the chocolate store even though it had sugar in it and things like that. So I love chocolate as well.

NANCY APPLETON: Wait until the day before you die.

DEBRA: Wait until [inaudible 34:02].

NANCY APPLETON: And then eat all you want.

DEBRA: Well, let’s see. So we only have a few minutes left.

NANCY APPLETON: Also, let me tell people that if they are concerned that they are sugarholics, they can go to my website,, and take a test to find out if you are a sugarholic. I forgot how many, but if you say yes to so many, chances are you’re a sugarholic.

That can give you some idea, as well as, of course, I have 140-some odd reasons why sugar is ruining your health, page after page, and article after article. Be at home!

DEBRA: Let me give a few questions off of your quiz. I’m looking at it on your website. It’s basically a true/false.

So the first one is, “I don’t eat refined sugar every day.”

“I can go more than a day without eating some kind of sugar-containing foods”

It just goes on and on like this.

“I can stop after eating one bite of pastry, or one piece of candy.”

I was just reading.

“I can have sweets around the house without eating them.”


Part of it is just saying, “I’m not going to have sugar in the house. I’m not going to have dessert in the house.”

I went through a phase where I said, “Okay, I can have cookies, but only if I bake them myself.”

This is part of the transition away from this stuff. And so I wouldn’t keep any ingredients in the house, and I couldn’t go buy a bag of cookies. But if I wanted to get in my car, go to the store, spend the money, buy the ingredients for the cookies, bring them home, and bake the cookies, then I would allow myself to have them. And that really reduced my cookie consumption.

NANCY APPLETON: That’s a great idea. Also, let me tell you about my grandkids. I have twins. They’re 16 now. One of them has one cavity. The other has been on antibiotics once. That’s it! They’ve had very little sugar, very little dairy, very little wheat, and they are the healthiest kids in the whole world.

I almost say, “Forget your kids, mom.” Think of all the worry you have to decide, “Should I go to the grocery, the drugstore, at 2 a.m. to get my kids something? Do I need to telephone? Do I need to not go to work the next day because my kid is sick?” I mean, all of the things that go on with this, child sickness due to sugar, I just can’t tell you. My daughter has raised two healthy, healthy kids, and has rarely had to miss a day herself.

Yes, they get snotty noses. They whine. But their immune system hooks in, so they don’t have to have the antibiotics. And the immune system takes the flu away.

DEBRA: Yes. It does. It all works when you don’t bombard your body with toxic things.

Well, Nancy, thank you so much for being on the show with me. Again, her website is, and you can go there and read her research. You can read the 141 Reasons Sugar Ruins Your Health. Go to, and you can look at the description of this show, and get all the links and see all her books.

Also, when you go to, you can just go to the top of the page. There’s a navigation bar, and click on “food,” and you’ll get to my food blog. And one of the things that I’m doing there—first of all, you’ll see some recipes from Christmas.

Well, just go click and you’ll see.

I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is

Pipes, Framing, and Subfloor Materials

Question from Sara

Hi Debra,

I continue to love your website and weekly updates, and I have referred several friends and women on my local list-serves to your site! 🙂

We will be purchasing a house in our neighborhood that was built in 1941. We will need to renovate the house and also create a small addition.

For now, two questions come to mind:

We need to update the plumbing pipes in the house since they are threaded iron with very little pressure and signs of deterioration. Which options for plumbing pipes would you recommend? The soft “food safe” plastic pipes s

I have a good sense of how to aveem to be popular around here, and I also know that copper is available but very expensive. What would you recommend?oid formaldehyde in cabinets, floors, etc? However, what about framing and sub-flooring materials? Any tips on which products I should ask the contractor to use for the small addition?

Thanks so much!


Debra’s Answer

I’ve written about pipe before on various posts

Q&A PVC Plumbing

The soft “food safe” plastic pipes are PEX, which is made from polyethylene, one of the safest plastics.

There’s something less-than-perfect about each type of pipe. Copper is considered the best choice overall, but it can leach into the tap water, particularly if water is left sitting in the pipe. I needed to install some new pipe when we did our bathroom remodel, and we chose copper.

Whatever type of pipe you use, it’s best to have a water filter anyway, to remove pollutants from incoming tap water, and let the water run a bit to clear the pipes before drinking or showering.

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Toxic-free Air Bed?

Question from Becky

I have Fibro pain and have tried lots of different beds including latex but couldn’t sleep on them. I have been only able to sleep on a sleep number air bed but I worry about the toxins from the bed. Do you know of a toxin free airbed? What about comfortaire?

Debra’s Answer

I haven’t done any research on air beds because the air bag is generally made of plastic.

If you would contact the manufacturers of these two beds and find out the materials used, I can tell you if they are toxic.

Readers, any toxic-free air beds that you know of?

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Nontoxic Waterproof Mascara

Question from Di

I’m looking for a mascara that doesn’t run and is waterproof….. I used to use Marathon Mascara, but they stopped making it. I have MCS. thanks. di

Debra’s Answer

Readers, any recommendations?

Add Comment

How to Shield W-Fi Device?

Question from di

I’m looking for a way to use a wifi device and not feel the effects of the device. I’d like to be able to turn it on when I need to use it and then turn it off and unplug it. Any suggestions on the best device and a way to shield? thanks. di

Debra’s Answer

I’m going to let my EMF expert readers answer this one.

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Organic Paints and Varnishes

My guest is Julian Crawford, CEO of Imperial Paints, which is the US distributor of Ecos Paints, the world’s number one selling organic paint and varnish. We’ll be talking about toxic paints, VOCs, and nontoxic natural paints. Established in the United Kingdom, this proprietary paint technology, is “free from all toxic chemicals, with absolutely zero VOCs and odorless – essentially 7,000 times purer than standard low VOC paints.” Ecos Paint has been used and accredited around the world for over 25 years and has been specified in many prestigious projects including: The Louvre, Googleplex andWestminster Abbey. Not only are their paints nontoxic, they even filter pollutants from the air.





Organic Paints & Varnishes

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Julian Crawford

Date of Broadcast: : January 16, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world.

There are many, many toxic chemicals out there in various consumer products, in the air we breathe, the food we drink, in our workplaces, in children’s toys, and just every place. But that doesn’t mean that we have to be exposed to them because there are many, many products that do not contain them. There are many things that we can do to remove those toxic chemicals from our body. And these are the things that we talk about on this show.

Today is Thursday, January 16th 2014. And today, we’re going to be talking about paint, safe paint. And this is zero VOC paint. This is a paint that’s been around for a long time.

My guest today is Julian Crawford. He’s the CEO of Imperial Paints which is the US distributor of Ecos Paints, the world’s number one selling organic paint and varnish. This was established in the United Kingdom. It’s been used at the Louvre.

They used it to paint the GooglePlex and Westminster Abbey.

Thank you for being with me today, Julian.

JULIAN CRAWFORD: Thank you for having me, Debra.

DEBRA: Good! So first, tell me a little history about Ecos Paints, and then, what interested you in coming to work for this paint company.

JULIAN CRAWFORD: Yes, certainly. I guess the start of Ecos Paint really begins when the paint was formulated. That was around 1982. A UK paint chemist, [Ian Ware], he suffered from chemical sensitivities himself and had always had issues being around the chemicals (the paints, in particular). He was getting headaches and such like.

He decided to formualte a different type of paint chemistry. He basically started with a clean sheet and added components that didn’t cause problems, that were non-toxic (all of which are non-toxic) until he made a formulation that worked the paint.

I think he spent maybe six years for that process, which ended up with Ecos Paint being available I think about 1988. And they’ve been selling Ecos Paint in the UK eversince along with other various types of products, coatings and varnishes. But that’s really where it started.

DEBRA: And Julian, I need to interrupt you for a minute. My producer is asking me to ask you to speak into the phone so that we have better audio from you.

JULIAN CRAWFORD: Okay. Is that better?

DEBRA: A little bit. It’s a little louder and a little closer to the phone.

JULIAN CRAWFORD: Okay. Is that better?

DEBRA: Oh, perfect. Perfect, good. Thank you.

JULIAN CRAWFORD: I apologize. I’ve been accused of being a mumbler by my mother for most of my life, so it’s amazing to be even out here. Would you like me to restate what I said or is that…?

DEBRA: Why don’t you restate what you said because it wasn’t every clear. I was sitting here listening very, very carefully.

So, let’s just start over.

JULIAN CRAWFORD: Okay, I apologize.

DEBRA: It’s totally fine.

JULIAN CRAWFORD: The product itself, Ecos Paint was developed in 1982. It started around 1982 in the UK by a paint chemist, Ian Ware, who had chemical sensitivities himself. He set about devising a paint formulation, but didn’t include any of the harmful ingredients that you typically find in a paint.

So, he started a formulation with a blank sheet of paper and simply added products there that were non-toxic until he made a formulation that served its purpose of being non-toxic, and also, worked, very well functioning as a paint.

That process took about six years resulting in Ecos Paint being available from about, I think, 1988. And then, obviously, it had been sold in the UK, and actually, around the world since then.

They came to the United States in 2009. They had been selling products over here a little bit. But obviously, clearly, it’s not a simple exercise selling paints across the ocean here. They had sufficient inquiries and interest that they decided to set a small factory here in North Carolina. They began that in 2009. And we’ve been producing and selling paints here ever since.

DEBRA: It was used to paint Westminster Abbey and the Louvre.

JULIAN CRAWFORD: Not the entire place for those. These are places where it had just been used when specified. And typically, it’s been usually specified in places where there’s a particular interest.

So, the Louvre, for example, they did some testing. They were particularly focused on preservation of artifacts. Clearly, there’s a whole number of very expensive and unique artifacts. They did their own proprietary tests, I believe, on our products and a number of others. And they were looking for, not only is it offgassing the paint, but also, the paint’s ability to inhibit offgassing from other types of materials, particularly wood.

Wood will actually give off sometimes this acidic chemistry. So, they used a passivating product of ours which actually not only doesn’t introduce VOC’s and contaminants. It will be able to actually reduce those that are being generated by other [substrates].

DEBRA: Interesting! Interesting, interesting.

Okay! So then, what about you? How did you get interested in things non-toxic?

JULIAN CRAWFORD: Well, my interest with Ecos Paint and then, subsequently, of the Imperial Paint started when they set up their factory here in 2009. Clearly, South Carolina doesn’t have too many English people in it. And when they located a factory here, it wasn’t difficult for us to catch up.

People said, “Oh, you’re English [inaudible 00:06:44].” I got to meet them. That’s when I met the original UK contingent. He came over here to set up the company. I have introduced them into local vendors and contacted [inaudible 00:07:01]. I’ve been here for about ten years by that date.

And then, really, for the next couple of years, we probably didn’t touch base at all. I don’t know exactly what the reason why, but we got back in contact and I learned a little bit more about what they were doing and how it was working. I then did some diligence on the product, and I fairly quickly established their product (or our product now) is superior to we think any other product on the market.

It performs better as a paint. It doesn’t have the typical issues that you have environmentally-friendly products. You often sacrifice some type of performance for that. And it had a clear history, 25 years, of very successful use.

What I felt that they were lacking was an ability to connect to a market. This is a great well-kept secret. And I think that we still are.

DEBRA: Well, I think you are too. I’ve been in this field for more than 30 years, and I only just heard about you this year. I’m constantly looking for the best toxic-free products that there both in terms of toxicity and also in terms of quality and performance.

And I agree with you about your paint. It’s just not known. People just don’t know that it exists.

I think that that’s true for a lot of non-toxic product because if people knew that they were there, they would use them!

DEBRA: Right! And that’s invariably a conversation we’ve had with new customers People, they read an article in the newspaper. They find it relatively easy to get [inaudible 00:08:51] when people noted, “Oh, look! We should really do something about that.” And there’s invariably the pride element, “Oh, gosh! If only I had known.”

But what we’ve spent the last couple of years is really trying to address that and make sure that our product articulate what it is we’re trying to do, what the value is, and what the benefits are, and then make sure that they are focused on an audience that target or interested in that type of product, like a lot of our paint product.

DEBRA: We need to go to break. And so, we’ll talk more after the break. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And today, our guest is Julian Crawford. He’s the CEO of Imperial Paints. He’s the CEO of Ecos Paints, the world’s number one selling organic paint and varnish.

When we come back, we’ll talk more about paints.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Julian Crawford, CEO of Imperial Paints, the US distributor of Ecos Paints. We’ve been talking about how they’ve been used to paint Westminster Abbey and the Louvre. And we’re going to be talking more about why they’re uniquely special

But first, Julian, let’s talk about why somebody would want to seek out a paint like yours. What is toxic about regular paint?

JULIAN CRAWFORD: Regular paint contains a catalog of harmful chemicals, all of which are there for a purpose. They’re there to keep a paint from drying too quickly or they enhance the color or they help the spread rate. They’re not there without purpose.

In traditional paint, they include things formaldehyde, toluene, other types of solvents, all of which are either carcinogenic or have got issues with brain function or liver function, these kinds of health issues.

The technology of paint has not changed overly dramatically outside of the major substitution of lead for the longest time. Environmentally-friendly paints which are traditional-based typically just contain fewer of those. It’s normally done by an extraction process or a substition process.

And so you find that if a particular can was considered to be highly toxic, you might try and substitute that for a less toxic product or you might limit the quantity of it. The consequence of which typically is that the performance of the product is less, so it doesn’t hide that well or it doesn’t covers that well or it takes forever to try.

If you read the reviews that most of the environmentally-friendly or allegedly environmentally-friendly traditional paint, they typically have got a poor review in terms of the application.

Our product is completely different. We didn’t start with a paint recipe and tried to modify it. The original recipe was put together with products that didn’t cause harm. They’re blended of resins and food-grade products, the type of things that you wouldn’t necessarily find in a paint.

The result of which is actually an extremely good quality paint. It’s one of the things that attracted me to this company. The performance of the product is actually superior to most traditional paints in terms of coverage and color and durability despite the fact that it’s got a tremendous environmentally problem.

DEBRA: Well, you sent me a can of it. I actually have some tubes of various samples of the different kinds of products that you have. I smelled all of them. I didn’t have the opportunity to paint them all on something. But the quality of the paint in the cans and the tubes is tremendous. I’ve done a lot of painting in my life. It’s very thick and stays on the brush kind of thing and actually puts a good coating on.

And so I do think that you have accomplished that balance of making a toxic-free product that also is just beautiful to use in terms of the result. Yeah, I would vouch for that.

JULIAN CRAWFORD: And to be perfectly honest, we get as many people buying our product because of that quality as the environmental property.

So, for example, in the UK, a customer of ours is British Rails, all the rail in the country, they use the yellow paint to paint the marketings on the railway platforms because they found it’s the most durable paint they could find. We had people who paint carpark decks, the white lines on carpet decks. And they’re not really focused on the environmental advantages of the product. They’re just purely looking for performance. So yeah, we definitely do get that kind of [inaudible 00:14:22].

And the other thing with our paint is it typically covers more. An eggshell paint that we have will cover around 560 sq. ft. a gallon. Well, the traditional paint, it’s maybe 350, maybe 400. So, you get a much better coverage. So when people look at the cost, the price of the product, if you look at it instead of a gallon for gallon comparison that we price our products that’s the same as a high quality premium paint, you actually get a better coverage.

So, if you look at cost per square foot for this product, you get a more advantageous price.

DEBRA: So just typical household use, if they’re using it to paint the yellow lines in the railway station, it would probably last longer on your walls and cabinets that normally you wouldn’t have to repaint so much.

JULIAN CRAWFORD: I mean, we do test with durability. The products, we have people who paint, what we call ‘problematic substrates’. They might be painting onto a plastic or a glass. Those are where you get to really see the adhesion of the product. And very often, they’ll come and do the test and they will use our product, paint it, let it dry and try and scratch it off. [Inaudible 00:15:43] with a traditional paint is far superior.

DEBRA: That’s excellent! I always love it when it’s a better choice.

Many years ago, I was working with a company where we were developing green products and what we found was that not only did it have to have the environmental attributes, but that if it didn’t work as well as the one that was toxic or environmentally harmful, people wouldn’t buy it. It has to have that performance.

And so, I’m always happy to see when you can actually get better perfomance by makign the toxic-free choice.

Some chemicals that are typically found in paint are things like solvents (which are very toxic), animal products, heavy metals like lead, cadmium, mercury, formaldehyde, vinyl chloride (which is carcinogenic), and phthalates (which you may have heard about.

And what happens with paint, the way a paint is put together, it has the paint parts, the solids, and then it has all these toxic things to keep it liquid. And that’s what you’re breathing, all the toxic solvents and things as the paint is drying.

We’re going to take another break and then we’re going to hear about all the details about Ecos Paints and what the different types of paints they have and why they’re so good.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest is Julian Crawford, CEO of Imperial Paints, the US distributor of Ecos Paints, the world’s number one selling organic paint and varnish. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Julian Crawford, CEO of Imperial Paints, the US distributor for Ecos Paints, the world’s number one selling organic paint and varnish.

So, let’s talk about your paints. I’m looking at a page on your website that talks about your company. And one of the first thing it says is that it’s 12,500 times purer than paints that are – it says 5 grams per liter, 0.5% of these VOCs. So, that would be a low VOC paint, 12,500 times purer than low VOC paint.

JULIAN CRAWFORD: Actually, [inaudible 00:18:21] in the United States would be a zero VOC paint. In the United States, you can actually call your product, the base paint, a zero VOC so long as it contain less than 50 gram per liter.

DEBRA: So, zero VOC isn’t zero VOC?

JULIAN CRAWFORD: No, no. This is one of the issues in terms of the paint market here. If you buy a product with zero VOC, it can actually contain up to 50 grams. And if you think about that, if you paint a room with five gallons of paint, 50 grams is about 2 lbs. of VOCs. That’s in a product that’s specified as zero. So clearly, you can have a low VOC or mid or high VOC which is multiples of that.

DEBRA: So, people, if they’re choosing a paint, they need to not look at the label and see where it says “low” or “no”, they need to actually look at the amount of VOCs that are in the paint?

JULIAN CRAWFORD: That’s correct. The zero VOC or low VOC is misleading. Most people will read zero and consider that that really is none. And that’s not the case.

And the other thing with VOCs is, clearly, there’s a whole range of different products that can be VOCs, some of which are not really harmful and some of which are extremely harmful in small quantities. So, if you chew on a little bit of arsenic, it’ll kill you if you chew on whatever else that’s not going to harm you. So you have to really think about what those are as a person [inaudible 00:20:00] just the volume.

DEBRA: VOCs stands for ‘volatile organic chemicals’. But as you’ve said, there’s such a wide variety of them and they don’t necessarily have to tell you exactly what they are.

JULIAN CRAWFORD: Absolutely! And most companies, they’ll consider some of these products proprietary. And if they are in certain small volumes, then you don’t have to mention them either.

Oftentimes, you’ll see a general statement which says, “This paint contains non-carcinogens and products that [inaudible 00:20:34] in animals.” That’s a fairly standard descriptoin that goes on a lot of traditional paints.

DEBRA: Okay. So you have no VOCs. You actually have no VOCs.

JULIAN CRAWFORD: That’s correct.

DEBRA: Yes. And no glycols (glycol is another big ingredient that’s used in toxic paints), no solvents and it’s odor-free.

Now, I smelled all the paint samples you sent me. I think some of them have no odor at all. I’m sniffing, sniffing, sniffing and smelling nothing. Some of them, I would say, have a little bit of an odor. But none of them particularly smelled like toxic chemicals that I’m familiar with. So that was really good for me to see.

But I’m not sure I would call it odor-free because some of them had a little bit of odor if not toxic.

And another thing that your company does is you declare all the ingredients.

JULIAN CRAWFORD: Yes. And actually,w e’re giong through a process at the moment. There’s a new certification process for LEED where you self-declare all the different products. We’re just going go through a process now of identifying [inaudible 00:21:52] and whatever, so you could put those on. And those will be specifically focused on sending to architects and people specifying so that they get that degree of comparability to a different product.

DEBRA: Right! And also you say that they’re safe for people with allergies, asthma and chemical sensitivites. So, tell us what is actually on your paint?

JULIAN CRAWFORD: The paint is water and binders. We have resins. It’s a resin-based product. We’ve got pigments.

Clearly, people buy products [inaudible 00:22:33] pigmented.

That’s one of the big things in terms of the product. We buy pigments and tints from Europe, a special variety that contains no glycol.

Glycol has been shown to cause asthma and allergies. There’s a Harvard School of Public Health study that specifically links glycols from paints and other kind of household painters and the development of asthma and allergies in children.

And glycols are used extensively in paints and also in tints because they help the product stay liquid. Particularly in tint, you don’t want the pigment to dry when it’s in a tinting machine. It dries and it clogs up nozzles and therefore, you don’t get the right dosage of that particular colorant.

So, we buy a variety of tint and pigment from Europe. It caused us more problems in terms of actually application. We’ve spent more time on making sure that process works smoothly. We can do that because we tint our products only here in the factory. Other people are tinting in retail location. We’re talking about hundreds or thousands of tinting machines that need to be attended to. But our products, it’s a bit more tricky to deal with. But the benefit of which is you don’t have these glycols because the glycols are particularly problematic.

DEBRA: So, let’s talk about color for a minute. One thing I want to mention is that I know that there are some paints – as you mentioned before about the base payment, you were careful to say that base paint has a certain amount of VOCs in it.

But I also know that the tints themselvse can have VOCs. And so people have been selling paints that might have VOC in the paint, but they still have the standard tints with those glycols and VOCs in them.

So, I’m looking at your Find Your Color page. I was about to ask you, if you’re tinting at the factory, then does that mean they can’t go down to their local store and bring a piece of fabric and have a color match? But you say here on your page that you at the factory, you can color match to almost any shade, just to send the sample and you’ll do it.

I’m looking for a page that has a bunch of colors on it. I’m not seeing that, but you must have one somewhere I guess?

JULIAN CRAWFORD: I don’t have the screen in front of me. There’s a page, Choose Your Color or something at the top maybe.

DEBRA: Yeah, that’s where I’m at, Find Your Color, but I don’t see any colors. Hmmm…

But you know what? We need to go to break. So I will look for this over the break.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and I’m here with Julian Crawford, CEO of Imperial Paint.

We’re talking about Ecos Paints, the world’s number one selling organic paint and varnish. We’ll be right back!


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. I’m here with Julian Crawford, CEO of Imperial Paints which is the US distributor of Ecos Paints, the word’s number one selling organic paint and varnish. You can go to his website at (not .com, .net, And I’ve also got a link on my website at You can just go to and type in Ecos Paint and you’ll get to my listing about them. You can go to the website from there,

So Julian, I did find your colors. You just go to Shop. And when you click on Shop in the main menu, it’s got a big menu and it says “Choose by color.” And if you go to red or orange or yellow or green or blue, whichever one, you get to a whole page that has all different shades of that color.

And then they have you buy a color card for ¢75 and you get a real color (because computer screens are often not accurate in terms of color). So you can get the color card and make sure that that’s the color that you want before you order. I think that’s a really good system.

Also, if you click on Shop over on the right-hand side under All, it tells all the different types of paints.

You have so many different types of paints. Tell us what is your basic paint like. You have a lot of different ones.

JULIAN CRAWFORD: Yes! We have what you might consider the standard product range for people painting houses, your normal wall paint, egg shell, matte finish. Those are the traditional wall paint products. And then we have glass products for painting onto doors and trims and furniture. So there are interior and exterior products. They’re just basically the types of products that the typical household would need.

DEBRA: So basically, anything that you would find at a paint store, you have that type of paint.

JULIAN CRAWFORD: Yes. And then we have some specialist types of floor paints and some masonry paints, these kinds of products that maybe nobody else really has these environmentally-friendly products.

DEBRA: And your floor paints, what types of flooring can you paint that over? I would think that that is especially heavy duty for walking on it?

JULIAN CRAWFORD: Yes! You can paint it onto concrete and wood. We painted the floor in our factory here and ran a bulldozer truck over on it. It stands up to that.

DEBRA: Wow! So you could paint it on your garage floor, for example.

JULIAN CRAWFORD: Yes! We had a customer who bought floor paint. And when we talked to him a little bit more, it was a company that trained sniffer dogs. So these are the dogs that were sniffing for drugs or whatever. They wanted to paint the floor that wouldn’t be scratched up and marked so easily by all these dogs and also didn’t have any chemicals or chemistry that would be interfering with the process of identifying different types of smells. And that’s one of the tests they did to see how well this would wear when they got dogs running out about.

DEBRA: Wow! Again, another use that is very specific where they’re looking for perfomance, and you came through with that.

So, tell us about the air purifying products because I’ve never seen paints like these.

JULIAN CRAWFORD: Right! So, the air purifying products, again, share the same initial characteristics as our zero VOC, no toxic chemicals. Particularly, the air purifying paint, it has Zeolite crystals in it, specifically ceramic crystals. It has been specially or particularly [inaudible 00:30:14] and it traps VOCs that are bouncing around in the room. It traps formaldehyde and acetone. And we have some test results from [inaudible 00:30:25] 98% of the VOCs that are bouncing around.

So what happens as these VOCs bounce around the room, they eventually come into contact with the walls or the ceiling where they get stuck or trapped by the [inaudible 00:30:43] itself, things like carbondioxide and water and whatever. [Inaudible 00:30:47] back out. So, these actually remove VOCs from the air.

DEBRA: I think that’s amazing. I’ve never heard of that.

And so, let’s see, you have the Atmosphere Purifying Paint and then MDF Passivating Primer. So, that absorbs the toxic things coming out of MDF and particleboard.

So, if you wanted to use particleboard, you could put this paint on it and then it wouldn’t be emitting formaldehyde.

JULIAN CRAWFORD: That’s correct. And actually, that’s the product or one of the products that the Louvre used. They were testing to see that they wanted to trap contaminants.

Imagine you put an artifact in a glass case with normally a wooden frame around the outside, if the wood itself is giving off chemicals, you’ll find that it’ll be degrading the artifact itself. So, that was one of the products that they specified for trapping those kinds of chemicals.

DEBRA: And then you have a Deodorizing White Satin Paint that says it removes odors and VOCs from painted surfaces.

So if somebody had painted – I get this question a lot. There had been people, different brands of paint here where they’ve been advertised to be not toxic and then people paint with them and they can’t go in those rooms. It lasts for months and they have no way of remedying that.

So if you were to paint this over that kind of situation, it will block those VOCs and odors?

JULIAN CRAWFORD: Yeah. Typically, these paint is used on door frames and doors where people maybe have used an oil-based finished, typically the strongest the products in terms of odors and chemicals going out. And normally, you can’t paint the water-based type of product directly over those. The adhesion of the product is sufficient that it would actually cover those. You would simply mask those with our paints.

DEBRA: This is incredible, so many uses for these things. Then you have a certain thing called Anti-Formaldehyde Radiator Paint. It says “formaldehyde-absorbing finish for hot water radiator.” How does a hot water radiator give off formaldehyde?

JULIAN CRAWFORD: Actually, that’s more a European type of thing. It’s not really something we – it’s a product that we have really from our [inaudible 00:33:22]. Typically, it’s not a product that’s sold in the United States.

DEBRA: Okay. I just never heard of that.

And then, the last one in the series has the EMR-shielding paint. That shields radiation.

JULIAN CRAWFORD: Yes, this is for people who maybe live next to a cell tower or they’re in an office environment, a doctor environment where you’ve got machines that are emitting these radiations. This is a product that contains a nickel, an inert nickel chemistry. And that blocks that type of radiation. There’s a specific range that it will block in a particular efficiency.

Very often, people use our products and then unsolicited, they’ll say, [inaudible 00:34:14]. We have people who maybe have been [00:47:04]. And they will come back and say it’s just a completely different environment that they’re living in.

DEBRA: I’m just continuing to look around your site. I looked around it before, but I’m just scrolling while we’re talking.

Under specialty paints, just so the listeners can get an idea of all the different kinds of paints that you have, here, there’s anti-slip floor paint, there’s chalkboard paint, concrete sealer, feng shui paint. Well, how does feng shui paint feng shui?

JULIAN CRAWFORD: Actually, you asked question I can’t – forgive me, I’m not a technical person. There’s a difference with it, but to be perfectly honest, I’m not the technical person for the product.

DEBRA: You’re not a feng shui expert, huh?

JULIAN CRAWFORD: No, unfortunately not. In fact, I’m not the expert at [most of this]. The chalkboard product is a very popular product. Google use that chalkboard thing. We sell that to Japan. And again, that’s the only non-toxic chalkboard paint you can find. Well, you can paint walls with it. They pay glass jars. They paint cabinets, so they can write things.

Children paint walls. They can use them to write homeworks perhaps or just notes.

DEBRA: And you can get it in any color, chalkboard in any color that you can write on. They also have flame and fire retardant paint and nursery paint. Well, tell us the baby paint because you have a particular line of your baby paints.

JULIAN CRAWFORD: The nursery paint, again, has the same characteristics with no toxic chemicals. We put a hardener in the product because, obviously, when babies become two years old or so, they start touching walls [inaudible 00:49:08].

The nursery paint is a particular product designed specifically for that environment where babies are going to be put in a room. You put them in a cart, they might sleep with the doors shut for hours and hours and hours. So, anything that’s in that room, they are much more susceptible to them than the typical adult who will be in and out (they’ll be outdoors).

The idea was that nurseries or children’s nurseries, you put your baby down, you try and be as quiet as you can. Nowadays, with modern technology, you could put a baby monitor and then shut the door. You don’t have to [inaudible 00:49:41]. So, everything in that room is basically circulating.

And babies, one, they’re predisposed to…

DEBRA: I’m sorry, I have to interrupt you. We’re getting to the end of our time here and we have about four seconds left.

So, go to and you can find out how to get to Ecos Paints’ website. You can listen to the show again (lots of great information). You can tell your friends about it. They can listen to the archives.

We’ll be back tomorrow! I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio.

Organic Bodycare Products for the Whole Family

My guest today is Katie Lynch, an Independant Consultant with Poofy Organics. Well be talking about toxic chemicals in cosmetic and beauty products, and how women, children and men can choose safer alternatives. Poofy Organics offers a full line of cosmetics and skin care products for women, a growing line for children, and even products for men. Poofy Organics products are handmade in small batches in New Jersey. Most of the products are USDA Certified Organic while others are made using mostly organic ingredients. Katie graduated with Honors from Rutgers University in 1998 with degrees in both Environmental Science and Political Science, followed by a Masters degree in Public Health from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. During her graduate coursework, Katie learned how many commonly used products including home cleaning products, cosmetics, perfumes, and most lotions that she put on her body contained toxins that were ending up in her blood stream. She realized that she needed to make a change and stopped using these products, and started learning about safer alternatives. In 2011 she found Poofy Organics and in September of 2013 she became an Independent Consultant.





Organic Body Care Products for the Whole Family

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Katie Lynch

Date of Broadcast: January 14, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And this is Toxic Free Talk Radio, where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world because there are lots of toxic chemicals out there—in the food we eat, in the air we breathe, in the water that we drink, in our clothing, in our homes, in our workplaces, in all kinds of consumer products. But we don’t have to get sick because we’re exposed to them because all we need to do is find out where they are, how they affect us, and make wise choices.

And that’s what we’re about here on the show—is to help you get the information that you need to make those good and healthy choices.

Today is Tuesday, January 14, 2014, so 14/14. And it’s a very quiet day here in Clearwater, Florida. There’s no wind. There’s no rain. There’s nothing. It’s just still, with a nice blanket of grey sky—very, very quiet and peaceful day here.

My guest today, we’re going to be talking about personal care products for the whole family. Some companies only make things for women, some make just for children. This company makes organic personal care products for women, men and children.

Her name is Katie Lynch, and she’s an independent consultant with Poofy Organics.

Hi, Katie.


DEBRA: How are you?

KATIE LYNCH: I’m very good. Thank you for asking.

DEBRA: Good.

KATIE LYNCH: I’m very happy to be on your show.

DEBRA: Thanks. And where are you? You’re in New Jersey, I think, right?

KATIE LYNCH: Yes, I’m in Somerset County, New Jersey.

DEBRA: Good. So first, tell us about Poofy Organics—how did they get started, and tell us about their story.

KATIE LYNCH: Well, Poofy Organics began with a specific goal in mind, and that was to provide a healthy and toxic-free bath and beauty products at reasonable prices. It started in 2006, then Kristina Gagliardi-Wilson, she began the company after her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. After the diagnosis, they were determined to stop using products with the most toxic chemicals.

And they looked and looked, and they didn’t have any suitable alternatives to turn to, so they decided to make their own. And they made it their mission to find the safest, the most effective ingredients for their products.

And finally, today, they’re small family-run business, and they are proud to offer these alternative products nationwide. The products are made fresh by hands, in small batches in their store in Rutherford, New Jersey, so that’s local to me.

And they promised to avoid toxic ingredients, such as synthetic fragrance, parabens, triclosan, [inaudible 02:54], oxybenzone, GMOs and other harmful chemicals. And they also use recyclable and biodegradable packaging. And they never ever test products on animals.

And their products, 80% of them are vegan. Most of them are USDA-certified organic products. And all of them are gluten-free and made with USDA-certified organic ingredients.

One of the things I like the best is that the scents are made with organic essential oils or food extracts. And then since they started in 2006, they keep formulating more and more products. So they have developed the “I am Goddess” line, which is a line for women, including body sprays, lotions, soaps, sugar scrubs, make-up and nail polish. They have come up with [inaudible 03:45] for men, which includes soap, aftershave, [inaudible 03:49] and shaving gels. Young, Wild and Free for kids, which includes body sprays, body wash, lotions, deodorants and lip balm. And then Baby Poof for babies, which include lotions, bath wash, shampoo, diaper rash cream and vapor rub for chest colds.

They also sell deodorants, home cleaning products, laundry detergent, dishwashing detergent, and Poofy Organics products are safe for our world, children, pets, expecting mothers, and like I mentioned before, they made it their mission to find the safest and most effective ingredients for all the products.

DEBRA: We have a lot of time that we can talk about the products. But tell us about how you became interested.

KATIE LYNCH: Well, I have my undergraduate degree in environmental science and political science. And then after that, I went for my master in public health from the University of Medicine and Dentistry in New Jersey.

So while I was completing my master in public health, I took a toxicology class. And I specifically remember this one class when it hit me that most of what I put on my skin was actually being absorbed and entering my bloodstream.

I think I was 23 years old and really never fully understood what it meant to put something on my skin.

DEBRA: I think that a lot of people are not aware of that. I know that I was probably about 23 years old when I had that same idea. I didn’t even know anything about toxic chemicals when I was 23, until I got sick from them.

And then I started noticing that you can put something on your skin, and then you can even almost taste it sometimes if you’re paying attention. It goes right in. It goes right through your body just like that.

KATIE LYNCH: That was through the professor. I don’t remember if it was blood or urine that they tested, but they actually used perfume, and then tested the blood or the urine directly after. And then, of course, before, and they noticed it in the output right away. Very fast.

DEBRA: That’s interesting how fast.

KATIE LYNCH: Yes, it really was. So it made a huge impact on me. So I thought about it, I went home and I threw out all of my perfume because that was the product that I knew I didn’t need, and why would I keep using it if it was just going to be harming my body?

DEBRA: Good thought.

KATIE LYNCH: And really, it’s funny. It was so many years ago, but I can distinctly remember the room and just coming [inaudible 06:31].

So then I started to look at the rest of my products. And for financial reasons, I wasn’t able to make healthier choices all at once. But over time, I drastically reduced the number of products that I use, and then those products that I couldn’t live without, I made better choices when I bought new items—like the soap, the lotion, toothpaste, deodorant. Those are products that I couldn’t live without, and so I just made better choices when I purchased them.

And so over the past 10 years, I keep looking for the safest, least toxic, healthiest products to use in my home, and on my skin.

And over that time, I discovered the Environmental Working Group Skin Deep Database, and I used that as a guide. And [inaudible 07:16], it became a passion of mine to find affordable skin care and [inaudible 07:19] for me and my family to use.

I had my first child in 2008, and then my second child in 2011. And, of course, [inaudible 07:29] stronger. And so, in 2012, my daughter had a really bad diaper rash that wasn’t [inaudible 07:37] with any of the other toxic-free creams that I was already using. So I went to the health food store to see what new products I might try. And that’s when I found Poofy Organics.

It was on the shelf, and I tried it out. I ended up purchasing the diaper rash cream because it had really fabulous ingredients […] and also because to me, it was a local company, and I thought that that was very fascinating.

DEBRA: It’s great to buy local. That’s a very good thing. And so then, what made you decide—we’re almost coming up on the break, but I’ll ask you this question, and we’ll just have a little bit of time to talk about this, but we can continue.

I’m looking at the website, and it talks about hosting an affair. So is this a multilevel company, or is it a give a party company?

KATIE LYNCH: It is. About 18 months ago, they decided to try the multilevel direct sales model. The company started in 2006, and then about 18 months ago, they went to the direct sales model.

One of my friends became a diva, which is what we call ourselves […] She became a diva just this past summer, and when she started telling me about all the Poofy products, I became really intrigued.

I was only familiar with the Baby Poof diaper rash cream. [Inaudible 09:11] that they made over a hundred different skin, beauty and home products. And direct sales is something I had contemplated in the past year, but I could not see myself selling any products that I didn’t believe in 100%, and none of the companies that I’m familiar with had that requirement.

So I spent some time researching Poofy Organics, the products they were selling and realized that Poofy Organics was a company I could get behind and really be excited to introduce people to.

DEBRA: We need to take a break now, but we’ll be back. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Katie Lynch. She’s an independent consultant with Poofy Organics, and we’re talking about personal care products for the whole family. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Katie Lynch. She’s an independent consultant with Poofy Organics, who sells organic personal care products for the whole family.

Katie, tell us why would somebody want to use organic products instead of the ones they find just in the shelf at the supermarket or the drugstore?

KATIE LYNCH: Well, like I mentioned before, we absorb up to 50% of what we put on our skin. Children’s bodies actually absorb more than adults do. And so, since we are absorbing what we put on our skin, it’s like, in my mind, we’re eating the products that we’re putting on our skin, in a sense, because they’re ending up in our body.

So many of the conventional products out there are filled with toxic ingredients—things that I definitely would not want to put in my body. And so I’m not going to put them on my body.

DEBRA: What are some of those chemicals and their health effects?

KATIE LYNCH: So I have an infograph that was created by the Natural Health Concepts in July of 2012. And it had the 12 toxic and carcinogenic compounds found in beauty and skin care products.

Some of them are benzoyl peroxide, and that is used in acne products. It’s a possible tumor promoter with access to mutagen, produces DNA damage to human and other mammalian cells.

Another toxic ingredient is dioxin. And this [inaudible 11:50] ingredient. It’s also found in antibacterial ingredients, like triclosan, emulsifiers, [inaudible 11:59] sodium lauryl sulfate or SLS. Dioxin causes cancer, reduces the immunity, nervous system disorder, miscarriages and birth deformities.

Other common ones are parabens, methyl, butyl, ethyl, propyl. They’re used as preservatives. Again, this is not always labeled. Used in deodorants and other skin care products. This chemical has been found in breast cancer tumors. It may also contribute to sterility in male, hormone imbalance in females, and early puberty.

Triclosan, I know that has been in the news recently.

DEBRA: A lot, yes.

KATIE LYNCH: It’s a synthetic antibacterial ingredient. EPA registers it as a pesticide, which poses risks to human health and in the environment. Classified as a chemical suspected of causing cancer in humans.

DEBRA: You’ve been talking about how some of these aren’t necessarily on the label. Triclosan actually is required by law to be on the label because of its status as a pesticide. So it’s not something that’s going to be hidden. If it’s there, you’re going to see it on the label.

KATIE LYNCH: I personally think that all of those ingredients should be listed and that they shouldn’t be allowed to leave any of them off.

DEBRA: I agree. I agree, but sometimes dioxin, for example, I know, is sometimes a byproduct thing, or it’s a contaminant.

And so it’s not added as an ingredient in itself, but it’s there because it’s in one of the ingredients as a contaminant.

We can’t say that’s something to watch out for because it’s not something that you can see. But this is one of the reasons why it’s important to choose organic.

I had a guest on a few weeks ago. What she does is she works on the level of helping establish the ingredients that are allowed to be used by organic farmers in organic farming. And it was a very interesting show because she told us the whole hierarchy of everything that goes into the making of an organic product, and there’s actually a whole board at the top of where they have public review and everything of the ingredients, the materials that are allowed to be used in organic.

So there’s a lot of room for people objecting to things that are toxic. And she said that there have been times when that board wanted to approve things that were toxic, and the public wouldn’t let them.

And so then it comes down to—there are the laws, and then there’s her organization that actually fixes these regulations and finds the products and says, “Here’s the products,” and then there are the certifiers that are certifying the organic farmers are actually using these safe materials in the growing of these organic ingredients. And then there are the farmers, who are growing organic because they want to be growing organic.

It really is very well-regulated all the way down the line. So if you get something that says certified USDA organic, those ingredients really are going to be organic. And they’re ingredients that are grown and come from the soil in a natural environment versus some of these other chemicals that are synthetic, which is another word for petroleum or coal tar or petrochemical. And it’s made in a factory.

And so when you have ingredients that are being made from these synthetic materials, it’s very easy to get those contaminants in them.

That’s just another way to think of it—that if you’re going organic, you’re not going to have to worry about dioxin because it’s just not there.

KATIE LYNCH: You said that very well.

DEBRA: Thank you.

KATIE LYNCH: That’s better than I could have. Again, I’m an independent consultant, but the owner, she does go through the certification, the USDA certification process every year. And she does have a lot of paperwork. It does take a long time for her to make all these products certified, USDA-certified organic.

But she does it because she wants that certification because she wants people to know that her products are the safest that they could get. And so it’s very important to her, and she puts the time to get the certification.

DEBRA: Is the product itself certified, or are the ingredients certified?

KATIE LYNCH: Many of the products are USDA-certified organic. Not all of them. But those that are not are made with organic ingredients. But many of the products are certified organic.

DEBRA: And what does it mean that a product is certified organic, the product itself?

We have to go to break. So we’ll answer that question when we come back. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Katie Lynch, and she’s an independent consultant with Poofy Organics. And we’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. My name is Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Katie Lynch, an independent consultant with Poofy Organics. And we’re talking about organic personal care products for the entire family.

Right before the break, we were talking about certified USDA, certified organic personal care products. And you were going to tell us about that.

KATIE LYNCH: In order to place the USDA organic seal on a product, it has to have at least 95% of organic ingredients in it.

And then the 5% that is not organic, that needs to go through another process which maintains that those ingredients have not been manufactured using sewage sludge or ionizing radiation and have not been created using GMOs.

An example of such an ingredient would be baking soda. Baking soda cannot be found organically, and so, the use a company like Bob’s Red Mill as a staple for their baking soda because it upholds the highest standards in the industry.

Something else that cannot be certified organic is something like a lotion because in order to be certified organic, a product cannot have zinc oxide, decyl polyglucose, emulsifying wax, or micaceous iron oxide. That’s part of the regulation.

An emulsifying wax is needed in a regular lotion to make it work, to make the pieces of the product stay together in a lotion form.

DEBRA: It’s like mixing oil and water. They don’t mix.

KATIE LYNCH: Yes, exactly.

DEBRA: And so that’s why you need an emulsifying wax to put together.

KATIE LYNCH: Yes, exactly. And so Poofy Organics uses the purest and simplest one out there. It’s comprised of phenyl alcohol and [inaudible 19:50]. They’re both benign ingredients. And they don’t use [inaudible 19:55] to make it work.

DEBRA: Excellent. Let’s talk about your product line. First, before we do, if you’re interested in these products, listeners, go to my website,, and look for the description of this show because it has a link to Katie’s specific website as a distributor. And that way, you’ll be able to reach her directly.

And when you go to her website—it’s long. That’s why I’m telling you to go like this. It’s too much to write down. When you go to this website, it’s not going to say Poofy Organics. There’s a little logo that says Poofy Organics, but the big banner right now today at the time of this show says, “I am Goddess,” which is one of their lines. Is that correct?

KATIE LYNCH: Yes. And so that website will eventually be changing over to the Poofy Organics. As the company has evolved, they are making changes and trying to make it more organized and user-friendly for the clients.

DEBRA: I understand how businesses grow like that. That happens with my website too. I think I’ve got it all down, and then I started adding things. And every once in a while, you have to come back and say, “Okay, I’m going to make this cohesive again.”

KATIE LYNCH: Yes, exactly. That’s why our website is now

DEBRA: So you’ll know that you’re in the right place.

KATIE LYNCH: Correct. So yes, I am Goddess is one of the lines, and that is the line for women.

DEBRA: And tell us what is contained in that line.

KATIE LYNCH: In that line, there are body washes and lotions. I think there are about eight different scents, again, all made with essential oils or food extract. There is a delicious sugar scrub, a body scrub, and those are USDA-certified organic. The body washes are as well.

There is soap, and there is a body spritzer which is, I think, close to perfume, but with good ingredients in it. There is also massage oil as part of the I am Goddess line.

Are you interested in me naming any of the ingredients in there or—

DEBRA: Tell us what kinds of ingredients, just so that people get an idea—the kinds of things that you’re including.

KATIE LYNCH: In the body of lotion, which is called the Blessing, the ingredients are distilled water, organic apricot kernel oil, organic and refined shea butter, organic vegetable glycerin, emulsifying wax (which is the [inaudible 23:17]) organic rosemary extract, [inaudible 00:23:24] ferment filtrate which is kimchi seawood extract (and that is the preservative), and organic essential oils.

DEBRA: I was going to say how, when you’re listening to that list of ingredients, it sounds like things that you recognize. It doesn’t sound like a bunch of chemicals because it isn’t.

KATIE LYNCH: Yes, exactly.

DEBRA: Go on with what you were going to say.

KATIE LYNCH: I was just going to say because these products are made fresh, and preservatives are used sparingly, there is an expiration date on each lotion. But because they’re made fresh to order, they’re very fresh when you get them, which is another thing that I like. A couple of times, a client had to wait on a product because they were waiting to get the ingredients, but that’s something that happens when you have things made in small batches by hand.

DEBRA: Another benefit of direct sales is that they’re not products that are just sitting on shelves for months. And so it is very fresh. And when your order comes in, they can put it together, or they made it a very short period of time before because the mass market model says that you make millions of units or thousands of units, and they sit in a warehouse, and then they go sit on a store shelf.

So by the time you actually buy something in a store, it could have been made six months ago, or a year ago.

With direct sales, you get it immediately.

We’re going to go to break again. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Katie Lynch.

She’s an independent consultant with Poofy Organics. And again, you can go to, in order to get the link to her website.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Katie Lynch, independent consultant with Poofy Organics, and we’re talking about personal care products for the entire family. Again, you can go to, look for Katie Lynch, and you’ll see the link that goes to her website.

Katie, let’s talk about nail polish for a minute. We’ve talked about nail polish on this show before, and people are always wanting to wear nail polish, and I keep saying, “But I haven’t found one that’s pure enough.”

And it’s because, as you say, or as your company says, right on the side, it says, “Although nail polish can never be completely natural,” and that’s true, I don’t know how a nail polish would be completely natural. The best you can do with nail polish is to eliminate the most toxic ingredients. But you’re still going to have some ingredients that are basically industrial, petrochemical kind of ingredients.

So tell us about your nail polish.

KATIE LYNCH: Well, our nail polish does not use ingredients, such as polyne, dibutyl phthalate, formaldehyde and camphor.

And those are the most four toxic ingredients normally found in nail polish.

So if the recipe is biodegradable and safe for pregnant and nursing women, and children as well, I will say there is an odor, but I think that comes along with nail polish in general. I don’t think you could ever make an odorless nail polish.

DEBRA: I think that’s true.

KATIE LYNCH: And it does stay on like regular nail polish does. I have been using it and have had success with it. And I’ve had a couple of clients use it and been very happy with it.

We also make polish remover, which is chemical-free, and does not contain an inky smell. Right now, it just comes in unscented and there are five ingredients in that—soluble methyl ester, dimethyl butyrate, dimethyl adipate, dimethyl succinate, and methylated trimethylol.

DEBRA: Lots of ethyls.

KATIE LYNCH: Yes, I know. And I apologize for the mispronunciation […]

DEBRA: It’s okay.

KATIE LYNCH: So the nail polish, we have over 50 nail polish colors, and there are a lot of fun colors on there. If you’re somebody who has been looking for nail polish, I would love for you to try one.

DEBRA: Well, all I can say about nail polish is that I think that it’s one of those unnecessary things, but if you decide that you must wear nail polish, then this is as good as any of the other less toxic nail polishes. My personal opinion is that it’s not so important to me personally to wear nail polish, to put those ingredients on my fingers.

Let’s talk about your cosmetics.

KATIE LYNCH: So Poofy Organics does have a line of cosmetics, including eye shadow, mascara, eyeliner, foundation and blush, lip gloss and lipstick.

DEBRA: What’s in your mascara? I’m always looking for mascara.

KATIE LYNCH: In the mascara, the ingredients are water, chamomile, hydrosol, cera alba, which is beeswax, carnauba wax, mica, coffee powder, rice powder, sunflower seed oil, cornstarch, lecithin, vitamin E, and then a couple of extracts, including cinnamon bark extract, rosemary flower extract, and a couple other extracts in there.

DEBRA: That sounds very natural because I’ve looked at a lot of mascaras, and that sounds like one that I personally would try, and see how I like that one. I don’t wear a lot of make-up, but mascara does make my eyes look bigger, so I’m always looking for a mascara that I like. Good job on those ingredients.

So what do you have for babies and children? Babies, I guess, it is.

KATIE LYNCH: So for the babies, there is a bath and shampoo wash. There’s a baby lotion. There is something that’s called Happy Chicks, which is a baby balm stick, which is very easy to apply. There is the diaper rash cream which I have talked about before. And there is something called a Vapor Rub-A-Dub-Dub, which I really like a lot personally. It’s a little something like Vicks, and this is a USDA-certified organic product.

And so when my children get stuffy, and are coughing at night, I typically put this on their feet, put socks over it, and it definitely helps with their cough.

And so the ingredients in the Vapor Rub-A-Dub-Dub are organic sunflower oil, organic beeswax, organic essential oils, chamomile, lavender, eucalyptus, coriander and peppermint.

DEBRA: That sounds very soothing.

KATIE LYNCH: it is very soothing.

DEBRA: What’s a Booboo stick?

KATIE LYNCH: A Booboo stick is a natural soothing bomb, and that protects and heals skin irritation. It’s great to put in your purse or your diaper bags, and just to have with you if your toddler gets a little cut or scratch. It’s nice to have it, to put it on there.

And so in that, that contains organic beeswax, organic virgin coconut oil, organic sunflower oil, organic neem oil, organic cocoa butter, organic calendula, organic comfrey oil, organic sea buckthorn oil, organic st john’s wort extract, organic essential oils as rosemary, tea tree, sage chamomile and lavender.

DEBRA: Tell us about what you have for men.

KATIE LYNCH: For men, this is one of the newer lines. There are three scents that the products come in—coconut and honey, lemongrass and vanilla, and wood and citrus. And the products are an aftershave and body lotion, a body wash, [inaudible 32:33], cologne, shaving gel and an aftershave tonic.

DEBRA: In addition to products for babies, you also have a line for kids.

KATIE LYNCH: Yes, that is also one of the newer products. My children are now almost six, and two and a half, and they really love the scent. I’ve never let them use scents before because, again, I don’t like scents unless they’re made from essential oils. So all of these scents are made from essential oil, and the scents are candy crush, which is a peppermint, it reminds me of a candy cane, raspberry lemonade punch, [inaudible 00:33:14] orange milkshake, aloha smoothie and peace-loving vanilla.

And those products are lotions, body washes, body sprays, lip balm and deodorant. And my children really have a fun time after bath, picking what scent they want to wear that evening.

DEBRA: I think that this is a really good combination of the organic ingredients, but also the fun aspect. And I know that a lot of times—I’ve been doing this for more than 30 years, and so, a lot of the products early on were just very simple and straightforward. And I personally like simple, straightforward products.

But I also know that one of the conversations that I have over and over with manufacturers is that you have to make something that the public will buy, what consumers want. And consumers want to have scents and colors, and all these things, and nail polish.

And so it’s always good to make things as non-toxic and organic as possible to match with the consumer wants to buy.

Looking at this product line, I think that Poofy Organics has done a good job of doing that.

KATIE LYNCH: Thank you. And there’s something I forgot from the children’s products. There’s a Cheery, Cherry Toddler Toothpaste, which is certified organic, and I believe it’s the only USDA-certified organic toddler toothpaste on the market, and so I just wanted to make mention of that as well.

DEBRA: Good, thank you.

KATIE LYNCH: It’s gluten-free and fluoride-free, and my kids love these as well.

DEBRA: Good.

KATIE LYNCH: It’s made with bentonite clay, and a bunch of other good ingredients.

DEBRA: So we only just have a couple of minutes left. Is there anything that you want to make sure you say before we end?

KATIE LYNCH: Anybody who is looking for a petroleum jelly replacement, we make a product called Greener Than Petroleum Jelly, and it is USDA-certified organic, and made with sunflower oil and beeswax. I gave up petroleum jelly 10 years ago when I realized what it was. And I am very pleased to be back to using something very similar.

DEBRA: I never used a lot of petroleum jelly, but petroleum jelly is just what it says. It’s jelly made out of petroleum. How much more petroleum can you get than petroleum jelly?

So it’s good to have organic alternatives to that.

Thank you so much for being with us today, Katie. I think that we all learned a lot. And if you’re interested in learning more about these, you can go to If you want to become an independent consultant, give a party, make some money, this is a product line that you can do that. And now, that it’s something that’s organic.

KATIE LYNCH: We can also do virtual parties as well.

DEBRA: So if you want to do virtual parties, then contact Katie. Again, it’s, and look for Katie Lynch.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd.

KATIE LYNCH: Thank you.

The Ethics of Toxics

 steven-gilbert-2Toxicologist Steven G. Gilbert, PhD, DABT, a regular guest who is helping us understand the toxicity of common chemicals we may be frequently exposed to. Dr. Gilbert is Director and Founder of the Institute of Neurotoxicology and author of A Small Dose of Toxicology- The Health Effects of Common Chemicals.He received his Ph.D. in Toxicology in 1986 from the University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, is a Diplomat of American Board of Toxicology, and an Affiliate Professor in the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, University of Washington. His research has focused on neurobehavioral effects of low-level exposure to lead and mercury on the developing nervous system. Dr. Gilbert has an extensive website about toxicology called Toxipedia, which includes a suite of sites that put scientific information in the context of history, society, and culture.









The Ethics of Toxics

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Steven G. Gilbert, PhD, DABT

Date of Broadcast: January 13, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world.

And we talk about this because there are so many toxic chemicals out in the world today. We find them in consumer products in our homes. We’re storing them in our bodies from past exposures. And so we talk about how you can make less toxic choices, choose products that don’t have toxic chemicals, how to get the toxic chemicals out of your body, what we can do about legislation, how to think about toxics, and anything that has to do with toxic chemical exposures and how we can be healthier and less toxic.

Today is Monday, January 13, 2014. And it’s a little bit overcast here in Clearwater, Florida. So it’s a nice Florida winter day, 70 degrees. I know some of you are freezing, but it’s not as cold as it was last week.

So today, we’re going to talk about the ethics of toxics. Ethics is actually one of my favorite subjects. And I know that our guest is very interested in ethics as well. So we’re going to talk about how ethics can be applied to questions of toxics.

My guest is a toxicologist, Dr. Steven Gilbert. He is the director and founder of the Institute of Neurotoxicology and author of an excellent book called A Small Dose of Toxicology: The Health Effects of Common Chemicals. You can get this book for free on his website, which is, T-O-X-I-P-E-D-I-A dot org. And if you go to my website,, I have a link that goes directly to this book.

You can just download it, and it’s got great basic information about toxicology that everybody needs to know, written in a very clear, concise, easy-to-read and understand way.

So, I think this is a book that every person on the planet should be reading because it really gives you the basics by somebody who’s trained in this field.

Hello, Dr. Gilbert.

STEVEN GILBERT: Hi, Debra. How are you doing this morning?

DEBRA: I’m doing very well. How are you?


DEBRA: Good! Well, let’s just start by talking about what’s the definition of ethics. What is ethics?

STEVEN GILBERT: That is a really tough question because ethics—

DEBRA: I know.

STEVEN GILBERT: There are many different perspectives and different applications to it. And I think the most important part for me is ethics is part of decision-making in our values—how we approach decision-making when it comes to exposure to toxic chemicals.

In that regard, with what our definition of human and environmental health is, how do we define that, and how do we approach our decision-making in toxicology, and then risk assessment in particular.

DEBRA: I read your whole entire chapter on ethics and a lot of the sub-links that you have this morning. And one of the things that you have is one of my favorite quotes in the entire universe, which is from Aldo Leopold. He was America’s first bio-ethicist. And he said this in 1949, “A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community. It’s wrong when it tends otherwise.”

And I think that this is not only a statement full of wisdom, but I think that we tend to, in our culture, think in terms of right and wrong, but we don’t know what right and wrong means. How do you determine something is right versus something being wrong?

And in the song that I played at the beginning of the show every day, it talks about standing up for what’s right. But in our culture, we don’t have a lot of agreement on what right is. Yet this statement, this simple statement, explains it entirely, the thing to base decisions on.

Why don’t you say it again, so that everybody can hear it twice?

STEVEN GILBERT: I love this quote. I use it frequently when I lecture. So it says, “A thing is right,” and you’re absolutely correct in that defining what right is is very tricky. But it’s done brilliantly here.

“A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community.”

And I love those words—the biotic community.

“It is wrong when it tends otherwise.”

So when we expose, for example, children to alcohol or PCBs, or lead, or mercury, we’re robbing them of their integrity, stability and beauty. And that just is wrong. And I think we start with a definition like this and think about integrity, stability and beauty, we’re a long way toward protecting human and environmental health.

DEBRA: I completely agree. And it does apply to, when Aldo Leopold says, “the biotic community.” I’ve read his book, so I know what he’s talking about ecosystems. But also, our bodies are biotic communities. And so whatever we do that’s harmful to them—

It’s like we’re doing all these things—take vitamins, or try to eat nutritious foods, or things like that, and all of those are having a positive effect—but if you have a huge negative effect like exposures to toxic chemicals day in and day out, that’s all moving towards demise rather than moving towards health.

And so, when we apply this beautiful statement, “A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community,” then immediately, we have to ask ourselves, “What are the things that are destroying that and how do we eliminate them?”

STEVEN GILBERT: That’s right! And I think that’s absolutely correct. And I want to bring up another quote that he has. It’s called, “An ethic ecologically,” and he was, like you pointed out, an ecological bioethicist. “So an ethic ecologically is a limitation on the freedom of action and the struggle for existence.”

So, really, it’s saying to me that we need some regulation. We need to govern ourselves appropriately to ensure that we have integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community.

So regulation is not bad. We all wear seatbelts. And there’s a limitation to our freedom, but it has huge benefits. So I think small limitations to our freedom are really important when it comes to protecting human and environmental health.

DEBRA: I agree with that too. I think that freedom is really important, but it’s hard to be free if—I mean, I don’t think that people should have the freedom to destroy life. That’s a freedom we shouldn’t have. We should all be able to unite together around a statement like this and say that this is the ethic of how we live in a community, or how we live as a family, or as individuals, or as a nation, or as a planet. If everybody were to just take the statement, and put it up on the wall, and say, “This is what we’re living by. All our decisions are based on this,” we would have a very different world.

And I think it’s simply, at the very root of it, people and organizations and governments and businesses don’t have this ethical foundation that you and I have found. And of course, there are some other people who have too, not just you and I. But if this were more widely agreed upon, then of course, manufacturers would be producing products without toxic chemicals.

Governments wouldn’t even be arguing about regulations because it just would be a moot point. This is the way we should be living. And it’s ethics. It’s ethics.

STEVEN GILBERT: Yes. And a correlate to that is we have certain rights. And I used to frame this as that we have a right to conditions that ensure that all living things have the best opportunity to reach and maintain their full potential.

DEBRA: I love that.

STEVEN GILBERT: Let me just say that again. I think we should have environmental conditions and conditions that ensure that all living things have the best opportunity to reach and maintain their full genetic potential.

Basically, if you’re exposing kids to lead and mercury and other toxicants, you rob them of their potential, genetic potential. And the same thing with wildlife.

I’m in Pacific Northwest. And we have salmon. We have blocked the salmon from going upstream where we put copper in the water. We’re blocking their ability to reproduce which is robbing them of their potential.

I think we have to look at this, that we have certain rights. We have a right to know what we’re exposed to and right to a clean air, clean water, clean soil. And we have a right to an environment that protects our health.

DEBRA: We do! Each one of us has that as our birth right, absolutely. We’re coming up on needing to take a break. And when we come back, we’ll be talking more about ethics with Dr. Steven Gilbert. And he’s from the Institute of Neurotoxicology, and author of A Small Dose of Toxicology: The Health Effects of Common Chemicals. You can get that for free at

I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And you’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio.


DEBRA: Okay! So, we had a little technical difficulty there, but I understand you all can hear me now. Steven, can you hear me?


DEBRA: Good! Okay, there you are.

So, we’ve been talking about ethics, the ethics of toxics with Dr. Steven Gilbert. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd.

So, we do have a right to this. And it’s right in the Declaration of Independence. I want to read this.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights.”

It’s not just a right, it’s an unalienable right.

“…that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

It’s the first one. Our first unalienable right is the right to life, to be alive, to be healthy, and to be healthy enough that we can pursue happiness.

This is what the United States was founded upon, this statement of our rights that we should be able to be healthy. So there!

STEVEN GILBERT: That’s just great, Debra. Thank you for saying that.

DEBRA: You’re welcome. Now, I noticed in your book that you had a section on human rights, but you also have a section on children’s rights. So, tell us how children’s rights are different from the standard human rights.

STEVEN GILBERT: I think children’s rights, we have the certain responsibility as “adults.” We have a responsibility to our children to ensure that they have an environment that they can reach and maintain their full potential.

The children are more vulnerable. They eat more, breathe more, drink more than adults do. So they’re more vulnerable to toxic exposures. I think that they have a special right and attention that need to be paid to the conditions with which they grow and develop in.

But I think that’s what I refer to. I actually have a paper I wrote on that, Why Children’s Rights. And that’s where that quote comes from, “conditions that ensure all of these things have the best opportunity to reach and maintain their full potential.” It was my really thinking about children and that we do have a responsibility to ensure that they have an environment worthy of their existence.

DEBRA: I completely agree. What are some other ideas? I’m thinking precautionary principle, let’s talk about that. I know we’ve talked about it before, but I think that some of these things bear repeating. So let’s talk about precautionary principle.

STEVEN GILBERT: They do. I love the precautionary principle. I think this is [really important for] decision-making.

And just to back up a little bit, historically, there’s a lot of controversy around the precautionary principle. But if you look back,

Sir Bradford Hill, who did a lot of work on smoking, and the documentation that tobacco causes lung cancer—and this is a good example of where economics has trumped health issues. But he wrote in 1965, “All scientific work is incomplete, whether it be observational or experimental. All scientific work is liable to be upset or modified by advancing knowledge. That does not confer upon us the freedom to ignore the knowledge we already have or postpone the action that it appears to demand at a given time.”

And he was probably referring to the issue of smoking causing lung cancer. The industry created a lot of uncertainty around this. And he came out with a number of principles about causation.

So, I think that’s very important, to establish causation. But if you don’t have all the scientific proof, you have good indications, then you move forward with action to protect human and environmental health.

And this is where the precautionary principle comes in which was defined in 1998 at the Wingspread Conference. It says,

“When activity raises threat of harm to human or the environment, precautionary measures should be taken even if some cause and effect relationships are not fully established scientifically.”

So, even if there’s some uncertainty, we need to move forward to protect human and environmental health. And it took us years and decades to figure out, “Do we indeed cause a lot of harm?” and give the government the authority to restrict the uses and to modify advertising around cigarettes?”

And this is just one example. There’s a great book called Doubt is Their Product by David Michaels. If want to read more about this, I have other examples.

Lead is another good example of that. I spent years doing lead research. But why wasn’t it the responsibility of the corporations to show that lead was safe? We had the burden of showing that lead was harmful, which I think is the wrong way to be going about this.

I can go into other examples of that. But one of them is the Food and Drug Administration. We have a very precautionary approach when they put new drugs on the market. The pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry is required to produce enormous volumes of data to show that the product is both effective and safe.

We don’t have that condition when they put chemicals on the marketplace for industrial chemicals. For example, Bisphenol A.

Many of us are exposed, almost all of us are exposed to Bisphenol A. But we never gave consent to be exposed to that chemical, nor was there adequate research done to show that it was safe for all this exposure.

DEBRA: And we’re just at this point where there are so many chemicals on the market that haven’t been tested. And we need to be making individual decisions to protect our health.

It would be better if we could just assume that everything was safe, but we can’t. And that’s where each one of us, individually—

I’m working on re-designing my website right now. It’s going to be ready in a couple of weeks. And one of the things that I was thinking was about how I did all this research for myself as an individual. And then I said, “Well, there’s no need for every single person to start at square one and research all these chemicals. And I should just share this information.”

But it really is about each one of us having to make that decision because we don’t have the ethics as a nation, as a government, as a society, to say, “We need to be doing the things that contribute to the health of our biotic communities and our bodies, rather than allowing them to be destroyed.”

And we’ll be right back after this. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Dr. Steven Gilbet, toxicologist. And he’s got a great book called A Small Dose of Toxicology: The Health Effects of Common Chemicals.

You can go to and the link will take you right to the free copy.


DEBRA: I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. And my guest today is Dr. Steven Gilbert, a toxicologist. And he’s the author of A Small Dose of Toxicology: The Health Effects of Common Chemicals, which you can get for free. The link is on my website at, or you can go to his website,, which has lots and lots of all kinds of information about all different aspects of toxics, including the history, the ethics, the social implications—everything. It’s very thorough.

So, the next thing I’d like to talk about is your page, Ethics of Epi-Precaution. And there are two points on there that I think are really important.

The first one is the idea that we need to move beyond just doing no harm to doing good. So tell us about that first.

STEVEN GILBERT: Very good. Thank you for bringing this up. So epigenetics is a new understanding of how DNA expressed itself. We used to think that DNA was made up of certain chemicals, tyrosine to adenine, cytosine and guanine. And that was the way things worked. We had to modify the DNA to make changes.

But in the last few years, we’ve learned that you can modify the expression of DNA. So DNA creates proteins and governs our bodies and governs life. And you can change the expression of this DNA by modifying the DNA.

So, this is a really important understanding because it’s not just changing DNA, it’s making subtle changes to the DNA that modifies its expression.

So, this is important because chemicals can do that, make subtle changes. But even more important, our environment can do that—how we were raised, our stress can change that. So we interact with our environment and the conditions that we grow up in.

So, my thought was with that understanding, I really need to be thinking more broadly that our environment and the conditions in our environment are important. So it’s not just the matter of doing a harm—and doing a harm is usually construed as not having chemical exposure (so no lead exposure, for example, or no PCB exposure)—but we also need to have a good environment that’s more stress-free, that honors people’s development, that provides good education, that really, we need to do good, not just do no harm.

So, I think that’s going to be the challenge in the future. How do we create an environment where we’re actually optimizing the potential of people to develop and maintain their potential?

DEBRA: I completely agree with you. I’ve been looking at these issues of toxics for more than 30 years. And a long time ago, when I started trying to sort out, well, what was toxic and what wasn’t toxic, I had one of those realizations that looks so obvious after you have it, but you don’t even see it at all before you have it. And that is that things can be categorized actually in three categories—they can be harmful, they can be beneficial, but they could also do nothing.

And so I started looking and saying, “Well, okay, so here’s a toxic chemical. Let’s not have this in my environment.” And then here’s something like cotton, which is just there, but not doing anything either way. It’s not providing a benefit. It’s not causing a harm.

And then, there would be something like say a nutritious food, and that nutritious food would be giving a positive plus benefit.

And then I started seeing, well, what are more of these positive things that we could be having. Like clean water is a positive thing, as well social connections and education, love, all those things that provide positive things in our lives.

And I also recognized that many years ago, I thought that if I would just avoid the toxic chemicals, that my body would heal.

And I think that that’s true to a certain degree because I think that bodies tend towards health if you don’t suppress that health with toxic chemicals. But I found more recently that if I do things that positively push my body towards health (like eat proper nutrition, take proper supplements, exercise, get enough sleep, those kinds of things), then my recovery from toxic chemical exposure goes much faster.

So, I’m in total agreement with you about this “doing good” part, that if we think about what do we need to do to reduce those harmful factors, and then put our efforts and attention into building those positive things, then we’re going to be in really good shape.

STEVEN GILBERT: Yes, that’s why I called it “epi-precaution” because really you really need to move above and beyond precaution. Precautionary approach says to reduce harm, but epi-precaution is going beyond the precautionary approach and has them doing good.

Just like epigenetics is above and beyond the gene, epi-precaution is above and beyond the precautionary principle.

It says, “the need to provide a loving and supporting environment and doing a harm is just not good enough. We need to have a positive environment to ensure the children, and we all, can reach and maintain our full potential.”

DEBRA: I just love all of these thoughts. I wish that everybody far and wide would think this way because it just produces such a good result.

STEVEN GILBERT: We really need to be thinking more in a preventative approach, and how do we prevent disease rather than just treat it.

We have a system that has worked very hard to cure disease, and not prevent it. There are lots of money to be made off curing disease and treating disease—our hospitals, our insurance system. Everybody makes money off disease. It’s very difficult to make money off of prevention. It’s even more difficult to make it off of kind of having a loving and supporting environment.

That’s really what it’s about, creating an environment that prevents exposure to chemicals and reduces the exposure to chemicals. It creates an environment that supports and honors health, and promotes health, rather than just trying to fix it when it’s gone wrong.

DEBRA: Yes, and that requires, I think, about 180-degree turnaround in our society because that’s just not how we think—but that is what is the effective thing to do.

And so the first step—I think you and I would agree—would be to reduce the harmful factors, and then put in the good factors.

And certainly, you can do those side by side. But both are necessary, so that you’re not having the harmful chemicals fighting the positive benefits of what we’re trying to do.

STEVEN GILBERT: In that regard, we need to know what we’re exposed to. We should have a right to know. That’s one of the rights we should have, it’s to know what we’re consuming.

We should have some battles politically over this Toxic Substance Control Act, TSCA (which needs to be modified, so we have more control over the chemicals we’re exposed to and know more about them). We’ve had battles politically over genetically-modified organisms and whether we should have a right to know what’s in our food supply and the GMO in our food.

I really believe we have a right to know what we’re exposed to. And industry often takes the opposite side, that everything’s fine, we don’t need to know all that stuff.

DEBRA: I totally agree with you. If we don’t know, then we can’t make choices. I’ve given this example before, but I’ll give it again—oops, no! We’re going to go to break, and then I’ll give the example after the break.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is Dr. Steven Gilbert, a toxicologist, and author of A Small Dose of Toxicology: The Health Effects of Common Chemicals. And you can get that at my website for free, And we’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is Dr. Steven Gilbert, author of A Small Dose of Toxicology: The Health Effects of Common Chemicals and publisher of the exceptionally comprehensive toxic site,

So, before the break, I said that I wanted to give an example, and that is that in our marketplaces today, if you were to buy, say, apple sauce (that’s a good example), and you were to go into a supermarket, you would look at a jar and read the ingredients, and it would say apples and water, and maybe sugar. And what it doesn’t tell you is chlorine and fluoride in the water, and pesticides on the apples, and wax on the apple peels, and all the chemicals that are involved in that.

The way it is labeled though is that if you were to go to a natural food store and buy apple sauce, it would say “certified organically grown,” “certified USDA,” “certified organic apples and filtered water,” and “evaporated cane juice,” and all these ingredients that indicate the absence of chemicals. So, they don’t tell you that there are toxic chemicals in products, and that the ones that don’t have the toxic chemicals have to label themselves in ways to explain that.

And that’s backwards. I think that our shopping patterns would be very different if the organic ones just didn’t say anything and the toxic ones said, “This contains this toxic chemical and that toxic chemical and another toxic chemical.” And I think that’s where the labeling really does need to change. We need to see those toxic chemicals on the label.

STEVEN GILBERT: Yes, we could certainly do a lot better job of providing information. It goes to all kinds of products too, not just our food, but the cosmetics—

DEBRA: Everything!

STEVEN GILBERT: …from what’s used in personal care products to what’s used in the receipts in our cash registers, receipts that have BPA in them. It’s just a pervasive issue.

And I think Europe has done a better job, is working hard to do that, and has more precautionary approach. They give more credence to that, that we have a right to know about what we’re being exposed to and a right to know what chemicals are in the products that we use.

DEBRA: I think so too. I saw that many years ago when I went to Germany. It’s funny in Germany because people are still allowed to smoke cigarettes everywhere, and they do. And they sit down in the cafes, eating sugar pastries, and drinking coffee with pesticides on it.

But if you look at their personal care products, they had natural fiber beds, and certified organic food and all these kinds of things, it’s very, very natural in that regard. And then they have these little pockets where they’re still doing things that some of us here haven’t been doing for a long time.

STEVEN GILBERT: We do a funny job about regulation. I’d like to pick up one other person before I move on, Garrett Hardin in The Tragedy of the Commons. And this is a really interesting paper that was produced in the 1960s.

He talked about that the products we use, the technology we have is also part of the problem. And the conclusion of this paper was it is our professional judgment that the dilemma has no technical solution. He states that from saying that many of the problems we have require regulation. There is no technical solution to a problem.

For example, over-fishing, we have the technology now to find fish in the ocean, and destroy any fish we want in the ocean.

We’re doing that actually with tuna. But the rules and the fix to that problem is not technology, but it is restriction of the fishing.

And so we have to be really aware that technology is not the solution to all problems. It actually creates some problems, and we need to have regulation to deal with these issues.

DEBRA: Well, I would argue, since we’re talking about ethics, that if people had ethics, then each person individually, and each company individually, would say, “We need to do the thing that supports the biotic community” and that they wouldn’t overfish because it would just feel wrong to them.

This kind of ethic was part of native cultures. They had an idea that they were living in an ecosystem. And if they overfish, and if they over-hunted, that there wasn’t going to be anything else there for them to eat.

And we don’t have that sense today because all our food comes from the supermarket. And so it’s always going to be there.

I remember my mother, when I was a child, she said this so many times that it’s imprinted in my brain. She would always say,

“Well, there’s always more at the store.” Well, there isn’t always more at the store.

STEVEN GILBERT: Things like that, I think, is part of the problem.

DEBRA: That is part of the problem. And so we’re not out there in the fishing boats, looking at the fish, and saying, “How many fish are there? How many can we take out? How many needs to stay in order for them to reproduce and produce more fish?”

Those things are just not part of our awareness. And yet, we think—this is another thing I realized a long time ago. Our survival sense is “How do we survive in the industrial world? How do we make enough money to go buy something?” But our actual survival is dependent on us understanding the natural world, and how our actions affect what goes on in ecosystems, and how those ecosystems provide for us, that what’s providing for us is not multinational corporations, it’s the earth. And if we’re not taking care of the earth, it’s not going to be there to provide for us.

STEVEN GILBERT: I really agree with that. We have spent a lot of years externalizing the cost over to the environment. We’re doing that now with coal-burning utility plants that spew a lot of toxic chemicals from up the smoke stacks that’s from burning coal and that contaminates the ocean with mercury, for example, which turns up in our fish.

Unless we start looking at more holistic issues and take into account that we just cannot keep externalizing and doing things cheaply because the environment just cannot take it in—global warming and climate change are other examples of that. Like I mentioned, coal-burning is another one. It’s a big issue here on the West Coast. They’re shipping coal to China to be burned.

And then the smoke, and then the contaminants from that coal-burning ends up blowing towards the West Coast as well as contaminating China. You could see the consequence in China with its enormous air pollution problem.

So, we really do need to be looking at more holistic ways of thinking collectively about what the earth can tolerate.

DEBRA: I completely agree. That hour just went by fast. We only have about four minutes left. I would like to ask you what final things would you like to say that you haven’t said? I’ve been doing all the talking and asking questions.

STEVEN GILBERT: I think the important thing is for people to come up with a definition of human and environmental health that they feel like is their own, and to look at the precautionary principle as the foundation for decision-making, raising threats of harm, and we need to take action even if things are uncertain, that we don’t need to have adequate proof all the time. We need to accept some uncertainty.

And the burden of responsibility demonstrating safety needs to be on the proponent. Right now, the safety of the issue is usually demonstrated by showing there is harm. So we get caught on—I mean, I spent years of research trying to show that lead is harmful at very low levels. But the industry who made a fortune off of lead should have had the burden of responsibility of demonstrating that it’s safe at low levels.

So, we really got to change that. I urge people to get involved in the legislative process—for example, the Chemical Policy Reform Act. We’re really working on a policy level also to change the way we govern ourselves.

DEBRA: I agree with all of that. I do. So would you read to us again Aldo Leopold’s statement?

STEVEN GILBERT: It’s really a wonderful statement.

DEBRA: It is!

STEVEN GILBERT: It was in A Sand County Almanac, 1949.

“A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise.”

I think it’s such a wonderful statement that is really the heart of the matter. It really speaks to what rights we have, and how we need to protect our environment going forward and preserve human and environmental health.

DEBRA: I totally agree.

STEVEN GILBERT: I also want to mention that my book, A Small Dose of Toxicology is now in Chinese. It was just printed in China about a week ago. And it’s global. You can purchase it. But we’re making a huge effort to try to reach out to other people and provide the information around the world.

DEBRA: That’s great. My book, Toxic-Free, was just published in Latvia.


DEBRA: So, it’s now in Latvian, French, Hebrew, five languages. I don’t remember what they are. But this is good. It’s good that all this information is getting out, and that these ideas are getting out.

Well, thank you so much for being with us. And we’ll have you on again. There’s so much to talk about. Maybe next time, we’ll talk about the history of toxic chemicals. That’s a good one. Next time, we’ll talk about that.

STEVEN GILBERT: Debra, thank you for the work you do.

DEBRA: Thanks! So you’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And you can go to and you can find more information about upcoming guests. You can listen to all the past shows in the archives. You can even leave comments if you want on the archive shows about questions you might have—well, I’m not sure that they’ll all get answered, but you can make comments about what you think about things in the show, add additional information, and find out so much from the people who are actually working in the world today to make our lives and our world a less toxic place to live.

Also, across the top of the page, there is a menu to different parts of my website where you can go to click the shop button, for example, and it will take you to website links of more than 500 places where you can buy toxic-free products. You can click on body detox, and find out how to get rid of toxic chemicals out of your body.

And that’s all the time we have for today. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And you’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio.

Safe Play Sand

Question from Concerned Mom

We are looking for play sand for our toddler – the type of sand that is used for playing in sand boxes or sand tables outdoors.

We found Quikrete brand at Home Depot, but then discovered negative reviews on Amazon stating that it produces a large cloud of dust (concerns about inhaling silica dust), that some people had rashes, scratchy throats, etc, after exposure to it, that it isn’t safe for children, and that even though it is supposedly screened/cleaned, this product is “filthy.”

And the MSDS for the Quikrete play sand does mention the respiratory concerns about silica, but of course they refer to continuous occupational exposure and state that this sand is safe for children to play in. However, it seems to me that a child sitting and playing in sand is also being exposed continually and repeatedly.

So it looks like we’ll be returning this product to Home Depot rather than opening and using it.

But that leads me on a search for an alternative. I also noticed the Sandtastik brand on Amazon, with lots of positive reviews and claims that it is safe, non-toxic, contains no free silica or quartz, etc. But I don’t know what to make of it.

But that leads me on a search for an alternative. I also noticed the Sandtastik brand on Amazon, with lots of positive reviews and claims that it is safe, non-toxic, contains no free silica or quartz, etc. But I don’t know what to make of it.

What would make a play sand safe?

Obviously we don’t want the ones that are reported to be scratchy, dirty, and causing rashes. But other than that, is there particular wording that would indicate that it is a safe product?

Children play in sand at the beach and it’s a natural substance. Yet I saw remarks about some play sand being man-made, about sand at the beach containing carcinogenic substances (referring to the silica and quartz, I think), and so forth.

I’d just like to find a safe product for my child to play with, and while I’m used to checking things out thoroughly, it would be nice if something – anything! – were easy to buy without becoming a research project!

This is from the FAQ on the Sandtastik website:

WHAT DO WE MEAN WHEN WE SAY THAT OUR SAND CONTAINS NO FREE SILICA OR QUARTZ? Firstly, let’s examine sand found in dunes and on beaches. Toxicologists have proven that some of those tiny little grains of sand may contain known natural carcinogens. A carcinogen is a substance that causes cancer. Substances like silica and quartz through prolonged exposure to skin, inhalation or ingestion have potential health risks. Sandtastik sand is made from the feldspar family of rock which does not contain any carcinogens. It is 100% pure safe sand.

This is the product info page:

I am also wondering how they make it white rather than the typical sand color. This product is also far more expensive than the play sand at places like Home Depot, and it takes multiple 50-pound bags to fill up a sandbox.

So while I’m willing to pay more for safe things for my child, I’d like to know that what I am buying truly is safe, and how to tell if this is a good product or if I should keep looking.

Debra’s Answer

Here’s an answer from a nontoxic mom who did some research on this.

The problem with free silica and quartz occurs in sand made from crushed rock.

If you’ve ever looked at beach sand up close, it’s rock that has been worn down by the water. Crushed rock creates a lot of dust, and thus, the dust hazard of this type of sand.

The recommendations are

look for river or beach sand in landscape and gardening store.

Buy Safe Sand (this site has more information about the problem.

Paint with Mildewcide for Bathroom?

Question from Allison

Debra, Thanks again for all your help. For painting a bathroom, do you recommend using a paint that contains mildewcide? AFM Safecoat will add it, if I request it.

If I do have the mildewcide added, will it be any danger to my health once the paint is completely dried and cured?


Debra’s Answer

Oh, this is a difficult question to answer because “mildewcide” refers to a broad range of chemcials, some of which are more toxic than others.

The bathroom is a room where there is a lot of moisture that could cause mold to grow on walls.

One way to control mold growth is with a mildewcide in the paint.

What I did was tile up seven feet on all the walls, and then applied colored clay plaster from American Clay. The clay plaster absorbs moisture when it is present, and releases it back into the air when the air is dry, so there is no buildup of moisture on the surface of the wall for mold growth.

My best recommendation for bathroom walls is tile and clay plaster.

Contact AFM and find out what mildewcide they use and then evaluate it’s toxicity. That will give you your answer.

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Smoke Coming Into House

Question from Nancy

We just moved to a beautiful country setting here in NE Arizona, however the distant hills (about 20 miles away) have prescribed burns by the forest service and it’s quite often. (I learned this AFTER our move!) During sleep hours, the smoke rolls into our area and into our house. I have terrible allergies and have to close the vents, but it’s not enough. Is there any kind of vent filter I can use to keep smoke from coming in that way? I currently use 2 air purifiers in the bedroom, but it’s very frustrating knowing that smoke is always coming in from the attic, and the purifiers aren’t taking care of the problem the way I need. Any help is appreciated!

Debra’s Answer

It sounds like you need to seal up cracks and any openings that are allowing smoke to come through.

Do you know or can you find out when the burns are going to be so you can close your vents.

Readers, have any of you had this experience?

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Watch Out for Wi-Fi in Everything

My guest today is Oram Miller, a Certified Building Biology Environmental Consultant based in Los Angeles. Last Sunday the LA Times ran an article about the explosion of Bluetooth and Wi-Fi transmitting chips that are being put in any product that can contain a battery and transmitter. This allows users to have the device constantly feed data to their smartphone or tablet to improve performance. But there is a health downside to all this. We’ll talk about electromagnetic sensitivities, how these devices can affect your health, how to locate this products and identify them in stores before you buy, and how to choose “wi-fi-free” products..Oram received his certification from the International Institute for Bau-biology and Ecology. He provides healthy home and office evaluations for clients throughout Southern California who have electro-magnetic sensitivities, as well as those who just want a healthier home. Oram also consults on the healthy design and construction of new and remodeled homes. Oram specializes in the effects of EMFs from cell phones, cordless telephones, Wi-Fi, tablets and smart meters, as well as health effects caused by basic EMFs from house wiring, including wiring errors and unwanted current on water pipes and other parts of the grounding system. Oram is available for on-site EMF consultations in Southern California and provides telephone consultations for clients nationwide. He writes extensively on the health hazards of EMFs on his website,

This is the first of three interviews with this guest about EMF exposure in your home. He’ll be back..




“Watch Out for Wi-Fi in Everything”

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
GUEST: Oram Miller

DATE OF BROADCAST: January 8, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and we do that because there are so many toxic things out there but if we know where they are and we know how to avoid them and we know how to take care of our bodies and how to support them in processing those chemicals that we are exposed to first we reduce the amount then help our bodies them, then we can still live healthy, happy lives and we don’t have to be victims of those chemical exposures.

So today is Wednesday, the 8th of January 2014 and today we’re gonna be talking about something different. Usually we talk about toxic chemicals but today we’re gonna talk about toxic electromagnetic fields and what prompted this show was an article in last Sunday’s LA Times and it was all about an electronics tradeshow that is happening right now in Las Vegas this week and the proliferation of many personal and home products that now have smart chips in them. So it’s essentially Wi-Fi everywhere and they are now calling it the next wave of electronics. It’s gonna be the internet of things. Virtually every type of product in the near future is going to be connected to your smart phone or your tablet or your computer; collecting information, giving us information but also sending EMF fields, radio frequencies and all those things all over the place where they never have been before. I personally don’t have Wi-Fi, I don’t have a wireless printer on my computer, I don’t have a cordless phone; I do have a cell phone that I rarely use but I try to keep my home as EMF free as possible. So today I invited a gentleman Oram Miller, who is a Certified Building Biology Environmental Consultant in Los Angeles to come on the show and explain how these products can affect our health.

DEBRA: Hi Oram


DEBRA: It’s very cold here.

ORAM MILLER: In Florida?

DEBRA: Yes. And yesterday we were talking about heating our houses, toxic free, and how to save energy and many doing so. And we were talking about how cold it was in Florida and my guess in Montana said it was 11 degrees or something; my producer in Pennsylvania it was minus two (-2). Today its 52 here and its 3 degrees in Pennsylvania and you’re gonna tell me its 75 in Los Angeles.

ORAM MILLER: In a few hours, yes. It’s just after 9’o clock in the morning here and it’s been in the 70’s.

DEBRA: So I guess you don’t need to heat your home?

ORAM MILLER: Well, let me tell you something. Having lived in the upper mid-west in Minnesota before moving here four years ago; I’m not used to the winters here because and everywhere else in the north, you turn your thermostat on in October and you don’t open your windows, hardly at all as its always 68 or 70 degrees until April or May but here we open our windows in the daytime and in the night we don’t heat the house and it gets down to the low 50’s so I’m freezing in the morning when I wake up.

DEBRA: Oh, that’s nice! Well, it’s actually nice for me because I grew up in Northern California where it was very temperate in the San Francisco Bay area and it was with the vonk and everything in the summer. Mark Twain once said that the coldest winter he ever spent was the summer in San Francisco and that was about right. We had warmer winters and colder summers so it all balanced out.

But anyway, we’re here to talk about EMFs and I know that you have quite a bit of experience and knowledge in this field. Tell us how you got interested in it?

ORAM MILLER: Well, I’ve always been interested in the environment and environmental consulting. This is a way in which we can help people and families to learn about the toxicities that lurk in their homes that they may or may not know about and the building biology profession which I know you are aware of and endorse. In fact, you’re in Clearwater, correct?

DEBRA: I’m in Clearwater, home of International Institute of Bau Biology but didn’t they move?

ORAM MILLER: Well, actually, Helmet just passed away; our founder – lived there and his wife or surviving widow, Suzanna still lives there of course. And that was where the headquarters was officially for many years. Wherever the Executive Director lives is sort of where the active office is and right now it’s being manned by Michael Khan

DEBRA: Oh, I know Michael.

ORAM MILLER: Oh, you do?

DEBRA: Yes, and I was very good friends with Helmet too. He and Suzanna and my husband and I used to go out to dinner together, talk, etc.

ORAM MILLER: Well, your name is familiar to us Debra. I know that you’ve been aware of us and promoting bell biology or building biology and great work with encouraging people to learn about toxicities in their home. So thank you for all of your work over the years.

DEBRA: You’re welcome. So tell us a little about what bell biology is because I know that not all of our listeners know about what it is.

ORAM MILLER: The Bell Biology profession came from Germany 35 years ago. Anton Shnider is the architect who founded the profession 35 years ago and basically it came out of the rebuilding efforts that were underway in post World War II Germany; where they literally had to rebuild their housing stock. For better or for worst, a lot of American methods and materials were brought which was a part of the martial plan and that was good except that they didn’t emphasize the tried and true building materials and building methods that were used in Europe over the last centuries and even millennia where they used post and beam construction daub and bothole construction where they had thick walls made out of local materials that were from the local soil; clays and that sort of thing. Materials that have the capacity to breathe and we don’t mean breathe in air; we mean breathe in moisture that contain in air – high gross capacity. High gross capacity is the capacity of a wall to allow moisture to slowly move through and dry out so that the materials in the wall never get moldy. I actually co-wrote a book with a Building Biologist in Texas name George Swanson and also Wayne Federo. The three of us wrote “Build a Breathing Wall” and that’s a 350 page self-published manual that talks all about how to build walls without mould. So that’s available through my website and through and my website is

Anyways, out of World War II – post World War II Germany, there was enough illness that developed in people’s lives from the new building materials and methods that were used and also from the electromagnetic field and defining quality of indoor air. So, as a result of that, physicians, individuals who were suffering from this, and builders and architects, got together and founded the IBM and I am not sure exactly what that stands for in German but it’s the building biology profession but they call “bau biologe”. “Bau” is the German word for house or building and “biologe” is their pronunciation of our English word biology. So we translated as building biology in this country and in the English speaking world.

Over the last 35 years the whole profession has developed in Germany and throughout Europe, teaching individuals how to assess homes for sources of toxicities and then that spread through America when Helmet brought this knowledge 25 years ago so he founded the International Institute for Bau Biology and Ecology in Clearwater Florida, where you live, and from there he had people come, learn the knowledge and become teachers for him. I’m actually an assistant instructor for the EMF courses now. What we teach our students is training in identification and mitigation of toxicities from buildings, homes and offices, including indoor air quality; mould, asbestos, lead, radon, natural gas, carbon monoxide and then natural building materials, like I talk about the breathing wall and then the third thing is the whole area of electromagnetic field. Now, I practiced for many years in the upper Midwest doing the full range of building biology services so I have experience in that but 4 years ago, to get out of the cold weather, I moved to Southern California. I do just EMF now and work with others in the area, Southern California who do air quality work.

DEBRA: I need to just interrupt you because we need to go to the break but we’ll be right back. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio and I am Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest is Oram Miller, Certified Building Biology Environmental Consultant and we’re gonna be talking about EMFs so stay with us…

DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is Oram Miller, Certified Building Biology Environmental Consultant based in Los Angeles but you can go to his website if you have questions for him; he does consulting all across the country and probably around the world so you can get in touch and he can talk to you on the phone or email with you or whatever to answer your questions. His website is

So Oram, why don’t you give us a little lesson here about electromagnetic fields and I know that there are three types and this is actually the first of three shows that we’re gonna have you on so that we can talk about each type. But give us an overview and tell us about how people are sensitive, how it can affect otherwise healthy people.

ORAM MILLER: First of all, there really are four types but the three major types that we emphasize in the building biology profession are: magnetic field from house wiring, then there are electric fields from house wiring which are different from magnetic field and you don’t measure electric field with the gallos meter, you measure them with different meters and they both come from house wiring. We’ll get into electric field in details in one of the upcoming shows. Then the third major group would be all the wireless devices which we’re pretty much talking about today; and then the fourth area would be the area of electricity that represents harmonics of fundamental frequency that could be the 60 hertz per second.

DEBRA: Well, we’re gonna have to have you on four times because I think we need to do a whole show on dirty electricity. It’s my understanding that dirty electricity actually makes you more sensitive to toxic chemical exposures but lets just stop right there because we’re gonna talk about radio frequencies today so we’ll address it in the future.

ORAM MILLER: Ok. But all four types of EMFs make people sensitive and susceptible to toxicities and there’s a lot of cross-sensitivity and because we are trained in all of these toxicities in whole, we understand that and we work with people who are sensitive to both or don’t know that they’re sensitive to the other. They may call us up and say that they are chemically sensitive and then they find out that they are electrically sensitive and vice versa.

So anyways, sticking with EMFs, the magnetic fields come from outside power lines which go right through building material; you cant shield those and they’re really hard to deal with. The second source of magnetic field would be wiring errors which can cause an unbalanced mode between the hot and the neutral in the circuits and in cords that you plug in. Thirdly would be point sources like transformers and motors but the magnetic fields from those drop off within two to three feet fortunately. The fourth would be current grounding power like water pipes under your floor, believe it or not, or the heat cable coming from outside. So I’ll cover that in another show on magnetic fields.

An electric field, just in summary, comes from voltage not currant; magnetic fields are from currant. Voltage is what causes electric fields. Electric fields come out from unshielded wires like plastic romex wires in your walls and circuit and the cords that you plug in and they’re especially a problem where you sleep. So one of the things that we do is to make sure that the sleeping environment is devoid of electric field, magnetic fields, radio frequencies for all of our clients, whether they are symptomatic or not and we may actually determine which circuit raise the electric field levels where people sleep, when they sleep, and then tell them to shut that circuit off. And there are automatic or convenient ways of doing that from the bedroom and the value of this is that people sleep more deeply or release more melatonin in the middle of the night and they awaken much more refreshed and it really has the good effect of boosting the benefit from all medical therapies whether traditional or imperative to help improve the health of people who are symptomatic. It even improves the lives of people who are otherwise healthy.

DEBRA: I totally agree with that because everything we do either has a positive effect on our bodies, health and well-being; or a negative effect or no effect at all. And what we’re doing most of the times in our world today are things that have negative effects; electromagnetic field exposures being one of them, and we aren’t doing enough positive things to balance it out. So when we go to the doctor or some kind of practitioner and get some kind of positive, health affirming treatment; if we still are being exposed to toxic chemicals or electromagnetic fields or all those things on the negative side of the ledger, it’s gonna be more difficult for any kind of treatment to actually improve your health. So this is one of the reasons why it’s so important that we understand what these negative effects are so we can stop beating up our bodies with them.

ORAM MILLER: Exactly! That’s actually the philosophy of our profession as you well know. Building biology considers the house to be the third skin; we have the skin of our bodies, our clothes is the second skin or layer that protects us and then the building enclosure is the third skin and we want the environment within that to be as healthy as possible. You get a lot of referrals from healthcare practitioners in the Southern California area, who have seen that the clients and patients that they’ve referred to me are getting more improvements from the therapies that they’re providing with the addition of the building biology evaluation of the home; whether EMF or indoor air quality and so that’s a lot of my work. I haven’t had to advertise in three and a half (3 ½) years.

DEBRA: That’s great! I’m glad that the people are recognizing the value of this.

ORAM MILLER: Thank you. In regards to this issue, the reason why you had me on this is because I sent out a post to the building body website yahoo chat group that was picked up by a gentleman in Montreal, Andre Fachoo who then put it on his blog and then you saw that and that’s why you called me. What I wrote about was this article that I read in my home town newspaper, The Los Angeles Times Sunday morning which said that the consumer electronics show is in Las Vegas and about to begin and one of the quote is that “by 2050 there will be 50 billion internet connected devices or five gadgets for every man, woman and child in people’s home” and they say you’re gonna see an explosion of device. Now I knew this was coming but I didn’t realize it was gonna be in tennis rackets, toothbrushes and that sort of thing. I know it’s already in wearable wristbands, they call it, like you said in your introduction “the internet of everything” and one of the areas that they’re pushing into very aggressively technologically is called wearables: watches, glasses, and so on. Here’s the issue that I deal with. Fortunately for me I’m not personally electrically hypersensitive but sixty to seventy percent (60 – 70%) of my clients are.

DEBRA: What does that mean “electrically hypersensitive”?

ORAM MILLER: These are people who already have figured out that they have symptoms and they even may be ill from them. There’s a slight difference – some people are just sensitive but they can tolerate these things but they don’t feel well. There are other people who are frankly ill; so sixty to seventy percent of my clients are in that large category and then maybe two-thirds of them are actually ill. These are people who notice they develop headaches, numbness and tingling, brain fog, lethargy, weakness and other symptoms that they know are specifically related to one form or another. Now interestingly enough, in the last few months, I’ve figured out that over the years the many clients I’ve worked with, I’ve become able to pretty much determine which EMF I’m going to find that will be elevated in their home based on the cluster of symptoms that they tell me about.

People who have radio frequency sensitivity to Wi-Fi and to those kinds of devices – cell phones, Wi-Fi, cordless phones – they can’t sleep, they have numbness and tingling, ringing in the ears, headaches, agitation and brain fog; but mostly its ringing in the ears, headaches and lethargy. Someone on the other hand who has a strong magnetic field occurring under their water pipe, under their floor, in the ceiling of their basement or in the cross base in their house or they have wiring errors when they turn on light and they don’t know it or they have power lines. Those people, their immune system just starts to fail, they develop general debilitation over time because it affects their immunity and their vitality. Now people who have high electric field, they definitely have insomnia, they have agitation, they’re very tired, a lot of chronic fatigue and they just feel dosed all the time. That points to electrical hypersensitivity and that can also extend to their laptop, if they plug in the power cord with a two-sprung plug instead of a three-sprung plug because in the former case you’re ungrounded and in the latter you’re grounded and that’s a huge difference so that’s another thing you have to check out. That should give you an idea of the symptoms people report.

DEBRA: Let’s talk more about these new products that the article talked about.

ORAM MILLER: This is really an interesting turn of events. Our profession, me included, we have no problem with the connectivity; we love the connectivity, we love all of the conveniences that these things provide but what we don’t like is the technology that’s used for the communication. The actual radio frequency based, wireless communication and in fact, very extensive research that I suggest listeners look at for themselves through my website, what I do is I have list of links to other websites that have hundreds of studies that document harm to people; most of the research is done outside the United States but it is well documented and countries around the world, outside of the US, are actually encouraging people to reduce use of these devices. They’re taking Wi-Fi out of schools and hospitals because they see a looming health crisis because enough time has elapsed that people are starting to show up with these symptoms and go into health clinics that of course the Government pay for; that’s how healthcare is provided in those countries we know and its not profit driven so they have every incentive in the world to get ahead of what they see as the fourth looming health crisis that we’ve seen in the last century – the first three being asbestos lead, gas or petrol as they call it, and tobacco. So we’re entering the script for four and we don’t want to have it go through its full cycle the way it has in the past so they’re trying to get ahead of the curve and they’re making efforts to reduce these effects. I point to that when I have conversations quietly after presentations by electric utility officials or people who represent health and companies when they make the claim, as they always do, in the United States that there is no harm from these things because the FDC says that one mill watt per square meter is a safe level but that’s only based on thermo heating effects in experiments that were done decades ago with laboratory animals and it completely had disregarded all this time, all of the effects that occur at much lower level that are non-heating but biological in nature. So the emerging EMF safety community is made up not of engineers and physicist as in the past but rather experimental biologist who are looking at the effects of these technologies on cells and tissue functioning at the biological level and they are seeing a tremendous number of effects on sperm and reproduction, on autism, on genotoxicity, neurotoxicity. Its one effect after another that are well documented so I say to these officials and representatives from these companies; if what you say is true, if there is actually no evidence – and they actually make the statement that there is no harm below the official level, but they’re lying through their teeth (I hate to say it that way but they are). The problem is the institutions that they look to aren’t reporting these effects. Because they look to the EPRI which is the Electric Power Research Institute in San Francisco but that’s bio industry, bio electric utility and they look at the IEEE which is the International Electrical and Electronics Engineers who again say we’ve reviewed thousands of studies and we’ve found no evidence of any harm. They’re just not reporting on those things that are being reported by other places in the world. In fact, a Danish study that came out a couple years ago that showed no significant effect, but now it turns out that in the study they totally disregarded the class of users in Denmark that were the heaviest which are those individuals who were given cell phones by their company; they were excluded from the study. And in study after study, there is evidence that they are totally ignoring and withholding information regarding certain tumors. So they’re very selective in what they announce, unfortunately.

DEBRA: Unfortunately yea. So give us some examples of some of the kinds of products that are available now that we should be watching out for. Like one of the ones that you mentioned in your email that went out is the “nest thermostat”. Talk to us about that because my thermostat broke. Fortunately, it broke at the end of the summer so right now I don’t have heat but I don’t need it for many days except for today when I’m sitting on top of the little space heater underneath my desk but when it comes up I’m gonna have to replace my thermostat before it gets hot because I need my air conditioner here in Florida. So, I was looking at the thermostats at Home Depot and of course they have a big display for nest and I was looking at how cute it looks; its got that little leaf and it helps you save energy and I thought, these are good features but tell us why.

ORAM MILLER: First of all, I want to start by saying I don’t want to single out any particular company or manufacturer by name; I mentioned that in the email not knowing I was gonna end up on your radio show and I’m not opposed to that company in particular or any company for that matter.

DEBRA: Neither am I. It’s just an example.

ORAM MILLER: I use the cell phones and we’re all in favor of technologies that give energy but here’s the issue; the issue is not their fault, it’s the technologies they’re harnessing and tapping into which is the technology for connectivity and that’s Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. So the last few times I’ve come across those digital thermostat in four or five homes over the last six months, I’ve noticed I pick up a Wi-Fi signal with the radio frequency detector that I use. I know what devices normally produce that: cordless phones – base units put out not Wi-Fi but another signal, even when you hang up the phone they fill the room with frequencies on a continuous basis. Just like an ashtray with four or five burning lit cigarettes filling the room with smoke which you can’t see or smell the radio frequencies and it’s harmful to everyone on a cellular level but not everyone is symptomatic so it’s really a question of; if you’re symptomatic you need to get rid of it and replace it with cord service which we will talk about in a few minutes on the show here, but if you’re not symptomatic and you want to be health conscious then I say to my clients, how many cigarettes are you willing to smoke on a daily basis. You’re exposing yourself to a known toxic agent that does cause harm at the cellular level which is proven with hundreds of thousands of studies now so you have to ask yourself, how much exposure are you willing to experience. And we know that people who smoke cigarettes, decades ago, the majority of them did not get ill but a certain percentage did so…

DEBRA: And you also don’t know, as you said cigarette, people have to smoke for 30 years some of them before they get cancer and other problems.

We need to go for a break and you’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is Oram Miller, a Certified Building Biology Environmental Consultant in Los Angeles and we’re talking about EMFs and we’ll be back after the break to learn more about regular everyday products that now have these EMFs emitting from them affecting our health.

DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is Oram Miller, Certified Building Biology Environmental Consultant and we’re talking about all these new products that have Wi-Fi coming out of them and getting into our bodies and emitting all over the place. Oram, could you just tell us about what are some of the different kinds of products – the LA article mentioned tennis rackets. I think the thing that surprised me why I mentioned that is I was looking for a thermostat and it had a lot of great features it didn’t even occur to me to check and see if it was a wireless device; if there was a radio frequency problem. So I’d like to make sure that our listeners today, by the end of the show, understand – what should they be looking for? How should we be alert for not inadvertently buying a product like this if we don’t want it?

ORAM MILLER: Well, first of all you have to make a decision to not want it and to educate yourself because we know the industry is not gonna tell us these things are bad for you and unfortunately the regulatory agencies in our country don’t do that either so you’ll have to go to institutions like the building biology profession and others. Look at what Europe’s doing – Europe, Israel, Russia – they’re taking Wi-Fi out of schools in all of those countries because they know that these things are harmful. So, to answer your question – become educated (I’ll go over break quickly the recommendation that I make/we make at building biology to our client) telephones, internet, media and quote everything else – besides you cordless telephone and the handset that you hold in your hand, smart phones, the tablets that you have, laptops, Wi-Fi routers – besides those things, you’re now seeing Bluetooth and Wi-Fi in thermostat and security systems; like when you open closed doors and windows – toothbrushes, tennis rackets but also in beds. This is from an MPR that I heard weeks ago, they’re monitoring your heart rate, your movements, your respiratory rate and all that information; its not computed in the device, the toothbrush or the tennis racket, its sent wirelessly to your smart phone and then you have an app that can analyze this for you and tells you the quality of your strokes of your tennis racket or how deeply you slept – that sort of thing. We don’t like electricity in beds at all so motorized beds should be used to help improve your sleep.

DEBRA: So it would be if the product is advertising something like its collecting information and sending it your smart phone or that you can change your thermostat from your smart phone while you’re away from home or something like that.
ORAM MILLER: The interest of all the benefits that any particular company has come up with to programmable thermostat is that the Nest Company has gone much further than that. I read an article about that company and particularly I was very impressed as a building biologist in terms of what they are thinking of and providing through their technology. So all we say then is just have it connected to your furnace to a low voltage wire like we have done for decades. In fact, our guiding principle is; number 1: does any device have the capacity to provide and convey information in a harb wire way?

There are devices you can buy to go in your entertainment center and directly connect to your TV set that get a wireless signal from your router in another room and then you can stream movies and shows through networks that are coming up. That way with these rowco and Netflix, and android/Google and apple; they’re all coming up with their own TV network conduit for providing content and one of these devices, the rowco device I believe has an Ethernet port so you can put an Ethernet cable in there. I remember reading a week or two ago from a client thing saying that they checked with one of these manufacturers and were told that if you plug in an Ethernet cable that turns off the Wi-Fi because it cant do both; it has to do one or the other. So my criteria for a laptop or a router is, when you plug in an Ethernet cable, that’s only half of the job, you have your connectivity now but you have to shut off the Wi-Fi manually on your laptop and on your router because otherwise that still is transmitted on a continuous basis even though you’re connected with an Ethernet cable.

DEBRA: Oh, good tip!

ORAM MILLER: Now you can have an Ethernet cable in the walls, in the cross space, in the attic, in the basement or you can get network extenders if you’re not overly, electric hypersensitive. Netgear and other manufacturers make non-Wi-Fi network extenders where you plug the little device into an outlet in the room with the router and a support on the side for Ethernet cable and they actually provide two 6-foot Ethernet cables in the box. So you plug your Ethernet cable from the router – there’s a little device that you plug in that room – and then you plug the other in an electrical outlet in any other room in the house and have an Ethernet cable to your computer up there using the circuitry in the house to convey the internet signal if you can’t put in an Ethernet cable because that can be very expensive or you can do this over the TV cable as well, even if you’re running TV station or signals. So these are called networks extenders. There are technologies to provide high-speed, safe, secure, non-hackable internet connectivity in your home and what we call a local area harbwire, local area network as opposed to a wireless network in the home. Now the only problem with that is your tablet will not be able to pick up the signal; you can’t get on the internet with your tablet unless you have the Microsoft brand Surface – the new Surface that’s out now for tablets that’s the brand name that they have, not the basic but the Surface Pro and the Surface 2. Not only do they have a USB port for the basic model, but the Surface Pro and the Surface 2 are programmed to be able to handle the internet through an adapter that you plug into the USB port and then has an Ethernet port on the other end of that adapter into which you plug an Ethernet cable and now you can put that tablet on airplay mode and be connected to the internet with the tablet. But what we don’t want people to do is, mom’s should not be putting a tablet in front of a young child to pacify them and have them watch movies without putting it in airplay mode because if they don’t that tablet, just like a smart phone, is putting a signal looking for a Wi-Fi router even if it doesn’t exist in the house but sometimes maybe connected to the 3G and the 4G up in the tower. The point is, these tablets and smart phones put a signal looking for a Wi-Fi router and in the case of the smart phone looking for a cell tower – the beacon signal – and people don’t even know this. So if you have your cell phone as an alarm clock, it sending out a signal every few minutes looking for a tower or to tell the tower that it’s here and looking for a call and you need to put it in airplay mode at night when you have it near your head as an alarm clock.

These are all tips that are on my website and that we educate our clients about.

DEBRA: I think these are very important because we don’t know and it’s just another stress on your body to be exposed to these electromagnetic and radio fields that make it more difficult to live in a toxic world and process those toxic chemicals and it’s a stress on your body in its own right. We only have about two minutes left so is there something that you want to make sure you say today that you haven’t yet said?

ORAM MILLER: In general people should follow the principles that we recommend for radio frequencies exposure and that is reduce that and increase this so if you could apply those rules or those principles you’ll go a long way towards improving your health. For instance, we tell people to give out their home number – keep their landline, get a corded telephone not a cordless telephone and give their home number to their friends and family and say call that number first and also use that phone to make outgoing calls. Just generally reduce the number of cigarettes you’re smoking per day – if you want to use that analogy.

DEBRA: That is exactly what I do and I have a cell phone and I don’t answer when I’m at home and I tell people, don’t call me on my cell phone call my corded phone first and I only use the cell phone – I carry it when I’m travelling and things like that.

ORAM MILLER: Well, good for you. So you’ve reduced your exposure to these things.

DEBRA: And I also have on my phone, a pong case that redirects signal.

ORAM MILLER: I am in favor of these chips and pendants and pong cases and other technologies that reduce the influence of these negative influences on the body but we don’t recommend them in my profession as primary ways of protecting themselves.

DEBRA: I totally agree and I’m sorry again to interrupt you. The music’s gonna come on and we’re gonna be done and I want to make sure that I say thank you so much for being on and everyone can go to and Oram will be on again and we will continue this conversation. You’re listening to toxic free talk radio, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd.

Nontoxic Night Guard?

Question from Brian

My dentist prescribed a night-guard for bruxism and the lab sent me the MSDS sheet and assured me the device was BPA free.

However, after reading the MSDS sheet for the main ingredients of the plastic/acrylic (Modified Ethyl Methacrylate Monomer and polymer), I found they have very similar toxic effects as BPA, including the following: Eye Causes irritation, skin irritation, absorbed through the skin, may cause sensitization by skin contact, irritating to mucous membranes and upper respiratory tract. Symptoms of exposure may include burning sensation, coughing, laryngitis, dyspnea, headache, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, and unconsciousness. May cause sensitization by inhalation. Causes gastrointestinal irritation. May cause nervous system damage. Embryotoxic and/or foetotoxic in animal. To the best of our knowledge, the chemical, physical, and toxicity of this substance has not been fully investigated”.

Given the toxicity of the BPA free ingredients, are there any effective, non-toxic alternatives?

Debra’s Answer

I don’t know of any. Readers?

Looking for Plastic Tubs That Don’t Smell

Question from C Thomas

I have a long history of storing non-food items in plastic tubs, and have many of these in my home. But in the past two years, there has occurred a clear and obvious difference in the plastics used in the general storage tubs sold in the big box stores. They reek of an unpleasant odor, which does not resolve even after airing them for as long as a year, or by storing cedar chips in the tubs for months, washing with vinegar then leaving them in the sun, or any other method I have tried. Not only does fibrous content (clothing, books, papers) pick up this odor, but I assume that VOCs are at the root of the problem which carry health risks to chronic exposure to the source. I have refused to purchase such odiferous tubs after noting the problem with the first couple of tubs; however, I continue to have need to acquire more general item storage tubs and am hoping you can offer some information on this issue and perhaps a source for safer tubs at a reasonable cost.

Thank you very much.

Debra’s Answer

You don’t say what size or shape of tubs you are looking for, so let me just answer your question generally.

I would call the manufacturer and find out what type of plastic the tubs are made from. Often they are polyethylene or polypropylene, which should not produce this odor, but could be polyvinyl chloride (PVC) which would. You don’t want to be breathing PVC.

Not all tubs are made from the same plastic, so check around.

Readers, any suggestions?

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Another Thing to Watch Out For: Wi-Fi in Everything…

Well, now we’re going to need to start checking to see if common everyday products are transmitting radio frequency signals through our homes.

Sunday’s LA Times had an article about an explosion of Bluetooth and Wi-Fi transmitting chips going into anything that can contain a battery and a transmitter. Thermostats, tennis rackets, home entertainment centers and more are all being designed to constantly feed information to the user’s smart phone or tablet with the intention of improving performance, health and happiness.

I don’t have wi-fi or a cordless phone or a wireless printer and I don’t want any wireless in my home. Yet it could now be in almost any consumer product.

If you are aware of consumer products that are transmitting, you are welcome to list them here, along with products of the same type that are not transmitting.

CES 2014: Consumer electronics show to feature ‘Internet of things’

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Patient Centered Healthcare Helps You Find a Doc That Understands Toxic Chemical Detox

Today my guest is James Maskell, CEO of Revive Primary Care, a new project dedicated to restoring the health of America. By combining proven, dedicated, holistic doctors and practitioners with a scalable, digital, education platform, their intention is to inspire a revolution of empowered health advocates. We’ll be talking about the state of healthcare today, what you need to be healthy, and his new healthcare program that includes doctors who detox toxic chemicals.





Patient-Centered Healthcare Helps You Find a Doc That Understands Toxic Chemical Detox

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: James Maskell

Date of Broadcast: January 06, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world.

It’s Monday, January 6, 2014, the first show of the year in 2014. And I’m actually very excited to be back after the holiday. I took three weeks’ off, and I know you’ve all been listening to shows in the archives because all of the shows are recorded and are in the archives. You can listen to any show from the beginning of Toxic Free Talk Radio. And we’ve been on the air now since April 22nd of last year.

So that’s more than a hundred shows. They’re all in archives for you to listen to. You can even listen to today’s show again, or if you want to tell a friend about it, you can tell a friend, and they can listen to it any time, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, from any electronic device in the world.

So I’m very happy to be back. I just can’t tell you how happy I am to be back. This is actually one of the highlights of my day.

So I’m here in Clearwater, Florida where it’s about to rain, but I don’t think that we’ll be disconnected.

Today, we’re just going to start the new year off with talking about healthcare. And we’re not going to talk much about that healthcare that everybody is talking about, but we’ll talk about it a little bit. We’re going to talk about how you can choose healthcare that is patient-centered, and includes education, and also includes dealing with toxic chemicals, and helping you remove toxic chemicals from your body because there are doctors out there who can help you with that. We’re going to talk about some of that today.

My guest is James Maskell, and he’s the CEO of a business called Revive Primary Care, and it’s a new project that’s dedicated to restoring health of America, by combining proven, dedicated holistic doctors and practitioners with a digital education system. Their intention is to inspire a revolution of empowered advocates.

Doesn’t that sound great? Empowered health advocates.

I’d rather be an empowered health advocate than a patient. And I’d rather be healthy than sick. And the whole idea is to keep us healthy, for us to be doing things, so that we stay healthy and know what to do if, by any chance, we get sick.

In Ancient China, the doctors were paid on a regular basis to keep people healthy, and they stopped paying them when they got sick. I think that’s a fine idea.

So welcome to the show, James.

JAMES MASKELL: Great to be with you here today, Debra. Thank you.

DEBRA: Thank you for being here. So could you just tell us very briefly—we’re going to have a lot of time to talk about this later, but just give us a brief introduction to what your business is about?

JAMES MASKELL: Well, first and foremost, I feel like Revive Primary Care is a rational response to these types of epidemics that we see today in America. The healthcare picture that we look at and see today is very different than times gone by. And I just really felt that, coming in, the healthcare system that we have doesn’t really aim to deal with the epidemics that we have now. And so my goal with Revive Primary Care is to provide a rational response to that, something that can help to deal with […] epidemic.

DEBRA: Good. Now, tell us, I know you have an interesting story that you’ve already told me about how you became interested in this and why you’re doing this. So tell our listeners, so they know who you are.

JAMES MASKELL: Well, despite my English accent, I was actually born in America. I was born in Colorado to South African and English parents who were on vacation (and I think sort of working too).

I grew up in England. I was definitely the weird kid at school. We did a lot of alternative medicine. I had chiropractic. I always used homeopathy. And I had good results from that. My parents were very interested in that.

I sort of followed a rebellious path for a while where I thought I needed to be an investment banker. I did economics, and went down that route. But I very quickly realized that I was playing for the wrong team.

The way that I had grown up, I realized that there was a lot that needed to be done. There were a lot of problems that needed to be solved. And from my economics training, I really realized that the biggest problem in the biggest economy in the biggest country in the world is healthcare in the United States. And I really just had an inkling that what I had growing up with could provide some sort of answer to this problem that was identified years and years ago. But it’s still coming to fruition even now.

And so in 2005, I moved to America and started on this course towards trying to make a difference in American medicine. And it’s been a wonderful journey. There’s not a day that goes by that I’m not glad that I left job and started in this.

DEBRA: It’s a very interesting field. I love alternative medicine. What was your first job in the field?

JAMES MASKELL: My first job was I actually worked in a clinic. A friend of the family convinced me to come to America and work for him. He had started a clinic that he thought could be a model for the future of primary care, which is essentially holistic, naturopathic medicine delivered in a spa environment.

And he felt that, for the baby boomers, and also moving forward, there was going to be a movement away from a hyper-clinical medicine towards more of a lifestyle medicine. And you have to get people involved.

And in order to get the patients involved in their care, they have to want to be there.

And so, that was his vision.

So, for a year and a half, I worked in his clinic. It was in rural Georgia. It was not a major, major metropolitan area. It was not even necessarily a very rich area. What they wanted to do was to provide a model for the future of primary care.

I moved to Georgia. I worked there for a year and a half, getting that business going, really learning about what it took to run and grow a successful wellness/holistic medical practice.

DEBRA: And then, how did you get from there to putting together this business?

JAMES MASKELL: It’s about seven years in between. So, after a year and a half, I really got a good understanding of that, and I became a regional manager for a supplement company. It’s a supplement company that only sold through doctors. It’s called Energetics. It’s based out of Georgia.

And in 2007, I moved up to New York to be the representative in the Northeast. And so for a few years, I just did that.

And that was really what brought concretely down my understanding of how toxins and all of these other factors could affect health. I worked with practitioners and doctors who were getting great results with kids on the autism spectrum and Lyme disease and had digestive complaints. And I really saw that there was another type of medicine that was dealing with these kinds of chronic cases, and that it was useful and valuable.

So, for three years, I was really focused on that. And then in 2009, I just had this inkling that there are these doctors out there, they are doing amazing work, but they don’t really communicate what they do very well, especially online.

Still, they’re sort of stuck in ‘70s mentality. Everything looks a bit hokey. I knew that there was value out there, but I just felt like these practitioners weren’t doing a good job of communicating that out.

So, I started a digital branding agency in New York. We would take these brands and doctors and help them communicate their vision better.

And then after three years of that, I really saw that we’d learned a lot from that process, but it really didn’t scale. Making websites, doing social media and helping doctors to do that, we were just doing it one doctor by one doctor. And we learned a lot through that process, but there’s a lot more people out there that needed help than just the doctor in whatever zip code we were working in. And Revive Primary Care is my first iteration of trying to scale that out to a lot more patients across the country.

DEBRA: Good. And as I said, we are going to talk about that in detail as we go through the show.

So, I’m looking at your website which is And one of the first things at the top, it says, “Fire Your

Doctor.” Why should you fire your doctor?

JAMES MASKELL: That’s a great question. I generally feel like if you have a doctor that is not treating the causes of your disease—

You know, in the past, the doctor-patient relationship was very one-sided. If you had a car accident, or if you had an acute infection or otherwise, this is the way that the doctor-patient relationship evolved. The doctor knew what was going on, the patient didn’t know anything, and the doctor was there to fix you essentially.

Now, in the future of medicine, and in the current epidemics that we see, these are not those kinds of issues. Those kinds of issues have fallen away. We’re very good at dealing with them in America, maybe the best in the world, but what we’re not very good at dealing with is conditions where there is not a single cause, where different causes are building up over time, where we have a chronicity of cause, and then we have a chronicity of symptoms.

DEBRA: I need to interrupt you for a second because we need to go to the break. But we’ll be right back. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. And my guest today is James Maskell from Revive Primary Care. He’s the CEO and founder. And that’s We’ll be right back after this.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is James Maskell who is the CEO of a new company called Revive Primary Care.

And James, before the break, you were telling us about why you should fire your doctor. So continue with that.

JAMES MASKELL: Thanks, Debra. I feel like if you have a chronic condition, and your doctor is treating you as though you have an acute condition, there’s no way that you’re going to get better.

All of these types of things, a lot of chronic disease, if we go right from the top of the body to things like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease right through the chronic classic autoimmune diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, and those types of things, plus all the big chronic diseases that we’re seeing—heart disease, hypertension and so forth—if your symptoms are being managed with drugs for those diseases, I think it’s time to take a new approach because it’s not a cure.

And in the past, these kinds of approaches have been a cure for acute infections and so forth. But this is not a cure. You’re looking purely to manage symptoms. And I think that if you find yourself in that category, then it would be a good idea to seek a second, third or fourth opinion from someone who understands the causes of chronic disease and the best ways to work with those causes.

DEBRA: I completely agree with you. I know that in my life, I have been dealing with ongoing conditions. And sometimes, they’re better; and sometimes, they’re worse. And yet, I do need to go to a medical doctor for a prescription because I take a thyroid supplement.

And so, I go to the doctor, and I say, “I want a thyroid supplement,” which I take Natural Armour Thyroid. And every time I go, I get this whole lecture about how this symptom and that symptom is going to get worse and turn into this, and what I need to do is take this drug, and that drug, and another drug, and another drug, and another drug.

It’s like I just go to primary care to get my little prescription. And I have to keep going from one primary care to the next (you know, the little express doctors), because if I go to a regular doctor, if I go to a regular MD in an office and become a patient, all they want to do is give me a program of drugs.

And there are some types of doctors, which we’re going to talk about later, that don’t do that. But a lot of those doctors can’t give prescriptions.

So, it’s been really difficult for me to find the right kind of healthcare that I want. And I think it’s probably difficult for other people too which is one of the reasons why I’m really, really interested in your program. I think that you’re doing a fantastic job with this, what you’re putting together.

So, could we just talk about ObamaCare for a minute? Do you want to talk about that?

JAMES MASKELL: Sure! Sure, absolutely. Yes, we can definitely do that.

DEBRA: What I want to say, first of all, was that I couldn’t even figure it out. And I have a very tiny, little type of insurance. It’s called Go Blue. I don’t know if they have it in other states. It’s in the State of California that is put out by Blue Cross and Blue Shield. I pay $68 a month, and I get unlimited lab tests, I get a big discount on my thyroid prescription, and they’ll pay $50 towards a doctor visit. And that’s all it covers. But if you’re going to get lab tests on a regular basis, then that’s a huge amount of savings.

And so, that plan fit just fine for me. And it costs $68 a month. It saves me a lot of money. I even once got an MRI on that plan, and they paid 100% of it.

And so then I get a letter saying Obamacare is saying that we can’t have this plan anymore. And so now, you couldn’t pay—this recommended plan is $585 a month. Well, I don’t want to pay $585 a month because the government tells me I have to.

Otherwise, I have to pay a penalty.

I’m sorry, it just doesn’t make sense.

JAMES MASKELL: Yes, I completely agree. We’re operating in a medical industry that is changing in front of our eyes as we speak. And I think January 1st 2014 is a big wake-up for all the people that they’re not getting what they want.

And it’s actually called the Affordable Care Act. That’s the name of it.

If you look in history, you see that they name these bills to really confuse people as to what the problem is. I mean, when you look at who wrote this legislation, and you look at the revolving door between industry and government, the people who wrote this [inaudible 15:11] now work for industry, and it’s the main industries that benefits. Obviously, the insurance companies benefit because now you’re forcing people to buy their product and service. And then the pharmaceutical industry benefit because you have to operate within their network of doctors and all strange and pharmaceutical prescriptions.

And so, I’m not a big fan. I don’t think it could move in the right direction. But in some ways, I think it’s maybe a wake-up call to Americans that if you don’t stand up and look after your own health, the government will be taking care of it for you.

And I think maybe in the medium-term, it will actually be valuable as a wake-up call, but I don’t think as a way of dealing with the big problem.

I grew up in England, Debra. And even in England now, they’re saying that England is looked at by a lot of people as amazing because it has this single payer health system, where basically, all care is free for everyone. You have to maybe wait in a waiting list. But generally, all of your care is free.

But even now in England, they’re saying, by 2015, they’re not going to be able to continue on with that plan. They’re not going to be able to have a single payer system. And it’s the same reason why they can’t have that there as they can’t have it here in America or why almost all healthcare systems are unsustainable. It’s because they’re not dealing with the causes of the disease.

Until we actually deal with the causes of chronic disease—chronic disease management is ridiculously expensive. And until we actually can deal with the causes of chronic disease, it doesn’t matter who’s paying for it—small business (which is only in America, businesses pay for the insurance. That’s unique to America really) or single payer (the government pays for everything), or this bit of hybrid system that we have right now where, essentially, some patients are paying some of it, businesses are paying some of it, small government is paying some of it, the local government and also the federal government.

It doesn’t really matter who’s paying. If the costs continue to ratchet up at this pace, no one can afford it. It will bankrupt everyone.

And so, that’s why we really need another—it doesn’t matter who’s paying for it. We need a way to control the cost. And from my perspective, the only way that we can control the cost is to actually deal with the causes of these chronic diseases and catch them a lot earlier than we’re catching them right now (which is basically when they’re symptomatic).

DEBRA: I completely agree. And we’re going to talk more about your program, and what you think that we all should do, and what kind of system we should have after this break.

I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And you’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. My guest is James Maskell from Revive Primary Care.

And his website is We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And today, my guest is James Maskell. He’s the CEO of Revive Primary Care. We’re going to be talking about all the details of that now, and you’ll probably want to go to to find out more and to sign up yourself.

So James, tell us everything. Describe the program. I remember, when I first went to your site, I wasn’t quite sure what it was all about. So tell me.

JAMES MASKELL: Thank you for saying that. And you’re right. I mentioned at the beginning of the call, this is really the first iteration of Revive. We launched in October. We had a really amazing response right from the beginning. And we filled out our memberships.

We’re actually sold out right now. We’re trying to get to a point where we can take a lot more people through the system. But we learned a lot at the beginning.

And essentially, what we’re trying to do, the name, Revive Primary Care, to me, I really wanted to call it something that really talks about what it is. Primary care refers to, in medical terms, your first thought of call in medicine. So you go to a primary care doctor, and they take care of you.

However, those two words by themselves really have meaning by themselves. Primary, what is really primary? I think that primary needs to be redefined because the way that we take care of ourselves and our home is really primary—before the doctor visit. And care also, what kind of care that we take?

So, what I saw out there was that there was this big network of holistic doctors that were doing great work in dealing with the causes of chronic disease.

So, what Revive Primary Care does is basically a three-step process. The best way to get the most out of Revive is this:

First of all, to understand the four major cause of chronic disease. There are probably more causes, and more will come to light, but from what I understand, and from speaking to the top doctors and the top lecturers across the country in integrative medicine who have been doing this for years, is that there are four main causes of chronic disease. And that’s what you can find out. Anyone can go to our site now and look at some of the videos that we have and some of the articles that talk about those main four courses.

A couple will be obvious to you. Obviously, diet is a huge driver of chronic disease. The American diet is very different from others all around the world (although there’s KFC in Iraq, in Afghanistan. So we’ll see how that proliferates across the country, across the world). But diet one is one thing.

Obviously, stress is a huge driver as well. And those are the two obvious ones. I think people really understand that stress and diet now can affect their health.

But there are two other ones. One of them, I think, will be very obvious to you and your listeners if they’ve been listening to you for a while. There’s toxicity in all of its forms. And I love to talk more about that because I just think it’s such an interesting issue.

And the fourth is more about the bugs. We call it immunity, but it’s the new understanding of the bugs that we live on and around us.

I really got fired up about a year and a half ago because I went to a conference all about this on the human microbiome which is a new understanding of the microbes that live on and around us. We have misunderstood them for years. We thought they were bad. Ninety-nine percent of them are actually good. They do a lot of work in detoxification or otherwise.

But what I basically identified was these are the four major causes of chronic disease. The fifth cause that I think that we can deal with as well is what we call iatrogenic disease, which means caused by medicine or doctors which is the third or fourth biggest killer in America which is a great concern.

So, what Revive Primary Care really does is, first of all, help you to identify the four major causes of chronic disease that you can do something about without ever seeing a doctor. The second phase is to actually do something about it, to put some of that into action. And this is all free. We’re all at free level at this stage.

And then the third phase is to actually go and see one of these doctors who will support those choices.

I think one of the things that I feel, and what I hear from patients—and we took a bunch of new patients in—they just didn’t feel like their doctor is listening to them. They understand their body. They understand the cause and effect that’s happening between these causes and their disease appearing, their chronic disease. But the doctor is not listening. The doctor is listening for 7 seconds or 23 seconds, cutting them off and then prescribing.

But I think that between those four causes and iatrogenic disease, if we can do what we can do to eliminate those, then I think we can actually not need so much healthcare. And that’s how we actually contain cost—not actually needing as much care.

We’re feeding the beast all this time because we still go to the doctor, we still do our prescriptions, we still go to the hospital.

We really need to starve the beast. And I think the way to starve the beast is to actually take what’s ours to take, and take responsibility for those things that we can take responsibility for. And then use the doctors and use those practitioners that have a history and experience in reversing the cause of the chronic disease.

DEBRA: I just so completely agree with this because I know in my own life, in dealing with my own health, I have observed that the body wants to be healthy. For me, it’s just been a matter of figuring out what it is that I’m doing to make it sick.
It’s not like illness is this random thing. I don’t even think in terms of illness anymore. For me, illness is only if you catch a bug.

But for me, everything is about body condition, and that that condition is a result of what we do day in and day out, the choices that we make. It’s a result of the foods that we eat and the toxic chemicals that we are exposed to, and how much sleep we get, and how much stress, and how much love, and all these things that contribute to our health.

And so, at this point in my life, I am not even thinking in terms of fighting disease. I’m thinking in terms of building health. And as I build health, and build health, and build health, then I get healthier. And so even though I’m getting older, I’m healthier than

I was when I was younger.

And I have a wonderful doctor that I work with who is not an MD, but he’s a holistic practitioner. He can’t give me my prescription, which is why I have to go to the instant doctors to get prescription. But he listens to me, and he encourages me to think for myself. And we talk about different issues.

And so, I use him more as an adviser or a consultant to say, “This is what I’m thinking about doing. What do you think? And what can you offer me? And what recommendations can you make?”

But it’s my responsibility. Instead of putting the responsibility in the hands of the doctor, instead of us just living however we live, and then saying, “Doctor, fix me,” it’s about us living to be healthy, and then using health advisers, what I would call health advisers.

That’s why I love when you say that you want to be making health advocates. That’s what we should be—advocating for our own health.

I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and you’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. We’re going to go to break. We’ll be back with my guest, James Maskell, from Revive Primary Care. And that’s We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest is James Maskell, CEO of Revive Primary Care. And that’s at, where you can go, as he said, and get a lot of free information about the four main causes of illness—which are immunity, stress, toxicity and diet.

Now James, would you tell us when people do have the opportunity to sign up with you, and go through your program, could you tell them step by step what happens? First, they get the information, and then what happens?

JAMES MASKELL: So, at the moment, for our first iteration, you sign up, you went through what we call a Patient Preparation Program, which essentially was a daily video and a blog post that was sent to you. It will take you about 10 or 15 minutes a day for a week to just prepare you so that you’re going to get the most out of your relationship.

Most of these doctors at this point, some of them take insurance, some of them don’t. Most of the insurance that people can afford now is going to be a high deductible insurance. So most of the time, you’re actually going to be paying for your care anyway until you meet that deductible. And you’re in a position now where you’re having to pay for your care.

So, I want to make sure that if you choose to go to one of these doctors around the country that does this kind of work, that you get the most out of your time and get the most bang for your buck. And the way to get the most bang for your buck is to make sure that you’re dealing with these four issues before you go and see them.

So, you’re eating a good diet. You’re eliminating toxicity. You’re respecting your microbes and doing things to actually honor the fact that the majority of these microbes are extremely valuable. And you’re taking active work in de-stressing.

If any of those four are crazily out of balance, then you’re not going to get the most out of the time with a practitioner. And so it’s good to go and see them, but I want you to make sure that your investment and your time and their time, and maybe the supplements that they recommend for you or otherwise, you’re getting the most return on your investment.

So, the first step is to go through this Patient Preparation Program. And then the second step is that we actually pair you with a practitioner in your zip code. That’s been the process up until now. We launched it in October. We took a hundred patients through the system to really test the system, see what its strengths were, see what its weaknesses are. And now, we’re in the process of re-jigging it, so that we can actually scale a lot more quickly.

And we learned so much from our first group. We had a great group of patients, people who were really excited about this new paradigm of medicine. But we also learned things. It’s always an evolving process. Everything you do has things that really work or otherwise. And we’re just continuing to build on all the things that worked, switch up the things that didn’t. And we hope to re-launch at the beginning of February with an opportunity for every American to come through the system and get a lot of benefit from it.

So, that’s where we are right now. It’s been a great journey. We look forward to serving a lot more people.

And more than anything, we have so much feedback that people were just blown away by what it was like to have this kind of different relationship with a doctor—where they listen to you, where your story was important to them, where they actually ask questions of clarification about your story and the details of it.

I think on a lot of levels, that’s almost the best thing that came out of it. People realized that there was another option out there.

And I think that’s part of our mission here, re-educating and re-alerting the population to the fact that your doctor visits don’t have to be this sort of like—just as you explained earlier, bullying type of experience that a lot of people are used to right now.

DEBRA: I’m always looking for doctors who will write my prescription. And I went into one of these little primary care places.

And the doctor so immediately bombarded me. But I just walked out. I said, “I’m sorry. This is not going to work,” and I walked out. And I had never done that before, but that’s how bad it was.

I want to say that one of the things that I like so much about your program is that—and I hope to be one of your members when you start again in February—you have education on your website which includes about toxic chemicals in your home and in your body. And then, when you go to the doctors that are in your program, they know what you’re talking about.

When I wrote my book, Toxic Free, I thought—and this was just a couple of years ago—I thought, “I need to tell people where they can find doctors who might understand what they’re talking about when they start talking about toxic chemicals, and ask them.”

I actually have a page on my website. If you go to, and look over in the right-hand column, there’s a link that says Professional Help. And it lists the types of doctors who might know something about toxicity, might know something about toxic chemical exposures, and might have an idea about how you might remove toxic chemicals from your body.

And those would be naturopathic doctors, doctors who practice environmental medicine, doctors who practice functional medicine, anti-aging medicine, a clinical nutritionist, a chiropractor, or a biological dentist—but then, not necessarily. Just because they’re in this field, they’re not necessarily going to understand what we’re talking about.

And what you have here is an opportunity to put together a viewpoint of body of information that is consistent from the patient education through them going and seeing a practitioner. So, when you sign up to be a member of this program, you know that there will be a consistent viewpoint from one end to the other.

JAMES MASKELL: Yes, we’re just trying to create a unified combination of the practitioners and the digital education platform that has so many synergies and efficiencies with providing this kind of education.

People are making amazing content all the time. On our website, you’ll see there’s a video made by the [Story of Stuff] talking about toxic chemicals. It’s an 11-minute video, and it really shows why you can go into the supermarket, and there’s a thousand different types of shampoo, and they’re all toxic. That is something that is changing slowly. But there’s no reason why every person in the world could not watch that video. It’s available, it’s free, it’s on YouTube [inaudible 32:45].

What we’re really in the job of is curating the best stuff that’s coming out for the patients, so you don’t have to go and try and find it yourself. We curate the best ongoing education on those topics. And so patients stay up to date, they get the best information, the coolest stuff. And also, when they go to their doctor, they know that they can have a proper conversation about these causes, and the doctor is going to be clued into it.

And I would say that most of those professionals that you’ve included—the naturopath, the environmental medicine, functional medicine—it’s a big part of their training to really understand toxicity as a cause.

But you’ll also see that all of these different four causes are not just operating in isolation, they’re also synergistic. So the majority of methyl detoxification in your body is being done by the microbes in your gut. Stress, if the immune system is stressed, then the detoxification pathways are stressed, and you’re not going to detoxify in the way that the body is doing all of the time. And if you eat a crappy diet, you’re going to be introducing more toxins into it.

So, toxicity is one thing. But they all interact, and they all have a synergistic effect.

DEBRA: They do. I agree. I agree, I agree. I used to think you could just avoid toxic chemicals and all would be fine. But I don’t think that that’s the case. I think that we also have to be looking at how we can help the body rejuvenate. And we need to be caring our detox systems because we can’t avoid every single toxic chemical. Our body has a system, the detoxification system, that can process some chemicals, but we have to keep it in good shape. And that requires having nutrition. That requires exercise. You even have to be able to get enough sleep in order to detox.

So, it does all work together; it really does.

We have just about two minutes left. Is there anything else that you’d like to say that you haven’t said?

JAMES MASKELL: I just wanted to share my appreciation for you, Debra. Part of the reason why this is easier for me—I was only born in 1980, so I’m a newbie onto the scene, and I know that you’ve been doing this for a long time. But it’s really the hard work of those advocates like yourself, and all the other doctors—

You know, one of the people I introduced and interviewed on toxicity and stress is Dr. Ronald Hoffman. He’s been on the radio for 25 years talking about this kind of stuff.

It’s the work of the pioneers that have gone forth at the beginning that are allowing these next steps to occur.

And it takes time to happen. I was just meeting with a practitioner the other day who started their own gluten-free plan in 1997.

And now, you can get a gluten-free Domino’s pizza. So, you can see that it takes time.

DEBRA: It takes time, I know.

JAMES MASKELL: It takes time for stuff to happen. But I really just wanted to say I appreciate yourself and all of those other people out there who have been on this bandwagon for a long time. The bandwagon is moving more quickly, it’s moving downhill, and more and more Americans are realizing that what they do affects their healthcare outcomes—what they do at home.

And for me, Revive Primary Care is just the next logical extension of that. If you know that what you do with your body and so forth is going to affect your health outcomes, why not have a doctor that also understands that so you can have a proper conversation? And that is really what we’re trying to with Revive Primary Care.

DEBRA: That’s so great. So, everybody can go to And right at the top of the homepage, there’s a place where you can put in your name and your e-mail, and click the submit button. And I’m sure if you do that, James, you’re going to send them an e-mail when it’s time to sign up for being a member, right?

JAMES MASKELL: Absolutely, yes. That will be the best way to stay up-to-date. Also, on, that’s where we’re putting up all the best articles that we’re seeing on all this range of topics. You’re good to go on there and share out with your friends if you’re an advocate. If you are an empowered advocate already, social media does provide an opportunity to be able to spread information very quickly.

And so, those would be the two actions that I would take right now.

DEBRA: We are just running out of time. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And we’ll be back tomorrow.

Cotton Blankets

Question from Katie

Hi Debra, I am grateful for your site and the information it contains. I am trying to find safe bedding for my family.

I purchased some 100% cotton blankets (non-organic) but now am concerned that they may be treated with flame retardants or other chemicals.

In your opinion, are regular cotton blankets a good option for those of us trying find chemical-free bedding? (I can’t afford the organic kind, which I know would be preferable).

Thank you for your expertise and insight!

Debra’s Answer

It is always preferable to purchase organic cotton, because it is very well regulated to be free of toxic pesticides and other chemicals that contaminate the environment, adding toxics to our air, soil, and water which we then breathe, eat, and drink.

However, once the cotton is processed into yarn to make fabric or blankets, those chemicals are no longer there. There have been lab tests done on this.

To the best of my knowledge, regular cotton blankets are not treated with fire retardants. I have purchased a number of cotton blankets over the years and have never had a problem with any of them.

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Orange or Mold Odor in Closet

Question from amie

Odor in closet from a orange that had molded! My daughter left it in her closet in a coat! Yikes about a week later I could smell almost a chemical like odor. Found the orange completely covered in mold. Removed it and it has been 5 days later cant seem to get odor out. I have ventilated closet and room and have a IQ air filter running in closet..Can you recommend anything to get this odor under control Thank you

Debra’s Answer

If it smells “almost chemical” it may not be mold you are smelling. Most oranges pick up fungicide from the packing material they are wrapped in for shipping. I used to think that smell was the smell of an orange until I smelled an organic orange for the first time.

Readers, any suggestions for this?

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Copper Cookware with Polyurethane Finish

Question from Jose

I have been offered a set of copper cookware that was used only as display, for which purpose they were dipped in a vat of Rustoleum Pro Finish polyurethane. The seeler thinks it is possible to remove the polyurethane and make this cookware safe for use. What is your advise?



Debra’s Answer

I don’t know how to remove polyurethane finish from copper. But even if you could, I’m reluctant to agree with using copper cookware. If the interior is copper it can leach copper into the food. If the interior is tin, it can leach tin into the food. If it’s stainless steel, it would leach nickel and cadmium.

I would just forgo this cookware and choose a [safe cookware]=link to cookware page on

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Lead-Free Slow Cooker: Create it Yourself With Your Own Pot

Question from Barb

Hi Debra, I am trying to find a slow cooker which is made of high quality stainless steel. – In the process of researching I came to your web-site, and I am very much impressed with all the work you did, it’s a wealth of information.

I noticed that you recommend the Vitaclay cooker. I like the fact that it is made of a natural material, but would prefer stainless steel because it is easier to clean since the cooker will be used almost daily.

Since stainless steel slow cookers are very hard to find, I am thinking of getting a slow cooker base and a stainless steel Dutch Oven.

I found a used slow cooker base whose surface is made of aluminum, but it is probably NOT anondized. Would you happen to know if the aluminum surface of such a slow cooker base would give off toxic fumes when hot.

I would greatly appreciate your comments. There is also a company called Lifetime Cookware, which sells slow cooker bases. I have e-mailed them to get information on the surface material they use. On their product web site it shows a shiny surface, perhaps anondized aluminum, would that be ok to use for a slow cooker base, or would it also give off toxic fumes when in use for hours?

Debra’s Answer

I was really interested in your question because I didn’t know you could buy slow cooker bases separately.

As for your question about heated aluminum creating toxic fumes, it doesn’t. The problem with cooking with aluminum is the contact between the aluminum pot and the food. When there is contact, aluminum can leach into the food, but heating aluminum does not release toxic fumes into the air at cooking temperatures. It would be interesting to research the various bases, though, and see what they are made of. If you’d like to do that, I would be happy to publish the results here. You’ll want to choose one that doesn’t have a non-stick finish. Other than that, any metal is OK.

Here are the ones I found.

360 Cookware


Lifetime Cookware

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The Joy of Beeswax Candles

My guest today is Heidi Sanner, founder and managing member of Candle Bee Farm. We’ll be talking today about toxic elements in candles and how natural, toxic-free beeswax candles are made. Heidi is an eclectic personality who literally dreamed this venture into bee-ing. Heidi, who formerly worked as a CPA in one of the largest national firms, has turned an 83-acre farm and beekeeping activity into a thriving beeswax candle business. She calls it “Commerce with a Conscience…Candle Bee Farm™ is my opportunity to pull from all areas of my life, my business experience, love of nature and organic lifestyle and create products that are good for people.” She is an organic beekeeper and a chandelier (candle maker) by trade. Her exquisite, hand crafted 100% beeswax candles are sought and used by famous celebrities, exquisite restaurants, high end hotels and others of discerning taste. They have even been in Hollywood movies such Robert Redford’s “The Conspirator.” Heidi is an accomplished herbalist and naturalist, expert beekeeper and crafter of unique beeswax candles utilizing molding and press techniques developed by her ancestors.




“The Joy of Beeswax Candles”

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
GUEST: Heidi Sanner

DATE OF BROADCAST: December 12, 2013

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and we do that because there are so many toxic chemicals around in all kinds of things; in our consumer products , in our homes, in our bodies, in the air we breathe etcetera, etcetera, and there are also so many things that are not toxic, so many wonderful things that are not toxic; like organic food and natural toys and natural fiber clothing and I just love all these not toxic things.

Today we are going to talk about beeswax candles. It’s that time of year when we are celebrating the holidays. It’s also dark outside and traditionally there is this tradition of doing things like lighting fires and lighting candles to keep the light burning; the light of the sun going through the darkest nights of the year and so today we are going to talk about beeswax candles as a safe alternative to those other candles and how beautiful they are to use. It’s just…. (laughter); I will get myself together here.

My guest today is Heidi Sanner, Founder and Managing Member of Candle Bee Farm. We’ll be talking about, as I said, beeswax candles and she is.. you know what? I’m just going to say; hi Heidi and you can just tell us all about yourself (laughter..)

HEIDI SANNER: Hi Debra. Has the cold gotten to you up there?

DEBRA: No, actually what’s going on this morning is that I’m having trouble with my e-mail and so I’m back and forth trying to, like, handle all these technical problems and so I’m doing things at the last minute and usually I’m sitting here being very prepared. We’ll just get started and I don’t have your e-mail.

Heidi sent me a lovely e-mail with a lot of information and we talked about what the questions were going to be and everything and I just don’t have anything, so..

HEIDI SANNER: Well that’s great, that leaves it all up to me and I can talk about whatever I care to.

DEBRA: That’s right, you can; so why don’t you start by telling us all about yourself and specifically I’ll ask you the question; tell us about your business and what you do; but also tell us your story about how you became interested in this; where did you come from; what changed your mind; what changed your mind to make you raise bees and make candles and all of this?

HEIDI SANNER: Well, I’ll tell what; this endeavour has taught me that every piece and portion of our life is important and how it comes together and we don’t see it at the time but later all the pieces fit and you learn from them.

DEBRA: I totally agree.

HEIDI SANNER: In saying that, people who ask me the question you just asked me, they think my life and what I’ve done is so disjointed and if you look at it piece by piece, you would say yes, but in the end it all came together.

How I got into the natural side of living was that I really grew up that way. I was the daughter of German immigrants, so I spent summers with family in Europe and in Europe, especially then (I’ll give away my age here) in the 1960s, they lived very naturally still. They weren’t into the 1950s, 1960s, packaged foods and all those really neat over the counter, you know, goodies we could get here. They were still collecting herbs on every walk and hung them in their attics. My relatives still kept goats and they used dogs to herd them up in the mountains.

I know this sounds like a story but it really is true and my relatives also kept bees. That was their way of sweetening and Germans are big into their baking; they want their sweets, so yeah, I remember my grandfather’s bee houses; they kept them actually in houses and every bee hive had its own entrance and we would go in through the back with the little door; you know? They keep them that way because it’s so cold over there and he would be smoking his pipe and would tend these bees and it was really cool so that was in my memory bank.

They made their own soaps and everything was very natural in my life; how we ate and I grew up that way, so over here, fast forward to my life here in USA, I don’t know, you may have an international listener base.

DEBRA: We actually do have an international listener base.

HEIDI SANNER: Ok, ok. Well, I grew up in the USA though basically with summers in Europe, so I became, when I got out of college, a Medical Technologist. People think you tend bees; you have your bee keeping business so you must be really laid back and just you know, feed birds, drink tea and have a wonderful life. Honestly, no. You can probably hear it in my voice. I’m very Type A. I’m a very analytical; I’m very scientific oriented so what appealed to me was medical technology and I have a degree, a four (4) year degree and two (2) year internship in medical technology and I did my internship at a Veteran’s Hospital so I saw everything, everything in that type of environment.

Again, you are up for the good and the bad, it all pieces together and finally I couldn’t take that any more. It was so depressing and the hours were horrendous so I decided I would do something besides with a nine to five kind of job and have a life and what I picked was Certified Public Accounting. I became a CPA; yeah, like right; then I was really up all night doing taxes. I did that and worked in a corporate atmosphere, learnt how to run businesses and being Controller and Financial Analyst which I did enjoy because I like the sciences. I like that type of thing, problem solving but I couldn’t take the politics and after a lay off; I had in the meantime bought this farm and sort of built my home here; 183 acres in the hills of Kentucky and this was my place to have peace and I started keeping bees as a hobby because it appealed to me from of my roots.

After the layoff I just thought, I’m not doing this anymore; I’m not doing the rat race; I’m not going to be what other people want me to be. What can I do here on this farm that I can make a living off of; make something good for people; create non toxic products from renewable resources?

The bee keeping, that’s something I could do; you know? I can’t keep livestock by myself. I can’t farm, I didn’t have the equipment but I could do the bee keeping and I just grew that and grew it and that’s how they came about. I started making the beeswax candle just like my relatives did and that’s the history about how that evolved. It was not planned.

DEBRA: Well, often that’s the way it does and I must say that your candles are beautiful. They are unique and artistic and beautiful and it’s more than just, you know.., the little rolled up beeswax candle or even a dipped candle. These..; I really encourage everybody to go to your website which is, and see the artistry that you put into these candles and I think you sent me in your bio that these are handcrafted and that they are sought after and used by famous celebrities and they are in exquisite restaurants and high end hotels and I can see why, because they really are those kinds of candles and they’ve been in Hollywood movies. So there’s this balance between this really beautiful artistic thing that you’ve created and the naturalness that are close to nature and having them be healthy and not toxic.

You know, when I first started looking for non toxic products I had this idea that the industrial consumer world was the standard. It’s like everything had to be like the industrial products and I soon found that the things that were handmade and natural and grown on farms and all these things, they were so much more lovely and pleasing to be with and your products really epitomize that, really embody that whole different world, and that’s as opposite from industrialism as you can get.

HEIDI SANNER: Thank you.

DEBRA: You’re welcome.


DEBRA: Heidi, during the break I actually got the e-mail going, so I have the questions that we discussed so now that we know who you are, let’s talk about candles in general and some of the toxic exposures that people can get from ordinary candles.

HEIDI SANNER: Ok. You want me to take off?

DEBRA: Go ahead. Take off.

HEIDI SANNER: Well, I think, I can’t really speak for other candles because I don’t delve in other candles; the petroleum based, soy based, palm based. I deal with beeswax and I’ll tell you why. Beeswax, one hundred percent (100%) beeswax is the only wax that is naturally occurring in nature and if you think about it; I scrape it right out of the hive, filter it to get the bees knees out of it and it goes right into the candle. There is nothing in between, there is nothing added whatsoever. It doesn’t need to be, most manufacturers do and we can delve into why later but beeswax is the only true wax. You cannot take a soy plant and make it into a wax without adding something else which is, i.e., petroleum products. You can’t take a palm tree and make it into a candle without making it into a wax; it’s not a wax.
This is all.., you mentioned about toxic products and what we have to be careful of is, these are all marketing schemes and we get lulled very easily into these gentle sounding, beautiful terminology, words that when you start to deduct it down, it’s like, wait a minute, I’m burning a soy plant and smelling it; no, so beeswax is wax. It’s made from the bee’s thorax; they make it in little shavings, little discs just like a spider spins a web, a bee makes beeswax. We don’t have to add anything to it.
The other thing to be very careful of if you buy a beeswax candle is; does it say one hundred percent (100%) beeswax? because if it doesn’t say 100% beeswax, it’s only fifty percent (50%) beeswax.

DEBRA: Well what are they mixing it with?

HEIDI SANNER: Petroleum products. They are mixing it with your basic petroleum wax.

DEBRA: Yeah, there’s something I’d like to say here in response to what you said. Throughout all different kinds of products I’ve found that and I’ll just use as an example; say the cosmetic industry because when I first started doing this more than thirty (30) years ago, what were called natural cosmetics were cosmetics where the original source material might have come from a coconut or something like that, that is, natural renewable resource but then it got processed and mixed with petrochemicals and petroleum so it was no longer a coconut. It was no longer what you found in nature.

HEIDI SANNER: Right, or it has been cooked down and the properties of what you are buying are no longer in there.
DEBRA: Right. It’s not something of nature; it’s an industrialized nature.

HEIDI SANNER: Yeah; and generally it’s the opposite; it’s the basic industrial product that has a little natural thrown in it or they take the petroleum base product and throw a little coconut oil in there and call it natural.

DEBRA: Right, but that’s another way to do it. But the point I’m trying to make is that there are natural materials that comes directly from nature. It’s made by nature, like an apple is made by nature and you eat it in its natural form and I want to be really sure that you’re saying that beeswax comes from nature in the state that you see it in the beeswax candle. It’s just like eating an apple, it’s that natural and even though you may see on the label, things like soy and palm and hemp or other vegetable waxes, as you said, you can’t burn those plants but they need to be transformed into these waxes. They need to have the wax pulled out of them or they need to have the wax mixed with petroleum or whatever to make it burn and so they are kind of misleading or air socked I think is the word but I think most people don’t know what air socked means. It’s like it’s pretend; it’s says that it’s something but it’s not 100%, as you said and this is something that happens all throughout industry. It’s that something is labeled to be natural but it’s not; so I think that it is a very, very good point that you made and I am going to make sure that everybody gets it; that beeswax is the only thing, the only wax that when you have a beeswax candle it’s absolutely a hundred percent nature made by the bees.

HEIDI SANNER: Correct and make sure it says 100% beeswax.


HEIDI SANNER: Even within the manufacturers that make 100% beeswax because if it’s not, it’s 50/50 something else. Even the manufacturers that say 100% beeswax often add hardeners to the wax. This gives it a little more of a sheen and makes it …

Beeswax is rather soft; if you hold one of my candles…, I’ve had a man once said, my goodness, they touch you back. It’s because it’s a very soft energetic type of feeling. It’s a softer wax, it feels different, it’s denser, it’s heavier than you’re used to when you pick up a candle. Beeswax candles are very heavy and condensed; 100% as compared to any other candle you would pick up so they are more expensive to ship also but that’s ok.

That’s the other thing, make sure it says100% and then within that, ask your manufacturer, are there any chemicals added and they’ll say no because they won’t even consider that a chemical is just part of their process; that there are hardeners and there are chemicals used to make the candle molds release faster. There are all kinds of things within the process that we don’t know about that you have to be very careful of.

They tell me I’m nuts for not adding these things. I just refuse to but then I get the sensitive people in my market who know; they know the value of my candles so that’s important to me and I don’t mind.

DEBRA: I think that one of the good things about ordering products directly from the person who makes them.., I mean, here you are directly collecting the beeswax from the hive and making it into a candle so you know what’s in it and what isn’t in it and that’s in comparison to somebody who is, say, buying the beeswax from someone else and then making an end product.


DEBRA: Heidi, how is beeswax different from other waxes; isn’t a flame a flame, a flame, a flame? I know one of the ways it’s different is that it smells gorgeous; I love having that honey smell when I burn my beeswax candles.

HEIDI SANNER: Well, it’s very different, you know, aside from what we just talked about, the makeup of it; actually it burns differently also. The flame of a 100% beeswax is stronger, it’s larger; it’s taller it’s much brighter, very bright flame and the reason is, beeswax is the only wax that when it burns it’s totally consumed within the flame and that’s why it burns non toxic, hypoallergenic, smokeless, dripless, sootless because theoretically, there is nothing given off; it’s all consumed within the flame and that’s the phenomenon that makes it the perfect non toxic product, the only non toxic wax to burn in a candle.

DEBRA: Wow! I didn’t know that about beeswax candles. Can you tell us about the wicks that are used because I that know that there are lead wicks in some candles? Of course there would not be lead wicks in yours?

HEIDI SANNER: No, I use 100% cotton. There are lead wicks, there are paper wicks, there are lead core, paper core wicks, there are cotton wicks that are lead core, cotton wicks that are paper and there are all kinds of tricks to the trade but what you want is 100% cotton wick. They burn the cleanest, they burn most totally with the least amount of emission and even within the 100% cotton wicks, again, you have to be careful because how was that cotton processed into a wick, was it given acid rinses, lubricants, what was the process in the weaving? So you need a true natural fiber and of all what we’ve just listed, lead, paper; cotton is actually the only true natural fiber.

Now there have been experiments with hemp wicks. The only thing is, from what I’ve found, my personal experiments and research and what I’ve done here is that the hemp does not uptake the beeswax very well.

DEBRA: Now hemp is a denser fiber.

HEIDI SANNER: Yeah, it will not uptake the wax and the flame doesn’t stay lit. I could not get it to work whereas the cotton is very absorbent, much more absorbent and absorbs the wax and it all goes away and it’s just beautiful and you have your wonderful non toxic candle.

DEBRA: I just love beeswax candles; I do.

So, what about essential oils or other scents that are added to candles?

HEIDI SANNER: Yes; I’m sorry. You mentioned that they smell so good; the reason that they smell so good or Candle Bee Farm candles smell so good is because we do not add anything. The beehive itself is enthused with the smell of honey and it’s totally natural and it comes through in the wax, in the yellow wax.
Now if you want a white wax candle, we filter it. We have to filter it at least five (5) times to get it back to an off white, whiter ivory colour. It will never be white, white here because we

don’t bleach but even our ivory coloured ones will have less scent because I’m also filtering out that honey scent and that is naturally in there. It’s an aroma. I hate to use the word scent because we associate that with something we put in.

DEBRA: Right. No, I think aroma is a really good word and it’s just so lovely. It’s just so warm; I only burn just the natural yellow beeswax candles.

HEIDI SANNER: and Debra, please let me talk to essential oils because this is extremely important.

DEBRA: Oh, please do, please do.

HEIDI SANNER: People are very confused about this. I get e-mails and people get mad at me because I will not put essential oils in my candles and make them smell like rose or lavender and here’s what I’m going to say about that. Essential oils are wonderful; put them in your bath water, sprinkle them on your pillowcase, put them on your wrist, that’s aromatherapy, yes, wonderful! However, think about this, a tobacco plant growing in this field is a beautiful flower and we can go out and smell that flower, we can smell the tobacco plant and that’s wonderful, but it’s not meant to be burned and inhaled. The minute we burn it and inhale it, it’s not good for us. Right?

DEBRA: Right.

HEIDI SANNER: Ok, the same is true for a rose or lavender or any of these things that essential oils are made out of. They are condensed, they condense the scent; they’re in a carrier oil and even if it’s all a perfectly strained process, it is wonderful to smell it; it is not meant to be burned and inhaled and then it is still dangerous. It’s still toxic and I want to make sure people understand that and that’s the reason I will not use them in my candles.

DEBRA: Thank you. That’s a very important point. So, are there any manufacturing guidelines or restrictions or labeling laws or any kind of laws that relate to candles for public protection?

HEIDI SANNER: Oh, sadly, actually there are not but the Environmental Protection Agency in conjunction with the Center for Disease Control (“CDC”) has done studies about safety within an enclosed room. They conducted an extensive study; I think it was in 2001 they actually did a scientific setup in a 15’ x 12’ room with 10’ ceilings which is a pretty big room; not many of us have 10’ ceilings and 15’ x 12’ and they burned all these different types of candles and they have a set limit of what they consider safe to breathe in of lead and petrochemicals; if you think any of that’s safe but it was like 1.5..

DEBRA: There is no safe level.

HEIDI SANNER: No. Well, their safe levels (are official safe levels) were 1.5 micro grams per cubic metre. Now when they did the study and they revised it later, like 2004, 2005 (you can look it up on the CDC website) they found that burning a candle in that big of a room for one (1) hour (I forget the size of the candle but it was a one wick candle) exceeded their acceptable levels by thirteen percent (13%).

Burning it for five (5) hours exceeded acceptable levels by twenty seven percent (27%) and if you added multi wicks or multi candles that would be even worse so that’s pretty scary and that was unscented candles. If they had added scents or any additives to these candles it would have been even worse so it gives you an idea of what you are breathing in when we burn other types of candles. So, 100% beeswax is the only candle deemed to be non toxic.
DEBRA: Excellent! Excellent to find that out.


DEBRA: Heidi, I’ve just been looking at your website during the break again. I looked at it earlier and you have so many different kinds of candles and there are different types, so why don’t you tell us about the different ways that you can turn beeswax into candles?

HEIDI SANNER: Well, I have to disagree a little bit. I don’t turn beeswax into anything; the wax is naturally in the honeycomb.

DEBRA: Well, maybe I mis-spelt; you have beeswax and then it becomes a candle and I’m looking at these and I see you have tapers and I see that you have the kind that are rolled up then I see you have some that look like they’re carved. How do you fashion the wax into candles? Is that a better way to put it?

HEIDI SANNER: Yes. The wax is actually the honeycomb within the hive. The honeycomb is made of wax. Now they store the honey in the honeycomb so when we as beekeepers extract the honey, you’re left with the honeycomb, which is then returned to the hive but at the end of the season you don’t want all that returned because those hives get like five and eight storeys high and it will reduce them down so that the bees will actually survive over the winter so that they can heat a smaller space; if that makes sense and they will regenerate that honeycomb in spring and it’s their natural way of doing things. That’s what they would do in the wilds even; they would do that within a tree; they would cut that down into a smaller space so that they can keep warm over the winter.

This left over honeycomb is then heated down. It will melt at 140 degrees, so, that’s another important aspect of different ways of making candle. Here we use the Solar Melter; which is just glass under the sun in a big pan about as big as a screen door. As big as someone’s front door and it goes through there and it goes through a wire grate and several types of

filtration until we get it clean because there is stuff in there, you know, bees die in the hive, bees defecate, you want all that out of there; it all gets filtered out through different filtrations and what you use to filter is very important as well. We use only natural increasingly smaller and smaller filters so as it’s warmed by the sun it goes down through these little gutters and we come out with hives. It’s a very time consuming process but it’s a natural process.

DEBRA: It just seems so beautiful to me. Listening to this I can see the wax; I’ve seen beehives so I know exactly what you are talking about so I can see the wax being made by the bees and coming out of the hive, and going in your solar pan with the glass on it and the sun, the light of the sun and then it turns into a candle and then you burn the light and it just all seems like such a beautiful natural process.

HEIDI SANNER: Yeah, when you do it that way it preserves all the properties that was in there to begin with that nature put in and that’s what I like about it, plus I don’t have much cooking and burning and if you overheat beeswax, like I said, it burns at 140 degrees. If you overheat it, it actually will not perform well in the candle which is why Candle Bee Farm’s candles perform very well because it’s their first burning, so to speak. I never recommend taking a beeswax candle and melting it down to make it into another candle. I would never do that, it’s just that it won’t perform correctly.

DEBRA: Wow! I didn’t know that either; so then what’s behind it?

HEIDI SANNER: There’s a lot of science behind it. When you really do it correctly and very few people know how to do that. You really need a Chandelier, which is a fancy word for expert candle maker, to know these things.

DEBRA: So once you have your melted beeswax then what do you do next?

HEIDI SANNER: Well, then I have the molds, pour them into the different molds and it takes about four (4) hours for each one to set up then you put your cotton wicks through your molds and you pour your beeswax in and then at the end of about four hours you gently peel off the mold and at that point you have your candle and there is still the leveling process and cutting the wicks to the proper size; inspection; they don’t all turn out all the time, little air bubbles get in there sometimes and that’s basically it. It’s a very old world process here.

DEBRA: How do you get those beautiful shapes, like I’m looking at your pillars that have little scroll work and textures and things; is that part of the mold or ..?

HEIDI SANNER: That’s a carved mold. Yes, we have a carving and had a mold made out of it, yeah.

DEBRA: I just love the way your candles look; so, I keep talking about these beautiful candles and I should tell our listeners that you have everything from just plain tapers. You also have the octagonal shaped tapers, you’ve got the rolled honeycomb kind of candles, you’ve got tea lights, you’ve got little tapers that you can use as birthday candles and you’ve got these other beautiful ones too. You’ve got molds for animal shapes and angels and gargoyles and did I leave anything out? and even an ear of corn.

HEIDI SANNER: The lanterns.

DEBRA: The lanterns, tell us about the lanterns.

HEIDI SANNER: They are beeswax lanterns and we set a beeswax tea light within the lantern. The lantern is decorated with wild flowers from the farm, real wild flowers, they’re embedded into the wax and it’s just a globe and the tea lights sits down into there and burns so it’s reusable; you just keep replacing the tea lights and when the lanterns burn it’s beautiful, you can see the silhouettes and the colours of the flowers come through. That’s always a very nice gift especially because it is reusable. I’ve got them scenting everywhere and that’s something rather unique.

DEBRA: Yeah, there is a beautiful picture of this on the website and I’m imagining that each one is unique and handmade of course because the flowers are from the farm so there’s no two alike. Yes, it’s very beautiful.

HEIDI SANNER: The best value.., and people say, why is beeswax so expensive? Well, through everything we just discussed plus our beeswax is organic, we do not use chemicals in our hives, which most, I would say ninety nine (99%) beekeepers do; but beeswax is actually of value because it burns five times longer than other waxes or wax combinations so in the long run you’re getting a better value; you get a longer burning, brighter flame and you have to be careful about the source of the wax as well.

I’m sorry; that didn’t answer your question. I’ve gotten off on track here.

DEBRA: It’s ok. What was my question you didn’t answer?

HEIDI SANNER: I don’t remember.

DEBRA: I don’t either. I’m just so fascinated by everything you’re saying and hearing all about how..,

As I said earlier, this is just about the most opposite as you can get from something that’s industrial but I want to really make this point because we rely so much in this culture on things being made in factories and things being made by machines that when you actually have a material that comes from nature where the bees are making it because it’s part of their own life process but then at the end of that they give it to us, it’s not like we’re taking anything from the bees that they need in order to live. It’s something that’s left over from their life process and then we can take that and turn it into something that’s a source of light and useful to us and it’s just, to me everything should be that way. We should just be able to take materials from nature that are offered to us by the other species and use them to our benefit so that there’s an interchange of life.

HEIDI SANNER: That all depends on good beekeeping, good animal husbandry where we respect our hives; we know what our bees need to keep for themselves and what we can take. Again, it helps both that way. That does get exploited a lot; I never understand why because those that exploit and take too much from the bees actually hurt themselves because next year they’re not gonna have that beehive.

DEBRA: It’s not gonna be there. Yes, yes.

HEIDI SANNER: If you do all this with an ear for what happens naturally, everybody wins, especially humans. Even with using the chemicals in the hives; I’ve always done that naturally plus my ancestors didn’t have chemicals so I knew no other way but most beekeepers will get in there and they’ll clean out what we call the drone cells which is the cells for the male bees. You don’t want too many male bees in your hive; all they do is eat and take up room, they don’t really contribute.

DEBRA: Laughter…

HEIDI SANNER: Yeah, we’ll just leave that hanging. (laughter)

DEBRA: I won’t comment on that.

HEIDI SANNER: Yes, it’s a very female universe in a beehive. All worker bees, all honey gatherers are female but if you clean out the drone cells, the drone cells are what attracts the mites, the varroa mites. That would happen naturally if we humans would just leave them alone.

DEBRA: Heidi, I need to interrupt you right now because we’ve only got about fifteen (15) seconds left.


DEBRA: And so, I just want to thank you so much or being on the show and again tell my listeners that your website is; and it’s really been a pleasure today. Thank you so much.

HEIDI SANNER: Oh. Well thanks for helping me get the word out to people and I think you can tell I’m very passionate about that.

DEBRA: Yes I can.

A Behind-the-Scenes Look at What Goes Into Organic Products

My guest today is Peggy Miars, Executive Director/CEO of the Organic Materials Review Institute. Founded in 1997, OMRI provides organic certifiers, grower, manufacturers, and suppliers an independent review of products intended for use in certified organic products, handline, and processing. They also prove subscribers and certifiers guidance on the acceptability of various material inputs in general under the National Organic Program. Peggy came to OMRI in 2010 from California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF), where she served for six years as the Executive Director/CEO. She holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Western Michigan University and completed post-graduate courses in nonprofit management at Regis University in Colorado Springs. Peggy has worked in the organic industry for more than 17 years, previously in marketing and management positions with Earthbound Farm, Whole Foods Market, Granary Market, various nonprofit organizations, and her own marketing consulting business. She completed International Organic Inspector Association training for organic inspectors of crop products in 2007.




“A Behind-the-Scenes Look at What Goes Into Organic Products”

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
GUEST: Peggy Miars

DATE OF BROADCAST: December 11, 2013

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio, where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and we do that because there are so many toxic chemicals in our consumer products, in the air we breathe, in the water we drink and the food we eat; even in our bodies which they are storing from past exposures and so in order to be healthy we need to do everything that we can do to identify toxic chemicals around us; to make choices to buy products that don’t have toxic chemicals in them; to remove toxic chemicals from our body and on this show we talk about how to do all those things and I interview wonderful guests who are doing these things; who are making these products; who are working behind the scenes; who are working to change regulations, all the things that need to happen in order to have a world without toxics.

Today is Wednesday, December 11, 2013 and I’m here on a beautiful winter day in Florida where the sun is shining and it’s 70 degrees and that’s how it is going to be all winter. Usually it doesn’t rain here. It rains in the summer, it rains all summer but here this is just about what it’s like in Florida, so you can imagine me sitting here at the microphone looking out over my garden with the sun shining.

Today, we are going to talk about something a little different than we usually talk about. We are not going to talk about what happens on the consumer end; we are going to talk about what happens behind the scenes; and my guest today is Peggy Miars. She is the executive Director and Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) of the Organic Materials Review Institute and what they do, is, they provide organic certifiers, growers, manufacturers and suppliers an independent review of the products and materials intended for use in certified organic products and in the handling of them and processing; and so just like you and I are looking for say, a product that has the United States Department of Agriculture (“USDA”) Certified Organic Seal on it, people who are certifying those people who are doing that certification and the growers, are looking to this organization to tell them what are the products they can use on organic fruits and fibers in the growing process when they are certifying. So if somebody, say a certifier, is looking at a process that a grower is using, he might look and say, well are you using this and this or this chemical and what this organization does is make lists of chemicals, materials, products that can be used in the organic process so that it makes everything easier. Anyway, hello Peggy, thank you for being with me today.

PEGGY MIARS: Hello Debra, thanks for having me.

DEBRA: Ok, well, we have a lot to talk about; this is a big subject. First, tell me about your organization. I know you personally have a long history of working in the organic movement, so tell us about you and the organization and how the two of you came together.

PEGGY MIARS: Sure, I’ll be happy to do that, but first of all the Organic Materials Review Institute or “OMRI” as we call it, is a non-profit organization and we were founded back in 1997. Now some of the first Organic Certifiers started doing their work back in the early 1970s and part of their work, as you said was what OMRI does now. They were having to look at all the inputs, the fertilizers, the pest control products and so forth that the organic farmers were using and the certifier had to look at that and determine whether it was compliant to the organic standards. So in the late 1990s some certifiers got together and said, we are so busy doing this material review that we don’t really have time for our main work, which is organic certification and so they actually pooled their material review programmes and they took their lists that existed at the time and their files and everything and put them all together and created this non-profit organization called OMRI, so that we could do that detailed material review work and allow the certifiers to do the organic certification work that they were intended to do. So, like I said, we’ve been in existence since 1997 and really our main clients are the certifiers who rely on our decisions, and so…..

DEBRA: So it goes, just for the listeners to get the line up straight, so there is you, who you are determining the safety of the materials that are used and then there’s the certifiers and then there’s the growers and the certifiers are saying to the growers, this is ok, and then when the certifier says it’s ok then it becomes a product and it gets sold with the USDA seal on it.

PEGGY MIARS: Correct, that’s right; you got it exactly right there.

I’ve been involved in organics since 1996 when I was working for a small natural food store and we sold primarily organic products. I’ve actually been buying organic myself as a consumer since 1985. That’s when I started looking at labels and understanding where my food came from and so forth, so I’m what you would call a core organic consumer, buying primarily organic.

DEBRA: Me too, that’s about when I started, 1987.

PEGGY MIARS: Ok, good, excellent! great. So that’s my personal passion and I’ve worked in not-profit organizations; I’ve worked in Girl Scouts Council, I’ve worked for a Humane Society, and so non-profit has really been my focus in my career. I’ve been in non-profit for about seventeen (17) years. I’ve been in the organic industry since 1996 and so together my personal interest and my professional experience brought me here to OMRI to be the Executive Director. Before that I was the Executive Director and CEO of California Certified Organic Farmers or “CCOF” which is one of the largest and oldest organic certification agencies in North America.
DEBRA: And I remember them because I used to live in California.

PEGGY MIARS: Oh, alright, we’ve got a lot in common.

DEBRA: So I was always looking for COF (Certified Organic Food).

PEGGY MIARS: Ah, excellent, great!

DEBRA: Yes, yes.

PEGGY MIARS: The other thing too that I’ll mention at this point is, OMRI review and OMRI listing is voluntary. It’s not required for an input manufacturer to be OMRI listed in order for farmers to use their products. However, certifiers really rely on OMRI; the growers look for OMRI listing so the manufacturers know that in order to make it easier for everyone they get the OMRI listing and then it’s good to go.

DEBRA: That’s so great, so you’re the one in charge of the organization that is really defining what goes into organic foods and fibers, Yes?

PEGGY MIARS: Somewhat, yeah. I wouldn’t say that we define it, because that is really up to the USDA National Organic Prorgramme.

DEBRA: True; but you are actually the one that is kind of executing the orders to come up with a practical way to meet those standards.

PEGGY MIARS: Right, executing and also there is some interpretation as well because the standard, the National Organic Standards aren’t overly prescriptive so there are some areas that require interpretation and one of those gray areas really is, material review and so we do have to interpret the National Organic Programme (“NOP”) Standards and we actually create our own standards for areas where it is gray and we’ve interpreted them in our way and so we publish those standards so everyone understands how we are conducting our reviews.

DEBRA: Ok, good. That’s a very important role that you are playing. I have seen this term ISO accreditation, what is that?

PEGGY MIARS: ISO accreditation is something that is well known in the world of certification and what that means is, it’s an international standard and OMRI is ISO accredited. What that means, is that you can receive that accreditation from a number of bodies out there. We receive our accreditation from the USDA not from the NOP but from the USDA and what they do is, they look at the ISO standards. Just like there are organic standards there are ISO standards.

DEBRA: What does ISO* stand for?

PEGGY MIARS: I knew you were going to ask that. It’s one of those international terms where the letters don’t match up with the actual words. International Standard setting, something or the other; but essentially what the USDA does is that we’re audited every year and they review our policies and procedures and they do two (2) things:
1. they ensure that our policies and procedures are in line with the ISO standards and number two; which is really important is;
2. they audit us to make sure that we are doing what we say we’re doing because they don’t want organizations putting something in the policies and then not following them.

*ISO – International Organization for Standardization

DEBRA: Of course.


DEBRA: Ok, so the reason that your organization exists, Peggy is because you are offering a solution to the toxic chemicals that are in our food supply, so tell us about what these toxic inputs are.

PEGGY MIARS: Well, I think probably when people think mostly about toxic inputs they’re thinking about pesticides and that’s something that people look to organic for. It’s less persistent toxic pest control products and fertilizers and so forth. Obviously, with any kind of pest control product there is some toxicity to it just because of its intention to kill pests but in organic they tend to be less toxic, less persistent in the environment. In other words, they don’t hang around as long and there is something called the National List that is maintained by the National Organic Programme and the national list in general, is described as..; let me start over again. In general, non synthetic substances are allowed in organic production unless they are specifically prohibited.

DEBRA: May I interrupt you for a minute? I want to ask a question. This has been on my mind a couple of days since one of my other guests talked about this.


DEBRA: The first thing is that there is synthetic chemicals which are made from petroleum and then there is what we could call natural chemicals that are made from or are just straight out of nature or made with renewable ingredients as the feedsource and the feedsource, for those people who don’t know what that term is; is the original raw source material that is used to make something industrially. So, on this list you would have pest control or other chemicals for other purposes which are both synthetic and natural. Right?


DEBRA: The question I really have, is that, this previous guest said that an organic grower could be using a renewable natural chemical that actually is toxic and so I got a little confused about that and I’m hoping you can clear this up about that there is toxic versus non toxic and there is natural versus synthetic and I’ll just clarify that, just because something is synthetic does not mean it is toxic and just because something is natural doesn’t mean it’s safe. Could you address all that?

PEGGY MIARS: I will try because I’m not a scientist and I’m not a technical expert. There are both synthetic and natural or non synthetic and those terms are used interchangeably. First, I’ll clarify that non synthetic materials are allowed in organic production unless they are specifically prohibited and in general, synthetic substances are prohibited unless they are specifically allowed, so right there the national list is intended to primarily be natural materials. However, there are synthetics that are reviewed and looked at and allowed. So in terms of toxicity in organics (I’m not a scientist) what I can tell you for example, one thing that I’ve heard of; for example, pyrethrum which comes from natural plants; it’s a botanical extract and so I’m looking here, for example, that is a non synthetic material because it is plant based. It is allowed in organic production; there are some restrictions, for example, they are saying liquid formulations that have a prohibited inert ingredient are not allowed but otherwise those are allowed. Now pyrethroids which I understand are also plant based are somehow synthetic in the way that they are processed and so in that case it’s prohibited; so that would be an example of something that would be natural. It comes from the environment but in one case it’s allowed but in another case it’s prohibited and it has to do with the way it’s manufactured. So I would agree that there are some natural products that are pretty non toxic, for example, garlic. Garlic can be used as a pest control product, that’s clearly a natural product that is non toxic but yet there are other natural products that can be toxic primarily because of the way they are combined with other chemicals, because of the way they are manufactured and that sort of thing.

DEBRA: So they would then be an exception on the national list? I mean, can we assume, as consumers that there is not going to be toxic chemicals on our organic food or fibers and if they are certified there is not going to be toxic ingredients there, whether they’re natural or synthetic?

PEGGY MIARS: Well that’s something that’s being worked on right now, because in the past; this is something that people don’t realize; that organic certification is a process certification. In other words, the certifiers look at, how is that food grown and processed. What they don’t necessarily do, they do not certify the end product even though it looks like they do; even though the seal is there on the product; what they are certifying is the process. But what has been happening over the last year is that the National Organic Programme has told certifiers, you must test a certain amount; I think, maybe five percent (5%) of the products that you certify. You must randomly test them to see what kind of residues there are and so this is something that the NOP is starting to get into; looking more at the end product and what sort of residues may exist at that time.

DEBRA: I’m so glad they’re doing that. This is fascinating. This is exactly what we need to be knowing.


DEBRA: Peggy, we were talking before the break about synthetic compounds that are allowed and I know that those are reviewed and evaluated by the National Organic Standards Board. Can you tell us more about that?

PEGGY MIARS: Sure, I would love to tell you. The National Organic Standards Board or the “NOSB” is a Federal Advisory Committee to the National Organic Programme, so nothing can be added to, removed from or changed on the national list without the NOSB first making a recommendation. The NOSB is a fifteen (15) member voluntary board. They are appointed by the US Secretary of Agriculture and these people represent different aspects of the organic industry; for example, there are certain environmentalist seats, there is a scientist seat, there are seats for farmers and processors, there is a retailer seat, so the idea is that these people are supposed to represent these different groups within the organic industry and so really, the main reason for the NOSB is to review materials for consideration to be added to or removed from or changed on the national list. So there is quite a process that is gone through before anything is changed on the national list. For example, if someone wanted to add a material to the national list, they could submit a petition and there is a humongous and a lengthy process to do this. In fact, it takes about two (2) years for the whole process to go through, from the time the petition is submitted until a decision is made and within that timeframe there are no less than two (2) opportunities for public comment on that material and there are some consumer groups who definitely take advantage of that; who notify their members and supporters when issues come up, like toxic synthetic materials are being proposed for addition on the list.

So, the NOSB looks at the petition, they usually have a technical report that’s been provided that goes into great detail about the material, its toxicity, its persistence in the environment, the impact on the environment and human health and so forth; so there is very much a lengthy process, like I said, that includes public comments before anything is changed on the national list.

The other thing I’ll say is that your listeners, anyone, can make comments. The National Organic Standards Board meets twice a year, once in the Fall, usually October and once in the Spring, usually, April and their Agenda is published, their recommendations are published and so anyone can submit a comment, saying, I agree, or I disagree with this recommendation for these reasons and the NOSB really listens to those public comments. I’ve actually seen them change their recommendations based on the comments that they receive.

DEBRA: Yeah, I’m very happy to hear that.

PEGGY MIARS: Let me tell you a quick story. Back in 1997 when the first organic standards were proposed and drafted and they included what we now call the Big Three, GMO, Sewage/Sludge and Radiation and at that point in time the USDA received more than two hundred and seventy five thousand (275,000) comments in opposition to those three and to this day that remains the largest number of comments the USDA has received on any topic, and so, public comment is very important and it can make big changes.

DEBRA: Good! Good! Good! Good! I’m glad to know that we have some power and that’s a very good story; a very good example.
So tell us how the organic certification system works? Where does OMRI fit in and give us the whole process so that we know when we buy organic, what has happened.

PEGGY MIARS: Ok. Well that sounds fun and feel free to interrupt at any point, otherwise I’ll just keep talking.

I would say that OMRI and seeds are the basis of organics. Clearly, seeds need to be organic or non treated as much as possible and so that’s the beginning of where our foods come from and then the inputs that are used to grow the foods are very important as well and as we said that’s what OMRI looks at; pest control products, fertilizing products, sanitizers used in processing facilities, detergents used in processing facilities and that sort of thing.

DEBRA: So, you are not looking at the seeds themselves?

PEGGY MIARS: We are not looking at the seeds. The certifiers look at the seeds and organic seed is always preferred and if a farmer does not use organic seeds, he needs to prove to his certifier that he tried to find the organic seeds in the quantity and form that they need. Price cannot be a consideration. A farmer cannot say he didn’t buy organic seeds because they are too expensive; that will not fly, that’s not allowed. So the certifier is definitely looking at the seeds, OMRI is looking at the input materials to determine whether they are compliant and so I am going to say farmer, just for this example, even though we know there are processed products as well; but a farmer would want to become organic and the first step there, would be to apply to an organic certification agency and some certifiers are non profit; some are for profits and some are government agencies so they all operate a little differently; they have different fees and procedures and so forth but they all follow the National Organic Standards.

The first thing that the Certifier is going to want from the farmer would be an Organic System Plan (“OSP”). I like to call that their organic business plan; what are you going to grow, what inputs are you going to use, where are you going to source these inputs, where are you going to source your seeds, what crop rotation are you going to use, how are you going to harvest and so forth. The Certifier needs to have a written document of what the farmer’s plan is and so they do their initial review of that and based on that Plan they can determine whether it looks like the farmer can achieve certification or not. If there is a problem they will go back to the Certifier or to the farmer and say, we are missing this information or we need more detail on this particular item.

Once the Certifier is satisfied that they have all the documentation they need then they schedule an inspection of the farm or the processing facility and an Inspector does go out. It is an announced inspection because they want to make sure that the Manager is there and that they got the documentation and so forth. The Certifier sends out an inspector who is for all intents and purposes really the face of the Certifier; they’re the ones that are seen out in the farms and the processing facilities.
For the visit the Inspector takes the Organic System Plan, confirms that this was submitted by the farmer then requests that the farmer explains how the plan is being followed. The farmer is asked to show his records of where he bought the seeds and where he bought his inputs. The farm is closely inspected to make sure that everything works and then the Inspector submits a report back to the Certifier telling them what they found. The Certifier then reviews the inspection report along with the documentation and determines whether the farmer meets certification and if so, they issue a certificate that the farmer can then show as proof of their certification.



DEBRA: I guess we are not talking about the products, we are talking about the ingredients that go into products. The products themselves don’t actually get certified; right?

PEGGY MIARS: Right, it’s a process certification so the certifier looks at how the product is made.

DEBRA: Right and so there are other organizations like, for example, the Global Organic Textile Standards (“GOTS”) that certifies an end product but they are not certifying the process, like how the cotton is grown and so there are different certifiers along the way. A lot is going on.

Here’s the next question; what does your organization look at and verify when making final decisions about a product and product, meaning, those products that are used in the growing and handling and processing of organic foods and fibers?

PEGGY MIARS: Well, our process is actually very similar to the organic certification process in that we require first, documentation from the manufacturer of the input product and it’s important for people to know that we really look in great detail at these products. We require the total ingredients list of the product; everything that’s in it; not only ingredients but also ingredients within ingredients because some ingredients are formulated themselves. We also require the complete manufacturing process explained to us, from the beginning to the end so that we can determine if it is synthetic (that’s one way we can determine if something is synthetic, it may start out natural but then something may be added or something done to it in the manufacturing process that renders it synthetic). We look at that as well.

We also require record keeping. When we do inspections it’s very similar to a certifier’s inspection in that we look at purchase records, you know, where did you buy your ingredients and show us your sales records as well, something that certifiers do and that OMRI does. When we conduct an inspection there is something called an in/out balance; we look at what they bought, the ingredients that they bought, determine from that what their output should be and we look at their output. This is a way to prevent fraud because someone who is dishonest could show records that, oh, I bought these inputs and then on the side buy some more and then mix them together but that would be discovered at the end because they would come out with way more products than what would be feasible based on what they showed in their records.

I hope that makes sense but it’s definitely a way to reduce fraud and to find out when people are dishonest. In some cases we do require a Lab analysis mainly for crop fertilizing products. We look at the label, what they say their nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium levels are and we check those. Another important area that we look at when it comes to fertilizers and soil amendments; we look at heavy metals and we require tests of heavy metals to ensure that those are not excessive as well.

It is important to note that not one individual makes a decision. Decisions at OMRI are always made by a review panel that includes a minimum of three (3) individuals who have to agree on a decision; so it’s a group process. It’s very detailed; the people who do this work for OMRI are brilliant individuals. They are much more knowledgeable than I am about chemistry and science and that sort of thing and so it’s a very detailed process and I would say that consumers could rely on the work that OMRI does and that certifiers do as well.

DEBRA: Wow, it’s a big job. You know, as consumers we don’t always understand. One of the reasons I really wanted to have you on the show was because when I heard about your organizations, I thought, wow! this is all the stuff consumers don’t know. I’ve actually been doing a lot of thinking about this myself, having been a consumer advocate for thirty (30) years and have been talking about how we can eliminate toxic chemicals from our lives. Not being a scientist, not being a doctor not being any one of those kinds of chemists or anything, I’m just looking at it from the consumer view point and what can I find out as a consumer that can help me make that decision and I hear a lot from consumers. How do they know who to trust and can we trust people and all the information. I actually drew a little picture. I‘ve studied a lot of this stuff, like, life cycle analysis and a lot of these things that you talk about and I understand about a system and an input and all those things which most consumers don’t, but I do, because I’ve studied it and so I try to draw pictures and flow charts. I’m trying to figure out what’s going on.

While you were talking I’m making this little flow chart, NSOB, NOP, OMRI and so I’m really trying to understand this and then communicate it to consumers and what I ended up with the other day was that I drew a thick black line and on top of the black line I put ingredients and I had just made up some ingredients, like flour and cotton and I put those above the black line and those were the ingredients that are on the label and then below the black line are all these other things that you were talking about; like the process and the other sub ingredients that go in during the process and the fact that some of those sub ingredients are ingredients themselves which have ingredients and so we have this whole thing.

Consumers; it’s called the supply chain and so that’s all the things that go into each of the ingredients and at the end of the line all you have above that black line which is what we can see as consumers on the surface, so to speak, is like, I think of it like the earth, you know there’s the crust of the earth and you can only see the top and underneath there are all these incredible processes that are going on, the molten core and all this stuff and it’s like manufacturing is all that stuff and all we get to see is the surface. We see the end product and you get this little list that says this ingredient contains this and this and this and you never know what’s going on behind the scenes and yet organizations like yours and others that I’m aware of, you’re looking at the whole supply chain. You’re saying we can’t say that something is toxic or not toxic unless we look at the whole supply chain and yet this is an entirely new concept to consumers.

PEGGY MIARS: You’re right. When I’m out in the community or when I’m out on business trips or whatever and I’m chatting with people who ask, what do you do? and I tell them, people are amazed and excited that there is someone doing this and watching out for their interest and I’m happy to tell people what we do because they are always excited to hear about it.

DEBRA: Well we need this for every single product, not just organic food. There needs to be a structure set up so that every product gets analyzed. It’s like as a consumer advocate I actually feel….; I am going to give myself a pat on the back here, because I’ve been doing a pretty good job for over thirty years, finding and identifying products that don’t have toxic chemicals in them, enough, to make a difference in my own health and that I can see that if I don’t use this product that I can identify has this toxic chemical in it and I use something safer but the only thing I know about it is to say that it has organic tomatoes in it, you know, that’s all I know. That’s the only information I have to make that decision; but even just using that small amount of information I’ve been able to find products that are less toxic. Imagine what it would be like if there was a system all set up so that all the manufacturers would be doing what a certified organic farmer has to do for every single product.

PEGGY MIARS: Ooh my gosh, that would be so exciting! Yes, because people don’t realize that organic farmers are much more regulated and have someone looking over their shoulder much more than the non organic farmers do.

DEBRA: Yes! What you’ve described today, because I’ve been thinking about this, I’ve been watching this, I’ve been looking , I’ve been researching and everything that you’ve said is like exactly my plan of what should be happening. I mean I’ve already been drawing this all out and writing it all out and everything and I’m going, why isn’t this happening? and now you’re telling me, this is happening and we just need to take what you are doing, what that whole process is in organic farming and we need to apply it to every other product in the world.

PEGGY MIARS: Yes, I agree with that completely and I want to say one thing before we run out of time for all your listeners because we’ve been talking about certified organic production which is really why OMRI exists but I want your listeners to know that they can go to our website, and there is a free search function there. You can search for brand name products, you can search for generic products like your feather meal and that sort of thing that’s used in organic production to see what’s allowed and, I think, more importantly for your listeners, there are OMRI listed products in your home and garden stores, you know, your big box stores like Lowe’s and Home Depot and also your local independent garden stores. You can go in and find OMRI listed products there.

DEBRA: Oh, so you can go to OMRI and you are talking about OMRI listed products for growing organic?

PEGGY MIARS: For your home garden. You can find them because a lot of manufacturers have different packaging, the big bulk for the farmers and then they have consumer packaging that you will find in your local stores.

DEBRA: Thank you so much. We are going to be done with the show in about two seconds so I thank you for coming.

PEGGY MIARS: Thank you! very much.

DEBRA: Thank you; you are listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and Wow! What a show!!

A Different Way to Play—Natural Toys Inspired by Waldorf Education

My guest today is Sarah Baldwin, owner of Bella Luna Toys, a leading website offering families natural, wooden, and eco-friendly toys inspired by Waldorf education. We’ll be talking about how natural toys are a safe alternative to the usual toxic toys, and how Waldorf education offers children a different way to play. Sarah is a former actress and teacher and is the author of Nurturing Children and Families, a guide for Waldorf-inspired play group leaders. She has taught music-and-movement classes for parents and toddlers; started a support and activity group for stay-at-home-mothers; and worked in preschool classrooms in Los Angeles before earning a master’s degree in Waldorf early childhood education in 1999. Sarah taught early childhood classes at the Ashwood Waldorf School in Rockport, ME for ten years, and currently serves as a board member of LifeWays North America, an organization devoted to developing healthy childcare and training programs for caregivers, parents and educators.




“A Different Way to Play—Natural Toys Inspired by Waldorf Education”

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
GUEST: Sarah Baldwin

DATE OF BROADCAST: December 10, 2013

DEBRA: Hi, this is Debra Lynn Dadd and this is Toxic Talk Free Radio, where we talk about how to survive in a toxic world because there are many toxic chemicals around; there’re all over the place. They are in consumer products, in the foods that we eat, in the water we drink, in our bodies, in our homes and today we’re going to be talking about them in our toys and what we can do instead and especially, we are going to talk about not just finding non toxic toys but we are going to be talking about a different way to play altogether. It’s Tuesday, December 10, 2013; the sun is shining here in Cool Water, Florida and my guest today is Sarah Baldwin. She is the owner of Bella Luna Toys.

Hi Sarah!

SARAH BALDWIN: Hi Debra, thanks for having me

DEBRA: Thank you for being here. Well, the title I put on the show today is, “A Different Way to Play – Natural Toys Inspired by Waldorf Education” and at Bella Luna Toys you sell natural, wooden and eco-friendly toys inspired by Waldorf Education. So, first, why don’t you tell us what is Waldorf Education? I know what it is but I know a lot of people don’t

SARAH BALDWIN: Well, Waldorf Education is an educational movement that actually started in the 1920s in Germany; has been in the US (United States) for many years but recently, I’d say, in the last ten (10) to twenty (20) years has exploded in popularity around the world. There are now over a hundred (100) Waldorf schools in the US and hundreds worldwide. It’s growing in China and really exploding around the world and Waldorf is always putting emphasis on natural childhood, natural play, the importance of play, the importance of imagination for young children and I think the reason it’s really exploding in popularity is because more and more research on studies on the brain and studies on child development are showing how important imaginative play is in early childhood and we believe this is the key to creative thinking later in life, when children are allowed to play freely out of their own imaginations in their early years. Imagine the future and the future creators, not just consumers; that imagination is so important and healthy toys are so important.

DEBRA: Part of that imagination is playing with that imagination. So, before we get into talking more about that, tell me your story. How did you become interested and why is this important to you?

SARAH BALDWIN: Well, I discovered Waldorf Education soon after my first child was born and that was over twenty (20) years ago. Prior to that I had been an actress but always interested in education and always thought about teaching and after I became a mother my priorities in life really began to change and I became more and more interested in children and education and I really wasn’t sure what I wanted to teach and I wasn’t too inspired by any of the programmes I was looking at for teacher education and while my son was still a baby I learned about Waldorf Education and visited a Waldorf school. I stepped into a kindergarten and I just had this moment; hard to describe, where I just saw this beautiful environment, wooden toys and silk curtains and it just seemed so calm and nurturing. The children had been baking bread and I smelled that bread and outside there was a garden and the children seemed so healthy and imaginative in their play and there were little slippers all lined up in the room and I had this moment where I felt so excited. I thought this is the right environment for children and then a moment later I thought, oh, but wait, I was visiting.

At that point, thinking about my son, I thought, I want to come here every day too and at that kindergarten interview I asked the teacher about teacher training options and found out (I was living in Los Angeles at the time) there was a part time training right in Los Angeles that I could do as a young mother and so before my kids ever got to a Waldorf school, I enrolled in the teacher training and really changed my life and my family’s life in profound ways. So anyway, fast forward, I completed the training. I taught early childhood classes in a Waldorf school; later moved to Maine, where I live now; taught at the Ashwood Waldorf School in Rockport, Maine for about ten (10) years. I taught everything from parent/child classes to children as young as two (2) and later nursery and kindergarten classes, four, five and six year olds and then about five (5) years ago after teaching for a quite a number of years I was feeling ready to make another change, but I wasn’t sure what I would do next.

My children were older, were teenagers by this time and our school enrolment had dropped and they needed to drop one teacher and I was ready for a change; so I kind of volunteered to step back and almost as soon as I made that decision I found out that Bella Luna Toys which was a website selling Waldorf toys or the kinds of toys we use in Waldorf Education, was for sale and even though I had no experience at the time in business or in retail, it really appealed to me because I really know these toys and I love these toys and I was really excited about introducing them to a whole new generation of young parents and to not only have a website to sell stuff but to use it to share my knowledge, my love of these toys, to promote the importance of play and imagination for young children and to support parents. So, I took a plunge and I bought the website and we are in the midst of our fifth holiday season. It’s grown considerably and I now have a blog and a video series where I share my passion not only for the toys but for Waldorf Education.

DEBRA: We just have a couple of minutes before we need to go to the break, but I want to ask you a question and not start talking about this even though I may interrupt you. First, I want to say, I understand that moment when your walked into the room at the Waldorf School, because I have had some more experiences, not only walking in the room but also even just seeing a flyer or a picture that was painted by a Waldrof child and seeing the beauty in it and the naturalness and that it has a whole different feel which is something that I identified with right away, so I totally, totally, understand. When I was a child I don’t think we even had Waldrof schools here or at least my parents didn’t know anything about it or they probably would have sent me to Waldrof School. It’s just something that I think is a very wonderful thing and I am very happy that people like you are doing it. Could you just start to describe, before I interrupt you; what’s the difference between Waldrof play and children playing with ordinary regular toys that you would buy in a toy store?

SARAH BALDWIN: For one thing Waldorf toys are almost always made out of natural materials; wood, cotton, wool, silk, so not only are these healthy and safe materials for children, but they also nourish a child’s senses and Rudolf Steiner who is the founder of Waldorf Education talked about the importance of a young child, a baby learning all about the world through his or her senses and so to nurture those senses with things that feel good.

DEBRA: And feel natural to your body and connect you with the natural world


DEBRA: So, Sarah, before the break we were talking about what’s different about Waldorf Education and you were telling us about how the natural materials in addition to being safe and non toxic for children also nourished their senses

SARAH BALDWIN: Yes, and another thing that differentiates Waldorf toys from more mainstream toys is, we look for toys that are unformed, not too formed so that for instance, a great toy is natural blocks made out of tree branches that have just been sawed so they’re organic forms. They’re not fixed and hard, they’re not rigid shapes so it really allows a child’s imagination to go all kinds of places; little discs of sawed wood could be plates or they could be money or they could just be any number of things. Great toys that were in my classroom were things just found in nature, a basket of pine cones, a basket of shawls, a basket of smooth river stones and the kinds of toys that we would introduce could be handmade dolls from natural fibers, cotton skin, silk stuffed with wool, yarn for hair, mohair and these dolls have intentionally very simple faces. This is a hallmark of a Waldorf doll. Sometimes there is no face at all but most dolls will have just two dots for eyes and a little dot for a mouth and this way a child can really use her imagination to imagine, this doll is happy or sad or crying or sleeping, unlike a hard rigid moulded plastic doll with a fixed smile on its face that’s always wide awake and happy. So we’re looking for unformed toys that are open ended; can be used in any number of ways not just play with one way, can become any number of things to really enliven a child’s imagination

DEBRA: I just think that’s so beautiful, I just love everything that you’re saying. I love everything that this is all about because as you said earlier, it encourages the child to use their imagination which then becomes an excellent tool later in life to be able to imagine what they want to create in the world and then go create it because they are already accustomed to doing that. It’s just so great.


DEBRA: In contrast, can you give us some information about regular toys; what kind of toxic chemicals might be used in those toys that are not used in your Waldorf toys?

SARAH BALDWIN: Hmm, I think everyone is aware of the high number of toys that have been found to have lead in them; a lot of toys mass produced in China even when lead is illegal. They’ve tested toys and still found unacceptably high levels of lead and BPA (Bisphenol A) which has been found in baby bottles and other children’s toys; they are known to be hormone disruptors; again even in spite of more stringent safety laws for toys in the US . Recently they just did random testing and I believe they found toys imported from China that had four (400) times the legal limit of BPA; so at Bella Luna Toys we carry nothing plastic, so that can reassure parents. We do have some toys with stains and paints but I am very careful to source our toys and make sure that the companies whose toys we sell take these safety standards very highly. They are all third party tested and use eco-friendly paints and on our website every toy we sell we list the country of origin and the materials used in its manufacture and that’s something that parents should be aware of, whatever kind of toys they shop for, wherever they shop because there are just too many toys being produced with harmful chemicals that very young children should not be exposed to.

DEBRA: And often those toys don’t tell you anything about what the materials are. I’m looking at your website right now; I’m looking at the page of coloured wooden Waldorf building blocks and it says, let’s see; these blocks offer colours, textures and organic shapes that will enliven children’s imagination, dah.. dah.. dah… Handcrafted in Europe of sustainable alder wood, the blocks are dyed using non toxic water based stains and food grade vegetable oil; no paint or lacquer and it says that they are made in the European Union. So, that gives the shoppers, the parents, an idea of what’s there and I really appreciate your describing them so well because we need to be able to have the information about what all these products, toys or whatever, are made from in order to make these decisions.
SARAH BALDWIN: Yes, yes, absolutely and true also if a child has allergies and sometimes some of our non toxic stains might have almond oil it so if your child has an allergy to it, it’s especially important even though that might be non toxic for most of us. Children with sensitivities or allergies, parents need to be really vigilant about what toys have been finished with and for that reason we also sell quite a large number of unfinished wooden toys; just unfinished raw wood.

DEBRA: I like the unfinished ones because they are even a little more abstract

SARAH BALDWIN: Yes, yes indeed

DEBRA: I remember some years ago when I first started discovering these toys, my husband and I bought different toys just because we wanted to have the shapes of different things. At that time he was trading futures for pork bellies and I bought him a little pig (laughter) He just loved it because he loves anything that’s wood, even though he’s not a child he still appreciates the smell and the touch and the feel of wood.


DEBRA: I was looking at your website; I’ve looked at it before but during the break I was looking at it again and there’s so many different and interesting things, that I’d just like us to go through and talk about how some of these different toys, how children play with them and how they give children a different look at the world and the page I’m on right now is about children’s books and I’m noticing that they revolve around the seasons; like I’m looking at the page for Spring right now and the book talks about children engaged in springtime activities, like playing with new born lambs, planting a garden, decorating Easter eggs, watching baby birds and things like that and that’s so different than many of the children’s books that are sold otherwise

SARAH BALDWIN: Yes, yeah, the series you’re looking at is a set of four (4) board books for toddlers and as I was talking before about the simplicity of the toys there is simplicity in these books too. They have no words and just as Waldorf dolls have no face a child and parent can look together at these pictures of children doing seasonal things, as you said like dyeing Easter eggs in Spring or walking through a mud puddle or jumping in leaves in the Autumn book and so this will help children with their own language. As a toddler is developing his or her vocabulary they can make up the words, they can make up their own stories as they go through these books.

DEBRA: And the stories could be different every time they are told whether the parent is telling the story or the child is making up the story


DEBRA: Again it’s use of imagination and that they can see different things in the picture. It’s just another way I see of connecting the child and the parents too, to the natural world as the basis of life, rather than having the industrial world be the basis of life as is in our industrial consumer society. This takes you into that bigger world, whether it’s a toy or book. That’s the whole basis of this

SARAH BALDWIN: Exactly, exactly. Story telling is such a big part of Waldorf Education throughout all the grades, starting in early childhood in the nursery and kindergarten and going through eighth grade and even through high school; some Waldorf schools go up to twelfth grade; and in the early years we tell stories by heart, we don’t use a lot of picture books. In kindergarten we tell a lot of fairy tales and the teacher tells them by heart and repeats them over and over again. Sometimes we tell the same story every day for a week until it really becomes a part of the child and those children then start telling the stories themselves and you hear it in their play. It’s a very different thing, telling a story by heart than reading it from a book and for parents to make up stories with their children is the best gift of all. A lot of parents think, oh, I can’t do that, I can’t think of anything; well it’s so easy really once you start. Children love to hear stories about when I was a little girl or when daddy was a little boy and I did this, or, a great thing to do at bedtime is to review the day with a child and you could make a story up about a little squirrel or a mouse who did all the same things your child did that day

DEBRA: Speaking of stories, I just want to also mention that there is a page where there was a birthday, what’s it called? the birthday ring with little animals and things on it


DEBRA: Here it is, Waldorf birthday; it’s along the Menu on the left, click on Waldorf birthday, listeners when you go to the site and you will see it and at the bottom there is a lovely… oh, if you click on Waldorf birthday ring set it explains how to use this product and what it’s made from and everything and at the bottom part of the instructions was to tell the child’s birthday story. You want to talk about the child’s birthday story? I think this is great

SARAH BALDWIN: Yeah, well the birthday ring comes out of a European tradition. It’s a round wooden ring candleholder and so you can put one candle in there for each year, whatever, so, for a three (3) year old, you put in three candles, for a four (4) year old, four candles and in the other holes we have little decorations that can take up the spaces; little wooden painted decorations; a flower, a snail, a tree; very festive, very pretty and so when we celebrated birthdays in my classroom and most Waldorf teachers will do this; birthdays are big a celebration for each child in our classes and you tell the story. Well, when Mary was born it was a cold wintry day and her grandmother and grandfather were there waiting for her, waiting for the new baby to be born and whatever the circumstances of the birth are and then during that first year she learned to do many, many things. She learnt to walk and to talk and to crawl and before she was one (1) year old she said her first word which was, “Da”, “Da” and then it was a frolick trip around the sun and then Mary had her first birthday and then she was one year old and then you light the first candle; and then when Mary was one year old she learnt to do many more things. She learned to walk and then to run and that was the year when her aunt and uncle came to visit from Michigan and they all went to the mountains etcetera; and then she was two (2) years old and you light the second candle; and when she was two, whatever milestone happened that year

DEBRA: I think this is just so.., it’s such a wonderful tradition and I had never even heard of this before until I was looking at your website and it’s meaningful to me because just recently I have started..; I made a page for every year of my life and I started trying to remember what happened in each year of my life. I was going back and I was looking at journals and my check register and things like that because I was forgetting; when did I take that trip to Europe and what year did I get married and little things like those and it’s like I wanted to, in retrospect, have the whole of the milestones of my life so that I could just go back and look at it and I didn’t have it and how wonderful to begin that for a child right at birth


DEBRA: Before we get off the subject of storytelling I want to say that in addition to the story- telling books there are also storytelling cards so a child could choose a card and tell a story or choose a card and give to a parent or an adult or another child and ask them to tell a story. I just .., you know, Sarah, I want to be a child; I want to play with all these toys; I want to play with these things and spark my imagination (…laughter). Wow! wow, wow, wow. Ok, I also want to mention that some of the other toy categories are; art supplies so that children learn drawing and writing and painting and modeling and crafts to help them learn skills like knitting and sewing and some of the other toys have to do with playing things like cooking and so there’s a lot of skills that children learn while they are playing

SARAH BALDWIN: Yeah, yeah, exactly and I’m glad you mentioned the arts and crafts supplies and kits that we have. Another thing that is unique about Waldrof Education is the emphasis on handwork and all children starting in the early years learn to work with their fingers. Kindergarteners will learn what we call finger knitting, kind of like making a crochet chain by hand with their fingers and what we know now, what all the recent research bears out, is how directly connected the finger tips are with the brain and so by developing fine motor skills children are actually developing their brains and increasing their capacity for learning and when children get to first grade all children in the Waldrof School, boys and girls, will learn to knit with knitting needles. They later learn crochet and embroidery; by sixth grade they are sewing and learning to use the sewing machine but these just aren’t artistic activities, these are learning activities and as I said, really help in their brain development as well as producing beautiful things with their hands; things they can give as gifts or use themselves. It’s a wonderful thing and so I also offer…

DEBRA: And it’s a useful skill in life, that people should know how to do things, like sew a button on their shirt, at least and..

SARAH BALDWIN: Exactly, yes

DEBRA: Children should be learning how to cook and how to plant a garden, and all these things and so it’s giving children basic life skills while they are playing, instead of sitting them down with a book and saying, now read this. It’s that actual hands on activity and a lot of these toys are the things like a stove or a cash register or something like that that is an object that is a toy for a real life skill

SARAH BALDWIN: Yes, yes, yes

DEBRA: And they can play going to the store and learn how to count money and things like that and that’s just one of the things I love

SARAH BALDWIN: Exactly, you bring up a good point. Children love.., especially young children, their play is all imitation. They love to imitate the world that they see around them and young children love to imitate the work of adults so as teachers we are very conscious of what we say, being worthy of imitation. What are the actions, what are the children seeing us do and how are we doing them; are we harried and stressed as we do our daily work or can we remain calm and relaxed as we are preparing meals or cleaning or doing whatever the mundane tasks? Are we doing them consciously and with intention, knowing that those children around us will be imitating not just our actions but our mood as well?

DEBRA: Yes, yes. So, tell us about play silks? What do children do with play silks? Well, first, tell us what they are. I’ve seen them; I know what they are but tell us what they are?

SARAH BALDWIN: They’re just large squares of dyed silk in different colours, about one yard by one yard square and these are played with in so many ways; most Waldorf kindergarten classes will have a big basket of coloured silk. What do the children do with them? They use them as dress ups, they will tie them on as a cape or a skirt or a veil or they become wings or you might tie it around your waist as a belt for a pirate sword and they also use them as landscapes in their play. They’ll take a green silk and it will become green grass for little wooden horses and a blue silk will become a pond or a lake and a brown silk draped over some blocks becomes a mountain and again we talked earlier about materials that are nourishing to the senses and the silk just feels so lovely to the skin and really fulfils that need of toys that are nourishing to the senses

DEBRA: Yes, yes, silk does feel so different than polyester. What else do you have? The seasonal toys; tell us about some of the seasonal toys

SARAH BALDWIN: Well, we also try to.., I always try to have a collection of things for the season because again, in Waldorf Education the seasons are very important and we talk a lot about rhythm. Having a rhythm of the day, a rhythm of the week and a rhythm of the year and the rhythm of the year is the season. A lot of it is how children in the early years are learning about the world and nature which is kind of their science study but celebrating festivals throughout the year too, really is healthy for children and I mean if you just think back to your own childhood and our holidays through the year gives you a reference for the frame of the year but also we can bring reverence and meaning to the seasons and to whatever holidays and whatever culture we’re from. Children love ritual and celebration and so at this time of year we have some German wooden advent figures, a spiral where you can light candles whether you celebrate Solstice or Advent or Christmas or Hanukkah. They’re all celebrations about light; bringing into this darkest time of the year with the short days and the long nights and lighting candles, so all these different festivals from different traditions, a lot of them have to do with light this year. So we have this lovely wooden spiral that holds twenty four (24) candles that you can either count off leading up to Christmas or whatever festival you celebrate and at Easter we’ll have lots of springtime grass planting kits and natural egg dyeing kits and gardening things in the summer and so on

DEBRA: Oh wonderful; so, I want to make sure my listeners know that in addition to all these unusual things that there also are the usual things, like wooden blocks and push/pull toys and puzzles and stuffed toys and so you’ll see some familiar things as well as some new and different things.

Well, Sarah, our hour is almost up; it always goes by so fast and what a magical hour it has been. I so appreciate you being here as a guest. Is there anything else that you would like to say before we end?

SARAH BALDWIN: Oh, I just want to thank you so much Debra. Thank you for your interest. I’m glad you discovered Bella Luna Toys and I really appreciate your enthusiasm and interest and everything you are doing to promote green and healthy living

DEBRA: Thank you, thank you. So, I wanna say that this is just one example of how what we’re doing here is just not to be not toxic but to show that there are whole other worlds that are on the other side of being toxic; that it’s not just about having things be exactly the same but in a non toxic version but there are other ideas and other ways of being that I think are wonderful that I’ve incorporated into my life over the years and being closer to nature is one of those; but we also need to remember that if we are using toxic products in our home, they’re getting into nature and destroying nature so it’s not just about being aware of nature, it’s about looking at how our actions affect the natural world and continuing to have it there for all of life as well as ourselves.

Giving Organic Flowers

My guest today is Robert McLaughlin, CEO of Organic Bouquet. We’ll be talking about toxic chemicals used in the floral industry, growing commercial flowers organically, and how you can have organically-grown flowers delivered to your door. Robert has worked in every phase of the floral industry since 1984 and has seen first-hand the effects of toxic agro-chemicals on workers. Organic Bouquet sells a unique online collection of stylish and one-of kind-products that are carefully selected with the highest social and environmental standards and practices. Sustainably grown flowers are gentle on the earth and safeguard ecology, while sustainable, biodegradable, green packaging is innovative and stylish. All of Organic Bouquet’s products, from floral arrangements and gourmet gifts to unique home accessories, have been certified by third-party agencies, such as USDA, Fair Trade or Rainforest Alliance.





Giving Organic Flowers

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Robert McLaughlin

Date of Broadcast: February 06, 2015

Debra: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world. We do this, I do this every Monday through Friday, 12 noon Eastern because there’s so many toxic chemicals in the world that are causing so much harm to the environment and to our health and well-being, to the way our bodies feel, how we think, how we feel and it doesn’t need to be that way.

There are so many people in the world, so many businesses in the world and organizations who are doing good things to make our world a less toxic place to live so that we can all be healthier and happier that we just need to know that these options exist and chose them and we can all be living in a more toxic free way.

Today is Monday, December 9th 2013 and I’m here in – well, usually, sunny Clearwater, Florida, but it’s overcast today, so it feels a little winter-ish, which is great. At the studio, they were saying – they’re in Pennsylvania and they said that they had their first snowfall. So it’s starting to feel like the holidays.

Today, my guest is Robert McLaughlin. He’s the CEO of Organic Bouquet. And what Organic Bouquet does is that they deliver right to your home gorgeous, beautiful, organic flowers and other things like Christmas trees and gifts, baskets and all kinds of things that you might want to consider for holiday gifts this year.

Hi Robert, thanks for being here.

ROBERT MCLAUGHLIN: Good morning. Thanks for having me.

Debra: You’re welcome. So first, tell us a little bit about how Organic Bouquet started and then your background. I know that you’ve spent your whole, entire adult life if not more working in the floral industry. So tell us the story of how you and Organic Bouquet came together.

ROBERT MCLAUGHLIN: Sure! Organic Bouquet was started in 2001. I actually came to work at Organic Bouquet in 2007, but the gentleman who started it was from the organic fruit and vegetable industry and wanted to get into the floral industry.

My background, I started in 1984 in the floraculture industry and horticulture industry working mainly with U.S. growers as well as growers in South America marketing most of these products to supermarkets.

Debra: And what was the motivation for starting Organic Bouquet?

ROBERT MCLAUGHLIN: Well, I think it started out as more of a social program working with workers in South American Colombia and Ecuador. About 70% of the flowers that are sold in the U.S. come from Colombia and Ecuador. So I think it started as a human rights issue.

And then as you get into that, you think, “Okay, you can pay fair level wages to workers. But what’s one of the worst things you can do to them?” and that’s spray toxic chemicals on them. So we had to find a way to end that.

Debra: Yeah. I saw on your bio on the website that you had experience working in the greenhouses and the packing houses. You’ve held just about every job there in the floral industry. Can you tell us some of the things that you observed about what kind of toxic chemicals were being used and what the effects were on the workers?

ROBERT MCLAUGHLIN: Yeah, I did. I started in Central Florida working in a greenhouse just as a laborer. I pulled weed, packed boxes and even sprayed some of those nasty agrochemicals.

Then I had an agronomist or a grower who had been growing for years through the sixties and seventies and he understood the effects of toxicity and chemicals, but in the greenhouse, it was all business and you sprayed the chemicals that it took to get rid of the pest or fungi that you were trying to get rid of.

But what was interesting is outside of the greenhouse, he taught me how to kill weeds around the greenhouse using salt water, he taught me how to kill aphids off of the bushes around the greenhouse using soapy water. So we really started looking at in the early eighties. There was an awareness of it, at least from the grower’s perspective.

And then that particular grower, he passed away in the early nineties of toxic chemical overexposure. He would always come back to the greenhouse soaked in the chemicals that he was spraying all over the plants. So there had to be a better way.

Debra: Yeah, yeah. There has to be a better way. You talked about how you and the other workers would just spray the chemicals and you’re walking around in your bare feet. I think that this has gone on a lot in the past, but I think that it’s still going on, right?

ROBERT MCLAUGHLIN: Yeah, it is. We were somewhat fortunate in the U.S. compared to some other developing natures. But yeah, when we’re spraying chemicals, the last thing we want to do is get our shirts or our shoes wet. So we would just drip them off and go out and spray the chemicals.

If you look around the world, that’s happening in India, it’s happening in China. I’m sure it’s still happening somewhere in the U.S. as well. But where you have a village that’s spraying chemicals on cotton for instance and you have a worker that barely has a fresh supply of water, they may only have a cup of water to rinse the chemicals off of them.

Debra: And that doesn’t do the job. But of course, they’re breathing them and everything and all of these chemicals are going into the environment. Can you tell us what some of the chemicals are?

ROBERT MCLAUGHLIN: There are a lot of nasty chemicals. I think methyl bromide is probably one of the worst that was used in the produce industry as well as in some of the floral industry. That’s just a nasty chemical that they fog greenhouses with to sterilize soil, among other uses. That’s probably the worst.

Debra: And then there are all the pesticides. I know you probably use a lot of different pesticides.

ROBERT MCLAUGHLIN: Pesticides and fertilizers.

Debra: And fertilizers. Is it pretty much the same thing that is being used when you’re growing food?

ROBERT MCLAUGHLIN: Yeah, a lot of the same chemicals are used for food. Fortunately, with food production, there’s been a lot of research dollars put into growing organic food, which we’ve been able to benefit from that research in the floral industry.

Debra: And do you know if there are any residues of pesticides or toxic chemicals left on the flowers? If I were to go buy flowers at my grocery store, would I be exposed to those pesticides like I would be exposed to pesticides on food.

ROBERT MCLAUGHLIN: Yeah, in many cases, you are. Again, floriculture is kind of the gem of the agricultural world in South America. In other words, it has a lot more advanced and progressive growers that are getting away from that. But yeah, traditionally grown flower may have been dipped in a fungicide before it was even shipped just to keep the bacteria and fungi down in transit.

Debra: Oh, I remember when I was a child – I’ve told this story before, but it bears telling again – when I would smell an orange, what I’d be smelling are the fungicide. They wrap the oranges in paper with fungicide on it and the fungicide gets on the orange. I would smell an orange and I would think, “Oh, that’s what an orange smell like,” that fungicide smell.

It wasn’t until I ate organic oranges for the first time that I realized that what I had been smelling and tasting was fungicide and not an orange.

I didn’t know that they dipped flowers in fungicide. If they’re dipping flowers in fungicide to keep them fresh in transit, then that fungicide would still be there as part of the flower by the time it got to us.

ROBERT MCLAUGHLIN: Yeah, absolutely. And there are residues on flowers from fertilization. There’s residue from pesticides. Ironically, a lot of people don’t understand that even organic chemicals can be highly caustic chemicals. So you’ll have residues potentially from organic chemicals that need to be cleaned off as well.

Debra: And how would you clean those chemicals off of a flower?

ROBERT MCLAUGHLIN: Just by dipping them in water. If it’s truly an organic chemical, it’s water soluble. The synthetic chemical is not meant to break down with water. So that’s really the main difference.

Debra: Oh, I didn’t know that. Oh, good. Good, good, good.

Well, thank you for sending me some flowers. I am really enjoying them. Robert sent me a beautiful bouquet of white carnations with lilies and red tulips and evergreens and it’s sitting here right on my desk and it’s so fresh and beautiful.

He also sent the most gorgeous Christmas wreath I’ve ever seen. First of all, it’s really big, it’s really lush. First of all, it’s really big. It’s really lush. If you think about the kind of wreaths you get at the Christmas tree lot or at the grocery store, this is nothing like that. It’s so beautiful.

I’ll tell you more about it when we come back from the break. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. My guest today is Robert McLaughlin, the CEO of Organic Bouquet. We’ll come back and talk more about organic flowers.


Debra: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Robert McLaughlin, CEO of Organic Bouquet.

Before the break, I was starting to tell you about these beautiful flowers. In addition to the flowers being so gorgeous, also, the bouquet came with a vase. I need to tell you this about the vase.

The vase is designed in such a way – and I’m not sure if they did this intentionally or not. The vase is designed in such a way that all I had to do was put the flowers in the vase and they spread out perfectly to look like a gorgeous bouquet the way it looks in the picture. I didn’t have to do any flower arranging. The flowers just kind of arrange themselves. It was just such a delight when I did that. I just put the flowers in, the vase did all the work and I have this gorgeous bouquet on my desk.

So I want to tell you about this wreath too because we’re now at the holiday season and people are probably buying wreaths. This wreath is the largest wreath that I’ve ever seen. Every single piece of it has fresh evergreens. They’re all fresh. It’s beautifully put together. This is the highest quality floral arrangement that I’ve ever seen. And so I’m delighted that they are also organic and fair trade and all the wonderful, sustainable things that they are.

So, well done!

ROBERT MCLAUGHLIN: Well, great! Thank you for that. I’m very happy that you’re enjoying them.

Debra: I’m very happy with them. I’m very, very happy. There’s so much we could talk about. Here’s another thing I wanted to say. You have same day delivery, right?

ROBERT MCLAUGHLIN: We do! We actually just launched that capability recently. I was surprised because I know you were checking on my address. You only got my address on Saturday morning. By Saturday at 10 o’clock in the morning, I had flowers. That was pretty amazing to me.

So this is something that if people are wanting to send holiday gifts, they could be ordering at the last minute and you can fulfill those orders, right?

ROBERT MCLAUGHLIN: Yeah, absolutely. And we sent you those flowers, the bouquet from a farm in California and the wreath came from Oregon. So everything was and cut fresh and produced and shipped to you by the next day.

Debra: That’s amazing. It’s amazing to me that it can all happen so fast and the delivery times and things.

So tell us about some of the things that you have that our listeners would be interested in that they could give for gifts, the varieties of things and different types of flowers. Describe your products.

ROBERT MCLAUGHLIN: We have a full line of floral gifting products. We have everything from roses to lilies all grown in a certified, sustainable manner. We have, as you mentioned, the wreath that come from the northwest. Those are grown organically on a national preserve.

And then we also have organic food baskets, organic chocolate, various types of products there. We do a lot of corporate gift-giving type work during the Christmas holiday. So they’re great gifts to send out to your customers, friends and family.

Debra: Yes, I absolutely would agree with that because it’s just a very high quality presentation. They’re beautiful.

I guess I’m wanting to describe these because when I first started hearing the word ‘organic’ many, many years ago, I don’t know how people think of it today, but organic didn’t always mean high quality. So that’s why I’m talking so much about the quality and also the fact that you can’t always get sometimes what you consider to be the standard kinds of things organic.

But if you go to, you’ll see the same kind of flowers that you would see on a regular floral site except they’re organic. It has roses and irises and just everything that you would want at a regular floral place except that they’re organic and beautiful – lilies, gorgeous lilies.

So tell us a little bit about sustainability.

ROBERT MCLAUGHLIN: It’s interesting that you bring up organic because organic has not been necessarily known as good quality. In years past, it’s a very difficult growing method.

A few things to know about organic. If you have something that’s USDA organic certified, it really only pertains to the way that that product is grown. The reason we focus on sustainability is because it focuses on environmental, but also social aspects.

Debra: Yes, organic has nothing to do with social aspects.

ROBERT MCLAUGHLIN: No, it really doesn’t. It doesn’t have necessarily anything to do with the local ecology surrounding a farm or a factory.

So if you have something that’s USDA certified and you use organic chemicals, again, water soluble chemicals, if you allow those to run off of the farm and run into a stream, it can pollute the stream. It can choke out vegetation in the stream. It can create a large plume of different organic materials that choke out a stream and kill wild life up and down. So we go a step further than just organic.

Debra: So before you talk about sustainability because I know that’s a bigger issue, could you just give us a little more detail about what the organic part of the growing is. What is the USDA certifying you for? What does that look like?

ROBERT MCLAUGHLIN: Yes. So they’re certifying that they are using only organic agrichemicals on your production, whether it’s fruits and vegetables or cut flowers. It’s making sure that you’re using chemicals that are water soluble, that have no synthetics in it. It’s a great growing method because it doesn’t kill the microbial life in the soil. So it’s rejuvenating. The soil can rejuvenate and you can grow year after year.

Debra: Yes. But it’s only concerned about building soil and no synthetic chemicals.

ROBERT MCLAUGHLIN: Correct! Organic chemicals can be very toxic.

Debra: Yeah, I was about to say no toxic chemicals, but that’s not what they’re certifying for.

ROBERT MCLAUGHLIN: Right! You can have workers in the field and you can spray them with organic chemicals and it can burn the skin right off their body. So it’s important to go a step beyond organic and make sure that you’re buying something that is certified sustainable as well as organic. I think that’s important.

We haven’t gotten to fair, livable wages, fair labor, fair training of workers and safety equipment, all of these things, but…

Debra: We’ll talk more about this when we come back from the break. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. And today, we’re talking about organic, sustainable floral industry with Robert McLaughlin who’s the CEO of Organic Bouquet. We’ll be right back.


Debra: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. Today, we’re talking with Robert McLaughlin who’s the CEO of Organic Bouquet. Robert, I’m looking at your website. First, let me ask you, what’s your bestselling product?

ROBERT MCLAUGHLIN: Roses are the bestselling product year round.

Debra: Good, good. And it looks like you have beautiful roses. I was just clicking around to different products. One of the things that I’m really interested in is how much information various companies give about how organic or non-toxic or sustainable they are in different ways. I clicked to [inaudible 00:27:26] Rose Bouquet, which happens to be a beautiful bouquet of red roses with some white flowers and evergreens mixed in with it.

So here are some things that I’m seeing on here. “Green Shipping,” what’s that?

ROBERT MCLAUGHLIN: We use overnight delivery services like FedEx and UPS. So we calculate all of the carbon that we emit into the atmosphere each year by all of our shipment. And then we participate in a carbon neutral program that supports reforestation in Guatemala.

Debra: Oh, great! Great! That’s very good. So now, I see that this is certified by Veriflora, which is a comprehensive sustainability certification program for the floral and potted plant industries. Tell us about that program.

ROBERT MCLAUGHLIN: So our company, we were one of the original founders of Veriflora because North America did not have a certification or a set of standards for floriculture. There are various countries that have their own non-regulated or self-regulated sustainability standards, but we wanted something that was the first for North America.

So we contracted scientific certification systems who’s well known in the certification industry and we did a GAP analysis of all the other certifications to come up with something specifically for floriculture.

So since we helped start that, over 1500 acres of traditional growing methods had been transitioned into certified sustainable.

Debra: And what are some of the points that they’re looking at in sustainability. I know that word is used a lot, but I don’t think that people really understand how comprehensive it is. So what are some of the things that they’re looking for?

ROBERT MCLAUGHLIN: Yes, so there’s an environment component that the farm has to be on a pathway to organic if they’re not already organic. They can’t use any chemicals banned by the World Health Organization or the USCPA. They have to have protections of water, reclaim and collection. They have to pay fair, livable wages above minimum wage. They have to provide proper safety training and safety equipment for the workers.

And then there is a custody chain that is followed all the way from the farm out to the retailer in order to be Veriflora certified, so that we know that it’s been controlled in a particular manner.

With Veriflora, each farm is certified on an annual basis by a third party auditor, not by our company, not by themselves, but a third party auditor comes in…

Debra: …to make sure that they’re doing all those things.

ROBERT MCLAUGHLIN: Yeah. And on the day that they do the inspections of the farms, the farm owners are not invited to the farm. They walk the farm with the people who do the actual work. They go through all of the different processes.

Debra: Excellent! Excellent! So in terms of sustainability, it seems to me that sustainability is something that we’re moving to. It’s a direction that we’re moving into rather than something that’s absolute. Is that something you agree with?

ROBERT MCLAUGHLIN: Yeah! I think it’s critical that the sustainability component is in all of the products that we buy. I used to run a sustainable investment fund. I visited one of the greenhouses that we were invested in and it was a USDA certified organic. And that was it.

As I was waiting for the grower to show up, I’m looking around on the loading dock and they had a huge refrigeration unit that had been shut down. It’s been used seasonally. So I stuck my head in, looked inside and there were nothing but palettes with blankets and beds for immigrant workers.

So these were likely undocumented workers that were living in a dark, damp cooler during the harvest period.

With USDA, there’s no standard to stop that from happening. That’s why sustainability is important.

Debra: There are so many things to look at. It really is a challenge. It can be a challenge. One of the things I just want to complement you on, Organic Bouquet and you as the CEO is that I’ve been looking at various types of organic, natural, non-toxic, green products, et cetera for over 30 years. One of the things that I see is that there are companies that are dedicated to the idea and that they do everything that they can to make it happen.

And then there are other companies where they’ll carry one or two things and they don’t quite understand it. It’s really great to see your company be one that not only applies these principles, but has been a participant in creating them and that it’s part of the fabric of your company, it’s part of what you do. So it’s not just something that’s added on later. Everything that you do is based on these ideas. I think that that’s important for consumers to understand the difference between just seeing a package on a shelf that might be organic versus having the whole company be about a way of doing business.

ROBERT MCLAUGHLIN: Yeah, we offer consumers responsible choices when they’re looking at buying floral products online. And there are a lot of companies out there. I would say to consumers to look for companies when you’re purchasing something. The more transparent, the better.

Debra: I totally agree.

ROBERT MCLAUGHLIN: …the companies that are really not afraid to outline what it is they represent and what they define themselves as.

Debra: Yes, I agree, I agree. I’m just looking at your website here because there’s so much to choose from. Let’s see, here we have an organic fruit basket. Let’s see what’s in this one. It has organic pears, organic apples, organic oranges, chocolate-covered dried cherries (organic), organic dark chocolate almonds, organic cashews.

I remember when I was a kid that we used to get these fruits baskets. I won’t say the name of the company. The people in California would recognize it. When I was a kid, we used to get these fruit baskets that had fruit and dried fruit. That was part of our family Christmas present.

I can see that you have that same idea about these traditional things like flowers and fruits that people are accustomed to giving at the holidays, but in organic form.

We’ll be back after this break. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. My guest is Robert McLaughlin from Organic Bouquet. That’s They have all kinds of holiday gifts that can be delivered same day. We’ll be right back.


Debra: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Robert McLaughlin from Organic Bouquet. That’s We’re talking about the floral industry, holiday gifts – organic, sustainable.

Robert, I’m looking at your wreaths and plants page. As I’ve said before, the wreath that you sent me is absolutely gorgeous, just the highest quality I’ve ever seen in a wreath.

I know it would be gorgeous to put on my front door, but I have it hanging on my living room because I want to see it. If it’s on the front door, it’s outside.


Debra: Everyone else would see it. My living room now smells wonderful from all these evergreens. It’s just a great thing to have for the holiday.

Tell us about some of the different things that you have on this page. There are all kinds of things that you can choose from.

ROBERT MCLAUGHLIN: Yeah, we love that grower in Oregon. He actually has a great relationship with the National Forest Department in Oregon. They harvest all of those directly out of the forest, which serves two purposes. One, they get certainly 100% organic grains because they can’t be spraying it on a national forest and two, it thins out the growth in the forest, which is helpful for the plants, so the trees grow much healthier and larger. It’s a great program that they have. And of course, the products are beautiful.

Debra: They are beautiful. I’m looking here on the page and there’s a number of different kinds of wreaths and swags. Here’s a little moss, ivy reindeer and there’s a little olive tree and a heart-shaped wreath, (that’s a lavender heart-shaped wreath) and a little ivy cone tree so that you could just have a little tabletop tree if you wanted. There’s even a succulent living wreath, all kinds of things. So you’re not limited just to evergreens although I love evergreens at the holiday time. There are just so many things that you have put together.

ROBERT MCLAUGHLIN: Yeah, a lot of those potted plants are grown in Salinas, California and northern California. We love to support local growers. While the industry brings in 70% of its cut flowers from South America and we do offer products from certified farms in South America, we really like to focus on our U.S. growers as well.

Debra: Good, good. Even some of the things that you have here that are not organic (because some of them, I’m looking and I’m just clicking around and some of them are organic and some of them are not, a lot are organic), one of the benefits of buying from you is that all the shipping has carbon offsets.

The thing that I would like to say about buying local and carbon offsets and things like that, my viewpoint is that I’m concerned about putting toxic chemicals into my body and into the environment. If we put toxic chemicals into the environment, they’re going to end up in my body. I’m going to breathe them, they’re going to be in the food, and they’re going to be wherever.

When you’re shipping things from great distances, then that puts more pollution into the area unless you’re doing something to negate that, unless you’re using renewable energy or there’s carbon offsets or things like that.

And so, if you’re going to buy a potted plant, the difference of having it shipped from Organic Bouquet or someplace else, even if you’re not buying something organic on the site, just the fact that they’re being concerned about the shipping makes a difference in the larger environment than ordering from someone else.

So I can see from my understanding of sustainability, I can look at this site and I can see that they’re incorporating everything that I can think of that can be incorporated right now. And of course, the whole idea of sustainability as we understand it better, everybody can do better at it. I just see on every page that I go to, there’s something about sustainability being applied to each and every product.

ROBERT MCLAUGHLIN: Yeah, we have meetings internally whenever we’re looking at new products or we’re just looking at our business in general, we’re looking at what good are we doing with a product. That’s great! Can you make money on the product?

But how does it serve the environment? How does it serve our community? We look at everything. My business cards are made on 100% post-consumer waste recycled paper. We use soy-based vegetable ink dyes. And of course, the carbon offset program.

For carbon offset, there’s been a lot of debate about it, but I think the concept is pretty simple. If you put x amount of carbon into the atmosphere, what can you do to pull that equal amount of carbon out of the atmosphere.

And then we also work with cause marketing. We have over 40 different partnerships with charitable organizations. So you can buy a bouquet that’s for the American Red Cross and 15% of the sale goes back to the American Red Cross. It’s the same thing we have, again, over 40 different partners.

Debra: Yes. Great! It’s great, what you’ve put together here. I was just looking at something and then I clicked away from it. Oh, packaging. Tell us about the packaging.

ROBERT MCLAUGHLIN: Yes, so packaging, again, we look at using recycled materials. If we’re using plastics, we look at non-GMO corn based plastics, so that it’s biodegradable. It breaks down in the landfill. And of course, it doesn’t support genetically-modified corn.

So again, we look at every corner, every aspect of our business that we can and we’re constantly coming up with new improvements and new ideas.

Debra: Well, I must say that when I received my packages with the wreath and the flowers, the packages themselves were very sturdy and they protected the plants very, very well. I have received things that I have ordered online in the past where by the time I get them, the packages are so beat up.

Once, I ordered a hand-thrown clay pot. By the time it got to me, it was just in pieces because the packaging wasn’t well. So that’s in addition to having high quality products that are high quality packaging that are keeping them in good condition on their way to you made from recycled materials.

So we just have a few minutes left of the show. Is there anything else that you’d like to say that you haven’t said?

ROBERT MCLAUGHLIN: Well, I would just like to say that our business model (as well as other businesses) supports this type of eco lifestyle choices and stances on sustainability. I just ask consumers to look out when you’re doing your shopping online and vote with your dollars. Support companies that support change for the environment and for the human rights around the world.

A lot of products are imported around the world. We can’t have everything grown in the U.S.A., so we really have to make sure that we’re doing the right things in other developing nations as well, making sure workers are paid fair, livable wages, making sure they’re being treated well, that they’re being protected and whatever it is that they’re doing.

Debra: I totally agree. I would like to say to consumers that we could have everything all grown in the United States, but one of the reasons why businesses need to bring things in from other countries has to do with consumer demand. And so it’s because we want to have those flowers that need to be grown in South America.

But if we were to choose what grows in our areas and decide that we want – I’m not saying people shouldn’t buy these flowers from you. I’m just saying that if we thought differently, if we said like I decided many, many years ago to live as local as I can live, I look around and I see what are the kinds of plants here that I could use, what kind of flowers are here in Florida, what kinds of food are here in Florida, I try to get everything as local as possible.

And so it really comes down to our consumer decisions. We have so much power as consumers and so we can make our lives more local if we choose that. Be aware of what’s local. Support our local people. We can turn a lot of things around by the choices that we make.

Debra: Well, thank you so much for being with me today. Happy holidays! I appreciate you being here because I think you’re doing a fabulous job.

ROBERT MCLAUGHLIN: Great! Well, thank you so much for having me.

Debra: You’re welcome. So this is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. You can find out more about the show and find out about other past guests by going to

Each one of the shows is recorded and in the archives. You can listen to more than a hundred shows that are in the archives now. You can listen to this show again. You can tell your friends to listen to this show. You can tell your friends to go to and listen to the shows live or in the archives. They are available seven days a week, 24 hours a day.

Also, Organic Bouquet is one of many hundreds of websites that I have on my website, links to websites that sell organic, natural, non-toxic, fair trade, all those kinds of products. If you just go, go up to the top (in the navigation bar, it says ‘Shop’), click on Shop and shop!

Great Toxic-Free Holiday Gifts

My guest today is Annie B. Bond and we’re going to give you a LOT of suggestions about things to give for holiday gifts that are toxic-free. Between us we have been giving toxic-free gifts for more than 50 holidays seasons, so we know all about this.. I met Annie many years ago when her publisher asked me to write the forward to her first book Clean and Green. Annie is the best-selling author of five books, including Better Basics for the Home (Three Rivers Press, 1999), Home Enlightenment (Rodale Books, 2008), and most recently True Food (National Geographic, 2010), and winner of Gourmand Awards Best Health and Nutrition Cookbook in the World. She was named “the foremost expert on green living” by “Body & Soul” magazine (February, 2009). She has been the editor of a number of publications, including “The Green Guide.” Currently Annie leads the selection of toxic-free products for A True Find.







Great Toxic-Free Holiday Gifts

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Annie B. Bond

Date of Broadcast: December 5, 2013

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world because there are toxic chemicals all around us, in the air that we breathe, the water we drink, the food that we eat, and our consumer products, and even in our bodies that we’re carrying around toxic chemicals from past exposures that can be released and cause symptoms or illness at any time.

So what we talk about here is how to have a wonderful life, how to be productive, and happy, and healthy without toxic chemicals because it’s actually possible to do that. I’ve been doing that for many years.

My guest today has been doing that for many years.

Today is Thursday, December 5th, and we’re going to be talking about holiday gifts. Between us, my guest and I have been giving and receiving toxic free holiday gifts for over 50 years, so we have a lot of experience, and we’ve both written articles.

My guest today is Annie B. Bond, and she’s the author of many books including “Clean and Green,” “Better Basics for the Home,” “Home Enlightenment,” “True Food,” which actually won an award for being a wonderful cookbook. I don’t have it – the Gourmand Award’s Best Health and Nutrition Cookbook in the World. And we’re going to have her on in January talking about that – but today we’re going to talk about Christmas gifts.

Hi, Annie.

ANNIE BOND: Hello. Hey, are you? Nice to be here again. Thank you so much.

DEBRA: Thank you. You’re welcome. I love having you on the show.

So you and I both have lots to say about Christmas gifts, but I thought we’d start out – before we start talking about what are some good toxic free gifts to choose, I want us to just talk about Christmas gifts in general, just a little bit, holiday gifts, I should say, to be politically correct, although I grew up calling them Christmas gifts.

And I know that I’ve gone through a big change about gift-giving and maybe you have too. So let me start, and then you tell me how you feel about gifts, and how this has changed over the years.

I think we both grew up in our consumer society where Christmas is about giving gifts, and other winter holidays are about giving gifts. And it’s a really big thing. And I know that even though gift-giving wasn’t the origin of this holiday, these holidays, gift-giving has become so predominant in our consumer culture that for most people the holidays are about giving gifts.

In my house, we had – it was such a thing that everything that my brother and I needed, my mother would wait until Christmas so that she could wrap it up, and that there would be lots of presents under the tree. And I remember one year we went to a ski lodge for Christmas, and we rented a condo for a few days, my family.

This was a big deal because we never did this, and we got to go skiing.

But we had to take all the Christmas presents with us, and we put them all in the car, and we took them out and put them in the condo. They were all over the floor of the condo. And we could not walk because there were so many Christmas presents.

It would take us hours. We would open the presents one by one, going around from my brother first because he was the youngest, then me, then my mom, and then my father. And it would take us four or five hours to open our presents.

So that’s really – and in my ex-husband’s family too, there were six brothers and sisters, and we were all opening the presents one by one. It took all day.

And so I think that giving gifts is great, but my idea of the holidays and my idea of gift-giving is totally different than it used to be. I don’t have a lot of attention right now on making my list and checking it twice, and figuring out what I have to buy all these different people in order to give gifts because my idea about the holidays now is to celebrate the holidays and the goodwill, and to make natural sweetener, gluten-free cookies for my friends, and things like that rather than what am I going to go buy?

And we’re going to be talking about –

ANNIE BOND: That’s a really nice shift of celebrating the holidays. I like that a lot.

DEBRA: I like it too. And this here, particularly, I’m singing with the choir, and we’re doing a lot of performances. We’re going caroling around the community, and so I’m going to be spending a lot of my time singing this year.

And I consider all of that to be a gift, and it’s seen as spending time with people that I love and my friends. It’s more about those intangible things than it is about having something in a box. It’s not about a physical thing anymore.

Not that I don’t want people giving me gifts, or that I don’t want to give gifts, but gifts have a different meaning to them.
I just want to tell a story about last year. A friend of mine, I said to him, “Don’t give me any gifts. I’m not going to give you a gift. Don’t give me a gift.”

And near Christmas time, I came home one night and there was a bag, a whole bag of gifts sitting on my back porch. And he gave me a gift. But as I opened them one by one, each one of them was meaningful to our friendship. They were about things that we had done together, or things that we had talked about like both of us are gluten-free, and he gave me a box of his favorite gluten-free shake and back, I don’t know what that’s called generically, that you can put a coating that you would put on your chicken or something that he really enjoyed eating, that he knew that I would enjoy eating.

And we had talked about social media. He gave me a book about social media.

It was so meaningful that it wasn’t about consumerism. It was about the meaning of our friendship. I totally loved getting that gift.

ANNIE BOND: I can only imagine. That’s a very nice one.

For me, as the years go on, what really, really – I grew up in New Hampshire. I grew up in a town that was like this [inaudible 00:07:42] where you have the big horses, the sleigh [inaudible 00:07:45] and the snow. So for us, we grew up on skis, and so for us, Christmas – and I also celebrate Christmases as I was growing up, and it was always about snow and skiing and whether or not I got my stretch pants or my skis, or that kind of thing for Christmas.

That was our focus, which was really nice. And we lived in a very rural, beautiful area.

For me, I think I get more and more interested in the winter solstice, and I get more and more interest in the beauty of the time of year, and the beauty of these wax candles and light, and getting some [inaudible 00:08:22] in the woods because I live in the woods. And just making it a spectacularly beautiful time because then that immediately gets you into the mood of really deep appreciation about nature and things like that.

So that’s where I find myself gravitating. I’ll always love being Santa Claus, but I completely agree with you that it’s not like, oh, I’m going to go buy, buy, buy. It’s like how can I be the most thoughtful for this person?

And so I really, really agree with you.

DEBRA: Exactly. And I celebrate winter solstice too. I have for many years because there was a time when I just wanted to get away from all that consumer anxiety about giving gifts, and I said, “There must be something else.”

And there is. Since time in memorial, people have been celebrating the return of the light of the sun, and it’s giving life back to the earth, that things start growing again. And the whole thing about winter solstice is just about continuing the light of the life, the light of the sun through the darkest days.

And so the whole thing about lighting candles – also, one of the original gifts that when people are celebrating winter solstice on a regular basis, the same way that we celebrate Christmas now, they would give each other gifts but of course, there was no industrialism then. And so they would give each other gifts of nature. And what they give each other were things like evergreen twigs, and dried fruits because those were – the evergreen trees represented that life was continuing even though the sun, the days were dark. And that the dried fruits were nourishment through that time when there wasn’t much light.

And I think that that’s really where gift-giving began. So I like to give evergreen twigs and dried fruits just for that reason.

ANNIE BOND: That’s very nice. For some reason, when you were saying that I don’t know why I went there here but one thing I always will put as a stocking stuffer, for example, would be – it’s my way of [inaudible 00:10:30]. I’ll put in the 2000 – the years [inaudible 00:10:34]. So this year [inaudible 00:10:36] 2014.

So those things actually will have an impact on their lives. And because I am who I am, I know about it, and that’s a gift.

DEBRA: Yes that is a gift.

We need to go to break. We’re talking about gifts today.

This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest is Annie B. Bond, and we have lots to talk more about toxic free gifts. So stay with us.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and today I have as my guest, my friend, Annie B. Bond. And we’re talking about toxic free Christmas gifts, or holiday gifts because we have so much experience with them.

The next thing I want to do is I want to read a definition of generosity because I think that generosity is what the holiday season is about. And I just love this definition.

Generosity is the readiness and willingness to give of one’s self and one’s resources to benefit others, and to give liberally, freely, abundantly, plentifully and joyfully. It is the natural outpouring of a feeling of being full to overflowing with abundance, with a confidence that there is always enough in this world for all.

Isn’t that beautiful?


DEBRA: I think that we both have similar ideas about Christmas gifts. They have fallen to several categories. And the first one that I always think of is how to give a gift that isn’t physical. And why don’t you give us some ideas about that, Annie?

ANNIE BOND: Those are wonderful. For example, my daughter loved musical theater, and was in all these musical theater products in high school and everything. And so a gift for her to go with her day to New York, and go to a show, is just about the best present anybody could ever give.

So that’s a supreme example. That’s a really special present because the shows are expensive in New York and all that kind of thing. So that’s a great gift. That’s a good idea.

DEBRA: Give us some other ideas of things that you’ve given, or received.

ANNIE BOND: Another one would be my mother was a wonderful birder. And she just was crazy about birds. And so I would often gift her a gift that was to a – to Autobahn or something like that, for her to get the magazines and that sort of thing. It was a gift – that’s not quite this category, but it’s a service or similar thing. It’s a gift and it’s a gift for the earth too.
It’s a gift that gives a gift which is a little bit of a different category, but that’s a good example.

DEBRA: That is a good example, yes.

So an example – here’s another example that actually I gave to somebody not as a holiday gift, but just as a gift. And that was that – one of the things that I recommend is for people to take Pure Body Liquid Zeolite because it removes toxic chemicals from their bodies.

I knew that she wanted to get some but that she couldn’t really afford it right then. And so I gave her not only a bottle as a gift, but what I did was I signed her up as a member, so that if she recommended it to other people, then she could get a commission. And there was a fee for that, a small fee for that, but in addition to giving her what she wanted in the physical way, I also gave her that extra thing of her being able to make some money by doing it.

ANNIE BOND: That’s very, very nice.

Another idea that somebody did for my mother which I thought was wonderful – I guess it’s not surprising I keep thinking of my mother. I think the most important for me because she was such a big part of it.

A friend of hers was a wonderful bread baker, and for her Christmas, she gave my mother a weekly loaf of bread for the next six months.

DEBRA: Isn’t that wonderful?

ANNIE BOND: And I thought that was such a lovely gift.

DEBRA: And so other things are things where you can give of yourself, so there’s no cost involved. This is a way that we can all do something whether we have any money or not, especially in hard economic times.

One thing that you could do is give somebody a massage. You don’t have to be a professional massage therapist to rub shoulders and hands and feet, and just spend time with somebody. But you could also fix them a special meal like breakfast in bed on a Sunday morning, or a special meal for the holidays.

One thing that I really like is to make a coupon book because that’s also something that you can wrap up, and they could open, and you give them a coupon for washing the dishes, or for a hug, or whatever. Whatever it is that you can do for them that they can present a coupon and have you do it for them one day at a time. And I think that’s a wonderful gift. I like that.

I’d like someone to give me that.

ANNIE BOND: That’s a wonderful idea. Another one would be to collect all the family recipes and package it together for everybody. That’s a nice thing.

One of the gifts that I’ve been wanting to give to my extended family, and I will be doing – I don’t think I’ll do it this year, but probably next – my mother wrote some children’s books at the end of her life. And so I was the person that ended up getting all of her papers, and I was going to put them all together in a really nice way –

DEBRA: How wonderful.

ANNIE BOND: – and present to all of her children and grandchildren. That’s sort of a nice legacy. She had some interesting – she had a lot of money. Her family, they lost it all in the crash in 1929, and went from complete riches to rags. And so she wrote these children’s story called Riches to Rags.

It just would be a wonderful thing to give. And thinking of even maybe posthumously, I might try to reach out to a publisher and see if I can get it published for her.

DEBRA: Wouldn’t that be nice for your family?

ANNIE BOND: [inaudible 00:19:27] for my family, yes, exactly.

DEBRA: What a good idea. So another thing that you could do is – especially nowadays when everybody is always so busy with everything, is to just spend some time with someone. I know someone that I’d like to have spent some time with me. The gift is just to be there with them.

Maybe go on a picnic, although it’s cold in some places to do that. We could go on a picnic here in Florida.

But just spend an hour talking or whatever that other person wants to do. Just say, “Here’s my time. I care about you. I want to be with you.”

ANNIE BOND: That’s very nice because we don’t have enough time for each other. I like that a lot.

DEBRA: I like that too.

ANNIE BOND: Another idea is plants.

My father gave me two plants – he died in 1986, so it’s probably 1984. I still have them. They’re just one beautiful color, [inaudible 00:20:19] orange plant, Schefflera. Here it is, how many years later. I always know these were his gifts to me.

So I planted a grapefruit seed when one of my nephews was born. I kept it for years and then finally gave it to him.

There are some fun things you can do like that too.

DEBRA: There are just so many things.

We need to go to break in another few minutes, but there are just so many things that you can do when you start thinking about it that again, they don’t cost any money. For example, if somebody has been trying to find a particular thing that they don’t have time to do go shopping for or look for it, even if you just go locate it for them and say, “Here, you can go to this website.” That’s a gift in itself, just anything that you can give of yourself is a really wonderful thing.

ANNIE BOND: That’s a nice idea.

DEBRA: Be creative.

So we’ll be back after the break. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and Annie B. Bond and I are talking about toxic free gifts. So come back after the break, stay with us, and we’ll have more.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and we’re talking today about toxic free gifts with my guest, Annie B. Bond, author of many books about living toxic free, including Clean and Green, Better Basics for the Home, and Home Enlightenment.

So Annie, let’s talk now about choosing gifts that are toxic free. Before we talk about specific gifts, the first thing I want to say is that I think that giving of gifts is a wonderful way to introduce people that you care about to the whole idea of toxic free living.

I remember many, many years ago when I first started becoming aware of toxic chemicals in consumer products that I started – and this was at a time when there wasn’t much organic food available. But there were some organic oranges, and I bought them and I ate them, and I had one of those “oh, my god” experiences of realizing what an orange actually tastes like because when you buy oranges in the supermarket, they’re usually full of fungicides. And that fungicide flavor is what I thought an orange was.

And then I tasted an organic orange, and it was so dramatic.

And so I gave everybody organic oranges that years.

ANNIE BOND: That’s a great gift. Well, I was thinking about food because these are – we eat food anyway. And so it’s not a gift that’s going to be superfluous in any way.

DEBRA: You can also explain that it’s organic and why that’s important.

ANNIE BOND: Do that and educate, and then give them a taste thrill.

DEBRA: It is a taste thrill, to eat organic food.

ANNIE BOND: Yes, exactly. And so I think that’s a wonderful idea.

One of my sisters grows a lot of cucumbers and pickles. And we look forward to her pickles every Christmas. It’s a wonderful, wonderful gift. It absolutely is.

DEBRA: Yes. I think it’s always appreciated, and it’s not going to end up in the landfill. And nobody’s going to say, “Ew, I don’t like those.”

ANNIE BOND: Exactly. And the other thing, even around the – again, for stocking stuffers and things like that, I tend to give things that I know – my ex-husband, even though [inaudible 00:28:44] for all those years, after we got divorced, he started buying this hand soap, liquid hand soap, that had [inaudible 00:28:51] and things like that in it, the disinfectants and antimicrobial. So I always give him this wonderful lemon grass hand pump, dish soap, hand soap, just because I know he’ll use it because he’s not going to throw it away, and then he’ll start thinking, “Oh, my gosh. I guess I should go back to that kind of thing.”

That’s a nice gift. It’s very generous to give people non-toxic things that replace something more toxic that they had been using. And I like doing that a lot.

DEBRA: I do too because it gives them a taste, so to speak, of what it’s like and what the difference is. And I think that for me, before I started using toxic free products, I didn’t have any idea of what organic food was, or what a natural cleaning product might be. And I thought, “Well, maybe that doesn’t work so well as my toxic things.” Or it doesn’t taste as good.

For many years, I held onto this toxic, red lipstick because I loved the way it looked, and I wouldn’t even go look at natural cosmetics.

But then, once I did and actually saw it, then I totally love all these natural products, and all these organic products. They just are so comfortable for me and so enjoyable to use and so beautiful that if people aren’t going and looking for them, what we can do is that we can bring those choices to them and inspire them.

ANNIE BOND: But a really nice, non-toxic make-up would be a wonderful gift for a sister for example, or something. I really agree. I think that’s a very nice idea.

DEBRA: Yes, I love that too. And even things like that – I love to get cotton flannel sheets for my dad, or things that people are going to be using anyway, and that the gift that you’re giving them something that is exceptional –

ANNIE BOND: Absolutely. Or wonderful cotton dishtowels and napkins. I haven’t had a paper napkin in my house in so many years, 30 years or something like that.

DEBRA: Me too.

ANNIE BOND: A gift of beautiful linen or cotton napkins, to me, it’s a treasure. I have this huge napkin drawer.

DEBRA: I do too.

ANNIE BOND: That kind of gift is wonderful because then it gives a little bit of a Hampton – it’s so beautiful, wonderful to use these things, so why would anybody ever return back? It’s an inspiring gift, I think.

DEBRA: It is an inspiring gift. When I think about – I like to have things that are beautiful in my home, not just ordinary, but beautiful. And some things cost more, sometimes they don’t cost more, but I’m even thinking about things like cotton napkins, where you can buy a cotton napkin for a dollar, but you can also buy a cotton napkin for $10 that’s really beautiful. It makes you have that beauty experience. But a $10 gift is not an expensive gift.

And it’s something that can be re-used. It can be re-used every day. It reminds the person you gave it to that you gave them this gift, and it brings a natural and beautiful experience into their life by doing that. And also saves a lot of trees.

So I like figuring out what are these gifts that have multiple benefits.

ANNIE BOND: Yes, I completely agree. It’s a little harder with a teenager, and things like that because they have their list of things that they like.

Even for them, for example, with my daughter, giving her a ticket to – even though she’s no longer a teenager, she’s close enough that – but that’s the ticket to the shows would be a great thing. Or giving them music that they would listen to anyway.

DEBRA: Yes. I think that’s always appreciated.

Let’s see, what else can we talk about?

I know what I wanted to mention. Anything that anybody on your gift list wants is probably available in a non-toxic form. And if you go to, you can just spend hours on, that’s my directory of toxic free products. You can go to all those websites and see all those wonderful toxic free products.

You have a lot to choose from that you’re not limited to what’s sold in your local chain stores. You can go online and you can find these wonderful toxic free products, and give those, and help support those small businesses that are offering these products that need to have your sales in order to stay in business.

So that’s something else that can be done. That’s

ANNIE BOND: Yes, absolutely. I was just thinking I have a friend who does have everything, just about she could possibly ever want. Then it comes to the gift that’s not a real gift. So what I did with her is I invited – she’s recently got re-married, and there’s a special retreat center near me. They had a really interesting sustainability week, and they’re both in the sustainability field.

And so I invited them to this place for a dinner with me. It’s very rustic. And so, camp style, you get in the line to get your food and everything. This is an enormously wealthy group. But it was so interesting, and then there was a great performance that night that was unique.

They had an absolutely wonderful time, and I felt like, “Oh, my gosh. I could entertain them [inaudible 00:34:34].” And that was a great gift.

DEBRA: I think so too. I love things like that.

We’re going to take another break, and we’ll be back with Annie B. Bond. We’re talking about toxic free holiday gifts. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio. So stay with us.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. Both Annie and I are clearing our throats today. And you’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio with my guest, Annie B. Bond. We’re talking about toxic free holiday gifts.

Annie, we’ve talked about so many material things. I would like to get back to what you mentioned earlier about celebrating winter solstice because that’s something that I’ve done for many years too.

The whole winter time at this time, there are so many holidays, and if you go back in history, every culture has had a holiday at this time. And when you’re – I figured out that all the holidays have five things in common.

One is being generous people with people who can truly benefit from our gifts. Another is to express love in ways other than material goods. A third is to celebrate the spiritual and social meanings of the holiday which I think that we often forget whatever the root is of the holiday that we celebrate from whatever our social orientation is. Then there’s something behind it besides consumerism. Promoting peace is a big subject, and spending time with loved ones.

And regardless of the holiday that we celebrate, those five things could be incorporated to make our holidays more meaningful.

So I’d like to know, what are you doing this year to celebrate winter solstice? I always do different things.

ANNIE BOND: For me, it’s more about the – well, one year I had an incredible time. I went down to New York. I like Upstate New York, and I went into New York to Saint John the Divine, and they had this amazing Mickey Hart Drumming Solstice even that was just an absolute spectacular thing.

That was beautiful. I don’t think I could do anything that would come up with that.

For me, it’s more about the light and the candles. I have had – I live in the woods, and I have an outdoor fireplace, and I often had fires at night and just sat out there. I had friends over, had mulled cider or whatever, mulled wine, had cider. If it’s warm enough, sat up by the fire.

That’s a really nice thing to do too.

What about you? What do you do because I know you’re more experienced with it.

I tend to be more about the decorations and the candles, [inaudible 00:41:08].

DEBRA: Well, it’s evolved over the years. It’s different every year. Sometimes it’s just a simple observance. I usually get a tree, an evergreen tree, and I don’t put ornaments on it. I just put lights on it because to me, the lights are the light of the spirit of life. And I put a star on the top.

When I used to live out in the woods in California, I lived in a small, rural community, where by the time it got to be this time of year, we’d already had a number of storms because it was right off the Pacific Ocean. And living in the forest, you end up with a lot of forest debris on the ground.

And we would just go around and pile up all kinds of fallen branches and take them to the community center. And we would have a day where we all got together, and made wreaths. I’ve learned how to make wreaths.

ANNIE BOND: That’s very nice.

DEBRA: And then as you would drive around in this community, in this little village, you would see the doors, everybody had their handmade wreaths that we had all made together hanging on their doors.

And I just loved that. I totally loved that.

ANNIE BOND: That is really, really nice. That’s some of the nicest things I’ve heard. I think that’s a lovely idea.

DEBRA: Thank you. The whole thing about the origin of the wreath is the circle of life. It’s showing that at this point where the sun is now the shortest day it’s remembering that the whole circle of life starts again.

And so all of these winter solstice traditions are all revolved around – you might have heard of the yule log. The whole idea of the yule log is to keep the light of the sun burning all night on the darkest night.

I don’t have a fireplace –

ANNIE BOND: My father was always bringing yule log. That was always so nice that he even thought of it. That was just awesome.

DEBRA: Sometimes it’s very quiet, and I just am by myself. And sometimes I’ve had big parties. And this year, I’m actually doing – I’m going to three parties. One in the morning, one in the afternoon, and one in the evening.

ANNIE BOND: That’s wonderful.

DEBRA: In the morning, I’ve mentioned before that I’m a member of Toast Masters, and we’re having our Toast Masters’ meeting that morning because there’s a conflict at our regular meeting time. But our theme for the meeting is going to be winter solstice, and I’m the Toast Master, so I get to talk about winter solstice.

And then in the afternoon, I’m going to a permaculture party. And again, I’ve been asked to speak about winter solstice, and we’re going to be talking about how Stonehenge is a marker of the winter solstice day. And we’re thinking about how we could build a little Stonehenge in this woman’s yard so that it will line up with the sun that day.


DEBRA: Yes, and then in the evening, I’m going to just a regular Christmas party, but it has a little open mic event as part of it. And I’ve already told them that I’m going to sing my winter solstice songs because for years –

ANNIE BOND: That’s very good.

DEBRA: For years, I’ve been taking regular Christmas carols and re-writing the words. I have a whole [inaudible 00:44:22] of winter solstice songs now.

ANNIE BOND: Those are wonderful ideas. When you were mentioning about Stonehenge, most people don’t know this, but I did a sound healing week with a teacher in Vermont a number of years ago. And we went around to all the sacred sites in Vermont, of which are many.

DEBRA: I didn’t know there were any in Vermont.

ANNIE BOND: We went deep into the woods and found places where – on the winter solstice, the sun comes right through to where the stones are put. I have pictures of this teacher and people – they’re in the [inaudible 00:45:01] of winter right there on the 21st of December as the sun comes through these places.

It was absolutely mind-blowing that that existed up there. I was so blown away.

DEBRA: Well, one thing that I’ve been doing for years is where I sit, as I’m sitting right where I work and do this show at home. I face – the window faces east. And so the sun comes up every morning right through my window. And so I can see it over the course of the year moving across the horizon because out in different parts of my window.

And so I have a mark on my window where it comes up for winter solstice.

I have this dream that if I ever re-model this room, I’m going to put a little space right there so that on winter solstice, the sun is going to shine its light through the window.

ANNIE BOND: What a nice idea. That’s very nice. I like that. I like that a lot.

And of course, the other thing that we haven’t really talked about but which is certainly of huge value at this time of the year is doing things for others in the community. You started touching on it when you said I can give – this person I can go see them. We may have friends that are housebound or what have you, and to make that extra effort to help – to see what you can do to help them, or to work in your community helping the homeless or whatever. That’s just a – there’s a huge, cold [inaudible 00:46:28] coming across the country right now. And I just saw somebody post on Facebook for $20 you can buy these sleeping bags that you can give out in cities, to the people – they’ll have a place to go.

There are lots of things like that.

I always recommend people just do what resonates to them. It’s not like, “I have to go do this.”

It’s like, “What do you want to do?”

Maybe you want to work in a soup kitchen. Maybe you want to buy a bunch of sleeping bags. Whatever works for you is really always the best thing,

I think.

DEBRA: I think so too. And I always try to keep in mind that this really is a season of giving even though people like to receive gifts. But it’s really about me feeling thankful for the abundance of my life, and feeling like I want to be – well, I give all year in a lot of ways.

But really, at this season, it is about giving. And so, it’s like where is there something that’s needed. What do I have to go give?

For me, singing this year, as I mentioned before, is a big thing. And right here in my community, we don’t a lot of people who are going out caroling and bringing that Christmas cheer, wearing our deacon’s costumes and all those things.

We’re going to go out and sing, and people are going to smile. And that’s bringing happiness to our community.

It can be as simple as that.

ANNIE BOND: That will definitely do. I just had another thought that I think would be a fun thing to plan for future years. We all know that climate change is going to be really tough on agriculture.

And so if you garden, you can start saving your seeds and then give those seeds to people for holiday gifts which would be a really wonderful gift.

DEBRA: Absolutely. And seedlings too, if you’re planting seedlings.

ANNIE BOND: Absolutely.

DEBRA: Annie, we only have about a minute left. It goes by so fast. So is there anything else that you’d like to add that you haven’t said?

ANNIE BOND: I think it’s really about – every time you start going into your head about Christmas like, “Oh, my god. I got to do this. I got to buy that.” Just go into your heart instead and what’s meaningful here? What would make a difference?

And then I just go in the right – it helps you go in the right direction.

DEBRA: I think so too.

ANNIE BOND: I think that would be one way.

DEBRA: Well, thank you so much for being with me, Annie. And we’ll have you back in January, and we’ll talk about True Food, your book, True Food.

I just want to remind everybody that you can go to, or you can just go to and go up to the top of the page and then the navigation bar, it says “shop” and you can go to there to find all kinds of toxic free products for everybody in your family, everybody you know, whatever.

If you’re looking for anything from a bar of beautiful, handmade soap, to clothing, to water filter, anything that you’re looking for to give for gifts, you’re probably going to find the toxic free version on Debra’s List. And you’ll also get a lot of good ideas.

You can also give people a couple of my book, Toxic Free, which will help them understand how to remove toxic chemicals from their homes and their bodies.

Just so much. There’s so much out there. So look for things that are toxic free, and give them, and enjoy the holidays.

How Your Body Tells You it has Toxic Overload

Today my guest is Dawn Roberts, author of Warnings of Disease: Your Body Uses Symptoms to Communicate. We’ll be talking about why you should pay attention to your symptoms as indicators something is wrong with your body that needs healing, rather than making them go away with drugs or even natural remedies. While struggling with over 100 symptoms, 35 diagnosed diseases, and weight gain, Dawn had questions regarding her failing health, yet no medical doctor could provide an answer. Suffering with neurological problems, doctors suspected that Dawn had either MS, Parkinson’s, or Lou Gehrig’s disease. But the reality was that doctors were doing nothing to help, neither were the 23 medications that they prescribed. In fact, Dawn got sicker with each passing day until she said, “Enough, is enough!” This began her crusade to find the cause of disease and to eliminate it from her life. Dawn turned to a Chiropractor/Homeopath for help. With his assistance, and a total change in her lifestyle and eating habits, Dawn was totally healed. Chronic disorders, even heart disease, simply vanished. At the persuasion of her Chiropractor to write a book, Dawn embarked on a 15-year scientific journey to do research. She then took a hiatus from her work as a Forensic Document Examiner to write Warnings of Disease. Through this work, Dawn hopes to use her personal experience to help others. Her mission is to help people, who are sick, diseased and overweight, realize that junk food and toxic chemicals are perpetuating their problems. Dawn has been happily married for 32 years, and is the proud mother of two sons and a new daughter-in-law. She lives alongside a tranquil and serene river bordered by a Florida State Forest with her high tech husband, pre-Chiropractic son, 2 rambunctious dogs, a brood of chickens, and some crazy guinea hens.




“How Your Body Tells You it has Toxic Overload”

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
GUEST: Dawn Roberts

DATE OF BROADCAST: December 4, 2013

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio, where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world; and I’m clearing my throat today; it’s wintertime and it’s cold and I have a little cough but we are going to get through the show. Today we are going to be talking about symptoms.

My guest today is Dawn Roberts; she is the author of “Warnings of Disease: Your Body Uses Symptoms to Communicate”, and your body really does use symptoms to communicate.

I had Dawn on as a guest a couple of months ago and we had some technical problems that day with sound and there are big gaps in the sound on that recording so I wanted to have her on again because this is such an important issue; it’s such an important subject and it’s such an important thing for each of us to be aware of because…. You may have heard that old phrase; ‘a stitch in time saves nine’ and for many years I wondered what that meant until finally one day I recognised that they are saying that a stitch in time, it’s not about taking a stitch in time, you know, like the clock ticking, it’s about taking a stitch soon enough.

A stitch in time saves nine, means that if you have a rip in your fabric and you take that one stitch to repair it then you save having to take nine stitches and that just holds true with anything in our world; that if you have anything that needs some repair, if you take that repair right away then you’ll have less damage and it will be easier to fix and that’s what goes on with our bodies. If we can recognise our symptoms and recognise that symptoms are our bodies saying, wait, there is something wrong, do something different! Help! help! help! and we see the small symptoms and don’t wait for the big symptoms, then there is so much we can do to help our bodies and right now a lot of people are having a lot of symptoms because our bodies are screaming at us because of toxic chemical exposure and then if we can listen to those symptoms and not take drugs in order to make our symptoms stop, because this is what we are taught to do in our culture; is not to listen to our symptoms but to take a drug.

If you have a headache, take a drug; if you have stomach ache, take a drug; don’t look for the cause and what we need to be doing is looking for the cause and not taking drugs or even natural remedies to make the symptoms stop. What we need to do is look at what is causing the symptom and handle the problem. In some cases it’s gonna be toxic chemical exposure, in some cases it’s gonna be the foods we eat and in some cases, it might even be an illness or a malfunction in our bodies; but we need to see our symptoms, acknowledge our symptoms and see what’s causing them and that’s what our show is about today; it’s listening to our bodies; watching our symptoms.

My guest is Dawn Roberts, author of, “Warnings of Disease: Your Body Uses Symptoms to Communicate.”

Hi Dawn, thanks for being here with me.

DAWN ROBERTS: Hi Debra thank you for having me back. I really appreciate it and when you came on you said you had a cough and you’ve had some drainage and all and my response to that would be, you probably had a little too much Thanksgiving.

DEBRA: (Laughter)
Well actually I didn’t have any Thanksgiving. I actually I think that I was in a building that was mouldy a couple weeks ago and I think that that’s what’s going on. It’s a reaction to mould; it doesn’t seem to be a cold because I’m not having symptoms, like flu symptoms or anything like that, I’m just having that my sinuses started burning. I was only in this building for half an hour and my sinuses started burning and then I started having drainage and then I started having a cough and all these things and so I think this is entirely environmental and I think I just need to let it run out.

DAWN ROBERTS: Exactly, I know, I’ve been through that many times myself and I write about it in my book too.

DEBRA: So, let’s start by having you tell us your story. I know you have a very dramatic story of having many symptoms and diseases and taking many drugs and yet when you stopped taking the drugs and started listening to your body and seeing what was going on you found out some surprising things and were able to rid yourself of all your symptoms; so go ahead and tell us your story.

DAWN ROBERTS: Yes, thanks. Back in 1996 my body literally fell apart, like so many people’s bodies are doing today. I was diagnosed with thirty five (35) different diseases. I had heart disease, hypoglycemia, hypothyroidism, I had a lot of chronic diseases; sinusitis, endometriosis, I had kidney stones, gall stones, fibrocystic breast disease, I had multiple chemical sensitivities, I had acid reflux, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, ulcerative colitis, I had vertigo, I had tinnitus, peripheral neuropathy, mitral valve prolapse, I had ocular migraine and so on and so on, restless legs syndrome. The last thing was, the doctors said well you have symptoms of M S Parkinson’s and Lou Gehrig’s Disease, so their next plan of attack was to send me to Shands Teaching Hospital in Gainesville, Florida, to figure out exactly which one I had.
All in all, I had over a hundred documented symptoms. I was taking twenty three (23) different powerful drugs, including heavy duty heart drugs and the doctors were really doing nothing to help me other than to just describe what my symptoms were by giving me a diagnosis and then they would write me a prescription and if that didn’t work then they started advocating surgery. The last thing they wanted to do was replace my heart valves and finally I got so frustrated with the whole situation and I was so sick and not getting better; I had two young children to raise; I started doing my own research.

I turned away from the medical community. I turned to a Homeopathic Physician and also a Chiropractor and I was just led down the path to healing myself through all of my research and what I did was, I went through my house, I cleared out every chemical that was in my house that had a warning sign or danger notice. I went into my refrigerator and my freezers and my pantry and every product that had a chemical in it that I did not know what it was; in other words, any food that was not a whole food, I got rid of it and I said, ok, now let’s start from the beginning and I also did take some supplements that were not in the gelatin cap because those in themselves are chemicals.

I took hard pressed supplements and as a detox I ate a lot of beef, organic beef and spinach to detox my body and within two (2) to three (3) months diseases and symptoms started disappearing so fast; sixty (60) pounds dropped off of me. I didn’t know what was happening. Within six (6) months just about every disease and symptom that I had was gone and by eleven (11) months I was a totally new person and I have been completely healthy since 1997.

DEBRA: This is a very dramatic example of the difference it makes when we stop eating processed foods and when we remove toxic chemicals from our homes. I had a very similar experience where I don’t even remember all the symptoms that I had now but I remember at the time I said, these symptoms just are bizarre, they don’t seem like any illness that I can identify because I had everything from headaches and insomnia and exhaustion and depression; like, what illness is that; you know?

DAWN ROBERTS: Exactly, I had all those too. I was diagnosed with them.

DEBRA: Yes and so it wasn’t until I found out, actually by accident; it was just my mother actually at the time was dying of cancer and my father took her to a doctor for intravenous Vitamin C treatments and he happened to be a doctor called a Clinical Ecologist; it’s now called Environmental Medicine and he was testing people and authors for exposure to various chemicals and my father looked at this; he looked at the way the doctor could turn the symptoms on and off then… I see it’s time to take a break, so I will continue my story later after the break. You are listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and we are talking with my guest Dawn Roberts about how our symptoms can tell us what’s going on with our bodies. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: Before the break I was talking about how I found out that toxic chemicals were causing my symptoms because my father had taken my mother to a doctor and my mother was dying of cancer and he had taken her to a doctor who would give her intravenous Vitamin C treatments and while they were there, while he was waiting for her appointment he noticed that the doctor was doing something called Provocation Neutralization Testing where they would give a small amount of a food or cat dander or toxic chemicals to the patient and it would turn on symptoms and then they would give another dose and it would turn off the symptoms and he looked at this and he said, this is what’s going on with my daughter because he could see that my symptoms would just turn on and turn off and my symptoms were actually being turned on by very specific chemical exposures and once I got that idea that a symptom could get turned on and off by an environmental exposure, whether it was a chemical or food or something else, then I started watching for this and I even started keeping a journal and what I found was that when I would spray my perfume on I’d get a headache.

When I took a shower and there was chlorine coming out of the shower water in the steam I would feel faint and then I’d get out of the shower and I’d stop feeling faint and when I would go to bed at night, instead of sleeping I’d have insomnia and later then I found that there was formaldehyde resin on my permanent pressed bed sheets and formaldehyde causes insomnia and so when I changed the sheets on my bed I had no more insomnia and so this was quite a revelation for me to be able to make these connections between the symptoms I was having and my environmental exposures and that I could turn my symptoms on and off at will by what I was being exposed to and that is just very, very different from the idea of saying, I have a headache I’d better take an aspirin; very dramatic. It was very dramatic and I did a similar thing to what Dawn did; one day just went through my house and I took out everything that was a toxic chemical; anything that I could identify at the time that was a toxic chemical, so we have similar experiences Dawn.


DEBRA: So, one of the things that I like about your book is that you really have it organised around symptoms and exposures and let’s just take.., Chapter Three is about the Nervous System; so could you just tell us more about, like.., what to look for, what kind of symptoms are associated, like if your nervous system is giving you symptoms, what would those symptoms look like and what your experience was? You have quite a lot of information here about identifying neurological symptoms and what to do.

DAWN ROBERTS: Ahmm, neurological symptoms begin in the neurological system. For the symptoms to react that means something that you’re taking in, something that you’re being exposed to is being taken into the body and it’s going directly into the brain.

What I learned as a Forensic Document Examiner and I’m used to doing scientific research, so I started doing a lot of scientific research and what I found was, that the chemicals that we eat, the chemicals that are put on to our skin even as far as the toothpaste that we use that has warning, danger notices to call Poison Control if we swallow more than a pea sized amount, these chemicals that we are ingesting into our body through the foods and the products that we use and like you said, the formaldehyde that you breathe in, they go into your neurological system and they cause a whole host of symptoms and they can be some that we blame on everything but the actual cause of what’s the cause.

DEBRA: Yes, yeah.

DAWN ROBERTS: What we need to know and what I learned was that our body.., an allergic reaction is the exact same thing as an immune response; our immune response, when we are exposed to any allergen which is nothing more than a chemical poison or toxin; then our body sends forth symptoms.

There are five (5) basic symptoms that our body sends forth. They start out in the form of inflammation and what the body does, is, it kind of talks to us; it says that whenever we are injured or whenever we are exposed to some abnormal stimulation caused by these toxic physical chemicals or biologic agents then this is the starting point of diseases; it’s the starting point of symptoms and this is where our body starts talking to us. There are five (5) cardinal signs of inflammation and this is basically the only way our body can communicate with us; it turns red, it gets hot, it swells up, it has pain and it either inhibits or loses function in some way; so any of those five symptoms, if you were to take any disease that you have or any syndrome that you have, you’ll find that your symptoms fall into one of those five categories; so like you said earlier, that’s our body saying, STOP! Stop what you’re doing! it’s wrong, you know, stop! if you don’t stop you’re not going to be able to use me anymore and I’m going to die on you, basically.

DEBRA: Well, I mean, yeah, that is what happens and I see that symptoms really, they escalate. We’re gonna need to take a break just in less than a minute here but when we come back I want to talk about symptoms, that there is actually a hierarchy of symptoms that gets worse and worse and it tells you about different degrees of toxicity and I wrote about these in my book, “Toxic Free” but I also want to mention that in my book ,Toxic Free, one of the things that I learned in doing that research was that every single body system, it’s now known that toxic chemicals affect every single system and so I actually wrote out different systems and the symptoms in each system and how those are affected by toxic chemicals. That’s in the appendix to my book, so that’s something that anybody could go and read; it’s very enlightening. So, we are going to take a break. You are listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Dawn Roberts; She is the author of “Warnings of Disease: Your Body Uses Systems to Communicate”. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: Before the break I mentioned that in my book, Toxic Free, I had written about some symptoms and a hierarchy of symptoms that you can tell if your body is a little bit toxic or a lot toxic and first, let me tell you, there’s actually a word, which is, I’m not sure if I’m pronouncing this right, but it’s, emotories, which is from the Latin emotus which means to blow your nose and I love that because it’s like your body is wanting to blow it’s nose and get things out and that’s why it has these kinds of symptoms. So, when the primary emotories fail and these are the processes in your body; your body will continue to try to eliminate toxics through secondary emotories, which are all the mucus membranes and many symptoms of illness that you think of as common; such as, coughing, sneezing, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive urination and mucus membrane secretions are actually your body at work trying to remove substances that do not belong with it. So, here I have this runny nose and I have this cough and as I said at the beginning of the show, I was in a building that was very mouldy and so my body is saying, let’s get this stuff out; but just know that this list of symptoms that I read to you are all the major symptoms that we take so many over-the-counter drugs for and so when people have those symptoms, you should be looking to see what is causing those symptoms and doing things like detoxing your body, doing things like, I recommend people take Liquid C Lite, Pure Body Liquid C Lite because it removes toxic chemicals that cause those kinds of symptoms and it helps your body detox.

Ok, so you don’t do anything about it if you just take the over-the- counter drugs or the natural remedies or whatever you take and if you aren’t detoxing your body then your body will begin to store the toxic chemicals it cannot excrete. They might accumulate in your joints as arthritis; they can affect your brain and show up as fatigue, depression or memory loss.

When your sweat glands fail to do the job of detoxing your body your skin tries to drain toxics through oil glands, resulting in rashes, acne and eczema. So then, if you aren’t detoxing your body at that level then you can go on to have other illnesses like, cancer, birth defects and all of these things are because of toxic chemicals building up in your body and even if these toxic chemicals even affect things like your weight, your blood sugar, your sex drive; all of these things, every single thing is going on with your body if you’re having any problem, any illness, a symptom, it’s build up of toxic chemicals in your body and before you do any other treatment; from the research that I’ve done for over thirty (30) years; I would say, before you do any other treatment for any disease, remove the toxic chemicals from your home, remove the toxic chemicals from your body and I think that Dawn will agree with that.

DAWN ROBERTS: Absolutely. That’s exactly what I’ve found in seventeen (17) years of research. You’ve got a few years on me. All the diseases that are out there today, there are so many different ‘itises’; there’s gingivitis, hepatitis, arthritis, appendicitis, colitis, endometritis, the list just goes on. There’s hundreds and hundreds of these diseases and very few people realise that the ‘itis’ means inflammation. Every time you suffer with a disease that’s given a name with an ‘itis’, like arthritis, it means that you have inflammation and that is a sign that you have either been injured and if you can rule out injury then you’ve been exposed to some toxin.

The other thing is all the ‘osis’ diseases; there’s cystic fibrosis and histosis and there’s just so many of them, necrosis and multiple sclerosis and these ‘osis’ diseases means that some pathological condition has happened within the body that is causing a functional disorder that is a circumstance of the way we live; in other words, we are exposing our bodies to toxins in some way and that’s how all these ‘osises’ come about; and the way to cure yourself of these diseases, is like you said, we remove them from our body.

We don’t put more drugs into ourselves, which there is not one drug on the market and I done years and years of research into this; there’s not one drug on the market which does not cause symptoms. They’re all chemical drugs and they cause more symptoms. They cause more disease, that’s why people with diabetes and heart disease and depression and allergies, they just continue to get sick all the time.

DEBRA: Well they do and they continue to take more drugs and we don’t even need to do research in order to find out that these drugs are causing symptoms; all we need to do is watch television and watch all those commercials, and how many are there per hour, where they tell you some brand name drug and that it will cure this and it’ll cure that and by the way you’ll get liver disease and taking it may be fatal while this beautiful music is playing and they are showing you beautiful scenes of walking through the meadow, so……

DAWN ROBERTS: And it’s not that way, I mean, my mother was in the hospital last week, which is very disturbing to me whenever she goes in the hospital because she still does things that she shouldn’t do and she still exposes herself to toxins even though she’s read my book; even though she knows the lifestyle that I live but as you walk through the halls of the hospital people are so caught up into their symptoms and their diseases and taking drugs, it’s almost as if people don’t want to see the light because they take these diseases into themselves and they accept them and they go out and tell everybody that they are diseased and it’s like people are happy to be this way and I wasn’t. I was miserable.…

DEBRA: I totally understand.

DAWN ROBERTS: I was tired of being depressed, I was tired of being angry all the time, I was tired of having headaches, I was tired of being bloated and overweight and in pain. I was in pain twenty four hours a day with fibromyalgia. I was tired of these things but we don’t have to be that way, is what I learned.

DEBRA: Yes, I learned that too and we’ll talk more after the break.


DEBRA: We’re talking about how our bodies use symptoms to communicate and it’s a very interesting subject and how we should be listening to our bodies and what they’re telling us through symptoms instead of suppressing those symptoms by using drugs.

Dawn, we could talk for hours and hours and hours; we could have an entire seminar, a whole week’s worth of a conference on this subject.

DAWN ROBERTS: Yes maam, let’s do it!

DEBRA: It really needs to be talked about more and more and more. This is like one of the key things that needs to change in our culture and before the break you were talking about going to the hospital and people just accepting that they have their illnesses and that you said that you didn’t want to have your illness and that’s exactly what happened.

There was something in me which said, no, I’m not going to be sick with this for the rest of my life and that’s what people were telling me. They were always saying that once your body is damaged by toxic chemicals there is nothing you can do and that’s not true. That’s absolutely not true and I’ve really found that there is a whole field of toxicology and people have been studying toxic exposures for centuries actually but we have a recent field of toxicology that is only forty (40) or so years old and I studied toxicology; I’ve studied it a lot in the past thirty (30) years and the number one thing you do when somebody is being poisoned is; you remove the person from the poison.

You take the poison away or you take the person away from the poison, that’s the number one thing that you do. You could go to any Poison Control Centre and they’ll say, take the person out of the house, give them fresh air, make them vomit, you know, whatever; the first thing is, get the poison away from the person and yet we are sitting here being poisoned in our homes.

We are being poisoned by the food we eat, poisoned by the water that we drink and yet people don’t even know it, people still don’t know it even though I have been talking about it for thirty years, even though it’s on TV. People are being poisoned by almost everything that’s in their environment and yet we don’t have to be poisoned because you and I have done all the research to show that there are non toxic products available.
There are things we can do to detox. We can drink clean water, we can sleep in a clean bed that we don’t have to be poisoned and this is the big lesson that I think needs to be learned by everyone in the world right now, is that there are toxic chemicals, they are all around us; that there are non toxic choices and when we make those non toxic choices, when we live toxic free we can get well and that’s the number one thing to do.

DAWN ROBERTS: Yes, absolutely. I totally agree and what I learned was we do not have to be sick. We do not have to be fat; we do not have to be unhealthy. This is what modern medicine wants us to think but it’s not that way. We’ve taken blame to a new level, in my opinion. We blame everything but the truth and the truth is, toxins cause disease and illness, toxins cause weight gain.


DAWN ROBERTS: You don’t just sit and gain weight for no reason, you know, you’re taking in the toxins; the body cannot process the toxin; it’s putting it into fat cells and then you swell up and you gain weight.

DEBRA: Yes, that’s exactly right. I can’t tell you how many people… I used to work in a doctor’s office where we were treating people who had chemical poisoning and I can’t tell you how many people I just watched gain weight just from their toxic chemical exposure.
DAWN: Yeah. So many people were given prednisone, steroids and what’s the first thing they do? They swell up but they take it any way. I run from those things and we can live this life.

I’ve lived this life from 1996/97. I have not been sick; I take no drugs; I’m fifty eight (58) years old; all body signs are fine; everything’s perfect; my weight is normal and the first half of my life up till I was forty (40), I was deathly ill all the time. I live a healthy lifestyle; I know what to eat; I know what not to eat; I know what chemicals not to expose myself to.

Formaldehyde you mentioned earlier is huge. A couple of years ago the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) finally came out and put it on the list saying that, yes, formaldehyde is known to cause cancer. Of course the chemical manufacturers were up in arms at that because it’s big business for them but we as individuals have to take our own health into our own hands; we can’t just give it to the doctor and go, here, fix it, because they’re not fixing it; we are getting sicker and fatter.

DEBRA: Well I think doctors are well intentioned but I think that everybody has been educated. The doctors have been educated in our modern medical system and they haven’t been educated in the basics of healthy living…

DAWN ROBERTS: No, they haven’t.

DEBRA: and you and I managed to find that if we do the right things to build health then we are healthy.


DEBRA: It really comes down to that.

DAWN ROBERTS: It does and our body does have the ability to heal itself, even from heart disease. I was going to a Cardiologist every month. The heart meds that they put me on they were increasing the dosage couple times a year; they wanted to replace the valve on my heart. I have no heart disease now; I have no symptom; it’s gone, my body healed itself. Neuropathy; I shook so bad everything twitched; my head bobbed around, I tripped when I walked, I dropped a lot of things, I walked sideways, I was dizzy, I was disoriented, my head spun all the time. It’s gone!
When I cleaned out my body and quit exposing myself to all these terrible things, it went away and that’s what people need to learn; you stop exposing your body to these things. It’s your body and you’re exposing it; you need to stop!

DEBRA: I totally agree. There was a time when I just realized, you know, you just have these realizations of things that are just so blindingly true and many, many years ago I realized one day that my body is designed by nature to be healthy and that is my natural state, it’s to be healthy …


DEBRA: and if my body isn’t healthy it’s because I’m doing something to it to change its state of health and that what I need to do is figure out what I’ve done and stop doing it and that I don’t need surgery, I don’t need drugs; I just need to stop interfering with my natural condition.
DAWN: Exactly and the body has the miraculous ability to heal itself. It can definitely heal. I think you and I are both proof,

DEBRA: We are, we are, we are. So we only have about three minutes left, is there anything that you’d really like to say that you haven’t said?

DAWN ROBERTS: Well, I do like the idea of you and I doing a seminar; I think that would be good since we’re both in Florida.

DEBRA: Oh, that’s right; where in Florida are you?

DAWN ROBERTS: That’s right. I’m in Central Florida and east of Orlando.

DEBRA: Oh, that’s not far from me at all. Hmm, well, we’ll have to figure out what we can do about that.

DAWN ROBERTS: Yes, we should; but what I want people to know is and I’m like you, it’s just I want people to know the truth. I don’t want people to be hurting anymore because I was hurting and in so much pain and I suffered so much and I was going broke, going to doctors and taking tests and taking drugs and I was just a miserable person and now I’m not and now I’m very blessed to have learned all the things that I’ve learnt. What people need to do is do their own research. I feel like sometimes people are.., it’s almost like people are being brainwashed into thinking that they can’t get better but we can and that’s what I want people to know; that there is hope and just start doing your research. The research is out there, the information is out there. There is your book and there is my book.

My book is available on Amazon and Dakemani the Publisher, Start reading everything that you can.

Another book that really helped me was “Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills”, by Dr. Russell Blaylock. That was a great book that helped me; so just….

Oh and allergies; the quick thing is with allergies; people blame everything; I’m allergic, I’m allergic, I’m allergic. An allergy is an immune response. Every time you have some allergy attack it means your body is reacting the way it’s supposed to with the immune response; you start sniffling, you start drainage, you start coughing, sneezing, your body gets fever; it goes through all those inflammatory, deciding inflammatory processes and then that’s just your body telling you, hey, I’ve been exposed to some chemical. A lot of people think they are allergic to dogs or cats; what I found was, I wasn’t allergic to dogs and cats; I was allergic to dogs who were being fed bad food and bad treats and human foods and dogs are taking all these vaccines and the …..

DEBRA: Dawn I need to interrupt you because we are coming up to the end of the show. Thank you so much for being on and I’m glad that we did this again and we’ll talk soon.


DEBRA: Thank you for being here with me. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio; I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and we’ll be back tomorrow.

Have a Happy Holiday—Without Plastic

My guest Jay Sinha is co-founder and co-owner (with Chantal Plamondon) of Life Without Plastic, a one-stop shop and information resource for high quality, ethically-sourced, Earth-friendly alternatives to plastic products for everyday life. We’ll be talking today about how to get through the holidays without plastic. They founded the business over seven years ago after some tough experiences with chemical sensitivities and following the birth of their son. They sought to avoid the toxicity and awful environmental footprint of plastics but had difficulty finding certain key housewares in a non-plastic form. So they set out to find and source them for others too. Jay has degrees in biochemistry, ecotoxicology and law, and prior to LWP explored jobs ranging from tree planter to environmental consultant to corporate lawyer (most who know him can’t quite believe this one – nor can he) to Parliamentary researcher and policy analyst. This was the most obvious route to becoming a passionate anti-plastic activist and ecopreneur. He loves to walk in the trees – he and Chantal and their son live among the trees in a small dynamic rural community.





Have a Happy Holiday – Without Plastic

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Jay Simha

Date of Broadcast: December 1, 2014 (December 3, 2013)

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world. And we do that because there are many, many, many toxic chemicals of many different kinds that affect us in many different ways and they’re in consumer products. They’re in the environment. They’re even in our bodies that we’re carrying around from past exposures.

So what we talk about here is how to reduce our exposure to toxic chemicals, how to remove them from our homes and from our bodies so that we can be healthy, happy and do what we want to do in life – be productive, be creative, whatever it is we want without being hindered by toxic chemicals.

Today, we’re going to be talking about – well, it’s the holidays. We had Thanksgiving and now it’s time to look forward to – well, I think we’re already in Hannukah. I was going to say “look forward to Hannukah and Christmas” and whatever holiday you’re celebrating at this time of year. We’re going to be talking about gift-giving and decorating and all kinds of things for the next couple of weeks. Today, we’re going to start with talking about how to get through the holidays without plastic.

My guest is Jay Sinha. He’s co-founder and co-owner of Life Without Plastic, a one-stop shop and information resource for high-quality, ethically-sourced, earth-friendly alternatives to plastic products for everyday life. Even though his products are for everyday life, well, holidays are part of everyday life and we’re going to specifically talk today about how we can get through the holidays without plastic.

Hi, Jay.

JAY SIMHA: Hello, Debra Lynn. It’s good to be here.

DEBRA: How are you?

JAY SIMHA: I’m well, thank you, very well.

DEBRA: Well, good. I’m feeling really good today because I’m starting to get into that holiday spirit.

JAY SIMHA: I am too. Yeah, and you know where we are, so it adds to the holiday ambience.

DEBRA: Well first, let me ask you what is your favorite holiday that you’ve received that wasn’t plastic?

JAY SIMHA: Ah, my favorite holiday gift that I have received that wasn’t plastic. Frankly, it would have to be a gift of – I guess you could call it an experiential gift. I’ve received a certificate from our son for five massages.

DEBRA: Ooh, I would take five massages.

JAY SIMHA: That was very cool and I started to use it up. Pardon me?

DEBRA: I would love five massages for Christmas.

JAY SIMHA: Well, I think I still have three of maybe even four left, so maybe I could pass you one.

DEBRA: Well, I actually get massages every week. I actually get massages twice a week.

JAY SIMHA: Ah, good for you.

DEBRA: I mean, this is kind of an aside to what we’re talking about on the show today, but I’ve actually been getting massages twice a week for a couple of years and I found that it’s made a huge difference in my body and my health because most people only go and get a massage when they have a pulled muscle or something, they’re recovering from an accident or something like that. But when you go and get a massage twice a week…

JAY SIMHA: Oh, yes.

DEBRA: Then it goes deeper and deeper and starts releasing all the tension deeper in your body and getting the flows of blood and oxygen and everything flowing more deeply into your body. It’s just an amazing thing. So use your massages.

JAY SIMHA: I will.

DEBRA: Go get them. So let’s go back to plastic. Jay, how did you get interested in the plastic problem and start your business?

JAY SIMHA: Well, for us, it went back away. Both my co-founder, Shantelle and I have always been pretty environmentally oriented and health conscious. We’ve been doing what we do now for about eight years, but it goes even further back than that because it really began probably around back in 2002 when we were living in a house that mold issues. And at the time, I was also working in a building that was what we would call a ‘sick building’ and I developed something what we might call ‘sick building syndrome’. It was pretty mild, but for some people, very seriously and became very sensitive to mold.

Both Shantelle and I became relatively sick for the next year. That made us more sensitive to various environmental irritants.

And so with that, we start looking for ways to decrease our exposure to toxins in general. We came across an article in [inaudible 00:05:53] Magazine, which is now primarily an online resource, an excellent one for families including toxic issues. And in that magazine, there was an article about plastic toxicity. It was really the first time we thought much about it, that we have thought much about the plastic around us in our everyday lives, which was really quite pervasive. We were [inaudible 00:06:16] Tupperware and plastic wrap, that sort of thing – we have plastic water bottles.

That got us thinking. We decided to start by trying to find a non-plastic water bottle and had a pretty tough time back in 2002. There wasn’t that much out there. We did eventually find one company that was making them. Today, we carry the bottles by Clean Canteen. Back then, Clean Canteen was a co-opt in making these bottles. So we ordered one, tried it out, loved it.

And then the next sort of trigger was when Shantelle became pregnant and we had our son and we’re looking for glass baby bottles, which were the norm many years ago – not that many years ago, maybe a couple of decades or even in the seventies. They were very hard to find. We certainly couldn’t find them in a grocery store or any stores where we were living.

So we did some research and found there was one company still making them, Even Flo. They were based in Ohio. So we contacted them directly. They said, “Sure, you can buy some, but the minimum order is a thousand because they only did wholesale.” So that kind of was another light bulb. We thought, “Whoa!”

And we knew there were other people increasingly looking for non-plastic products – our friends and just word-of-mouth where we’re both relatively involved in the environmental movement. And so that got us thinking. We began the company just with those two products plus some stainless steel water bottles and glass baby bottles and some stainless food containers that was a replacement for Tupperware.

That was back in 2006 that we actually began the website. Since then, we just kept adding new products and grow and build our community. We just have amazing clients, customers. It’s not just about selling products for us. It’s really a process of educating and helping people find solutions.

The stories that people tell us are fascinating. They provide us with also lots of new resources and information that help us too. So it’s really building a community of people who are more aware of the toxins around them and in our case, relating to plastics.

DEBRA: I find that with my readers too and my listeners. Everybody is really interested in helping others find the solutions. I really like that because I, as one person, even though I’m coordinating a lot of these information, as one person, I can’t possibly be as effective as a whole lot of people going out and finding these products and then telling me about them.

JAY SIMHA: Yeah, sure.

DEBRA: And so it really is I think a collective effort and I’m very happy to see that in the world.

JAY SIMHA: But also, I just want to add that there’s so much new information coming out. It’s really hard for us alone to just find it and process it and pass it on just as you’re doing with these interviews. It really helps make the information more accessible.

DEBRA: Yes, thank you, thank you. One of the things that I’m working on right now – and I maybe shouldn’t say anything until I actually do it – I’m working on bringing more organization to the information about toxics.


DEBRA: So it’s just easier for people to find and understand it and to be able to go to a page about plastic and immediately be able to see which ones are the most toxic ones and what are the health effects and things like that. I think that all that information is out there, but finding it, knowing what to search for and then ending up with a lot of results to sort through in order to find the answer that you really need, I’m hoping to cut down on all of that stuff, so that people can just get the answers. I’m really excited about this.

We need to go to a break, but when we come back, we’ll talk about what’s wrong with plastic. And then we’re going to talk about some things that we can over the holidays to reduce our plastic and have even more wonderful alternatives. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. We’re talking with Jay Sinha from Life Without Plastic.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Jay Simha from Life Without Plastic. That’s, right? I don’t have it right in front of me.

JAY SIMHA: That’s right.

DEBRA: And so Jay, tell us about some of the plastics that people should avoid and what their health effects are.

JAY SIMHA: We take the approach based on two pillars – environment and health. In the holiday season, one that tends to come up unfortunately quite a bit is PVC or polyvinyl chloride. Unfortunately, it’s still quite common as a consumer product, but it’s also one of the most hazardous plastics out there. It contains about 55% of plasticizing agents, which are softeners. In this case, they’re known as phthalates, which can lead to a number of health disorders. But PVC also often contains lead, may contain mercury, may contain cadmium. It’s just a bit of a toxic soup. It’s found sometimes in toys still, in Christmas tree lights, in plastic Christmas trees. So that’s one to really look out for.

DEBRA: And especially when you’re putting out your Christmas lights and you’re touching the cords, you can get lead being released from the cord. I think that most cords, most plastic cords have lead in them unless they’re otherwise formulated to not have lead. And so we should be assuming that if you’re touching a cord from Christmas lights or plugging in a lamp or any of those things, you’re going to get lead on your hands.

So a good thing to do if you’re putting up your Christmas lights is to wear your gloves or wash your hands after you’re doing that. Especially was your hands before you pick up a Christmas cookie and eat it.

JAY SIMHA: Yeah, and that’s obviously very important for children as well who are especially susceptible to issues coming off led.

DEBRA: There is no safe level for lead, no safe level.

JAY SIMHA: Hmmm… mm-hmmm…

DEBRA: So any exposure you have is harmful.

JAY SIMHA: Yes. Oh, definitely. I totally agree with that. Another plastic that you will find a lot during the holidays is polystyrene, which is used in a lot of disposable dishes. Polystyrene contains styrene, which is a toxin associated with potential brain, nervous system, blood, kidney and stomach disorders and possible health effects. So that’s one as well we try to avoid.

And the thing with polystyrene as well, it’s what’s used to make for example Styrofoam and so it’s often used for food and often food that is hot or oily and those two conditions really increase any leeching that may occur. And it’s a relatively cheap plastic too. It’s not very stable and so the leeching can occur quite readily. So that’s another one that we really try to avoid especially when you’re out during the holidays at a, for example, get-together where they may be serving food or drink on disposable dishes.

DEBRA: Especially if you’re out caroling in the snow and you’re drinking hot chocolate or hot apple cider or hot coffee or hot tea out of a Styrofoam cup, you’re getting a big dose of it.

I think if I remember correctly, they do these tests that show what chemicals are in people’s bodies. Environment Working Group has done some and they’ve been doing them for years. I seem to recall that one of the tests that I looked at show that something like 96% of everybody that was tested had polystyrene in their blood.
JAY SIMHA: Polystyrene and also BPA is another one in receipts.

DEBRA: And BPA is another one, right.

JAY SIMHA: That’s taken in the air in these sales receipts. Those two are very prevalent.

DEBRA: Yeah, yeah. So what other plastics are we exposed to especially at the holidays?

JAY SIMHA: Well, another one would be probably polyethylene terephthalate, which is the plastic that’s used – it’s PET. It’s the number one [inaudible 00:18:23]. That’s used to make single use water bottles. And once again, during the holidays, you have a lot of purchasing or juices, even water as well.

DEBRA: Soda.

JAY SIMHA: Yeah, absolutely, absolutely. With PET, that’s intended for single use. But people tend to use them over and over. The issue with PET is BPA has actually been found in some PET. You don’t hear much about that. We tend to take the precautionary approach that any plastic may be leeching something just because more and more, the studies are showing, the new ones that are coming out – there’s even a study that says most plastic products do release hormone-affecting chemicals. ‘Estrogenic chemicals’, they call them.

So it’s really kind of a safe way to live to take that approach and act accordingly and try and just avoid the plastics especially the unstable ones.

DEBRA: I think that’s a good idea. I mean, I just try to avoid any plastic although some of them are worse than others.

We need to take another break. When we come back, we’re going to have some good news about how we can celebrate the holidays and give gifts without plastic. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. My guest is Jay Sinha from Life Without Plastic and that’s We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. Today, we’re talking about having a happy holiday without plastic. My guest is Jay Sinha from Life Without Plastic, which is at If you go there, they have many, many plastic-free gift products that would be great for holiday gifts, for stocking s. We’re going to talk about those coming up now.

But I also want to mention that they have free shipping that if your order is over $75. So that’s a good thing. They also have some specials on some of their most popular products. So go take a look at

Okay, Jay, let’s start by talking about holiday cards. Now, where’s their plastic in a holiday card?

JAY SIMHA: Well, a lot of the traditionally cards are actually coated in a plastic coating. If they look glassy, that’s because there is a plastic coating. If you spill water on it, for example, it beads up. That’s a really good indication that there’s a plastic coating.

But there are lots of ways to avoid those nowadays. There are certainly tons of cards that are now made out of recycled card stock. You print it using the vegetable-based, soy-based ink. Those are really quite easy to find now.

But also, one thing that we really try to promote is making your own cards. This is something that I’ve always done and we tend to do now for not just the holiday season, but birthdays and throughout the year. It adds so much more to the card. And it doesn’t have to be terribly intricate. You can take a photo and paste it on the card. You can do a little drawing. I, myself, I love to use watercolors, but I’ve never taken a watercolor course, so I don’t really know how to use them. I kind of play with them. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. But it’s always very personal and filled with love.

DEBRA: Well, there’s all kinds of ways to make the cards look either homemade or professional-looking. You can go to any crafts store and get what’s called decal paper. I think that’s what it’s called. It has kind of a little ripped effect on the outside. You can really dress these things up. You can put on stickers. I like to just go to an office supply store and get card stock and I design something on my computer. I make little postcards and send out a postcard instead of sending out a card.
I’ve done that year after year and I really like doing that. People enjoy receiving them. It’s so much more personal.

JAY SIMHA: Another thing that if you do receive a number of cards that may be plasticized, you can reuse them by cutting of the front of the card and then making it into a postcard next year like writing on the back of it and use that as a postcard. That reuses it and also can save on postage as well.

DEBRA: Or pasting those holiday images on another card next year. You can go through magazines or whatever and just find these reusable things and turn them into something really creative and different. Also, there’s e-cards.

JAY SIMHA: Absolutely.

DEBRA: And there are some that are really, really wonderful.

JAY SIMHA: And more and more, you’re seeing charities. For example, environmental non-profits offering up e-cards related to campaigns they’re doing with amazing photos of wildlife or nature scenes. The Nature Conservancy, the [inaudible 00:29:33] Club. That’s another way to do it. And obviously, there’s certainly no paper being used and no waste. And it’s very quick to do as well, which is a key issue for many people during the holidays time. So those are other great options.

DEBRA: Let’s talk about gift wrapping.

JAY SIMHA: Okay, sure. That’s one that frankly, I find the most frustrating during the holidays because so much of it accumulates. It can be so easily avoided. One thing, again, instead of buying new wrapping paper – and again, here, you do have to be careful in terms of plastics because more and more, we are seeing wrapping papers that are actually made out of plastic. It looks almost like a cellophane and it’s just a pure plastic paper. It’s very, very thin, so very, very low quality, very unstable. Why not instead make your own?

Get a roll of kraft brown paper and draw on it, write on it, have your kids draw on it or write on it or what’s really fun is take some potatoes…

DEBRA: I was just going to say that.

JAY SIMHA: Oh, yeah, yeah.

DEBRA: Yeah, tell us about that.

JAY SIMHA: Well, you kind of cut a potato in half and then you just carve a shape of, for example, Christmas tree star onto the open side of the potato. And then deep it in paint and do stamps on the paper. It’s a ton of fun, very creative. I just love to do it. They’re easy. They’re on the web. If you just put in ‘potato stamp wrapping paper’, tons of sites will come up showing you how to do it with great photos.

DEBRA: I’ve also used brown paper bags at my natural food store. I use a reusable bag most of the time. But sometimes, I get the brown bags, which at my store are 100% recycled paper. I use them as garbage bags instead of plastic bags, plastic garbage bags. I use the brown paper ones.

But I also sometimes, at Christmas, they have printing on the outside. I’ll cut them open and use the backs of those brown paper bags in order to be the base of my Christmas wrap. And then I don’t even have to buy kraft paper.

JAY SIMHA: Another one is newspaper, especially the comic section, the funny…

DEBRA: Or old maps. The funny things, I love all those pictures that are on calendars.

JAY SIMHA: Oh, yeah.

DEBRA: And so at the end of the year, I save my calendars and I save the calendar pages as wrapping paper.

JAY SIMHA: I save them too. I never use them as wrapping paper, but I never want to recycle them because it’s such gorgeous images. You know it’ll come in handy some time.

DEBRA: And also, I wanted to mention, there are places online where you can order gift bags like usable cloth gift bags. And at places like party stores and craft stores, they will sell little gift bags like shopping bags with little handles on them. I love it when people give me a gift on those little bags or when I get them at a store especially because if they’re decorative especially, I enjoy using them over and over and over and use them as little, extra bags to carry around and things. That I think is a way –

I mean, I’ll tell you. Way before anybody was talking about the environmental movement, when I was a child, my mother, we used to live in the San Francisco Bay area. There was a fancy store that had fancy boxes. Every year, they had a different theme for the boxes. Every year, we would go and just buy small, inexpensive things so we could get the boxes and save them from year to year.

And as the years went by, we would just get these, our presents in those same boxes over and over because they were such beautiful, little boxes.

JAY SIMHA: Wow! Do you still have them?

DEBRA: I don’t have them anymore. Eventually, they would just fall apart or something, a mouse would eat them if they’re sitting in the garage or something like that. But I had my favorite boxes and it was just – you know how people bring out Christmas ornaments year after year because the Christmas ornaments have meaning. We would bring out our boxes year after year.

JAY SIMHA: Wow! Well, that leads to another one of our favorite gifts, which is really as you’re saying to make the actual packaging part of the gift. We love to give gifts of food especially when we’re going somewhere to another person’s place for a dinner party or something. And so we do our stainless steel containers, which make a wonderful packaging that will last more or less forever. We fill them with cookies or Christmas cake or that sort of thing. It makes a wonderful, little gift and a durable one and a non-toxic one too.

DEBRA: Well, we’ll continue talking about more gift ideas when we come back after the great.


DEBRA: This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Jay Simha from Life Without Plastic – that’s – and we’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. We’re back now with my guest, Jay Simha. We’re talking about how to choose Christmas gifts without plastic. Jay, let’s go on with our list. We’ve got so many things.

I love to give homemade food too. And in fact, I’ve been known to give it a dish that they can just give as part of a gift. I wrap it in towels. I have a friend who sends me cookies every year in a basket. I now have a collection of these baskets that all coordinate. I love them because I can reuse the baskets.

Okay, let’s go on with some of your ideas.

JAY SIMHA: Well, for some smaller gifts, one that we just love to give – and we give them not just in the holidays, but year around – is a small stainless steel sfork that fits into a little organic cotton pouch. It’s a great stocking stuffer, for example, but also it’s something that can easily be carried anywhere.

DEBRA: Explain what a sfork is. I know what it is, but I think some people won’t know.

JAY SIMHA: Oh, sure, yeah. A sfork is, the concept is that it’s both a spoon and a fork. And so it’s got a rounded basis. And then on the end, there are tines, so you can pick things up actually like a fork. And in this case, it has a folding handle. It folds in two and it becomes smaller. When you fold it out, there’s a little part that opens up so it will stay in place. It’s very easy to travel with.

For example, we’ve had no problems with security taking them on planes. It’s just very handy to reduce and completely avoid using takeout cutlery if you’re going out somewhere. People just love them. I have not had one negative reaction about someone receiving them. They just absolutely love them and generally want more because they’re such a neat, little gift and as I say, a very great stocking stuffer.

DEBRA: I love that! And how much do those cost?

JAY SIMHA: Those are $7.50 for the sfork in the pouch.

DEBRA: Wow! I think I should get one of those. Great idea, yeah! Okay, what else?

JAY SIMHA: Well, another one, which may not be too intuitive this time of year, we have a single popsicle mold, a freezer cup ice pop mold, which is also very small. It’s made of stainless steel and it comes with bamboo sticks. I mention it because I know some children like popsicles year round and again, it makes a great little stocking stuffer.

Another one is we have a stainless folding mug. Some call it a telescopic mug because it folds down into very…

DEBRA: Oh, I remember those from my childhood where it collapses. Is that what you’re talking about?

JAY SIMHA: Exactly, yeah, yeah. You just have to be careful putting it down. If you put it down heavily onto a table, you want it to close up full of liquid. They work great. They’re very easy to carry too.

Another possibility could be a toothbrush, a wooden toothbrush with natural bristles.

DEBRA: I have a wooden toothbrush. I love them, I love them.

JAY SIMHA: I do too, yeah. The good thing with the wooden toothbrush and when it’s the natural bristles as well is that you can gauge the hardness of the bristles depending on how much you wet them. Some people prefer soft, some people prefer hard. You can make your own decision at way and gauge it with the amount of water you put on the brush.

There’s also stainless steel dishes and bottles. We have a number of glass stainless steel, glass bottles and mugs that we’ve just got in. Some double walled and single walled. Some prefer to avoid stainless steel and glasses. They’re completely inert.

It’s becoming more that certain glass products are actually quite tough and travel well too. So that’s another option.

Brushes, other brushes like for the kitchen for cleaning vegetables or for cleaning out bottles. Another little tool that we have in the kitchen is a copper cloth that can be used for scrubbing pans. I don’t know, people may not find these great Christmas gifts, but they’re incredibly handy and they actually do make wonderful, little gifts that people love even though it may not sound intuitive.

DEBRA: Well, you know, I just want to say that one of the things that I discovered many years ago was that I could use the concept of holiday gifts to educate people without them feeling like they were educated. The first thing that I did that with, it was oranges, organic oranges because when I first tasted an organic orange, I said, “Oh, my God! This tastes like an orange instead of tasting like fungicide.” And until that point, I thought that fungicide flavor – because you know, they wrap oranges individually in these papers with fungicide. And so by the time they get to the market, the orange is totally saturated with fungicide. So you really, really, really need to buy organic oranges, but most people don’t understand the difference and how they taste.

So I gave everybody like a half a dozen organic oranges. And when they tasted them, that made such a powerful effect on people even more than me talking about why organic.

JAY SIMHA: Wow! What a great gift, yeah.

DEBRA: So I could see that you could give somebody something that may seem insignificant along with a little card that says, “I’m giving this to you because it’s not plastic.”

In fact, you could make some little cards from Life Without Plastic that explains that this is a gift that’s not a plastic gift. And if they’d like to find more gifts that are not plastic or more items that are not plastic, they could go to Life Without Plastic.

JAY SIMHA: Incredible. Yes, thank you.

DEBRA: You’re welcome.

JAY SIMHA: And also, in that card, they could put a gift certificate and let the person choose exactly what they might most need.

DEBRA: That’s exactly right, yes. Now, you should have little gift cards.


DEBRA: Little gift cards, I think that would be very good thing.

JAY SIMHA: We do have some gift cards, but as you say, we don’t have a little message on them. They just have our logo with some holiday cheer added in. That’s a great idea.

DEBRA: It should have a little message because I just find that if I explain to people what the benefit is like why something is less toxic, especially like oranges, they make a really big impression because they’re so delicious…

JAY SIMHA: And they’re so prevalent now too. They’re all over the place.

DEBRA: They’re available and it’s seasonable. You can get somebody to really have that experience of eating organic food. Many, many, many people still haven’t eaten organic food. They just don’t have the concept.

But especially if it’s somebody who likes food, give them some organic food and you can put it in a non-plastic container.

JAY SIMHA: That’s a really good one to build awareness about now because a lot of people, the small, plastic oranges wrapped in paper are such a tradition. They’ve grown up with it and they don’t even consider the fungicide aspect. So that’s a really good one to inform about.

DEBRA: Well, Jay, we only have about a minute and a half left. All of a sudden, the show is over.

JAY SIMHA: Wow! It goes by so fast.

DEBRA: It goes by so fast. So is there anything – I want to make sure you have a little bit of time here to say anything that you’d like to say that you haven’t said.

JAY SIMHA: Sure! Well, there are two things. First of all, I just want to mention that we just did a blog post on our blog that goes through all kinds of different ideas. A lot of things we’ve talked about today for living a plastic-free holiday – and our blog is That would give you lots of links to resources and things and other gift ideas.

DEBRA: I do have that. It’s very good.

JAY SIMHA: The other thing I wanted to mention was to just share with you an experience that we have shared with our community in the past that really has been lovely.

We do a lantern walk on the winter solstice, which is December 21st, which is essentially the darkest day of the year when the sun is at its lowest point. People make their own lanterns, lamps with a mason jar and wire and put a little votive lamp inside, a candle and we walk through our village. We live in a small town. Right now, we’re out of that region. But normally, we live in a small town called Wakefield.

We walk through the town with our candles. Kids just love it. A lot of them do sort of paper tissue mache around the mason jar to make it colorful and beautiful.
DEBRA: I have to stop just because we’re at the end of the show.

JAY SIMHA: It’s just a stunning place.

DEBRA: But I’m going to do that this year because I celebrate winter solstice too.


DEBRA: Thank you so much, Jay.


DEBRA: And please go to for more information. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. We’ll be back tomorrow.

Finding Toxic-Free Clothing

My guest today is Adrienne Catone, founder and CEO of the eco-fashion website We’ll be talking about what’s available in the world of safer fabrics and her exceptional collection of clothing. Adrienne is a long time vegan and environmentalist who loves animals, faeries and fantasy novels. She started her career in the aerospace industry as an analyst. Her fondness of travel took her to Africa in 1994 where an encounter with a silverback gorilla troupe started her thinking about conservation and changed the course of her life. The changes culminated in the opening of in 2005. Adrienne has an MS degree in Applied Mathematics from the State University of New York (SUNY) at Stony Brook and a post-graduate Certificate in Environmental Studies from California State University (Cal State) Long Beach.





Finding Toxic-Free Clothing

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Adrienne Catone

Date of Broadcast: December 02, 2013

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world. There are lots of toxic chemicals out there. We encourage them every day in consumer products. But we don’t have to live a toxic life because there are so many things in this world that are not toxic. There are so many ways that we can remove toxic chemicals from our homes, from our bodies, from our workplaces. It’s just a matter of learning how to make those choices. And that’s what we do on this show, learn how to make choices that are toxic-free.

Today is Monday, December 2nd. And it’s all overcast and cold here in Florida today. It feels like winter. It’s so nice. I’m really starting to feel in the holiday spirit now that Thanksgiving is over.

And something that I want to mention is that I have a new food blog that I’ve been talking about. And for the next couple of weeks, I’m going to be posting a lot of recipes for wonderful holiday treats—candies and cookies and things that we like to eat that aren’t so good for us, but made from natural sweeteners, things other than gluten flour, things like almond flour, coconut flour, other things. They taste fabulous. And they’re easy to make.

And so, you can just go to my website. Go to, go to the top of the page to the main navigation, and click on food. It’ll take you to that page. And you can just see every day that new holiday treats that are coming your way.

Today, we’re going to talk about clothing. A couple of weeks ago, I found a website called And they have one of the best collections of really unusual natural fiber clothing—and very good descriptions.

And so, I asked the founder and CEO to come on and be a guest, so that we can learn from her more about how we can choose and find clothing that doesn’t have toxic chemicals in it.

Her name is Adrienne Catone. She’s the founder and CEO of the eco-fashion website,

Hi, Adrienne.

ADRIENNE CATONE: Hi! How are you doing?

DEBRA: I’m good. How are you?


DEBRA: Oh, don’t be nervous. We’re just going to have a conversation. So where are you geographically? Aren’t you in Oregon?


DEBRA: Oregon, yeah.

ADRIENNE CATONE: Yeah, just outside of Portland.

DEBRA: And is it cold there?

ADRIENNE CATONE: It’s very cold here. Finally, the weather has completely broken, and it’s down into the 30’s now.

DEBRA: Oh, how great. It’s 65 here which is very cold for Florida. I mean, I really am wearing a sweater and a wool scarf and everything, and it’s 65. Our bodies get acclimated to the heat.

So, just start by telling us your story about how you got interested in doing a website about eco-fashions.
Well, I actually was on vacation. This was way back—my story is long. It was slow getting started. But in 1994, I did a trek in Africa into the jungles between Rwanda and Burundi. And I met up with some silverback gorillas. You only get to be with them for an hour. And it was just absolutely life-changing.

And I had never, before that, thought about environmentalism or conservation. After that, I realized that they were on the highly endangered species list. And it really just completely turned my entire focus and thought process.

I started thinking about how I could live a more environmentally conscious life that would be more sustainable and that wouldn’t hurt these other beings on the planet with us.

DEBRA: Yes, I understand. So then what happened?
Well, what I started to do, when you initially think of things like these, it becomes overwhelming. And so then I did the “one thing a year” thought. So every year in January, I would change one thing.

So, one year, I said, “Okay, no more toxic cleaners.” I changed all the cleaning products. And I did all the research I had to.

And then, the next year, it was “No more toxic body care,” and I changed my shampoo and all the things that were in the shower. And then, the next year was like, “Okay, no more toxic clothing.” Just one thing at a time, “What am I buying for the house? No more toxins when you go out in the garden.”

And then, eventually, I turned vegan. And that’s partly because it’s very healthy and partly because I wanted to do more for animals […] And then, finally, it came down to looking at my career and saying, “This career is definitely not sustainable. What would I do? In a perfect world, what would I do?”

And that’s where the clothing company finally came about. It was almost 10 years later. But I had completely transformed my life in those 10 years. It was almost a completely different person. I started the business, and that’s how it grew.

But Faeries Dance really started as a more eco-friendly sustainable and less about allergens and toxins.

DEBRA: But I do see on your site that you give a lot of attention to things that are toxic and things that are allergenic. And I see a product that we’ll talk about later that I’m looking at right now. It says it was “designed to reduce reactions for individuals with chemical sensitivities.” So, I do see that toxics is something that’s important to you.

Well, let’s talk a bit about you’ve obviously done a lot of research. And that really shows on your site. So when you were deciding to remove toxic clothing from your life, what sorts of things did you find out about how things were toxic?

ADRIENNE CATONE: Well, the first thing that I was looking at—and like I said, at the beginning, I was really just thinking about the environmental issues and the sustainability of it. But the first thing I learned was how much pesticides were put on the things that turn into clothing.


ADRIENNE CATONE: I don’t know how much you or your readers know about clothing. But for example, cotton is the highest pesticide-sprayed crop in the world. And that’s because it’s not considered a food crop (even though cottonseed oil is in many foods). So it doesn’t have any of the regulations for pesticides on food. So, it’s just doused with toxic pesticides. And even if you forget about cottonseed oil, who wants to wear that against their skin?

So, I started looking first at the fabrics. And then, once I got to find organic cotton and hemp and all these wonderful things like bamboo that can be grown without toxic chemicals and pesticides, then I started researching the next step which is how much chemical finishing agents go into a final product.

And this is where it can get a little dicey. You might go into one of these big stores and see something that says it’s organic cotton, but it might have been grown organically, but then at the end, they want it to have a nice sheen and they want it to not wrinkle in the wash, and so it can be doused with chemicals at the end right before you wear it. Those are actually even worse than the ones grown in terms of you personally putting it against your skin.

DEBRA: I’ve been doing this for more than 30 years. I remember when organic cotton first became available and what it looked like natural and pure. It was really difficult to get. You had to order it—well, I was about to say “you have to order it online,” but no, there was no online. You had to order it by mail and wait for it to come in the mail.

And then, a few years ago, I went into a big store. And they were selling organic cotton. I bought some of these organic cotton sheets—actually, not for myself. I needed some as a prop for a TV show. I opened the package, and it didn’t look at all organic.

It looked like it had all kinds of finishes on it.

But we’ll talk more about this when we come back from the break. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. My guest is Adrienne Catone from And we’re talking about toxic-free fabric and clothing. We’ll be right back.


You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is Adrienne Catone from where she sells all kinds of eco-friendly and toxic-free clothing.

Her website is very well laid out because you can shop by size, by fabric, by color, by manufacturer. So if you’re looking for just organic cotton, you can just click on shop by fabric, which I’m doing right now, and then it shows you a menu, for lack of a better word, a gallery of fabrics, a picture of each of the fabrics as they appear in nature. I love that! I always had that idea, that I want to know and go all the way back to nature and see what it looks like. And then you can click on each one of these, and it takes you to its own page that explains each of these fabrics. And so, she has a lot of information on the site.

Before we talk about some individual clothing that you have, let’s talk about your fabrics for a bit. Let’s start with what we were already talking about, cotton. Let’s talk about organic cotton and why that’s important.

ADRIENNE CATONE: So, organically grown cotton is cotton that is grown without any chemical pesticides and without any toxins. And it does require more attention by the farmer. He can’t just spray and go away. You really have to be more careful with maintaining the balance of the soil and all that to keep the cotton healthy.

And that’s why it does wind up costing a little bit more although it’s questionable whether or not it yields the same. Some studies say you get about the same amount of cotton. It just takes a little bit more energy and effort on the farmer as opposed to kind of just spraying and forgetting it.

So, it’s a much cleaner cotton, to start with. And you don’t wind up polluting the ground water with all those pesticides and killing off bees and butterflies.

DEBRA: I just want to mention that I know some tests have been done to find out if there are pesticide residues left in the fabric. And they found that if you have like cotton batting like in a mattress or a pillow or something, that there’s still pesticide residues on that. By the time the cotton gets processed into fabric, that there actually aren’t pesticide residues.

So, even if we’re not wearing organic cotton clothing, there’s no pesticides residues on either regular cotton or organic, but it’s so important to wear organic because, as you were saying earlier, the toxic pesticides, the amount of pesticides are so great that it’s going to the environment, but it’s also coming back to us as an indirect exposure in our air, in our water, and in our food. You can’t put toxic chemicals in the environment and not have them come back to us.

So, that’s where we really need to watch out for the toxic chemicals. Organic cotton is so important. And on this site, Adrienne has a variety of organic clothing pieces that I’ve never seen anywhere else. So we’re going to talk about that a little later.

But there’s more and more organic cotton available, more and more clothing styles. So it’s really important to take a look and see if you can find organic cotton clothing that’s right for you.

Tell us about hemp.

ADRIENNE CATONE: So hemp is a cousin of marijuana. Most people know that. It has been illegal to grow here in the United States for quite a while. However, hemp actually can’t be smoked. It doesn’t have the THC that makes you high. It’s a cousin.

It’s not the same thing. So it never really should have been illegal to grow, but there is concern that it looks like marijuana and so it was banned at one point.

And hemp has actually been around forever. It was made to ropes and riggings for ships back in the days of Columbus (we were using hemp). It’s just an incredible fabric.

If you get raw hemp, which is mostly unprocessed, it tends to be a little bit scratchier than cotton. And so it makes better jeans, for example, than it does nice, soft shirts. But you’ll find that it holds up really well in the wash. And it softens over time.

So, hemp is probably, I’m going to say, the best, the most eco-friendly fabric of all the ones that I sell.

DEBRA: I would agree with you. And I love hemp. I love the way it looks and feels because I like things to be rustic. But it’s also really good for things like bags because it’s so durable and heavy duty. And it will last so long. So it’s really good for like a jacket or something that you’re not wearing next to your skin, but that you want to have good protection.

Okay, the next one you have is linen. I love linen.

ADRIENNE CATONE: Yeah, linen is just a nice fabric. You can get linen that’s grown without pesticides. It’s from the flax plant.

And I think most of us have seen that linen has that kind of neat, little striping in the fabric itself once it’s woven. And it’s very crisp and clean, it doesn’t wrinkle.

But if you get linen without pesticides, grown without pesticides, it’s a great natural fabric that comes from nature. So it’s another good one.

DEBRA: Okay, good. So those are what I would call the natural fibers that you carry—cotton, hemp and flax. And there’s other natural fibers like silk and wool. I don’t see those here, but those are animal fibers. So that’s probably why you’re not carrying them.

So then you have some other ones that start out with natural materials, but then they’re made into fabrics. You’re not actually getting the fiber as it appears in nature. So tell us what tencel is.

ADRIENNE CATONE: So tencel, I think most of us are familiar with rayon.

DEBRA: Oh, before you do that, we have to go to break. I was so interested in listening to you, I didn’t watch the time.

ADRIENNE CATONE: I could go on forever.

DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And I’m here with Adrienne Catone. She’s from We’re talking about the natural fibers that her clothing is made from. And then, we’re going to talk about her very interesting individual pieces. We’ll be right back.


You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is Adrienne Catone from And we’re talking about her exceptional organic and natural fiber clothing.

Alright! So before the break, we were talking about tencel. So tell us what that is.

ADRIENNE CATONE: Okay, so tencel is actually a man-made fabric, but it starts with managed tree farms. The purpose of tencel, this company in Germany was trying to recreate rayon without all the toxic chemicals, without all the damage it was doing to the environment.

So, they start with managed tree farms. And the way they do this is they take the base material, which is plants, and they run it through a big, chemical bath. And that’s how rayon is created. And then, it is turned into fiber. And all those chemicals are dumped into the water.

So, what this company did was they did the same thing, but they first reduced all of the really toxic stuff. They got rid of all the bad toxic chemicals and tried to create more benign chemicals. So they’re still using a chemical process that got rid of all the really yucky stuff.

And then, they created what’s now called a closed loop system where they were able to take all of that stuff at the end, all of the waste products, and then re-use it. And so, actually, they don’t dump any waste at all. They just keep reusing, reusing, reusing the same chemicals. They’re much more benign. They don’t pollute. And they create the same, nice drape and flow as rayon. So now you can get these gorgeous gowns and things that you would normally see in this tencel fabric.

And we also carry white pine. And white pine is a very similar process where they’ve used that closed loop system without the toxins to take white pine tree trimmings. And in this case, the white pine is really fun too because they don’t actually even kill the trees or manage the farms. They just take all the trimmings that people would normally do and use that leftover tree to create a fabric in a closed loop system that doesn’t have any bad side effects.

DEBRA: Oh, I like that. I like that. So you also have soy fiber. I’ve never heard of soy fiber.

ADRIENNE CATONE: Yes, soy is fun. And basically, during tofu manufacture, soy beans have that outer casing. If you’re eating edamame, you eat the inside and you throw out the outer casing. Well, in tofu manufacturing, of course, there are tons of this casing that just gets thrown into the trash (or they can dump them, and then try to turn it into soil and stuff). It’s essentially a waste product.

This company in China figured out a way to take those soy casings that were being thrown out and turn them into a fabric as well.

So, we sometimes get asked, “Is it non-GMO?” And the answer is we don’t always know. It’s essentially a recycled trash type of fabric. And so we don’t always know if the soy is GMO or not. They’re taking essentially this trash.

And soy is fantastic because it turns out to be really stretchy—almost like a spandex, but without spandex, without the polyurethane or oil that would go into spandex. So it’s got a nice stretch. It’s just a beautiful fabric.

I’ve been waiting for them to come up with something in lingerie because it’s such a great fabric. And they finally have. And now we have soy lingerie as well.

DEBRA: Hmmm… interesting.

So, when we were talking about this page that you had, I had said that you could just click on shop by fabric in your menu, and it would take you to the page where there’s a picture of all the different fabrics. I was making an assumption I could just click on them, and that there will be more information. But during the break, I clicked on them, and found that if you’re on that page, and you click on it, you get all the products that are made, all the clothing that is made from that type of fabric.

But there’s also a link there to a page called product information, and it does have all the information and links to find out more about each of the fabrics. So all of that is on the website. It’s just not where I said it was, but it’s there.

Alright, let’s talk about some of your clothing. The first I want to ask you though is you have so many things that I’ve never seen before. I’ve been looking at eco-clothing for as long as it’s been around. I was looking at natural fiber clothing, looking for natural fiber clothing way back in the ’80s when everybody was wearing polyester leisure suits. I know it’s very difficult to find.

So, how do you go about finding all these things? I mean, I don’t want to take away your searching secrets, but how do you find these things?

ADRIENNE CATONE: Well, it’s two ways. At the beginning, it really was quite a search for me. I went to a bunch of different sustainable manufacturing type events where sustainable manufacturers would show items. And eventually, what happened is that, especially with intimates (we have a lot of intimates, bras and panties), what’s happened now is that because we have a reputation for bringing organic bras, occasionally, some of the manufacturers will contact me, which is always exciting that somebody has found me and wants to have their items shown.

DEBRA: Yes. And people contact me too. I know, it’s fun.

ADRIENNE CATONE: So, I will say that, on the one hand today—we’ve been open for eight years. And even just in those eight years, it’s a lot easier to find some of these things than it used to be. There are more sustainable manufacturers now than there were.

But we also bring in a lot. We found that Europe is doing a lot more with sustainable fabrics, especially in the lingerie. The Europeans are very aware of having sustainable fabrics against their skin. And so we bring in a lot of products from Europe and Canada, as well as those that are made in the US.

DEBRA: I found that too. Back in 1990 when I was first looking at sustainable things, I went to a green product show in Germany. And when I walked in, I just started crying because there were so much there that was not in America at all. I couldn’t find it in America at all. And it was just like Christmas morning for me to go around that show and see all these things that were organic and made out of natural materials. I just would’ve bought everything that was there if they could’ve taken them all on the plane with me.

We need to take another break. But we’ll be right back to talk about toxic-free clothing with Adrienne Catone. She’s the founder and CEO of the eco-fashion website, We’ve got some exciting things to talk about when we come back.


You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is Adrienne Catone from And I want to spell that for you because it’s spelled in the old way, F-A-E-R-I-E-S-dance dot-com. And we’ve been talking about different fabrics.

So, let’s talk about your clothing. I want to just mention a few items that really intrigued me. The one I’m looking at right now is called Tweed Swing Coat. It comes in regular sizes and plus sizes. And ladies, if you’re looking for plus sizes, organic clothing and plus sizes, this is a place to look because there’s more than I usually see on websites. Often, you can’t find any, but she’s got a lot on here.

But the thing that’s interesting is—okay, so what happens when you go to an individual product, it tells you the fabrics, it tells you the percentage of each fabric (this one is 83% hemp and 17% organic cotton), and then it tells you if you can wash it (what are the care instructions, how to wash it, how to dry it), and then it tells you where it’s made. This one is made in the USA of imported fabric.

And that gives me a lot of information. I don’t often see that much information. I really appreciate that. I appreciate that very much. I think you’ve done a really good job, Adrienne.


DEBRA: Another thing that I like about this coat is that it says “it’s fully lined with leftover fabrics from previous seasons. Each lining is unique.” I just love that!

If you go to, say, a department store, you can certainly find say a linen jacket or a wool jacket or a cotton jacket even, but it’s usually lined with a sytnethic lining. And I’m always looking for natural fiber clothing that doesn’t have those linings in it. And so here is a hemp jacket. And the lining is uniquely made out of scrap. And I think that’s absolutely fabulous.

So, what kind of fabric is pieced together for the linings?

ADRIENNE CATONE: Most of them were leftover silks from previous seasons. The company that makes these does use silk.

We don’t usually carry silk as a vegan company because they kill the silkworms. But we love the idea that this is silk that was already made and now scrapped, and it wasn’t thrown away. It would actually get used. So I think it’s great.

DEBRA: Right, right.

ADRIENNE CATONE: It’s not guaranteed to be silk. But most of them were silk though. We saw because it was a nice, warm lining. And that was what they had mostly leftover of.

DEBRA: Good, good.

So, I’m going to just click back here to these pages as I’m talking about them. Another one I wanted to mention was the little black dress. And I have a question. I want you to explain something. But while I’m typing, why don’t you tell us about the little black dress.

ADRIENNE CATONE: Is there a name for this dress?

DEBRA: Oh, it was on the home page in the text. This is what I’m talking about. In the second paragraph, it says, “need something for a night on the town, slip into the perfect, little, black dress.” Here we go, it’s the Dandeen Dress.

ADRIENNE CATONE: This is a fun one. it is made from a blend of bamboo and organic cotton. And it has one of those adjustable tops which is just so much fun. You can tie it several different ways at the top to give you a different look.

This one is made in China. And we actually don’t have a problem with bringing in items from China as long as they are adhering to Fair Trade Federation guidelines.

DEBRA: Okay, that was my question. This is probably my number one question from my readers. If I recommend something that comes from China, they say, “Do you know that that came from China?” like if it comes from China, it must be bad.

But I have the viewpoint that not everything from China is bad because I know companies personally who have their things made in China. They are wonderful, wonderful products. They’re not full of lead or any of those other China problems.

So, can you explain your experience and why you have things from China?

ADRIENNE CATONE: Yes. I will tell you that some of your readers are correct. There is a lot going on in China in terms of there’s a lot of pollution, there’s a lot of lead. However, China is coming into its own. It wants to be more westernized. And there is a subset of Chinese manufacturing that’s really trying to come up to standards that we would consider acceptable.

So, one of the things for us—and for me in particular—is it has to meet all fair trade. I don’t want somebody working slave hours and getting $3 every two months or something. So, fair trade means they look at the local economy and they make sure that everyone there is working at a living wage for their economy, that there’s no child labor, there’s no sweatshop labor, that generally healthcare is either provided or their wages are high enough that healthcare is reasonably within the realm of possibility for the people who are working. So, for me, the human aspect is the biggest thing.

But then, also, something like ISO adherence is a fact that they are concerned about, making sure that they’re not dumping those chemicals, they’re not polluting the water.

And so there is quite a bit of good things coming out of China. And everything we source from China, we follow through. We have to personally talk to someone who’s been to the factory to make sure that it’s there. And then we either want certification or written standards that we can make sure, “Okay, this person that I know has actually been to the factory. And these are the conditions they’ve seen. And they meet, in this case, ISO adherence and fair trade standards.”

And if that’s the case, then these are people too, they need work and they’re trying to do something great. So why not support them?

DEBRA: I agree, I agree.

So, let’s talk about your bras especially because you have so many bras. And especially, there was one that caught my eye called the drawstring bra. I’m going to type that in just so that I can look at it while we’re talking.

You have to excuse my nose and my cough. Cold weather.

ADRIENNE CATONE: I’m pining for the days of 65. I’m here from California, from Los Angeles actually. So I’m used to the really warm weather. So it’s pretty cold for me too.

DEBRA: Okay! So, here we have an “organic cotton jersey bra with no metal hooks or stretch marks from coarse elastic. It’s designed for comfort and support. And it utilizes adjustable drawstrings and rib fabric for flexibility.”

I don’t even know what to say. It’s completely latex-free, completely elastic-free for sensitive skin, organic cotton, double layered cotton lining. It has covered seams to prevent rubbing and agitation, irritation-free label for sensitive skin, textile dye-free and resin-free.

This is amazing! I’ve never seen a bra like this.

ADRIENNE CATONE: Yeah, I think I told you at the beginning that I started out looking for just eco-friendly and sustainable.

And what I found was that there were a number of women coming to my site who had allergies. We started looking through, “Okay, well, even though this is low impact dye, they have an allergy to this dye,” or “Even though this is organic cotton, the elastic is latex.” And I had not realized how many people with allergies there were out there. And that’s when I started realizing that this was a marketplace that was underserved.

I started looking for specifically allergen-free eco-friendly. And I came across this company. They actually work out of the Philippines. And this is the only company that I’m working with that actually does this. But they actually test, do medical tests on all of their products for allergies.

So, these has been so popular since I got them. As I’ve said, I didn’t realize how many people had allergies. But this is a bra that has no latex and no elastic—I mean, no elastic at all which is just amazing. It’s a godsend for people who have severe chemical sensitivities.

DEBRA: We’ve only got about a minute left. Didn’t that go by fast? So is there anything that you want to say that you haven’t said (and say it short because now we have less than a minute)?

ADRIENNE CATONE: Well, the other thing I would say is the biggest question we get is why can’t you expand sizes. We’re definitely trying to do that. We get as many sizes as we can.

And then, the other thing I’d like to point out is we’re also starting in 2014 our own line. Right now, we’re just a retailer. But in 2014, we’re manufacturing our own clothing line.

DEBRA: Excellent! And I hope you’ll let me know when that happens, so that we can have you on again, and you can tell us all about that.

ADRIENNE CATONE: Oh, absolutely!

DEBRA: Well, thank you so much for being on with us. I think that you’re doing some innovative and ground-breaking work.

Just keep doing it. It’s really wonderful.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And you can go to in order to find out more about the show. You can listen to all the past shows which are there archived. Tell your friends! I’ll be back tomorrow.

Cover for High Chair Tray

Question from Hope

Help! I just learned that the high chair tray my daughter eats off of is not so good. I’m looking for a non toxic surface for her to eat off of. She’s eating finger foods straight off the tray at the moment. Bowls are out of the question. She’ll simply play with them. I’m thinking that some sort of a placemat to cover the tray would be best. I’ve heard silicone isn’t all that safe. I’ve heard even the safer plastics such as #4 aren’t really all that great either. What about eating off of a cotton placemat? What other options are there? Thanks a million!

Debra’s Answer

You could use a cotton placemat if you wash it every time you use it. Or a cotton napkin or towel. These are items that regularly come in contact with food anyway.

I personally am not concerned about silicone baking mats. I use them almost every day for baking and roasting.

I piece of wood chopping board would be good.

It would just need to be something you can easily clean and sanitize with hot water.

Readers, any suggestions?

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Mine Rock Fill on Property

Question from JennyD

We are buying/building a home and found out that there is some mine rock that was used as fill for the lot that our house will be on.

I don’t know much about mine rock and was wondering if you could tell me if there is anything to be concerned about? Thank you!

Debra’s Answer

This is a difficult question to answer, and someone more experienced in this field than I may have a better response. But I’ll tell you my best logic.

First, according to National Wildlife Federation: Hard Rock Mining Pollution, hard rock mining is “the single largest source of toxic waste and one of the most destructive industries in the country.” These are the mines that product gold, silver, copper, and uranium.

A lot of rock waste is produced and that may be the rock that is used for fill on your property.

But is it toxic?

As best as I can determine, it’s not the rock that is toxic, but the cyanide and sulfuric acid and other toxic chemicals that are used in the mining process and then are dumped into waterways that are the toxic problem.

If you are concerned and in doubt, I would suggest you get your soil tested or ask around locally to see if you can learn more about your particular local rock fill. It’s likely others nearby have asked the same question.

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Hazelnut Kids

“Natural toys for girls and boys.” This site has LOTS of toys to choose from that range from art supplies to wooden toys, and everything in between: blocks, dolls and dollhouses, games, musical instruments, puzzles, stuffed animals, and more. They have a good list of chemicals that are not in their products, including their health effects, and give each product an icon for “toxin-free,” “sustainable production,” “organic,” “made in the USA,” “recycled,” and “social responsibility,” (and maybe more…these are the ones I found) which show why they chose the product and helps you find the attributes you are looking for at a glance. Many of the toys also have stories about who made them. See their article “Why Choose Natural, Wooden and Organic Toys?”

Visit Website

Poofy Organics

This line of organic body care products was founded in 2006, after a family member was diagnosed with breast cancer. Determined to stop using products laden with toxic chemicals, they made their own with “the safest and most effective ingredients…Our products are safe for our world, children, pets, and expectant mothers…We promise to avoid toxic ingredients such as synthetic fragrance, parabens, triclosan, PEGs, Triethanolamine, Oxybenzone, GMOs and other harmful chemicals!” They have four separate lines: I Am Goddess for women (which includes makeup and nail polish); Ruggedly Natural for men; Young, Wild and Free for kids; and Baby Poof for babies. Most of the products are USDA Certified Organic while others are made using mostly organic ingredients. Scented products are all essential oil or food extract based. All ingredients are disclosed. All products are made fresh by hand in small batches in Rutherford, New Jersey. 80% of products are vegan, all are cruelty free and gluten free. Products rank safe on Environmental Working Group Skin Deep database. 

Listen to my interview with Poofy Organics Independant Consultant Katie Lynch.

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The Dangers of Prenatal Exposure to Bisphenol-A (BPA)

Today my guest is Gretchen Lee Salter, Senior Program and Policy Manager for the Breast Cancer Fund. We’ll be talking about a new report called Disrupted Development: The Dangers of Prenatal BPA Exposure, which is about how a pregnant woman’s exposure to BPA can affect her child’s development after birth and throughout their lives. Gretchen has played a leading role in the passage of landmark laws in California, including bans on toxic chemicals in children’s toys and feeding products and legislation that established the state’s biomonitoring, Safe Cosmetics and Safer Consumer Products programs. These efforts have served as models for environmental health policy in other states and federally. Gretchen also manages the Breast Cancer Fund’s Cans Not Cancer corporate accountability campaign, which has resulted in Campbell’s announcing it will phase out the use of the toxic chemical BPA. Before joining the Breast Cancer Fund, she worked as an organizer, advocate and activist in both legislative and electoral politics, including serving as the national budget director for the Democratic National Committee and working on presidential campaigns. Gretchen received a B.A. from the University of California at Davis.





The Dangers of Prenatal Exposure to Bisphenol-A (BPA)

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Gretchen Lee Salter

Date of Broadcast: November 26, 2013

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world.

It’s Tuesday, November 26, 2013. And I’m here in Clearwater, Florida, where it’s going to rain. And today, we are talking about something that is very, very, very important—not that everything on the show isn’t important, everything is important. But this is particularly a subject that affects everyone.

All toxic chemicals affect everyone, but this is something that’s happening to every person practically on the planet. Everybody is exposed to this. And particularly, it’s a problem, what we’re going to be talking about today, for women who are pregnant because it affects the health of the fetus once it’s born for the rest of their life.

Anyway, listen, just listen because this is really important.

My guest today is Gretchen Lee Salter. She’s the senior program and policy manager for the Breast Cancer Fund. They’ve just issued a report called Disrupted Development: The Dangers of Prenatal BPA Exposure.

Now, I know you’ve all heard about BPA and how it’s ubiquitous in our environment. But Gretchen is going to tell us how it affects our health, and particularly, the health of children yet to be born.

Hi, Gretchen. Thanks for being with me.

GRETCHEN LEE SALTER: Hi, Debra. It’s my pleasure. Thanks so much for having me.

DEBRA: You’re welcome. I can’t tell you how important I think your report is. But first, before we talk about it, tell us a little bit about how you got into this field, and also about the Breast Cancer Fund.

GRETCHEN LEE SALTER: Sure, sure. Well, the Breast Cancer Fund, we’re a national organization. And we’re based in San Francisco. We were founded in 1992 by a woman named Andrea Ravinett Martin who, at 42, was diagnosed with breast cancer—the first woman in her family to be diagnosed with breast cancer. She was given a 40% 5-year survival rate. She was basically told to go home and put her affairs in order.

After a grueling treatment, and another diagnosis, she felt that putting her affairs in order meant funding this organization. And we’re all so happy she did.

She started in the ‘90s as a funding organization. But in around 2000/2001, we shifted our focus to really be focused on advocacy and focused solely on breast cancer prevention by identifying and advocating for the elimination of the toxic chemicals in radiation that are linked to the disease.

We have seen huge upticks in the rates of breast cancer over the last 40 years. In fact, breast cancer incidents has tripled in the last 40 years. And that really goes hand in hand with our increased use of industrial chemicals.

DEBRA: We’re going to talk about BPA in your report. But as long as we’re just right here, can you just mention some of the chemicals that you found in your organization contribute to breast cancer?

GRETCHEN LEE SALTER: Sure! Well, there are several. So, bisphenol-A certainly is one that we’ve been focused on quite a bit. But there are a number of breast carcinogens. Benzene is something that’s used quite a lot in the workplace. We’ve looked a lot at a chemical called phthalates, which are a plasticizer that is used in PVC plastic to make it soft and malleable, but it’s also used in fragrances to help spread the fragrance around.

And there’s just really a whole host of chemicals that you can find that have been linked to the disease.

Actually, we have published a compendium of research—and we do this every couple of years or so—called State of the Evidence where we aggregate all of the scientific evidence on chemicals that are linked to breast cancer and radiation linked to breast cancer. And we put the research all in one place, and put it in a way that is very easy to understand for a lay audience. I’m certainly not a scientist. And our scientists here have really made it very easy for me to do my job.

So, one of the biggest contributors we’re seeing to breast cancer is to spread something called endocrine-disrupting chemicals. And bisphenol-A falls under that as well as a number of others like phthalates that I’ve mentioned, some of the flame retardants, PBDE’s (people have heard of those), triclosan, which is used very often in antibacterial hand soaps or antibacterial cleaners. They’re all endocrine-disrupting compounds.

And those are things that we are really, really looking at, and have been looking at, for the last few years or so because of their ability to either mimic or disrupt our normal hormonal processes.

And breast cancer is really a disease that’s driven by hormones. A woman’s lifetime exposure to estrogen—this is a very crude way to state it. But a woman’s lifetime exposure to estrogen is directly related to her increased risk for breast cancer. So, the more estrogen or estrogen-like compounds you are exposed to, the higher your risk of breast cancer. Again, that’s a very crude way to put it. But in a nutshell, that’s basically it.

And so, when you have chemicals like bisphenol-A, like phthalates, like triclosan that are able to mimic our hormones, that’s really concerning to us because we know that our hormones work in explicitly low doses. We’re talking in the parts per billion, parts per trillion. And so, even just a little bit can set somebody off in the wrong direction.

And as you mentioned, where we are most concerned right now is in early childhood and in prenatal development.

DEBRA: I just want to commend your organization for making a switch from fundraising to fight the illness to having your work be focused on preventing the illness and identifying the toxic chemicals. I think that’s so important. That’s what I’ve been doing for 30 years. So I’m very happy to see that you’re doing this in the area of breast cancer, that you’ve chosen an area to focus on so that we can find out what the information is and apply that in our lives.

GRETCHEN LEE SALTER: Thank you so much. And thank you so much for the work that you do as well.

When we decided to change the focus of the organization, we really took a look at the breast cancer field. We wanted to find out what was missing. And there are a lot of great organizations that are focused on access to treatment, and trying to find a cure, and improving therapies. And those are all incredibly important things. I don’t want to minimize that at all.

But where we saw a big hole was in this prevention piece. And as we all know, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

DEBRA: Absolutely!

GRETCHEN LEE SALTER: And so we thought this is something that needs more attention.

And I think, a lot of times, people think about chemicals and toxins in our lives as an environmental issue. But how we see it, this is really a public health issue. This is something that is affecting our health on a day-to-day basis.

I have personally been very lucky in that—you asked how I came to this organization. I’ve been lucky in that I’m one of the few people that have not had any breast cancer, or really cancer, in my family. But that doesn’t mean really anything at this point because I know what I’ve been exposed to, I know with my three-year-old daughter. And I’m currently pregnant, I know what my baby is being exposed to even though I try to live as cleanly as possible.

And so for me, I am doing this for the next generation. And I am so happy that I have been able to work at the Breast Cancer Fund and focus our attention on prevention, which I think is ultimately going to win the day.

DEBRA: I think so too. And this morning, I actually found out—and I don’t think I have the quote right here in front of me. But I was researching something, and I came across the Pollution Prevention Act from 1990, the Federal Pollution Prevention Act from 1990.

And it says right there, very clearly—and I’m not quoting them because I don’t have it in front of me—that the number one thing to do is to reduce the pollutants at the source. And that’s exactly what you and I and many others are talking about is reducing.

Actually, it says, “Congress says that we should be reducing pollution at the source.”

I had actually never heard that statement before. But it’s actually law that we should be doing this in the United States. We could have a whole other show about what’s not happening according to the law.

We’re going to pick our subject. Just when I read that I went, “Oh, my god. There’s actually a law in the United States of America that we should be reducing toxic chemical exposure.”

And we need to go to a break, but we’ll be right back. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. And my guest today is Gretchen Lee Salter from the Breast Cancer Fund. When we come back, we’re going to talk about the dangers of prenatal BPA exposure.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And today, my guest is Gretchen Lee Salter from the Breast Cancer Fund. We’re talking about the dangers of prenatal BPA exposure.

Now, everything we’re about to start talking about is from a report called Disrupted Development: The Dangers of Prenatal BPA Exposure. And you can get that by going to, and looking for today’s show. I have a link to it there. It will give you everything we’re going to say you can read about in the report (at least I think most of what we’re going to say will be in the report).

Gretchen, let’s just start out with the brief history of BPA and talk about what the health effects are.

GRETCHEN LEE SALTER: So, BPA is short of bisphenol-A. And it is a chemical that was originally synthesized to actually be a synthetic estrogen replacement. And it was shelved in favor of other stronger estrogens which I can talk about a little bit later.

But an enterprising scientist was able to figure out that this chemical made really great plastic and great shatter-proof plastic.

So that polycarbonate, hard, clear plastic you see has bisphenol-A in it.

It’s also used to line food cans to keep the metal separate from the food. And it’s also used in thermographic receipt paper.

Unfortunately, this chemical is really not very stable at all, so it leeches out of plastic. It leeches out of food cans into our food.

And on the receipt paper itself that really, it just ends up on our fingers quite a bit. So there’s a lot of exposure.

Ninety-three percent of the American population has BPA in their bodies right now according to the CDC. It’s a pretty ubiquitous chemical. And studies have really shown that this is a chemical which is—it’s not very surprising considering it was put on the market originally synthesized to be an estrogen replacement. And sure enough, it does mimic estrogen.

And this is one of those chemicals that I was talking about before called an endocrine-disrupting chemical in that it operates in very, very low doses. So we’re seeing health effects in the parts per billion, parts per trillion range. And we are seeing exposure to BPA leading to increased risk for health effects like breast cancer, prostate cancer, learning disabilities, other neurological problems, obesity, diabetes and early puberty.

So, BPA is used, like I said, in a number of different applications. And the Breast Cancer Fund and our allies, the Environmental Health Movement, have been trying for years to get it out of plastics and out of food cans, and out of receipt papers. And we really focused for the first part of this movement on kid’s products—on baby bottles and on infant formula.

And while that was an absolutely necessary thing to do, and we are 100% confident that that was the right thing to do, in a way, it almost came at the expense of the most vulnerable population—and that really is the prenatal environment, a developing fetus because the developing fetus is so susceptible to hormonal exposure and hormonal changes.

The fetus is growing and changing every day, but growth is really directed by hormones. And when you introduce a hormone mimicker like bisphenol-A into the picture, it really can throw off development and set that baby on a course for increased risk for later life disease.

And so, I think a lot of people have a hard time figuring out what the heck is a breast cancer organization and the things that usually hit people in middle age or later in life doing focusing on prenatal exposures? But if we really are going to prevent breast cancer, that’s where we have to start because, unfortunately, that’s where breast cancer starts.

DEBRA: So, I’d just like to interrupt for a second and just add a little bit more information here because there’s a lot of things that go on in our bodies that I know even as a writer in this subject for many, many years, I had to learn when we came up with endocrine disrupters like, “What is that?”

And so, I just want to explain that one of the ways that the body communicates is through hormones. And so there’s a hormone and there’s a hormone receptor site. And what happens is that it’s like putting a key in a lock. The hormone goes in to the receptor site, and it gives it information. And that makes your body run.

Now, what happens with these endocrine disruptors is that, as Gretchen has been saying, that they mimic a hormone. And so, they’re in your body, and they bind a hormone receptor site, and it’s similar enough. And what they do is that they go in into the site as if they are a hormone, and then when the real hormone comes along, there’s no space for the hormone to go into the site. And so your body doesn’t get the information that it’s supposed to have.

And when I read that, I was just horrified when I learned that. Disruption is the right word because the whole communicate just gets disrupted.

I just wanted to add that so the people would understand how that works, how serious this is.

GRETCHEN LEE SALTER: Thank you so much. That’s a really great way to explain that. I forgot to explain that way before.

It’s exactly right. Either the hormone, the actual physical hormone, that the body is telling to fire cannot get into that lock, or that lock wasn’t supposed to be open in the first place at that time. And so it really is, like you said, just disrupting the whole development.

And so what we did in our report would look at the scientific data on prenatal exposures to BPA. We first wanted to see is exposure happening. BPA is one those chemicals that—well, the good news is, it actually flushes out of the body relatively quickly. Within 24 to 48 hours, BPA is processed through the body and leaves the body.

The bad news is, because it’s so ubiquitous, we are constantly re-exposed over time. And that is why we came up with this 93% figure that the CDC says are exposed because even though it travels through us so quickly, we’re exposed every day.

And so it’s not as though because we’re getting rid of it, it’s a good thing if you’re just constantly re-exposing yourself.

So, we wanted to see if this exposure was actually happening in utero. We used to think that the placenta really filtered all the bad things out.

DEBRA: And before you tell us about that, we need to take a break. So I’m just going to interrupt you before you start talking about it. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is Gretchen Lee Salter. We’re talking about what happens in prenatal exposure when mothers, pregnant women, consume BPA. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is Gretchen Lee Salter from the Breast Cancer Fund. And we’re talking about the dangers of prenatal BPA exposure.

And Gretchen, you were talking about why we have to start with prenatal exposure in order to prevent breast cancer.

GRETCHEN LEE SALTER: Sure! And as I was saying, breast cancer really does start in the womb. That is where our development really starts. And as we’ve talked about earlier, our hormones are really directing that development. And so when we introduce synthetic hormones like BPA, it really disrupts that environment.

And so, what our report did is that we looked at all of the scientific data on prenatal exposures to BPA, both the animal and human data, and found that, first of all, yes, fetuses are exposed to BPA in the womb. The placenta is not filtering BPA out.

And we have found BPA in umbilical cord blood, in amniotic fluid, and in fetuses themselves in animal models.

And then, we looked at the data to look at the health effects of that prenatal exposure to see if we’re seeing increased risk for diseases like breast cancer, prostate cancer, early puberty. And sure enough, yes, the scientific evidence is showing us that prenatal exposure to BPA is leading to increased risk for all of the diseases that I had mentioned.

It’s something that’s a little bit counterintuitive in a way because I think we’ve all been so conditioned to think, “We need to focus on babies. And we need to focus on small children,” which is incredibly important and, of course, we should focus on that early stage of life, but we are missing a critical window, and that is really the fetal exposure. And the only way to protect fetuses and to protect those that are in the womb is really to protect everybody. You really have to protect the pregnant mother, and you have to look at what she’s buying. And she’s buying what adults are exposed to.

So, it’s not enough to tell pregnant women, “Well, it’s your responsibility. It’s your fault.” Pregnant women have enough to worry about, as one myself, I know. There’s a lot of pressure put on pregnant women. And so, I don’t want this to seem as though we are putting one more thing on pregnant women. What we are calling for is for companies to stop using BPA in their canned foods, to stop using it in receipt paper. And we’re calling on the government to start having common sense laws that won’t allow chemicals like BPA in canned foods in the first place.

DEBRA: I totally agree. I should mention that there are several companies that are already using BPA-free cans, small, natural and organic companies. So the technology already exists. It’s not like that a company could say, “Well, there are no BPA-free cans.” There are! And people are using them. And it’s just a matter of a company choosing that.

Now, I don’t know what the expenses are, but obviously, companies are already doing it. And it’s just a choice. If they need to charge three more cents in order to have a BPA-free can, I’m sure that wouldn’t make a lot of difference in their sales.

And also, cash register receipts, it’s the same thing. There are cash register receipts available that do not have BPA. So again, it’s a choice.

Wherever you go, you could just start asking people, “Well, does this cash register receipt you’re about to put in my hands, does it have BPA?” Just start talking about these things because it is a choice. It’s not a matter of—we don’t have to develop new technology. These products already exist. It’s just that people need to use them.

GRETCHEN LEE SALTER: In the case of cans, this is something that has actually been a little bit difficult for the industry because the technology wasn’t really there in terms of a one-for-one chemical substitute that works for everything.
BPA is very convenient. And it works for all kinds of foods. But some of the alternatives that are out there—not all, but some of the alternatives—don’t work for highly acidic foods, foods that are high in sodium. So it may be a variety of alternatives.

But as you mentioned, some companies have already gone completely BPA-free. And those are Annie’s Organics and Amy’s Kitchen. They are both completely BPA-free. Of course, we are still trying to figure out what it is they’re actually using in place of BPA. Our understanding is that it’s a modified polyester, and our question back is, “Well, modified by what?” We don’t know.

And so, this is something where the answers are not completely crystal clear. But at this point, the good news is that every single can manufacturer has committed to transitioning away from BPA. But as you said, it’s a choice in terms of how long are they going to take to really make that transition.

And so, we’ve been calling on can manufacturers for the last couple of years to not only get out of BPA, but to tell consumers what it is that they’re using because the last thing we want to do is go from a chemical like BPA to something that’s just as bad or even worse.

So, for this, it’s just really critical that the alternatives are actually safer, and that companies are being very transparent about this because consumers, at this point, are educated. They’re not willing to buy something if they don’t know what’s in it.

DEBRA: I think that’s true, and this is something that I’ve been saying for years and years and years. How can we know if the companies don’t disclose?

An example I often use is that if you’re buying apple sauce, the label should say “apples, polluted water, pesticides, et cetera,” so that you really know what it is that you’re getting, instead of having to go over to the organic one and have it say “organically grown, filtered water.”

What’s happening in the labeling now and in the marketing is that companies are advertising what they don’t contain, but the companies that are selling the toxic products are not required to disclose what they do contain in terms of the toxic chemicals.

Cleaning products are some of the most toxic chemicals on the market, and yet, the labeling laws specifically for cleaning products says you don’t have to tell the customer what’s in the product as long as you put the little warning label on it that says “danger, caution,” skull and cross bones.

This is ridiculous. We should have open transparency. We should be able to know everything accurately that is in any packaged product, so that we can make the proper choices ourselves.

GRETCHEN LEE SALTER: Absolutely! And the Breast Cancer Fund, in addition to it calling on manufacturers, have been working both in Congress but also with state legislators because state legislators are really the ones who are at the forefront of this movement, of the toxics movement.

A number are introducing legislation. A number haven’t used legislation in the past to regulate BPA in baby bottles. And now, they are starting to move on to canned food. And so we’re very excited about that.

And the great news is that it was really the threat of legislation and a couple of states passing legislation that actually was able to make the market shift away from BPA in baby bottles and sippy cups. And we’re hoping that the same proves true in canned food. We think that a number of states are going to start regulating this and are going to start introducing legislation.

And we’re hoping that that push will push the market faster so that BPA can be a thing of the past.

DEBRA: Good! I would like to see that too. We need to take another break. And we’ll be right back with Gretchen Lee Salter from the Breast Cancer Fund to talk about how we can reduce our exposure to BPA. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And today, my guest is Gretchen Lee Salter, senior program and policy manager for the Breast Cancer Fund. If you want to go to their website, it’s And there, you can see the report we’ve been talking about, Disrupted Development: The Dangers of Prenatal BPA Exposure.

And as Gretchen mentioned earlier, they have some information about other toxic chemicals besides BPA that contribute to breast cancer. So you can get all that information there, and it’s a worthwhile organization to support.

So Gretchen, I totally am in agreement with everything that you’re doing to get regulations changed, to get manufacturers changed. And my viewpoint for the past 30-plus years has been that, while all that stuff is happening, we still need to be protecting ourselves individually. That’s what I write about.

So, I just want us to talk a little bit about how individuals can reduce their BPA exposure. And we’ve already talked about the BPA in the cash register receipts. So what are some tips that women could do when they’re buying things? What do they need to do to reduce that exposure?

GRETCHEN LEE SALTER: Well, for the time being, we’re saying to try to limit your exposures to canned food. And it’s tough because canned food is very convenient. And certainly, at this time of year, fresh vegetables are not readily available in a lot of places.

But there are some great strategies and some very cost-effective strategies to getting vegetables that don’t come from a can, like buying frozen vegetables. They are often healthier for you because they don’t contain the sodium that’s often used in canned food.

And a lot of soups now are coming in these cardboard containers, these [inaudible 28:13] containers that are manufactured by a company called Tetra Pak. And so you can find these cardboard containers that contain soups, they sometimes contain tomatoes. And we’re finding that those are increasingly being used in place of canned food. And so you can find them right just there in the canned food aisle.

Another really important thing to do when you’re eating out is to ask your waiter, ask your server, if any of the food that they are preparing has come from a can. Try to find items on the menu that don’t contain canned food.

The other big thing is—and I know we talked about receipts, but very often, we’re handed receipts, and we just grab them and go. The biggest thing is to wash your hands to make sure—and especially before you eat—that BPA isn’t getting into a sandwich or whatever it is that you’re eating.

And when it comes to plastics, BPA has really been removed from a lot of our plastic food containers. Most reusable water bottles are BPA-free. Most baby bottles, sippy cups, food storage containers, are all BPA-free at this point. But again, we are running into this problem of not knowing exactly what the alternative is being used.

So, we are still recommending that, for a reusable water bottle, go out and get a stainless steel water bottle, like a Klean Kanteen. We know that they don’t contain BPA or any other plastic, and we know that they are safe.

For storing food, we still recommend using glass, Pyrex containers with lids.

And really, one of the biggest things too is do not microwave in plastic, especially when you get a frozen dinner. Put it on a plate and stick it in the microwave. Don’t microwave it in that plastic because we just don’t know what’s in there. As you said, the labeling laws are just very few and far between. And so, it’s very difficult to know what chemicals are where. And so we know that microwaving in glass or ceramic, or storing food in glass or ceramic, is a much safer option than plastic.

DEBRA: Also, what we need to remember about plastic is that heat will make plastic outgas more. It will make the phthalates release from the plastic. And so if you’re using plastic like those plastic storage containers, don’t put hot food in it. Wait until the food cools down, and then put it in whatever the container is. That will minimize the plastic getting into your food if you choose to use plastic.

And also, freezing things in plastic, when you make a plastic colder, it will release less plastic. When you make it hotter, it releases more. And that includes water bottles sitting out in the sun, in front of the convenience store, and things like that. So, watch out for the temperature of plastics.

GRETCHEN LEE SALTER: As much as possible, just try to reduce plastic in your everyday life. It’s tough this day and age.

It’s really, really hard. I totally get it. But as much as you can, just reduce your use of plastic and increase your use of stainless steel and glass containers.

DEBRA: I totally agree. Now I would also add that in addition to buying frozen food instead, or using [inaudible 31:47] instead, I always like to suggest that people fix their own food at home.

For a long time, I thought that if I bought something in glass, like pasta sauce in glass, that there would be no cans involved.

But then one day, I was talking to a woman at a farmers market who was selling pasta sauce in glass. And I asked her about her ingredients, and she very proudly told me how she used canned tomatoes, Italian canned tomatoes.

GRETCHEN LEE SALTER: I think, as much as possible, make food at home. What we try to really focus on is—you know, for some people, that’s just not realistic. That doesn’t work all the time. For me, I love to make soup that, my gosh, trying to find the time to do that can sometimes be challenging. So if you can’t do it, I think you’re absolutely right, the best thing to do is to make your own food and to buy fresh fruits and vegetables. If that’s not an option, go for frozen, go for things in glasses, or [inaudible 32:55] containers.

DEBRA: What I found over the years is that it really is a progression of taking steps in the right direction. And one of the best choice might be to buy—well, not even buy, but grow all your organic food in your backyard, which is something I can’t make happen in my life. But then you just back up and say, “Well, could I buy organic food?” Well, if not, could you buy something that’s not in a can? And you just keep backing up to see where you are, and then taking those baby steps forward.

I’ve seen tremendous improvement in having things be less toxic over the last 30 years. It’s funny because, in some ways, we know more now about what’s toxic. And it seems more frightening. But hand in hand, we also have more non-toxic products than we’ve ever had. We have more organic products. We have more choices. We have more availability.

So, it’s just a matter of making those choices one by one, doing the best we can, knowing what the options are, and then making the choices that we can make. Even if we can’t make the absolute, most optimum choice, there’s a step that we can take in the right direction.

GRETCHEN LEE SALTER: You’re absolutely right. This is definitely a continuum. And I think there’s access in some communities and non-access in other communities.

I think our real challenge too is to make sure that access to fresh, healthy options are available everywhere, not just in some communities, and not just in higher income communities. We’re actually seeing that low income communities have higher rates of BPA exposure than in middle or upper income communities.

So, this is a huge issue. It’s a big environmental justice and a social justice issue. And so we want to make sure that everybody can be protected, not just those who can afford to be.

DEBRA: We should all be living in a safe and healthy and not toxic world. I think that we all have the human right to have that life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Life is the first thing. And how can we be alive and well if we’re being constantly exposed to toxic chemicals?

So, we need to be acting as individuals, but also collectively to say what’s good for all of us. And that’s where I admire what you’re doing and other organizations. I admire so much that you’re making the world a better place.

I would love to be out of a job because I would love to be able to say, “There is no more need for me to tell individuals what to do to protect themselves from toxic chemical exposures” because there wouldn’t be any. That’s my goal.

GRETCHEN LEE SALTER: We would too. And I think that that’s something that is very hard for some folks in the chemical industry to understand who accuse us of just trying to scare people to stir up money. And that’s really not what we’re doing.

We’re trying to get information out there, so that we don’t have to be doing this. There are a lot of problems in the world. It would be great if we could tick one off of our list, and tick this one off.

This is easy. It’s very, very easy. It’s just a matter of having the political will to actually do the right thing and change our laws so that chemicals like bisphenol-A and like the other ones that I had mentioned will never be allowed in the market in the first place.

DEBRA: Yes, that’s my goal too. Well, thank you so much for being with me today, Gretchen. I’m sure that everybody learned a lot on this very, very, very important subject. It’s really vital for us to see how far it goes back to the very conception almost of—well, I would say, maybe even pre-conception, of the health of the father and mother and the quality of the material that the fetus is made out of, the toxic chemicals that might be there. It just pervades everything. So everything that each of us are doing is all making a difference.

So, you’ve been listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. And I just had a thunderclap. We’re going to have a thunderstorm right now.

This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And happy Thanksgiving!

Disaster Food Storage

Question from Terry

Hi Debra, Re: Disaster Food Storage

I have been searching for a reputable company that sells organic freeze dried fruit and vegetables to be used if we have a disaster e.g. major earthquake. Someday maybe I’ll have the time to learn to dehydrate fruits & vegetables but right now I need to stock up. Most of the freeze dried food mixtures are loaded with salt. Any information would be welcome. Thank You & Happy Holidays

Debra’s Answer

Have you checked out the Survive2Thrive 40 Days and Nights Organic Preparedness Pail? It contains wholefoods and superfoods like beans and quinoa rather than prepared foods that contain salt.

Another place to look is, which has prepackaged kits but also individual foods stored to last 20 years.

But rather than buy someone else’s idea of what you should eat, I would suggest getting your own foods and packaging them properly. It’s suggested for emergency supplies that you rotate them out into your regular meal plans, anyway.

For example, there are foods I always have on hand, like nuts and beans. When the beans run down, I buy more, so I always have a couple of pounds of half a dozen different types of beans.

Here is the contents of the Survive2Thrive box:

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Cleaning for Your Holiday Party – Before and After

My guest today is Annie B. Bond and we’re going to talk about how to clean your house for a holiday party. We’ll be covering party-specific things like how to remove candle wax and red wine stains. I met Annie many years ago when her publisher asked me to write the forward to her first book Clean and Green. Annie is the best-selling author of five books, including Better Basics for the Home (Three Rivers Press, 1999), Home Enlightenment (Rodale Books, 2008), and most recently True Food (National Geographic, 2010), and winner of Gourmand Awards Best Health and Nutrition Cookbook in the World. She was named “the foremost expert on green living” by “Body & Soul” magazine (February, 2009). She has been the editor of a number of publications, including “The Green Guide.” Currently Annie is the Executive Director and Editor-in-Chief of The Wellness Wire and leads the selection of toxic-free products for A True Find.









Cleaning for Your Holiday Party – Before and After

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Annie B. Bond

Date of Broadcast: November 25, 2013

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio, where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world. And we do this show because there are lots of toxic chemicals out in the world, and we don’t have to be victims of them. We don’t have to be made sick by them. We don’t have to have our children have birth defects from them, or any of those things, if we know where to identify them, and to reduce them as much as we possibly can.

We may not be able to reduce all of our toxic exposures 100%, but I and many others have found that if we do what we can, it’s sufficient to make a huge difference in your health and happiness and well-being.

So today, we’re going to talk with Annie B. Bond. I’ve known her for so long. It’s habit to say what her name used to be when I met her. Annie B. Bond, who is the author of many books and websites about non-toxic living—her first book, Clean and Green, was many, many years ago.

I shouldn’t make it sound like she’s so older.

ANNIE BOND: I sort of am. Okay.

DEBRA: But I am too, [cross-talking 01:19] the both of us.

—Better Basics for the Home, Home Enlightenment, True Food. She has, for many years, had columns on websites, and is currently the Editor-in-Chief of the Wellness Wire, and has a wonderful website of toxic-free products that she’s chosen called a True Find.

And you can also go to her own personal website,, to find out more about her.

Hi, Annie.

ANNIE BOND: Hi. I’m still old enough to talk well, so it’s okay.

DEBRA: Well, this is what toxic-free living does. You and I have lived without chemicals for so many years. We’re just ageless.

ANNIE BOND: There you go. That sounds good. Tell that to my gray hair.

DEBRA: Annie, I know you’ve been on the show before, but we’re always having new listeners. So just tell us a little bit about your background, and how you got to do what you do.

ANNIE BOND: Sure, I’d be happy to. My background is fairly similar to yours, just with a little bit different aspects to it.
I worked at a restaurant in 1980 that had a gas leak, and I was told at the time that I had permanent central nervous system damage. And then I lived at an apartment building that was exterminated with a pesticide that’s been taken off the market because it was so neurotoxic.

And I got very, very sick. I was in the hospital for three months. So I basically had a classic case of organophosphate pesticide poisoning.

I became a little allergic at that time, the 20th century, and I just was very—I was a bubble case. I needed to live without chemicals. And so I sort of had an unerring drive to have fresh air. I moved 10 times in four years, finally found a place that was healthy.

And in the process, I learned a huge amount about how to live without chemicals in our world. And it’s a difficult thing to do.

And so I decided to start a clearing house of information to help provide information for people to have a less toxic lifestyle themselves.

And of course, the first person I stumbled on when I started doing my research was Debra Lynn Dadd. So I was very impressed by your work.

DEBRA: The lone place back in 1978.

ANNIE BOND: So there you are. And then I’ve been in the field pretty much ever since then. It’s one of those greatest pain/greatest gift story. Who would ever thought I would write a book on non-toxic cleaning because I don’t like to clean or anything, but I loved being part of the green movement. It’s just been a fabulous honor and gift really.

DEBRA: Me too. I totally understand and agree. As difficult as it was to go through my own experience with being poisoned by my home, I would say that I’ve recovered and learned a lot, and it was actually the greatest blessing that I’ve had in my life because it made me aware of where the toxic chemicals are, so that I wouldn’t get sicker from them.

And so, actually, at my age now today, I am healthier than I’ve ever been because it’s been a process of eliminating those things that are making everybody sick.

So it really is from a health standpoint. I think that the current paradigm today is that people just do whatever it is that our industrial chemical society tells them to do, advertises and sells in the product. And then they get sick, and they take drugs, and they have surgeries and stuff.

And I’ve taken a different approach, which is to say that my body naturally exists to be healthy, and as long as I don’t do the things that destroy its health, and do the things that support its health, I’ll be healthy. And so far, that’s been true.

I think you have a similar—

ANNIE BOND: I want to say that I’ve also recovered in terms of my multiple chemical sensitivity. It is really true that you can lead a normal life. It’s not a sentence of isolation. I mean I’ve traveled all over the world since I’ve been living in a healthy home. It’s just an incredible—as long as you have a place to come home and rejuvenate, you just really do heal. There’s no question about it.

DEBRA: I completely agree. And so anybody who is having any kind of chemical problem with their bodies at this point in time, here are two examples of people, Annie and I, who cleaned up our homes, cleaned up our bodies, and now, live what we each call a normal life, with the caveat that we have a healthy home.

And that’s how much difference it makes because we can go out in the world, be exposed to toxic chemicals, and come home to your non-toxic homes, and maintain our health.

ANNIE BOND: It’s so true.

DEBRA: We’re two living examples of this. And we’ve been doing it for 30 years. It’s not like we just have done it yesterday.

We’ve been continually doing this for 30 years.

Annie, I just realized that between us, we’ve been doing this for 60 years.

ANNIE BOND: Oh, my gosh. Well, and the thing is we survived without the big commercial cleaning products. Imagine that.

We live in clean homes. So it’s really amazing—all you have to do is decide not to live with that kind of thing, and then you can just do it. It’s just as simple as that.

DEBRA: It actually is that simple. So what are you having for Thanksgiving dinner?

ANNIE BOND: Well, I have a range of people here, and I have a vegetarian clan, part of my family, and a non-vegetarian clan.

And so, we’re certainly having organic turkey for those who want the turkey. That’s raised on a local farm.

Then we have a tradition where we have this beautiful, big, organic pumpkin that we stuff with all sorts of wonderful things for those who are the vegetarians.

It’s a very festive dish for them.

DEBRA: How wonderful!

ANNIE BOND: [cross-talking 00:07:48]

DEBRA: I should say that Annie lives in upstate New York where there are lots of wonderful food to eat, and local places to buy it from. What am I having? I don’t know yet because I’m actually all by myself this Thanksgiving.

ANNIE BOND: Oh, dear! Well, you could come over.

DEBRA: I wish I could. Well, I have invitations, but people say to me, “Well, you’re welcome to our Thanksgiving dinner, which is out of a can and not organic.”

So I have my choice of a non-organic Thanksgiving, and raw Thanksgiving. But I was just thinking about like what are some things that I could make at home for myself that are festive without roasting a whole turkey, and eating it all the way until Christmas, just being one person.

And a couple of things that I thought of were, once, a long time ago, I saw a recipe for making a turkey stew for Thanksgiving.

And I cut out that recipe, and I made it. It was absolutely delicious, and then served it with little biscuits that had parsley and different herbs in it.

ANNIE BOND: That sounds very nice.

DEBRA: Yes, it was very nice. And I also had some idea about having turkey meatloaf.

ANNIE BOND: That’s interesting.

DEBRA: And I’ve seen a couple of different recipes, one with a cranberry compote on top instead of catsup, and another one with a tomato fig catsup on top. I thought that would be very good.

ANNIE BOND: Yes, that sounds really good. And let me just interject that the pumpkin recipe that we used is from MPR. We heard a while ago, and you just search for stuffed pumpkin on MPR, and it will come up.

DEBRA: We need to take a break, but when we come back, we’re going to start talking about how to clean up after your holiday party. My guest today is Annie B. Bond. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Annie B. Bond, author of many books on how to take care of your home without toxic chemicals. And before we go back to Annie, I just wanted to mention that last week, I started a food blog about eating whole organic fresh seasonal local foods, and preparing them in easy, simple, delicious ways. And I have some Thanksgiving recipes there, including how to make gluten-free cornbread that’s really yummy.

And I have a whole, little e-book with seven recipes for making cranberry sauce, relish, et cetera, with natural sweeteners and fresh fruits. And they have infinite variations.

In case you didn’t know this, the top selling brand of cranberry sauce is made with high fructose corn syrup, in a can, with Bisphenol-A and, of course, pesticides on the cranberries.

I make mine with organic cranberries. So go to my website, go to Go up to the menu on the top where it says “Food.” Click on that and scroll down until you see the cranberry, little cranberry book. And that is free.

So get it, pass it around to your friends, and have a great Thanksgiving.

Okay, Annie, so I actually put on the title for today, “Cleaning for your Holiday Party: Before and After.”

So before we talk about the clean-up stuff, do you want to talk about what to do before the party?

ANNIE BOND: Sure, I’d be happy to. I had my mind all focused on red wine stains and candlewax, but I would be delighted to talk about the—it’s a great opportunity to make sure that your house is as healthy as it is for Thanksgiving.

So doing green cleaning, I think, is a great choice. Even something as simple as polishing the dining room table could just make the entire room neurotoxic because most of the fumes from furniture polish (most are petroleum distillates). And there are a lot of great ways to do the same thing without using chemicals.

And so, I’m, as you can imagine on the show, a huge proponent for green cleaning, and I think that—it’s a big topic, Debra.

Where do you suggest we start talking about cleaning?

DEBRA: I think that you started in exactly the right place. I’d like to explain what a petroleum distillate is because I’m sure most people don’t know.

So petroleum distillates, how can I start this, where they come from is from petroleum in the ground like crude oil. And then what happens to the crude oil is that they take it to a refinery and they crack it.

They split it. And so you have portions of this that are solvents. We’re going to call it solvents. And they’re thin, they evaporate, and they’re clear, and there’s a whole classification of them. And they’re called petroleum distillates because they’re distilling petroleum.

When you distil water, that you have a bunch of water, and then you distil it, and the vapors come off, and then re-condensed into water. That’s distilled water.

Well, that happens with petroleum distillates. It smells very light, airy things, that come off the boiling of petroleum, and then re-condensed into these things called petroleum distillates. All of them are toxic. All of them are very toxic. But you never will know—if you see petroleum distillates on the label, you never will know exactly what the toxic chemical is because they just take whatever are the cheapest, leftover, can’t be sold toxic petroleum distillates that are available at the moment, and throw them into a barrel and call them petroleum distillates.

So if you see that on the label, that’s what that is.

ANNIE BOND: Well, that’s the greatest explanation. I’ve never heard all those details, so I’m delighted to—I try to avoid any chemical solvents in my house at all because—I mean, I don’t even try, I just do. It includes even dry cleaning. I won’t dry clean my clothes because of solvents.

They just will outgas large amounts of fumes. It’s really tragic with dry cleaning because those people hang their dry cleaning in their bedroom, and they breathe those fumes all night long.

This would be a great starting point for the whole holiday season, it would be to not use products with petroleum distillates, or solvents of any kind. One thing you could do is you look at—the government puts, what they call, signal words on products.

And it’ll say “flammable” and most of the products with solvents in them will say “flammable.”

So just avoid and just say, “No, I won’t use those anymore.”

One thing that I found all the Faulk formulas for polishing furniture—and this is basically the clean, the furniture, not actually putting a polish on, I recommend using a pretty heft amount of whatever oil you have on hand, and then a little bit of vinegar.

I tested that in every way, and I find that it was way too oily for me. The formula that I love for cleaning the wooden furniture actually, all vinegar with just a few drops of oil because you give enough of the oil to lubricate the wood, and not dry the wood out. But the vinegar is an amazing upholsterer like no other. It’s just fantastic for that.

DEBRA: Does that work on table that already has wax on it from before?

ANNIE BOND: It works very well for cleaning off. And so, you’re not going to want to pour it on. You’re going to want to go along with a cloth. But I find it to be extremely good.

I do have a lot of Faulk formulas for how to make your own polish and things like that. They require using beeswax and things.

But this is just a great way to clean wood. This is what I use at my own house.

And I had a bad experience trying the other formula where it was mostly oil during August, and I was cleaning something at my father’s house way back when. It ended up turning rancid, and it was like a big job to clean that up. So this is a good thing to do instead.

And if you have jojoba oil around, it’s actually a liquid wax, that’s perfect. A few drops of that with a vinegar actually is a perfect solution for cleaning the wood.

DEBRA: That sounds good. I’d like to say—we have to go to break in a second, but I want to say that I have eliminated the whole problem with wax on tables by purchasing unfinished wood tables, and then putting a non-toxic wood finish on it that you can then wipe this with soap and water. And I don’t need to worry about all that wax stuff. And that’s what [inaudible 17:34].

So we’ll be right back after this break. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio, and my guest is Annie B. Bond. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Annie B. Bond, who is the author of many books, including Clean and Green, Better Basics for the Home, and Home Enlightenment, that all talk about how to live a wonderful life in a non-toxic home, how to take care of your home, how to enjoy your home.

One other thing I thought during the break, Annie, that I think is an important pre-party thing to mention in terms of toxic exposure is air fresheners.

ANNIE BOND: Oh, my gosh. What a good idea.

DEBRA: Because I think that it’s very common to think, “Oh, people are coming over. I better make everything smell good.”

And out comes the air freshener spray.

The thing that I would suggest instead of those toxic air fresheners—the air fresheners, they have chemicals in them that actually deaden your sense of smell. So they’re not removing the smell, but they’re impairing your ability, your sensory experience.

And that’s the last thing that you want on Thanksgiving or Christmas, or any other holiday, is to not be able to smell the wonderful food, or the pine tree, or whatever. So you want to have your sense of smell intact.

But one thing that I really like to do is to take, especially in the winter time, is to just take a pot of water, or apple juice, or whatever, and you can mix something wonderful to drink like mulled cider mixture house smell divine, or if you want to have a fragrance, you can put a pot of water with natural herbs in it, of any sort. And it will just give a lovely smell.

And of course, your turkey is going to smell wonderful too.

ANNIE BOND: It’s so interesting because I went through this myself yesterday because I have new neighbors. I live in a dirt road and new neighbors moved in this year. And I thought it would be nice for us all to meet each other and because I was getting the house all ready for Thanksgiving, I just thought it was the perfect time for me to have a party for everybody.

And I have two puppies this year. And so I had to roll my rugs up. I won’t even go there, but I was concerned about certain residual odor in the house.

And after I rolled the rugs back out for the party, et cetera—and I did that. I made hot cider, and I put a lot of cinnamon in it.

And that was really just—it was a smell that everybody walked in and was like, “Oh, my gosh. It smells so wonderful in here.”

And that was exactly my intention, it was to have everybody be focused on the cinnamon smell from the cider than in any residue from the dogs and the rugs, which I had worked hard on with all my tricks. I was pretty sure they were great, but I don’t smell as well as some people still sometimes.

Some people have unbelievable noses, and I thought, “Oh, my gosh. What if those types of people come in?”

And this worked really well.

DEBRA: Good. So let’s talk about after the party now. How about how to clean red wine stains off the linen tablecloth?

ANNIE BOND: It’s an amazing thing. I was at a dinner party one time, and somebody spilled their red wine all over the linen tablecloth. And this woman literally—and I’m not suggesting anybody do this because it took my breath away. She had everybody take all of the plates and put them on the floor. She whisked the linen tablecloth off, rushed into the kitchen, boiled water, stood on a chair, stretched the linen tablecloth over a bowl in the sink, and poured water from three-feet, boiling water down from three feet above the linen tablecloth onto the red wine stain.

And all of us were gathered in the kitchen watching this thing. And it absolutely worked. And I have seen that as a solution show up in old formula books from all over the place. And it totally works.

I don’t think you need to, and I know you don’t need to do what she did, which have their entire meal disrupted and take the tablecloth off in the middle of the meal because I’ve had it work otherwise.

But there’s something about the pouring of the water from a height down onto the linen that actually really, really works.

Another thing I’ve heard and read, I haven’t done it myself, but it makes some sense, is that you pour white wine—once everybody’s left, and you bring the linen into a sink, and you once again stretch it over a bowl or something. You pour white wine onto the red wine, and the acidity of the white wine will work away—I would think maybe straight vinegar would just work as well, white vinegar could work as well.

But those are pretty simple solutions, strange ones as they may be, but they do work.

DEBRA: I was once having lunch with my literary agent and book editor in a very nice restaurant. And I had a dessert that had a ball of ice cream sitting in this pool of chocolate. And it slipped. As I dug into the ice cream, it slipped, and I had chocolate all over the front of my dress.

My literary agent, who was just a wonderful woman, who knew all the things that mothers and homemakers should know, she immediately ordered a bottle of club soda, and dowsed my dress with club soda. And that chocolate did not stain. It just came right out.

ANNIE BOND: Well, that’s interesting. That’s very interesting because chocolate has protein in it as well, which, talking about protein stains, which there often are a lot—club soda is a standby, so that’s great that you bring that up.

But in researching my book, Home Enlightenment, I wanted to take a new look on stains because I had done a lot of work on stains that are basics for the home. I just wanted to feel like I had some more areas covered.

I really started researching about digestive enzymes and protein stains, so if you spill coffee that had milk in it, it’s often not getting the coffee out. It’s the combination of the protein and the milk that can be a part of the problem.

And this is definitely going to be true with linen tablecloths during the holidays very often with a protein stain.

And so what I suggest people do is they go to a health food store, and they buy digestive enzyme tablets, And you go home, and you just grind it up, and make it into a paste, and then dampen the area that has a protein stain, and put the wet paste of the digestive enzymes onto that area, and let it set overnight, and then rinse it and wash it.

It’s remarkable how the digestive enzymes will actually eat up the protein.

DEBRA: When you said enzymes, I thought of enzyme cleaners. But you’re talking about digestive enzymes like you would take to digest your food?

ANNIE BOND: Yes, that’s right, the digestive enzyme remedies. And if you think about it, it makes good sense that the digestive enzymes themselves would eat up protein.

DEBRA: That makes perfect sense to me. It’s eating it up in your stomach. Why wouldn’t it eat it up on…

ANNIE BOND: That’s why so many of these Faulk formula type ways of thinking are just based on common sense, if you think of things through, which then brings us to the—so many people ask me how can I get candlewax out of this or that or the other place.

DEBRA: Before you answer that question, we need to go to break. So you’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. My guest today is Annie B. Bond. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and when we come back, we’re going to learn how to get candlewax off the table, off the tablecloth, whatever we need to get it off of.

We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Annie B. Bond, and we’re talking about how to clean up after your holiday party.

Annie, before the break, you were going to tell us about how to remove candlewax.

ANNIE BOND: I was just going to say that often, you just really, fundamental common sense that gives us an answer for non-toxic cleaning, just like the digestive enzymes. It was not my original idea. Somebody else had thought of it, and it just rang true.

And so what a great way to get rid of candlewax is to bring out a hairdryer and melt it—warm it up, and then you can easily remove it.

Just make sure that you blot the place that has it frequently, so you pull up the wax all at once.

And then, of course, if you end up having a colored candle, like a red candle, after you’ve gotten the wax off, you sometimes are left with the dye of the candle. So my recommendation is, there’s some pure sodium percarbonate products on the market, in the health food store. Some of the commercial brands have oxy in them, but the purest ones you can find in health food store, and you can use that.

It’s an oxygen bleach. And so you can whiten things using that. And that’s what I would recommend.

Also, an iron, again, if you’re blotting the fabric very carefully, an iron will melt the wax. And that’s another thing you could do.

DEBRA: Wouldn’t you put another piece of cloth or paper or something, and you would put the iron directly on the candlewax?

ANNIE BOND: Thank you, yes, exactly. And underneath and over it, I had that in my mind. I just wasn’t saying it, I’m sorry. You put something underneath and over it as the blotting when you do that.

DEBRA: Well, you’re forgiven, Annie.

ANNIE BOND: Thank you. Nobody can see my mind.

DEBRA: I can see it.

So how about dish detergents?

ANNIE BOND: Well, that’s a good question. That’s a very good question. I think the one that seems to have run through a little bit today is the issue of scents, S-C-E-N-T-S. Again, I think everything from synthetically scented dryer sheets, to air fresheners, to detergent that you use for your dishes, everything should be free and clear. And if you use something that has the scent of—it’s true aromatherapy, some sort of a pure essential oil.

Let’s say you’ve got all your guests, and you filled one load of a dishwasher. You don’t want them to be sending synthetic perfumes around in the home. And so the very first list for me would be to have something unscented, and then I would absolutely only buy something from a health food store myself. That’s my recommendation.

It’s interesting. The laws came through about removing phosphates from dish detergents. And it was the green places like Ecover and Seventh Generation that had been way ahead of the game because they’ve been researching phosphate-free dish detergent for the longest time. And then all of a sudden, all of the mainstream companies were scrambling, trying to have products that worked in dishwashers. And theirs didn’t without the phosphate.

So the health food store brands had already been solving the problem. They were just way ahead of the game, and they still are ahead of the game.

DEBRA: I agree with you that they really are thinking ahead. And I just like to say a little word about detergent, the word detergent, because detergents can be made either out of petroleum, or they can be made out of plant materials.

And so I think that the major different between a supermarket detergent and a natural food store detergent is that the supermarket detergents, whether you’re talking about a dish detergent, a dishwasher detergent, a clothes detergent, is that they’re going to be synthetic detergents for the most part, and they’re going to have artificial fragrance in it—very toxic.

And if you go to a natural food store, and buy the same type of product, it’s likely that it will be a plant-based detergent and essential oils, all of which are much safer for your health and the environment.

So I used to be able to say, just as a blanket statement, “Just go to a natural food store and buy anything.”

And I’m sorry to say that I can’t say that anymore because many natural food stores have become more lax about what they carry. But it’s more likely that you’re going to find the product that you’re looking for that’s non-toxic at a natural food store. And it’s worth becoming familiar with your local natural food store if you haven’t already.

ANNIE BOND: Yes, absolutely.

DEBRA: Let’s see. What else can we talk about? So we’re coming up on the gift-giving season. How do you get all those stickers off of gifts?

ANNIE BOND: I put this tip out there on a big e-mail list, and it’s one of the top clickers of all time for me, people clicking on it.

You simply put a dab of oil, a vegetable oil, olive oil or something that you have in your kitchen, on your finger, and you rub the sticker with that, with the oil, and it just will peel right off. Otherwise, it’s just endless amounts of problems.

There’s something about the oil, reaching the oil of the glue that just pulls it right off. It’s really great.

DEBRA: Wow, that’s so easy. I didn’t know that. And I sit there, and I try to pull it off with my fingernail.

ANNIE BOND: Yes, exactly. It goes on for half an hour, and you’re tearing your hair out, exactly. That works really, really well.

And then you just want to wash it just to get the oil off, but that’s easy. You could just stick something in the dishwasher, if it’s a glass or something.

Something else I might suggest that’s really important when it comes to scents is candles, and making sure that you don’t buy scented candles for the holidays. I just buy 100% beeswax candles. That’s another way that gives a beautiful fragrance.

DEBRA: I just love the fragrance of beeswax candles—just that honey smell.


DEBRA: There are listeners who have never had burned a beeswax candle. Please, please, please go buy some because it’s just so glorious that fragrance.

ANNIE BOND: It not only is it glorious, but they give off negative ions, which means they help us an air cleaner as well, the burning beeswax does. And so to understand what a negative ion is versus a positive ion, if you’re in an LA traffic jam, the air is full of positive ions. And a negative ion would be like you’re at the ocean, and you’ve got crashing waves, or on top of a mountain, or right before a thunderstorm, the air is just electrically wonderful.

Those are negative ions, and they’re incredibly good for you. And they also draw the heavy positive ions from pollution, and then make them drop to the ground. And so if you burn beeswax, you’re also doing a really good natural air cleaner for your home, and it’s a really great thing.

DEBRA: It is. Beeswax candles are one of my most favorite things. And you can go to my website. If you go to, and there’s a search box that’s just for my website. Just type in “beeswax candles,” and I have listed at least a dozen places online where you can get really wonderful beeswax candles, some of them directly from the beekeepers.

It’s a wonderful thing to have around during the holidays, on your table, but also as gifts. It’s just one of my favorite things, one of my very, very favorite things.

So Annie, we just have a couple of minutes left. Is there anything that you’d like to say that you haven’t said?

ANNIE BOND: I think it’s just to actually inspire people to try less toxic living during this holiday season, and get so much enjoyment out of it. One thing leads to another, and there’s a lot of pleasure in having a healthy home as you possibly can for guest and things when they come in.

One great way is to drop anything with synthetic scents, just like we’ve been talking about—the candles, the air freshener, the laundry detergent, the dish detergent, all that kind of thing. That alone will be a great asset to your home.

DEBRA: I totally agree. Have you ever asked anyone to not wear perfume?

ANNIE BOND: I have. Not when I have them come into my house. I don’t ask people not to wear perfume when they come in because actually, most people know me well enough that they wouldn’t. But I have a very, very, very dear friend who, every time I went out to dinner with her, I just was keeling over, and I had to ask her. She’s never worn perfume since.

That’s very sweet of her.

DEBRA: I do have people come over to my house, and I don’t say to them, “Don’t wear perfume.” But I’ve noticed that the people that I gravitate towards as my friends are not wearing perfume anyway because I think that nowadays, more often than in the past, that there’s a lot more people who are aware of these things, and want to live more simply, and just perfume, I think, is not as big of a deal as it used to be.

Although I want to minimize the fact that there’s still a lot of artificial scent going on in the world that still people need to be aware and stop using. But I find that in the circles I’m in, people aren’t wearing it, and I think that that’s a very good thing.

And I also don’t let people smoke in my house. I don’t know anybody who smokes anymore anyway. But it used to be an issue.

I would invite people over, and they’d want to smoke, and I’d say no.

But sometimes we have family members or things like that, and it’s difficult, but I would even say to a family member not to smoke in my house and expect them to—

ANNIE BOND: Oh, my gosh! Absolutely, for everybody’s sake. I’ve had that happen where, “There’s the chair, Daddy.” This would be applied.

DEBRA: Okay, so we’re just about done with our time. Thank you so much.

ANNIE BOND: It’s wonderful to be here, and happy holidays to everybody.

DEBRA: Happy holidays to you too, and have a great Thanksgiving. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. And we’ll be back tomorrow.

Is This Office Chair Safe?

Question from Donna

Hi Debra, I’ve searched high and low for an office chair free of flame retardants. I sit at work for the most of eight hours, so a wood chair wouldn’t work. I thought I’d found the answer when I found the Bradley Bungie Chair by EuroStyle made of bungee cords. However, when it arrived, it had a very strong chemical odor. After some research, I found that the cords are most likely made of synthetic rubber, but they are covered in some type of thick material. Do you think this chair is safe?

Thank you!


Debra’s Answer

This looks to me to be a chair made up of a lot of plastic. Without knowing the exact materials used to make it, I can’t tell you how toxic it might be.

My general rule of thumb is: if it smells bad, I don’t buy it.

Here is an office chair that was designed to be less toxic and more sustainable, though I’ve never seen one so I can’t vouch for it. I also don’t know the price range.

Readers, any suggestions? I sit on a wooden chair with a wool pillow. All day long.

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Buddha Pants

This website sells only one product, but it’s a product I love: 100% cotton “buddha pants.” They come in seven plant-dyed colors and can be stuffed into a pocket for easy travel. I used to wear similar pants every day and loved them (I got mine from a fellow who imported them from India). Very roomy and loose. Versatile style can be casual or dressed up.

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Ecos Paints

This is the USA site for a line of water-based organic paints and varnishes, developed in the UK by a man with MCS.” At ECOS Paints, we created paints, varnishes, and other finishes that genuinely contain zero VOCs. Made in sunny Spartanburg, South Carolina, we are the world’s best selling water based, VOC Free paint. Harmful Solvent-free, Glycol-free, Eco-friendly, Allergy-safe finishes. Totally free of all pesticides, herbicides and toxins….Safe for Allergy, Asthma, Chemical Sensitivities.” Ecos Paints have been used at The Louvre, Westminster Abbey, The Googleplex, The Houses of Parliament in London, and in other famous buildings. They also have paints that actually purify the air by removing VOCs, formaldehyde, and paint fumes, and shields radiation.

Listen to my interview with Imperial Paints CEO Julian Crawford.

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A site dedicated to earth-friendly fashions for the whole family, all made from natural and organic materials (organic cotton and linen, hemp, tencel, soy, and bamboo). Nice styles. Allergen-free lingerie for people with MCS.  Read fabric descriptions carefully as some also contain spandex. I like their descriptions that give the origin of the fabric and where the garment is sewn. Has women’s plus sizes, organic cotton drawstring bra with no metal hooks or elastic, and other unusual items.

Listen to my interview with Founder and CEO Adrienne Catone.

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Can A Silpat Block a Nonstick Finish on a Pan?

Question from Judy M

Silpat Non-Stick Baking Mat: Is this product safe to cook with or does it leach chemicals into the food? If it is safe, can you line a non-stick coated pan with it to protect from leaching of chemicals from these coatings? Thanks for your help. Roll over image to zoom in

Debra’s Answer

Though some disagree with me, I’ve done the research (see Q&A: Silicone baking mats vs parchment paper and have concluded that Silpats are OK to use. I use them myself almost every day.

I don’t know if they would block the fumes from a nonstick baking sheet, but I use mine over aluminum/steel baking pans to block the aluminum. Seems to be working fine.

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Floor Finish

Question from Christine

I just bought a home and am having the floors refinished. I plan to move in in a couple months. I’m concerned about the finish though, as I have a toddler. I can’t find a new refinisher because I put down a deposit. Will the finish off gas sufficiently? I thought it would, but then I realized I’m buying all this zero VOC paint, but putting poly on the floors?!

Debra’s Answer

Yes, you should be concerned about the VOCs in floor finish as well as the VOCs in paint.

I don’t know what type of finish you are using, but please ask the floor finisher to use a water-based finish. An oil-based finish will take months to cure before it is safe.

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Is This Hair Dryer Safe?

Question from hairdryer

I was looking to purchase a hair dryer called T3. It is tourmaline enhanced, ceramic and ionic (negative ions). Do you see anything harmful with this description?


Debra’s Answer

There’s nothing toxic about tourmaline and ceramic, but what about the plastic housing?

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